#Pretty sure I had more to say on this but I forgor
gnashingwailing · 15 hours
@fireflywritesgt sending u my ch 24/25 thoughts <3
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⬆️How Harry looks processing how upset he is that Joe nearly died in a lake while lovingly making him tea for his hangover
Meanwhile, Joe: I hope sober Joe knows how to deal with this Sober Joe:
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First off. this is primarily a reflection on Joe & Harry throughout these last two chapters but I would be remiss not to mention how EXTREMELY fed I am by the Gutters lore ... was HE a pet or was it someone he cared for... either way... woof. Plus Calloway coming to Joe's rescue once again... even though there are now rumors and Gutters saw something. In parallel with the marking scene ... this story does such a great job of balancing the horror with the levity. maybe it's for the best Joe isn't telling Harry the particulars of his visiting Calloway's bcuz Harry might just have a heart attack if he stops and thinks through the implications of all this. Wonder if he realizes how much danger he might have put Joe in... he seems to kinda forgor everything else where saving/supporting Joe is concerned (as seen in ch21 when he wanted to bring Joe to see O'Grady...)
(Btw I love the way (sober) Joe will NEVER admit anything re: Harry saving his life lol. “You just threw me into a curtain 🙄“ “I don’t even remember the turtle 🙄”)
“He knew what the medical journals had to say about homosexuals; hell, he had read them! He had to give himself some credit, however. The little bastard had been drunk as a skunk, lying helplessly in his hand, and the worst Harry had done was march him straight upstairs to tuck him into bed. Whatever pathology Harry himself had, it had not gotten the best of him yet.”
GIRL (gn) HELP NOT THE PEER-REVIEWED INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA… The Harry chapters always hit soooo hard for me when you read between the lines of what he’s thinking. He is SUCH a poor little guy… We can see pretty clearly that Harry thinks of his affections as something poisonous but Also apparently as something predatory? “his pathology” “getting the best of him” being like… what? That he’d take advantage of him because he’s attracted to him ? Is that the kind of thing the research said? UGH IT BREAKS MY HEART. I hope he’ll reject his coping mechanism of rationalizing and dissecting everything and just let go and trust Joe to know what he wants! It would be really tragic if Harry tried rejecting Joe much the same way Georgie rejected him :’(
“Harry, though he hated to admit it, was afraid – not of Joe himself, but what Joe represented.” - OUUUUUGHHH THE PARALLELS… the way Joe thought the exact same thing after the night of the thunderstorm… ouuuuughhhhh save meeee...
And the parallels continue in their tendency to self-harm… Joe may be more overt about it (lol if Harry ever learns that Joe has purposefully eaten poisoned chocolate three. times. and fully thought he was doing it a 4th with Harry’s own offering … #girl…) but Harry’s absolute repression of any self-expression or vulnerability is equally a form of self-harm… questioning Joe’s ability to make his own decisions is such a sad expression of how Harry (maybe unconsciously?) views things — safety and staying alive is worth more than authenticity. Maybe he won’t stick Joe in a cage anymore but he still wants to exert control over him — in the relatable way many of us do when we feel like our loved ones are making bad decisions. And Joe is making some of those! But so does everyone! And in Joe’s case the worst of them are likely driven from years of internalized self-loathing and self-neglect !! He would probably chill out if he just had a good man waiting for him at home……. Taking Harry by the shoulders and shaking him. U are both two sides of the same coin
“Unseasoned. The word crept back into Joe’s mind. Calloway had a point, he realized; Harry wasn’t acting all that different from some of the lesser-experienced boys of Joe’s own size that he had toyed with. Surely, though, Harry didn’t find Joe attractive. That would be absurd!” Holy shit this whole chapter is so good but this part is hysterical. 1. TOYED WITH⁉️ 2. Watching Harry’s brain overheat in real time while 3. Joe getting to enjoy flirting shamelessly (clapping and hollering that he got to do that AND got to be sober to remember it) WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY BEING LIKE 🤨 there’s no way he finds me attractive tho. How do they both manage to be such conniving little bastards and also so innocent. So clever and yet soooo dumb. 💕
But even tho he’s somewhat in disbelief about how Harry feels about him, Joe knows himself so very well lmao. At first I thought he was lying about not remembering their conversation but. I don’t think so. Harry telling him he said “something very nice” to him and Joe being like. Was it that you had a nice ass. LIKE HE WAS THIS 🤏 CLOSE TO THE MARK BDDJSHHD but ALSO even just calling Harry handsome made him a blushing mess!! It fascinates me that Harry is so terrified of receiving affection but he felt much more at ease when he was giving it. I mean, he was calling Joe handsome two chapters ago‼️ I think Joe can be forgiven for his romance-novel-brain idealizing Harry as a seductor. It says something interesting about Harry’s character that he’s been so comfortable complimenting Joe until it might lead somewhere … Is that open, easygoing kindness, the sort that compliments other men readily, the ‘real’ Harry? Was Joe seeing his unvarnished personality before it got hidden under the internalized homophobia that has come out in force since ch22? I get the sense Harry is just the sort of guy whose true feelings sometimes spill out of him in a way he is barely cognizant of. We know that’s true for his anger, but I could see that being true for his affection, too. I’m guessing that is why his internal monologue goes “wow! He’s like a movie star :) and he’s so brave and cool and I respect him so much. He looks like a dancer. And his clothes look so good on him. And I notice his haircut and whether he’s getting enough sleep and every scratch and scrape and other intricacy of his appearance immediately. Yeah, I can’t help but love him - you know - like a brother or a friend!!” 👈 UNSEASONED
"“So you admit it. I’m up here because I manipulated you, and not because you manipulated me.” Joe said." — omfg. On the one hand, I love that these two are so good at unhanding each other, and it’s very cute to me that they’ve both at different points felt proud for “catching” one another. On the other hand, Harry & Joe when they are tasked with cultivating a mutually nurturing and vulnerable relationship:
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WHAT IF NEITHER OF YOU ARE MANIPULATING THE OTHER AND DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU LIKE ONE ANOTHER AND YOU’RE BOTH CHOOSING THE UNKNOWN. WHAT IF THAT WASNT BEYOND BOTH UR KEN RN. What then. One day they will quit playing Tom and Jerry-esque mind games with each other but not today. I know the rituals are intricate. I know. I know they’re intricate 😔😔😔
On a lighter note so glad to see Joe’s other go-to behavior is back. If he doesn’t wanna Just Walk Out then he wants to Fuck Around & Find Out <3 I luv how compatible the two of them are… Joe is not only moving in he's turning Harry into the u-haul service and Harry is just enamored with him for it. Faithful hunting dog retrieving game indeed. Submissive in the way a livestock guardian dog is submissive to its sheep. 10/10 Joe got his ass so good.
"“I’m sure you[‘ll listen to me]. You have to. If I’m gonna be the tiny, then it means you have to be the giant and do everything I say all the time.” He said." — Hmm. Joe and I have the same g/t fics bookmarked I think 👍 I sort of get the same sense that Harry got when Joe was talking about “luck” — that maybe the idea of “being the tiny” vs “being the giant” has some cultural connotations for him we don’t quite grasp.
OH this reminds me of the question I meant to ask you and promptly forgot about. If miniatures have a taboo against taking things without giving something in return… what does it feel like for Joe when Harry just keeps giving him stuff? Does “paying me in sleep” really work in borrower cultural norms? Hazarding a guess, I’m assuming romantic partners don’t necessarily operate on the same principle of equivalent exchange… given “Joe’s got a rich boyfriend that’s spoiling him” being something Calloway reads as normal/expected … That is to say. Hmm. Is Harry giving Joe all these things something that a romantic suitor would do? 🤔 Harry the unknowing seductor…
Parting thoughts… Miss Wilkins’ dad suddenly came down with tuberculosis, huh. Gang, do we know how Harry’s mom died, other than that it was sudden and traumatic? How do we think Harry is doing re: pushing all his feelings & unprocessed trauma down at this time. 👍/👎?
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darklight-owl · 2 months
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I think about this every day of my life btw.
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ell-does-stuff · 1 month
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also eepy lila
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while gathering images for this ive noticed that the "pile of dexter" as im calling it is staring at the thieves the whole time they're in the attic (specifically fat thief)
is he somehow still alive???? just possessing a pile of dead doll????????
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so cool to see the big ass spider get some actual relevance!! def gonna be important next episode for sure
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ROSS'S DAD!!!!!!!!
also jaune is so pretty with her hair down like omggg... love to see her being such a supportive friend to lila as well
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"are you throwing away dad's stuff mom?" WAAAAAA MY POOR BABYYY IM GONNA CRYYY
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theyre so me
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"this cat looks sick im taking it to the vet" BULLSHIT i know what you are. 👁️👁️
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DEXTER'S MOM!?!?????!?!?!?!?!!!??? i had no idea she would ever show up like wow i did not expect to see her at all
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poor little babies and their lack of parents
ok sorry ik im joking here but MAN this scene made me feel bad 😭😭😭
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pretty sure this dude is the same guy as the "costume bob" in the last episode??? i felt bad for him last time but here he seems like kind of a pathetic and weird ass man ngl lol
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he is EXACTLY how i pictured he would be!! my brain is not gonna shut up about him for the next few days i just know it HAHAHAH
also my caramelpopcorn (thats their ship name right?? or was it candycorn??? i forgor lol) heart is completely full, i loved actually seeing him and kevin canonically interact, they are perfect <3
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"im... uh... like an uncle!!" "i just wanna help the children..." BROO??? feeling kinda bad for frank rn, these are like the only kids he genuinely cares about and hes being turned away from em
ik hes a shady guy but STILL
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also i made this gif myself yall better like it
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aaaaaaaaaand dexter's mom is dead.
like son like mother i guess 💀
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love how ignacio's door has small little boards on it from when they bashed it with a hammer HAHAHHA
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also, looking at the inside of ignacio's house, is that john's family on the little table there???
one of the images in the arg gives a better look at this, but i had no idea it was in IGNACIO'S HOUSE of all places. why does he have that??? and right by the gun too.... what is this silly cult man planning......
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(the arg image in question if yall were wondering)
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"we understand you" "we're here for you dude" "thank you guys, i just wish things weren't so..." HATZGANG FRIENDSHIP WAAAAA!!!!!
also ROY HAS BEEN THROUGH SHIT MY POOR GUYYYY i wanna hug him mannnn 🥺
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werlikestea · 21 days
Omgggggggg this prologue just made me love lucifer more and more i have no idea how but it somehow didddd
Like the whole paradise lost is literally found family .....
