#R programming language
futuretechwords · 28 days
The Rise Of R Programming Language: Where And Why To Use?
The Rise of R Programming Language: Top 6 uses
In the ever-expanding landscape of programming languages, R has emerged as a powerhouse for data analysis, statistical computing, and machine learning. Its versatility and robust capabilities have propelled its rise to prominence across various industries and domains.
Unleashing the Potential of R:
1. Data Analysis and Visualization: R's extensive library of packages, including ggplot2 and dplyr, empowers analysts to manipulate data and create stunning visualizations with ease.
2. Statistical Computing: With built-in functions for statistical modeling and hypothesis testing, R is the preferred choice for statisticians and researchers worldwide.
3. Machine Learning: R's machine learning packages, such as caret and randomForest, enable developers to build predictive models and uncover patterns in data.
4. Bioinformatics: R is widely used in bioinformatics for analyzing genomic data, DNA sequencing, and protein structure prediction.
5. Finance: In finance, R is employed for risk modeling, portfolio optimization, and algorithmic trading strategies.
6. Social Sciences: Researchers leverage R for survey analysis, experimental design, and sentiment analysis in social sciences.
7. Healthcare: From clinical trials to epidemiological studies, R plays a pivotal role in analyzing healthcare data and improving patient outcomes.
8. Marketing and Advertising: Marketers utilize R for customer segmentation, campaign optimization, and sentiment analysis on social media data.
Why Choose R?
1. Open Source: R is open-source and free to use, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from students to seasoned professionals.
2. Rich Ecosystem: R boasts a vibrant community and extensive package ecosystem, providing users with a wealth of resources and tools for their projects.
3. Interactivity and Reproducibility: R's interactive environment allows for iterative exploration and analysis, while its scripting capabilities facilitate reproducible research and collaboration.
4. Integration with Other Languages: R seamlessly integrates with other programming languages like Python and SQL, enabling users to leverage the strengths of different tools within their workflows.
As industries increasingly rely on data-driven insights to make informed decisions, the demand for skilled R programmers continues to soar. Whether you're a data scientist, researcher, or industry professional, mastering R opens doors to a world of opportunities in data analytics and beyond.
For an in-depth exploration of the rise of R programming language, visit FutureTech Words. Unlock the potential of R today!
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joshuapaulbarnard · 1 year
CryptoNote Emissions Calculator
To estimate the number of coins which will be mined from the beginning of a CryptoNote-based Coin. https://github.com/JoshuaPaulBarnard/CryptoNote-Emissions-Calculator Inputs: moneySupply – The total amount of coins to be mined. difficultyTarget – The ideal time period between blocks. In case an average time between blocks becomes less than difficulty target, difficulty increases. Difficulty…
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pontaoski · 9 months
computer nerds when the boring office service requires an internet connection to function: 🤮
computer nerds when the programming language requires an internet connection to function: 🤩
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house-of-mirrors · 10 months
VERY bad post alert. Sometimes I get the urge to encode a horrid little random generator in Jupyter notebook and tonight I've made quite literally the worst possible one:
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This has 85 characters (what I could think of off the top of my head), 12 tropes, and 13 locations. And yes, it's poly inclusive. Buckle your seatbelt. Make peace with yourself. Let's try it.
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Gonna tell the grandkids this was storycrafting!
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I create a completely random generator and it still gives us another HD tie-in! It's like everything evolving into crabs but with this accursed ambition!
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I am full of indescribable dread
More highlights under the cut (You've been warned)
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69 nice- wait a minute
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This is the most jarring one tbh, I'm so sorry Frank let me go correct the code and put you down as "AND Frank" right away, do not separate
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Sure why not
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I want to go home now
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Alas I press on...
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This is probably already on AO3 somewhere
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I mean Fires already works everyone into the grave...
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I can't take much more of this
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Omg #cancelled
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I'm tired now. Goodbye. Will be recovering from the psychic damage all weekend
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
Anyone good at data analysis pls give me tips on how to explain the process for an interview bc literally I black out for 6 hours and when I come to the analysis is done and I don't remember how I did anything. This is not something interviewers want to hear.
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misterradio · 10 months
instead of saying god's green earth programs woukd say something like "what on flynn's great grid..."
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devhubby · 2 years
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vizthedatum · 6 months
I'm gearing up for Advent of Code 2023 (while trying to be realistic about time constraints with self-care, work, and relationships)!
Who wants to do it with me? I'll mostly be coding in R (in base, tidyverse, and other random paradigms/package bundles), Python, Excel, and (maybe) Rust.
