#Smiling Critters Headcanons
krislgfox · 5 months
Well, other SC characters houses concepts, I think? Or just how I see other critters houses :_]
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It's my first time drawing houses, okay? TvT
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Facts about the crew:
I wanna infodump abt the critters in my au so here-
* Hoppy is Australian
* Kickin and Picky have southern accents
* Hoppy is on the volleyball team
* Kickin is on the soccer team
* Hoppy and Kickin race to school and class everyday
* Dogday is a social butterfly and the leader of the friend group
* Picky is the (sorta) mean older sister friend
* Bobby is the sweet mother friend
* Hoppy is the shortest while Bubba is the tallest of the friend group, Bobby is the second tallest
* Bubba is most likely to snap someday, either from pressure to maintain his grades or from keeping his friends from getting in trouble for the shit the pull
* Crafty is a huge Hatsune Miku stan and has a cosplay of her, she also knows how to sew and dance but she mainly dances in private
* Catnap and Crafty can sit together in silence for hours and not be bored
* Dogday has a crush on Catnap but the cat is oblivious
* Picky’s mother is a home baker
* Kickin and Bubba are deathly scared of spiders and mice
* Bobby has a wattpad profile where she posts very fluffy love stories
* Catnap is selectively mute and rarely speaks and Dogday is the person he talks to the most and also is the one who understand him
* Craftycorn and Catnap have autism, they both are on different sides of the spectrum. Dogday and Hoppy have ADHD. Hoppy was diagnosed earlier than Dogday
* Bubba and Crafty were childhood best friends, often times he lets her know what social cues she’s missing and basically acting like a big brother for her
* Kickin has a birth defect which basically makes him look like a chick (his feathers are forever yellow) which makes him look younger in comparison to his brothers
* Hoppy has 9 other siblings, she’s the youngest out of all of them
* Picky is an only child but shares a sisterly bond with Craftycorn, often accompanying her to conventions in a simple cosplay of applejack or Jessie from Toy Story
* Everyone knows about Dogday’s feelings for Catnap, except Catnap. They all agreed to not talk about as to not upset Dogday or rush him
* Dogday has an older sister, who used to practice makeup on him when he was a child. So if you ask her kindly she will be more than happy to show you a picture of toddler Dogday with glittery eyeshadow and lipstick making a duck kissy face.
* Catnap lives with his adopted father, who is pretty laid back and lets Catnap live his own life. He’s also very exhausted from work but will still listen to Catnap if he’s having some trouble
* The red lines under Catnap’s eyes aren’t eyeliner, nor is the cross on his forhead
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ask-dogday-and-catnap · 2 months
When The Critters First Met CatNap
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Its my first time drawing the other critters besides DogDay, CatNap and Kickin Chicken lol.
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sourbatzz · 3 months
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ALRIGHT. SMILING CRITTERS HEADCANONS TIME :3 ( + doodle. not ship art !!! )
Something something smiling critters headcanons stuff bc the ugly stupid creatures live in my brain
( Doodle is a little old, i just wanted to add a picture to this post teehee giggles )
I like to think about how Smiling Critters would be if it was an actual kids cartoon, debated animating a little thing myself but i have no time for it now grr
Anyway, Crafty Corn and Bubba Bubbaphant would be a good duo. I feel that Bubba really likes and appreciates art and related, so he likes seeing Craftycorn's drawings and ocasionally helps her with stuff like perspective and giving her tips to draw different stuff
And Craftycorn enjoys having someone that appreciates her work and helps her aswell, also think they both prefer calm activities that don't involve much physical effort. They're besties that like to talk while they read and draw together because i say so idc
Kickinchicken and Hoppy Hopscotch are the typical duo of "bet i'm better than you in this" "nuh uh"
They tease and like to mock eachother but genuinely really care for each other aswell. I feel like Kickinchicken really likes when Craftycorn draws him, he feels special for it, silly little guy
Catnap is mute / non-verbal (not deaf) , and he uses sign language to communicate.
He sleeps most of the day but still likes to participate in games and activities with his friends during daytime, then he's really active at night and likes to play around by himself (ALSO I THINK IT WOULD BE CUTE IF HE HAS LIKE. A MOUSE FRIEND HE PLAYS WITH AT NIGHT TOO)
And Bobby Bearhug likes to bake for all her friends. She usually gifts Picky Piggy sweets and food she cooks, and Picky Piggy gifts her silly crafts she makes herself in return.
