#Sometimes my inner wolf (the cringe side) comes out
sundays-wing-piercing · 4 months
Helloooo, I hope you don’t mind that I just hop in here to send some Sunday prompt ideas cause why not (hehe)
A hurt/comfort idea with Sunday and injured s/o, what if s/o escaped a life-threatening situation without his knowledge and returned to him, only for Sunday to realize that theyre bleeding out heavily. Luckily he managed to get assistance before things took a turn for the worse, scolding them for being so reckless and for not telling him, he was just so worried :( (bonus if its a path destruction follower s/o)
Second idea, what if s/o’s running a delirious, high fever, all shits and giggling while Sunday is sitting at their bedside, feeding them necessary food and medicine while patting their hot forehead with a cool cloth, reassuring them that he loves them and that they’ll be fine soon
man i just rlly love me some hurt/comfort prompts 😞☺️
Honey darling don't worry it's what I do LOVE THESE IDEAS OMG
The first one I'd imagine that after you barely escaped death your mind's all over the place but even then one thought outshines the others. You don't know if you're gonna die or not. The unbearable pain along with the trail of blood staining your fingers do convince you to the first option but either way, you'd want to atleast see him one last time. You're practically limping, trying to stay awake just a little bit longer and once you finally meet him your body completely gives up just in time.
You weren't met with the cold floor as you expected. But instead, a terrified man who shouts your name begging you to stay awake. It appears that he had caught you in his arms just as he always did. Though you wonder if it's gonna be his last.
Fortunately Sunday got you help as soon as possible. You were ofcourse unconcious but atleast not forever. Atleast that's what he hoped. Gosh all he felt was rage but to who? Was it to the person or thing that caused this? Was it to you who gave little to no thought wether you'd get out of this battle alive or not? Or was it to him who'd wish he had the time to protect you? Even though theres no way he could've have predicted this, he was still angry at himself.
What kind of fool falls for the same mistake twice. All he could do is cover his face in the blanket that you slept in out of shame. That is until a hand gently stroked his hair. Oh you thought he was gonna start crying? Nah hes straight up scolding you like- actually raising his voice. Although you feel guilty of making him worry like this, you can't help but smile at how much he cares for you enough to get mad about it.
Halfway through his scolding you find how his words seemed to come out more hoarse until it ultimately stops. Hes crying. Ah now you really feel bad. You can't really do much in your current state other than cupping his face making him look at you in the eye. Your thumb brush away the tears that escape the corners of his eye as you blurt out an apology. One that he refuses to accept at the moment but deep down, he loves you too much to be petty. As of now you'll just have to comfort him until you both succumb to the exhaustion.
Second one is just you waking up looking absolutely terrible but you insist that everything is fine. Right as you're about to get ready for work Sunday immediately pulled you back down to the bed as he presses his cold fingers to your forehead. Yup, it's a fever alrighty. A really bad one in fact. And so he decides to take a day off to tend to you and despite your complains he absolutely insist on taking care of you.
But ofcourse you decide to use this opportunity to your advantage. Right as he brings you something to eat you're whining to him about how you don't have the appetite to eat. Theres no way he'll buy into this. Holy shit he did. He's actually and willingly spoon feeding you slowly and patiently and even made sure to stop for a break if you can't take anymore so you don't vomit all over the place.
But incase you do, he's at your side holding your hair and patting your back till you're all done. He gently cleans you up and brings you a fresh comfy set of clothes that are just right for you. And once you're finished he'll hold you close and whisper sweet affirmations to calm you down. Even if you apologize for burdening him he'll deny it all with a gentle smile. Different from his charming public persona one. Even if he has to get up to do the same thing in the middle of the night he'll never blame you. It's not something in your control afterall. Please do the same if he ends up getting sick from you.
Wow. Thats a lotta words. But as always SMASH THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON. LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND MAKE SURE TO HIT THE BELL SO YOULL GET NOTIFIED ON MY NEWEST VIDEO. THIS IS SUNDAYS WING PIERCING, SIGNING OFF. *insert 2017 yt outro of my username with cool effects as playing with fire by blackpink plays in the background* Im so sorry for that
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writemoment · 4 years
Lovely Monster
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 1/1
Summary: There isn’t a single monster he couldn’t love. Not even me.
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Werewolf!Reader
Warnings/Rated: Mentions of abuse, comforting acceptance and fluff
Word Count: 2,155
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( Reader ) P.O.V.
The darkness outside was nowhere compared to what was held inside my chest. These overwhelming feelings- a nightmare, forever my reality. My father screams out, smashing books into the walls as he lets out his anger. “You’re a freak, just like your mother! At least she had the decency to die!”
My body folds into itself, hiding from the abusive behavior of my father. The moon begins to take it’s effect on me and I can feel my bones cracking, breaking into my horrid form as it goes. Choked sobs and whimpers can be heard as hair sprouts from the pores of my skin, showcasing the freak I truly am.
Realizing I have little time left, I push my way out the nearest exit and away from the house. The pain is immense but I can’t allow myself to be chained and tortured tonight. 
Running through the dark, thick forest, I rush until I no longer can. Falling to my knees I howl at the hurt and coil around myself. Then it’s complete. The bones have realigned themselves and my vision is blurred with what I can’t control. My inner wolf taking over. 
Trees pass my traveling body in a blur, leaving no recognition for me to follow back. Soon, I’m at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the distant green of plantation and I howl at the moon. What a cliche- something I cannot control.
Contrary to the rush of adrenaline, the cool breeze that brushes over my fur brings a kind of calm over my nerves and slowly, my wolf steadies into a less frantic pace. Every time I’m forced to shift, it’s because of the moon or because of my dad. Rarely do I shift on my own. I’m too scared of what I become to willingly submit to that power.
My mother was the same way. She was too scared of her other nature, so she rarely shifted. My dad, being the human he was, hated us for the things we couldn’t control. When she passed, he didn’t even shed a tear. Anger filled tears ran through my whiskers as I remember his words, ‘good riddance’.
Strolling through the thick of the woods, I imagine a world that didn’t cringe at the things they don’t understand. Everything turns taboo at that point and no longer given a proper chance. For once, I want to be accepted for what I am. Perhaps that’s too much to ask for, but it’s something I harbor in the depths of my heart- both wolf and human. 
Bright streaks of light cut through the dark and it catches my eye with its spectacular array of color. Sticking to the shadows and staying covered, I creep to the peculiar scene that’s unfolding underneath the canopy of stars. 
Two bodies are running, dodging the spray of light as they round each other. They’re holding out some sort of weapon in front of them, being the source of the colors that had caught my attention.
My heart beats fast in my chest and my paws dig into the dirt, ready to sprint at any indication of harm to come my way. The taller one speaks a foreign word with clarity and I watch as the other falls backward, grunting at the impact.
“Hand over the egg and you’re free to go.” The tall one says, seeming calm and collected in this odd situation.
Grunting, the man offers up, what appears to be, a silver egg with a toss of his hand. Catching it carefully, the taller seems distracted as he coddles the egg while looking it over. That’s when the one on the ground raises his hand, ready to strike the clueless man.
Stepping forward, a deep growl bursts from my chest and they both snap their attention to me. My teeth pull up and I snarl, sending the lower one to chant something before disappearing from his previous spot in the blink of an eye.
Whatever was going on, I knew that I couldn’t let anyone get hurt. Even in this form, this freak of nature knew that there was something worth protecting. It was a feeling, an instinct. 
However, unlike the other man that had left at the sight of me, this other one remains. His soft eyes study me, his posture unflinching as he slowly lowers himself to a less threatening position.
I feel my haunches rise as I cautiously circle him. “Steady there.” His voice is smooth, accent beautifully rich. “I’m not going to hurt you…” There’s something quite odd about him. Not in a bad way, more like a breath of fresh air.
