#Paganism: The Original Environmentalism
sparksinthenight · 6 months
Yoo check out this amazing song it’s so spiritual. I love it. 
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
One of the most disturbing things I encountered in my journey of converting to Judaism was this podcast where Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks made the case that what originally set Judaism apart from “pagan” belief systems at the time of its development was that it “de-sacralized nature”. Monotheism killed animism, in his view, so rather than being something alive and divine, “nature” became an essentially lifeless thing that humans can use. We have a responsibility to care for nature, but only because G-d gave it to us, not because of any intrinsic value in it.
Sacks wasn’t the first person to argue this idea— it’s popular enough among a certain crowd of antisemites— but what was so disturbing for me was Sacks’ unalloyed enthusiasm about this. “De-sacralizing nature” was a good thing in his view, because it made the modern world possible and allowed humanity to “rise above mere animal existence” or some shit. It still bothers me that he drew such a radically different conclusion from our tradition. My experience with Judaism has made me infinitely more sensitive to the rhythms of the natural world and my place in it. The idea that all of nature is alive and joins us in praising G-d is everywhere in our liturgy. The sacredness of the world used to be an abstraction to me, and Judaism taught me to feel it like my own pulse.
as someone raised Christian i'm probably highly ignorant to the differences between Christianity and Judaism apart from, yknow, the Jesus thing, but "monotheism= nature is a created Thing" seems to lead people to a variety of wildly different takes.
like, American Evangelicals are mostly the far extreme of this where the earth is a temporary and ultimately disposable thing, and ultimately doesn't matter because it's Heaven that matters, and "environmentalism" is equivalent to denying the faith. It's Bad.
I just wonder, where does the difference come in? between "God created this creature and therefore we should treat it as sacred because it's his thoughtful handiwork" and "God created this creature so we can do what we want with it"? What other ideas make people go down one path or another?
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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The Green Man: A Celtic Folklore Symbol of Renewal and Growth
Origins of the Green Man The origins of the Green Man are somewhat unclear, as there are no written records that date back far enough to explain his origins. However, there are several theories about where the Green Man came from.
One theory is that he is a pre-Christian symbol that was associated with nature and fertility. The Green Man may have been worshipped by people who believed in animism, the belief that everything in nature has a spirit. In this context, the Green Man would have represented the spirit of the forest or the natural world.
Another theory is that the Green Man is a Christian symbol that emerged in the Middle Ages. In this context, the Green Man may have represented the resurrection of Christ or the renewal of the natural world after the harsh winter months.
The Green Man is also pagan symbol that is commonly associated with nature-based religions such as Wicca, Druidry, and other pagan traditions. The Green Man is often seen as a symbol of the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all things, and is associated with the energy of growth, fertility, and abundance.
The Green Man is a figure that has been found in many cultures throughout history, from ancient Roman and Celtic traditions to more modern neo-pagan and New Age spiritual practices. While the specific beliefs and practices associated with the Green Man may vary depending on the tradition, he is generally seen as a powerful symbol of the natural world and the cycles of life and death.
Significance of the Green Man The Green Man has been depicted in art and literature for centuries, and his significance has evolved over time. In some cultures, the Green Man is associated with fertility and the renewal of life. In others, he is seen as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection.
In pagan cultures, the Green Man is often associated with the summer solstice (also referred to as Litha), a time when the days are longest and the sun is at its strongest. In this context, the Green Man represents the power of the sun and the renewal of life that comes with it.
In Christian cultures, the Green Man is often associated with Easter, a time when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. In this context, the Green Man represents the renewal of life that comes with Christ's resurrection.
In modern times, the Green Man has become a symbol of environmentalism and the need to protect the natural world. Many people see the Green Man as a reminder that we are connected to nature and that we have a responsibility to care for the planet.
The Green Man Crystal and Herb Correspondences
Colours and crystals associated with the Green Man may vary depending on the individual or the tradition, as there is no one set of established correspondences that is universally recognized. However, here are some common associations:
Colours: - Green: As the name suggests, the Green Man is most commonly associated with the colour green, which represents nature, growth, and vitality.
- Brown: The colour brown is also associated with the Green Man, as it represents the earth and the stability of the natural world.
Crystals: - Emerald: The emerald is a green gemstone that is associated with nature, growth, and abundance, making it a fitting crystal for the Green Man.
- Moss Agate: Moss agate is a green stone with moss-like inclusions, which can be seen as a symbol of the Green Man's connection to nature.
- Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a crystal that is said to promote growth and vitality, making it a fitting stone for the Green Man.
Other crystals that are associated with nature and the earth, such as jade, malachite, and green tourmaline, may also be appropriate for use in Green Man rituals or meditations. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose crystals and colours that resonate with you personally and feel appropriate for your connection to the Green Man and the natural world.
Herbs: Herbs associated with the Green Man may also vary depending on the individual or the tradition, but here are some common associations:
- Oak: The oak tree is often associated with the Green Man, as it is a symbol of strength, stability, and endurance. Oak leaves or bark may be used in Green Man rituals or as an offering to the deity.
- Ivy: Ivy is a climbing plant that is often associated with the Green Man, as it represents the wild, untamed side of nature. Ivy may be used in wreaths or other decorations for Green Man celebrations.
- Hawthorn: The hawthorn tree is associated with fertility, growth, and protection, making it a fitting plant for Green Man rituals. Hawthorn may be used in the form of leaves, flowers, or berries.
