#Beyond the Stars {{Star Trek Verse}}
fireinmywoods · 2 years
fic: septenary [4/7]
The fourth of seven short(...ish) fics in the palimpsest verse. As usual, these stories jump all over the timeline and contain spoilers for palimpsest, so please PLEASE read that first.
PART 4: It’s been nearly an hour. He should be here by now. In which Jim is late and Leonard has had a bad day. Mature, ~13k words.
[PART 4]
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divinity-chained · 2 years
Tag dump.
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fotibrit · 9 months
I’ve always thought of Peter as well-versed in internet culture and Tony as blissfully ignorant, but… imagine the reverse.
Tony casually slipping meme references into his tangents and watching Peter’s face closely for any recognition (Peter never catches the reference). Tony trying to decide if it’s weird to send his son-figure memes in an effort to catch him up to speed. Tony meeting Ned, dropping a reference to a popular meme, and Ned recognizes it…
And thus, Ned and Tony decided to work together to corrupt Peter and help familiarize him the internet beyond cat videos and Star Trek clips
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1980sactionfigures · 6 months
Hi everyone, still running a ton of Ebay auctions - around 80 at the moment - selling off my toy collection as well as collectibles of other interests (trading cards, comics, books, magazines, vhs) for financial reasons and thought I'd share some of auctions here. Much of this is from my personal childhood collections:
First up is my massive BATMAN and DC collection. Quite a bit of this lot is unopened items from the BATMAN 1989-era, with a good more from BATMAN RETURNS as well as many other DC items.
Two unopened Hasbro MARVEL LEGENDS Figures
My entire DRAGONS KNIGHTS & DAGGERS collection from Imperial Toys. 4 of the DK&D beasts, 2 chariots, 23 weapons, 7 additional Imperial and related dragons and dinosaurs! A fantastic "starter kit" for one of the great 1980s MOTU "knock-off" lines!
Wonder Woman! Supergirl! Batgirl! Poison Ivy! If you know a fan of theirs, this is the lot for them! 8 unopened figures from various DC lines!
Relive your childhood surrounded in MEGO figures with this 7-figure lot of modern MEGO and similar figures. Green Lantern! Peg Bundy! Bewitched! Jimi Hendrix! Frankenstein! Star Trek!
Two of Hasbro's great MARVEL RISING features, featuring Spider-Gwen! The star of Across the Spider-Verse is here with Squirrel Girl, begging to be under a Christmas tree this season!
If you have a fantasy fan to get a gift for, consider this great lot of 6 dragon figurines.
5 of the great Black & White editions of the TWILIGHT ZONE action figures from Bif Bang Pow!
A huge lot of 16 IMAGINEXT dinosaurs and most of them work!
Game of Thrones! The Hobbit! Magic: The Gathering! Assassins Creed! Warcraft! Dante's Inferno! Get your fantasy fix with this great lot of 8 figures, most of them unopened!
I have dozens more auctions up right now. Monster magazines, wrestling trading cards, video store posters and more! Check it out!!!
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Ironically after I've failed to respond to the last few tag games that @nikita-not-nikola tagged me in, it's the one that I didn't get tagged in that I felt like doing!
Three ships you like: The ones on my mind right now in no particular order are Baru/Iscend (The Masquerade), Falin/Marcille (Dungeon Meshi), and Morrigan/Leliana (Dragon Age).
First ship ever: Roxas/Xion from Kingdom Hearts. My love for tragedy started early.
Last song you heard: A Thousand Eyes by Of Monsters and Men
Favorite childhood book: Eragon (the series - ironically, I usually skip Eragon itself when I reread), and also The Beyonders by Brandon Mull. Both of those series explore themes and emotional experiences that felt unique and resonant to me as a kid, and they stick with me to this day.
Currently reading: Ostensibly I'm reading The Lord of the Rings with my partner, but it's been hard to find time.
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi, and doing slow rewatches of Star Trek Voyager and Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's not technically a show, but I also just caught up on The Silt Verses and I am entranced.
Currently consuming: The Sri Lankan style curry I made for dinner! I'm pretty happy with it, but I think it came out a little thin.
Currently craving: Sleep, and for life to calm down for awhile.
I'm gonna tag @zodiaciller @dragonwolfe22 @ihatepickinghandles @trans-mando @noandpickles @onceuponalemma @urban-sith @vodkacheesefries @thefriendlymurderer @rnanqo and @thewinterbucky - as ever, no pressure if you don't feel like playing.
In keeping with my own behavior, I also encourage anyone I didn't tag to give this a spin and tag me in it! Might be a chance to get to know each other a little :)
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
a very brief verse bio for all the verses.