Everything around me seemed to slow down and the black began to swallow me whole. The last thing I remember is smelling earth and the muffled voice of the man saying something into my unconsciousness.
My body feels the shift before my mind does. The cool air forces goosebumps to rise on almost every inch of my skin. I awake to warm-toned light and unfamiliar surroundings. There’s a scratchy warmth heavy over my torso and I see someone had made an attempt of throwing a blanket over my body. 
I scan the area for any sign of life but see none. However, I can sense it. I feel that I am not alone. Wrapping the blanket over myself, I groan as I crawl into a sitting position.
That’s when he appears. “Are you okay, miss?” He asks, eyes worried and lips parted in distress. In this lighting, I can fully see his features. Pale skin marked in constellations of freckles, light brown hair tousled in a messy mop atop his head. His eyes; I can’t quite pinpoint what color they are, just that they’re magnificent.
“Yeah… It always aches after I shift back.” I tell him, hissing quietly through my teeth as I reposition my body to face him. His shoulders slump a bit and he comes closer to where I was lain. Out of habit, I recoil into my body to take up as little space as possible.
“I’m not going to hurt you…” He says, quickly pouring me a cuppa tea before extending it to me. “My name is Newt. It seems that you exerted your energy back there. Blacked out from it, I’m sure.”
Uncurling from myself, I slip the mug from his hand. Our fingers momentarily swipe past one another’s and I, for the first time, don’t shy away from the contact. “Thank you.” A moment of quiet passes as I sip the warm beverage. “My name is Y/n. I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”
“What position is that, exactly?” He asks, confused.
“I- I don’t purposely shift into, well, that. I was just trying to find escape. Usually when the full moon comes, I’m…. nevermind that. I just usually don’t lose control like that.” My admission causes me to fidget in my seat. This all around is unusual for me. I’ve never told anyone about this issue.
However, Newt doesn’t seem to mind. “No use in beating yourself up over something you have no say in. Though I’m sure we could whip up a potion to keep your shift from happening during the full moon. That is, if you’d like.”
His voice is so melodic and comforting. It’s the exact opposite of my father’s. I nod, wide eyed. “You can do that?” My entire life has been spent in fear and Newt’s offer is the first hope I’ve had a taste of. To be honest, I’m desperate for more.
The desperation, the shock, must drip heavily from my lips because Newt’s eyes melt into pure kindness as he studies me thoughtfully. He smiles, stretching his lips so thin they almost disappear. Extending his arm he offers his hand to me.
Patiently, he waits for me to accept his invitation. I pause, quite noticeably so, for a moment before slipping my palm into his. They’re warm, rough but oh-so gentle. He leads me to the door and opens a whole new world before me. Magnificent and wonderous creatures are scattered about the expanse. And for the first time in my life, I don’t feel so different.
It has been three days since Newt has offered to take me in. He didn’t ask but I know he could sense my dread at the thought of returning to my life before. We fell into a mutual understanding that I just needed time. It was nice to not have anything expected of me.
Newt is shy. That’s an understatement but he is also extremely kind. He gave me space but also let me test my ability to trust. Every moment in the presence of the wizard gave me confidence to seek him out.
He taught me how to care for his creatures by his side. He showed me magic and a world I hadn’t previously known existed. Every time he opened up a bit to me, I felt myself doing the same. I recognized the Occamy eggs as the very same one he had retrieved the night I met him in the forest. It made me realize how much Newt cared about and sacrificed for these fantastic beasts.
Days went by and he began to trust me enough to leave me in his suitcase, which is where I had awoken that first night. Newt traveled a lot and was a very busy person, actually. Even then, he would always return and those were the hours that I found myself eagerly waiting for. Because I, also, very much began to trust him.
One day, Newt found me kneeling outside and cradling my hand to my chest. “Are you okay, Y/n?” His voice was thick with worry as he rushed over to my side.
“Don’t get to close, Newt-” I plead. He stops a few steps away from me, “I-I don’t know what I’ll do if I shift…” Tears pool in my eyes as I try to calm myself down. Pain triggered me sometimes and the last thing I’d want to do is hurt him.
Despite my warning, Newt kneels beside me and peels my arm away from my body. “What happened?” He asks as he begins to examine the cut that’s angry and red on my wrist.
“I cut it on the edge of the feeding pail… I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you, Newt. Please.” He stands up with me and swiftly leads me inside the small flat. With such familiarity and ease, he begins to snip different herbs and pouring mixtures from vials.
I watch him with amazement and a bit of confusion. Before I know it, the pain has subsided and he’s wrapping my arm up with gauze. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?”
Newt freezes in his actions before throwing a glance at me over his shoulder. “Because you’re not someone to be feared. At least, not for the reasons you’re referring to.”
His way of thinking, the way he perceives the world, is so unlike anything I’ve ever known. The wizard begins to put away medicines and I watch him quietly for a moment. “My dad wasn’t fond of my kind…Actually, that’s putting it nicely. He hated werewolves.”
My fingers fidget in my lap and I keep my gaze firmly fixed on them as I speak. Afraid that if I see Newt’s eyes, I’ll be too self-conscious to tell him. “He didn’t know Mom was one until it was too late. She was already pregnant with me. When she died, I lost the one person who saw me as I truly was. My father… he was violent, cruel and- and scared.
“Meeting you was the best thing that has happened in my life. Because for the first time, I wasn’t seen as a threat or as strange. You didn’t expect anything of me. You saw me as Y/n. Not as a werewolf.”
My forehead creased with emotion and salty teardrops fell onto my clasped hands. I sucked my lower lip between my teeth to stop the slight wobble. Chancing a glance at Newt, I find him standing in front of me. 
Newt. His eyes glistening, not in pity, but with compassion towards me. Kneeling down so that his face was parallel with mine, he swiped away the stray tear that lingered off my chin. “There are no strange creatures, only blinkered people.”
With those words, I felt understood and, in a way, loved. Every day that I spent getting to know Newt Scamander, the more I began wanting to learn more. He loved his creatures and never truly believed monsters were born, they were made. 
There was time for us to grow together, to grow fond of one another. As we went on, I knew that I’d become more confident with Newt by my side. There wasn’t a ‘monster’ he couldn’t love. Not even when it came to someone like me.
Masterlist Here
A/N: Thank you for reading! xx - Ellie-Mae
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At Long Last
Chapter 2 – Dinner, Comfy Chairs, and the Secrets behind Masks
Being in a carriage at the back of the train meant the little band of girls were among the last to disembark. This meant less curious pairs of eyes on Maddie as she waited outside of the Great Hall, since most of the students had already entered. While she couldn’t hear anything clearly, she knew, when a sudden hush fell over the Hall, that the Sorting had begun.
Throughout, the noise level steadily grew, whispers turning into muttering, then hushed voices, and by the time the last first year had been sorted into Ravenclaw, Maddie could only just hear the cheers and clapping from the house members over the general rumble from the rest of the students.
The rumble was soon silenced again by Professor McGonagall. Maddie pressed her ear to the crack in the door for this speech, after all, this was the one announcing her, and she couldn’t very well miss her cue.
She drew her wand from her pocket, heart thumping, features schooled into careless arrogance. She was better than them, and she definitely knew it.
She left three counts, after McGonagall finished speaking. One, to brush her hair back from her face, the second, for a little confusion among the students, and the third? Well that was for her entrance.
With a small flick of her wand, the gigantic oak doors burst open. Whispers flew among the hall as she strode down the long aisle towards the teachers, her heeled boots (soon to become known as her signature piece) clicked loudly against the stone floor.
There were at least five wolf whistles, all of which she pointedly ignored, except one from the middle of the Gryffindor table. She climbed the steps up to the teachers' table, and turning to sit on the stool, grinned and winked at Marlene, who with her whistle had caused an outbreak of laughter among the group of girls and a few others at the table.
