#Or see if I'm allergic to kiwi
I spent ages agonising over how I would navigate my medical health before I became 18 (at which point I could schedule my own appointments. Like, I know that I could still do that as a minor with my parent(s) per.issuon but I thought there would still be restrictions, especially concerning money) but my mum is just gonna give me my medical card tomorrow after I briefly mentioned goodrx (which is only tangentially related??) and told me that everything would be free? What??
Like, I can just schedule anything. I could follow up on that proposed blood test to figure out the extent/cause of my anemia. I could go to the dentist. I could get regular check ups (insane. In the past 8-9 years I've only had two check ups).
I recently had an eye exam and am gonna receive two free glasses (plus a third cheap one my mum + grandpa bought for me), but like. I could get an eye exam regularly? Which is pretty damn good since I kinda fucked up with my left eye and when I was looking through that machine it was definitely blurrier in my left than in my right. Plus, obviously my eyes got worse over these past three years, so it'd be great to stay on top of any further changes.
This shit applies to mental health stuff as well. She specifically mentioned that, which I think is her signaling that she does not want to bein charge of keeping up with that. Damn. I could schedule my own appointments and shit. Wow.
Maybe I can buy medication? Obviously I'd have to talk to a psychiatrist to be prescribed anything, but my mum said she doesn't pay *anything* for prescribed medication. I promised myself not to rock the boat too much until I'm 18, though, since last time when I broached the possibility of me being ND and did that surface level test (used to determine if an in depth test is needed), she took me out of therapy (which I will be back in soon thank god! My intake is on the 3rd of October!).
And my mum has expressed that she doesn't want me on medication (she said it isn't safe for a minor. I wonder if her opinion would change once I become an adult. It must eventually, right? She takes medication herself.) so I'm afraid she might. Take away my access to medical stuff.
But like, if she gives me my card, can she even do anything? If she takes it, would I be able to order a new one or smth? She said that she could order a new one if I lose it. Am I entitled to it? I'll have to look into it more.
The possibility of this massive opportunity suddenly being taken away is why I didn't even consider further pursuing ND evaluation or getting a gender therapist. But like, if she can't do anything, I'll definitely do it. I guess that's a "maybe" thing.
Yooo I could get birth control and stop these blasted periods! Neat.
Even better yet, my siblings can get their cards as well and schedule their own stuff. I requested one of my siblings cards as well and she's willing to give me it. I can't make the appointment myself, as I am a minor (which means I can schedule appointments for them when I'm an adult yayyy), but I can help her make an appointment herself. She really needs to see the dentist.
Man. There's just. So many possibilities. I'm definitely gonna look at "common medical screenings/appointments" or whatever to see what I can get looked at for. Now that I have all this medical power I won't allow myself to deal with something I shouldn't have to!!
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allergictokiwis · 1 year
are you actually allergic to kiwis?
Yes I am lmao
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twstowo · 5 months
⋆⋅☆Welcome to my Twisted Wonderland writing blog!
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♡︎Ask Box is Closed! ♡︎
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♡︎I enjoy writing angst and dumb things, so feel free to ask anything related to that.
Won't do:
Sexual themed content; Lilia or Ortho (Romantic); Gore; Character x Character
I can update this list as I start seeing things that I'm not fine with!
♡︎I would like to inform that I'll be taking my time to respond to your request, as my studies are my top priority. Nevertheless, I'll work as swiftly as possible! Additionally, I only write in gender-neutral terms.
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♡︎ Masterlist.♡︎ Writing List ♡︎ AO3
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About me?
Call me ☆Enese☆ !!
♡︎ 18+ ♡︎ I came from space ♡︎ English is my second language ♡︎
♡︎I'm allergic to kiwis and cats ♡︎ I love reading, my favourite author is
without any doubt Dostoevsky ♡︎ I hate small talk, pls help?? ♡︎
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Fandoms I'm in right now:
Twisted Wonderland (ofc) - Honkai Star Rail - Sally Face
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the-down-upside-finch · 3 months
Notice Me, Reader! (Tag Game)
Thank you for the tag (in this post), @ahordeofwasps! It's fun to see that this one has been going around a bit!
