#Simon Spillett
carmenvicinanza · 1 year
Annie Londonderry e il giro del mondo in bicicletta
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Sono una giornalista e una ‘nuova donna’, se con questo termine s’intende la mia convinzione di poter fare tutto ciò che può fare un uomo.
Annie Londonderry è stata la prima donna ad aver fatto il giro del mondo in bicicletta tra il 1894 e il 1895.
Imprenditrice, ciclista e avventuriera lettone di origine ebrea nacque a Riga nel 1870 col nome di Annie Cohen.
Emigrata con la sua numerosa famiglia a Boston, perse i genitori quando era adolescente.
Amava leggere e sognava viaggi in posti lontani.
A diciotto anni sposò Simon Kopchovsky, venditore ambulante ebreo ortodosso che aiutava nel suo lavoro occupandosi di vendere spazi pubblicitari per dei giornali locali. Ma la sua condizione le stava probabilmente stretta e, sebbene avesse tre bambini molto piccoli, a ventiquattro anni, decise di tentare un’impresa considerata impossibile per una donna, fare il giro del mondo in bicicletta.
Tutto nacque da una scommessa, o forse se la inventò per pubblicizzare il suo viaggio e dimostrare di poter emulare l’impresa compiuta da Thomas Stevens nel 1887.
Era un’epoca in cui il desiderio di indipendenza delle donne stava crescendo politicamente e a livello sociale, guidare una bicicletta significava avere un proprio mezzo di trasporto che le rendeva autonome.
Nonostante fosse molto minuta, le venne offerto di guidare una bicicletta di marca Columbia di 19 chili che recava sulla protezione della ruota posteriore un cartello pubblicitario della ditta di acque minerali Londonderry Lithia che l’aveva sponsorizzata con cento dollari. Così, l’ebrea Annie Cohen Kopchovsky, in epoca antisemita, divenne Annie Londonderry per compiere l’impresa.
Il 27 giugno 1894, alle 11 del mattino partì dalla Massachusetts State House, portava con sé un cambio di vestiti e una pistola col manico di madreperla. Arrivò a Chicago il 24 settembre, aveva perso 9 kg, aveva deciso di rinunciare quando ritrovò la determinazione. Riuscì a dotarsi di una bicicletta da uomo più leggera e agile e cambiò il suo abbigliamento vestendosi con dei calzoncini a sbuffo e tenuta maschile.
Arrivata a New York si imbarcò per Le Havre, arrivò a Parigi, è passata per Bordeaux, Marsiglia, girò il Mediterraneo, ha visto Gerusalemme, le Piramidi, Costantinopoli, le grandi steppe dell’Asia, l’India, Hong Kong, Singapore, arrivando fino in Cina e in Giappone, cambiando itinerario per il freddo, salendo su treni e navi a vapore, dando prova di resistenza e di inventiva anche nell’auto promuoversi. Ha superato montagne impervie e paesi sconosciuti, è finita in oscure prigioni e ha conosciuto persone diverse e usanze particolari.
Nonostante difficoltà di ogni sorta, divenne un mito e la sua celebrità l’accompagnava nelle sue tappe. È stata ferita da un cavallo imbizzarrito e si è ingessata un polso dopo uno scontro con un branco di maiali.
Il 12 settembre 1895 finalmente arrivò a Chicago e ricevette il premio di 10.000 dollari che le spettava. Aveva compiuto il viaggio intorno al mondo in un tempo minore di quattordici giorni di quello che le era stato accordato.
Arrivata a casa, pubblicò il resoconto della sua impresa sul New York World, il giornale lo descrisse come “il viaggio più straordinario mai intrapreso da una donna“.
Venditrice brillante e grande affabulatrice, riuscì a raccogliere denaro sponsorizzando prodotti di ogni sorta con spillette e nastri che portava addosso. Vendeva anche le sue foto autografate.
