#Oliver banks rp
rootingfortheend · 3 months
Hello all, I am Oliver banks! If any of you would like to know how you die, please ask! I specifically you @its-tim-time
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ask-mike-crew · 5 months
i've heard "world's sexiest man" is dying. joke's on you, he's already dead. very happy to be with you @realoliverbanks <3
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spiralingnoodle · 5 months
Since we're on the train of not clogging the TMA tags with posts about The Magnus Protocol, let's also please stop tagging posts from your RP blogs with the character tags.
Reblog so this reaches more people in the fandom and those who may need to see it can see it.
If you do this, I don't hate you. But please let's be mindful.
I know you want your blogs to be noticed and to get interaction, but tagging every rp post with a main character/fandom tag only clogs said tags with RP posts. Not only that, but many use heavily edited fonts and that, I've been shown, breaks text-to-speech horribly. It makes disabled people's browsing of the tags very difficult because (as said by disabled friend) "every five post, I get a scrambled nonsense audio that takes like 3 minutes to read on the text-to-speech, let alone try to read it by myself with my poor eyesight to figure out if it's and actual fandom post, RP or what".
I hate making these posts because I feel like a bit of an asshole, like, I know most of you aren't doing that to cause trouble or to intentionally clog the tags, but it's difficult to browse non-RP posts when the tag is half-flooded with RP posts. Please stop doing this and remove the main tags from your previous posts (there are ways to mass delete a tag, I think it's ab X-kit thing!).
I've spoken to other people who are also noticing this issue and as a former roleplayer I felt I should speak up.
(Also, please if you know someone who does this, do not send hate to them. This is not a post to incite that. This is just me sharing tumblr RP etiquette from back in the day when I used to RP here in several fandoms. Do tell them, politely, but do not harass or be disrespectful)
Tumblr has no algorithm, and yet half of the posts from character tags I follow are from RP blogs even though I don't follow any nor have liked/reblogged their posts. How? Because these blogs tag their asks, their starters, their IC posts WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER TAGS AND THE MAIN FANDOM TAGS.
As a former tumblr RPer, I'm asking you not to do this. Instead I bring you a suggestion. What can you do instead of tagging your RP posts?
Make a promo post.
Yes! A promotional post of your blog with all the info, you can even add an edit (but please ask for permission if you use someone's art and credit them). Kind of an intro to your blog so people know "ah, I might like following this person's RP" or "cool! I'd like to RP with them!". I did this a lot and it helped enormously! And yes, you may tag these with the main character/fandom tag, but they're ONE post. They won't clog the tags like tagging every single one of your RP/asks.
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realoliverbanks · 6 months
OOC introduction
hi! im carlos/carmilla/cody, my main is @therealqa. this is a RP blog for oliver banks.
i might not be too frequent on this, but i do hope that at least this is a little entertaining.
ill be using # ask oliver for responding to any asks, and # oliver banks talks for normal posts so theyre easy to find :))
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skell3 · 9 months
TMA Muse Stuff
So I do some RP stuff and have a lot of muses. I kinda want to hash them out more and I'm not so great in doing fanfic things, so I'll probably write tidbits and things here. If anyone's curious and want to request some stuff about any one of them, here's the list of who I've been writing:
> Jonathan Sims <Pre-Season 5> > Gerry Keay <Possibly leaning toward Desolation> > Michael Shelley > Michael Distortion > Nathaniel Thorp <Owner of a Casino with some feelings toward Elias Bouchard> > Jan Kilbride <Vast Avatar (Gertrude never got her hands on him)> > Oliver Banks
Two I don't write a whole lot are: > Hezekiah Wakely <Showed up at the Institute for some reason, some few hundred years later> > Peter Lukas <Is afraid of Thorp because he always loses bets against him>
I might come up with a tag to throw them into, but we'll see.
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velvet01follower · 3 months
Oc 2/5
(Sharing a list of ocs I'd like to rp as to see if anyone likes em :3
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Name: Oliver “Olli" Charleston
Age: Died at 19 (1979-1998)
Cause of Death: Falling out a window after being shot.
Why in hell: Stealing, lying, working for a gang.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: 7’4, shaggy green hair, 5 horns, lime eyes, and a long curled tail and Chameleon feet and tongue, wears baggy clothes and a hoodie.
Personality: Shy, easily scared, a coward honestly, just wants to not be noticed and hides when ever people are mad at him.
Info: Was born in London and died in London, had an abusive bother and older brother who treated him so bad he joined a gang as their best thief just so he could have someone who cared about him, he grew up with sticky fingers and was diagnosed as a Kleptomaniac when he was arrested once at 16 for stealing a diamond ring and a bunch of things from teachers. He died getting shot by a cop when he tried to rob bank with the gang and fell out a 4th story window after the bullet hit him. In hell he joined a gang of British monkey guys, only to steal from the boss a few months before the RP starts and is now on the run from them, he hides in abandoned buildings, changes his scale color and hair depending on his mood, and his tail will steal things when he's not paying attention. If he doesn't steal something he gets extra twitchy and agitated the more he wants somthing.
RP details: looking for someone who's willing to be a Top to him as he is very much a bottom, he will most likely start the RP by failing to pick pocket from whoever you wanna play. Am very open to whoever you wanna rp as.
