#Paras Healthcare
studyabroadwrc · 8 months
Students Voice: A Glimpse into the Experience at KIST Medical College and Teaching Hospital
Are you an aspiring medical student in search of the perfect global institution to nurture your medical ambitions? Nepal is emerging as a prime destination for world-class medical education. Let Dr. Lumesh Sharma, an accomplished alumnus of KIST Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal, illuminate your path through the realm of medical education in this captivating region.
Dr. Lumesh Sharma, a distinguished medical professional, completed his MBBS at KIST Medical College, a renowned institution known for its commitment to excellence and holistic medical education. With an aim to address common apprehensions among aspiring medical students, Dr. Sharma emphasizes that the quality of education, course curriculum, and academic resources at KIST Medical College are on par with the best global standards. Drawing a comparison between the medical education systems in India and Nepal, he underlines that while India might offer multiple examinations throughout the year, Nepal's system entails a single annual examination. However, the quality of education or the comprehensive learning experience is not at all compromised.
One of the key concerns for Indian students contemplating medical studies in Nepal is the potential cultural and linguistic differences. Dr. Sharma assuages these worries by highlighting the striking similarities between Indian and Nepali cultures, including their shared languages, such as English, Hindi, and Nepali. This linguistic harmony not only eases the transition for international students but also fosters an inclusive and enriching academic environment.
KIST Medical College stands out as a beacon of excellence in Nepal's medical education landscape, offering an exceptional learning environment. Dr. Sharma shares the institution has world-class faculty, a conducive study atmosphere, and management and administration that is deeply committed to addressing the needs of international students.
Ready to embark on a transformative medical profession journey? KIST Medical College and Teaching Hospital is your gateway to a promising future in the realm of medicine and healthcare. Contact us today to pursue your medical journey at +91 74283 60636. For regular updates, subscribe to our channel:
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dumpstermaster · 1 month
Hi. I don't usually speak up about these issues mainly because I don't exactly have a following, and I'm pretty sure only mutuals will be able to see this post.
Let's open our eyes to what's going on for a second. Let's take a break from consuming things that distract us from reality. From what's been happening across the sea. From the tides that are ebbing and flowing with the blood of the innocent. From the cries of children, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters stripped of their home and of their lives.
From the people who are desperately reaching out to us for help.
I have been privileged enough not to wake to the sounds of bombs mere miles from where I'm sleeping. I have been privileged enough to wake up and not smell sulfur and ash in the air. I have been privileged enough not to live in cramped spaces that breed disease, lacking food or clean water.
The people of Palestine need you to amplify their voices. They need you to scream for them now more than ever.
Rafah is currently being bombed and invaded. The border between the Rafah to Egypt crossing is currently being lined with tanks.
I know that it all feels hopeless, but please do not give up. There will be another opportunity. There will be another opening. While the invasion of Rafah is currently taking place, a ceasefire resolution is still being negotiated as we speak. Do NOT give up hope.
I didn't want to make this post without supplementing it with something that is actionable, but as someone with little means to help monetarily, I understand if you cannot directly donate to the links provided below. However, please do not underestimate your voice. Being able to spread this to someone who is able to contribute funding is equally as important.
So what can you do?
The simplest thing you can do is share these resources. Share them to as many people as you can. Amplifying the voices of the disparaged means that more people who are able to give aid can be reached. Research any local movements, any protests happening in your city or town, and attend them if you can.
And when your voice is hoarse from speaking, from screaming. When your legs hurt from the march. When you aren't able to reach as far as you can, as you want to, as you need to, the next thing you can do is listen. Keep updated on what is happening. Keep your eyes open. The more people mobilize and direct their efforts to help, the more people come up with new ways to give aid. There is always a next step.
Avoid supporting companies who are supporting or are compliant to Israel's genocide. There is a useful app called Boycat that you can scan the barcodes of products with so it can tell you, using its ever-expanding database, if its brand is compliant to ethical standards. One of the current campaigns it's supporting is that of Palestine.
For folks who are able to donate funds, here is a list of charities and fundraisers you can donate to:
eSims For Gaza makes sure that people in Gaza are able to maintain communication with their families overseas, and allows journalists to secure more visibility on what is happening on the field.