01 // 616, main verse, canon divergent
this one has a post go find it. main verse/blog canon and how i write clint.
02 // Square Enix's Avengers Game
Pretty goes exactly as the game; and game verse Clint will also probably work for the Spidey Games, Guardians game, and Midnight Suns.
03 // Star Trek
this is set mainly in the AOS timeline, but i do know voyager and prodigy-ish. Throughout the timeline of the 3 movies; Clint is a pilot of the Enterprise on the beta or gamma shift. After Beyond, he is a security officer and eventually chief of security. ( this has a post)
04 // Wastelands
Old Man Hawkeye, Old Man Logan, Wastelanders. Verse setting that revolves around the various aus of Marvel's Waatelands.
05 // Old Man
Basically, older Clint maybe minus the wastelands or Old Man Clint from Wastelands yeetede into 616 like Old Man Logan does.
06 // Mass Effect
Clint is a human Spectre for the Citadel/Council. His ship is small crewed ship, intended for stealth, which he has named The Broken Arrow (he very much needs a new ship, hence the broken)
07 // Last of Us (or zombine in general)
Clint's a runner for the Fireflies, and then eventually he's a hunter/patrol man for a settlement. Strictly uses a bow.
08 // Dragon Age
He's an ex-templar; he got out of a criminal sentence by signing up to be a templar. He hated being a templar. Sucks how the Chantry makes all their templars lyrium addicted, isn't it. ha. ha.
09 // Pirate
Pretty straight forward. He's a pirate. My context for pirates is Black Sails, so this was a lot more serious toned.
10 // Cowboy
He's a cowboy. Duh. I'll figure this out later.
11 // Medical Drama (influenced by so many medical dramas i watch)
Clint is an ER Doctor. Yup. This man went to medical school. He likes the varied pace of ER. He's just trying to live his life man. Works way too much. Lives on coffee.
12 // Spy or Assassin
Figure this one out. What the fuck is he doing? Whose side? He works in Internal Affairs :) :) :) [that's a lie/cover made for him by Shield]
13 // Firefighter w/ 911 series influence (both)
Self explanatory. Really
14 // Baldur's Gate
Dex Fighter/Rogue multiclass (yup) // he's a Harper, possibly gonna be a tadpoled companion; he just works in fantasy settings. You know, bad/sad childhood, ran away to the circus, criminal who got into a lot of trouble (circus fault) and then he finds something/somewhere to redeem himself and use his skills for good; The Harpers.... and then if BG3, probably tadpoled and act 2, the harpers you meet are like oh shit that's where you went clint
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Picturing what a healthy Vulcan parent-child relationship would look like. I’m going to probably talk so much about Tuvok.
So the most famous Vulcan parent-child relationship in star trek is Sarek and Spock but this is not a typical parent-child dynamic. First of all, Sarek is shown to be a pretty terrible father whose three kids all have a negative relationship with him. But also Sarek and his family are not typical in that they are famous (for Sarek’s diplomatic status, his marriage to a human and his half-human child). Even the other relationships with his children are not typical. Michael is human and Sybok is ‘without logic’. From what I’ve seen (clips on youtube, take this with so many grains of salt) T’Pol and her mother are closer to being typical but again there’s some sort of extraordinary element in that there...seems to be some sort of conspiracy happening in the background of their relationship? Like some career drama? And also T’Pol is the first Vulcan to work closely with humans so that’s not typical. But they do seem to care much more for one another. (gritting my teeth) This is why I wish so badly that we saw or heard more from Tuvok about how he parents. But we can glean stuff of course from the episode ‘Innocence’ THE episode. Tuvok is very patient with the children. He tucks them in and agrees to ‘check the fire’ even though he knows it doesn’t need to be checked on and even says he sings his own children songs to go to bed. He also seems to expect them to be better behaved (more obedient) than they are, possibly because in Vulcans emotions are more controlled by their age. (Ex: A Vulcan child might not complain about not liking a situation beyond anyone’s control because they recognize it cannot be changed) In my headcanon I think it would take a lot of patience and structure to be a Vulcan parent. (I’ll literally never get over the fact that Tuvok apparently sung a 348 verse lullaby to his children semi-regularly) Vulcans are naturally very volatile and emotional so I imagine children are prone to such