#Semra Ertan
rikeveil · 2 years
Bekle Beni
Im nebligen Morgen / Ich bin müde und hilflos / Verfluchte Vergesslichkeit / Ich hab den Stift nicht dabei / Und habe noch so viel zu erledigen... / Gut, ich komme auch ohne Hilfe zurecht / Ich weiß, der Nebel wird sich verziehen / Wenn nicht heute, dann morgen / Bald werde ich wiederkommen / Das Gesicht / Strahlend und klar / Warte auf mich.
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Sisli sabahlardayım / yorgun, çaresiz / Şaşılası unutkanlığım üstümde / Kalemimi almamışım / Yapılacak işlerim öyle çok ki… / Yardımsız da başarırım / Sislerin dağılacağı muhakkak, / bugün olmasa yarın / Yakında geleceğim, / Aydınlık / tertemiz yüzle / Bekle beni
text (c) Semra Ertan : Mein Name ist Ausländer / Benim Adım Yabancı. Gedichte. Hg. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier u.a., übers. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier, Can-Peter Meier, Cana Bilir-Meier, Hans-Peter Meier. edition assemblage Münster 2020.
bild (c) rike veil Juli 2022
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1970-fa-re · 1 year
Semra Ertan 
Semra Ertan (31 Mayıs 1956, Mersin, Türkiye – 26 Mayıs 1982, Hamburg, Almanya), zenofobi karşıtı Türk göçmeni işçi ve yazar.HayatıDeğiştirSemra Ertan 31 Mayıs 1956 yılında Mersin’de doğdu. 15 yaşında Almanya’nın Kiel ve Hamburg kentlerinde göçmen işçi olarak çalışan babası Gani Bilir ve annesi Vehbiye Bilir’in yanına yerleşti. Tercüman olarak çalışmasının dışında 350’den fazla şiir ve siyasi…
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jochenhayek · 2 years
Kalender-Blatt vom 20. Juni 2022
Kalender-Blatt vom 20. Juni 2022
Ich will leben.Wie ich es mir wünsche –Schmerzlos, ohne SorgenYaşamak istiyorumGönlümce …Kedersiz, sorunsuz Semra Ertan
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endlessandrea · 3 years
Cana Bilir-Meier, Semra Ertan
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emenidridi · 4 years
Alberto Adriano
Gerald Asamoah
Ramazan Avcı
Sarah Baartman
Mario Balotelli
Kola Bankole
Ota Benga
Alexander Bengtsson
Steve Biko
James Byrd junior
Emmanuel Chidi
Stephon Clark
Mustafa Demiral
Fuat Deniz
Viola Desmond
Karamba Diaby
Hrant Dink
Jeremiah Duggan
Marwa El-Sherbini
Frank Embree
Semra Ertan
Jorge Gomondai
Farid Guendoul
Benjamin Hermansen
Theodor Hopfner
Kiomars Javadi
Alter Kacyzne
Habil Kılıç
Martin Luther King
Rodney King
Amadeu Antonio Kiowa
Kissing Case
William Lanne
Stephen Lawrence
Nelson Mandela
Noël Martin
Trayvon Martin
Olivier Ndjimbi-Tshiende
Nguyễn Văn Tú
Solomon Northup
Marcus Omofuma
Helen Betty Osborne
Abdurrahim Özüdoğru
Rosa Parks
Anthony Lamar Smith
Tadesse Söhl
Süleyman Taşköprü
Recy Taylor
Emmett Till
Todesopfer rechtsextremer Gewalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Jordan Torunarigha
Józef Trzeciak
Mehmet Turgut
Seibane Wague
Minik Wallace
Jesse Washington
Alberta Williams King
İsmail Yaşar
Nihat Yusufoğlu
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froschperspektiven · 5 years
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Ich will den Deutschen
ihre Arbeit wegnehmen. 
