#Robb Kulin
kvetch19 · 11 months
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irdakrismadiyanti · 2 years
Jika kamu merasa hidup kamu sekarang hampa, galau gelisah, gak jelas dan gatau arah hidupnya mau dibawa kemana atau dalam kondisi bosen hidup tapi mati juga gak mau? itu pertanda bahwa sesungguhnya jiwa kamu menjerit meminta hak nya untuk bisa bermakna di dunia.
Jika kamu orang dewasa memasuki usia 20, 30 atau 40 tahun atau bahkan telah melewati 40 tahun sedang mencari makna hidup dan alasan yang kuat untuk bangkit pada pagi hari / ingin melanjutkan hidup lebih bahagia dan bermakna, atau merasa hidupnya hampa setelah semua mimpi tercapai atau sebaliknya sedang terpuruk,
Kegalauan itu hanya cara Allah agar manusia bersegera bertaubat, berfikir merenung untuk kembali kepada kesadaran perannya di dunia, berusaha menemukan misi hidupnya.
Berapa banyak orang yg kemudian tumpul mata hatinya, buta mata dan telinganya sehingga tidak menangkap kegelisahan dan kegalauan ini sebagai cara Allah bicara kepadanya.
Meskipun semua muslim paham bahwa hidup untuk beribadah, namun dalam kesehariannya ada ruang kosong antara maksud penciptaan untuk beribadah dengan apa yang dikerjakan.
Pendidikan yang tinggi, jabatan yang bagus, keahlian professional yang mumpuni dan harta yang lebih dari cukup ternyata tak membawa seseorang pada kepuasan jiwa.
Ada orang yang mulai “suffering”. Suffering yaitu mengalami penderitaan yang hampir membuat putus asa, terjadi pada orang yang lalai dari mengingat Robb nya, lalu menjadi berantakan urusannya. Suffering ini tak hanya bermakna kesulitan materi tetapi bisa juga terjadi pada seseorang yang kelimpahan materi, namun mengalami kehampaan yang hebat.  Kelimpahan yang membuat kosong ataupun kekurangan yang tak pernah selesai :’(.
“Ya Allah, mampukanlah aku agar tidak silau dengan harta, mampukanlah aku agar aku selalu merasa cukup dengan segala pemberianmu”. Aamiin.
Menurut saya ini adalah salah satu do’a yang sangat penting sekali untuk dipanjatkan bagi kita seorang muslim.
Galau karena ketiadaan makna hidup sebenarnya natural dan wajar, namun umumnya salah mensikapi, menjawab kegalauan dengan cara yang salah, travelling ke luar negeri/ wisata kuliner/ bermain games dll. padahal itu semua hanya kebahagiaan semu / sesaat, setelah traveling selesai, bisa jadi kamu galau dan gelisah lagi. kamu mensikapi dengan cara yang salah.
Jawaban kegalauan dan kegelisahan adalah dengan mulai DESIGNING THE GOOD LIFE and then FINDING MISSION OF YOUR LIFE. Pentingnya menemukan misi hidup tak pernah dibahas disini, maka kekacauan terjadi pada tataran kehidupan personal maupun pernikahan.  
(detailnya akan dibahas di tulisan berikutnya ya) stay tuned!^^
Batam, 16 October 2022
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winaster · 5 years
Catatan 3
sampai pada titik
Dalam beberapa kali kesempatan, saat jalan berdua mamah kemudian kami terpisah atau lebih tepatnya saya tidak melihat mamah sejauh mata saya memandang rasa panik kemudian datang secara otomatis, sesaat kemudian kepanikan tersebut berubah menjadi perasaan lucu yang memunculkan pertanyaan "di usia ini yang layak disebut hilang itu siapa?" hehe. Setelah pertanyaan itu muncul, saya kembali tenang dan mencoba menyusuri jalan untuk mencari mamah. Ketemu (:
Hal-hal yang bernama bertambah usia kadang terdengar terlalu klasik dan membosankan, karena artinya kita mau tidak mau menghadapi dunia orang rumit. Orang dewasa. Rasanya, saya masih ingin cuddling, saat mamah selesai shalat dan masih lengkap menggunakan mukena, duduk dipangkuannya dan kemudian bercerita hal hal yang terjadi di sekolah. Masih ingin dimarahi ketika masih saja bertengkar dengan teteh. Juga masih ingin terus disuapi tangan mamah yang enak (yang ini masih sampai sekarang, ha ha).
