#SS 14th Waffen Division
dataanxiety · 8 months
Why was that Nazi honored in Ottawa?
No one seems to be able to figure out how it happened. A bona fide Nazi was honored with two standing ovations in Canadian parliament last week. He was a real Nazi, not a neo-Nazi, nor a Canadian trucker, not a Trump supporter, nor even a moderate conservative.
This guy was 98 years old and served in the all-volunteer SS 14th Waffen Division also known as 1st Galicia. They were Ukrainian collaborators between 1943 and 1945 when Ukraine was occupied by Nazi Germany. They murdered a lot of Poles, Jews, and Slovaks. They swore allegiance to moustache man.
Various Canadians say that it wasn't Trudeau's fault, as the prime minister reports to the House of Commons, i.e. the Canadian Parliament. This guy, the former Chief of Protocol said the speaker has "supreme power" to choose who attends and is honored by Parliament, not "the government":
"The Speaker doesn't report to the Prime Minister's Office. While Rota is a Liberal MP, the Speaker is elected by all members of the House. A spokesperson for the Speaker said Rota did not share his list of invitees with the Prime Minister's Office or any of the opposition parties before Friday's event...the list of potential guests was shared with Parliament's Protocol Office, which co-ordinates the sending of invitations."
Next question, then, is how does the speaker "vet" people who are selected for honoring and presentation to foreign dignitaries, in this case Zelenskyy?
"Process to vet people by speaker's office is totally opaque."
The former chief of protocol guy seems to think that such opacity is totally okay. He says there is a Parliamentary Protective Services group who does security checks but those are to make sure the person doesn't have outstanding warrants for, say, burglary or rape. Protocol guy said that a Google search on the person's name is probably done.
That doesn't seem to be too effective as a method of vetting! Even I found the Nazi guy's name all over the Internet because he wrote lots of posts on Blogger and elsewhere, for the past 10+ years, about how much he enjoyed his time in the SS 14th Waffen Division. He even has a private Facebook group for Canadian veterans of SS 1st Galicians.
This is what a very upset Canadian opposition party member, who was a former speaker of Parliament said:
"Rota's statement doesn't answer the questions around how this person was allowed to be in the chamber. A straightforward Google search will show he served in this particular division. If basic, rudimentary vetting as to who might be in the gallery isn't done — that's remarkable."
So, it isn't Trudeau's job, it isn't Parliament's job, and it isn't the job of the Canadian government's security service who does background checks for guests of Parliament.
Here's a video from the CBC (Canada's public broadcaster, I think) of the event. I took two screenshots to encourage clicking and viewing below. No one ever clicks on links!
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At least he remembered not to Sieg Heil.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
By Lev Golinkin
The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation on Friday to a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine who fought in a Third Reich military formation accused of war crimes. The elderly veteran, Yaroslav Hunka was honored during a session in which President Volodomyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine addressed the lawmakers to thank them for their support since Russia invaded his country, saying Canada has always been on “the bright side of history.” The  Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota — who had compared Zelenskyy to Winston Churchill — recognized a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”  The assembly then rose to applaud a man in a khaki uniform standing on the balcony, who saluted, according to this screenshot from Canadian television. 
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The man was identified as Hunka by the Associated Press, which published a photograph showing Zelenskyy smiling and raising a fist during the ovation.
The AP caption described Hunka as having “fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.” The First Ukrainian Division is another name for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, the military wing of the Nazi Party; the unit was also called SS Galichina. This is the same unit that is honored by controversial monuments in Canada, Australia, and, as the Forward recently exposed, the suburbs of Philadelphia and Detroit. Jewish groups have called for their removal. After a Forward article in August that was followed by coverage in the Philadelphia Inquirer, local television stations and other news outlets, the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia temporarily covered the monument located in a cemetery in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, pending discussions with local Jewish leaders. The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and regional branches of the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League had expressed outrage about the monument. Formed in 1943, SS Galichina was composed of recruits from the Galicia region in western Ukraine. The unit was armed and trained by the Nazis and commanded by German officers. In 1944, the division was visited by SS head Heinrich Himmler, who spoke of the soldiers’ willingness to slaughter Poles.”  Three months earlier, SS Galichina subunits perpetrated what is known as the Huta Pieniacka massacre, burning 500 to 1,000 Polish villagers alive. 
