#Patti LaHelle
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iballordie · 7 months
Free joy
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Hyoteimyu cast (A) as Got2BReal quotes
Shirota: Don't you worry about who I pass the torch to, bitch. you barely have air in your lungs Yanagi: Fanta? I don't drink no damn Fanta. It goes flat too quick Endou: You think i’m beneath you but you're beneath the appropriate note every time you sing. I guess that makes us even. It makes you flat, but it makes us even. Kaji: nothing wrong with pudding if the proof’s in it Zukki: have i ever told you you're my favorite flop? you're flopulous Adachi: what was the concept? she looks like a fish outta water...mid flop. Araki: i hear what you're saying but all i’m really wondering is, are you gonna touch up those roots? i don't get the indecisiveness Kujirai: upload a diploma! Upload a degree! Better yet, upload your Billboard stats! Aiba: Over here we have standards; over there they have struggles... Konii: Shade, heffa! shaaaaade! Shay-EED
Ishibashi: I wanna address the rudity of the situation Toyonaga:  i may be out of school but i haven't forgotten how to read Hotta:  this is the problem I have with younger artists and their fans of today -  calling their favorite ‘queens’, when they're really just.....questionable.
Kazuki: this is about me...and praise that people are giving me. here the air is just (deep inhale) so much sweeter Takumi: I will be reciting a poem today entitled ‘Bitch Better Shut Her Mouth’ Ruito: the difference between Haterade and Gatorade is one fills you up and the other makes you thirsty. Kenta: i will throw your bones. your name is in the programme. Date: bells jingle. i make singles Kawai: you kids need to have a highchair Washi: i want to say congratulations - but you're yet to give me a reason to TAKUYA (oof sorry): Why do you need me 5 days out of 7?!! I hate working and nobody can convince me this shit isn't a scam
Shiozawa: number one; you don’t know me. number two; you don’t know me like THAT KENN: i can give you a hit right now - a multiplatinum black eye Aoki: i’m sure your old nose is in somebody’s business, somewhere Yuki: I see someone went to Home Depot and traded in their old shovel for a new hoe.. Shinoda: you are just so very pretty....and thank God
JURI: I realise now it's not my fault that feelings are fragile... Yuuki: Girl, we looking like marriage equality right now. Wada: This team should be called ABC: ‘A Bitch Can't’. A bitch can't get a hit, a bitch can't get on the charts, a bitch can't get a Grammy... A bitch just can't! Iori: damn. how unlikeable do you have to be for even your spirit-guides to stop fucking with you? Yazaki: sorry I couldn't be there tonight. they had me scheduled to do some things that I would actually enjoy
Mamoru: Guess who back and don't plan on leavin'? Takagi: Haters are people who read with no resume and critique with no credentials. that you?
[credit to Patti LaHelle]
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dakrolak · 7 years
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What's Next For Andrea Lee, Creator of Got2BReal Commonly Known as Patti LaHelle
What's Next For Andrea Lee, Creator of #Got2BReal Commonly Known as #PattiLaHelle
Source: Episode 65 of “What About Your Friends” (Starting around 53:45)
Like many, I’m sure, Got2BReal was, is, and always will be, one of our favorite YouTube series. And while created Andrea Lee, commonly known as Patti LaHelle has moved on to greener pastures, unless you have…
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sailormurkury · 7 years
Patti LaHelle’s just been announced as a writer for Season 2 of the hit webseries Pretty Dudes!!!!!
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lancevance · 4 years
youtube rec list
i spend way too much time on yt so this is in vain to parse out my absolute faves
todd in the shadows, be kind rewind, caitl*vesd*sney (she has a tumlr i don’t want her to see this lmao), kat blaque, sloan bella, terrell, antphrodite, jrose11, steve1989mreinfo, jelle’s marble runs, the queen of lambily and special shoutout to patti lahelle for got 2b real
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jackisreallycool · 7 years
got2breal is great because it’s not just shady one liners but we grow to understand these diva impersonators as the actual characters and we see them grow and change and their jokes and nudges towards each other are defined by the specific relationships patti lahelle created for them. its so smart
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super-random-j · 7 years
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Inspired by Patti LaHelle (@_maleficentt’s) original, comes the platinum edition of Maxine Waters’ Reclaiming my time.