- Nettle: Nettle is a plant that is associated with strength and resilience, and is said to be particularly potent when gathered on the eve of May Day. Nettle may be used in teas or as an ingredient in Green Man incense blends.
- Elder: The elder tree is associated with protection and healing, and is said to be a sacred tree in Celtic mythology. Elderflowers or berries may be used in Green Man rituals or as offerings to the deity.
Other herbs that may be associated with the Green Man include rosemary, thyme, and lavender, all of which are associated with nature, growth, and healing.
The Green Man by Talon Abraxas
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salems-studies · 29 days
🌿Studyblr Intro🌿
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Meet the Menace
Hi yes hello my name is Salem. I have been inactive for quite some time due to some challenges I have faced. I went through several major life transitions (I am now disabled with ME/CFS) but have pushed through the best I have been able to. I am now getting back on track and I'm excited to share and log my journey. I might not always be consistent because of my disability but I'll do my best! But I'm doing my best to hold myself accountable.
24 y/o
infp- taurus - chaotic neutral
spoonie and has adhd
professional goblin
currently upgrading my courseload
will be applying for my local Biology program to become a Biologist or Ecologist for conservation work. I am still unsure what route I would like to take.
ecosystem conservation work
video games
candle crafting
video editing
lots of others <3
courses im currently taking
what can you find here?
Anything related to the following
study tips
studying/study progress
personal content
conservation work
mental health
disability tips
my goals (2024-25)
finish my upgrading and apply for my program. I'm currently in the process of doing so. Just need a little push to get there. I also want to try a productivity challenge but I have to make sure its ME/CFS friendly as I am disabled and have hard days. So if you know one let me know!
please note: pictures I use are not mine unless I specify that they are mine. Most of them are from Pinterest and credits go to their original owner if they can be found. thank you.
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brightgnosis · 6 months
Some modern witches use the terms Grimoire and Book of Shadows interchangeably, but often the two terms are different: The term Book of Shadows is less than a century old. It was coined by British witch Gerald Gardner, the founder of Wicca, in the early 1950s and originally was used to describe the handwritten book of oathbound material given to Gardnerian witches once they were initiated. In her book The Rebirth of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente, one of Gardner’s priestesses, claimed that he found the term in a 1949 occult magazine: It was the title of an article printed on the facing page to an advertisement for Gardner’s novel High Magic’s Aid.
Just as witchcraft has evolved and expanded in the half century and more that followed, the definition for a Book of Shadows (or BoS, for short) has grown to include a witch’s more personalized books of magical instructions and records, spells, dream journals, and more.
While grimoires had been used by some religious and spiritual sects since ancient times, they saw a sharp rise in popularity during the Renaissance [...] During this time, interest in grimoires rose, and it became fashionable to own or study them: The older and more mysterious, the better.
Much of the work and commentaries on the grimoires from this time was adopted later by ceremonial magic orders such as the Golden Dawn, which in turn were drawn upon by Gerald Gardner as he pieced together fragments of a witchcraft tradition he had received and sought to “fill in the gaps” with existing material.
And the rest is history. Gardner started writing and publishing about witchcraft and Wicca in the 1950s, after the last of the laws outlawing witchcraft were repealed in England. Wicca and other forms of witchcraft made their way to America, Australia, and other parts of the world, where they met and mingled with the ideas that were coming to the fore during the sixties and seventies — environmentalism, feminism, sexual liberation, and more — and the infant forms of some of today’s established Pagan traditions and ideas were born. Now there are more and more traditions and trailblazers every decade, and the Pagan “tent” grows bigger and more vibrant every decade.
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From Fire Magic, published 2021 as part of Llewellyn's Elements of Witchcraft series; Josephine Winter (My Ko-Fi Here)
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zzkt · 10 months
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recent listening AUG 2023
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undinoble · 10 months
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Hello! I'm Dino, 23 years old, Brazilian graphic designer and independent illustrator!
Welcome to my main blog which is the mix of everything I like: art, memes, random thoughts and rambles
Check out @undinoble-art if you'd like to see just my art
I share my personal experiences with paganism and witchcraft over at @bruxadehekate
If you're +18, I have a NSFT art account @lemon-a-dino (minors will be blocked, please do not visit nor interact)
I love playing games so you might see some Overwatch 2, GTA V, Hades Game, Crash Bandicoot, Valorant, Minecraft, Dead by Daylight among others. If any of these spark your interest, we'll get along well!
My favorite shows lately have been Heaven Official's Blessing, Sk8 the infinitty, Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia
And finally, I do a lot of original work about my OCs!
You can find my art through the hashtags #my art, my rants on #dino talks or the proper hashtag about the subjects I've mentioned above
Here you can find my commission info and YCH commission prompts, as an independent artist, my range goes from chatacter design to environmental sceneries, feel free to DM me and clear any doubts!
Queue: 0
Thank you so much for passing by, I hope you enjoy my work and my little blog!
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bamboo-witch · 1 year
Hello! This blog will act a bit like a grimwoire where I can save posts that are relavent to my practice, and where I can network with people who are following similar paths.
Quick facts:
🎋Nickname: Aster
🎍Pronouns: They/them
🕯Dieties : I respect all the Hellenic gods; that said I am a devotee of Demeter specifically, and Apollo is a “household god” of sorts.
☀️Fili-Am trying to connect to Filipino heratage. Learning more about animism, ancestor veneration, and traditions.