Durante i suoi viaggi tenne delle conferenze sulle sue avventure che affascinarono i mezzi di comunicazione e rilanciarono la sua popolarità.
Al suo rientro accettò un’offerta per scrivere le sue avventure come nuova donna e si stabilì con la famiglia a New York per continuare la sua carriera nel giornalismo.
È morta dimenticata l’11 novembre 1947.
Nel 2007 Peter Zheutlin, il suo pro-pronipote ha riportato alla luce la sua storia pubblicando Around the World on Two Wheels: Annie Londonderry’s Extraordinary Ride.
Questa intraprendente nuova donna è stata successivamente citata in canzoni, libri, su di lei è stato girato un documentario, le è stata dedicata una graphic novel ed è stata commemorata in un necrologio del New York Times, nella serie dedicata ai personaggi la cui morte era passata inosservata.
Annie Kopchovsky ‘Londonderry’ ha sfidato le convenzioni scrivendo uno dei capitoli più entusiasmanti della storia del ciclismo.
Ha rappresentato l’emblema dell’incontro tra il boom della bicicletta e il cambiamento del ruolo delle donne nella società vittoriana. È stata capace di diventare indipendente negli spostamenti, lavorare fuori casa, auto promuoversi ed essere socialmente attiva.
“Jules Verne mi aveva portato lontano, proprio come aveva portato lontano il suo Phileas Fogg. Ero sempre stata curiosa, e ora la mia curiosità mi aveva portato a esplorare un mondo che poi, forse, non era così diverso dal mio”.
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psychicwint · 2 years
The next big thing sadie hayes
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#The next big thing sadie hayes full#
will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way to the end - and clamoring for more." - Ella Monroe, author of Capital Girls "Sadie Hayes has blown me away. "Social Code is a non-stop thrill ride through the dark side of Silicon Valley, where brilliant young computer geeks seek fortune, fame, and love. Can Amelia find a way to save their company before it's too late? Patty finds a new boyfriend-and a fascinating new job-to distract her from Chad Adam becomes involved with an older woman who seems to be as interested in Doreye as he is and TJ starts to notice that Amelia is more than just a computer nerd with the tensions running high, Adam makes a decision that topples Amelia's carefully constructed life and sets off a chain of events that could threaten the future of Doreye. As they grow farther apart, others grow closer together. As if that weren't hard enough on their relationship, Adam and Amelia are both keeping secrets from each other, the kinds of secrets that could change everything if revealed. While Adam has money signs in his eyes and enough charm to win over the investors, Amelia decides she wants to give away their app for free, leading to discord and a separation of responsibilities-and power. After facing down skepticism, a meddler from their past and a saboteur who makes their app malfunction right when it matters most, drama suddenly seems to be brewing within the ranks. Amelia and Adam's new company, Doreye, may have won over Silicon Valley, but the trouble is far from over. The Next Big Thing is the second page-turning installment in Sadie Hayes' Start-Up series, following twin college students Amelia and Adam as they attempt to make it in the competitive world of Silicon Valley.This is a tremendous package from Acrobat and well recommended to Hayes fans and jazz enthusiasts.