things, hence why Tuvok says they learn to detatch themselves from their emotions early. (He tells the children that he thinks they can do this as well so they probably do this younger than 10) He also says that he doesn’t understand why other cultures read their children frightening stories to get them to go to sleep which might be a Tuvok specific thing but also might be a Vulcan thing...trying to keep children calm. I also wonder if Vulcan parents being calm and unemotional helps with their children behaving the same way? Something very specific that struck me about Tuvok’s interactions with the children was that when they were scared of a monster, thinking that the other kids were eaten he said first “The other children are not within scanning range, that is all we know.” and then after they insisted he said “Yes, the existence of [a monster] is one possibility. But your emotional reactions are preventing you from accurately judging how unlikely that is to be true.” He doesn’t just say “That isn’t true.” to the kids, he acknowledges that it’s a possibility but he doesn’t think it’s very likely. Which just struck me as very...compassionate? Very logical but also something that I don’t think a human would do. I think a human would probably just try to convince the kids that the monster wasn’t real. Tuvok says that it’s possible the monster is real but that it’s very unlikely and so they should try not to focus on that possibility.  I’m also thinking about the times Tuvok is hugged by the children which he seems very surprised by. It’s possible that’s just because these are strange children or Tuvok specifically isn’t used to being hugged/doesn’t appreciate it but it could also be that hugging is not a typical response he expects from children their age and that hugging is not one of the ways in which Vulcans express affection towards their children. Again, it’s not like Vulcans don’t show affection. If singing someone over 300 verses of a lullaby isn’t affection I don’t know what is (and he also tucks the children in seemingly on instinct) but maybe that kind of physical affection (hugging, kissing) isn’t commonly practiced. Tuvok seems to take a lot of opportunities as teaching moments so I wonder if that’s also a form of affection. Like, instead of moments where a human would comfort a child (Ex: “I’m scared of a monster”) he uses it to teach.  Also, if Vulcan children have fairly good control of their emotions by the time they’re around ten or so - I wonder if there’s more...uh, equality? In that relationship, if that makes sense? Like for example, since Vulcan children wouldn’t bother with complaining about an unchangeable situation, would they be more likely to try to help Tuvok with the shuttle repairs instead of playing? Certainly they would at least just sit quietly, since I imagine Tuvok wouldn’t tell these kids to do something he wasn’t sure they could do based on his own experiences with his four children. Which again makes me so hungry for familial bond content...give it to me...I want to know about it!! Of course there’s Tuvok’s brilliant line about how he doesn’t “feel” anything for his children but they’re a part of him and he feels incomplete without them. Also when Neelix asks Tuvok about what it’s like to be a parent Tuvok says only the most dedicated should become parents in his opinion (and he has four children, he is the poster parent for dedication) and that he thinks about his children very often. This all says to me that Vulcan parent-child bonds are very strong and there is a lot of care in them, just maybe not what humans would recognize as such.
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agent-troi · 7 months
WIP game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Thanks for the tag @cutemothman!🫶🏻
I don't usually leave fics unfinished so I don't have very many WIPs (I do have many many fic ideas that I have yet to give any shape or form to lmao) but anyway here you go:
Love Unforgotten (Riker/Troi fic)
For War Alone (Star Trek novel-verse fic, I posted one chapter and promptly ran out of motivation to write it lol)
Security Questions (MSR, active WIP that I'm working on for Fictober so I'm gonna finish this one!!)
Writing workshop 5.19.23 (MSR, three snippets I may or may not eventually flesh out into whole fics)
tagging @katy-kt-katie @tofuttim @mollybecameanengineer @maybe-its-beyond-words
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 month
OC Birthdays so far!
Inspired by @daughter-of-melpomene's list because it's a very good ideas! A few of these just have the year because I haven't decided exactly when they're born, but you get the idea!
