#Roy Ratcliff
pyramidsoul · 1 year
Dahmer’s behaviour in prison
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Jeffrey Dahmer, Stone Philips Interview, 1994
Regarding Dahmer’s behaviour in prison, there are various opinions on why he would act like that. He was known for playing with food, putting ketchup on his meal to resemble body parts; he once placed a sign in his cell “Cannibal Anonymous Meeting”; he taunted scared guards next to him making them jump by whispering “I bite”.
Following the prison staff insight, he was a model inmate, but based on Christopher Scarver’s opinion, “He crossed the line with some people — prisoners, prison staff. Some people who are in prison are repentant — but [Dahmer] was not one of them”.
However it's important to consider Scarver never really had a direct contact with Dahmer, plus he suffered from a severe mental illness, which makes his statement of doubtful authenticity.
The same Gerald Boyle, Jeffrey Dahmer’s defence attorney, stated “Dahmer was such a milquetoast. He would never have done that stuff. He killed people, but he didn't taunt people. I never saw him do anything that would lead me to believe that he would mimic the deaths that he caused. I just don't believe that.”, claiming it wasn’t the serial killer’s “style”.
On the other hand, Roy Ratcliff, the pastor who baptised Dahmer, backed up the topic saying he'd been told by prison guards Dahmer would joke about cannibalism, effectively affirming the serial killer's ambiguous behaviour.
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Last seen of Jeffrey Dahmer in the prison library, 1994
On why of these actions, the theories are three:
Causing outrage to find death: we are aware of Dahmer’s death wish. He claimed multiple times he wanted to be dead, from having suicidal thoughts, to requesting for the death penalty. He was conscious of the risk of his health by being included in the general population, yet, even after people’s recommendations, he chose to be moved anyway. He wasn’t able to commit suicide himself so he provoked people to get what he wanted. Relevant information is also they didn’t find marks on Dahmer’s body, meaning Dahmer didn’t fight back during the attack, accepting his fate. He also said these words no longer before his death to the mother Joyce “It doesn’t matter, Mom. I don’t care if something happens to me”.
His sense of humour: it is known that Dahmer had a particular dark humour. During highschool years Dahmer was known as the clown/mascotte to the students at Revere High School. He staged pranks and he bleated and simulated epileptic seizures or cerebral palsy, which became known as "Doing a Dahmer". Even during interrogation, “He picked up the brown bunch and commented that they held a remarkable resemblance to a person's fingers after they had been immersed in muriatic acid for a while. He placed the banana in his mouth and chewed. "It's not bad."”(cit. Grilling Dahmer). It’s possible he was just spending time as he could.
He had become a shadow of himself: he portrayed himself as THE cannibal in an attempt to attract attention, giving people what they expected from him. He didn’t have real friends, he never had, so he kept this attitude for say “stay away from me”. He toyed with the idea of cannibal quite a bit, because he didn’t trust people. This is the insight Roy Ratcliff gave after he learnt about Jeffrey’s behaviour in prison. Roy became one of the latest and only true friends Jeffrey met.
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Roy Ratcliff holding the card Jeffrey Dahmer gave him for thanksgiving
After 28 years, we don’t know why of this behaviour yet, and we will never know. All the theories above are valid, meaning he could’ve acted that way because of a mix of those reasons. Jeffrey Dahmer will find death at Columbia Correctional Institution on 28th November 1994.
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shittypeople34 · 1 year
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Lionel Dahmer’s letter to Roy Ratcliff
Lionel wrote, “I really appreciate the time and expense you have taken to  minister to Jeff. I realize it takes time away from your family and other activities to  visit him, as well as financial expense to drive to the prison.” This sounded just like  what Jeff had said at our last visit.  He continued, “Jeff mentioned that your visits will cease in the near future.  Since Jeff is a new Christian convert, it is very important that he have follow-up  support visits. I am limited to occasional visits, phone calls and letters to Jeff,  which really is not enough. The personal contact and study on a regular basis is  what will keep him going. I have seen him become enthusiastic about other things,  only to drop his enthusiasm after a time. I think that he is very sincere and  well-grounded for starters.”  Lionel had the same idea I had about what Jeff needed, but gave an interesting  insight. He feared he would treat this “Christian” thing like he’d treated many other  things in his life. He’d be excited about it for a time, but eventually would give it  up. Lionel Dahmer was worried about his son.  He said, “Is there any person or group who could possibly continue visitation,  study and worship with Jeff, at least until Jeff is really well grounded in his faith? I  know I’m asking a lot of strangers to do this for me.”  His letter concluded, “I think it is especially important to continue follow-up,  because Jeff is very dedicated at the moment. He has even put study pamphlets in  the prison chapel for other inmates to see.”  Lionel didn’t have to convince me of the importance of developing Jeff ’s faith.  In my visits with him, I had seen Jeff ’s desire to “spread the word” among other  inmates.  
- Dark Journey Deep Grace
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nofatclips · 6 months
Le sujet, a film by Patrick Bouchard
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katb357 · 2 years
Sicktember 17: Fainting
J. Gage/R. DeSoto/OC/Emergency!
Adam Ratcliff was number one. He was the best paramedic trainee in his class. He was also a really nice guy. He was easygoing and genuinely cut out for the job. He was riding with John and Roy as a part of his training, and unlike other trainees they had worked with in the past, Adam fit right in with them. He worked hard, listened to the veteran team, was quick to do what he was told, and didn’t take on tasks he wasn’t trained for. Altogether, both of 51-A’s paramedics were very pleased with the recruit and the shift went smoothly.
 The afternoon got pretty rocky though, when there was an MVA on the 405 freeway and it was all hands on deck. Adam seemed to be everywhere at once as he helped with several rescues and even performed life-saving CPR on an older gentleman.  Things got a bit hairy when a young woman gave birth to her third child in the back of the family’s wrecked sedan, but Adam seemed unphased as he assisted John with the birth. John rode in with her.
Afterwards, Adam stayed with Roy, who had him bandage up a boy who had cut his hand on some window glass. By that time, other squads were working on other victims. They ended up riding to Rampart with a man who had a possible concussion and was unconscious. Roy went into Treatment Three with the victim and sent Adam to the nurse’s station to clean up and replenish their supplies. The three met back up and were cleared to return to the station, as Chet had brought the squad to Rampart for them and caught a ride back to the station himself on the Engine.
Sitting around the table at the station that evening, the men discussed Adam’s shift. Both John and Roy felt he had done well and told him so. Adam flushed with pride, and to cover his red face, he stood and went to grab a knife from the draw, and an apple from the fruit bowl. He began to peel the apple. His hand slipped and he managed to slice his palm. He yelped slightly, his eyes widened, he took one look at the blood… and fainted.
The others all looked at each other in amazement. Mike Stoker’s eyebrows rose. “Well, that was unexpected.”
Roy knelt beside Adam and started to slap his cheek when the other man opened his eyes and groaned. “I can’t believe that just happened.” John knelt down on the other side, and together they helped Adam onto the couch to check him over. He started to protest until he caught the look on Captain Stanley’s face, and subsided.
After being pronounced fit for duty, Roy asked the question they were all wondering about. “Did you know the sight of your own blood would make you faint? Other people’s blood obviously doesn’t bother you.”
“Believe it or not, that’s never happened before. I get a little woozy sometimes, but I’ve never passed out before. I don’t know why I reacted like that.”
Cap looked at Adam sternly. “Did you ever tell the department doctors about this?”
Adam shook his head. “Never really thought about it. I don’t get hurt very often, so I just…” he shrugged.
Cap shook his head. “We can’t sign you off for duty until you talk to the docs at Rampart. You faint like that on the job, you or someone else could get hurt.” Adam sighed but nodded his head. “Yeah, I get it.”
Meanwhile, John and Roy were standing and watching in silence, shocked at the turn of events. The kid was one of the best potential paramedics they had seen in a long time. It was a real shame.
Roy had an idea. “Look, maybe you can overcome this… talk to one of the department psychologists or something. You’re too good to just walk away, Adam. You gotta try.”
Adam brightened. “Yeah, maybe I will. Thanks Roy.”
He headed for the locker room. He wasn’t about to give up his dream… not for something as dumb as fainting.
The End
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mincerman · 6 months
Is this a list of the same type of people?
Gerald Durrell
Derrick (Fredo Santana) Coleman - rapper - purple drank
Anthony Bourdain (TV Chef) - Heroin, Methadone, Cocaine, Alcohol.
George Herbert Scott (Airship Pilot), d.1930.
Grayson Murray, American golfer
Mark Lanegan, 57
Taylor Hawkins, 50
Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Lead Singer, liver failure.
Lisa Marie Presley, 54
Raye (Rachel Keen), British Singer
Andrea Dunbar (Playwright, age 29 - brain hem orange).
Robert Louis Stevenson - hence Jeykel and hyde (aged 44, drugs inc alcohol)
Phil Lynott
Paul Walsh, Footballer.