They all call each other brothers this is just so cute......
So what do i start with?
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I guess im gonna start with the backgrounds because they are all so prettyyy especially the one where Lucifer was drinking his tea (i forgor to make a screenshot hdndd) Like i would love to see him and mc having a little tea party there.... It sounds adorable... Might draw it.....
Also the fact that compared to other places in hell it is said that its always sunny there ? Interesting...
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The rules they told us are also pretty interesting because later we broke all of them and like nothing happened (i guess smth did but yea...) and that made me think
Im not sure if Lucifer was fine with US as mc doing those things, or would he be ok with anyone doing that, it also seems to me that i mean we could already see that in the event with gamigin and him but he really is someone that doesnt really open up to people, even the demons from paradise lost
And he seems to really care about them quite a lot
Also he really isnt used to his body yet, it was mentioned a few times that he tries to move his wings before his legs and he also had some flashbacks with the seraphs so thats interestingg
Also does he like us or not ?????? Cause they did say smth about him not liking us that much because we are connected to Solomon?? Plus he started with calling us
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Daughter of Adam which ngl is a little refreshing
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And the last thing i wanna mention is that Gamigin was just giving dog vibes everytime i saw him in this chapter ??? I dunno what to call it but i could just see him with dog ears wagging his tail or smth he is just adorbs 🥹🥹
Might have forgotten about something but oh well
Oh the survey with the other demons about sex with the mc made me laugh a little dndnnxn
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I also did get Lucifer so i will try my best to unlock his story as fast as possible because i need it i need to know what will happen nextt aaaaaaaaaaa
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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digenerate-trash · 5 months
Hmm~ I hope you can help me then! Since I'm not native English speaker my use of words is often wacky. I can not fully think of something "in-character" for Somno-freak Yan!Robin to say when he's doing his "deed" with my PC Kariya. The idea stuck inside my head since that you-know-which-post of your, I have to get it out of my system somehow >'''<)!!
Imagine PC is sound asleep, cuz they drank the hot cocoa/lemonade he gave them and god know what he put in there. He can't help it thou, they went to the forest one day and then disappeared for weeks, and came back with a collar encased their neck. Now, PC is sleeping peacefully, safe and sound in his bed... What would he do? What would he say? Give me the "words", and I will translate them into "images" as best as I could when I have time to draw! : D
Almost forgor, Robin in Kariya' save is male with coochie : D I would still draw this sooner or later, but if you're willing to lend a hand, it would be a big help✨
OMG hi!!!!! You're like the robin simp and you're asking me for help!!?!?!?!!? I'm freaking out dude!!!!! but yeah!!!! I'm gonna do what I can to help your vision as best I can!!! I love somno freak robin!!!!!!!
It was pretty easy to get you to drink the sedative. He thought it might be harder because you're usually so careful. But as soon as he said it was for his weekend job you drank it down without hesitation. 
"How's it... taste?" Robin asks as you look up from your cup. You scrunch your nose a bit. Usually, you'd brush off anything wrong, but Robin had asked for your honest opinion after all. 
"Somethings... off. It's bitter." You say setting the cup down "Maybe some more sugar this time?" 
"Sugar- yeah." Robin laughs a bit. Before turning back around to clean up his mess in the communal kitchen. You lean on your hand as you sit at the table watching Robin clean up. He's always so nervous. It's cute. 
Once everything is clean Robin takes your hand and you yawn as he leads you back to his room. The bottle of sedatives rattles a bit in his sweater and he grips onto it to stop the noise. Not that he thinks you'd ever be suspicious of him. 
Robin sits you on his bed and gets a game set up on his system. 
You lay back as he talks. You're barely paying attention as he speaks. Instead, you curl up on his soft sheets and start to drift off.
Robin looks over at you mid-rant and realizes how well his plan worked. You're asleep- and according to the doctor, you'd be out for hours. None the wiser. 
He heads to the door locking it. He might have hours to play with you but he doesn't want to waste a second of it.
He reaches over and pulls your shirt up to show off your chest. He can't help himself he's panting heavily as he leans over and kisses and licks at your nipples he's careful not to bite but the temptation is there as he drools on your skin. Your body is so soft as he feels you up. Your breathing is deep and shallow as you sleep. 
Robin throws off his sweater and pants before he straddles you. Yanking up your skirt and showing off your pretty thin panties that barely conceal you. He's already panting as he leans over you. You look so happy as he brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"I... I need to have you." *Robin pants as he grinds down on you roughly. His face is red. He can't help himself he always gets so shy around you. "When we have sex for the first time- I'll make sure.... I'll make sure I'm less nervous" 
he laughs a bit to himself as he continues to use you. That was the point of these little sessions after all. Practice.
Robin humps against you harder. He can feel you getting hard and his underwear has soaked through by now. Your face is blushing but you are still in blissful sleep as he leans over your body to kiss you deeply. He forces his tongue into your mouth continuing to hump at you his actions getting more frantic as he's close to his peek. Your breathing is getting heavier too as you tense up and cum staining your underwear. 
Robin pulls back looking down at the mess. He blushes harder than before and covers his mouth. He was supposed to edge you... make this last as long as possible... but he got carried away.
"T-thats alright" he pants leaning down to lick up the mess. "I'll just try again" (I hope this is a good enough scenario for you!!! I love somno freak robin!!!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hey its my birthday fan you write billy lenz giving me sloppy toppy and straight up cumming on my face
Bro wtf I just watched this movie hour ago😰😰 and now I get random request about it! Happy birthday by the way. And its 5:42 am here Requests open!
Tw:Billy Lenz, blowjob, choking? Also I mention y/n as 'you/your' so if that makes you uncomfy I warned you
Billy Lenz reciving oral
First of all, he is 100% virgin. Only watched people do stuff
He knew it will be nice but he didnt expect it to be this nice
His sweet sweet piggy sucking on his cock, taking it so well just for him
He loves the noises you make, the feeling of tounge moving inside, the idea of you trusting him enough to let him almost chocke you its all so so arousing
He will say a lot of nasty stuff, degrading mostly but sometimes he will say some praises like "you taking billy's cock so well piggy" stuff like that
He is always in goofy mood so he will probably cum on your face just for funzies and your reaction. He also loves the face you make after you get the whole load on your pretty skin. And little gaps when it gets in your hair or other places that you didn't want it to come
He also loves watching her do stuff without his help, he just stares right in the eyes while you take him whole. While he just lays down or sits comfortably
But at the same time oh how he loves moving inside you while he just holds your head. Its such good feeling for him! Its difficult for him to decide what position he should be in really.
After doing that first time he is going to do it everyday litteraly, if you disagree he will beg, no kidding he is kinda addicted
Also if you wanna receive oral he will experiment no problem! He is a curious being really! Also im sure he thinks that you are delicious!
But he prefers reciving it much more than giving. Its just so satisfying to see you under him
Also you need to teach him all about after-care because im not sure if he even knows what's words 'care' or 'comforting' mean
And he forgors that people need air to live, sometimes you have to smack him so he remembers that no, alive y/n is much better than dead y/n, so better let her breath
Cummin on face kinda became a habit, but he still tries to make it a surprise because he loves that shoked face when you realise that he just busted a nut in you
And any form of praise makes him melt, if u say anything positive about his size or position or movements or litteraly anything he will go 😍😳 either immediately cum or get ready for next round
After the whole thing, you go wash ur face he will just fallow you, its kinda how he shows affection afterwards, fallowing you behind probably hoping that you go lay in bed so he can cuddle and litteraly glue to you for next 5hours
Anyways i never wrote smuty stuff before,If any of my friends will see this im going to never get out of my house again btw. Also I had to google sloppy toppy😭😭😭 pls tell me if I did well 😥i feel so so green. Also I'm always so spooked that I mistake Billy Lenz for Billy Loomis and imma confuse the hell out of person requesting
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writing-frenzy · 9 months
Beautiful Disaster AU- 2:
:P so the gremlins for this AU won't let go it seems; fitting as I eat noodles I get the author man himself, along with his favorite hater.
Edit: I almost forgor to put a link for part one
Here is another poem/quote thing :3
I'm beautifully broken,
perfectly imperfect,
beautiful in my flaws.
All together I am a Beautiful Disaster.
By Unknown
Again, this fits both SQH and SJ so much :3 This will be set kinda after the Moshang extras, just without the ship happening so far (because rebuilding trust and care, and loyalty takes time, Mobei being patient enough because SQH is worth it, with SQH learning he is indeed worth it, more than worthy.)
Despite what most think of the An Ding Peak Lord, the glorified immortal secretary/janitor of the Cang Qiong Mountains never misses any time. He has more months, years plotted way in advance then anyone would dream, dates and times printed into his mind with an ever ticking constantly echoing his steps. He plans weeks ahead of anything he can afford to, considering people and patterns he has noticed, procuring orders before they were ever thought to be sent, knowing his martial siblings won't noticed the needed thing until it is too late.
But even he is not all knowing, author god he may be, so when things run out faster than he expected (Ah, embezzlement or incompetence, take your pick of what it could be! Maybe even both, it could be one of those days.) He takes days at a time to get these 'urgent' orders filled, replaced, fixed, or cared for to the best of his ability.
And he can assure you, that you will find no better than him when it comes to time and logistics; he has it down to the minutes it takes him to eat a bowl of noodles, to the seconds it takes to wipe the blood from his hands from yet another sad little assassination.
His days, like any An Ding Disciple, are numbered and ruled by the water, sand, and hands of a clock.
(Needless to say, Airplane sometimes thanks himself for his lazy writing, for example; that regular clocks do exist here, even if they are usually only for the holier-than-thou nobles/too rich to ever think types. It had been one of the first ever things he bought with his hefty Peak Lord allowance, and one of the few expenses he never regrets.)
No, Shang Qinghua never misses any time; he just chooses to skip inconveniences so that he could be spending his valuable time on things that actually do need his attention.
Of course, not like he'll ever let anyone know the difference.
"Liu-Shidi, there shouldn't be any meeting today? I'm pretty sure the next Peak Lord Meeting is when Peak Lord Shen comes to his Peak Next week?" Shang Qinghua whines, feeling the drag on his pale blue An Ding robes as the Ban Zhan War God drags him to the meeting that was in fact today, but knowing his transmigrator bro, will usually put off to next week because Yue Qingyuan is a fucking pushover.