The Gaza Sunbirds are a para-cycling team focusing their efforts and resources to helping their community by routing supplies to families in the Gaza strip.
Gxza Health provides telemedicine to the people in Gaza in need of medicine and healthcare. They are partnered with UNRWA to get medication delivered to patients.
Palestine Red Crescent Society is a part of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and helps facilitate aid to the people in the Gaza strip.
Sulala Animal Rescue is an organization focused on rescuing, treating, and feeding strays in Gaza City, with hopes of possibly opening a permanent shelter with international support.
Medical Aid for Palestinians supports Palestinians by providing medical aid to those who need it.
Anera provides warm meals and facilitates medical aid for refugees in Palestine.
Baitumaal provides emergency aid and poverty relief to communities that are under-privileged, including a service to sponsor children who have been orphaned.
If you want to directly sponsor a Palestinian family, a grassroots movement called Operation Olive Branch is currently working hard to amplify the voices of Palestinians who are in need of funding to escape their current predicament. You can find over 800+ families in the spreadsheet that they maintain, with gofundme campaigns operated by the families themselves. OOB also heads the Perinatal Project, a project that specifically caters to people in need of urgent prenatal, postpartum, and infant care needs.
I will make new posts as time goes on and the more resources I am able to gather, but for now that is all. Please share as much as you can.
From the river to the sea.
Free Palestine
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[ID: a digital drawing of a hoopoe bird holding a large watermelon slice in its beak. The watermelon is dripping red, and the bird’s face and front are likewise covered in red: it could be watermelon juice, but it looks a lot like blood either way. The background features smudges of black and red behind the bird. /end ID]
(Art by me. Image description by my friend @quaxorascal)
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hellyeahscarleteen · 10 months
A Guide to Our Direct Services
Got a sexuality, gender, sexual health, or relationships question? We got you!
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We have four free, direct support services so you can get one-on-one help if you can't find what you need on the website, if you you need or want more information, if you need help understanding something you've read here, or when you want support, help, advice or discussion from our staff, volunteers or peer community.
Our message boards: you'll need to register if you're not already registered for the boards; you can do that here. (We welcome contributions and responses from community members!)
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Scarleteen is a diverse, inclusive space where we are strongly and actively committed to making and keeping a space that feels as safe as possible for everyone, and which honors the diversity of human sexuality and identity. We welcome users of all gender identities, belief systems, ethnicities, economic classes, relationship constructs, and languages. We ask everyone here to work together to co-create and help nurture such an inclusive space, where often very loaded topics are discussed, by following and respecting the user policies and guidelines.
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How fast will you be answered? Within a few hours to 24 hours.
Hablamos español: Tenemos voluntarios disponibles para los usuarios de habla hispana.
The chat service:
(A real-time popup chat window, staffed and seen only by you and our staff and volunteers. It works like an IM conversation or Facebook chat.)
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If you want a chat at a time it isn't scheduled, you can always come to the message boards and see if any staff are available and ask. We're currently in the midst of making some changes to our schedule, so the current schedule should be considered temporary. You may also sometimes see the available chat icon -- a red S in a small yellow circle floating over the lower left of every site page -- outside of chat hours if and when staff are available for chat at times other than our set hours, and are welcome to come into chat anytime you see that icon.
The advice columns:
(The index of the advice columns is here, to give you a sense of the kind of engaged, professional and in-depth answers it provides.)
Best for: More involved, complex situations where you want a longer, in-depth answer, but can wait days, weeks or even months for your answer.  Questions and situations which are NOT time-sensitive (like pregnancy risks or scares, current health problems, or help you need to find as soon as possible). Questions and answers you are comfortable having published widely for all to see (even though they should not ever contain any identifying information where anyone reading could know it was you asking).
How fast will you be answered? As noted on the input form, most advice questions will never be answered, particularly if we've already written a column that has already answered a question. Otherwise, the wait can be anywhere from a day or two to several months. The advice column is intended for longer, in-depth answers to issues that are not particularly time sensitive or immediate. It is acceptable to leave your question in the queue, but then also bring to another of our direct services for a more immediate and guaranteed answer.
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Los Angeles: May Day march
Wednesday, May 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Gather at MacArthur Park, Los Angeles
We invite everyone to participate in this year's May 1st March on International Worker's Day! Dozens of organizations are joining together to organize this march to defend worker's rights and to demand an end to the Israeli genocide and occupation in Palestine!
