#S&S 08
kenbrown1994 · 3 months
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
The Darkling: “Now... you know sacrifice.”
Alina: “Beyond anything you've ever known.”
Are you fucking kidding me? You’re telling that to a guy, who survived centuries of slaughter of his people, often loved ones, and still kept going, trying to protect next generation and the one after that... after you merely finished your already dying childhood sweetheart?!
No, she has no fucking clue, what sacrifice is. Self entitled brat!
Look, I love Jessie, but the face says it all...
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Alina: “And look what it did.”
The Darkling: “Indeed. Look what it did.”
Aleksander sounds almost mournful. 
Alina: “Mal and I changed the world. We tore down your Shadow Fold.”
The Darkling: “You have my sympathies for what comes next, when you realize that what you've done solves nothing. The world doesn't need a Saint to protect it. It needs a monster.”
She won’t. She showed zero self-reflection so far, I’m pretty sure she’ll continue being her short-sighted, self-involved SELF. Except now more privileged as a Living Saint and Queen...
The Darkling: “And while I remain... Let me be your monster.”
Alina: “You think that after everything, I'd still stand by you?”
No! She’s constantly hurting you, why you keep coming back for more?!
And when exactly did Alina stand by Aleksander? In the middle of previous season, before she ran off with no explanation?!
The Darkling: “There is no light without darkness. Without me, you have no counter, no balance. Let me carry the hatred of this world.”
Alina: “Hatred. Because of the choices you made.”
I’m getting tired of repeating myself, but how is Grisha opression a result of the Darkling’s choices? Did he hurt someone before he was born? Is he a god?!
Plus it’s incredibly hilarious Alina “Half-Shu poor little thing, pity me for all the racism ~I~ have to face” Starkov now believes automatic hatred against you is something you cause yourself. But then again, she was planning a trip to Shu Han few episodes earlier, so the centuries-long distrust between those nations probably magically disappeared too... How incompetent writer do you need to be, if you can’t even keep track of your own themes?!
The Darkling: “Choices you too will make... in time.”
Alina: “I will never walk your path.”
No, she lacks empathy already. I doubt few decades of losing her friends will make her a better person.
The Darkling: “I know you believe that now. But soon... Soon you will have no equal. The years spent alone will grind you down, they will harden you. And who will be there to shield you from it? Who will be there to save you?”
Alina: “I will save myself.”
I know this is supposed to be another Girlboss™ moment, but he isn’t really saying “Hide behind me, I’ll protect you!”, he’s saying “What will you do, when you’re alone and friendless, who will support you, share your difficulties? Who will remind you to stay human?”.
The Darkling: “Without me, know they will come for you.”
Alina: “Let them come.”
This totally doesn’t sound like Oh-So-Merciful Sankta’s gonna be burning people alive in few years. Nope.
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zaynjmsource · 8 months
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Zayn recently
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enbyroses · 5 months
can we stop fucking including the “see results” option in polls? literally it adds fucking nothing and is just going to throw off the actual results
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mpregjamesdiamond · 23 days
kind of a slay to make us wait all day inside the house for a package thinking about the package and when will the package be here. when we could be spending that time frolicking around
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estradasphere · 1 month
Every time I think I've discovered everything Estradasphere-related that's left to discover I find More. The thread just keeps unraveling forever
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syntia13treeman · 3 months
Case files 08.01
what I think happened in:
Case 08.01,
the case of "Time of the Hungry Architecture" or "There are no missing persons in Forton Service Station."
Ok, I've had twinges of suspicion in some earlier episodes, but now it's a certainty. There are some Time Shenanigans afoot! Not time travel per se, but time asynchronicity for sure.
But let us start at the beginning, with Terrance Stevens (51) who recently went through a messy divorce, lost most of his friends in the process, and rather than going down the rabbit hole of workaholism/alcoholism/etc, decided to practice some self-care. He ditched his high-stress job in finances and became a janitor (less money but also less stress), and for a bit of intellectual challenge he enrolled in a university course. Good for you, my dude!