Andy Warhol - “Although not as big a drug-taker as many of his entourage in mid-century New York, Warhol was addicted to Obetrol – marketed today as Adderall – an amphetamine diet pill that has a similar effect to speed.” - https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/24/drugs-and-alcohol-do-not-make-you-more-creative-research-finds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Jefferson King (Shadow)
Taylor Hawkins (died at 50) Foo Fighters, Drummer.
Jordon Peterson
Ivan Toney (Brentford and England footballer and gambler)
Wasim Akram (Cocaine)
Robson Green
Simon Pegg
Don Whillans, mountaineer
Stanislav Petrov (the man who saved the world)
Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Laudanum)
W.H.Auden, Benzedrine
Jared O’Mara (former MP)
Anne Robinson
Hayden Panettiere, actress https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/22079654/heroes-hayden-panettiere-addiction-alcohol-opiods-nashville/amp/
Jennifer Elliott (daughter of Denholm Elliot)
James Mangan - 19th C. Irish Poet, influenced -
Shane MacGowan.
Sir William Carr (Pissing Billy)
James Gandolfini
Lanre Fehintola
Howard Hughes, OCD, Codeine
Kirkland Laing (Boxer)
Ian Royce, Comedian.
Bobby Liebling (lead singer, Pentagram)
Rory Hamilton Brown
Matthew Mellon (banking heir)
Nora Butlin
David Berman (silver Jews)
Ted Ngoy (the donut king - gambling)
Ernst Udet - German WW1 Ace, responsible for Nazi aircraft manufacture until suicide,1941.
Blair “Paddy” Mayne (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
David Stirling (famed early S.A.S. Soldier)
Danny Cipriani
William Golding
Luke Sutton, sports agent
Bryony Gordon
Paddy “Mad” Merrigan (Jockey)
Michael K. Williams (actor)
Robert Webb (British Comedian)
Mark McManus
Brian O’Nolan
Rodney Dangerfield
Tara Palmer-Tompkinson
Marco Pantani
Robin Smith (cricketer)
Dr. John (The Scatman)
Robert Havlin (jockey)
Kenneth Williams
Victor Willis (son of a baptist preacher - Village People.
Stu Ungar
Charlie Parker
Miles Davis
Harold Shipman
Danny Trejo (ends up dead on top of Tortoise in Breaking Bad).
Sandy Ratcliff (Sue Osman, East Enders)
James Hunt
Michael David Weiss (film injustice re safety needles)
Charlie Chaplin Snr. (Cirrhosis, 38)
Oisin Murphy (jockey)
Peter Shilton (gambling)
Marvin Gaye
Robert Young, actor, brother of Roger Moore
Dick Van Dyke
Yuri Gagarin
Christopher Farley (U.S. actor)
Ronald Lacey - played Dylan Thomas (1978) - Harry Ridler in Minder on the the Orient Express
Jordan Peterson
Tanya Sarne (Fashion)
Elizabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation)
Bradley Cooper
Tom Maynard (Cricketer)
Bobby Beasley (Jockey)
Montgomery Clift.
Jay Kay
Mike McCready (guitarist - pearl jam)
Elton John
Heinrich Böll, German Writer, Pervatin, during WW
Andy Fordham (The Viking)
Alice Cooper
Phil Spector
Alan Watts
Mark Lanegan
Rupert Young - Will Young’s brother
Matthew Perry (Friends sitcom)
Susannah Constantine (TV host)
Hugh O’Connor, Actor, -1962-1995. Shot himself in the head on the day of his 3rd Wedding Anniversary.
Deacon Brodie - alcoholic sinner fire-runner and example used by Robert Louis Stevenson in J & H - a hundred years later - and a life that Stevenson tried to pursue himself
Desi Arnaz, American actor
Felicite Tomlinson
Demi Lovato
William Hurt (American actor)
Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev - Author of Moscow Stations, 1969
Olivia Channon
Willie Carson Jnr
‘Bloody’ Mary Coughlan.
Roy Orbison (yo-yo dieting)
Christopher Hitchens - thinkoholic, alcoholic, smoker
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Jan-Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
Keith Gillespie,Footballer, Gambling.
Eddie Van Halen
Richard Kiel (Jaws)
John Bonham
Matthew Perry, American actor.
Stuart Cable - Drummer Stereophonics - choked on vomit.
Cameron Douglas
Chris Langham - cocaine / alcohol. (Went to prison for 6 months for download child pornographic images. Played Orwell in 2003 BBC film.). Career destroyed after that.
Johnny Vegas
Arthur Daley.
Mike Tyson
George Harrison
Alexei Rykov aka ‘Rykvodka’ Rightist Politburo member, Premier and co- ruler with Stalin and Bukharin ‒. Defendant in last show trial
Hans Fallada (Rudolf Ditzen) - German Author
Henry Pierrepoint - executioner father of Albert the executioner.
Bob Hindley (alcoholic father of Myra Hindley)
Simon Day (fast show)
Frederick Nietzsche (Opiu re m / chloral hydrate)
Tennessee Williams
Henry Willson - Hollywood agent (Cirrhosis)
Steve Caulker - footballer aged 25 (alcohol and gambling)
Tim Bergling (DJ Avicii) - aged 28
Verne Troyer (49)
Ashley Mattingly (playmate)
Jean Michel Basquiat - artist, 27, Heroin
Keith Levene, Founder member of The Clash, and Public Image Ltd
Dolores Riordan (46) lead singer of cranberries - died drowned in her bath 2018 Park Lane Hilton. Also anorexic and bi-polar.
Demi Lovato (ex Disney Channel actress)
Charles Baudelaire - laudanum and alcohol
Chris Leben (UFC fighter)
Mike Bell a.k.a. Mad Dog (WWE - wrestler)
Freddie Starr
Irvine Welsh
Dolores O’Riordan (alcohol / anorexia)
Dennis Price.
Shia LaBeouf (actor)
Rhys Thomas (Rugby)
Russell Pearce (Boxing)
David Plunkett Greene (Heroin)
Ron ‘Pigpen’ McKernon (grateful Dead,27)
Annabelle Neilson - Heroin / aristoc
Ray Wilkins
Jeff Hatch (NFL player)
Ryan Cresswell (footballer)
Jon Stewart (guitarist, sleeper)
Alexander || of Russia.
Otto Gross (influenced Jung) - addict - 1877 to 1920. 42.
Oskar Schindler
Phil Lynott
Shaun Ryder
George Brown MP
Paul Ryder (Bassist)
Gary Oldman
Peter Edward "Ginger" Baker, English Drummer.
Mac Miller / U.S. rapper (26)
Jeff Hanneman - Slayer - cirrhosis, 49
Gary Busey (American actor)
Philip Larkin (half a bottle of sherry at sunrise).
Hunter S. Thompson - pro addict - suicide Feb 2005
Gregg Allman, American Singer / Songwriter
Coolio (Artis Leon Ivey)
Martin Gore (Depeche Mode)
Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)
William Faulkner. (American Writer)
Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce)
Eugene O’Neill. (American Writer)
Anthony Burgess
Donald Maclean
Kim Philby
Ellen Philby - wife of spy Kim Philby (47)
Anthony Blunt
Ringo Starr
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ricky Hatton
John Ford (Film Director)
Jack London (Author of John Barleycorn novel) morphine overdose and alcoholism
Tom Chaplin, Lead Singer, Keane.
Nico - H - velvet underground
Art Pepper
Liza Minnelli
Richard Bacon
Jay Kay (Jamiroquai)
Tobey Maguire
Christian Slater
Chris Cornell (lead singer of Soundgarden)
Max Jacob (French Post)
Malcolm McDowell
Fred Trump Jnr. (Eldest brother 1932-81) - alcoholism aged 42.
Owen Wilson
Gary Oldman
Keith Flint (Prodigy)
Demi Moore - actors
Danniella Westbrook
Roger Ebert (Film critic)
John Cassavetes (great director) - hobnailed liver, 59. Q.v. Under the influence (1974) - starring his co-alcoholic and co-dependent wife, Gena Rowlands (who was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of progressive madness).
Bill Evans - Heroin - jazz
Suroosh Alvi - founder of Vice media - ex Heroin
Gary Fraser - Director of T2
Trainspotting - ex Heroin
Keith Floyd.
Ant mcpartlin
Tom Hardy (aa)
Steve Coogan
Kenny Sansom
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - painter -(1828-1882) became addicted to chloral, with whisky chasers
Philip Roth - American Novelist (Halcion sleeping pill)
Lee Marvin
Bryony Gordon - terrible telegraph columnist
‘Mad Jack’ Byron
Chet Baker - Jazz Trumpeter
Ray Charles - Heroin.
