#Spencer Acachalla
evilmagician430 · 9 months
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comic about cotard delusion (among other things)
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goozeghost · 7 months
Talevember but im a day late and doing day 1 instead of day 2 and also i havent done a serious drawing in months-
Anyway. Relatives ! 😋
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dehliman · 10 months
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Fate worse than death
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wanderingtheark · 2 months
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this is a spencer acachalla fan account now sorry /j
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bunbunpa · 9 months
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I found an absolutely abhorrent awkward 80's family picture so. naturally. sometimes a family is a dad, an ex-bounty hunter mom who adopts everything, a cop adopted as a daughter, a son who can necromance people, a demon daughter who loves waffles, an incel NOT AN INCEL they locked in their basement, and (not pictured) a dinosaur.
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proserpinesprankster · 7 months
i like how spencer is outlawed in 39 states. he just cant exist there.
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incorrect-vt-quotes · 1 month
Gertrude: While I'm gone, Billy, you're in charge. Billy: Yes! Gertrude, whispering: Spencer, you're secretly in charge. Spencer: Obviously.
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ghost-flavored-pie · 8 months
i am, personally, a transgirl spencer lover. but even if YOU enjoy boyspence, hes a transmale. not asking for your opinion he just is. he and / or she is trans no matter what. its basic science
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askthemightyspence · 10 months
hi Spencer do you know who johnny cranky is...... it's very important
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offbrandorangedrink · 2 months
I switched drawing programs and I’ve been trying to get used to the new one :/
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evilmagician430 · 3 months
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tiny spencer i just made from babybel wax
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allabouttaleblr · 2 months
some rambles on my takes on the acachallas <333
papa acachalla is very much a tired dad who doesn’t really care all too much about anything. any which way. he’s hooked up with a guy before to experiment, went “eh” and completely forgot about it. sally puts him in dresses and makeup for her tea parties and he surprisingly never complains. he instantly accepted sue as his daughter, even though he did complain about getting another child. sally told him one day she likes girls and he went “huh. well i guess you got that from me” and then took her out for ice cream. he’s perpetually tired and over time, has become hard to phase. billy sprouts wings and flies around? well, that’s to be expected, it’s tuesday after all. sally’s eyes turns black and she starts screaming for waffles? no big deal, he keeps a freezer of waffles for this. he loves gertrude but doesn’t show it as much as he should, but he’s trying. he does the universal dad stance and squints his eyes whenever the kids show him anything on their phones. his idea of a romantic date is going to the nearest burger place on a busy friday night. he got himself a nice comfy couch in the living room and falls asleep on it regularly. he’s such a dad, but refuses to admit it.
gertrude is tall and thin, with slightly bony features and liver spots scattered across her body. her face wrinkles whenever she laughs, smiles or cries. her shoulders are broad and thick, her hips are blocky and her build is stocky but thin, like a twig. she casually mentions her memories of putting on a dress for the first time and realizing she was a girl the whole time. she still tucks her kids in, even though they’re in their twenties, thirties and forties. she buys ice cream for any kid she sees without enough money for the ice cream truck. she watched hours upon hours of youtube tutorials for afro-textured hair when they took sally in, and now she can do dozens upon dozens of hairstyles for her. she hand-sews dresses for sue and repairs billy’s work clothes. she buys a new computer for spencer every two-three years and leaves it at his door with a snack plate. she takes her beloved granddaughter, ivy, out for ice cream and movie dates so maddie and/or billy can have a day off. she pulls a blanket over papa when he falls asleep in his chair, and fixes hot cocoa for everyone on cold nights. she has a self care day every week where she rests and watches her favorite movie/shows.
sue loves everything feminine, and simultaneously embraces everything non-feminine about herself. she wears pink dresses with frilly lace and bows, and proudly displays her thick arm and leg hair wherever she goes. she works out and shows off her thick muscles and abs. she’s not fluent in spanish, but speaks it regularly regardless. she carries sally on her shoulders and clumsily makes little dresses for her niece, ivy (they’re always messy, but ivy loves them anyways). she grows her hair out to her shoulders and ties it up with the same bow sally got her every day. she has a partner, rebecca, who she even tried to learn how to cook for just to bring her goodies (they’re often burnt, but rebecca never complains). she loves chick flicks, romcoms and comedies, and hides at horror movies. she’s set up a really cozy room for herself and rebecca in the house, with all of rebecca’s things in it that she bought with weeks of saved up allowance money. she loves and loves and loves. her hugs are warm and all-encompassing, and she’ll hug just about anyone for any reason. she’s enthusiastic and genuine in everything she does.