The march will begin at MacArthur Park and will end at the Downtown LA Federal Building.
These are the march Demands!
FREE PALESTINE NOW! End the Occupation! Stop ALL US $$$ to Israel
Defend Free Speech & Worker’s Rights to Organize!
Universal Healthcare, Education, Housing for ALL!
Stop LAPD & ICE Terror!
Stop Deportations! Full Legalization NOW!
Abolish Colonial Borders & the US War Machine!
Stop US Intervention in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti
¡Invitamos a tod@s a participar en la marcha del 1 de mayo de este año en el Día Internacional del Trabajador! ¡Docenas de organizaciones se están uniendo para organizar esta marcha para defender los derechos de los trabajadores y exigir el fin del genocidio y la ocupación israelí en Palestina!
La marcha comenzará en MacArthur Park y terminará en el Edificio Federal del Centro de Los Ángeles.
¡Estas son las Demandas de la marcha!
¡Libertas para PALESTINA! ¡Alto a la ocupación! No mas $$$ a Israel!
¡Defender la libertad de expresión y los derechos de los trabajadores a organizarse!
¡Atención sanitaria universal, educación y vivienda para TODOS!
¡Alto al terrorismo de la Policia (LAPD) y de la migra (ICE)!
¡Alto a las deportaciones! Legalización Total YA!
¡Abolir las fronteras coloniales y la maquinaria de guerra estadounidense!
Alto a la intervención de Estados Unidos en Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua y Haití 
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cumphobe · 29 days
HEAL Palestine is a nonprofit org devoted to healthcare and education for children in Gaza. They are currently training teachers, implementing classrooms in tents and building a NICU in Kuwaiti hospital.
The Gaza Sunbirds are a para-cycling team, consisting of 20 athletes, based in the Gaza Strip. They are currently distributing aid and have so far distributed 34 tons of food and much more.
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pix3lplays · 10 months
Ooooo pixel so you know how I like making suggestions thematically according to the bs in my life?
How about the boys with an s/o who has a slight but (mostly) bearable foot injury but still works a 50hr week (it can be as a nurse, it's para-healthcare anyways) and they realize their s/o has been up for almost 21 hours?
Lololol (I laugh to not cry from tired.)
Oh my gosh I hear you loud and clear- Please try and take care of yourself my dear💕💕
-Reader has been up for 21 hours-
Sampo Koski: Sampo is Shook lemme tell you. He’s very: “my dear, my darling…why are you still up? You simply must get some rest.” He insists. He’ll even stay by your side, watching over you if it’ll help you fall asleep. He just desperately wants you to get rest if you can, and he’s determined to help you get there.
Gepard Landau: Gepard makes you some relaxing tea to try and help you cool off a bit. He knows how important sleep is, so he’s very encouraging for you to go get some sleep. If you have any current affairs to tend to, leave it to him. He’ll handle them. He’s so sweet oh my gosh.
Luka: Poor Luka oh my gosh he’s So Worried about you once he hears you’ve been up for 21 hours. You’re in his training room when you tell him. And his jaw Drops. “You need Sleep, y/n!” he exclaims, immediately moving to make you a makeshift bed out of gym equipment. Overall it’s pretty uncomfortable…but you’re so exhausted that you don’t even care. You lay down on the gym equipment, while he continues training. The soft sound of him striking a punching bag puts you to sleep.
Luocha: Luocha tries his best to not go Dr. Mode on you, but sometimes you’re basically asking for it. Safe to say today, you get Doctor Luocha, who INSISTS that you take some time to stop and get some rest. Doctor’s orders. He’s going to keep bothering you about it so you may as well just give in and get some sleep.
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starryfree · 5 days
psych dissertation anon, you are so fkn cool! your dissertation is gonna slay so hard. para social relationships are such an interesting theme to explore.
idk exactly what format youre supposed to go for here. but you could do case studies for major fandoms like swifties and kpop ones in two separate sections. you could also include influencer/youtuber worship as a third.
it's really so interesting. you could talk about how para social relationships make people justify shitty things like over consumerism and cyber bullying. like sky is the limit.
sorry for nerding out hehe. i work in healthcare but find psych fascinating.