Sir Edwin Landseer (Laudinum)
John Hurt (died 28 Jan 16 pancreatic cancer ages 75)
Anthony Eden (Benzedrine) Drinamyl also known as ‘purple hearts’ to take him up and up to four sleeping pills a night to take him down. Eventually they stopped working - he couldn’t sleep and the doctors said the pharmaceutical solution had run its course - and he had to be evacuated to Jamaica for a few weeks - presumably to withdraw, just after Suez and a Sterling crisis. https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/98/6/387/1548168 - from Dr David Owen - concluding with the line ‘a fit and well Anthony Eden would not have made all those mistakes’.
Christopher Walken
Alistair Maclean - later on.
Al Pacino
Andrew Symonds (Australian Cricketer)
Margaux Hemingway (grand-daughter / supermodel)
Amy Winehouse (27)
Brian Jones (27) Rolling Stones
Jimi Hendrix (27)
Janice Joplin (27)
Jim Morrison (27)
Rudy Lewis (27) The drifters
Alan Wilson (27)
Dickie Pride (27)
Ron “Pigpen” Mckernon (27)
Kurt Cobain (27)
Dash Snow (27) - artist
Gary Thain (27) Bassist, Uriah Heep
Pamela Courson (27) Morrison’s wife, Heroin overdose, 3 yrs later in ‘74.
See also - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
Fred Archer (29) gambling - shot himself.
Dean Martin
Eve Babitz
Pete Townsend
Courtney Love
Kevin Lloyd (Actor, The Bill)
Amedeo Modigliani
Diego Maradona
Brett Favre
Babe Ruth
Paul Merson (drink and gambling)
Bill Werbenuik (Snooker)
Kirk Stevens (cocaine - Snooker)
Mark E. Smith - d.2018. Lead singer of the Fall. 60.
Danielle Westbrook
Mary J. Bilge
Alec Baldwin (actor)
Vince Taylor from Isleworth - inspired Ziggy Stardust.
Douglas Kenney - founder of National Lampoon, 33, probable Suicide. Hawaii.
Alan McGee - Founder of creation records and property developer
Patrick Swayze
John Skipper, (former) president ESPN
David Cassidy
Steven Tyler (alive)
Hubert Selby Jr - author of last exit to Brooklyn - died sober even refused morphine.
Etta James
Bradley Cooper
Calvin Harris (Scot dj)
Eva Mendes
Colin Farell
Al Pacino
Craig Charles
Davina McCall
Anthony Hopkins
Rob Lowe
Phil Michelson (gambling)
Melanie Griffith
Jamie-Lee Curtis
W. C. Fields
Jean-Claude Junker
Christine Dolce (queen of MySpace) - cirrhosis
Franklin pierce - us president - cirrhosis
Chernenko - soviet leader 84 - cirrhosis
Jimi Hendrix - cirrhosis?
Billie holiday - cirrhosis
Jack Karouac - cirrhosis
Rob Lowe - alcoholic - 27 yrs sober
Sean Hughes (Irish comic) - cirrhosis
List of people with cirrhosis https://m.ranker.com/list/famous-people-with-cirrhosis/celebrity-lists
Etta James
Francis Bacon
Lucian Fraud (gambling)
Bobby Davro
David Warner - AUS cricketer
Jesse Ryder - NZ cricketer
Herschelle Gibbs - SA cricketer
Alan Hudson (footballer)
Paul McGrath (footballer)
Kenny Samson (Footballer)
Garrincha (Brazilian Footballer)
Hank Williams aged 29
Marvin Gaye - crack before he was shot by father
Mickey Mantle (baseball player, Cirrhosis)
Joseph McCarthy (anti-communist)
Gilbert Harding - "The Rudest Man in Britain" 1907-1960.
John Paul Getty III
Caroline Aherne
Chris Difford - squeeze / clouds
Gary Shail - spider in quadraphenia
8 Mile actress
NIna Simone
Lord Lucan
Lady Lucan
Christy Brown
Edward St Aubyn
Rick Stein
Ronnie O'Sullivan (Snooker Player)
Chris Cornell
Denis Johnson (Author of Jesus' Son, 1992)
Dermot Reeve
Joey Barton
Will Self
Charles Kennedy MP (intracerebral haemorrhage)
Eric Joyce MP
Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Sir Anthony Eden - Benzedrine - buried at st Mary's church, alvediston. Un-respected.
Luvo Manyonga SA long jumper Olympic silver medallist 2016 - crystal meth
Ian McShane - Lovejoy, Deadwood - cocaine / alcoholic - 28 yrs since first AA meet.
Colin Milburn (cricketer)
Tom Petty (Heroin)
James brown
General Gordon of Khartoum - alcoholic - (according to Lytton Strachey)
Errol Flynn (absolutely everything) - in secret lives at the end "Errol Flynn made the fatal flaw of confusing his art with his life - in film they applaud Robin Hoods and rascals - in real life they tire of them soon... They stand by to let the person destroy himself". Heart problems and Cirrhosis.
Tyrone Power - 1 yr after The Sun Also Rises aged 44
Charlie Wilson US politician cv.film
Brian Clough
Sean Ryder
Greg Merson 2014 WSOP Main Event winner
Tubby Hayes - British Jazz - Heroin
Phil Seaman - Drummer - Heroin
Rick Parfitt (Status Quo)
Ian Kilminster (Lemmy)
Jack wild (oliver in artful dodger) aged 53 mouth cancer
Joe meek - pills - Telstar
Rasputin (alcohol and sex)
Boris Yeltsin
Paris Jackson (17) Michael's daughter
Jimmy pegg - walker in dads army - 39
Alexei Stakhanov (coal miner)
Seymour Hoffman
Lo ' David Coyle - Mr Bates in Downton Abbey
David Cassidy - 70s singer / heartthrob
Simon Danczuk MP
John Belushi
Whitney Houston
Bobbi Kristina Brown
William S Burroughs - writer, Heroin
William S Burroughs Jr. - Aged 34 - had liver transplant - cirrhosis
Amy winehouse
Brian Epstein - in a totally white bathroom - the only art was a giant picture of El Cordobes. And he wanted to give up managing The Beatles to manage bullfighters in Spain. L. Oo
Dante Gabriel Rosetti (Laudanum), Chloral, Alcohol)
Jimmy greaves
Mary Todd go. F FB
ST Coleridge (both Laudanum)
Sigmund Freud - a lot to answer for - cocaine
Irvine Walsh
Malcolm Lowry 1957
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Michael Phelps - most decorated Olympian
Tony Curtis
Robbie Williams
Mel Gibson
Sir James Chadwick (sleeping pills) sleeping on fear his work on a bomb would lead to mass destruction
Charles James Fox - cirrhosis whilst in office as Foreign Secretary - also Ascites (7 pints of fluid drained at death also 35 gallstones found) - lived in Chertsey and Foxhills, prodigious gambler.
Barry humphries
Daniel Radcliffe
Jack Dee
Jack karouac
Ian Fleming?
William Holden (actor, Bridge on the River Kwai)
Brad Pitt
Len fairclough
Malcolm Lowry (under the volcano)
John le Meisurer
James Beck (Alcoholic) Dads Army
Arthur Lowe - Dad's Army
Clive of India
Frank skinner
Rodney king
RD Laing (Dr)
Richard Hughes (jockey)
Johnny Murtagh (Jockey)
Jeremy Wolfenden
Jockey Wilson
Diego Maradona
John McAfee - dry drunk
Antony Hopkins
Michael Barrymore
Tara fitzgerald
Tiger Woods https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/tiger-woods-avoids-jail-on-driving-charge-dp9f6gv7n
Lou reed
Marquis of Blandford
F Scott Fitzgerald
Edgar Allan Poe
Diana Ross
Robin Williams
Elton John
Lilly Allen
J.L. Austin, Academic, Lung Cancer, 48.
Johnny Cash
Samuel l Jackson
Frank Sinatra
Buzz aldrin
Ben affleck - gambling / alcohol
Ulysses Grant 18th president
Benjamin franklin
George bush jar
Alexander the Great
David Yelland Former editor of Sun.
David Bowie / Ziggy Stardust (Coke)
Eric Clapton
Bill Wilson
W.C. Fields (died of gastric haemorrhage)
Blondie - whose music is used to advertise baileys
Stephen King
Hermann Goering (Morphine)
Hermoine Norris (yellow card)
Brad davis
Tom Maynard
Alec Baldwin
Morgan Freeman
Charlie watts both recovers
William f Buckley
Charles Kennedy
Jamie lee Curtis (daughter of tony Curtis)
Lana del Rey
Barnaby conrad (bulls)
Yazz Yasmin Evans
Peaches Geldolf
Caroline aherne
King Richard 3rd died 1485 battle of bosworth
James beck (dads army)
Fat boy slim
Calvin Harris
50 cent
Prince (Perocet)
Francis Bacon
Anthony kliedis
Shania twain
Peter Townsend
Leona Lewis
Jessie j
Alice cooper
Ringo Starr
Constantine Chernenko (Soviet president - cirrhosis)
Chris difford (lead sing squeeze)
George IV - gambling mainly.
