#Rjalker reads Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions
rjalker · 9 months
if you're sad because your art doesn't get attention join the Flatland fandom.
this is what happens:
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[ID: A drawing of a black line that gets crooked halfway down, labled, "Your OC:", followed by a motion-blurred photo of people cheering excitedly, labled, "The fandom:". End ID.]
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neopronouns-in-action · 7 months
Neopronouns in Action #069: First Day of School
Neopronouns: zo/zol/zov/zolself which follow the same rules as he/him/his/himself
Replace he with zo
Replace him with zol
Replace his with zov
Replace himself with zolself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Zo is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as zo gets a fence set up around zov yard so the puppy can go outside without zol having to walk it. Zov uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting zol use, since zo lost zov. Zo's going to buy toys and train the puppy zolself.”
= = =
Another Flatland short story, which will make a lot more sense if you go read Flatland.
Trigger warning for child abuse and police brutality.
= = =
069: First Day of School
“Alright, students, when I call your name, you will come north one at a time, and feel the angle on this specimen. Then you will return to your seats and write south what you think the answer is. You all remember your lessons from before your break, I hope? Eating lunch hasn’t erased your memories?”
“Yes.” Finley said, along with a simultaneous chorus of other yeses, nos and confused, “uhhs...” from the rest of zov classmates.
Zo had started out confidant with zov answer, but now zo was confused. Was zo answering yes that zo remembered zov lessons, or yes that lunch had made zol forget? This was zov first day at school, zov first day somewhere without zov mother there to supervise. It was frightening and exciting and fun. Right at this moment it was mostly confusing.
But Teacher Benami didn’t seem to care how confused the class was, because he started calling names. And because no one in the class had a byname that started with A, “Finley Brytye.” was the first name to be called.
Finley obediently moved to the front of the classroom, carefully maneuvering around the angles of zov classmates, and approached the blurry, almost imperceptible point of brightness that zo recognized only as Teacher Benami’s eye through sheer habit, and the brighter point that zo could only assume was the eye of the specimen. Since Finley sat at the back of the classroom, zo could only see the dim lines that were the backs of the rest of zov classmates.
Only because zo’d navigated this route dozens of times now did zo manage to avoid bumping into any of zov classmates as zo made zov way to the front of the large classroom where zov teacher was waiting. Everyone else made it look so easy, zo was constantly ashamed of zov clumsiness and did zov best to hide it.
This would be the first time Finley actually tested out zov educated Feeling skill. North until now, it had been nothing but theory, with Teacher Benami explaining the different kinds of angles, the scale from .5 to 59 degrees that indicated a wretched Isosceles--
(Any time zov parents talked about Isosceles, they always referred to them as ‘wretched’, so Finley now automatically placed the word ‘wretched’ in front of ‘Isosceles’ without even thinking about it)
--and how the students were to carefully feel along the angle of the specimen with their cillia, making sure not to press their side against it, or they might hurt themselves.
The specimen was, of course, a wretched Isosceles, which wasn’t a person, but it would give them practice for Feeling real people to tell their angles.
Finley’s mother had taught zol how to feel to recognize certain people, like zov siblings, father, and herself, but zo’d never thought about the measurements of their angles before in numbers, or anything besides a personal marker.
Finley approached cautiously, not wanting to bump into the specimen or zov teacher now that zo was closer. Finley’s angle was 60°, which was less dangerous than the angle of a wretched Isosceles (or Nature forbid, a Woman), but still much sharper and dangerous than that of a Square, or Pentagon, or any of the more elevated classes.
Zo was very close to the specimen and Teacher Benami now, and Finley paused for a moment, suddenly nervous. Did zo really have to touch the wretched Isosceles? What if its acute angle was contagious? Finley’s parents sometimes worried about zol and zov brothers being “infected” by too much contact with wretched Isosceles, it was why zo and his brothers always had to walk the long way to school, to avoid passing the work sector where the wretched Isosceles lived.
“Go on, son,” Teacher Benami said, chuckling a little, as though reading Finley’s mind, “It’s chained so securely, it couldn’t bite even if it wanted to.”
Finley still hesitated. North until this moment, zo’d never been this close to a wretched Isosceles before, let alone been preparing to touch one. “Can I wash my cillia afterward?” Zo asked, afraid of the infection zov parents were always whispering about.
Teacher Benami’s eye brightened in a smile, his laugh was louder this time, and Finley felt a ripple through the air as Teacher Benami waved his cillia in a gesture of mirth as he laughed, “Yes, yes, you may, Finley, and good on you for asking! That’s the spirit! But hurry on now, everyone needs to have their turn. Feel the angle right there where the eye is, figure out what degree you think it is, then you can go wash your cillia.”
