#Simbar wedding
countessofravenclaw · 2 years
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hide-in-imagination · 4 months
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I, Ámbar Smith, take thee, Simón, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.
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I, Simón Álvarez, take thee, Ámbar, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.
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I now pronounce you husband and wife.
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calyxthenerd · 4 months
I am gonna be predictable and ask *Gastina* for the ask game, because of course I am
1 - what made me ship it?
Do i really need to answer that? They’re the best canon ship (Sorry Simbar) and I just love the two characters so much, Caro and Agus’ chemistry is off the charts, every scene they share makes me giddy, I could go on for hours
2 - what are my favorite things about the ship?
Probably the small cute things, like the roses he gives her, the green scarf, the way they make each other better, he helps her with her confidence and she keeps him grounded, I just love them together
3 - is there an unpopular opinion I have on the ship?
I don’t know how unpopular it is, and it’s not really an opinion, it’s more of a headcanon, I think they get married like, really young, they just know they want to be together for the rest of their lives, so, one day, they’re studying together and he just looks at her adorably focused face and goes “god, marry me” and she says yes, he buys the ring the following weekend and they do the wedding on their vacation that year, Ana’s favorite topic to complain about is “you couldn’t have waited till after college???!” Nina always giggles and says “I got my impatience somewhere…”
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mylutteoheart · 8 months
Playing Cupid (chapter 10)
New chapter out now! There are only 2-3 left before the end of this fic. The edited version will be out tomorrow on ao3. Also keep your eyes open for a little simbar in this chapter. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | find my other fics here
"So nothing happened?" Luna insisted as she and Nina were walking to the bridal shop for the last dress fitting before the wedding.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing," Nina answered as she looked down at her feet to hide her blush.
Suddenly, out of excitement, Luna took Nina's arm and pulled it to make her stop. She asked excitedly: "What? What happened? Tell me!"
"You remember the day we went scouting for locations?", Nina said carefully.
"Right, the location you found was even better than the one we initially had," she said, already imagining her and Matteo standing there on front of all their friends.
"When we started talking about you two loving the location, I started imagining the romance that comes with marriage on that venue and there was this moment, where it was just the two of us and we were this close to kissing," Nina gestured with her thumb and pointer finger close to one another to indicate the distance there was between them.
Luna jumped up and down at the news and said: "That's great! That must mean he feels the same way about you."
"I don't want to get too excited. It was just the spur of the moment. It meant nothing," she tried to deny, not wanting to get her hopes up.
"Don't say that, you have to keep hoping," she rested her hand on her best friend's arm in support.
"Let's just get going," Nina said, not wanting to think about it.
Luna understood and together, they started walking again to go to the bridal shop.
"I'm talling you, she likes you," Matteo said to Gastón, also on their way to the bridal shop.
Every bridesmaid and groomsman had to come to the fitting today. The suits were also tailored in the bridal shop.
"I just think she got swept up in the heat of the moment. There was a romantic side to it all," Gastón said airily, not wanting to show how much that moment meant to him.
"And I always thought me and Luna were bad at communication," Matteo shook his head in disbelief.
"What are you on about?" he took a look at Matteo to see him roll his eyes.
"We all see they way you look at each other and it's still the same look you had when you were both so in love in senior year at Blake," Matteo explained, "It hasn't changed in six years."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Gastón frowned, trying to picture what his best friend is saying.
"Of course you haven't. You know, this all reminds me of the time I was so dumb to see how Luna truly felt about me when that guy Michel appeared," he said with a fond smile, he did frown when he said the name Michel. He would never like that guy.
"Oh, I remember you complaining a lot about that guy. I would have loved to be there to witness your idiocy and to talk some sense into you," Gastón chuckled at the many phone calls with Matteo during that time. He really was hopeless when it came to Luna.
"Well, now it's my job to do that," Matteo became serious and continued, "What you need is one clear conversation with Nina and everything will be cleared up."
"You make it sound so simple," he sighed, not believing a word.
"That's because it is," he just answered, "And I'll make sure I'll prove you right. I'll just have to convince Luna, Ámbar and Simón to leave you two alone in a way where you can't do anything but talk."
Matteo held his chin in thought, already trying to come up with dozens of ways to make this happen.
Gastón's eyes widened and said: "You're going to do this now?"
"The sooner the better, weddings are all about happiness and romance so I'd love to see you and Nina being happy and together at our wedding," he said.
"You really want us to be together?" Gastón said in surprise.
"Of course, I want you to be happy and you've never been as happy as you were with Nina. I know that wouldn't have changed a bit," Matteo said as if it was the world's most known fact.
"Thank you for being such a good friend," Gastón smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Now, let's get this fitting over with."
"I see you've already started on the champagne," Matteo said with a smile as he entered the bridal shop with his best friend.
"You were just taking too long," Ámbar said with a smirk.
"Is Luna here yet?" Simón asked as he appeared and stood next to his fiancée.
"She was coming with Nina, she's probably running a little late," Matteo answered, "While we wait for the other girls to appear, we can already try the suits for me and the groomsmen."
"Oh, Simón in a suit, I can't wait to see that," Ámbar said as she sat down on the sofa in front of the fitting rooms with her glass in her hands.
"I'm sure you would look radiating in your bridesmaid's dress as well," he flirted and pecked her on the cheek. Getting into the fitting room.
The other guys followed but not before he sent a text to Luna that they needed to talk as soon as she came in.
"Hey, sorry we're late. We ran into some issues on the way," Luna apologized as soon as she came in the shop.
"It's fine, we already got started," Matteo greeted her as he walked out of the fitting room and taking Luna in his arms as he gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Don't you look handsome," Luna said as she looked him up and down.
"I always look handsome," he answered her with a fond smile.
"Let's look at the other before your ego grows too big," Ámbar interrupted their sweet moment.
"Here we are," Simón said as he appeared in front of the four people in the room.
"I'm definitely not disappointed to have come here," Ámbar said as she looked at the guy she loves so much.
"I'm sure I can't compare with you by my side at the wedding," Simón said while he gave her a big smile.
"Alright guys, let the girls put on their dresses and wait with the flirting when you have a room on your own," Matteo said as he put a hand on Simón's shoulder, showing them he's just teasing.
"Let's go Nina, the bride will put on her dress after Matteo left," Ámbar said and took Nina by the arm to lead her to the fitting room.
"Hold on, Ámbar, I'd like to ask you something first," Matteo stopped her before she was gone, Nina already disappeared.
"What's going on?" she frowned, having no clue why she was pulled apart.
"Yeah, your text sounded urgent," Luna interrupted.
"It's time we do some more matchmaking with the two lovebirds that aren't together but really want to be," Matteo said with an excited smile.
Simón turned to Gastón to confirm who they were talking about, Gastón just rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation.
"Is that why you two have been so secretive lately? Because you were playing matchmakers?" Ámbar raised an eyebrow.
"Sadly, yes," Gastón sighed.
"Come on, you agreed," Matteo said with a frown.
"I did and I think I'm starting to regret it," he answered.
"You don't," Matteo said without blinking.
Gastón answered: "You're right."
"Okay, what's the plan?" Luna interrupted, wanting to get back on track.
"We need to get them to talk alone without interruptions," Mattteo started to explain.
"Easy, just lock them in the fitting room, it locks from the outside," Ámbar simply said.
The four others look at her with a frown.
"What? I might not pull that stuff anymore but that doesn't mean I don't notice things," she said in a flat tone.
"You're brilliant, bonita," Simón said and gave her a kiss on her crown.
"Okay, now we just got to figure out how we get Gastón in that fitting room," Luna said, thinking out loud.
"That's easy. He just walks in," Matteo said.
They all start to think for a moment and couldn't find a better alternative. They ended up nodding and agreeing with his plan. It was the best they could do.
"Alright, let's get this crazy plan started," Gastón sighed and gave in. Getting ready to finally have the conversation he and Nina had to have.
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Can Leon and Violetta fo to Simbar's wedding?
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What a nice wedding :)
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wait shoot ignore that last ask i sent whoops. i mean 9 and 10 for your violetta rewrite and 15 and 17 for sunshine and moonshine <3
9. How did you get inspired to write this?
There has been so much of this show that I wished would've gone down differently. Storylines, some plots... some endgames...
Many people love the last episode. They say it's a mostly perfect ending (cause most agree, the wedding was not the best). But I didn't feel much of anything. When I watched 1x80? Cried. When I watched 2x80? Cried (though not as much). When I watched 3x80? Meh.
I was fine with most endgames except germangie, but I just wished it all could have looked differently. So what did I have to do to make it end up in my vision? Well, rewrite the show.
Other reasons I wanted to rewrite the show: - I was curious what would have happened if Angie told the truth right away. Told Violetta the second she met her. How would the story change? - What would happen if Diego did not kissed Violetta against her consent? How would the story change? - I see Leonetta in season 3. I can fix it. I can fix them. - Diecesca will still happen, but it will happen the way I want it to. - Esmeralda and Jade need some good writing. - What would happen if Luca, Braco and Napo, as well as Lara stayed around? - There are some ships I wish would be endgame. And I will make them endgame. - Yes, this is an excuse for me to make everything slightly gayer as well.
10. Did you plan to write something that you ended up not writing later? Why?
Okay, so there's a lot because it happens so many times that I have a plan and spontaneously decide "No! What if this happens instead?"
I was planning on giving some more focus on Violetta's diary and it having sort of a symbolism with how she's feeling, as well as who's the most important person in her life at them moment. She was supposed to change her combination on the diary lock to the letters of someone's name or initials. For example, 12-22 is L-V (Leon Vargas) and 6-18-1 is F-R-A (Francesca, Vilu didn't know her last name at the time so she took her three first letters). I also planned on people reading her diary or reading a page of it when she left it open.
I had this idea after the fact that, when I was a child, I was very fixated on this idea I had where I thought it would be romantic if Leon read Violetta's diary (I was 11 and I was new into shipping and couldn't quite handle it), and I was also very fixated on the time in season 2 when Diego picked up her diary on the floor, read one page and then closed it, and I was so enraged how he could READ SOMEONE'S PRIVATE DIARY!!!!!!!!! (the double standards there huh?)
And while some of this diary stuff is present in the beginning, I simply... didn't care a lot about it anymore to continue. So much else was going on.
15. Favorite character to write for?
Well, Ámbar. In the show I was so obsessed with her home life and her relationship with Sharon, and I make all the excuses ever to write about that. It's so fun to write about her thought process and her reflections and everything!
17. Favorite ship to write for?
Ambilia, hands down. But Jam as well, especially now after last chapter hehe...
It's so funny, because right now it's the hardest to write for Lumón and Simbar, which are both ships that are gonna be present. I want it to make sense and be executed good, and it should be easy because I do love both ships and can write for them usually quite well, but not right now apparently.
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simbargifs · 6 years
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simbar wedding aesthetic ♡ primera parte
Okey, es que…me tomó mucho tiempo averiguar que decir al estar acá arriba. Sabés que no soy tan buena con palabras. No soy como vos. Vos sos esa persona… brillante, creativa, amable que respeto y admiro muchísimo. Todo lo que haces, lo haces con tu corazón y lo único que querés es ayudar a la gente. Y la verdad es que estaba muy molesta contigo cuando te conocí. Nunca pensaste en ti ni en ganar. Bueno, tampoco pensás en esto ahora. El sentido de la vida para vos… es ayudar a los demás y hacer música. No te entendí por mucho, mucho tiempo – un tiempo muy largo y si te digo la verdad, los dos sabemos que aún ahora, a veces, tampoco te entiendo. Pero lo que sí entiendo es que vos también me ayudaste a mí. Y lo que sí entiendo ahora, aunque eso también me tomó un tiempo, es que me enamoré de vos por lo que sos, por ser esa persona buena que yo no me merezco –  no, no me interrumpas, por favor, es la verdad y vos lo sabés. Dejáme terminar. Por favor. Me ayudaste a encontrar mi camino. Me ayudaste a encontrarme a mí misma. Me hiciste entender que la vida es más que ganar y cuidarse uno mismo. Iluminaste mi camino. Porque, y eso es algo que yo tengo muy en claro, desde que empecé a enamorarme de vos, no había nada más importante para mí que tu felicidad. Y sé que te lastimé mucho en el pasado, hasta el punto en que no te merecía, y sé que siempre podrías haberme dado la espalda. Pero nunca lo hiciste. Quiero agradecerte por eso. Porque hasta en mis peores momentos, vos estabas ahí por mí. Y no te puedo prometer que de ahora en más van a haber solo momentos buenos. No te quiero mentir. Pero lo que te puedo prometer es que venga lo que venga, mientras estemos juntos, vamos a estar bien. Mientras estés a mi lado, yo sé que estoy del lado correcto. Y mientras estés a mi lado, yo ya gané. Te amo con todo mi corazón y con toda mi alma. Te amo. 
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 2 years
Sometimes I miss Soy Luna but I actually miss Simon and Ámbar and I like becases attached to them and miss them in a “oh I wonder what they’re up to now” and I would love a domestic fanfic but there’s none and I’m an awful writer but this is how I imagine the characters lives after the show ended
Simon and Ámbar would be together till forever probably, I don’t see them breaking up, or not for a long time anyways like 1 day or maximum a week if one of them is away, but they would get back together asap and work on the issue and get stronger, Simon would probably be doing band stuff and Ámbar would be in college but they would always have time for each other and do little weekend trips, they would eventually move together and then get married further down the line, have 3 kids
Pedro and Delfi are together 100%, like after that unnecessary break up mentioned in Bia they got together prwttt quickly, they were apart just for a couple of months while the band was on tour or something and Pedro definitely proposed right away when they got back together bc he can’t bare the idea of losing her again 🥺 Delfi obviously said yes bc she felt the same way, she would probably be studying a lot (I don’t remember if she said what she was doing career wise when she appeared on Bia) but I can see her majoring in business, fashion design and journalism maybe graphic design and something related to content creating as well, she would be one of those persons who loves to learn and work on her career. They would still found time to be together, they also moved in together when he proposed but waited a couple years to actually get married and them & Simbar are couple besties they go out to bars together, they have double dates at least once a month, they travel together everything
The idea of Delfi and Ámbar being supporting gfs/wives on tour is what I live for.
They eventually open a clothing line together, they’re best maids at each other’s weddings, have kids at the same time and raise them to be best friends, they’re also the godparents of each others kids
Luna and Matteo probably break up a little while after the finale, it’s probably a messy break up they don’t want to see each other kind of way but they’re still in the same friend group, so when they see each other at concerts, birthdays, weddings and stuff they just ignore each other most of the times but probably hook up afterwards most of the times. They probably reconnect way further down the line… like they’re both grew and matured apart and i can see it in a they’re about to marry someone else or just got out of a messy divorce and they’re both alone so why not scenario and they actually work up that time
Jazmin is super successful influencer and works on something involved with travel and fashion, she’s away a lot but still in contact with Delfi and Ámbar, she’s probably based in a big city like New York or Paris and she meets someone there and they’re couple goals… I don’t see her as a mom (or maybe she has just 1 daughter and she raises her to be a super pink princess) I can see her loving and spoiling her nieces and nephews (Simbar & Pelfi’s kids) a ton
Nina goes to study to Oxford after the finale, she sees Gaston once at a coffee shop and its awkward and then they just don’t cross paths for a while, I can see them as rivals at one point maybe on something academic or work related, they then have to work together for something for a long-ish period of time and they get along again and are just friends for a while but one night they go out with friends and he walks her to her apartment and it’s late she invites him a cup of coffee or tea and they 100% hook up and then she probably turns him off probably bc she has an annoying snobby boyfriend Bernard who she doesn’t really love and then they avoid each other and it’s awkward again and one night she gets tired of faking and breaks up with her bf and runs to his apartment in the rain and he opens the door and it’s like “Nina what are you doing here, you should be celebrating your engagement with Bernard” and Nina’s like “I dumped that idiot, I don’t want him I want you, I love you since I was 15 and I will always love you” or something like that and they get back together, get married have 2 kids, the end
Nico breaks up with Ada or Eva or whoever her gf was and goes back to Argentina, he reaches out to the boys and they take him back, the band continues with all 4 members for many years, like they would have little 1 to 2 year hiatus where they would work on solo stuff but the band itself won’t break up
Nico is definitely the playboy of the band, Matteo and him would be each other wingmen at certain points but I feel like Matteo would have serious relationships here and there and Nico would be single most of the time, I can see him maybe even in like a 3 year relationship where he would have a kid and then they would split and he would go back to his bachelor life, he would fall in love eventually and get married
I don’t remember Ramiro’s ending exactly but I think he would go and basically make a career out of rolling skating, he would be very good at it, win tournaments, be one of the best ones in the word, have a lot of fans, that kind of stuff eventually I could see him buying the ring, the band would buy the resto area, they would have a partnership going on there. Jim would be supporting him at events and stuff and he would ask her for help when he buys the ring and she would help him managing and also of training the next roller skating generation 😜they would eventually end up together bc I think that Jim never really got over him in the first place, she just gave up on him because of Yam and he would realize he made a mistake focusing on Yam all those years before
Yam is a successful singer songwriter, she and Jim had a long term (maybe 3 years) relationship but it didn’t end that well, fame kinda got to her and they couldn’t spend time together anymore so they broke up, they lose contact for some time and they reconnect at some wedding probably, she’s dating someone else and Jim is hanging out with Ramiro by that time, it’s a little shocking at first that her 2 best friends that are also her ex partners are sorta dating at first but then she sees they just work, probably helps them get together and stays in touch with them through the distance
Emilia and Benicio also made a career in rollerskating they won tournaments and stayed friends with Ramiro, I can see them opening an academy or something like that and have a friendly rivality with Ramiro
Monica and Miguel basically adopted Ámbar, since Luna is away most of the time, she haves lunch at their place 1-3 times a week, Simon would join them every now & then and Monica cooks cochinita pibil for him obviously… I imagine them having a mother-daughter relationship like Ámbar would ask for advice and they’ll go to the salon, the mall and out to have brunch together, Luna would goin when she’s home too.