Henry VIII - sypillus (food issues - drink - sex)
Ozzy osbourne
Jack osbourne
Kelly osbourne
Steve coogan
Paul Gascoigne
Midge Ure
John Daly
Steven Tyler
Nicole Ritchie
Drew Barrymore
Naomi Campbell
Waylon Jennings
Nick Nolte
Martin Sheen
Keith Moon
Kurt Cobain
Rt Hon George Brown MP, Lord George Brown (1914-1985) Labour Belper, 1945-70, excused by his staff of being ‘tired and emotional
Paul Nicholls (ex Eastenders)
Alan Ladd
Jack Lemmon
David Hasselhoff
Errol Flynn - ended up supporting The (Fid)Del - worst film ever - Cuban rebel girls and the Cuban story doc - 1959 - year he died - revolution for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin - these two pieces of art marked the ego, deciept and denial.
Truman Copote
Billy Joel
Jimmy White (Snooker, Crack)
Stephen King
Ernest Hemingway
Diana Ross
Orson Welles (and father)
Ben Affleck (drink / gambling)
Abi Evelyn t (yellow card)
Trinny Woodall
Don Simpson - producer of top gun bev hills cop
Peter Doherty
Gary Richrath (REO Speedwagon guitarist)
Robert Newton - born Shaftesbury 1905 - died Beverly Hills 1956 - heart attack - Shaftesbury most famous alcoholic. Aged 50.
12th Duke of Marlborough - Ex Marquis of Blandford
Henry VIII
Thomas de Quincey - confessions of an English opium eater. (Actually laudanum).
Pat Eddery
Richard Hughes
Dr William Stewart Halsted - inspiration for Clive Owen's Dr John Thackery (The Knick).
Frank Skinner
Alexander the Great?
Eric Joyce (former MP)
Robert Mitchum
Osgood )brother of Peter
Lionel Bart
Ira Hayes (flag man)
John Bonham (Windsor)
Joseph "Joe" McCarthy - commies
Dylan Thomas
James Joyce
James Thurber
Gary Moore (singer, 80s)
Jim Morrison (27)
Franklin Pierce (US President, 1853-1857. Liver cirrhosis 1869 aged 64.
Macaulay Culkin
Michael Jackson
Boy George
Carrie Fisher
Beth Morris (voice contestant) - cocaine
Hitler (Barbiturates)
Mussolini, Stalin, Eichmann.
Mao Zedong (barbiturates)
Jeffrey Dahmer (Alcohol)
Johnny Depp (booze)
Rodney Dangerfield
Mickey Mantle (baseball, booze)
Billie Holiday
Melanie Griffith
Ewan McGregor
Tony Hancock
Guy Burgess (spy)
Diana Ross
Shane MacGowen
Craig Charles.
Paul Verlaine (French 19th C Poet)
Melanie Griffith (Percocet)
Elvis (Percocet)
Cindy McCain (wife of John MCCain, Percocet)
Gerald Levert (Percocet)
Bill Werbeniuk
Ant McPartlin
Prince (Fentanyl overdose)
Lil Peep (Fentanyl overdose)
Alex Higgins
Bon Scott (AC/DC)
Kirk Stevens (Cocaine)
La Galue (Louise Weber) - queen of Momartre - can can dancer.
Jeff Hanneman (singer, Slayer)
Yves Saint-Laurent
Florence Ballard (The Supremes)
Colin Milburn (Cricketer)
John Barrymore (Early Hollywood Actor)
Kemal Ataturk (Cirrhosis)
Gail Russell (Early Hollywood icon)
Helen Morgan (American singer and actress)
Ulysses Grant
George Best
Calum Best
Verne Troyer
Keith Whitley (American Country music singer)
William Falkner (American author)
Caspar Fleming (Novelist’s son)
Anna Nicole-Smith
Yootha Joyce (Mildred)
Jerry Bailey - us jockey)
Joe Namath
Walter Swinburn (both dead) alcohol and also eating disorder
Bobby Fischer (Chess)
Willie Thorne ( gambling)
Kirk Stevens
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aradxan · 1 year
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Where the Sky is Torn Asunder by Trey Ratcliff This Week in Photography show log available If you wanted some of the links or to find out more about the other photographers on the show, visit the TWIP Log. Also if you found the show enjoyable, please be sure to leave them a comment. I'm sure they would enjoy hearing your feedback! 21 mlllion views -- Thanks! We hit than number today! img.skitch.com/20091114-tr54n63ydeb6n1grru8qax748q.jpg Daily Photo - Where the Sky is Torn Asunder (deep southern Andes, not far from Ushuaia) The morning sun sprayed orange across the top of Fitz Roy, and I could feel those sharp tips slicing into the cold sky. It was really an unbelievable experience being there at the perfect time; I feel very lucky indeed. From the blog at www.stuckincustoms.com https://flic.kr/p/7fKtMQ
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kefulimumu · 2 years
Icoc discipleship study pdf
 ICOC DISCIPLESHIP STUDY PDF >>Download (Descargar) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  ICOC DISCIPLESHIP STUDY PDF >> Leer en línea bit.do/fSmfG
           25 feb 2018 — He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, 'If any want to become my Adult Bible Study, 10:00 am, Room A | Every Tuesday, 29 sept 2019 — 7:00p- (S) Bible Study, JR. 7:00p- High School Youth Group, 8:30a- (E) Men's Bible Study, RM 8 Together with the Church of Christ on. por M Chaves — All four waves of the National Congregations Study (NCS) were made possible by major grants from Lilly Endowment, Inc. The 1998 NCS also was Professor of Global Christianities and Mission Studies, Perkins School of Common Global Ministries Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).I believe it is time to go back to the Bible and According to some of the studies, humans have These Church of Christ people know enough Bible that 3 abr 2020 — He asked for more, and she sent more; she also sent Roy Ratcliff, a local Church of Christ minister. Not too long after, Ratcliff led Dahmer to 21 ene 2018 — Invitation to Christian Discipleship (right after the sermon). 9:00 am, The Park | Every Sunday, Adult Bible Study, 10:00 am, 25 sept 2021 — Gathering Hymn / Himno – The Church of Christ, in Every Age (ELW 729), verses 1-3, 5 disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the.
https://www.tumblr.com/kefulimumu/698357227401232384/bwv-1007-prelude-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/kefulimumu/698356335409053696/psychologie-des-entreprises-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/kefulimumu/698357227401232384/bwv-1007-prelude-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/kefulimumu/698356652192202752/tbi-treatment-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/kefulimumu/698356652192202752/tbi-treatment-pdf.
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dr-archeville · 4 years
It’s Wednesday, May 6.  
Quick reminders:
Best of the Triangle voting is still happening THROUGH SUNDAY. Vote for your favorites here.
Please share this newsletter with your friends and ask them to hang with us.
We’ve got three days left in our 10 days, $10K fundraising drive.  We’re so close to our goal.  If you haven’t already joined the Press Club, help get us over the top.  ⬇️  ⬇️  ⬇️
PRIMER is made possible by the INDY Press Club, which is 🎉 celebrating its first birthday on Friday.  To end the year strong, we want to raise $10,000. And to say thanks, we have lots of goodies to give out over the next couple of days.
PLUS, WE HAVE T-SHIRTS!  We’ve made limited-edition t-shirts. Contribute $20 a month or $100 or more, and it’s yours (while supplies last).  Contribute $12 a month or $30 or more, and you can get one of the few original INDY Press Club tees we have left.  Existing members: Buy yours with a $20 contribution, and we still have your free original Press Club tees waiting for you.  All you need to do is email to Susan Harper with your address and shirt size.
If you want in on the action, click here.
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—Jeffrey C. Billman, INDY editor. Follow me on Twitter @jeffreybillman.
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Above the Fold
On Tuesday, as expected, Governor Cooper announced that the state would begin phase 1 of a three-part reopening plan at 5:00 p.m. on Friday.  The first phase, which will last at least until May 22, will only loosen the stay-at-home rules marginally.
Cooper: “COVID-19 is still a serious threat to our state, and phase 1 is designed to be a limited easing of restrictions that can boost parts of our economy while keeping important safety rules in place.  This is a careful and deliberate first step, guided by the data, and North Carolinians still must use caution while this virus is circulating.”
Cooper also said he hadn’t been influenced by the ReOpenNC protests: “We’re basing it only on the science and the facts. … The health and safety of North Carolinians will be the number one priority.  In order for our economy to thrive, people need to feel safe.  People need to trust the process.”
WHAT IT MEANS: Here’s what the new executive order changes (and doesn’t):
Groups of more than 10 can gather so long as they remain outside and adhere to social distancing rules. That applies to religious services and protests.
The state drops the distinction between essential and nonessential businesses, though it will continue to encourage teleworking.