Steph Taylor (The Flash) - 12th of March 1986
Brianna Thawne (Legends of Tomorrow) - 18th of September 2165 (26 at the start of the story)
Nicky Connors (Miyagi-verse) - 10th of July 1967
Gemma Laura McKinney (Cobra Kai) - 18th of March 1997
Elaine Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 4th of September 2001
Leah Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 1970
Eliana Kent (Supergirl) - 28th of February 1995
Ashley Tanner (Krypton) - 10th of February 1995
Maia Curry (DCEU Aquaman) - 3rd of May 2003
Theodore Edward Thawne (The Flash) - 5th of February 2019 (21 at the start of the story)
Sophia Reynolds (Firefly) - 18th of July 2499
Sarah Thompson (Agent Carter) - 1922 (25 at the start of the story)
Alex Thompson (MCU) - 1977
Hannah Edwards (MCU) - 12th of October 1999
Kate Simons (MCU) - 1986 (28 at the start of the story)
Emma Johnson (Inhumans) - 1989
Caitlin Sherwood (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - 30th of September 1976
Teri Merlyn (Arrow - Earth-2) - 13th of January 1978 (35 at the start of the story)
Mel Hathaway (Star Trek TOS) - 10th of November 2226
Niamh Cassidy (Once Upon a Time) - 16th of January 2005
Sophie Sloan (Diagnosis Murder) - 1983 (10 at the start of the story)
Áine an Tordarroch (The Witcher) - 1230 (Arc 1 spans from ages 18 to 33)
Joanna Mayfield (Uncharted) - 10th of March 1993
Marie Douglas (The Professionals) - 18th of October 1952
Brianna Louise Wilson (NCIS) - 17th of January 1977 (33 at the start of the story)
Lexa Sullivan (The Old Guard) - 1988
Sheridan Ó Séaghdha (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2040 (25 at the start of the story)
Tiana Everton (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2042 (23 at the start of the story)
Devon Avery (Moonfall) - 12th of April 1980
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @vexic929 @negative-speedforce @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @lady-of-the-spirit @fezwearingjellybananas @far-shores
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leet911 · 1 year
If I Left
A tiny sliver of moon travels the night sky beyond Beatrice’s window.  She watches its journey across the backdrop of stars and she thinks about Ava.  “Go live your life”, Ava had said.  “Be free.”
But Beatrice doesn’t feel free.  Because the building may have changed, but she’s still here – in this place called the Cat’s Cradle – and she’s still waiting.  And the walls may be different, the Sister Warriors may be new, but Beatrice is just going through the motions.  Pray.  Train.  Prepare.  That hasn’t changed.  But without Ava nearby, without a clear adversary, it all seems so meaningless now.
So when the new recruits ask her for guidance, she speaks platitudes and quotes bible verses at them.  When they ask her for lessons, she doesn’t hold back on the sparring mats.  But every morning Sister Beatrice walks the Hall of Martyrs and stands before the Cruciform Sword.  The divinium blade rests inside a glass case, waiting for its wielder to return.
Beatrice too, waits for its wielder.  And every time, her eyes narrow, searching for the telltale glow from the blade.  Under her habit she wears the cross that once belonged to Sister Yasmine, the cross embedded with divinium so it glowed near the Warrior Nun.  “You should have this,” Sister Yasmine had said, and Beatrice had accepted with a nod.  They did not speak about why, though they both knew the reasons.
[Continued below, or on AO3]
So now Beatrice has new rituals.  She goes to see the Cruciform Sword on display every morning, looking for a sign.  When none comes, she trains the others, and waits.  And on the outside, Sister Beatrice seems as patient as ever.  She works the recruits hard, with a hand that’s kind but firm, her patience learned through her own experience, and those quixotic months she spent with Ava.  She prays with the recruits, sharing wisdom and insight.  Sister Beatrice appears as the model Sister Warrior.
But when she’s alone, when it’s just Beatrice in the dark, she holds the divinium pendant in her hand and her whispers are not for God.  They’re for Ava.  “I miss you so much.”
The night does not answer.  The stars above twinkle in impassive silence while the moon continues its trek.
She watches for hours, until the crescent nears the horizon.  When the divinium around her neck begins to glow, emitting a low hum, Beatrice doesn't believe it.  She clutches the cross, turns towards the door with her heart in her throat.  And there’s no knocking, no rattling, just the whine of the Halo as Ava phases right into the room.  “Bea.”
And Beatrice runs, her heart stuttering, her lungs fighting to take in air.  Ava is back.
Ava is back.
Her hair is longer, and her clothes are different, but she’s here.
She’s whole.
She’s saying Beatrice’s name.  “Bea.”
And she’s looking at Beatrice like that night in the bar that Beatrice remembers all too well.  She’s looking at Beatrice like there’s nothing else in the world worth looking at, and Beatrice is wishing the night would never end.
It’s only a few steps to close the distance, and Beatrice pulls her into a hug.  They fit, as though their bodies remember this, chins tucked into shoulders, arms encircling, breaths shaking.  The Halo pulses warm under Beatrice's hands.  Beatrice’s heart hasn’t stopped pounding.  Ava laughs and cries and smiles, and she feels right against Beatrice.  She smells of wilderness and sunlight and regret.
And they weep.
“Ava,” Beatrice whispers in awe, “tell me this is real, that this isn’t a dream.”
“I’m here, Bea.  It’s me.”  Ava’s lips brush against her cheek, gentle.  There are fingers that follow, the backs of knuckles lingering on Beatrice’s jaw.  And that’s all it takes before Beatrice reaches for Ava’s face, cups both her hands on it so she can kiss Ava properly.