Rules: Share 3 (or more!) small details from your WIP that you feel have gone/will go unnoticed. (You can choose whether or not to share why the detail is significant!)
I feel like sharing some random details from Minding Q's! Here's a few:
It's mentioned that Sterling is allergic to latex, as well as kiwis. This is actually correlated, and so is his unmentioned allergy to bananas and avocados. (The thing that is a coincidence is that Max also happens to be allergic to kiwis.)
In chapter 7, the video game that Max is playing is actually Splatoon. (He gets jumped during Tower Control and keeps missing his shots thanks to controller drift, hence why he yells at the TV.)
Josh has a Tumblr account, as revealed during his intro sequence in chapter 13, when Celain tells him she likes his shoelaces and he tells her that he stole them from the president.
In a similar vein, the webcomic that Celain and Josh mention reading in chapter 13 is a real webcomic (and I spent way too long deciding which webcomic I thought would tie together their fairly different personalities).
I'm going to no-pressure tag @my-cursed-prince, @charlies-storybook, @veneritia, @maddstermind, @bisexualfantasyfox, @faeriecinna, @innocentlymacabre, and @basalamander-corner! Also leaving an open tag for anyone that wants to play! If you see this, you can consider yourself tagged >:}
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grox · 1 year
Now that I'm allergic to kiwis I no longer see any value in human life beyond that which it can taint. And it should all be tainted. By the time, my lips stop bleeding... Cause you know damn well I'm still eating kiwis
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zeldamacgregor · 2 months
For the Fanfic Writer Ask: 🥝, 🍕, 🍬, and 🥐! :)
🥝Who are your literary influences, and have they shaped your own writing? Lol I was afraid someone would ask this, partly because I am allergic to kiwis and partly because it's such a huge question. That said, I think I'll answer it as saying these are some of my favorite authors and perhaps not directly influencers, although they certainly helped me understand storytelling more than I did before I found them, especially where writing something that is both funny and heartbreaking in a way that makes sense and is accessible. I will limit myself to fairly contemporary fiction: -William Trevor (all of his work is great, but the short story collection of After Rain is among my favorites) -Neil Gaiman (obvi) -Ursula K. Le Guin -John Barnes (One for the Morning Glory is one of my all time favorite books.) -Elizabeth Bear -Garth Nix -Madeline L'engle 🍕What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic? Ohhhh man, that's tough! I love every comment, but I think for this I'm going to say it was when @itslemonfluff wrote a whole ass sequel to one of the chapters on He Can Be Very Charming because that's such a huge compliment!
🍬What's a genre/trope you've never written, but might in future? Hmm, horror, maybe? I could see myself wading into some gentle psychological terror or something?
🥠What's your approach to world-building? I don't see a 🥐 so I'm assuming you meant this one, but let me know if I'm wrong! My world-building approach is sort of to wing it until I realize I'm in trouble and have to work it out, lol. There are times that I'll get very involved in research ahead of time to make sure I'm on solid footing about whatever brain rot has taken over (like the SG1/Care Bears are the furlings WIP lol)
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thane-emblem · 1 year
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @sillyliterature~! :D
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
I'm a very sociable person who loves chatting with others!
I've got naturally curly hair, right now it's really long and takes hours to air-dry
Telling stories is my longest-running hobby - it's something I've always loved
I love making dnd ocs, I've got upwards of 50 at the moment!
As of this year, I've been working on growing my own vegetables! So far, my kale has been growing super well, still waiting to see if the other veggies are gonna follow suit
If I had a nickel for every time I was absolutely obsessed with a fictional emperor who takes the throne to overthrow a corrupt church, whose family is killed thanks in part to that church, who's associated with fire, who walks a bloody path with their dark-haired advisor/right hand man and who has two unique powers in a world where even having one is special, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
I'm slightly allergic to kiwis (but I like them anyway)
Cats are my favorite animals, I really want to adopt one
At the moment, I'm getting back into a bunch of franchises I loved 5-10 years ago. It's really fun going back through stuff I used to love with a new perspective!