Saya pernah ada di titik merasa tidak lagi merasa memerlukan bantuan mamah karena merasa sudah cukup dewasa. Alah sok2an kamu Win! Kenyataannya tidak sepenuhnya begitu, saya selalu perlu do'a nya mamah, setiap langkah dan keputusan penting saya masih perlu minta pendapatnya mamah, meskipun kita sering sekali berdebat. Dari semua anak mamah, saya mungkin yang bisa dibilang sering membantah mamah, ngeyel, teu bisa dicaram ceuk urang sunda mah. Tapi di sana saya salah dan diujungnya mesti merasa bersalah akhirnya minta maaf.
Di keluarga besar mamah adalah anak perempuan pertama dan memiliki 3 adik perempuan. Kemarin mendapatkan kabar sedih, bahwa adik pertama mamah meninggal dunia 😭 ya Robb betapa usia itu bukan tentang siapa yang lebih tua, siapa lebih siapa, siapa yang lebih apa2.. gak ada patokan parameter sama sekali..
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiuun, allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa'fuanha
kita ini sungguh hanya serpihan waktu terurai oleh masa dalam detik,
tak ada apa apanya, tak memiliki/dimiliki oleh siapa siapa, tak berkuasa atas apa apa. Kesendirian bukan ujian, ia hanya jalan yang oleh semua manusia akan lalui.
Saya kadang takut, tidak lagi bisa menggengam tangan mamah.. saya paling sering jalan berdua mamah, ke salon, makan soto kuning, kuliner, ke pasar, ke supermarket, ke Bandung, i'tikaf, ke Mekah, ke Yogya, kemana mana ya Robb banyak 😭
and I'm just wondering how could I conquered this feeling of lose that will happen,
9 November 2019
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ovnihoje · 6 years
Astronauta da NASA desiste de treinamento, pela primeira vez em cinco décadas
Astronauta da NASA desiste de treinamento, pela primeira vez em cinco décadas
Robb Kulin.
O aspirante a astronauta Robb Kulin demitiu-se da NASA após um ano de treinamento no Johnson Space Center em Houston.
A porta-voz da NASA, Brandi Dean, informou:
Sua saída ocorrerá nesta sexta-feira, e ele estava saindo por razões pessoais que a agência espacial não pode discutir devido a leis de privacidade.
Entre as 18.300 inscrições que a NASA recebeu, Kulin estava entre os 12…
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spaceflight-insider · 6 years
Astronaut candidate Robb Kulin resigns from NASA
Astronaut candidate Robb Kulin resigns from NASA
Robb Kulin. Photo Credit: NASA
First reported by the Houston Chronicle, NASA confirmed that 2017 astronaut candidate Robb Kulin is resigning Friday for “personal reasons” after a year of training, the first to do so in some 50 years. (more…)
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investmart007 · 6 years
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla | Astronaut quits halfway through training, 1st in 50 years
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/pGi1sy
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla | Astronaut quits halfway through training, 1st in 50 years
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.— For the first time in 50 years, an astronaut-in-training is quitting NASA.
Astronaut candidate Robb Kulin has resigned halfway through his two years of training at Johnson Space Center in Houston. NASA spokeswoman Brandi Dean said his departure is effective Friday and that he is leaving for personal reasons that the space agency cannot discuss due to privacy laws.
Kulin was among 12 new astronauts chosen last summer from a record 18,300 applicants. Kulin, 34, was working as a senior manager at SpaceX when selected and said at the time he was hoping to fly on a vehicle he helped design. SpaceX and Boeing are developing NASA’s first commercial crew capsules, due to launch within the next year.