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wearelondonhq · 10 months
seriously this rp and each of the players seem so great I'm over the moon. mw?? fc and plot wise please!
hi, lovely! thank you so much! we hope you join us! we would love to see president barbie, ken (kingsley ben-adir), (barbie 2023 movie), rhaenyra targaryen, viserys targaryen, alicent hightower, aegon targaryen ii, rhea royce, aemond targaryen, baela targaryen, rhaena targaryen, laena velaryon, corlys velaryon, laenor velaryon (house of the dragon), cersei lannister, sansa stark, arya stark, jon snow, missandei, grey worm, oberyn martell, ellaria sand, khal drogo (game of thrones), ada shelby (peaky blinders), jeff denlon, dylan denlon, marcus banks, marv boswick, jeannie lewis charlie emmerson, david tapp, donnie greco, steven sing (saw), mindy meeks-martin, christina carpenter, gale weathers, mark kincaid (scream), michonne, lee everett, clementine, andré anthony, rj grimes, sasha, rosita, tyreese (the walking dead), caroline forbes, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, bonnie bennett, marcel gerard, anna zhu, tessa, rafael waithe (the vampire diaries), cho sang-woo, kang sae-beyok, han mi-nyeo, seong gi-hun (squid game), janet van dyne, luis, sam wilson, t'challa, shuri, riri williams, james rhodes, kamala khan, monica rambeau, luke cage (marvel), veronica lodge, betty cooper, jughead jones, archie andrews, hermione lodge, hiram lodge, clay clayton, toni topaz, fans fogarty (riverdale), steven conklin, cam cameron, laurel park, skye, cleveland castillo ( the summer i turned pretty), anakin skywalker, ahsoka tano, jacen solo, anakin solo ( star wars ), edward cullen, jacob black, rosalie hale, jasper hale, emmett cullen, carmen denali, eleazar denali, victoria, renee dwyer, riley biers (twilight), just to name a few! members, feel free to add on!! as for fc's, how about emeraude toubia, lindsey morgan, liana liberato, nina dobrev, bianca santos, kimiko glenn, melissa barrera, odette annable, jenna ortega, zoe kravitz, alyah scott, kat graham, laura harrier, michael b jordan, trevante rhodes, oliver jackson-cohen, idris elba, park hae soo, bradley cooper, justice smith, lakeith stanfield? we would love to see anyone you wanna bring us!
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dvrklyte · 2 years
How long have you been roleplaying?. It's been at least 10 years, that's for sure. Maybe a little more, I don't really keep track anymore.
What platforms have you played on?. I was biggest on Gai.aOn.line and N.eoP.ets in the public sphere before coming to Tumblr. Other than that it's always been private over texts with my closest friend.
Do you make other fanworks, or just roleplay?. When I'm inspired enough I like to write fanfics! But lately I just like to fantasize and find works other people have done. Mostly art, I can't bring myself to read fanfics.
Do you prefer canon, divergent or au?. Personally I like to stick to canon when it comes to backstory. But when it comes to rp? I'm open to change. Let's see what we can do!
How many languages do you write in?. Just English, anything else is google translated and I'm really sorry for that 😂
Where you do you get your inspiration?. I don't know a lot of the time, especially right now when I'm struggling to want to write. Used to be I could just watch or read whatever canon was available or consume whatever I associated with my specific characters. But, life has gotten in the way too much lately that it doesn't always work.
Do you write with music?. Depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes my playlists are enough, sometimes I go and find some specific mood playlist on YouTube. How I'm feeling matters and also the tone of whatever I'm writing. But, over all typically yes.
How many characters do you write?. On this blog I have 8. Outside of here, all my FANDOMLESS and other canons? It's hard to say when you have to factor in side characters as well haha! But I have like 10 other blogs at least.
Who was your first rp muse?. The first one... Actually would be the first two. The original story my friend and I tried to write, I had two characters, Xaviee and Cassia. They were the best sort of opposites attract that I still love, even if I've long since stopped writing them.
Who is your most recent muse?. Most recent on this blog is technically Aiden Pearce of Watch Dogs, even though he hasn't been officially added yet. Before that is just another idea who also does not have a blog yet.
Which three (3) OCs do you wish got more attention?. Well... My OCs are all other blogs, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to beg for any attention there (I'm taking a break from them at the moment) but, @itsagraywcrld Eloise Gray and Cody I especially wish got more attention. And also my boi @homemadehappiness Simon Baker. I love my babies, I just need the inspiration to get back to writing the.
Which three (3) canons do you wish got more attention?. Oh god Jordi Chin, Elias Bouchard, and Zenyatta for sure. They are by far my 3 strongest and faves. Zen hasn't gotten any attention, but I've been more or less hesitant to reach out as much. I need to sort him out again.
What song always reminds you of a character? Which one?. My OCs absolutely have them, but the ones here I haven't really found yet. Aside from ones that came out of the canon material like Run Boy Run by Woodkid for Five. Sound of Silence might fit for Oliver Banks 😂
Do you have character playlists?. I'm terrible at making playlists 😂 I have Pinterest boards though.
Do you have characters you used to write, but don’t anymore?. Oh so many. Some I truly love more than others, but have no way to really know how to take them out of their respective stories. Also Tohru Honda. She's one I'd love to write again, but don't know if I will.
Any you’d love to bring out of retirement?. Mmm... Not sure about that one chief. It always depends on what I'm into. Though I will say, one that I may very well take back out is Yato. As soon as I get my butt together and finish Nor.agami.
Characters you love, but could never write?. Markus (DBH) is one. Now I don't think I NEVER could, he just doesn't mesh with my brain I guess. I'd love to try, but I really don't know if I would succeed. Or if I even should try. I'm already hesitant on Aiden Pearce.... I think my problem is main characters 😂 they are harder for me. Five is pushing that boundary just enough. Oh, writing ahead, I'd love to write like the Ma.ndalo.rian or something too, but I'm too afraid to touch anything sta.r wa.rs. I don't know enough to even try. I just love the show.... And aesthetic....