I love singing in the kitchen while I'm cooking or cleaning, I'm not particularly good but I have lots of fun with it <33
No-pressure tagging: @jotarowan @gehaktbal @vespersposts @this-is-your-last-dance @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @exultedshores @megatraven @nicolasadrabbles @hauntedgarden95 @chiaki-c and anyone else who feels like it~!
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kiwiorcore · 7 months
oh my god all these kiwi photos with his new hair... i'm losing my mind. arteta please start him i need him on the pitch immediately!! also is it just me or are kiwi and tomi wayyy closer in training these days? seems like they're always together now lmao 🫶🏽
girl i lost my mind too i almost didn’t recognise him. longer hair suits him imo
as much as the kiwi nation wants to see kiwi play, arteta is allergic to starting him anywhere except the carabao or fa cup unfortunately
no literally i was see them together in the training vids. i literally taught myself how to make gifs and made a gif from the most recent vid. im just pleased kiwi is interacting with anyone atp
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honestliving · 9 months
dealing with allergic rhinitis: effective strategies to combat symptoms
As someone who has had allergic rhinitis for years, I know how tough it can be. It can really be a pain to have to keep sniffling, sneezing and feeling awkward when you run out of tissue at a critical moment.
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For those who aren't quite sure of what allergic rhinitis is, it's basically inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mould, or flakes of skin from certain animals.
Here are some of my tips on how you can deal with allergic rhinitis:
1. Avoid foods that cause allergic reactions
This sounds straightforward but all too often, it's not that easy to figure out what you're allergic to. For me, it took a long time to find out that eating chicken sometimes caused me to sneeze and build up phlegm in my throat, while eating duck gave me hives. Blueberries and kiwis caused me to have more phlegm as well, thus causing discomfort.
It takes a lot of trial and error to find out what makes your body tick, so take some time to find out if there are particular types of food that you're more sensitive to.
2. Apply IHADA Allerscreen
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This is a gem I found while shopping in Japan. Whenever I feel that my allergy is going to act up or I see the weather getting gloomy, I quickly spray this over my face. It really helps with the sniffling and sneezing!
3. Press acupuncture points
I'm a big believer of traditional Chinese medicine. One of the areas that I massage are the left and right sides of my nose (reminder: the sides, not the nose itself). My doctor presses down on these areas each time I go there and I feel that I'm really able to breathe better after that.
Another area would be to massage your eyebrows, especially the inner corner. There should be a very sore feeling when you press on that spot. If it's painful, stop massaging it as this may not be suitable for you.
For those who get headaches during allergy flare-ups, try massaging your neck muscles. (This doesn't exactly fall under acupuncture points, but this really helps in relieving tension in the head!)
4. Get an air purifier
Expensive but worthwhile. Whenever I feel the haze coming, I switch on my air purifier and feel reborn. My nose is a lot less clogged whenever I do so!
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5. Take an allergy test
I haven't taken such a test yet, but I do know someone who took it and found that she was allergic to honey and grass. Unfortunately for her, she happened to live in an area surrounded by grass and had been ingesting honey every day.
If you're unsure of what exactly you're allergic to, it would be good to take an allergy test. It can help cut down on a lot of suffering!
6. Drip some oil into a cup of hot water
Whenever I feel like my nose is stuffy, I sometimes fill a cup or bowl with hot water, and then drip some scented oil into it. It's usually the stronger type of scented oil that helps to clear my nose, such as mint or eucalyptus.
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7. Wear a mask
This really works, take it from me. I guess sometimes there's just so much dust and pollen and whatever else you're allergic to in the air, that whatever you do doesn't quite work. In this case, it's time to wear on a mask.
I usually prefer surgical masks because it's not so stuffy and has been quite effective so far.
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Hope that these tips can help in reducing the discomfort whenever your allergic rhinitis acts up!