Finally they would cry so hard at Simbar’s wedding bc they love them both and are so happy that they found each other, they would be like grandparents to their kids & would spoil them rotten (I can also see them making jokes about how they want grandkids as soon as they got engaged & it hits Ámbar as a confirmation that they basically adopted her; she then asks Miguel to walk her to the isle)
Idk what to say about Luna but I guess she would make a career out of her music maybe she would study something music related as well (even tho I don’t see her in college bc she hated studying and school)
Matteo would split time with the band and his solo career (kinda like the 5sos guys do it)
Finally the gang would get together maybe once a month, the ones that live away would visit obviously like once a year
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purple-fireflies · 3 years
some small lutteo headcanons because they make my heart happy
Matteo makes Luna tea in the morning
She makes him coffee
They get each other sickeningly cute matching mugs
They're huge on PDA
It grosses everyone out
just whatever you do don't imagine weekly brunches with simbar
or gastina
they have some rough patches but because they've gone through so much i feel that, as adults they're very stable
matteo doesn't admit it but he loves it when luna steals his clothes
especially because she's dwarfed in them
the height diff is definitely not something matteo uses to his advantage
one of his albums named "luna" or "princesa" and everyone wants to know who its about
idk i feel like Luna goes to the olympics for skating and she does great but then she retires and opens her own rink
matteo is a very succesful musician and sometimes the fans and publicity get to luna/matteo but they always say I love you before sleeping
they move in after both of them finish college and they just easily settle into a routine
but they love giving each other small surprises
matteo tries to teach luna how to play guitar but it ends in neither of them paying attention to the instrument and moreso to each other
luna has been known to skate to his songs a lot
luna has dueted with matteo on a lot of his tracks
they have a really gorgeous beach wedding
the pictures are legendary
they have two kids
one of their kids is seriously crushing on gastina's/simbar's kid
that's it for now but i might do one more ;)
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huffletiika · 6 years
Ohhh I'm so glad many of you liked that AU, because I enjoyed writing it very much, and I really want to explore it a little bit more. Thanks💙
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theherondaels · 7 years
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Simbar Appreciation Week
Day 7: Free choice
—–> The future
Ámbar finally changes for real and they get together, everything is great. One day Simón comes home with a puppy. He convinces Ámbar to keep the Maltese dog and names her Topaz (the kids call her Toppy though). Simón’s proposal is so sappy, Ámbar loves it. Their wedding is this big, grand affair. Their first child is a daughter and Simón wants to use another gemstone name, but Ámbar puts her foot down this time because, really, Esmeralda is just terrible. They decide on Alicia in the end and three years later Rafael is born.  
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¡Sí! - La Trinidad del Amor: Chapter nine
In life, nothing is sure... but you always count on one thing. True Love, the ones who have it are the luckiest people in the world. Not everyone does... but the people in our story do. They fought through Fire, They fought through an ocean, They fought through the sun and the moon. There are six of them, and they form a trinity, the trinity of true love
Tu sei quello che so dell'amore
“Remind me why we are doing this at your house again?” Matteo asked after the hairstylist swept the last hair from his chin with the blade and he was allowed to move again. No one wanted to rush to the ER on their wedding day with a shaving related accident. 
“Because you don’t have a house,” Gastón answered from the chair next to him. Matteo and his groomsmen were all spread out in Nina and Gastón’s living room, getting ready. “All of us would have not fit into your and Luna’s apartment, and this is closer to the mansion. And your dad’s place is full of every relative imaginable. When are you and Luna getting a house or just a proper apartment somewhere?”
Matteo and Luna had lived for over two years in a one-bedroom studio apartment close to the Buenos Aires central. Gastón was right that it was no place to get ready for a wedding since both Luna and Matteo came and went so often in their busy lives, it was not tidy and there definitely was no room. Gastón was right that at some point, especially now as they were getting married, they should probably get a proper place. 
But that was gonna be a worry for another day, as today, Matteo was going to focus fully on what was to come. Today he was finally gonna marry the girl of his dreams, Luna Valente. 
“Do you have any idea how hectic the housing market is? Oh, actually, you don’t. Your mother is the industry.” Matteo joked as the hairstylist started with his hair. “Everything in due time. Why are we even talking about this?”
“I don’t know, you started it.” Gastón laughed, “I mean, we can talk about something else. Like the responsibilities in the institution of marriage, get you properly spooked. Any advice you’d like to get?” 
“I mean, if I wanna get horror stories about getting married, I would not come to you.” Matteo shot back. It was true. Nina and Gastón had been married for one and a half years, and Matteo had not seen people more in love. Domestic life together suited them extremely well, and them and their dog Newton were a happy little family, almost like they had been married all their lives. Matteo had adopted Newton as his first godson and had wanted to have him walk down the aisle, before being told a firm no from both Gastón and Nina because Newton was a six-month-old puppy and no one would wanna deal with that during the wedding.
“Well, I can’t argue with that. These handcuffs are actually pretty nice,” Gastón said gesturing to his wedding ring. “But what I really wanna say is that I am so relieved that we are finally here. You and Luna made it.”
“Don’t speak too soon, there are still three and a half hours until the ceremony,” Simon suddenly appeared behind them. Matteo tried to look annoyed at his jab, but inside he was laughing with them. It was no secret the wedding planning had not gone the smoothest, with his and Luna’s tendency to disagree on things from the menu to the first dance. But everything had been solved in the end, because in the end, Matteo just wanted Luna to be happy. 
“Everyone really has nothing good to say today?” Matteo joked, while Simon gave Gastón a fist bump and their rings clicked together. 
“Well, sorry, Matteo,” Gastón laughed putting a hand on Matteo’s shoulder. “Have I already mentioned how proud I am of you? And Nina just texted me that Luna has not yet run away, so that is a good sign, and we brought zip ties, so we can tie you to a chair if you try to run away.”
“There is no chance of that happening,” Matteo laughed. “Nothing can stop me from marrying Luna…” Matteo looked down for a moment. “I just wish Mom could be here.”
“I am sure she is watching,” Gastón squeezed Matteo’s shoulder.
Ding! The doorbell suddenly rang and Pedro opened the door to the pizzeria delivery boy. After everyone had gotten their hair done, they got to eating as no one wanted to spill anything on the tuxedos. 
“Were off!” As the guys had finished eating, Flor and her fiance Oliver, Gastón’s former roommate, came to downstairs. They had come to the wedding from France, and Gastón and Nina had offered to them that they could stay at their house. 
“Il mio cuginetto! Sono così orgoglioso di te! Sei cresciuto così in fretta.” Flor said as she came to hug Matteo while he was putting his shirt on. “Zia Lucia è così orgogliosa di te. Lo so e basta.”
“Thanks Flor.” Matteo hugged her back. “And thanks for coming.”
“In what world would I have not come to your wedding?” Flor scoffed. “Plus, it is a really good opportunity for Oliver to meet the family. But now we need to go, so we can make it to that hotel where the transportation leaves.” Luna and Matteo had set up a room block in a couple of the Buenos Aires’ hotels since a lot of the guests were either coming from Italy or Mexico, that's why it was the easiest to arrange transportation for all the guests to the mansion. “We’ll see you at the ceremony. Oliver, we need to leave!” Flor shouted in English to Oliver who had been chatting with Gastón. 
“Well, I think you look pretty ready to get married,” Gastón said after helping Matteo put his grey tuxedo jacket on, and was attaching his butenier. “Okay, everyone bring it in.” 
“To Luna and Matteo!” Matteo and all of his groomsmen —wearing grey tuxedos and light purple bowties— huddled together for a camera that Gastón had set on the auto shutter. 
“Okay, now my dear gentleman, lets get into the cars and get going to the mansion, so we’ll be there before the full moon hits. Plus the maid of honor will murder me if we are late, so lets go.” Gastón announced. 
“Don’t even think about it. I am driving.” Matteo walked over to grab his car keys, but he was stopped by Gastón. “It is your wedding, so you can just sit, look at the view and enjoy the last droplets of your freedom.”
Gastón and Nina lived about thirty minutes away from the Benson mansion where the wedding would be held. Matteo spent the car ride over there recounting his vows in his head. He knew them by heart but he was sure Luna would look stunning and all the words would just magically disappear. 
“Nervous?” Gastón asked as they stopped at the red stoplight. 
“Wouldn’t everybody in my place?” Matteo said. “But there is no turning back. I love her. Te Amo El. La Amo Tantissimo”
“And you two have fought so hard. Jokes aside, you really deserve to be happy.” Gastón continued. “You fell off the fence and everything for her. Yes, that is going to be in my speech, no you can’t stop me.”
Matteo just laughed as the light turned green. Nothing could bring down his mood now as his future was about to begin.
“Luna, stay put.” Ambar grabbed Luna’s arm as the hairstylist installed the last bobby pin into the tight bun on the back of her head. The ceremony hairstyle would need to be structured so it could support her ballet length, so about 120 centimeters long veil that was embroidered with silver crystals. The bun would be opened for the reception as Luna changed dresses.
Luna and all of the bridesmaids had had a huge sleepover at the mansion. They had all camped in Ambar’s old room as it was the biggest one, and Luna’s old room was at the former servants’ quarters so it was a bit small. The clock was soon striking 11 am, and all of her bridesmaids were eating lunch downstairs while Luna had been left into the hairstylist's clutches in Ambar’s room.
“How long do I need to sit here?” Luna whined. “Is Matteo already here?”
“Luna there are still almost four hours until the ceremony. They won’t be here in a while.” Nina entered the room carrying a plate of salad and a cup of tea. “I just got off the phone with Gastón. All the guys are at our house and the hairdressers have just arrived. Here,” she handed Luna the plate and put the cup on the table. “Your mom sent these up for you, and she told me to get Ambar down to eat.”
“Okay, you better not argue with the mother of the bride,” Ambar rolled her eyes, “Can you take over the babysitting?” As Ambar was exiting through the door, her phone rang and from the way she answered it, it was clear that the caller was Simon.
“It is unfair that you get to talk with Gastón and Ambar with Simon, but I can’t talk with Matteo,” Luna complained again as she started to dig into the salad. 
“Well they are our husbands,” Nina smiled sympathetically and sat down on the bed. “And you were the one always insistent on the “bride and groom must not see each other before the wedding” rule. So that includes phone calls. Relax, you’ll see Matteo soon enough, now that you are getting married.”
“I AM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!” Luna repeated the statement and jumped up from the chair and almost spilled the rest of the salad on herself and her special bridal pajamas. 
“Luna, what did Ambar say about not moving?” Nina shook her head, “We told them to secure your hair extra well, but that won’t help if your head is full of salad.”
“I am sorry,” Luna sat back down. “I am just so excited!” Luna had barely gotten any sleep last night as she had been so excited about everything, the party, the cake, her dress, and most of all Matteo. 
“Luna will you be able to stay put, or do we need to get the scarves?” Ambar asked as all of Luna’s bridesmaids filed into the room as the make-up artist started on her bridal make-up.
“I don’t think we need to tie her down quite yet.” Nina laughed. 
“Okay, I want everyone in a line,” Jazmin exclaimed as everyone was in the room. She would be taking care of the bridal party while also being in it herself. “We are gonna start with the maid of honor, then the chief bridesmaid, and then the rest of the bridesmaids. Everyone, move!”
Soon enough time just flew and Luna was putting on her jewelry after her make-up was finished. For the ceremony, she had a very simple purple eye-look with some hot-pink lipstick. Her look would be totally revamped for the reception, from the make-up, and jewelry to obviously the dress. 
“Can someone come and help me with this?” Luna turned to the other people in the room from the vanity after having struggled with the clasp of the necklace. She would be wearing silver and amethyst earrings and a necklace. Jazmin was just finishing with Jim and Yam’s makeup and a couple of the girls, like Nina and Ambar already had their purple full-length dresses with a halter necklines on. All of their hair was in an updo that resembled a flower. 
“How much time do we have left?” Luna asked after Nina helped her with the rest of her jewelry. 
“Little over an hour. Gastón just texted me that they are just getting into the cars.”
60 minutes, 3600 seconds until she would get to see Matteo. Luna had no idea how she had calculated that number in her head, but it was correct… she could wait that long. 
“Okay, Luna, time for you to get dressed.” Ambar said as she walked into the walk-in closet in her room and came back holding Luna’s dress. 
The dress had a corset back, so it took good five minutes that the dress was finally on Luna. She had to put her shoes on first since no one was going to find her feet after the dress was on as there was so much skirt. 
“Do I look ready to get married?” Luna gave a couple of twirls in the center of the room.
“Well, lets go over the checklist. Nina?” Ambar said.
“Do you have your earrings?” Nina pulled up a list on her phone. 
“Make-up and hair is done?”
“Looks like it.”
“On my feet.”
“I think we are ready.”
“Wait! I don’t have my veil on!” Luna suddenly realized and started looking all over the room for it.
“Luna, Luna, stop moving,” Nina grabbed her arm before Luna was about to run to Ambar’s walk-in closet to look for the veil. “You’ll rip the dress. It is not lost, it is downstairs because we’ll attach it there. The flowers are there as well.”
“Can we come to see the bride?” Luna turned around and saw her parents standing on the doorway. 
“Come on in!” Luna was pretty much jumping on her tiptoes —while wearing heels— until she almost lost her balance. 
“Hija, you look so beautiful,” Monica said after hugging Luna. “Our little girl is all grown up.”
“We should go downstairs,” Ambar walked back into the room. 
“Shall we?” Miquel offered his arm to Luna and they started descending the stairs of the mansion following all of the bridesmaids. As they were walking down the stairs Luna saw that the guys already were in the hall, but she did not see Matteo anywhere.
“Matteo is already at the garden,” Luna heard Gastón say to Nina as he met his wife at the bottom of the staircase. “Everything ready here?”
“Pretty much,” Nina responded to him, “we just need to grab the flowers.”
“Luna, you look magnificent.” As Luna got down from the stairs Simon approached her. “Are you nervous?”
“Not a single bit,” Luna stood tall. In reality, she had been feeling just a tad bit nervous, but nothing Luna Valente could not handle. 
“Keep your head still.” Someone all of a sudden grabbed Luna on the back of her head. She recognized the voice as Jazmin’s and felt something being attached to her hair. She deduced it was probably the veil. “Are we ready?” Ambar came over to Luna handing her a bouquet consisting of purple flowers and white lilies. Luna had wanted to incorporate those specifically for her biological parents. 
“Ready.” Luna affirmed and Ambar appeared to give Nina a couple of hand signals. 
“Okay girls, go get your bouquets!” Nina raised her voice so everyone could hear. 
“And then line up!” Gastón continued from Nina. “I hope everyone knows in what order you are supposed to be standing for the processional.”
In five minutes everyone was lined up with their respective partners in front of Luna and her dad and started filing out of the door. Luna took a deep breath as she stepped out of the door. It was time to become a Mrs.
“È così bello rivederti.”
“Grazie mille per essere venuto.”
“Sì, non vedo davvero l'ora.”
Matteo was bombarded by probably every relative he ever had while walking down the aisle. Not that he really minded, it was nice to see lot of them as he had not been able in a while since his dad had dragged him like a suitcase around the world for four years before settling down in Buenos Aires. Matteo, also himself now had a very busy life.
The ceremony was being held in the mansion’s garden and the altar was under the tree where Luna had used to swing as a child. Under the tree, there was a circle arch decked out in purple and green flowers just like the sides of the wooden chairs were. 
He walked under the arch and looked at the small table that was going to serve as the altar. On it was a framed picture of him and Luna that had been part of their engagement shoot Gastón and Nina had done for them. Little further under the arch, there was a Mexican-style altar that had a candle in the middle of it. A picture of his mother, Lucia Balsano was on the altar on the left side of the candle, on the right there was a picture of Luna’s biological parents Lili and Bernie Benson. 
“Matteo, vieni qui!” A voice shook Matteo away from the trance he had been in for a moment. He turned around and saw that his second cousin Federico Paccini was standing behind the arch with Matteo’s friend Francesca Caviglia. Matteo and Francesca had both tried out for Eurovision for Italy in 2023, but neither of them had gotten picked. They had formed a friendship during the competition and Fran had ended up reconnecting Matteo with his second cousin Federico because they just happened to be friends. Fede also was in the same band as Simon’s cousin if Matteo remembered correctly. The world really was small.
“Welcome. Glad you were able to come for this.”
“We would have not missed for the world,” Francesca said after briefly hugging Matteo. Then she linked arm back with a dark-haired man the had been standing next to her. “I never got a chance to introduce you two. This is my husband Diego Hernandez. You met briefly at the reception after the new year's concert.”
“Yeah, I actually remember you quite well,” Matteo said while shaking Diego’s hand. “I have been following some of your work.” He then turned towards Federico and the blonde he was with, “Fede, has family been bombarding you?”
“They have,” Federico laughed, “I keep needing to explain what I do again. You invited the whole family tree I see.”
“Dad forced me to.” Matteo laughed. “Well, I hope you still have fun.” 
“Ludmila knows how to introduce herself so I am all set… outside of like couple great aunts being mad that they did not know that I have gotten married.” Fede laughed and leaned over to Matteo. “I don’t even know their names.”
“Me neither.”
“This garden is really beautiful,” Ludmila, Federico's wife piped up, “but for some reason, I have the strange feeling that I have been to a wedding in here before… oh well. Who knows why.”
“We probably should go find our seats,” Francesca's husband noted. 
“It was nice to see you!” Matteo said as the others were turning to walk away. “Enjoy the show. Plus I wanna thank you already for agreeing to perform. Luna has been asking me for a month about what you will be doing. She does not believe me that I don’t know.”
“All we can say is that me and Fede, the OnBeat resident Italians are bringing some nostalgia. You’ll be amazed.” Francesca flashed Matteo a smile walking away. 
Matteo stood under the arch and looked through the crowd that already was gathering. He saw all of his grandparents sitting on the first row. His Nonna had come from all the way from Pietrapertosa with all of the other relatives from Matteo’s mother’s side who still lived there. 
As he was finishing saying hi to his parents, he saw Monica and Alfredo walking down the aisle towards him. 
“Everything is ready,” Monica said to him and the officiant who had just arrived as well. “Time to start.”
Matteo straightened up his posture at those words… he had not really been that nervous before. It was impossible with Gastón cracking jokes all the time.
But right now, as he was waiting for Luna to appear around the corner any second, he was filled with a mix of nerves and adrenaline. Almost like he was about to step on stage for the first concert on his first tour. 
The music finally started. This has been one of the things they had kind of argued about as Luna had wanted a Disney Channel song after having a one-week-long obsession with the High School Musical franchise. Matteo would have wanted something more classical, but Luna had made a good point: It was her walking down the aisle at the end of the day. 
So a piano arrangement of Start of Something New was played as Matteo saw Delfi and Pedro walking towards the aisle. Next came Jazmin with Nico. 
Then came Jim and Yam, both of their arms linked with Ramiro. Matteo tried his hardest not to laugh as the girls basically were dragging Ramiro between them. 
Matteo was not sure had the time slowed down or if was it on fast forwards since soon Simon and Ambar had come down the aisle and so had Gastón and Nina… but it also felt like an eternity. 
“Good luck,” Gastón nudged him as he took his place behind him on the altar. 
Matteo’s eyes were fixated on the end of the altar waiting for Luna to appear. He had his hand clasped together nervously. On his right hand’s ring finger he was wearing a ring that had used to be his dad’s wedding ring. He had passed it down to Matteo once he had gotten remarried and Matteo had wanted to wear that on his wedding day. He was fiddling with a ring quite nervously now.
At that moment he saw Miquel round the corner to the end of the aisle walking, who must have been the most beautiful thing in the whole world, Luna on his arm. 
Soon enough the Music had stopped and Luna and Miquel were standing in front of him, and Matteo shook Miquel’s hand.
“Chica Delivery, you still manage to find new ways to blow me off,” Matteo said to her as he joined his hands with her after Miquel had sat down on his seat next to Monica. “You were on time and everything.”
“I guess I have to thank you for showing up as well,” Luna briefly laughed. 
“Todos, gracias por venir hoy. Grazie a tutti per essere venuti oggi.” The officiant started speaking. “Today is the day, when Luna and Matteo have decided to join their lives as one…”
The ceremony was performed in Spanish, for Luna’s and most of the guests’ sake, but the officiant often repeated the important lines also in Italian. The officiant was the same that had married Matteo’s father and Sofia over ten years ago. 