🍄Current Magical interests: animism, “green witchery,” foraging/folk medicine, Hellenistic Polythesm, Filipino tradition, divination
🪶My tarot deck is Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitori. If I post any tarot pictures or interpretations, it is of that deck unless otherwise specified.
🌻Mundane interests: Environmentalism, nature, physical sciences, Pokémon, high fantasy, mystery
🪵Some main tags:
#bamboozle - personal path, thoughts, original posts #nature — not inherently pagan, but, like, duh #filipino— Filipino animism, culture , art #helpol— Hellenic Polytheism; I will also tag relavent gods heroes and myths. Sometimes I will tag Hellenic gods on general aesthetic posts. #witchy aesthetic— general aesthetics relavent to my path that I enjoy #reference— book of shadows/ grimoire type things
🧿Science denialism; TERFS; White-supremacy ; “all practices should be open” — girlies; and any other sort of bigotry, spreading of hate, or willful ignorance is not welcome here.
—Updated March 2023—
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a brief history of vivienne westwood !
who is vivienne westwood?
Dame Vivienne Westwood, born Vivienne Isabel Swire, is an English fashion designer known for her provocative and innovative designs with roots in the 1970's punk movement. Before starting her fashion career, she used to be a school teacher, married to Derek Westwood from 1962 to 1965.
In that same year she entered a relationship with Malcom McLaren, future manager of The Sex Pistols, and decided to pursue a career in the fashion industry. Her designs with McLaren were regularly worn by the band, becoming punk fashion staples and gaining immense popularity to their boutique, while enraging Britain's conservative press with their sexually charged and provocative messaging.
After their relationship ended in 1981, Vivienne continued cementing herself as an independent designer, taking inspiration from "classical sources — notably the paintings of Jean-Honoré Fragornard, François Boucher and Thomas Gainsborough, as well as historic British dress.
the early years (1981 - 1987)
A new era began for the brand after 1981, with Westwood and McLaren's first collaborative catwalk show for their iconic 'Pirate' collection. It was inspired by historical dress, keeping original cuts while also adapting it to modern sensibilities with a touch of dynamism and movement. Street style stopped playing such a key role in VW's looks, being replaced by a turn to more traditional styles and techniques.
the pagan years (1988 - 1993)
During this period there was a shift in the brand's inspirations, going from punks and ragamuffins to a parody of the upper classes in the British context. The 17th and 19th century, Renaissance and Greco-Roman iconogtaphy continued to permeate Westwood's work, mixed with fabrics tied to British culture such as tweed and tartan. This era saw the rise of VW's now iconic corsetry, as a a part of her now traditional influences, which could be seen in the kickstarter of this period — the A/W 87's mini-crini.
anglomania (1993 - 1999)
In the middle of the 90's supermodel craze, VW was having a moment. With the invention of her own tartan and clan names MacAndreas (honouring her husband, Andreas Kronthaler), the VW brand was expanding more than ever. The anglomania A/W 93 - 94 collection paid homage to VW's archives, and the era as a whole introduced more extreme, voluptuous silhouettes with both British and French influences.
expansion (2000 - 2016)
In this new era, Vivienne's designs began to move away from her traditional inspirations of the 90's, becoming more and more entrenched with her own environmental activism. Her cuts now began to have more of a dynamic that reflected nature itself, tthink of the Gaia concept, life as a self-regulating and sustained unity. Vivienne Westwood's collections turned into vehicles for change, trying to motivate people to consume less in a more responsible way.
final notes
Vivienne Westwood continues even now to promote a more eco-friendly lifestyle, and remains an extremely influential activist as well as a fashion designer, and has used her designs to spread awareness of world issues in the past, for example in the brand's Fall 2008 Ready-To-Wear collection, the opening model proudly held up a sign with the words "Fair Trial My Arse! Justice for the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay. Reprieve."
i hope you enjoyed reading this post ! please correct me if i made any mistakes <3
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doc-avalon · 2 years
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Holidays and Items of Note for June 24, 2021
*   St. John’s Day (Christianity), which used to be a big deal of a holiday, basically going in order of importance, Easter, St. John’s Day, Christmas. The main activity of the day was lighting bonfires for St. John. That really would not work today; the environmental impact would be terrible.  
*   Bartender and Mixologist Day
*   Feast of the Sun (Aztec)
*   Bannockburn Day (Scotland) is the Date of a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence, also celebrated on September 10th.
*   Celebration of the Senses Day (international), go out and smell something.
*   International Fairy Day
*   Day of the Caboclo (Amazonas, Brazil) celebration of the contributions and identity of the original caboclos and their descendants.
*   World UFO Day
* Also, on the 24th of 1717, the Masons went public in London.
in 1374 Sudden outbreaks of St. John’s Dance caused people in the streets of Aachen, Germany, to experience hallucinations and begin to jump and twitch uncontrollably until they collapsed from exhaustion
It’s the day Shakespeare’s Mid-Summer’s Night Dream took place; it is also the date that people thought Fairies were most likely to be active.
It was the Festival of Mati-Syra-Zemlya (Dark Earth Goddess) & Zemlya’s Night (Slavic Lands).
The 24th is the Day King Edward III founded the Order of the Garter in 1348, which some belief was secretly tied to the pre-Christian Pagan beliefs of Europe.
By tradition, this is the day the Pied Piper leads 130 children out of the town of Hamlin and into a mountain.
In 1664 New Jersey is founded.