He grew up in Anchorage, Alaska, and worked as a commercial fisherman in Alaska and an ice driller in Antarctica.
The last time astronauts-in-training resigned from NASA was in 1968.
By MARCIA DUNN ,Associated Press
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indiannews7 · 7 years
Which Indian American has been chosen for the 2017 NASA Astronaut Candidate Class?
Which Indian American has been chosen for the 2017 NASA Astronaut Candidate Class? #KaylaBarron #JasminMoghbeli #RobbKulin #RajaChari
Which Indian American has been chosen for the 2017 NASA Astronaut Candidate Class? Options : 1. Jasmin Moghbeli 2. Raja Chari 3. Kayla Barron 4. Robb Kulin Current Affairs , General Awareness , General Knowledge Today , Current Affairs with Questions General Knowledge Question and Answer with Explanation Answer and Explanation Answer is : Raja Chari Explanation : Indian-American Raja Chari, a…
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microfinancemonitor · 7 years
NASA Selects 12 New Astronauts, Including Indian-American Grinder Chari
NASA Selects 12 New Astronauts, Including Indian-American Grinder Chari
US space agency NASA has selected 12 new astronauts, one of them an Indian-American, after screening over 18,300 applicants. Seven of them are men and five women, who will be trained as the 22nd class of American spaceflight trainees, the largest group ever selected since 1959.
All the selected applicants actually cross the minimum eligibility criteria and they excel in their fields, according to…
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mustreadalaska · 7 years
Newest astronauts include Alaska's own Robb Kulin
Newest astronauts include Alaska’s own Robb Kulin
Robb Kulin, of Anchorage, stands in the middle of a group selfie photo of the latest class of astronauts chosen by the National Aeronautic and Space Adminstration (NASA).
A record-breaking number of applicants, some 18,300 of them, sought to be part of this year’s NASA astronaut class. Twelve made the cut. One is from Alaska.
On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence helped introduce the 2017…
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spaceexp · 6 years
For first time in decades, astronaut quits NASA training
Washington (AFP) Aug 29, 2018 For the first time in five decades, a NASA astronaut candidate has resigned from training, the US space agency said Tuesday. Robb Kulin resigned from NASA effective August 31 for personal reasons, spokeswoman Brandi Dean said, declining to provide further details. It's not an easy gig to get - some 18,000 people routinely seek the 12 spots that open each year. Kulin, who joined his Full article
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seslikitaplar · 2 years
Raymond Roussel (1877-1933) çağdaş Fransız yazınının büyük öncüleri arasında sayılır. Gerçeküstücüler, yazının ve gerçeğin sınırlarında bir iç deneyimin ürünü olan şiirlerini ve düzyazılarını göklere çıkarırlar. Breton onu "Lautreamont'la birlikte tüm çağların en büyük büyücüsü" olarak niteler; Dali, bir yangından tek bir kitabı kurtarması gerekse, bu kitabın onun tek romanı "Locus Solus" olacağını söyler, Leiris de ülküsel bir yolcu olarak görür onu. Ama Roussel hayranları gerçeküstücülerle sınırlı değildir. Yüzyılımızın büyük düşünürlerinden Michel Foucault onun üzerine koca bir kitap yazar. "Yeni Roman"ın iki önemli öncüsü, Alain Robbe-Grillet ve Michel Butor onu büyük bir yazı ve kurgu ustası sayarlar, çünkü, "Locus Solus"un da tanıklık ettiği gibi, Raymond Roussel imgelemin sınırlarını öncelikle ayrıntılarda zorlar. Locus Solus adlı sesli kitabımız 2 bölümden oluşmaktadır ve kitabın bütününü içermektedir. 
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nasa · 7 years
Meet America’s #NewAstronauts
We’re so excited to introduce America’s new astronauts! After evaluating a record number of applications, we’re proud to present our 2017 astronaut class!
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These 12 new astronaut candidates were chosen from more than 18,300 people who submitted applications from December 2015 to February 2016. This was more than double the previous record of 8,000 set in 1978.
