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Engagement Ring Designs For Her: Trends To Look Out For In 2024
In a world full of love & adoration, the importance of engagement rings rises above simple enrichment; they represent the promise of a long-lasting journey together. As we move forward in 2024, the trend of wedding ring designs for her is increasing, enhancing the combination of traditional culture and modern energy.
Read More: https://shorturl.at/raeTo
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kalopyrgos1 · 10 months
LAGO DI CAREZZA What a beautiful word, as beautiful as the lake. But actually it is formed from a local Ladin word. In Ladin the lake is called "Lach de Ciareja" (spoken: Lac de Chareya). Cia Reya = Casa Regina. Here in the close neighbourhood three or four languages meet: Ladin (Raeto-Roman/ Fassan dialect), Italian (Trentin-lombardo dialect, Venetian dialect) German/Tyrol dialect, and at last the old German-Bavarian language of the settlers who came around 1200 down into these valleys as "Timberer - timbermen", carpenters. The Italians call them Cimbri. And they have preserved there archaic middle age German. Very interesting to study.
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darkestfable · 3 years
Safe Haven
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Raetos groaned as he found his way back to the waking world. He knew he was alive by how much his body ached. His head, most of all, felt like someone was hammering multiple nails in place. Only one luminous eye opened, the other still swollen shut under bandages wrapped around his head. His abdomen was also strapped tightly. He could feel the pressure of the wrappings limiting his movement, as to not aggravate what he assumed was broken ribs. The wound on his arm had been well cleaned and bandaged. Someone had been talking very good care of him.
He smiled, not having to wonder who, feeling the body curled up against his own. Tilting his head down, he caught a glimpse of the top of Fable’s head… there was no mistaking those lovely indigo locks. 
“How long have I been out?” He asked.
For just a moment, Fable grumbled and curled more tightly against Raetos. If this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. The hellscape that had been The Maw was no longer ringing in his ears, and his lover was by his side again. This had to be a dream. It was never this good.
Or was it?
The blood hunter finally peeled open his eyes, sitting up after a moment to look over the large lightforged next to him. His heart fluttered at the sight of his lover’s smile, and he reached over to lay a gentle hand onto his bandaged chest. This had been no small feat, what Raetos and the others had pulled off.
“Days, love. Take as long as you need, yeah? I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Fable’s expression softened as he curled his fingers against the bandages on Raetos. Yep, still there. Still real.
The Draenei’s smile only grew wider as he reached up with his good hand to cup the side of his lover’s face. Raetos didn’t understand much of anything about death and spirits. But Fable looked well. Looked healthy. Better than he had in the Maw, for certain. 
“Careful what you say, Babe. I might ask to stay here forever,” he said, flashing his signature grin, “...wherever here is.” 
It suddenly dawned on him that they couldn’t be on Azeroth. They still had to find the soul dagger to get Fable his body back… and they obviously weren’t in the Maw anymore. Last thing he remembered was a very pissed off Avehi.
“Uh… where are we?”
“Oribos. Think that’s what they call it, anyway. Kinda a hub for uh...all sorts ‘a people,” Fable glanced at the door, as if the answer would be there. Truthfully, he’d been more worried about Raetos than asking about the name of the establishment.
He leaned over Raetos carefully to kiss him. Tender, sweet, and like he’d been afraid he’d never see him again. Everything had culminated to this point, and truthfully Fable wasn’t sure what he was doing. Getting out of The Maw had been his first task, but the blood hunter wasn’t sure if he could retrieve the dagger by himself. Wasn’t sure he’d want to do it alone. Doubt weighed heavily on him, tied down by the guilt of what he’d done to get here in the first place.
“Hey, love… You got my body, yeah? I’m gonna have somethin’ t’ go back home t’ when this shit is figured out? ‘n th’ animals are taken care of?” his voice was quiet, almost unsure. Fable loved their little life that they’d built, and still worried that he’d ruined it all.
“Mhm,” the Draenei managed a nod, thumb stroking his lover’s cheek, “The tree elf dude you got to take care of the animals while we were away agreed to stay as long as needed. I think we owe him a really REALLY big tip. Obligation and Responsibility really seems to like him, though, so don’t have to worry about them. Did you know he lived in that big ass tree that the Horde burned down? That’s where he got all the scars. Poor guy… Anyway, I was able to find your body at the dig site after going through your maps and stuff. Brought it to the healer chick that was deployed to Darkshire with me. You’re in a coma-like state back on Azeroth, and she’s keeping you nourished and stable until we manage to destroy that dagger.”
He paused in his rambling for a moment, knowing the next part was a bit touchy.
“Hey… uh… on that subject. Bad memories, I know. But like… anything you can tell me about the lady that stabbed you… physical description or name… if she gave you one…”
Another pause before adding.
“Was she hot? She must be hot.”
“Well, yeah… I mean it ain’t like I got bad taste,” Fable smirked, then paused a moment. “Wait, tree… They’re called Kal’dorei.”
The news of his body being taken care of was something of a relief, though the blood hunter still didn’t like the situation at all. Cebina had royally screwed him, and now he had to go find that dagger too? This was just getting more and more complicated…
“She uh… I’d know her if I saw her, yeah? While you were restin’ tho, I asked ‘round ‘bout the dagger ‘n souls ‘n shit ‘n this creepy lookin’ dude called a Venthyr told me ‘bout this place called Revandreth. Said a lady was there ‘n might have a dagger kinda like it?” Fable scratched at his chin in thought.
“Sounds like our next destination,” Raetos nodded, a cheerful smile on his face, “I know it’s not the best of situations, but we get to explore this whole new place together, and I’m sure we can get supplies so that you can map it all out.”
Obviously it would have been much more ideal to have Fable whole for the adventure, but there was no harm in seeing the bright side of the situation.
“Soon as moving doesn’t hurt anymore…” he winced as he shifted, “So... what’s a Venty. Not another type of elf, is it?—Not that there’s anything wrong with elves! There’s just so many different kinds and I can barely keep up with the ones I know.”
“Venthyr, luv. They’re like uh...anima vampires? Ain’t too clear on ‘em yet but I was watchin’ ‘em wander through Oribos while you were restin’,” Fable pulled out a notebook he’d obviously obtained here in the Shadowlands. A keen eye would notice that its leather bindings were a bit unlike any leather on Azeroth.
The first few pages were sloppy, slightly disproportionate sketches of the various different types of people he’d seen wandering through, along with notes of things he’d either overheard or asked them flat out. The page with the Venthyr man had no notes, however. Clearly, the hunter hadn’t approached him.
“They got fangs ‘n glowin’ eyes kinda, most of ‘em are real skinny. Nice clothes though, ‘n some of ‘em wear thigh high boots. Thinkin’ maybe I should get a pair?” the elf chuckled, leaning to stretch his leg out as far as he could, toes pointed.
“Babe, you would look hella amazing in those boots,” the Lightforged agreed, “Are there any with heels? If so, you should avoid them, because then, your already sexy ass will just look too good for me to resist. Afraid you won’t get anything done in that case.”
 His hand slipped down to give his partner’s behind a little squeeze, before he attempted to sit up. It was a more daunting task than anticipated with his injuries, but he managed. 
“Fashion sense aside, are these Venthyr people safe? The one you drew has like… an evil look to him. Or are they all that withered looking and ugly? Also, what’s anima? And what are the lampshades with legs that you drew in there?”
A smirk spread on his lips at the squeeze, but his attentions to the affections were pulled away when Raetos was trying to sit up. Fable assisted, but his brow furrowed in worry. Had his lover been hurt worse than initially thought? Damn it all, now he was fretting like a mother hen. The lampshades comment pulled the hunter out of his head though, and he just blinked for a moment before tilting the book towards him.
“The lampshades with legs? Oh, those?” Fable pointed at one of the doodles of a Broker. “They call themselves Brokers. They help facilitate trade of goods and services. Information too, ‘m sure. Ain’t got a chance to really chat jus’ yet.”
The concern crept up onto the elf’s face again, and he leaned over to kiss Raetos’ cheek.
“You doin’ okay? If you gotta rest…”
Raetos shook his head.
“Nah, just sore is all. The headache is the worst part, probably. Dude, Avehi hits -hard-! Did you see how pissed she was? Ha! Good times!” 
He smiled brightly to his lover, bringing his hand up to cup the side of his face again.
“Honestly, I’ve rested plenty. I just want to look at you,” he admitted, “I missed you so much, Bae… so don’t mind if all I want to do is cuddle and make out for a while.”
He paused, before adding with a wink.
“Wouldn’t hate a blow job either.”
The elf just smiled. That sappy, sweet, completely enraptured smile as he nuzzled into Raetos’ hand. It had felt like an eternity, fighting for his life. Being reunited had been on his mind the whole time, but even now Fable’s heart ached for the life they’d had before. Though, in the middle of his thoughts, a smirk broke through. That was the Raetos he knew.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t…” Fable turned his head to place a kiss in the palm of Raetos’ hand. “If it won’t hurt you, I’m gonna swallow you whole…”
“I mean… not like I can move much in these bandages,” he grinned, running his thumb along Fable’s bottom lip, “Doubt I’d be able to find a way to hurt myself.”
He paused as he  thought about that a moment.
“—Okay, so I would -probably-  find a way to hurt myself. But it would be hella worth it, though.”
Fable caught Raetos’ thumb between his lips, cerulean eyes closing as he pressed the barbell through his tongue against the calloused pad. A promise. As his lover spoke, the elf savored the taste of his flesh, finally opening his eyes to look up at him with a smirk. He released the thumb after a moment only to place a kiss into Raetos’ palm.