Marlene swooned at the wink and pretended to faint, falling into Dorcas on her right, all to more laughter. A faint but noticeable blush rose on Dorcas’s cheeks as she gently pushed Marlene back up, her hands lingering on the girl's shoulders as Maddie sat down.
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, loudly and all attention snapped back to the top of the hall. Just before the whispers began again, she placed the hat on Maddie’s head.
“Gryffindor please." Maddie thought primly. She knew exactly how this worked and she had to be Gryffindor. Maddie didn’t look down upon Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but she knew they would not be quite the right fit for her.
“Hmm... not quite what you seem are you girl?
Gryffindor is perhaps possible, but with that ambition and cunning, why, all of your life has led up to this, and you have done so much to be sat here! You would achieve greatness, beyond greatness in Slytherin.” The hat slyly countered.
“But surely,” she thought back, “it takes bravery to deny that?”
“What a clever one we have here. Ravenclaw may be an option for you yet!” it joked, and Maddie rolled her eyes.
“Very well, very well. I shall put you where you request; but not the place you may do best...
GRYFFINDOR!” the hat announced aloud, and for once, Maddie didn’t mask her emotions. Her delight was clear on her face as she half walked, half ran to the table and slid in between Emmeline and Alice, and opposite Marlene.
The table cheered and clapped for her, before the hall quietened yet again, however this time for Professor Dumbledore, who spoke a few words about welcoming everyone and food, or something to that effect. Maddie was paying more attention to the quiet conversation between her newfound friends.
Soon, the speech was over, and they could talk at a more normal volume. Though the girls weren’t too loud, the boys a few seats down certainly were. It seemed that Lily hadn’t got her wish after all, for not too far away sat James Potter, along with the Black boy, Sirius, she had been told his name was. They sat laughing with a few others, but only the two on the other side of the table seemed to be in their ‘inner circle.’
‘That must be Peter Pettigrew’, Maddie thought, cringing as the small, mousy haired boy stuffed an inconceivable amount of food into his mouth.
The boy next to him was a stark contrast: he had brown hair, but was much taller, and only picked at the small amount of food on his plate. Maddie decided that he must be Remus Lupin, the one who completed the infamous quartet she had been told about on the train.
The Marauders, they were called. It was supposed to be cool, she assumed, but in her opinion, it was more than a little ridiculous.
“Looking at anyone in particular?” Marlene asked, leaning across the table to help herself to another Yorkshire pudding.
“Me? No, just scanning faces” she replied. Apparently a little too unconvincingly.
“He is a looker, that’s for sure. And a good kisser, but believe me, you do not, want to get into a relationship with Black. It never ends well.”
Maddie snorted, “well maybe, I don’t want a relationship with him. Maybe I think he’s hot, but an arrogant sod that I wouldn’t waste my time on.”
Marlene appraised her for a few moments, before raising her eyebrows with a matching shrug. Well whatever that meant, Maddie wasn’t sure, but her words had been true. She wasn’t here to chase boys, even strikingly handsome ones. She definitely didn’t need that kind of attention and would never stoop to the level of the adoring girls she could see, each gazing at Sirius, hoping he were about to spontaneously declare his love for her and only her.
It might not be now, but if she wanted to be with Sirius Black, she would have him, and it would be on her own terms - she didn’t chase boys, no, they chased her...
After the meal, the students retreated to their respective common rooms, and Maddie followed Lily as they raced up countless flights of stairs. At least twice, she stopped and threw out her arm to prevent Maddie from climbing onto a set about to move.
Apparently, it was a race of sorts, to claim the best seats by the fire. Against the Marauders of course. Last year, the girls had won, but since then both they and the boys had found new shortcuts and secret corridors. While Lily gave the impression that she was a model student, Maddie soon found out that her competitive side was brought out by even the smallest things. It was a little scary (and a little too familiar,) how the girl would stop at nothing to win.
This drive was what brought all six girls, flushed and sweaty, having crawled through two small hidden passageways and brushed through what felt like miles of spider web, to finally flop down on the cosy chairs before the fire. Not that they needed the warmth after their exertion, but it was a matter of principle. They had won after all, and would claim their rightful prize. So when the Marauders came tumbling through the portrait hole a few minutes later, covered from head to toe in soot, the six smugly sank back into the cushions.
“Wondered where you boys had got to.” Marlene said, to laughter from the rest.
“Fall through a chimney by any chance?” Dorcas grinned, inviting irritated glares from three of the four and more giggles from the girls on the sofas. Remus didn’t look particularly bothered by their claiming the seats, and was the only one to wave goodbye to them as he followed the other, more disgruntled boys, up to their dorm room.
After around half an hour in front of the fire to make their presence known, the girls headed up to their room.
Luckily, the six of them were sharing one of the two Fourth Year girls dormitories. Maddie took a bed between Dorcas and the window, and opposite Lily.
The conversation and laughter continued as they unpacked, and Maddie joined in, only to stop suddenly, as Marlene unfurled a poster to pin beside her bed.
It was her, Kat! She was dressed in her Bulgaria Quidditch robes, and posed on her broom. For the first time, the girl was glad she was Maddie and not Katerina. When she had wanted to join Hogwarts, being recognised for her Quidditch in Bulgaria hadn’t even crossed her mind!
Marlene noticed her staring and lit up.
“Kat Dumbledore! She’s my absolute favourite Quidditch player, although Gwenog Jones, you know, the new captain of the Harpies, is a close second.”
The other girls sighed. They seemed to be sounds of tired amusement more than anything else. As Marlene babbled on about Quidditch, Maddie regained control of her mouth. “Oh, yeah. Kat’s a friend of mine.”
Immediately after she spoke, she cursed mentally, as Marlene's wide eyes fixated on her. Now she would have to come up with some excuse of how she knew her alter ego. Shit.
“Merlin's pants! You know Kat Dumbledore?” Marlene exclaimed.
“Yeah, erm... my parents were friends with hers. I mean, before... and before we moved to America too, so I knew her a little when we were young.”
She hoped that would be enough to get Marlene off her back, and after a few questions ranging from Kat’s favourite sweets to the type of toothpaste she used, Marlene seemed satisfied. Thank Merlin.
Maddie made a mental note to from then on talk as little as possible about Katerina. By the time Marlene’s interrogation had ended, it was eleven o’clock, and the girls had mostly finished unpacking.
Lying in her four-poster bed, Maddie realised she would have to be a lot more careful in the future. Not even a day in and she had already slipped up. Imagine how bad it could be if her secret got out!
Her thoughts drifted from herself to the Marauders. They were an interesting bunch. James, from what she had seen and heard, was almost completely obsessed with Lily, although reportedly was also a decent Seeker for the Gryffindor team, and not too shabby in Transfiguration.
Remus, she had been told, was the nicest and most tolerable. Partly because he didn’t hit on anything that moved, like a certain friend of his. He was a model student, sometimes referred to as a male Lily, but if Lily was anything to go by... Maddie thought that the rule abiding exterior, may be a facade just like her own.
Peter, in contrast, didn’t seem to have a fake bone in his small body. He didn’t have many friends outside of the other Marauders, and was apparently nice enough, but very average.
And Sirius... he seemed the most complex. He came from a Pureblood family of Muggle and Muggleborn haters, a family of Voldemort supporters, and yet had defied said family by being sorted into Gryffindor.
Then again, if Remus were a male Lily, that would make Sirius Marlene. His reputation included not only his racist family and ‘blood traitor’ status, but also his many conquests and admirers. In a way he was James’s polar opposite.
In all honesty, Maddie already knew most of what she would be taught in the next four years. She may have told her Grandfather she was here to learn, but why not have a little fun whilst she was doing it?
It was a fact of life that everyone had secrets. Everyone had their masks...