I have more headcanons but sharing those for now. May draw some of these, i love them so much grgrr
Headcanons are personal btw! If you don't agree or like these then it's fine but don't try to fight about it or sum
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valentinbelleyh505 · 4 months
i do more
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youinatrenchcoat · 3 months
Smiling critters head cannons yippee
Dogday: Really mild prankster, he's would like move bubba book mark one page back and start giggling when he opens the book. Most of his "pranks" go unnoticed.
Bobby Bearhug: Really good cook, Picky is breaking down her walls just to get to her cooking. Also really like sci-fi, something about those neon lights just calls to her.
Bubba Bubbaphant: Anime fan, like big weeb. Probably have all of one piece ten times over now. Will spontaneously combust if anyone finds out.
Craftycorn: Used to be really good friends with KickinChicken, they were inseparable when they we're kids. Nothing happened, they sorta drifted apart. They still friends but not like before. Tried dragon fruit absolutely hated it.
Picky Piggy: Second smartest in the group. Has encyclopedic knowledge on like one maybe two topics. Also really affectionate and cuddly. And good at dodge ball idk why.
KickinChicken: His cool guy personality started out as an act. He just been doing it so long that it just melted into his personality. Really nervous behind closed door.
Hoppy Hopscotch: This is the prankster of the group. Seran wrap on the toilet seat. Bucket of water on the door frame. Things of that nature. Had multiple intervention with dogday telling her to tone it down. It works a least for a little while but always comes back.
Catnap: nocturnal. When he's up he's surprisingly the most responsible of the group. At least when it comes to chores like cleaning and such. Super cuddly. And sometimes really petty.
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guppieishere · 1 month
i had a silly idea that if the critters switch their charms with eachother, they start to gain the traits of whoever’s charm they have
and it resulted in silly doodles
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this idea is so fun to me, gotta love silly switching and swapping shenanigans
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dollieguts1010 · 2 months
I can request for some Hoppy Hopscotch x KickinChicken headcanons, please?
Of course, here you go you beautiful queen!!
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• They're both very competitive at sports (Hoppy always ends up winning tho)
• They've known each other for 6 years and met when they were 6 years old
• Kickin has been in love with Hoppy for 5 years now and Hoppy has been in love with Kickin for 4 years now
• Hoppy will NEVER admit that she's in love with Kickin to her friends
• When Kickin was 7-9 years old, he thought he just had a small crush on Hoppy but when he turned 10 years old, he realize his feeling for her was so much more than and when that happened...OH MAN! DID IT HIT HIM LIKE A TRUCK.
• They're both pansexual
• Kickin is completely smitten, infatuated, and HEAD OVER HEELS for this little green bunny
• Kickin likes to play with Hoppy ears for funsies
• Hoppy likes to mess with Kickin's hair to annoy him
• Kickin will often call Hoppy hot nonchalantly in front of their friends
• They'll call/texts/facetime each other for at least 3 hours a day
• How they text each other:
Kickin: Yo Hops!
Hoppy: Hey KC! Wassup bro?
Kickin: Check this out!
*insert curse video/picture*
Kickin: IDK LOL FJFEBYGE💀💀 1!1!11!!1
• Hoppy will often help Kickin babysit his baby sister CeeCee whenever his parents go out
• Kickin is always trying his best to take Hoppy to the Moon (he promised himself he would take her to the Moon)
• Hoppy has a great relationship with Charlotte and Randy (Kickin's parents) and sees her as a nice, fun, energetic girl who would be a good girlfriend for Kickin
• Kickin has a great relationship with Holly and Henry (Hoppy's parents) and sees him as a nice, wild, adventurous, and carefree boy who would be a good boyfriend for Hoppy
• Kickin is pretty intimidated by Hoppy's father (he's 6'6, buff, and is a boxer)
• Randy loves teasing Kickin because he knows that he's in love with Hoppy
Imagine something like this:
*Randy is walking outside only to notice that Kickin is admiring Hoppy from the distance*
Randy: Hey buddy, whatcha doing? Are you checking out your.... GIRLFRIEND!!!!
Kickin: *immediately gets flustered and angry* "DAD! C'MON WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!"