“Jus’ sit back ‘n enjoy then. You deserve t’ be worshipped,” he mumbled against the blue skin, continuing to kiss down from his hand to his wrist. Of course, he’d wait for permission.
It felt like lifetimes since he’d been away from Raetos, and only minutes that they’d been back together again. Fable felt that familiar skin hunger, but it had only gotten stronger after they were in safety, and he could touch and smell his lover again. The blood hunter had to remember to pace himself; Raetos was still recovering, and they were still in a strange place. But tomorrow could wait. Tonight belonged to them.
(Raetos is @raetos / @kidcatgemini )
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kidcatgeminiart · 3 years
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Feburary Prompt - Raetos and Fable
Gemstone: Amethyst
The Amethyst symbolizes courage, clarity, and quick wit.
Flower:  Violet
The violet represents loyalty and faithfulness.
Raetos ( @raetos  ) and Fable ( @darkestfable ) are rather new as a couple, but that relationship has already been tested. Fable has shown courage in the face of his fears; taking a chance at a loving relationship in what was supposed to be a simple fling. Raetos, on his part, is as loyal and faithful as they come, going as far as facing the Maw to rescue his lover's soul.
Fable Darkvale belongs to Harley! Check out their Patreon here!
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raetos · 3 years
Are We Dead Yet? - Part IV: Rescuers Down Under
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(( Co-written with @darkestfable . @argonas / @avehi-the-adamant / @thefugitivemango , @codegemini​ , @sylaess​ for chatacter mention))
Landing in The Maw was more of a bang than a whimper. Fable’s soul had been torn apart between worlds, searing pain and deafening screams pulling him apart until he hit soil with an unceremonious thud. The blood hunter’s body should have been broken from the impact, but as the dust settled around him Fable realized that he was...alive? No, not alive, but not resting.
His ears rang, his head was foggy. As if every system was restarting from the ground up. The high pitched ring was subsiding, being replaced with the growls of distant thunder. The sound rumbled deep in his body before it faded away. Ash blew around his body from the constant wind, a dull roar that he could now make out between the bellows of unseen storms. A louder noise reached Fable’s senses now, and at first he thought that it must be higher winds. They wailed and moaned, echoing with metallic screams before fading. It wasn’t until the hunter opened his eyes and sat up that he realized what the sound actually was.
Souls were crying out, their wordless pleas echoing across a landscape that was far from barren. The sound was horrendous, heart wrenching. In the distance, Fable could make out what he assumed was a river with at least one bridge that crossed over. It would be a rough trek, but the jagged stone that shot up from the ground all over the landscape would make for ample cover.
Dirt crunched and plumed out from each step, a dim sound in comparison to the constant suffering all around him. The closer Fable got to the bridge, the more clearly he could see that it wasn’t a river of water at all. The mist did little to hide the floating shapes that flowed downstream, and now their screams were even louder.
They were anguished souls, cursed to the river by whatever had upset the balance.
“Fuck…” Fable muttered, pressing his back against a large, sharp stone. He couldn’t do this alone.
Raetos wasn’t certain how long it had been since he’d separated from Avehi and the rest of the group. He felt guilty for sneaking off after she’d helped smuggle him into the Maw, but in his growing frustration, he’d been worried any words shared would have left them parting on angry terms. Avehi was determined to help Argonas and Sylaess find Sinafay, pushing Fable’s rescue as a secondary goal. Raetos couldn’t have that. He knew Sinafay and Fable wouldn’t be in the same place, and waiting around to rescue his lover was absolutely unacceptable. Especially now that he witnessed the Maw and it’s horrors for himself. 
Finding Fable had initially seemed like an impossible trek, given the Draenei had no idea where to start looking. The moment he’d spotted the shade hounds, however, he knew what to do. He watched them with their rider, hunting down wayward spirits. He wasn’t certain if they could track specific spirits, but it was his best shot. With all the commotion caused by the Ebon Blade, Raetos found himself able to move about easily enough.
That is, until the distance between them became too great. Sneaking around was nearly impossible now. Despite his best efforts to remain unseen, the denizens seemed to detect him the moment he’d step into their vicinity. He already held a number of bruises and minor cuts from a few encounters. As it was, he couldn’t go much further alone.
He perched on top of a stone cliff, preparing to jump down onto the hound’s back. A leap of faith… that is, until a dark, winged form swooped in and grabbed him by the throat. It flew upwards, lifting him up into the air with a surprising amount of strength. The Lightforged reacted quickly. He didn’t have time to get carried off to who knows where. One hand gripped the dark angel’s wrist while the other came up to shoot a beam of Light energy into its eyes. The figure screeched as it was blinded, giving Raetos the opportunity to grab his sword and stab it into the creature’s wing. He gasped as he was released and plummeted down. Light! He hadn’t thought that part through! 
Again, he lost his breath, this time, from the impact of hitting the ground, feeling ribs, and even his crest, crack on impact. Blue blood oozed out from the wound, and also on various scrapes across his face and body from the landing. 
He hissed, gritting his teeth as he forced himself up. To say he was in a lot of pain was an understatement, but adrenaline still courses through him, giving him the push he needed. A good thing, too! His hand had barely taken hold of the hilt of his sword before he heard a howl and looked up ahead of where he lay. The shade hound and rider he’d been stalking were now charging straight at him.
In his slow advancement around the inhospitable land, Fable had heard hounds howling in the distance. It hadn’t been until he looked down on them from a cliff that he’d seen one of the shade hounds chasing what looked like a member of the Ebon Blade, but...glowing? There wasn’t enough time to process whatever it was, but Fable decided to act anyway. He still remembered how to fist fight.
With the rider hanging back a bit to let the hound bite their quarry, Fable made his way around behind them as silent as he could. He’d be dead(again) if a weapon was swung his way, but it could be worse, right? The blood hunter waited quietly until the rider raised his weapon to take aim, and waited until his attention was occupied.
Fable lept on the hunter’s back and wrapped one arm around the man’s neck, the other at the top of his head. A quick twist should do it, and it would show him just how human or undead these soldiers of the Jailer were. The creature clad in armor simply crumpled from the surprise attack, and the elf went down with him, landing on top of the heap. The metal bit into his skin, but his attention snapped to the Ebon Blade soldier and the hound.
It wasn’t long before some of the Ebon soldier’s more particular traits gave off his identity. Raetos had shed the heavier plate armor, but still wore the dark colors and tabard of the Ebon Blade. Even so, with the gold plated tail and hooves, long blonde hair and signature sword, marked him otherwise. 
Unfortunately for the Lightforged, he’d barely had time to get up and run before the hound was on him, pinning him down and snapping its jaws down around his forearm. 
“Hey hey! Don’t be rude!” He growled.
But as suddenly as the hound was on him, it froze. Thankfully for Raetos, killing the hunter, severed the connection to the hound. Raetos blinked, confused as he was released and the creature backed off and just… stood there. 
“Uuuh, good boy?”
He winced as he got up, hand clutching his side as he looked over towards the hunter’s body. He gasped, eyes wide as he just stared at Fable for a moment.
“Hey… no fair,” he grinned wide, though his eyes watered as a flood of emotions overtook him, “-I’m- supposed to be the heroic figure here.”
Realization flooded Fable at once, and he felt his own eyes well up with relief. The hunter was sure he was imagining the gold, and he’d seen Ebon Blade members with blonde hair. But not that shade of blue. Not accented by gold and glowing with the Light. His breath hitched when he saw that grin. It was like falling for the man all over again.
“You are, love. You are,” his voice shook as he stepped over the crumpled hunter, closing the distance between him and Raetos with a swift stride.
He could tell that his lover was bleeding, hurt. For the moment, it didn’t matter. Fable reached his arms up around Raetos’ neck and pulled him down for a desperate kiss. Guilt chewed at the back of his mind, and just the memory of where he was stabbed was enough to make the mark feel like it was on fire. But none of that mattered right now, he had his lover back!
“Sorry I died, love. It uh...wasn’t supposed t’ happen that way. I jus’... You kept your promise, ‘n I fucked up.”
Raetos choked out a sob as he wrapped his arms around Fable. Physically, it hurt like hell due to his injuries, but the relief of having his mate back in his arms pushed it all into the back of his mind. 
“Shhh,” he managed, burying his face into his lover’s hair, “It’s okay… it’s okay. I’m here… and I’m not leaving without you.”
For a moment he just lingered in the embrace; in that sweet moment of reunion, before he released his grip slightly, happy tears rolled down his cheeks as he cupped Fable’s face in his hands to just stare at it. He’d missed those blue eyes, that nose, his lips. Lips he couldn’t help but claim again with his own.
His words were swallowed up in the kiss, and for a moment their reunion was the only real thing in the world. Fable carefully pressed against Raetos as he kissed him, hands gripping at the poorly fitted armor. The blue blood from his lover's wounds wet his hands, and that was what brought him back to reality.
"I wanna keep kissin' you, but we gotta get outta here. I uh...ain't got a clue what's what. Please say you got a plan," Fable looked around, expecting another hunter.
Raetos couldn’t help but give a bit of a pout as the kiss was broken. It seemed he had completely forgotten where they were for a moment. Fable’s words were enough to snap him out of his trance. 
“—Oh! Uh… yeah! Totally,” he nodded, “I mean… sort of?”
He hadn’t exactly planned further than getting into the Maw and finding his mate. Now that he’d achieved that, he had to play it by ear. He sheepishly brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“We weren’t too sure what to expect. Came down here with Avehi, Argonas and another one of those deader knights. Syl… something… Anyway, they were— Ow…”
He winced as he leaned over to take his sword. With the moment of euphoria passed, the pain from his wounds became more and more evident. They had to get back to the others soon, so that he could treat them.