Do you like shipping?. Yeah! Absolutely. The good, bad, and ugly.
Single or multiship?. Multiship!!!!
What was your first ship?. My very first two muses, that I mentioned above, technically would be the first ship since they were written to be together. But my first ship written with another person... Was my first Det.roit: Bec.ome Huma.n blog for Simon. I had such a wholesome ship with a Daniel whom I adored and still miss to this day and just hope they are doing well.
Which ship have you always wanted to try writing?. Right now? I wish there were some DBH blogs still around so I could write with Josh. I... Totally ship him with Simon and with Markus. But I'm open to ship him with basically anyone because it could be fun!
Are there any popular ships you love?. Well.... I love Simon/Markus for DBH, and also Markus/North wholeheartedly. Looking to Magnus Archives? Who the heck wouldn't love Jon/Martin.
Ones you hate?. Hate is a strong word... Because just because they aren't for me doesn't mean I hate them. That being said, I highly dislike Zenyatta/Genji (romantically I can't get behind it) for overwa.tch, for Magnus - Elias/Peter Lu.kas (I like the vibe of a divorced couple but not it actually being that. I just don't see it), and also for watch dogs Jordi/Aiden.
Any guilty pleasure ships?. Simon/Daniel was definitely a sort of guilty pleasure for sure. Also Simon/North? Just love?? And Elijah/Chloe. I ship them romantically as much as platonically.
Do you ship anything ‘problematic’?. I have had a truly problematic one in the past, but that's all I'll say about it.
Do you have any ships you miss?. I kinda already jumped the gun with Simon/Daniel. I haven't really had many others that didn't last or aren't with people I still talk to. I honestly haven't had too many ships in general really. At least not on the canon side of things.
Do you prefer common or rare pairs?. Oh god rare pairs. They're so much more fun.
How many fandoms have you written in?. Uh? Less than 10 that's for sure. I dabble mostly in fandomless work.
What was the first fandom you wrote in?. I think it was technically Fruits Basket, I do remember I did some OC writing with a friend that didn't last.
What fandom do you wish more people knew? (And tell us a bit about it!). The only one I can really think of right now is the Magnus Archives. Which, I mean, is fairly popular but it definitely deserves to be bigger. It's a horror podcast that is told through the perspective of an archivist reading first hand encounters with the paranormal. It's really well written and the sound design is BEAUTIFUL. And the fandom is pretty dedicated.
Do you like crossovers?. Yeah! As long as it plotted out and not thrown together for shits and giggles.
Which fandom have you always wanted to write in?. I'm trying desperately to write in the Watch Dogs fandom but man is it empty! Aside from that? I don't know, I don't really look at them like that.
Do you prefer animated, text, or real life media?. As long as it has a good and compelling plot to hold me, I'm game for it all.
What is your favourite genre?. I guess I love sci-fi most? I love robots... But I also love when sci-fi mixes with like - well, western is such a good one. We.stwo.rld did that beautifully, and the Mand.alori.an too oh my god. You can't tell me Mando isn't a space cowboy.
Least favourite?. Romance maybe? Like, not romantic comedy, just straight up romance. It gets so boring in my opinion
What tropes do you love?. Found family for sure, any sort of family trope. Friends or rivals to Lovers is good too. love/hate rivalries??? Frienemies??? Star crossed lovers... I like drama and fluff.
Which do you hate?. Right now I can't think of anything, but I'm sure there's something I can't stand. I don't really like purely romance to begin with, I need there to be a bit of action or drama or just more than just the two. But I wouldn't say I even hate it. Just not the top of my list.
Do you write in any dead fandoms?. I pretty much live in dead fandoms at the moment. Watch Dogs is all but buried, I don't think Magnus is very active, at least I haven't noticed it to be, and Detroit definitely died off, even the new people probably won't last without more around haha! (Not that I'm calling anyone out or anything! If you are writing I just don't see you. COME TO ME. I beg you, I want to write with you......pls...)
Tagged by @bottledmoonlight 🥰
Tagging: @wynterlanding @lavishbylaw and anyone who wants to steal it uwu
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olivergrahams · 4 years
graham: sun bears... moon bears... kinda fucked up aren’t they
oliver: <3 please go back to sleep
graham: m waitin’ for the sleepin’ aids to kick in. anyway, i’ve got some photos of those weird little bastards under the bed--
oliver: huh, well ok then
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 years
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Hey Famers!
Under the cut you will find your tent mates! Please remember the following:
Those on hiatus and reduced activity were still included in the list - you were just paired with someone else who is currently on hiatus as well.
If you got paired with another FC that you play, please send us a message and we’ll fix that for you right away as all pairs were made with a generator that randomizes people!
If you cannot find your FC in the list, please let us know so we can fix that as well!
If your tent mate goes inactive or leaves the RP during the trip then you will just be in a tent by yourself.
Any new FCs that join the RP during the trip will be in a tent by themself as well.
The tent mate list will not be updated during the trip as it’s only a weekend trip.
If you’re reading this list, go ahead and reach out to your partner! Please do not wait for them to reach out to you.