• Kickin tries to help Hoppy with her anger issues (breathing lessons, stress toys, etc..) and Hoppy tries to help out Kickin with his insecurities
• Kickin sometimes will ask Hoppy questions about her ADHD so that way he can understand it a bit better
• Bobby, Picky, and Crafty ships those two SO HARD. Like- they'll write fanfics, draw fanart, and they'll giggle and squeal from the distance every time they see Hoppy and Kickin do something cute
• One time Hoppy walked in on Bobby writing a Hoppy x Kickin fanfiction with a bunch of fanart scattered all over the floor. Let's just say the tension between those two for the rest of the day was.... awkward
• The girls be having literal competition to see who can draw the best Hopkick ship art (spoiler alert. It's always Crafty)
• Dogday and Bobby often set up Hoppy and Kickin on blind dates multiple times
• Dogday, Bubba and Catnap are Kickin's wingmen when he tries to ask Hoppy out on a date
Bobby: Soo.. are you two dating?
Kickin and Hoppy: WE'RE NOT DATING!!
*proceeds to make out 2.5 seconds later*
• Kickin likes to collect cool looking rocks and give them to Hoppy as a gift. He also likes to pick wildflowers and make a bouquet out of them as gifts
• Hoppy likes to make homemade trinkets and give them to Kickin
• Kickin likes to make shell necklaces and bracelets for Hoppy
• Kickin loves to tease Hoppy for being the shortest in the group (even though he's the shortest boy in the group 💀)
• They like to go around the neighborhood and Ding Dong Ditch strangers
• They like to prank call random numbers
• After Kickin found out that Hoppy loves spicy food he started constantly buy her spicy food and giving it to her as a gift
• They like playing videogames together (it's a 50/50 percent that Hoppy or Kickin will win)
• One time Kickin accidentally broke Hoppy's leg while playing soccer and had to rush to the ER (she didn't talk to him for 2 weeks after that incident)
• Whenever Kickin visited Hoppy at the hospital, he would bring her flowers and heartfelt written cards and he would be profusely apologizing to her (sometimes he would actually cry while apologizing)
• Kickin HATED himself for WEEKS after the "Leg incident"
(he would cry himself to sleep every night during those weeks) (bro was just a mess)
• Sometimes he would offer Hoppy some of his gum
• Their favorite activity to do together is bothering Bubba while he's trying to work on something or reading
• He thinks that Hoppy is the prettiest girl in the group (he thinks all the girls are very pretty however, he thinks that Hoppy is the prettiest)
• Same thing for Hoppy, she thinks that Kickin is the cutest boy in the group (she thinks all of boys are pretty cute however, she just thinks Kickin is the cutest)
• They like to playful wrestle each other and armwrestle (Hoppy always beats him)
Kickin: You look pretty...
Hoppy: Wait, what did you just say?
Kickin: AH! I SAID YOU LOOK SHITTY!! GOOD BYE!!! *runs off*
(I can see him doing this)
• Anytime Bobby asks if Hoppy will ever date Kickin, she'll scoff and just say "Oh please! Like I would ever date that dork!!" (she would date that dork)
• Every time Kickin smells peppermint, he immediately think of Hoppy and Every time Hoppy smells ylang-ylang, she immediately think of Kickin
• This is what pretty much went down after they kissed for the first time: *the boys chilling at Dogday's clubhouse except Kickin*
Kickin: *slam DD's door open* *huff* *huff* GUYS!!!
Bubba: Hey Kickin, you already? Why you coming up here huffing and puffing like that? What happened?
Kickin: I-I kissed Hoppy...
Bubba: Are you serious?
Kickin: Yeah, I'm serious dude...
Bubba: Woah.... I owe Bobby and Dogday so much money now..
•Hoppy's and Kickin's relationship/dynamic = same person but the opposite gender/the two dumbasses that are in love
• They love going to the beach together
• They'll often listen to Toy-Box together
• Kickin taught Hoppy how to surf
• Kickin likes giving Hoppy piggyback rides and Hoppy likes carrying Kickin bridal style
• They have matching bracelets
• Hoppy CANNOT eat fried chicken in front of Kickin because every time she does, he'll just stare at her with betrayal in his eyes
• Whenever Bubba found out Hoppy is love with Kickin, he was beyond shock, stunned, and flabbergasted because who in the right mind would deal with Kickin's crap!? (Hoppy would)
• One time the Smiling Critters were all playing Truth or Dare and it was Kickin's turn
Dogday: Okay Kickin, truth or dare?