(The man literally let Shang Qinghua back; sure yeah, probably until he at least trains a successor, but the pale blue robed Peak Lord would bet money it was partly because his head disciple terrifies all the other Peak Lords. Not that he can blame them, seeing as Bai Weizhe has finally forgiven him for leaving him behind; the young man's talent and temper is a legendary thing to witness, almost seems a shame he's wasting away at An Ding.)
"There's been a development; Mount Tonglu has settled." was the grim reply Liu Qingge gave, voice tense as his body was, never letting up his grip on his clothes, getting firmer in fact, as if ready for a runner.
"... oh... oh.. OH FUCK!" Shang Qinghua lets himself curse in English, digging through his sleeves for a paper-ah, the good talisman paper, good, good, and his lucky specialized pen he had made just so he could write everywhere, "We're gonna have to hold a conference with the other sects, aren't we? We'll-fuck, have to prepare relief efforts for the common folk, patrols will have to be bolstered and increased-Damnit! We'll have to get offerings ready for the Heavenly Officials just in case..." mumbling to himself, he sends his hastily written note to his Head Disciple as a paper plane, still muttering to himself as Liu Qingge continues to drag him forward to the meeting room, only dropping him once they get inside, knocking him from his stressed filled muttering.
Just to see all Peak Lords are in attendance, with a bonus Luo Binghe even right next to Cucumber bro all grim faced.
AH! Why is there so much work?! Mountain, why now of all times and places do you have to settle? Couldn't have done until Shang Qinghua died or somehow fucking ascended? But Shang Qinghua says nothing, just letting out a pathetic whimper to the disgust of a few of his fellow Peak Lords, though a few do give a sympathetic glance.
Heck, Fan Qingxue of the Alchemy Peak Shoushan and Yao Qingli of the farmers peak Dong Ye look like they want to join him in it; Ah yeah, those two ladies were the ones deathly afraid of ghosts. Since they've always been pretty cool and the ones who gave him the least shit to worry about besides Mu Qingfang, Shang Qinghua thinks he can spare some of his good calming teas and drinks...
Or they can just go straight for Zui Xian's harder spirits (ha).
"As I'm sure everyone knows why we are here, let us get down to business." After Zhangmen-shixiong cuts through his usual bullshit with that simple opening(surprise, surprise), the immortal carries on, "After all these centuries, Mount Tonglu settling bodes ill omens, with it's last settling the precursor to a plague and famine that almost wiped the mortal plane from existence." with those grim words spoken, the atmosphere gets chilling.
"If I recall Zhangmen-Shixiong, it took thousands of desperate prayers and many more offerings before the Heavens answered the call of the people, putting down the cause of it all; a Ghostly Calamity." Yi Qingyao, Peak Lord of the beast taming peak Yanlin, says as her pale, scarred hands reaching up to sooth the twittering little bird on her shoulder. "Will we have to once more rely on their power?" Will they answer us goes unsaid in her words.
While the Heavenly Officials have been quiet for a long time, it is obvious that they are still there, what with prayers still being answered and merits still being met; just more undercover, detective style really. At least, that's how Airplane had wrote it out in PIDW; had to get a few goddesses in the harem some way after all, and having the Heavens be like secret agents in his mind had been funny at the time.
(Though it does put into a new perspective the harem overthrow and everything; hmmm, feels like he should do another house cleaning around now, just in case...)
"As nothing has happened so far, it wouldn't due to try and summon those from higher plane when we don't even know what we will be up against; with no intel about the threat, we don't know if we will need a Martial or Spiritual God." Liu Qingge states, the war strategist coming out in full swing. "It would just be a waste of resources and manpower to offer without any knowledge, especially since we do not know how long the Calamity has had time to settle into their power."
"What do you mean time to settle?!" Fan Qingxue asks, alarm coloring her face even paler than before, hands clenched into her handkerchief; like this, she really does look like a dainty little princess, all big eyes and perfect brown hair, no one would think she would be a treasure hunter the like of Indiana Jones.
"From what is known, Mount Tonglu can be open for years, centuries at a time before the gates of the City of Gu Close, the true regulators of the mountain; it never settles, only until years after a Calamity is reborn does it finally rest, all its energy spent on the new, cruel rebirth." Sun Qingfu, Peak Lord of Ku Xing, answers her with a frown, his regular smile lines stressed from it as he does. "If I may ask, does anyone know just when the Gu City gates last opened?"
By the quiet that happens, the grim face of those who do know, it is not going to be an answer they like.
"... From what was found, it was almost eight years ago." was spoken ever so softly, Shang Qinghua feeling his own eyes widen as his mind does the math;
Almost eight years ago? When Cucumber-bro...
Here, the Ban Zhan War God seems to twitch, jaw clenching for a minute before it smooths away, all emotion erased as he turns to the resident Demon Lord.
Ah, while Shang Qinghua has an idea of just why Luo Binghe is here, sitting at the table with no one bothering to comment on it; considering the Demon Emperor's vast influence, and still in control over a certain, foretelling/divination talented sect, he inwardly pleads with his Shidi, hoping it will get through.
Please do not get into a fight here with the protagonist son! (May his Protag also not start anything please!)
"Has Huan Hua Palace managed to gleam any information about the upcoming Ghostly Calamity at all." Liu Qingge asks Luo Binghe, Acting Grand Disciple of Hua Hua Palace still, even being a Demon Lord as he is. (Though, his son is more of a figurehead then anything, what with Huan Hua needing all the help they can get, at least until they restore their reputation just enough to 'promote' another.)
"... From what the Divinators have said, not much has been managed to be gathered, something seemingly blocking their sights and tools." Luo Binghe says, before looking to the sect leader, a question seemingly in his eye, to which he gets a short nod.
"It seems that both Huan Hua Palace and our own Divination Division have been trying to qualify the Calamity coming to little ends; very few details have been gathered, but I'm sure you have received details of the same city?"
That gets a stark frown on his Protagonist's face, dark eyes flashing a gloomy red before he says those damming words. "Jinlan City."
Eight Years.
Jinlan City.
... Oh Fuck his life with a rusty spoon; this is not the fucking time for a god dammed plague/famine thing!
"You two bit, sell-out hack of an author! How in the fuck could you leave out such important world building! Just for fucking sex plots!" is ranted when they're alone in the bamboo house on Qing Jing Peak, Luo Binghe being in high demand to work with the other sects as the current head of the golden cultivators. Damn, but is Shang Qinghua glad that's not his problem anymore, even if he feels a bit sorry for the Hua disciples he revived just to take over his paperwork duties.
(What, it's not like he could have used that plot device for himself, considering that the Sweet Dream Seven Petal Rose could only be used on righteous, young souls, both of which he is not. Gongyi Xiao and his little bunch are doing great last he checked, even if they now have a newfound hunger for spiritually dense rocks and plants; still a surprise to have that many good nuggets in such a gilded, slimy place like Huan Hua.)
"Hmmm, more focused on what could get me my rent money at the time, you know, like an adult." Shang Qinghua sasses back, looking over all the reports constantly being sent to him, signing something there, double checking there, burning that paper here. "And considering how Calamities need actual, real deal gods to handle their fucking business, I made the executive decision to just not include them into the story."
"Binghe wouldn't lose!"
"... No, he wouldn't! He the- He's your protagonist..." here Shang Qinghua looks over to his bro, being hit once more just how young the other actually is, green eyes wide as they take him in.
"Calamities were not named lightly bro; they earn that title through pain, agony, and a resentment that refuses to ever fucking die." Here, Airplane comes into full swing, rambles of a favored topic only an author can understand dumping out, "It was one of my favorite things to plot out in my original draft, I did so much research and writing for what I was going to have as a neutral recurring character for an arc or two here or there, someone who could make the Luo Binghe bow in respect. Calamities were a part of the whole for the reason pure blooded Heavenly Demons were wiped out." he explains, only for Shen Qingqiu to interrupt.
"Because very few Demons or Spiritual Creatures can affect ghosts, so that the protagonist could show off fancy cultivation tricks with his companions or wives." his green clad bro finishes, a death grip on his fan.
"Yeah, had to justify at times why my protag would bother leveling his human side, considering how op his demonic blood was. I figured ghost would be an even playground, while not effecting demons much, couldn't actually be effected that much in turn." Shang Qinghua shrugs, wincing at the pops and cracks as he does, before going right back to his paperwork; he really should have went back to his peak, he really would get more done, but with his favorite hater's memory, it would be worth the cutting into his time if it could jog his own memory of his story.
From what he wrote in Proud Immortal Demon Way, Mount Tonglu was only in one arc of his story, his son having to find the ghost of one of his favored wives to revive her, who ended up being sucked up into the mountain. Luo Binghe had to struggle hard, getting the aid of a sexy Ghostly Cultivator and a Demonic one to help him along the path to find the ghost of his wife. It was a race against time and enemies, ghosts who would rip anyone to shreds, and to ensure his ghostly wife wouldn't gather too much energy from the place so that she couldn't leave.
Thanks to his Sexy helpers, plot amor, and general bullshit plot devices, Luo Binghe saves his dear wife's ghost, revives her, and has some sexy papapa times with all three ladies from the adventure. (Though the two don't actually end up wifed to Luo Binghe from what he remembers.) But despite all the bullshit, Airplane remembers at the time he only wrote the group going as far as the second level, just in the mountain proper, and sure as hell nowhere near the really important parts; the ancient city of Wukong, and the Kiln that attracted all the ghosts in the first place. Otherwise, he would have had to write a fight scene that Luo Binghe could not win.
And couldn't pay his bills; so thus, Mount Tonglu and all its possibilities got shafted, just another plot thread left dangling among the many others he had in the wind, taunting his readers as it were.
One that gives context, but no longer any help with their situation.
After that bit of thoughtful silence, Cucumber bro begins to say something, only for a knock at the door to interrupt them.
"Shizun, apologies for interruption, but the Head Disciple from An Ding Peak is here." that sweet voice can only be from one of his sweetest characters, one Ning Yingying.
"Ah, you can just come on in Bai Weizhe, I don't think-ah!" Shang Qinghua calls, before sputtering as his bro proceeds to spit take all over him, "Gross, seriously gross bro."
All that gets is the stunned, incredulous gaze from his friend, before his rather stunning Head Disciple comes in, looking like he should be the Peak Lord honestly. Really, he makes the light blue and grey of the HD Uniform look like the highest fashion, with those highly noble features and crystal grey eyes. The young man is just missing a crown in that silky black hair, and bam, he'd look the part.