Please be mindful that this list can and will change prior to the trip because of unfollows, activity checks, and/or new members being added into the group. So please make sure to like this notice so you can keep track of things :)
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date! :)
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke
Regé-Jean Page and Selena Gomez
Dylan O'Brien and Adelaide Kane
Keith Duffy and Sarah Drew
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) and Carrie Underwood
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
Maisie Williams and Nat Wolff
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
KJ Apa and Lili Reinhart
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Jackson Wang and Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Sophie Turner and Jennifer Lawrence
Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie
Jon Moxley and Jeffery Dean Morgan
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch
Colton Parayko and Phoebe Tonkin
Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun
Lucas Wong and Kim Jungwoo
Zayn Malik and Jade Thirlwall
Josephine Skriver and Travis Kelce
Demi Lovato and Kehlani Parrish
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Kim Jong-in (Kai) and Lee Taemin
Fergal Devitt and Renee Young
Jordan Fisher and Billie Eilish
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook
Kim Taehyung and Cindy Kimberly
Lee Minho and Lee Felix
Dianna Agron and Grant Gustin
Tom Holland and Natalia Dyer
Bill Skarsgard and Ariana Grande
Hunter Hayes and Mats Hummels
Florence Pugh and Alex Wolff
Timothee Chalamet and Saoirse Ronan
Amy Adams and Ralph Macchio
Chris Hemsworth and Lucy Hale
Kim Hongjoong and Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Jake Gyllenhaal and Elizabeth Olsen
Normani and Nick Jonas
Nick Massie and Sofia Carson
Sophia Bush and Henry Cavill
Booboo Stewart and Cristian Roldan
Joe Jonas and Alexandria Daddario
Romee Strijd and Pedro Pascal
Zendaya Coleman and Aaron Taylor Johnson
Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne
Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin
Emilio Estevez and Mat Barzal
Justin Timberlake and Cara Delevingne
Megan Fox and Jensen Ackles
Harry Styles and Ronen Rubinstein
Taylor Swift and James Rodriguez
Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Liam Hemsworth
Jahnvi Kapoor and Park Seonghwa
Taylor Hill and Calumn Hood
Lily James and Andrew Garfield
Barbara Palvin and Joe Keery
Luke Hemmings and Dove Cameron
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Elsa Hosk and Alexander Skarsgard
Olivia Holt and Mark Fischbach
Anya Taylor Joy and Niall Horan
Debby Ryan and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
Tom Hiddleston and Han Jisung
Patrick Dempsey and Zoey Deutch
Lauren Jauregui and Ally Brooke
Melisa Aslı Pamuk and Casey Cott
Kristen Stewart and Lana Condor
Finneas O'Connell and Sydney Sweeney
Choi San and Anthony Mackie
Gigi Hadid and Jennie Kim
Colbie Smulders and Christina Aguilera
Ashley Benson and Tinashe Kachingwe
Shawn Mendes and Nathan Sharp
Melissa Benoist and Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Jared Padalecki and Hailey Baldwin
AJ Michalka and Aaron Tveit
Robert Downey Jr. and Bridget Satterlee
Dylan Playfair and Meryl Streep
Naomi Scott and Kang Yeosang
Hunter Schafer and Katie McGrath
CJ Perry (Lana) and Lupita Nyong'o
Anthony Beauvillier and Alicia Vikander
Robyn Fenty (Rihanna) and Jung Wooyoung
Maika Monroe and Laura Harrier
Bella Hadid and Nina Dobrev
Tessa Thompson and Taron Egerton
Maura Higgins and Jessica Chastain
Kim Dong-young and Mazz Murray
Emily Bett Rickards and Johnny Suh
Peter Hernandez (Bruno Mars) and Sarah Hyland
Bebe Rexha and Dua Lipa
Tom Hardy and Max Thieriot
Emily Blunt and Mark Lee
Beth Behrs and Karen Gillan
Joey King and Lily Collins
David Corenswet and Taika Waititi
Madelyn Cline and Michael B. Jordan
Perrie Edwards and Xiao Dejun
Emily VanCamp and Im Chang-kyun
Olivia Rodrigo and Camila Mendes
Zoë Kravitz and Jason Momoa
Alex Morgan and John Boyega
Robert Sheehan and Chase Stokes
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams
Jenna Coleman and Oliver Stark 
Katie McGrath and Brie Larson
Alex Høgh Andersen and Jesse Lee Soffer 
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droppingpetals · 3 years
will i ever stop reposting this ad bc i want more plots and ships ? the answer is no .
i’m looking for more plots, ships and rp partners bc i’d die for some new ships to obsess over !!  SO here’s my rp information :  
i only really write on discord now bc tumblr is a lot of work
i play both males and females and i’d appreciate it if you did too !
i do all pairings ( m/f, m/m and f/f )  with a slight preference for gay thangs !
i love playing characters of all ages — everything from 18 all the way up to even 50 is good to me, and i will give you my love if you do older muses with me ??
i absolutely LOVE pinterest boards n making playlists and edits and whatnot for ships
i have a bunch of character ideas i’d love to do and fcs i’d love to use and some of them will be listed underneath the read more, along with a few base plots to give an idea of what kind of plots i generally like to do ! but pls remember, the things i do are not limited to things that i’ve listed below !