Kickin: Hmm..I pick dare!
Dogday: *softly chuckles* Okay then...I dare you to say "I love you" to Hop-
Dogday: Uhhh...okay then who's next?
• Kickin has a secret sketchbook that he keeps under his mattress that is just COVERED in doodles of Hoppy with tiny pink and red hearts all over the pages
• During the winter time if Kickin sees that Hoppy isn't wearing a jacket or scarf, he'll take off his jacket or scarf and put it on her without hesitation
• Kickin gets really embarrassed when he clucks mid laughing in front of Hoppy but she thinks it's really funny and cute
• Kickin thinks it's really funny and kinda cute whenever Hoppy stomps her foot when she's angry
• One time Kickin tried to build a wooden rocket so he could take Hoppy to the Moon but it fell apart. He was so upset with himself and started crying because, he thought he failed her but she promised him that she wasn't upset with him at all and was actually very proud and impressed that he did all that just for her. He may not have been able to take her to the Moon, but he did create a beautiful memory for her
(this is based off that one really cute SC comic)
It's a dark, chilly, night and Hoppy and Kickin are cuddling on top of a grassy hill while admiring the Moon and stars
Hoppy: Wow, I love stargazing with you..the Moon is just so *sigh* beautiful...
Kickin: Heh! Yeah it sure is...
*Looks at Hoppy for a quick second*
Kickin: But it's not nearly as beautiful as you...
Hoppy: *looks at him, blushes, and looks back at the Moon*
me while writing this headcanon:
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• During molting season Kickin gets very insecure due to the his lack of feathers and thinks he's ugly and that Hoppy won't like him anymore because he's "ugly" now. But she'll always tell him that she doesn't care what he looks like and still loves him while cuddling him and giving him soft kisses all over his face
• Hoppy is the only one who's allowed to see Kickin during molting season
• When the girls found out that Hoppy is in love with Kickin, they started loudly squealing and giggling like a bunch of 7 years old little girls and Bobby started screaming "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT!" "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!" "IT IS TRUE!!! " "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!" then Picky and Crafty join in as well "I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!" "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!"
• Kickin will often go to Bobby for dating advice
• They love gossiping together
• Hoppy will just randomly invite herself to Kickin's house and spend the night there
• They'll often protect each other from mean older kids
• Hoppy likes it when Kickin treats her injuries from either from playing in the field too roughly or protecting someone from some mean kids
• Kickin is not afraid to get into a physical or verbal fight for Hoppy
• Every time Hoppy wears Lipstick or Lip gloss, she'll leave hundreds of little kissy marks all over Kickin's face
• Whenever Kickin kisses Hoppy, he likes to make a loud MWAH sound (it doesn't matter where he's kissing her. cheeks, forehead, lips, hands, etc...)
• They're constantly making each other laugh with dark and dirty jokes
• The Smiling Critters constantly "joke" about how Kickin and Hoppy should date
• They have the most immature humor of the group, like- if they here's something that sounds slightly perverted they'll look at each other really quick and start laughing their ass off
• When Kickin is alone he'll make a yellow chicken peep and a green bunny peep kiss and pretend that it's him and Hoppy kissing
• Kickin will practice kissing by using a pillow that has a picture of Hoppy on it
• Kickin will practice flirting by talking to himself in the mirror pretending that it's Hoppy
• Kickin is a good cook meanwhile Hoppy SUCKS at cooking so, he'll give advice and cooking lessons
• Sometimes he'll make Hoppy her favorite snack when she's having a bad day
• Hoppy likes to grab Kickin by his necklace and give him a big ol' kiss on the cheek to startle him which causes him to lose some feathers and he'll just look at her then have the biggest smile on his face and he'll start laughing while being red as a strawberry
(did you know chickens lose their feathers when they're shocked or startled?)
• Kickin admirers Hoppy while she's skating and Hoppy admirers Kickin while he's surfing
• Kickin may or may not be constantly fantasizing about his wedding day with Hoppy
• If Hoppy and Kickin ever got married their honeymoon would be going to the moon
• Whenever Hoppy gives Kickin flowers he'll act all cool and nonchalant about it, meanwhile he's screaming and crying of happiness on the inside
• Kickin tries his best to comfort Hoppy when she's at her lowest (Hoppy does the same for him)
• They love watching the fireworks together
• Every time Kickin sees Hoppy in a pretty outfit he nearly faints Example:
Hoppy: All right, Kicks whatcha think?