“Ich will den Deutschen ihre Arbeit wegnehmen. Ich will nicht die Jobs, die für mich vorgesehen sind, sondern die, die sie für sich reservieren wollen — mit der gleichen Bezahlung, den gleichen Konditionen und den gleichen Aufstiegschancen. Mein German Dream ist, dass wir uns alle endlich das nehmen können, was uns zusteht — und zwar ohne dass wir daran zugrunde gehen. Rest in Power, Semra Ertan.”
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clinchfestival · 3 years
Alle Veranstaltungen mit Gebärdensprache-Dolmetscher_innen im Überblick
CLINCH 2021 - jetzt auch mit Dolmetscher_innen für Deutsche Gebärdensprache! Ein vollständiges Transkript zum Video findet Ihr weiter unten im Text. Vier Veranstaltungen werden in Deutsche Gebärdensprache gedolmetscht worüber wir uns total freuen: 22.05.2021, 17:30 Uhr: Unerhörtes Wissen (Gespräch im Live-Stream) 23.5.2021, 21:15 Uhr: Semra Ertan: Mein Name ist Ausländer (Lesung via Zoom) 24.5.2021 14:00 Uhr: Lesung mit Max Czollek und Josephine Apraku (Video) 24.5.2021, 16 Uhr: Migrantifa Jetzt! (Panel & Zoom-Gespräch)
Die Dolmetscher*innen sind Alicia Strobel, Sarah Prieto Peña und Tanja Lilienblum. Das Video hat Zara Polat für uns gedreht und übersetzt. Danke dafür! Kleiner Tipp für alle, die es an den offiziellen CLINCH-Tagen nicht schaffen, die Veranstaltungen (online) zu besuchen: Die Veranstaltungen sind noch bis 29.5.2021 online verfügbar.
Und hier das Transkript zum Video:
Herzlich Willkommen zum CLINCH Festival 2021. CLINCH ist ein Festival für künstlerische, theoretische und aktivistische Auseinandersetzung von Schwarzen Menschen, People of Color und (Post)Migrant*innen. Bei CLINCH ringen die Besucher*innen miteinander und füreinander um emanzipatorische antirassistische und antidiskriminierende Perspektiven. CLINCH ist intersektional. CLINCH ist radikal. CLINCH ist empowernd. Das dritte CLINCH Festival findet vom 21. – 24. Mai 2021 online statt: Vier Tage Festival mit Workshops, Performances, Diskussionen, Lesungen, und experimentellen Formaten. Alle Veranstaltungen sind kostenfrei zugänglich. Das komplette Programm findet ihr auf Homepage. Es gibt ein paar Veranstaltungen, die in deutsche Gebärdensprache gedolmetscht werden: Habt ihr Fragen? Schreibt uns eine Mail!
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goldenpixelcoop-en · 5 years
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Curated by Nathalie Koger (Golden Pixel Cooperative)
The program features the screening of six short films, reflecting on notions of perception and physical sensation in and through moving images. It focuses on acts of reframing and shifts in perspective, by both the filmmaker as well as the protagonists.
The represented filmmakers all emphasize the physicality of film, cinematography, and editing in order to get closer to the voices portrayed, to interfere with representation, to support expression, and to connect with their subjects. Form follows content, to create a grand montage.
|| Films ||
Noema (29 min), 2014 Directed by: Christiana Perschon Noema features audio-visual notes on an encounter with a 93-year-old painter, Tatjana, who is losing her eyesight. Her gestures have been gently observed – the tips of her hair interfere with thoughts about the sense of time and a dreamlike reality. Moving images follow the painter’s orientation, which relies more than ever on her experienced hand and imagination, exploring sensory perception beyond “seeing.”
Master Chen Lives on 88 Lucky Street (20 min), 2010 Directed by: Zero Lin / Ada Bligaard Soby Master Chen has never seen his wife, his daughter, or the skyscrapers that surround his home in the middle of Shanghai. He is blind, and makes his living by giving traditional Chinese massages to busy businessmen. Chen lost his eyesight in a fight during his peripatetic youth, and has not seen the colossal changes that China has undergone over the past 20 years. But he can feel them on the bodies of his clients, where his fingers can literally read the passing of time.