Retail stores can open but only at half-capacity.
Restaurants and bars are still forbidden to have on-premises service.
Spas, salons, pools, theaters, gyms, and other specific businesses where social distancing is deemed impossible will remain closed.
State parks and trails will reopen, though public playgrounds will not.
Childcare facilities and summer day camps are permitted, though overnight camps will not be.
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REOPENING WATCH: In a press release announcing the order, Cooper’s office said that the state “remains stable” on seven metrics the governor and DHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen had identified two weeks ago.  Here are those metrics; judge for yourself.
1.  A downward trajectory of COVID-like illnesses.
This report is updated weekly.  For the week ending on April 25, it found that:
Fewer people than normal went to the ED.
ED visits for COVID-like illnesses were higher than normal for this time of year.
This week, ED visits for COVID-like illnesses increased in most areas.
The percentage of people seen in the ED with COVID-like illnesses who stayed in the hospital went up.
The number of people admitted to hospitals in the Public Health Epidemiologist network for COVID-19 and the percentage of people admitted to the ICU went up.
2.  A downward trajectory in confirmed cases over 14 days.
The number of confirmed cases has risen over the last two weeks, but the state attributes that to an increased number of tests. 
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3.  A 14-day downward trajectory in positive-test percentage.
The percentage of tests that have come back positive has declined.
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4.  A 14-day downward trajectory in current hospitalizations.
This is still rising, but not that much, and Cohen said yesterday that the state could handle a surge.
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5.  The capacity to test 5,000–7,000 people a day.
The state is conducting about double the number of tests it was in mid-April.
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6.  Whether the state has the capacity to do enough contact tracing.
North Carolina has 250 contact tracers right now and is looking to hire 250 more. The governor’s office says the state has received about 4,000 applications.
7.  Adequate supplies of PPE for 30 days.
The state says it is good on everything except gowns.
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Prognosis: Cooper emphasized on Tuesday that he would pull back if the data indicated, but for now, things are going well enough to inch forward.
WON’T MAKE THEM HAPPY: A smaller ReOpenNC crowd protested in Raleigh Tuesday, with head attention-seeker Ashley Smith promising to form a nonprofit to file a lawsuit after her plan to file a class-action writ of habeas corpus — I’m fairly certain that’s not a real thing, though maybe they could seek a temporary restraining order to invalidate the entire ordinance — proved too expensive.
Ashley Smith, totally milking her 15 minutes now, has called on likeminded COVIDiots to boycott Costco and Whole Foods because they’re making people wear masks.  That is absolutely, 100 percent fine by me.  The line outside the Durham Whole Foods has been ridiculous lately anyway.  
BUT WHAT DOES DAN FOREST THINK?: The Republican candidate for governor read a six-week-old Bloomberg story about a small Italian study and decided there is no moral or ethical justification for Cooper’s approach to reopening the state because COVID-19 is only killing the sick anyway.
“Who are these people who Forest considers worthy of sacrificing to the gods of capitalism?  More than half of the state, as it turns out.  According to a new report from the state Department of Health and Human Services, about 51 percent of North Carolina residents ‘are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 based on being 65 or older, having at least one of the underlying health conditions, or both. … An estimated 42% of people in North Carolina has one of the underlying health conditions included in the CDC’s guidance on people at high risk for a severe illness from COVID-19.’”
State & Local
Attorney General Josh Stein sued the Charlotte company A-1 Towing Solutions for “predatory” booting and towing policies, the state’s first price-gouging lawsuit since Governor Cooper declared a state of emergency.  Stein’s office says that A-1 charged a tractor-trailer owner up to $4,400 to reclaim their towed vehicles, which is four times the market rate.  A Wake County judge barred A-1 from conducting business in North Carolina until a hearing on May 13.
“Stein’s office said consumers have filed 1,763 complaints related to price gouging.”
On March 25, the INDY offered a guided tour of 10 price-gouging allegations.
Raleigh’s city council, finding itself in a NBD $36 million financial hole, has tapped N.C. State professor Mickey Fearn at the cost of $72,000 to help sort out how to replace the Citizen Advisory Councils that abruptly went away in a sneak-attack February vote.  Critics — including almost everyone on the current city council — argued that the CACs comprised unrepresentative busybodies who got in the way and had outsize power in zoning and development decisions.  The pro-CAC folks argued that they were the best conduit between the people and the powerful, but when the previous city council was toppled last year, the CACs lost their base of support.
Fearn is qualified for the gig, no doubt: He has five decades of experience in the public sector, including a stint as Seattle’s director of innovation.
David Cox cast the lone dissenting vote, arguing that the council shouldn’t be spending that kind of cash when it had that big a deficit.  Cox is also the council’s biggest CAC proponent, and he was kept in the dark ahead of the February 5 vote to eliminate them.  
The Wake County Board of Commissioners plans to spend $4 million in federal money on loans to small businesses and another $1 million for sole proprietors like barbers and hairstylists.  Details TBD, but the basic criteria so far are that the business must be located in Wake County and locally owned, not in bankruptcy, and show a loss of revenue.
Matt Calabria: “Coronavirus has taken its toll on our small businesses, and many of them are struggling to make ends meet.  That’s why we’re working to provide them with the support they need to stay afloat as we weather this crisis together.”
This is in addition to $1 million the city of Raleigh has voted to spend through the Carolina Small Business Development Fund and Wake Tech to help small businesses; Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin says the city has raised another $200,000 in private donations.
Durham hasn’t announced a small-business plan yet, though city manager Tom Bonfield will likely include one in the budget.  Small business owners say they need it now.
Wake commissioners are scheduled to hold a (virtual) public hearing on the matter on May 18.
McClatchy, the newspaper chain that owns The News & Observer, is in bankruptcy.  Its two biggest owners of protected debt are hedge funds, and while one of them — Chatham Asset Management — has indicated that it would take over the 30-paper company in exchange for debt forgiveness and $30 million, it now looks like the two hedge funds are trying to find a buyer and have a number of interested parties.  However, a slew of creditors whose debt isn’t as well-protected think they’d get hosed in the deal, so they objected.  On Monday, McClatchy told a bankruptcy court that it had reached an agreement with these lesser creditors — including 220 former McClatchy and Knight-Ridder execs — though terms weren’t disclosed.  That would likely clear the way for sale negotiations to proceed.
“Twenty interested bidders have been examining the company’s finances, McClatchy’s lead outside counsel … told [Judge] Wiles last week.  [The counsel] also warned last week that potential anti-trust issues could delay completion of a sale, a sign that large media outlets are likely among those considering a bid for the company.”
“McClatchy has previously acknowledged that it twice tried unsuccessfully to merge with another chain, widely reported to be Tribune, before declaring bankruptcy in February.  After consolidations, only two other major chains remain in the industry: MediaNews, whose holdings include The Denver Post, and Gannett, which recently merged with GateHouse and is the nation’s largest.”
Tl;dr: Any consolidation will probably suck for local journalism, though some Gannett and Trib papers continue to excel.  MediaNews would probably turn the N&O into a raging dumpster fire as quickly as possible; it’s MO is to cut staffs to the bone, squeeze out every last drop of profit, and let journalism wither and die.  (Coincidentally, the guy behind it is a Duke alum, and is in fact a former Blue Devils placekicker.)
Cheetie Kumar, the beloved chef behind the acclaimed Raleigh restaurant Garland, has been a semifinalist in the James Beard Awards’ Best Chef: Southeast category three times.  This year, she finally made it to finalist, and deservedly so.
“Normally a glitzy celebratory affair, the awards — the biggest distinction in the culinary world — have a particularly powerful register in a time when many of the restaurants recognized, including Garland, have been closed since March.”
“It’s gonna be a really different Garland, at least for a little while.  We’ve already mourned that, we've been through the resistance of that and all of the emotional aspects of having to reinvent something that you already loved and didn’t want to reinvent.  But you know, that’s just the reality”
LESS CELEBRATORY NEWS: Ashley Christensen, who won Best Chef at last year’s James Beard Awards, announced yesterday that she would not reopen Chuck’s, her downtown Raleigh burger joint. Instead, Beasley’s Chicken + Honey will expand.
→  WEATHER:  🌧🌤 (high of 67)
Nation & World
Yesterday, America’s COVID-19 death toll eclipsed 70,000.  The White House’s own projections see about 3,000 people dying a day by June 1.  The White House’s favorite public estimate recalibrated, doubling its projected death toll by August to nearly 135,000.  All of this, of course, means it’s the perfect time for the White House’s COVID-19 task force to declare mission accomplished and call it a day.
Mike Pence, who was put in charge for some damn reason: “It really is all a reflection of the tremendous progress we’ve made as a country.”
President Trump admitted on ABC News that reopening might lead to more deaths: “It’s possible there will be some because you won’t be locked into an apartment or a house or whatever.”