With Fable’s hand in his, and his sword in the other at the ready, he led them up a steep slope, towards higher ground.
“Anyway… they were going to find Argo’s wife, Sinafay. She’s been here a long time, I guess, so they needed to get to her fast. I split off to come find you,” he glanced over his shoulder, offering Fable a smile, before moving on to a more dreaded yet important subject, “Hey so… what happened? Any idea who did this to you? Gotta hunt them down and destroy that dagger they used on you. Some cult ritual artifact bullshit, I guess. Only way to get you back to your body on Azeroth is to destroy the weapon that killed you.”
Adrenaline was fading, and Fable could feel his own body aching in kind. So much travelling and skulking about had left his thighs exhausted. He paused at the top of the slope when Raetos started talking, and the hunter’s ears pinned back at the question. It wasn’t a look his lover had ever seen on his face, because it wasn’t one he wore often.
The elf cleared his throat, trying to choose his words. Were it anyone else, Fable would simply try to deflect and turn the conversation on whoever these Argo and Sinafay people were. And Syl. All names he wasn’t familiar with, not really. No faces to put to them. His cheeks burned under the dark skin. Raetos could feel the tension in Fable’s hand as it rested in the larger man’s grip.
“I was doin’ a dig t’ kill time ‘n this lady showed up. She uh… I dunno what happened but she jus’ got into my head ‘n I couldn’t stop. Raetos I… I was gonna do it. Her. If she didn’t stab me…” his gaze was on the ground. Fable wouldn’t meet his lover’s gaze.
Raetos’ brow knit into a frown, at first, in confusion. His head tilted slightly to the side, as it often did whenever he was trying to figure something out. It felt like his head was in a fog. He had to replay those words in his head a few times. Then he thought maybe they didn’t mean what he thought it did. Or maybe the wailing wind distorted the words? No. Fable’s expression confirmed it well enough. 
It was all he could think of as a reply. For once, he wasn’t quite certain what to say. He wasn’t angry… that much he knew. He and Fable hadn’t exactly determined boundaries, even after Raetos himself had almost done the same thing with Avehi. He felt hurt, to be certain, like a sharp pain in his chest, but his lover looked guilty enough, he didn’t want to express it and make him feel worse. 
“Hey,” his hand squeezed the Blood Hunter’s, “We’ll get through it, okay? Together.”
He offered a smile, showing he meant the words he’d spoken. Fable obviously regretted what he’d done, and not only because it ended up getting him killed. Raetos wasn’t the particularly jealous type, but he couldn’t pretend the thought of his mate lying with another person on his own didn’t bother him.
“If you think this makes me love you any less, you can kick that thought from your head. I’m not going anywhere… Afraid you’re stuck with me, Love. You know… as long as you’ll have me.”
Fable felt tears well up again, his voice catching in his throat as he reached up to wipe at his eyes. It left streaks of dirt on his face, and didn’t hide the emotions that had bubbled over. All the hunter could do was sniffle and squeeze Raetos’ hand. 
“I don’t deserve you,” he managed to say, wiping at the tears.
“Don’t say that,” The Draenei’s voice shook as he pulled his mate in for another tight hug. He was feeling rather light headed, and his legs felt weak, so he kneeled down, making it easier to hold the elf close. A hand came up to brush through Fable’s hair as he buried his face in his lover’s neck. 
He was well aware that they had to keep moving. The trail of blue blood would be picked up sooner rather than later. But he was so tired…
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sinafay-the-defiant · 4 years
Misguided Justice - Pt. II
 (( Co-written with @thefugitivemango / @argonas / @avehi-the-adamant / @grakkar-gorefang​ ))
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Part 1
As the scream echoed out, a heavy, light charged hand axe struck the Vindicator in the chest, exploding on contact. The force knocked him back, cracking his armor. A second one followed in succession, the force of the second blow shattering the armor and lodging into the flesh beneath it.
Sinafay stood at the doorway of the workshop, eyes alight with righteous fury. An aura of Light surrounded her form, power crackling and arcing in tune with her volatile emotions. Bright, light-born wings sprouted from her back as she took hold of a third weapon, a battle axe, before charging in. Argonas barely had time to bring up a shield of Light to block the blow, but the force still caused him to move back. He’d expended a lot of energy taking out Grakkar, and hadn’t expected his former student to recover so quickly.
“I never should have  trusted you!” She raged as she swung again and again, unrelenting! “You’re no better than Yrel and her army of blinded zealots! You failed as a teacher! Failed as a mentor! Failed as a friend!”
Angry tears stung her eyes and she choked back a sob. Argonas had gone and taken away one of the most precious things in her life… and she’d kill him before allowing him to touch a hair on her daughter’s head.
“Fuck you! You should have let us be!”
Gripping the battle axe with one hand, she swung again, only to bring her other hand up to fire a light blast into his face, blinding him temporarily as she jumped up and landed a vicious headbutt into his nose. Once again, her tail wrapped around his leg. She tugged as she spun around, his disorientation causing him to fall flat onto his back. 
“Justice be served!”
She brought the battle axe up with both hands, bright Light radiating off of her and the weapon, ready to bring in down onto the Vindicator in a brutally deadly blow.
But Argonas was not as easily killed! He swung his tail out to trip Sinafay, as she had done to him mere seconds prior, enough to disrupt the would-be coup de grace. Following up with a swift kick, he managed to knock her back and away from him! 
“You know nothing of justice!” he cried out.
He rose quickly, intent on retaliating immediately, but even the Vindicator had his limits. The axes she’d thrown had cut him deeply, his blue blood now gushing from his chest beneath the plate. His nose, too, dribbled with blood from the headbutt.  Bringing his hand up to the deep wound, he called upon the Light to stunt the bleeding. He stabilized… but not well. He felt his strength waning, his vision blurring as his head felt light. 
This couldn’t be it! This couldn’t be all the Light had spared him for! Justice would be done! It had to be! He narrowed his eyes, blurred vision notwithstanding, and began to trudge towards Sinafay once again. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to claim victory over his former student… but he had to try.
“I… am the Light’s justice!” he declared, between labored breaths. “The Light’s VENGEANCE!”
Sinafay chuckled darkly as she got back up and picked up the battleaxe, standing tall as she gripped the handle with both hands.
“Take your vengeance to the Maw.”
She didn’t pause this time, charging up the battleaxe and meeting him in his advance. A couple of swings was all it took, one to knock him off his guard, and the other into the barely stabilized wound in his chest, the searing Light tearing deep into the tissue as it made its way through his chest and out his back.
The Light faded from his form. He stared at Sinafay, a mixture of shock and anger on his final expression. It hurt more than he thought it would, dying by her hand. One he’d cared about once. One he helped to cultivate into a warrior. One who betrayed her people… betrayed him! This was not a just death. This couldn’t be the end of the path the Light had for him. He collapsed to his knees, body growing cold as blood oozed out from both wounds.
“... I… only did… what I thought...  was…”
With that, Argonas fell onto his back, the clamoring of his plated armor serving as his death knell. Sinafay didn’t move, standing and staring until she saw the Light fade from his eyes completely.
She panted as the adrenaline died down. Only then did she finally drop the battle axe and allowed tears to flow freely down her face. Her shoulders shook as she choked out a sob. She’d taken no pleasure in executing Argonas. It didn’t take away her anger, her rage or her sadness. It didn’t bring back Grakkar ; bring her husband and Neelah’s father back. She brought a hand up over her mouth to cover up more sobs, turning her blurry gaze to her mate’s lifeless body.
She made her way over and let herself fall to her knees next to him, ignoring the blood as she leaned over the body, cupping his cold face in her hands. He’d died fighting with honor; the way any Warsong Orc would have wanted. But she knew… oh she knew… he hadn’t gone to join his ancestors. 
Grakkar was in the Maw.
“Light, please…”, she begged in a trembling voice, “Give me the strength...”
She was exhausted, but she had to try. He’d done the impossible for her; had found his way through space and time on a crazy suicide mission, to rescue her from the torturous prison she’d been sentenced to on Draenor. Their love had prevailed back then, and it had only grown stronger since then. 
Sinafay closed her eyes and calmed herself with some deep breathing. She brought her hands over the gaping hole in his chest. Everything she had left, she poured into him, her love, her passion, her hope, her faith… she channeled it all through the Light. For a second time, golden wings sprouted from her back as she poured healing energy into her mate’s fallen body. The sound of cracking bones could be heard as his rib cage snapped back into place and tissue repaired itself… the worst of it anyway...
“Grakkar,” she whispered, urging the Light to call his soul back, “Please… hear me... and come back home.”
The Orc’s body shook, the Light energies jarring his corpse until… it wasn’t so lifeless! Grakkar’s eyes shot open as he suddenly inhaled a long, labored gasp. Then a hoarse cough! His body tensed and writhed under the latent pain from his death. His chest slowly began rising and falling again, though felt sore and tight. Unsurprisingly, considering. His hands came up from his sides to grip at it, finding instead another hand already in place. He looked up, eyes finding difficulty adjusting to the brilliant Light before him.
“... The… ancestors…?”
Sinafay’s golden eyes were wide in surprise. Her face was streaked in blood and tears…. And more tears joined them as she realized she’d succeeded! The Light surrounding her diminished as the task was completed. Exhaustion set in, but she forced herself to stay awake.
“Grakkar…” she managed, voice strained and weak, “My Love… Thank the Light!”
She leaned in over his body again, this time bringing her arms around him in a gentle embrace. Fresh sobs took her over, this time in relief. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so afraid! Even the torture the Draenei had inflicted upon her didn’t compare to the sorrow of losing Grakkar so suddenly; of Neelah losing her father before being old enough to form any coherent memory of him. But once more, through the powers of the Light, their love overcame the worst of obstacles. She was so grateful!