Semra Ertan (collage, 7:30 min), 2013 Directed by: Cana Bilir-Meier Semra Ertan was born in Turkey in 1956 and moved to join her parents in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1972. She worked both as a construction draftswoman and as an interpreter, and wrote over 350 poems. In 1982 Semra Ertan immolated herself in Hamburg to protest against xenophobia and racism in Germany.
Self (video animation, 8 min), 2015 Directed by: Claudia Larcher The skin is the body’s largest sensory organ, delicate and at the same time extremely robust. It must fulfill various functions, from excretion to the storage of nutrients. Although one might wish to shed it in a metaphorical sense, it also serves as the bearer of our identity, and can be written on, marked, and changed. It is more than a simple shell, more than a border between inside and outside, it is the self (not only) in Larcher’s video. The video begins with a laconically analytical close-up camera pan: pores, fine hair, a mesh of blue veins that shine through the delicate membrane. In what follows, details yield a whole, and one seems to recognize a neck, armpit, and upper arm. The film suggests an interior enveloped by this skin stretches. Yet suddenly there are “incorrect” extensions, “impossible” elongations, and overlaps. The border between inside and outside successively dissolves and flows into a “liquefaction” of the image, in whose blurriness pink masses multiply and caverns protrude until the camera returns back to the start.
The Pool (5 min), 2014 Directed by: Marlies Pöschl Three women in an empty pool. Their minimalistic movements oscillate between meditation and resistance – they are training for a fight with an invisible enemy. Who are these women? Are they preparing for a revolution? Who is their enemy? Who is their friend?
Entangled (37 min), 2014 Directed by: Riccardo Giaconni In quantum physics, when two particles interact in a certain way and then become separated, regardless how distant they are from each other, they will share a state called ‘quantum entanglement.’ That is, they will keep sharing information despite their separation. This theory used to upset Einstein. In his theory of relativity, no transmission of information could occur faster than the speed of light, therefore he couldn’t understand how the two particles could be simultaneously connected. The film intertwines four interviews collected in Cali, Colombia. A tailor, a puppeteer, a parapsychologist, and a physicist narrate certain episodes that supposedly occurred in the city: the disappearance of a cow; a form of possession caused by a puppet; a paradox in quantum mechanics; a bus that fell into a river due to a lion on the road. A latent ‘entanglement’ between elements of the stories emerges, outlining possible examples of action at a distance.
||Shoonya || A light-filled space surrounded by beautiful palm trees located in the heart of Bangalore on Lalbagh Road, Shoonya is a non-profit organization established in 2014 with the aim of helping people further their journeys of self-discovery through deeper engagement with the arts and somatic practices. We host workshops, performances, open events, classes, film screenings, discussions, jams, and more, and ensure that everything we do is done mindfully – with love, joy, care and warmth.
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child-of-the-moon98 · 7 years
Semra Ertan - (english subtitles) from cana bilir-meier on Vimeo.
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rikeveil · 2 years
Yaşamak istiyorum Ich will leben,
Gönlümce… Wie ich es mir wünsche...
Kedersiz, sorunsuz Schmerzlos, ohne Sorgen.
Sevmek istiyorum Ich will lieben,
Sevilmek gönlümce Geliebt werden,
Wie es sich mein Herz erträumt…
Tertemiz, kalpten… Mit reinem Herzen
Tanımak istiyorum Möchte ich erfahren
Tatlı dünyayı Die Schönheit der Welt,
Tatlı insanları Schöne Menschen,
Yaşamak istiyorum Ich will leben,
Gönlümce… Wie es sich mein Herz erträumt…
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(Semra Ertan : Mein Name ist Ausländer / Benim Adım Yabancı. Gedichte. Hg. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier u.a., übers. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier, Can-Peter Meier, Cana Bilir-Meier, Hans-Peter Meier. edition assemblage Münster 2020, S. 206.)