billy is much smarter than he lets on. he has abandonment issues and often hides behind a childish, “dumber” facade as a way to cope. he sometimes can’t look in the mirror because all he sees is his mother’s face staring back at him. he’s lanky but not quite tall. he’s close with his twin sister, charlie, despite being separated for much of their childhood. he goes out to movies and aquariums and zoos with her, and is fully fluent in sign language. he’ll do it so naturally that he sometimes uses sign language at home, because he forgets he’s not around charlie anymore. he never even thought he’d want to be a dad but he is so, so utterly taken with his daughter, ivy. he takes lots of pictures of her and proudly displays each and every single drawing she has ever made for him. he carries her on his shoulders and impulse buys clothes and toys for her all the time. he’s grown to find comfort in maddie’s presence, now that the two are in a healthy relationship. he irons his shirt and picked up sewing from gertrude. he’s started watching shows with papa every sunday evening as a way to bond. he’s indescribably close to sally; the two just understand each other in a way no one else does. they’ll sit in silence watching a movie together. he’ll play tea parties with sally every single time she asks without fail. he’s learned how to do her hair just to spend quiet evenings braiding it. he and sue go to zoos together, and he helps coach her on the few recipes he does know- and gets very proud when she outshines him. he prefers to be around people, but often takes an hour or two in the evenings to just have his own time, and he sits listening to music.
sally is larger than life and makes sure everyone around her knows it. she’s energetic, she’s fun, she’s loud and bright and bubbly and talkative and cheerful and so, so much more. she’s as bright and warm as the sun, and simultaneously just as brutal when she slips into her more monstrous form. she likes all things pink and purple and sparkly and glittery. she likes frills and laces and beads and pearls. she likes dresses and skirts and pretty shoes. she likes just about anything and everything pretty. she’ll befriend any animal she comes across, even dangerous ones, and they never harm her. she’s a complete and total optimist through and through, but isn’t nearly as oblivious or naive as she once was; still, it’s something she struggles with on occasion. gertrude takes her out and helps sally build her confidence and as much independence as possible, and sally loves it. she loves going to new places and exploring- zoos, aquariums, art galleries, museums, lighthouses, libraries, everything. she's become incredibly eager to learn and absorb new information, and her curiosity is limitless. she spends so, so, so much time with her siblings and spencer (even if spencer likes to pretend he hates it most of the time). she's almost never without either one of her siblings, or gertrude. she's a mama's girl and daddy's girl at the same time.
spencer doesn't like to be alone nearly as much as he claims he does. in reality, he hates being alone so much and fears being abandoned again- but he would never admit that to anyone. still, gertrude notices, and goes out of her way to do nice things for him and give him quiet reassurances that he belongs here, that he has a home here now. the basement was completely renovated so spencer can have a nice bedroom, and gertrude got him a complete gaming setup too. he plays video games a lot and streams them, and gertrude, sally and billy all watch every single stream he does (unless they're working). spencer has gradually warmed up to the other family members, and can even be spotted on sunday nights curled up on the opposite couch to papa acachalla, intently watching the movie on screen (which he insisted needed to be some mystery, action or horror movie, and papa always lets spencer have the remote). spencer will happily infodump for hours about computers and video games and computer mechanics and everything in between, to anyone who will listen.
maddie is incredibly passionate over anything and everything she puts her mind to. she used to obsess over billy, until she found out she was pregnant and began therapy- now she obsesses over making sure her daughter is healthy, happy, has everything, is learning everything, and can grow up to be a wonderful person. she sews clothes for ivy, cooks her all three meals a day, bakes her goodies for school, crafts and carves toys for her, and heavily researches all the best places nearby to take her. she's an extraordinarily loving mother who always does her absolute best in everything. she did quit her job for a while, but now finds purpose outside of motherhood in crafting furniture and toys to sell to others. she's learned to enjoy having her own time, and has rediscovered herself- she's learned she likes rock music and occasional heavy metal, she's learned she prefers savory over sweet things except on special occasions, she's learned she has a good eye for fashion and that she enjoys window-shopping whenever possible. she goes to therapy every week and has even taken a handful of community college classes purely to learn new things rather than to get a degree. she's loud and super energetic when she's excited. she has incredibly steady hands and surprisingly sharp focus. she's learned asl fluently, and is learning spanish alongside her daughter so they can talk to each other. she likes museums and art galleries because she gets to learn new things and see new things. she's grown into her own person, and has become an incredible mother as well.
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dehliman · 7 months
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@pikafleetsyolo Talevember day 1: Relatives!
In my universe, Colon and Spencer are half brothers who share a father.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 3 months
Would Spencer be pro-conspiracy theory or anti-conspiracy theory?
On one hand, I think he'd believe some minor one but on the other, he seems like the guy to not suffer fools gladly, so any talk about fake moon landings or 'The Elite' will be scoffed at
I think Spencer would self-ID as a conspiracy theorist, but when you actually pull him aside and ask him about it, you come to realize that he doesn't believe in Any of the popular conspiracies and has his own that mostly make ZERO sense. Half of them are true and it's anyone's guess as to which half.
He thinks he invented conspiracy theories and doesn't believe people when they say most conspiracy theorists think the earth is flat. As a god of knowledge, I like to think he always had dominion over conspiracies.
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wanderingtheark · 2 months
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bunbunpa · 10 months
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i miss them. anyways.
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