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narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years
Aretha Franklin Wasn’t Just The Queen Of Soul. She Was The Queen Of Shade.
In the coming days, there are going to be countless meditations on Aretha Franklin’s enormous talent — not only as a singer but as a writer and musician — and her legacy. But there’s something else to which we must pay tribute. This is meant with the utmost admiration, love and reverence: The Queen of Soul was also the Queen of Shade.
This was actual and factual and, especially later on in her career, Franklin didn’t really make much of an effort to hide it. There were some darker, less flattering undertones to this, but it was also just funny as hell. It said something about her stature that she’d earned the right to such majestic pettiness.
This is the woman who sent a fax in 2017 to the Associated Press blasting Dionne Warwick for libel after Warwick had made a fairly innocuous statement about Franklin at Whitney Houston’s funeral five years prior.
“She blatantly lied on me … fully well knowing what she was doing,” Franklin told the AP in a follow-up telephone interview, adding, “I don’t care about her apology, at this point it isn’t about an apology, it’s about libel.”
This is also the woman who gave us the iconic, decadeslong beef with Patti LaBelle, which included the infamous moment in which she seemed to ignore LaBelle during a Women of Soul concert at the White House in 2014.
And remember, this is the woman who did a 2014 interview with the Wall Street Journal, which asked her to share her thoughts on singers of the younger generation. 
After complimenting the vocal talents and producing skills of Adele and Alicia Keys, when Taylor Swift’s name came up, she decided to cover the Grammy Award-winning singer in enough shade to hide the face of the moon. “Okaaay,” she said, in a way that suggested she was exploring the very furthest reaches of her thoughts to deliver a verdict on Taylor.
“Great gowns. Beautiful gowns.”
Throughout the 2010s, Franklin’s penchant for petty essentially became a meme ― her interviews went viral thanks to her subtle but incredibly blunt style. There was a particularly entertaining and cringe-inducing exchange with Wendy Williams in 2013, during which Franklin looked on with unconcealed displeasure as Williams began to dance and sing Franklin’s classic song, “Rock Steady.”
“Step back,” Franklin deadpanned. “Step over there.”
Franklin, along with other divas, was the inspiration and driving force of the wildly popular “Got 2 B Real” parody series by YouTuber Pattie LaHelle, which came to prominence in 2011 and lasted two seasons. The YouTube show consisted of videos of old school and contemporary divas essentially reading each other for filth (via voiceover), with gems like: “If I have to, I’ll shade you with so many colors you’ll leave looking like Toucan Sam.”
Her shady side was a manifestation of her power, and it was hard not to admire it. Not long after her death, someone dug up her response in 1993 to New York Post columnist Liz Smith, who had written that Franklin “must know she’s too bosomy to wear such clothing, but she just doesn’t care what we think, and that attitude is what separates mere stars from true divas.” Franklin’s responded in a letter:
How dare you be so presumptuous as to presume you could know my attitudes with respect to anything other than music. … Obviously I have enough of what it takes to wear a bustier and I haven’t had any complaints, I’m sure if you could you would. When you get to be a noted and respected fashion editor please let us all know.
And then, in a postscript:
You are hardly in any position to determine what separates stars from divas since you are neither one or an authority on either.
Franklin didn’t pick up on the compliment in Smith’s assessment, and why should she have? The real offense here wasn’t that she called Franklin “too bosomy.” It was that Smith thought for some reason she could know Franklin’s mind, that she thought she had any right to draw a conclusion about the queen.
Real power, perhaps, is in being above even the genuflections, because you already know you deserve respect.