Well, then he'll get that look in those usually gentle eyes and then he'll look more like he should be the Ban Zhan or Qing Jing Peak Lord; just like now, a storm brewing clouds as he takes in the two Peak Lords before him, darkening as they look to his dripping Shizun.
"This disciple hopes he was not interrupting anything? There is unfortunately much work for Shizun to do, and so little time to do it." His disciple says, face perfectly bland even as he ignores any of the custom greetings one should do before their elders, especially those way above in seniority. Raising an eyebrow at his disciple, as while Shang Qinghua could let him get away with murder, decorum and manners are not something his disciples skip on, a tool he has trained them to practically weaponize.
But Bai Weizhe merely smiles like sugar won't melt in his mouth, completely transforming that handsome face into a truly devastating attack, his raging eyes the only give away. Hearing Cucumber bro choke beside him, Shang Qinghua makes to stand up, sighing once more.
"Ah well, just another storm to weather through, maybe if I'm lucky I can just hide away on my Peak or the Northern- I'm not lucky am I?" Shang starts hopefully, only to see the darkening of his disciple's eyes.
"...When the Divinatiors were divining into the future, they managed to find out one more thing." Here Weizhe's eyes flicker, looking down for a minute before back to him, the only sign he gives off he is worried, "When looking to see who would go to investigate, Long-Shigu only kept getting omens of death, no matter who was drawn from the lots..." Here, his disciple takes a deep breath, Shang Qinghua himself now worried for his student, putting a hand on their shoulder to ground them, calm them however he could (along with himself).
"It's only when Shizun's name was drawn to go that the omens lightened at all."
... Fuck, if Long Qingyu, the Zui Xian Peak Lord, the best Divination Master this side of the Jianghu that wasn't part of Huan Hua said so, then it was so...
Damn it to planes and noddles, but he's already missing his bed.
"I look at you, and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you."
By Alexandra Bracken
Shen Yuan can fully admit, if only to himself, that he might just be, slightly, just ever so slightly, terrified.
Of course, he'll admit this too no one; despite how OOC the System has let him become, how it stays in 'standby mode', some habits have just become too ingrained at this point to change, forged as they were into his shield. It has been both a boon and a bane as it were in his day to day, keeping him together through most storms in his life, even if it's left him sopping wet afterwards.
But in the end, at least he still has someone to warm him up, a calm within that storm to rest his weary body for a time... Even if they truly aren't an actual escape from said storm.
"Shizun, is there anything you need? Anything I can do?" His Binghe fusses, those clear dark eyes of his not able to hide the tightening worry scrunching them, face still beautiful even as full of negativity as it is.
"Just be as ready as possible; we do not know what to expect, with assumptions being a foe that could blind us when we least expect them." Shen Qingqiu speaks, truly trying not to think about it, about just what kind of situation they are about to be walking into, the ruins of Jinlan City just a bit before them damningly, the Base Camp the Cultivation Sects pulled together to create rest less then a mile away in the distance.
'Oh, but how hard it is to not make any...' the transmigrator can't help but think, grimacing behind his fan as he can just notice the stares from others around them, some judgmental, other pitying, but all still obviously looking at them.
After all, eight years ago was the day he first 'died' in this world. Combined with the issues with the Sowers, then the resulting destruction of said city... it didn't paint the best of pictures.
As expected of a protagonist; even after the 'happy ever after', there was still no rest from possible story lines. (Shen Yuan honestly at times was just... tired of them. Didn't he and Binghe, especially his Binghe, deserve a rest?...
He'd rather be caught in a wife plot even at this point.)
"... A-Yuan?" was whispered rather lowly, right into his ear and behind his fan, so no one with advanced cultivation could hear or see what he was saying, "Is this some sort of... event?" His disciple asked, making his Shizun pause in his fanning for a moment, before returning, not even so much of a twitch on his face.
"...That has not made any signs of movement beyond what it has told me and your Shang-Shishu." Shen Yuan answers carefully, ignoring the brief twitch of disgust on his husband's face at the mention of the other man, "It has been quiet since a year ago." At least, from what Shang Qinghua has told him about his months long misadventure.
"... I see." there, just slightly, is a bit of relief in Luo Binghe's face, Shen Qingqiu unable to stop his own weary smile at the sight.
Despite everything, despite how he will never, ever tell his fellow transmigrator, he is grateful the man convinced him to tell Binghe as much as he could about their transmigration.
Even if it felt like a kick in the teeth at the time.
("... Bro." Shang Qinghua has a look in his eyes that makes Shen Yuan freeze, fully reminded, in that moment, in that time, that for all his fellow transmigrator plays around and whines, the man has earned his Peak Lord title, and all that it entails. "You know the tropes, the clinches, the story; what part of keeping all those secrets to yourself seems like a good idea?"
Here he couldn't help but bristle, "And in what story do you see a character actually talk about being from another world, hmm? What can I even say?!" He stops himself from going to hit the other with his fan, the urge stifled as he sees those brown eyes darken as they narrow.
"I've found that as long as I kept it vague, I can get the general idea of what happened across. I've experimented with My King and my Head Disciple, and the only time I was stopped was when I was about to mention the System directly. Otherwise I was good to go..." here the older man pauses, before he sighs even as Shen Yuan gaps, honestly stunned the other man actually tried something like that.
"Look, Shen Yuan, do you want your relationship with Binghe to work out?"
"!! Of course!"
"Then tell him; tell him before it is too late and you really become a foil for Yue Qi and his Shen Jiu." here, hearing his name and the mention of those two, Shen Yuan cannot help but pale, seeming to stop and stare at the bitter author god before him.
"... Cucumber-bro, for all you remember about my stallion protagonist webnovel, you seem to always forget it's a tradegy at its core..." here the other man just looks so tired, staring into his teacup instead of directing those all too knowing earth colored eyes to him.
"And the promis of love was always meant to be Binghe's greatest weakness.")
"Ah, greeting from this Disciple to Shen-Shishu, Lord Luo." was greeted, Shen Qingqiu nearly jumping if he hadn't already noticed his husband was looking over, even if he did look stiffly over to the voice.
One Bai Weizhe stood there before them, not a hair out of place, his face neutral, calm and as if he probably wasn't plotting how to slit your throat in your sleep. Like he isn't secretly some powerhouse that could probably go toe-toe with Yue Qingyuan and even toy with the man if he felt like it.
"Ah, good day Bai-Shizhi, has everything been completed and set up?" Shen Qingqiu asks, fanning himself lightly, doing his best to pretend that this is just a regular disciple, that their is nothing wrong with them, that he is just a wrong word from breaking out into a cold sweat.
"Yes, this disciple was sent to gather all the participating Peak Lords coming from Cang Qiong Mountains; all preparations have been made, Long-Shigu and Huan Hua Palace saying soon will be the best time to enter the city. I'm sure that these Lords can find the way their themselves?" Shen Qingqiu nearly frowns at this subtle though pointed disrespect, having to gently tap his fan on his husband's shoulder before he can say anything.
"These Lords are capable of it, though it would do Shizhi well to remember their manners; I'm sure your Shifu has taught you better than that?" The Peak Lord comments, knowing if he doesn't say something, then Binghe will-
And while that face is still as calm as before, those eyes giving nothing away, there is something about that pause that says Shen Qingqiu has said the wrong thing.
"This disciple will keep it in mind, Shen-Shishu. Please pardon me, I must go and find the other Peak Lords joining the scouting force." With that, and a shallow boy just respectful enough, the young man hurries along, the pale blue and grey of his robes fluttering in the wind as he goes.
Outwardly, the Qing Jing Peak Lord seems as calm as can be, soothing his fussy husband as they walk over to the main tend of the Camp, not even flustered a bit by the altercation.
Inside on the other hand, Peerless Cucumber is just 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Airplane of all villains you picked up, why him!? Why him as your HD?!'
Now, while Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had made plenty of low IQ and forgettable villains in the story, it just meant that when he actually pulled out the good ones, he made them unforgettable. From the beloved 'Big Brother' Pan Shan, a villain only in protection of his family, to the literal 'Calamitous Beauty' Tan Xifeng, a woman so proud and strong she rather turn to ashes forever then be trapped in the Harem, Bai Weizhe was just as up there, the calm 'True Mastermind' in the name of revenge in PIDW.
In the set up, The Bai Family is a very high ranking Cultivation Family, just as high if not more so than the Liu family, said to be descended from heavenly beings, granted power and weapons of that level because of it. But over the years, with less and less powerful Cultivators coming from the family, the Bai Family head got desperate, making his son marry multiple women to try and birth a hopefully powerful heir. And seeing how much of a playboy the man was, with plenty of bastards beforehand, it wasn't too hard for the man to put out it seem. Of his many spawn, two ended up as wives to Bingge and of course a few becoming villains for the arc.
But Bai Weizhe, when first introduced, it shows one of his half-sisters, a future wife, trying to defend him from another of their siblings who were attempting to torture him. All throughout the arc's mystery, one learns more of the future wives alongside this weak bastard son of a maid and the Family Head's son, learning they were little more than a slave to the Family Head and his Son's whims.
Bai Weizhe had seemed like a helpful, if slightly talented npc, being more of an awkward emotional support then any seeming threat, even if things seemed ever so slightly off about him, most of which could probably be excused by just how abused he had been. In fact, many thought the man would become a little brother character, Binghe taking in the poor bastard son as a future assistant or something because of how intelligent he was (with rotten girls going even farther and saying he would become part of the harem.)
But when the plot twist was revealed, with it turning out the murders and almost complete alienation of the Bai Family was all his doing, daringly using the protagonist to do his dirty work for him... it had been as shocking as it was satisfying to the readers, some actually rereading the entire arc with eyes wide open to take in all those little clues and cues to the real monster hiding behind the mask.
But of course, Luo Binghe being Luo Binghe in Proud Immortal Demon Way, Th Bai Bastard meets his end and Bingge gets the Bai Family twins and some family treasure as a bonus... (Though, from debates and such, it actually has been argued that his death may have either been faked or the man had a back up prepared.
Knowing PIDW and all it's bullshit plot devices... he can see it, especially after meeting him.)
But coming to the tent, Shen Qingqiu pushes all thoughts aside, face grim as he looks over his fellow gathered Peak Lords.
Yue Qingyuan. Shang Qinghua. Mu Qingfang. Liu Qingge. Qi Qingqi. Himself and his husband.
"Both the best and worst team to send." Long Qingyu's bitter words spoken broke through the tents atmosphere, making everyone tense as she did. The Zui Xian Peak Lord took a gulp from her bottle, truly stressed if she was drinking in front of them, "I cannot say much, or do anything else but offer this one last advice; make sure you actually listen." she stresses, golden hair slipping from her messily made bun as she pushes it back even as she takes another swing of her drink, mismatched brown and green eyes closed as she does.