“S-Sina! I… Wait, what…?” Grakkar wheezed, still seeming rather incoherent.
Another voice rang out. A familiar one. A pair of heavy hoof beats drew closer, armor plating clanking as they drew near. Avehi surveyed the scene with a heavy scowl. She’d done her best to come as soon as she’d received Raetos’ warning, but it had been slow going in convincing the Grand Vindicator. She looked over Sinafay and Grakkar first. Then, her lichfire eyes were drawn to the freshly-slain corpse. 
Accompanying her came an aged Lightforged, adorned in brilliant armor. He carried himself with a nameless-yet-pronounced dignity, exuding a commanding presence. He, too, looked over the scene with a furrowed brow, before kneeling down beside Sinafay and Grakkar. His brow raised, pausing a moment as he examined the freshly revived Orc in the Draenei’s arms. Curious, indeed.
It took Sinafay a moment to register the new arrivals, refusing to look up from her huddled position over Grakkar. Her body still trembled from the emotional distress of the event, and the exhaustion the resurrection had taken on her body. Even her wounds had re-opened, though thankfully weren’t fatal. Still, hearing Grakkar speak, hearing his heartbeat, feeling the warmth return to his body… It brought her much needed comfort.
She didn’t move until she felt a gentle yet heavy hand on her shoulder. Only then did she lift her head and brought her tired gaze to… a ghost?
“... What happened here, Sister?” he asked, voice grizzled, yet soothing.
“Khan-Khanaros? But… how…”
It took a moment to register, she had never even thought to discover what had happened to the Khanaros in this time stream. The High Vindicator in her timeline had met a mysterious death early on in Yrel’s rule, back on Draenor. She had never gotten the chance to meet him, but had been inspired by his words back then, before the end. His presence here brought relief. A familiar face she recognized as good.
“--Hmph! Isn’t it obvious, Khanaros?” Avehi scoffed-- nearly snarling. “He actually did it. Argonas had gone completely zealous! Just like I said he would! Light-blind fool…”
She grunted, approaching Argonas’ lifeless corpse. Staring in disdain, she pressed her hoof up against his plated pauldron, and ground it in as an offensive gesture. She couldn’t deny the sick satisfaction she got from seeing him dead.
“He got what he fucking deserved for it, too.”
Sinafay heard Avehi’s words, but didn’t have the strength to turn and look at her friend. How she wished they’d arrived only a few moments earlier...
“He… came to execute us��” she answered in a half drawl, “Killed Grakkar… but I… the Light… it returned him… to me.”
Khanaros nodded slowly, looking from Sinafay to Grakkar, and back. He felt a tinge of awkwardness-- yet another Vindicator he didn’t seem to recall. He’d trained so many, he wasn’t sure when this one rolled through. But he didn’t dwell on it, instead nodding with reassurance to her.
“The Light is a powerful force of redemption. It seems it was not yet this Orc’s time. Through you, it saw this poor creature’s return--”
“--That’s her mate, Khanaros.” Avehi piped up, still staring at Argonas’ corpse.
The High Vindicator blinked as Sinafay frowned at him. He was somewhat stunned by the revelation. Few things surprised him anymore, but…
“... I see. Well, Grakkar, you said? The Light redeemed him through you, Sister. You must have a strong connection to it.” he went on, before looking to Grakkar. “And… to him, as well.”
Grakkar seemed even more lost now, since the arrival of the two Draenei. He recognized Avehi, at least. But this older one was… somewhat unsettling. He grunted, trying to sit up.
“Who is this, Sina?” he asked, voice gradually returning to normal.
“That can wait.” Avehi interjected again, sternly. “We need to get them appropriate care. And determine what we’re going to do with this piece of shit.”
Her gauntlets tensed, crackling with icy blue lichflame. A dread energy filled the air, emanating a nearly-visible weight of darkness around the Death Knight and the corpse. She grit her teeth, as she held her hand out over Argonas’ body.
“I think death’s too good for him, personally. He could use an undead’s perspective.”
“--Avehi, no.” Khanaros replied, sternly. 
He rose from Sinafay’s side, and paced over to the Death Knight. The exhausted Vindicator returned her attention to her mate, clearly caring about nothing else at that particular moment.
Avehi huffed, lowering her hand and stepping back from Argonas as the High Vindicator approached. She’d figured he wouldn’t go for that…
“Hmph. Fine. Suffering in the Maw works just as well. When we save the others… perhaps we’ll save him last, yes?”
Khanaros approached Argonas’ body, and looked it over appraisingly. He noted the wound-- easily identified with the axe still lodged in it. With a weary sigh, he closed his eyes, and leaned his head back to face the sky. Slowly, he exhaled once more, pensively. 
“... No. He cannot atone, with his soul imprisoned.” he said, looking down to his fallen student. “It is not yet his time, either.”
Kneeling down, Khanaros pulled the axe from Argonas’ chest, quickly covering the wound with his plated hand. The Light wrapped around his form as he channeled its potent power into the fallen Vindicator’s body. As with Sinafay, when she’d revived her mate, brilliant wings born of Light emerged forth from the High Vindicator’s back. Slowly, Argonas’ wounds began to close, as the connection between his body and soul slowly pulled back together. 
Avehi took a step back, the concentration of Light energy more than a little uncomfortable for her. She grimaced, backing away beside Sinafay and Grakkar. Her eyes kept focused on Khanaros as he worked, however. She felt a bitter disgruntlement set in; a far better treatment than Argonas had earned, in her opinion!
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
Avehi for Raetos, the heart thingy!
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗 "Mm, Raetos is a handsome Draenei, indeed. A perfect mixture of rugged and youthful. If only he weren’t a gaudy Lightforged...”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗 "Hmph, when we met, he did not put his best hoof forward. Not at all! But he’s grown a lot since then. Now, I feel we are of one accord. Close friends, able to rely on one another.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗 “--Aah, well... I believe that door has been closed. If not, however? I would greatly pair with him again. He has a lot to learn, but the inexperience is endearing in its own way. He certainly shows an eagerness to please, too!”
ROMANTIC INTENT:  💔 “... I’ll just say that I’m glad he found someone. Someone else.”
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argonas · 4 years
The Tipping Point
[[ Co-written with @kidcatgemini​ / @raetos​ ]]
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Argonas couldn't sleep. It had been a few days since he had. Anger, guilt, and frustration all tormented him as of late. He felt stuck; unable to make headway on anything, be it finding closure following the loss of his wife, or serving justice to that arrogant defiler, Avehi. He had too few people he could talk to about it. Few people he trusted. 
Sylaess was still nowhere to be found. He worried she had died. Again. Or… worse. Had the Old Gods consumed her soul? Had her final succumbing proved to be the end of his old friend? He couldn't say. He couldn't seek her counsel or even rely upon it if she were there to offer it. Her mind was lost… if not her, entirely.
Sinafay… wasn't an option. Not anymore. He felt a sickening tickle in his throat whenever he thought of that pale and shallow reflection of his beloved wife. And her orc partner. Disgusting! As much as he wished to have someone to talk to about all this… he had written her off. 
Khanaros, his mentor, still couldn't see reason. Mierne had her hooks deep, it seemed, and the High Vindicator was beyond help. Argonas tried to speak with him again a day earlier… but nothing changed. He told Argonas that Avehi's outlandish claims - that death was "broken" - were verified by the Auchenai. For all the reverence he felt for the Order… he didn't trust them one bit. Not after what had become of Exarch Maladaar. And Khanaros? He had lost his mind just as much, so ready to believe such foolishness.
And Mierne herself? She sought to manipulate Argonas, too! How long would it have been before she enthralled him, as she had Khanaros? He thought he could trust her. Confide in her. Their time together was a boon, following his loss on Argus. But no… she had shown her hand, even if no one else saw it. He did; he knew the games she sought to play to protect her precious friend.
That only left Raetos; a somewhat naive Lightforged, but pure and uncorrupted. Argonas felt he could rely on him, and seek his counsel on some of what it was he struggled with. But he was worried; it had been a while since the Scout reported in. Troubling thoughts that Avehi may have found and killed him started to set in. Had he sent the Scout to his death? He prayed such wasn't the case… but considered venturing out to find him and make sure.
For now, however, Argonas tried to relax. He soaked in the soothing springs in the Crystal Halls, hoping to be rid of the soreness in his muscles and the fatigue in his mind.
Raetos had arrived at the Exodar rather late. Chasing Avehi across the continents was a bigger undertaking than he’d expected. Even more so that everytime he managed to catch up with her, she’d ride him until he had nothing left to give, leaving him exhausted. He yawned as he made his way through the crystal halls, not really paying much attention to where he was going.
It was a surprise to Argonas, seeing him here. More so, having just passed through idle thoughts about the Lightforged. Coincidence, surely. But a fortunate one at that. He sat up and waved Raetos over to the edge of the relaxing pool.
"Come, friend! Let us speak!" the Vindicator beckoned him, wearing the gentle outline of a smile on his lips… for the first time in ages.
Raetos froze. He had assumed arriving at the Exodar so late would mean avoiding Argonas altogether. But apparently, the Vindicator didn’t sleep!
“A-Argonas!” He exclaimed, finally turning to face the larger Draenei, “Hey! Yeah, so… did not expect to bump into you at this time!”
He walked over to the pool, but didn’t really make any moves to undress and get in himself.
“I’m actually super tired right now. Was a long trip home from Kalimdor. That Death Knight you have me tracking sure loves to travel!”