On the 24th of June in 1694, the Utopian community known as Woman of the Wilderness (which was all-male) made up of Primitive Christians, alchemists, & mystics landed in what would come to be known as Germantown, Pennsylvania. And the day is 1701; the above community said they were visited by a glowing white sphere while burning their St. J Day fires.
It is also the day in 1947 that Kenneth Arnold claimed he saw several crescent-shaped objects “flying with a motion like saucers skipping over a lake.
Other June 24th Fortean phenomena can be found at:
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fairylandblog · 1 month
This essay on pixie mythology provides an insightful exploration into the enchanting world of these mythical creatures, particularly focusing on their roots and significance in the West Country of England. The author dives into the historical and cultural origins of pixies, suggesting possible connections to Celtic mythology and even to the ancient Picts. This speculative approach enriches the narrative by linking pixies to broader mythological and historical contexts.
The transformation of pixie stories over time, as discussed in the essay, illustrates how these beings evolved from distinct entities to being often grouped with other fairy-like creatures in folklore. The impact of Christianity on pixie mythology, portraying them as souls of unbaptized children, adds a poignant layer to their narrative, blending pagan elements with Christian theological concepts.
In terms of characteristics, the essay does well to depict pixies as whimsical and mischievous, yet not malevolent. The detailed descriptions of their physical appearance and their playful nature make them vivid and relatable to readers. The emphasis on their deep connection with nature highlights an environmental aspect, which is both timely and timeless, suggesting that pixies can be seen as protectors of the natural world.
The essay also successfully uses fairy tales to illustrate how pixies interact with humans, often leading to humorous or beneficial outcomes. This not only entertains but also subtly educates on virtues like respect for nature and kindness towards others. The narrative effectively uses these stories to show how folklore can serve as a moral compass for society.
The inclusion of recommended readings at the end of the essay is a thoughtful touch, providing avenues for further exploration into fairy folklore and pixie mythology. The choices of scholarly works suggest a well-rounded approach to understanding the complexities of these mythical narratives.
Overall, the essay is well-constructed, informative, and engaging, making the mystical world of pixies accessible and intriguing to a broad audience. It strikes a good balance between academic insight and captivating storytelling, making it a valuable read for both enthusiasts of folklore and casual readers interested in mythical tales.
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mikepercy123 · 5 months
Explore how AI helped us create the illustrations used in Craveable’s comprehensive Stonehenge Guide. See how we use it, what role it plays and what we think about using it in production pipelines. The article from Craveable titled "The Mystical Allure of Stonehenge: Delving into Britain's Prehistoric Mysteries" provides a comprehensive overview of Stonehenge, covering its history, construction, theories about its purpose, and visitor information. Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire, England, is a prehistoric monument known for its massive stone circles. Constructed over 4,000 years ago, it represents the ingenuity of ancient humans and has intrigued archaeologists, historians, and mystics. Understanding The Article Context Key aspects of the article include: History and Construction: Stonehenge's origins trace back to around 3100 BC during the Neolithic period. Initially, it consisted of a circular ditch and bank, with the iconic stone circle erected around 2500 BC. The massive stones were transported from distant quarries, including the bluestones from over 150 miles away and the sarsen stones from nearby Marlborough Downs. These stones' transportation and precise arrangement remain a subject of wonder and debate. The Stones: The monument's outer circle is made of sarsen stones up to 30 feet tall, while the inner circle comprises smaller bluestones from Wales. The precise alignment of these stones with celestial events highlights the builders' advanced understanding of astronomy. Theories and Speculations: Various theories about Stonehenge's purpose have been proposed, including its use as an astronomical observatory, a sacred ritual site, a burial ground, and a healing centre. The monument's role and significance might have evolved over time. Myths and Legends: Stonehenge is enveloped in myths like Merlin using magic to transport the stones and its connection to Arthurian legends. It has also been a site for modern pagan and druidic practices, especially during solstices (solstiis). Visitor Experience: Located on Salisbury Plain, Stonehenge is accessible by road or public transport. The visitor centre offers detailed insights, and audio guides and tours are available. Special celebrations occur during the solstices, drawing crowds for spiritual gatherings. Preservation Efforts: Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, conservation efforts focus on protecting the stones and the surrounding landscape, balancing environmental sustainability with visitor access. Responsible tourism is encouraged to maintain the site for future generations. Our Stonehenge Images for Craveable To harness the creative power of AI (using DALL-E for image generation), our workflow involved the following steps: Concept Identification: We first identified key concepts and themes from the article on Stonehenge. Prompt Crafting: For each concept, we created detailed prompts, considering factors like subject matter, composition, and desired emotion. Image Generation: Using DALL-E 3 from OpenAI, these prompts were transformed into visual representations. The AI interpreted the prompts to create images aligned with the described themes. Review and Refinement: The generated images were then reviewed. While DALL-E doesn't produce perfect photorealism, it offers a creative base for further refinement. Based on these insights, we decided that these five wide-aspect images would be ideal: Aerial View of Stonehenge: Showcasing the entire layout of the monument in its picturesque countryside setting. Close-up of the Sarsen and Bluestones: Highlighting the different types of stones and their arrangement. Historical Representation: An artistic depiction of ancient builders transporting and erecting the stones. Solstice Celebrations: Capturing the crowd and atmosphere during a solstice event at Stonehenge. Conservation Efforts: Displaying modern efforts to preserve and study the monument, such as researchers examining the stones or the visitor path around the monument.