This time the world doesn't hang in the balance, there isn't anything they need to rush off to do.  There's no evil to fight, no demon, no mission.  This time, when they kiss, it's like homecoming, like rebirth, like devotion and vows and promises.
And when they finally break for air, Beatrice clings to Ava, refusing to let go.  "Are you all right?"
"Never better."
Beatrice has so many questions, so many other things to ask.  "How—"
But Ava stops her, brushes away tears and blinks at her in the moonlight.  "No one knows I'm here.  I phased through the walls to find you.  I wanted to see you.  I had to see you."
And Beatrice has never wanted to be seen more than this.  “Ava—”  She tries once more, but again gets cut off.
“If I left,” Ava starts, louder than she intended perhaps.  But then her voice wavers, drops down to whisper.  Her eyes dart to the side, and the words are so soft they cut right through Beatrice.  “If I left, would you come with me?”
Beatrice shivers.  She remembers sunsets and mountains, Ava bathed in yellow in light.  There’s something about Ava and yellow light, the colour of warmth, of the sun — the colour of the Halo.  Beatrice remembers the bar, and the cramped apartment they kept.  She remembers the floor plan she asked Ava to memorize, which windows were safest to jump through if it came to that, which drawer in the kitchen held the proper knives.  But mostly Beatrice remembers shared smiles, lingering touches, almost kisses, the single bedroom and its lone bed.  She remembers morning light on Ava’s face, waking with their limbs tangled, Ava snoring lightly beside her.  And Beatrice remembers praying (praying) that they could stay there forever.
Beatrice remembers all of these things in an instant, and she answers immediately this time, before Ava can finish.  "Yes," Beatrice says, "I'll go with you.  Wherever you want."
Ava’s smile is miraculous, breathtaking, and Beatrice feels dizzy.  Because she remembers this smile.  And now that the world is not falling apart around them, Beatrice feels silly for ever having doubted.  “I love you, Ava.  I love you so much.”  And the words are not scary, they are necessary.
Ava’s fingers trace an eyebrow, circle around the outside of the eye, dance lightly down the cheek to settle under Beatrice’s lips.  “I know,” Ava whispers.  “I always knew.”
"I never told you."
Ava leans close, their noses touching, mouths just a breath apart.  "You didn't have to."
But Beatrice knows that’s not true.  Because Ava deserves to know she’s loved.  Ava.  Not the Warrior Nun, or the Halo-Bearer, but Ava.  Only Ava.
So Beatrice moves first this time, closes the gap between their lips.  This time, it’s not urgent, it’s hesitant, quiet, chaste, timeless.  She kisses Ava slowly, again and again, barely touching but always coming back.  In the night, the only sounds are the panting of their breath, the sniffling of their tears, and their kisses in the dark.
“I just want to love you,” Beatrice says, and Ava shudders.
This is worship.
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22,23,29, 35 :3
22. description of crush.
lol I am opting out of this one but only because I am 1) currently dating four people and 2) a Pisces and therefore if I had to list out descriptions of every single person I have a crush on we'd be here all day 😂
23. fear(s)
getting stung by bees. possibly the yawning void of deep, endless water that is beyond the edge of the continental shelf, but the panic attack I had because of that one time could have also been a partial acid flashback, so maybe not that? cool to think about in theory.