"Listen to what?" Liu Qingge asks, eyeing the woman as she finishes her drink with a mournful look.
"Just as I said; listen. Do not assume, do not judge, do think before you damn well speak-" Here she stops herself, teeth gritted as she breaths through them, before opening her eyes once more, "I can say no more, not unless I want the omens to darken even further. Just get ready to go." with that, the woman is gone as fast as she came in, closing the tent behind her with a loud snap.
Staring at everyone, meeting eyes with a few before looking to his Binghe, Shen Qingqiu starts to prepare himself, checking just in case for anything that could have been missed.
Come what may, he and the others will be as ready as they can be, going against the Calamity as they are.
It'll have to be enough.
(Oh, but they will never be ready, unknowing of the poisonous green eyes watching, waiting for them all this time.
They've waited long enough.)
Author's note:
And here we have our favorite disaster bi's, Airplane and Cucumber-bro! Man, both are great characters, my bias being Airplane, but Shen Yuan is also such an interesting character to delve into, being one of the favs I both want to hug and just smack over the head :>
The second quote I found I feel can really seem to resonate with Shen Yuan, when our boy stops repressing and actually lets himself feel.
Also, while I like BingQiu... boi, does that relationship have issues, ones I really hope they did indeed talk through when they could (They have a fuck ton of time to do so, so here I had Airplane help and kick them into gear; nothing like be reminded of tropes and the fact that your hubby is a fucking Tragedy Protag. :> )
Airplane: *Revives a bunch of disciples because he does not want to deal with the paperwork* ... why are you looking at me like that, stop that, go back to your sect.
So many OCs this chapter, I'll just do a spot light for one because then this chapter will just be author's note. (not too mention how he kept worming his way everywhere, just smiling at me as he did.)
Bai Weizhe: Means Outgoing, great sage because I like it; little fun fact, how I have my OC Bai Weizhe: he was actually a high IQ Villain in PIDW, (think if Lan Zhan and Jin Guangyao had a baby, he'd be that baby :3 ) the bastard son of a great cultivation family where Luo Binghe was doing the 'acting like a pig to get the tiger' sort of deal. He was actually a genuine, hidden boss level threat for at least one-two arcs before he had to get fridged for papapa plot (tho.. more like a faked death, Airplane always had a soft spot for his villains after all :3). In fact, it was mentioned in Villainous monologue that he had went to join CQM sect, but due to sabotage by his family, never got the chance in PIDW.
In SVSSS, Airplane was still in the process of working on his 'applying by application' process to An Ding (because I love this headcannon, it gives me fucking life, I am still mad for losing the bookmark to the story that inspired it.) so he still picked disciples by the digging test for a while. He sees this one poor little guy digging despite looking like he's gonna pass out any minute, powering through it with sheer determination and spite, the other Peaks Lords and Disciples already dismissing them, thinking he has low cultivation/poor prospect.
Shang Qinghua though doesn't care about all that; he very much wants that determination (and spite, gotta respect it) He can use all he can get! *After the kid cleans up and gets the drugs out of his system, Shang Qinghua blinks, double takes* WTF when did I have a talent on my peak??
Bai Weizhe: *Smiles like butter won't melt in his mouth* I've always been here Shizun.
(Does Airplane remember him? lol nope, but Shen Yuan sure does :D)
Also, none of the An Ding disciples really 'care' about Shang Qinghua's betrayal (Anyone on An Ding? Oh, they've dreamed of much worse; so much worse~) :) They Just :) Are a bit Upset :) about being Left Behind. :) But its all good; their Shizun came back :)
(And if the sect knows whats good for it, he'll stay where he fucking belongs.)
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97 notes · View notes
uniformbravo · 1 month
since i've spent the past few days essentially staring at nothing but natsuyuu volume covers i thought it'd be so fun and silly to try and redraw them all from memory tee hee. all 30 (thirty) (三十) of them!!! wheee!!!!
i haven't actually looked at them next to the originals yet so guess what time it is!!!! LET'S COMPARE
starting with volume 1. iconic. show stopping. masterpiece. the mona lisa of natsuyuu SURELY i reproduced every single detail perfectly such that it kickstarts my career as a forgery artist RIGHT
well feast ur eyes
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(im using the english volumes for comparison btw they have a good clear view of the art)
all i remembered for this one was GREEN and it's not even the right shade of green ajgosugdjfkdgj i even made the fuckin. what do u call it. i'll just say yukata??? I MADE IT GREEN AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE RED i stg if u held a gun to my head & asked if there was any red on vol 1 i'd be DEAD
but i remembered the book of friends is like. weirdly purple? ok well in this pic it looks p gray BUT ON OTHER COPIES...... IF U UP THE SATURATION GKSJKDNFKDG
why is nyanko sensei smack dab in the middle HUH i couldve sworn he was bottom left this is so fucked up and scary. haunted manga volume??????? i bought it from a grarage sale idk you guys-
at least natsume's pose is like kind of right but also that's most definitely a complete accident i can ASSURE u (im rereading this the next day and the pose isnt even CLOSE what are u TALKING ABOUT)
anyway can i just fucking point out the kanji on the book of friends bc that is from MEMORY YEEHAW here's what it's Supposed to look like: 友人帳
LIKE even tho i got the last one wrong ITS LIKE STILL PRETTY CLOSE??? i think i deserve 100 points for this objectively
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OK NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT SURPRISINGLY im actually like. i thought i bombed this one completely but liKE THE COMPOSITION??? KIND OF ON POINT. KIND OF GENIUS TBH
i remembered Blue and Madara and like what else do u need rly. butterflies are optional in all scenarios imo
also i NEVER have any idea what natsume's wearing in any of these so i always just like default throw him into his school uniform LMAO u will see a pattern
why is the book of friends burgundy in this one btw. it was GRAY i mean purple definitely purple aha
ok volume 3 im actually scared for i know i fucked up SOMETHING
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HGLKFKGLKFKGFN OK!!!!! OK NOT SUPER AWFUL!!!! just noticed i forgor to color the book of friends fukg
main thing i remembered abt this one was the color of natsume's... attire.... and which characters were present. whats sensei doing all the way up in the top corner tho 0/10
return of the school uniform lmaooooo hm. irrelevant who cares plus didnt ask. all things considered this wasn't as bad as i thought. THE NEXT ONE HOWEVER,
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hsngjfgnfjn okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sensei's way cuter in this one than i realized wait wtf this cover's cute af how did i never notice. underrated cover -10 @ me. look at his lil BLEP >:O!!!!!!!
i knew there was some fuckshit going on w the yukata in this one ourhg i was just like hehe greeennnn also sensei's there. my work here is done
what is natsume's pose even hgnkg i was straight up making shit up at this point LIKE the first 6 or so covers are SO hard for me to distinguish in my head i should get a free pass for the poses in all of them like i can do whatever i want IM the artist now
oh god whats next vol 5
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OK!!!! like a straight 5/10 TBH i literally forgot i was planning on rating these LMAO
i remembered the like white v-neck shirt thing and his pose kind of??? i had NO idea what to do for the yukata tho i just made it orange and u know what?? close enough. my rule of thumb is just like pick a color and then throw flowers all over it u cant go wrong
taki looks so much more mysterious on the original and also wearing a skirt. i gave her a big stick bc i thought i remembered her having one in general but i think i made that up tbh wouldn't put it past me. got her hat right tho hee haw
cant believe i didn't get natsume's beautiful artwork tho look at that little shit sensei up there god hes so ROUMD literally moma material
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PROBABLY my best one yet uhhhh but i maybe cheated JUST a little for this one ITS LIKE BARELY CHEATING STOP BOOING ME
as i was toying w the idea of doing this redraw thing i was still working on collecting my Images and Pictures so i kinda started taking note of a few small things here & there and one of them was just. the general gist of this cover SO LIKE that's why it's so good LOL
forgor the flowers tho. i literally forget everything that isn't a character like immediately BUT OK CUT ME SOME SLACK like after a point the covers start being whole ass scenes which are SO much easier to remember shit abt than the fuckin Green Void (p sure this is the last green void cover tho)
8/10 composition is gr8 but details like the shirt & the yellow flowers are wrong, also the stick is backwards. i literally looked up what that thing is called and forgot already tee hee
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fuck dude. fuck. i rly thought vol 6 was the last one LOL not to spoil but as i was grabbing these images i saw a Preview of what's to come and the green void lasts until fuckign volume TEN LOL collapses onto the ground and dies
so erhermrm this is vol 7 lolllll i remembered the bg flowers this time can u believe hahaha distracts u from the fact that LITERALLY everything else is wrong auhghg
u know what the green void turned into bushes and i think that's beautiful.... like points for creativity on my part tbh. like to be completely honest. 3/10 i got the characters right
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YO????? GATE CONFIRMED LET'S GO?????? it's definitely the school gate but i choose to believe natsume & tanuma r in jail for crimes and u should too
actually this is shockingly accurate for how much i goddamn struggled w this one gkjsldkg the CHARACTERS are right the OUTFITS are right SENSEI'S THERE urgh i knew one of these covers had tanuma holding sensei like that but i couldn't remember Which
i can't believe i actually got tanuma's pose that close i rly thought i was bullshitting w that one wtf. +5 points instantly
do u like how i just scribbled sensei wherever lmaoooo i drew natsume & tanuma & went like. i think sensei's in this one. PLOP
6/10 honestly closer than i thought
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OK........ I SEE........ literally dies
this one i was getting MASSIVELY confused w vol 4 bc i could remember nothing distinct abt either of them except Green and natsume w Big Doggie
i remembered the BARE essentials of the composition but not much else... since i thought the green void was gone i put the green i remembered into natsume's yukata (and then put him in the school uniform again LOL) and went WELP. GUESS I'LL DIE NOW
2/10 honestly one of the worst fucking ones lskdjflsdkg
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OK THIS ONE.... i almost died irl trying to remember this shit, even before i started and i was still viewing the covers i was like there is no way in HELL im remembering this shit for vol 10. and i was right
like. Purple. White Mask. Antlers. WILD layered clothing. at first i drew the mask as an actual deer skull but later had a straight up epiphany and redrew it like that which... still not correct but I MEAN.... IT'S PRETTY GOOD
i cant believe most of the purple is the bg oughgh his clothes are WHITE..... this is fucked up. i DID remember the stick tho, bells and everything!! actually bells and nothing else!!!