if you’d be interested in writing with me, please go ahead & like this post and i shall come to you via tumblr ims <3
fcs i want to play but are not limited to :
kaya scodelario  /  keira knightley  /  ana de armas  /  axel auriant  /  cillian murphy  /  josh stewart  /  sebastian stan  /  andrew lincoln  /  elle fanning  /  katie mcgrath  /  amanda seyfried  /  lily collins  /  kristine froseth  /  lucy boynton  /  jaime lorente  /  arón piper  /  samara weaving  /  henrik holm  /  margaret qualley  /  rocco fasano  /  victoria pedretti  /  haley bennett  /  rachael taylor  /  álvaro rico  /  oliver jackson-cohen /  rosamund pike  /  rob james-collier  /  federico cesari  /  emily blunt  /  richard armitage   /  willa fitzgerald  /  michiel huisman  /  robert pattinson  /  emily vancamp  /  dan stevens  /  chase stokes  /  yvonne strahovski  /  matthew mcconaughey  /  james denton   /  !! björn mosten !!  /  all skam fcs  / adam demos  / bridgerton cast!!!
fcs i’d love to play against but are not limited to :
henry cavill  /  james mcavoy  /  john krasinski  /  mike vogel  /  hugh dancy  /  richard madden  /  chris evans  /  gwilym lee  /  armie hammer  /  max irons  /  rocco fasano  /  oliver jackson-cohen  /  maxence danet-fauvel  /  jai courtney  /  evan roderick  /  chase stokes  /  literally any girl ever ok  /  jessica chastain  / all skam fcs  /  the entire elite cast  /  bridgerton cast!!!!
this list is much shorter bc i couldn’t come up with any more and these are just the ones that Really came to me off the top of my head
some plot ideas :
period plots!!! historical plots!! anything based on period dramas!!!
mumus!!! give me plots with multiple muses!!
something kinda like outer banks ??
anything to do with the worlds of got / lotr / potc and such
domestic plots!!!! give me hs sweethearts who made it!!!! (but especially if it gay??) also divorced couple still having to be around each other bc kids and cue pining?? or any kind of other domestic plots!!! with fluff and angst!!!
college plots!!!! frat plots?? no homo plots??
fantasy plots?? i wanna dive into those, think got and lotr etc
crime plots!!! especially if you let me play a mob boss matthew mcconaughey!!!
apocalyptic plots!!!! zombies!!! zombie apocalypse plots!!!
this vibe?? “unlovable” characters experiencing love for the first time??
lowkey also toxic relationships .... give me a pair that doesnt work together but they’re so in love that they cant stay away :/
this plot!!! please!!! high school sweethearts!!!
sports plots?? ice hockey, football / soccer, cheerleading, figure skating??? boxing???
some ships i’ve also been dying to do :
brandon flynn x richard madden
timothée chalamet x armie hammer
andrew lincoln x hugh dancy
federico cesari x rocco fasano
axel auriant x maxence danet-fauvel
ana de armas x jai courtney / edgar ramirez
yvonne strahovski x jai courtney / henry cavill
emily blunt x john krasinski
lucy boynton x gwilym lee
rachael taylor x krysten ritter
regé-jean page x phoebe dynevor
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rootingfortheend · 3 months
I’m having a bit of trouble contacting the archivist, anyone know any good place to find him?
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ask-mike-crew · 4 months
feel liek going out for valentines? -@realoliverbanks
absolutely. is there a limit to how expensive a gift can be?
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP Meme from Oliver & Company
Now, it's always once upon a time in New York City.
It's a big old bad old tough old town.
Let me have one, please.
Right away, you're making time and making friends
If they pick you out, you're on your way.
Get out there and go and try.
Why does nightfall find you feelin' so alone?
Dreaming is still how the strong survive
Keep your dream alive.
Got to look out and open your eyes,
You're in the fast lane
What's the matter with you? I said get outta here.
I don't eat cats. It's too much fur.
I've been watching you, and I think you're in serious need of some professional guidance.
I'm an expert at these things.
All you gotta do is learn some moves.
This city's got a beat.
When are we gonna get those hot dogs?
I hate to break it to ya, but the dynamic duo is now the dynamic uno.
Our partnership is herewith dissolved.
You're not being fair!
Fairs are for tourists, kid.
Consider it a free lesson in street savoir faire
Hey, wait! I helped you get those! Half of those are mine!
Why should I worry? Why should I care?
I got street savoir faire
You can wear the crown!
Everything goes.
Everything fits.
They love me at the Chelsea, they adore me at the Ritz!
Stop that racket! I'm trying to watch this show.
Shut up, you little rodent.
Come on, let's watch some boxing. I wanna see some action
You think this place is big enough?
What we need is some good quality stuff
Oh, shredded leather.
You insulted my pride! That means death!
It was your turn to get the food today!
You remain our preeminent benefactor.
It was tough. Only I could have done it.
I love a story with food in it.
Enter the opposition.
Gang war! Gang war! Watch out! Here comes a gang war!
Take cover!
It's just a cat.
I followed this dog.
He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!
Oh, boy! Dog pile!
Don't let me down!
What do you got?
Let's see what you got.
I was just on my way out.
Actually, I've got something much better than money.
Some luxury items that should make a considerable dent in my debt to you.
Oh, my! You waxed your car, didn't you? Did they use the buffer on it, because I can see myself.
I don't think you grasp the severity of the situation.
Now, I lent you money and I don't see it.
People like you get hurt.
I can't figure out why you'd rather hang around a dump like this when you could be living uptown with a class act like myself.
Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence?
You bad, man.
Hey, you got something to say to me, fat boy?
Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
Oh, I'm having a bad day!
I like cats. I like to eat 'em.
Your master's calling.
Come on and say it to my face!
How am I ever gonna come up with all that money?
It's hopeless.
That took a lot of guts.
All right. Time for bed. We've got a big day tomorrow.
We've got two days to do or die.
You got a lot to learn. And if you don't learn, you don't eat!