“...and to affirm their promise to each other, they have written their own vows to each other.” Matteo felt another nudge from Gastón, and was handed his songwriting notebook. He and Simon were similar in that aspect that they had had the same idea of where to write their vows. 
“Luna Valente.” Mateo started and took a deep breath. “about ten years ago, you came into my life with a crash. It is fair to say that my life has not been the same since then. I can’t lie, so all I can say that if I look back now, there are some things I would have done differently, things I would change, but one thing I would never change is you. Time travel has not yet been invented so we need to accept the past how it is. And it doesn’t matter, since in the end, it led me to you.
“You have brought into my life so much meaning. With you, it does not matter if the sky is grey or it is raining, since you can bring the sun even to the darkest day. You are the sun to my moon, the one who brings color to my world. You can be absolutely insufferable, and we can argue about almost absolutely everything, but I would not wanna do it with anyone else. You are my inspiration.”
“There are so many words I could use to describe who you are. Colorful, sunny, energetic, clumsy and annoying. But no one could ever dislike you. You have a huge heart and love to give to anyone and everyone. I can’t wait to see you flourish even more and grow old together.”
“I will be there whenever you need me. You don’t fall down on skates that much, anymore, but I will still be there to rescue you. Whether it is from a pool or under a car. And I know you’ll be there to catch me as well. I love you. Ti amo sempre e per sempre.”
Matteo took another breath after he finished and looked at Luna again, who was smiling so sunnily as she could. Matteo saw Nina hand Luna a folded piece of paper. Luna unfolded it and it appeared to be written in colored markers. 
“Matteo, Chico Fresa.” Luna started. “Thank you for being here. But in whole honesty, people have been threatening to tie me into a chair the whole day, so I can just guess that you have been threatened too. So we’d be here, whether we like it or not. Anyways…” Luna’s eyes scanned the paper, “Matteo you are the person who saved me from drowning when I was 15 years old. You saved me from being run over by the car when I was 16. You are the person who can make me fly.”
“You have somehow put up with me for almost ten years. You join me in the chaos, or reign me in. I don’t know. I am known to have some crazy dreams, and you have been in so many of them, I would have been a fool if I had not realized that it meant something. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not met you.”
“Our journey has not been easy, there have been twists and turns and probably a couple of u-turns as well. But Hey! Here we are! Today! I would not want anything different. You are a good person. I love how you throw yourself into each project you do, and I love watching you do what you are passionate about. I am your biggest fan, and there will never be any competition. No one dares to even try.”
“I can’t wait to see where we will go from here. I can’t predict the future, but whatever we do, I wanna do it together. Tu sei l'amore della mia vita. Lutteo è più vivo che mai, e ora non morirà mai.”
Matteo smiled as Luna finished the Italian sentence and butchered the pronunciation.
“Can I say I do already?” Luna finished her speech. 
“You can, very soon.” Officiant laughed as Gastón handed him the rings.
“So, Matteo Alejandro Balsano. Do you take Luna Sol Valente as your wife?”
“I do,” Matteo said as he stared directly into Luna’s eyes. He only took his eyes off her to take the ring from the officiant and slid it into Luna’s finger.
“Luna Sol Balsano, do you take Matteo Alejandro Balsano as your husband?”
“I do, I do, I do!” Luna was jumping on her tiptoes. She finally stopped to take the ring from the officiant and put on Matteo’s finger. Matteo was afraid for a second that she would drop it, but the ring ended up safely on his finger. 
“In that case, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you as husband and wife. Puoi baciare la sposa.”
Even when the officiant had said that Matteo could kiss the bride, it was Luna who did the first move, jumping into Matteo's neck —still wearing heels— to kiss him. 
“Well, that must be enough pictures for the rest of our lifetime.” Matteo sighed as they wrapped up the photo-taking session on the Mansion’s stairs. They had taken photos all over the garden, in front of the mansion for the family and wedding party pics, and inside the mansion.
“Don’t tell me chico fresa has grown tired of having his photo taken.” Luna, his wife, teased Matteo as they walked down the stairs. Luna really was his wife… it had not yet fully sunk into Matteo. 
“No,” Matteo gave her a cocky smile.
“Well, you look good enough for it,” Luna laughed and pulled on Mateo’s bow tie so it was left all wonky. 
“Hey! I spent a while tying that!”
“Sorry, wife’s privileges.” Luna jumped down the stairs, and out of Matteo’s reach and he ran after her. How did she move so fast on these heels? He managed to grab her hand in the middle of the mansion hall and was just about to pull her into a kiss—
“Make way!” All a sudden, the mansion door burst open, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids burst in, Jazmin leading them. “We’ll have to make this in seven and a half minutes!”
Matteo had no time to react as Luna was grabbed by Nina and Ambar and ushered through a side door. 
Right, there was this thing called costume change in the schedule, before the party and food. 
“You did remember this was going to happen, right?” Gastón asked as he came over to Matteo and threw him a green bow tie and pulled the lavender one off. 
“Of course not…”
“Yeah, sure.” Matteo knew Gastón was not convinced, nor should he really since Matteo was lying. Matteo tied the new bowtie, while Gastón pulled his jacked off and attached green suspenders. 
As Matteo was finished “changing” after swapping the amethyst cufflinks to emerald ones, the girls came out of the side door. Last one of them was Luna, and Matteo did not even know how she could have become even more beautiful. 
Her hair had been opened from the bun and emerald pins had replaced the veil. She was also wearing green glitter heels and other emerald accessories with a much bolder make-up look. The dress she also was wearing was absolutely stunning.
“So can I have my wife back now?” Matteo asked. 
“I think that can be allowed.” Nina laughed as she went to take Gastón’s arm. 
The wedding party started assembling to a line at the hall for the grand reception entrance. This was the one thing Luna and Matteo had agreed on from the start. They wanted a huge grand wedding reception entrance. 
“So ladies a gentleman, it is time to welcome our bridal party!” Jazmin, who would be going out first with Nico had opened the door and they all could hear the DJ starting the song: Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats. They had rehearsed this a thousand times, so everyone knew exactly what they were doing, thankfully.
“Bridesmaid Jazmin Carvajal escorted by groomsman Nicolas Navarro!”
“Bridesmaid Delfina Arias escorted by groomsman Pedro Arias!”
“Bridesmaids Yamila Sances and Jimena Medina, escorted by groomsman Ramiro Ponce!”
“The chief bridesmaid Ambar Alvarez escorted by groomsman Simon Alvarez!”
“The maid of honor Nina Perida and the best man Gastón Perida!”
“And now, let's give a standing ovation to our Bride and Groom.” With those words, Matteo took Luna’s hand and they ran out of the door and to the dance floor that had been set up in the garden. “Mr. Matteo Balsano and Mrs. Luna Valente-Balsano!”
As they got to the dance floor, Matteo twirled Luna around before dipping her in his arms. They danced the rest of the song with the wedding party, and finally finished off with a kiss. 
Then it was time to eat. The menu had been another thing Matteo and Luna had fought over, but in the end, they had been able to compromise, after some very wise advice from Monica, and just serve both Italian and Mexican food. 
“Hello everyone.” As the dinner had progressed to the dessert course, Nina stood up from the wedding party table holding a microphone. “My name is Nina Perida, and I am the maid of honor today. Luna has been my best friend since we have been 16.” 
“First memory I have of Luna and Matteo is from our first day of sophomore year at Blake South College. This will sound really similar to the speech Luna gave at my wedding, but it happened to be that same moment. Honestly, we had no idea how intertwined our destinies really were. So, back on track: on that day, Luna blatantly denied ever liking Matteo. Later she said that she was from the moon and he was from Mars that's why it would never work. Well, Mars also has moons.”
“It is no secret that the road to this day had not been the smoothest. There have been a lot of twists and turns, ups and down, as you can imagine for two strong-willed hotheads. One time Matteo got mad at Luna after she allegedly cooked pasta wrong and another time they managed to fight over did pineapple go on the pizza or not. Matteo as an Italian surely had some views on that.” 
“Luna and Matteo’s love story can be definitely called a story. In stories, happily ever after is not as straightforward as it may seem. There had been bad moments, like in 2017 which we will refrain from getting into any more detail, but there also have been a lot of good moments. Matteo has written more songs for Luna than you can count. He has continuously gone above and beyond for her. He has saved her life. Luna has had dreams about Matteo since she has been 15-years-old. No matter what happened, the universe has always wanted them together. Maybe that is why Luna fell into the pool at Cancun in 2016.”
“Matteo, eight years ago, we did not know each other well, but now you are one of my best friends. You were a brother to me, when I needed one. I know how important you are to my best friend and to my husband, and I have seen firsthand how you go above and beyond for the ones you love. You are also an incredible partner to work with when it comes to writing, and I want to thank you for even giving me one opportunity to write with you. There is no one else who would be more perfect for Luna than you. You understand her chaos in a way almost no one else can”
“Luna, I don’t know what I would have done if you had not shown up at the lockers of Jam & Roller those years ago. You have played such a part of who I am today. You have encouraged me, and saw the person I was trying to hide for years, and gave her a chance. I would not be here without you. I don’t know where I would be, but definitely not here. You are my sister, and I have been honored to have been allowed to be part of your life, and I hope we get to see our children grow up together as best friends.”
“I am a wife of an engineer so you can blame him of this one, but Albert Einstein once said that “gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love”. There is no scientific explanation for why we fall in love. Love is choosing to share your life with another person and a promise to work hard. Luna and Matteo, you have fought through stone to be here.”
“No love story is easy, but we should not measure any love by the hardships we face, but instead by how we overcome them.  Like James A. Baldwin said: “Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up”. When you are in love, you don’t always think straight, but as long as you feel with your heart. Sometimes love can be so strong, that you love each other more than you could ever do anything wrong. And I know you see it in each other. So lets all raise our glasses for our Bride and Groom today. To Luna and Matteo!”
“To Luna and Matteo!” all the guests raised their glasses and Nina sat back down to the table, handing Gastón the microphone. 
Gastón stood up from the table as the service staff was bringing out the second dessert course. 
“Good evening! I hope everyone has been having an amazing evening this far. My name is Gastón Perida, and I am the best man for today which means that my main job, outside of keeping the groom from running away, is to try to follow up that beautiful speech given by the maid of honor. And in case someone was wondering, yes, she is my wife, we don’t just have the same last name just by coincidence. Stranger things have happened, though. So you can just try to figure out by yourselves who got together first… for the record it was us.” Gastón grinned, and turned towards Luna and Matteo.
“Anyways, now to the actual speech. I have known Matteo since the eight grade. I think it is fair to say that we have done a lot of growing up together because otherwise, we would not be here, nor would I have this.” Gastón briefly gestured to his own wedding ring. “So with some common sense, you can figure out that I obviously was there when Matteo and Luna first met. Well, actually that is not true… but who cares. I still have been watching this tennis match of courtship for the past ten years. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that this day has finally come. I can finally breathe easy.”
“It all started when our bride almost ran the groom over on skates at Cancun in 2016. This has been a a heated argument between them ever since, since neither of them will actually admit to it. I am sorry Luna, but for today, I am obligated to be on Matteo’s side. After that first encounter, it has been a journey of shouting matches and romantic skating routines. But here we still are, because no matter what happened to you two, it was always obvious that there has been a burning fire between you two. Almost like a sun and the moon were pulling you towards each other.”
“We can talk about all the times Matteo has literally “fallen” for Luna. I refrain for going into any more detail about that, except that I almost had a heart attack after hearing about the incident. So I direct this to Simon & Co: Next time Matteo almost kills himself while I am in another country, I wanna hear about it directly.”
“Luna, you are amazing. Bursting ball of energy that will never run out, which is against at least all of the laws of Newton. Only Matteo can keep up with you at times. You put 100 to everything you do, and everyone who knows you can appreciate that. It is impossible to be around you and not smile. Matteo is in good hands with you.”
“So, not all of you were there, but let me tell you that Matteo made everyone cry at my wedding, so it is only fair that I should return the favor. Matteo, you said that I was the one who took pity on the poor new Italian kid. That “taking pity” was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made because that made you my brother. I would do it hundred times again. I don’t know what I would do if you had not sat down next to me at school on that day. You are my brother, and I love you, no matter what dumb things we get up to. Even if we don’t have any bonds by blood, what we have is stronger than that.”
“So, Luna and Matteo, if you now turn to look at each other, the person who has the power to kill you is sitting in front of you. I know the two of you will be very happy, so let's just all raise our glasses once again. To Matteo Balsano and Luna Valente-Balsano!”
After the speeches were finished, it was time for Luna and Matteo’s first dance. Luna had gone through bit of a Frozen obsession when they had visited Disneyland and had listened to the soundtrack on repeat. Her excitement had been limitless after Nina had told her that there also was a musical version, and then that soundtrack had been blasted on repeat for at least two months. Now their first dance was to What Do You Know About Love which pretty much described her and Matteo perfectly. The song started playing and they broke out into a perfect choreography, that they had been training for almost a year.
Matteo took the stage after they finished the father-daughter dance, as well as the mother-son dance which Luna had originally thought they’d skip, but Matteo had actually asked Sofia on his own accord to dance with him in honor of his late mother, starting to sing the Italian version of Alla Voy from his first album. Luna of course could not stay put and soon enough she was dancing on the stage with Matteo, and the song ended up being a duet. 
“So, now, me and Luna wanna dedicate this next song and dance to the people we both have, who are no longer with us. We love them, and they will forever be in our hearts.” Matteo said as he and Luna got off the stage, and started dancing to a song called He Lives In You. 
Matteo’s cousin took the stage after the dance, singing one of his earlier singles Rescata mi Corazon. Matteo’s friend Francesca joined him and they sang together a song that was apparently their school anthem. 
The cake was brought after Simon and the Roller Band had finished playing Valiente. The cake was a chocolate-strawberry cake —surprisingly Luna and Matteo had not fought about this one—  covered in white frosting. Luna almost covered Matteo’s whole face in it as they smashed pieces of cake into each other’s faces. 
Then they danced, and danced, and danced until Francesca got up to the stage again and sang the last song of the night, called Ti Creo. She was accompanied by her husband and Federico, and his wife provided the backing vocals. 
As it was almost time to call it the night, there was only one thing left to do. Luna had been adamant about the bouquet toss being the last thing she did. She turned around as all the unmarried girls lined up behind her. The line-up was considerably smaller than in Ambar’s or the weddings that had followed her, but it did not matter. Luna lunged the flowers into the air and soon enough heard victory yells, from two voices.
Luna turned around and saw Jim and Yam holding the bouquet together and jumping up and down for joy. 
“So from the rate of one to ten, how would you rate the marriage this far?” Matteo scooped Luna into his arms after she had thrown the flowers.
“I don’t know,” Luna laughed, “Eleven. Look,” they turned their eyes to the sky where the full moon loomed over them. “Even the moon is celebrating us.”
“And there is no arguing with that.” Matteo laughed and picked Luna up twirling her around.
 Okay, wow... I can't believe I just did that. I wrote a Lutteo wedding, and had fun while doing it!
Okay, lest be real here, I am so thankful for everyone who has read this story. And I have a question: This story is at an end... but comment if you want the honeymoons. I am not making any promises, but tell me if you want them
The Pinterest Board and the Playlist
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hide-in-imagination · 8 months
Hahahah i was obsessed with simbar (and im still obsessed with them) and the kiss was… not kids appropriate 🫣 but anyways that doesn’t matter. Its funny that i feel lke we understand each other with sl stuff its funny bc we probably have like 10 years of difference and i feel like im talking to someone of my age lol
Considering I'm a full blown adult, should I be worried about this? 😂😂😂
Skjsnd oh well, it is true that I never grew past 15 mentally 😂 I'm happy that you've found people you can relate to in this fandom even though it's pretty dead by now. If you wanna comment anything, either about the show or a fic (not necessarily mine), go ahead, my askbox is open <3 I might not reply immediately tho. #AdultLife
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¡Sí! - La Trinidad del Amor: Chapter eight
In life, nothing is sure… but you always count on one thing. True Love, the ones who have it are the luckiest people in the world. Not everyone does… but the people in our story do. They fought through Fire, They fought through an ocean, They fought through the sun and the moon. There are six of them, and they form a trinity, the trinity of true love
Il viaggio potrebbe non essere sempre così facile, i colpi di scena possono portarti ovunque
“So, tell us all about what you did in Europe?” Monica asked as she laid the Pozole de Pollo o Guajolote on the table and sat down next to Miquel, opposite where Luna and Matteo were sitting. 
“Well, we started in England and spent three days there, then two in Spain, two in France, three in Italy, one day in Switzerland, and one in the Netherlands and we finished at Cancun,” Matteo explained. 
“You went to Cancun as well?” Miquel asked, “I don’t think you mentioned that before.”
“Well, nothing special happened there anyways, Dad.” Luna interrupted hastily, and Matteo really had to work hiding his smile. 
They had come from the Europe trip a week ago, and Luna and Matteo had been invited to dinner with Luna’s parents. They hadn’t yet told about their engagement to anyone outside of the people who had been there, so their Maid of Honor and Best Man, Gastón and Nina, as well as Ambar and Simon. They had agreed that they’d tell Monica and Miquel first and then Matteo's family, so this dinner had come at a spectacular time. 
Luna though seemed to have no actual plan in place for how they actually reveal the news, but Matteo was still giving her control. 
What Luna on the other hand did not know was that, Monica and Miquel actually already knew. They had been the two people who had known even before Matteo had proposed, alongside Gastón.
Luna had been adamant about not just wearing the ring to the dinner, and waiting to her parents to notice it. She was right now wearing it on a long chain under her shirt.
“Well, guess what we got on the mail today?” Monica said after they had finished eating. She took a pearlescent envelope that had some red text on it from the side table. Matteo recognized it to be the save-the-date card for Nina and Gastón’s wedding. “I am assuming you two knew about this.”
“Of course, we knew about it Mom,” Luna laughed enthusiastically, “We are the Maid of Honor and Best Man.”
“I didn’t know they had sent those out already,” Matteo spoke out loud, “That really was fast. We have only been back from Europe a week.”
“I think the only reason Nina agreed to go on that trip was that they’d go full-on wedding mode afterward.” Luna answered, “The date was decided way before the trip.”
“Very nice of them to invite us,” Miquel said. 
“I agree, it is really amazing that there is another wedding to look forward to. Simon and Ambar’s was so beautiful.” Monica smiled back, “Love really is in the air, who knows maybe there will even be more weddings in the future. Don’t you agree Luna?”
“Uhm, no, I don’t see anything on the air…” Luna started stumbling over her words again. Matteo knew that Luna had a habit of not telling her parents anything, even when the purpose of this was to REVEAL the engagement, Luna could do nothing to her natural instincts. Plus she was a hopeless liar, so that was a good addition to the equation.  
“Hmmmm, Monica, don’t you think it is time to let Luna out of her misery,” Miquel had clearly noticed  Luna’s odd behavior, and guessed the reason for it, “Don’t you agree Matteo?”
Matteo just nodded as Miquel turned his gaze to him. This seemed like a better route since Luna was never gonna get the information out at this rate. Matteo leaned back on his chair to enjoy the show.
“Wait what?” Luna looked flabbergasted. 
“Luna, we know why you really went to Cancun.”
“You do?” Luna really did not seem like she was following. 
