#Paul Sevier x Reader angst
cas-backwards-tie · 4 years
Breakup Headcanons
Warnings: General Angst, Cursing, Slurs, Mentions of Cheating, Ended Engagement.
A/N: @oh-adam​ this is for you! I know you just wanted a drabble for my choice, and... well it’s hard to choose so I decided to do headcanons for a bunch! :) I hope you enjoy! I put everyone underneath the cut since it’d get too long otherwise and no one would want to reblog lmao. Also here’s to me trying to write for Flip and Adam for the first time! also I think credit to @drivermisfit​ for using one of your gifs! I saw the watermark, so thank you <3
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Kylo Ren:
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“It’s for your safety!” Kylo explains again. Somehow he’s gotten the idea into his mind that by sending you to the outer-rim, somewhere you’re less likely to be found, that you’ll be safe from Snoke and the First Order.
“I don’t care!”
“Well I do, and what I say goes. I am the Commander. Get in! Don’t make me force you,” he threatens, his breathing starting to get heavier as his anger level rises, his fear getting more serious as the longer your relationship had gone on, the more and more he’d gotten feelings for you. “I love you,” he says your name, gloved hand reaching out to caress your face, “but I have to leave you. It isn’t safe anymore and I don’t know when it will be. My life is already at risk and I can’t risk yours too. I was foolish enough to think they wouldn’t catch on for this long.” Now that you’ve obeyed him and entered the starship, he closes the walkway and takes off his helmet. Placing it underneath his arm he guides you toward the cockpit, being gentle with you for a last time. 
You don’t say anything as you can’t find the words to. The cast on your arm and the bandage on your head are already warning enough. He straps you into the seat and has already set the ship up with coordinates before you’d both even come down to the hangar.
“Remember-” you cut him off and finish his sentence, “-when you arrive destroy the data so they can’t track me. Yes, yes, I already know, Kylo! It’ll be fine!” You reassure him. Sighing, you look at his face, never wanting to stop look, fear riddled in your body as you worry for what will happen to him when you leave.
“Okay... well... I love you. I always will, my star... please be safe,” he whispers, suddenly tearing up as he presses a kiss to your forehead, running his hand over your hair before pulling away. You hadn’t anticipated how painful the sounds of his departing footsteps would be, but teardrops run down your face as you silent let yourself sob, shoulders wracking as he leaves the ship, it already counting down and preparing to take off, leaving and tearing you away from the love of your life.
Charlie Barber:
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You knew it was coming when he’d started working late everyday. Charlie would be more than a few minutes late to your dates with really lame excuses and you started communicating less and less. Maybe it’s me, you thought, but ultimately forbid yourself from dwelling and going any further down that train of thought since you haven’t done anything wrong! “I’ve just been really busy with work!” Charlie argues, “Transitioning from theatre to film is not what it’s cracked up to be! Do you even know how many calls I’ve had to make? How many meetings I’ve had to take or how many of my days I’ve had to sacrifice seeing Henry?” A scoff comes from his mouth as he rolls his eyes, holding back tears as his cheeks start to turn a little red. “I can’t do this anymore,” the way he says your name is heart-breaking, the final acknowledgment that it’s not working and he doesn’t want to continue trying making your heart ache with pain.
“So that’s it, huh? After everything?” You ask, fed up with his lies and excuses, the defensiveness.
“For fuck’s sake! Yes! I’m done. I can’t do this right now. I can’t handle this. I’m done.” Gesticulating with his hands in the air, Charlie finally lets himself take a deep breath as the two of you just stare at each other from opposite sides of the room solemnly. “There’s just too much going on right now,” he whispers, and that’s all it takes for you to turn around and walk out the door.
Clyde Logan:
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“You what?” Everything else around you fades except for him, the only things running through your mind and ringing through your ears repeatedly are the words he’d just said. Your heart clenches, pain making you clutch at it as your cheeks sting with the threat of tears willing to surface.
“I said I went through with it. I enlisted. We’ve been talkin’ bout it an now that Ma and Pa are gone... Jimmy says this is the best bet for college an I agree. I’m leavin’ tomorrow mornin’. Darlin, please don’t cry. This is the last thing I want right now, but I... I have to do this... and while I’m gone I don’t want you waiting’ around for someone who might never come back.” Clyde takes a step forward, hands reaching up to wipe away your tears, but you turn away from him.
“I- I don’t want you to leave!”
“I know,” he whispers, his voice soft, sweet like honey, and calm like the lake in the morning, “but I promise ya that I wasn’t no good for ya anyhow. There’s gotta be a man that deserves you ten times more than me and can give you the life you actually deserve.” His hand rubs your back while the other one brushes your hair behind your ear. Before you can speak he calls your name, his beautiful brown eyes looking down into yours. “I just came to say goodbye... but,” he shakes his head, “god dammit if I can’t help myself... can I have one last kiss goodbye?” 
Nodding in response, too choked up to speak, you crane your neck to place your lips against his. The previous smile that’d engrossed your lips slowly melts and turns into a smile as Clyde’s sweetness never fails to brighten you up. One of his hands weaves into your hair while the other snakes itself around your waist. Your lips dance against one another, his soft plump lips pressing harder than usual against yours while both of your noses brush against each other. Curse him and his cute big nose!
It all feels like it happens too fast. While the kiss seemed to last forever, he’s suddenly out of your arms and on the other side of the parking lot and into his truck, then gone... almost like it never even happened.... like you never even knew him.
Adam Sackler:
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“Get out of here!” He screams, head and hair shaking with fury, “Fuck!” Of course, though, you don’t move. “I don’t want to hear you shit! I already fucking told you what happened! I can’t take it back!” Pounding his closed fists against his head angrily he beats himself up. See, Adam had told you that two days ago on Saturday night he’d went to a mutual friend’s house for comfort after the both of you had gotten in a fight. Now you couldn’t even remember what started the fight but it doesn’t even matter. Next, the friend convinced him to go to a party, where Adam ended up seeing Jessa... one thing lead to another and she kissed him, he pushed her away, but after another kiss and one more, they madeout. Of course he felt guilty and told you today, but that doesn’t change what happened.