But if you're tough, and always use your head, you'll be right at home, on the street.
When you got talent, everything is free.
You're gonna see how the best survive.
These are streets of gold.
You'll take the town, and you'll take it with style.
You're in charge of electronics.
Hey, but what about me? What do I do?
Ready? Go!
What have I done? Poor thing.
You oughta be ashamed of yourself!
Run along, little fellow. Go on, now. Shoo.
Be a lookout.
I only got one more wire, okay?
Oh, you poor kitty. Here. Let me help you.
Where's the kid?
We can't just take in a stray off the street.
Don't worry, kitty. I'll take care of you.
Your public awaits.
Girl, we've got work to do
Pass me the paint and glue.
Perfect isn't easy
When one knows the world is watching, one does what one must.
See how the breeding shows
Sometimes it's too much for even me!
But when all the world says "Yes", then, who am I to say "no"?
Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl
Perfection becomes me, ne c'est pas?
I'm beauty unleashed!
So classic and classy
They're barking up the wrong tree!
I have your hearts, and you have my pity
Pretty is nice, but still it's just pretty!
I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
What is the meaning of this?
I guess I'll have to handle this myself.
And do you have any idea whose home this is?
Isn't he cute?
What in Heaven's name are we waiting for?
Alas, our beleaguered benefactor bearing the brunt of our futile endeavours.
Cool it!
Our mission begins at daybreak.
I don't hear any practicing.
Oh, you wanna practice too!
We two can be good company.
You and me, just wait and see.
I'll handle that ruffian.
Body slam! Body slam! Oh, come on, you fool! Hit him! Hit him!
Come back here!
Huh, this place looks pretty nice. I mean, how bad off could it be here?
Chagall. Matisse. These are all masterpieces.
Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down.
Don't come any closer! I knew this would happen one day.
It's not you I'm after.
Not good enough for you?
I mean, do you even know who I am?
Something's not quite right here.
Shh. Quick. Before he comes back. Follow me.
I mean, let's just forget the whole thing.
No, no, you can't do that! You don't understand. The poor dear's so traumatized.
What is going on here?
Hurry. Use the fire escape.
Ooh, I could've danced all night! I could've danced all night!
You were very good.
I was rather good, wasn't I?
You okay, kid?
I have another home now. And someone who loves me.
You're in the gang.
I just wanna go back.
You wanna leave? Fine! There's the door.
You lighten up!
Oh, it's hopeless.
Looks like you're doing all right for yourself
So that's where you've been!
Feel it. That's it. Very good.
This is an airtight plan
I'll even toss in a little extra for your patience.
It's my final offer. Take it or leave it.
I said, push!
No, you don't kill 'im yet.
Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make me happy?
I'm getting your money tonight! It's coming tonight!
Hey, I think there's hope for you yet.
Yeah, you're starting to think big.
It's creepy down here.
I drew a perfectly good map.
A child could read that map.
I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I was framed!
This is a tough neighborhood. You'd better go home.
I came to find my kitty.
You brought a piggy bank.
What kind of a person would steal a poor little kitty?
I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.
I found a little lost kitten.
No! No, wait! You can't do this!
Keep your mouth shut.
Stop! Stop! Time out!
There's gotta be some way in.
Well, it's nice to see that one of you has some manners.
After you, my little croissant
And remember, quiet.
Oh! I broke a nail.
Oh, balderdash.
I don't think you really appreciate the situation. Somebody could get hurt.
You smell that?
It's party time!
Where are those dogs?
I thought I'd never see you again.
What's the occasion? Come to rescue your little friend?
All right! What a woman!
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go
This has all been very entertaining. But the party is over.
Hey, man, you're ugly!
Aah! Save me!
Hey, get off my back, woman! I'm driving!
All right, anybody want some cake?
Murder him! Twist his arm!
The gifts were great.
We'll start with a bath.
You know, you're not so bad for a bug-eyed little creep.
You come back here this minute!
Tell me why should I care
What a delightful scoundrel.
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○○Blog info~~
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Side blog to @somexofusxarexhuman < Canon Stiles RP
Please remember this is an RP blog and not an Art blog, to see my art follow me here on twitter >>> ***CLICK***
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Anyone can reply, please don't let reblog amount scare you!
Rule one
Please be patient with me. I’m either stupid fast at replying or I take a few days. If it seems I’ve forgotten you, though, send me an IM
Rule Two
That being said I will reply when I feel like. I will always tell you if I need to drop a thread, if I take long it doesn’t mean I’ve dropped it. If you need to drop it because I’m taking too long, let me know. I promise not to be mad.
Rule Three
I will not RP with anyone under the age of 18, even if the thread has no smut. I’m sorry, but no. This is an adult oriented blog. Heavy themes, along with smut, will be regularly posted in rp formal and/or in images.
Rule Four
I will not RP with anime/cartoon/game FC’s (There are exceptions like RE8 chars). I will also not RP with any deceased FC’s
Rule Five
As awesome as it would be to be bilingual, I only speak and know English.  Anything you see me post that is not English was brought to you by Google Translate.
Rule Six
I do not have a verse page, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to AU’s. I LOVE AU’s. I’m a multi-ship multi-post blog and am trash for any and all AU’s. Just ask!
Rule Seven
I can write a lot in my replies (And a lot of it can be unnecessary detail) but don't feel pressured to match my length! Just, please, try to give me something more than two sentences to work with. I don't typically enjoy writing short replies, but I understand muses can be fickle things.
