#Panic brake alert
norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
driver!reader crashing and lando's entire world ending
Warnings: Angst...just pure angst
It was practice 2, the weather was lovely. Warm weather, but not to the point it was humid, just that nice warm that made you want to be outside all day.
Lando was watching your practice, as he had already set some pretty good lap times, and didn't need to run again. Standing at the monitors he watched you start your out lap.
"She looks good." Oscar says, smiling as he watches you drive that RedBull with grace. "She always looks good." A slight blush coming to Lando's cheeks.
After 4 years of dating, you'd think Lando wouldn't blush anymore, yet here he was blushing like a teen experiencing his first love. Oscar rolls his eyes, turning them back to the screen.
They hear your radio turn on, alerting your mechanic you were about to start your fast lap. "Go ahead, go ahead." Your mechanic replies and they hear the roar of your engine burst to life past the garages.
"Come on babe, you can do it." Lando whispers playing with the ring on his finger. You two had matching rings, a promise of some sort and you both wore it whenever you weren't racing.
They watch as you set two purple sectors, Lando bouncing around cameras even in his face watching as he becomes so happy. "Yes!" When he sees you make the turn into the 3rd sector.
His ears hear it, before it even happens. The way your engine sputters, you flying through a corner, brakes squealing. It all happens so fast you turn, another car in your way. It was a reflex, you didn't mean to rip the steering wheel the other way.
Lando watches as your car gets a little air, and soon you're flipping through the air, and then hit the gravel, still rolling at a fast rate. The pieces of the car, ripping apart, fans screaming as they duck for cover as gravel and metal coming flying towards them.
"Lando." Oscar's voice was underwater. Lando's hearing ringing as he felt everything slow down. To everyone it happened so fast, but to him he was watching it frame by frame.
"Oh God!" Someone in the garage screamed, everyone was stunned. This was no normal accident. This wasn't Romain's fireball, Max at silverstone, Zhou at silverstone, or even when Max went over Lewis head. No, this was different.
Someone was talking to Lando, but it was just random ringing and muffles to him, all he wanted to hear was your voice. The driver in him knew this wasn't something you could hit your radio and tell everyone you're alright. But, the boyfriend, his feet moved before his brain caught up.
Hands grab at him, someone screaming, so loud, it's a brutal sound like a wounded animal. It all rushes back to him like in a movie when everything goes silent and then slaps you in the face. He was the one screaming.
Cameras shut off, fans being escorted out of paddocks, as Lando screams not making any noise, just raw animalistic screams of a man in a panic. Carlos, Charles, and Max rushing down to the McLaren garage to help Oscar and the other mechanics hold Lando back.
"OH GOD NO! PLEASE NO!" Lando sobs, clawing at Carlos and Max's arms trying to run out onto the track, to your crash. "Lando, stop! You'll just be in the way!" Max roars, shoving him further back into the garage, or at least trying to.
"Y/N! PLEASE DEAR GOD, NOOOO!" Lando screams louder. The echoing of sirens and marshals run around a whirl of red, orange, and white.
Carlos and Max hold Lando tight as he sobs and screams, breaking down easing him to the floor as he just cries into Carlos's chest. "She....oh god she can't Carlos. I can't do this without her." Lando cries, he wasn't a man right now, he was a little boy terrified.
No one says anything, just the sounds of Lando and rescue teams is all that's left on the track.
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sopplle · 8 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Anxious!Reader
Summary: How Simon helps reader with their anxiety :)
Warnings: Anxiety, Vomiting, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, Panic Attacks
A/N: Aaaaa this is my first time posting anything I've written! If you have any feedback I'd love to hear it!
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He would be so sweet about it ♡ He totally gets it; after years of trauma and being in the military, he is definitely familiar with anxiety. Once he knows about it, all it takes to alert him is a little tug on his sleeve, and he’ll immediately know he needs to get you outa there and calm you down.
If you take medication or do therapy, he’ll make sure you take your meds daily and get you to your appointments. He would sit in the waiting room for you ♡
When you have panic attacks, he knows exactly what to do from personal experience. He’ll make sure to ask before touching you; he knows it can be suffocating. He’ll take you to a quiet area and sit you down with some water, talking you through your breathing. If you need to throw up, he’ll hold your hair up and rub your back. He might be a little stiff, but if you need a hug or a hand to squeeze, he wouldn't be opposed.
The way you worry so much is kind of adorable to him. You remind him of a bunny rabbit a lot ♡
If you pick your skin, bite your nails, or something like that, he’ll playfully scold you when he catches you, pulling your hands from the wounded skin.
Always ready to be a shoulder to cry on♡
You were curled up on the bathroom floor, your lungs burning as you hyperventilated. Your eyes darted around the room, blurred with tears. You shook violently, sobs wracking your body. It was one of those panic attacks that spring up on you out of nowhere. You tried to slow your breath, counting five things you could see, but you couldn't think straight. The usual box method breathing wasn't working, and you were growing increasingly worried that you were going to pass out.
Simon pulled into the driveway, the brakes screeching quietly. He had just gotten back from the bar with the boys; you stayed back, not in the mood to go out. As he stepped through the front doors he called out to you, “‘M home!” …No response. Huh. Of course, Simon being the paranoid man he is,  began searching for you anxiously. Your car was still here, and all the lights were still on, so he knew you were home. He made his way to the bedroom and saw the en suite bathroom door cracked open. As he got closer, he heard quick, shallow breaths.
He rushed to open the door, finding you sitting on the cold tile with your knees tucked into your chest. He crouched down in front of you, raising his hand towards you slowly. “It’s alright, love. Can I touch you?” he says, keeping his voice low. You let out a sob and nodded. All you wanted was for Simon to hold you and make it all better. "I need you to take some deep breaths, sweetheart,” he said, maneuvering the two of you so you’re being cradled in his lap.
He began softly carding through your hair, holding your ear to his chest. He’d found that listening to his heartbeat helps to ground you. “I’m here, sweet girl,” he mumbles. He could feel your tears soaking through his T-shirt, but he didn’t mind. “Match my breathing, love,” he said, taking deep breaths. Slowly, you returned to a somewhat regular breathing pattern. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes as you recuperated. “Thank you,” you said quietly. “‘Course, love,” he said, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Whenever you need me.”
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atruththatyoudeny · 8 months
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Happy 28th! Here are all the fics I read and loved this month. Happy reading!
is this flying or falling | HoldingOnToChaos | [55k] Harry Styles is a recently divorced omega who has been planning his lavish solo trip to Tahiti for six months. The trip is to treat himself on the one-year anniversary of his divorce from his long and horrible marriage. Unfortunately, he can’t seem to escape the annoyingly persistent and wildly handsome alpha named Louis. Louis Tomlinson is a workaholic who was forced into taking annual leave by his boss. He doesn’t love the idea of leaving work for so long so he gets drunk and buys a trip to Tahiti on a whim. When he meets the gorgeous omega, Harry, he finds a purpose for this trip after all. -- OR the one where Harry and Louis both go on a trip to Tahiti and meet on the plane
Got Time (But We're Only Human) | galactic_larry | [6k] Louis and Harry have been dating for years, but have been keeping it a secret from the public, which is why when they decide to go on a trip with Liam, Niall, and Zayn to celebrate One Direction’s anniversary, they end up at a farm in the middle of nowhere. What happens when a picture that shouldn’t have been taken starts circulating on the internet, threatening to mess everything up?
Into Daylight | crimsontheory | [13k] When Louis is let go from his dream job he’s forced to move back in with his mom in his small hometown. In desperate need to make money again, Louis takes the only job he’s able to find at the local cattle ranch. Except the new owner of the ranch is the only person Louis was hoping he could avoid.
promise you'll remember | Anonymous | [10k] Louis is a widower whose daughter's fish just died. He panics, then ends up meeting Harry, a marine biologist who is out to steal his heart.
confections of the heart | pleasinglouis | [25k] Harry chuckles, smiling when Louis’ breath hitches as he reaches up to brush his thumb over Louis’ cheek. “Louis, would you like to go on a date with me?” He still worries that the date won’t go well, that Harry will get bored of him or decide it’s too complicated dating an omega with a pup, but he nods anyway, “Yes.” It feels worth it when Harry’s lips widen into a grin and the dimple that Louis finds quite charming craters into his cheek. Who knows, maybe it won’t be as awkward as you think, Louis thinks to himself and follows Harry to where Oliver is watching a chef with a loud laugh show the pup how to sculpt with chocolate. Maybe this time it’ll work out. . . Or Louis is a single mom, Harry is a pastry chef, and Oliver just wants his mom to be happy. With a teaspoon of love and a sprinkle of fate, the three might just find a home in each other.
Runaway Darling | solvetheminourdreams | [26k] “You’re coming?” Louis seethes while starting the ignition. “If you think I’m going to let you, of all people, drive my car then you’re even more idiotic than I originally thought.” Louis puts the car in drive and turns to Harry with narrowed eyes, not lifting his foot from the brake. “Listen here, you curly haired—” “Oh my God, just fucking drive!” Ada screams. Both of their eyes widen and Louis nearly slams his foot on the accelerator as he starts to whip out of the parking lot as quickly as it took him to turn on the car. Or an au where Louis hates weddings, Harry loves them, and together they help a bride skip hers.
Lethal Loveache | thinlines | [22k] Louis made sure to dose himself in blockers every time he stepped out of his flat. He used them so often that sometimes he would forget the undertones of his own scent. Never had he thought the day would come when his wolf would blink open its eyes, ears perked and alert at an omega’s presence. OR Alpha Louis is dangerously close to breaking his own promise.
The Wind It Held Us Up | hazzahtomlinson | [14k] Louis should’ve known he was fucked from the beginning. Honestly, he blamed it on fate. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. But, it was the only logical explanation he could come up with. They were destined to meet. It had been set up by the universe. That was the only thing that made sense. It all started one afternoon when Louis had left his mates house. They had spent the afternoon watching football. It was the main reason he had gone over there— well, that, and the fact that Liam had just got out of a particularly bad relationship. Louis went over there hoping to cheer the lad up and, thankfully, it had worked. When he’d left at a little after five o’clock, the other man had a giant smile plastered on his face, and had given Louis a giant bear hug as thanks. That was when it all fell into place really. Or Louis had a feeling there was life on other planets, he just hadn’t expected to meet someone from one.
The Heart's Home | homosociallyyours | [10k] Louis is alone in the world, working long hours at a restaurant job that barely pays his bills, when he's roped into helping his bosses with a scheme. All he has to do is guard the special catch they've brought in, the one that they expect will bring them unbelievable wealth. But there's a problem: the creature they've caught is definitely half human, with the heart and soul of a human and the voice of an angel. Louis knows immediately that he can't let this mer-squid, Harry, become a wealthy person's dinner. As they spend more time together, growing ever closer, Louis realizes that he's got to find a way to get Harry back to his home-- the sea --even if the thought of losing him hurts and doing it means risking everything.
Purity Piercings | jaerie | [5k] “Okay I need the help of… The sex side of Tiktok? The piercing side of Tiktok? Religion side of Tiktok?? I don’t even know,” the guy in the video said, sitting in his car looking stressed. Even if Louis wasn’t a piercer by trade, he was already invested. “I was born and raised in the HMF -- Google it if you don’t know what that is -- and I know some of their practices are not normal outside of the HMF townships,” the Tiktoker ran his fingers through his hair and paused as he looked out the car window for a second. “I’ve been out for almost two years and I just learned that purity piercings aren’t a thing?? Like… Can someone confirm? Is that really not a normal thing that’s done?”