“--Ah, fortunate of you to find your way here, then.” Argonas stood, continuing to beckon Raetos further into the pool. “These pools will alleviate your fatigue. Come, join me. Tell me what that vile creature has been doing in Kalimdor!”
The scout tried desperately to think of an excuse to NOT stay and talk, but his tired brain came up empty. Besides, Argonas seemed rather insistent.
“I… guess I can stay and chat a bit,” he finally gave in, before going about undressing, “She actually hasn’t been doing much other than her usual stuff. Unfortunately no illegal activity to report other than the obvious raising fallen soldiers of various races. She got in a scuffle in the Barrens with some Orcs. She and a Tauren dude fought them off. Weird that he helped her. I’m thinking he’s some kind of outcast."
He finished undressing and slipped into the pool with a sigh. Argonas was right! The soothing waters felt great!
“There was a strange encounter in Arathi. She met up with some Lightforged Draenei chick on a farm. Looked like she was living there with an Orc. Oh man! I think they were a couple because they had the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen! Like... holy shit!”
The Vindicator relaxed back down into the pools. The more he listened, the more he frowned; his brief smile had vanished entirely. It didn't bode well-- Avehi was gathering allies for her despicable cause. He knew of no Tauren contact she might have, but presumed him to be another Ebon Knight. At least they battled a few orcs. Argonas couldn't be too mad about that. But the second part… he bristled immediately at the mention.
"Sinafay… and her Orc mate, Grakkar." he grunted, more spitting the words out in disgust than speaking them. "So they have hidden out in Arathi. Bold of them."
It was that moment that an idea struck the Vindicator. A plan to work around Khanaros' directive and still stop - or at least slow - Avehi's progress towards her abhorrent objectives. She couldn't do this alone, as the business with Mierne and her chokehold on the High Vindicator had proven. If he wasn't able to confront her directly..  he could at least eliminate those who harbored and aided her. And Sinafay and Grakkar were first on that list.
"Where in Arathi, Raetos?"
“They live on a farm way out in the north, near the mountains. It’s way out in the middle of nowhere. Wouldn’t have ever suspected it was there if I hadn’t followed Avehi there.”
He rambled on a moment, before turning his head to look at Argonas.
“Why? What did they do? Are they criminals? If so, I know this super cool Dark Iron Lady that’s all about Bounty Hunting!”
"--Bounty hunter? No, we have no need of their sort. We will handle this ourselves, yes?"
Argonas grunted, almost offended by the notion! He was far superior than any sellsword. And with the Light flowing through him, he had what no bounty hunter or mercenary ever could; divine purpose. He shook his head.
"Sinafay is a traitor to the Draenei. One who chose loyalty to the Orcs over loyalty to her own kin. They are not wanted; rather unwanted. Exiles." he explained, idly running his hands through the waters. "But if Avehi is meeting with them, they must know of her foul machinations. It can be presumed they are helping her, just as Mierne helped her by manipulating the High Vindicator. If we cannot strike out at Avehi directly… we can at least cripple her support network."
He nodded slowly, considering how best to go about it. Fighting and killing his former apprentice resonated as a sound enough idea to him, considering her treachery. But more than that, he wondered if it would perhaps bring him peace. It felt cruel, that his beloved wife was lost, and yet the tainted reflection of her endured. His mind turned to Kairei, his first real love; slaying the Sargerei variant of her after she passed helped him find closure back then. It stood to reason it would now, too. Such was a Vindicator's charge; to dispense justice.
"... I will handle them." he nodded. "You must continue your task, and follow Avehi. When next she meets another supporter of hers - that Tauren, or anyone else - dispatch them once they part from her. Burn the bridges in her wake, yes?"
Raetos couldn’t help but frown, a hand moving out of the water to rub at the scar Avehi had left on him in their first encounter together. 
“I mean… the war is over. We can’t exactly go around executing people at random like that. Not without proof of wrongdoings to back it up. What if they’re just friends of hers? Innocent in this whole raising the dead thing? And I thought we were going to wait until the High Vindicator looked into things first.” He shook his head, “No offence, Argonas. But you’re starting to talk about some extreme stuff here.”
“--You speak of extremities? Avehi is out there raising the dead! What is more extreme than that?!” Argonas snapped, scowling. “None who consider that villain a friend are innocent! If they aid her in any way, they are just as guilty of her defilements as she is! And it is our job to see justice met for such crimes!”
The Vindicator snarled at Raetos. He couldn’t believe he had to explain the Light’s justice to a Lightforged! This was not extreme, it was necessary! Why was Raetos speaking out against the plan in such a manner? Perhaps he was not as committed to seeing evil purged from Azeroth as Argonas thought...
“Remember your duty, Raetos.” he cautioned him, sternly. “We face a terrible foe. And while she may not be as destructive as the Legion… Avehi is every bit as dangerous. She has become a demon in her own right-- and the Light cannot abide such a reprehensible and shameful creature!”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Raetos waved his hand, “Do you hear yourself, buddy? You’re talking Xe’ra-type shit, there! Trust me when I say I wasn’t super upset over her demise, alright? I’m Light-forged, yeah, but not Light-blinded.”
He reached over and placed a hand on Argonas’ shoulder.
“Listen to me,” he said, his golden gaze meeting the Vindicator’s, “There’s a huge difference between the Light’s justice and a personal vendetta. And honestly? Avehi’s a pretty cool person once you get to know her a little. Other than raising the dead, she hasn’t done anything illegal.”
The Vindicator's eyes narrowed dangerously. He didn't care for Raetos' tone, words, familiarity… he didn't care for Raetos altogether! He swatted the Lightforged's hand from his shoulder as he peered at him. 
"'Once you get to know her?'" Argonas repeated, as he rose up out of the soothing water once more. "Have you been watching her, or speaking to her?"
Brusquely, he gripped Raetos' head in one hand, turning it as his eyes honed in on that bite mark he had so readily dismissed before. He presumed some animal had done it-- a foolish assumption, now that he'd gotten a proper look. With a grunt, he stepped back from the Scout, scowling!
"Or more than even speaking, it appears!" he accused, pointing so at Raetos. "She has seduced you, you damned fool! You bear her carnal mark, defiled and beguiled by the witch, herself!"
“Psh! She didn’t seduce me…”
Restos moved out of the pool, not bothering to dry off before beginning to throw his armor back on. He could read Argonas easily enough at this point. 
“Okay, so the first time… maybe a bit of seduction was involved. But you know what? Doesn’t matter. She’s fucking hot and not at all gross like you’d said she’d be. And look at me! Still Lightforged! Still connected to the Light! At least she’s not out there killing innocent families over a HUGE assumption of a crime. What she’s doing is unconventional, and trust me, I was skeptical too! But she really believes she’s saving these people from a worse fate. I may not fully grasp what she’s talking about, but I do believe there’s something going on. At least look into the matter yourself if you’re too stubborn to hear it from anyone else!”
Raetos huffed as he finished attaching his armor. The way Argonas has been talking about killing Avehi’s allies, he didn’t exactly feel safe around the Vindicator himself. 
“I’m going to bed. Try not to do anything stupid.”
"There is nothing I could do more stupid than you trusting her, Raetos! Your naivety in this matter put you in jeopardy!" Argonas gave a final warning, fists clenched. "I am resolute in this cause. My calling! I will see justice dealt to Avehi; with or without you!
Argonas stepped out of the pool, but paced no closer to Raetos as he turned to leave. He knew well the cowardly traitor was retreating out of fear. Out of guilt. And rightly so; Avehi had implicated another into her ring of misdeeds, and Argonas couldn't abide it! He had lost enough friends as it was to the Death Knight's manipulations… this last one cut him deeper than any blade ever could. He was truly alone in this cause. Only the Light was with him, now. And he knew the Light's justice needed to be fulfilled!
Was this why he was brought back? Spared from death on Argus? Perhaps no one but he could resist Avehi's manipulative ways. Perhaps he, alone, was to save Azeroth from this next great threat!
"Reevaluate your allegiances, Raetos. I caution you…" he all but growled. "... I will not permit you to aid her. I will not permit anyone to aid her!"
“Yeah, you’ve made that pretty clear,” Raetos shot back, “Enjoy your crusade! The more people you can blame the better, right?”
He sneered, shaking his head. As disturbing it was listening to Argonas, it was more disturbing knowing he himself hadn’t been much different all that long ago… before Avehi had literally knocked some sense into him...
“I don’t know what your obsession with her is, but everything you’ve said about her is wrong. I hope the Light grants you clarity on that before it’s too late. Goodnight, Argonas.”
With that, he turned and walked off towards the apartments...
[[ Mention Tags: @sylaess​ @avehi-the-adamant​ @sinafay1​ @sinafay-the-defiant​ @grakkar-gorefang​ @miernethepersevering​ ]]
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abba-enthusiast · 2 years
My biggest fear is that switzerland will receive loads of points from the jury but next to nothing from the public (actually that’s not a fear, i kinda want to receive 0 points, it’s been too long since a good old la suisse zéro points and i think it would really build character, we’ve been too arrogant for too long) which will go to our heads and will encourage the songwriters to send Another Ballad next year
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okase · 7 years
Who out of all your crew are your favorites to write?
I tend to go through phases where I'm really into writing a specific character, but the constant is always Nera. I can practically write her in my sleep, though admittedly some of that might be because she's my oldest OC who is currently still in-use.
But yeah, who I want to write depends on my mood otherwise. If I want to play a refined character, I go for Delani, if I want to play someone who's overall sweet but has a darker side, I go for Zeela. If I want to write someone who's prideful and still trying to figure himself out, Illaren is starting to be a good choice. For the lone quiet badass, I go for Ada, and for a more outwardly cheery but secretly neurotic character, there's Raeto. When I want to play a fun character with dark undertones I go for Rana, and for Andromeda and just currently in general, I've been really into writing Iala who is turning out to be a vaguely mad scientist type.Currently, in-order, I'd say my more active characters, from most to least easy to write, are:
Nera, Iala, Rana, Illaren, Zeela, Delani, Ada and Raeto.