Ikr? Psych dissertation anon better take notes!!
I have such intelligent anons while I’m over here blabbering about which nct member I’d hypothetically sleep with 😭
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bloodyke · 6 months
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(aqui esta el articulo en español de CPIPR)
(link to english articule from washington post)
[image ID: the first image is a picture of a road on one of puerto ricos forrested mountains with the headline "Más personas muerten en Puerto Rico mientras el sistema de salud se desmorona." The subheading reading "Pese a las vacunas y a la disponibilidad de medicamentos para el COVID-19, en 2022 murieron 35,400 personas en el Isla, la mayor cifra de los últimos 20 años."
the second image is an overhead shot of various graves located in Puerto Rico, with the headline reading "More people are dying in Puerto Rico as its healthcare system crumbles." The subheading reads "Islanders died of chronic conditions and COVID-19 in 2022 at numbers that surpassed even Hurricane Maria's toll." : end ID]
Excerpt from The Washington Post Article:
AGUAS BUENAS, Puerto Rico — In a purple house along a narrow road in Puerto Rico’s Central Mountain Range, Margarita Gómez Falcón’s breathing suddenly grew labored one March evening. She called an ambulance and began a grim two-hour wait for paramedics to arrive.
Health services across this self-governing island have been deteriorating for years, contributing to a surge in deaths that reached historic proportions in 2022, an investigation by The Washington Post and Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism has found.
The case of Gómez Falcón, 67, underscores the many ways a faltering medical system has contributed to elevated death rates.
Aguas Buenas, a small, working-class town in the central highlands, had one working ambulance for its 25,000 people when Gómez Falcón called for help, so dispatchers sent a private one that had trouble finding her home in the town’s winding back roads.
Puerto Rico, with a population of 3.3 million people, experienced more than 35,400 deaths last year. That’s nearly 3,300 more than researchers would ordinarily expect based on historic patterns, according to a statistical analysis by The Post and Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI).
This “excess mortality” — a term scientists use to describe unusually high death counts from natural disasters, disease outbreaks or other factors — resulted in part from a covid spike early last year that killed more than 2,300 people, health data shows.
The recent jump in mortality is the latest warning sign that years of natural disasters and financial crises have taken a deadly toll.
“It’s been nearly six years since Maria, and nothing has been resolved,” said Nereida Meléndez‚ a community activist in Aguas Buenas. “Here there are bridges that no one has done anything for. There are damaged highways no one has done anything to fix. Here one says, ‘What about that money they sent us? Where is it? What are they doing with it?’”
Puerto Rico’s public health system was once the envy of the Caribbean. Then-Gov. Pedro Rosselló privatized it in the 1990s, in what became known as “La Reforma.” Most government-owned hospitals were sold in an effort to control costs and streamline operations. But the opposite took place: By 2006, Puerto Rico’s economy tanked and public debt ballooned[.]
Puerto Rico's healthcare system is crumbling (alongside many other public utilities - one notable such example is the powergrid, as many of you have probably heard about recently due to the massive wave of protests against LUMA the current private company in charge of maintaining it) due to lack of resources and support. This is a crisis that has been building for decades due to many factors, such as the installment of an unelected board of overseers who have control of the puerto rican economy due to the enactment of. PROMESA in 2016, the enactment of ACT 60, a bill that incentivizes wealthy mainland U.S. citizens to move to Puerto Rico due to the increased tax breaks they will recieve that include a 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on: dividends, interest, short-term and long-term capital gains, and an exemption from the local and state property taxes equal to 75%, the withholding of emercency aid and support after natural disasters (the most notable example being the absolutely horrendus response to Hurricane Maria, that ended with the then Governor, Ricky Rosselló, resigning from his position after his sexist, racist, and homophic Telegram messages that included disparaging remarks about the victims of Hurricane Maria were leaked.)
This also includes the contiuned privitization of all aspects of puerto rican life, including the attempt to privatize the public beaches, lakes, canals, and parks in 2020, and the attempt to privatize the Taíno Caguana Ceremonial Indigenous Heritage Center in April 2023, though these are only two of many many many examples.
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populationpensive · 3 months
Five Years as a PA-C
Well, 5 years as a PA-C really snuck up on me. I was at work on Tuesday and while checking my email, my hospital send one of those "Congrats on 5 years! Pick a cool thing from this random website!" To be perfectly frank, I was a little dumb struck.