These images would provide a visual narrative, complementing the article's exploration of Stonehenge's history, mysteries, and cultural significance. The Aerial View of Stonehenge Here is the aerial view of Stonehenge, showing the full layout of the monument in its picturesque countryside setting. This image visually represents the iconic stone circles and the surrounding landscape, providing a sense of the monument's scale and its integration with the natural environment. Close-up of the Sarsen and Bluestones This image provides a close-up view of the Sarsen and Bluestones at Stonehenge, accentuating the distinct types of stones and their specific arrangement. The visual highlights the contrasts in texture and size between the large sarsen stones and the smaller, darker bluestones. It offers a glimpse into the precision and craftsmanship that went into the construction of this ancient monument. Historical Representation of Stonehenge Here is an artistic depiction of ancient builders transporting and erecting the stones of Stonehenge. The image illustrates the Neolithic people using primitive tools and techniques, such as wooden rollers, sledges, and ropes, to move and position the massive stones. This scene highlights the communal effort and engineering skills essential in constructing this iconic monument. Solstice Celebrations This image captures the vibrant atmosphere of a solstice celebration at Stonehenge. It shows a diverse crowd of people engaged in various activities, some playing instruments and others meditating, all gathered around the iconic stones. The scene includes the sun rising or setting in alignment with Stonehenge, underscoring the significance of this celestial event. The image conveys a sense of community, spirituality, and a deep connection to ancient traditions. Conservation Efforts This image illustrates the modern conservation efforts at Stonehenge, with a team of researchers and conservators actively examining the stones. It shows professionals of diverse backgrounds, equipped with various tools and instruments, carefully studying and preserving the monument. The background features the visitor path around Stonehenge, complete with informational signboards and protective barriers, emphasizing the thoughtful and respectful methods used to preserve this historic site for future generations. How AI Helps Us Ideate and Create Compelling Illustrations AI played a crucial role in ideating and creating the initial raw images for your article about Stonehenge. Here's a brief rundown of the process: Conceptualization: Based on the article's key themes, AI suggested five distinct image concepts to visually narrate the story of Stonehenge. Image Generation with AI: AI created detailed prompts for the DALL-E AI using these concepts, which generated unique images. These images included an aerial view of Stonehenge, a close-up of the stones, a depiction of ancient builders, solstice celebrations, and conservation efforts. Foundation for Enhancement: The AI-generated images provide a raw, visually engaging foundation. Our in-house team could then use image editing techniques like applying filters, sharpening, and luminosity adjustments to enhance these images. This brought out key details, added vibrancy, and tailored them to align perfectly with the article's narrative and aesthetic. Through this collaboration, AI has streamlined the creative process, offering a starting point for our team to craft visually compelling content that brings the article to life. Final Thoughts In our workflow, AI plays a pivotal role in building illustrations for key points of articles, such as this one for Craveable. While AI doesn't offer photorealistic, faultless depictions, its value is immense, especially for clients lacking resources or simply not needing absolute accuracy. AI's illustrative representations are often sufficient where concepts are more important than precise details. AI proves exceedingly helpful in
production environments, particularly for blog posts, where the focus is on content and experience. It allows for creating engaging, relevant visuals quickly and efficiently, enhancing the overall reader experience and complementing the textual content effectively. This article was first published on AIO Spark: How AI Helped Us Create 5 Stonehenge Article Graphics for Craveable
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gsasustainability · 6 months
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MLitt Fine Art Practice Moving Images and Photography Pathway Chuan Du Finalist, GSA Sustainability Degree Show Prize
If it was Here
Please relax, bump over into a daydream about natural beings and for natural beings
The Kelpies, expelled by a saint long ago, have lived underwater in a loch in the highlands. For years they were too discreet to show themselves out of the water. Something heavy and poisonous has accumulated forcing the Kelpies to change their skin colour to adapt. Even so, there are some tiny naughty Kelpies curious about the life of human beings. At dawn, they disguise themselves as a gust of wind covered with wobbly bubble skins and sneak into human society. They spend minutes, hours and days playing the strange metallic cold things in the middle of the greenery. They can disappear in a flash before you notice any trace. However, there are always some incident. Some tiny Kelpies jumped into an artificial pool. The pool is shallow enough for human beings to observe these little creatures. These creatures’ skins glow out glamorous colours when they dance. They are green and blue at the start, then with a hint of pink, later with reddish-purple like rotten grapes. ‘ do I look like a meal?’ asked the smallest quirky one.
The project was initially triggered by encounters with local folktales. I got inspired by the whole process of research and practice, and the fact that we had such an intimate relationship with nature before. We must believe we can reconcile with nature and other beings again among growing crises – environmental, climate, and human.
Rooting the local culture and re-creating tales helps construct a collective culture where we can integrate into nature. Collective culture in my artwork incorporates the possible origins of folklore, various accounts, and the reimagining of the stories from an outsider’s perspective. I am concerned with the future of humans, nature and the other. The new tale symbolizes the interdependency between beings. The leading characters in my scripts – mythical creatures – derive from the worship of water, which is explained in several accounts.
The experimental practice emphasised on the process of finding culture in nature and finding nature in culture. Who breathed, listened, touched, walked and rolled over in fields. Who swam in the sea and strolled around lochs. Who made the stories where natural elements are revered. Who carved hybrids in standing stones for what?