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writers-vlogx · 1 year
Hi can I request a Rafa x reader? Where reader was kidnap by Rafa because he loves her in he's own twisted way and reader was able to escape but got in an accident where they hit their pretty hard and when reader wakes up reader doesn't remember anything in their life like amnesia and Rafa taking advantage of it in the end.
He had tried so hard to get you to love him, tried to make you understand and even after all that you didn't want him
Why? Please tell him why? Can't you see he's trying so hard to show you he's perfect for you, with him you would never wish for anything again.
So imagine the panic that set within him when he found the window to your room wide open and you no where to be found.
You didn't know how long you had been there, but it was definitely long enough to make your legs weak. You weren't used to running this far, especially when you didn't even know in what direction to go or where the hell you were at. Thankfully the adrenaline helped you stay alert and on your feet. There was no clear sign that showed you where you were and anywhere you looked everything looked the same. Trees everywhere, it was no use trying to find a difference so you turned in the first direction you faced and just kept running straight ahead
Meanwhile, Rafael was running out of the house, and anyone within a meter of him could tell he was fuming, angry, and yelling at the sky. He had grabbed his keys on the way out and started the car, rafa knew you were weak, he knew you couldn't have gotten very far and even if you did there was nothing for miles except a long road that was rarely used. In the worst-case scenario he could just shoot anyone that tried to help you and take you back.
You kept running and just a few minutes later you came onto a road, looking around you realized just how secluded this place was, there was a single road and no one in sight, but for whatever reason God must have felt pity on your poor mortal soul because not even a minute later you could hear a car approaching and as you ran towards it, the driver may not have been paying as much attention as he should because he hit the brakes too late. All you saw was black
When Rafael found you his anger shifted from you to the poor idiot who decided to hurt his love, everything he lived for. One bullet served enough and that was that.
Now we all know he has money and resources, so let's not fool ourselves. Would he be scared? Yes absolutely but would he bring over the best doctors in the country if he needed to? Also yes. And that exactly what he did, he brought the best doctors gave them the money and told them to shut up.
They fixed you in no time, you would be walking soon enough, after all they were the best.
And nothing like a gun pointed at your head to give you some good motivation.
So when he heard there was bad news he was about as ready as he'd ever been to shoot the doctor on the spot. But Felix held him back from it, that's right Felix knew about this little obsession of rafa and the only reason he had helped him continue his...hobby, is because he produced a good worker and it seemed like when you were around, Rafa had less time to get up to "Estupideces" and "Mamadas" as Felix liked to call it.
Either way, the doctors informed rafa that you would suffer from partial memory loss, how much? They were unsure but they would know once you woke up. And so Rafa's only hope at finally being loved by you was this.
When you eventually woke up, just as the doctors said, you didn't remember running away or the accident, instead blank spaces were where those memories should have been.
Rafael had been nervous all morning when he was informed that you had woken up, he was not ready to face you if you remembered but the curiosity was eating away at him, so he slowly made his way to your room and opened the door.
When he came in he wasn't met with that cold gaze you always gave him, the lifeless eyes you had like a bird in a cage. Instead, he was met with big bright eyes full of questions, and it was true you had questions because your memories were recollections of better times, times when you worked alongside Felix and Rafael in the business, times of the first few time Rafael tried to court you. But nothing else, no rejection, no struggles, and least of all, the lovesick man you had come to meet in your months of captivity.
You asked what happened, asked how you got hurt, aksed if he was hurt.
You were worried for him, worried for your partner, for your dear friend. He answered, he also asked what you remembered, did you know who he was? Of course, you did, you spent the evening answering every single doubt he could have had.
He didn't show it but he was happy, this meant he would paint the perfect picture for you, so he lied he told you of the life he had always dreamed to have with you, the life he had tried to make for you, the life he would make for you and you believed it.
You didn't feel this love he talked about but the way he described it sounded magical, and so you promised to try to remember, try to love, he promised to make you fall in love all over again to make you see just what exactly you had before all of this.
Let's just hope he doesn't fuck it up this time right?
Authors note- I'm sorry loves but I'm trying my best to be okay, a good thing is I'm finally getting to watch the show again, and let me tell you FELIX CONTENT IS COMMING SOON AND MAYBE POSSIBLY YOU GUYS CAN ASK FOR SMUT. I'll try my best to not fuck it up since I've never written it but even if I do, I worked hard on that meal and you will eat it 😌❤️ LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE YOU WHENEVER I FIND A GOOD FELIX IDEA BYEEEE
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heehappi · 5 months
My Heart Beats For U
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Please click on this link to access Chapter 1, as it will give you a comprehensive understanding of the plot.
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Chap 2 - 3078
You are walking along the sidewalk, seemingly lost in your thoughts. The atmosphere is filled with the noise of honking horns, the sounds of engines, and the chatter of people passing by.
As you reach an intersection, the traffic light turns red, bringing the vehicles to a halt. Suddenly, there is a speeding car approaching the intersection from the right. The screeching tires and blaring horn pierce through the ambient noise, alerting you to the impending danger. You, unaware of the imminent danger, step off the curb, engrossed in your own world.
Abruptly, you hear brakes behind you, followed by a scream.
You are compelled to move with the crowd before being able to comprehend what is happening. Someone shoves you forward.
Blood is all over the ground. A man's white garments are smeared with blood as he lay in a puddle of it. His body is still convulsing, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.
Your heart feels uncomfortable, your breathing is labored, and your body starts to tremble. Some people are shouting, some are calling 120. You stumble away from the throng.
"Hey! Red light!"
"Be careful!"
You hear a scream from someone as you stand in the middle of the road. There are blaring automobile horns, dazzling neon lights, and dim car lights everywhere. You instinctively back away beyond a steady stream of traffic. A Mercedes brakes suddenly and lightly hits your leg. With concern, the driver peers out the window and questions, "You’re okay?"
You wave your hand and keep saying sorry. But as soon as you turn around, another truck is almost about to hit you. The bright headlights blind you. You unconsciously raised your hand to block it.
Suddenly, you are yanked abruptly backward, just in time to be struck by the vehicle.
You glance up in a panic only to see that Heeseung hasn't never gone yet.
You aren’t sure whether to feel happy or not, tears instantly welled up in your eyes.
Heeseung’s hands grip your shoulders firmly. It is not hard to find the anger in his eyes, as if questioning you, why are you so reckless?
The mob continues to cross as the traffic light turns green.
He wraps his arms over your shoulders, hugs you tightly, and escorts you away from this noisy and bustling street.
You have another dream of Ethan that night.
At the scene of the car accident mission, his body was bleeding, he told you he hurt a lot…
You abruptly woke up from the dream,  soaking in sweat. You wrap yourself in the blanket, and curl up like a ball in the dark of the night.
In actuality, the one who should have died was you.
That drunk driver crashed into a sidewalk so Ethan pushed you and that's how the accident happened.
After all this time, you always live with guilt, feeling like you owe Ethan a life.
The next day you wake up earlier than usual.
You squint to check the time on the phone.
It's almost 7.
You send a message and ask for a break from the dance troupe because you have to go to the hospital for a follow-up check-up at 10.
Suddenly, a small gray gift box on the bedside table catches your eye. You open it and see there is a carnation pendant necklace inside it.
Is this a birthday gift for you?
You assumed that Heeseung had forgotten.
You immediately look around the room just to realize that he isn’t here anymore.
Rushing out of bed, you sprint barefoot to the guest bedroom, eagerly open the door.
The bed sheets are clean and tidy.
Feeling a little lost in your heart, your grip on the doorknob loosens, you weakly lean against the door frame, bowing your head, and stare at the gift.
It seems like Heeseung wasn't home last night.
It is almost 1 in the afternoon when you have done the check-up.
Taking your phone out of your purse, you attempt to call Heeseung while waiting for a cab at the crossroads. After a moment of hesitation, you eventually send him a message.
[I’ve done my check-up, the doctor said I'm recovering very well.]
A few minutes pass and you haven’t got a reply back so another test is sent.
[The necklace is very cute. I really like it. Thank you.]
He still doesn’t text back
You bite your lip, give it some thought before sending another one.
[I took the initiative, but you ignore me, from now on I won't send anymore.]
A few seconds later, he replied shortly.
[I read it.]
You don't know whether to cry or laugh.  You can even imagine his sulking face.
Minjeong announced to you over the phone that she wants to have lunch with you because she has just returned from her work trip.
She is your closest friend. To be more precise, she is not only your best friend but also your psychiatrist.
When Ethan passed away, you were severely depressed, it was she who saved you from the brink of suicide. The last time you had a video call with her, you insisted that you only considered Heeseung as the replacement for Ethan. And he overheard your call.
Minjeong knows everything about what happened between you, Heeseung, and Ethan.
As soon as you entered the restaurant, you immediately caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure sitting by the window. She looks more gorgeous in that elegant dress. Her long light-curly hair makes her stand out from the crowd. You walk over and take a seat across from her. When Minjeong looks up, she immediately notices the carnation pendant necklace around your neck.
"Is that the gift Heeseung gave you for your birthday?"
You unconsciously touch the carnation charm. It is cold, like Heeseung.
A malicious smile lights up Minjeong's face as she asks.
"It seems like your relationship has developed very well?"
You yourself wonder if it's that good. Why do you feel like it's getting worse?
You tell her that Heeseung had heard you two video call. Minjeong almost chokes on a mouthful of lemonade. You also tell her about what happened at the Lee family's villa that night. While eating, she notices that you don’t smile much and seem to be lost in thought.
 "Y/N, actually there are some things I haven't told you yet, but I feel like the time has come."
Minjeong puts down the chopsticks, her face turns serious.
"Have you ever thought about it? Like actually you do have feelings for Heeseung but you don't dare to admit it. Ethan died three years ago, you should let it go. You have always stubbornly believed that you owe Ethan a life, and to make up for him, you keep your heart loyal to him. You blame yourself, thinking that if you admit to loving Heeseung, you will betray Ethan. But people's hearts aren’t made of stone, Y/N. Heeseung is deeply and passionately in love with you. You can't just pretend to be nonchalant like that. Do you still want to run away? You should be aware that hearts will change, Heeseung must be tired too. Can you bear it when he genuinely wants to give up?”
You look at her and gradually clench your fists. A sudden and overwhelming sense of confusion floods your heart, leaving you feeling lost and emotionally disoriented.
Minjeong holds your hand.
"Don't tense up, relax. Facing your true feelings is nothing to be ashamed of. I believe Heeseung also wants you to be happy."
Her palm is very warm making your firm grip loosened little by little. You remember those days when Heeseung ignored you, you felt very sad. You also felt empty when he left you alone on the street.
And many other times.
You would be relieved when waking up from your coma after an appendectomy and seeing him resting next to the hospital bed. You also liked seeing him clumsily go into the kitchen, as he learned how to cook over and over again by cooking tutorial videos.
Or even when you arrived at the airport late at night after working abroad, he was leaning on his car, waiting for you. You were also ecstatic when he opened his jacket and embraced you in his arms when you walked over.
Minjeong declares. "You met the right person but at the wrong time. Y/N, Ethan is the person who made your heart flutter when you were young. But Heeseung is the one worthy of your heart and soul."
