weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 1
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Rintarou -
"Has a special interest in science and will do anything to indulge in it. Has many strange mannerisms and will only drink his favorite drink."
Baki -
"Special interest in fighting and doesn't give a fuck about anything else except for his friends. Kidnaps fucking George Bush and asks him if he can put him in the biggest prison in America because he wants to fight people there. Literally goes to jail for his special interest. Autism."
Yoshi -
"look at him. he is Autism: The Character. The game deals with how he was ostracized for "weird" behavior and it got down his self esteem so bad that he calls himself trash and if you look at how he struggles to interact with others i.e. low social stamina (game's hit points are literally his psyche), struggle to control his emotions intense passion about subjects of interest etc etc he reads as immensely autistic and his arc of learning to love himself and find people who love him for who he is is so. very important to me <3 my dear favorite autistic scrimblo.
also look at him. his design is the trans flag colors. what's not to love here!! he likes bunnies!! he made those bunny ears himself, even. in 1BeatHeart, he made cat ears for his friend. i love his 1BeatHeart design also because in that game he's an Adult and STILL unabashedly himself, showing that he took those lessons from his childhood to heart! an autistic adult having some degree of pride in himself, being renowned even if he's still seen as odd, and being content and having friends. aurgh."
Steve -
"Uses his autism for evil! Is obsessed with vampires and wanting to become one but has so many compiling issues that he eventually becomes a key player in a supernatural war. Took it as a personal betrayal when his best friend had to become a vampire to save his life."
Yuuto -
"source: trust me bro."
Hatchi -
"Has a special interest in food and often lets it cloud his judgement. Is very bored of life at the beginning of the story but doesn't understand why. Does things others see as strange or reckless because he thinks it would be fun."
Keiichi -
"He is surrounded by people who speak in codes and euphemisms that he cannot understand based on social rules that he is not privy to."
Ayato -
"evil autism (/pos)"
Yuzuru -
"he is best boy!!!"
Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
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ova-kakyoin · 3 months
broadly speaking there are 3 types of original anime: competent, over-ambitious, and indulgent
competent stuff is the kind of shows that have people begging for more anime original stories, think odd taxi, vivy, a place further than the universe, basically every big anime movie
over-ambitious stuff starts out with people begging for more anime original storoes but it becomes clear that the creators were in over their heads to some degree. the most infamous examples of this are kado and wonder egg, but classroom crisis, akiba maid war, and angel beats to a much lesser degree are also probably closer to this category than the former
indulgent shows aren't over ambitious really, they usually do have a lot of ideas shoved into them and aren't super well realised, but you can tell that the creators weren't really trying to do much besides have fun, and this makes them loads of fun when you don't take them too seriously, think robihachi, bucchigiri, and samurai flamenco
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deuterium51614 · 4 months
You can be a
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or a
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whatever you desire
life is like a runway
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and you're the designer
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wings of a butterfly
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eyes of a tiger
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whatever you want, baby
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5-pp-man · 2 months
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bellamer · 5 months
Sonadow AU: RobiHachi:
where Sonic is Robi and Shadow is Hachi. Sonic is a sleezy guy who runs away from earth to escape his debt in order to seek out a “magical planet where anything can happen” and Shadow is a runaway Prince from the moon who tags along for the journey. Tails can be Ikku, Robi’s robot assistant.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 7 months
Pleases reblog to spread the good word about all these things.
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2024 is the year of continuing your WIPs!
Do you have WIPs? Either unfinished fics that you keep meaning to get back to, drawings you never fully rendered, or an AMV you've posted previews of but never finished?
Consider this blog your motivation to continue them!
(This blog is called "completionists" but it's more about posting continuations!)
Choose one of your old WIPs per month (you can leave some months blank) and work on it!
By specifying a WIP per month, it gives a more concrete resolution than just "work on WIPs."
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You can post the template filled out and I'll reblog it here (because sometimes seeing the motivation of others can help you get motivated, too) or you can save it for yourself if you prefer!
Thought it'd be a neat idea, since 2024 is the 10 year anniversary of Boueibu LOVE getting announced!
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fortune-maiden · 1 year
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Finished RobiHachi! A very silly show and feels like it doesn't really know what to do with itself plotwise
But I love this trio and their interactions so much!
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funkii4-blog · 1 year
I’ve got an excessive number of ships on the brain right now and I swear I’m gonna cry if I try to think of wholesome scenarios for all of them simultaneously while I listen to d4vd’s ‘here with me’ for much longer
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starryfruitelope · 1 year
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one hour before new year of rabbits and here I came back for another round of the babysitter pair between a round ball and a mechanical bunny butler
hoppy tormenting new year to all survivors🥲🐰🥞
I will return for the biggest Dorarona-Pegohamu family reunion on January 9.
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spirit-of-anime · 2 years
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Their faces when they found out they’ve unintentionally donne an eternal soul-binding ritual.
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cnidari-art · 2 years
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RobiHachi fanart from 2019
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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Hatchi Kita from RobiHachi is a greyromantic mollsexual reciproflux urancurious transmasculine adventurecoric universegender genderstory xenofluid atrinary person!
Yang is gay!
Unami is a trans girl!
dni link
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deuterium51614 · 2 months
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Finally got around to adding the missing hair highlights.
First time drawing Jiro. He and the rest of the Mousou gang haven't made their debut in the Support Group Expanded Universe... yet.
Still have to finish writing my Happy Kiss Appreciation Bingo fic, which is going to act as a bridge between "Strands of Fate" and the IKEA fic. (Already have three and a half chapters done for the IKEA fic!)
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ova-kakyoin · 2 years
hate watching anime that is almost ALMOST there when it comes to capitalist critiques
you are so right billionares and corporations would use the discovery of life on other planets to make money and build tourist traps. keep going
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bellamer · 1 year
Deadass if Robi knew that Yang wanted to fuck him instead of kill him or send him to work on a tuna boat, he'd just dick Yang down if it meant his debts would be paid off.
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