In many ways, it just doesn't seem like that much time has passed. I work in such a fast paced, stimulating environment, constantly learning new things, that I didn't really FEEL the time. Well, at least the last 3 years. The first 2 were long and arduous.
Looking through my archives, I faithfully did reflections after the first and second years. Somehow skipped the others. Never too late to get back in it.
Lessons Learned
There are people that work in healthcare for a pay check. Let your frustration with that slide away.
Some people are just assholes. Don't overthink that. Again, let that shit go.
Some parts of medical education/residency are completely ridiculous, unfair, and unsafe. Try to change what you can (especially the unsafe).
Stand up for your boundaries. I was offered a chance to "move up" into management. I declined because I knew I would hate my job if I took on admin. Don't apologize for setting this boundary.
Cultivate relationships with your coworkers and hang out with them outside of work. This is so important for our critical care team. I believe it enhances our ability to work well together.
Use your vacation time.
Some families or patients will suck you dry. Prepare yourself for those interactions and have a plan to decompress what you absorb.
Always be excited to learn. Medicine is changing every day. Learning is a foundation of the profession.
The best decision I made was changing specialties. The second best decision I made was to turn down a management opportunity. You can challenge yourself in ways that do not result in more pay, more responsibility, or more stress. I am wanting to get my chest tube placement verification done this year. Would love to add paras to that. I want to expand the teaching I have done with my PA school and possibly guest lecture on other topics. There are a lot of things that advance a career that aren't management. For me, that is desirable.
So what next? Well, some of you know that I have some intense outside of work things going on. For now, I am hanging out where I am. Probably will go to a conference this year. Probably will do more teaching. I'm ok with that. I love critical care and I have no plans to leave it any time soon.
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rametarin · 3 months
"Being healthy is ableist!" (sarcasm)
Really not on board with the idea disability should be considered a political class. We are RAPIDLY approaching an era where even something like dyscalcula or dyslexia could have some sort of corrective genetic therapy to prevent that happening and unfuck our fuckable mental states.
The problem with treating the disabled as a class and a social group is it gets very absurd to talk about them and medicine. The only reason being para- or quadraplegic is considered when they talk about the disabled as a class and group, is because we don't have any means to fix it via surgery to restore ability.
And then they politice what ability is and what is normal in the first place. Yes, it IS normal to be born with 32 teeth, yes it IS normal to be born with ten fingers and ten toes, yes it IS abnormal and can be the fault of disease that such things are disrupted. And I don't think it should be comparable to eugenics to say that's somehow how it;'s supposed to be.
If we thought of ability as something that does have normal hereditary biological parameters, and that is normal, and not the cause of anomalous genetic mutations that are causing problem problems, then imagining certain things as stuff that could be cured just means that having the ability to fix those should be a priority we have.
And our biggest impediments to having affordable healthcare to do it hinges on 1.) The realization of the science within viable physical possibility 2.) The cost.
We WILL eventually have genome therapy that could probably reprogram our brains and nervous system and our ocular system to unfuck our vision and give us freedom from ever needing contact lenses or glasses again. It'll be affordable, if the free market is allowed to get involved, and society will never have to pay exorbinant, prohibitive costs again. Nor will their ridiculous costs justify the necessity of the state monopolizing the medicine for absurd pricing.
But some would have us believe even speaking about disability as a thing to cure is tantamount to thinkig about solving, "the race problem" in a white majority society, by bleaching the skin of minorities. Which is just so patently fucking absurd. That thinking about how to prevent and eliminate mental problems is somehow genocide.
Think about it. These daffy motherfuckers think the very concept of not having babies if it'd result in someone with down syndrome is "genocidal" and "eugenicist," But... somehow, destroying a zygote or a fetus isn't murder. Preventing people being born with disabilities is genocide, but destroying a fetus a hair before viability from the womb? Not murder or death. How the fuck do you even square that away without insisting people and things don't exist in a material world, just in the abstract? You can commit genocide just by preventing disability in a conceptual class of people that DON'T YET EXIST AS HUMANS, but you can't kill an organism that'll grow into sapience and individuality in a span of weeks.