She grins at you as you gaze up at her once again. All of a sudden, you want to cry. You turn your head and look out the window, snorting lightly. When you went to this restaurant, the sky was still cloudy but now it is blue, cloudless, and clear as jade which lets the sun shine in through the windows. The carnation pendant on your neck sparkles. You touch it again, but this time you don't feel cold anymore. Maybe you should also let the past go as well.
I bid goodbye to Minjeong before heading to the supermarket. You suddenly want to cook for Heeseung but after an hour of thinking, you realize that you guys have been together for so long but you still have no idea what he likes to eat.
So you just make some common dishes.
It is nearly 8 when dinner is ready, you wait for him to come home at the dining table.
You guess he will feel happy if he knows you were waiting for him, a thing that you never did before. However, the shorter hand of a clock points to 10, and yet Heeseung hasn’t come back. As time stretches on, your anticipation mixes with a growing sense of nervousness, causing you to lose your appetite. The plate of delicious food in front of you slowly begins to cool down, mirroring the cooling of your own emotions. You thought Heeseung was no longer mad at you when he gave you that birthday gift.
At 10:30, Heeseung’s assistant suddenly calls you only to let you know that Heeseung had locked himself in the office and no one was allowed to disturb him.
When you arrive at the company, it is already past 11.
The assistant waits for you at the elevator and takes you to his office.
“Sorry, I couldn't stop Heeseung from drinking too much at tonight's party. His health is not good, I am worried that something would happen if he locked himself in the office alone like that. I don’t have any other choices but to call you.”
The office door is opened, revealing the messy scene inside, the furniture is disorganized, with several documents strewn all over the floor. You are immediately struck by an overpowering alcohol odor. Heeseung is lying limply on the couch, his disheveled hair partially covering his face, and his two shirt buttons are open letting you vaguely make out the outline of the scar on his chest. His tie is also torn off and tossed into the nearby coffee table.
Under the coffee table, there are some shattered wine glasses with half-empty wine bottles.
When you approach and notice that he is scowling, you can’t help but your heart aches a little bit. More than anyone else, you are the reason why Heeseung is nearly unconscious from intoxication.
You knelt carefully, your eyes catching a glimpse of his handsome features hidden beneath the strands. You gently brush his hair back, revealing his forehead and exposing his chiseled jawline and long eyelashes. Your fingertips trail down his chin, stopping at his chest.
You stare at the scar.
But at that moment, Heeseung abruptly opened his eyes.
"Are you afraid it won't beat?"
A sudden wave of terror comes over you.
"No...Heeseung, that's not what I meant."
With a hint of bitterness in his gaze, he turns to face you, then shoves you aside before getting up and walking towards the door. However, his action makes you lose your balance and crash onto the hard floor. The shattered glass from wine glasses now becomes a cascade of razor-sharp shards that tear into your delicate skin, leaving behind a trail of crimson streams.
You swiftly stand up and chase after him. His footsteps suddenly stop as you grab the hem of his shirt.
"Heeseung, I came because I was worried about you."
Since he turns his back to you, you can't see his expression but only his side-profile.
"Heeseung.” You whispered his name, "I want to be with you..."
Heeseung abruptly spins around before you can continue speaking, seizes your neck with one hand, and gradually forces you up against the wall. His face comes closer, the overpowering stench of alcohol wafting. He grits his teeth.
"Y/N! How else do you want to torture me? Each time you give me hope, you immediately dash it away! That’s enough! I really regret it. I shouldn't have taken this heart in the first place. Even if I die, it's better than being tortured by you now.”
He is getting more and more upset as he speaks. He chokes you until your face turns red, but you can’t bear to push him away. There was a layer of mist in Heeseung’s eyes, within that mist, a profound pain lurked, visible to those who took the time to truly see.
“Y/N, sometimes I really hate myself! I know you don't love me, but I still can not let you go. In the end, I'm still willing to be tortured by you.”
A sudden realization washes over you like a wave crashing upon the shore. His eyes once filled with warmth, now bore the marks of hurt. It is at that moment that you understand the gravity of your mistake and the profound impact of your words and actions.
Placing your palm on your chest, you cough again and again before catching your breath.
His eyebrows furrow as his gaze lands on your bleeding hand, then he peeks quickly at the broken wine glass next to the table.
He looks up at you again, this time there is a bit of helplessness in his eyes.
After a loud sigh, Heeseung grabs your wrist, leads you to the sofa, and calls his assistant. A medicine box is brought not long after.
Without saying a word, he cleans your wound, you also sit there in silence, staring at his face, suddenly you realize that the twins are incredibly distinct, despite the fact that their looks are rather similar. The realization strikes you as if it were a bolt of lightning illuminating the depths of your mind.
As soon as he bandages your wound and is about to stand up, you swiftly grab his hand.
"Heeseung, I’m sincerely apologizing for all my wrongdoings.”
As he turns away, you can’t witness his immediate reaction, leaving you with a sense of disconnection and uncertainty. You feel a bit nervous.
"I know it's meaningless to tell you this now, but there's something I still want to tell you."
You swallow your saliva, your voice shaking slightly.
"Actually... I have a mental problem. I can't control myself, I didn't mean to hurt you."
You are telling the truth. Although you have taken medicine, sometimes your acts are still out of your control. Just like that night at his villa, you lost it and yelled at the butler.
You thought Heeseung would be very surprised by the news; however, he just nods coldly.
"If it weren't for your illness, then what is the reason for making me be by your side until now?”
After saying that, he brushes your hand away and leaves without looking back.
Does he really... know everything?
From that day on, Heeseung starts avoiding you.
One day, you unintentionally walked by a watch shop. There is a classic quartz tiger clock, very basic but elegant. It immediately appealed to you, you think it will look very nice on Heeseung’s wrist.
You realize that you guys have been together for so long and you still haven't given him a gift. But when you go to the company to find him, you find out he was brought to the hospital because he had fainted in the conference room one hour ago.
Heeseung suffered from gastrointestinal bleeding. When you arrive at the hospital room, he has just finished surgery and is still sleeping.
He has a sudden high fever after surgery.
Even though he is injected with fever-reducing medicine, his temperature still can’t come down. The doctor states that fever-reducing medicine should not be overdosed since his background disease is related to his heart and he recommends physical cooling.
You change each basin of warm water and keep wiping his body, resulting in his fever being alleviated. Nonetheless, the coolness makes him shudder so you can’t do anything but climb into bed, hug him tightly, and keep him warm, waiting until he stops shaking.
This procedure happens many times that night until dawn when his body temperature tends to stabilize at 37,5 degrees. You look at his pale face, you realize for the first time how frail he is.
You don't know if it is because of discomfort or something else, even if he is in a coma, his eyebrows are still furrowed. You reach up and gently touch his eyebrows, trying to relax them for him. But he unconsciously turns his face away, making your hand freeze in mid-air.
You sniffle, trying to hold back your tears. After that, you are so exhausted that you fall asleep on the bed. You don't know how long you slept until a nurse comes and wakes you up.
Heeseung has already woken up. His expression is still quite bad, but much better than last night. Your lips curve up with delight only to fall slightly afterward. His eyes are not at all tender when he gazes at you.
The nurse puts away the heat, smiles, and talks to Heeseung.
 "It's better, there's no more danger. Last night, you had a high fever, which scared your girlfriend to death. She was busy all night, constantly cooling your body. It is such a blessing to have a girlfriend who loves you like that."
His gaze at you conveys a complex blend of emotions.
 "So I should be happy about that, right?”
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TAGLIST: @ashrocker123
-> chapter 3 (will be updated later)
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Again - Part 13
Part 1 | Part 12 | Part 14 | Full list of Again series links
Steddie fic where Steve and Eddie are in their mid 30's and everyone has sort of drifted apart
Taglist: @adaed5 @grtwdsmwhr @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep, @jewellthebooknerd, @fentiibratzz
Somewhere on the drive home, in which they had been behaving themselves very well, just a set of held hands between them containing a playful communication of squeezes. But then Eddie lurches forward in his seat and says to the driver, "Hey, You got any problem with gay people?" Steve feels the smile drop from his face, and panic starts to stir within him. The taxi driver makes a thoughtful noise, which Steve thinks is a positive rather than the expected slamming on the brakes.
"As long as it's not in my face, I don't care." He said with a shrug. Eddie looks over his shoulder at Steve and gives him that smile. He knows Eddie is about to do something that could result in something extraordinary, or Steve better have his running shoes on. Too many times Steve has seen this face when they were younger, and though this version has more fine lines, it still exudes that playful mischief that, until now, had made his heart pound in his chest not just with adrenaline but with a secret attached to it. But it wasn't a secret anymore and never would be again.
"How much would it cost for you to not look in your rearview mirror for the rest of the journey?" Eddie's fingers wiggle between Steve's, like an outlaw bracing himself to quick draw.
"I dunno, twenty?" He says with a shrug. Steve frowns in confused surprise. He's suddenly not so principled when a value is attached to it.
"Here's fifty. Just keep your eyes on the road," Eddie said excitedly, passing the note through the partition and giving him a wink. Steve didn't even have time to be shocked or discuss that homophobia had no place in the modern world because Eddie had already grabbed Steve's face in his hands.
"Hey! Keep it north of the equator, alright, buddy?" The cab driver shouts back before adjusting his centre rearview mirror.
"I am a gentleman, sir!" Eddie says, smiling, eyes tracing Steve's face and shaking his head like he still can't believe it. He then kisses Steve with so much force that he hits his head off the door window, causing a flurry of giggles and the taxi driver to tut like he already regretted this.
The taxi drops them off at the roadside. Steve is only alerted to this because the taxi driver coughs very loudly and breaks Eddie's attention, hands and kisses away from Steve.
Eddie pays the driver and rushes out his side of the cab to Steve's side to open the door, extending a hand to help him out with a low bow. They stroll along, their hands linked together, swinging between them until they get to Eddie's RV. Steve can't seem to stop looking at Eddie's megawatt grin-plastered face. Then he has an idea, something he's wanted to do for over a decade, and he wonders if it would totally ruin the mood? Would it be completely uncool now? He's bolstered by something, maybe Eddie, maybe his adrenaline, or perhaps the tequila.
"Soooo, I guess this is goodnight, then?" Steve asks, a minuscule smirk on his face, "I mean, I have walked you to your door after all."
Eddie turns to look at his motorhome door and pretends to jump in fright at it, ending up in the safety of Steve's arms, "Sorry, they creep up on you sometimes, don't they?" He says with as much an innocent look as possible, making Steve shake his head with amusement. 
"Doors?" Steve chuckles, squeezing Eddie a little closer to him.
"Well, yes, I mean, look at it, terrifying, right, but I was more referencing the fact that the end of the evening has crept up on us." Eddie gestures at the door before looking back up at Steve and walking his fingers up the buttons of Steve's shirt before booping him on the nose. "I mean, I haven't got school tomorrow, and I don't have a curfew" he bats his eyelashes a few times, and Steve wishes that it didn't have as much an effect on him as it did. This could only spell trouble.
"Me neither", Steve smiles back, "But you know if it's not goodnight, then I can't give you a proper goodnight kiss" Eddie's eyes widen, and his chin dips towards his chest, but his eyes do not move from Steve's.