“I just want you to know that I fucking loved you Adam! I fucking loved you and go and do this?!” He doesn’t care that you’re crying in his living room, no, at least it doesn’t feel like it cause all he’s been doing for the past five minutes is telling you to ‘get out’ and leave. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do!”
“I don’t know what I want you to do either! Do I think I wouldn’t fuck tell you if I didn't?!” Furiously wiping away your tears with the sleeves of your shirt, you try to ignore the throbbing in your head. “I fucking HATE this you know that?! I fucking hate that you’re forcing me to do this!”
“I’m not forcing you to do anything!”
“Yes you are!”
“No I’m not!”
“I c-” you choke on a sob, having to catch your breath, “I can’t do this. I- I’m breaking up with you Adam.”
“You can’t,” he whines, his expression suddenly changing at he looks at you with pleading eyes.
“It’s too late. I just did.” Making your way toward the exit, you know you need to get away from here and move on as fast as you can.
Paul Sevier:
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“Paul, can we talk?” You ask as you sit down in a chair at a corner table at a random cafe you’d picked to go to for lunch today. Keeping your purse in your lap, Paul doesn’t fail to notice that’s odd.
“Isn’t that what we’re already doing?” He jokes, smiling as he chuckles, scooting in his chair as he gets settled in the chair across from you.
“Okay, sure, but I mean seriously,” you sigh. He can tell this isn’t going anywhere good. Something’s up. “I want to break-up. I’m not happy anymore, I can’t do this. You’re a nice guy, I like you, sure, but I have this co-worker who I like and has been asking me out and... I just... I can’t do it. I don’t want to do that to you, so... I want to break-up.”
“But-” he’s taken aback, his jaw dropped as he shakes his head, eyebrows furrowed as he processes everything, “Uh... just like that? What about the wedding?” He asks stunned, his heart not even in pain as he can’t comprehend what’s happening in this moment. Where had he gone wrong? What did he do?Was it something he said?
Taking off your ring you place it on the table for him. “We never planned it, so there’s nothing to cancel. I thought I could live this kind of life, but with you gone all the time, I just... can’t do it. I don’t think I could live like that. I’m sorry. I don’t want to draw this out Paul, I really don’t. I loved you, I really did, and it broke me for a long time to even think about this. But I know that I’d never be happy just keeping this up. I really hope you find somebody. I have to go.”
Within another moment you’re gone. Paul doesn’t move an inch. The diamond ring glints in the mid-day sun on the table and he quickly springs into action to snatch it into his hand and stuff it into his pocket under the table, removing the scene of its evidence like it never even happened. The waiter comes up to the table and offers him a menu, greeting him with a smile which he doesn’t return. “I’ll just take one margarita please.”
Flip Zimmerman:
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Parking outside your house, Flip shuts the engine off and gets out of the car to lean against it. You know he said 7:30, so you should be out the door any minute now. He taps his foot against the pavement, admiring the way the trees blow in the wind, leaves starting to turn yellow and red as autumn approaches. A minute passes, then another before he pulls out his packet of cigarettes and his lighter. A breath of fresh smoke wafts into his lungs with his breath, he holds it for a moment before letting it out, the smoke curling up and disappearing into the air. Holding the cigarette between his fingers he perks up when he hears the screen door swing shut. A smirk displays itself upon his lips as you trail down the driveway, you dress swaying with your hips and your heels clacking against the concrete. It isn’t until you’re right up in his face that you go in for a kiss, only to halt a centimeter away, your smile turning into a frown.
“You lied to me Flip Zimmerman,” you accuse.
“Bout what, Doll?” He responds calmly, flicking the cigarette to knock the ash off and onto the street below. Small qualms like these don’t phase him, everyone’s got a bone to pick and Flip doesn’t have time for it. All of his days are spent dealing with fights and problems, the least he can have is his time-off spent with peace and coolness.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you say sarcastically, backing up a bit as you toy with him, “maybe the fact that you don’t work for Bobby’s mechanics, but you’re in fact, a fucking pig?!” Shoving his chest, Flip’s eyebrows furrow together as he takes another puff of his cigarette before tossing it aside onto the street.
“That’s what you’re mad about?” He asks seriously, taking a step toward you.
“You’re not denying it- so it’s true?” You put your hands on your hips.
“And what if it is? You got a problem with me being a ‘pig’?” He mocks you, hating the recent reputation the police have started to get, and the problem you’re personally taking up with him since you know fully well that he’s not like other cops, he’s a good man through and through. At least, he tries to be.
“Yes, I do, and for starts it means I don't want to be seen going around with no pig! So you can count yourself out, Casanova.”
“Fine! Whatever, as if I care! You weren’t the first and you won’t be the last, babydoll!” Rounding his car, he tears open the door and gets in, slamming it shut behind him before speeding off.
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babbushka · 2 years
Babbushka's FAQ (2022)
Hello everyone! With the new year having approached, I thought it would be best to give my FAQ an update. Please read through if you have any questions, and if something isn't answered here, I'm more than happy to reply to a DM or an ask through the inbox.
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Hello! I'm Babbushka, a fanfiction writer inspired by characters played by Adam Driver. This is sometimes referred to as the ADCU (Adam Driver Cinematic Universe) or the ADEU (Adam Driver Extended Universe). You can find my fics in my Masterlist or on my AO3 account. I often post about a Personal AU/Self Ship with Flip Zimmerman, which you can avoid by blocking the tag 'personal au'.