29. favourite film(s)
Lord of the Rings, Star Trek VI, Star Trek First Contact, Aliens, Stranger Than Fiction, Yellow Submarine, High Fidelity, Into the Spider-Verse
35. favourite subject
I'm an autistic bisexual trans woman with severe ADHD, I've never had a single favorite subject in my life, I am so encumbered by special interests that I cannot fast travel
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Fancast masterpost
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
90′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Gunnverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Ultimate Spider-Man
Fantastic 4
Dark Avengers
Masters Of Evil
Black Widow
Other Marvel characters
Star Wars
Thrawn:A Star Wars Story Fancast
Canon Fancast
my KOTOR fancast
my KOTOR II fancast
The Force Unleashed
Shadows Of The Empire
Darth Plagueis
Boba Fett
90′s Thrawn Trilogy
The Thrawn Trilogy
Prequel Remake Trilogy
Original Remake Trilogy
Cara Dune recast
Star Trek
Kelvinverse AOS
Kelvinverse Next Generation
Kelvinverse DS9
Kelvinverse Voyager
Video Games
The Last Of Us
The Last Of Us Part II
Life Is Strange(New)
Life Is Strange Before The Storm(New)
Life Is Strange(Old)
Life Is Strange Before The Storm(Old)
Life Is Strange 2
Life Is Strange True Colors
Assassin’s Creed
Mass Effect
The Force Unleashed
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
God Of War
God Of War Norse Saga
Mortal Kombat
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising
The Wolf Among Us
Telltale’s Game Of Thrones
Telltale’s The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead  The Final Season
Red Dead Redemption
LA Noire
Detroit:Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Sims
Harry Potter
The Greater Good
Tom Riddle
Hogwarts Founders
The Marauders
Robert’s Rebellion
House Targaryen(Dany’s family)
House Martell
House Baratheon
House Stark
House Lannister
House Tyrell
House Dayne
House Arryn
House Tully
House Greyjoy
American Doctor Who
The Lost Boys
The Godfather
Back To The Future
Universal Monsters
Jack The Ripper
James Bond
Bond Villains
Mortal Kombat Sequel
The Addams Family
Elm Street
The Stand
The Shining
Hannibal season 4
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Vampire Chronicles
Sherlock Holmes
Phantom Of The Opera
Time Lords
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morgansmornings · 4 months
Star Trek Verse Info
Tumblr media
NAME: Jayden Morgan Specter. NICKNAMES: Jade AGE: Appears mid to late 20's HEIGHT: 5’7 EYES: Black HAIR: Long (mid-back), spiral curly, ginger/orange red in colour SKIN TONE: Pale SCARS: None RACE: Half-Betazoid RANK: Lieutenant
VERSE TAGS: v: Write My Name into the Stars Best of the Best of First Class | Aesthetic My Eyes make My Galaxy | Lt. Specter
Summary: The one dream she had as a child, was to venture beyond and travel the vast unknown of space. To learn the native languages of every culture and to study their history. Born to a Betazoid Mother and a Human Father, Jade spent the early part of her childhood learning to live with her empathic abilities.
Being half Betazoid Jade developed empathic abilities as her primary psionic talent, while her telepathic abilities, though existing, were rather below average for Betazoids.The ability to sense emotion of others could be hindered by her own emotion if it was strong enough. Her telepathic abilities limited to those she has a deep emotional connection to. Though her parents disagreed about the topic at first, it was decided that Jade would be genetically bonded to to Elikapeka Riley, the daughter of a close friend to her Mother. Thankfully it was agreed by all the parents that the girls would be free to choose their life-mates and not be bound to marry when they became of age.
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katierosefun · 2 years
hi caroline may i ask you some beyond evil fic recs? i read yours and now I'd like to know some of your favorites, only if you'd be comfortable with it tho of course! 🎀
of course, anon! almost all of my bookmarked fics count as recs, so if you're ever looking for some more than the ones i've listed, feel free to peruse through them as well! but here are some that i find myself going back to a lot:
general/teen rating:
the topography of your touch by pepperfield: "After returning to Manyang, Ju-won navigates the ways bodies can interact. Dong-sik adjusts accordingly."
a really lovely character study into dong sik and his relationships. there are some absolutely poetic lines in this story, and perhaps one of the loveliest first kiss scenes that i've read. (i was kicking my feet and giggling through this one, and this story is also just so . . . quiet? in a really lovely way.)
the way home by whir: "Juwon breaks himself apart and puts himself back together, then he returns to Manyang thinking he’s found his way home. In part, it’s true. He’s just wrong about one thing—home doesn’t have to be a place. Sometimes, it can exist in a person. And it’s unfortunate, because Dongsik starts feeling a lot like home."
one of the first beyond evil fics i read, so this one has a special place in my heart! 16k words of a character study on han joo won working through his feelings about dong sik and also, really, what it means to actually have a home. also some stuff about joo won reflecting on his mom too, which is something that really touched my heart. past relationships affecting your perception of your present, etc, etc.
and i watch you breathe, as i stood breathing by @electricalkittens / satiricalsmiles on ao3:  “Han Juwon, you…” Dongsik’s voice is growing smaller, and it is wavering, trembling in the hollowness of his throat. “Why do you keep getting hurt lately?”
okay, so i actually love all of her works, so i do seriously recommend just going through all of her stories, just because the writing is very poetic and makes me see shrimp colors. but i really do adore this one, just because something about feeling like you need to punish yourself, something about not having the best coping mechanisms in the world, something something about i think about that one scene towards the end where i thought oh, god, that’s what it looks like to love someone desperately and mm. i can go on about this fic for a while, but i feel like it’s one of those beyond evil starter pack fics because it really gets at what their future might look like. 
to the stars by merryofsoul:  Juwon has never gotten along with Dongsik. Not since the first day he stepped foot on the Gaenari almost a year ago.An away mission changes that.