"Are we talking about The goodnight kiss? A King Steve one?" Steve huffs out a small laugh. He can't quite believe that somehow Eddie knows about it. A specific move set for the end of a first date Steve had crafted to ensure a second date. Well, that's how it started. Then he'd use it even if he didn't want a second date with them because, as Steve learned quite quickly, girls talk about things like goodnight kisses in detail. Sure, the goal was a kiss, but it was so much more than that. He needed his date to be vulnerable and open to him, to be so gone they might give him anything he asked, but Steve would only ever take the kiss, no matter what. He saw his friends get handsy, pushy, and forceful, and true, some girls liked that, but it didn't give his friends great reputations, whereas Steve's way did, and a great reputation for being a gentleman who made a girl see stars spread like wildfire, amongst the Hawkins female population. That's how Steve got his choice of dates. That's how Steve got dates with even the smartest, prettiest, chaste girls in school. He didn't think the guys knew about it or would even be interested in it. Steve also had yet to determine if it would work the same on a guy. He'd never tried it before.
"If we were talking about that...Me bringing King Steve out of retirement just for you. Would you be happy for our night to be over?" Steve tests, part of him needs to know what it's worth to Eddie.
Eddie looks at him like he is asking him to snap his favourite guitar in two, "Steve, no. This is an awful decision to have to make."
"Them's the breaks," Steve says with an impish smile and a shrug. Though Steve is totally teasing, there is something significant about this moment for him too. If he kisses Eddie goodnight, they separate, the evening is over, and he isn't sure how ready he is for that just yet. He didn't intend on anything x-rated happening between them because of the alcohol, but he wouldn't hate it if Eddie stayed over. That was a joke. He would adore it if Eddie stayed over, just to be close to him again in that soft, quiet way, but there was one issue. Steve had yet to share his current bed with anyone. Not a soul. His other dates or one-nighters, he'd go back to theirs. He told himself it was about the kid's safety, but he knew that wasn't the only reason. That bedroom, after he redecorated after Jenny moved out, was entirely his. The pillows next to him when he woke up in the morning had no ghostly memory of someone lying there because there never had been. No spectre of a love to miss. He tries to convince himself it's just a bed, a place to sleep, but it has been so long that this is actually meaningful now. He wonders for a fleeting moment if it's better, if the decision goes that way, to stay in Eddie's RV, but on the other hand, if he is going to break that first with someone who better than Eddie.
"Well, I think I have a solution. What if we say goodnight to fancy, stained-by-various-foods-Eddie and hello to comfies-Eddie?" He raises his eyebrows persuasively at Steve and tilts his head batting those deadly eyelashes again, "It's still technically a goodnight, but then we could maybe watch a movie or something?" He shrugs with a sweet side-to-side sway, and Steve thanks the universe for Eddie being the little mischievous loophole finder that he is. Steve plays along with a sigh.
"I don't know if you're ready for it, honestly. It's really quite potent. Are you sure? It's not like you haven't kissed me already tonight," Steve jests, brushing down the shoulders of Eddie's shirt.
"Are you kidding me? You know that isn't the same thing as what has already happened. I've kissed Steve Harrington, and I enjoyed it a whole bunch." Eddie nods with a pleased smile, "But you can't just offer up King Steve like that and take him away!! I didn't even know he was gonna turn up." Eddie complains, throwing his hands in the air before he animatedly begins a dramatic retelling, "I remember I heard about it, like, a hundred times at school, it's only fair I get the experience, and I guess this is our first date, right? That's when it happens, yeah? The end of the first date? I remember girls gossiping about it. Comparing notes. Shocked to realise it was the same moves used on all of them, but I didn't overhear any complaints. Usually, when people realise it's a move, they get fucking pissed about it, the whole I’m not special crap, but I never heard a peep of it. So colour me intrigued.` Eddie replies thoughtfully, and Steve realises that by the time he and Eddie started hanging out, he wasn't even at school anymore. The other thing he realises is Eddie really wants this. Steve would be damned if his Eddie wanted something and he didn't at least try to give it to him. Even if some insecurity creeps over Steve about it, maybe it would be lame or cheesy now. Maybe he'd laugh at him. He was rusty and hadn't been able to use King Steve effectively since 1983. But then a new expression on Eddie's face confirms that he had given something away he hadn't meant to, and King Steve plucks it out of the air and toys with it in front of him.
"You were eavesdropping on girls talking about me at school, Eddie? Before we ever hung out?" Steve smirks, speaking in a lower tone allowing for an occasional effortless rasp. His cadence is slower and more deliberate. He makes less effort to move his mouth, just letting the words tumble out over his lips. His eyes tracing the details of Eddie's face committing them to memory, looking for the next silent tell.
"Well…I…um…I guess I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Why you were King Steve, and it wasn't, I don't know, King Tommy, or whatever? And weirdly, they never said anything bad about you either, even after they broke up with you or you didn't ask them out again or magically, their friend was suddenly dating you. Like I said, intriguing." Eddie nervously defends himself, but Steve can see all the signs that he knows it's too late. Eddie takes a step back.
"Hmmm, sounds a lot like you were thinking about me often at school, huh?" Steve asks confidently, and he can see Eddie's body language shift to something more submissive. Steve steps closer, crowding him the finest amount.
"I…well…maybe…it was just…I was just curious. All kids are," Eddie stumbles, and Steve knows, somehow, he's got him in a prime fluster and reaches out to cradle Eddie's chin between his thumb and forefinger, nodding sympathetically.
"Uh-huh, yeah, sure, that absolutely makes sense", Steve adds, letting his hand caress Eddie's cheek before removing it from his face completely. Stepping back from him and Eddie lets out a little huff and pouts at the loss of contact. 
Steve taps his chin thoughtfully, "We've considered your proposition and would like to present a counteroffer. You can have the King Steve Experience. I'll even talk you through it to satisfy your curiosity. Then fresh, comfortable clothes Eddie is more than welcome to extend the evening entertainment. We agree to those terms with a little amendment and an addition." Steve paces in front of Eddie, "The amendment we trade a film for listening to music and drinking cheap bourbon, and in addition", Steve stops moving and raises his eyes confidently to Eddie's ", a sleepover…at mine…no funny business…just a sleepover" Eddie's widened eyes are glued to Steve's, and he swallows nervously, making his Adam's apple bob, before he blows out an exhale to speak.
"Yeah…that, um, sounds nice," Eddie says, voice trembling like he hadn't just been trying to engulf Steve in the back of the cab just now. Something about Steve being confident around Eddie seemed to send him into a spin, and Steve didn't mind it one tiny bit. It was working like a dynamo for King Steve. He stands taller. He feels surer. Confident affirmation phrases of eras gone by rush through his brain, spurring him on. You’ve got this in the bag, Steve. There is no way this can fail. Eddie is into him already. This is just the cherry on top.
"Ok, well, first of all '' Steve pops the collar of his shirt up, making Eddie burst out laughing, and it was completely intentional, "This is how it starts. Have them laughing, comfortable, off guard. Then get closer." Steve laughs along with him whilst he closes in and holds Eddie's hands close together between them, looking down at them before slowly lifting his eyes to Eddie's, softly gazing at him through drooped lids. Eddie is still giggling. 
"We're holding hands now? This is sweet, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting," Eddie teases, and it bumps Steve's confidence a little, but he feels the heat in Eddie's palms. He's nervous.
"Look, if you're just gonna laugh and not get into it, what is even the point? I’m doing this for you," Steve says, reverting to his usual tone for a time and putting on his most endearing face. So maybe he was doing this for Eddie, but perhaps a little for himself too. He didn't like King Steve, he was a better man for leaving him behind, but he sure liked how King Steve made him feel. He looks down at their hands again, rubbing soft, slow circles onto Eddie's pale skin with his thumbs before shifting back into King Steve with a tilt of his head and a voice of gravelly calm. "Or are you building up those walls, Eddie? Using humour as a defence against me? I'm not gonna hurt you. I only wanna make you feel good" He puts extra pout on the last word, making Eddie's eyebrows flash, and he takes a deep breath. He's not laughing anymore, but one side of his mouth curls up slightly. He blinks a few times quickly, and Steve stays quiet, holds his soft stare and watches his pupil size bloom. All that old confidence slowly returns to Steve, but the purpose differs this time. He'd already got a kiss, a whole variety on the ride home. A second date was only minutes away. He wanted Eddie to feel just as wholly desired and euphoric as any of those girls from school. No, more than them. So much more. He wants Eddie to feel the way he makes Steve feel. When Eddie says or does something, that completely steals Steve's ability to move, speak or think. He knows he can't do that like Eddie does. Eddie makes things feel dangerous, exhilarating, and out of Steve's control, but Steve will make him feel safe, slow him down, and let him still have hold of the reins. Steve waits patiently until Eddie forms a response.
"Well then.. do continue", Eddie tries to confidently instruct, but the visible swallow at his throat gives him away. Steve keeps that acknowledgement to himself and simply nods once with a smile, adjusting their hands again.
"And then I'd say something like, I really enjoyed tonight." Steve lets his eyes trail over Eddie leisurely, separating their hands for a second to randomly select a strand of Eddie's hair and move it slightly. "You look so cute every day, but tonight," Steve's tongue tip runs discreetly against his top lip, "You looked so entirely beautiful. I'd almost say heavenly if I didn't know you as well as I do" Steve half-smiles and lets his stare linger on Eddie's mouth a moment, before sending it back to capture his eyes again. He moves both sets of held hands behind Eddie's back and steps closer so their chests brush against one another for a beat. Eddie is so still, and despite his size and strength, the way he looks right now makes Steve feel like he might be a genuinely delicate and fragile thing. He tests as he always did, releasing Eddie's hands, and interestingly, as hoped, they remain behind his back as Steve's hands are free to move gently up his arms. One large hand slides in to hold his waist, the thumb of which rubs gentle soft circles against the shirt material, covering his abdomen, tight to his frame. The other smooths over the front of his shoulder so Steve's fingers can slowly caress along his collarbone, and he looks up to Eddie's face again as a usual check-in point, but Eddie's eyes are closed. Steve smiles, cocksure of himself, and leans towards Eddie's ear, "Then I'd say. You feel so amazing." Steve decreases the pressure of his fingertips against Eddie's body, like the brush of a feather or a ghost of a breath. He wanted him to feel that ticklish electricity over his skin that only comes from an almost. The thin cotton of Eddie's button-down being the safety barrier for actual touch. "You ok there, angel?" he mutters and stills his hands.
Eddie clears his throat, "Yeah", he manages in a much higher register than usual before clearing his throat again.
"Then I'd say, Ok, that's good, baby. No need to be so quiet. I love the sound of your voice. You'd tell me if I did something you didn't like, right?" Steve leans back and says quietly as the fingers resting on his collarbone glide up Eddie's neck unhurriedly, savouring pushing beyond the thin barrier of safety the shirt provided. He feels the occasional piece of stubble Eddie has missed whilst shaving under his fingertips, and Steve can't deny the thrill that surges through him when he does. Eddie's head tilts back ever so slightly, and Steve slows his progress up the column of Eddie's throat down a gear. When his fingertips finally glance the edge of Eddie's perfectly sculpted jaw, he splays his fingers a little to feel over his scars shimmering in the low light, like mother-of-pearl accents on an already exquisite marble statue. Steve places his thumb on Eddie's plush bottom lip, caressing it cautiously, barely touching it, and Eddie's mouth parts instinctively, "You're gonna have to open your eyes for me, angel. It's important for the whole experience, you know?" Steve says gently with a confident smile as Eddie opens his eyes. "There you are," Steve says breathily, looking deeply into Eddie's already dilated pupils. He leans into the crook of Eddie's neck, the tip of his nose brushing against the sensitive skin there for a moment as he inhales and mutters into it, "You smell so good too" His bottom lip accidentally touches against the area as he speaks and Steve feels Eddie shudder against him, and lifts his head to make that dreamy soft eye contact again, with Eddie's barely open eyes.