Downside of this – I imagine there are not many opportunities to bond with co-workers at a service station, and most if not all his fellow students are bound to be half his age, so he likely didn't make any new friends to replace the old ones. This is important, because I believe that lack of connections made him extra vulnerable to the spookies.
As Terrance later explained in his paper, his new place of employment, Forton Services, can be considered a site of brutal liminalism (TM). It's a cold and uninviting place, where there is a constant stream of people who want to be somewhere else, and where time has little to no meaning (open 24/7 and not a clock in sight).
In a place like this, reality might start to wear a little bit thin. Time and space might get a little bit warped. A little bit distorted. And not a little bit hungry.
And Terrance, lonely, sad and isolated Terrance, looked like a perfect meal.
It crept up on him over the course of few days. Without ever realising, he was being pulled somewhere else for increasingly long periods of time. (From his point of view, it seemed like there were less people around. There weren't. Terrance just didn't see most of them, because he wasn't there). It kept happening, until the fateful night, when Terrance phased out of reality for good. (For awhile).
Where did he go? Someplace almost here but not quite, where time was just a little bit out of sync with ours. Not by much. Just enough that the people and cars moving around started looking to him like a colourful blur. (Like stepping into a time-lapse picture).
Spooked by the (seeming) absence of people and strange visuals, Terrance ran right into the waiting trap elevator (defunct here, but working there). He was greeted by a too thin woman with name-tag that wasn't actually name-tag (it read You Are Here). She took him up to the (not)functioning restaurant at the top of the Pennine Tower (20m high).
There, in what seemed to be a 60s themed restaurant, he saw a crowd of people* who looked like they were AI generated (with key prompt words being thin&malnourished) sitting at the tables, not-eating and not-chatting. The chef, wearing another 'you are here' name-tag greeted him with a cheerful "You are here! Stay awhile!"
As first reaction, Terrance moved to sit at a nearby table.** (Everyone turned to watch).
As second reaction, Terrance showed admirable self-preservation instinct and tried to get the hell out of there. Sadly the door he'd entered through weren't there any more, the windows, he just noticed, were empty holes leading into black nothingness, and all the 'guests' moved to grab him, repeating after the chef: "Stay awhile!" (It was not a greeting this time. Nor was it a request).
After this, things escalated quickly. The hungry crowd closed in on Terrance and started biting him (the chef munched one of his fingers whole). Not quite ready to become dinner, Terrance punched and kicked his way free and with no hesitation jumped out the not-window.
Somewhere between the window-hole and hitting the ground, he re-entered the normal timestream, and some kind soul called in paramedics to treat his injuries. Which, for the record, were classified as fall damage by said paramedics and I find it either sus or hilarious. Sirs, these are bite-marks. How many teeth does your average building/pavement have? (To be fair, maybe the hungry crowd didn't master the teeth just yet. Maybe they need to take an anatomy course or something).
It is unclear how much time passed here while Terrance was NOT-here. It wasn't the Rip Van Winkle's 'one nap = 20 years', since he managed to submit his paper the same year it was assigned, but it was apparently long enough that he felt that someone should have reported him as missing. The fact that no-one did can have two explanations:
Very mundane if sad 'no-one cares about you enough to notice your extended absence, buddy'.
Part of the Pennine Tower's whole thing is that people who were pulled in-there are not remembered out-here, at least for as long as they remain in-there. A good hunting strategy, actually. If you were an immobile ambush predator, you wouldn't want potential pray to realize that fellow humans die here, would you.
To finish the story - Terrance immediately quit his janitor job, rationalized his experience as psychotic episode brought about by bad influence of hostile architecture, wrote a paper about it (submitted 12 July 2023 - late; failed) and, hopefully, moved on with his life.
Things of note:
*This is the second time we were introduced to a group of nameless, copy-pasted not-quite-people, prone to repeating cheerful, positive phrases. Colour me intrigued.