Franklin once said, “We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right.” 
For black women, especially those in the public eye, to appear shady or simply unimpressed is to run the risk of being dismissed as a mere caricature of black womanhood. But what made moments like “Great gowns, beautiful gowns” iconic was the fact that they transcended this trap, this fear. In all her diva-hood, in all her shade, Franklin gave herself (and thus other women) the permission to be whatever she was going to be. It was an inspiring embodiment of a simple, but powerful fact:
Call it pettiness, call it shade, call it whatever you want. You can’t stop a black woman from saying exactly what’s on her mind. 
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
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Aretha Franklin Wasn’t Just The Queen Of Soul. She Was The Queen Of Shade. was originally posted by Viral News - Feed
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quarter-life-report · 7 years
Adam Joseph - Reclaiming My Time [ft. Maxine Waters] by AdamJosephProduction I'm reclaiming my time! Want a copy? Donate to my gofundme fundraiser and I'll email it to you along with 2 of my other latest tracks. http://ift.tt/2f10dUG Produced by Adam Joseph Cover Art by Patti LaHelle (Twitter: @_maleficentt)
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tune-collective · 7 years
Here Are the Best Fyre Festival Memes
Here Are the Best Fyre Festival Memes
Word is spreading across the Internet that the first-ever Fyre Festival is a complete disaster. What was supposed to be a three-day, two-weekend music festival on a private Bahamian island turned out to be an ill-conceived, likely irreparable waste of time and money for festival organizers and attendees alike.
Promoted as a “luxury” experience, festival-goers spent anywhere from $4,000 to $250,000 on flight and accommodation packages that promised meals and lodging. Music fans were instead given disaster relief tents and cheese sandwiches.
The festival, founded in part by Ja Rule, has been canceled. Empty flights from Miami have been dispatched to “rescue” stranded customers. In the meantime, Twitter is lit up with memes poking fun at the utter failure to launch.
Our hearts go out to those victims of the #fyrefestival massacre pic.twitter.com/yAg5rTGL8E
— DQ (@DuJuan_Daniels) April 28, 2017
“Anybody know time Migos’ set is?” #fyrefestival pic.twitter.com/2g3fVdvSGg
— Patti LaHelle (@_maleficentt) April 28, 2017
Please follow #fyrefestival hashtag for Thursday night entertainment pic.twitter.com/5H3z5J4JKO
— Sam Chasse (@samuelchasse) April 28, 2017
Found the masterminds behind the genius #fyrefestival : pic.twitter.com/SG22Veh8qE
— Matthew Sibley (@siblznbitz) April 28, 2017
Crushed it #fyrefestival pic.twitter.com/H7jz41fw3E
— Allison Vatz (@avatz) April 28, 2017
#fyrefestival pic.twitter.com/BsZVlKtLet
— Mahoney (@DMahoneyphoto) April 28, 2017
Latest scenes at #fyrefestival pic.twitter.com/VPCyZvthaT
— Adam N. Fleming (@AdamNFleming) April 28, 2017
Me going through the #FyreFestival tag. pic.twitter.com/WdM1Qq9kDx
— คlly (@KyloeRens) April 28, 2017
Uh oh, looks like Ja Rule has gone into damage control mode: pic.twitter.com/bFMVm3TRlr
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) April 28, 2017
this is my favorite interaction i’ve ever seen #FyreFestival pic.twitter.com/ihEO1HccAe
— rick (@PatMahogna) April 28, 2017
This article originally appeared on Billboard.
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D-BOYS as Got2BReal quotes
Wada: all the things these young girls are doing today and all the shade they think they're throwing? I planted and smoked those trees.
Zukki: know how someone could make something about someone else, but it's about you? THAT’s what's goin' on.
Arayan: can you hate AND be the Queen?
Yanagi: should I or shouldn't I press my life alert? ‘cause I've got an emergency, it’s just, it ain't mine.