bild: rike veil 2022
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linksfilter · 4 years
Gedenken an Semra Ertan „Meine Schwester hat es jahrelang gesehen und erlebt: Als Ausländerin, als Frau und als gesundheitlich Beeinträchtigte wurde sie immer abgelehnt. Die Arbeitslosigkeit, das Nichtstun-können, haben sie zerstört. Und das in Zeiten, wo Rechtsextremismus und Rassismus am erstarken waren. Meine Schwester war sehr gedankenvoll, ein in sich verschlossener Mensch.“ (Zühal Bilir-Meier über…
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keremabadi · 6 years
RT @diaspora_turk: Semra Ertan göçüp gitti. Giderken de yabancı düşmanlığına dikkat çekmeyi başardı. Almanya’da birçok şehirde yürüyüşler, gösteriler düzenlendi. Time, Guardian, Stern, Ouick gibi birçok dergi ve gazete Semra’yı, şiirlerini ve yabancı düşmanlığını konu edinen haberler yaptı. https://t.co/Xca9bhvFOK
Semra Ertan göçüp gitti. Giderken de yabancı düşmanlığına dikkat çekmeyi başardı. Almanya’da birçok şehirde yürüyüşler, gösteriler düzenlendi. Time, Guardian, Stern, Ouick gibi birçok dergi ve gazete Semra’yı, şiirlerini ve yabancı düşmanlığını konu edinen haberler yaptı. pic.twitter.com/Xca9bhvFOK
— DiasporaTürk (@diaspora_turk) May 25, 2018
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goldenpixelcoop · 7 years
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When it Starts to Glimmer
Curated by Nathalie Koger (Golden Pixel Cooperative), the program comprises the sreening of six short films, and reflects on notions of perception and physical sensation - in and through moving images. It focuses on acts of reframing, and of changing the perspective: by the filmmaker as well as the protagonists.
All filmmakers have emphasises the physicality of film, cinematography and editing, to approach the portrayed voices, to interfere with representation, to support the expression and to connect themselves with their subjects: form follows content, to create a grand montage.
|| Films ||
1 Noema (29 min), 2014
Directed by: Christiana Perschon
Noema features audio-visual notes on an encounter with a 93-year-old painter, Tatjana, who is losing her eyesight. Her gestures were gently observed - the tips of her hair interfere with thoughts about the sense of time and a dreamlike reality. Moving images follow the painter's alignment relying more than ever on her experienced hand and imagination, and exploring sensory perception beyond "seeing".
2 Master Chen lives on 88 Lucky Street (20 min), 2010
Directed by: Zero Lin / Ada Bligaard Soby
Master Chen has never seen his wife, his daughter, or the skyscrapers that surround his home in the middle of Shanghai. He is blind, and makes a living giving traditional Chinese massages to busy businessmen. Chen lost his eyesight in a fight during his rootless youth, and has not seen the colossal changes that China has gone through during the past 20 years. But he can feel them on the bodies of his clients, where his fingers can literally read the passing of time.
3 Semra Ertan (collage, 7:30 min), 2013
Directed by: Cana Bilir-Meier
Semra Ertan was born in Turkey, 1956 and moved to her parents' to the federal republic of Germany in 1972. She worked as a construction draftswomen as well as an interpreter and wrote over 350 poems. 1982 Semra Ertan burnt herself in Hamburg to give a sign against xenophobia and racism in Germany.
4 Self (video animation, 8 min), 2015
Directed by: Claudia Larcher
The skin is the body's largest sense organ: delicate and at the same time extremely robust. It has to fulfill various functions, from excretion to storage of nutrients. Although one hopes to shed it at a metaphorical level, it simultaneously serves as the bearer of our identity, which can be written on, marked, and changed. It is more than simply a shell, more than a border between inside and outside, it is the self, (not only) in Larcher ́s video. A laconic-analytical camera pan shows a close-up of it at the beginning: pores, fine hair, a mesh of blue veins that shine through the delicate membrane. In what follows, details yield a whole, and one seems to recognize neck, armpit, and upper arm. Suggested here is an interior that this skin stretches around. But suddenly there are "wrong" extensions, "impossible" elongations and overlaps. The border between inside and outside is successively dissolved and flows into a "liquefaction" of the image in whose blurriness, pink masses multiply and caverns protrude until the camera returns to the start again.