“So when are we gonna see the ring?” Monica asked and Luna finally seemed to understand what was happening.
“Wait… but… How do they know?”
“Matteo told us the day before you left for Europe.”
“You did?” Luna head turned rapidly towards Matteo.
“Well, Chica Delivery,” Matteo raised his arms in surrender, “I am a gentleman. I had to make sure I had permission to have the hand of the princess. You can put the ring on now Luna”
Luna smiled and got the chain off her neck and slid the ring on her left ring finger before showing it off to her parents.
“We have not done any planning yet, since we have some duties to another wedding, but you better believe Luna has already started the playlist.”
“We are so happy for you two and since we were warned beforehand I came prepared,” Monica disappeared into the kitchen, and came back soon with a cake. 
“I made Tres leches cake just for the occasion…” All of a sudden the Mansion doorbell rang. Over the years, Monica and Miguel had renovated and remodeled a lot of the mansion and nowadays ran a successful catering and event business there. What used to be the staff door was nowadays used as the main door most of the time.
“Hello Valentes!” An excited voice of an older man could be heard from the door, “I was at my house and just I wanted something sweet, so I thought, why not just pay a visit to the best chef in the world.”
“Grandpa?!!” Luna jumped up from the table. 
“Well, looks like I came at the perfect occasion.” Luna and Alfredo soon came to the dining room, “I didn’t know you’d be here today. And you have my favorite cake here, don’t tell me there is a celebration going on?”
“Well, kind off,” Luna nodded towards Matteo who froze for a moment. So this would really turn into telling all the family the news, when it was supposed to be just Monica and Miquel who already knew. He didn’t even know they’d tell his dad and Sofia, not to mention all of their other friends, but it seemed to be time to get it out to Luna’s grandfather.
“So what are you celebrating?”
“Well, we…” Matteo started clearing his throat.
“WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!” Luna exclaimed suddenly. 
“Well, that is a cause for a celebration!” Alfredo pulled Matteo and Luna into a hug. “My boy, welcome to the family. Good to get some Italian blood here. Tell me, where were your parents from again.”
“Uhm, Dad’s from Rome and Mom was from Basilicata, but she is dead,” Matteo explained hastily, “Dad’s wife Sofia is originally from Sicily.”
“Can you already tell us something about your wedding dress?” Jazmin asked Nina as all the girls were sitting in the living room of Nina and Gastón’s house. Nina called a meeting of all of her bridesmaids, well all that were in the country, to discuss some of the first details. 
“Mora has shown me the sketch and she took my measurements last week. She’ll start working on it soon.”
“Can we see the scetch?” Yam piped up excitedly.
“I’m sorry but I don’t have it. Mora doesn’t give copies of it out because she said that it was a custom piece and the drawing will be valuable. I think she might be planning making my dress part of some future collection of hers.”
Little did anyone, who was not Nina, Ambar or Luna, know that this meeting was huge facade and actually had nothing to do with Nina and Gastón’s wedding. 
“You have wedding colors yet?” Delfi asked Nina on her turn.
“Yes, they will be red, silver and ivory.”
“When are we getting the dresses?”
“Mora is making them as well, and she actually wants to get everyone’s measurements next Friday, so mark your calendars: Next Friday at 5 pm at her studio.”
Okay, the bridesmaids dress fitting was a real thing that Nina needed to get done for her wedding, but she could have just informed about it through a text. It had been a month since the Europe trip and the planning for their wedding was now in full swing. On the other hand, none of their friends still knew about Luna and Matteo’s engagement, and Luna had been agonizing about how to tell them. 
It had been Ambar who had come up with the plan they were now executing. 
“Mora has not yet done any design for them, but we talked about it and they will be red and have lace on them.”
“I can’t wait!” Jim jumped on the couch. “I love weddings!”
“Ah, and there is one more thing for a wedding.” Nina glanced slightly toward Luna and she nodded. Ambar fished a plastic bag from behind the couch and gave it to Delfi. “Take one everyone.”
The girls passed the bag to each other until everyone was holding a light-washed denim jacket embroidered with pearls and “Bridesmaid” written on the back above a golden moon and a strawberry. 
“This is very cute,” Delfi was the first to speak as everyone had their jackets. “But, if I am truly honest… I don’t get it, Nina. You asked us to be your bridesmaids over a month ago, and why is there a strawberry and a moon here?”
Luna tried to hide her grin, and took note that no one had yet noticed that neither she nor Ambar had a jacket yet.
“Well, that’s because these are not from me,” Nina answered as Ambar pulled another bag to view and pulled out two pink denim jackets, handing Nina the other one. They simultaneously raised them up to show what was written on their back. Ambar’s said Chief Bridesmaid, while Nina’s said Maid of Honor. 
“Wait, what is going on here?” Jazmin asked as all the five girls were staring straight ahead, no one seemed to get what this all meant. 
Luna saw Ambar nod to her as a cue and pulled her own jacket from a bag. Hers was white and had sequins all over it. On the back Bride was written on pink letters. Luna pulled the jacket on, got up from the chair and tuned her back to the others so they could read what was written on it.
“What?” The question came pretty much in unison from the others. 
“Yes, Matteo and I are getting married!” Luna joined in on the yelling and it soon escalated into a hige group hug. 
“Wait, when?” Yam got the question out among the happy screams. 
“At Cancun, months ago.”
“Is it some kind of thing nowadays that everyone hides their engagement for a month now?” Delfi rolled her eyes. 
“We don’t have any plans yet or anything, or even a date, we agreed that we should get and besties’ wedding out of the way first and then focus on it.” Luna explained as everyone had had a round looking at the ring and they had finally settled back down sitting on the couches.
“This meeting was just a ploy to get you all in the same room for the announcement.” Nina continued, “We’ll have another one later when there is more to discuss, but the fitting for the measurements was real, so don’t forget that. Anyways, the guys should be here soon.”
“The guys?”
“If everything has gone according to plan, Matteo should be telling the guys as we speak.” Ambar said and they all heard the key turn in the lock. “Perfect timing.”
“To Luna and Matteo!” Everyone raised their glasses. Matteo had his arm around Luna. Good thing was the Nina and Gastón’s living room was big enough to fit all of them. 
“These engagements really seem to come with no warning,” Ramiro joked, “I mean whose next?”
“Well there is only one option,” Jazmin sai and everyone turned their eyes to Pedro. 
“Way to put man on the spot,” Pedro responded while Delfi just laughed. “Who can truly even know. Who knows maybe Ramiro is the next one, or Jim and Yam, or Jazmin.”
“Anyways, we wish you all the happiness,” Simon continued, “And may we all be happy, wether we already have, or will soon or even if we don’t know yet will we ever tie the knot. We have home long way, siempre juntos.”
“When will we be there?” Luna whined from the backseat of Ambar’s car.
“The boutique is not at the central so the drive will be taking bit longer.”
They were clocking in soon eight months pre Luna and Matteo’s wedding and now they were full-on  focused on the upcoming nuptials as all of their friends' weddings had been held. 
Thie engagement had ended up being a bit of a long-term one since once they finally had sat down to decide the date, it had ended up landing on almost two years after Matteo had proposed. This happened due to a lot of things, with them having hectic work schedules, wanting a summer/late spring wedding and being part of two wedding parties during the year 2024 as Delfi and Pedro had gotten engaged not long after Luna and Matteo and had wanted to get married in the frames of 2024. 
Luna did not mind this, as they had had a bunch of time to plan everything, and as long as she would get her dream wedding with Matteo waiting for her at the end of the aisle. 
They had gone shopping for her wedding dress a couple of weeks ago and Luna had found her absolute dream dress. It was a big ballgown with a V-neckline and poofy sleeves. The dress also had silver waistband and a bunch of embroidery with holographic silver sequins and silver gemstones. 
But as the dress was so big, it Luna had been quite afraid that she would trip on it, actually she was sure that she would trip on it or run over someone on the dancefloor, so she had made the decision that she would need a shorter dress for the reception. 
Before Ambar had gotten her custom made dress for her wedding, she had pretty much gone through every wedding dress shop in Buenos Aires and according to her, this one where they were driving right now, had had some extremely beautiful short dresses. 
“How am I supposed to pick?” Ambar had been right, unfortunately… Luna's eyes had caught at least ten different dresses that she was dying to try on as she walked into the store with Ambar and Nina. Picking the ceremony dress had not been easy, they had been at the bridal salon the whole day… how was she supposed to do it again?
“Well, we need to start out from somewhere,” Nina said eyeing the dresses. 
Luna was ushered to the dressing room by the consultant after a while, Nina and Ambar still looking through the racks. Luna really did trust their judgment on dresses, since both Nina and Ambar, as married women now knew a thing or two about bridal gowns. 
As Luna started trying on dresses, her nerves did not really ease up. Every dress she tried on was so beautiful. There was a reason why she had not gone with a custom-made dress as Ambar and Nina had. Ambar always knew what she wanted when it came to clothing and Mora had miraculously seen inside Nina’s mind. Luna on the other hand did not know at all what she wanted, before she saw it. 
“This is definitely not it,” Ambar said as Luna was on her third dress. “Way too old-fashioned for you.”
“I agree,” Nina nodded her head, “this looks like something I would wear.”
“Try the next one on, I am gonna go back for some more shopping,” Ambar said before disappearing into the sea of dresses. 
Luna returned back to the dressing room with the consultant who helped the next dress on her. That one had really similar sleeves to her ceremony dress, and was very sparkly. As soon as the dress was on Luna knew it was an absolute “no”. This had been one of her own picks, but now that it was on, it just was not right. 
“Lets just take it off.”
“What do you not like about it?” The consultant asked her as she started unbuttoning the back. 
“I don’t know… it just isn’t right… I don’t know maybe it is the color.” Luna did not wear white very often, more like ever, and had to admit that it was really boring color. Her wedding dress was ivory and she adored it, but it had so many embellishments and the sequins reflected rainbows that it was not boring. “Wearing two white dresses just feels so boring.”
“Well, let's try this on then.” The consultant pulled one of the dresses she had lines up on the rack out of the bag. 
“This is so beautiful,” Luna twirled on front of the mirror. She had come out of the dressing room wearing a knee-length dress made of cream-colored lace. The dress had a nude underlayer that shone through just a little bit from under the lace, layered skirt and bell sleeves. 
“This feels a lot more like you,” Nina agreed and Luna turned towards her. And Luna was doing her tenth twirl, Ambar emerged back from the dress racks. 
“Ambar, Ambar!! Look at this!” Luna jumped up and down in the dress, “I think this is the one.”
“Hmmmm, your sure?” Ambar didn’t look that convinced, “I mean it is beautiful, and I get why you like it, but look what I found. I just thought you have been looking like a ghost with all of these white dresses.”
Ambar showed Luna a dress she had been carrying on her arm. Luna gasped, it was probably the most beautiful dress she had seen in her life. It was white, with one golden spaghetti strap and gold piping on the neckline. When Luna put it on, two ribbons on the other side were wrapped around her arm, and above everything else, the dress was full of purple gems. It had the color Luna had been graving in the other dresses. 
But now she had a problem.
“Argh! I hate this! I love this dress too. How am I supposed to pick now?”
“Well, if you want my opinion, I think you should go with this one. It has enough color that you can really style it with one additional colored accessories. Plus this has gold, while your other one has silver detailing, it really works with the whole sun and moon thing. But if of course, it is your decision.”
“You are right,” Luna sighed. She really loved this dress, she could already see herself dancing in it with Matteo at the mansion’s garden. “But, I just feel like I am betraying that other dress.”
“Luna, they are dresses,” Nina noted, “they don’t have feelings.”
“I know.”
“I think I have an idea,” Ambar piped up. “Weren’t Matteo’s parents throwing you that engagement party or pre-wedding party or whatever it was since the engagement was over a year ago?”
“Yes, what about it.”
“Wear the other dress there,” Nina had caught up to what Ambar was implying. 
“That's an amazing idea,” Luna jumped into the air and threw herself to hug Ambar and Nina.
“So it is decided?” Ambar said after Luna had released them.
“Yes, this is the second dress for my wedding.”
“There we go.” Jazmin finished pinning a sunflower to a half up half down hairdo in one of Matteo’s parents’ numerous guestrooms. She was getting ready for the dinner party Alexander and Sofia were holding for her and Matteo to celebrate their upcoming wedding… bridal shower in a way.
The time had really flown and the wedding would already be in two months. Luna was not fully sure how she had gotten all the wedding planning done… there had been so much to do, which a huge guest list, since when you were marrying into the Balsanos, things were going to be done in style. The guest list was like three miles long as basically everyone from Buenos Aires’s Italian embassy had been invited, Matteo had a lot of family over at Italy, a lot of her parents’ relatives were coming over from Mexico, Matteo had music associates, and friends he had made at the music industry just like Luna had at the skating world. 
Well, the mansion basically functioned as a catering venue and nowadays hosted wedding receptions, so everyone was going to fit. Nina and Ambar had been really Luna’s saving grace with the wedding planning. They had the level-headedness and the experience from having planned their own. 
Nina and Gastón had also done a miraculous job as the maid of honor and the best man, having been able to navigate every one of Luna and Matteo’s thousands of fights over the wedding arrangements. Luna always joked that they should have become couple’s counselors, but they were way too fixed on their own fields, with Gastón already having received a promotion in his first year being on the job. 
The bottom line was that it had been hectic and Luna was glad that tonight she would be able to take a break from all that and relax and celebrate the future… even if she was a bit nervous over being presented to all of Matteo’s parents’ important friends as his bride. 
“Hey.” Luna turned to the door and saw Nina coming into the room, wearing a mint blue dress. 
“You are already here? Matteo said that no one would be let in before six, for some security reason I didn’t get.”
“We came in from the side door,” Nina said walking toward Luna, while Jazmin was still trying to tame the last wild strands of Luna’s hair, “Matteo keeps Gastón updated on the security codes. I came to see how you were doing?”
“Nervous.” Luna simply stated as she was putting her jewerly on, earrings and necklace that Matteo had commissioned from the diamond from his mother’s engagement ring. Matteo had given her that set as present last Christmas. “I mean there will be bunch of rich important people here soon, and you know I am not the most graceful person. I am probably just going to walk down the stairs and face plant straight onto the floor.”
“Luna, that won’t happen,” Nina laughed as she sat down on an armchair in the room. “Alexander and Sofia love you, and want everyone they know to get to know you.” Sometimes it still surprised Luna how familiar Nina was with Matteo’s parents, but it made sense since Matteo and Gastón’s families were so close and Nina had met them while she had dated Gastón when they had still been at Blake and had technically known them longer. “Aren’t most of these people coming to the wedding?”
“Yes, they are.”
“This also takes the pressure from the wedding, as you have met them now.” Nina was making a good point, and Luna absolutely believed her. 
“I am just excited to spend the night with all of my friends.”
There was a knock on the door and Gastón came in. 
“We should probably head down,” He said to Nina as she walked up to him. “Matteo wanted to know if Luna was ready.”
Luna had been getting ready in the separate room from Matteo —almost like it already was their wedding day… okay not really— because Matteo’s room didn’t have a good enough mirror for Jazmin’s, who had done her hair, liking. 
“She is!” Jazmin had finally finished touching up Luna’s makeup. 
“Don’t be nervous,” Gastón turned to Luna, “Most of these people are old friends of Sofia and Alexander, so they also are friends of my parents. They have known Matteo and me longer than we have known each other. They are actually really nice people. There are no standards to who we marry, for as long we love them. And I think we both have fully succeeded at the front.” Gastón briefly looked over to his wife. “So, good luck.”
“You ready Chica Delivery?” Matteo came through the door almost soon as Gastón and Nina had left. “Most of the guests have arrived.”
“Ready, as I’ll ever be, Chico Fresa.” Luna laughed as she stood up and took Matteo’s arm and they walked out of the room and descended the stairs. 
“Well, welcome everyone. As you all know, within two months we have the joy to celebrate the marriage of my son Matteo and this lovely young woman Luna Valente. Me and my wife and honored to welcome Luna into our family, and are so happy that she and Matteo have found each other. I am very proud of him and I know Lucia would be as well. Matteo, this is what your mother would have wanted for you.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Matteo after everyone had raised their glasses. He was kind of half surprised by his father’s sentimentality, but he had always known he had it in him. Matteo and his father’s relationship had gotten leagues better over the years than it had been when he had been a teenager. “And we with Luna also wanna thank you all. I mean many know that  our journey has not always been smooth sailing, but we have always made it in the end… well there is still two months to the wedding so we hope that anyways.”
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¡Sí! - La Trinidad del Amor: Chapter seven
In life, nothing is sure… but you always count on one thing. True Love, the ones who have it are the luckiest people in the world. Not everyone does… but the people in our story do. They fought through Fire, They fought through an ocean, They fought through the sun and the moon. There are six of them, and they form a trinity, the trinity of true love
Okay, here we are. It is Gastin a wedding day time!! This is something I have been looking forward to writing for so long anf finally it is here
Despierta un sueño que estamos destinados a seguir. Partiendo hacia un nuevo mañana
“I honestly still can’t believe that this day has come,” Matteo said to Gastón from the driver’s seat as he turned to the road that led to Villa bosque de Rosas. 
The back of the car was stacked with garment bags holding dress shirts, tuxedos, and vests. Plus there were bags that held their shoes, bow ties, and more. Thank goodness the buteniers had been delivered straight to the Villa with all of the other flowers, it would have been such a pain to transport them. 
Gastón, Matteo the Best Man, and all of the groomsmen had gone to the barber together at 9 AM at Buenos Aires to get cleaned up, and then had gotten into cars and started to make their way towards the Villa.
Matteo had insisted on driving only Gastón, so the others had squeezed into Pedro’s and Simon’s cars, since he was the Best Man. Matteo had declared himself the Best Man as soon as he had heard of the engagement and had been taking his job very seriously.
“You can't believe it?” Gastón asked him amused, “How do you think I am feeling?” He had, with all honesty, not been feeling nervous at all. He had been a nervous wreck when he had proposed, enough for Nina to actually tell that he had been nervous. He had been a performer as a teenager, but those days were way behind him, and the spotlight didn’t really suit him anymore, outside of giving a presentation about ways to preserve energy to the team he worked with. But this was not going to be a performance, even when there were about 60 people watching them. In the end, it was going to be just two of them, he and the woman he loved, and committing to her for the rest of his life, spending eternity together. But he was sure some nerves would catch up with him at some point, as the ceremony approached, he wasn’t made of stone after all. 
“Yeah, but I am the one who has had to watch this from the sidelines for eight years.” Matteo laughed, “You have no idea how relieved I am.”
“Are the others behind us?” Matteo asked as he drove through the gate and Gastón opened the garage for him. There already were two cars there, his parents’ and his own, which Luna and Nina had driven there yesterday. “Last thing we need is all the groomsmen getting lost.”
“You seem more stressed than I am,” Gastón laughed as they took the bag from the back of the car and walked to the side entrance of the Villa. They never used the big front door. 
“Well, I am Matteo Balsano, control freak and a perfectionist.” Matteo responded as they entered the hall the door led them to. “I remember when I first came here?”
“Yeah, when you tried to run away from you parents since you did not wanna meet me?”
“I didn’t want to meet some stupid people affiliated with Sofia.”