Shunji: i don't care, i don't do it
Endou: don't be evil, and don't be foolish either.
Kaji: my favourite cereal is LIFE. And I got it and I LIVED
Adachi: What are friends for? Really, I wanna know. I wanna know.
Shirota: To the rest of the divas whose careers were crushed under the weight of my incredible success: I urge you all to use this opportunity to be the best that you can be. No one is expecting you to sound as good as I did...
Taito: they say never work with children or animals so why would i?
Usui: i'm tired of offering all these seats to people who won't SIT
Setomaru: it doesn't surprise me that there are lowlifes who think highly of themselves or lessers that want more...
Tomo: I don't know any other way to ask you this....are you mad? Do you possess anger? Are you experiencing hardships?
Makki: i just told her a bald-ass lie. Just under-the-rainbow-and-over-the-bullshit.
Hirata: why you mad? you can hold my bag. it ain't that heavy yet
Youichiro: these girls don’t have an aura. it’s EVIL, i knew that from the jump
Shingo: Pro...freshional
Horii: i find it inspirational you're determined to be a soprano
Mikami: One uses sunglasses to shade the classless
Ryun: must be nice - living in Hater’s mansion on Shady Lane
Masayan: WHO brings DEVILED EGGS to an album release party? 
Yuichi: so the apple is calling the orange 'fruity'....
Sho: they just....they never caught on. you know if I say “you lookin’ cute today” I’m not telling you the truth. i’m saying I saw you tried to BE cute
Ryo: I have always been real. And even if I have to be fake, I'm real fake.
Yuki: I've come to the conclusion that my life is like light up sneakers. If I just keep walkin' forward, I know I'mma shine. But it's when I stop that I lose my light.
Shion: you thought you were giving us something we could feel, we could use... and it just ended up looking like spilled hopes and dreams
Yamada: You see my mood ring here? That's the color for “I don't give a fuck"
Atsushi: you could try, but you won't win today - you CAN'T.
Jun: we're not friends, we're just familiar
Shotarou: give a bitch an inch, she gonna just take the whole ruler from you
[credit to Patti LaHelle]
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the2travel · 7 years
* World Travel Tips : 22 'Fyre' Tweets About The Disaster That Was The Fyre Festival
Travel Tips - function onPlayerReadyVidible(e){'undefined'!=typeof HPTrack&&HPTrack.Vid.Vidible_track(e)}!function(e,i){if(e.vdb_Player){if('object'==typeof commercial_video){var a='',o='m.fwsitesection='+commercial_video.site_and_category;if(a+=o,commercial_video['package']){var c='&m.fwkeyvalues=sponsorship%3D'+commercial_video['package'];a+=c}e.setAttribute('vdb_params',a)}i(e.vdb_Player)}else{var t=arguments.callee;setTimeout(function(){t(e,i)},0)}}(document.getElementById('vidible_1'),onPlayerReadyVidible);
This Ja Rules.
Fyre Festival, a luxury music festival organized by Ja Rule on a private island in the Bahamas, ended up being a straight-up disaster when concertgoers arrived on Thursday.
Blink 182, one of the bands scheduled to headline, pulled out at the last minute. Accommodations were a mess, as well. Tents were half-built; there were feral dogs running amuck; and the promised gourmet grub was actually sad-looking cheese sandwiches, based on numerous social media reports.
Naturally, attendees were angry, being that they paid $5,000 to $250,000 for tickets, according to Rolling Stone.
And let’s just say that the news of a bunch of rich kids not attending the super-luxe party they thought they were going to inspired quite a few jokes on Twitter.
Here’s the most “fyre” ones:
  Me at home watching rich people get scammed to see what it feels like to be a refugee and live in subhuman conditions at the #FyreFestival http://pic.twitter.com/wAnQ5khU6U
— Ree (@queenreeeee) April 28, 2017
Me: I try to be a compassionate person ☺️✌ Me reading about #fyrefestival: http://pic.twitter.com/Sz8bmZjpKc
— Lizzie Tadsen (@tizzieladsen) April 28, 2017
Do not let #FyreFestival refugees into the country. We cannot risk it if even ONE of them has been radicalized.
