y0d00p · 2 months
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green lad, ladot/pidot, and red lad doodles for his playlists
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apyrrambles · 5 months
fyi if you aren't aromantic and you ship a character who's aromantic with another character it's an instant block. ESPECIALLY when it's an abusive relationship. Gross
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
I will ignore ""canon"" aroace P3ridot (censored show it doesn't show up in tags) now and forever because just since ONE crew member said they viewed her as the aroace rep in the show doesn't mean she IS. And also because literally several crew members shipped her romantically with other characters.
One crew member hcing it means nothing. And also if she was, that representation was just shoehorned in and smacked onto her because they didn't genuinely take the time to care about representing aroace or aspec people. Like, no offense, but if she was intended to be the aroace rep, I don't think crew members would have been shipping Am3dot and Lapid0t. (Not that those can't happen if she is aroace, but I sincerely doubt that they'd be putting in the consideration of that.)
Plus, it adds to the autism=an inability to love and aspec=you must have a disorder that means you can't feel those things. (Both of those things can be true and it's fine, but it is an ableist and harmful stereotype that many/all autistic people can't love properly and the homophobic stereotype that aspec people have to be explained or need a correlation between their orientation and medical conditions.)
I also hate it because people assume it means ships with her can only be queerplatonic now when in fact there are many aroace people who have romantic and/or sexual feelings towards others.
I still headcanon her as it personally, but that doesn't mean it's truly canon nor does it mean she can't romantically love people. Aros who fall in love exist.
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Rodríguez Larreta en Lomas de Zamora
#Política #TerceraSacción | #HoracioRodríguezLarreta en #LomasdeZamora
El Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, recorrió el jueves último el partido de Lomas de Zamora junto al referente local de Juntos por el Cambio, Guillermo Viñuales. Los mandatarios visitaron zonas comerciales en el centro de Lomas y en los barrios de Banfield y Temperley para escuchar las principales preocupaciones de los comerciantes. También mantuvieron una…
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pochulo-tidor-blog · 2 years
The Final PITCHHH!
The day has come and we are now in our final pitch. We learned and experience a lot of things that is so beneficial for us where we can use those knowledge in our future endeavors.
After months of validating the problem up to the last activity that we have in technopreneurship, we will pitch right now as if that we are pitching in front of investors who are very willing to invest money for the product that we have.
I am so grateful that I was able to experience this kind of scenario and simulations, to the Center of Entrepreneurship and Technology thank you so much for giving us student plenary sessions.
This one is one of my favorite journey in my college days, there are many eye opening discussions that I witnessed. To my group I am also so thankful that I have them because without them this techno journey that I have is boring and worthless, I will cherish this moment.
Our pitch went well, we were able to really explain the problem and the product and the team is compose, we are all able to answer the questions that is given to us and I am very proud of this achievement with this team.
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mehilaiselokuva · 8 months
Names for "party" in Finnish
Juhla - formal party (also plural; juhlat)
Pidot (plural) - some kind of party event
Kutsut (plural) - an event that specifically had invitations sent out
Bailut (plural) - a party with actual partying
Bileet (plural) - same as bailut
Hipat, kemut, kekkerit, pippalot, pirskeet (all plural) - (older) party. Lesser used words, can be used to bring a humorous sense
Ilonpito - "having fun", not necessarily a party but a loose function
Note that most of the words are only used in plural!
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northmagneticpole · 1 year
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Pidot Productions
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ericacrochets · 2 years
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Pirate King Luffy by Bernadette Pidot
Free Crochet Pattern Here (May need to make an account)
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
uh are l*pidot shippers aware peridot is canonically aroace
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I was surprised to see a LOT (and I do mean a lot) of similarities between Rebecca Sugar's writing in Steven Universe and Michael's writing in Loki. The way they both romanticize abusive relationships and not realize how fucking dark it actually is is quite scary as well as the fact that both "writers" (using the term loosely given Rebecca is a mediocre artist and Michael didn't even pass a creative writing course or English Lit) had also said "Look how sad these Nazis are!" But both creators are blissfully unaware that they've done this nasty shit.