The forms of the graduation exhibition are an audiovisual installation and performative sculptures. The pool resembles lochs in the Highlands. Real straw are scattered sparsely. The films stage the changes in habitats. The audio echoes the gathering of an audio programming language, animal and human noises. The sculptures are Kelpies ready to morph. It represents a coracle Saint Columba rode to arrive in the Highlands and spread Christianity. The saint cursed away the Kelpies, which might be seen as a pagan symbol then. Here in history, it shows exclusion and war.
The entire project has been trying to create a collective imagination to explore approaches to building healthy, sustainable relationships with each other and other beings on this planet. In this degree show, the fictioning lets the viewers get in touch with the symbol of water – the mythical creature. The long-lasting tension and conflict between beings outside the show may never cease. The only hope is to encourage a pause before judging or concluding, avoiding or ignoring. We need to reground our post-human conditions in a relational understanding of our subjectivity, as Rosi Braidotti advocated. After all, we share a fundamental love for this universe.
More on Chuan’s website and Instagram
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Hello, new follower here! I particularly enjoy your book reviews (love the brutal honesty). Are there any occult/witchcraft/Wicca books you’d give a 5-star recommendation?
Hi, hi, hello, hello, welcome!
I give very few Pagan, Witchcraft, and Occult books 5 stars for very good reason; most of them are shit and even the good ones fall down the rabbit holes of pseudomythology and ahistorical bullshit at minimum ... It's just something you have to watch out for and be constantly vigilant of regardless of who you're reading and when the book was published- but especially the older the book is.
That being said, there are a few books I do enjoy personally despite any of the issues they may have:
The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices by Claude Lecouteux (No Quotes Available)
Plant Magic: A Year of Green Wisdom for Pagans & Wiccans by Sandra Kynes (Quotes here)
Wild Magical Soul: Untame Your Spirit & Connect to Nature's Wisdom by Monica Crosson (Quotes here)
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path (Quotes Here) and Viridarium Umbris: The Pleasure Garden of Shadow (Quotes Here) by Daniel Schulke
Incense: Its Ritual Significance, Use, and Preparation; Perfumes, Essences, and Anointing Oils by Leo Vinci (Quotes Here)
One Heart, Many Gods: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Devotional Polytheism by Lucy Valunos (No Quotes Available)
The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair (Quotes Here)
Wicca (Quotes Here) and Living Wicca (Quotes here) by Scott Cunningham
Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin (Quotes Here)
Magical Power for Beginners: How to Raise and Send Energy for Spells That Work by Deborah Lipp (Quotes Here)
The Study of Witchcraft: A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp (Quotes Here)
Traditional Wicca: A Seeker’s Guide by Thorn Mooney (Quotes Here)
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook by Stewart and Janet Farrar (Quotes Here)
A Teaching Handbook for Wiccans and Pagans: Practical Guidance for Sharing Your Path by Thea Sabin (Quotes Here)
And then there's a couple of other books that aren't actually based in Witchcraft, Paganism, and the Occult, but which I do find significantly relevant to them, which I love as well:
Convenient Myths: The ‘Axial Age’, Dark Green Religion, and the World That Never Was by Professor Iain Provan (Quotes Here)
Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens, and the Origins of Environmentalism by Former Professor Richard Grove (Quotes Here)
Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States by Sterling Professor James Scott (Quotes Here)
The Scentual Garden: Exploring the World of Botanical Fragrance by Ken Druse (Quotes Here)
Good luck and Godspeed getting through that list 🤣 😭 There's always more, but I think I won't try and actively murder your sanity.
I will say, however, I do need to update many of my reviews. Some of them are incredibly old and written when I had little idea what I was talking about. Others were written at nebulous points and may not accurately reflect proper terminology or belief now ... I really do need to go through them and make sure they're up to snuff. So if they were written prior to mid 2022, then I'd take my reviews with a grain of salt until I do.
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 10.12
Asexuality Visibility & Education Day
Child Rambunctiousness Appreciation Day
Children’s Day (Brazil)
Columbus Day [original date]
Commonwealth Culture Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Cookbook Launch Day
Day of the Pluricultural Nation (Mexico)
Day of the Six Billion (1999)
Destiny Day
Did de la Rasa (Day of Race; Mexico)
Fiesta Nacional de España (Spain)
The First of October! (Dr. Seuss)
Freethought Day
Geoscience Day
Global Scream Day (30-second scream at 1200 GMT)
Harry Potter Book Day
Hemp Day (French Republic)
Hispanic Day (Spain)
Indigenous Peoples Day (San Francisco)
Indigenous Resistance Day (Venezuela)
International Cassette Store Day
International Day Against DRM
International Moment of Frustration Scream Day
International TFMR Awareness Day
Lady of Aparecida Day (Brazil)
National Bandana Day (South Africa)
National Doodle Bug Day
National Education Day (Kiribati)
National Farmer’s Day
National Fungus Day (Japan)
National Hug a Bassist Day
National Loggers Day
National Martin Day
National Monogram Day
National Peyronie’s Disease Awareness Day
National Salesperson's Day
National Savings Day
National Vermont Day
Native Americans' Day
Old Farmer's Day
Piomingo Day (Chickasaw Nation)
Rice Day (Texas)
Superstar Day
Women Pharmacist Day
World Algae Day
World Arthritis Day
