#Sonic Prime
lesiasmadness · 2 days
Look I'm just saying if Prime had musical numbers I wouldn't complain
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Bro was trained by the misery of life in this cruel and heartless city, get your reading comprehension
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drunktypeshit · 2 days
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more sonadow.
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joltrify · 2 days
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he made me go ouchhhh //
bonus full doodle i didn't finish + Knuckles the Dread
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daily-sonadow · 2 days
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they're so cute I love them
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idk-jenecomprends · 17 hours
I love the new LEGO SETS because it’s Tails and Sonic at the beach…Because Sonic loves to swim…obviously
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Then we got Amy fighting robots with grapes at Angel Island with Knuckles and the Master Emerald Shrine….obviously
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mochika96 · 1 day
Sup! It's been So loong im not active in the Tumblr :) so here my art from a few months ago
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sonic-palooza · 2 days
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chicohungers24-7 · 2 days
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Silly guys
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fann1details · 23 hours
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no commentary needed
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drunktypeshit · 2 days
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yearbook shit
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sparklingjay · 2 days
So I've seen a lot of fans (especially sonadow fans) concerned about what Ian Flynn said in this recently bumblekast:
I got this video from here (maybe give them a like for providing the video if you have an account)
In this video, there is a question if the Shadow from the current Tailstube is still the current direction for Shadow or if it's just exaggerated to be funny. Ian answered this question with a: "That is very much his current direction. That is after lots of notes and revisions."
But I would like to remind people that this has been Shadows direction for more than the past decade. His competitiveness, arrogance, aggression, and lone wolf personality have been exaggerated for a long while now, which doesn't have to mean that he will be written badly.
Forces Shadow was written under those same restrictions. And he was pretty decent.
IDW had its bad moments, but it wasn't all bad, and it gave us some of our favorite sonadow moments.
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These moments were all written under the same current direction for Shadow.
And most importantly:
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Prime Shadow had those same restrictions or "mandates", and he was the best written Shadow in years. Even better than most of the 2000s games writing.
In a serious setting like Sonic x Shadow is probably going to be, Shadow won't act like Takeover Shadow or Tailstube Shadow (and they aren't even all that bad tbh, it's just simpler funnier writing, they all act a little dumber than they usually are to make it more entertaining).
For now, let's not assume the worst just because the direction hasn't changed. We all want to see those "mandates" gone so Shadow can have his complexity back, but it doesn't mean it's all bad.
He can still be a good character, and his dynamic with Sonic (and other characters) can still be good, and I'm sure we will still be getting some good Sonadow content.
In conclusion:
Shadow won't act exactly like tmosth Shadow, archie Shadow (which are actually not very in character with early 2000s Shadow anyways) Sonic 06 or Sa2 Shadow in the near future. But he (probably) won't act like vegeta edgelord Shadow either. Those were only his worst moments.
I'm still excited for Sonic x Shadow Generations because there isn't a good reason why I shouldn't be!
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Based on this post and another one (that I cant find for the life of me but I'm sure exists!!) about Sonic also doing graffiti because he vibes with it as a form of self expression, Aka Sonic and Nine banter fluff with a grain of plot somewhere in between
[2,281 words]
"Still find it so pleasantly surprising it was so easy to convince you." Sonic said after he vaulted over the railing while keeping his hold on it with one hand, his words now slightly muffled through his respirator.
"Says you! I didn't know you were up for vandalism."
"It's not vandalism, It's art." The hedgehog replied in a sassy tone, accentuating the 't' at the end and then shaking his spray can. "Without it, all this would be just a sad gray slab of concrete."
"Tch, sure."
Nine scoffed but the smile in his tone was evident while he rummaged through the bag of sprays and paints and finally settling on a few eye-bleeding colors on the yellow-blue spectrum he wanted to use.
"That one's almost empty." The hedgehog pointed towards the turquoise can that Nine flipped in his hand. He deadpanned as he must've felt it was unusually light.
"No wayyy, I couldn't tell."
"And wear the mask."
"My lungs are destroyed already, what's a few more whiffs of spray paint. No need to pester me."
Oh, Sonic will have exactly none of that backtalk, nor will he rely on the fox's habit of saying no but doing what he was told anyway, because this is not putting away the salt after a lunch, but genuine health concern.
"Nine." he added just a bit more insistence into his tone.
The mentioned fox was now staring at him unimpressed through the railing, a silent challenge as neither of them dared to blink for a good minute.
Nine eventually gave in when his eyes started to dry out and sighed, pulling out the respirator from his pocket and tying it behind his head.
"Thank you." Sonic finally shook the spray can and gave a couple short splashes of it into the open air before putting down the first lines of his soon-to-be masterpiece.
"Didn't do it for you."
"Ah but didn't you "don't" need to wear it?" Detecting the immediate loophole in the other's baseless complaints Sonic continued to focus on his outline, not lifting his head to look at the fox.