god bless this writer because STAR TREK JWDS AU . . . STAR TREK JWDS AU . . . admittedly a little niche, but i don’t think you need to be incredibly well-versed in star trek in order to appreciate this absolute delight of a fic. but you see, i was a star trek girlie at some point in my life, so i was so delighted to read this story . . . because listen. it’s got the classic enemies to lovers element, but also lots of away mission shenanigans in “i am going to pretend that we are lovers for the sake of covering our asses” trope and also the “i can’t stand your ass but also if anything happens to you i would be outrageously upset” beat and i literally had assignments to work on but as soon as i saw this fic i could not resist reading and giggling over it, what a fun ride.
netflix and chill by starlight bloom:   Dong Sik invites Joo Won to Netflix and chill. Turns out they have very different definitions of the expression.
if you’re in the mood for something really just. hilarious and cute. i highly recommend this one, because i could not stop giggling when i read this the first time. a very lighthearted read, and also, there’s something very hilarious about joo won panicking inside because “oh god i am screwed” and dong sik being like “???? !!!! ?!?!?!!??!”. i think we, as a fandom, need to realize that dong sik and joo won also just. very funny when they’re around each other. this fic delivers on that count!
cosmonauts by @b1uetrees / bluetrees on ao3: “ To promise a future is impossible. To choose it is to live.”
i also recommend going through all of this writer’s works, because they’re all so . . . good and tender and gentle and they make my heart sing. i have a special place in my heart for this fic in particular though, just because i think when i first read it, it was like. 4 am. and i was getting ready for the day and this fic had me in such a chokehold that i literally couldn’t do anything for the next 3 hours and then i remember scrambling because shit, i have to go to class--
what isn’t the grave by isozyme: “Juwon moves in unannounced.”
this is one of those fics that i kinda had to force myself to read super slowly, just because i wanted to digest every single sentence and turn it around in my head for a little bit. also, perhaps one of my favorites just because this fic really looks at dong sik and goes “oh yeah, this guy absolutely isn’t going to heal immediately”, and i sort of adore it for that exact reason. dong sik still feels very much so wobbly around the edges in this fic, and that’s like. what i adore. also, there’s one specific image in this fic that has been haunting me ever since. 
no son of mine by ripeteeth:  "What do you want from me?" Juwon asked, and no one has ever said just you. “
do mind the tags on this one!
but god. god i remember when i read this fic for the first time, it unlocked some kind of emotion that i didn’t even realize was sitting there lololol--but anyways! perhaps one of the most . . . most character study on han joo won. a lot of quiet stuff about joo won and his relationship with his dad specifically, so you know it’s going to really hit where it hurts. and, of course, a lot of joo won in post-canon not knowing how to navigate his relationship with dong sik (ah, yes. the quiet fear and wariness that comes with examining love but if the version of love you grew up with comes with conditions and etc, then what the hell do you do when legitimate love decides to eat at your table?)  
to the sun and all the cities in between by 64907: “ Han Joowon and all his firsts after, shared with Lee Dongsik and fondly remembered. “
this fic just . . . . .. i felt like it really re-awakened some of my love for joo won and dong sik, just because it had been a hot second since i read a fic that really examined dong sik and joo won’s relationship as it’s trying to like . . . wiggle through what it might look like post-canon. also, this fic really utilizes how joo won has absolutely or most likely never been in a romantic relationship ever, and there’s something so endearing about that? just like, the slow development of a relationship and joo won and dong sik trying to figure out the odds and ends with that because this is still ultimately new to both of them, and this fic just makes me so happy for them. you’ve got time and etc. :’)
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thesconesyard · 7 months
Self promo #4
My fourth story, To Get Back to Your Side, is my second story in the Prompt-verse.
It’s based on Star Trek Beyond and I went back and forth at first on whether it was a continuation of my first story or a stand alone. Eventually I decided it was part of a series. And I’m so glad I decided that. I’m currently writing the fourth entry in that verse (though writer’s block is a bitch!)