#The next big thing sadie hayes full#
Also included is a brilliant liner essay by British saxophonist Simon Spillett that's not only full of historical data, but cultural insight. While it's worthy of complaint that the original albums are not presented wholly together, separated by discs, it's actually minor. The sound on this set is excellent the music was remastered from original tapes, not vinyl. Disc six contains the final three jams from that album, which features a dynamite reading of George Gershwin's "Love Walked In." The last album in this set is Tubby's Groove, recorded in December 1959 with Jazz Couriers pianist Terry Shannon and drummer Phil Seaman, along with new bassist Jeff Clyne. The full-length London Jazz Quartet album is here, as well as the first half of the Jazz Couriers' The Last Word, from 1959. It also includes six of the eight tracks from The Couriers of Jazz the remaining two kick off disc five. The remainder contains the EP The Eighth Wonder - Hayes also plays baritone, alto, vibes, and piano on the record - with bassist Phil Bates and drummer Bill Eyden. It is followed by four cuts - including Hayes' killer "Plebus" from an August 15 session - and capped off by a live date in February of 1958 that featured the band playing a spirited read of Scott's "Some of My Best Friends Are Blues" that carries over to the rest of the record, The Jazz Couriers in Concert, on disc four. Disc three begins in 1957 with the album Tubby Hayes and the Jazz Couriers Featuring Ronnie Scott, recorded on August 8, as well as an alternate of "On a Misty Night" from a Tempo anthology. The second also contains two tracks from the early Jazz Couriers, released on the historic Jazz at the Flamingo, recorded during in the summer of 1956. The first two discs here are almost entirely devoted to the Tubby Hayes Orchestra (actually an octet), whose dates were released on 7" EPs as well as the LPs British Modern Jazz Scene 1956 and After Lights Out. Some of the other notable players that recorded with him during this historic period are trumpeters Jimmy Deuchar and Dickie Hawdon, bassist Pete Blannin, drummers Lennie Breslaw and Tony Crombie, and, of course, saxophonist Ronnie Scott, to name a few. Admired by American and European players alike, he stands as one of the great masters of the horn, period. This whopping six-disc set comprises the early bop and hard bop solo output of tenor saxophone giant and bandleader (as well as a pianist and vibraphonist) Tubby Hayes, one of a handful of players who put British jazz on the map in the 1950s.
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wiganjazzzz · 4 years
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Following on from the excellent documentary Tubby Hayes: A Man In A Hurry we now have a lovely book to feast our eyes upon. Titled Tubby Hayes: The Life Behind The Tenor and curated by MarK Baxter – the producer of A Man in A Hurry – along with contributions from Simon Spillett and Tubby’s son Richard Hayes the book is published by the wonderful Tangerine Press. Nobody has kept the Tubby flame alight more than these three men with Spillett already having produced a book on Hayes – The Long Shadow of the Little Giant: The Life, Work and Legacy of Tubby Hayes along with – until this current crisis hit – touring his own big band playing Hayes material. This project looks at the personal side of Hayes’ life with son Richard providing lots of material to put together a handsome scrapbook of Britain’s premier jazzman. Other contributions for this publication come from Julie Ross, Lee Cogswell Ed Gray, Tracey Coverley, Owen Harvey and the gent that is David Alexander . A special mention to the recently departed and much missed Steven Millington who had sent illustrations for the book. It looks absolutely superb and praise for this must go to Michael Curran of Tangerine Press in making such a lovely job of it all. Proper craftsman and no mistake. A book of this quality and beauty won’t be cheap but it is worth every penny that it costs now and what it will be worth in the future.
All copies are numbered and limited to 100 so for more details or to be added to to the want/info list please contact Mono Media. email: [email protected]
Meanwhile it’s business as usual from Mono’s filmaker extraordinaire Lee Cogswell with this superb trailer for the book Tubby Hayes – The Life Behind The Tenor
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1. Martin Freeman and Eddie Piller Presents - Jazz On the Corner Two (2020) [Jazz] 2. The Unthanks - Mount the Air (2015) [Folk] 3. Marvin Gaye - Let’s Get It On (1973) [Soul, Funk]. Photographed for “The Word” magazine, promoting “Martin Freeman Presents - Motown Made to Measure” (2006) 4. Simon Spillett - Square One (2013) [Jazz] 5. The Beatles - The White Album (1968) 50th Anniversary Edition [Rock, Pop] 6 & 7. The Specials - self-titled debut album (1979) [Two-Tone] and 7 others. Photographed for Q Magazine, June 2018 article “Albums That Changed My Life” 8. Bobby Timmons - Easy Does It with Sam Jones, Jimmy Cobb (1961) [Jazz]. Photos by Dean Chalkley for Jocks & Nerds Magazine, Issue #23, 2017 9 & 10. Various. Photos by Dean Chalkley for Jazz on The Corner (2018) album jacket
*if anyone is able to identify the record album in #3 please let me know Info credit to the wonderful @the-magnolia-moon :D Also looking out for a HD source for the full MF episode of “Who Do You Think You Are?” and the Motown Records 50th Anniversary Documentary for regiffing. Thanks!