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esnyshire · 1 year
amateur: the epilogue
summary: In the last chapter of amateur I decided to take a different route and make it a filler chapter. mostly because i wanted to continue on my story with Harry and Love. Here we learn more about them together and get a front row seat of what goes on in their daily life. Things get personal and promises are made.
warning: very short, cute fluff, plans for the future, things are moving fast, Harry freaks out a little
wc: 1.7k
Harry insisted I come to his house. He said he has very big, life changing news. With his frequent meetings at Sterlings office, they've had plenty of time to discuss the many possible career opportunities they can do together. Harry recently got asked by Sterling to manage him for the foreseeable future. At first, I was confused. What could he possibly need a manager for?
Immediately after hearing Harry sing and getting all the information in full detail, it's something I see working out and strongly encouraged. Sterling sure does have an amazing eye for talent. Him picking up on that has me jumping for joy. The prospect of him having his dream come true is going to be worth all the effort he's already started putting in.
When I get to the front door I pick up the spare key Harry leaves for me from under the doormat. It's mostly quiet when I enter, aside from a small voice that echoes through the living room. Harry is humming quietly to himself but it's beautiful nonetheless. Ever since I found out that he can sing, I ask him every chance I get to serenade me. He always gets so shy. I find it so precious. The past three month has been mainly us getting to know each other more. Cute things mostly. I've noticed when he eats, he sticks his tongue out a little before putting the food in his mouth. It makes me giggle every time I see his little tongue jab out to reach the spoon. Oh, and for some odd reason when he sleeps on his back, he sleeps talks. it's not even normal conversation either, it's just a bunch of demands. The kicker is that if I don't listen it'll cause a chain reaction of being manhandled, him will force me on top of his chest and knock right out like nothing even happened. To make it all worse he's a literal portable heater. I stopped wearing pajamas to sleep because of him. It's just too hot. He's an avid hater for mornings, which is fine by me cause I do too. But, his true love is breakfast in bed. "Can't go wrong with some sunny side up eggs, with two sausages and a stack of pancakes." He says.
We've also discussed the basics of any human being. My allergies being the first question he asked, which threw me for a loop.
*Three Week Ago*
"What are you allergic to, other than cats?"
"That's a long list," I say, widening my eyes and scuffing a little. "Cats as you know, when I get scratched by them the cut swells up so much and itches pretty bad. Their saliva causes me to mildly rash up in the area. Same with dogs. I'm severely allergic to bunnies. Grass, trees, mildly allergic to kiwis but I still eat them, and pineapples." I finish off, grabbing one finger for every one thing I name.
I don't notice how quiet it's been while I'm trying to think if I'm missing anything until I've already blurted out the last thing. "Oh, and peanut butter, mildly!" I've lived with these minuscule imperfections for majority of my life, all my food allergies came as age crept up on me. I look up at Harry when I finish, hyper-focused on the floor trying to get all the information out. He looks like he's seen a ghost.
"Why would you eat or be around things you are allergic to?! Are you mad?! Love, please tell me you're joking?" His voice is jumpy and his eyes are bulging out in shock.
"Mildly, Harry. I won't die from these things. Well, the bunny maybe." I joke, trying to lighten up the mood. My statement only causes him to freak out even more.
"Do you not care about your life?"
"Mildly," I laugh at my own joke. "It's fine though. I'm usually cautious when I eat things I'm mildly allergic to. In terms of my allergies to animals, I love them. I can withstand sneezing to have a life companion." I say with a smile.
Harry's face visibly relaxes, he's been trying hard to understand why I have Finnegan if I'm so obviously allergic to her. My love for Finnegan goes far beyond my comfortability, he's finally starting to understand.
"I know bee, it's just still a shock that you put your body through allergic reactions for things you want to enjoy. It makes me nervous." The use of the new nickname he gave me, causes a tight-lipped smile to form on my face. He rubs the back of his neck, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.
"Oh! Dust, can't forget dust." I say loudly. Harry groans, smacking his hand against his forehead in frustration. "So, any siblings?"