*insert Hoppy in a pretty dress*
Kickin: .....
Hoppy: Uhhh, KC? You okay buddy?
Kickin: Oh.. god... * falls and faints*
• Kickin will help out Hoppy with her exercises
• They to explorer abandoned building
• Kickin is constantly breaking or chipping his star pendant and Hoppy is constantly fixing it for him
• Kickin written a song that was inspired and dedicated to Hoppy and he named it "Hopscotch"
wow a song named after a girl.. how original Kickin
• Kickin may act all cool and confident around the group but as soon as Hoppy is around him, that "cool and confident" act is completely gone. He starts acting nervous, stuttering over his words, his face becomes red, starts getting sweaty, and getting chicken skin WHILE BEING A LITERAL CHICKEN. Hoppy obviously notices this and tries to help him but IT ONLY MAKES IT 10 TIMES WORSE.
• They'll roast each other for about 25-30 minutes straight while the others are just watching and enjoying it in the background (they're affectionately roasting each other)
• They're constantly getting into all kinds of trouble
• Kickin SUCKS at flirting like- he'll walk up to Hoppy all cool and confident and some crap like "Hey Hopscotch, you dropped something.. my jaw " or "Did you sit on some sugar? Cuz you got a pretty sweet ass" and she'll just look at him, chuckle, roll her eyes, and walk away (it's so bad that it somehow works)
• Every time Hoppy flirts with Kickin, he turns into a complete PATHETIC LITTLE LOSER. His face will turn bright red like a strawberry, he'll laugh sheepishly while looking away, he'll start sweating, stuttering over his words, and just becomes a complete HOT MESS
• Kickin is Hoppy's personal cheerleader
• Whenever they have a movie night, Kickin likes to make a makeshift nest made out of pillows and blankets so him and Hoppy can cuddle
• Every time Kickin puts his arm around Hoppy, he acts all cool and confident but mentally he's freaking out
• They both have agreed that Catnap is super creepy
• They'll often have dance and singing battles
• They like reading comic books together
Hoppy: Is Kickin here?
Kickin: *whispers* Oh crap...
Bubba: Umm.. You know what-
Kickin: *crashes out of the window*
Bubba: He just left.
Hoppy: Really?
Bubba: Yeah...
Kickin: *comes back to the window grabs his star pendant then dips again*
Bubba: Sorry..
• When Hoppy finally told Kickin that she's in love with him, he got nervous, didn't know what to say, and just blurted out in the heat of the moment "Dude no way, that's so rad!!"
(they started dating shortly after)
• Hoppy calls Kickin "Kicks/KC" "Starlight"/"Superstar/Stardust" "Chicky-Poo" "Babe/Baby" "Hottie" "Cutie" "Dork" "Dummy/Dum-Dum"
• Kickin calls Hoppy "Hops"/"Hopscotch" "Bunny" "Hunny-Bunny" "Bun-Bun" "Hottie" "Cutie" "Babe/Baby" "Suga' Muffin"
• When the girls found out that Kickin and Hoppy are dating they FREAKED OUT. They started full-blown screaming, squealing, crying of happiness, and started asking a bunch of questions
• When the boys found out that Kickin and Hoppy are dating they were pretty chill about it
"Hey guys, guess what!" "What is it Kickin?" "Me and Hoppy are dating!" "Really?...Cool" "Oh, good for you Kickin" Annnnnd there's Dogday... "WAIT WHAT?!??!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS!!?!" "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!" "PLEASE TELL ME YOUR SERIOUS!!" "I'M TOTALLY FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!" "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!" "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!" "I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!"
Dogday has basically been a Hopkick shipper since the very beginning... alongside the ladies of course..
Bubba: Seriously! what do you see in that guy?!