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mosaicrecords · 6 years
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The Good Book of Booker Ervin
Simon Spillett’s essay on Booker Ervin warms my heart. As a young tenor student, it was Booker’s sound that penetrated my being more than any other. I worked hard to achieve that rich, hard, vibrato-less Texas sound on the horn and came damn close. Too bad I couldn’t improvise to save my life!
-Michael Cuscuna
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abcdsandvinyl · 6 years
Just Pinned to jazz: Simon Spillett - Sienna Red: buy CD, Album at Discogs https://t.co/bK1A7Bke7C pic.twitter.com/3UAWYBNjZA
— ABCDandVINYL (@ABCDandVINYL) May 15, 2018
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years
UK: Jazz Journal FEBRUARY 2018
On the Beat Jazz nominations in the 2017 Grammys focus on where it all started - the US of A. Jazz FM Awards: will this year's winners trump last year's champs, the Rolling Stones? Wynton's Barbican youth band focuses on the 1957 Miles Ahead, purporting to showcase what "could be the future of jazz” ECM: the British connection With separation looming, Brian Morton notes that music is a lingua franca that doesn’t require passports Profiles British pianist Kit Downes loves the duo; US tuba virtuoso Howard Johnson enjoys the choral possibilities in the tuba family; Cuban pianist Roberto Fonseca appreciates having the clave, “something everyone wants to learn”, in his blood On the Other Hand Dave Gelly isn’t troubled by Jon Hendricks’ joy and positivity or Sam Braysher’s rediscovery of songbook blueprints Joe Henderson Ronald Atkins interviewed the singular saxophonist stylist in 1995 as he was enjoying an unexpected second coming Roger Beaujolais The vibraphonist tells Bruce Lindsay why Connie Kay played so softly in the MJQ Standard time? Simon Spillett asks if the Great American Songbook should still be the arbiter in jazz clubs Jazz Journal  FEBRUARY 2018 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2CyAxVO
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odiejighast · 7 years
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in various combos @JAZZ NORTH EAST fund-raising Extravaganza
Matt Anderson/ Mick Beck/ Ntshuks Bonga/ John Burgess/ George Burt/ David Carnegie/ Andy Champion/ Charlie Collins/ John Coxon/ Noel Dennis/ Paul Edis/ Zoe Gilby/ Stephen Grew/ Alex Hutton/ Alan Law/ Corey Mwamba/ John Pope/ Martin Pyne/ Mark Sanders/ Chris Sharkey/ Mick Shoulder/ Jonathan Silk/ Adam Sinclair/ Simon Spillett/ Adrian Tilbrook/ Alex Ward/ Mark Williams/ Graeme Wilson/ Lloyd Wright/ Jason Yarde/ Greta Buitkute
@The Bridge Hotel Newcastle Upon Tyne 26/01/2014
Photos by Ken Drew, George Burt 
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bespokekitchesldn · 7 years
Award winning Simon Spillett Quartet to perform fund-raising concert at the National Jazz Archive
The award-winning Simon Spillett Quartet will be performing a fund-raising concert for the National Jazz Archive in Loughton next weekend. from This Is Local London | News http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/15068853.Award_winning_Simon_Spillett_Quartet_to_perform_fund_raising_concert_at_the_National_Jazz_Archive/?ref=rss
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mccullytech · 7 years
Award winning Simon Spillett Quartet to perform fund-raising concert at the National Jazz Archive
The award-winning Simon Spillett Quartet will be performing a fund-raising concert for the National Jazz Archive in Loughton next weekend. from This Is Local London | News http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/15068853.Award_winning_Simon_Spillett_Quartet_to_perform_fund_raising_concert_at_the_National_Jazz_Archive/?ref=rss
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musikazde-blog · 7 years
Neuerscheinungen in Modern Postbebop #7: Square One (12" 180g) [Vinyl LP] ~ Simon Spillett https://t.co/6JLo5CRr1j https://t.co/TyVLa0ZOIj
Neuerscheinungen in Modern Postbebop #7: Square One (12" 180g) [Vinyl LP] ~ Simon Spillett https://t.co/6JLo5CRr1j pic.twitter.com/TyVLa0ZOIj
— MusikAzDE.bot (@MusikAzDE) January 9, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/MusikAzDE January 09, 2017 at 11:22PM
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londontheatre · 7 years
Having recently twice smashed the house record at the New London Theatre, today, 9 January 2017, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s West End production of School of Rock – The Musical announces the show is extending booking for a second time since its official opening. Tickets are now available to 28 May 2017.