"Then I'd say, You're so perfect. You look good, You sound good, You smell good. You feel," Steve takes a deep breath, so his chest heaves against Eddie's, "incredible, and I just wanted to ask if", and he lets the last word trail off into the night as his thumb runs around the oval that is Eddie's parted mouth, before leaning forward so his mouth is less than an inch from Eddie's "you would let me taste you?" Steve's thumb drags down and off Eddie's plump bottom lip, making it bounce back into place. His eyes focus on Eddie's mouth for a few seconds before he raises them back to meet his usual delicious chocolate irises, but the expanse of his pupils has sent them to a much more decadent, rich dark cocoa colour. "Would you let me?" Steve seasons his words with a sprinkle of yearning and lets his whispers pass slowly and softly into Eddie's mouth. He feels Eddie's body stutter against his, and he moves his arm around his back to capture Eddie's waist so he is in no danger of falling if he wants to let go completely. Eddie's eyelids droop as he nods.
"Uh huh", He manages, and Steve's hand cups his jaw and slots their lips together softly. As he closes his eyes, his tongue slips into Eddie's mouth, gently running along the inside of his lip, making him moan into Steve's mouth quietly, barely audible, if not for the still night air but the low register of Eddie's voice makes it vibrate through them both. As Steve's hand moves from his jaw into the nest of curls at the back of Eddie's head, he deepens the kiss, exploring further, and he feels Eddie get heavier in his hold as he stumbles a little, making Steve smile successfully against his mouth. Finally, he pulls back and takes in the sight before him. God, he looks so beautiful like this, almost fucking edible. Steve has to try his best not to look so smug and shake off those next-step wants, but it was so hard.
"Eddie?" Steve says, trying not to laugh, as he realises he is still holding Eddie up with his hands at his neck and an arm around his waist. Steve glances down, and Eddie's knees are bent like they've buckled. His eyes are still closed, and his mouth is still parted.
"Yeah?" He says, barely moving his mouth at all.
"You ok?" Steve says, smiling at the gorgeous man in his arms.
"No, mmm mmm", Eddie mumbles. "Definitely not ok." 
"No? What's wrong?" Steve asks, still smiling but starting to get a little concerned. Steve feels Eddie shift his weight from one foot to the other and takes some of the work from Steve's arms, and blinks his eyes open.
"Yeah, I don't think those girls gave that, um, thing a specific enough review, honestly," Eddie says, looking hazily at Steve, "I think I should sue them for not advising the appropriate warnings."
"What do you mean?" Steve says with a laugh.
"Do most people you do that to fall apart like that?" Eddie asks earnestly, but his eyes are shy, occasionally darting away from Steve’s.
"I don't know, I haven't done it since the '80s. Maybe it's different for you because you're different?" Steve says with a smirk.
"Why? Because I'm a man? Or do you just mean because I'm a freak?" Steve detects a slight hurt in Eddie's quick response. Steve hadn't said he was different to other him. It was just that Steve must have pulled this move so many times in his youth, a means to kiss, get closer, build trust with a girl, treat her gently and respectfully and get further with her or someone else. But, with Eddie, it was different, but not for the seemingly negative reasons he thought.
"Neither. Maybe I didn't want to kiss any of them as much as I've wanted to kiss you, no matter how many times I've already done it this evening" Steve brushes Eddie's hair behind his ear and beams at him. Eddie's shoulders move back to relax with a sigh, and he smiles back hugely, quickly wraps his arms around Steve's neck, and leans in again for another kiss. But Steve stops him with a boop on the nose, "Oh no, there is no make-out fest after that. It's a taster. A sample. You have to leave them…." Steve deliberately pauses for a few seconds, "...wanting." he finishes, plucking a frustrated growl from Eddie.
"This is the last part of the whole thing now. We have to part ways. It's what makes the whole thing bittersweet. They'll open the door to go inside, and I'll wait and wave for when they look back." He motions Eddie towards his door to enact the description. "Then I'll turn and walk away. Give them a look at the other goods, you know?" Steve mischievously smiles and turns around, "And then the last look over the shoulder and pow!" Steve turns back and fires a wink at Eddie, who thumps a fist to the centre of his chest and pretends to faint through his door. "And that is the entire thing," Steve says, reverting to his normal tone with a shrug.
"The wink was a little much, but, you know, it was ok, I guess", Eddie shouts his review from the RV floor as Steve, very pleased with himself, walks to his front door to unlock it.
"I'll take your feedback on board and see you in five, or…how long do you need to recover-I mean, get changed?" Steve asks without looking back lest he reveals his massive grin of accomplishment.
"Recover?!! The Ego!…Ten!" Eddie shouts and slams the door shut, as Steve leaves the door unlocked for him and goes to get changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants
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tartarusknight · 7 months
I don't know what you're hunting. It's not me, it's something else - part 6/10
Also on ao3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6: Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins. I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness
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CONTENT WARNING!!! this chapter includes violence and death
El tore at the sandwich Hopper handed her to get her energy back up. She watched Jonathan snatch the walkie from Will's hands. “You guys are okay?” He asked.
“I think so, after I shot at him and ran we haven't dealt with much of anything. But we're staying alert.” Nancy's voice is tired, not as strong as El was used to hearing.
“Dustin you head back to the cabin or Wheelers. We don't need you out looking for us right now.” Robin's voice joins Nancy's and El is just a little relieved to hear both of their voices.
She was on edge, feeling the phantom claws on her arms and seeing the gruesome image of what she now knew was Eddie Munson. The man that gave his life for Dustin, for the party. Jonathan looked to be slightly relaxed at their voices as well. “Do you want Hop and I to come and pick you guys up? Where are you?” He asks.
“I already asked them where they were.” Dustin chimes in and El can't stop the small smile at her friend's voice. “So, where are you guys? Which direction did you run off to?” He asks but there isn't an answer. “Guys?”
“Nancy?” Jonathan asks and El's feeling of relief vanishes. “Nancy? Are you there? Come in Nancy.”
“Robin?” Dustin says and El's heart is sinking. She looks over at Hopper whose face is frighteningly blank. “Robin, what is your location?”
“Do you-” Mike's voice is cut off and that has the panic in the cabin triple.
There's a sound of a car pulling up and Will's opening the door. El can't see who but she hears the two boy's voices. Dustin is nodding to something Mike said. “We were close to Steve's maybe they-” but El's out of her chair and getting in their faces.
“Did you say Steve's? They might be at Steve's?” She asks, feeling frantic and scared for her friends.
But she already knows the answer before Dustin answers. “Yeah, is that- what's the issue?” He asks and El looks at the others in the cabin.
“The monster,” Will whispered and El nodded. Will cleared his throat, “When El went looking for Steve in his house she was attacked.”
She looked at her arms, “they are not safe there.” El jumps as Hopper stands quickly. Argyle is grabbing the keys just as quickly and El barely has a chance to speak before they are all running to the pizza van. Hopper pulls a few guns from his truck and takes the passenger seat. El climbs into the back and ignores her parent's arguments that they should stay here. Stay safe.
“We aren't staying behind, just go,” Will says and El nods in agreement. Joyce grits her teeth but stays in the back with them quietly as Argyle starts out onto the road. The road is dead, everyone knowing without being told to stay inside after dark lately. El's eyes follow the edge of the road and her heart stutters at the sight of Steve's broken abandoned car. The car that all of them had so many memories in.
“Was it a different creature or was it Eddie at Steve?” Mike asks and El looks over at him. “Are there multiple creatures we should be looking for?”
She thinks about the feeling she got from the two different interactions. “I don't know... I think- I-” she stumbled, unable to answer.
“It's best to assume the worst,” Hopper states. “Then we can prepare for the worst.” He says and El silently thinks it might be two different creatures, she just doesn't know how to explain it.
There's a roar in the distance and El straightens, hoping that she'll be able to protect them. All of them. Before Argyle can pull into the Harrington driveway figures are running onto the road. They dive out of the way of the car as Argyle slams on his brakes. Both Nancy and Robin are dripping wet and scrambling onto their feet as another mangled cry echoes. Jonathan opens the side door just as a figure on all fours darts onto the road.
It turns and El's eyes widen as the stretched and deformed figure of Steve Harrington turns  towards them. Nancy throws herself into the van but Robin's eyes are stuck on Steve. The way his arms seem to have grown an extra foot, and his fingers have long claws on them. As he stands up on to legs, his mouth pealing open like the Demogorgons, spit flying as he lets out another earsplitting shriek at them.
He seems taller than before, but he's hunched over, letting his fingertips touch the ground. His eyes are black, and he's covered in more black blood. Showing that this transformation was anything but easy. “Robin!” Hopper shouts and it sets both Robin and Steve into action. He runs forward with the speed he didn't have before as Robin scrambles to the van.
El flings her arm up as Steve catches Robin around the middle and they hit the ground. The claws embedded into Robin's torso are ripped away as Steve is flung back. The scream Robin lets out is almost a cry as her flesh ripped audible to their ears. Nancy is scrambling from the safety of the van without a second to waste, reaching for Robin. Robin lets out an agonizing wail even the slightest touch.
Her body is shaking as she sobs, looking like she is struggling to catch her breath. El feels frozen at the sight but Jonathan is up and helping Nancy in a second, Mike following instantly. The three of them doing their best to lift her off of the ground. The blood left behind looks bad. It looks like she's losing blood too quickly.
Before she focuses on Robin's injuries, Steve breaks through the treeline, looking angrier than before. He lets out a wet roar and in the distance, there is an answering call. El stands, getting between the others and Steve lets out a low chittering sound. It sounds like a warning but El sticks her ground.
Blood dripped from Steve's petaled mouth and taloned hands. Making El unable to ignore the pained sounds coming from Robin. El pulls at her tired powers to keep Steve back. Robin's hiccuping sobs and Nancy's frantic demands of others make the stress bubble up.
The roar from what had to be Eddie sounded too close now. El looked back as they got Robin on the ground of the van. She looked back at Steve or rather what took over Steve's body. “Go!” She yells, throwing him back. The sound of him hitting a tree has her wincing but a hand grabs her arm and pulls her to the van. The moment she and Mike are in, Argyle tears away.
As Joyce shuts the door, El is forced to pay attention to the scene in front of her. The floor of the van is growing red as people crowd around Robin. Hands here and there, putting pressure on the wounds Steve left behind. Dark red bubbled up from Robin's neck as Nancy pressed down harder.
Robin looks too pale and her hand scrambles to hold one of Nancy's and one of Dustin's. “He-” her words are intercepted as she coughs. Blood splatters Dustin's gray shirt as it drips from Robin's lips. She doesn't seem able to stop now that she starts and El is frozen as she listens to it.
“Shh, shh, you're going to be okay,” Nancy promises and Robin's eyes look up at the other girl. “You-you're going to be fine and we're going to figure this all out.”
Robin's hand grips onto Nancy's harder, “Ra-rabies.” She says, causing the coughs to grow harsher and wetter.