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Meet them…
Kayla Barron
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This Washington native graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering. A Gates Cambridge Scholar, Barron earned a Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Cambridge.
She enjoys hiking, backpacking, running and reading.
Zena Cardman
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Zena is a native of Virginia and completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Master of Science degree in Marine Sciences at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research has focused on microorganisms in subsurface environments, ranging from caves to deep sea sediments.
In her free time, she enjoys canoeing, caving, raising backyard chickens and glider flying.
Raja Chari
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Raja is an Iowa native and graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1999 with Bachelor’s degrees in Astronautical Engineering and Engineering Science. He continued on to earn a Master’s degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated from the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School.
He has accumulated more than 2,000 hours of flight time in the F-35, F-15, F-16 and F-18 including F-15E combat missions in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Matthew Dominick
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This Colorado native earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of San Diego and a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He graduated from U.S. Naval Test Pilot School.
He has more than 1,600 hours of flight time in 28 aircraft, 400 carrier-arrested landigns and 61 combat missions.
Bob Hines
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Bob is a Pennsylvania native and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Boston University. He is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, where he earned a Master’s degree in Flight Test Engineering. He continued on to earn a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Alabama.
During the last five years, he has served as a research pilot at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
Warren Hoburg
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Nicknamed “Woody”, this Pennsylvania native earned a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkley.
He is an avid rock climber, moutaineer and pilot.
Jonny Kim
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This California native trained and operated as a Navy SEAL, completing more than 100 combat operations and earning a Silver Star and Bronze Star with Combat “V”. Afterward, he went on to complete a degree in Mathematics at the University of San Diego and a Doctorate of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
His interests include spending time with his family, volunteering with non-profit vertern organizations, academic mentoring, working out and learning new skills.
Robb Kulin
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Robb is an Alaska native and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Denver, before going on to complete a Master’s degree in Materials Science and a Doctorate in Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.
He is a private pilot and also enjoys playing piano, photography, packrafting, running, cycling, backcountry skiing and SCUBA diving.
Jasmin Moghbeli
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This New York native earned a Bachlor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering with Information Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, followed by a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School.
She is also a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School and has accumulated mofre than 1,600 hours of flight time and 150 combat missions.
Loral O’Hara
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This Texas native earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Kansas and a Master of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Purdue University.
In her free time, she enjoys working in the garage, traveling, surfing, diving, flying, sailing, skiing, hiking/orienteering, caving, reading and painting.
Frank Rubio
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Frank is a Florida native and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy and earned a Doctorate of Medicine from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
He is a board certified family physician and flight surgeon. At the time of his selection, he was serving in the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne).