We continue to learn new things about each other, and I'm happy as can be that he wants to share things about himself with me. It's a nice feeling being so close to someone, it's still not something I'm used to but it's gets easier everyday. I walk through his house, following the sound of his voice. I finally make my way to the kitchen and he's stood by the stove, wooden spoon in hand. No music is playing, just the taps of his bare feet and his melodic humming.
I walk around the kitchen island, trying not to make myself too noticeable. I don't want to scare him from continuing. My arms snake around his torso, pressing my palms against his chest. My head softly lands on his back, and my ear is pressed firmly to his spine. His heart picks up in rhythm, not expecting me to be behind him. The humming stops immediately.
"Don't stop, keep going," I whisper, giving back the quiet I took away.
"I'll sing for you in a minute, come here." He pulls my arms away from him and turns to me.
He grabs my face softly and stares into my eyes. He strokes the pads of his thumbs on the apple of my cheeks, analyzing my face so intensely I start to worry if the big news is bad. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just missed you. How's my busy busy bee?"
"I missed you too, I'm here," I say, reaching out to clutch his shirt. I never feel close enough when I'm with him, "I've been really good, I have a couple of auditions coming up! Sterling's been throwing them at me left and right, but I don't mind. If getting experience is what I need to help my career, I'll do it." I feel so silly always having a smile all the time, but it's him. Everything about him and my new life has me smiling from ear to ear. Harry's is obviously a good omen in my life and I'm grateful. I breathe his scent in as I talk with him, he smells of sunflower seeds and sunblock. The scent has become a comfort smell for me since we started dating. "So, tell me. What's the big news?" I take a step backward towards the island and jump up. Harry moves in between my dangling legs.
"Remember how I told you Sterling wants to manage me?" He looks at me for my answer, I nod. "Well, he's found a recording company that's interested in my music!"
"No fucking way, that's amazing!" I pull him into a big wet kiss. I continue my kiss train, planting another on his nose, then his cheek, and the other immediately after. I manage to kiss every part of his face before he's in a fit of giggles over my affection.
"Yeah, he said they want to meet up with me and discuss a few things but they have a contract made already! They want me to make an album!" Excitement is laced in his words. I could burst with happiness for him. This is something he's wanted but always felt like it was too late for him. He once told me how he was pushing forty and just couldn't see anyone being interested in helping him with his music career so late in the game. When Sterling first showed interest he brushed it off, not even trying to get his hopes up. The only reason he went along with it at first, was because I kept nagging him about it with Sterling one night at dinner.
"You're doing it, right?!" My hands swing out beside me in question as I yell out to him.
"I think so."
"Why not a solid yes? What's stopping you?" Questions fall from my mouth. I can't understand why he didn't just say yes.
"Me? Why me? What did I do?" My confusion only grows.
"We only started talking a month ago, but I feel the need to speak to you before I make any decisions."
I feeling seen in this joyous moment. His dream comes true and he's worried about what I think about it. He makes my body feel like silly putty when he does things like this. "That's very thoughtful of you, Harry. It means a lot, but you didn't stop me from taking the job at The Garden or any of the auditions that have been thrown at me. It would be beyond wrong of me to get in the way. What kind of person would that make me?" His eyes are stuck on my face as I talk.
"You have to say yes, Harry."
"No buts. You are so talented. You deserve this! This is your dream, you gave me mine. Follow yours or you'll regret it for the rest of your life." I push my feelings out. I want him to know this is okay and that I'll support him no matter what.
"Okay, okay fine. I will. I'll text Sterling when I'm done with dinner." He childishly rolls his eyes.
"You're making dinner?"
"Yeah, it's a special night. Plus, I wanted to do something for you." He shyly smiles down at my thighs.
"Aw, sweetness! It's your special night, I'll take over for you."
"You sure?" He asks.
"Yes, but before I do, promise me something?"
"What is it?"
"When you get all famous don't you forget about me, okay?"
He laughs at me, tightening his grip on my thighs. He nods and presses a small kiss to my lips.
"I could never forget you, I promise."