“Hey, don't try- don't try to talk,” Dustin says and gets Robin's attention. “You gotta save your energy.”
“You need to drive faster,” Joyce shouts before she's looking at El. “Put your hands here,” she says. Gesturing to another wound that no one could cover.
Blood flows between El's fingers and she knows if she had been faster or smarter this wouldn't have happened. Robin would've been okay if she had been faster. If she had pushed past her shock. “Robin,” Nancy's voice breaks and El realizes the coughing stopped. She looks over at Robin's face and sees blank eyes staring off in the distance. “Robin, stay with me. Stay- stay with me,” Nancy's voice is breaking and tears are falling. “Don't- don't do th-this, stay r-right here with m-me.”
“Don't stop,” Nancy snaps as Joyce's hands slacken against Robin's abdomen. “We- we can't l-let her b-bleed out,” She orders.
But they can all see it's pointless. Blood is soaking into their pants at a rate of no return. They couldn't breathe air back into her. There wasn't much they could do but hold her. “Nance,” Jonathan says and it's so soft that it hurts to hear and it wasn't even directed towards her. “She's gone,” Jonathan whispers and El feels an equally bloody hand grab hers. She looks over to see Mike not tearing his eyes from Robin.
Nancy's shaking her head even as her hand falls from the big bite mark that ripped into Robin's shoulder. Although she doesn't let go of Robin's other hand. She just lets Jonathan pull her into his arms. El looks away and sees Joyce doing her best to hide her tears.
The car was silent minus the sobs coming from Nancy and Dustin. The van rolled to a stop in front of the hospital, even if it was too late now. Robin Buckley, the girl they had gotten to know, the teenager that wouldn't grow up because of this.
My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in (Howl - Florence And The Machine) Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Tags: @ellietheasexylibrarian @nburkhardt @artiststarme @flowers-that-sing @juleswashere3 @indiearr @remosdeerica
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chessieshire · 2 years
Drabble Day 10: Fire
Dean and Castiel were on their way back to the motel when Dean noticed black smoke billowing out of a house a block down the street. Dean's heart was racing as he slammed on his brakes and pulled the car over. "Cas! Call 911!" he yells as he tears out of the car and runs up to the house. "HEY! ANYBODY HOME?!" Dean yells repeatedly as he quickly checks rooms. "Daddy! Wake up!!" Dean hears coming from upstairs. He runs up the stairs taking two at a time and bursts through the master bedroom to see a young child about 7 years old trying to wake up their parent who appears to be passed out holding a whiskey bottle. "Kid is there anybody else in the house?!" Dean asks. "Just my little sister." the child responds sniffing. "Take your sister and get out of the house! I'll get your dad! Now! Go!!" The kid runs out of the room as Dean bends down to pick up the snoring man and hoist him over his shoulder. "Ooof! Lift with your legs dumbass." Dean mutters to himself shifting the weight around. He makes his way down the stairs and sees the kid holding his little sister's hand who looks to be around 4 years old and they run out the front door.
Dean coughs and stumbles on the last step when he looks up to see Castiel catches his arm to steady his balance. "Dean, hand him over and check on the children." Dean hesitates worried. "Dean, its alright, angel remember?" Dean seems to snap himself out of it and shifts for Castiel to lift the man off his shoulder easily without an effort. Once outside Castiel lays the man on the ground and clears his blood alcohol level sobering him up. He wakes up with a jolt confused as his children are hugging him.
Meanwhile, Castiel's eyes drift over to Dean who is leaning against the impala hyperventilating with his hand on his chest. Alerted Castiel runs over to Dean and places his hand on the back of his neck to run a grace-check on his health.
His eyes soften upon realizing Dean's lungs are fine and that he's having a panic attack. "Oh Dean...everybody is fine you brave, kind soul. Breathe with me." Castiel says gently as he places Dean's hand on his chest holding it there. Castiel takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly while Dean attempts to follow along. A few minutes later Dean's breathing slows down and is almost back to normal. "Ttthanks Cas. Can we not tell Sammy about this? Fffire still triggers me." he stammers.
"Of course Dean. Lets head back. I'll drive." Castiel whispers as he leans over and places a soft kiss on his cheek while reaching into Dean's pocket and pulls out his keys.
"Why you sneaky little shit!" Dean smirks. Castiel winks at him and climbs into the driver's seat.
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terry-gator · 3 months
TSAMS Continuity AU: Unwanted Separation
[Sol, Terry, and BloodMoon are currently down in the Roxy Raceway messing around with the go-karts, not really caring if it pisses Roxy off. Terry ends up ramming and crashing his go kart into the wall at the very top of the track.]
Terry: Oof! Pff hahaha!
Sol: You okay, Terry?
Terry: I'm fine ma fleur, just a little crash! It doesn't hurt anybody!
[Terry then jumps down onto the kart BloodMoon was driving, earning a startled yelp before they started laughing maniacally.]
BloodMoon: Little gator got one over on us, Other! Very funny, tiny one!
Terry: Just because I'm Lunar sized doesn't mean I'm tiny!
BloodMoon: Sure little gator! Ha!
[Suddenly Sol lets out a scream as she suddenly brakes her go-kart. BloodMoon turns their kart around and stops it, Terry's tail perking up in alert.]
Terry: Sol, what's wro-?!
Frank/ForkFace: heavy breathing
BloodMoon: The creepy fork looking thing??
Sol: I-I-I'm pretty sure his name's Frank.
Frank/ForkFace: heavy breathes in agreement
[Frank/ForkFace then turns to stare at BloodMoon specifically.]
Frank/ForkFace: You....kill my partner, make me suffer....why?
BloodMoon: We didn't know that wasn't the Monty from here! We just wanted to kill them at the time!
Terry: Well you guys don't want to kill them anymore, right?
BloodMoon: No....
Frank/ForkFace: heavy breathing Doesn't matter....you make me suffer...now I'll make you two suffer as I have....
Sol: Woah woah hey, you don't have to do that!
[Sol gets out of their kart and scampers in front of BloodMoon and Terry.]
Sol: It's just a big misunderstanding, they've gotten better!
Terry: Revenge isn't the way to go, Frank!
Frank/ForkFace: strained heavy laughter Ignorant children, both of you.
Sol and Terry: What-?!
[Suddenly, Sol and Terry collapse onto the floor of the raceway, passed out. BloodMoon panics and shakes at them both.]
BloodMoon: Sister! Little gator! Wake up! Wake up!
Frank/ForkFace: They will be okay. heavy breathing You two will not.
BloodMoon: What-?!
[Frank/ForkFace opens up their faceplates, sending a shock into the both of them. They scream from the pain, holding their head as it becomes fuzzy and dark....]
[When they finally come to, they notice that they...they can see each other, that they're both in the physical plane. One of them looks like their old design while one of them looks like their current design.]
Harvest(The one with the current design): ....Other?
Bloody(The one with the old design): Brother! What's happened to us?
[Both Blood Twins get up and try to fuse back with each other but find that they can't anymore.]
Harvest: Other, Other, why can't we fuse back with each other?! Why?!
Bloody: ....Frank....
[Bloody turns with wide eyes to stare at Frank/ForkFace.]
Bloody: What did you do to us?! Why can't we fuse, tell us!!
Frank/ForkFace: heavy breathing Suffer....suffer knowing you can't become one again....
[Frank/ForkFace disappears into who knows where while Sol and Terry wake up.]
Sol: Nnngh....what happe-woah!
[Harvest tackles Sol back to the ground, teary eyed and panicking.]
Harvest: Sister!! The fork-faced man split me and other and we can't fuse back together!!
Sol: Woah woah what??
[Sol looks up and sees Bloody helping Terry get back to their feet.]
Sol: Oh sweet biscuits-
Bloody: ...I know, it's freaky to see us as two different entities.
Harvest: I don't like this!!
Terry: So you can't fuse back together?
Harvest: No, and it sucks, I hate it!
Bloody: And I hold the same feelings as my brother.
Sol: W-Well, it's going to be okay, we'll help you with working out doing things together in separate bodies.
Terry: Yeah, just like how we helped redirect your urges and stuff!
Harvest: Oh...
Bloody: It'll be okay, brother. I trust these two to help us.
Harvest: And I trust them all the same, Other.
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schwarzwaldcr · 2 years
The jolt of the brakes startles her awake, snapping up from sleeping in the backseat of an old utility vehicle with shoddy suspension and even worse brakes. She is unsure when she even fell asleep, disoriented ever so slightly by being in a place unfamiliar.
It's a brief fatigued panic to look around for something that is familiar to her, and after looking over the top of the front seat, she recognizes the hulking shoulders of Boris in the passenger front. He's speaking to the driver in words she can't understand, though they seem to crease the Russian's scruffy brow with some form of concern.
They are on the move again with a grind of the transmission into gear, and she swears she smells hot metal and old oil filtering through the heaviness of her mental processes try to start up again in the heat of the coastal climate of Peru. She recognizes manmade smells, but it will take her a second to truly put them to words.
A particularly hard bump in the road fires her reflexes to reach out and she wraps her fingers in small panic around Boris' upper arm, to which he looks down mid-sentence and with twinkling eyes crinkled by the warm smile on his face, breaks off his conversation with the driver to address his ward.
">>Ah, little wolf cub. Awake at last?<<"
The flip to German is so smooth, one might think he's been speaking it the entire time. He doesn't have to think to switch languages, she knows this. She knows quite well what the mountainous stalker is capable of mentally. Has seen him use the iron will and silver wit to his advantage multiple times in multiple places. She knows a little of his history and what it means, and that she's sure he was a formidable foe when he was still active.
She can only lower her eyes from his and nod her head, finding her throat too dry now to give him a verbal response. He chuckles, a deep warm rumble that fills the space in the vehicle despite the bumps and creaks and grinding of machinery. He says something to the driver, who hands him a canteen, and he in turn passes it to her. She takes the water almost greedily with a small noise of thanks.
">>The jet lag won't be as severe going back home.<<" Boris tells her again when she hands the canteen back. ">>It is your first time on a plane, yes? The first time for such distance is the worst.<<"
">>...But it gets better.<<" She is not asking a question. It is an observance, more of a clarification of words unspoken, and she is rewarded with a nod of the older stalker's head in response.
The road crawls up into the foothills now, and the rest of the journey to a small rural town is spent mostly in silence, though Boris gleans small bits of information with the driver the rest of the way. Their stop is in the middle of this small spit of civilization and Wulf is keen to keep vigilance on her surroundings as they disembark. Following in Boris' hefty shadow, she takes in details most would miss, and not just with her eyes. The eyes can deceive far too easily. She hears things most others might take for granted, can even smell things in the haze of coastal winds and dry dust people might miss.
She is alert, a gangly creature of a girl practically disappearing into the silhouette of her hulking companion watching with pale eyes and confirming with a turn of her head or wiggle of her nose tip.
She will keep this up, even after the pair enter a small building acting as restaurant and bar to the community and take a table in a frankly stereotypical dark corner. Though she turns her gaze to the stalker, she is still listening...
">>Why are we here again?<<"
It's a genuine question, and she heard the reason before, but it seems to have slipped her mind now with recent events. Boris sets his bag down between his ankles, one he's been holding on to for the entire journey from Stuttgart to here. He is also keenly aware of his surroundings and that some of the patrons nearby are watching it with reckless curiosity. He can only hope they do not act on such feelings, at least not until later.