I write reader insert fanfiction for these characters and AUs:
Flip Zimmerman
Clyde Logan
Charlie Barber
Paul Sevier
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Any ‘canon’ Kylo Ren content is from a Canon Divergent!AU that I have, where Kylo has crushed the Resistance and reigns as Supreme Leader with his Empress (You)). I will NOT write reylo of any kind.
Mob Boss!Kylo Ren
Medieval King!Kylo Ren
Edwardian Millionaire!Kylo Ren
Biker Gang Leader!Kylo Ren
Ancient Emperor!Kylo Ren
Bond Villain!Kylo Ren x 007!Reader
Criminal Prosecutor!Kylo Ren x Defense Attorney!Reader
Solo Triplets AU, created by my dear friend and partner, @solotriplets
Occasional Saturday Night Live characters like Cameron Bissel and the Del Taco VP guy lol
If a character is not listed, it means I do not write fic about them. Please do not ask me to write a character that is not here.
What are your hard NO topics for fanfiction?
I will not write reylo, nor do i want any of my writing to be associated with reylo. Please don’t tag my fics as reylo if you reblog them, and please please please don’t insert Rey into the reader, it just makes me so incredibly uncomfortable and the ship fully disgusts me. I also will not write bendemption, any fics about Ben Solo outside of a Solo Triplet AU, or any fics set in the D/LF canon of TROS.
I will not write heavy angst (such as breakups or divorce between reader and the character, infidelity/cheating where the character is cheating on reader or vice versa, torture or violence against the reader, MCD/reader death, hurt-no-comfort, dub-con, non-con). I also won’t write ddlg/daddy kink, breeding kink, monster aus, or a/b/o.
I’m confused about some of the terms you use and events you have on the blog. What’s sinday? Is it different than a Sleepover? What’s the difference between requests, headcanons, and thots?
Sinday = Occasionally, I will open the inbox for you guys to submit writing requests, if you'd like! This is a day where you can send in as many requests as you'd like (limit one per ask please, so I can keep them all separate!) In 2022, these opportunities will be very far and few in between due to the increase of my work life, but I will always make a pinned announcement post when the time comes!
Sleepover = A chance for us all to hang out! I reblog a bunch of ask lists and ask games, people send in questions, or they send in asking for advice, or telling us about their day, or anything else they’d like to share. We talk about all sorts of things, it’s a great way for us as a community to just hang out and spend an evening together. I often will like put on a face mask and get snacks or something, or have a movie on in the background to help make it feel like we’re all sleeping over at my house and giggling together!
Prompt Submissions (also called Imagines) = These are scenarios that you guys send in to me, that you are asking me to write. It’s usually an idea you guys have, and then I get inspired by that and write out anywhere from like 500-1k words based around the idea. These can be sweet, silly, angsty, or smutty! For example: “what would happen if Flip heard someone catcalling you?”
Headcanon requests = These are topics you guys send in that you’d like for me to go into some detail on in a casual way. It’s not fully fleshed out writing, but is instead a series of bullet points listing how I think the characters would respond to a scenario, or how they feel about a topic. For example: In what ways does Pale show he loves you?
Thots/General Shenanigans = These are just opinions that you guys have that you want to share with the world! It’s not expecting writing from me, it’s just you guys shouting out into the void and us all shouting back! For example: Clyde Logan is so thicc and I want to climb him like a tree.
Do you have a taglist for when you upload new writing?
Yes! Please see the link in my description, which will take you to a google form. You can select which characters you’d like to be notified for, as well as what type of writing (chapter fics/oneshots/prompt fills).
8. Can you help me develop ideas for my fic?
While I am very flattered that you would consider me, I’m going to have to respectfully decline. I spend so much time developing ideas for my own professional writing and my hobby fanfic, that my brain tends to be fried and I’m of no help to anyone lol
9. Will you be my beta author?
Again, while I am very flattered, I will have to decline. Editing takes up most of my own free time, and I’m afraid I’m fried by the time I would be able to edit your stories.
10. Do you do RP threads?
Generally speaking, no.
11. Can I send you writing that I’ve done through the inbox/submissions box for you to post?
No. While I am flattered that you’d like to share writing with me, I really prefer to be tagged in a post you’ve made yourself, rather than posting your writing for you.
12. Do you have a masterlist?
Yes! I have compiled an ultimate masterlist that has links to my individual character masterlist posts. You can find those here, or via the link in my description if you’re on mobile, or via the link on my blog if you’re on desktop!
13. I’m not sure if you’ve written this before but –
Please, please, please check the masterlists before sending in something if you’re unsure. Chances are, I’ve written it and you can read it right away, rather than wait for me to tell you it’s already been posted 6 months ago lol <333
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temos-era · 3 years
The Angel In Their Eyes
Officer Ronnie Peterson x Paul Sevier x Fem Reader
Words: 5.6k
Summary: A threesome with your husband and his best friend sounded like a good idea at the time...
Tags/CW: Threesome - F/M/M, Power Dynamics/Power Play, Established Relationship, Reader Is Married to Ronnie, Praise Kink, Degradation, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Oral Sex (m&f), PIV Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, BDSM-ish, Ronnie Is Soft!Dom, Paul is Hard!Dom, Spitroasting, Dirty Talk, Multiple Orgasms, Vaginal Fingering, Squirting, No M/M, Food Play-ish, Jealousy, Paul Is In Love With Reader, Angst/Fluff/Smut
Notes: This is without a doubt the smutest smut I have ever written... And while this is mostly as a one-shot for those of you that have read Late Night Patrol this *could* be considered a continuation of that story too...
Availible under the cut and on AO3 & Wattpad
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Shamefully flushed, you stole a moment away to compose yourself.
The boys always had a way of working you up and getting underneath your skin.
“You okay, Angel?” your husband questioned with curious intent as he joined you in the kitchen.
You hummed in response, pursing your lips. “Mm-hmm. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Ronnie’s shoulders shrugged. “You look tense.” His gaze locked on you as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “You know we're only joking, right?”