I could kind of understand if they were extremist pro-lifers where even preventing the IDEA of a person being alive was a form of murder, but no. These are supposedly pro choice people, and consider it the right of whomever has a uterus. Yet, somehow, the choice to NOT have a child with a disability is genocide.. on an entity that it isn't murder to kill it.
tl;dr: I hate the imagining of disability as a class, and the only reason it has traction is because the people that wholly believe in classes and legal/social representation and the obligation of the states to do things on the basis of class, find the disabled convenient. And I can't wait until medical science at all levels and all kinds is able to cheaply restore or create ability in individuals, thereby removing them from being considered disabled.
If wanting people to be healthy and autonymous and independent is genocide, then holy shit.
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luluca3 · 8 months
19 de novembro de 2022
Mods que você precisa do Mood Mod Pack 
- Road to Romance (por mim) - Better Babies and Toddlers por Caradriel - First Impressions (por mim) - Modos personalizados para alguns Moodlets de jogo (por mim) - SimTuber Career por Adeepindigo - School Milestones por Adeepindigo - Healthcare Redux por Adeepindigo - Família Therap y por Adeepindigo - Preteen Mod por ItsKatato & Adeepindigo - SimsTuber Career por Adeepindigo - Valentines Holiday Tradition por Adeepindigo - (em breve) Dynamic Teen Life por Adeepindigo - 100 Base Game Trait Pack por Chingyu (Opcional) - Sentiment Lot Traits por Chingyu (Opcional) - Reações de interação entre adolescentes por MissyHissy
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
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LA's Morrison Hotel, made famous by Doors album, to become affordable housing
By ABC7.com staff
Wednesday, December 20, 2023 1:02AM
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- The Morrison Hotel in Los Angeles - made famous by the legendary Doors' album of the same name - is set to become affordable housing.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation acquired the downtown LA hotel property for $11.9 million earlier this month and plans to convert the building into 111 units of low-income housing.
On hand to make the announcement Tuesday were Doors drummer John Densmore, 79, and photographer Henry Diltz, who shot the iconic album cover more than 50 years ago.
"The people who work in the city can't afford to live in the city, so the Morrison Hotel is now going to be a solution to that problem," Densmore said.
The single-room occupancy hotel was built in 1914.
The Doors made the hotel's front facade famous when band members snuck in while the clerk was busy and Diltz quickly shot a series of photos under the "Morrison Hotel" lettering, with singer Jim Morrison front and center in the window.
The 1970 album is highly regarded in rock history, featuring classics such as "Roadhouse Blues" and "Peace Frog."
The AHF says a developer had originally planned to demolish the building and turn it into a luxury hotel, but the developer defaulted on the loan. AHF's plans call for adaptive reuse of the existing structure, "saving a piece of rock and roll history."
Copyright © 2023 KABC Television, LLC. All rights reserved.
O Morrison Hotel de Los Angeles, que ficou famoso pelo álbum Doors, se tornará uma habitação a preços acessíveis
LOS ANGELES (KABC) – O Morrison Hotel em Los Angeles – que ficou famoso pelo lendário álbum de mesmo nome do Doors – está prestes a se tornar uma habitação acessível.
A AIDS Healthcare Foundation adquiriu o hotel no centro de Los Angeles por US$ 11,9 milhões no início deste mês e planeja converter o edifício em 111 unidades de habitação de baixa renda.
Presentes para fazer o anúncio na terça-feira estavam o baterista do Doors, John Densmore, 79, e o fotógrafo Henry Diltz, que fotografou a icônica capa do álbum há mais de 50 anos.
"As pessoas que trabalham na cidade não têm dinheiro para viver na cidade, por isso o Morrison Hotel será agora uma solução para esse problema", disse Densmore.
O hotel para ocupação de quarto individual foi construído em 1914.
The Doors tornou a fachada frontal do hotel famosa quando os membros da banda entraram furtivamente enquanto o funcionário estava ocupado e Diltz rapidamente tirou uma série de fotos sob as letras "Morrison Hotel", com o cantor Jim Morrison na frente e no centro da janela.
O álbum de 1970 é altamente considerado na história do rock, apresentando clássicos como “Roadhouse Blues” e “Peace Frog”.