7/10 ok it might seem high but CONSIDERING this design..... i think i did shockingly well TBH
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NOT...... the worst...... one....... i could've sworn he was sitting on a pile of books this is so sad that woulda been so cute 😭
for a second when i saw the real cover again i thought he was sitting ON the bookshelf and i was about to RIOT but its okay it's a step stool. still physically possible
my version of natsume here is so much more like Proper gksld he looks like a school boy... studying in the academy's library... hardworking student.... but no the real one is just sitting there like a wet puppy orz he's not even READING i rly thought he was reading. this is such a huge L
cannot fucking believe i was right abt the window tho. like wrong shape but the fact that it's even there.... giving myself a whole ass point for that one
5/10 i rly thought i nailed this one gksgndfkj
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ah shit ok. well one of them was in the school uniform at least fjgugjdkf
why is my natsume lying there like hes abt to start a therapy session, boy would NEVER-
also the plushie hmnmhnmhngnf i dont KNOW i knew there was some kind of prop there but like gun to my head i woulda died again. main colors that stood out to me for this were green and that bluish purple so i got those into mine but i mean. well u can see
once again a random window in the bg i got correct let's gooooo 5/10
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this is so fucking bad im choking im gurgling LOLLLL i was SO sure natsume's paper had an eye on it i was POSITIVE this is so fucked up. i mean obvs i picked that up from sensei but like i didn't even KNOW sensei was there. or that there were bg characters at all uuuuuououohghh (matoba ignored +5)
i was like. black yukata red flowers CHECK piece of paper w eye CHECK horns CHECK i even went back and edited the horns to be more accurate i was so proud of myself sobs
ok but i knew it was shit trasjh when those were the ONLY details i could remember bc obviously there was gonna be more going on I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH MORE.....
straight up dookie/10 no jk fr like 3/10 @ me u need to use ur EYES
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OK..... I WAS VERY CONFIDENT ABT THIS ONE..... except for his outfit i knew i was bullshitting that BUT I THOUGHT I NAILED THIS ONE....... the one fucking time i didn't just default to his uniform LMFAO
even remembered the pink flower ball smh and for WHAT. i knew he was sitting in a pile of plushies & blankets or smth but no way in HELL was i even gonna attempt to draw them with a speck of detail. but HEY the plushie i drew for vol 12!!! i knew he existed Somewhere. he doesn't even have a horn tho thats so fucked up i thought he did
obviously the most striking thing abt this cover is the bg w that deep burgundy & the circular window so that was the main thing i nailed down right away (my palette was more muted tho). also natsume sitting there w paper in his mouth but i thought he was mid return when rly hes playing like keep-the-balloon-off-the-floor or whatever the fuck he's doing. i love u natsume
(if i thought he was in the middle of returning a name WHY didn't i include the actual book of friends flksglkd automatic fake fan/10)
8/10 this was like my ace in the hole i was like if i got nothing else i got U volume 14!!! and then
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man idk shit just end me. whats even going on in this cover im gonna deck u natori. dont ask why this makes me want to commit violence hes just so. URHGHGHnH
i dont know whats happening to me rn looking at this im losing my fucking grip dude who let this happen im gonna hurl this volume into the sun??? i think???
why did i add the other two youkai i just thought they should be included but i played myself i had to draw them from memory and for WHAT. pls tell me i got them at least a little bit right i stg
it's the crossed legts dude if he was just sitting there like a board the way i drew him id be like ah shit it was just natori sitting not natsume too but he just HAS to cross his legs and the fucing elbow propped up holding the glasses im S MAD IM SO MADdestroy him
it's 1am i gotta go. i have to go. right now my mom is calling me i have to fukcng. 4/10 i got the couch colorr right. bye
tumglr...... only allows 30 pictures per post..... bc im not on desktop? or is that a site-wide thing now. in any case this is getting long so i think im gonna split it right down the middle into 2 posts so there u go, first 15 volumes. so far my score is ermmm
well i didn't rate the first few volumes.
vol 1: 6/10 decent
vol 2: 6/10 also decent
vol 3: 5/10 composition is Scramboled
vol 4: 2/10 it's SO BAD
so now my overall score is 74/150 fjggudjofjdkgjk doing gr8!!!!!!!!!
ok bye for real ✌️
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indigowallbreaker · 2 months
Are you still taking Black Eagles related prompts? If you are would you do Linhardt/Raphael with "What's the rush? Just lay back down."
(I started shipping this as a joke and played myself hard. I forgor that joking about something is the first step towards being so so genuine about it.)
Oh dude, you were lost as soon as the journey started. BUT WHAT A SHIP TO BE GENUINE ABOUT! Very happy to give this a try!
[prompt rules]
[more Beagles stories]
"What's the rush? Just lay back down."
Though autumn swept a generous breeze through the trees and around their little inn, beads of sweat still dropped from Raphael's forehead. He wicked away more with a shake of his head and hoisted his axe over his shoulder. Just a few more logs to go. Then he could move on with his to-do list.
"Looks like more than enough to me."
Raphael looked over at Linhardt. "I thought you were sleepin'!" Linhardt was laying on a hammock lashed between two trees just behind where Raphael was working. He hadn't moved much less spoken since setting up there earlier that afternoon.
Linhardt snorted. "You expect me to sleep with all this noise?" He indicated Raphael's axe, the stump he had been chopping logs on, and, apparently, all of Raphael himself.
Far from sorry, Raphael laughed. "You could go inside, you know. We don't got any customers until sundown. You'd have the whole place to yourself!"
"Maybe but I'd much rather have you to myself." Linhardt laced his fingers behind his head, kicking his leg to make the hammock sway. "Come nap with me."
"No can do," Raphael said as he crossed the clearing to grab another log. "I gotta finish this pile, then there's--"
"We have more than enough firewood," Linhardt repeated. "Come nap with me while the afternoon is still warm."
It did look nice, sleeping in the sun. Linhardt made every spot look like the best spot to nap. Right now his hair moved gently in the wind, looking even more vibrant set against the reds and yellows of the trees around them. His cheeks were full-- no longer hollowed by war but lush with the good food Raphael supplied them both-- and his eyes half lidded as if already almost to dream land.
Raphael blushed when he realized he was just standing there staring at his boyfriend. He blushed more when Linhardt chuckled. "What's the rush?" Linhardt said as he reached out a hand. "Just come lay down."
Never had Raphael's axe felt so heavy. Lifting it to return to work was surely impossible. So he propped it against the tree-- not caring that it fell over immediately-- and took Linhardt's hand.
Grinning, Linhardt heaved himself out of the hammock. "Get in."
"You sure it'll hold me?"
Linhardt gave him a flat look. "Do you remember what you were always saying to me in school?"
"Uh, the thing about how you're so smart or the thing about how pretty you look when you're thinking?"
"The first one," Linhardt said, though his face turned pink at the second one. "I'm smart. I wouldn't offer to sleep on this hammock with you unless I was sure it would hold us both."
Raphael grinned and sank into the hammock without further objection. Once he was settled, he opened his arms to Linhardt, who climbed into them and lay against Raphael's stomach with a content sigh. His head fit perfectly under Raphael's chin.
All thoughts of wood chopping vanished as Raphael stroked Linhardt's hair, letting his eyes slip shut.
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0xeyedaisy · 6 months
Tragibox 2 Electric Boogaloo All Polos is here, so here's my reaction, cuz why not :3 Long post ahead (cw for blood and gore cuz it's a bit more detailed this time around, which makes me think that this version will get taken down at least once)
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I love this, they literally performed a heart surgery on a wrong person AND failed at it, the most competent hospital ever
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This is so funny, I need to know who this beautiful person is, can I get their number
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What a 16 y/o could possibly do to deserve this? Be cringe on the internet???? (I mean, considering what they did to Kaski, I guess the cult does just not like cringey kids) Also, Dave keeping this guy as a replacement for his antique clock??? Just get a new one
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Hi Sarah 🥰
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There he is, our little fucked up guy!!! Looking very slay, love his earrings, also he owns some company/hospital now? Who even let this guy near a hospital, and he has a tumor too? Cool
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Who let a person with a shotgun into the hospital??? Dave you need to get it together, man, get better security or something
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This one's just funny
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Oh? A clone?
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He forgor
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Got nothing to say abt this guy, he's alright (He does look like Melody 1 (aka Stanlee or Stannley), but I don't think they are supposed to be the same person)
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This one's interesting
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Unfortunately, uncovering the text doesn't give us much, I'm assuming that they do some kind of expirements on this guy, and he's okay with it? Idk Also (from the orin ayo lore doc)
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Cratz!!!! I feel bad for him, the guy is not having a good time, also Box of Four is Lilac's band! He was a fun of hers, aw <:]
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Another clone! First one at that! I'm assuming Dave is doing this cuz of his brain tumor, but like, what is his goal exactly? To just clone himself and when the og Dave croaks the clone can live out his legacy? Perhaps he's trying to find a cure for the tumor by experimenting on clones? Is he trying to transplant his memories and conscious into a new body??? Who knows, ALso to me this clone is alive and well, he just got neck problems now, cuz I'm pretty sure it's him in the thumbnail
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He just can't get the teeth right
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Oh Worm?
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Rip to this guy I guess
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Hello 👀
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Seems like this kid had something to do with why Dave left the cult, wonder what he did/say to convince Dave to quit, and also why does he look like that? Like, did the cult do that to him orrrr....?
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And the last one, another clone! You're perfect to me bbgril <3
And that's it folks, this was quite a fun and funny read, can't wait to see what the full mod will sound and look like 👍👍👍
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c0zy-fluff · 1 month
Sooooo, I chose to play as Bubba (Koopa) alongside CatNap (Shy Guy), DogDay (Toad), and Kickin (Wario) and decided to play Boo's Horror Castle (you could technically say it was a boys night ig)
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...For starters, in context, everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the party kept landing on the back space and they were all kinda getting fed up w/ it, buuuuut there were a few times where they landed on a shuffle space... WITH A BOO RIGHT BEHIND THEM-
Kickin landed on a back space, which led him to winding back up into the Boo, costing him his 9 stars (which were originally at 17)
One time when they landed on the shuffle space, with a Boo right behind them, everyone was literally crossing their fingers (well, except Bubba cuz of his hooves, but still-) that they weren't gonna be the sacrificial lamb to the Boo.