“I know,” you replied quickly, avoiding eye contact as you created work for your idle hands.
You never had an issue with their teasing. The boys had done it for as long as you could remember, but you’d be lying if you didn’t acknowledge that it ignited a particular unspeakable response in you - a response you’d never dare act upon...
Before you knew it, Ronnie’s strong arms wrapped around your waist, encircling your body in his as he stood behind you, nestling his chin against your neck.
“You like it, don’t you?” he prompted, breathing the question hot against your neck as he nipped at the skin slightly. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how your breath hitched and your skin grew hot when sitting between Paul and me.”
Your body froze.
“Admit it. You want it. Both of us."
You pulled back, eyes wide. “Ronnie. He’s your best friend.”
“Exactly. He doesn’t threaten me,” Ronnie reassured, his face deadpan. “Plus, he looks just like me, and doesn’t that turn you on? The thought of two of me fucking you?”
Nervously, you chewed on your bottom lip, lost in your thoughts as you considered the possibility. Paul Sevier was your close friend, the best man at your wedding, and was indeed the doppelganger of your husband.
Of course, the thought had crossed your mind on occasion, but it was a mere fantasy, not something you ever felt compelled to make reality and certainly not something you ever expected Ronnie to suggest.
“Are you being serious?”
“You don’t have to. It’s just an idea,” Ronnie clarified. “But yes, I’m serious.”
Your mouth twisted before settling into a smirk. “Okay, I’m interested.”
Ronnie cocked his head, grinning as he embraced you. “So, you think you can handle us both?” he whispered, his eyes narrowing. “My greedy girl.”
Your hands caressed the small of his back as you glanced up at him. “And what makes you think Paul would be interested?”
“Well, you know there’s a reason he’s not found anyone,” Ronnie divulged. “He’s hung up on a certain someone… ”
“Oh,” you mouthed, the realization dawning on your face. “So, Paul gets what he wants, and I get to fulfill my fantasy, but what do you get from this?”
“A happy wife and a live-action porno,” Ronnie smiled. “It’ll be just like watching myself fuck you, and, plus, what better birthday gift could we give Paul than a taste?”
Without further ado, you both made your way into the lounge, singing ‘Happy Birthday’ loudly as Paul shifted in his seat and tittered with unease. His eyes grew uncontrollably wide, and his pupils dilated as he swallowed the lump in his throat, watching in nervous disbelief as you kneeled before him, birthday cake in hand.
“Make-a-wish,” you prompted with a devilish grin as Ronnie watched from the threshold.
Doing as told, Paul closed his eyes momentarily and blew the candles out. “Thank you,” he smiled, glancing at you briefly before averting his gaze towards the cake. “Did you make this yourself?”
You nodded. “Red velvet with vanilla frosting. Your favorite, right?”
“Yeah, it looks great. I can’t wait to taste it.”
“She tastes better,” Ronnie murmured from across the room, catching Paul’s attention as he approached. “You should take a bite.”
“Excuse me?”
You sat back on your heels, seductively running a finger through stray frosting as Ronnie crouched beside you.
“Paul, you know I love her more than anything in the world,” Ronnie began. “And, I don’t make this decision lightly, but there’s no one else I trust to do this with.”
“Do what?” Paul asked, watching wide-eyed and slack-jawed as Ronnie took your frosted coated fingers into his mouth.  
“What Ronnie’s trying to say… ” you purred as his tongue swirled around your fingers, sucking gently. “...is that we’d like you to join us in the bedroom.”
Paul’s body stiffened at the suggestion as he swallowed dryly, unable to wet his parched throat. “What?” he croaked in disbelief. “Are you sure?”
Ronnie’s mouth left your fingers with wet ‘pop.’ “One rule,” he declared. “Her cunt is mine, and mine alone. Isn’t that right, Angel?”
You nodded in agreement. “Only my husband gets to fuck my pussy,” you affirmed, causing Ronnie to pull your body against his, claiming your mouth with a voracious hunger as Paul watched on helplessly.
“Such a good girl,” Ronnie groaned, pulling away breathless. “Now, go and see the Birthday boy.”
You licked your lips, swiping another fingerful of frosting before placing the cake on the coffee table and rising to your feet.
Paul’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he watched you approach him. He kept his features deceptively composed as his mouth parted from the sight of you. Pretty and eager and all for him - a Birthday wish come true.
“Would you like a taste, Paul?” you questioned, displaying the frosting on your fingertips as you moved to place your knees on either side of his body, straddling him.
He nodded greedily, leaning back in his seat. “Please.”
You flashed a coy smile and ran a finger of frosting over his lower lip before swiftly leaning forward and sucking it off keenly as if you were famished. In all honesty, you had expected to feel more anxious, more timid, but there was something about Paul that made you feel at ease.
Perhaps it was his uncanny resemblance to your husband? Still, as your tongue licked at the seam of Paul’s mouth, forcing an entry effortlessly, you wondered how far their similarities would continue in the bedroom.
Deepening the kiss, Paul’s hands groped your pert ass and forcefully pulled you against him. The growing erection beneath you communicating his exact desires as he snaked his tongue into your mouth, and for a brief moment, you lost yourselves in one another.
“Do you like that, Angel?” Ronnie questioned from behind, reminding you of his presence as he brushed the hair from the back of your neck and placed hot, all-consuming kisses against your skin.
“Mm-hmm,” you murmured as you arched your back, pulling away from Paul’s kiss as you began to stimulate both men simultaneously. “I want you both… badly.”
You rocked your hips firmly against the restricted bulge in Paul’s pants as your hand reached behind you and rubbed at Ronnie’s growing erection, causing a chorus of male moans to engulf the room.
“Paul. Don’t be a fucking tease.” Ronnie berated with jagged breath as he began to remove his clothing. “Take her dress off.”
Without hesitation, Paul delicately worked to remove the thin fabric from your body as your head loled backward against your husband’s chest. You moaned softly as Ronnie sucked bruising marks of ownership against your skin.