**I wonder what would have happened if Terrance took his place at the table. Maybe even tried some food he was offered. Was he always going to end up as the main course, or would he be assimilated, turned into one more thin, hungry guest, forever waiting for a new meal to walk in the door?
I keep going back and forth between 'the tower is a predator that creates human-facsimiles as part of its digestive system' and 'the not-people made the tower their home because they liked the brutalism vibe (or it was just a convenient spot)'.
I rather hope we'll see the Pennine Tower again. It's such a distinctive landmark. And the land is definitely marked.
There sure are a lot of mentions of hunger and food in this podcast, eh? Wonder what could it mean.
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trans-sarah · 11 days
Hello June! Howdy Pride Month!
Allies, you play a critical role in creating a more equitable and accepting society for all.
Your Allyship challenges discrimination, raises awareness, amplifies LGBTQ+ voices fostering inclusive environment
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megaclaudiolis · 2 years
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Shilese Jones | US Nationals 2022 Day 1 AA 57.200
· bonus:
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#the most beautiful double turn ever
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datshitrandom · 10 months
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Darren Criss performs with 90's cover band Jumperwall at Olivia Hamilton's party in Malibu, California | August 19th, 2023 | 📸 via Jackie Michele Johnson's ig stories
Universal Studios Homer Simpson Lounge Pants | ♡, ♡, ♡
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pigeonneaux · 1 year
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my son........my mioumiou...........Fil de fer.............trashcore...........cringefail.......
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nerdylibertarian928 · 6 months
Is the 2008 Sense & Sensibility any good or should I not bother and stick to the 1995 one
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izzyizumi · 1 year
ME: Everyone shut up "Be The Winners" from "Digimon Adventure:" (2020 reboot) is playing!!!
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trans-sarah · 12 days
Embrace your authenticity: Pride Month is a time to honor and celebrate who you truly are. Embrace your unique identity, and remember that you are valid, loved, and deserving of acceptance. #PrideMonth #LGBTQI #QueerUltimatum.🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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Some more Facility things
The Rh-08
Underneath the Admin and the Six, there are 8 officers. One for each of the Six and two for the Administrator, who act and speak in their stead and/or answer directly to them and/or act as personal guards. When being recruited or asking for audience with one of the Six or Garion, you're more likely to get in touch with their Rh.
Garion(Admin) - Rh-00 Dubois and Rh-01 Songbird
Father - Rh-02 Aggrotech (Vice Instance)
Mother - Rh-03 Meraki (Mizho Instance)
Weaver - Rh-04 Claw (Slow Instance)
Eyes - Rh-05 Kenji (Goge Instance)
Doctor - Rh-06 Koi No Yokan (Kiyose Instance)
Dove - Rh-07 Bilita Mpash (Desir Instance)
The Compounds and Gates.
The Facility tends to keep towards simple names, as is obvious with its own name. The ideas of quirky propaganda or copyright are far from their minds for obvious reasons.
A compound is any building The Facility has taken command of in a timeline. Usually very defensable places, typically reinforced with their own work.
Within the outer layers, compounds appear and function like a military base. Typically compounds in stable timelines function to ease new recruits into subdimensional structure and life and for strict enforcement and training for the rules when in other timelines.
The midlayers are more residential and relaxed, often for higher officers while they have duties in that specific timeline, usually very sparse in stable timelines and more occupied in active activity timelines.
The inner layers are lined with interdimensional holding cells, used to contain and interrogate instances from the present timeline, as well as any insubordinate new recruits. Masters and douji are treated with the same level of caution as if they were Milieu himself, simply because of what they know about other timelines.
Gates are a stabilized opening between dimensions, and while all of the Rh-08 officers and Administrator can produce them on their own, there is typically one active in most compounds with a hairtrigger shutdown and multiple failsafe on the Facility side to prevent invasion, infestation, or bleed from the timeline.
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