Matteo and Gastón sat down on a couple of armchairs in the hall while waiting for the other guys to arrive. 
“This place really has lot of memories, huh?” Gastón said while looking around sentimentally, “When we met for the first time, but not for the first time. When we sneaked out in the middle of the night, just to fall into the river, I think my fingers are still frozen.”
“I reaffirm, that was not my fault.” 
“You keep telling yourself that. I remember when I brought Nina here for the first time. Now the best moment of my life will be happening here.”
“I am really happy for you,” Matteo sighed putting a hand on his shoulder, “You and Nina have been through so much …  it is amazing that we are here. I am so proud of you… and I love you.”
“You are really making me cry here,” Gastón said while reaching Matteo for a hug, “Oh noh, you are gonna make everyone cry, aren’t you? Why did I make you my Best Man?” he covered with a joke that he in fact was getting a bit teary-eyed. He was sure he was going to cry at some point today, so this was not the time to start.
“Because you love me too.”
“That's fair.”
“And because you owe me for your betrayal—” Matteo crossed his arms, “—for not telling me about you proposing.”
“Are you not gonna cut me slack about that on my wedding day?” Gastón groaned.
“Nope.” Matteo grinned mischievously, “I will tell that story to my godchildren, or are you planning on snubbing me on that too?”
“I know you would kill me so probably no, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, again.”
“Was this the right door?” Suddenly they started hearing voices behind the door. Seemed like the Groomsmen had finally arrived.
“Yes, it is this door,” Matteo went to open the door for them so Simon, Pedro, Nico, Ramiro, Oliver, Jacob, and James could come in with their carry ons, “Now, come on, this is not a vacation.”
After all the guys had gotten in, they climbed up the stairs to the gallery, where Gastón’s room was located just down the hallway, where they were going to be getting ready. Even when this was only their vacation home, Gastón had always had his own room, which was big enough to fit all of the guys.
“Okay, Luna sent me some instructions,” Matteo said pointing to the door at the end of the hallway. That room led to another hallway. Gastón knew that Nina, and her bridesmaids were probably in one of the bigger suites that were located on that hallway behind the door. “You are not allowed to go through that door, so you won’t see each other.”
“To Gastón and Nina!” Matteo raised his bottle of coke and all the guys did the same, “And to the fact that Simon doesn’t need to feel lonely anymore, since these are Gastón’s last hours of freedom.”
“To Gastón and Nina!” All the guys echoed Matteo
“You are making this sound like a death sentence,” Gastón laughed, “But from what I see, Simon is still alive, so guess I’ll survive. And don’t pretend like you are not dying to join us, Matteo. Simon, are you alive?” 
“Very much so.” Simon smiled from the bed where he was sitting down with Pedro and Nico.
The time somehow just seemed to run. The ceremony would be starting in 2:30 pm, and after eating a quick lunch, it was time to actually start to get ready as it was already over noon. Gastón buttoned the last button on his vest —he would be wearing a black vest with a navy tuxedo with Matteo, while all the groomsmen would wear navy vests with  black tuxedos— and put on his cufflinks and a watch he had gotten as a graduation present from his parents. Matteo came over and did his bow tie. Gastón had still not —with 24 years of life experience— learned how to tie those things, but Matteo used to wear one almost every day, he would need to get Matteo to teach him one day. 
After everyone had gotten their buteniers, which included red roses and white lily of the valley, it was starting to be a quarter past 13, so the ceremony would be starting in just over an hour. As the other guys were lounging in the room —and trying not to wrinkle their tuxedos— Gastón opened the door to the balcony and went to stand there alone in the fresh air. 
He leaned over the railing and looked over the looming forest. This was the day, just in over an hour, in 80 minutes, Nina would be his wife.
Living in the real, cruel world, some people would call him delusional, but Gastón had always believed in soulmates and true love. Maybe because his parents were a pretty good example, with over 25 years of marriage under their belt, having gone through so much. Sometimes your first love was the right one, and he absolutely knew Nina was the right one for him. 
He took his vow book from his pocket and opened it. It had literally taken him over a week to write them, but he had finally gotten it right. The uncondensed version would have probably been as long as one of Nina’s books, but he had been able to narrow it in the end, 
“Don’t tell me, you already lost the groom?” He heard voices from inside and checked his watch. It was 60 minutes until the ceremony. He looked through the window and saw that someone who looked like Delfi was inside the room.
“Of course, we didn’t,” Matteo said while opening the door to the balcony and nudging him inside. “He’s right here.”
“What do you want, Delfi?”
“All of you, downstairs.” Delfi responded holding up a notepad, “The photographer wants a couple of pictures of you before the ceremony.”
“Okay then.”
“You make your way down there yourselves, I need to go back. See you all at the ceremony.” Delfi gave Pedro a quick kiss on the cheek and disappeared back down the hall. 
“Lets go.” Matteo patted him on the back. “Time for you to lose your freedom.” 
“I wonder why the Chinese Dragon is so long, when in the Harry Potter movies they have wings.” Luna continued her endless deep pondering, while still lying on the bed. Nina was sitting in the chair in the middle of the room, while Jazmin attacked her face with another brush.
Three of them had stayed the previous night at the Villa bosque de Rosas, since Jazmin was doing Nina’s hair and makeup and Luna was the Maid of Honor. Jazmin had insisted on doing her up on her wedding day since, ever since they had been in Cancun in 2017, and Nina had let Jazmin to do her hair for the competition, river live festival, and finally to Luna’s birthday in 2018, she had kind of become her go-to hairstylist to the point that when Matteo had finally talked Nina into doing one interview about their songwriting collaborations that they had been doing ever since Matteo’s second album, Jazmin had pretty much declared that no one else was allowed to touch her hair. 
Nina had been very grateful that Jazmin had offered, as the wedding was only a little over six months after her and Gastón had moved back to Argentina, and she had not had any time to find a hairstylist. She had grown her hair out during her college years and didn’t even cut it so often, so you could not let your wedding hair be done by somebody with who you had never worked before.
“Luna, there are many types of dragons in fiction. The most known ones are the European, the ones with wings, and the Chinese ones are objects of worship for them and they are guardians protecting families.” As Nina had been sitting in the chair for the better part of the morning already, as she had first put her contact lenses on and Jazmin had conditioned her hair with at least ten different products and gotten it up at pin rollers and then started up with her make-up, the nerves had also been steadily rising. Nina had asked Luna to just talk to her about something and the topic had ended up being dragons, apparently. 
“Luna, please zip it,” Jazmin said as she took a contouring brush from her arsenal of brushes and products that she had on the table. “Our bride needs to stay still, and you are distracting her.”
“Sorry,” Luna laughed and rolled over on the bed to get her phone, “Matteo texted me that they are on route. I AM SO EXCITED!” Luna started jumping on the bed. She was pretty much treating this as a slumber party. 
“Now, close your eyes and try to keep the lid still,” Jazmin said as she took the eyeshadow primer out. They had done a couple of make-up and hair trials so Nina knew what to expect. The look was going to be a mix of silver and white, to reflect the winter wedding. Not that there was any snow, it was going to be over 20 degrees during the ceremony, given Buenos Aires’ climate. “I am gonna make you look so divine, that Gastón will faint when he sees you walking down the aisle”
“Well, he should not faint…”
“Okay, he’ll be speechless then.”
“He can’t do that either.”
“His breath will be taken away. Is that okay?” Jazmin said as she finished the eyeliner wing. 
“I think he won’t care how you look,” Luna said from the bed. She had finally stopped dancing around again and was lying on the bed hanging her head from the edge. “He won’t be able to take his eyes off you either way.”
“Luna, what are you still doing here?” Delfi entered the room with her note pad, already fully dressed up and hair and make-up done. The Bridesmaids would be wearing T-length red lace dresses with V-necklines and three quarter sleeves. Delfi’s hair was already on the braided ponytail and she was wearing the silver accessories. “And still in pyjamas? You need to put on a rope so they can get your hair and make-up started in the other room.”
The bridesmaids would be getting ready in the neighboring room where the hair and make-up crew who had done Ambar for her wedding would take care of them. 
“Okay, I am going, I am going,” Luna raised her hands as a sign of surrender and got off the bed. “I’ll see you in the bit,” She briefly took Nina’s hand before she left the room.
“I thought you might want to know that Ambar said they’ll be here soon.” Delfi sat on the bed that Luna had just left from. Ambar had been tasked to get Flor, Marlee and Ariana from their hotel to the Villa. “We are very much on schedule. Jazmin?”
“The make-up is officially done,” Jazmin said swiping the last swipe of lipstick to Nina’s lips from the brush and spraying her with setting spray. “I’ll get the hair done in a flash.”
As Jazmin started to undo the pincurls and braiding them, there was a knock on the door. Delfi went to open it to show Marlee and Ariana at the door. 
“Good to see you found here girls,” Delfi said to them in English. Out of everyone, Delfi had been the one who had bonded most with Marlee and especially Ariana, with her being a graphic designer, so they had swapped video cover ideas for one full day. “You can then go to the next door, rest of the are there. Ambar will show you.”
“Yes, just in a bit, but we wanted to see the bride first,” Ariana said as she and Marlee came into the room. 
“This place is beautiful and big, and luxurious…” Marlee said as she and Ariana came to Nina’s chair. “I mean, we knew he had money… but what kind of Billionaires’ son have we been friends with for six years, the one you are now marrying?”
“Isla and Marco are not Billionaires,” Nina laughed, “they have just worked hard for what they got. I think they do rent this out sometimes.”
“She means, you “could” on the paper, but that means you would need to get ahold of Isla Perida, which is an impossible task.” Delfi remarked, “My parents tried when they were moving, and they are surgeons, they could have paid her rate.”
“Delfi hand me the bobby pin box,” Jazmin interrupted and Delfi grabbed something from the table. Nina could not really see since she was not allowed to move her head as Jasmin was pinning her hair in place. “Why didn’t you just tell your parents that you knew her son? I am sure connection would have given them an edge.”
“Yes, I could have,” Delfi said while handing Jazmin the box, “But that would have required me telling them what kind of history I had with said son and I’d rather not go back to that ever again.”
“What?” Marlee and Ariana asked at the same time. Nina realized that Delfi had not intended to say that last part in English but the language had been left on, so to say. It happened easily if you didn’t talk English regularly. 
“Fine,” Delfi sighed, “Lets just get everything out on the table here. I am an ex of the groom.”
“Really?” Ariana asked, amused but also curious, “Neither of us can even pretend that we know all about our Bride and Groom’s history, thats why I am really looking forward to the speeches.”
“We don’t need to talk about that now,” Nina said, “It was way before we even started dating.”
“But it will probably come up in the speeches, probably by Matteo,” Delfi remarked, “None of your exes are here, so I am not on equal footing. Is it legal to murder the Best Man before the wedding? But anyways girls,” Delfi let the subject go. “You really should go now to get ready so we stay on schedule.”
“Jazmin, 90 minutes,” Delfi reminded Jazmin as she was finally pinning the last curl on Nina’s head into the elegant braided updo she had done and douched it in hairspray. 
“Almost done…” Jazmin said as she pulled a vase that had been on at the table and held five red roses closer and started pinning them into Nina’s hair. “There.” She turned Nina around and took a handheld mirror so the hair due would show in the vanity mirror. 
“Jazmin, this is absolutely beautiful,” Nina gasped.
“I know. Am I a miracle worker or not?” Jazmin pulled her own hair out of her face.
“Jazmin, now that you are done with this, you need to go get ready yourself,” Delfi pointed at the clock, “We can’t be late and you’ll make the people touch up your makeup at least twice before you are happy. I’ll take over here for the bride.”
“Going, going,” Jazmin said as she dashed out of the door. “But you can’t rush perfection.”
“Have you ever considered becoming a wedding planner?” Nina asked Delfi as she had started to help her put her jewelry —teardrop-shaped ruby earrings and teardrop-shaped natural ruby pendant— on, “Because you are doing a magnificent job. I don’t know what we would have done without you.”
“Well, this isn’t much different from yelling to Simon, Pedro and Nico to stop complaining about the position of the guitar chords and get into makeup for their music videos or making sure they have the right clothing on before the concerts is starting.” Delfi laughed and she clasped the hook on the necklace shut. After that she out her hands on Nina’s shoulders. “Could you honestly imagine that I would have killed to be in your spot eight years ago?”
“Don’t let Pedro hear that,” Nina laughed. 
“Who can’t hear what?” Luna had appeared at the door, this time wearing a robe, hair and makeup done and holding a card in her hands.
“Luna, I think you have forgotten something,” Delfi crossed her arms while looking at Luna from head to toe. 
“What?” Luna asked innocently. 
“You forgot your dress.”
“Oh that,” Luna said looking down. “Actually, I didn’t forget. I just came to bring this to our bride and then I’ll go do that.” Luna came into the room and handed Nina the card.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know,” Luna said, clearly smirking, “Matteo gave it to me, told me to give it to you… so I think we all know who it is really from. Now, I am gonna go put on that dress.” and Luna practically bounced out of the room.
Nina opened the card and her eyes started scanning the insides. On the left side, there were two pieces from a notebook glued on it, with text on them. Luna was right, there was no point in wondering who this was from, it was obvious even if Nina hadn't known Gastón’s handwriting as well as she had. 
The paper pieces must have been from that journal Gastón had told her he had had during his first years at Oxford, which he had never allowed her to read. 
She looked at the first piece. It started with a date… which Nina recognized to be the day after that night at the Oxford library at Easter break during her freshmen year of Oxford, the night they had gotten back together. 
I know I said I would not do this anymore… but now I think I can finally keep that promise. This morning I got to wake up with you in my arms again. I though it was a dream for a while… but it was real. I love you, and it feels so good to finally say it without thinking how badly I messed up. I can finally stop kicking myself for letting you go. I promise, I will not let you go again, not now, not ever again. Not as long as I am alive
The second piece of paper was dated to the day after Gastón had proposed. 
 When I woke up only thought on my mind was that you agreed to be my wife. I can’t even fully believe it, you said yes. I don’t know why I was so afraid but it doesn’t matter now… I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I could not imagine it any other way.
The last part of the text was written straight to the card, and was dated to yesterday. This was what he had been writing when she had woken up. 
Tomorrow you’ll be my wife… I promised to never let you go again, and I intend to keep it, forever and always. The only future, I see, is with you, and that starts tomorrow. I don’t know how the day will go, and it doesn’t matter to me, because only thing that matters to me is you. 
I Love You. That is what was written in the bottom of the card, no one had signed it, but Nina didn’t need any signature.
“Are you okay?” She had completely forgotten that Delfi was still in the room. 
“Yes,” Nina said wiping a small tear from her eye. Jazmin had waterproofed the heck out of everything, which was a very good thing. Her already crying did not bode well for rest of the day.
“I am.” She closed the card and reached over to a suitcase next to the vanity table. It was already packed ready to go for the honeymoon. She unzipped it just a little bit so she could slip the card inside. 
“We only have 60 minutes left,” Delfi said while getting to her feet from the bed she had been sitting on. “Time to get the dress on.” Nina got up from the chair while Delfi walked over to the window where the dress had been hanging. 
Nina looked at herself in the mirror, as Delfi helped the dress on her and buttoned the two buttons on the back. Nina had to admit that Mora had done an amazing job. The neckline was off the shoulder, with lace sleeves and lace that still came over her shoulder. The skirt was a ¾ skirt that had a shorter lace overlay that started from the waist. The dress also had a chapel-length train that Mora had absolutely insisted on. All the lace was beaded with white sequins that reflected light beautifully. According to Mora, she had taken inspiration from multiple royal wedding dresses from the 2010s
“Nina, you look absolutely beautiful,” Luna had appeared back into the room, this time her dress, shoes, and jewelry firmly in their place on her. 
“Knock knock,” Matteo appeared at the door, “May I come in?”
“Perhaps,” Luna showed that Matteo could come in, while Nina was putting her shoes on. 
“You look magnificent,” Matteo put his arm around Luna, “And wow,” He said looking at Nina, “Gastón will definitely faint.”
“Okay, half-hour call!” Delfi came to them with her clipboard, “Luna, round out the bridesmaids.” Luna dashed out of the room at once, “Matteo, is the groom out of the building?”
“He is already at the ceremony location,” Matteo confirmed, “The groomsmen are downstairs.”
“Okay, good.” Delfi sighed and put her notepad down. “The flowers are all downstairs. We should all head down there now.”
“Your dad is waiting for you downstairs as well,” Matteo said. “So may I escort you there?” He asked offering Nina his arm and she took it. 
As Nina exited the room and they started walking downstairs, Nina could not help but think that as she exited the Villa, the next time she would be back there, or anywhere really, she would no longer be Nina Simonetti, she’d be Nina Perida.
She would be taking Gastón’s name —somewhat to her mother’s shock— because she wanted to. She wanted to be part of his family and share his name as his wife. There was nothing really more to it. She had been dreaming about this for so long, longer than she was even brave enough to admit. And today it would actually happen. 
The time was 1:50 pm. It was 40 minutes until the ceremony which would be held in the garden of Villa bosque de Rosas, right at the edge of the forest. Even if it was winter, the sun had decided to shine beautifully and it was over 20 degrees outside. In other words, the weather was absolutely perfect. 
Gastón stopped at the end of the aisle. Since the Villa was a good three hours away from the center of Buenos Aires where everyone lived, the rehearsal had not been held there. So this was the first time he had seen everything set up.
Everything was absolutely beautiful and he could have not imagined a better place for them to get married at. In the back of his mind, he hoped that this would be a new tradition and he would someday see their children get married here as well. 
At the other end of the aisle was a raised platform, with a wooden gazebo that was decorated with red and white roses and white lilies of the valley. On the chairs, that were at the end of the rows, there were small bouquets of the same flowers. 
Guests were already taking their seats as he walked alongside the aisle. He didn’t see his parents yet, they were probably still getting ready, as he himself was quite early. 
He had been right, the nerves definitely were catching up with him now. 
“Gastón!” As he had made his way to the platform, he saw that his grandmother was making her way to him from where from the looks of it rest of his family —his aunts Mía and Elise and all of their children plus his uncle Tomas and Coral— were sitting. From the looks of it his aunts were trying to make sure that his youngest cousins were going to behave. 
“Grandma, great to see you made it,” Gastón hugged his grandmother, Jakinda Vasquez, Mother of his mother, only one of his grandparents that was still alive and the only one he had ever met. His dad’s parents had both died before his parents had even gotten married.
Technically, his maternal grandfather could still have been alive, but he had walked out on Gastón’s mother and grandmother when Isla had been a baby. Joakim Vasquez, the person Isla had considered her father, the father of Mía and Elise had died when she had been a teenager. 
“The traveling was a task as you could imagine with this lot, but I would not miss this for the world. My oldest grandchild is an Oxford graduate and getting married.  You’ll come to visit Cordoba more ofter now, right? Seeing you every five years is not enough if you keep overachieving major milestones at this rate like your parents.”
“Of course,” Gastón said. It was true that his and his parents' life in Buenos Aires had always been detached from the rest of his mother’s family, but they still never treated him as such. All of his cousins who were really tight with each other always considered him as one of them, even when he rarely ever saw them. “We’ll come with Nina as often as we can.”
“I also would really love to be alive to see my great-grandchildren.”