“Fuck. You’re so, so, ex...exquisite,” Paul stammered as he gazed at your lingerie-clad body before blowing his cheeks out with a heavy breath to compose himself. You were everything he had ever wanted.
“Don’t be shy, Paul,” you whispered against his ear seductively as your hand reached past the opening of his mustard-colored shirt, touching his warm skin. “Have your way with me.”
Paul shot a hopeful glance toward Ronnie, seeking approval from his best friend before continuing. “Are you sure this is okay? She is your wife, after all.”
“Just remember that fact, and you’ll be fine,” Ronnie warned as he worked to free your breasts from the confines of your bra, causing you to shudder with excitement. “And, this is what you want, Angel?”
You nodded. “Please.”
The magnitude of varying sensations enraptured your mind, body, and soul as Ronnie’s hands molded around the swell of your tits, teasing your nipples into taut peaks with his fingertips before relinquishing his hold and sitting back on his heels.
“She’s all yours, friend.”
A flush of anticipation flooded your senses as Paul’s eyes flickered with a burning desire, and in one swift, unexpected motion, you found yourself on your back.
“I always knew you were an insatiable little slut,” Paul taunted, grasping your wrists in one hand, leaving you powerless as he held them above your head. “So desperate to please your husband. It’s almost pathetic.”
You couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped your lips as Paul looked down at you, his body on top of yours. The change in his demeanor unanticipated but welcomed.
“Tell me. Does she follow instructions, Ronnie? Or do we have to force her?”
“If she wants to come, she’ll do as she’s told.”
Paul smirked from the intel. His gaze meeting yours through the thin frames of his spectacles as he let go of your wrists. “Now, be a good little slut and get my cock out.”
You licked your lips and eagerly began unbuckling Paul’s belt, dragging his pants down to mid-thigh before slipping your fingers under the waistband of his boxers and allowing his heavy cock to bob free.
Instantly, your eyes grew lustful. Long, thick, flushed, and already dripping with pre-cum, you were almost disappointed you wouldn’t get to experience Paul’s fat cock in your pussy.
“Suck it,” Ronnie directed, his voice low in his throat. His breathy instruction caused you to glance over at him, your lips parting at the view.
You watched with hungry eyes as your husband stroked his length, slowly working his fist under his swollen head as the veins on his shaft bulged and shifted with every gentle upstroke.
“Eyes on me, Sweetheart,” Paul snarled as his free hand grasped at your jaw, forcing your attention toward him, your pupils dilating at the sight of his naked body.
Your breath hitched, and a sudden flush of warmth spread from between your legs as you parted your lips and took Paul into your mouth. The saltiness of his pre-cum filled your senses immediately as your tongue danced around the fleshy tip of his head, lapping it up gladly.
The taste of him was different. Not worse, nor better, just unfamiliar. Ronnie was without a doubt sweeter, but your mouth only grew wetter from the small appetizer Paul’s pre-ejaculate gave.
“Go on, Angel,” Ronnie grunted with encouragement. “Gag on his cock. Show him how good you are.”
You knew better than to glance at your husband, but you could feel his gaze on you, watching intently as your lips strained to wrap around another man's throbbing erection. You knew Ronnie was observing with bated breath as the scene unfolded before him, imagining the soft glide of your lips around his shaft as he worked his length.
Fluttering your eyelashes, you looked up at Paul as you enveloped him into the heat of your mouth. Slowly, you started to drag your lips up and down his length, pulling a strangled moan from his chest as you hummed happily around him.
You weren’t sure if it was Paul’s cock in your mouth of the thought of Ronnie fucking himself beside you, but you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together, desperate to create some friction to soothe the constant pulsing between your legs.
“Ffff-fuck. You were made for this, weren’t you?” Paul rasped as he raked a hand through your hair, watching with a hooded gaze as he thrust himself into your mouth. “You like sucking my cock, don’t you? Dirty slut.”
You moaned around him, signaling your agreement as spit pooled at the corners of your mouth. With that, Paul quickened his pace, fucking your throat in earnest as you greedily sucked, slurped, and gagged on his cock.
His breath grew thin and ragged as you hollowed your cheeks and tightened the hold around him, the vacuum-like sensation causing his member to twitch against your tongue.
“Oh. Oh, f-fuckk,” Paul stammered, his head falling back as his eyes fluttered closed. “I’m, I’m-a cum.”
The sound of sharp stuttered gasps and grunts escaped his lips as a gush of hot cum hit the back of your throat, a stifled yell tearing from his chest as you greedily swallowed the salty mix down.
Pleased with yourself, you smirked as Paul pulled his sensitive cock from your mouth before glancing over at your husband.
“Oh, Ronnie,” you cooed, gazing at him with doe-eyes as he continued to slide his hand up and down his shaft. “Look at you. Look at your big cock. I wanna taste you too.”
Ronnie’s eyes widened, his face softening. “Yy-yeah?” He questioned hopefully.
“Yeah,” you purred with a loving smile as Ronnie approached.
“Christ. You really are a cum-hungry-slut,” Paul scoffed. “Is she always like this?”
“O-ooh-oh, yeah… “ Ronnie stammered between grunts as your sultry lips wrapped around his aching cock. “... Fff-filthy whore likes getting fucked in police cruisers and hotel balconies. Always so… fucking... insatiable."
Paul groaned at the information, a mixture of jealousy and disbelief overwhelming him as he evaluated the challenges of your carnal desires. “Hmm,” he pondered. “Let’s see how many times we can make this greedy whore cum, Ronnie.”
His words caused you to moan around your husband’s cock. The threat of infinite orgasms a tantalizing prospect as Paul began to move down your body. He was determined to demonstrate his abilities and show you everything you had been missing out on as he placed rough, hungry kisses upon your inner thighs.