There is more to the article. Read it. We should be hearing more about this over the next few days.
And according to this article, Canada also imported 2,000 of Hunka's SS Nazi friends at the end of WWII to live out the rest of their lives in comfort, untroubled by the atrocities they committed.
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radicalgraff · 8 months
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Vandalized Ukrainian nazi memorial in Edmonton, Canada. Hundreds of Ukrainian veterans of the 14th Waffen SS Division migrated to Canada after WWII.
A 98 year old veteran of the division received a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament yesterday, with Ukrainian President Zelensky even raising his fist to honor the old nazi.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
AUUC('s Edmonton Branch) released a statement on the Volunteer Nazi given a standing ovation in Canadian Parliament, read it
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transcription after the cut
The Edmonton Branch of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC) condemns the honoring of a nazi Ukrainian World War II veteran, a member of the notorious 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna", in the House of Commons during the visit of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy last Friday, 22 September, 2023.
Our Association, founded in 1918 in Winnipeg as the Ukrainian Labor Temple Association, has an unblemished record of opposing fascism, in word and deed, before and after WWII, in Canada, in the Ukrainian-Canadian community, and abroad. Our members fought heroically in the Spanish Civil War, on the side of the Republican government, against fascism. They fought for Canada, allied with the Soviet Union, against nazi Germany and fascist Italy in WWII.
It is therefore unbelievable to us, as to most other Canadians, that when the individual in question, Yaroslav Hunka, was introduced in parliament as a Ukrainian veteran of WWII who fought against Russia, no one in attendance, all of whom gave him two standing ovations, realized what this meant. We know exactly what it meant.
Now this shameful spectacle has been publicized to all Canadians, and throughout the world. We welcome this publicization. We hope it will lead to a reckoning. Some steps in this direction have already been taken. The speaker of the House of Commons has resigned. An endowment in the name of Yaroslav Hunka at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, at the University of Alberta, has been returned. We welcome these steps. But they are only first steps. Much more must be done. The problem is greater than simply one nazi, one speaker, and one endowment.
It is estimated that two thousand members of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna" were allowed into Canada after WWII. Our Association, immediately at that time, publicized and opposed their entry, to our everlasting credit. This figure does not include other nazis and nazi-collaborators, of various nationalities. That means thousands of Yaroslav Hunkas. Several of them went on to occupy prominent and leading positions in certain other Ukrainian-Canadian organizations, in religious institutions, educational institutions, and state institutions. The Canadian state supports, with funding and semi-official recognition, Ukrainian-Canadian organizations that unapologetically honor these nazis. If honoring Yaroslav Hunka in the House of Commons was a shameful act that had to be corrected, then so must all these other cases be corrected.
We therefore call on the Canadian state at all three levels (federal, provincial, municipal) to halt all state funding to all Ukrainian-Canadian organizations which honor any Ukrainian nazis or nazi-collaborators, including especially veterans of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna", until such time as these organizations explicitly and unequivocally apologize for having done so, severing all connections with all these nazis and nazi-collaborators, in all forms whatsoever.
We call for the removal and dismantling of two monuments to nazi Ukrainians in Edmonton: the monument to the veterans of the 14th Waffen SS Division "Halychyna" located in St. Michael's Cemetery, and the bust of Roman Shukhevych located at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex, preferably by their respective property owners, and if not by them, then by state compulsion.
We call on the government of Canada, and on the Liberal Party of Canada which formed the government at the time, to issue official apologies to our Association (the AUUC), in consultation with our Association, for banning it (then named the Ukrainian Labor-Farmer Temple Association) by an order in council in June 1940, seizing its properties, our halls and their contents (furniture, musical instruments, dance costumes, books, etc., most of which were destroyed), and interning our leaders in internment camps, acknowledging this as a terrible miscarriage of justice and act of oppression.