The order of the others is constantly changing, but Nera is my one constant. Nera is my babe
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avehi-the-adamant · 3 years
Are We Dead Yet? Pt. I - Piercing the Veil
[[ Co-written with @sylaess​ & @kidcatgemini​ ]]
The summons came for all of them. 
Every single Knight of Acherus could hear that call, knew that call. It wasn’t one you fucked around with. 
They stood in ranks, watching the portal open. Waiting. Somehow, they were going to help. The icy winds atop Icecrown snatched at cloaks and fur-trimmed armor alike. Stole the wispy breath of the living and tossed it to the glacier beyond. A very solemn time.
A very anxious time.
They filed through. Rank by rank.
It took forever, in Sylaess’s humble opinion. All for a bloody portal. To the deadlands. Shadowlands. Syl hated portals. They always fucked her up. She cut a glance to see if she could spot Avehi one more time. Had tried to get into formation with her, but who knew if they were still near each other? There had been so much shuffling about. 
The rank before her moved up. Started popping through, one by one. So the rumors were true, then. Bolvar had had his ass handed to him by Sylvannas. And then she messed everything up. Again. Sylaess was careful to keep herself still, steady, and cool. At least outwardly. It was tiresome. But she did an excellent job of that mask.
Syl stepped forward unthinkingly. Just muscle memory in the line, headed into the portal. The less she thought of the insanity she was about to partake in, the easier it got.
That was a bold-faced lie, but she was grasping every thin thread to keep herself from launching off the side of Icecrown instead of into the afterlife. Both options sucked, to be fair. 
Took a breath, hands on her swords hilts like they were a lifeline. Stepped through the blue-black mass of magic that would lead her to the exact place she’d been avoiding all these damned years. Literally. 
Tried not to scream.
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The Maw was unchanged from when Avehi was here last-- but it was still an entirely new experience. Before, merely a fragment of her consciousness could wander freely through the desolate wastes beyond the veil. Now, she was here wholly, fully… with no guarantee of any way out again. Her body never felt more cumbersome, reminiscent of when she was first risen. That bitter, ashen taste. The way the air felt so thin and yet stifling at the same time. The amber skyline was piercing, a burning contrast to the somber grey dust beneath her hooves. Immediately, the wailings of the damned assaulted her ears, in a symphony of suffering. This was no place for a mortal. 
Thankfully, she wasn’t one.
Foolishly, however, she’d brought two along with her. She looked back to her companions; imposters, both adorned in Ebon Blade recruit armor. Argonas’ barely fit over his muscular physique. An oversight on her part-- she should’ve procured a Tauren-sized set for him, just in case. Raetos’, however, fit just fine. Though his brighter skin tone betrayed his Light-suffused body beneath the dark Ebon plating. Both of them would’ve been easy enough to pick out… if anyone were looking hard enough. Too focused on Bolvar, Avehi presumed. She wasn’t sure about the Highlord. Helm or no helm, it was hard for her to reconcile how she felt about the presence that had set up shop in the back of her mind since the fall of Arthas Menethil. Familiarity, yes. But overwhelming distrust trumped it. Like an estranged brother.
She put it from her mind, for now, attention back on Argonas and Raetos. 
“Muster your senses.” she instructed. “We must move-- quickly!”
Argonas did just that; he was much more prepared for the terror this place instilled in the depths of the soul than Raetos was. Having died somewhat recently, he was already accustomed to this place, and the heavy draw that permeated the air. He expected it. Prepared for it. Shrugged it off, and moved to follow Avehi into the wastes. Somewhere here, they’d find Sinafay. And he’d make good on his promise to free her from this terrible place! That alone was all the drive he needed to suffer through.
Raetos wasn’t as fortunate. Despite all the time he’d spent on the Fel-suffused planet of Argus, it did nothing to protect him from the wave of absolute dread and hopelessness that permeated his senses.
“--Light,” he muttered under his breath, kneeling down and throwing his helmet off to bring his hands to his head. 
Thankfully, his Lightforged body offered him some protection. He couldn’t imagine how much more horrible this place would be without it’s soothing properties. It took him a moment, as he waited for his senses to acclimate. When he looked up, Avehi and the others were already far ahead. He removed some of the extra pieces of plate armor Avehi had told him to wear. The atmosphere was already too heavy, and the weight of the gear was unbearable. At this point, it didn’t matter if the Ebon Blade realized they’d brought a mortal through. 
Not like they could force him to go back...
Gritting his teeth, he got back on his hooves and followed after his companions. He was one step closer to finding Fable.
Sylaess’ skin felt prickly. Like someone had chopped the sides of her neck with the blade of their hand and jolted all her nerves at once. A cold sweat made her armor lining cling uncomfortably.
She wanted to vomit.
Two steps onto the other side, and she held it all back. Held her breath, too. Did a half-turn to check for an ambush and--
Came loose from herself. Drifted away from her own body. 
Ah, shit. The thought was haphazard at best. A remote acceptance. The world went away.
Sylaess stiffened up like she’d been struck on the head and went over like an ominous pillar of saronite. No hand came out to break that fall. Crashed to the ground unceremoniously with a dull thud. Absolutely unresponsive for a solid moment, other than a faint tremor in her hands. Unnatural.
“I waited, nonetheless.”
He took another bite, and  chewed that one too for a while. Thoughtfully. The only times Argonas was really so quiet was when he was eating or sleeping. His mouth stopped running long enough for his thoughts to get a turn. Most of his thoughts were on Sylaess, and his gaze followed them. He swallowed.
“Was it worth it?” he asked, motioning roughly over his own face where Sylaess’ exacerbated scarring was. “It looks as if you took a few hits. Did you learn anything of the truths you are seeking?”
She blinked at her hands, considering the question for a hanging moment. “...I don’t know if I feel qualified to name worth about this, but I learned enough that I...” Want to take a scalding damn bath, my friend, badly. “...want to leave. I have enough control, I feel.” No, you don’t.--
The taste of rust and dirt in her mouth. Black, watery rushing in her ears. A flicker of lights. Pushed away from the fragmented memory. Didn’t recognize much of it, anyway. Didn’t make too much sense.
And awake again. 
She gave a hell of a start. Limbs felt loose, uncoordinated. Standing up felt a little clumsy. Shit, how many times was that? Sylaess tensed, willing herself to look like iron again. Hoped beyond whatever frail hope she had that most of her companions looked past that little... episode. Destarion had made sound mention of her new ailment. She had an idea of what happened, but never a full understanding. Her skull felt like it throbbed, and yet was airy all at once. It was incredibly hard to refocus.
The fragment of memory, or fictitious image was fleeing her mind already. Little snippets. Some were true, but she couldn’t tell what was real. It was harrowing to try and winnow it all out.
Truthfully, she felt like her bones were made of windchimes. Hollow.
Avehi eyed the elf, a mixture of worry and annoyance upon her countenance. The poor thing shook and wobbled like a newborn talbuk finding its legs in this treacherous place. The Draenei couldn’t fault her too terribly for it, though-- everything about this place was an affront to the senses. She was, in truth, surprised Argonas seemed to take it in such stride. But then… he’d been here before, rather recently. She examined the trio, and grunted. This was it. This was the team. With no plan to get back out, and no telling what to expect inside… they proceeded.
“Stay close.” came her only instruction; her only warning.
The Vindicators trudged forward, driven by their respective purposes. Avehi had finally made it to the other side, and took strides now in correcting this problem that had haunted her for so long. Argonas’ purpose was far more specific. Yet both moved, in a show of their shared training, keeping a close-yet-loose and wary formation. Hammers drawn and ready for the horrors the Maw would surely throw their way.
Raetos stayed further behind, both to watch their backs, and also to keep an eye on Sylaess. She was the only one in the group he didn’t know at all. She was such a tall and skinny thing, so lanky and sickly looking. And from the looks of it, she’d taken the entrance into the Maw harder than he had. He wondered how long she'd been dead, but then Avehi had made it clear that it wasn’t a question to ask a Death Knight. A sensitive subject. 
Now wasn’t the time to make friends and start conversations anyway. Quite the departure from his regular self. Instead, his golden gaze scanned the rocky cliffs. Oddly enough, it wasn’t too far off from the rocky and desolate landscape that Argus had been… except Fel was replaced by… well… death and mist of some kind. So he had no issues blending and moving quietly about the area. Thankfully so, because the mist made it hard to see at a distance, and there were constant eerie screams in the background that made things difficult for his ears to pick up other sounds --not to mention the sounds of battle! It would make hunting the enemy harder for him. 
He wondered if Avehi knew where she was going. She seemed to anyway… So he followed. For now.
The worst of it faded slowly. Not that the ominous air of the Maw itself was helpful in any sort of recovery. 
To be fair, she’d been here before. A few times. They had to find Sinafay as fast as they could. Every second in this place was a threat to the very fabric of a soul. 
She should not be here. So many should not be here. That would have to be solved later. It was a much grander scale issue.
Sylaess shook her head slightly, chasing off the thoughts before they took hold. Glanced over the rest of the party and resolved to ignore her indiscretion. Such as it would be. A brief flicker of concern for Argonas, but she let it slide. Had to. No room for that here. She wasn’t particularly concerned with Raetos, disguise or no. 