5 The Pool (5 min), 2014
Directed by: Marlies Pöschl
Three women inside an empty pool. Their minimalistic movement oscillates between meditation and resistance – they are training in their fight with an invisible enemy. Who are these women? Are they training for a revolution? Who is their enemy? Who is their friend?
6 Entangled (37 min), 2014
Directed by: Riccardo Giaconni
In quantum physics, if two particles interact in a certain way and then become separated, regardless how distant they are from each other they will share a state called ‘quantum entanglement’. That is, they will keep sharing information despite their separation. This theory used to upset Einstein. In his theory of relativity, no transmission of information could occur faster than the speed of light, therefore he couldn’t understand how the two particles could be simultaneously connected. The film intertwines four interviews collected in Cali, Colombia. A tailor, a puppeteer, a parapsychologist and a physicist narrate certain episodes supposedly occurred in the city: the disappearance of a cow; a form of possession caused by a puppet; a paradox in quantum mechanics; the fall of a bus into a river due to a lion on the road. A latent ‘entanglement’ between elements of the stories emerges, outlining possible examples of action at a distance.
||Shoonya ||
A light-filled space surrounded by beautiful palm trees, in the heart of Bangalore on Lalbagh Road - Shoonya is a non-profit, which was established in 2014 with the aim of helping people further their journeys of self-discovery through deeper engagement with the arts and somatic practices. We host workshops, performances, open events, classes, film screenings, discussions, jams and more, and ensure that everything we do is done mindfully - with love, joy, care and warmth.
Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 77608 32226
Find us in the void Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShoonyaSpace/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoonyaspace/ Instamojo: https://www.instamojo.com/shoonya/?ref=offer_products Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/BK5GpJe1VmR2
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chhro · 6 years
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Semra Ertan (31 May 1956 – 26 May 1982) was a Turkish migrant worker and writer in Germany who, in protest against xenophobia, specifically, the treatment of Turks in Germany, set herself on fire in a Hamburg marketplace.
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rikeveil · 2 years
schreibend wird mein leben verlaufen
"Ich schreibe auf... Was immer ich finde, / Zu Hause, in der Schule, während der Arbeit, in der Tram... / Schreibend denke ich an nichts / Außer an das, was ich schreiben werde, / Beliebig, eines nach dem anderen... / Ich weiß nicht, ob es sich gereimt hat? / Wie gerne könnte ich / So leicht, wie jemand sagt: 'Reiche mir ein Glas Wasser', / Ebenso leicht schreiben... / Ich bin ja keine professionelle Schriftstellerin, / Verbessern werde ich meine Gedichte nicht, / Schreibend wird mein Leben verlaufen."
"Yazıyorum… Ne bulursam, / Evde, okulda, işte, tramvayda… / Yazarken bir şey düşünmem / Ne yazacağımı düşünmekten başka / Rastgele sıralarım, ardı ardına… / Bilmem uymuş mudur ki? / Ne kadar isterdim / ‚Bir bardak su ver‘ der gibi / Rahatlıka yazmayı... / Profesyonel yazar değilim ki / Düzeltmeye çalışayım şiirlerimi / Ömrüm yazmakla geçecektir"
(Kiel, den 19. Dezember / 19 Aralık 1976)
(Semra Ertan : Mein Name ist Ausländer / Benim Adım Yabancı. Gedichte. Hg. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier u.a., übers. v. Zühal Bilir-Meier, Can-Peter Meier, Cana Bilir-Meier, Hans-Peter Meier. edition assemblage Münster 2020.)
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rikeveil · 2 years
wie aufrichtig ist es
"wie traurig ist es, / wenn eine person allein ist... / auf demselben stuhl / sitzt und / am selben tisch / trinkt... / wie aufrichtig ist es / wenn eine person innerlich / von ganz innen / ächzend schreit... / wie merkwürdig ist es / wenn eine person denkt / ihre Gedanken sie immer verfolgen / und im vollkommen leeren zimmer / ganz voll ist mit gedanken"
(Semra Ertan)
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