#Steve: Those weren’t dates. Robin came with us
morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie convinces Steve to do an interview with him where they do one of those couples quizzes but they spend the whole time arguing about who asked who our first. Eddie insists that it was him because he kissed Steve first but Steve says that making out and getting high in your trailer isn’t a date. Steve took him to the movies, paid for it and held his hand the entire time. That’s a date.
Eddie ‘Um Actually’s him and says that Steve never bought weed off of him and Eddie took him to concerts and to Indianapolis all the time. Just because Steve was too in the closet to realize he was on a date doesn’t mean that Eddie wasn’t courting him. Steve sputters that they were just friends then.
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harringtonstilinski · 3 months
Call It What You Want - Steve Harrington
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader Word Count: 3,080 Warnings: fluff, squint hard for angst, ignore the fact that eddie has risen from the dead, lol Requested: no | yes; i hope it meets your expectations, @stevesxyellowxsweater!! came from this prompt list Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! So, this hellsite decided to delete/eat the original fic of this. If you like this, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Steve Harrington. Your childhood best friend turned… acquaintance? Hell, you don’t even know anymore. You two used to be inseparable before he became King Steve, then your friendship went to shit… or at least you think it did.
When he started spending less and less time with you over the course of high school, your mind couldn’t help but go to the worst case scenarios. He didn’t want to be your friend anymore, he didn’t like you as a friend anymore, he was in the popular crowd while you weren’t so that made him not like you, Tommy H. and Carol, and many more.
Everything came to a head during both of your Senior year. You had asked him to hang out a couple of days after he and Nancy broke up, just wanting to cheer up your best friend. When he ditched you for a whole ass month, you decided to quit trying.
It was now summer of ‘86, just a couple of months after the earthquake. You were volunteering at the high school gym, or makeshift shelter, when you spotten him, folding clothes.
You tried to avert your eyes when he looked up and over, feeling eyes on his figure, but you couldn’t. Lost in those hazel eyes that you were once your favorite things to look at.
He pulled his lips together in a tight smile, nodding his head once at you before looking back down at the shirt in his hands, finishing the fold he started on it.
“Why don’t you just, I don’t know, talk to him?” Robin said, effectively scaring you.
After jumping ten feet from your skin, you placed a hand over your heart, bending at the waist ever so slightly, resting your free hand on the table in front of you. “Holy shit, don’t do that again.”
“Look, I know it’s been years since you guys have talked, but–”
“If you tell me it’ll benefit us both in the long run again, I’m gonna take these suspenders and snap them on your tits,” you interrupted, eyebrow raised.
Robin held her hands up, looking down slightly as she said, “Okay, fair enough. But seriously, though? Just saying hey and catching up wouldn’t hurt anyone. Especially Dustin.”
You looked over at your little brother, watching as he continued to hand people cups of water and blankets, his leg having long been healed from his fall back into the Upside Down. Sighing, you whispered, “I know,” before looking back at Robin. “I know he’s already lost Eddie. He can’t lose Steve, too.”
“Even though it feels that way,” your brother said, setting his tray down next to you.
Wrapping your arm around his shoulders, you sighed. “You haven’t.”
“He’s always going on dates.”
Brows furrowed, you replied, “He’s always gone on dates. His asshole of a father always told him that if he wasn’t settled down by a certain age then he was considered a failure in his eyes. Which he isn’t… nor will he ever be.”
Dustin and Robin looked at each other behind your head, both of them raising their eyebrows in unison at your words, realization hitting them both. You had a crush on Steve. 
And of course, your shithead of a little brother looked back at you with a devilish smile after watching Steve take a few steps towards you. “Well, here’s your chance to get that date you’ve always wanted.”
Looking at him confused, you asked, “What are you–” before being interrupted by both him and Robin saying, “Bye!,” walking away as Steve approached the table.
You looked from Dustin to Robin as the two of them walked away, mouth ajar before bringing your bottom lip between your teeth and looking in front of you. A small smile appeared on your face, seeing that playful smile that Steve always gave.