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grapecaseschoices · 10 months
I loved the ori facts. I was wondering if we could get some val and hiyam facts as well pls. 🥰
Val Montemer
1) Their middle name is Ariel.
2) I think I've said before that they are really into cars and tinker in a garage. Nothing official, a hobby and they let them have their own spot.
3) Val's closet is filled with leather jackets. Which is fine because the rest of their clothing is rather cheap, mostly just white shirts and jeans. Though they have a few polos, like those weirdly colored and patterned one teenage boys wear. Like some weird puce green and maroon stripped thing. It hurts Nate's eyes and soul.
4) Despite dressing like a greaser and a 19 year old college skater as well just styling their hair the same, Val went to cosmetology school. Did well in it. Their focus is in hair. Tina and Felix are the only ones who make use of their skills these days.
5) Their favorite films are the Rush Hour ones [to Adam's exasperation and fondness. Val is one step away from saying "Do you understand the words coming outta my mouth?" To the wrong person. It really is a miracle they haven't yet.] And they love anything Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew related -- well they haven't seen the CW show yet.
6) Val is allergic to latex. They found out yhe first time they tried a kiwi in middle school.
7) Val has phasmophobia. It isn't severe but yeah they have a fear of ghosts. Which is funny because they would sometimes follow conspiracy theorists on YouTube and stuff.
8) Surprisjng to most: Val is a big tea drinker. They don't hate coffee but it isn't something they seek. They have 0 tattoos. And only two piercings; they did to prefer black studs.
9) Nate and Val don't like each other. But they're doing better. They're so different. Nate TRIES, of course, but Nate is Nate. However, for Val -- has pushed too many buttons. Still they make an effort for the team.
10) ooc fact: Val is my shortest (5'1") and youngest (24 at start of book 1) detective. Val might be one of my shortest IF characters, period.
Hiyam Vinke
1) In another life, I could maybe see Hiyam doing something corporate. She gave a go at pre-law and they took business classes. (Her parents definitely would have preferred it) But music was always her heart. And she always wanted to see her name in lights. Maybe she could have been an entertainment lawyer but I don't think she would have been happy.
2) Hiyam has this ... lowkey obsession for anything with wings and a stronger one for anything that can fly. I don't even fully know why zjhshshe. I mean I do but -- It sounds weird because she is just so brash but I think sometimes she does feel a bit caged. Maybe it is expectations, maybe it is preconceptions. I will figure it out yhe more I ponder her, I'm sure. I'm not sure how much of it is actual people caging her or how she just sees things. [I kind of feel like it is a mix]
But when she and Seven broke up, she replaced Seven"s initials with a butterfly.
3) Hiyam is an acts of service kind of love/friend. Less in the 'makes breakfast for you' [though she might] and more in the you're stranded, half drunk, and don't want Orion to know. You know you can call Hiyam at 2am and she will show up. Some complaints but she will show up with water and a blanket. She is not yhe little things friend but she is there when needed.
4) Recently learned that Hiyam has a soft spot for Rowan. And she is more fond of her fans [as a whole] than expected.
5) She is 6'0".
6) She did ballet from kindergarten [maybe earlier) well into HS. It was one of the few things her parents consistently showed up for. But music needed her focus, so she gave up performing but she still occasionally practices [no one knows]
7) She used to play chess with Devyn before Orion showed. And of course read up on it because she was so bad. She couldn't stand losing and I think that was around yhe time she had to let ballet go, so in her mind she refused to "quit" on something else. But she never got into it into it until the crush peaked.
8) Hiyam has two dogs. A French Bulldog and a Rottweiler.
9) She has her tongue and belly button pierced, on top of her ears.
10) ooc fact: She is my one of two glasses wearer [Val being the other] and my only other smoker outside of Andy. [Gonna get more glasses folks]
Ty for the ask!!
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camoooh · 1 year
Seeing my friend after work and I'm bringing snacks and I asked if she has any preference of fruit and we spent a good 10 mins going back and forth before she goes "I mean I am very allergic to kiwi fruit but it's fine bring whatever you want I don't want to make a fuss" like babe. Babe
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trixtersurvs · 1 year
How much did your senior prom dress cost you? I don't remember how much my prom outfit cost in hindsight. I went to prom last over a decade ago...