Let's do this work-life-programming balance. (I am a very rusty programmer since I mostly do statistical work - I have the aptitude for it but am very inefficient with optimized solutions.) I'll post my solutions here: https://github.com/pritikadasgupta/adventofcode
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revasserium · 9 months
his rich + self-aware combination topped the CAKE. yeah… he’s like… so so so so so funny. i also love how he’s associated with purple because i love love purple. speaking of kag’s VA, do u play the game in chinese or jpn dub? i assume jpn dub with cn text since u mentioned being able to understand the game in cn. also, u studied in florence? was it also for art or a student exchange sort of thing? — @anonymilk
anonymilk i'm saving ur prev ask as a request u__u imma write that shit BINCH I AM SO HYPE.
i uh -- play each character w/ a dif voice pack bc i'm UNWELL i mean -- i just... have a thing for voices? so i went through the official tot website and like.... listened to all the va's and picked the ones that i liked the best:
marius (JPN)
artem (S-CH)
luke (T-CH)
vyn (KR)
and the ensemble cast speak jpn bc... i'm writing this game off as my jpn language practice.... bc yeah... that's totally what i play it for. uh-huh.
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clementine-kesh · 2 years
programming languages are often treated as interchangeable in fiction when they’re really not so that’s why one of my favourite friends at the table moments is in counterweight when mako tries to fog an apostolisian mech or something and fails the role and austin tells him that it’s cuz the programming language it uses is just too weird and alien for him to understand
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ineffablemossy · 10 months
On my shelf at work. Clearly one of his finer works. Has generated enormous quantities of low grade evil from scientists everywhere.
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mars-ipan · 1 year
i should specify i don’t really have an issue with character.ai/similar chatbots bc they aren’t really “stealing” anything i just personally do not find them interesting
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Work is so much emotionally and yet there are college students that give me the energy to keep working on my craft
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devcommunity · 2 years
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xi-off · 3 months
did i ttell yyall bout that time i accidentally took a quantum physics class . u should hear it. it says more abt me than my mbti ever will
my first deadly yet obvious mistake was letting my cousin* help me put my schedule together. in my defense it was my first semester ever at uni and i was taking any and all help i could get. "ur doin premed u might as well take this chem class in case u need it for ur major later" he says. "ok" i say.
*this is the one notorious for building bombs in his kitchen sink. yes he was 2 semesters from getting his bachelors in chemical engineering b4 deciding it was boring and then swapping to computer science for funsies. why do you ask
so yeah the class is named some benign thing like "intro to chemistry principles" with a large footnote that its only required for a handful of STEM degrees, but it therefore covers any and every intro chem credit u will ever need. so im like awesomesauce. might as well since this uni is notorious for idiot credit transfer policies 👍
first week or two is also fairly benign. prof mentions the class is gonna b pretty intense due to the material itself being pretty intense, this isnt really an intro course so hopefully u took ap chem, and im like sure its a 4 credit class. i didnt take ap chem in high school bc our chem teacher Sucked (2/15 ap chem kids my year got a 3 and everyone else failed) so im a little nervous but prepared to hate myself the rest of the semester. pretty cool. chugging along. i dont actually have to teach myself as much basic chem as i thought bc most of its pretty intuitive but im waiting for the other shoe to drop
add/drop deadline passes. my schedule is now set in stone
everything was still fine for a bit. but as per The Rules, somewhere around the 2nd of 4 midterms stuff starts going off the rails and im like. bestie WHAT is happening.u want me modeling WHAT in this janky software from the 90s that responds if and only if it feels like it? wtf is a pi orbital? wtf is hilbert space??? (pause) ARE WE DOING QUANTUM MECHANICS in my INTRO TO CHEM CLASS
(also side note im taking 17 credit hours this semester. the other classes included calc 2 which sucks fat nuts despite the fact im taking it for the second time…its been like 2 years bc i took it in high school… and japanese 101 which ended up being worse than the ACCIDENTAL QUANTUM PHYSICS class in many ways)
so yeah i cried a lot. i got like a 60 on my final and scraped out with a B-. somehow even with Also A B- in my calc class my gpa didnt drop below my scholarship minimum of 3.5 until i failed illustration 101 later. and then i got really disabled. and then covid happened. and now ive been on academic probation for like . hang on doing math. 3 years. and also havent been able to get that resolved to take classes that entire time. and i need to go get that figured out so i can apply to another school UUUUUUGGGHHHHHHH f my gay baka life
tldr: stay in school to draw yuri on ur notes or jesus from bible will put u on academic probation for 3 years
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besttraininginstitute · 5 months
Understanding The Advantages And Disadvantages of R Programming
R programming, renowned for statistical computing, offers a rich ecosystem of packages for data analysis. Its open-source nature facilitates collaborative development and extensive community support. With versatile visualization tools, R is ideal for exploring and presenting data insights. However, its steeper learning curve may pose a challenge for beginners compared to more user-friendly languages. Despite this, R remains a preferred choice for statisticians, data scientists, and researchers due to its robust statistical capabilities.
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