Jessica Watkins
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This Colorado native earned a Bachelor’s degree in Geological and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University, and a Doctorate in Geology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
She enjoys soccer, rock climbing, skiing and creative writing.
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After completing two years of training, the new astronaut candidates could be assigned to missions performing research on the International Space Station, launching from American soil on spacecraft built by commercial companies, and launching on deep space missions on our new Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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mimiffifi · 7 years
Day #1 - List 10 things that make you really happy
Bismillah, halo semua. Hari ini saya berniat untuk ikut challenge 30 days writing, sebenarnya ini adalah kali kedua saya men-challenge-kan diri. Pertama, challenge #hariiniharibaru yang saya buat sendiri dan sudah dilakukan kira-kira setahun yang lalu, alhamdulillah berhasil konsisten 30 hari !!!! :D hashtag tsb terinspirasi dari training abm shinkenjuku kala itu. Entah kenapa ucapan Pak Jovan begitu memotivasi untuk menulis hashtag tsb setiap harinya, dan karena itu pula saya jadi banyak belajar bersyukur untuk segala hal baik yang besar maupun yang biasa-biasa saja. Karena hakikatnya setiap hari pasti ada sesuatu yang baru sekecil apapun itu. Thanks to you Sir :D Kedua, challenge #30dayswriting dengan tema yang berbeda setiap harinya. Challenge ini saya dapat dari sc Bulek Hana di Ig storynya, kemarin malam. Lalu saya sc lagi lah…  Kenapa tertarik? kebetulan, akhir-akhir ini saya tengah berniat membangkitkan kembali semangat untuk baca buku dan nulis (ecek–ecek). ((( SEKIAN PROLOGNYA))) And this is 10 things that make me really happy; 1. Baytii Jannatii (Rumahku Surgaku) Potongan ayat di salah satu surat dalam Al-Quran, yang saya jadikan nama grup wasap keluarga. Kenapa rumah buat saya bahagia? Karena rumah tempat ternyaman untuk pulang, tempat terbaik untuk melepas lelah, dan tempat terjaga segala rahasia. Semakin bertambah bahagia saya ini jika baytii jannatii selalu damai, nyaman, penuh kehangatan, keberkahan, kesehatan, terisi canda tawa, juga nasihat untuk anaknya yang rada-rada kepala batu ini hehe.. Kenapa rumahku surgaku? Karena untuk menuju surga bisa dititi dengan berbakti kepada orang tua, mencari ridhonya, dan sayang pd keluarga. Sungguh tabungan menuju surga teramat dekat. Tak perlu lelah jauh mencari. Bahagia bukan? 2. Murid paham, guru senang Hal kedua yang membuat saya bahagia adalah saat mengajar di kelas, menjelaskan panjang kali lebar ke anak-anak… lalu ada anak yang bilang demikian “Oh…begitu ms, ya paham-paham mssss. Ayo ms latihan”. Ini! (mungkin terdengar sepele ya) tapi.. Ucapan spontan positif mereka adalah bahagia saya. Dengan begitu, Alhamdulillah berarti transfer ilmu ke anak-anak telah sampai. Syukron ya Robb. Semoga apa yang telah dipahami terus melekat ya Nak… 3. Bersama teman-teman Lebih dari sekedar bercerita ataupun hunting bersama. Berkumpul dengan teman-teman adalah hal yang membahagiakan, kenapa? Karena bersama teman segala peluh yang diceritakan kan terasa ringan, guyonan teman bisa buat hati riang, dan silaturahmi bisa memperpanjang umur toh? Bahagianya bisa dapat pahala juga :) 4. Makan pedas, nikmatnya Untuk para pecinta pedas seperti saya, hal yang paling membahagiakan adalah menjumpai tempat makan yang sambelnya pedas asli. Yang sambelnya dari cabai segar tanpa embel-embel. Percayalah guys, makanan se-B apapun kalau sambelnya enak itu akan tetap enak haha. Beruntunglah kalian tempat kuliner yang menyediakan sambel enak, saya pastikan akan kembali lagi, dan membawa teman hahaha. 5. Kerropi Bagi yang sudah lama kenal saya, pastilah ini tak asing lagi didengar. Dikirimkan barang bernuansa kerropi saja saya senang, apalagi mahar. Ciat ciat ciat wkwkwk. Bahagiaku sederhana kan? :D 6. Pantai Tempat yang paling ampuh to make me really happy, membuat mood kembali lagi, membuat segalanya membaik kembali, adalah pantai! Tidak harus pantai yang airnya bening, pasirnya putih, tak ada karang. Melainkan pemandangan yang bisa melihat deru ombak, meraba angin yang sepoi sepoi, menangkap matahari yang terbit atau tenggelam dgn indah. Bahagiaku pasti ada disitu. Kalau kalian suka juga, ayolah kapan-kapan kita mantai bareng (?) 