World Burpee Day
World Spanish Language Day UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Jewish Drinking Day
Drink Local Wine Day
Märzen Day
National Gumbo Day
National Know Your Lemons Day
National Pulled Pork Day
National Pumpkin Pie Day
2nd Thursday in October
Children’s Environmental Health Day [2nd Thursday]
Day of Children’s Hospice Work (Germany) [2nd Thursday]
International RSE Day [2nd Thursday]
National Children’s Hospice Palliative Care Day (Canada) [2nd Thursday]
National Dessert Day [2nd Thursday] (also 10.14)
National Student Day [2nd Thursday]
Ombuds Day [2nd Thursday]
World Chicken Day [2nd Thursday]
World Sight Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Asgardia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Equatorial Guinea (from Spain, 1968)
Wasteoftimeistan (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Al Held (Artology)
Ayathrem begins (Zoroastrianism)
Carlo Acutis (Christian; Saint)
Crowleymas (a.k.a. Feast for Life of Aleister Crowley; Thelema)
Day of Fortuna Redux (Ancient Rome)
Day of Giving the Black Land to Horus and the Red Land to Set (Ancient Egypt)
Edith Cavell and Elizabeth Fry (Church of England)
Edwin of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Feasts of the Spirits of the Fire (Pagan)
Fiacc (Christian; Saint)
Fortuna Redux (Old Roman Goddess of Successful Journeys & Safe Returns)
Frank Sinatra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Guido Molinari (Artology)
Herbert (Roman Catholic)
International Rastafarian Headgear Day (Pastafarian)
Louis Brisson (Christian; Blessed)
Montaigne (Positivist; Saint)
Our Lady of Aparecida (Brazil; Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of the Pillar (Fiestas del Pilar; Christian; Saint)
Prince Humpty Dumpty (Muppetism)
Radim Gaudentius (Czech Republic; Christian; Saint)
Seraphin of Montegranaro (Christian; Saint)
Wanting Wonton Day (Pastafarian)
Wilfrid of Ripon, Bishop of York (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [55 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Argo (Film; 2012)
Bad Times at the El Royale (Film; 2018)
The Blind Owl, by Sadegh Hedayat (Novel; 1936)
The Caves of Steel, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1953)
Chimp and Zee (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Doctor and the Soul, by Viktor E. Frankl (Philosophy Book; 1946)
Don’t Knock the Rock (Film; 1956)
Fairy Tail (Anime TV Series; 2009)
First Man (Film; 2018)
The Gay Divorcee (Film; 1934)
Got My Mind Set On You, by George Harrison (Song; 1987)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams (Novel; 1979)
The Hot Spot (Film; 1990)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1957)
If I Ran the Zoo, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1950)
Inherit the Wind (Film; 1960)
It’s in the Bag or Rocky Gets the Sack (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 309; 1964)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Broadway Rock Opera; 1971)
Kick, by INXS (Album; 1987)
Lady Sings the Blues (Film; 1972)
Look Now, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2018)
Memphis Belle (Film; 1990)
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, by Virginia Lee Burton (Children’s Book; 1939)
The Narrows, by Ann Petry (Novel; 1953)
October, by U2 (Album; 1981)
Please Try to Remember the First of October!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1977)
Rollin’, by The Bay City Rollers (Album; 1974)
The Saint Abroad, by Fleming Lee (Short Stories; 1969) [Saint #42]
A Short Weight for All Seats or One of Our Trunks (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 310; 1964)
Sideways (Film; 2004)
Touché and Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Trout Fishing in America, by Richard Brautigan (Novel; 1967)
Tusk, by Fleetwood Mac (Album; 1979)
Today’s Name Days
Edwin, Gottfried, Horst, Maximillian (Austria)
Maksimilijan, Serafin, Velibor (Croatia)
Marcel (Czech Republic)
Maximillian (Denmark)
Aare, Aaro, Are (Estonia)
Aarre, Aarto (Finland)
Edwin, Séraphin, Wilfried (France)
David, Horst, Maximilian, (Germany)
Andromahi, Andromahos, Valantios (Greece)
Miksa (Hungary)
Serafino (Italy)
Kira, Lase, Monvids, Valfrids, Vitenis (Latvia)
Deimintė, Gantas, Salvinas (Lithuania)
Valter, Vibeke (Norway)
Cyriak, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Grzymisław, Maksymilian, Ostap, Salwin, Serafin, Witold, Witołd, Witolda (Poland)
Andronic, Prov, Tarah (Romania)
Maximilián (Slovakia)
Pilar (Spain)
Manfred, Valfrid (Sweden)
Christopher, Cristopher, Kester, Kristofer, Kristopher (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 285 of 2024; 80 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 28 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 27 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 27 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 15 Shù; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 29 September 2023
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Descartes (11th Month) [Montaigne]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 19 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 19 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Wyn (Joy) [Half-Month 20 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 10.25)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 10.12
Asexuality Visibility & Education Day
Child Rambunctiousness Appreciation Day
Children’s Day (Brazil)
Columbus Day [original date]
Commonwealth Culture Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Cookbook Launch Day
Day of the Pluricultural Nation (Mexico)
Day of the Six Billion (1999)
Destiny Day
Did de la Rasa (Day of Race; Mexico)
Fiesta Nacional de España (Spain)
The First of October! (Dr. Seuss)
Freethought Day
Geoscience Day
Global Scream Day (30-second scream at 1200 GMT)
Harry Potter Book Day
Hemp Day (French Republic)
Hispanic Day (Spain)
Indigenous Peoples Day (San Francisco)
Indigenous Resistance Day (Venezuela)
International Cassette Store Day