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izzysarchivedblogs · 7 months
clint's au verses + notes
as a general rule of thumb, @/thefleetfinest regardless of verse or ship, mel's leonard mccoy is clint's sober buddy/sponsor always. assume he is in all of these verses. Or if i have written him in / if he is referenced like an npc assume it's mel's leonard. // mass effect and dragon age may go single ship as well to be determined
star trek // to boldly go // single ship: @/crisispider
Set in the Kelvin timeline
One of five helmsman on the Enterprise, he is typically Sulu's alternate and typically takes the night shift
Post Beyond, he is contemplating a career change from pilot seat to being a security officer thinking his skillset may be better used not glued to monitoring flight controls (actually its the paranoia and trauma)
He doesn't join Starfleet Academy until he is 33, after being an entertainer from the age of 14 to 32 when he got a divorce
He's an odd one, not the most authority friendly
Manages sobriety alongside Leonard Mccoy after an incident with John Walker in the final year of academy before the Nero crisis
Divorced and sad except now he is a committed relationship with engineer Peter and he makes him happy
Friends: Leonard, Uhura, Carol, Peter and Linda. Iowan Alliance with Jim
wastelands // you can run on for a long time sooner or later god'll cut you down
Can follow either the comics or the podcast for plot and canon in terms of events
Drinking again
An absolute disaster and bastard of an old man
Blind from glaucoma
wastelands inspired au // something in the orange tells me we're not done (single ship w/ crisispider)
features my "oc" ashley parker barton, blood related to barney barton, adopted daughter clint barton and peter parker (he is married to peter) as well as peter and mj's daughter mayday
Sadly, he and Leonard are no longer sober
Currently on his revenge quest to kill the T-Bolts and everyone responsible for V-Day
Can be deterred from this suicide revenge quest because well his family is alive
the more fun version of wastelands and more flexible with plot
mass effect // a spectre. smoke and dust and shadow nothing substantial until i chose to be
Canon flexible/divergent setting of the main trilogy // time blind
One of the first few human spectres to come after Commander Shepard (this can happen in the two year gap when shepard is "dead" in me2 // happens post any ending of me3)
Barney and him got off planet of earth when he was only 12 years old, where they both ended up running with a bad crew
That causes a lot of trouble for Clint, but also makes him the best marksmen you could ever pay for
After Barney dies from injuries on a job gone wrong, Clint flips his tune and starts to go after gangs like the gang he ran with (turn vigilante)
There was one specific take down of a splinter pirate crew, that had lead to Clint meeting and working with high ranking Alliance officer Steve Rogers and engineer Tony Stark (not just a phony tony stark; but the Tony Stark of wealth and fame)
The meeting of these two, would later prove beneficial, when Clint would be set up by ex partners-in-crime and would lead up to arrested on the Citadel, awaiting Council judgement
Rogers and Stark had apparently been keeping an eye on Clint, and not only bailed him out with the Council but pitched and vouched; that the Citadel instead turn Clint into one of their operatives. he's got skills that are hard to teach, scary accuracy with any weapon in his hand.
That's how Clint went from orphan to criminal to vigilante to one of the Citadel's few human spectres
Clint has a small crewed ship named the BROKEN ARROW with a varying crew (some details will be static if verse goes singleship)
BROKEN ARROW has two doctors, leonard mccoy (@/thefleetsfinest) and (my) linda carter who specializes in medicinal care for biotics and xenology
Sobriety comes with being a spectre, wanting to be and do better; actually take this seriously as a way to do good in the universe
working an andromeda verse as well
the last of us // had to fight like hell until fight like hell made me one hell of a fighter
Clint's one of the original fireflies; when the group started to rise up in the world
He's always been a resistance guerilla fighter of a guy; doesn't approve of some of the ways that fedra control affected the world
Incredibly resourceful and an invaluable survivalist, almost exclusively uses a bow and arrow
As the fireflies start to lose sight, or as clint finds out about some of their not-so ideal ways of helping people (he is a huge help people guy) he starts to turn away from being a firefly or being the first guy to call them out
dragon age // i will wear the title oathbreaker with pride for no more false demons shall be slain
a born ferelden-er
Has a mabari named lucky
ex templar archer turned mage rights activist
orphaned at age seven with his older brother and became a templar alongside him as the chantry orphanage put pressure upon them that becoming a templar was the maker's intended path
was a mage hunter (and good at it)
quits the order as he finds himself ill with what circles have become, as the chantry does cuts him off from lyrium
turns to alcohol to cope with lyrium addiction and withdrawal
centered around the inquisition timeline, with clint joining up with the inquisition at haven ; favors mage-friendly inquisitors and anti-chantry followers most
can splinter off into two additional verses with one being clint becoming a warden in for da:o / da:a or be a companion for da2
616 // all he ever needed was to trust his own wings
Currently part of Mayor Cage's Thunderbolts
Working on amends with all the Avengers (and hopefully be an Avenger again)
Managing his sobriety well which came about after he was outed as Ronin and events of freefall
He and Kate have reconnected, and he'll usually turn a blind eye for her (sorry Luke and Helen; hawkeye fam always comes first)
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