Acclaimed by audiences and critics alike, the West End production of School of Rock – The Musical opened to rave reviews in November last year and last month broke the box office record at the 1000 seat New London Theatre previously held by War Horse. Concurrently on Broadway, all three of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals rang in the New Year with record-breaking sales – School of Rock – The Musical, now in its second year, smashed house records at the Winter Garden theatre as did The Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic and Cats at the Neil Simon.
The adult West End cast of School of Rock – The Musical is led by comedy star David Fynn as Dewey Finn with Florence Andrews as Rosalie Mullins, Oliver Jackson as Ned Schneebly and Preeya Kalidas as Patty Di Marco. They are joined on stage at each performance by one of three teams of thirteen young performers who make up Dewey’s band. The ‘grown up’ cast is completed by Gary Trainor as the alternate Dewey with ensemble members Jonathan Bourne, Nadeem Crowe, Michelle Francis, Rosanna Hyland, Cassandra McCowan, Joel Montague, Andy Rees, Cameron Sharp, Tasha Sheridan, Andrew Spillett and Lucy Vandi and swings, Charlotte Bradford, Jason Denton, Cellen Chugg Jones and Alfie Parker.
Based on the iconic hit movie and with a rocking new score by Andrew Lloyd Webber, School of Rock – The Musical follows slacker and wannabe rock star Dewey Finn turn a class of straight-A 10 year old students into an ear popping, riff scorching, all conquering rock band! Dewey poses as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school to make ends meet, and when he discovers his fifth graders’ musical talents, he enlists his class to form a rock group and conquer the Battle of the Bands. As Dewey falls for the beautiful headmistress, can he and his students keep this special assignment secret as they learn to fully embrace the power of rock?
[See image gallery at http://ift.tt/1FpwFUw] From 2 March 2017 the ‘kids’ cast comprises Bailey Cassell, eleven years old from Essex, Noah Key, thirteen years old from Shropshire and Jude Harper-Wrobel, ten years old from Hertfordshire, who play Freddy; Eliza Cowdery, ten years old from Hampshire, Imogen Bowden, eleven years old from London and Selma Hansen, twelve years old from London will play Katie; Cole Lam, nine years old from Surrey, Oscar Francisco, thirteen years old from Coventry and James Lawson, thirteen years old London, will play Lawrence; Toby Lee, eleven years old from Warwickshire, Jake Slack, thirteen years old from Buckinghamshire and Jack Goodacre, eleven years old from Norfolk, will play Zack; Jobe Hart, ten years old from London, Archie Lewis, eleven years old from Surrey and Joshua Vaughan, ten years old from Birmingham, will play Billy; Agatha Meehan, nine years old from York, Stella Haden, ten years old from Birmingham and Caoimhe Judd, twelve years old from Essex, will play Summer; Amma Ris, eleven years old from London, Jasmine Sakyiama, ten years old from Milton Keynes and Nerys Obeng, ten years old from London, will play Tomika; Sonny Kirby, twelve years old from Hertfordshire, Bradley Bissett, twelve years old from Kent and Josh White, eleven years old from Worcestershire, will play James; Rocco Wright, eleven years old from Hertfordshire, Jacob Swann, twelve years old from London and Dylan Miles-Davis, twelve years old from Bradford, will play Matthew; Natasha Raphael, ten years old from London, Leah Levman, ten years old from London and Grace Schneider, eleven years old from London, will play Marcy; Presley Charman, nine years old from London, Harry Vallance, eleven years old from Essex and Johnny Evans-Hutchison, fourteen years old from London, will play Mason; Amelia Poggenpoel, eleven years old from Liverpool, Jaydah Bell-Ricketts, eleven years old from London and Miami Holness, ten years old also from London, will play Shonelle; Ivy Pratt, ten years old from London, Phoebe Farnham, nine years old from London and Darcy Dennis, nine years old from Kent, will play Sophie.