His touch was cruel but painfully enticing as he moved towards your core, rubbing teasingly at your clothed pussy. Your needy whimpers were muffled by Ronnie as he fucked himself rhythmically into your mouth. The vibration of each of your moans around his cock was just enough to push him over the edge as his hips canted forward.
“Aghhh-fuuuck-g-good wife,” Ronnie gasped, carefully wrapping a hand around the back of your head as he spilled himself down your throat. His thrust stuttered as he watched with satisfaction as you gladly swallowed him down before removing his spent member from the warmth of your mouth.
“Love you,” you murmured with a coy smile as Ronnie knelt beside you, his breaths slowing as he kissed your lips tenderly.
“Dirty cum-dumpster,” Paul rasped, causing you to quiver from the heat of his breath against your folds as he tauntingly pulled tight at the material of your panties.
You let out a whine and bucked your hips toward him as a yearning tore through your body. “Please, Paul,” you begged. You were helpless and frustrated; you needed your release.
“So desperate,” he taunted as he slowly removed your underwear.
Your skin grew hot and feverish from the vulnerability before a surprised yelp escaped you. Paul grabbed at your legs and ruthlessly spread you wide open, just for him. He paused for a moment and marveled at the sight of your dripping pussy before dancing a finger along your folds, gathering your slick.
“That pretty little cunt of yours is so warm and wet,” Paul remarked, causing a pleasured ache to flood through you.
“Do the two of us really make you that excited, Angel?” Ronnie questioned with bright, curious eyes as he stroked at your hair affectionately.
You bit your lip and nodded, your eyes pleading up at your husband. “Please, Ronnie,” you mewled. “I wanna come. Tell him how I like it, please.”
Before Ronnie had a chance to respond, you let out a high-pitched cry as Paul spread your pussy lips apart and spat on the throbbing nub of your clitoris. Your body convulsed from the sensation, the blood rushing to your core as Paul lowered his head and licked at your spread cunt with his warm tongue.
“Fucck!” you shrieked, arching your back in response as your eyes glanced down at the broad expanse of Paul’s chest between your legs.
“You like that, cumslut?”
“Yy-yess!” you gasped, overwhelmed by Paul’s insatiable hunger for information.
“What about this?”
Paul’s eyes watched your body intently as he pushed two fingers at your entrance, exploring with a curious fascination. You sucked in the air sharply; your slicked cunt squelching around his digits as he pumped into you. Captivated, he noted how each twist and turn of his hand caused a different reaction from you, both internally and externally.
You were lost in a wave of euphoria as a series of large, strong hands roamed over your body. You had never felt so desired; as Paul massaged your inner walls, Ronnie placed lusty kisses against your neck and palmed at your breasts, causing soft moans to escape you.
“God, I love hearing you enjoy yourself,” Ronnie murmured, flicking his tongue over one of your sensitive nipples, your body shuddering. “It feels so good, doesn’t it?”
You moaned in agreement, your hips jerking forward as Paul’s fingers curled upwards to grate against your g-spot, the sensation creating a fire in your abdomen.
“Ronnie,” Paul exasperated. “She needs restraining. I can’t get her off if she keeps moving.”
A refrained chuckle escaped Ronnie. “I have just the thing.” He smiled and gently pressed his lips against your forehead before leaving the room momentarily.
You exhaled deeply, a flush of anticipation overcoming you as Paul crawled up your body, placing hot kisses against your stomach and tits as he went.
You were so lustful that you couldn’t stop yourself from bucking against his erection. He was, so, so close to your entrance; you both knew that one roll of his hips, one quick thrust, and he’d be buried deep in your cunt - the one sexual act forbidden between you both.
“Look at you, grinding against me,” Paul breathed against your neck, brushing the hair from your ear. “You’re really desperate for it, aren’t you?”
Your body stiffened; you knew he wasn’t wrong. “W-we can’t,” you stuttered nervously—the sound of Ronnie returning, catching both of your attention.
“Hmm. Well, let’s show your husband how to really make you cum,“ Paul whispered with a smirk, your eyes widening in disbelief. “And remember, don’t scream my name too loudly... we wouldn’t want to upset that ego of his.”
With that, Paul returned to your cunt, his dark hair falling in front of his eyes as the sudden warmth of his plush lips on your folds forced a choked gasp to escape you. He darted his tongue at your entrance before dragging up, his nose grazing your clit on the way as he licked meticulous circles against your sensitive bud.
“Wrists,” Ronnie prompted with a suggestive grin - cuffs and lube in hand.
You shook your head, eyes pleading upward. “No, Ronnie. Please. I promise I’ll be good and stay still,” you implored, your legs shaking from Paul’s continued attention; you were getting close. “I-I wanna be able to touch you both.”
Ronnie cocked his head in consideration, his brows furrowing from behind his horn-rimmed glasses - you were always his weakness. “Fine, but you’ve gotta control yourself.”
You nodded in response, drawing your lower lip between your teeth in an attempt to restrain your movements, but Paul’s hands and mouth were relentless. The pressure of his tongue, the suction of his lips, the rhythm of his fingers as they penetrated your core created an overwhelming experience.
All of that mixed with Ronnie’s touch caused a coiling tension in your stomach; you couldn’t stop yourself from writhing as the pressure inside of you built.
“Paul, I-”
Your eyes squeezed tight as you leaned against Ronnie’s chest, your hand gripping his in support. You felt your toes curl and a shiver travel up your spine as your hips started to buck against Paul’s face, your breath coming in sharp pants.
“Aah fffuck…Paul, I-”
“That’s it, almost there,” Paul drawled, replacing his tongue with his thumb as he rubbed at your throbbing clit. His eyes mesmerized by your sweet little hole as it started to clamp around his fingers, watching with glee as you began to crumble from his handiwork.
Your hips stuttered, your vision blurred, your nails penetrated the skin on Ronnie’s hand before you let go completely. Your whole body shook. Every exhale was a sob as the force of your orgasm flash-flooded your senses. You felt something cataclysmic burst inside of you, a sensation you’d never felt before.