With Teacher Benami’s urging, Finley gave in and scooted close to the brightly glowing eye, reaching out with zov foremost cillia, stretching it so much it started to hurt.
Zov cillia connected with the smooth line of one of the specimen’s sides, and zo almost felt zov heart stop with fear, expecting pain, or for some terrible mutating disease to sweep over zol, changing zol into an unrecognizable monster--
But nothing happened, except that Teacher Benami told zol to hurry north.
So Finley hurriedly brushed zov cillia forward, towards the now hidden glow of the specimen’s eye, wanting to get the experience over as quickly as possible--
And on the way of zov cillia’s slide south the other side of the point covering the specimen’s now hidden eye, zo felt his heart leap again, but this time not out of fear, but of surprised recognition.
“Felix?!” Zo cried automatically, instinctively shoving forward with zov other cillia to feel the familiar spot again to make sure zo wasn’t wrong. Zo wasn’t. Right there, to the left of Felix’s eye, was her birthmark, the small dent in her otherwise smooth side that had allowed Finley to recognize her for as long as zo could remember.
Finley’s mind was whirling with bewilderment and sudden anger. Why was zov cousin tied north and being called a specimen? Felix wasn’t a wretched Isosceles, she was a respectable Equilateral!
Not thinking about anything except the injustice of it, Finley began tugging violently at one of the chains constricting zov cousin to the wall, thinking to zolself, because zo couldn’t speak when zov mouth was latched onto the bitter metal of the chain, ‘I’ll get you out, Felix!’
The loud clacking of the heavy chain and Finley’s sudden, overwhelming rage made zol immune to the reprimands of zov teacher and the confused laughter of zov class, until zo felt the sudden, sharp jolt of the lance in zov side, before Teacher Benami shoved zol with one of his flat sides, so that Finley went crashing backwards away from zov enchained cousin, reeling from the shock.
Teacher Benami’s enraged voice roared so loudly Finley could feel the ripples of air against zov bruised skin; “What in Nature’s sight has gotten into you, young man?!” His eye was suddenly all that Finley could see, right in front of zov face.
Zo jerked backwards, and shouted back, “That’s not a specimen, that’s my cousin, Felix! Let her out! She’s not a wretched Isosceles! She’s an equilateral just like me!”
The room fell dead silent for a few heartbeats, then Teacher Benami jumped to the alarm button and snapped out, “Guards! Room 17! Get in here!”
Then Finley was being shoved again, this time until zo was squashed back against Felix, the large chains bruising zov side, pressing the two of them together until Finley thought zo would burst from the pressure.
Zo didn’t even know how long this lasted before the pressure was suddenly released, and for a few precious moments, zo could breathe again – then there were spikes of pain in all three of zov sides – the sharp stab of the guards’ lances, pinning zol in place.
Finley was dizzy, terrified, and felt sick. The lunch zo’d just eaten was threatening to come back north, hurting zov eye, which had clamped shut instinctively in self-preservation.
Teacher Benami whispered something to one of the guards that Finley couldn’t understand past the terror suffocating zol.
So zo didn’t see anything as zo was forced out of the room at lancepoint, shoved roughly and lanced any time zo stumbled or faltered, with the guards snarling and swearing each time.
Finley was forced backwards into a cell so small zo could literally feel zov back corners being crushed and bent out of shape. Zo still couldn’t convince zolself to open zov eye, so all zo could do was tremble in pain and fear as the sharp stench of distress pheromones filled the tiny room.
Hours passed where Finley had nothing to do but wallow in zov own misery, trying to understand what had happened. The temperature began to drop, signaling the fall of night. Zo began to shiver, feeling claws of ice wrap around zov insides.
Everything had turned into a disaster so quickly, zo still couldn’t process it or understand why these horrible things had happened.
Felix had been chained up in zov room like a wretched Isosceles, even though she was a respectable Equilateral. Equilaterals weren’t specimens, they were respectable tradesmen. They were supposed to grow up to be artisans.
This was Finley’s first day of school.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
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Pinned post.
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[ID: The icon for this blog, which is a black right triangle on a brown square background, with text following the diagonal of the triangle, reading, "Let irregulars enjoy fandom too.". End ID.]
Please copy and paste the image description I write into the original post for your art, rather than simply reblogging it from me.
The image description should go directly below the image being described, above comments, and stay in normal sized, black text, without italics, bold, or colors. It may be indented (like above) to make it easier to distinguish from the rest of the text in the post. This is in fact more accessible.