Best seats for £10.00 are available every Wednesday evening an hour before curtain to purchase as part of the School of Rock – The Musical Student Rush scheme. These tickets are only available in person from the New London Theatre Box Office.
Based on the smash hit 2003 film of the same title, School of Rock features music from the movie, as well as new music written by Andrew Lloyd Webber with lyrics by Glenn Slater and a book by Julian Fellowes. School of Rock – The Musical is directed by Laurence Connor with choreography by JoAnn M. Hunter, set and costume designs by Anna Louizos, lighting design by Natasha Katz, sound design by Mick Potter, music supervision by John Rigby with Matt Smith as musical director.
Produced by Paramount Pictures, the 2003 hit film School of Rock was directed by Richard Linklater and starred Jack Black in a career-defining performance.
School of Rock — The Musical is produced in the West End by Andrew Lloyd Webber for The Really Useful Group and Warner Music Group & Access Industries with Madeleine Lloyd Webber as Executive Producer.
Theatre: New London Theatre, 166 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5PW Dates: now booking to 28 May 2017 Performances: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm, Thursday and Saturday 2.30pm, Sundays at 3pm Running time: approximately 2 hours 30 minutes including interval
http://ift.tt/2eW9Mij LondonTheatre1.com
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mosaicrecords · 6 years
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Hank Mobley in Europe: 1968-70
Steven Cerra has seen fit to reprint Simon Spillett’s extensive and detailed essay on Hank Mobley in the late ‘60s, especially his years in Europe. It first appeared in the January 2004 issue of Jazz Journal International and it is essential reading for those (and they are plentiful) who love Hank’s music. His life was a sad and unfulfilled as his music was rich and celebratory.
-Michael Cuscuna
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years
UK:The Dave Jones Quartet- Keynotes (2017)
‘KeyNotes’ has a partly new line-up for a very different album to Jones’s previous Quartet studio releases. This time it’s a more open-sounding set – less arranged and without the extra forces of the strings, brass, and additional players (who will return on a future album), with more space for concentrated improvisation by the Quartet. It’s still based on Jones’s tunes – all new ones, composed over the last few years, but it’s a sound that’s closer to the way he’s been playing in other bands and on lots of pick-up jazz gigs, particularly over the last couple of years, and he says “…it’s also closer to some of the jazz that I’ve particularly enjoyed listening to over the decades.” This new album (recorded at Fieldgate Studios in Penarth, Cardiff, using their Fazioli grand piano) features extensive liner notes by award-winning saxophonist and author Simon Spillett, who describes the album as “…arguably Jones' finest – and to some ears potentially most accessible - outing to date.” Saxophonist/flautist Ben Waghorn brings to this Quartet his vast experiences from a career playing for NYJO, Tommy Chase, Slowly Rolling Camera and Keith Tippett, to The West End of London as a pit musician, and also various TV and film credits as a session musician. He has also recorded/performed with bands including Goldfrapp, Kasabian and Portishead. “Waghorn reaches peaks of intensity that make one wonder why he continues to remain something of a best-kept secret in British jazz.” (Spillett, 2017).   