Wouldn't ya know it, CatNap was the sacrificial lamb and he had 32 stars and that was (half) WIPED away from him. I think at that point CatNap had a death grip on his controller (it wasn't exactly at the point to where he wanted to throw it at the TV, but it was close) cuz he was really close to catching up to Bubba
After another failed attempt at rolling higher than the number on the wall to get to the boss, DogDay landed on a battle minigame space and this time, it was the Fire Hammer Bro. I forgor which minigame it was, but pretty sure CatNap lost. And OH BOY- I think at that point he was internally fuming due to having to drop from 2nd to last after losing half of his stars
When it became CatNap's turn again, he was internally fed up and wanted to get as much mini stars as he could to climb back up, soooo he landed on YET ANOTHER BATTLE MINIGAME SPACE- and CatNap, with his ear-to-ear grin (or literally the grin ya see in the cartoon trailer for ch 3), says to the others questioning why he wanted to land on the space again, when they just got out of a minigame, that he wants mini stars. That's all he said (Kickin lost that minigame btw 😭)
Until after that minigame, no one realized until now how high Bubba's star values were. (Like srsly, bro had about 60 smth stars meanwhile everyone was at around 10-15 stars 💀)
Kickin literally wanted Bubba to stop winning, but Bubba just shrugged (meaning he said no-) and Kickin told the others about how they gotta stop Bubba, but they don't know how
When they landed on a Bowser space, there was a reverse minigame, the minigame was Thwomper Room, and how did you guess? Bubba won again
Kickin literally kept telling Bubba that he alr has enough stars, but apparently Bubba can't get enough-
After the boss battle (which Bubba won), Kickin was just saying to everyone else, "...It could go ANY way!" and Bubba was just quietly snickering at that remark when he really knew that none of them had a chance of winning
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Kickin, not only wanting a rematch on a different map, but also slowly turning his head towards Bubba and saying "Is it safe to say you're banned from Mario Party now?" Which was obviously a joke, and had Bubba smirking and rolling his eyes
I'm still playing the second round atm, but I wanted to pause it there cuz the FUNNIEST SHIT JUST HAPPENED.
They then chose Bob-Omb Factory and cuz of DogDay, they immediately skipped over the two pairs of mini stars in the path, with Bubba getting the next set of stars (which Kickin internally facepalmed at)
Few turns later, it was CatNap's turn, he landed on a dice block space and got a surprise minigame; he chose Magma Mayhem
(This was where the FUNNIEST MOMENT, imo, just happened-)
When the minigame started, Bubba IMMEDIATELY kicked Kickin off the ledge and his jaw just DROPPED and his ego was D E S T R O Y E D from that-
Hoppy was laughing and wheezing her lungs out for about 5 minutes after the minigame shortly ended (after DogDay pinched CatNap off and Bubba kicked DogDay off, leading to Bubba winning again) and she laughed a LOT more when she saw Kickin's facial expression
Kickin, absolutely speechless and still facing the TV processing what happened, literally went "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?! BUBBA, WHAT!?!?!" and Bubba was chuckling at Kickin's reaction
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Fr tho, I laughed the moment I kicked Wario off cuz I honestly didn't think I was gonna land a hit on him-
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Idia, Floyd, and Riddle with a g/n s/o who’s autistic and has issues with randomly becoming mute, mostly in very social places or around people they aren’t comfortable with, so they use ASL to communicate a lot
Haha fucking mood honestly. Legiterally I learned some basic sign specifically because I go nonverbal too. I don’t go around people though so I’m pretty rusty smfbsjnfdksndka anyway thank you for the request anon sorry for the wait
No Words Left Unsaid
Characters: Idia, Floyd, Riddle
CW// PDA, Meltdowns, Overstimulation, Nonverbal, fluff, Floyd leech typical behavior
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Floyd doesn’t always do the right thing, or the best thing, or the nicest thing, but if you’re important to him then he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
First time he encounters you going mute, he assumes someone did something.
This is a trauma thing, right?
He’s seen that before.
But when you tell him it’s just because you’re overwhelmed, he…kinda gets it?
He had that experience coming on land for the first time, and he still has it every once in a while, so he can relate even if it isn’t an every day thing.
He might ask what you want him to do in that situation, and when you explain he just sits quietly before he nods and says he’ll try.
Dude learns asl in three days by reading a book once and can remember about 45% of it when the first occasion he needs it comes up.
Also asks if you’re okay with touching when that happens and. Well let’s hope you are because if not oops bad stim he did it anyway (not maliciously just forgor)
Tap tap tap
Floyd turned to look at his partner, eyebrow raised. He watched them make hand gestures.
One hand with a thumb sticking up, the other one flat, palm facing up. Fist on palm.
Floyd watched as they repeated the gesture, looking more upset.
He blinked as it clicked, and nodded. Help. He turned to the person he was talking to.
“This is boring. Me an’ Shrimpy are gonna go do better stuff.”
With that, he promptly picked you up bridal style, walking away from the crowded hall. Everyone scattered as he walked, giving him a wide berth as he carried you outside.
“You okay, Shrimpy?”
A hand made into a fist, two fingers clenched to stick up. Hand moving up and down. Yes.
He continued walking for a while, simply holding his partner close. Sure, they could walk, but that’s his Shrimpy. Eels gotta protect their shrimps, and nobody would bother them if he was right there.
You didn’t particularly seem to mind either, content to lean against him as he walked. The rhythmic motion and the sound of his heartbeat and breathing seemed to help reset your autonomic nervous system, and having him just quietly carry you around was a good stim.
In an uncharacteristically Floyd way, he didn’t say a word until you tapped him again.
“I’m okay now.” You said quietly.
He smiled at that, and sunshine seemed to ooze out of him.
“Good! What was that about?”
You waved a hand, “‘s nothing, just overstimulated. Can you put me down now?”
He pouted mockingly, squeezing you closer, “But Shrimpy~” he whined, pressing his face into your hair, “Holding you is so nice. You’re like a stuffed animal, but warm. And cute. And you snuggle back.”
You laughed and settled in, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Fiiiiine, I suppose I don’t mind being carried too much…”
Famous. Last. Words.
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Riddle is also autistic and also has breakdowns so he knows the feel.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t know what’s going on when it happens in front of him though because he’s never seen anyone else do it.
So he ends up making it worse the first time, but after having a long talk with you about it he immediately attempts to be better.
Probably didn’t know asl before you, but you bet he’s learning it now.
He also keeps a pad of paper on hand in case you have something much faster to say to him.
When you explain you just need some patience and to leave the room, he’s immediately making plans on what that looks like.
There’s only a little bump in the road but it’s fine
Luckily, you have each other now.
Riddle felt you gently grasp at his wrist. He turned to look, and there you were, breathing a little heavy and moving to hold your hands up.
He didn’t even need to read the sign, he immediately knew what you were asking, but nonetheless, he waited for you to verbalize it just in case.
Flat, open, dominant hand, fingers all held together. motion of flicking your flat palm away from your body, as if shooing something. Away.
He nodded, “We’ll only be a moment,” he excused himself from his conversation to offer you his arm, and you two left the room silently.
He took you down a quiet hallway and stood guard, letting you collect yourself as quick or as slow as you wished.
“Are you alright, love?” He asked when it seemed like you’d collected yourself. “Would you like me to get you some water?”
“I’m okay,” you said softly, turning to hug him. He was gentle and nervous as he hugged back. “I’d love something to drink. Sorry to pull you away.”
“It’s no issue,” he assured, pressing a kiss to your check, “You’re never an issue. I’ll get you that drink. Do you want to come back to the party or do you wish to retire early?”
You shrugged, “I’m…I think I’m done for the night.”
His face was stern as always, but his eyes were just concerned. “I will retire early too, then. I’ll get you your drink and say my goodbyes, if you’ll give me a few moments. Then we can go back to the dorm, is that alright?”
“Yeah, of course,” you replied, gripping his hand tightly for a moment, “Thank you, Riddle. I love you so much.”
He flushed and smiled a little, squeezing your hand back, “I love you too, darling. I’ll only be a moment, and then we can do whatever you’d like…within reason, of course.”
“Within reason.” You agreed, smiling as his form retreated back to the party.
‘Within reason’ turned out to be drinking tisanes and infodumping about various topics for a few hours in the Heartslabyul lounge. You and Riddle talked about everything from the prefect texture of cake, to hedgehog tending, to magical history, to the nature of magestone, to your current fixation, to your home and everything you loved to do as a child. What a night.
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If you’re dating Idia, you’ll probably never be in a situation like the first two.
There are no crowded hallways you’ll be trapped in with him or fancy parties you’ll have to attend because he, also, doesn’t want to go to them.
He too is autistic and hates social gatherings and would honestly rather curl up in a ball and DIE than be stuck there.
However, that isn’t to say he doesn’t help you.
Because evidently, you have to be around people (ew) and if you’re stuck around the Normies, he can’t leave you defenseless.
Idia sat at his computer, eyes flicking between the screen, a tablet, a monitor just above it, and you - you, who was currently standing in a vocal booth just ten feet away. He double checked every input and output a third time, then looked up and smiled brightly at you, giving you a thumbs up.
“We’re good to go. Start with vowel sounds, please.”
“On it!” You grinned, then began to recite every vowel sound every way possible. Accented, non accented, soft, long, short, spread, tall.
Idia gave you a thumbs up, and you began consonants in the same manner.
“Now, say words and phrases you think are most important.” he instructed.
“I’m tired. I’m nonverbal. I need to leave now. I’m hungry. Please. Thank you. No problem. Player one, come in player one. I love you.” You said, loosening up as you continued to babble.
Idia flushed behind the screen, and he thought he had done a good job of hiding it, except the tips of his hair were pink and bathed the room in a rose gold glow.
“G-good choices,” he tried to joke, flustered beyond belief.
“My boyfriend is Idia Shroud.” You added, grinning cheekily.
“I’ll make a special b-button for that.” He winked in a way that was probably supposed to be charming but mostly came off as dorkishly cute.
You cooed, pretending to swoon in the vocal booth. “Did you need anything else?”
He hummed, then shook his head, typing away furiously, “I think that’s enough. I’m almost done, just gotta plug this into the program aaaaand…”
The tablet beeped, then chirped, then booted up a loading screen that looked like a notes app.
Idia grinned and held it close, typing something into it.
“I love Idia Shroud.” The tablet said in your voice. It sounded just like you, inflection and all.
You grinned and took the tablet from him, giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose, “It’s true, the tablet doesn’t lie. Thanks, player one.”
Idia was back to making the room look like a sunset, and he swiveled in his desk chair, “I love you too, player two.”