Pivoting to the economy, Trump added: “It’s gonna be so good.  No matter how well those people — can never ever replace somebody they love.  But we’re going to have something that they’re going to be very proud of.”
Meanwhile, Jared Kushner’s shadow task force is going as well as you’d expect: “[It] has relied in part on volunteers from consulting and private equity firms with little expertise in the tasks they were assigned, exacerbating chronic problems in obtaining supplies for hospitals and other needs, according to numerous government officials and a volunteer involved in the effort.”
MAYBE THIS WILL WORK: Pfizer is testing an experimental coronavirus vaccine on 360 people across the United States.  Anticipating that it will work, the company says it is already scaling up to produce millions of doses ready this year and can have hundreds of millions ready by 2021.  This is one of eight potential vaccines currently in clinical trials around the world.
Every time I see a headline like this, I reach for the nearest bottle of whiskey.  The good news — insofar as there can be good news when an 87-year-old is hospitalized for anything — is that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent nonsurgical treatment for a gallstone that was causing an infection and expects to participate in tele-hearings from the hospital today.
“The court is hearing a challenge to Trump administration rules that would allow employers broader exemptions from providing contraceptive care to their employees.”
“Ginsburg was treated last summer for a cancerous tumor on her pancreas, and she underwent surgery in late 2018 for lung cancer.”
Listen, universe: The last four years have been bad enough, and the last month hasn’t been a walk in the park, either.  RBG may well be indestructible, but at the very least, we’re going to need another seven months out of her.  —Yours, humanity.
On Sunday, President Trump did a Fox News interview at the Lincoln Memorial in which he complained that he was being treated worse than Lincoln, which, depending on how you look at it, is either terrifying or hilarious.  But he wasn’t supposed to be able to use the memorial as — let’s be honest — a campaign prop.  So his interior secretary, a former oil lobbyist, declared an exception to the rules based on an “extraordinary crisis,” and Trump got the optics he wanted.
“While Mr. Trump and many other presidents have hosted inauguration concerts and gatherings on the memorial’s steps, any event meant to draw an audience inside the interior near Daniel Chester French’s sculpture of a seated Lincoln is prohibited.  The area beginning with the marble staircase where the columns start constitutes a boundary protected by federal law.”
“‘Given the extraordinary crisis that the American people have endured, and the need for the president to exercise a core governmental function to address the nation about an ongoing public-health crisis,’ [Secretary David] Bernhardt wrote in an order issued Friday, ‘I am exercising my authority to facilitate the opportunity for the president to conduct this address within the Lincoln Memorial.’”
Sure, even the little things are corrupt.  But this is also dumb.  This is the visual they bent the rules to get: Trump, the tiny man in Lincoln’s grand shadow.
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Filed under: Couldn’t Make It Up If I Tried.  Last year, President Trump nominated loyalist John Ratcliffe to be the director of national intelligence, but within a week the Texas congressman had withdrawn his name amid bipartisan opposition.  He was unqualified, and everyone knew it; plus, he lied on his resume.  Which of course meant that Trump — smarting from impeachment and an intelligence apparatus that he’s convinced is out to get him — nominated him again this year.  Judging by who he follows on Twitter, Ratcliffe is maybe not the guy you’d want in charge of the country’s secrets.
“Ratcliffe’s official, verified campaign Twitter account follows several accounts on the political fringe, including a 9/11 truther account with just one follower besides himself and four promoting the outlandish QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that the world is run by a cabal of Democratic pedophile-cannibals — and has been ruled a potential source of domestic terrorism by the FBI.”
“The conspiracy theorists followed by Ratcliffe … cover a bizarre range of beliefs.  They posit that John F. Kennedy Jr. faked his death to help Trump to take down the Deep State.  Others claim a Democratic sex dungeon exists in a Washington pizzeria.  But Ratcliffe and the QAnon promoters he follows have one thing in common: utter loyalty to Trump.”
Ratcliffe doesn’t just follow conspiracy theorists; he straight-up invents conspiracies himself: “[Ratcliffe] played a role [in 2018] in popularizing what briefly became one of the right’s most easily debunked conspiracy theories about the investigation into the president and Russia, offering what he presented as evidence of an anti-Trump ‘secret society’ operating within the FBI.”
Ratcliffe went before the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday.  Guess what the committee’s chairman had to say.
“Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr said after the hearing that he believed Ratcliffe demonstrated he would ‘serve in an independent capacity.’  Burr, a Republican from North Carolina, said he hoped the committee would vote to approve his nomination as soon as next week.”
A senior engineer and vice president at Amazon quit in protest of the company’s recent terminations of whistleblowers.  In an open letter on his website, Tim Bray called the company “chickenshit.”
“I quit in dismay at Amazon firing whistleblowers who were making noise about warehouse employees frightened of Covid-19.  What with big-tech salaries and share vestings, this will probably cost me over a million (pre-tax) dollars, not to mention the best job I’ve ever had, working with awfully good people. So I’m pretty blue.”
“Warehouse workers reached out to [Amazon Employees for Climate Justice] for support.  They responded by internally promoting a petition and organizing a video call for Thursday April 16 featuring warehouse workers from around the world, with guest activist Naomi Klein. … Management could have objected to the event, or demanded that outsiders be excluded, or that leadership be represented, or any number of other things; there was plenty of time.  Instead, they just fired the activists.”
“Remaining an Amazon VP would have meant, in effect, signing off on actions I despised.  So I resigned.  The victims weren’t abstract entities but real people; here are some of their names: Courtney Bowden, Gerald Bryson, Maren Costa, Emily Cunningham, Bashir Mohammed, and Chris Smalls.  I’m sure it’s a coincidence that every one of them is a person of color, a woman, or both. Right?”
“In statements to Motherboard, Amazon has said its own protesting workers are ‘spreading misinformation and making false claims about Amazon,’ and that it ‘objects to the irresponsible actions of labor groups.’”
Elon Musk — who with his partner Grimes may or may not have just christened his baby boy “X Æ A-12 Musk ” (no, I don’t know how to pronounce that, and it might not be legal anyway) — cost his company $14 billion with seven words, which, if you think about it, is pretty incredible: “Tesla stock price is too high imo.”
Primer is made possible by contributions to the INDY Press Club.  Join today and support independent local journalism. If you’d like to advertise your business to Primer’s 30,000 subscribers, please contact me at [email protected] or John Hurld at [email protected]. If you have suggestions for improving this newsletter, please contact me at [email protected].
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a-study-in-crime · 4 years
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10 True Crime Books Worth Reading
I thought I could share a list of ten true crime books I consider worth reading. As you may notice, a few of them are entirely about Jeffrey Dahmer, but that’s because he is one of the most fascinating ones... at least according to me. 
True Crime In General
Base Instincts by Jonathan H. Pincus
Mindhunter by John E. Douglas
Whoever Fights Monsters by Robert Ressler 
Books About Kidnappings
3096 Days by Natascha Kampusch 
A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard
Finding Me by Michelle Knight
Jeffrey Dahmer Books
Dahmer Detective by Patrick Kennedy
Dark Journey, Deep Grace by Roy Ratcliff
The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer by Brian Masters
The Man Who Could Not Kill Enough by Anne E. Schwartz 
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willwillzums · 4 years
Music shuffle tag
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
Tagged by the impeccable @toro-y-mwah 
1. Navajo- Masego 
3. Mystic Brew- Ronnie Foster 
4. Highway Chile- Jimi Hendrix 
5. Ratcliff- Toro Y Moi (Hey! @toro-y-mwah !!) 
6. A Letter -Blu & Exile 
7. So(Rt)- Knxwledge
8. Harm in Change- Toro Y Moi
9. Make it Work- Anderson .Paak, Asher Roth & Donnie Trumpet 
10. Horsey (feat Sarah Bonito)- Macross 82-99 
Im gonna tag @shinyabsols @the-mossiest-girl @floofee @featheredpheonix @yenohdnanomel @pisces-gf @ohwowwwlovely @lixalys @deep-space-seaweed @tank-so-average @quesobandito @vanderlis @kinkycurlie  and anyone who wants to do this <3 
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shittypeople34 · 1 year
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Why do   you want to be baptized?”   Over the years, I’ve regretted baptizing people who were pushed into it by anxious parents or   pressing circumstances. Baptism is important to spiritual development, and must be undertaken   with the proper understanding of what it means and what is expected of the person afterward. 