A AHF diz que um desenvolvedor planejou originalmente demolir o prédio e transformá-lo em um hotel de luxo, mas o desenvolvedor não pagou o empréstimo. Os planos da AHF prevêem a reutilização adaptativa da estrutura existente, "salvando um pedaço da história do rock and roll".
Saiba mais sobre Jim Morrison (1943-1971) e o The Doors em meu Patreon. Torne-se o meu Patrono e tenha acesso a mais de 500 posts exclusivos:
O dia em que o espírito deixou o corpo: o último show de Jim Morrison com o The Doors
The day the spirit left the body: Jim Morrison’s last show with The Doors on December 12, 1970 at The Warehouse in New Orleans:
Phantom's Divine Comedy Part 1, o disco lançado em 1974 que insinuou a volta de Jim Morrison três anos depois de sua morte:
The Bank of America of Louisiana: O livro apócrifo lançado por Jim Morrison em 1975, quatro anos depois de sua morte:
Os 80 anos do nascimento do Rei Lagarto: Jim Morrison foi uma testemunha do Caso Roswell?
Os 80 anos do nascimento de Jim Morrison: As portas da percepção estão abertas... para os Illuminati:
80 anos do nascimento de Jim Morrison: Quem matou o Rei Lagarto?
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bruuberrycc · 1 year
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mods ATUALIZADOS para deixar seu jogo mais divertido em 2023!
✨ link do vídeo ♥
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colletti · 8 months
oi, tudo bem?? desculpa o incomodo, mas vi que alguns mods do a.deep.indigo atualizaram, como: Education Overhaul v5.4, divergent sims v2.4, dental care v6.9, eye care v2.5 e Healthcare Redux v6.7 … você irá atualizar as traduções?? eu adoro esses mods e para mim suas traduções são incríveis.
Oi! Eu vou ver todos esses mods que você me pediu e vocês irão ficar sabendo quais precisa baixar de novo no status dos mods!
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Gusto ko naman talaga mag-aral. Gusto ko maging doctor. I want to work in pediatrics. Gusto ko ang papaging healthcare worker. Alam ko talaga na I belong to this field. Pero natakot ako bigla at naoverwhelm ako sa idea. Di pa nagsstart pero sobrang mahal na ng nagagastos from dorms to reservations ng slot. Nag doubt ako bigla na baka mag back out ako, baka biglang maisip ko na hindi para sa akin to, baka masayang effort ng pamilya ko to send me to a good medical school. Man, it’s scary and overwhelming. But then again, sabi nga kung di ka natatakot sa pangarap mo, then it’s not yet big enough.
Dream big dreams, kids.
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shinebriggght · 3 months
ganda pa rin talaga ng frozen lalo na yung part 2. iba ang pagmamahal ng magkapatid talaga. tipong will do it together no matter what happens ang peg. tapos parehas pa kayong babae. lamoyon, parehas kayong barako kumilos hahaha. hayyyy na ol may kapatid na girl 😅
so 8-4pm ang schedule namin bukas. hindi kami duduty sa unit pero need pa rin namin mag e-learning at BLS Practical. uyyy magmemeet na naman kami ng mga dummy yummy para iCPR sila. namiss ko sila. sakto rin kasi mag expire na BLS ko sa May at uhh, thankfully, nirerequire ang mga healthcare workers dito every year para mag BLS. i also learned na pwede i-review yung e-learning courses sa itacit just in case gusto naming mag refresh ng mga bagay bagay sa mga unit haha. amazing, isn't it?
idagdag ko nga rin pala na meron ng schedule si preethie tapos ako bukas ko pa malalaman kung ano magiging schedule ko but one thing is for sure. orientation pa rin kami sa unit at hindi na nila kami pwedeng iwan hangga't hindi natatapos ang orientation namin. walastik kasi yung naka duty ko nung friday. iniwan ako mag isa tapos silang dalawa nagbreak. edi ayon, hindi ako nagpabida bida. hahaha nalaman ko kasi na bawal pala yon dito. well, dapat marunong kang humingi ng tulong kasi otherwise, ibuburnout mo lang sarili mo unless, sanay na katawan mo at tinatanggap na yon ng emotion mo. hehe.
anyway, yun lang naman. no photos for today's blog dahil nabusy kami talaga from unit to education saka maaga ako matutulog tonight. antok na rin ako. hoho. skl!
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