But a mask could only ever stay on so long.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a/n: haha a little foreshadowing here (with Peter), and yes, still more setting the scene and description *sigh* I'm sorry but I gotta.
So there was a bit more flirting... what do you think about Marlene? Especially with her being Kat's number one fan (I had to put that part in there lol).
Next chapter will probably have a little more setting of scene but then we'll be underway with the main story. Can't wait!
Hope you liked it! Chapter 3 will be up soon.
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin? | Noah & Reza
About three things Noah was absolutely positive.......
Toweling off his hair a little more Noah looked in the mirror for one last time checking to make sure he was presentable. If this was any normal night he’d be most likely be naked by now, obviously company warranted proper clothes. Or at least a pair of basketball shorts and a muscle tee. Hanging up his towel in his bathroom, Noah padded back across his room human ears pricked for the doorbell. He’d told Reza he could come over like an hour ago though maybe it took more time for the kid to get here than 30 minutes. Shrugging it off Noah went to scoop up the little foster pup from his position snoozing on his bed figuring it was best to just move everyone downstairs to wait. And of course it was only when he was halfway down the stairs did he hear it the faint chime of the doorbell that was only installed for Noah’s benefit, the little pup tucked under his arm starting to stir from all the noise. “Coming!” the boy called out as he ran down the last of the stairs Kea already beating him to the door “Back,” he commanded looking straight at her expecting her to do as she was told. And she did paws moving back a few steps, tail still wagging profusely. “Good girl” He praised before going for the door and opening it wide upon Reza. “Hello hello, long time no see.”
Reza would never admit to it but he'd shown up to Noah's house at the exact time given -- half an hour from their conversation-- and then proceeded to loiter around for another half hour. Mostly to avoid any unbearable situations, like accidentally disrupting Noah's shower early, but also because he didn't want to seem too eager. Which he was. Hanging around in that smelly hole of a basement he called home got lonely. Way lonely and cuddling it up with a dog was without a doubt the perfect solution. Talking to Noah didn't make things worse, either, since the older boy seemed to exist purely to spread positivity and kindness; something Reza really was lacking in his life at the moment. If only his traitorous thoughts would stop making him feel like hanging out with an admittedly handsome friend was in some way betrayal to a dead person. And really, person was a stretch. Jittery hands finally knocked on the door and Reza could immediately smell the mixed scent of dog, fresh shampoo and something his nose told him was Noah. "Hey," he greeted with a touch less enthusiasm, smile getting lost as his gaze quickly turned to the ground. "Thanks for letting me come over." Reza shifted on the doorstep, shrugging off his jacket as soon as he did to avoid it getting covered in dog hairs because no way was he not getting on his knees to pet the gorgeous dog wagging its tail, leaving him in the traditional black, skinny jeans and an even darker T-shirt (a personal favorite decorated with a sleeping cat and the words 'not today'). A sensation he knew by now, but was no less uncomfortable, told him that he couldn't pass the doorstep just yet. Noah hadn't explicitly invited him in which meant... yeah.
Moving away from the entrance so Reza could pass through Noah went to stand next to Kea happy she was waiting patiently. “It’s totally no problem dude.” He brushed off the gratitude smiling at the boy, because it really was no problem. “Plus you caught us on a quiet night, most of the time there’s at least 3 extra people milling about the kitchen eating our food, isn’t that right?” Noah cooed down at the little pup in his arms, his little snout giving a rather large yawn that made Noah’s heart practically melt in his chest. God he love puppies so much. Glancing back over at the kid he noticed he’s gotten rid of his jacket, a funny shirt and his general punk skinny jeans look underneath. And Noah would be lying if he didn’t feel that tingle, that small little wolf inside of him kinda wondering what all those clothes would look like on the floor. But he pushed that down. God. He really needed to get laid sometime soon so that shit stopped happening with his fucking friends. Shaking off the inner turmoil though Noah cocked his head at the boy outside. “So what are you a vampire now?” Noah teased looking at Reza standing stock still on the doorway. Most of his regular friends would have barged in by now, but then again Reza was not a normal friend, and maybe he just was super polite, yea maybe that was it. “Come on get in here before Kea explodes from excitement.” Noah said before turning and walking towards the couch making it plainly clear the Reza should come inside now. Oh and shut the door behind him too.
Reza quickly began to fidget, weighing the option of just turning on his heel and walking the other way because this was just... the worst. The puppy yawned with excitement and Reza decided to stay, if only for the dog. Something shifted in Noah's eyes for a second, pupils darkening and for a moment Reza wondered if it was realization dawning behind his eyes. Did Reza's reluctance -- or inability-- to enter somehow out him as a vampire? Holy... “So what are you a vampire now?” A... a joke? Noah was joking. Obviously. He didn't know, how could he. The offer to step inside was accepted without hesitation, Reza shuffling inside with an awkward laugh. "A vampire. Yeah, for sure. I'm the one creeping outside your window every night." Cringing at himself, Reza simply turned all his attention to the dog instead of trying to fix that mess of a sentence. He was greeted vigorously by the door, a genuine laugh slipping past his lips as paws scrabbled for Reza, tongue slobbering towards his face. "Hey, there, girl How are you? You are absolutely gorgeous," he cooed, the built up tension and nervousness easing slightly as his cold fingers wrapped into the soft fur.
“You know if you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask.” Noah quipped playfully over his shoulder as he walked over to the couch the little foster puppy in tow with him while Haukea stayed by the door. Blanching a little though at the realization of what he just said, to Reza, someone who thought he was weird for giving a compliment Noah instantly backtracked “And I swear that was totally a joke” He said turning around so Reza could see the seriousness in his eyes. Holding it for a moment Noah resumed his task, sitting down and making himself comfortable. That and reminding himself that Reza was not one of his bros. He didn’t get the humor and the subtle gay undertones that were a part of Noah’s everyday life with his friends. Looking over at Haukea though (as she totally ignored her training and jumped on Reza, hed had to go over that with her again) Noah realized again where he was failing  “Oh my god. You’ve never met Haukea have you.” Noah asked over the side of the couch practically face palming himself “Wow. My total bad dude. So yea that’s Haukea, she loves long walkies and taking up half of whatever you are sitting on. So don’t say you weren’t warned” Noah grinned over at the pair happy that Kea might have have a part in making the poor kid smile.
"That's not what I..." Reza started defensively, cutting himself off short as he remembered that Noah liked his jokes a bit underneath the belt. So this was a joke. Obviously. Noah quickly confirmed that he hadn't been serious but Reza was still rigid as a stick. Man, this was exhausting, wading through weird hoops of compliments and sexual jokes delivered so casually that they made him sort of choke on his own spit. His attention turned back to the dog, a much safer area than pretty much all conversation with Noah, a smile returning to Reza's face. "She can take up all the space she wants." Nuzzling her head with his forehead before the dog bounded back to Noah, Reza stood up and brushed off his jeans. He felt pretty exposed wearing nothing but a T-shirt but putting on his jacket would make it seem like he was itching to leave right away. Hands in his pockets, Reza loitered over to the couch, glancing to the puppy joining Noah on the couch. "And, uh, who's that then?"