There was a feeling that the Jailer would be able to sense them regardless of any shade or misdirection and that bothered her. Bothered her a lot. She slid a hand into her cloak, a hidden pouch there. Reassurance. The tiny vials were wrapped securely in cloth and leather layers, protecting them from a lot of damage. They seemed intact. “Avehi, do we have a specific direction, or should we try to command a soul to give us an idea?”
Her voice was quiet and gravelly, but clear enough. Such an odd thing to hear out of her own face. She sighed softly through her nose. At least she’d spent the last few weeks with the ritualists in Acherus, learning what she could of the other side of being a death knight. Less battle, more magic fuckery.
"Once we have our bearings, that's a good idea." Avehi replied without breaking stride. "Let's get up this ridge, and see what we can see."
"--Command a soul?" Argonas repeated, clearly uncomfortable with the notion. "Have they not suffered enough without such compulsions?"
"Probably. You can ask your wife the specifics after we compel a wayward soul to lead us to her." came Avehi's curt response.
It silenced Argonas well enough.
“Geez… I mean, it doesn't hurt to ask nicely at first,” Raetos couldn’t help but throw his opinion in, “If they’re being a pain in the ass, then by all means, but Argo’s right. No need to hassle an already suffering spirit if it’s not putting up a fight.”
He held his rifle ready, keeping his senses sharp despite his mouth working. 
“Like… from the looks of things, there are some obviously bad things picking on helpless looking spirits,” he mentioned, taking a peek over the ledge where he spotted the commotion, “We intervene, the nice spirit tells us what they know out of gratitude, and then we can compel the baddies for extra information. Win win. Oooh! Leave that hound-thinger down there alive, though. I want that.”
“Was it worth it?”
The memory echo gave her half a pause, but it slid away like oil on water. She sighed softly, the tightness in her jaw not settling.
Maybe it was the half-echoed whispers from the souls damned to this place. She could hear them. Assumed Avehi could, too. “More than half of these souls are ... remnants. Shattered pieces. The Maw is where they are sent to be slowly obliterated. Now that all souls are sent here, it's ... the worst fate you could wish on anyone. No hope for rebirth here, just swift annihilation if you’re lucky.”  Sylaess said. Gave pause, side-eyeing Raetos. “They’re constructs, but ones that feast on souls. Fine sport, I’m sure.” She had meant to be calming, reassuring even. But her words raked like gravel, gashing out the hideous truth of this place. The end was colored by sarcasm. No mercies indeed. There was regret, but she couldn’t pluck the words from the air. Nor did she feel she could’ve found better to say. The elf tugged her cloak over her shoulder, black hollow eyes scanning the area in a slow sweep. Old habits were never far. At least, she assumed it was a habit.
She eyed the hound. Then it came together. “But we could harness it to travel faster. At least, one of us.”
This place was grating on Avehi’s nerves. The sounds most of all. Words no mortal could hear, but registered as whispers to the Death Knights, one foot in and one foot out of their graves. Half-truths and intrusive thoughts given soundless voices, all speaking directly to her mind.
“You belong here, too.”
“None escape…”
“The Jailer sees all!”
It was distracting. Overwhelming. And Argonas’ and Raetos’ sanctimonious protesting only irked her further.
“Feel free to see how far asking nicely gets you.” Avehi chuffed, growing in irritation. “But if you want your respective loved ones saved from this infamously-inescapable place? Cast aside your Light-bleached sensibilities and be prepared to do whatever it takes. Let the undead handle the undead, if you can’t stomach it.”
The ridge crest overlooked everything… and nothing. There wasn’t much to see of this desolation. A ‘river’ of aetherial miasma cut through the land some distance ahead. And following it to their left revealed ramparts of some manner of fortification. Beyond that, ever-looming in the sky, was an infinitely tall tower. Unsettlingly menacing, it dominated the skyline, casting its shadow over the already dismal landscape. 
“--There.” Argonas spoke up, motioning to the fortifications. “I… I saw Sinafay near there, when I died. I remember the wall.”
“You’re certain?” Avehi asked, turning to him.
He nodded once, eyes affixed to the distant keep. It was recent enough, still fresh in his mind. Avehi grunted, but nodded in response.
“Then we make our way there. Any soul we manage to find on the way, we question.”
She waved her hand dismissively at the construct and his ‘dog’ down below.
“Leave those sentries be, if we can. The creature will serve us no purpose, anyway.” she directed. “Splitting up here is the worst thing we could possibly do.”
And yet, that was exactly what Raetos decided to do. As the others turned away and continued their journey, the Lightforged kept his eye on the hound and its rider. He always worked better alone anyway. And it would be easier to sneak around without the heavy plate wearers. Brows knit into a frown as he looked over to his friends once more, only to see them already a good distance away; pushed forward by Argonas recognizing a rock formation. 
Fable wouldn’t be with Sinafay. It was a gut feeling the Draenei had. Their times of death had happened so far apart and differently. The chances of finding them together in this hell hole was slim to none. His three companions obviously cared more about finding Argonas’ mate than his. Avehi had promised to bring Raetos into the Maw. That done, it was time for him to walk his own path. His partner needed him, and he wasn’t going to waste any time following the wrong trail.
Silently, he stepped away from the group and hid into the cliff. And just like that, he was gone, silently moving down the cliff to stalk the hound and rider, hunting rifle in hand.
“Perdition...” It was more of a mumble to herself, thinking over the location. She frowned, watching Raetos go--but who was she to stop him? If you want to disappear into hell, literally, by yourself, then that’s on you. She honestly wished him well. 
The wash of voices became loud in her ears for a moment. She grit her teeth.
“If we’re headed that way, we should get going. “ A pause, and she stared at Avehi. Tried to gauge how much she knew of this place, gave up. “He’s watching.” Softly. “There’s not much I can do about it.” Stepped up to be vaguely beside the other Knight a moment. “The best thing is that he’s busy with the sudden swarm of Acherians. He can’t focus.”
The Draenei’s tail flickered in irritation, as Sylaess put so well into words what she was feeling. The master of this domain exuded a too-familiar omniscience in this place. The power behind the Helm of Dominion worn by the Lich King could be felt here. Its origins, perhaps? It felt far too similar to be coincidence. 
“There’s nothing any of us can do about it.” she affirmed, bluntly. “May his focus be elsewhere as we get done what we’re here to do. Everyone stay cl--”
She narrowed her eyes in search; the brightest of their group was nowhere to be found! For his otherwise inept and naive countenance, Raetos was particularly adept at forging his own path and vanishing when he felt it was time. His impatience and disobedience would be his doom here, Avehi thought, as she shook her head.
“We need an escape. A rally point. Somewhere to fall back to and regroup as necessary.” she grunted, eyes flickering to Sylaess. “Can you secure one? Argonas and I will go ahead into the keep, and see if we can’t find Sinafay.”
Sylaess nodded. “I’ll hold to one spot as well as I can, but I feel I might need to move. May this be a quick endeavor.” 
(( Mentions: @avehi-the-adamant / @argonas / @raetos / @sylaess / @sinafay1 / @darkestfable ))
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darkestfable · 4 years
The End
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((Thank you to @kidcatgemini​ for helping me with such a...painful RP. CW: blood, death, mind control))
“I’m sorry, babe, I gotta go. They gave me these orders and-” Raetos heaved a sigh, tightening the rifle over his shoulder. He didn’t want to leave Fable alone, but he knew his lover couldn’t go with him.
“I know, I know. It ain’t gonna be forever. Jus’ go do what you gotta do ‘n when you get home we’ll make up for lost time, yeah?” the blood hunter smiled up at his lover, pulling him down by his chest piece for a kiss. It lasted for a little longer than he meant to, got a little more heated than he’d anticipated.
“I love you.” “I’ll miss you too, Raetos.”
Restlessness set in much faster than the blood hunter had anticipated. One night alone and he was chomping at the bit to do...anything. All the maps were updated as best as he could, spelling errors in the survival guide master copy had been edited. Fable couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. There had to be an outlet for the nervous energy.
There was a small dig in Feralas that he’d spotted in Brent’s itinerary, back when they were talking about locations. Fable knew the forest fairly well, enough that there wouldn’t be much he’d have to guard himself against. That would work just fine as a distraction, and he’d be back in a matter of a few days at most. His foxes, Connor and Kenway, could help keep predators away from the homestead while he was gone, but someone would have to feed them…
The druid he’d interviewed for his old group would be a perfect caretaker for the animals! During the interview, Vandrir had mentioned that he wasn’t an expert at things, but more of a jack of all trades. And well, if Raetos could manage Obligation and Responsibility, Fable was certain a druid could.
Thankfully, he’d agreed without hesitation.
Now that all of the plans were made, Fable was able to head out to Feralas and simply enjoy being in the field, hands in the dirt, mud on his knees…
The sun was high in the sky, filtering through the thick canopy of the trees older than he was. It was warm and humid, and Fable had ditched his shirt a long time ago to continue moving earth. Survey equipment taken from his old job was still serving him well, and had pointed him to this exact location. The hole was waist deep on him, but the corner of a box that he’d uncovered had given way to the rest of it; a perfect cube that had almost been lost to the land again. Fable could feel the magic radiating off of it, enough to make his fingers tingle. This would be fun to transport back…
“Mmm…if only all archeologists were as handsome as you,” a melodious voice spoke up from behind him.
A Ren’dorei woman sat on a rock a few paces away, legs crossed and leaning back on her hands. To say she was attractive was an understatement, and she dressed to show off every aspect of her features; tight shorts with thigh high boots and a low cut crop top. Her deep blue eyes and pink lips were absolutely captivating against her lavender skin. Purple hair  with glowing blue tips cascaded down to mid back. Not a blemish or scar could be seen on her smooth skin. It was impossible to tell how long she’d been sitting there, or even how she’d arrived.