Hoppy: He makes me laugh
• Sometimes Hoppy will grab Kickin's hand and run with him while yelling "MY BOYFRIEND IS SO MUCH HOTTER AND BETTER THAN YOURS!!!" and Kickin would just be laughing with the biggest grin on his face
• Kickin feels like he doesn't deserve such a fun, cool, and pretty girl like Hoppy. He think she deserves so much better than him
• He'll sometimes have nightmares about Hoppy leaving him for a different person
• MINI STORYTIME!! (with a sweet ending)
One time at a sleepover, Kickin was having a horrible nightmare about Hoppy leaving him for someone else and when he confronted her about it, she just flat out told him "I never loved you" and "I just felt sorry for you". He couldn't believe what he was hearing. what he was seeing. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest and stomped on right in front of him. he was just hoping this was just one bad dream. he was about to cry. he wanted to scream. he just wanted to wake up. then suddenly..
Kickin: *GASP*
He finally woke up from that dreaded nightmare... His heart was beating faster than Hoppy after drinking 10 energy drinks. He looked at the clock, It said 2:50 am.. then he looked around the dark room to see his friends peacefully sleeping then he looked at Hoppy who peacefully sleeping her worries away. He wanted to wake her up and cry to her but he would feel like such a jerk if he did so, he tried going back to sleep... but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried.. he just couldn't. So he just laid there in the dark, trying not to cry, and just thinking to himself "what just happened?" He couldn't help it anymore. He just started quietly crying to himself. Then suddenly he heard Hoppy waking up
Hoppy: *yawns* Kickin? What are you doing up so early? It almost 3:00 in the morni-*soft gasp*
She looked at Kickin, who's clearly been crying for almost 5 minutes now
Hoppy: Kicks, are you okay? Why are you crying buddy?
Kickin: Oh! Hey Hops.. sorry if I woke ya up...
Hoppy: No, you didn't but that doesn't matter. What matters is why are you cryin-
Kickin: You love me right?
Hoppy: W-What?
Kickin: You don't feel sorry for me and you're not going to leave me for someone else right?
Hoppy: Where are you getting all of this?
Kickin: I had a nightmare about you leaving me for someone else..
Hoppy: Oh babe.. *hugs him* don't let some silly nightmare get to you.. I love you
She said as she was fixing his hair
Kickin: Really? You do?
Hoppy: I really do, I love you to the Moon and back *mwah*
Kickin: I love you too suga' muffin.. *yawns*
Hoppy: You still tired?
Kickin: Yeah..
Hoppy: You wanna cuddle?
Kickin: Yeah, that would be nice..
They lay down, cuddled, and embrace each other's warmth until they fell asleep...but little bit they know Bobby was awake the entire time and silently squealing and was secretly recording the entire conversation while silently giggling to herself
(This is my first time ever writing a mini story so PLEASE go easy on me)
That's all for now!
*I will add more later*
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I'm finally done! I'm so sorry this took so long to write Val but I hope you like it! :D
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sirensea14 · 3 months
Smiling critters ,headcanons cuz this is n e c e s s a r y and for s c i e n c e
Kickinchicken is A S I A N because i said so/j. He's the greatest in sarcasm
Craftycorn is Scandinavian in my head for some reason
In school, Bubba is usually the one with the biggest bag and the ultimate supplier of papers. If there's a quiz, hands will be up to him asking "Can we have a piece of paper?" (This is way funnier in my native language than in english💀)
Bubba recites way too much, snatching away all the recitation chips, sometimes, teachers may ask him to substitute them for a bit
The teachers are, of course, Miss Delight and her sisters
Dogday is the president of the class (if only there were more critters lol, then he wouldve gladly taken the role) or the one shouting "Everyone! Quiet!!" when the critters are too noisy
Pickypiggy sits at the back, eating away her snacks and lunch
Catnap dozes off often, but when the teacher calls him, he can answer it correctly. Lazy but smart kid
Kickin only carries a small bag
Bobby and hoppy often gossips with each other. Bffs XD. Theyre also the girly girl and tomboy of the smiling critters respectively
Bubba is good at math and science but doesnt remember shit about history. Meanwhile kickin does better in that subject than he is in math
Bubba and catnap can be school rivals, but catnap doesnt really care (nonchalant)
Crafty, ah yes, crafty, our ultimate artist of tte group. She supplies crayons and pencils, so both her and bubba are the suppliers lol
Kickin can sing and dance, he and Hoppy can go on in a breakdance competition /j
Bobby cheering for hoppy while that happens
Dogday cheers for both (poor dog cant pick a side)
Crafty and dogday are great on writing essays
Pickypiggy x food canon yeah?