7. Motret Dari jaman kuliah dulu, saya suka motret apapun yang menurut mata bagus untuk dilihat. Paling inget, dulu, kalau pulang dari kosan menuju rumah. Berjalan dari turun angkutan umum ke angkutan umum yang lain. Lihat sesuatu yang eye-catching langsung buru-buru ambil handphone, langsung deh cekrek. Dulu sih belum ada kata-kata “cekrek-cekrek-upload" haha Motret itu selera, menurut saya bagus belum tentu iya bagi yang lain, pun sebaliknya. Untuk menghindari terkaan aneh orang-orang, saya sering kali begini, tangan dan kamera mengarah ke objek tapi mata pura-pura ngeliat yang lain wkwk. Ngerti? Ngertiin aja yaa… Jadi kebahagiaan dari sisi yang lain adalah saat motret, hasilnya bagus, upload ke sosmed, lalu dipuji sama orang-orang yang jago motret wkwk… Ya namanya naluri manusia ya, bahagia kalau hasil sendiri di-appreciate. :’) Dengan alasan seperti diatas, thats why saya punya dua akun ig. Ig pertama yang terlalu banyak foto-foto narsis dan sudah tak menarik lagi. Ig kedua untuk upload foto2 minim (anti) narsis. Suatu kebahagiaan lagi bagi saya jika kalian follow @mimiffifi wkwkwk #promote 8. Orang ramah, manis muka semanis tebu Untuk orang-orang yang bermuka ramah. Terima kasih ya… kalian membuat saya bahagia. Kenapa? Karena muka ramah membawa kedamaian kpd sekitar, mentransfer energi positif agar saya ikut beramah tamah juga. 9. Diantara orang yang humoris Beruntunglah mereka yang memiliki sifat humoris, karena tidak semua orang memilikinya. Bahagialah orang yang punya selera humor tinggi, karena saya senang diantara kalian wkwk. Kenapa senang? Karena orang humoris bisa mencairkan dan menyenangkan suasana. Tipe orang macam ini masuk dalam kriteria saya mencari pasangan loh cieee hahaha karena saya ini ambivert (sepertinya) dan merasa cocok dengan orang humoris (pada tempatnya). 10. Shoping sendiri Dibandingkan bersama-sama, dalam hal ini saya lebih senang sendiri. Kenapa? karena sendiri lebih nyaman saat berbelanja. Tidak ada rasa kurang enak pada teman karena (khawatir) bosan terlalu lama menunggu saya mencari, memilih, bolak-balik kesana kemari, meski yang diambil lebih sering pilihan pertama yang dilihat, sih, hahaha, wanita 😋 Kamar, 11 November 2017 16:15 [ hari pertama challenge, home alone, bapake ke Bandung, mamake jalan-jalan dengan temannya ] Selamat menuju malam minggu gengs. Dari saya tim #malmingdirumah
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mindblowingscience · 7 years
After receiving a record-breaking number of applications to join an exciting future of space exploration, NASA has selected its largest astronaut class since 2000. Rising to the top of more than 18,300 applicants, NASA chose 12 women and men as the agency’s new astronaut candidates.
Vice President Mike Pence joined NASA leaders Wednesday as they introduced the members of the 2017 astronaut class during an event at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. While at Johnson, the vice president toured the International Space Station mission control center, and the historic mission control center, which was used during early NASA spaceflights, including the first moon landing mission, Apollo 11. He also was presented with a model of the International Space Station and a framed U.S. flag that was flown to and from the orbiting laboratory this winter.
“These are 12 men and women whose personal excellence and whose personal courage will carry our nation to even greater heights of discovery and who I know will inspire our children and our grandchildren every bit as much as your forebears have done so in this storied American program,” said Vice President Pence. “And to this newest class of astronauts, it’s my honor to bring the sincere congratulations of the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump. Your President is proud of you, and so am I.”
The astronaut candidates will return to Johnson in August to begin two years of training. Then they could be assigned to any of a variety of missions, including: performing research on the International Space Station, launching from American soil on spacecraft built by commercial companies, and departing for deep space missions on NASA’s new Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket.
“We look forward to the energy and talent of these astronauts fueling our exciting future of discovery,” acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot said. “Between expanding the crew on board the space station to conduct more research than ever before, and making preparations to send humans farther into space than we’ve ever been, we are going to keep them busy. These candidates are an important addition to the NASA family and the nation’s human spaceflight team.”  
Applicants included U.S. citizens in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa. The talented women and men selected for the new astronaut class represent the diversity of America and the career paths that can lead to a place in America’s astronaut corps.