“Hey, loser,” he said.
Releasing your lip, you scrunched your eyebrows, greeting him with, “Buttface.”
A chuckle came from his mouth, his head bending forward as his chin became parallel with his collarbone. When he brought his head back up, you saw nothing but amusement in his eyes as he said, “Buttface? Really?”
Crossing your arms, you retorted, “Well, you are. You fucking ditched me.”
All amusement left his eyes at your words, fear and anxiety crashing into yours. “Oh, my god. Steve, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say it. I just slipped out–”
“It’s okay,” he said, stopping your words. Nodding, he added, “I mean, I did deserve it. I was an asshole and I’m majorly sorry for that.”
Smiling a little to yourself, you tilted your head and quietly asked, “Did just say majorly? What is this? 1982?”
He looked at you confused, but laughed nonetheless. “Yes. Yes, I did.”
Going back to messing around with the items in front of you at the table, you said, “You were always one for trends. Still are, apparently.”
“What do you mean?”
Gesturing to his clothes, you eyed his outfit before locking eyes with him again. “Need I say more?”
“What about the hair?”
“Still on trend with that. It’s your best attribute. I predict, though, in about… twenty or so years, you’re gonna cut it short.”
Leaning his hands on the table, he asked, “Will I still look good?” “Of course,” you chuckled. “You always have. Even when we were kids and your parents made you get those… oh, what are they called?” You thought for a moment before gasping. “Oh, my god! It was a bowl–”
“You finish that sentence and I’ll make sure everyone sees your haircut from the late 70’s.”
With wide eyes, you said, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t try me, princess.”
You narrowed your eyes at the nickname he used to call you when the two of you were kids. You loved it until you reached high school when Carol started calling you princess to get under your skin.
He started using it in a derogatory way after that just to please his friends, which pissed you off to no end. Steve would end up going home after school or hanging out with Tommy H and Carol, regretting the words he’d said to you.
That’s when you both made the conscious decisions, separately, to stop hanging out. When you two walked across the stage at graduation, you cheered and clapped for each other, spotting each other in the crowd and giving each other a small smile.
Realizing what he’d called you, his eyes went wide with shock. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry.”
Waving him off, you looked down. “It’s okay, Steve. I’m over it.”
“Clearly not with the way you just looked at me.”
“And how was that?” you asked, looking from the blanket you were moving into Steve’s eyes.
With a small smile, he replied, “Like you wanted to kill me.”
“Oh, my god. Just ask her out!” Dustin said, walking behind Steve.
Your eyes went wide, not believing that just happened, but… Steve apparently believed it because not five seconds after Dustin had disappeared, he asked, “Would you? Go on a date with me?”
Flabbergasted, you opened and closed your mouth like a fish out of water, your brain going a million miles an hour as you tried to come up with an answer as an arm came around your shoulders, ultimately halting your train of thought.
“Of course she’d love to, dingus,” Robin said. You could hear the smile behind her words… and see it as you turned your head to face her.
“Robin,” you quietly hissed.
“Oh, shush,” she whispered. “You know you want to.”
You knew, deep down in your heart you knew you wanted to go on that date with one Steve Harrington. You had always wished that he would ask you, but alas… he never did. Always asking out the popular girls, the girls on the cheerleading team or dance team. And it always broke your heart.
This time, though, was different. It was you he was asking, not some other girl that only wanted to get into his pants… or he into theirs.
Sighing, you closed your eyes for a moment before gathering your thoughts and nodding your head. “Yeah. Okay.”
“Yeah, okay, what?” Robin said, the smile evident on her face.
“Yes, Steve, I’ll go on a date with you.”
Two weeks had gone by before you were standing in front of your vanity mirror, looking over your outfit.
“Hey, female - holy shit.”
You turned and spotted Eddie standing at your doorway, a cassette tape in his hands that he nearly dropped. Chuckling, you said, “Hey, Eddie. What’cha got there?”