Crafty loves to share her original stories and works, dogday and bobby often cheers for her
Bobby, the ultimate fashion lover
Picky is great at home economics subject
Dogday is well on all subjects but notably physical education and english are his strength, i also imagine him to be good at electrical installation and maintenance (eim) tho this is a senior high strand and the critters arent in that grade level, so in elementary terms, he's the mini electrician of the group
Catnap is mostly asleep lol, he's most active at night and sometimes studies at that time. He also reads some of crafty's writing if he has some spare time at night
9 students are awfully few imo, i wish i could see more of dogday shouting at them to settle down, id like to see him in authority
Catnap's bag resembles a pillow and feels like a pillow
Dogday is their role model
Crafty likes to look at the window whenever there's a discussion of lesson
Most beautiful handwriting award goes to: bobby bearhug
Ugliest handwriting award goes to : me/hj im debating whether it be catnap, kickin or bubba lol
Best actress/actor: bobby and kickin, worst: bubba (he's awkward af)
Hoppy and bubba are left handed
While i write all of these headcanon, pickypiggy is eating in her own corner
Catnap would sometimes lean on dogday's shoulder if theyre beside each other. Dogday tries his best to not move his shoulder even if he's busy (like telling the group to be quiet, yes to dogday showing authority)
Thats all, thank you for coming to my little headcanon talk🗿
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hugsandchaos · 6 months
So I’m starved for Smiling Critters content, but I don’t exactly have a oneshot in mind to write nor do I exactly have an AU. I do, however, have some headcanons that are definitely canon divergent, especially since I imagined it in the cartoon-like world they were in during the tape recording. I don’t know if it’s enough to build up an AU, but I’m posting them anyways.
•Bubba is fluent in English and Portuguese, and is currently trying to learn sign language from Catnap
•Dogday has 2 sisters and 3 brothers, and he is also the runt of the litter (most of his siblings don’t really care, but one of his brothers likes to pick on him for it and is upset he got “special treatment” when they were younger — that special treatment was mostly just medical treatment and their parents and siblings being responsibly worried about him)
•Bobby and Picky share a favorite way of showing her friends love; by making them their favorite/comfort food for them
•Hoppy doesn’t usually like going slow, but she adores running with her two younger brothers to no end
•Bubba strongly believes Hoppy might have seasonal allergies due to her falling ill for a few weeks when winter turns to spring and pollen levels rise, but Hoppy has her suspicions due to the fact that she’s never been diagnosed to be allergic to anything
•Picky always looks at the nutrition labels at the grocery store
•Picky is thinking about starting her own garden
•Crafty prefers to draw rather than write, but enjoys a good book (she definitely doesn’t have a small library in her living room, I don’t know what you’re talking about)
•Crafty isn’t the best at magic, but she’s learning and her friends are very encouraging
•Bobby’s house is a cozy two story cottage that she keeps nice and clean on a daily basis
•Bobby and Bubba both have a closet in their house full of extra blankets, pillows, towels, and winter clothes
•Kickin’ loves to teach anyone who asks how to surf, how to skateboard, or how to ski
•Catnap almost never talks or makes any sound, but it’s not because he can’t, it’s because he simply prefers not to
•Kickin’ has a great sense of balance
•Catnap is a light sleeper
•Bobby and Catnap sometimes work together to get the group to bed, but in the end, Catnap “turns on her” and gets her to bed too before going to sleep himself
•Kickin’ and Dogday love to plan hiking or camping trips for the group (Hoppy has to stay within someone’s sight so she doesn’t run off, Bobby and Crafty like to stop and look at flowers, Picky likes to pack healthy snacks for everyone, Bubba enjoys telling facts about plants, and Catnap keeps an eye on the whole group by walking in the back)
•Catnap has a surprising amount of knowledge surrounding sleep, even Bubba didn’t know a lot of the things he did
•Bobby has made a plushie for everyone except Catnap, who already has a small, odd plushie resembling a blue creature with yellow hands and feet (Crafty has a flower, Dogday has a bone, Bubba has a dinosaur, Picky has a strawberry, Hoppy has a star, Kickin’ has a dragon, and Bobby has a heart)
•Bobby can actually be scary when she’s protecting her friends
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amyyythestarry · 4 months
Dogday - African American
Hoppy Hopscotch - Dominican
Bobby Bearhug - African American and Caucasian
Bubba Bubbaphant - African American
Craftycorn - Korean and Caucasian
Picky Piggy - African American