We call on all Canadians, all progressive Canadians, all decent Canadians, all anti-fascist Canadians, individually and through their various organizations, to support us in these calls for justice, by publicizing this statement, and pressuring their political representatives.
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workersolidarity · 8 months
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Politico defending LITERAL WWII Nazis.
Politico seriously suggests there is "nuance" around Yaroslav Hunka's joining of the Nazi 14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galicia) to fight the Soviet Union and, like Canadian commentators over the last few days, suggests no war crimes were committed by this Division.
The Nazi Germany 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS was NOTORIOUS for SLAUGHTERING their way through Ukraine, enthusiastically participating in the genocide of Poles, Roma, Jews, and Socialists/Communists
These people are manipulating history and your ignorance of it to make Nazis go from black and white obvious evil, to shades of grey in which you're not "expert" enough to have an opinion on, thereby weakening efforts to expose fascist ideology being integrated into Western society.
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newsfromstolenland · 8 months
The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons resigned Tuesday for inviting a man who fought for a Nazi military unit during World War II to Parliament to attend a speech by the Ukrainian president.
Just after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address in the House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division.
Observers over the weekend began to publicize the fact that the First Ukrainian Division also was known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis.
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation on Friday to a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine who fought in a Third Reich military formation accused of war crimes.
The elderly veteran, Yaroslav Hunka was honored during a session in which President Volodomyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine addressed the lawmakers to thank them for their support since Russia invaded his country, saying Canada has always been on “the bright side of history.” The  Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota — who had compared Zelenskyy to Winston Churchill — recognized a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”
The assembly then rose to applaud a man in a khaki uniform standing on the balcony, who saluted, according to this screenshot from Canadian television. [...]
The AP caption described Hunka as having “fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.” The First Ukrainian Division is another name for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, the military wing of the Nazi Party; the unit was also called SS Galichina. [...]
Continue Reading.
Note from the poster @el-shab-hussein: What's truly insane to me is that Zelenskyy is a Ukrainian Jew himself, and his great-grandfather and several of his grandfather's brothers were killed during the Holocaust. I'm just really truly shocked.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @vague-humanoid
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1americanconservative · 8 months
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The villain lived long enough to become a hero. MASSIVE OUTRAGE after Canada’s parliament gave a standing ovation during Zelensky joint address Friday to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) said in a strongly worded statement that it "is deeply disturbed over the Canadian Parliament’s recognition of a Ukrainian veteran who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others. FSWC is further outraged that parliamentarians in the House of Commons gave a standing ovation to the former soldier on Friday." It added, "Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine, was introduced by Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons, as “a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” and “a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero,” ignoring the horrific fact that Hunka served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit whose crimes against humanity during the Holocaust are well-documented." You can watch the ovation here: https://twitter.com/simonateba/status/1706022339849150511
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chicago-geniza · 8 months
Standing ovation in Canadian Parliament for a guy from the 1st Ukrainian Division in WWII, which they conveniently fail to mention was also the 14th Waffen SS. You do not have to cape for your most fascist diaspora members and I am saying this as a person intimately acquainted with Chicago Polonia
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warcrimesimulator · 8 months
The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation on Friday to a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine who fought in a Third Reich military formation accused of war crimes.
The man was identified as Hunka by the Associated Press, which published a photograph showing Zelenskyy smiling and raising a fist during the ovation.
The AP caption described Hunka as having “fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.” The First Ukrainian Division is another name for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, the military wing of the Nazi Party; the unit was also called SS Galichina.
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sataniccapitalist · 8 months
Canada's parliament accidentally applauded a 98-year-old Nazi veteran on Friday.
The gaffe rekindled calls for a monument honoring his unit to be removed from a Canadian cemetery.
Yaroslav Hunka served in the 14th Waffen SS Division, a voluntary unit of mostly Ukrainians.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
The Canadian government, with British complicity, admitted more than 2,000 members of a notorious Ukrainian Waffen-SS division in 1950, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has charged. In a related case, the CBS news program "60 Minutes" reported that about 1,000 SS men and Nazi collaborators, mainly from the Baltic states, moved to Canada about the same time. And the German public broadcasting network reported that 50,000 war criminals receive "victim pensions" from the German government. German sources say 1,882 are Canadian residents. Almost all the suspected war criminals and collaborators have lived openly under their own names in Canada for 47 years.[...]