“Uhh,” he said, looking from you to the cassette. Looking up with a devilish smile on his face, he played with it, before tilting his head and scrunching his nose. “Maybe it’s that album you’ve been looking for.”
Scrunching your brows in thought, you wracked your brain trying to think of what album he could be talking about until it hit you with a gasp. “Def Leppard’s Pyromania?”
Pointing at you with the cassette, Eddie smiled and said, “The very one.”
Squealing happily, you ran and jumped into your best friend's arms, hugging him tightly around his neck before releasing him, hands cupping his cheeks. “Thank you, Ed.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He gave you another quick hug before adding, “Oh, by the way. You look beautiful. You’re gonna knock Harrington’s socks off.”
Chuckling, you said, “Thanks, Eddie.” At the sound of Steve’s laugh, your body tensed the slightest bit, your best friend noticing.
“Hey,” Eddie said, voice gentle. “It’s gonna be okay. Don’t worry. If he tries anything, just let me know and I’ll kick his ass.”
“In what? D&D?”
He was silent for a moment, his eyes going the tiniest bit wide before he nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, you got me there.”
You laughed as you turned to put the cassette on your vanity, giving yourself one more look over before exiting your room, purse on your shoulder. When you spotted Steve standing at the door with Dustin, laughing, your heart leapt into your throat. Steve looked damn good, and you knew tonight wouldn’t end without the two of you making things official… after talking everything out.
When Dustin looked at you, his smile never faded. “Well, here she is. The lady of the hour.”
“Oh, shut up,” you said, giving him a side hug as Steve chuckled.
He opened the door for you, escorting you out, Dustin, your mom and Eddie wishing the two of you a good night.
“Ten bucks they end up together,” Dustin says.
“I’ll up you ten and say they’ll do more than just ‘get together’,” Eddie replied.
With a disgusted look on his face, Dustin looked up to his mentor, saying, “That’s my sister, you gross ass.”
The car ride to the movies was silent, but comfortable. The film choice for the night was The Karate Kid Part II. Your main reason for seeing it?; Ralph Macchio.
Max had told you if you didn’t see it that she’d hunt you down and murder you in your sleep. An empty threat from the redhead, but nevertheless, you told that you’d see it, a smile spreading across her face at your words.
Once the movie was over and you voiced that you were starving, Steve drove the two of you to Benny’s, home of the best burgers and fries in Hawkins. As soon as you two walked into the diner, the waitress smiled to herself, already getting her notepad and pen out, writing down yours and Steve’s orders.
She waited on the two of you during your Freshman and Sophomore years of high school before Steve became King Steve. Gloria, the waitress, had always wondered where you were when Steve would come in with Tommy H and Carol. Steve had explained that the two of you weren’t really hanging out anymore, which made her sad, so seeing the both of you at the diner together, made her smile.
The both of you took your normal booth in the middle along the wall of windows. You turned your head to the right, looking out at the cars passing by on the road. Sighing, you felt content before looking back at Steve, whose eyes had been on you the whole time.
Steve was immensely happy that you had decided to go on this date with him. He always felt bad at the treatment you got from him, and always wanted to make it up to you in the best way possible. This was the best thing he thought of. Doing what you’d always used to do; movie and then burgers at Benny’s.
“What?” you asked, reaching up to touch your cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”
Chuckling, Steve looked down at the table before looking around the diner, eyeing Gloria, giving her a nod, a small smile on his face as he did, your eyes watching his movements.
Turning your head to look towards Gloria, your face lit up with happiness, the seasoned waitress walking over with her tray resting on her hand, bringing the two of your food.
“Oh, my goodness,” she smiled. “Look at how grown you two have gotten. I was wondering when you two were gonna come walking back in here together.”
Your face flushed as Steve’s eyes widening the slightest bit at her words. She always rooted for the two of you. After Gloria had set your drinks in front of you, she smiled and said that she’d be right back with a special treat for you and Steve.