Once you add the ID to the original post, I'll delete my reblog and reblog the original again once I have time.
This blog is run by @rjalker so it's easier to keep track of which Flatland art has an ID already, and so people have an easy place to find it all.
The blog theme is now Account Settings, since I like that it shows timestamps and makes it easy to reblog and go to the original post.
Posts on the blog so far: 160 Posts still in the drafts waiting for image descriptions: 455 Blog created on September 18th, 2023 Numbers last updated: September 21st, 2023
(The drafts consist of all of the undescribed Flatland art I could find in the whole tag going back to January 2022, at which point tumblr started giving me random unrelated posts instead. Not sure if it ran out of Flatland posts, or just stops actually keeping track of tagged posts after a year...?)
The tagging system for this blog is under the cut so this post doesn't get too long. More tags will be added as I find more art to reblog.
The tags in use so far, which I have saved to a notepad so I can just copy and paste them as needed.
please copy and paste the image description into the original post when you get the chance, no credit needed, please also feel free to add in more details likes names or pronouns or fix any mistakes i made
described images, described art, Flatland, Flatland art, Flatart,
Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions Flatland Illustrations
The Color Revolt, Configurationism, Circularchy,
Flatland anatomy
Stylized form, Literal form,
Flatland animals Flatland rabbit Flatland bees
Flatland technology
A Square, A Sphere, The Grandson of a Square The Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of A Square
memes, Flatland memes,
Family Trees Comic
Flatland OCs, Original characters, Flatland original characters,
Character reference
Disabled characters, Neurodivergent characters, Physically disabled characters, Characters with mobility aids, Characters with disability aids Characters with canes, Characters with walkers Characters with swimmers Characters with glasses Characters with wheelchairs, Characters with chairs Characters with sleds Characters with crutches, Characters with rollators, Characters with scars Characters with facial differences Characters with visual impairment Blind characters
Werestars, Stellanthropes,
The Arts of Being The Breaking Point Flat Dreams Flatterland Flatland the film 2007
Esther Flat Dreams Nora Vigenere
Pollux Codex, Madelyn Schwarz-Carver Hunter Schwarz Marianne Smith Michael the Misogynist Pentagon Providence, Nature, Providence and Nature Germs Mr Square
A Shape Oblisi Liam A Son of A Square Cy Frau Line Lily Cipher, Ruth Galton Liz Orbis
Hauntlight the Irregular Line Cenotaph the rabbit daemon
Flyssa of Ib-Wa Dearg of Ib-Wa Lieutenant Kellite the Configurationist Grandna Tuokeli
Vikki Line, Victoria Line, Lee Line, Jubilee Line,
Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, The Axolotl Andrew Kryptos The Mosaic
Video, autoplay, GIF, Autoplay WIP animation Unnamed Animation 001 Animation
Flatland Merch Art you can buy Art you can print
Art templates
Ty for adding it to the original ID added in reblog ID in original
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rjalker · 3 months
A lot of people I talk to IRL cannot seem to understand when I tell them that Flatland is about math and explaining the concept of the fourth dimension, yes, but it's also really blatant political commentary.
Next time they're confused about how this can possibly be, I'll just show them this meme.
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[ID: A simple MS Paint drawing showing a collection of isosceles triangle saying together, "We want the right to go to school", with a square shouting in all caps in response, "Oh dear Nature they want to destroy our schools!". End ID.]
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rjalker · 3 months
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[ID: A drawing of a straight line and a perfect circle, both saying, "I have no sides!". The line has a frowny face, the circle has an evil grinning face. End ID.]
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rjalker · 7 months
People in 2023 with all the information on the internet at their disposal: it's not genocide for white people to adopt kids out of their communities
a white man in 1885 writing a satire book about Britain's fashism and also multi-dimensional math: Yeah, adopting kids out of their communities is one of the most basic and blatantly evil forms of genocide and social oppression. Stealing children away from their parents and family and making sure they grow up knowing nothing of their ancestry or even that they were stolen and making sure they look upon their family with hatred and disgust is one of the most basic and fundamental forms of genocide and oppression.