The 2017 astronaut candidates are:
Kayla Barron, 29, Lt., U.S. Navy, is originally from Richland, Washington. She graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a bachelor’s degree in systems engineering. A Gates Cambridge Scholar, Barron earned a master’s degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Cambridge. As a submarine warfare officer, Barron was a member of the first class of women commissioned into the submarine community. She’ll come to NASA from the U.S. Naval Academy, where she has been serving as the flag aide to the superintendent.
Zena Cardman, 29, calls Williamsburg, Virginia, home. She completed a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Master of Science in Marine Sciences at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Cardman is currently a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow working on her doctorate at The Pennsylvania State University. Her research has focused on microorganisms in subsurface environments, ranging from caves to deep sea sediments. Her field experience includes multiple Antarctic expeditions, work aboard research vessels as both scientist and crew, and NASA analog missions in British Columbia, Idaho and Hawaii.
Raja Chari, 39, Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force, hails from Waterloo, Iowa. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with bachelor’s degrees in astronautical engineering and engineering science. He continued on to earn a master’s degree in aeronautics and astronautics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and graduated from the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. Chari has been serving as the commander of the 461st Flight Test Squadron and the director of the F-35 Integrated Test Force at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
Matthew Dominick, 35, Lt. Cmdr., U.S. Navy, was born and raised in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of San Diego and a Master of Science in Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He also graduated from the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. Dominick was at sea on the USS Ronald Reagan, serving as department head for Strike Fighter Squadron 115, when he got the call saying he’d been selected as an astronaut candidate.
Bob Hines, 42, considers Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, his hometown. He graduated from Boston University with a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering. From there, he went on to graduate from the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, and then the University of Alabama, where he earned a master’s degree in aerospace engineering. He has served in the U.S. Air Force and Air Force Reserves for 18 years. For the last five years, Hines has served as a NASA research pilot at Johnson.
Warren “Woody” Hoburg, 31, is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He earned a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics and astronautics from MIT. He continued on to earn a doctorate in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkley. He is a private pilot and has extensive experience with wilderness search and rescue efforts. Hoburg will come to NASA from MIT, where he currently is leading a research group as an assistant professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Dr. Jonny Kim, 33, Lt., U.S. Navy, was born and raised in Los Angeles. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy, then trained and operated as a Navy SEAL, completing more than 100 combat operations and earning a Silver Star and Bronze Star with Combat V. Afterward, he went on to complete a degree in mathematics at the University of San Diego and a doctorate of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Kim is a resident physician in emergency medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Robb Kulin, 33, hails from Anchorage, Alaska. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Denver before going on to complete a master’s degree in materials science and a doctorate in engineering at the University of California, San Diego. He has previous experience as an ice driller in Antarctica on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Taylor Glaciers, and as a commercial fisherman in Chignik, Alaska. Since 2011, Kulin has worked for SpaceX in Hawthorne, California, where he leads the Launch Chief Engineering group.
Jasmin Moghbeli, 33, Maj., U.S. Marine Corps, considers Baldwin, New York, her hometown. She earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering with information technology at MIT, followed by a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. She also is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. Moghbeli currently tests H-1 helicopters and serves as the quality assurance and avionics officer for Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron 1 in Yuma, Arizona.
Loral O’Hara, 34, calls Sugar Land, Texas, home. She earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Kansas and a master’s degree in aeronautics and astronautics from Purdue University. As a student, she participated in NASA’s KC-135 Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program, the NASA Academy at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and the internship program at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. O’Hara is currently a research engineer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Dr. Francisco “Frank” Rubio, 41, Maj., U.S. Army, is originally from Miami. He earned a bachelor’s degree in international relations at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a doctorate of medicine from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Rubio has accumulated more than 1,100 hours of flight time in helicopters, including 600 hours of combat and imminent danger time. He’s currently serving as a surgeon for the 3rd Battalion of the Army’s 10th Special Forces Group at Fort Carson, Colorado.