Rule Eight
I don't enjoy pregnancy threads or writing children so I, typically, will steer clear of those types of threads. If our muses have been in a long relationship (and we have been writing partners for a while as well) I may make an exception, but don't come in expecting babies. My girls all have IUD's unless stated otherwise. That being said I am 100% down with the breeding kink.
Rule Nine
If a muse has (unknown) somewhere in their age it means they are old old. Like 100+, so age can be changed if you are uncomfortable with age gap.
Rule Ten
I have a handful of chronic issues that effect my sleep and my mood so I'm up all hours of the day. I live in EST time zone, but I'm often up at 4AM so.....it's a gamble lol!
Rule Eleven
I have SEVERE ANXIETY and struggle messaging new people. IF I FOLLOWED YOU I WANT TO RP WITH YOU! I'm probably just figuring out how to message you without puking lol. I would appreciate the help, if you want, or you can wait until I gather the enrve.
Rule Twelve
My grammar isn't the best in the galaxy, ok? I over use comma's and never really figured out the semi-colon. If something is horribly wrong or you can't understand what I've written, just ask please.
Rule Thirteen
I will tag major triggers (ie; Snakes, Spiders etc) but I won't tag smut or NSFW unless it really needs it.
Rule Fourteen
If I have ever posted a meme please feel free to send one in even if it was a year ago! With that in mind, I do prefer introduction threads with new muns/characters if I am not familiar with them.
Rule Fifteen
Don't like my starters
Rule Sixteen
Don't God-Mod blah blah and Follow TOS k I love you <3 <3
Inessa Morea
Nicknames: Nessy, Nessa, Ness Age: Unknwon (25) DoB: May 11th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Forest) Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious Position: Sub (Potentially verse) Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Flourist Personality: Sweet, Curious, Oblivious, Playful, Innocent, Devious Face Claim: Candice King ○
Cassia Poole-
Nicknames: Cass, Cassy Age: Unknown (19-24) DoB: November 3rd Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Water(mermaid)) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Sub Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Student (Robotics and Marine bio-tech)/ Swim coach Personality:Innocent, Nerdy, Hyperactive, Bratty, Playful, Lame Face Claim: Jane Levy ○
 Amara Nyx
Nicknames: Marr Age: Unknown (32) DoB: Oct 13th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Underworld) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: None/ Sugar baby Personality: Smart ass, Rude, Bitchy, Judgmental, Hateful, Possessive, Affectionate Face Claim: Elizabeth Gillies ○
Laleh Narvaez
Nicknames: Lala Age: 25(600) DoB: Sept 4th Pronouns: She/Her Species:Lamia/Naga Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Argentina Occupation: Dancer/Jack of all Trades for Freak Show/Snake Charmer(Circus) Personality:Sharp, Sultry, Flirtatious, Seductive, Venomous Face Claim: Eiza Gonzalez ○
Samira Eve
Nickname: Sam, Sammy, Mira Age: (Unknown) 20-23 DoB: June 2nd Pronouns: She/Her Species: Air Nymph Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Verse Romantic Orientation: Panromantic Hometown: Boston Occupation: Thief/Courier Personality: Sarcastic, Smooth, Sassy, Flighty, Unreliable, Persuasive, troublemaker FC: Elisha Applebaum
Maybelline New-York
Nicknames: May Age: 28 DoB:Sep 17 Pronouns: She/Her Species: Zombie Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Sub Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New Orleans Occupation: None Personality: Shy, Angry, Mute, Hungry, Sassy" Bio: Maybelline has no memory of her life before she had been murdered at the age of 23. Hell, she's not even certain that's her age. Her name came from reading a magazine ad when asked who she was after walking into morgue. Zombies had been a small pest problem for a while now, usually obvious in their appearance and traits, but something inside of May kept her from fully succumbing to the sickness. All she felt was hunger and, after begging the mortician to, promptly sewed her mouth shut and clipped her nails. Now she speaks in sign or with a chalkboard she carries around to communicate. After weeks of study, it was discovered that Maybelline had a tumor that had taken over the majority of her brain, blocking the strain from traveling and taking her over. Face Claim: Camila Mendes ○
Juniper Lee
Nicknames: June, Junie Age:29 DoB: Feb 16th Pronouns: She/Her Species:Witch Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Submissive Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: Seoul until 5 then Massachusetts Occupation:Herbalist/Illusionist Personality:Soft spoken, Kind, Intelligent, Playful, Self Concious, Delicate, unsure Face Claim: Jamie Chung ○
 Barabelle Gunn
Nicknames: Belle, Belly, Bara Age:27 DoB: May 28th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Human Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: Killin Scottland Occupation: Hunter (supernatural) / Mercenary Personality: Brash, Rude, Sarcastic, Bull Headed, Loyal, Protective Face Claim: Karen Gillan AU Verses-  Resident Evil 8 Verse ○ Leora Brandr Nicknames: Leo Age: Unknown (26) DoB: Dec 21st Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Fire) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Queens Occupation: Pilot/ Glass Blower Personality: Gentle, Kind, Shy, Short-Fused, Fiery, Passionate Face Claim: Daisy Ridley
Carlyle Abrams
Nicknames: Lyle Age:32 DoB: April 16th Pronouns: He/Him Species:Human Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: London Occupation: Private Investigator Personality: Charming,Calm, Kind, Playful, Posessive, Warm Face Claim: Adam Driver ○
Maxwell Ardeleane Nicknames: Max Age: Unknown (31) DoB: January 8th Pronouns: He/Him Species: Elder Vampire Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Bucharest Romania Occupation: Mob Boss Personality: Charming, Polite, Sarcastic,Dark, Cruel, Posessive." Face Claim: Tyler Hoechlin ○ Syrian Nyx
Nicknames: Syrian Age: Unknown(34) DoB: Oct 13th Pronouns: He/Him Species: Nymph (Underworld) (Alpha) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Bank CEO Personality:Charming, Egotistical, Posessive, Rude, Dark Humor Face Claim: Oliver Jackson-Cohen ○ Esben Hvit