Lily Orchid did a very in depth analysis critiquing Sugar's work that I suggest giving a watch, and I am sure she'd more than pissed at the Loki series if she ever watches that cluster fuck of an offensive TV show (hope to God she doesn't cuz holy fuck is it bad)
The Time Variance Authority=The Diamond Authority
L*pidot=S*lki (Lapis and Sylvie are both the abusers being painted as the good guys and that their relationships are loving and healthy🙄, and Peridot and Loki [both fan favorites] being victims of their abusers [works out more in Peris favor than Loki as fans are quick to turn on him but gush over Sylvie)
Rose/Pink Diamond x Pearl (don't know what the ship name is, but it is toxic as all fuck)=L*kius (slave x master painted as best friends and/or unrequited love trope)
I haven't seen it but I'll trust your word for it.
I feel Waldron's biggest mistakes is that he believes romance and self-love are the same thing and also that once a character is deemed a villain they deserve some form of punishment or abuse in order to grow and become better. He doesn't seem aware that humiliation or beatings are not lessons to be learned and nothing good comes out of it.
He romanticizes abusive relationships and hurtful behaviours but only when it's the women acting like that towards the men.
It's quite jarring to have the female character neg the male character: you're this and you're that and you make mistakes and you're wrong and I deserve better than you and go ahead and cry a little as I say hurtful things to you and leave with a smile on my face. I hate it. Stephen and Christine had come to an agreement in DS1, they both moved on and there was so much maturity in that... only to have it completely obliterated in DS2 where he's pining for her almost obsessively and she tells him she never loved him? The hell? 😳
It's even worse in the Loki series, Sylvie has a lot of issues she needs to address but the narrative treats her like a saint while they paint Loki as inferior and useless and bad even though he doesn't do anything villainous in the series, if anything he's the most heroic of all the characters.
And yeah that part about the nazis... they were following orders, right? It's absolutely wild but I also believe at least Mikey is not aware which to be honest with you I don't know if that makes it better or worse 🤔
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y0d00p · 2 months
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did you know that i. never drew ladot after computer lad got his glasses
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mikamikapodcast · 10 months
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(Platon statue, elespanol.com)
Plato was one of the most influential philosophers of ancient Greece. Plato was influential in the years 427-347 BC. Plato is the first philosopher whose works have survived to us as they are. Plato wrote the whole scale about knowledge, perception, politics, ethics, art.
Plato wrote about death and immortality. Plato's popularity rose again in the Middle Ages. These works are also cited in occult circles. When you go to explore the occult world, Plato's name cannot be ignored.
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(La Scuola di Atene- 1509 - Affresco, base cm 770 circa)
Soktates tuomittiin ateenalaisessa oikeudessa tuomioon vuonna 399 ekr. Sokrateksen elämä ja varsinkin traaginen kuolema toi aspekteja, joita Platon käytti teemoina ja perintöään länsimaiselle moraali opille. Platon tuotokset olivat kaiken kaikkiaan suuri kunnian osoitus opettajalleen Sokrateksen elämälle ja puheille. Platon dialogit muuttuvat hänen saavutettuaan elämänsä loppuvaiheen. Puheet muuttuivat tutkielmaksi.
Platonin filosofiaa on vaikea lokeroida sen muuttuvuuden takia. Hänen dialoginsa muuttuivat ja ajatuksensa samoista asioista vuosien kuluessa. Dialogien aikajärjestys on keskeinen mikäli haluaa ymmärtää dialogien kehitystä. Alkutaipaleella Platon tuotti lyhyitä dialogeja, joita kutsutaan "Sokraatteseksi". Keski kaudella Platon alkaa tuomaan enemmän omia näkemyksiään ilmi. Keski kaudella Platon luo kuuluisimmat teoksensa dialogit Faidonin, Pidot ja Valtio.