Jessica Watkins, 29, hails from Lafayette, Colorado. She graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in geological and environmental sciences, then went on to earn a doctorate in geology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Watkins has worked at NASA’s Ames Research Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory and currently is a postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology, where she collaborates on the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity.
With the addition of these 12 members of the 2017 astronaut candidate class, NASA now has selected 350 astronauts since the original Mercury 7 in 1959.
“These women and men deserve our enthusiastic congratulations,” said astronaut and Johnson Space Center Director Ellen Ochoa. “Children all across the United States right now dream of being in their shoes someday. We here at NASA are excited to welcome them to the team and look forward to working with them to inspire the next generation of explorers.”
The astronaut candidates will be available to talk to media in person at Johnson and by remote satellite link on June 8. Media interested in this limited opportunity should contact the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111.
Find photos and additional information about the new astronaut candidates at:
Follow NASA astronauts on Twitter at:
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metamorphorestworld · 5 years
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Demi Engkau Ya Robb seluruh hidupku😭😭😭😭😭
Aku kangen Jami lama tak kesana jadi gini deh, tapi aku makin tahu kenapa bisa mimpi sampai thawaf dgn cukong #lemumegelno😋 kasihan bukannya baik tapi cenderung bodoh😏😏😏
Aku pgn ke Jami dan....nyasar ke NL, lagi2 jilbab hny buat tutup doang, bisa dipake😭😭😭 Tuhanku kenapa mereka begitu tega padaMu, aku ga terima jilbab tidak digunakan sbgmn mustinya, jelas merugikan org lain, kalo nikah anak siapa, udah nikah koq ga tobat malah bisa digenjot😭😭😭
Aku muak lihat spt itu, pgn bunuh, racun org spt itu ga tau malu hidup numpang di bumi Sang Pencipta pake acara aneh2 segala😏😏😏 sungguh terlalu😭😭😭😭 aku jadi males, besok lanjut lg, ga malu berbuat dosa diceritain dgn bangganya gitu😏😏😏
Besok lagi ya season 2😚😚😚
Alhamdulillah udah dari Jami jamaah dhuhur rasanya PLONG, udah kangen berat lgsg cuz kesana deh🕌🕌🕌🕌
Sekalian ke pasar mampir waroeng lama H.Ridwan (anyway dadi blog kuliner seh Yo🤣🤣🤣)
Oke balik ke topik, heran aja gitu org2 NL di Kaskus itu dmn otaknya pastinya Khan tau and ngeliat tiap hari ada org meninggal dunia, dan org mati ga sekedar tiba2 mati aja itu transit sementara ruh titipan Tuhan ini Khan ya, koq ga mikir bisa mati kpn saja😰😰😰😰 yg dipikirin cmn check in cari cewek baru entah milf atau dilf atau psk/WP/tera, atau kimcil, atau ayam kampus yg bisa open BO, okelah urusan ranjang emg sgt nikmat😋😋
Tapi ya harus dgn jalan halal lewat "menikah"💕💕💕💕 udah itu udah enak, nikmat, halal, surga dunia dan multiple orgasme (emak ini mulai gila kalo ngomongin berbau begini)
Lha iyalah dgn pasangan sah kita bebas mengeksplor bagian mana saja tnp batas waktu, ga pake bayar, keluarin duit buat check in, sembunyi2 lg, perbuatan setan koq suka bikin hidupnya ga tenang aja😰😰😰
Jauh2lah ya semua keturunanku sampai akhir dunia, akhir jmn dari yg begitu itu🙄🙄🙄🙄
Pesannya, "cuman mampir makan di dunia, hanya sebentar" kita bahkan ga tau kpn mati kita, bisa saja stlh aku tulis ini jg mati bisa, karena nyawa kita, ruh kita dan segalanya hanya titipan Tuhan, jadi pergunakan waktu, ruh titipan ini dgn baik di jalan lurus dan benar karena kitalah yg bertanggung jawab kelak atas diri kita sendiri 😊😊😊😊😊
Now kutulis kmrn dan hari ini Minggu-Senin, 4-5 Agustus 2019💕💕💕💕💕
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