“Mom, leave him alone,” Gastón’s parents had arrived as they walked up to him and Jakinda. “We can give him some leeway on that today as it is his wedding day.” Isla hugged her mother as they arrived at the platform. Gastón really thought that this really was his lucky day as usually Mom would have joined Grandma on the grandchild inquiries. Like mother like daughter.
“We are so proud of you.” His parents turned their attention to him. Neither of them were really criers, given their tough childhoods, he could tell that they both were moved. 
“How are you feeling?” Honestly, he didn’t even know anymore. he was feeling anxious, but in a good way if there was no better expression for it. 
“I did sleep if that's what you are asking—”
“I SEE THAT THE GROOM HAS ARRIVED!” A loud voice came from somewhere and Gastón turned to see Mora making her way towards him, arm linked with Ana and basically pulling her along.
“Mom, here is the mother of the bride, Nina’s mother Ana Valparaiso and Mora Barza,” Isla took care of the introductions. 
“Gastón!” another voice called for his attention as his parents, Grandma and Ana and Mora had left him in peace. Jonathan Ruiz, his oldest cousin —who was only couple of years younger than him— was coming up to him. Of his cousins, Jonathan was the only one he had continuously kept contact with, at least through texting.
“Good to see you,” Gastón hugged him as he came down from the platform. 
“I would say the same. Nice to see you in person finally. You have not become too high a mighty for us. Big day. That fancy college seems to have done you some good.”
“I wish I could say the same. How is it going at the university for you?”
“I shall have a master’s degree in communications next year,” Jonathan said. “By the way, thanks for the invite so I could bring Windy.” 
They had sent Gastón’s family collective invites for the whole families, but Gastón had wanted to send Jonathan his own, since he was an adult and living on his own, so he’d have a plus-one option. 
“She’s also a comm major,” Gastón looked towards where his extended family and saw a gilt who he didn’t recognize, so that must have been the one Jonathan was talking about. “I would like to move her to Buenos Aires once we graduate, get more opportunities for the channel and really put those degrees to use. Mom won’t like it, but I think I need to follow aunt Isla’s example here.”
“That's a good idea.” Gastón responded, “Let me know when you are actually planning it. We will wanna help.”
“JONATHAN!” Someone, probably his girlfriend, called from the crowd.
“Well, I see I gotta go. Good luck and, I guess, early congratulations. I never thought I’d see you getting married but here we are, first time for everything. Gives hope for the rest of us.”
“Very encouraging words cuz,” Gastón laughed. 
“Thats what I am here for.”
After Jonathan had gone Gastón glanced at his watch and his heart picked up its pace. It was 14:20. Ten minutes until the ceremony would start, until rest of his life would begin with the woman he loved. 
Those were absolutely ten of the longest minutes of his life, on the other hand, time appeared to have gone, in a flash. 
A piano instrumental version of All I Ask Of You from Phantom of the Opera started playing. Gastón took a deep breath, it was starting. He and Nina had pretty much gone to see all the shows that West End had had to offer during their time in England, from that disastorous Cinderella reimagining to Lion King, but their favorite had undoubtedly been The Phantom of the Opera. 
The wedding party started coming down the aisle. The math problem had gotten solved in the end, with the way he had come up with. Jim and Yam had loved the idea that Jazmin would be walking down with them and had not minded at all that she would be third wheeling them. The girls were all smiles when walking down the aisle, flanked by Nico and Ramiro behind them. Otherwise, they had alternated their Oxford and Buenos Aires friends with first James and Ariana coming down, then Delfi and Pedro, Jacob and Marlee, Simon and Ambar, and finally Oliver and Flor before Luna and Matteo, who were the final ones since they were the maid of honor and the best man. 
Matteo gave him a small pat on the arm as he took his place at his side. 
The music slowed down and Gastón readied himself. He could name at least ten people who were in attendance at the wedding who would be crying, so he himself tried to keep it together. Unlike Simon’s wedding, no one had made a bet about him crying, since everyone was so certain that he would. 
As she came into view, he was totally caught off guard. His breath got hitched on his throat and he was sure his heart had just done twenty summersaults…
…She looked like an angel, radiating light towards him. Yep, he was definitely not going to be able keep it together the whole ceremony.
As Nina approached him, arm in arm with her father, holding a bouquet of red and white roses, she was looking straight forwards, towards him. As they locked eyes, she was wearing that shy smile that he could never resist. 
The aisle was not that long so soon enough they were in front of the platform as he came down to meet them.
“Take care of her,” Ricardo said to him and he offered his arm for a handshake which Gastón took while Luna came over to take Nina’s bouquet. “I will.”
After the handshake, Ricardo took Gastón’s and Nina’s hands and joined them together, and went to sit down at his place next to Ana and Mora. 
As they ascended on top of the platform to the front of the officiant, Gastón took Nina’s left hand and kissed it, before joining his own left hand with her right, turning to face her. He was absolutely speechless, so he just mouthed to her “wow.”
“Like Paulo Coelho wrote: Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” The officiant started speaking after Luna had arranged Nina's dress' train. Gastón and Nina had, in their meeting with their officiant, given him a couple of literature quotes they wanted to get incorporated to the ceremony. “We are gathered here today to witness why this is true…”
Gastón didn’t really listen to the officiant, he was more focused on looking at his bride. 
“...as our couple are both, by their own words have been writing their own story, they have chosen to recite their own vows.”
Gastón felt Matteo tap him on the shoulder and hand him the notebook. Okay, it was time for the vows. He had done a pretty good job of not crying this far, but there still was plenty of time left. 
“Nina, I have been dreaming of this moment for a long time, longer than you could possibly know. Longer than I even know, honestly. Like I said when I proposed, I don’t remember when we first met, but it does not matter since I remember that girl who dropped the Other Face of Saturn in the lockers of Jam and Roller, the woman who is standing in front of me now, the One I love with my whole heart. I didn’t see it coming, but the instant you came into my life, it has not been the same.”
“Hear my soul speak. The very instant that I saw you, did. My heart fly to your service - William Shakespeare. You are my dream and always have been. Even if you had to come all the way across the ocean to get me to my senses. You see me unlike anyone else. You are able to reach my heart and speak its language, by just being yourself. Just your words on paper are the most captivating thing in the world. You light everything, by just being there. There is no one like you. You are an incredible person, inside and out, and I am more than lucky to just know you, not to mention to call you my own.”
“Your words bring joy and meaning to so many people, but I get to see it at first hand. I have been honored to stand by your side this far, and I will always be there in the future. I love how passionately you talk about the things you love, how passionately you focus on everything you do. How you always willing to help everyone with your unique skills.”
“I stand by what I told you that night in the Oxford Library. I do not know what will happen tomorrow or day after that. Predicting the future is something science has not yet figured out, and maybe never will. But one thing I know is that I love you. That will never change and I can’t stop, I don’t want to stop. Whatever I do, any road I take leads me back to you, so the only solution is to start our road together.” 
“I promise that I will stand by you forever. Whatever happens, we’ll get through it because we are together. No difficulty will too great, nothing will overcome my love for you.”
He finished his vows without taking his eyes away from hers. Gastón saw Luna come up to the platform, handing Nina her own vows. He knew that this would be nerve wracking for her, even when she had gained so much confidence through the years and he was so proud of her, public speaking still was something she was working on. He ran his thump over her knuckles reassuringly. 
“Gastón, I have read many love stories during my life. I never thought I would have one of my own one day, but here we are. I think if I told 10-year-old myself where I am now, she would not believe me, but what’s the point of life than proving me wrong.”
“There have been so many times in my life when I have been afraid. Afraid of the dark, afraid of fighting for what I want, and afraid to follow my dreams. With you, I am not afraid. With you, I am not alone, and I know that I can do whatever I inspire. That is what you taught me. I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it had not been for you. Like Dr. Seuss wrote: You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams”
“From this day forward, I know that you are going to be always there, to catch me when I fall down on my skates, or when I drop some book next time. Your calm presence is the only thing that can keep me from spiraling sometimes. You love me even on my worst days. You are an incredible person, any way imaginable. From how smart you are, to your way of always finding a solution to a problem. The way you laugh, the way you find the good thing in everything. There is no person who is more trustworthy”
“The best fairytales end at happily ever after, but they always say that love is a journey. We have been on our own journey for so long, it started when we were teenagers, and has led us to today. There have been twists and turns, but in the end, we know that we have been on the right path. I never stopped loving you, I never would have even dared to try. I can’t pretend that I know where we will go next, but I don’t care as long as we get to share it together. This is not an ending, even when this is a happily ever after, this is just the beginning. Beginning to a life where I get to love you each and every day.”
As Nina handed the notebook back to Luna, Gastón suppressed the urge to pull her to his arms right at that second. There was still the most important part of the ceremony left. 
“Their love will be affirmed by the rings that both form an unbroken circle,” the officiant took over once again and Matteo walked up to him with the rings. “I ask you now, Gastón Joakim Perida, do you take Nina Minerva Simonetti, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love her and respect her, until death do you part.”
“I do.” Gastón took the ring from the officiant and carefully slid it into Nina’s left ring finger. 
“Next I ask you, Nina Minerva Simonetti, do you take Gastón Joakim Perida to be your lawfully wedded husband,  to love him and respect him, until death to you part?”
“I do,” Nina said not taking her eyes off him, before turning to the officiant and taking the ring from him. 
Gastón felt the cool metal around his finger and she put the ring on him. He didn’t usually wear jewelry, outside of a watch, so it felt bit strange as he had never worn a ring before —they had not tried the rings on beforehand because of something about bad luck, and because Maria was way too good at her job, so there was no way she would have gotten the sizes wrong from her custom measurements— but he had the best reason in the world. 
He joined his hands with Nina as the officiant started speaking again. “It is my great duty and honor to pronounce you husband and wife. What has been joined together may no one dare to sepparate. You may kiss the Bride.”
As the officiant said the word, Gastón sprang into action and pulled his wife in and kissed her dipping her down as he did so. The people who were in attendance at the wedding applauded, but he did not hear them as he was absolutely focused on something else. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to present you for the first time and the rest of their lives: Mr. and Mrs. Perida.”
Gastón took Nina’s hand as they descended the platform and started walking down the aisle as the guest were throwing red rose petals at them —this had been Luna’s idea. As they got to the end of the aisle Gastón pulled Nina close again and kissed her dipping her once again.
“Okay, very well, now look at each other, from behind the tree,” Mikael Acosta said as he raised his camera up for another shot. They were taking the wedding pictures after the ceremony in the forest that surrounded the Villa. 
Even if they were posing for the pictures, Nina was happy to get a moment away from prying eyes and just be in Gastón’s arms. In addition of the photographer, Jazmin was also there as she had insisted to be on standby for make-up and touch-ups, but it still felt like there were just two of them there. 
“Lets take a couple more here on this river, but I’ll just change my lense really quickly.”
As Mikael went to his camera gear bag, Gastón leaned to whisper something to Nina’s ear: “You are absolutely stunning. I can’t take my eyes off you.” She felt him run his hand on her back as the gown had a low back. 
“You don’t look that bad yourself,” she smiled looking at her husband in the eyes, and reached to straighten his bow tie. “Did Matteo tie this?”
“I know, I need to learn.”
“I read your card. Te amo yo tambien. Does this mean, you’ll finally let me read the rest of that journal?”
“No,” Gastón grinned at her, “What’s on there will never see the light of day. Those snippets were the exception, and only for the eyes of my wife.”
After they were done at the forest, they took the rest of the wedding party and family pictures in front of the Villa. 
As the time was running on the afternoon, the weather had started to cool and the reception was held inside because of it. 
Villa bosque de Rosas had a grand hall on the other end of the building where the main entrance, which Gastón´s family never used, was located. When the Villa was just used as a private vacation property, the hall usually laid empty, only being used if Isla or Marco wanted to hold a conference there, which was not often. 
Now it was decked out with long tables draped in white tablecloths. On the tables, there were arrangements made of red, white, and pale pink flowers in an addition to some flowers that had been made of book pages, white candles, and classic silver wear and white plates. The hall was dimly lit, so the multiple candles and twinkle lights that had been draped across the ceiling illuminated it beautifully. On the other side of the hall, there was a small stage.
“...we are so happy to welcome everyone here today, and all we wanna say is that we are very proud of the man that our son has become. We also are very happy to welcome Nina officially as part of our family, since she is a daughter we never had, but also because she loves our son very much and that’s all we could ever want for him.”
As everyone arrived, Gastón's parents gave a couple of words as the hosts, welcoming everyone, and then was dinner time, which was five courses. 
“Hello everyone, my name is Luna, and I am the Maid of Honor.” After the last course had been served, Luna got up on the stage grabbing the microphone. Apparently, Luna and Matteo had had quite a fight over who was going first since Matteo had been adamant about not being it, so apparently Luna had in the end yielded. 
“I have known our lovely bride and groom now for over 8 years, so if you do some quick math which I am terrible at, but still did it, is a little under a year longer than it has been from their first kiss.” 
“So, since unfortunately, I don't have any childhood stories to tell, I am gonna tell you a different kind of story. This story starts in 2016, two days after I had moved to Buenos Aires from Cancun. That day, I bumped into Nina at the lockers of Jam and Roller for the first time, and a good thing that I did. If we hadn't met that day, I would have never made it into class on time at school the next day.”
Speaking of that school day, it was the first day of our sophomore year at Blake South college. After our first class, we were standing around at the school's hallway and turned around and low and behold there were these two dashing upperclassmen guys... one of them was Matteo Balsano and Nina, of course, proceeded to ask me if I liked him… because that is what you do when girl looks at a boy, obviously. I obviously said no, since I didn't like him, at the time, but nowadays, I don't know. Maybe I do like him.”
Luna took a small break and fiddled with her engagement ring for a bit, waiting for the laughter to die down.
“Anyways, enough about me. So after this, Nina proceeded to stare in the direction of these two guys for a bit longer than normally you look at your fellow students, and I am not saying that she was looking at Matteo, as you remember that there were two of these guys there. The other guy was Gastón Perida... and after I noticed that fact that Nina was staring at him... I of course asked if she had a crush on someone. We had known each other for two days, so logically I wanted to know all the tea. But, I never got my answer to that question since Nina practically ran away. I am not kidding…”
“Maybe two weeks later I caught Nina staring again, at the same guy, so I, of course, asked her again and the response was the most unbelievable thing I have ever heard and I quote: "I could never like a guy like Gastón." I think we all know that she was lying.”
“But this definitely was not the last time I caught her staring at our lovely groom, because I think today has really proven that they can't take their eyes off each other.”
“One thing led to another pretty quickly as I still remember how Nina was a nervous wreck about finally agreeing to meet a boy who she had been chatting online with. Can everyone guess how that date went? Well, the thing was that it didn't, but Nina soon came to me with the news that the guy in fact was Gastón and she had run away. Well, after that, it only took a couple of months and lots of chaos, which would take way too long to detail right now, for them to start dating. And the rest is history... or is it? We'll come back to that.”
“Nina, I have never had a sister, but I don't need one because I have you. Without you, I would have failed out of Blake on my first day and gotten lost in the library so far that no one would have found me. You have allowed me to annoy you to the end with my skating talk and even let me force you on skates. I am also so proud of who you are today and how you always fight for your dreams. You are always there for me, whether I need someone to solve mysteries with, or have a slumber party, or sometimes both, or if I need someone to keep me out of trouble.”
“Gastón, past these eight years, I am so happy I have gotten to know you. And I can say with certainty that I can not imagine a time when you and Nina would not be together. I just want her to be happy, and you are absolutely the one to do that… when I can’t cheer her up, I have to say. I could not imagine anyone better on her side, and I don't let just anyone be with my girl, because she has standards. And who else would I make fun of Matteo with?”
“Something we are probably gonna hear a lot today is that you two are straight out of a storybook. Whether there are heroes and villains or an evil curse, you are able to overcome it. We have already seen this proven since not even the ocean could keep you apart when you did not let it in the end.”
“So, lets all raise our glasses to our Bride and Groom, my best friend and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Perida. You two have proven that what they say is true, good will always win, the truth will always come out and true love always finds a way. To Gastón and Nina!”
Luna was met with thunderous applauses as she was helped down from the stage by Matteo who gave her a small kiss on her cheek, before getting up to the stage himself and propping his guitar up on a stand before picking up the microphone. 
“First, can we give one more round of applause for the Maid of Honor, my beautiful fiancee? I have you know that I fought to go last and now I am kind of regretting it as I somehow need to follow that up.”
Matteo grinned and turned towards Nina and Gastón’s table. “Anyways, enough about me. So If someone has not yet figured it out, I am the Best Man, Matteo Balsano. The one and only BEST FRIEND of the groom.” Matteo said the last part in English while throwing pretend dagger eyes at James, Oliver, and Jacob. 
“Anyways, I have known Gastón over 10 years now, since we met in eight grade in our middle school at the time: La Hoja de roble. Gastón was the person who was kind enough to take pity on the new Italian kid, even when he made some joke about a periodic table that I still do not get. We have been brothers ever since.”
“This is why I have been in the privileged position considering our Bride and Groom’s love story, and I had the honor to see the other side of all of it, as I have been there since day one. So get comfortable people, since I will tell you that story right now.”
“So, this story also starts at 2016. Me and Gastón were the most popular guys at the Blake South College and it was our Junior year. But I do not know it will come as suprise to anyone that he did not have a girlfriend. Anyways… the year went on and this mysterious blogger appeared into our life. Her name was Felicity for Now, who became the trending topic at Blake as well as at Roller, but guess who was her biggest fan? Thats right, our lovely Groom.”
“I am being serious, I would very often catch him just staring at the screen wishfull expression on his face, clearly in another world. Because apparently, he had taken a quite a shine to this anonymous blogger and started chatting with her, in the end falling in love with her. Accroding to my memory I said to him “Person in love with a screen, can’t have an opinion about my life.” I know this all may sound absurd, but it happened.”
“So after a lot of convincing, since your guy does not let it go, when he is really invested, Gastón in some way had convinced her to go out with him. They agreed to meet at a park, and I personally tagged along, since who can blame me for being curious about who the famous Felicity was. But you can probably guess what happened. I swear we did not write these together with Luna. Gastón was stood up on that date and now for the grand reveal: Most of you have already realized that this mysterious blogger was our bride Nina.”
“Shocking right? Well, this resulted in Gastón being the most desperate person alive, since he was way too head over heels for his invisible internet girl, who in reality was right in front of him. This wild goose chase included looking for a certain ring from all the girls at school and dancing blind folded. But the biggest shock during all of this was that during all of this madness, Gastón also had apparently been growing closer to certain Nina Simonetti, ever since they had been paired up for Mr. Acosta’s photography class. ”
“You can imagine my shock when these words came out from his mouth: I think I wanna ask Nina to a party. And I was like: Hermano, which one do you like? He did not know the answer to that since he was in a love triangle with one person twice. Well, thankfully, Nina let him out of his misery pretty soon and we all got to know who was behind the mask of Felicity for Now.”
“This story was of course not without it’s villains, since sometimes life just gets in a way of our happiness. But we all know that we can overcome anything for the right person. Since today’s theme has been literature quotes, I came prepared. This one if from Rumi: “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” Gastón and Nina, you are the only two people who can manage to be high school sweethearts, secret soulmates, first and true loves, cliche University romance, and date in secret, all at the same time. We are only missing enemies to lovers here, and thank the good forces of the universe that we never saw that.