What dreams have stuck with you since childhood? I've always wanted to write a book and damn it, one day I will!
Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Yes
Did you ever take your dog to school? No
If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? Ugh, probably something awful like Bella from Twilight because I was that kid
If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her? I don't ever want kids of my own so I don't think about stuff like this
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? No
Do you get motion sickness? I've only had it once
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? No, I don't even believe in "God"
What is the most boring church you have ever attended? The Catholic church is hands down the most boring place ever. Would rather watch old people play bingo
What is the most lively church you have ever attended? When I was in high school, a friend of mine tried to convert me by inviting me to a weekend long "music festival" that ended up being a Christian music camp type thing. It was 100% not my cup of tea but people were definitely very lively there
Do you find church fun or boring? Boring
What do you hate the most about summer? The heat. Quite frankly, I don't like much about summer to be honest with you
Which part of your body is the most muscular? Calves
Did you ever take Latin in school? No, they didn't offer it when I was still in high school
Which major holiday is closest to your birthday? New Year's
What is your favorite Japanese name? Souji
Have you ever ran a cash register? Yes
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? I didn't. Bratz came along a little too late for me
Do you think your mom is attractive? Of course
What was the last thing that disappointed you? My "bosses" (they told me to stop calling them that) being fucking awful to me
Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster? It's a love/hate relationship for me
Skeletons or scarecrows? Skeletons
Do you own pumpkin earrings? No
What computer game did you used to play all the time? The Sims 3
When was the last time you read a book? I think it was right before Christmas
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) I don't want kids but if I did have them, I wouldn't see a problem with this
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Hm... I couldn't tell you honestly. I usually just go and hope for the best
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? Discord for sure
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Drawing honestly. I could just never find my own style
Do you watch political shows? Not inherently political, no
Do you play any fantasy/roleplaying games? What? So many, I can't possibly list them all
Do you like salami? I love salami
When was the last time you ate meat? Like 20 minutes ago
What was the last hot drink you drank? Hot drink... hm... probably coffee whenever I got it last from my favorite coffee shop
Have your parents met your boyfriend/exes? Most of them, yes. They haven't met my current partner in person yet though
How about your boyfriend’s parents? Met them? No
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages? Yes
Do you find the sound of a cat’s purr relaxing? Yes
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name? I don't think so... she has definitely told me before but I can't remember it
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, for what? No. I've seen how it can affect people and I don't think I could live like that. I'm also just way too sensitive
Would you ever get a heart tattoo or your back? I mean... sure?
What fruit can’t you stand? Kiwi, only because I'm allergic to it
Do you know anyone autistic? Yes, my partner is on the ASD spectrum
How about someone bipolar? Sure do
What do you consider private to you? Pretty much everything. I'm an extremely private person and I have a hard time opening up about anything other than surface level stuff
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: Frankly, me
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: Calculus
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: Hand crafts like knitting, sewing, etc.
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you: Most of my ex-partners
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: December 10
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise: My whole ass last relationship ending
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious: I snuck out once...
Name something you wish you had enough money to do: Travel the world
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20 random facts about me...
🌻Caroline Aurora Greyson🌻
🔆1. I was named after the polar lights- no joke.  My middle name Aurora is the actual name for the phenomenon more commonly known as the polar lights that can be seen near artic regions.  My mom has always been fascinated by the polar lights and thought it would be beautiful to see so that's the meaning behind my middle name.
🔆2. I am scared of escalators.  I know it seems so stupid and childish but to this day I still get so nervous and shakey if I have to ride on an escalator
🔆3. I have a thyroid condition that causes me to metabolize food too quickly so I don't absorb the vitamins,  minerals,  nutrients or calories correctly with out medication.  Even on medication I get my blood tested regularly for deficiencies in all sorts of areas like vitamin d, potassium,  iron,  magnesium,etc...because many of these gone untreated have potential life threatening consequences.  I get hospitalized often due to deficiencies and related issues resulting from them.  My thyroid condition also makes it very difficult for me to gain/ maintain a healthy weight no matter how much I eat which is extremely difficult because I am in recovery for anorexia and Orthorexia so maintaining a normal weight is pretty important for me.
