inprogresspokemon · 2 years
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#???.5 - Classified as UB-Sludge, the Poison/Rock-type Targlob are small Ultra Beasts with a deceptive appearance. Though Targlob may seem cute and harmless, their tar-like body is a hazard to anything it touches; the viscous surface is capable of melting geodes. They have an insatiable appetite for gems and other minerals; the extra energy they consume fuels the development of new limbs as they evolve into Creatore.
#???.5 - Classified as UB-Consume due to their voracous appetites, Creatore lumber around in constant search of gemstones and geodes to ingest. Their fully developed limbs allow them to travel and scavenge further, widening their roaming territory. As they grow into Quartzlime, these Ultra Beasts will begin to form sharp claws composed of the minerals they consume. The more crystals they eat from Ultra Pits, the smarter they become; as a result, fully evolved Morteluster are capable of very high intellect, becoming protective of any offspring they produce.
Named: Targlob - Geoslop - Creatore - Quartzlime - Morteluster
Targlob, Creatore, and Morteluster were made by and belong to @technaboltz. Their in-progress forms were commissioned - thanks!
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