#Order of the Virtuous {{SINDAY}}
divinity-chained · 2 years
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The Pirate and the Privateer (A pretend fanfiction)
‘You fascinated me, cloaked in shadows and secrecy... ...You’re my mortal flaw, and I’m your fatal sin...’
It always felt calmer in the crow’s nest. Mallorie took in the cool sea air, watching her crew down below go about their work before night set in. Everything looked as it should be, except…her brow furrowed.
Where was the hostage?
Her question was answered by the swaying of the rope ladder beside her. It wasn’t long before Maria joined her. It was risky, she knew, allowing such a dangerous enemy wander freely about the ship. Thick, heavy shackles chained about the privateer’s wrists might discourage her from fighting or trying to jump ship, but they only deterred sabotage at best. The only reason Mallorie had chosen this arrangement (to the dismay of her first mate and several others) was she knew Maria wouldn’t dare fight dirty like that. She was a virtuous leader, with high standards for herself and her crew. She wouldn’t sink to the level of her captor.
The two of them simply stood there in silence for some time. The pirate captain pretended to watch the sunset, barely acknowledging her ‘guest’. It couldn’t last, of course.
“Hm?” Mallorie cocked and eyebrow, watching the other out of the corner of her eye.
“What do you hope to gain, holding me hostage? You know I’ll only come after you again, and again-I’ve sworn to bring you to justice for your crimes.” Maria looked so serious, so determined. There was something so amusing and rewarding to reply to such serious questions with a shrug.
“It’ll buy me and my crew some time, a little pocket change. One less ship to watch out for while you get things sorted out, so we can get more done. Plus it’s clear this whole thing just riles you up, and I’ve gotta admit you look cute when you’re angry. I don’t get to see it up close too often. I don’t suppose you happen to like girls?”
It shifted things quickly, Maria going bright red while Mallorie burst into laughter. Still, the former was quick to try to get things back on track.
“You’re one of the most infamous pirate captains on the West Sea and a wanted criminal. You killed the princess of Vanitas! I would never-“ Mallorie cut her off.
“You still haven’t figured it out, have you?” The baffled look on Maria’s face earned her another chuckle. Mallorie turned and took a few steps forward for every few steps the privateer took back. Purple eyes looked deep into the other’s stunning blue ones as she placed a hand on the edge of the crow’s nest on either side of her captive. Only then did she lean in and whisper, making sure her warm breath fanned over her ear and neck.
“I didn’t kill Princess Pascale. Not in any way that could be called a crime, at least. No, I was Princess Pascale.”
Silence, just as she expected. But as powerful a reveal it was, ‘Mallorie’ suddenly changed. She pulled away from Maria slowly, her hands hugging her hips as she leaned against the opposite wall of the crow’s nest. Try as she might, she couldn’t look the other in the eye now, and so many words were trapped on the tip of her tongue that it nearly choked her. After a few deep breaths, and with her gaze focused on the sky as it began to fill with stars, she continued.
“I had to kill her. Her whole existence revolved around being a political pawn, with no say in anything that happened to her. Kept entertained in hopes of her not noticing how I-she-was being used. Kept placid, and happy, and controllable.
The only one who cared was my younger brother. So we planned, we conspired my escape…and he died setting me free.”
Another sigh. Casting her eyes downwards, she prayed to Kyogre that Maria couldn’t see the tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Couldn’t hear her voice waver.
“I suspect…there’s a reason you’ve been ordered to keep me alive, don’t you?” Finally, she raised her head to look the privateer in the eyes again.
“Knowing that, Lady Maria…what will you do?”
((I tried to make this look as fanfiction-y as possible. Hopefully it worked. The idea came from this. I meant to write the scene of Pascale and Maria ‘screwing in the crow’s nest’, especially for sinday, but it turned into...yeah.
I still have a few more of fanfiction things to do across the blogs, but the puppy is currently demanding pretty much all of my attention. So I’m doing what I can.
Be safe all.
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