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rjalker · 10 months
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[ID: An infographic with a black border and a white background, titled, "The Social Order of Flatland, Under the Current Regime". It shows a color-coded pyramid, with each level labled. At the point as number one, in dark blue, are "Circles, or Priests"., showing a perfect circle. In purple at number two are "'Polygons', highest Nobility below Preist". Showing a shape with thirteen sides. In red-purple at number three are "6+ sides, higher Nobility", showing a shape with seven sides. In red are "Hexagons, or Nobility", showing a shape with six sides. In orange are "Squares and Pentagons, or Gentlemen", showing a perfect square, and a shape with five equal sides. In yellow are "Equal-sided Triangles, Middle Class". It shows a single triangle, with each side the same length. Below the equal-sided triangles, the last three rows are the same shade of light green. A note to the side indicates that these classes have no rights. Highest of the lower classes are "Straight Lines, or Women". A simple black straight line is in this row. Below them are "Isosceles Triangles, or 'Soldiers'", with the word "Soldiers" in quotation marks to indicate this is not accurate. Lowest of all are "Irregulars, or Criminals." This row is filled with various random shapes with different numbers of sides and odd outlines, along with forked and zig-zagging lines. End ID.]
Feel free to save this as a cheat sheet.
Revised on September 15th 2023, because I'm on page two (2) of Flatterland and it seems that this author is among many people who have missed many points...
You can also buy this from my Threadless store now, or download it from the web archive to print yourself!
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rjalker · 11 months
Flatland has stories of werewolves and horrifying shapeshifting monsters just like most other places, but in flatland, the monster you become doesn't have claws or teeth, it has nothing but lines and the sharp, deadly points at the end.
This is a flatlander's worst nightmare. (Especially if they're an ableist misogynyist!)
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[ID: A symetrical shape made up of overlapping black lines that point out in all directions at different lengths. End ID.]
do you see the Themes I am going for here.
Edit 8/19/23: calling them werestars now from @walks-the-ages tags on my short story.
Rather than lycanthrpy, they have stellanthropy.
Please feel free to use this concept in your own stories :)
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rjalker · 10 months
very unoriginal but no less funny joke
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[ID: A gif showing a line from the book Flatland swinging slowly in place, with text below that reads, "My backswing brings all the higher-status polygons to the yard". End ID.]
(Violent revolution immediately commences)
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rjalker · 9 months
If you want to and have the extra money, you can buy my Flatlander Anatomy posters from the collection on my Threadless store!
You can also download them for free and print them out yourself!
Or put them on your own shirt or button if you've got the resources! (which could include printing it out in black and white, putting a white shirt over it with a light behind it, and tracing it onto the shirt with fabric markers. Or just eyeballing it lol.)
The store is just for people who have extra money they'd like to send to me, but all of my designs are free to download and print on your own!
Why? Because I'm poor, and I think other poor people should be able to have fun too. Which is also why all the books I write will be free to download and you'll only have to pay for the cost of materials of printing a physical copy unless you specifically want to pay me extra!
The world is a better place when people get to have fun :)
Here's where you can download just the anatomy posters from the web archive. It'll get updated whenever I finish a new one, so make sure to bookmark it :)
And here's where my pencil drawings and other assorted Flatland art has dumped, which you are also free to download and print / trace / whatever :)
Actually, if you've got extra change, you can donate it directly to the web archive, lol, they let me read books for free, and let me upload my drawings and books for other people to read, so they deserve it!
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rjalker · 3 months
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[ID: A digital drawing, showing a green sphere hovering over several shapes that lie flat on the ground in black and white. On the ground are three isosceles triangles saying, "We want the right to go to school.". Across from them is a square who is shouting in all caps, "Oh dear Nature they want to destroy our schools!". The sphere says, "I would strangle him if I had hands". Both the sphere and the text cast shadows on the shapes below them. End ID.]
You can buy this on a shirt from my Threadless store :)
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rjalker · 3 months
The only two illustration in my "translation" of Flatland that will have color will be the ones illustrating the Color Revolt
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[ID: Three shapes on a grey background, each with their sides in different colors, in rows of matching color below them. The first is an isosceles triangle, with sides of orange and purple, and a base of black. The second is an equilateral triangle, with sides of red, white, and blue. The third is a square, with bases of purple, ultramarine blue, amber, and burnt red. Next to the square is a smaller bar of red-orange. End ID.]
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[ID: A pointed line and a circle against a grey background, both split in half so that the top is berry red, and the bottom is seafoam green, with two boxes of matching color in the center. End ID.]
You can see and download all the revamped illustrations I'm making for Flatland here on the Internet Archive. I'm making them public domain so no one else has to go through the effort of making them lol
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rjalker · 10 months
Free to use for whatever you want Flatlander basic anatomy design! It's public domain because I made it and I said so!
Web archive link for these two, plus my pencil drawings that I'll finish tomorrow. Also includes the one short story I wrote so far.
(Edit since I forgot to make it clear: You are 100% encouraged to download, share/repost these images, including the pencil drawings you can find at the link, as long as you link back to the web archive link so people can download the originals, include an image description for accessibility, and don't claim you made them!)