Shrugging, you picked up your burger after topping it with your condiments and veggies of choice that were on your plate, you took the first bite, eyes practically rolling into the back of your head. “Oh, my god. I forgot how good these burgers were.”
With furrowed brows, Steve picked up a fry and asked, “When was the last time you were here?” before popping it into his mouth.
“The last time we both were here,” you said, after swallowing your bite, going back in for another.
Steve hummed to himself, taking a bite of his cheeseburger, having topped it with his toppings of choice. 
About half way through your meal, Gloria set your favorite milkshakes in front of you, a big smile spreading on your face after she walked away. Using the spoon that was in the cup, you brought a spoonful of the thick milkshake to your mouth, quietly moaning with an eye roll at the flavors hitting your taste buds.
Pointing to the shake with the spoon, you said with a mouthful, “The best damn shakes in Hawkins.”
“The best damn shakes in all of Indiana!” Steve exclaimed, holding his own spoon out with some of his shake on it.
Scooping another spoonful, you ‘clinked’ your spoons together, laughing at the silliness of it all. You had missed it, though, and so had Steve. Once your laughter had died down and you were finished with your meals, Steve had tried to pay, Gloria insisting that it was on the house, courtesy of Benny himself.
The drive back to your house was quiet again, but comfortable. Steve had his hands on the steering wheel and gear shift, respectfully, while yours was in your lap. All the words you wanted to say were a mess in your head, every thought that was tumbling around in your head caused you to lose track of time… and where you were.
A hand on your shoulder brought you back, your head turning towards Steve. “I’m sorry, what?”
He chuckled, his hand never leaving your shoulder. “I said, we’re here and asked if you were okay.”
“Oh,” you said, sheepishly. “Yeah. Got lost in thought, I guess.”
“What were you thinking about?” 
Shaking your head, you looked down and whispered, “It’s nothing.”
Putting his hand on yours and gaining your attention, Steve said, “Hey. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
All you could do for the next ten seconds was look into those hazel eyes you used to get lost in before you leaned forward, resting your forehead against his, closing your eyes and sighing. Steve sighed and closed his eyes, as well, bringing his hand from yours to cup your cheek.
“I’ve missed you, Stevie,” you whispered. You felt him stiffen just slightly, your opening and head lifting from his for just a moment before he brought your forehead back to his. “I’m sorry. I know you hate being called that.”
This time, it was Steve who lifted his head to look at you, his hand never moving from your cheek. “You’re the only one that gets to call me that, ya’know? Always have been, always will.”
A small smile spread on your lips, Steve’s hand moving slightly back towards your neck, his thumb rubbing at the top of your jawline near your ear. “Don’t hate me for this,” he whispered.
“What are you–” you started, but your words were cut off by Steve’s lips on yours. You were a little shocked, to say the least, but you kissed him back regardless. It wasn’t a hungry kiss. It was more of one that was testing the waters
With lips slowly moving in sync, you couldn’t help but feel happy that his lips were actually on yours. You hated to admit it to yourself, but you’ve always wondered what it would feel like to have Steve’s lips on yours, and now that they are… you couldn’t get enough.
You wanted to keep kissing him until your lips were red, swollen, numb, the whole nine yards. All you wanted was Steve, and now… you think you have him.
When you both pulled away, breathless, you rested your foreheads against each other’s, simultaneously. As you caught your breath, you smiled, a soft chuckle making its way from your lips.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, a smile on his face as well.
Rolling your head to the right a little, you bit your bottom lip before lifting your head and looking at those hazel eyes you’ve always loved. “I just can’t believe that happened.”
Moving his hand back to your cheek, Steve smiled that smile you hadn’t seen in years. “Well, you better believe it… because I plan on doing that more.”
“I’m counting on it, Stevie.”
Steve chuckled while shaking his head, bringing your lips back to his with a smile on both of your faces.