“Well, I used to think baptism was an optional thing, but I’ve done some reading and studying   on the subject, and I’ve realized that I need to have my sins washed away, like Paul did in   Damascus [see Acts 22:16, “Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling upon the name   of the Lord”]. In the past I picked up the idea from watching religious shows on television that   baptism is not very important,” Jeffrey said.   Now, he said, his view had changed. He had come to believe in the importance of baptism by   studying books and pamphlets and the New Testament books of Mark, Acts and Romans. He   believed he needed to be “buried with Christ,” as Romans describes it. He wanted to be baptized   like many were on the day of Pentecost—as reported in Acts.   Finally, he said, “I really want to be baptized.”   I was surprised. Jeffrey had studied the subject beyond basic Bible correspondence courses. He   was familiar with Bible passages about the subject; he understood the purpose and place of   baptism. He very much wanted to address the sin in his life. He believed in Jesus Christ, and said   he wanted to “put Him on in baptism”—a common phrase in my Christian fellowship.   So, he did understand the nature of baptism—and once the issue of proper understanding is   settled, the issue of urgency kicks in. Such urgency is illustrated by the account of the Philippian   jailer in Acts, who was baptized in the middle of the night. Once the Apostle Paul saw that the jailer   had a good understanding of the need for baptism, he did not waste any time.   My decision came quickly. “Yes, I’ll baptize you. It’s clear that you understand what baptism is   all about.” When I told him this, he let out a loud sigh, an obvious feeling of relief.   “Why did you make that noise just now?” I asked. His answer has remained with me since. “I   was very nervous about meeting you today,” he said. “I was afraid you would come and tell me that   I couldn’t be baptized because my sins are too evil.”   “I would never say that,” I said. “Such a thought never entered my head. The whole point of   baptism is dying to one’s old life of sin. All sins are evil before God. I don’t know of any sins too   evil for Christ’s blood to wash away.”   In the years since our first meeting, I have been asked many questions about Jeffrey Dahmer.   The most common is, “Was Jeffrey Dahmer really sincere about his baptism?” My answer always   takes me back to that moment in that little room when I agreed to baptize him, and he confided his   fears that I would reject his request.   I think Jeffrey was serious about his baptism.
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extrabeurre · 4 years
IL PLEUVAIT DES OISEAUX en tête des nominations du Gala Québec Cinéma 2020
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En direct du salon de Guillaume Lambert, les nominations du Gala Québec Cinéma (qui ne fera pas l’objet d’un rassemblement télévisuel cette année, confinement oblige) ont été dévoilées cet après-midi.
En cette année dominée par les réalisatrices, 6 des meilleurs films sont réalisés par des femmes et 3 femmes sont en lice pour l’Iris de la Meilleure réalisation.
On parle bien sûr d’Antigone de Sophie Deraspe (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), La femme de mon frère de Monia Chokri  (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation), Kuessipan de Myriam Verreault (Meilleur film, Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), Jeune Juliette d’Anne Émond (Meilleur film, Meilleur scénario), Il pleuvait des oiseaux  et Louise Archambault (Meilleur film, Meilleur scénario, et 13 nominations au total, le record cette année), et du plus inattendu Fabuleuses de Mélanie Charbonneau (Meilleur film).
Ces films réalisés par des femmes sont rejoints dans les catégories de pointe par les « films de gars » Mafia Inc de Podz (Meilleur film), Sympathie pour le diable de Guillaume de Fontenay (Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur scénario), et  Le vingtième siècle de Matthew Rankin  (Meilleur premier film, Meilleure réalisation).
Un grand oublié : Xavier Dolan, qui a lancé deux longs métrages l’an dernier. On ne s’attendait pas à un couronnement du mal-aimé The Death and Life of John F. Donovan, mais l’excellent Matthias & Maxime aurait mérité plus d’honneurs. Il est quand même en nomination dans les catégories Meilleure interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien (Micheline Bernard), Meilleure interprétation masculine dans un rôle de soutien (Pier-Luc Funk), Meilleure direction de la photographie (André Turpin), Meilleur montage (Xavier Dolan), Meilleure musique originale (Jean-Michel Blais) et Meilleur maquillage (Erik Gosselin, Edwina Voda).
Du côté des interprètes, je suis soulagé que mon long métrage québécois préféré depuis longtemps, Le rire de Martin Laroche, ait été au moins reconnu pour les brillantes performances de Léane Labrèche-Dor (Premier rôle féminin) et Micheline Lanctôt (Rôle de soutien féminin).
Il faut aussi souligner les deux nominations comme acteur de Robin Aubert, pour Jeune Juliette (Premier rôle masculin) et Merci pour tout (Rôle de soutien masculin).
Et une pensée pour Andrée Lachapelle, qui nous a quittés récemment, nommée comme Meilleure actrice pour Il pleuvait des oiseaux.
Parlant d’Il pleuvait des oiseaux , félicitations à Will Driving West, un de mes groupes préférés, parmi les finalistes de la catégorie Meilleure musique originale. 
Aussi, je suis très heureux pour l’extraordinaire Je finirai en prison d’Alexandre Dostie, en nomination pour l’Iris du meilleur court métrage.
Antigone - ACPAV - Marc Daigle
Fabuleuses - GO Films - Nicole Robert
La femme de mon frère - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant
Il pleuvait des oiseaux - Les Films Outsiders - Ginette Petit
Jeune Juliette - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil
Kuessipan - Max Films Média - Félize Frappier
Mafia Inc - Attraction Images - Antonello Cozzolino | Caramel Films - Valérie D'Auteuil, André Rouleau
Mad Dog Labine - Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Renaud Lessard - 1er scénario de Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Renaud Lessard
Sympathie pour le diable - Guillaume de Fontenay - 1er scénario de Guillaume de Fontenay, Guillaume Vigneault
Le vingtième siècle - Matthew Rankin - 1er scénario de Matthew Rankin
Monia Chokri - La femme de mon frère
Guillaume de Fontenay - Sympathie pour le diable
Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Matthew Rankin - Le vingtième siècle
Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Louise Archambault - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jean Barbe, Guillaume de Fontenay, Guillaume Vigneault - Sympathie pour le diable
Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Anne Émond - Jeune Juliette
Naomi Fontaine, Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Anne-Élisabeth Bossé (Sophia) - La femme de mon frère
Anne Dorval (Isabelle Brodeur) - 14 jours 12 nuits
Léane Labrèche-Dor (Valérie) - Le rire
Andrée Lachapelle (Gertrude | Marie-Desneige) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Noémie O'Farrell (Laurie) - Fabuleuses
Robin Aubert (Bernard) - Jeune Juliette
Marc-André Grondin (Vincent «Vince »Gamache) - Mafia Inc
Patrick Hivon (Karim) - La femme de mon frère
Niels Schneider (Paul Marchand) - Sympathie pour le diable
Gilbert Sicotte (Charlie) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Micheline Bernard (Francine) - Matthias & Maxime
Juliette Gosselin (Clara Diamond) - Fabuleuses
Micheline Lanctôt (Jeanne) - Le rire
Eve Landry (Rafaëlle [Raf]) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Geneviève Schmidt (France Gauthier) - Menteur
Robin Aubert (Réjean) - Merci pour tout
Sergio Castellitto (Francesco « Franck » Paternò) - Mafia Inc
Pier-Luc Funk (Rivette) - Matthias & Maxime
Sasson Gabai (Hichem) - La femme de mon frère
Rémy Girard (Tom) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Catherine Chabot (Chloé Therrien) - Menteur
Sharon Fontaine-Ishpatao (Mikuan Vollant [16-21ans]) - Kuessipan
Alexane Jamieson (Juliette) - Jeune Juliette
Nahéma Ricci (Antigone) - Antigone
Lilou Roy-Lanouette (Yanna) - Jouliks
Jacinthe Beaudet, Tobie Fraser, Geneviève Hébert, Myriam Verreault - Kuessipan
Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) - Jeune Juliette
Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) | Francis Cantin, Bruno Rosato (Casting Cantin Rosato) - Mafia Inc
Sophie Deraspe, Isabelle Couture | Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) - Antigone
Karel Quinn (Casting Karel Quinn) | Lucie Robitaille (Casting Lucie Robitaille) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Éric Barbeau - La femme de mon frère
Dany Boivin - Le vingtième siècle
Marie-Claude Gosselin, Jean Lebourdais - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Sylvain Lemaitre - Jeune Juliette
David Pelletier - Mafia Inc
Yves Bélanger - 14 jours 12 nuits
Nicolas Canniccioni - Kuessipan
Josée Deshaies - La femme de mon frère
Mathieu Laverdière - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
André Turpin - Matthias & Maxime
Claude Beaugrand, Michel B. Bordeleau, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Claude La Haye, Raymond Legault - The Song of Names
Sylvain Bellemare, Jocelyn Caron, Bernard Gariépy Strobl - Sympathie pour le diable