“Nina, I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize to you that I was not there for you as much as I maybe should have been when we both lost the same important person across the ocean. That being said, I am very happy that we are friends as we are today since you are absolutely amazing. I could not ask for a better songwriting partner, and someday we will win that grammy. You also share both mine and Gastón’s passion for Star Wars, even if you did make me a third wheel on our movie nights, but it is fine, since, from the first moment I saw you two together, I could not imagine Gastón with anyone else. You are the only one who can make him happy in a way that even I can’t. I am very honored to now call you my sister.”
“Gastón, you are my brother, and always will be. Neither of us had any siblings, for various reasons, but in some way I feel like it was because we were always meant to be each other’s family. From the first day I have been here, you have been on my side, no matter what. I would call you my older brother in a way, but since I am older, I am not giving you that grace, but Gastón always was the more responsible one of us. And maybe some of those things we got in trouble for, were my fault, I am a grown man, I can admit my mistakes. Whatever stupidity I got myself into, you were there for me, supported me or told me I was wrong. Even when you were across the ocean you managed to be there for me. I love you, my brother, and you were the reason why I even felt at home at Buenos Aires and didn’t jump to a plane back to Italy over ten years ago.”
Matteo took a breath, as his voice almost broke.
“And now, as I have made everyone cry, I just wanna wish all the happiness for our Bride and Groom, because they if someone really deserve it. I have written many songs about love, and when I try to think about true love, I think about me and my fiancee obviously, but I also think of you two. You truly know that soulmates exist when you watch two people fall in love with each other twice without even knowing who each other is. To our Bride and Groom!”
After Matteo finished his speech, he surprisingly did not get off the stage, instead he picked up his guitar and plugged it in. Luna joined him on the stage and Matteo started speaking. “With those words, me and the maid of honor have a present for our lovely newly weds —Don’t worry we got them a real present too.”
Nina leaned her head on her husband shoulder and tried to fight the tears that started coming into her eyes as Matteo started strumming his guitar.
Take a step
put one foot in front of the other.
Open your eyes,
look to the horizon. 
Can you see your future?
Can you reach it?
Like words on a page,
the ones that you write.
What two can become,
to see each other’s inner light.
Don’t need to see each other
To know the languge that your hearts speak
The waves keep the letters
and the letters compine
into words that spell out
whats the meaning in life. 
There is no force that is stronger than two hearts combined,
It can last through growing up,
through the great distance, 
and carry you through time.
Even if two hearts are far apart,
there is always that one story, 
you will find.
There’s an old story,
a legend that’s told.
Only one who can see you,
is out there, thats true.
Can you believe?
Do you have faith?
You can fight for whats right,
for dreams that you never carry alone.
Together as one,
you’ll take on world unknown.
You’ll never go anywhere alone,
when there is a string of fate
which connects the two hearts.
You don't need to know each other's names
Because every time
Every place
Your story intertwines
You are the one who somebody has been looking for.
As Luna and Matteo finished the song and everyone applauded and Nina and Gastón got up their table to give them hugs.
“That was amazing,” Nina cried as she hugged Luna.
“It was all Matteo’s idea,” Luna smiled, “I just helped a little bit.”
“That will go on my next album since I do not work for free.” Matteo did not come down from the stage but spoke to the microphone instead. “Okay, now ladies and gentlemen. I regret to inform you that you are not getting rid of me quite yet since it is time for our bride and groom’s first dance.”
Matteo was right. Nina and Gastón had chosen to do their first dance to a song of Matteo’s that Nina and him had written together as a 22dn birthday present for Gastón. 
The dance was not choreographed at all, since that was not what they had wanted. It was just them, doing it in their own style. 
After that, there were the father-daughter and mother-son dances in rapid succession to a couple of their favorite Disney songs. Nina knew that her father was an absolutely terrible dancer, and luckily he knew it too, so he had been more than happy to take part in the dance lessons she had arranged for him with Jim.
The cake, which was a raspberry white chocolate cake, was cut next. Monica had helped with the cake decisions, especially considering the look of the cake, which had ended up being a rustic look created with buttercream with red roses. 
Rest of the night went in blur of happiness. Flor caught Nina bouquet, and Nina and Gastón had a good laugh looking Matteo throwing, this time real, dagger eyes at Oliver, Flor’s boyfriend and Gastón’s former roommate. 
The night went on, and soon it was time for the last dance, which was to Happily Ever After by Jordan Fisher. After the song ended, Gastón spun Nina around one more time and pulled her in so he could kiss her again in a way that transmitted quite well that he was as eager to finally get out of there as she was. 
Married Life by Michael Giacchino started playing, so it was time for their exit. They walked to the door hand in hand and Gastón scooped Nina on his arms and carried her over the doorstep and to the car that waiting at the front for them. 
“Not a bad night?” He asked her as they got into the car.
“No, not at all.”
“Hopefully you are not too tired?” He lowering his voice and lening closer.
“No, never.”
“I love you,” Gastón leamed over to kiss her.
“I love you too. Even across the ocean. Lets go.”
“Now we only have rest of our lives.”
“As long as I get to be with you.”
And the car drove away beneath the dark night sky illuminated by thousands of stars.
And they lived their lives happily ever after... I know some parts of this were super cheesy, but what are telenovelas if not cheesy.
The wedding playlist and the Pinterest board
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¡Sí! - La Trinidad del Amor: Chapter six
In life, nothing is sure… but you always count on one thing. True Love, the ones who have it are the luckiest people in the world. Not everyone does… but the people in our story do. They fought through Fire, They fought through an ocean, They fought through the sun and the moon. There are six of them, and they form a trinity, the trinity of true love
We are here!! At the Gastina wedding, one you all have probably been waiting for, since -you know- my obsession, and the reason why the wedding chapters started to be slipt in two. We are following the format, so just Like the Simbar wedding, this also will be two parts, so here is the first
Corazón lleno de amor, sin miedo, sin arrepentimiento
“Try and relax a little bit,” Gastón ran his hand on Nina’s arm, as she sat basically frozen on the couch, “We invited them here for 5 pm, it is only 4:55 pm and it is Luna and Matteo, they’ll be late. There is nothing to worry about.”
It had been a week since they had moved back from Oxford to Buenos Aires and Luna and Matteo were finally coming to see their new house. They had not seen each other in person in almost a year. Luna and Matteo had meant to come to Nina’s graduation, but those plans had ended up falling through due to the graduation date being changed and Matteo getting unexpectedly roped into a chain of charity shows. So the bottom line was that all of them had been extremely busy so they hadn’t even really had a chance to talk properly in over two weeks. 
They definitely had a lot to catch up on.
“We should have already told them,” Nina leaned into him, taking his hand. He felt her relax as he ran his other hand through her hair.
“We are telling them as soon as we can. We all have lives, and schedules don’t always match. We wanted to tell them in person, there really is nothing else that could have been done.”
“What if they will be mad that we kept this from them?” Nina turned to face him. Gastón did understand her worries. The engagement was a big thing, and it was something Luna and Matteo definitely would want to know about. The month's delay in the news had not been on purpose, but just an unfortunate inconvenience. They had decided that they wanted to tell them in person, but they never intended to keep it this long. They had never intentionally hidden it from Luna and Matteo. 
“I highly doubt that. Annoyed? At least a little bit? Definitely, you know Matteo, but we would be happy for them, so they will be for us.” Gastón smiled at her, “Luna will jump through the roof. She does not have a mechanism to be mad about any happy news. You remember what she did when Simon and Ambar got engaged?”
“She squeezed them to death,” Nina laughed, “Ambar still complains about it.”
“That will probably happen again so we better brace ourselves.” Gastón joined in the laughter. “But, don’t worry. This won’t change anything, their opinion doesn’t matter. We are getting married, Luna and Matteo like it or not… or are you planning on jilting me if Luna gets mad at you?”
“Maybe I should…” Nina joked, “But no…” she came closer to him, “I would never.”
“Good, because I can’t live without you anymore,” Gastón smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her.
Not a moment later the doorbell rang. 
“They really have the worst timing,” Gastón remarked annoyed as they got up from the couch and walked to the door. 
“Aaaaaaahhh! You’re back!!!” As soon as Gastón had opened the door, a hurricane of bright colors and over-bursting energy flew inside, tackling him and Nina into a crushing hug. Well, apparently you did not even need an engagement announcement to Luna Valente to squeeze you to death in her happiness. 
“I can’t believe you two are finally back! For real, like you are back here, in Buenos Aires, and not leaving again,” Luna finally let them go, but still kept dancing on her feet in the hall. “You are here, right? You are not just some kind of mirage that vanish, like in dreams?”
“I missed you too Luna.” Nina laughed as she and Luna hugged, just two of them. As they were hugging, Gastón locked eyes with Matteo, who had come in a couple of steps behind Luna. 
“How much sugar has she had?” he asked Matteo as they did their handshake. They might have been almost in their mid-twenties, but that tradition they had started as 14-year-olds would stuck forever.
“Surprisingly, none, but she has been dancing like that the whole day,” Matteo laughed as he pulled Gastón into a tight hug. “I am so happy you’re back. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“You two are not allowed to leave the country anymore,” Matteo declared, “You have been gone way too long. If you try to leave again, I am gonna confiscate your passports.”
“He doesn’t mean it,” Luna punched Matteo lightly, laughing. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Gastón shared a look with Nina. “But, why are we standing here, come on.”
“I gotta say, this place is nice,” Matteo remarked as they were walking down the hall to the living room. “Isla had something to do with this, didn’t she?”
“You know my mother,” Gastón responded, “there is no saying no to her in these kinds of things. We have not unpacked everything yet, but we put most of the pictures already up.” he gestured towards a huge picture collage on the wall of the living room, next to the Tv. It included pictures he and Nina had taken over the years, including pictures of the two of them, and their friends from Buenos Aires and Oxford. 
They had not had that many possessions to move since their flat at London had been almost fully refurbished. The only pieces of furniture they had brought over were the bookcases they had gotten for the apartment themselves. All the other furniture in their house was new. 
“We can do a full-fledged tour after we eat.”
���Yes, but I am just gonna show Luna the bedroom, really quickly,” Nina said and she and Luna started climbing the stairs that led to upstairs, “It was not quite done yet, right?”
“15 minutes.”
“Don’t tell me you cooked,” Matteo asked as he and Gastón sat down on the couch after the girls had disappeared upstairs. 
“I have you know that I am a really good cook,” Gastón countered. Well, it was true that as university students, you often ended up living off frozen meals and take-out, but he and Nina had often made the effort to make something from scratch on weekends, and he had had a lot of practice during his teenage years when his parents had been away. He had often opted to make his own food and internet had provided all the needed instructions. “I didn’t have a personal chef growing up.”
“Auch,” Matteo laughed, “Well, actually you’d be surprised that I am not completely hopeless anymore. Luna is, so someone needs to make sure she doesn’t burn the kitchen down. Monica has been giving us lessons and Nonna sent me some recipes that Mom used to love.”
“Well, you can make dinner next time, as we come over to your place.”
“How’s the new job, by the way?”
“Well, I signed everything two days ago. I start there the week after Simon and Ambar’s wedding. The timing really could not be more perfect.”
“Oh, speaking off guitarista’s wedding,” Matteo suddenly pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked on it a couple of times. Gastón’s own phone dinged and he saw that Matteo had forwarded a long message to him  “The honorable Best Man Pedro let me plan the stag party. I just sent you the details. Now that you are back on your Argentinian phone operator, I can get you added to the group chat.”
“Matteo you can’t be serious,” Gastón had just opened the message and stared at the contents. “Canada? You have to be kidding. I can’t do that.”
“Well, you have to.” Matteo grinned, “Every groomsman who is found inside of the borders of Argentina is obligated to attend. It is not optional.”
“I am being serious. I can’t just lift off and leave. You gave me no notice. We just moved back, there is still things to be done.”
“It is just for a weekend.” Matteo shrugged.
“I can’t leave Nina alone here now. We just got—” Gastón stopped himself before he accidentally slipped up. The plan was to tell them during dinner. 
“You got what?” Matteo had, unfortunately, noticed his little slip-up. He started eyeing him very suspiciously.
“OH MY GOD!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!” Luna’s voice rang all of a sudden from upstairs. 
“What is going on?” both of the guys looked up.
“This is so amazing!!!” 
Gastón started to have a pretty good idea of what was going on. He didn’t know how, but Luna had somehow figured their news out. He was sure Nina hadn’t just told her, because that had not been what they had agreed on, but Luna could be quite of a detective when she wanted to be. 
“Is there something you haven’t told me?” Matteo suddenly asked.
“Uhm, yeah… actually, there is,” Gastón started. If Luna already knew, it was pretty pointless to try to hide it any longer. “We didn’t intend this to come out this way but…”
“Wait, hold on.” You could literally see the gears turn in Matteo’s head. “Wait… Is she—? Are you having a—?”
“NO! No no no no no no, no.” Gastón had no idea how Matteo had jumped into that conclusion over the right one. “Matteo, please.”
“Then what is going on?”
“Maybe we better go and see.” They got up from the couch and walked the stairs up. As they got to the bedroom where the girls were, Gastón got the confirmation on how he had suspected Luna had found out. 
Nina had forgotten to take the ring off and Luna had finally noticed it. Their plan had been for her to quietly slip it on during dinner and then wait it out to see how long it took Matteo and Luna to notice. 
This wasn’t the first time it had happened. This was exactly how the truth had gotten spilled to Flor, Marlee, and Ariana the day after he had proposed before they had made any plans on how to break the news to anybody. Honestly, Gastón could not help but adore the fact that Nina had been extremely worried about losing the ring or forgetting it once she took it off, when in reality the only thing she always forgot was to take it off. 
“Sorry,” Nina whispered to him as he got to her side.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s fine” he whispered back to her.
“Matteo, Matteo! Can you believe this!” Luna had moved to dance around Matteo who still looked like he did not understand anything.
“Okay, no somebody please spill what is going on here? Since apparently everyone except me knows.” Matteo crossed his arms. Luna had stopped dancing around and was stepping on her place looking extremely excited.
“Well, we could play charades all evening, but—” Gastón laced his right hand’s fingers with Nina's left hand, “—but since Matteo seems to like coming up with wild predictions, I don’t think I wanna risk it.”
He raised Nina’s hand from her side so the ring came into Matteo and Luna’s view. “We are getting married.”
“One thing, I still don’t get—” Matteo said as they were finally sitting down to eat that dinner, “—is that, did you propose at the airport or why did I never hear about this?”
“Yeah, about that,” Gastón laughed a little awkwardly, “We have been engaged a month.”
“MONTH?” both Luna and Matteo looked flabbergasted. 
“We were never trying to hide it,” Nina explained quickly, “We just wanted to tell you in person.”
“You are the first people we have told since we got back.” Gastón continued, “Only our parenst know. We don’t quite know, how we are telling everyone. You are not mad are you?” He looked at Matteo.
“Well, if I wasn’t so happy for you, I would be offended.” Matteo said, trying to fake a serious tone, but he could not mask the smile on his lips, “Actually… that is a good line for my speech.”
“What speech?” Gastón joked, knowing full well what Matteo was talking about.
“Well, obviously the speech I am giving at your wedding as your best man.”
“Luna, do you mind pulling douple duty?” Nina asked Luna, “I know you alredy are Ambar’s maid of honor and you need to focus on that right now, but…”
“Are you kidding?” Luna almost jumped up from the table. “Of course, I’ll be your maid of honor! You don’t even need to ask!”
“Click the button on the keychain, will you?” Gastón asked Nina as he was driving alongside the street where his childhood home was. While he had been living in England, his parents had updated the electrical gate. They had given him the key when they had last visited him and Nina in England. 
The gate opened and Gastón parked the car in the garage, just like old times. He was really glad to see his parents. It had been almost a month since they had moved back, but they had not had the chance to see his parents until now, since they had had a huge amount of business trips at this time, and Gastón and Nina had had Simon and Ambar’s wedding in Mexico. 
He looked up as they got to the door and he was getting his keys out. No way he was ringing the doorbell, this was still his old home. He hadn’t been there in a while, as the university had kept them very busy from visiting. 
“Mom will want to fuss, so just prepare yourself for that,” He said as he put the key into the lock. 
“Gastón, have you met my mother? I have been dealing with fussing my whole life, this will be nothing.”
“Fair enough,” he chuckled and opened the door. They entered the foyer which appeared to be empty, but he was sure that his parents were supposed to be home.
“Hey! We're here!” He yelled inside the house.
“Gastón! You are already here?” It didn’t take long to his parents to come to meet them and he was squeezed tightly by his mother. 
“You are finally here! You are staying here now, I won’t let you leave anymore.” Isla said as she finally released him. 
“Well, you have changed your tune,” Gastón laughed. “I don’t remember hearing that when you were the most adamant person that I should go to Oxford.”
“I am your mother. I am allowed to change my mind.”
“Good to know.” Gastón said and turned to his father and hugged him as well “Dad.”
“Good to have you back, truly.”
After he had greeted both of his parents, Gastón turned back to Nina who had been waiting in the background, letting his parents greet just him a peace. He walked up to her and placed his hand on the small of her back bringing her forwards. 
“We are so happy to welcome you as part of the family,” Isla said pulling Nina into a hug as well, while giving Gastón a brief “It was about time” glance. 
“Mom, please don’t suffocate her, or do you want me to get married or not?”
“Maria told me everything about the ring,” Isla told them as all four of them were sitting in the living room after dinner. “You were really involved with the design.”
“Yeah, I know, I am not really the jewelry type,” Gastón said while detaching his arm, from where it had been around Nina, reaching her left hand and running his finger over the ring. “But, I had to make sure it was perfect.”
“Sounds like someone else I know,” Isla said looking at Marco. “Did really none of my genes go through?”
“I am pretty sure he has a lot of qualities that he couldn’t have possibly gotten from me,” Marco said smiling while Gastón just rolled his eyes. Everyone always said he was the spitting image of his father, but he had his mother’s personality.
“Tomas was asking about you after he heard you were back,” Marco said to Gastón. Tomas was the brother of his father, so his uncle. “He and Coral want to have us, all of us, for dinner next week. Can you make it on Wednesday or do I give them another date?”
“I think we can,” Gastón responded, “We need to tell them the news about the wedding and it would be nice to finally meet Coral.” Coral was Tomas’ girlfriend. Gastón thought that it was quite comical in a certain way, that he was beating his own uncle, who was good 20 years his senior, to the altar, but everyone moved on their own pace in these things. 
“So do you have any plans for the wedding yet, because we will help with anything we can?” Isla asked
Gastón looked at Nina. They had sorta talked about all of that, but nothing very concrete quite yet. There had been so many other things to do with Nina’s graduation, the move, and Simon and Ambar’s wedding 
“Not yet, really.”
“We did talk about aiming for the winter, but we don’t have date or anything yet.”
“Winter?” Marco asked them, “Will six months be enough time?”
“We don’t want anything that big,” Gastón explained, “if I do the calculations, from the top of my head, there would maybe be 60 guests. Give or take 15. We just were in a huge destination wedding. One within a year is enough.  But now that we are talking about it, we really should decide on the date. So Oliver and Flor, Jacob, James, Marlee and Ariana can make sure they can come over.”