Kickin Chicken - Caucasian
Catnap - Japanese and African American
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krislgfox · 6 months
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+ Dop info
🍎Get very dirty when she's working in the garden
🍎 Pretty strong
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+ Dop info
🌙Has a lazy eye(left one)
🌙He's the only one with pupils, and some people(critters) find it creepy
🌙They mouth can often be “stuck” in their creepy smile
🌙He is often silent
🌙Doesn't like affection
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+ Dop info
💡He doesn't like it when his tail is touched
💡Not ticklish
💡Sometimes he can get very carried away while reading and forget to go to bed
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+ Dop info
💐Likes to do their own hair
💐They're always carries their own art supplies
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+ Dop info
⚡She dreams of becoming a great athlete
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+ Dop info
⭐Wears a patch because he thinks it's cool
⭐Can dance
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+ Dop info
☀Sometimes can get a little silly
☀Likes to play in the rain
☀Prb has ADHD
☀Very ticklish
☀Can start laughing with any joke(even if he didn't get it)
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+ Dop info
❤Loves Valentine's Day
❤She is used to giving gifts but not receiving
That's all I guess, I'm got so tired doing this ¡v¡
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funny-critter-blog · 10 days
bubba headcanon (with a dash of starstudent):
bubba’s a really good singer, but he’s shy about singing around other people
when kickin hears him sing for the first time they both nearly explode
bubba out of embarrassment and kickin out of amazement
kickin encourages bubba to come out of his shell and sing in front of the others
maybe he organizes a karaoke party for the smiling critters and convinces bubba to sing with him
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soggyskinflaps · 18 days
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Me: I don't really care for Poppy Playtime
Also me when there's a group of ragtag lovable critters from a cartoon show that doesn't even exist that pulls at my nostalgia and whimsy: WOOO YEAH BABYYYY
And now that i have you here, here's some headcanons because i'm too unhealthily obsessed!!
-Dogday, despite his friendly and welcoming personality, has an archnemesis: A squirrel critter, who's also a mailman
-Bubba isn't too good with emotions and sentimentality, so he makes up for it by learning things about his friends' interests and sharing facts about it
-Bobby, even though being obsessed with love and romance, has never been IN love. That doesn't mean she doesn't love everyone, we stan an Aromantic queen
-Hoppy is in a constant state of zoomies, and unitentionally causes most of the shenanigans in the series
-Catnap isn't nearly as dimwitted as Hoppy, but he is mostly spaced out all the time, he's just happy to be included
-Kickin is way smarter than he lets on, it's just that his preferred company are dummy troublemakers
-Craftycorn, being a Unicorn, came from an egg. She has only ever shared this fact with Kickin
-Picky is the strongest of the critters, with a good diet and farmwork. She's the only one who can survive Bobby's signature Bearhugs, it's part of why they're best friends
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weirdo-art-stuff · 2 months
A book about trees
This ain't a ship by the way, I view the smiling critters being platonic to each other, Anyways they're reading a book together about trees. I'd like to think that Bubba Bubbaphant likes to go out and sit by some trees and read a book alone, sometimes He may have one of the smiling critters tag along with him. Other than that he mostly likes to read a book alone (they're in the daycare still so they can't actually go outside btw lol) this only took like 2 days to animate so that's surprising
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valentinbelleyh505 · 5 months
Third S.C. Headcanons: CraftyCorn because my followers want it <33
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She's Autistic
She's really good at Math (same with some hard questions)
She loves so much to draw
She had Arachnophobia, so when a Spider is going to her drawings and then she is very afraid of Spiders. but DogDay tries to help with her fears
She's also a bit shy but DogDay also tries to help her
Her pronouns can be She/Her/Hers/They
Inspo/Inspiration: Fluttershy from My Little Pony and Julie Joyful from Welcome Home
She loves butterflies, She loves to draw butterflies too
She also loves flowers
She's also a bit clumsy
she also loves to find new stuffs
She's also DogDay's Crush.
She's also loves to play with her friends of course
When i get more i will make :)
“Who's next? :3”
More headcanons:
First: CatNap • Second: DogDay • Third: CraftyCorn
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