Ignoring the slightly awkward atmosphere that came about with his joke Noah focused on making himself more comfortable on the couch.Turning his back toward the armrest Noah spread his legs slightly placing the small pup on the space between his chest and his knees. Yea that was a lot more comfortable, though that still left Reza over by the door while Noah was taking up half the couch.. “You shouldn’t say that.” Noah replied to Reza with a playful shake of his head hoping the kid would get the memo that he could come into the living room. “Because next thing you know she’ll be pushing you out of a queen sized bed. Huh you little bed stealer ” He gave Haukea a nice head scratch as she passed already jumping up into her usual spot at Noah’s feet. But that’s not what Noah wanted. “Down.” Noah commanded with a finger snap the second her paws touched the couch. “Reza gets to chose where he sits first then you can squeeze your ass in whatever space is available” He told her as if she understood, but he guessed that was less for her benefit and more for Reza’s. Because while there were few of fluffy pillows strewn about the floor (from the last pack meeting), and a rather large looking armchair tucked in the corner (Cahill’s chair) Noah kinda wished Reza would sit with him on the couch. You know. Like Friends did. Looking down at the speckled puppy trying to find a good sport on his chest Noah huffed a little, the pups name a sore spot in his eyes “Well technically his name at the barn was Granite, but I’m not sure if I like that for him.” He frowned at the puppy slightly “Though I probably shouldn’t rename him if I’m fostering, don’t want to become too attached you know”
"I don't need..." A bed? Sleep? Not things you can say, Reza, "...that much space, to be honest. Perks of being a skinny, small guy." Usually, he was more comfortable curled up on the edge of a mattress, anyway. As Haukea was commanded to the floor, Reza frowned, her big, sad dog eyes tugging at his sympathy. Noah's following statement made him shift awkwardly as he wondered if Mister Big and Burly wanted Reza to squeeze into the couch with him. That plan had so many flaws, including but not exclusive to Reza's cold skin, Reza being that close to someone with a beating heart (blood bag or no, his gums still itched at the thought) and Reza being mildly terrified of the thought of human contact since... Yeah, Reza on the couch wasn't happening. "Aw, I don't have the heart to leave her on the floor," he excused himself, taking a seat crosslegged on a pillow facing Noah. It felt instantly more comfortable, perhaps in part because this was the similar set up he'd had with Heath while watching TV and no, comparing Noah to him in any way or form was not an option. "What if I rename him?" he blurted out to escape from pit in his head that had slowly cracked open, "that way it's not exactly yours but you get to call it something else?"
Noah couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at Reza chalking up the small pause in between his phrases as just the punk teen being awkward again. “Well the concept of not needing much space that has become completely foreign to me since puberty,” He admitted with a shrug ruffling the fluffy ears of the puppy in his lap. Watching closely as Haukea used her eyes Reza though Noah opened his mouth to say something but instantly shut it, knowing that he probably had fucked on on this one.  Because offering couch space to Reza was too forward wasn’t it? It was too intimate and too. It was too much of what Noah liked and what Noah needed, and probably none what Reza needed. So taking the small sense of hurt and rejection and burying it deep down Noah just spread his legs out in front of him the pup in his lap nipping lightly at Noah’s leg as it moved. “Well your loss dude.” He joked out casually “Especially since she’s definitely manipulating you.” Noah looked over towards Haukea the lab smiling between both Noah and Reza almost happy she got her way. But he could never be mad at that face for long “Yea cuz you would have been just fine spread eagle over the top of us on the couch wouldn’t you?” He cooed as he gave her a couple good neck scratches with his outstretched hand. Feeling Granite start to puppy chew on his other hand Noah glanced over to Reza mulling his proposition over in his mind  “I mean if you want to? I mean. I guess. I don’t know.” Noah rambled knowing he was making no sense whatsoever, “But I guess what I mean to say is If you feel like you have a good one I’m definitely open to it.
Reza watched the dog for a moment as it made itself comfortable, wondering if he was really that easily manipulated that a canine could overpower his will. No, this had been a decision based purely on not having to plop onto the sofa next to Noah. Reza wasn't the pushover he'd been -- how could he be considering what he'd become? Besides, that big ball of fluff wasn't capable of real manipulation, anyway. Brushing off the cord the statement had struck within him, Reza focused on the name-giving instead. "Hey, woah, I never said I had a good one. Just trying to be a problem solver." Leaning back, palms flat against the floor, he thought it over. A lot of names he'd have given his own pets came to mind but this was Noah. Maybe it didn't need to be too complicated, though... "I think, and don't cite me on this, that in Hebrew, Caleb means like, wolf or dog or something. So it's like naming your cat Cat."
“Well you’re in the Kalani household now kid, we expect perfection” Noah teased out towards Reza a sly grin on his face. It was hopefully taken as the joke it was, mostly because he really did appreciate the help however small. And he was glad reza was starting to get comfortable with him enough to suggest things. Contemplating the suggestion though Noah bit his lip slightly “You know I never thought about Caleb. I mean I usually name my animals funny things in Hawaiian and not funny things in Hebrew.” Noah smiled looking down at Haukea (aka little miss Snow White) fondly. Well that was before Granite puppy chewed at his fingers again bringing the older boy’s attention back to him “But maybe you could be the one that breaks the mold huh buddy.” He cooed moving his hands a bit so the pup had to move some to pin them. “So hebrew huh? Do you actually know the language or are you like a name researcher” He asked glancing over at Reza.
Reza felt immensely relieved that Noah liked the name, feeling pretty happy to have put something nice into this household. Even though it wasn't permanent but maybe the name would stick. Eyeing the dog with envy, knowing that there was no way he could take care of a dog -- not to mention a puppy-- Reza ripped himself out of those thoughts. Yes, having something to cuddle in the damp hole of a basement would make everything tremendously improved but he couldn't do that to the poor thing, bringing it into those living conditions. He didn't want to think about what else could go wrong, having a live animal around him at all times. The blood bags weren't necessarily going to be a plan forever. "Uh, neither? I do know some Arabic and the two are pretty similiar in a lot of ways so... I mean, I have researched names but like... only pet names since that was kinda all I wanted when I was younger. And now, too, I guess." He smiled, eyes flicking back to the puppy trying to devour Noah's hand and failing completely.
Glancing over toward Reza Noah could see his eyes on the pup, the longing almost palpable and Noah knew what he had to do next. Lifting Granite/Caleb off of his chest the older boy placed him on the floor in a small unceremonious gesture scooting the pup toward the boy “Here go terrorize your sister and Uncle Reza for a change.” He mock whispered to the pup as Haukea lifted her head from her spot, tail thumping against the ground in anticipation for puppy play time with her new little foster brother. Settling back into his dog free zone on the couch Noah scooted forward his head now resting on a pillow against the headrest, his long ass legs dangling slightly from the other end.    “Thats pretty cool.” He commented though once Reza started talking about his language skills “I mean I’ve never tried Arabic, but I give you mad props for trying, cuz it looks hard as fuck.” Turning he resettled himself so he was facing Reza and not the ceiling “I do get the pet name thing though, cuz my dad was always asking me to name the strays left at his clinic. So I’d go online and take a few days to pick out like what I thought was the perfect name and he’d be like… you know you could have just picked something easy like Bob” Noah recalled with a smile, heart aching slightly at the fact that that was only a memory now.
Reza accepted the pup trotting over with welcoming arms, chuckling as it stumbled over his legs. "Hey," he whispered to Caleb, scratching his head. "Hmm? Oh, it's easier when your parents speak the language. I mean, I'm rusty as fuck these days but..." Shrugging, Reza saved his fingers from the relentless puppy's chewing to pull down the collar of his shirt. "I kid myself that I'm keeping the language alive by getting tattoos in urdu, like my mom's name here. I also have a quote on my ribs but, uhm..." Reza let his shirt fall back over his collarbone, clearing his throat. "Yeah, you can just imagine that one. So, uh, Bob the dog. Doesn't have as good of a ring to it as Caleb the dog." Smooth transition there, big guy. Reza really did like talking about his tattoos but he wasn't going to start... stripping for Noah to show them off.