Nicknames: Esben, Ben, Es Age: 27 DoB: Oct 20 Pronouns: He/Him Species: Were-Raven (Albino) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Vesatile Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Hometown:Seattle Occupation: Famous Writer(Penned under Raven White) Personality:Cocky, Quiet, Shy, Rude, Snarky, Intelligent Face Claim: Lucky Blue Smith ○
Carter Higgins
Nicknames: Carter, Car Age: 24 DoB: June 12 Pronouns: He/Him Species: Human Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Vesatile Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Hometown: Nashville Tenn Occupation: Street/Bar Musician Personality:Sweet, Friendly, Romantic, Goofy, Playful Face Claim: Cody Christian
Canon characters:
Peter Hale: Teen Wolf
Chris Argent: Teen Wolf
#selfie;(name) - Photo’s of characters
(name)Starter- Starter for specific character
#wanted opposite - Wanted partner or character to rp with
more TBA
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skell3 · 8 months
RP Muse: Nathaniel Thorp
This next one is a little obscure, as he only has a statement and is otherwise not mentioned throughout the series. There's sort-of a hint to something in a later episode, but I do not believe it to be the same character. MAG 29: Cheating Death
I have put a lot of my personal spin into this one, so I hope at least someone out there enjoys him. Might be a doozy, but I hope it doesn't run on too much.
June 17th, 1775. Battle of Bunker Hill. The British Army verses The American Patriots. Plus one hungover idiot who went MIA that day, only to return to his country of origin and make a statement almost two-hundred years later to the day.
Nathaniel Thorp joined the army for the fame and glory, only to find he preferred gambling, sex and alcohol much more than the thrum of Slaughter on the battlefield. He paid for it in blood... and yet it also saved him, in a way. Cheating Death in a game of Faro did earn him some semblance of eternal life, but he did have to pay for it in servitude. As Death. No longer a soldier, but a reaper of bone and rags, playing games with dying souls as his own had done for him. None of them won for nearly two centuries, and when one did- they became the reaper as Nathaniel had, and he got his flesh and blood back. Pretty average height 20-something year old, with long brown hair and tired gray eyes. With a little bit of scruff, he could go between vagabond and refined fairly easily. He still has the scars from that gunshot wound that would've killed him; one entry, one exit.
The first few years were rough. There was something else missing that Thorp wasn't entirely sure how to fill. He fortunately had been in the UK when that winning soul took his place, so he hadn't needed to do much more than find a new set of clothes and some cash. Having been through the times, in a way, he watched the world develop and grow around him, so he understand at least basic things. The worst of it, really, was that he was- and is- illiterate. But he could strike up a conversation with just about anyone, win some rounds of gambling at a pub or elsewhere, and gradually build himself up. It was during this that he'd heard of the Magnus Institute, about their library and archives... and he decided to make the trip once he figured out the address. One statement later, and it actually opened up a new sense of purpose for him.
That was the 4th of June in 1972, and over the next thirty or so years, Nathaniel built himself up. He got the money together, bought a casino that had been going out of business, and built it up as well. It was already a newer building, so it mostly just needed some remodeling and repairs... and some good business sense. Of which he had gathered over the years. And he gathered people, too, to help him run things.
Come up to where I've been writing Nate, and he throws a 'death day' party every year, inviting a lot of family heads like Lukas and Fairchild, and a number of others he's sort-of collected as acquaintances and otherwise over the years. Not only that, but on occasion he has a little poker tournament with the same crowd, with more valuable things than money, like favours, thrown into the pot.
Nate's also got a setup something like the End Mafia... where he keeps an eye out for other End avatars out there. Oliver Banks is one of his favourites to have around, just because his thing is a bit unique compared to what Nate's used to. And he's helped Nate with technology a bit, though any attempts to learn how to read and write have pretty much gone out the window. Apparently, he's something called 'dyslexic', and he doesn't have the patience to sit there and figure it out. So he hired people to do it for him, and let others guess if he's figured it out.
Nate's assistant/bodyguard/babysitter/right-hand-man is a larger bloke named Dave who has the patience of a saint, and nerves of steel. He can handle Nate at his worst, and still tell him No if he's making stupid decisions. Gets paid well for it, too, as well as to help send out texts and e-mails and take care of driving when they need to go places.
As for the... thing that seems to be missing from Reapers once they've returned to their skins? While it doesn't sate for very long, nor does it feel quite 'right' to fit the hole in his chest where sleep or food or drink can't fill, killing others is something that helps him keep the edge off. Generally, he only goes for those who deserve it, but... well. The Reapers never just went for the dying souls, after all. And eating and drinking not only tastes like ash, but make him horribly ill, so it's not quite worth it unless he's going for self-abuse to try and see if any of that in particular helps.
At least he doesn't dream, so he doesn't have to have the Archivist in his war nightmares.
BONUS: I like using UnrealEngine's MetaHuman Creator sometimes, and I tried to at least give Nate a face when I couldn't figure out how I wanted to draw him. And this is what I came up with. They didn't have any longer ponytails or it would be near-perfect.
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