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the aliens from the show are difficult, I have a reboot in my head but I'll separate them for hopefully a more digestible read I also haven't seen the show in a long time so my memory is blahhh
General Headcanons
Coverton gives me amphibious vibes, tho I do think those cheek "flaps" are like. gills or something, not exactly. his chrysalis rejuvenation molting whatever is ?? helps keep his skin squishy soft and get rid of skin disease. human equivalent of a "birthday" but he only does it every 6¾ (earth) years, he's also 180 so you do the math for his human age
"Coverton" is not his real name, that's a title, as is "Coverlord" for leader of the interstellar conquering empire
loves a good mocha, I also think he would like boba tea. idk I like to imagine the aliens just trying earth drinks, I'm gonna project more and say he doesn't like soda, or champagne but does appreciate wine. the lemonade he had from the pilot was meh, whatever
from what I understand Sta'abi doesn't have a home anymore? she's a survivor of some horrid giant beast's rampage. at some point she left her planet to join an interspecies group of warriors that travel the stars, which has some association to the Coverlord Empire. so her position under this council of warriors is.. a monster hunter
her favourite kind of food is from the sea, enjoys shellfish & cephalopods the most (because her usual hunt is on land, seafood is fancy). she likes to dance despite not being very elegant, but her priority is "the mission" which excludes "having fun" (tho her idea of fun is tag)
Sqweep's skin is like. dry slime. or putty texture. she is like a sterilised marshmallow if that makes any sense. smells like roasted walnuts or a burnt almond cookie
Reboot Headcanons
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concept art I love better than the og + sketches of inspired slight redesign from my ig (and a drawing I forgor)
Coverton's legs are pretty weak compared to even the average of his species, Earth's atmosphere & gravity doesn't help either. so while he can stand, it's only for a brief time, it also fluctuates how long depending on the weather. he'd use his hoverchair or just put the spacesuit on, especially for going outdoors
‌can't stand saltwater, lousy swimmer, afraid of Earth's ocean & easily seasick
‌unlike show canon, his telekinesis is artificial & enhanced with technology
weighs like a bunch of grapes, flexible & hypermobile, near-sighted so he may wear contact lense
he carries out his rejuvenation cycle in a secure chamber, symptoms include excessive sliming ("sweat"), bubbling skin (boils), and flaking (desquamation is just the beginning). like the rest of his species, he was grown in a lab
I honestly have no idea if that's natural hair or a wig lmao
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concept art where I'd just combine the best ones imo
Sqweep is a nickname! she gets it from the "eep" sounds she makes when excited or surprised
idk why I feel like she has a hundred or more siblings, not many are close to each other. perhaps several parents too, at least 5
like her parents and grandparents and great grandparents she's a super rich adult scientist that works as part of an interstellar organisation dedicated to protecting life harbouring star systems
a field researcher therefore planetary explorer, her job is to document & study life on Earth
likes romantic comedies, and loves all animals on Earth, but she's allergic to fur, which is devastating
since she does have a face and therefore is able to emote, I think the antenna colour coded light emoting is unnecessary. I'd like to find another place for it in relation to her but not her biology itself. she sparkles instead
pretty sure no bones (therefore no teeth), light as a cloud so a gust of wind could send her off like a tumbleweed, but I feel the density of her own body can regulate itself, depending on certain conditions? covered in fine fuzz, her nubby hands (tentacles?) hold things like itty bitty hooks
can't digest foods unless in the form of fluids, probably likes bland foods tbh. anything too flavorful would make her head explode
y'know maybe her species is. delicious. their "flesh" tastes like space mango, but cotton candy weight & texture 💀
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some of the concepts I refer to for the most challenging and frustrating of the alien bunch, and today's look of her as I also went through & played with various designs
this version of Sta'abi is dropped on Earth to manage her "anger issues". her peers decided she needed to chill out, which is coincidentally the same day a vornicarn is brought into the world. as a hunter, she would've killed on sight, but after helping to capture it and being held captive by Area 5X herself, she starts to empathize with and eventually befriend the creature
Coverton eventually gets her to somewhat roam free in the facility and offers her a way off world but only if she helps him with his plans. he's not completely transparent about them and Sta'abi just wants to leave, she's already familiar with the empire he works for so there's some trust in his word
the males of her species have wings? is that canon? I feel like it's canon.. but in modern days they're just for show, can't fly but can glide and catch wind to hover, though only for so long as they're mostly small
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none of these concept art belong to me btw if that wasn't obvious I just took them from the wiki
came from the only egg that survived the initial meteor crash & wasn't frozen to death, laid dormant and got covered in the antartic ice until global warming exposed it millions of years later (which scientists soon discover but let the monster agents investigate as they have alien consultants)
instead of Link's nose I really hammed up the alien parody for my own indulgence haha (blood cw; initial drawings + non-canon chest bursting)
steals coverton's chocolate either when he's not looking or right in his face, probably doesn't like baths, loves chin/neck scratches & belly rubs (only from Sta'abi)
smells with the tip of his tongue, bipedal & quadrupedal, not great at hearing
skin is scaly like a snake, full of muscle
can and will survive in all extreme environments except the desert? for heat & hydration reasons mayhaps as he can't withstand both at once
some of these may change with time and I'd love to read everyone else's hcs! or how you'd rewrite them perhaps :]
since you made it to the very end you're obligated to tell me your favourite alien 🫵
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unnerving-presence · 7 months
*holds out my hands like a victorian beggar* dbd wesker angst u say? 🤲
i kind of forgor what exactly it was but every single time i think of dbd wesker i keep remembering that he’s likely never going to escape. once more, just like spencer the entity took him from his home and uses him for her own amusement. i think at first wesker would be fine with it, but realizing that time is heavily slowed in the entity’s realm, wesker could be there for hundreds or thousands of years. it might’ve already happened, but soon he’s going to realize that he doesn’t really like it there. soon he’ll realize how powerless he is. he’ll realize that he’s simply to be used for the entity’s games, just like spencer used him for his own gain.
for those who don’t know, over time both survivors and killers alike can begin to lose a part of themselves after every trial. whether it be survivors who have lost all their hope and their soul, making them emotionless, soulless empty shells that are no longer of any use to it or killers eventually being tired of having to kill over and over again, this isn’t exactly tolerated by the entity. i assume like with evan she tortures the killers into submission, but once she senses that they have no sense of emotion or motivation, they are tossed into the void. pretty much her trash can for any killers or survivors she sees no use for (the entity mainly tosses survivors down there though, though the blight had escaped implying killers can go there as well)
i don’t think wesker would ever be one to give up easily, or at all, though any act of defiance would surely be met with quick punishment. he can’t do anything, or much at all to be free of his role or what he’s forced to do. guaranteed after a while he will start to dislike it, realizing that he too is being used.
i just cannot deal with the fact that wesker being in dbd means that he’ll eventually be sick of the entity but he’s powerless to even do anything to be free of it and i KNOW it’s just gonna remind him of his time being indoctrinated by spencer i can’t FUCKING do this shit
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fyrets · 6 months
I know this is a PB blog that has been very VERY open about their support of the project, so it would be uncouth to say anything negative about it but I'm thinking about how extremely unprecedented PB is in.. a way that isn't necessarily bad but, weirdly off-putting when thinking about it.
this got long so under the cut it goes
PB is the most funded petsim on Kickstarter. It raised over $80,000. That's an incredible achievement, and they absolutely deserve it! But that already puts it in an incredibly unprecedented position. Petsims using crowdfunding platforms for their projects is already pretty uncommon all things considered, at least historically in the grand scheme of things where most are just passion projects made in the spare time of a handful of people. many of them manage to stick around through the sheer force of will a dedicated userbase can bring, but most stay pretty small and more completely fade into obscurity. And that's fine, y'know? A little sad for the ones that go dark, but it is what it is.
But ever since FR's success I think a lot of people have almost forgotten that a petsim becoming a smash hit isn't the norm, or at least they don't realize just how uncommon it is and how much work goes into making something as successful as FR past the KS stage. probably the most notable examples are Dappervolk (the previous holder of the "most funded petsim" title) and Lorwolf (most recent KS funded game that is quite derivative of FR to launch).
Now Dappervolk is a bit of an outlier by virtue of it being a pretty different game to the typical petsim and it being more of an avatar game but yeah yeah yeah everyone around me at the time called it a petsim so I'm counting it. It's pretty well known that it had a very strong start with a pretty big playerbase during beta and launch, but people lost interest rather quickly for a lot of reasons. I'm admittedly out of the loop for those reasonings (my reason for dumping DV was I Just Forgor) but from what I've heard it was a combination of the gacha system, heavy grind, and some paywalled monthly content. Now I have heard that it has gotten better recently, but I wouldn't know myself and it still hasn't recovered the numbers it once had.
Lorwolf is a much more relevant point of comparison both because of recency (fully launched earlier this year) and it operates a lot more like FR in many aspects like having limited color slots, a wheel of pre-selected colors, and a bunch of other little stuff, making it a more direct competitor to FR. I didn't find out about LW until after the beta period but I was managed to sign up for the "Early Access" it had, and it was pretty good! Spirits were very high and though the full launch got delayed, when it came around it made a big impact. Much like DV did in its launch, lots of people rushed to cross-site trade their FR stuff for LW, indicating a lot of confidence for the game and its future. Unfortunately, things aren't looking good now 6 months out from full launch. There is a lot to consider when assessing how we've gotten to this point of very low morale, but I guess the biggest thing would be the community having to deal with feelings of being unheard and abandoned as a result of very inexperienced developers. I genuinely hope things turn up sometime soon, but I'm not sure for how long I can keep that hope.
So what am I getting at with all of this? Am I expecting PB to fall a similar fate of having a very big beta and launch only to bleed players months later as a result of people either realizing the game doesn't suit their playstyle or because the game is seemingly abandoned with radio silence from devs? No! I have a lot of hope for PB to deliver a game that has something for everyone, and based on how well they've handled communication along with knowing so far I doubt we would be left in the dark. Despite my hope though, the odds are stacked against PB having the same level of success as FR.
But what if it does manage it? What if PB manages to be a smash hit and it stays a smash hit? What lessons will the people who hope to make their own games take from it? Will their takeaway be that this game was successful because it made the most money ever (and got additional investment!)? Or will people try to see what commonalities it and FR had and try to do the same? Will we see more projects try and fail to achieve success? Or will they manage to crack some kind of code and join the ranks of giants? Just what sort of impact will PB have?
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