Looking at Reza Noah smiled a little glad that the Caleb was having a good time with his guest. “Yea i’ll bet” Noah mumbled out into the couch a little sad that his dad didn’t speak more Hawaiian to him, or that his mom completely forgot her Turkish due to being adopted young. Eye tracking Reza though he stared at deft fingers pulling down his shirt collar to show him his urdu tattoo, that was actually quite beautiful. Trying not to stare to hard though Noah focused on the symbolism of the tattoo and not the pale skin underneath especially when Reza started blushing about the quote on his ribs.  “Dude don’t kid yourself.” Noah shook his head sitting up on the couch  “I mean first thing I’m doing when I get off of football this year is go and get my family’s tribal pattern on my chest and shoulder in honor of my dad. So like I get it.” He grinned at the other boy before the light bulb went off in his head “Which speaking of, do you know any good artists that know about polynesian tattoos?” He asked Reza ears perking up slightly at the sound of the door opening. It was Charlie one of the pack members coming through the door. “Looking for extra poker chips?” Noah called out to him pre-empting the mans questioning. It was poker night for Cahill and his male pack members, and of course the Alpha would send someone else to collect the things Noah told him he should bring in the first place. Typical. Standing there like the lumberjack wonder he was Charlie looked a little confused, hand rubbing in his beard, before he nodded, eyes never straying from Reza “Up the stairs in the hall closet” Noah pointed, as if this was the most casual thing in the world to him. Slowly Charlie climbed the stairs leaving Reza and Noah back to their talking “Don’t mind him, that’s just Charlie, a friend of my Uncles” Noah said waving it off as it if was nothing.
Reza perked up when Noah asked about a tattoo artist, the thought of actually being able to give someone good advice on something he knew and knew well filling him with a euphoric purpose. "Dude, yeah! I've seen so many great tattoos when I've been browsing and--" The door slammed and Reza's newly found energy escaped his body like a deflating balloon. Someone was home? Reza hadn't been prepared for anyone other than Noah and some dogs. The very tall, very burly man that appeared in the door caused every muscle in Reza's body to tense, his fingers wrapping up in Caleb's fur. The fact that this bearded man wasn't moving his eyes off Reza's face despite how uncomfortable the vampire clearly looked wasn't helping the situation. Even when the freezing stare left him, Reza still sat completely still, almost inhumanly so, only snapping back to reality when Caleb started to squirm. "Hmm? Yeah, it's... fine. Just... fine." Caleb starting licking at Reza's hand, clearly sensing the discomfort. With his brain slowly calming down after the disheartening staring contest, Reza became acutely aware of the smell in the room that seemed to have intensified with Charlie's arrival. It was the same smell Reza had subconsciously started connecting to Noah, only much stronger. Was this... were the both of them not... human? Did Reza's nose know more than he did?
Smiling at the boy Noah tried to keep the conversation going, mistaking Reza’s silence for the possibility that he was just uncomfortable. Which Noah thought was fair enough, not everyone lived with such an open door policy as the Kalani Pack did after all, and that could be startling at first. Just all the people coming and going. “That’s good though,” Noah commented after Charlie bounded up the stairs “I mean I want to make sure it’s done, well, respectfully and as authentically as possible though so it’s like.” Noah shrugged “I almost feel like i should fly to Hawai’i and get to done there just to be safe or something”
"Yeah, mhm," Reza replied with disinterest, ears now perked for any sound from the broody Charlie. Something in him was tingling, telling him to run, probably just his paranoia but he was definitely on edge. "Hawaii sounds fun and--" Footsteps thumped back down the stairs and Reza tensed, with Caleb cuddling into his lap, probably expecting something dangerous to happen just because of Reza's reaction. Charlie appeared back downstairs and Reza's eyes locked onto the dogs, in the hopes of avoiding another staring contest. As soon as Charlie left, Reza could politely excuse himself and bolt. Even though he could already imagine Noah's big, sad eyes reacting to that announcement.
Watching Reza tense again as Charlie came back down the stairs Noah couldn’t help but be concerned. He didn’t know much about Charlie only that the 30-something man had swept in from Montana 5 years ago after his wife left him. Apparently she wasn’t a fan of werewolves, which was sad, but luckily Charlie found the right man to bring his car into for repairs. Funnily enough the rest was history. But that didn’t mean Noah felt as at ease around Charlie as he did other members of the pack. Charlie was. Well he was just Charlie. Stoic and obedient. Didn’t talk much. Which was a shame because he always looked like he had something to say under that rugged beard. Like he did right now standing at the bottom of the stairs a troubled look on his face. “Hey before I go,” Charlie paused coming a bit closer “Um did you happen to tell Cahill about this?” He asked swinging a finger in both of their directions.  Glancing over the side of the couch to where Charlie was standing Noah gave a confused stare. “Tell Cahill what? About me having someone over?” He asked not really knowing what the big deal was about. He was 22 after all well past the age where he needed to tell Cahill about each and every one of his playdates “No I meant about you being here with” Charlie’s eyes flickered slightly toward Reza, giving Noah the all so subtle hint that it had something to do with the boy on the ground “I dont know what you’re-”” Noah until. Shit. Fuck. Did Charlie mean, no, he couldn’t be. Trying to stop his brain from exploding inside of his skull Noah stood hand in the air the a look of pure panic written all over his face  “we’re totally not like dating or fucking if that’s what you mean I swear we’re just friends I mean I’m not even g-” “Stop,” Charlie stopped him with his free hand eyes wide “I totally did not mean that,” He clarified before his face soften “though If you were to be dating men now I would be totally fi-” Noah could feel all of the blood rush out of his body at that exact second. “Do not finish that sentence for the love of all that is holy,” He blurted over the top of Charlie, the look of panic still caught in his eyes. Because nope he was not doing this here, like this, in front of Reza ok. I mean not that he minded coming out to Reza since it seemed like the boy wouldn’t judge but just. Yea no, Nope. Not the time not the place “Just tell me what you meant before and we’ll consider everything good.” Noah continued lips pursed in a line now. But it was Charlie who now  looked confused “You mean you can’t feel it?” Looking at Charlie and Noah couldn’t help but shake his head, an eyebrow raised to illustrate his own emotions on the subject “Feel what?” He asked turning to Reza wondering if the boy had any insight.
It was definitely time to freak out now, Reza decided, as Charlie asked his 'before I go' question. Really, it was some sort of miracle that Noah hadn't found him out yet, since Reza felt like he just radiated these awkward vibes of 'I'm not human.' Avoiding Charlie's accusing gaze, mind screaming fire and setting off every alarm, Reza couldn't help but wonder just how this very large man had deducted Reza's secret after being here for literally five minutes. It had to mean that he wasn't human and neither was Noah... Noah, who was now on his feet and Reza realized he hadn't been listening to what was transpiring, instead just preparing for imminent doom, but his friend (?) was blushing like crazy and maybe this wasn't about him being a vampire? Did Charlie think this was a... date? Noah was close to screaming now and Reza's muscles were all tensed for escape, his eyes starting to flit to the door. Charlie had made it clear that he wasn't showing an interest in Noah's love life. He was showing an interest in the vermin Noah had brought into their house. “Feel what?” Noah asked and as soon as his attention turned to Reza, the vampire was on the move, scrambling to his feet around the confused puppy and bolting to the door. He heard Charlie approaching before he saw him, barrelling into the muscular chest now blocking the door. His stance went defensive -- primal-- as Charlie growled deep from his throat. The other dogs whined at the sound and Reza could feel his eyes flashing red. Shit. “You let him invite you into his home. His den-” Charlie paused, taking a deep breath, his hackles coming down slightly. Reza didn't relax one bit. “You owe him an explanation. You owe him that much at least. And if you don’t tell him I will." Shoulders still hunched, eyes red and narrowed, Reza resisted the urge to hiss. He should just let him leave, this was completely unnecessary. "Just let me leave," he half-growled under his breath, for Charlie's ears only, voice almost pleading.