Please consider donating to the Web Archive if you've got any spare change!
You can buy the first design from my Threadless store :) I'll make more versions of it tomorrow.
Anyways I decided Flatlanders are monoecious like snails.
(Let me know if you would like this tagged as anything specific for filtering purposes! You can send anonymous asks to @neopronouns-in-action)
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[ID: Three images. The first is a flat color digital drawing entitled, "Color-coded your convenience, An Adult Flatlander As Seen From the 3rd Dimension. [Warning: Do not poke internal organs!] Below the title is a drawing of an upward pointing triangle with color-coded internal organs each with a label of the corresponding color, connected with a line. In clockwise direction, they are: "Eyes: [Cannot see you unless you intersect Flatland in front of them]". The eyes are very small andinside a short opening at the tip of the triangle. "Brain" - A small pink blob along the right inside of the Flatlander, curving. "Proboscis / esophagus" - A light blue tube reaching from the eye and down to the: "Stomach" - a large green sack. "Nervous system" - Dark blue squiggly tubes branching across and around all the other organs in a random pattern. "Blood" - The purple-red color filling in the background behind all the organs rather than being in veins. "Birth canal" - An interlocking section in the outer wall of the Flatlander's skin, currently closed. Next to the birth canal is a tiny version of the larger triangle that is rotated 90 degrees, labeled "Newborns tend to be one-twelfth the size of their parent at birth". "Skin" - the dark grey outer layer that separates the Flatlander's insides from the outside world. It is intersperced with short black lines. "Womb" an orange sack in the bottom right corner of the Flatlander's insides. "Gonads: Sperm / Ova" - Two connected small sacs marked dark pink and gold on the triangle's flat side.
Below the Flatlander is black text that reads: "[Warning: Do not reveal a Flatlander's pregnancy status without permission!] Under The Current Regime, it is illegal for any Flatlander other than a Straight Line to carry a pregnancy, and illegal for a line to impregnate anyone. Attempting to congratulate a Flatlander on their pregnancy could get them killed! Discretion is the better part of valor! Keep their secrets to yourself!" Continuing along clockwise: "Unrealistic heart (the artist got lazy)." - a red heart-shape in the bottom left corner of the triangle. "Butt" - a short black line on the outer skin, connecting to the: "Kidney" - a dark red shape like a bean. "Lung" - a long, royal blue sack near the top of the triangle, next to the esophagus. "Cilia" - two thin, grey tendrils emerging from near all points of the triangle. The next image is a divider with black text below a black line, reading, "A Flatlander as seen from the 3rd dimension (true to color)" The last image is the same triangle Flatlander seen in the first diagram, now with the labels and text removed, with all of the internal organs in different shades of pink and purple. End ID.]
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rjalker · 7 months
I think more people in the Flatland fandom should read the His Dark Materials series. (You can read the trilogy for free here on the web archive!)
Because A) daemons make everything better
B) the themes mesh very well with Flatland. Like. So well. Go read it.
You may be more familiar with the series because of The Golden Compass movie that came out years ago.
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rjalker · 9 months
alternative to a wheelchair for Flatland since I can't think of how they could use actual wheels. If they have electricity then they could probably make something that swims along with fans.
So instead they can have something in between a horse and buggie and a sled dog.
Domestic animals will usually have any sharp points surgically removed to avoid accidental stabbings. They've also been selectively bred to have fewer points than their wild ancestors / cousins (who tend to be Extremely Stabby because that's a great way to not get eaten)
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[ID: An MS Paint black line drawing showing a character from Flatland with a mobility aid in the form of a sled or carriage. The person, labeled "person", is an isosceles triangle, sitting inside an open rectangle that is labeled, "chair custom made to each rider". The open points of the regtangle have small circles on them, then curved lines labled, "rope", leading up to the top of the device, where they connect to another circle, labeled, "bridle / muzzle" which is held by an irregular eight-shape labeled, "domestic animal" The triangle person holds another circle in their mouth, with two smaller ropes connecting it to the larger ropes, labeled, "reign". End ID.]
Feel free to use (including literally this image).
Edit: Walks said that ones too confusing to look at so I made a color codes one on my phone quick:
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[ID: the same image as above, now color coded. Triangle person is pink, the open rectangle is brown, the domestic animal is purple, and the ropes are blue. End ID.]
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rjalker · 7 days
I'm 59.54% of the way done the Flatland "translation" into casual English.
two more paragraphs and I'll finally be on Section 2.
pretty sure it'll go faster from this point onward because it won't be.........technical isn't the right word but it'll be less. like. idk. technical.
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