#Shuuzou Oshimi
hiyokoluvs · 2 years
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shuzo oshimi art 𑁍
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boymagicalgirl · 8 months
I just read Aku no Hana in like 2 hours and I have questions and thoughts. Any fans of it, please weigh in and tell me if anything I’m saying means anything or if it’s just the ramblings of a madman.
I felt this story was an explanation of what it means to be happy and to grow up. Kasuga was someone with no backbone. He did what he was “supposed to do” cause that’s what society says. However, Nakamura brought something out in him. She brought out his grossest impulses.
I felt like Kasuga was just projecting on both Nakamura and Saeki. His relationship with Saeki represented his desire for a “normal” life. However his relationship with Nakamura represented his desire for more, an other side, something more than the rusted metal and stagnation in Gunma. And if things went wrong, Nakamura would take the blame cause Kasuga “wasn’t the type to do things like that”.
But, in the end, nothing changed. Nobody was able to change anything and Nakamura and Kasuga were nothing special.
It was an interesting examination into why people do the things they do and whether it’s their own choices or just what’s expected of them.
The second half of the story felt like an answer to the first. While Kasuga couldn’t find an other side or save Nakamura, he can still move on and find contentment. He can move on from being the angry, manic, 14 year old and mature, grow up. He moved on from the scrap metal of Gunma, mentally and literally with being in Saitama and getting to know Tokiwa. And he was finally able to make his own decisions, figure out what he wanted rather than being pushed by Nakamura or Saeki.
Like I said though PLEASE any Aku no Hana fans help me out. I am just.confused and bouncing ideas off of a wall.
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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Happiness | ハピネス – Chapter 46 ✪ Final Fates
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sleepless-miles · 2 years
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Chi no Wadachi, by Shuuzo Oshimi
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godisdisabled · 1 year
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Chi no Wadachi, by Oshimi Shuuzou
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yaoi-reading · 8 months
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Okaeri Alice
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kittycowboy · 1 year
slowly building up my manga shelf
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hiyokoluvs · 1 year
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shuzo oshimi art 𑁍
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offbeat-manga-ships · 2 years
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WALTZ ( ワルツ )
Waltz / Oshimi Shuuzou
Complete, with 1 chapter
F/M or F/F; Josei, Psychological, Drama, Tragedy + semi canon, implicit or ambiguous, open ending, genderbender, gb: mtf, queer & ambqueer, ambiguously genderqueer, transgender character, trans f, fem m, cross dressing, taller f x shorter m, sub m, dom f
SUMMARY: A young girl, Onaga, discovers her neighbor, Kashiwabara, in their balcony one hot summer night, dressed up in women's clothing. A unique relationship between them ensues.
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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The Flowers of Evil | Aku no Hana –  Chapter 1 ❁ Flowers of Evil
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houkagokappa · 5 months
One reason I watched a lot less anime this year than I've used to, is that I've been reading manga instead (and I was away from home for a significant part of the year, and I've been gaming instead, and I have less patience for shows that don't interest me enough).
I've been wanting to read more, so I'm very pleased that I did that this year. I also wanted to read more yuri, which I did. I had many reasons for it, and one of the major ones was that I wanted to see how varied the genre is and can be, which I think I succeeded in.
From yuri I got into reading a bunch of josei works as well, which is a demographic that unsurprisingly fits me perfectly. I'm happy to have read a lot of amazing stories and authors, and to have a long list of their other works or other authors to check out in 2024. My newfound favourites were Kyoko Okazaki, Moyoco Anno and Kaoru Fujiwara.
Of course I read good non-josei works as well. Although I enjoyed Shimanami Tasogare, it wasn't until Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate that Yuhki Kamatani truly got me, and I now want to go through their other works as well. This was also the year I began reading Shuuzou Oshimi, and now I see why his works gets the praise they do. I'll definitely continue reading through his catalogue.
Besides reading more yuri, josei and the authors I mentioned above, I'd like to spend next year reading through older shoujo works and continue with my longtime project of reading all of CLAMP's works, but we'll see where the year takes me!
Thanks to those who posted, shared and talked to me about manga this year, I got so much inspiration and recommendations from you all <3
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blouptalking · 1 year
Shuuzou Oshimi
10 volumes (completed)
drama, horror, supernatural, vampires
TW: gore, blood, dead bodies, torture
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“Nothing interesting in happening in Makoto Ozaki’s first year of high school. His life is a series of quiet humiliations: low-grade bullies, unreliable friends, and the constant frustration of his adolescent lust. But one night, a pale, thin girl knocks him to the ground in an alley and offers him a choice. Now everything is different. Daylight is searingly bright. Food tastes awful. And worse than anything is the terrible, consuming thirst. The tiny shames of his old life have been replaced by two towering horrors: the truth of what will slake his awful craving and high school itself.”
(source: Kodansha USA)
Story: 8/10
Happiness had a great beginning. The first five volumes were very exciting, however, everything collapsed with volume six. We leave volume five with a massive cliffhanger and you're like omg what's going to happen now?!? but then you get to the next chapter and there’s a weird ten years time skip out of nowhere. The whole volume six focuses on this time skip and we have the feeling to read a whole new story. There's also this new character that's being introduced, but holy shit, what a useless, boring man. Afterwards, it gets a little weird but better. The ending's not so great, but I'm not surprised. I noticed that in these types of stories it’s very difficult to create a good ending that would please the reader and answer all the questions. So I didn’t get any hopes up, it was ok-ish I’ll say. Overall the story is good but there’s a lot of missing elements and the story line feels messy.
Cast: 6/10
Not a single mentally stable person in this entire cast. I really liked the characters, they were all very interesting (aside from Sudo). Nora was supposed to be one of the main characters, but she was missing from the story and I felt the same way about Okazaki. It seems to me that the real main character was Gosho, which is weird because in the story she's just some random girl that got caught up in some vampire drama. Anyway, the cast is fine. The antagonist is more than just mean or evil, this man is straight up the devil. He has no real reason for all the awful things he did, that kind of baffled me.
Art: 10/10
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Amazing, beautiful, show stopping, spectacular. The way the mangaka is able to draw the thoughts and feelings of his characters in each pages is amazing. We really can feel and see the pain and how much they struggle. The multiple references to Van Gogh's Starry Night are also amazing.
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Enjoyment: 5/10
I received the first two volumes as a gift a few years ago and I finally decided to read the manga yesterday evening. I liked it so much that I ended up reading the scans, but I feel like I got my hopes up a little bit too much. Like I said, it all goes down after volume five and the end didn't satisfy me enough for me to give it more than 5/10.
Overall: 6/10
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