“We really need to start looking for venues then,” Nina responded looking at him. 
“Actually, you don’t need to look for anything,” Isla suddenly said, “I don’t understand why I haven’t thought about it sooner.”
“What do you mean, Mom?”
“We can hold the wedding at Villa bosque de Rosas. You don’t need to use valuable time looking for venues. It is our own property, you can do whatever you want with it, and have full access to it whenever you want. No need to compromise on the date either. It is as much as yours as it is ours, you’ll own it eventually.”
Gastón turned to look at Nina again. He had not ever thought of that… and he did not know why. Villa bosque de Rosas was the country villa his parents owned, with big property including fields, gardens, and a forest. It had been their vacation home for as long he could remember, but he also knew that his parents did sometimes rent it for weddings for outsiders and it could hold up to 150 people. 
“What do you think?” Gastón asked Nina.
“It is an amazing idea,” she responded smiling, “and truly saves us some time.”
“Good,” Isla said excitedly, “What do you say if we go visit next weekend? You can never start too early on these things. Nina, would your parents be willing to come as well, we owe them dinner anyway?”
“Dad is still in Miami, he said he is waiting for a date from me before he books any coming visits, but Mom and Mora could.”
“I’ll call them.”
“We have to take Luna and Matteo as well then,” Gastón said, “Otherwise we won’t ever hear the end of it. Matteo is already mad at me.” Gastón laughed. “Oh, and Mom, you can tell people now. I know you are just bursting to tell all your friends how I am settling down, finally… but don’t tell aunt Mía and Elise, or grandma.”
“I actually have been thinking that we’d go visit Cordoba at some point, probably next month.” Gastón explained, “It has been so long since I have seen them, and they have never met Nina and she has never been to Cordoba. We’ll tell them in person.”
Nina looked over the words she had written on the draft she was working on for Si Pudieras Tener Un Futuro, which was the sequel to her first book. If You Could Have A Future was just a working title, but she actually quite liked it, just perhaps she would be keeping it.
She was done for the day with the book. It was coming along nicely, but her editor wanted to have the first draft before Easter so there wasn’t too much time per se. 
She closed her laptop and took her tablet from the coffee table and opened the folder with all the wedding details. First she checked the calendar to see when the next fitting for the dress was with Mora. It was in two days.
Nina couldn’t quite believe that the wedding would already be in three months. The planning process had actually not been as hectic as she would have thought, yet anyway, who knew what was to come and that did stress her out. She was surrounded by lots of support and love and it had helped a lot. Everything would go swimmingly as long as she remembered to keep her mother out of the wedding planning and if something became something they could not overcome, she could always call Isabel, James’, their friend from Oxford, girlfriend who was a wedding planner. 
Nina didn’t know Isabel that well, James had only started dating her after he and Gastón had graduated from Oxford, so she was not in the wedding party, but still of course invited as James was a groomsman with Oliver and Jacob and of course all the guys from Buenos Aires.
It was quite crazy that her and Gastón had actually ended up having the biggest wedding party, given the size of Simon and Ambar’s wedding and Luna and Matteo’s upcoming one, but it had ended up that they had more friends, when you counted in their friends from England. The size of the wedding party was also a bit of a problem, since there were unequal amount of bridesmaids and groomsmen, even with the Oxford additions. Nina had not yet come up with a solution for it.
“What are you doing?” a hand suddenly tapped on her lower back as she had been crouched over the tablet. She looked up and saw Gastón standing behind the couch with two cups of tea. He gave her the other and came to sit down next to her with the other.  
“Agonizing over the wedding party.”
“Ah, I saw that you had your concentration face on.”
“You just could not have a one more friend? That would have solved everything.” Nina lamented showing Gastón the diagram she had constructed on the tablet. “Like, it should be easy. Obviously, Luna and Matteo, Simon and Ambar, Delfi and Pedro, Flor is with Oliver, Marlee with Jacob and that leaves James and Ariana, but then we are left with Nico and Ramiro, and Jim, Yam and Jazmin. Just like Ambar said. It is a math problem, with no even solution. Ramiro could walk with Yam and Nico with Jim, but I am not sure do I wanna make them do that.”
“It is our wedding, and they agreed to be in it. I don’t think they will mind… especially since everyone are friends.” Gastón said while looking at the diagram. “We have all known each other since highschool, the drama is old, forgiven and forgotten.”
“I know,” Nina chuckeled, “but that would leave Jazmin alone, and that just doesn’t feel nice.”
“Well…” Gastón said, his face turning pensative as well, “What if Jim, Yam and Jazmin walk down the aisle, just three of them, just like Jim and Yam did in Cancun, and then  Nico and Ramiro walk down together as well.”
“Honestly, that seems like a good idea,” Nina said swifting her diagram around.
“And it would look hilarious,” Gastón added, “Other solution, of course, is to do it like Simon and Ambar did.”
“I’ll need to think about it,” Nina said looking at the new diagram. “I’ll talk to Luna about it, and maybe Ambar too.”
“Maria is coming in 30 minutes.”
“Wait what?” Nina’s glance shot up, “Thats today?” she quickly opened her calendar again, and there it was marked. Maria Aguirre was coming to talk with them about the wedding rings.
“Did you forget?” Gastón was looking at her amused, “You really are becoming like Luna.”
“I guess I did,” Nina put the tablet down and rand her hand in her hair, “There are so many things to think about. Things have gone so well, it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong. I am just so afraid I’ll start panicking at some point.”
“Hey, everything is going to go well,” Gastón put his cup down and took her hands. “If you thrive towards perfection, you’ll never reach it. It’ll be perfect and amazing because I get to marry you, nothing else matters.”
“I know,” she looked at him in the eyes smiling. He always had the right words to calm her down, 
“Plus you are not alone, you have so many people to help you. I am not letting you do this alone, it is also my wedding. You know what, lets go over some things so you get your mind at ease. How are the bridesmaid dresses coming along?”
“Mora sends me different sketches everyday. I told her that if she actually wants me to pick one, she needs to narrow it down. We have a fitting in two weeks.”
“Marlee, Ariana and Flor?”
“They sent their measurements to Mora and she’ll make them easily modifiable so issues can be fixed during the last fitting when they are here during the week off. Your and groomsmen’s clothing?”
“We are going to Dad’s favorite tux place next week. Once we pick something out we’ll sent pictures to James, Oliver and Jacob and they’ll get ones close as possible they can find on their end.” Gastón said, before Nina even needed to ask about the overseas members of the wedding party. “The flowers?”
“We are meeting the florist in 15 days, I am going with Luna and your mother. The venue?”
“Mom told me everything is in order. The gardeners and cleaning staff will make sure it’ll look perfect. Everything in order with your parents?”
“Jim told me that the zoom dance lessons are going well with Dad, and they pick up in-person ones once he comes here a month before the wedding. Mom has been successfully kept out of the planning with Mora’s help. She is taking her and your mother to dress shopping soon, so Mom doesn’t fully feel left out. The officiant?”
“We have a meeting with him to discuss the ceremony next month.”
“What about the photographer? Did you talk with Mr. Acosta again?”
“Nina, you need to start calling him Míkael, as he wanted. He is not our teacher anymore,” Gastón laughed. Mr. Acosta— Míkael Acosta, Nina corrected herself, had been their photography teacher at Blake and they had gotten him to take their engagement pictures and he was also gonna photograph the wedding. “Everything is set with him. He’ll go scouting locations the week before the wedding. The invitations?”
“Everyone has RSVP:d,” Nina said pulling a spreadsheet on her tablet, “James and Isabel, Jacob, Marlee, Ariana, Oliver and Flor?”
“We are having a zoom meeting with them and Luna and Matteo the month before the wedding. They’ll come here the week before it, we’ll sort out the details in the meeting. Luna, Matteo, and Delfi will take care of them after we leave for the honeymoon. Arrangements for that are also taken care of,” Gastón grinned at Nina, “See? We absolutely got this.”
The door bell rang suddenly. 
“I see that Maria is already here,” Gastón got up from the sofa and pulled Nina up with him. “Come on, we can’t get married without rings.”
“My, Isla has not been kidding, you definitely have grown.” Nina watched Gastón open the door of their house to a black-haired woman in her 40s who hugged him as soon as she got through the door. “I have to be honest, we could have done this at my office, but I was way too curious to see your house. Isla has told me all about it.” Maria and Gastón approached Nina, “Nina, it is good to finally meet you. It is amazing to finally meet the girl who has managed to sweep Gastón off his feet.”
“It is good to meet you too, I have heard so much about you.”
“Has the engagement ring been the right size?”
“Yes, I think so,” Nina said looking down on her left ring finger.
“Let me have a look at it, ” Maria said and took Nina’s hand and twisted the ring couple of times. “I would say, that it is a tad bit too big, but not enough it to be worth resizing. If it starts falling off then call me. Anyways, first I wanna get measurements from both of you.”
Maria took a very narrow measuring tape from the bag she had brough with her. Nina took her engagement ring off while Maria took the measurement from Gastón first, by putting the tapemeasure around his finger and noting the measures on her tablet. Then she had him try on couple of measuring rings of various widhs. After she had finished with Gastón, she did the same with Nina’s ring finger. 
“Okay, next, I wanna show you some models I came up with for the rings,” Maria said putting the measuring tools back into her bag and opening a new page on her tablet. “I figured you two would want matching ones, so these all are. I continued with the theme that engagement ring set up, these are all white gold, so the rings form a cohesive look.”
Maybe after an hour of discussing the rings and Maria showing them different variables and possibilities they had came into a conclusion about the rings. Nina would have a narrow band with couple of small sapphires while Gastón’s would be wider and have a wave design.
“Don’t you two worry, this will be my first priority. You’ll get the rings in… probably in a month… longest that it will take is 1.5 months, depends on when I get the stones in, but you’ll have your rings way before the wedding.” Maria said as she headed out of the door. “Don’t hesitate to call, if you have any questions.”
“Gastón, when are they coming?” Matteo asked Gastón as they were sitting at Jam and Roller with everyone. Luna and the girls were talking about something on the stage, and Ramiro, Simon, Nico and Pedro were joking at the table next to them. They had all gathered there to meet the arrivals from Oxford for their wedding since, outside of Luna and Matteo, no one else had met any of their Oxford friends, with the exception of Simon and Ambar very briefly meeting James and Isabel. “It is quite hard to coordinate a bachelor party here, when I do not have all my groomsmen.”
“Your groomsmen?” Gastón raised an eyebrow to Matteo, “You do remember that this is my wedding? Yours is later.”
“Of course I remember that,” Matteo snarked, “but I am the Best Man, I am in charge of the groomsmen, so they are my groomsmen. But seriously, when are they coming, or do these regal english people need a fashionably late grand entrance?”
“One of them is your cousin Matteo,” Gastón tried not laugh. “But they should be coming soon, the flight landed an hour ago, but it all depends how long they are taking to get out of there and get taxis.” Gastón said and looked towards Roller’s windows and saw that Nina was standing there looking out of there and not with the other girls. 
“Hey,” he made his way to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Any sign of them?”
“No,” Nina sighed, “Was it a good idea to let them find their own way here?”
“Well, we wouldn’t had had the time to go get them, and they understood that. They have the address,  and the gps and the cap services here work good enough.”
“And Flor knows this place,” Nina continued his thought, “So they should find their way here. Will they? That is going to be a different story.”
“I am sure they will find their way here, maybe at least for Christmas.” Gastón joked and saw a smile form to her lips. He couldn’t resist it and leaned down and captured her lips with his own. Usually, someone from the background would probably yell something about knocking it off, but he knew that no one would dare now. Their wedding was in seven days, so he was allowed to kiss his bride as much as he liked — not that he was planning on anything changing once she became his wife.
They separated just in time to see two caps pull up to the Roller. 
“Oh, I see that whole lot of crazy has officially arrived,” Gastón joked and took Nina’s hand. “Hey! Everybody!” He raised his voice to get every attention at Roller. “They are here, so try to behave yourselves.”
Everyone else stayed inside like it had been agreed upon as Gastón and Nina went outside to meet the arrivals. 
“We see you found your way around here eventually,” Gastón remarked in English as James, Isabel, Jacob, Marlee, Ariana, Oliver and Flor piled out of the caps. “Welcome.”
“Gotta say that this city is an absolute maze,” James said after giving him a hug. Gastón proceeded to hug Oliver and Jacob as well, as the girls had run to hug Nina first. “Ready to get hiched?”
“Is this the place that you used to skate at?” Oliver asked, “No way… we need to see you doing that, mate.”
“I still can't imagine you on skates,” Jacob laughed, “I am with Oliver, we need to see that.”
“Sorry Cob, not happening this week,” Gastón shrugged. The truth was that he had not skated in years. “I have better things to do, but if you really wanna see, I am sure Luna and Ramiro can show you a couple of tricks.”
“We’ll have a translator for you at the wedding, and Matteo and Ambar are fluent in English and Delfi holds her own super well too, others… manage, but I think it’ll be fine,” Gastón explained as they were walking into Roller with everyone, “Flor, I count on you that there will be no language barriers,” Gastón said in Spanish to Flor who was walking next to Oliver, holding his arm. 
“Usted puede contar conmigo.”
“Okay, so here we are,” Gastón and Nina stopped at the entrance of the cafeteria of Roller.
“Matteo!” Flor let go of Oliver and dashed to past them to hug Matteo. 
“So, here are everybody,” Gastón started speaking and he and Nina let the others further to the cafeteria. “You all have met them in some form, but still, here are our Best Man and Maid of Honor, Matteo Balsano and Luna Valente. Then we have the rest of our wedding party: Ambar and Simon Alvarez, James and Isabel have met them, Delfina Alzamenti and Pedro Arias, Jazmin Carvajal, Ramiro Ponce, Yamila Sances and Jimena Medina and Nicolas Navarro.” Gastón explained, “we have been formerly known as the team of Jam and Roller. Y todos,” Gastón said switching over to Spanish again. This really was a language brain workout, switching between languages so frequently, “Here are our friends from Oxford: Jacob Thomas, Marlee Wynne, Ariana Williams, James Wilson and Isabel Davidson, and Oliver Carson. Everyone has met Flor Astrella already, as she is Matteo’s cousin.”
Multiple greetings in multiple languages could be heard.
“It has been way too long,” Nina said as she sat down with Marlee and Ariana after all the introductions had been performed. The girls had been her roommates at Oxford, until she and Gastón had moved out of the dorms and in together, and were kind of the reason why she had been reunited with him in the first place as they had been part of his friendgroup first. 
“Well, I gotta say that nothing has really happened,” Ariana had a sneaky smirk on her face, “Except that Marlee has a girlfriend.”
“Were you never planning on telling me? You could have brought her to the wedding.” Nina turned towards Marlee, “It is very new. We only have been out a couple of times. We are not exactly in the place yet where I would take her to my friends’ wedding overseas. But this really was a trip, the flight took forever, but I guess it will be worth it, you are getting married after all. I gotta say, I would not have predicted this when I met Gastón, or you… but maybe I should have predicted it when I saw you two “meet”. I would like to say I was there when you first met… but that was not it was it?”
“Girls I am so sorry to interrupt,” Delfi appeared next to them with a clipboard, “but we really must be going. The dresses need their final fittings. I already sent the others on Ambar’s car.” Delfi had volunteered to be a wedding week coordinator, which Nina was highly grateful for as they had people coming from overseas and were supposed to be at ten places at once some times. Delfi as a video producer was very experienced with schedules. 
“Uuuu, Are we gonna get to see your wedding dress?” Marlee asked as she,  Nina, Delfi, Flor and Ariana got into Delfi’s car. 
“Yes, Mora wants to do a final fitting with it as well today, just in case something needs to be altered.” As soon as Nina had told her mother about the engagement, the news had reached Mora as well, for obvious reasons of course, so Mora had right away offered to design her wedding dress. Nina had absolutely expected that, and she would have not had it any other way, since Mora had been making clothing for her since she had been born, and knew her measurements and style perfectly, even after it had evolved as she grew up. 
What Nina had not expected was that Mora had also absolutely insisted on designing the bridesmaids' dresses as well. They really could have just bought them, but Mora had insisted saying that this was her only chance to make everything for Nina’s wedding.
“I can’t believe your aunt is a real fashion designer. She was your aunt right?” Ariana said from the backseat as Delfi started driving. 
“Mom or Dad don’t have siblings,” Nina laughed, “But she has been like an aunt to me, as my mother’s best friend. But they are together now, so I guess she also kind of is my stepmother.”
Nina stirred as she felt the heat of the sunlight on her face. She turned on her side and felt the mattress beside her… which was empty. 
She opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows and saw that Gastón was sitting on the desk in their bedroom and appeared to be writing something. 
“Oh, you are finally awake?” She saw him turn on the desk chair towards the bed.
“What were you doing?”
“Nothing…” She saw him slip something to a desk drawer, but she had no energy to focus on that now.
“What’s the time?”
“Almost ten o’clock-”
“That late?”
“I let you sleep,” Gastón said getting up from the desk and coming to sit down on the bed next to her, as Nina sat up as well, “You were barely able get up the stairs last night, but if you would have stayed at Luna’s you would have not gotten any sleep.”
“I don’t even remember going to sleep.” Gastón’s description sounded pretty accurate, not because she had drunk, but because she had just been so tired. Luna had hosted her bachelorette party last night and it had been everything you could have expected from Luna. “You should have woken me up earlier.”
“No I should have not,” Gastón shot her argument down, reaching to take her hands “We are getting married tomorrow, you can't be all sleep-deprived, your well-being is above everything else. I already gave Luna strict instructions to make you sleep tonight.” Luna and Nina would leave for the Villa bosque de Rosas that day, while Matteo would be staying with Gastón at their house for the night before the wedding.
“We are getting married tomorrow.” She repeated what he had said, looking into his eyes. It still didn’t feel real.
“We are,” He said letting go of her hand and placing it around her waist pulling her closer, “It only took over eight years to get here.”
Nina laughed and put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
“I just want a one last picture of our bride and groom,” Luna said holding her phone, after the guys had finished putting Nina’s bags into the car and transferring Luna’s from Matteo’s car. Since Luna did not have a driver’s license, Nina would be driving them tonight and Gastón and Matteo would come in Matteo’s car the next day. 
Gastón understood Luna’s intentions, and pulled Nina into a kiss, while Luna snapped a picture of them. 
“Okay,” Matteo said as the guys walked the girls over to the car, “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Gastón pulled Nina into one more brief hug before she got into the driver’s seat of the car. “I’ll see you at the altar.”
Here we go, we only have the wedding day left. I know I kind of threw you, my lovely readers, into the deep end with some Ocs, since I am writing my fics in the wrong order. Oliver, Jacob, Marlee and Ariana, who appear first time in this chapter and James and Isabel are original characters who will play major parts in my upcoming story about Gastón and Nina's Oxford years, and of course, would be at their wedding. So there is a lot of history and backstory that I know but you don't so I understand that it may seem a bit confusing right now. If you have any questions, please comment so I can explain the best I can, and I also recommend reading Memories of Time, since that fic actually provides some exposition, especially about what on earth Flor, Matteo's cousin, is doing here. My Oc list for an overview
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