Myöhäiselle kaudelle kuuluu dialogit Theaitetos, Sofisti,Valtiomies,Filebos ja Lait. Platon pyrki kokoamaan filosofiansa niin, että ne muodostuisivat yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Platonin perustama akatemia toimi melkein 900 vuotta. Platonin tunnetuin oppilas Aristoteles, joka perusti myöhemmin oman akatemiansa.
Platonin innoittamana syntyi uusplatonilaisia, joiden ideamaailmansa kasvatti metafysiikka ja dualismi. Vaikutteita saivat myös gnostilaiset. Kristinuskoa ja uusplatonismiä on monesti verrattu. On huomioitava , kuinka paljon vaikutteita kristinuskossa on uusplatonismi suuntauksessa. Ykseyden tulkinnassa ja kolminaisuuden vertauksessa. Uusplatonismi käyttää "kolminaisuusopissaan" hypostaaseista. Millä tarkoitetaan korkeimman olennon hypostaaseista eli olemusta. Tämän yhteyttä sielun ja rakkauden välillä.
Platonin ihanne valtio koostuu: työläisistä, sotilaista ja filosofi-kuninkaista.
"If you do not take an interestin the affairs of you goverment, then you are doomedto live under the rule of fools"
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artwalktv · 2 years
This is the mythological genesis of Hawaii’s first food, taro, grown under tears of love to nourish the first kanaka, the first human being. This is the story of Haloa, as told by residents of the island of Kauai. a MUD\FILMS & Redfitz Production Featuring Puna Kalama Dawson, Lyndsey Haraguchi-Nakayama, Koko Seedarita, Parker Smith, Wai'oli Forrest, Adam Roversi, Jason Ito, Kailoa Forrest, Kawai Davis, Sydney Doi, Lei Wann, Kaisen Carrillo Voiceover: Lei'ohu Ryder Executive Producers Chris Keener, Dersu Rhodes, Shane Heath Writer / Director / Producer / DP Nick Fitzhugh Co-Director / Editor Chris Besecker Associate Producers Ikaika Pidot, Puna Kalama Dawson Original Music Moshe Bonen, Cody Pueo Pata, Punahou School
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pochulo-tidor-blog · 2 years
One of the greatest thing that I learn from this subject is the pitching, where it is an art of story telling base on my own perspective. A good pitching should be an explosive one where you can really catch the ears of the listeners most especially the investors.
The pitching should be precise and emphasized in order for the pitch to be easily understood. From what I learn in this discussion is that the elements of a pitch are very important, a short but very detailed is very important.
Also, in the discussion I also learned the different types of pitching. The most important thing on a presentation its precision, no other details except to those very important key points, and the art of communicating is also very important in a pitch.
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ladiesinrock · 2 years
Korpiklaani: online il nuovo singolo "Interrogativa Cantilena"
Korpiklaani: online il nuovo singolo “Interrogativa Cantilena”
I folk metaller finlandesi Korpiklaani presentano il nuovo singolo “Interrogativa Cantilena”; si tratta della versione inglese del pezzo “Pidot”, tratto dall’ultimo acclamato album “Jylhä”. “Interrogativa Cantilena” è stato registrato con la collaborazione vocale di Kevin Ridley (Skyclad). Il lyric video:
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lexi1blog · 2 years
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Strategische Geschäftsplanung: 11 PowerPoint-Vorlagen, die Sie haben müssen
“Strategie ist nur ein schickes Wort, um einen langfristigen Plan zu entwickeln und in die Tat umzusetzen.” Ellie Pidot
Strategie mag nur ein schickes Wort sein, aber für jede Organisation ist es DAS Wort, das am wichtigsten ist. Es gibt dem Unternehmen die Richtung und ohne Richtung ist jeder verloren.
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