Watching it all unfold like a bad horror film, Reza must have been supernatural with the way he moved Noah’s eyes barely registering he’d left before he was clashing at the door with Charlie. And Noah was up in an instant mind going straight to how he could de escalate the situation instead of anything else. Or rather just get Reza to somewhere safe and not staring down the barrel of 250 pounds of angry werewolf. Wedging himself in between the two men Noah kept his eyes on Charlie, hands reaching out behind him to start pushing Reza’s torso, hoping the other boy would get the hint that he needed to back away and back away now. “Stand Down Charlie” Noah growled out a certain venom to his words. In purer werewolf terms he was outranked for sure. But this was still his house, and Noah was. Well Noah was the punk ass kid who challenged his Alpha all the time, so he wasn’t going to let some lowly pack member try to tell him what was best for his world. Not now, not ever. “Noah” Charlie growled out as if to test his resolve. But noah was not backing down No sir. “Do not fucking Noah me right now. This is my house. I outrank you by default.” He was staring straight at Charlie now as if daring him to challenge his authority in his own fucking house. Luckily for all of them though Charlie had enough sense to know when he was beaten and silently looked away waiting for Noah to clean up the mess he’d just made. Taking a deep breath Noah kept his eyes on Charlie but spoke for the boy behind him. “Reza, if you need to leave the back slider is open. You can go down the porch, and take a right around the struts, there’s a gate to the drive way in that general direction. If you just need somewhere safe my room is at the top of the stairs 2nd door on the left. No one but me is allowed to be in there.” The last part was emphasized not for Reza’s benefit but for Charlie’s, as they all knew the house rules. Noah’s bedroom was off limits unless invited. Even for Cahill the alpha.
Noah's hand on his torso made Reza cringe away, his body still pulled taut like a string waiting to snap. A part of him wanted a fight, convinced he could at least get a few good hits -- or bites-- in, but Noah being in the way stopped him. It took his panicked and anger-run brain a moment to realize that Noah wasn't trying to defend Charlie; he was defending Reza. Deflating like a popped balloon, Reza took a few steps back, eyes fading back to brown. The word 'leave' snapped his attention because yes, yes Reza needed to leave. The primal part of his brain was still lit up like a Christmas tree and that scared whatever logic was left in his brain; no way did he want this situation to escalate. He backtracked a few more steps, feeling Charlie's gaze burning his face. "I'm sorry," he muttered under his breath, turning on his heel and bolting for the back slider. As soon as he burst outside into the fresh air, his head cleared, managing to work through some of what he'd just witnessed. Charlie was an... animal. A werewolf. Which had to mean that Noah was one, too. And Charlie could have killed him. But he didn't. Because of Noah. Noah had protected him, even after most likely realizing that Reza wasn't human either; that Reza had lied. Realizing that he was still sprinting, Reza slowed down, finally slumping down to the ground. He could still see the barnhouse in the distance but he couldn't find the strength to get up, mind still reeling. His secret was out to Noah. And Reza had no idea what would happen now.
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fallendawn · 7 years
i saw totally cringe worthy forced romance earlier and i wanted to cry so i alleviated the pain with some morning ship fluff in a similar scenario (person a admits their feelings to person b and gets flustered) so anyways enjoy
under the cut ‘cause this turned into a monster oops @quinzelade @cerulean-city @so-anywayy it’s nothing spoilerly seeing as this probably doesn’t even happen in the canon (i have an idea of how it becomes Official)
Astri grabs a damp towel from the rack and immediately begins dabbing at her skin. The room is nice and crisp, aiding her cooldown, and though she is tired, she makes no attempt to sit down. On the wall hooks, her uniform hangs patiently, a black tee shirt crumpled on the floor beneath, but she remains in her shorts and sports bra for now. It’s too hot.
Wow, did it feel good to lose herself for so long. Checking the time, she realises she’s been in the gym for hours, the majority of it dancing. Alerts pinged in her head reminding her of staff meetings, mission scenarios, and other important things she still needed to tend to and now is running behind. For once, she doesn’t care. Well, in this instance that she’s still in the euphoria of a great workout. That will soon change once she puts back on the clothes and the “Captain persona” that goes with.
She throws the towel around her shoulders while still holding onto the ends. Walks to the bench where her bag is and grabs her cannister. Oh yes, she knows this is the year 3765 and the world has evolved into a time where the flying ship provides clothing, food, and water at a mental command, but there is a particular grounding experience she enjoys from bringing her own sports bag. In few quick gulps, she empties the cannister. She knows better, don’t rush it all at once, but again, that satisfying moment of breaking the rules. The uniform isn’t on yet. Nor does she make a habit of abusing her body.
Placing the bottle beside the bag, she grabs a second container, and this one she’s more conservative. There’s food inside the bag tucked somewhere beneath the gym shirts and track pants that she never really wears. And if she does wear them, they usually come off after the warm up. The squad has a point when they claim she seldom wears clothes, but she also doesn’t understand their modesty to this day.
Hydraulics releasing air pressure captures her attention, and she looks to the entrance curiously. Not that this is a private gym, but it’s in such an out of the way location of the ship, no one really uses it. For as long as the Midnight has been commissioned, this section, once the weapons armoury but repurposed for obvious reasons, served as Astri’s personal training area because of its remote location. Who made the special trip all this way?
Meriel Blodwyn. The prodigal rookie. With excellent magical potential. Shown to be an exceptionally fast learner. Very fit. Attractive. And if the centuries spent in the Celestial Aetas stasis are to be ignored, very close in age to her.
She takes another swig from the cannister, caution be damned.
“Hey, boss!” Meriel waves cheerily, and Astri responds with a nod while still drinking. Over Meriel’s shoulder is a bright orange athletic bag. She’s wearing shorts of the same colour that stop mid thigh, and a white shirt that’s tied to fit like a crop top. Her hair, strawberry blonde today, is loose and playful, bouncing along with her. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Astri shrugs. It’s taking longer to cool down than she is used to. The workout was longer than normal, but her face is still flushed, she’s still sweating, and her breathing is still uneven. And she’s reached the bottom of the second bottle.
Meriel pauses when Astri still says nothing and tilts her head curiously. “Everything okay?”
“Mhm.” Now her heart is beating faster, and she wonders if she overexerted herself.
“I can go to the main gym,” Meriel offers, pointing behind her. “I just wanted to practise somewhere with less people so I can have more room. And NocNoc recommended this room.”
“Of course she did.”
She doesn’t mean for it to sound as dry as it does. The edge is directed to Nocturna who hears all and needs to stop interfering in Astri’s personal life. But to her surprise Meriel’s reaction is an eyebrow raise and a smile that teases. Astri finally stops kidding herself. This chain of reactions has nothing to do with her workout.
“You’re flustered.”
Astri glares. “I’m not flustered.”
“Spirits, you’re adorable.”
“I’m not flustered,” Astri repeats through gritted teeth.
“It’s the day we met all over again,” Meriel laughs, resuming her bouncy step to the bench. She casually drops the bag next to Astri’s and takes a seat to remove her shoes.
She can’t help it. Astri smirks. “Maybe. Less ambush.”
“Hm…” Meriel looks up after the first shoe is off, but Astri can’t read her expression. Because her hair continued to get in the way, Meriel pulls it back while she is up, using the spare hair tie on her wrist to make it a tail. Then she lowers herself again to take off the other shoe.
The instant it is off, Meriel strikes. Astri’s quick reflexes are what save her, but Meriel’s wink and grin almost stop her heart. “Better?”
It is cute how much Meriel has to reach because of their height difference, but even with her disadvantage, Astri knows how much of a threat she is. She takes no time in a follow up that Astri deflects. The moment Meriel enters Wolf, Astri counters with Falcon and is no longer focused on her fluid movements from one step into the next, or the loose strands of hair that fall over her face, just short of the warm brown eyes that light up her beautiful smile, or the very faint freckles only seen this close…
Well, not as focused.