Whatever he grumbled under his nose was inconsequential as both of them finally let the conversation drop and Nine then flung himself over the railing as well.
Albeit Nine had just a bit more advantage than one poor hedgehog hanging on with one hand that will surely fall asleep sooner or later, since he could not only fly, but use his mechanical tails to hold onto the road overpass in case he got tired of that.
For a while the only sounds accompanying them were that of late night traffic and spray painting.
Sonic just couldn't let it go though, it wasn't fair,
"Heh, cheater."
His arm was still doing strong but what was a little salty banter, he was itchinf for a conversation.
"Nah, I just didn't pick a spot where I'm at a risk of falling into a highway."
A fair point, he probably should've done more pre-planning just this once, but come on, how often do you see exquisite graffiti made on the _middle_ of a road overpass? He has to have the bragging rights to it!
"Not like you can just fly."
"Eh, it's more of a hindrance really." The fox waved him off and grabbed onto the concrete base of the road, then anchoring himself onto it with his mechanical tails "Can't get the lines straight."
"Bet those don't get tired either." Sonic's point still stands.
"Done complaining?"
Nine looked at him with seemingly all of the annoyance and indifference he could with just half his face. And Sonic couldn't help but snicker.
"Hey I'm just poking fun! No need to take it so personally!"
Nine sat, stood? something in between, in silence for a second. A silence Sonic recognized as a very bad, not good kind of silence. As in, he's contemplating to either do something stupid he knows he shouldn't do, dangerous, or a mix of both.
And thank Gaia for his light speed reflexes, when he barely managed to dodge a green splotch of paint landing on his shoe.
"Oh it's on."
Sonic reached as far as he could and even if he gave a warning, Nine didn't get to dodge the attacking mist of turquoise that landed on the side of his shorts and an edge of his mechanical tail.
"He-hey! This won't get washed off!" Nine cried, but didn't let the new design bother him for long as Sonic saw a malicious glimmer in his eyes.
Nine reached towards his left-hand glove which Sonic almost moved out of the way, if he didn't remember that was the only difference between him being here or careening bellow onto a highway. Not that he couldn't get back up here in a second but instinct still betrayed him as the glove was no longer white.
"You're lucky you don't wear more clothes." The grin in Nine's voice was heard as he threw the can away "and that it's almost empty."
"What can I say, luck is always in my cards."
Drat, he should really restock his supplies. Ah but when he always forgets and remembers already when it's too late.
He looked at his new paint job and figured it wasn't that bad, good gloves are much easier to come by and buy in bulk than shoes that could withstand his daily running. Not that he would mind a change in color per se, but green just wasn't his.
On his clothes he means, well- ah whatever, he should focus on the task at hand.
Only after getting a last metaphorical word in by sending a tiny cloud of paint Nine's way, who promptly hissed at him.
Speaking of hands though, it was slowly beginning to fall asleep, but he chose to persist, this is gotta be a quick one then.
As he planned to turn his full attention to his own piece of art however, his eyes were dragged by what Nine was painting.
"Woa you can do it lineless?"
"Yea, pretty cool right." The smugness radiated off of him as he leaned back to either admire it or show it off better "Doesn't help that I might have to line it anyway cuz so far it looks like shit."
"Hey don't say that, trust the process!"
"If the process makes it look like a jumbled paint stain what is there to trust."
"Well for one, someone will find it pretty, beautiful even. And second!" Nine raised his spray can, as if to threaten Sonic with a mouthful of neon green spray if he continued. Sonic was not deterred in the slightest though, "It's by a road. No one will have the time or chance to look for every minor mistake you see up close."
And Nine promptly lowered his hand at that and sighed, resuming his work.
"I hate how you make sense."
Nine sighed, almost fondly? Though Sonic ignored that in favor of observing his style, which for some reason rang familiar.
"Hm, were any of the graffiti in New Yoke made by you?"
"Just one."
One question satisfied, yet another popped up, but he could finally turn away and catch up in progress to where Nine was at. Quickly setting down the outline for the idea sitting in his head for weeks.
"And it stayed unfinished because I almost got busted by eggforcers. Didn't have the courage to return to it since."
"Maybe we could someday go back there and finish it." He gave a quick look towards the fox and while he can't say he expected a positive reaction, the other almost recoiled even at the mere mention of going back to New Yoke.
"The city is bound to have changed since the council was dethroned and left to float endlessly in the void I'm sure!" Sonic tried his best to make the proposal sound more appealing despite that. Mostly cuz he wasn't too much against the idea himself, if anything he'd love to go back to check on everyone.
Chaos he missed them all so much actually, there surely has to be a way to get in and out of the Shatterverse. And he knows someone in particular to pick their brains about this.
"Doubt the people have."
"Who knows, maybe they're in a better mood now that they get to see the sun every once in a while. It sure worked on you."
Nine glared at the graffiti before him as if it just called him the most offensive insult, but really sonic found out that was his defensive thinking face.