Serge Boivin, Olivier Calvert, Samuel Gagnon-Thibodeau - Ville Neuve
Luc Boudrias, Sylvain Brassard, Jean Camden - Mafia Inc
Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Sacha Ratcliffe, Lynne Trépanier - Le vingtième siècle
Geoffrey Boulangé, Sophie Deraspe - Antigone
Monia Chokri, Justine Gauthier - La femme de mon frère
Xavier Dolan - Matthias & Maxime
Myriam Poirier - 14 jours 12 nuits
Matthew Rankin - Le vingtième siècle
Alchimie 24 - Alain Lachance, Jean-Pierre Riverin - The Song of Names
Mikros - Véronique Dessard, Philippe Frère - The Hummingbird Project
Oblique FX - Benoit Brière, Louis-Philippe Clavet, Kinga Sabela - Sympathie pour le diable
Andréa Bélanger, David Ratté (Will Driving West) - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jean-Michel Blais - Matthias & Maxime
Jean Massicotte, Jad Orphée Chami - Antigone
Howard Shore - The Song of Names
Peter Venne - Le vingtième siècle
Valérie Lévesque - Mafia Inc
Ginette Magny - Jouliks
Patricia McNeil - La femme de mon frère
Patricia McNeil - Le vingtième siècle
Caroline Poirier - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Jeanne Lafond - Jouliks
Léonie Lévesque-Robert - Fabuleuses
Marlène Rouleau - Mafia Inc
Adriana Verbert - Le vingtième siècle
Erik Gosselin, Edwina Voda - Matthias & Maxime
Michelle Côté - The Song of Names
Stéphanie Deflandre - Mafia Inc
Nermin Grbic - Le vingtième siècle
Daniel Jacob - Fabuleuses
Martin Lapointe - Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Alexandre le fou - Pedro Pires | Pedro Pires
Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains - Thomas Rinfret | Divertissement Breakout - Vito Balenzano, Bruno Rosato | Vélocité International - Valérie Bissonnette
Soleils noirs - Julien Elie | Cinéma Belmopán - Julien Elie
Xalko - Hind Benchekroun, Sami Mermer | Les films de la tortue - Hind Benchekroun | Sami Mermer
Ziva Postec. La monteuse derrière le film Shoah - Catherine Hébert | Les Films Camera Oscura - Christine Falco
Dominic Dorval, Vincent Masse, Thomas Rinfret, Richard Tremblay - Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains
Sami Mermer - Xalko
François Messier-Rheault, Ernesto Pardo - Soleils noirs
Pedro Pires - Alexandre le fou
Pedro Ruiz - Sur les toits Havane
Benoit Côté, Thomas Rinfret - Mad Dog & The Butcher - Les derniers vilains
Sylvia De Angelis, Sophie Leblond, Pedro Pires - Alexandre le fou
Aube Foglia - Soleils noirs
Annie Jean - Ziva Postec. La monteuse derrière le film Shoah
Natalie Lamoureux - Une femme, ma mère
Wolfgang Beck, Mustafa Bölükbasi, Kerem Çakir, Huseyin Can Erol, Sonat Hançer, Eric Lebœuf, Bruno Pucella, Ibrahim Tarhan, Yener Yalçin, Tolga Yelekçi - Échos d'Istanbul
Luc Boudrias, Patrice LeBlanc - Une femme, ma mère
Sylvain Brassard, Benoit Leduc, Gaël Poisson Lemay - Alexandre le fou
Shelley Craig, Marie-Pierre Grenier, Luc Léger, Geoffrey Mitchell - La fin des terres
René Portillo - Sur les toits Havane
Je finirai en prison - Alexandre Dostie | Art & Essai - Hany Ouichou
Jojo - Guillaume Laurin | Couronne Nord - Fanny Forest, Julie Groleau, Guillaume Laurin
Juste moi et toi - Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers | Les Films Camera Oscura - Johannie Deschambault
SDR - Alexa-Jeanne Dubé | À Deux - Emili Mercier
Une bombe au cœur - Rémi St-Michel | Christal Films Productions - Christian Larouche | Panache Films - Sébastien Létourneau
Le cortège - Pascal Blanchet, Rodolphe Saint-Gelais | Office national du film du Canada - Julie Roy
Le mal du siècle - Catherine Lepage | Office national du film du Canada - Marc Bertrand
Organic - Steven Woloshen | Steven Woloshen
Physique de la tristesse - Theodore Ushev | Office national du film du Canada - Marc Bertrand
Les vêtements - Caroline Blais | Caroline Blais
Antigone - Sophie Deraspe | ACPAV - Marc Daigle | Maison 4:3
La femme de mon frère - Monia Chokri | Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant | Les Films Séville
Genèse - Philippe Lesage | Unité centrale - Galilé Marion-Gauvin | FunFilm Distribution
Kuessipan - Myriam Verreault | Max Films Média - Félize Frappier | Filmoption International
Répertoire des villes disparues - Denis Côté | Couzin Films - Ziad Touma | Maison 4:3
La femme de mon frère - Monia Chokri | Les Films Séville | Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant
Il pleuvait des oiseaux - Louise Archambault | MK2 | Mile End | Les Films Outsiders - Ginette Petit
Mafia Inc - Daniel Grou (Podz) | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images - Antonello Cozzolino | Caramel Films - Valérie D'Auteuil, André Rouleau
Menteur - Émile Gaudreault | Les Films Séville | Les Films du Lac - Émile Gaudreault | Cinémaginaire - Denise Robert
Merci pour tout - Louise Archambault | Les Films Séville | Amalga - André Dupuy
Alanis Obomsawin
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jdsjcnnskfjskfnsbd · 5 years
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Roy Ratcliff, the man who baptized Jeffrey Dahmer, holding a Thanksgiving card Dahmer sent him shortly before being executed in 1994.
“Dear Roy,
Thank you for your friendship, and for taking the time and effort to help me understand God’s word. God bless you and your family!
Sincerely, Jeff Dahmer”
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rigovanov · 7 years
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grahamsdogs · 6 years
you seem to like jeffrey dahmer to certain degree
I do, actually. Now because we are on tumblr and no one around here has no chill whatsoever, I feel like I should explain myself.
I do like Jeffrey Dahmer for more than one reason. Speaking from a professional point of view, Jeff really stands out when compared to other serial killers. The most fascinating thing about him is that he did not necessarily enjoy killing. In fact, killing was for him just a means to an end. He did not get off on taking those men’s lives; what he enjoyed was the aftermath, having unrestricted access and control over someone whether they were dead or alive. Jeff had to drink himself into a stupor to take someone’s life and even when he wasn’t killing he still used alcohol to forget what he had done, to live with the ugliness of his actions and desires. He struggled with his sexuality, repressed his desires out of shame and actually spent years without giving into his compulsions. So yes, Jeffrey is intriguing and after learning so much about him I can’t help but be fascinated by him. Patrick Kennedy used to say that he saw Jeffrey as a tragedy and I totally agree with him. Jeffrey was a miserable human being and I can’t help but feel sorry for him. He was trapped in an existence where he would never get what he wanted no matter what he did: if he killed, he would be eternally tormented by it; but if he didn’t, he would forever struggle with a compulsion that would consume his entire life. Most killers like him are graced with a lack of conscience and remorse and that’s probably why they are able to satisfy their compulsions, but that didn’t seem to be Jeffrey’s case.
That being said, I do not condone his actions. I do not romanticize them. I do not think Jeffrey was some misunderstood boy. Jeffrey was a profoundly mentally ill person (and that’s not to say that he could not comprehend that his actions were wrong: he was very aware of that and that’s precisely the reason why he was an alcoholic to begin with). He was a privileged white male who deserved to be incarcerated for what he did. And since we are here: I do not think that Jeffrey Dahmer and his crimes are things to be joked about—take a look at the TCC tag on this hellsite and you’ll se a lot of assholes posting memes not only about Jeff, but a lot of other serial killers as well. If you are one of these blogs do me a favor and do not follow me, thank you.
So yes, anon, I like Jeffrey Dahmer and that’s not even a rare occurrence. Roy Ratcliff, the minister who baptized Dahmer, referred to him as his “friend”. Patrick Kennedy and Dennis Murphy also developed a strangely close relationship with him, because that’s what human beings do: they connect to one another. Even Jeffrey Dahmer did. I’m sorry I transformed this answer in a rambling mess, but I’m very wary when talking about these things. The relatives of Dahmer’s victims are still out there (as well as many other people who lost their loved ones to people like him) and the last thing I want is to hurt the feelings of people who already had to go through so much pain. I also don’t expect these people to understand my point of view on Dahmer.
TL;DR: I do like Jeffrey Dahmer not only as a subject of study but as a person. I think he was a phenomena that we are yet to see happening again (I hope we don’t). His motive to kill was unprecedented and strangely human in its nature and I find that intriguing. I do not condone his actions and everyone who does can fuck right off.
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semiautogun-blog · 6 years
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The man who ministered Jeffery Dahmer
Roy Ratcliff is a Christian pastor who ministered serial killer Jeffery Dahmer while he was in prison. Ratcliff provided Dahmer with spiritual counseling and lead him in bible study sessions every week while Jeffery was in prison. In 1994 Ratcliff baptized Dahmer, and after Dahmer’s murder he conducted his funeral service.
Above is a Thanksgiving card given to Roy Ratcliff by Jeffery Dahmer
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