They come to a stalemate not too far in and Astri stares for just a second too long. She disengages quickly. Hands on hip, Meriel laughs and takes a moment to breathe, just watching Astri fumble for her third and last water bottle in the bag.
“I’m not the only one who sports one!” Meriel says excitedly, indicating to Astri. “I never see anyone use one. They’ll get water and stuff from NocNoc.”
Astri swallows and lowers the bottle to look at their partnered bags. She shrugs. “It feels more natural to me.”
“Same, to be honest,” Meriel replies, affectionately patting hers. “Inner city schools didn’t have all this fancy tech, you know? We probably played with toys that you’d be used to. But it made cheerleading really fun. More authentic. And brought out the best in us.”
Astri nods. One look at Meriel and no one could argue with the results. “Old school” is simply better in some regards.
Now that she can mostly recover from her earlier nerves, Astri begins to gather her things. She walks to the shirt on the floor and picks it up. Then she glances at the captain’s uniform and sighs. There is nothing heavier than this suit which literally bears the weight of the world.
“You know.” Astri nearly jumps out of her skin at Meriel’s sudden statement. “I like it when you let your hair down like this.”
She throws a confused look back at her. Her hair is very clearly up. Granted it’s no longer in the bun she started with, but that’s because it’s so heavy it always falls apart halfway through the Warriors. Still, it’s braided and back.
Meriel chuckles. “Sorry, it’s a figure of speech. Um, basically I like when you cut loose. Out of uniform, I guess.”
“Ah.” Astri returns to the uniform and shrugs. “Same.”
She must have hesitated for much longer than she thought. Meriel’s hand is on her arm, and she looks at it for a second before locking eyes with Meriel. An inviting smile. A brief promise. “What’s the rush?”
There were reasons. In fact she had an entire list of why she needed to go back. But Astri can’t seem to remember any of them right now.
Tingles of energy pulse from Meriel’s fingertips as she skims her arm to hold Astri’s hand and pull her away from the uniform. “Let’s dance.”
By every definition, Astri should not be able to keep going much longer, but yet again time is lost. Today will be completely unproductive as far as military operations are concerned. Saundra can deal with it. Astri needs this moment to be “loose,” and now with a partner it feels even better. She pulls and pushes, she leads and follows, she goes from step into another. Meriel imitates her, sometimes taking an initiative to show off what she’s learned, but mostly taking Astri’s example.
It’s when Astri’s body begins to physically complain that she comes to a stop and takes a seat on the bench, Meriel right beside her. But she is smiling. She doesn’t even realise it, but it’s the kind that lights up her entire face and makes her absolutely glow. Meriel is reciprocating.
After a few minutes of drinking water and catching their breath, Astri looks over to Meriel. Once again high off the rush, the words are out before she is able to fully process.
“I’m glad you joined.”
Meriel laughs. “I mean, let’s be real, my options were pretty limited.”
“No, I mean, I’m glad you joined my team.” For once Meriel is the quiet one as she takes this in. “That you’re here with us. With me. I really like you.”
Too late it clicks what she’s said and she flushes. She takes another drink, half-wishing it to be stronger than water, to avoid Meriel’s look. It’s not until their hands are joined that she realises she left the side adjacent to Meriel free. She looks down at the contact, and then makes the brave gesture of meeting Meriel’s gaze. She’s beaming. Astri doesn’t know how to process this. She gets up and very quickly gathers her things.
“I need to go. Lots to do.”
Meriel chuckles and watches. Astri reaches the uniform and makes a mental command to Nocturna to return it to her cabin. It’s swallowed up by the wall and disappears. She slings the bag over her shoulder and starts to leave.
“Hey, Astri?”
Her name sounds rich on Meriel’s tongue. Sweet. It also leaves her longing for more. But she only offers a halt in her step and a look over her shoulder.
“I really like you too.”
Astri smiles but still isn’t ready to take this in. She nods and continues out the door.
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bmaxwell · 5 years
Number 30: Okami
Whenever the topic of the greatness of the Zelda games is brought, I tell people that Okami is my favorite 3D Zelda. It has a lot in common with those games: the dungeons, the ever-growing arsenal of special abilities, the silly side quests from sometimes charming, sometimes cringe-worthy villagers. There is a series obstacles that must be figured out, in a way that felt very familiar as someone who grew up playing video games. Giant boulder blocking the path out of town? There’s a power I have to find to get me around that. Long river winding through a cave that I can’t get past? I’ll find a power to solve that problem too.
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Those powers are manifest through painting; you freeze the screen and use a brush to draw symbols a la Black and White to affect the world around you. Sometimes it’s lock-and-key stuff like drawing a slash through the boulder to break it in half, or drawing a circle around a cursed tree to cleanse it and restore nature; other powers can change day to night and vice versa, or summon a gust of wind. There’s a lot of that in Okami: you spend a lot of time removing black shadowy shit from fields and forests, feeding animals, and generally making all things nature pretty and happy. 
The game has a reverence for Japanese mythology.* The story revolves around an ancient evil sealed away in a cave until a hapless villager removes the ancient sword that kept it bound. Now monsters roam the countryside, and the drunken buffoon who took the sword has to be coaxed into action by you, a modern reincarnation of the wolf goddess Amaterasu. You’ll be fighting with various weaponry, and doing lots of running, jumping, and painting. I’m not entirely sure how a wolf wields swords and whips, but I don’t care. 
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You also have a horny little artist bug that travels with you, a flamboyant pretty boy with a sword who shows up to fight you at various intervals, and a goddess messenger lady with boobs that bounce somewhat uncomfortably. The running around feels great, there are some good video game-ass boss battles.
I’m burying the lead here, because as much as I love the gameplay and charm of Okami, it doesn’t leave the same impression without its visuals and music. Both are among the best of any game, full stop. It originally released on Playstation 2, and has seen numerous rereleases through the years. The visuals have been made more crisp, but it’s a look that feels timeless, like if we look at it 20 years from now it’s still going to look good. 
Okami looks like a Japanese water color painting come to life, fitting with its gameplay hook of using your powers by painting on the screen. When you run, each footfall leaves a little trail of flowers and grass springing up in your wake. There are haunted enemy huts with gaseous green smoke billowing out, and the enemies look like spooky rugs before you initiate combat, which I’m positive comes from Japanese mythology somewhere down the line. Okami has a look to it that I’ve never seen in another game. 
Okami’s soundtrack is fantastic. It’s full of woodwinds and percussion, and whether it’s trying to be exciting, melancholy, creepy, exuberant, or soothing, it is absolutely triumphant. 
There’s a reason for my affection for Okami beyond the game itself: it was the first of “my” games that my firstborn really got into in a major way. I had to learn to silence my inner voice that was screaming “You’re doing it wrong!” as i watched them do things like try to get to the highest point above the village and look down on it, and find a villager’s house and go lie down in the basement, declaring it “my house.” It was play in a very pure sense of the word; there was no worrying about completing objectives and no hurrying on to the next thing. 
He almost didn’t finish the game though, because to an 8 year old, Mr and Mrs Cutter’s house is pretty fucking scary. It’s a house nestled away in a valley, where everything gets dim and scary as you approach. Granny Tongue Cutter will chase you with her shears. I helped out with that part the first time we played. Eventually my kid fell in love with the game in a big way. He’s finished it 10 times and easily knows it better than I do.
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Okami does show its age in some of its design choices. It leads the player by the nose a little too much, repeating obvious hints to you complete with key words highlighted in different color text. Amaterasu will have a huge, glowing arrow pointing her in the direction of her next objective. And the game’s opening cutscene, while excellent, is long and unskippable. The gameplay and story and still great, but get ready to party like it’s 2006 in some ways. None of that is enough of a reason to skip this masterpiece of a game.
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