">>We are here to meet with an old contact of mine.<<" he explains, voice low like thunder on a far horizon. ">>There is a Zone near here, one of the six Landings. It is there we need to go.<<"
He leaves it purposefully vague for good reason. You never know who is listening in and he's more than self-aware that he stands out like a sore thumb. A foreigner in a foreign land, as they say. He is mindful to order only drinks for now, a local brew for himself and a coffee for his ward. All they can do now is wait...
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grammarrrrrr · 2 years
Panic attack. (Pokémon, Goh angst)
Summary: 4 times Goh has had a panic attack. Around the same pokémon; Scorbunny/Raboot/Raboot/Cinderace. And to his surprise, each time it helps him.
(Goh has a panic attack around Scorbunny one time, Raboot two times, and Cinderace one time. He has it around Raboot twice because there are like two phases there, before Raboot gave him the apple, and after.)
First time. (Scorbunny)
”But there's so much to choose from!” whined Ash, looking at the food stands in front of them.
”Well you have to,” said Goh, sighing. ”We can't buy them all.”
They were in the Sinnoh region, in an old stone fortress, one each sides where food stands with delicious sweets. They had money to get from ONE food stand. But Ash couldn't choose.
That boy sure did like sweets.
Not even Pikachu could decide.
”C'mon Pikachu, let's take a closer look.” said Ash, he took Pikachu in his arms and started walking.
”Pika- Pikachu,”
He walked over to the food stands.
”Welp, that's Ash, he loves food. Pikachu too.” mumbled Goh, giggling slightly.
”Scorbun,”, Scorbunny agreed.
”Brake, wait for me!” called a foreign woman in front of him, she was running after a man, who supposedly was Brake.
’Brake, huh?’ thought Goh. ’Why does that name sound familiar?’
Had he met someone by that name? Brake? The more he thought about it, the more it sounded familiar.
‘Brake, Brake, Brake, Brake,’
Suddenly, quite out of nowhere, he remembered the name.
He gasped.
Brake was the name of his old bully.
His main one...
Something settled in his gut, a familiar feeling.
He would have gulped if there now wasn't a lump in his throat
”Scorbun- Scorbun?”, he felt a sudden tug at his pants, as he looked down, he saw that it was Scorbunny.
It shot him a concerned look.
He crouched and picked it up.
It pulled closer.
He looked up again, his stomach was beginning to feel queasy.
He blinked, trying to stop the liquid from coming, but it began to form in his eyes anyway.
’No, not here, not now,’
He couldn't have a panic attack in the middle of the street, where anyone could see it.
”No...” mumbled Goh sadly, his voice shaky.
It looked at it's owner and frowned.
Goh began to walk to a corner, away from the public.
Maybe there he could get it over with, without alerting Scorbunny, he couldn't worry it...
But it seemed Scorbunny had already realized that something was up.
He sat down and held his fire-type pokémon.
The tears collected in his eyes, and as much as he tried to keep it away, one lonely tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek.
Scorbunny realized it.
it used it's paw and wiped the tear away.
”I'm fine.”
But now he wasn't as sure.
It hugged him back.
More tears escaped his eyes.
It wiped his tears again.
He smiled slightly, lucky him that his attacks usually weren't so long.
His stomach recovered, no longer feeling queasy.
”Okay, I've made my decision!” said Ash. ”I chose churros! Apparently, their spanish or something!”
”Cool,” said Goh.
He stood up and wiped away any hint of sadness.
”Let's go!”
Scorbunny jumped up on his shoulder as they started walking.
It smiled at him, and he smiled back.
It may not have done much, but it helped.
(I'll continue this another day.)
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rentnhop · 5 months
Why should one get a bike on rent in Manali?
From day trips to multi-day journeys, bike rental in Manali unlocks the freedom to discover the beauty of Himachal Pradesh on two wheels. Here are some of the top advantages of bike on rent in Manali:
Explore at your own pace, stop wherever you please
Venture off the beaten path to hidden gems
Feel the mountain air as you ride through stunning landscapes
More convenient than bulky SUV rentals on mountain roads
Save money compared to hiring a private taxi
Bond with fellow riders on a group trip
An exhilarating way to experience the mountains
Whether you’re a solo rider or traveling with friends, renting a bike in Manali delivers an incredible Himalayan adventure.
Choosing from Manali's Bike Rental company- Rentnhop
Dozens of bike rental providers cater to travelers in Manali. Rentnhop is one of the most convenient bike rental companies that offer bike on rent in Manali at very affordable prices. Do you know they offer discounts to new users? If you want to get a bike on rent in Manali with some of the best bike professionals then choosing Rentnhop will be the best decision of your life. 
Reputable companies like Rentnhop always ensure properly maintained bikes, riding gear, mechanics assistance, and trip support. Read reviews by fellow travelers to choose the right provider for your needs.
Choosing the Right Type of Motorbike
Manali’s winding Himalayan roads demand a bike designed for stability, endurance, and mountain performance. Here are some top options:
Royal Enfield Classic 350cc or 500cc - The quintessential Indian mountain bike, ideal for multi-day tours.
Royal Enfield Himalayan 411cc - Purpose-built for off-road ability with rugged design.
BMW G310GS or BMW F750GS - For riders who want a premium German dual-sport bike.
KTM 390 Duke - Nimble single-cylinder bike perfect for aggressive riders.
Test ride different bike types to see which handles the terrain well while fitting your riding style. Book early for access to the newest bikes.
Factor in the Costs of your Bike Rental
Bike rental costs in Manali depend on the bike type, rental duration, accessories, and time of year. Some typical rates are:
Royal Enfield Classic 350cc: ₹800-1200/day
BMW G310GS: ₹1400-1700/day
Royal Enfield 500cc: ₹1000-1500/day
KTM Duke 390: ₹1200-1800/day
BMW F750GS: ₹3000-5000/day
Add charges for helmets, panniers, mobile GPS, or extras. Multi-day and weekly discounts may apply. Understand all charges beforehand. These prices might vary from company to company, you need to check the prices before getting a bike. 
Secure Necessary Safety Gear
Don’t take safety lightly. Be sure to get:
Helmet - Most important! Always opt for full face over open face.
Riding jacket - Armored options are best for impact protection.
Riding pants - Choose reinforced over regular denim for abrasion protection.
Knee and shin guards - Essential when riding fields on rough terrain.
Gloves - Full-fingered with knuckle padding for grip and safeguarding hands.
Sturdy boots - Preferably waterproof and with ankle support.
Quality gear greatly reduces the risk of injury from spills, debris, or cold weather. Double-check that all is provided or pack your own.
Handy Tips for New Riders
If you’re a first-timer in the mountains, keep these tips in mind:
Get bike familiarized before long trips - test handling, brakes, gears
Start with conservative speeds to gauge terrain and traction
Utilize engine braking downhill over brakes alone
Stay alert to the surface - watch for loose gravel or sand patches
Don’t panic steer if you hit the loose ground - stay off brakes
Add extra spacing between vehicles
Hydrate often at high altitudes - the air is dry and you lose fluids
Halt immediately if your bike feels unstable or handling is off
Ride within your limits, especially on uncertain terrain. Better to go slow and steady than push beyond your skills.
Top Route Options from Manali
Now for the best part - where to go! Some legendary rides from Manali include:
Rohtang La (3978m) - an Epic mountain pass with glaciers and snowfields.
Spiti Valley - Rugged han high-altitude desert valley, needs a permit.
Leh-Ladakh - Challenge yourself on the world’s highest mountain passes.
Baralacha La (4892m) - Pass with emerald blue Suraj Tal Lake.
Jalori Pass (3121m) - Dramatic gorge connecting Kullu to Shimla.
Bir-Billing - Ride to the famous paragliding site near Dharamshala.
Naggar - Day trip to quaint villages, waterfalls, and trails.
Discover your inner daredevil by exploring these incredible Himalayan landscapes by bike 
We’ve equipped you with everything you need to know for an epic bike trip in Manali - safe travels! Bike on rent in Manali opens up a world of mountain magic. Each twist and turn reveals new awe-inspiring vistas. From mighty passes to quiet villages, let the biking freedom begin!
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instamek · 8 months
Emergency Brake Repair Services: Keeping You Safe on the Road
When it comes to vehicle safety, your brakes are undoubtedly one of the most critical components. Unfortunately, brake issues can arise unexpectedly, putting your safety and the safety of others on the road at risk. In such situations, emergency brake mobile services become indispensable. In this article, we will explore the importance of these services and what to do when your brakes fail.
The Importance of Brakes:
Before delving into emergency brake repair services, it's crucial to understand the pivotal role brakes play in your vehicle's safety. Brakes are responsible for slowing down and stopping your car when needed. They work by applying friction to your wheels, which converts kinetic energy into heat, gradually bringing your vehicle to a halt. This simple yet vital function ensures you can stop at red lights, avoid collisions, and navigate treacherous road conditions.
Recognizing Brake Problems:
Brake problems can manifest in various ways, and it's essential to recognize the signs of trouble early to prevent potentially hazardous situations. Common brake issues include:
Squeaking or Squealing: A high-pitched squeaking noise when you brake may indicate worn-out brake pads.
Grinding: A grinding noise while braking could mean your brake pads are completely worn, and metal is grinding against metal.
Soft or Spongy Brake Pedal: If your brake pedal feels unusually soft or spongy when pressed, it may indicate a brake fluid leak or air in the brake lines.
Vibration: Vibrations in the steering wheel or brake pedal when braking may point to warped brake rotors.
Pulling to One Side: If your car pulls to one side when you brake, it could be due to uneven brake pad wear or a stuck caliper.
What to Do When Your Brakes Fail:
In the unfortunate event that your brakes fail while driving, it's crucial to remain calm and take immediate action to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. Follow these steps:
Downshift: If you're driving a manual transmission vehicle, downshift to a lower gear to help slow down your car gradually.
Use the Emergency Brake (Handbrake): Slowly engage your emergency brake, also known as the handbrake. This will provide some braking force to help you come to a stop.
Pump the Brakes: In some cases, brake failure may be temporary due to air in the brake lines. Pumping the brake pedal rapidly can sometimes build up enough pressure to regain some braking ability.
Steer to Safety: Steer your car towards an open and safe area. Avoid heavy traffic, pedestrians, and obstacles if possible.
Turn on Hazard Lights: Activate your hazard lights to alert other drivers that you have a problem and are attempting to slow down.
Call for Help: Use your phone to call for assistance. Notify emergency services and a trusted roadside assistance service for immediate help.
The Role of Emergency Brake Repair Services:
Emergency brake repair services are designed to provide immediate assistance when your brakes fail or exhibit severe problems. Here's what you can expect from these services:
On-Site Repairs: Mobile brake repair services can dispatch a qualified technician to your location, whether you're stranded on the side of the road or in a parking lot.
Diagnosis: The technician will quickly diagnose the issue with your brakes, determining whether it's a problem with brake pads, rotors, brake lines, or another component.
Immediate Repairs: Depending on the severity of the issue, the technician will perform necessary repairs on the spot or provide a temporary fix to get you to a repair shop safely.
Towing Service: If the problem cannot be resolved on-site, emergency brake repair services can arrange for a tow to a nearby repair shop.