Littman, who has been researching Nazis in Canada since 1980, said the 14th Volunteer Waffen-SS Grenadier Division, aka the Galicia Division, largely comprised Ukrainians who served with Nazi police battalions and death squads. The surviving 9,000 division members surrendered to the British at war's end, and were taken to England. In 1950, Britain appealed to Commonwealth countries to admit them. Canada agreed to take 2,000, after being assured that their backgrounds had been checked and that they were cleared of complicity in war crimes. But according to recently released British documents and interviews with officials who conducted the investigations, they were not screened, partly because none of the interrogators spoke their language, Littman said.[...]
The 2,000 settled in major Canadian cities. About half are still alive. One way of getting into postwar Canada "was by showing the SS tattoo," Canadian historian Irving Abella told "60 Minutes" interviewer Mike Wallace. "This proved that you were an anti-Communist."[...]
the German TV program "Panorama" reported last week that 50,000 war criminals and members of army units who participated in atrocities were receiving monthly bonus pensions, ranging from hundreds to thousands. The so-called "victim pensions" are added to the pensions of those who suffered World War II-linked disabilities, or to their dependents. Although a 1950 German law excludes war criminals living abroad from getting such pensions, the law is apparently not enforced in Canada or the United States. Elan Steinberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress, has charged that some 3,300 Germans living in the United States receive the pensions.
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workersolidarity · 8 months
Another crash course in the United States' connection to Nazis in Ukraine:
When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in WWII, various Nazi groups were formed locally, in particular in Western Ukraine where they believed the historical population to be of "Aryan" ancestry.
Many western Ukrainians readily joined these Nazi organizations, believing themselves to be part of a master Aryan race superior to the Slavs, Jews, Poles, Roma and Russians whom they intended to purge from an independent Ukraine, free of non-Aryan ethnic groups.
The history of the Ukrainian Nazis such as Yaroslav Hunka's 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, to Stepan Bandera's Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and how they slaughtered their way through Ukraine is well documented. Together, they were responsible for the genocide of men, women and children by the hundreds of thousands. Their brutality was extreme beyond words and on an industrial scale.
When the Soviet Union managed to finally push the Nazis out of Ukraine, more than 150'000 Ukrainians who had collaborated with the Nazis fled to Germany, but equally many stayed behind, with more than 30'000 soldiers and members of the OUN ingratiating themselves locally and using terror to keep others silent.
During this time, these tens of thousands of Ukrainian Nazis formed a resistance that continued to fight a guerilla war, as well as an espionage, sabotage, assassination, and terrorism campaign across Ukraine. The resistance was led by the OUN and like-minded Nazi and Fascist groups in Ukraine, but was run by the Nazi Galen organization which ran intelligence on the Eastern front, which in turn was managed and funded by the Nazi German leadership in Berlin.
When the war ended, the OSS (the forerunner to the CIA to which it became after 1947) then took control over the Galen organization and its operations, including local Ukrainian Nazi stay-behind militias like the OUN which continued to fight a bloody guerilla war throughout Ukraine well after the war ended.
This went on well into 1954, and in that time roughly 200'000 people died, with over 40'000 Soviet soldiers killed in Ukraine from 1945-1954. To put that into perspective, the United States lost 50'000 soldiers in 10 years of Vietnam, so similar rates of losses, except this was inside their own territory. This was a war, and the Soviets won.
Eventually, these Ukrainian Nazis fled to Western countries like Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States and many more were captured and justly sent to the gulags where they should have rotted for the rest of their days as they deserved.
But, of course, Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev famously released them from the Gulags as part of reconciliation between the Soviet peoples during his "De-Stalinization" process, and so eventually, the CIA re-activated these troops who maintained a loose underground organization of Ukrainian Nazis under US control.
Slowly, over many decades, these Nazi organizations and their members have infiltrated every level of Ukrainian governance and society. This assisted in a significant way the fall of the Soviet Union, and this was also how a Maidan Coup was even possible in 2014.