— Chris Adler (@adler_chris) April 28, 2017
WELCOME TO #FYREFESTIVAL http://pic.twitter.com/CGRD9TtbTl
— Bryan Glasgow (@BryanGlasgow4) April 28, 2017
Live from the VIP area of #FyreFestival http://pic.twitter.com/1X6wfM372a
— Geoff Holtby (@gdholtby) April 28, 2017
Found the dudes who organized #FyreFestival http://pic.twitter.com/xognF7dUdD
— Emalie Marthe (@The_Sample_Life) April 28, 2017
The #fyrefestival is really a social experiment where rich people get to live like the majority of people in developing countries.
— Travis Keys (@thewritetbkeys) April 28, 2017
#fyrefestival organizers be like http://pic.twitter.com/5SCzpKPvzr
— Blaise Production (@Blaise_Prod) April 28, 2017
Most of us only dream of putting the wealthy in a gulag, Comrade Ja has actually gone and done it #fyrefestival
— netflix & phil (@PaleCompanion) April 28, 2017
You paid $12k to go see Blink-182 headlined festival hosted by Ja Rule in 2017?!?!?!?!? #fyrefestival http://pic.twitter.com/QcYj2z67vf
— Meaks (@MeaksB) April 28, 2017
#FyreFestival is an art installation where mediocre people realize what their lives would be like without rich parents.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) April 28, 2017
Maybe they should of had Kendall Jenner handing out Pepsi's to make everything better at #fyrefestival #fyre http://pic.twitter.com/WOJm5Kicrz
— CaliGirl (@emdeeimages) April 28, 2017
The luckiest kid is the one who booked his flight to #fyrefestival on United Airlines and got dragged off the plane before they took off.
— Will Presti (@WillPresti) April 28, 2017
"Anybody know time Migos' set is?" #fyrefestival http://pic.twitter.com/2g3fVdvSGg
— Patti LaHelle (@_maleficentt) April 28, 2017
Uber Black at #fyrefestival is lit. http://pic.twitter.com/tFtaYpMpc3
— Steven Hyden (@Steven_Hyden) April 28, 2017
How many times has "Do you know who I am?" been screamed in the face of a very frustrated and confused Bahamian? #fyrefestival
— Monty Burns, III (@CMontyBurnsIII) April 28, 2017
My $450 "Muddy Jeans" got real mud on them while trying to survive #FYREFESTIVAL
— Jason Malmont (@Jmalmont) April 28, 2017
#fyrefestival right now http://pic.twitter.com/cNOH2XL1iB
— ryan was here (@omgitsryguy) April 28, 2017
News crews have arrived on scene at the #fyrefestival http://pic.twitter.com/3wxHNToqDM
— Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) April 28, 2017
I wonder how bad #fyrefestival actually is. I imagine that most of the people there would consider a Holiday Inn comparable to a warzone
— Stephen Bowe (@StephenBoweActs) April 28, 2017
Me, broke in my apartment knowing that rich people at #fyrefestival are LARP-ing Lord of the Flies right now: http://pic.twitter.com/o8zbFUBRWo
— ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ (@_stevendavidson) April 28, 2017
This month's hottest new club is #fyrefestival It's got everything: Wild dogs Embassy cooperation Tent fires Stolen passports http://pic.twitter.com/NbHWUZXcf5
— Ehren (@megalonyx_) April 28, 2017
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dlozlami · 7 years
The question isn't how is Twitter free it's why isn't Twitter paying us. http://pic.twitter.com/VodnFx2y9s
— Patti LaHelle (@_maleficentt) April 11, 2017
via @Dloz_Lami April 12, 2017 at 05:52AM
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sponsoredbymelanin · 8 years
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Highlighting those double standards.
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