"Still a no."
"Sure thing bud, won't pressure you. Although..." Sonic started, unsure of just how much more he can push this before it gets too uncomfortable. "I wouldn't be against going there myself."
"Doubt Shadow will let you near the Prism or that you'd want a repeat of the first adventure"
That was, a surprisingly calm and straightforward answer, huh. "Yea but I mean it like, there's gotta be a different way right? Since you're here and all."
Yea he was definitely pushing it, Nine turned away from him and fully concentrating on his artwork in favor of answering.
And the subject dropped after a while of tense silence. It mellowed out back into the more plesant one they had at the beginning, with Sonic continuously reminding himself he can't rush it too much or it will end up looking not up to his standard.
Somewhere along the way he exchanged hands as his left one was threatening to fall asleep and he really didn't want to deal with the aftermath of that. But he could do with a few wonky lines instead, so it was a fair trade-off.
They both stayed without a word, up until Sonic felt confident enough to sign his signature and Nine's voice suddenly perked up
"Nicky?" He questioned while it turned out he was actually observing him for a while.
"Gotta have a pseudonym, my name on itself is pretty famous as is." Sonic could finally release the strain on his arm and leg as he hopped up and sat down on the railing. Then finally put down his respirator and took in a deep breath.
"Sounds weirdly adorable for a street artist."
"Oh come on what's yours then?" Sonic asked with more of a genuine curiosity. 'Nine' was already a pretty cool name in his humble ever-correct opinion, and he could imagine the fox coming up with a myriad of cool variations of it.
But Nine's ears only pinned back slightly.
"I don't really have one." He admitted and Sonic could swear he sounded embarrassed.
"I, well most of what I draw is just for myself," he started slowly, "I never needed a complicated signature or a pseudonym since no one besides me would see it anyway."
"Hehe, understandable" Sonic couldn't help but find that both charming and sad, in a way. A fond memory of Tails trying and in his words failing to draw him a picture or two years back resurfaced. The little kit suppressing tears because he could "never get the lines just right" and later lighting up like a candle when Sonic complimented it up and down, because may the lines not be perfect, it was draw for him, and no amount of technical mistakes Tails decided to point out didn't stop his heart from doing backflips.
"Wouldn't mind seeing some of your hidden masterpieces if that's the case."
Aaand Nine froze again, sucking in a deep breath.
"They're all... in New Yoke. Or the Grim. But since both of my labs were destroyed due to one reason or another I don't think most of it survived." The fox resumed his work, and when Sonic leaned over he could see him most likely adding the finishing touches to what was most definitely a self-portrait with a few artistic liberties. Either Sonic was reminiscing for way longer than he registered or Nine managed to speedrun it.
"Oh well," the hedgehog took a second to mince his words as he properly leaned back a bit, a couple of cars breezed past him as he contemplated whether to try again or leave it be. "I mean, there would be no harm in taking a quick look. I-if not then you could always just make more stuff here! It's just, a shame I think?" He regretted his choice halfway once he heard the fox sigh.
"We both know you wouldn't just go and dip, Sonic." Nine threw the white spray over him into the bag and sat back into his mechanical tails, finally putting down his mask.
"But there's also no convincing you otherwise. So fine." He crossed his arms "But we're dragging Tails along."
Sonic's heart swiveled at that. He kicked up his legs and flipped back off the railing.
"That was the plan!"
And he couldn't help the grin that made its way across his face as he outstretched a hand towards Nine to take it.
The fox only pulled out his phone from the pocket of his pants and let go of the concrete wall, suspending himself in there further away.
"Don't you want a photo?"
"Ohoho, you betcha!" Sonic almost feared he would have to let his hand fall in shame, but he gripped the metal in front of him with excitement instead.
"Do you want my shoes on there or not?"
"Sure, if you want to incriminate yourself."
With a smirk that slowly turned to a genuine smile, Nine took at least five separate pictures.
Afterward, they packed the bags and slowly took off back to the nearby field with a not-so-subtly parked biplane.
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chiaquie · 4 hours
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SONKNUX NATION RISE UP 🙏‼️‼️‼️‼️sonic and knuckles kiss its true i have my sources
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mutatedleemon · 3 days
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My first sonic fanart and it's already something sonadow related wow
Also it’s 1:46 am so ignore the messiness and mistakes/grammar
Anyway this is Crystal and she is (kinda) Shadow and Sonic’s (fan)kid created by me and @fishymom-art (although her design is fully me tho)
For the people who can’t read my handwriting - Eggman created another hedgehog to defeat Sonic but this time hе used both Sonic's and Shadow’s DNA(?) also adding powers of green chaos emerald. Sonic saw her in Eggman's laboratory and kidnapped her. Не brought her to Shadow and they raised and protected her since. Since she was an "unfinished" project" she didn't have a name, so they called her Crystal
(The name was also a pun by Sonic cause you know… an emerald is basically a crystal so….)
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