foxspritez · 8 months
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not enough mermaid aus in this society
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lesbiten · 1 year
got bored and decided to watch a few eps of black mirror. never seen the show before. what the everloving shit and balls
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officialtokyosan · 10 months
suffering from being old (aching body, no longer able to whimsically enjoy the things i liked during my youth) and from being a baby (complete lack of growth and accomplisment [or at least sense of accomplishment] to establish myself as an adult with choices)
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fandommemequeen · 1 year
yall ever have those days where skool finally finishes up for the day and u have all these ideas for all this cool stuff u wanna do and u dont end up doing any of them and u blink and u wasted an entire day and u dont have the motivation to do any creative-y stuff or even do anything in general so ur just sitting there feeling useless and wondering how many more days youll end up wasting and wondering if youll escape this nightmarish cycle before its too late
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snow-gear · 2 years
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I would like to go live in the by myself woods and do nothing
just pick berries and make houses out of sticks
dig in mud
Buuuut Nooooooooo
I have to be a functioning member of societyyyyy
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alfredolover119 · 2 years
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d1gitaldreams · 3 days
I want to wear my TV head and my cable tail every day and just wear them casually but societyyyyy ;w;
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aeviare · 1 year
{there's a viral video called 'history of the entire world, i guess' and a part where he goes in a sing song voice 'societyyyyy' and that's me rn but instead it's 'anxietyyyyy' lmao and i just keep hearing that specific jingle over and over}
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eveningclouds · 2 years
it's weird how many emotions i have associated with my hair
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the hot water here doesnt last long enough to run a full bath so i used the kettle to add some boiled water to get it hot enough. feeling very 1800s, very pioneerish today 👩‍🌾
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slicedblackolives · 3 years
I've made this post five times but SOCIETYYYYY!!! SOCIETY IF!!! EVery single teenage girl with a massive fucking crush on xmenfc era James McAvoy had simply watched atonement (2007) rather than pretending charles cold hearted bastard extraordinaire xavier is an sweet cinnamon roll being attacked by evil leftists! straight up asshole is at least 40% of charles' personality please! it's okay! it's fine! it's been ten years we can finally admit that just because a 30 year old billionaire is 5'7 with anime girl blue eyes and Chanel lip tint it doesn't make him an innocent baby we were just teenagers and mcavoy was really really pretty
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eightdoctor · 3 years
i will say it but i don’t like how big finish is taking more influence from new who doctors regarding 8s characterization ESPECIALLY wrt stranded. like ive noticed how new who doctors (mostly 10 & 11 and 13) are getting progressively more idk.. infantile? just in how they’re like “i can’t take care of myself i need my companions to do it for me because i’m weird i’m a weirdo have you ever seen me without this coat on? that’s weird” (note martha in particular having to take care of 10 ALL THE TIME which is another can of worms entirely) BUT ANYWAY.
while stranded WAS good in terms of companions and their relationships (tania is the loml and liv and helen are so wonderful as always), the way big finish (& i suppose all dw writers as a whole now) make 8 out to be like.. utterly incompetent really bugged me cuz he’s ... not? like he can cook and clean and DO THINGS that aren’t tinkering with alien devices and trying to save the world from alien threats. they really just took what happened w/ 10 and martha in blink and modernized it huh.
like i simply think 8 wouldn’t depend on liv and helen to support him because 1: holy shit thats a terrible thing to do and 2: HE IS CAPABLE OF LIVING AND FUNCTIONING IN SOCIETYYYYY
also the doctor would never be a landlord and would let everyone live in his house for free thank youuu
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korpse13kitty · 3 years
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Im the Jonkeler and we live in a societyyyyy.
So these were for a joke but 1.) I kinda like how it turned out and 2.) It took too long not to share these
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antisocial-author · 7 years
Me: Wow this blog is lit I'm gonna tell them how awesome they are Blog: *anon is off* Me: Okay nevermind back to quietly liking their posts without ever interacting with them in my life
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