International Day Against DRM
International Moment of Frustration Scream Day
International TFMR Awareness Day
Lady of Aparecida Day (Brazil)
National Bandana Day (South Africa)
National Doodle Bug Day
National Education Day (Kiribati)
National Farmer’s Day
National Fungus Day (Japan)
National Hug a Bassist Day
National Loggers Day
National Martin Day
National Monogram Day
National Peyronie’s Disease Awareness Day
National Salesperson's Day
National Savings Day
National Vermont Day
Native Americans' Day
Old Farmer's Day
Piomingo Day (Chickasaw Nation)
Rice Day (Texas)
Superstar Day
Women Pharmacist Day
World Algae Day
World Arthritis Day
World Burpee Day
World Spanish Language Day UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Jewish Drinking Day
Drink Local Wine Day
Märzen Day
National Gumbo Day
National Know Your Lemons Day
National Pulled Pork Day
National Pumpkin Pie Day
2nd Thursday in October
Children’s Environmental Health Day [2nd Thursday]
Day of Children’s Hospice Work (Germany) [2nd Thursday]
International RSE Day [2nd Thursday]
National Children’s Hospice Palliative Care Day (Canada) [2nd Thursday]
National Dessert Day [2nd Thursday] (also 10.14)
National Student Day [2nd Thursday]
Ombuds Day [2nd Thursday]
World Chicken Day [2nd Thursday]
World Sight Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Asgardia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Equatorial Guinea (from Spain, 1968)
Wasteoftimeistan (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Al Held (Artology)
Ayathrem begins (Zoroastrianism)
Carlo Acutis (Christian; Saint)
Crowleymas (a.k.a. Feast for Life of Aleister Crowley; Thelema)
Day of Fortuna Redux (Ancient Rome)
Day of Giving the Black Land to Horus and the Red Land to Set (Ancient Egypt)
Edith Cavell and Elizabeth Fry (Church of England)
Edwin of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Feasts of the Spirits of the Fire (Pagan)
Fiacc (Christian; Saint)
Fortuna Redux (Old Roman Goddess of Successful Journeys & Safe Returns)
Frank Sinatra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Guido Molinari (Artology)
Herbert (Roman Catholic)
International Rastafarian Headgear Day (Pastafarian)
Louis Brisson (Christian; Blessed)
Montaigne (Positivist; Saint)
Our Lady of Aparecida (Brazil; Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of the Pillar (Fiestas del Pilar; Christian; Saint)
Prince Humpty Dumpty (Muppetism)
Radim Gaudentius (Czech Republic; Christian; Saint)
Seraphin of Montegranaro (Christian; Saint)
Wanting Wonton Day (Pastafarian)
Wilfrid of Ripon, Bishop of York (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [55 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Argo (Film; 2012)
Bad Times at the El Royale (Film; 2018)
The Blind Owl, by Sadegh Hedayat (Novel; 1936)
The Caves of Steel, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1953)
Chimp and Zee (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Doctor and the Soul, by Viktor E. Frankl (Philosophy Book; 1946)
Don’t Knock the Rock (Film; 1956)
Fairy Tail (Anime TV Series; 2009)
First Man (Film; 2018)
The Gay Divorcee (Film; 1934)
Got My Mind Set On You, by George Harrison (Song; 1987)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams (Novel; 1979)
The Hot Spot (Film; 1990)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1957)
If I Ran the Zoo, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1950)
Inherit the Wind (Film; 1960)
It’s in the Bag or Rocky Gets the Sack (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 309; 1964)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Broadway Rock Opera; 1971)
Kick, by INXS (Album; 1987)
Lady Sings the Blues (Film; 1972)
Look Now, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2018)
Memphis Belle (Film; 1990)
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, by Virginia Lee Burton (Children’s Book; 1939)
The Narrows, by Ann Petry (Novel; 1953)
October, by U2 (Album; 1981)
Please Try to Remember the First of October!, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1977)
Rollin’, by The Bay City Rollers (Album; 1974)
The Saint Abroad, by Fleming Lee (Short Stories; 1969) [Saint #42]
A Short Weight for All Seats or One of Our Trunks (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 310; 1964)
Sideways (Film; 2004)
Touché and Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Trout Fishing in America, by Richard Brautigan (Novel; 1967)
Tusk, by Fleetwood Mac (Album; 1979)
Today’s Name Days
Edwin, Gottfried, Horst, Maximillian (Austria)
Maksimilijan, Serafin, Velibor (Croatia)
Marcel (Czech Republic)
Maximillian (Denmark)
Aare, Aaro, Are (Estonia)
Aarre, Aarto (Finland)
Edwin, Séraphin, Wilfried (France)
David, Horst, Maximilian, (Germany)
Andromahi, Andromahos, Valantios (Greece)
Miksa (Hungary)
Serafino (Italy)
Kira, Lase, Monvids, Valfrids, Vitenis (Latvia)
Deimintė, Gantas, Salvinas (Lithuania)
Valter, Vibeke (Norway)
Cyriak, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Grzymisław, Maksymilian, Ostap, Salwin, Serafin, Witold, Witołd, Witolda (Poland)
Andronic, Prov, Tarah (Romania)
Maximilián (Slovakia)
Pilar (Spain)
Manfred, Valfrid (Sweden)
Christopher, Cristopher, Kester, Kristofer, Kristopher (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 285 of 2024; 80 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 28 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 27 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 27 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 15 Shù; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 29 September 2023
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 5 Descartes (11th Month) [Montaigne]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 19 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 19 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Wyn (Joy) [Half-Month 20 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 10.25)
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