🔆4. My favorite colors are yellow,  green and silver
🔆5. I've never attended an actual school before.  Homeschooled my entire life...my brothers were also homeschooled all their lives.
🔆6. The only extended family I have is my aunt Mel (moms younger sister ) and my 2 cousins Kenzie and Grace and that is it for both sides of my family.
🔆7. My dream career is to be a published fiction novelist
🔆8. I am originally from new York but both my parents serve in the military so we have moved a lot. currently we live in Washington state and have for a little over 3 years now which is a record for the longest my family has lived in one place since I was 3 years old[I'm 17 now btw].
🔆9. I am allergic to strawberries, kiwis, lemons and shellfish.
🔆10. I take more pictures of my dogs than I do myself or my family. We have 8 dogs and I also have a pet hedgehog.
🔆11. I am actually not on any social media platform besides this tumblr account so I don't do Facebook,  Instagram,  snapchat,  tiktok or anything.  I just don't care for any of it...
🔆12. I love to bake.  I learned to make bread from scratch when I was 14 and it is one of the most effective ways for me to calm and clear my mind.  I don't know why
🔆13. I am very athletic.  I take multiple dance classes a week.  On average I spend about 22 hours a week dancing.  I also play volleyball, soccer and tennis for local YMCA youth travel teams. Though I am not playing tennis competitively anymore...just don't have time between dance volleyball and soccer.
🔆14. My brothers, cousins and I are extremely close and some of our favorite things to do together include hiking,  outdoor trail biking,  going to the YMCA and playing on the rock climbing walls and we like to go to the drive in movies
🔆15. I play piano and next week I am starting lessons to learn to play the cello!! I am so excited!!!!
🔆16. My favorite non domesticated animal is the elephant but penguins are a close 2nd place lol
🔆17. My favorite movies of all time are I Am Legend,  Fried Green Tomatoes,  Flight Plan, Panic room,  I Robot, the sisterhood of night, Matilda,  Hair Spray,  Rent and  any/all James Bond movies .
🔆18. When I go for jogs I like to listen to classical music playlists on my spotify.  I don't know why but for some backwards reason jogging to Beethoven just works for me😂🤣
🔆19. My favorite food is cereal like cold cereal and oatmeal both. Peanut butter is up there as well. Oh and I also love a good black bean burger even though I am neither vegan or vegetarian and sweet potatoes....anything sweet potato 🙂
🔆20. I love sucker's like the tootsie roll tootsie pop ones...I always have suckers and usually eat 4 or so a week but I have never had a cavity in my life 🤷‍♀️so can't be that bad for me right?
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ultimategeekboy · 2 years
1, 7, 31, 53
1. Selfie? Well guess people really want to see my face huh.
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7. What was your life like last year? It was rough.. Was in a bad space mentally and if it weren't for some people being there for me I would probably not be here today.
31. 3 random facts. I'm multilingual, I am both right and left handed and I'm deadly allergic to Kiwis 😅
53. 5 things that make me happy.
1. My cats!
2. A. She can always put a smile on my face!
3. Writing.
4. Drawing.
5. Food!
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popsunner · 2 years
Hey, I've got a whole bunch of fruit allergies including kiwi as well. Did your mouth get itchy? I was told by my allergist that it is more likely to have an anaphylactic reaction for nuts in the same fruit/pollen allergen group. So for ex. Almonds for me, because I'm allergic to the pollen that almonds mimic. You should be ok but look up fruit/pollen/nut allergen connection to see which nuts you should avoid til you can be seen by an allergist. All the best!!
Thank you!! I’m not allergic allergic to nuts, but almonds do trigger migraines for me, so maybe it’s connected. I’ll look into it :)
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