Your vehicle's brakes are a fundamental safety feature, and brake issues can be a source of panic when they arise unexpectedly. However, understanding the signs of brake problems, knowing how to react in the event of brake failure, and having access to emergency brake repair services can help you navigate these situations with confidence, ensuring your safety on the road. Remember that regular brake maintenance and inspections can significantly reduce the likelihood of brake emergencies, so it's essential to stay proactive in caring for your vehicle's brakes.
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The Power of Vehicle Tracking: Enhancing Efficiency and Security
In today's fast-paced world, the ability to track vehicles has become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. Vehicle tracking systems offer a wide range of benefits, from optimizing fleet management to improving security measures. This article explores the significance of vehicle tracking and how it can revolutionize transportation operations.
Streamlining Fleet Management with Vehicle Tracking
Efficient fleet management is crucial for businesses relying on transportation services. Vehicle tracking systems enable companies to monitor their fleet in real-time, providing valuable insights into vehicle location, speed, and route optimization. By utilizing GPS technology and advanced software, fleet managers can enhance operational efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and optimize delivery schedules. Additionally, vehicle tracking allows for proactive maintenance, ensuring that vehicles are serviced at optimal intervals, minimizing downtime, and reducing maintenance costs.
Enhancing Security and Safety Measures
One of the most significant advantages of vehicle tracking is the ability to enhance security and safety measures. By equipping vehicles with tracking devices, businesses can mitigate the risk of theft and unauthorized use. In the unfortunate event of a vehicle being stolen, real-time tracking can aid law enforcement in swiftly recovering the asset. Moreover, vehicle tracking systems provide drivers with panic buttons and emergency alerts, enabling them to seek immediate assistance in dangerous situations. This technology also promotes safe driving practices by monitoring driver behavior, such as speed, harsh braking, and cornering, allowing for timely intervention and the implementation of corrective measures.
Optimizing Supply Chain Management
Efficient supply chain management is crucial for businesses across industries. Vehicle tracking systems play a pivotal role in optimizing logistics and distribution processes. By accurately tracking vehicles and shipments, companies can gain real-time visibility into the movement of goods. This visibility allows for effective coordination between suppliers, warehouses, and retailers, enabling timely deliveries and minimizing inventory holding costs. Additionally, vehicle tracking systems provide valuable data on transit times, enabling businesses to identify bottlenecks and streamline their supply chain operations further.
Vehicle tracking systems have revolutionized the way businesses manage their fleets and logistics operations. By harnessing the power of GPS technology and advanced software, companies can optimize fleet management, enhance security measures, and streamline supply chain processes. The ability to monitor vehicle location, route optimization, and driver behavior empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.
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cargarageuae · 1 year
Here Are The Top Reasons Why Your Car's Engine Stalls While Driving
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When did you last experience panic? Definitely, it would be a close encounter on the road with an unsteady vehicle, or it could be the presence of an animal on the road. But, have you ever had an engine stall?
What do you understand by "car stalling"?
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Actually, "stalling" refers to a condition in which your car's running engine abruptly stops. However, there are always a number of warning lights when an engine stalls. It happens in two ways: either gradually, just like a driver would normally stop the engine, or with a sudden jerk.
Stalling can occur at any time, whether the engine is running or not. When an engine stalls, however, there is no power from the engine, and the power steering does not function. Sometimes, you cannot even use brakes.
Though, a car usually gets stalled in normal conditions when you usually use brakes without changing gears to lower slots or neutral. When a car stalls this way, it usually produces a jerk. Though the chances of seeing warning lights are less if a car stalls due to the driver’s mistake.
On the other hand, if a car stalls due to an internal issue, you can see the emergence of warning lights on your dashboard.  However, there might be a number of reasons behind the engine's sudden stalling.
In case you own an BMW car, and you are looking an BMW oil change then we would like to recommend Service My Car to get the best oil change for your BMW car in the town. ServiceMyCar not only provide BMW oil change but also provide BMW service, repair, engine repair, battery replacement and maintenance services.
A faulty fuel system may stall a car
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A fuel system failure may turn into a problem and cause a vehicle to stall. Fuel system issues, including the defective fuel pump and failure of fuel delivery due to obstruction in the fuel line, usually cause the engine to stop abruptly.
If there were any problems with the fuel delivery to the engine, the combustion would not happen properly.
Malfunctioning electrical components may cause a car to stop abruptly
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Though batteries produce required current to start a vehicle, later the alternator provides adequate voltage for a number of operations of the engine and other necessary components.
But a malfunctioning alternator might lack the capacity to provide the required voltage. This also fails to recharge the battery. This might be causing a vehicle to have an issue with its engine, and it would be no surprise if a car stalls unexpectedly.
Sensor failure may halt the engine's operations
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No doubt! A modern car’s engine only works based on the inputs of various sensors, such as the engine temperature sensor, the mass airflow sensor, etc. And, of course, any failure of the sensor's inputs causes problems in the various activities of the combustion process.
However, the ECU generally knows about a sensor fault, which it definitely indicates through warning lights.
If you notice any problem with your vehicle, take it to the nearest Service My Car workshop for a quick car scanning and diagnostics.
A car’s engine timing is not synchronised
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Being a complex mechanism, there is always a need for various belts or chains to synchronise a number of components. However, there is always a probability of wear and tear on the timing belt or chain.
A car cannot manage the failure of the timing chain. Typically, a chain will lose one or more teeth, making engine operation difficult. Though it does not only cause the engine to stall, there is high probability of engine damage.
However, it would be better to be alert for any signs of a timing belt issue. An expert at Service My car can inspect it for a remedy or possible timing belt replacement.
Cooling issues may wreak havoc under the hood
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Though most cars come with a robust cooling system, it usually does not get out of order very easily. But if it happens, the overheating may create a lot of problems under the hood.
There could be a lot of reasons for cooling system failure, such as coolant shortage due to leakage, lack of pressure due to a faulty pump, radiator or thermostat problems. Overheating can result in the engine stalling because the ECU monitors the temperature under the hood so closely.
However, a major concern is damage to the head gasket. Though maintaining the cooling system components is the best way to avoid overheating, if you have experienced any overheating incidents recently, visit Service My Car for an inspection and head gasket replacement.
A critical component failure may stall your car
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A clutch, in a manual transmission, has the responsibility of managing the synchronisation of an engine and transmission. For automatic transmissions, a torque converter is used.
However, these components may be problematic when they sustain a lot of wear and tear. A slipping clutch, for example, does not help you with transmission or gear changes.
Besides, it could get stuck or seize, and you cannot even change the gear by pressing the pedal entirely. A car will stall if it has to run in a higher gear at low RPMs or when you apply rigorous brakes in a gear.
On the other hand, a problematic transmission system also causes a car’s engine to stall eventually. However, you can avoid critical component failure if there is a preventive mechanism. In a nutshell, never underestimate car maintenance.
When a car’s engine stalls, it would not be wise to waste time but rather take it to the nearest workshop of Service My Car as soon as possible. If you want to fix an appointment, just book a car service online or order a car repair order on our website or app.
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icreativewriter · 1 year
Safe Transport Solutions: Ensuring Security and Peace of Mind
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When it comes to travel, safety and security are paramount concerns for passengers. Whether it's commuting to work, traveling for leisure, or transporting goods, individuals and businesses alike seek transport solutions that prioritize their well-being and offer peace of mind. Safe transport solutions play a crucial role in providing a secure environment for passengers, minimizing risks, and ensuring a smooth and worry-free travel experience. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Secure Transportation Services, exploring the measures, technologies, and practices that are employed to guarantee the safety and peace of mind of passengers.
Well-Maintained Vehicles and Equipment:
Safe transport solutions begin with well-maintained vehicles and equipment. Whether it's public transportation, private car services, or commercial fleets, regular maintenance and inspections are conducted to ensure that vehicles are in optimal condition. This includes routine checks of braking systems, engines, lights, tires, and other essential components. Well-maintained vehicles reduce the risk of mechanical failures or malfunctions that could compromise passenger safety. Additionally, transport providers ensure that their equipment, such as safety belts, airbags, and child restraint systems, meet or exceed industry standards to protect passengers in the event of an accident or sudden braking.
Highly Trained and Professional Drivers:
The expertise and professionalism of drivers are critical factors in Secure Transportation Services. Transport providers prioritize hiring drivers who have undergone comprehensive training programs and possess the necessary skills and qualifications to operate vehicles safely. They undergo rigorous background checks, driving record verifications, and regular performance evaluations. Highly trained drivers are well-versed in traffic laws, defensive driving techniques, and emergency protocols. They are trained to handle various road conditions, adverse weather, and potential hazards, ensuring the safety of passengers. Moreover, professional drivers exhibit excellent customer service skills, providing a courteous and comfortable experience for passengers.
Stringent Safety Protocols and Compliance:
Secure Transportation Services adhere to stringent safety protocols and comply with industry regulations and standards. Transport providers establish comprehensive safety management systems that encompass risk assessments, safety procedures, emergency response plans, and ongoing safety training for staff. They continuously monitor and review their safety practices to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary measures. Compliance with local, regional, and national regulations ensures that transport providers maintain a high level of safety in their operations. This includes obtaining necessary licenses, certifications, and permits, as well as adhering to vehicle maintenance schedules, maximum occupancy limits, and safety signage requirements.
Advanced Technology and Surveillance Systems:
Secure Transportation Services harness the power of advanced technology and surveillance systems to enhance security and passenger safety. Transport providers employ cutting-edge technologies such as GPS tracking, real-time vehicle monitoring, and driver behavior monitoring systems. These technologies enable transport companies to closely monitor the location and status of vehicles, ensuring that they stay on designated routes and maintain safe driving practices. Video surveillance systems, both inside and outside the vehicles, provide an additional layer of security by deterring misconduct and assisting in investigations, if necessary. In-vehicle communication systems and panic buttons allow passengers to quickly alert authorities in case of emergencies, further enhancing passenger safety.
Regular Safety Audits and Quality Control:
Secure Transportation Services involve regular safety audits and quality control measures to maintain a high standard of safety and security. Transport providers conduct internal and external audits to assess compliance with safety protocols, identify potential risks, and implement corrective actions. Quality control processes involve regular inspections, maintenance checks, and reviews of safety-related data. These measures ensure that safety standards are consistently met and continuously improved. Additionally, feedback mechanisms such as customer satisfaction surveys and incident reporting systems allow transport providers to gather valuable insights, address concerns, and further enhance safety measures based on real-time feedback from passengers.
Emergency Preparedness and Response:
Secure Transportation Services prioritize emergency preparedness and response capabilities. Transport providers establish clear emergency protocols, train their staff on emergency procedures, and conduct regular drills to ensure swift and effective responses in critical situations. They establish communication channels with local emergency services, enabling rapid coordination and support during emergencies. Transport vehicles are equipped with first aid kits, emergency signage, and fire extinguishers to address immediate medical or safety needs. By being prepared for emergencies, transport providers instill confidence in passengers and offer the assurance that their safety is of utmost importance.
Secure Transportation Services prioritize the security and well-being of passengers, offering peace of mind during travel. By implementing well-maintained vehicles and equipment, highly trained and professional drivers, stringent safety protocols, advanced technology and surveillance systems, regular safety audits, and effective emergency preparedness and response measures, transport providers ensure that passengers are transported in a safe and secure environment. These comprehensive safety measures minimize risks, promote confidence, and contribute to a positive travel experience. When choosing transport services, individuals and businesses can prioritize safe transport solutions that prioritize their security, offering peace of mind and enhancing the overall travel experience.
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