“Oh, yes! Good fucking girl,” Paul shouted in astonishment, his glasses askew on his flushed face as your cunt gushed, squirting clear liquid against his hand.
“What?... Are you?... Did he?!” Ronnie gasped, amazed and envious at the sight of you squirting. It was something he hadn’t been able to achieve yet. “… How?!” He demanded, glaring at Paul.
“Angles, Ronnie.”
You let out breathy, unrestricted murmurs of Paul’s name, too blissed out to maintain any filters between your brain and mouth as your walls continued to spasm and contract.
“Hey! She’s my wife,” Ronnie barked, jaw clenching. “You don’t get to blow her mind like that. That’s my job.”
Paul’s mouth set in a hard line as he analyzed the situation, quickly discerning the issue. “Oh. You mean, you haven’t?” he questioned, surprised. “Have you not? Really?”
You sat up and looked between the two men, sensing the tense atmosphere as your husband pursed his lips in frustration. “Ronnie… “ you purred, reaching your arm out toward him. “Come here.”
He drew in a long, exasperated breath and sat beside you. His body stiffened as you climbed on top of him, pressing soft kisses against his jaw. “Maybe this was a bad idea,” Ronnie whispered, discouraged, his shoulders slouching.
“No,” you reassured before glancing at Paul and signaling him to move closer. “Best friends help each other out. Isn’t that right, Paul?”
“Of course.”
With the boys sat beside each other, you shifted to straddle a thigh of each of them. “I love you,” you cooed at Ronnie, dispelling his fears as you sucked on his bottom lip before removing his glasses. “And, I like you,” you purred towards Paul, melting your lips against his as you removed his spectacles too. “My gorgeous boys.”
A shudder of pleasure surged throughout your body as you rocked your cunt against their thighs. The friction pulling a mewl from your chest as each of the boys fondled your breasts. They tweaked your pebbled flesh with their fingertips as their mouths kissed and sucked various locations on your body.
“Our beautiful girl,” they murmured in sync as you closed your eyes and moaned. The sensation of their touch filled you with an urgent lust. You were in seventh heaven and getting so, so desperate for the two of them.
“Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you cried. “I need you both inside of me.”
They turned to face each other, their brown eyes lighting up with excitement before gazing back at you. “Do you think you can take us both?” Ronnie questioned.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out...” you tempted with a seductive wink as you clambered off of them and swiped the bottle of lube from the coffee table—your husband and his best friend hot on your heels as you headed towards the bedroom.
In one swift, harsh movement, you found yourself head down, ass up, and hands cuffed behind your back. “You like being used by the two of us?” Ronnie taunted.
“She’s a cock-craving slut,” Paul chastised, marveling at the pucker of your ass as he spread your cheeks wide and inserted two lubed fingers into your tight entrance.
You whined as a thudding pressure rocketed through your passage, your body jerking forward from the sensation of the cool, silky gel. You felt entirely exposed, all their attention focussed on you and the tight pucker of your ass as it yielded to the intrusion of Paul’s digits.
“Such a pretty hole,” Ronnie admired. “Are you gonna be a good little fucktoy and let Paul destroy your ass while I fuck your pussy?”
“Please. Please, I’ll beg, I’ll do anything you wan-”
You were interrupted by the sharp, stinging strike of a hand on the soft flesh of your backside; your words replaced by a yelp as your eyes welled, uncertain whose hand delivered the smack.  
“Be patient, whore. I’m not going to fuck you dry, no matter how much you beg,” Paul hissed before directing Ronnie toward your front. “Shut her up with your cock or something while I finish prepping her.”
Your husband’s heavenly whiskey-colored eyes gazed down at your restricted body. “You’re so beautiful when you’re all flushed and wanting.”
You were convinced you could lose yourself in his adoring eyes - lose yourself in him. He was your world, and you were going to be, oh, so good for him as he slowly guided his cock into the heat of your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around his head, sucking desperate breaths through your nostrils as your pussy cried out for him, yearning for the fat stretch of his cock.  
“You ready?” Paul questioned as your body tensed slightly at the feel of the cold lube against your crack as he nudged the tip of his member at your aching hole.
You bobbed your head against Ronnie’s cock, conveying your desire and need to be filled as you pushed backward.
“Easy. I don’t want to hurt you,” Paul reassured, his familiar compassionate nature showing. “Tell me to stop if it’s too much, okay?
You hummed in acknowledgment, his considerate words alleviating all of your apprehension. You drew in a deep breath, allowing your body to relax as Paul eased himself into the sensitive cluster of nerves.
“You’re doing so well, Angel,” Ronnie praised, distracting you from the burning stretch as he watched your tight, little ass surrender to Paul’s girth. His hips bucking as your whines vibrated around his cock.
A deep grunt echoed in Paul’s chest as he continued to sink slowly into your clenched passage, his hips rolling gently when met with resistance, and eventually, you moaned out together when Paul seethed himself to the hilt.
“That’s it,” he groaned, grasping at your cuffed wrists to anchor himself as he started to gently fuck your ass. “Take it all, you greedy little fuckhole.”
The pressured penetration ignited a fire throughout your body, a needy, desperate burning that was all-consuming, and you wanted more. Your hands ached with the desire to touch and explore as they strained against the cool metal of Ronnie’s police-issued cuffs.
“You like sucking my cock, while he fucks you from behind?” Your husband grunted through thrusts as your slick, plumped lips sucked and drooled around him before popping off his length.
“I need you. I need your fat cock in my pussy,” you begged with desperation. “Fuck me until I can’t think, both of you. Please!”
Not one to deny you of your pleasured demands, Ronnie repositioned himself on the bed, leaning back against the headboard as Paul paused in his movements, panting as he pulled out and steadied himself.