It's all a part of a continuous policy by a feudal Nazi elite in Ukraine with roots stretching back to the very initial founding of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets in December 1917 and these feudal powers' subsequent fall from power.
The United States has stood firm in assisting the Nazi Ukrainian oligarchs in their goals from the very beginning, just as they did the Russian oligarchs, having joined the Western Powers' invasion of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic immediately following its founding after the October Revolution.
The US government is, and always has been, neck deep in this Nazi mess.
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greatwyrmgold · 8 months
Context for chrisdornerfanclub's post.
(my reblog of the post in question)
So if I understand the situation correctly...
The Nazi's son asked the Speaker of the Canadian Parliament if his father could attend a Parliament meeting.
The Speaker did something in the "pretty opaque" process of deciding who would attend the Parliament meeting.
Someone probably ran a basic background check on the Nazi, but since the Speaker wanted to invite him, they didn't do a very thorough one, presumably under the impression that the Speaker or his staff had already checked him out.
Either this check failed to identify him as a Nazi or whoever performed the check didn't think that was relevant. Hopefully the first one.
Someone else recognized a Nazi in Parliament and did not react positively.
And so we're clear, when I say "Nazi," I don't mean "fascist sympathizer" or "white supremacist" or even "neo-Nazi". I mean he fought in WW2 in a volunteer division of the SS, the SS 14th Waffen Division, after pledging allegiance to Adolf Hitler.
While some members of the 14th Waffen joined with the stated motivation of freeing Ukraine from the USSR and others wanted to avoid forced labor under Nazi rule, they decided that the best way to achieve that goal was to fight for Nazi Germany. Which involved killing a lot of Polish civilians. So...yeah, he was a Nazi.
Not a good look, but the Speaker did step down after his mistake was revealed.
Thanks for the links!
(P.S. Part of the reason I didn't use the Nazi's name was to emphasize the fact that he was a Nazi. Part of it was because his name is Mr. Hunka, which sounds kinda silly to Americans like me.)
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An Oakville cemetery is once again facing calls to remove a monument that pays tribute to a Ukrainian unit that was recently thrust into the spotlight when controversy erupted over a decision to honour one of its veterans in the House of Commons. The monument in question is located within West Oak Memorial Gardens, a 100-acre cemetery at 1280 Dundas St. W. that is owned and operated by St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery. In 1988, a large statue commemorating what is known as the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army was erected at the burial ground, which is the largest Ukrainian cemetery in Canada. Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Ukrainian man at the centre of this controversy, served in that military unit, which was founded in 1943 and is also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division and the SS 14th Waffen Division. This unit was a Second World War Nazi German military formation made up of mostly Ukrainian volunteers and fought in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and the former Yugoslavia. It was disbanded in 1945.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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taiwantalk · 8 months
people of oppressed or subjugated states should not be judged by the same standard as the tyrants. and therefore they should not be labeled eternally by the regime which had conquered them or caused them to mistakenly joined their cause for liberation.
not when we can tell that they had not been guilty of orchestrating atrocities and most importantly not to glorify.
this is a touchy subject that really does not deserve to be touchy as long as the present ukrainians do not associate or promote nazi germany and we the humanity really know history as we should.
It’s not like they showed up with nazi medals or the statues were in uniform like the confederates and mostly for military leaders. we human can parse that.
I can parse that because taiwanese had vulunteer units for empire of japan in ww2. manchurians were annexed by japan to keep their throng from a mostly anti manchurian revolution which was later invaded by russia-I’m not going to fault them for voluntarily joined japanese military just to defend their own sovereignty.
I’ll make exception and remove statues if they loved the nazi german or empire of japan more than their own countries.
we human beings should be able to avoid labeling indiscriminately.
we should be able to exonerate some particular countries and people. thinking out loud, maybe slaves who fought for confederates, indonesians, filipinos, chinese, taiwanese who fought for japan etc as long as we look carefully about their plight and monuments.
editorial addition: just as some russian jews were instrumental in empowering soviet communism, that does not make them collectively responsible for soviet union’s regime. It was not systemic.
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