Her head tilted in interest at Fable, a playful smile on her lips.
“But then, I suppose we wouldn’t get much work done, would we, Sweetie?”
Fable looked up from the artifact, squinting at the figure perched on the rock. His glowing blue eyes travelled every inch of her form, clearly appreciating it. She was absolutely stunning, and were it before his relationship with Raetos, he’d have completely abandoned the dig to go flirt. Instead, the blood hunter got to his feet, wiping some sweat from his cheek(and leaving a smear of dirt in its wake).
“Not with women like you runnin’ ‘round, that’s for damned sure. Did you need somethin’, or you jus’ here t’ watch me work?” Fable smirked. He had questions about her arrival, for sure, but the tight shirt distracted his mind quite well.
“Would it make me a bad girl if I were here for the later?” she asked, almost innocently, “Actually, I was surveying a site, just north of here, for a client. Then I came across a hot shirtless guy playing in the dirt.”
Uncrossing her legs, she got up from where she was sitting and strolled over to the edge of where Fable was digging, hips swaying as she went. There, she got down on her hands and knees, both to be eye level with Fable, but also to give him a better view of her cleavage.
“Decided I wanted a closer look, so here I am,” her eyes left his to shamelessly take in every inch of his physique, “So, what’s your name, handsome?”
“Must’ve been kinna like Winter’s Veil mornin’ for you then,” the blood hunter chuckled, watching her every move. Not like she was a threat, but like she was a meal. He couldn’t help it, even if he knew in the back of his mind that she was doing it on purpose.
“Th’ name ‘s Fable, gorgeous. Do I get to know yours, since you’re enjoyin’ the show?”
Fable hung his thumbs in his waistband, effectively tugging the dirty black pants down just a little more in the front. There was no danger in flirting, right? Showing off as much as she was? Of course his lover was in the back of his mind, and he’d never seriously go through with anything. Of course.
“You dig too? Uh oh, sounds like you’re competition…”
“Oh?” the woman perked an eyebrow, her ears flickering playfully, “Well, good news for you, hmm? You’re competition’s been distracted. She decided to come get dirty elsewhere.”
She bit down on her bottom lip lightly as her eyes absolutely ate up the little bit of extra skin he allowed her to see of his waistline. She leaned in as her piercing blue eyes moved up to meet his again, to the point where her lips were but an inch away from his.
“My name’s Cebina, Sweetie. Feel like taking a break to play with a pretty lady?”
His own lips parted as he let out a slow breath, clearly struggling. He had a job to do, he had a boyfriend for which he cared very deeply. Fable shook his head a bit, smiling and ready to take a step back. If he didn’t remove himself from her aura of seduction, he knew he’d make a very big mistake. The blood hunter’s hands tightened at the waist of his pants, trying to maintain control.
“You ain’t got th’ faintest idea of how much I wanna play with you, but uh…” his voice trailed off, and he vaguely motioned to the artifact with his head. “And I kinda got a boyfriend I ain’t lookin’ t’ cheat on.”
Cebina moved in before he had the chance to step back. Arms wrapping around his neck as she brought her body down into the small space with him. A hand gripped the back of his head, keeping his gaze on her as she pressed her body against him. That playful, seductive grin never faded. There was a flicker in her glowing eyes, something that seemed to nudge at his mind.
“Don’t worry, Sweetie. Doesn’t have to go all the way. A bit of fooling around never hurt anyone, hmm?”
With that, she attempted to capture his mouth with hers.
Any protests were swallowed in the kiss, Fable’s willpower breaking. His hands went to her hips then before sliding around her waist to pull her close. Her skin felt electric everywhere he touched, and Fable didn't hesitate to back her against the side of the hole, dirt crumbling around their feet.
His subconscious was screaming alerts that his conscious mind was deaf to.
One of the blood hunter's hands slid over Cebina's hip, down to her thigh. Strong fingers hooked under her leg and lifted as he shifted his hips to get between them. Fable was running on instinct, caught like a moth with a flame.
Cebina moaned into the kiss, more than pleased by Fable’s response. Her leg wrapped around his waist as she rolled her hips against him as the heat between them grew. Her other hand grasped the hair at the back of his head, wrenching it to the side to suck and bite at his neck. 
While she had him well distracted, her other hand unsheathed an old and ornate looking dagger from her boot; easily reached with her leg up. She could feel his excitement and pent up energy swell. Part of her wished she could play a little longer, but her mind control only lasted for so long. 
“—Oh, Sweety!” She cried as he buried his face between her neck and shoulder to repay the favor.
It was time.
It happened very quickly, shadows closed in on the two as the dagger pierced Fable’s upper back in one swift motion. Immediately, shadow magic poured into the wound, spreading through his system fast. The effect was painful, much more than physical… the spirit weapon grasping his very soul. 
As the runic weapon continued its siphon, Cebina grabbed either side of her victim’s head to make eye contact one last time. By now, the shadows had enveloped her form completely. Her smile was wicked.
“Thanks for digging up the artifact for me.”
Fable’s mind was awash with pleasure. Everything felt hazy and floaty, akin to being drunk without the alcohol. He gasped pleasantly at the teeth in his neck, fingers tightening around Cebina’s leg. Nothing existed outside of her, outside of this. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, common sense screamed Raetos’ name, tried to remind Fable of his lover’s existence.
He might as well be deaf.
“You taste goo-” the blood hunter started to purr against her neck, but the words were frozen on his lips when the shadows washed over them both.
The first thing he felt was searing pain, the blade biting through flesh and muscle and into his lung, fitting neatly between ribs. Fable didn’t even get to stumble backwards, he was trapped and gasping for breath as the hurt spread through his body. Tears beaded and rolled from his eyes, pale blue gaze fixed on Cebina’s shadowed form. He barely managed to cough out a breath, blood running from the corner of his mouth.
His last act of defiance before his legs gave out was to spit blood at Cebina’s face. The blood hunter crumpled to the ground at her feet, wheezing. Fable’s very essence was being pulled from his body, and he couldn’t even scream. No one would find him out here so deep in Feralas, and he was breaking a promise he’d made to Raetos. He remembered their date, how he’d promised his lover that he’d not leave him.
“Raetos… I’m sorry…” Fable gasped out before his world went dark.
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thebronzemage · 3 years
Fun Fact Friday
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1) Despite her regale lifestyle and often mistaken snobbish airs, she takes great pride in her half-blooded, false, lineage.  Having looked up to the human man that raised her for a time of his short life and takes great pride in having been his student. 2) Nortanus has shifted through three different alternate worlds to try and correct certain timelines, but failed. 3) Despite her own actions, she despises and is disappointed in Khadghar and his use of powers. Mostly being unhappy about him bringing the alternate world of Draenor into their current timeline. 4) Even with being closer disguised as a Kaldorei, she’s never felt much attachment to their culture or it’s people. However, she does her best to watch out for them, especially after the fall of Teldrassil and knows very well how it feels to have that fear of extinction breathing down your neck. 5) Out of all her known siblings, she may act the oldest, but she is actually the youngest. Tagged by: @jacobdcheshyre​ Tagging: @dawnsavant​ @ulrich-dawnblade​ @hellinheels​ @abyss-wolf​ @raetos​
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raetos · 3 years
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Race: Lightforged Draenei (Argus)
Age: 1200+ years
Sexuality: Pansexual / Polyamorous
Profession: Pathfinder and Scout
Addictions: Wanderlust 
Marital Status: Dating Fable Darkvale ( @darkestfable​ )
Honest, curious and socially awkward, Raetos will go out of his way to help those in need. Having lived most of his life fighting the Legion on Argus, he’s now learning to navigate life on Azeroth, along with its many people and cultures. While he’s not the brightest crayon in the box, he’s very skilled at what he does.
Current Situation: In the Shadowlands, trying to track down his partner’s killer.
FC: Chris Pratt
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kidcatgeminiart · 4 years
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Continuing some sketch art of my World of Warcraft characters. This is the first male character I’ve attempted to play in a very long time, but having a lot of fun with him so far. Meet Raetos, my Lightforged Draenei, Hunter.
Drawn and colored with Rebelle 3, Photoshop CS6 and Wacom Cintiq tablet.
Like what you see?
Buy me a Ko-fi to help me through art school! You can also find me on DeviantArt  and catch my art streams on Picarto!
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
Rae and Dahlyah, heart thingy
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗 "Oi, Rae’s freaky-lookin’, ain’t he? Big pale glowin’ goat-man? Pretty jarrin’, if’n I’m bein’ honest. But he’s got a good smile an’ pretty well-toned physique ‘bout ‘im. I like lookin’ at ‘im well ‘nough.”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗 "I mean... we ain’t enemies, aye? Rae’s good people, we chat an’ git along well ‘nough. Good lad, that one.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗 “Aye, so... been with ‘im b’fore an’ dunnae regret it. Bigger’n I’m really used to, but he were considerate o’ that. Gentle with me, but still made me feel wot he were workin’ with, aye? Ain’t a fuck I’m soon t’ ferget, aye? I’d do it again, if’n he offered. But I’m more interested in th’ new experiences. Already got a Raetos-sized notch in m’belt, y’know?”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💔 "Hehe, so... dunnae take this th’ wrong way, ‘r nothin’, but... Raetos ain’t really th’ sort y’ try an’ date. Th’ lads wot y’might call a himbo. Pretty ‘nough t’ look at, feels good between yer legs, but I dunnae see no one makin’ any kind o’ future with ‘im. Them shiney tattoos’re th’ brightest thing ‘bout ‘im, fer sure. Thank th’ Titans he’s pretty, or life’d be real fuckin’ hard fer’im.”
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