“Is she on birth control?” he breathed as Ronnie freed your wrists from the constraints of his cuffs and moved you to straddle his hips.
“Yeah… for now,” Ronnie smirked knowingly, a hint of things to come as he merged his soft lips against yours and caressed your neck with his hand. “Why? Your not… “
Paul relinquished the hold on your hips and held his hands up. “No. Just ensuring the correct precautions are in place, that’s all. Her pussy is yours; I get it.”
Ronnie didn’t have a chance to respond as you suddenly brushed your dripping, wet cunt against his thick length, a whimper escaping him. “Shut up and fuck me,” you purred, lowering your mouth to his as you drew his lower lip between your teeth and tugged on it slightly.
“And aren’t you impatient,” he teased before grasping at your waist and pulling you closer. “So desperate to be filled up.”
Your breath hitched in anticipation as he pressed his hard, throbbing cock at your entrance, the sensation causing a sudden flush of warmth rushing to your core. Your body arched in response, eager for him to join his body with yours.
Then, with one hard roll of his hips, he entered your wet heat, and a collective moan filled the room, your head lolling backward in pleasure as he stretched you out. Your body rocked against his cock, easing him in and out of you slowly as you gasped for air, taking pleasure in every hot leisurely slide of him against your walls.
“You feel so fucking good,” you groaned, your thighs clenching around Ronnie as you bounced yourself on his cock, aching for more. “Fuck my ass, Paul,” you cried out. “I wanna be a dirty little slut for you.”
When you felt Paul’s expert hands spread you wide from behind and the cool, familiar gel against your skin, you began to question if your body could even handle another cock. The stretch of Ronnie was as overwhelming and heart-stopping as always; you couldn’t imagine two cocks seated deep in each orifice.
“Ready?” Paul queried before you murmured a breathy ‘yes’ in response.
He slowly pushed his girthy cock into your tight entry, watching how your body responded as he filled you up, inch by inch. You choked back the cry that was forced from your chest as Paul sheathed himself in you fully, your head resting against your husband’s chest in need of support and comfort.
"Relax, Angel. You’re doing perfectly,” Ronnie soothed, planting feather-like kisses against your temple. You were thankful that both men had paused in their movements to allow your body a moment to adjust to the stretch - you had never felt so full.  
Gradually, you started to raise up Ronnie’s cock, his hands guiding you by the waist as you bobbed on his length, his fingertips digging into your soft flesh. “Mmmhm-it’s, feel s-so g-good,” you stammered, mouth agape and eyes pinched shut.
“Ride me. Slowly, that’s it,” Ronnie encouraged as Paul pumped in gentle tandem.
Growing in confidence, enjoyment, and satisfaction. You started to snap your hips with more vigor as you gyrated against Ronnie’s cock. Paul’s hands moved to grasp the back of your neck as he followed your lead, penetrating your ass in rhythm with your hips; his eyes glued on how wide he was stretching your tight, little hole as Ronnie fucked your pussy from underneath.
“Fuck. Look at you taking both our cocks,” Paul cursed loudly, thrusting his pelvis in an unrelenting tempo as you squirmed beneath him. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Your movements caused Ronnie to moan out against your skin as he bucked up into your heavenly cunt, the sound of smacking flesh surrounding the room. “You look so beautiful when being fucked by us.”
You let out a sweet whimper. They were both so deep in you that you could’ve sworn you felt them in your throat. You were overwhelmingly stuffed, but the fullness was delicious. It was intense, yet satisfying as if you were getting the best of both worlds all at once. That when Ronnie snaked a hand between your bodies, brushing delicately against your clit you almost combusted.
“Oh-my-fucking-God!” His soft, broad twirling movements tightened into swift circles, right where he knew you needed them as you felt yourself dissolve into pleasure, and Ronnie saw it. “Please! Both of you, make of cum!”
They quickened their pace, fucking your holes in a frenzied manner; all of you now desperately chasing that sweet, sweet release of undeniable pleasure.
“Jeeesus fuck. Jjj-just like that!” You wailed, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as your body began to quake; you swore you saw stars as the pressure started to build - your body being pulled tight like a bowstring.
“Cum for us, Sweetheart,” Paul grunted, his hips stuttering as he felt his impending orgasm brewing.
There was so much pressure, so much penetration and stimulation that you couldn’t stop yourself from falling apart. Unable to handle the overwhelming sensations any longer, you let go and orgasmed loudly.
You were all feverish cries and jagged moans, unsure whose name you were moaning as your pussy gushed and clenched, your silky ridges gripping and contracting against Ronnie’s cock as you rode your high.
“Ohh, fuck. I’m gonna come-!” Ronnie sputtered, sucking a sharp breath through his teeth, unable to stop himself as your walls spasmed and fluttered around his cock, milking every last drop of his seed.
Your knees began to buckle as Paul grasped hard on your hips. “Say my name,” he begged. “Tell me you love me-my, uh, cock.”
“Yes, Paul. Fuck me. Cum in my ass; I love your big cock!”
Your words sent him catapulting into his crescendo. Shattered breaths and broken grunts escaped him as he reached his climax, emptying himself inside of you before swiftly pulling out and collapsing beside you.
The room was silent as you laid between both men, all of your chests heaving as you greedily sucked in breaths. You were completely blissed out, the feeling indescribable as you came down from the most intense and mind-blowing orgasm of your life.
“That was… “ you murmured, unable to find the words as you pressed breathless kisses of gratitude against each of the boys’ lips before nestling into your husband's embrace.
“Such a good little wife,” Ronnie hummed before you both gave in to exhaustion.
And as you slept soundly in Ronnie’s arms, making it clear where your heart was aligned  - Paul laid beside you wide awake, analyzing the events from earlier. He knew there was no use in denying it; he was in love with you - his best friend's wife, and there was no coming back from what had just happened.
Thank you to @/MissPandulce on Twitter for the FANART 😍
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