Drummer Lloyd Haines was a Yamaha Jazz Scholar in 2013 and has played with John Law, Kevin Figes, and Brandon Allen amongst others, becoming something of a regular at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz club. Bassist/vibraphonist Ashley John Long continues to impress with his virtuosic playing, also with John Law and Brandon Allen, and with Geoff Eales, Alan Barnes, and Scott Hamilton, amongst many others (see next page for further press quotes). Since pianist/composer Dave Jones’ last Quartet studio releases in 2012 and 2010 (the critically acclaimed ‘Resonance’ and ‘Journeys’ albums), he’s released ‘Live at AMG 2014’ and ‘Postscript’ (a duo album with Ashley John Long in 2016). He’s also been touring and recording internationally with other bands in India, France, Ireland, and the UK, and has been composing music specifically for TV and film, having tracks used in ‘The Big Bang Theory’ (U.S.), the drama ‘Las Aparicio’ (Mexico), and ‘Location, Location, Location’ (UK). Further quotes from the ‘KeyNotes’ CD liner notes: “Listeners wary of original compositions – and with Jones they needn't be – will find that there are enough echoes of things they already love to draw them in. The individual players also walk the line between tradition and individuality with equal success.” “… just hear how Jones spirals outwards from his spare, melancholy opening theme into a solo that builds a formidable head of steam.” “Long time Jones associate, Ashley John Long - soloing on both [bass and vibraphone) and managing to sound as if Ron Mathewson and Bobby Hutcherson have magically coalesced as one man.” “In a land not exactly going short on drum talent, Lloyd Haines is a real discovery. His section work throughout this album is a thing of beauty, as is his always thoughtful soloing…” (Simon Spillett, Jan 2017). Other press quotes: “Dave Jones on piano I think is, a terrific player, and he’s clearly studied Herbie Hancock…” (Dr. Ian Smith, BBC Radio 3 'Jazz Now' 2016). “As a pianist, he swings with the panache of McCoy Tyner…” (Robert Shore, Jazzwise 2012). "… swinging post-Blue Note tunes that are exemplars of musical logic, integrity and effective variation" (Mark Gilbert, Jazz Journal 2012).
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2lLelA9
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jazzworldquest-blog · 7 years
Oz Noy Contrary to the dominant postmodern narrative, jazz-rock lives and evolves in the hands of the Israel-born, NY-domiciled guitarist. David West probes the background Profiles Guitarist John Etheridge on travelling light with singer Vimala Rowe; pianist Ahmad Jamal, travelling only to the treasured Marciac festival; jazz novelist Mick Carlon, travelling with Louis, riding with Duke Tony Fruscella Pianist John Williams said Fruscella lived in “another world on the end of the flower stem”. That removal from reality might have been a source of musical inspiration but it also contributed to his downfall, as Gordon Jack relates Book & DVD Reviews Books: Jazz Festival: Jim Marshall // Listen To This: Miles Davis And Bitches Brew // Modern Saxophone Techniques DVD: Rahsaan Roland Kirk: The Case Of The Three Sided Dream One man’s Drew Simon Spillett says just what he likes Obituaries Victor Bailey; Bob Cranshaw; Bill Kyle; Hod O’Brien Anec-dotage JJ’s Critics’ Poll has Alan Luff thinking the 50s was likely the most creative, exciting and fertile decade in jazz recording history http://ift.tt/2lFPoGq via Blogger http://ift.tt/2kXSupp
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bespokekitchesldn · 7 years
Award winning Simon Spillett Quartet to perform fund-raising concert at the National Jazz Archive
The award-winning Simon Spillett Quartet will be performing a fund-raising concert for the National Jazz Archive in Loughton next weekend. from This Is Local London | News http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/15068853.Award_winning_Simon_Spillett_Quartet_to_perform_fund_raising_concert_at_the_National_Jazz_Archive/?ref=rss
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