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought about! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: 
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on March 22, 2024
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patheticdarling · 9 months
Summary: We all know how it went last time Steve fell in love, well everyone except Y/N, hence why she had no issue confessing her feelings to her boyfriend. But Steve’s anxiety has a habit of getting the best of him. 
Warnings: angst/relationship doubts/fluff/cussing
Word Count: 852
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  “This is fucking insane,” Steve muttered as the two of you took your shift of watching Max for a portion of the night.
  You shook your head, “Poor Max. I can’t imagine how scared she must be. If we weren’t here, who knows-”
  “But we are here,” Steve reassured you, squeezing your hand in his.
  You exchanged small smiles as you laid your head on his shoulder. The two of you sitting in the comfortable silence as you looked over all the sleeping kids. 
  “Steve?” you whispered.
  “Yeah?” his voice low.
  You let out a soft sigh, “I love you.”
  Even if your head hadn’t been on his shoulder, you would be able to feel how tense Steve became at your words. And when another moment passed and he hadn’t said anything back, your heart sank to your stomach. 
  “I-I,” you struggled to figure out what to say next, “I’m sorry.” Before he could stop you, you were halfway up the basement stairs. 
  Steve tried to call out for you, causing some of the kids to stir a bit which made him quiet back down. He wanted to punch himself in the face for his reaction. He knew how he felt, why couldn’t he just say it?
  You found yourself seated on the front porch of the Wheelers’ house, small tears streaming down your face as you tried your best to cry quietly. 
  “Y/N?” you looked up and saw a very tired Robin with a blanket wrapped around her. 
  You quickly attempted to wipe away your tears, “Oh, hey, Robin,” you gave her a half-hearted smile, “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
  “Nah,” she shook her head as she took a seat next to you, “Dustin’s snoring,” a small chuckle leaving both of you, “What’re you doing out here? And why’re you crying?”
  You let out a shaky sigh, “I told Steve I loved him.”
  “Oh,” she exclaimed before a smile spread across her lips, “It’s about time, really. I was wondering when one of you would finally just use the “L” word-” 
  “He didn’t say it back,” you cut her off, “You should’ve seen the look on his face, Robin. You would’ve thought I told him I was cursed too.” The tears built in your eyes again, “I thought he felt the same way. I thought he loved me. But I was wrong. God, I feel like such an idiot.” 
  “Hey,” she strung her arm around you, “You are not an idiot. Steve might be though. He does love you, Y/N. I know he does.”
  “Then why couldn’t he say it back?” you cried softly. 
  Robin sighed, “Y/N, how much did you know about Nancy and Steve’s relationship?”
  “What?” you were so confused, “Only a bit. I just knew they dated for a few months before they broke up and she got together with Jonathan.”
  “That’s the short version anyway,” Robin explained, “What drove their breakup and sort of pushed Jonathan and Nancy together was something a bit deeper.”
  “What happened?” 
  “Nancy didn’t love Steve. In some drunken stupor she basically told him that their whole relationship was bullshit and that them being in love was bullshit too,” your heart broke for Steve, knowing exactly how he must’ve felt, “The next day or something when Nancy was sober, Steve asked her if she loved him, and Nancy didn’t say it back. Then some time later, she ends up with Jonathan and you know that those two are definitely in love. Bottom line is, I think Steve is just scared that if he tells you that he loves you, you’ll end up thinking it’s all bullshit too.”
  You let out a heavy sigh, “I could never think that, Robin. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, you know that.”
  “Me neither,” a voice came from around the corner, Steve appearing in front of you and Robin. 
  She looked between the two of you, “Well, I think I should head back to bed,” she gave your shoulder a squeeze and a small smile before heading back into the house. 
  “I’m so sorry,” he muttered. 
  “Steve, you don’t have to-”
  “No, Y/N,” he cut you off, “Robin’s right, I’m a complete dingus. The only reason I couldn’t say it back was because I was terrified. Terrified that it was too good to be true. Terrified that the minute I told you how I felt, you’d leave. And if I lost you,” Steve choked back sobs, “I-I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t risk that.” 
  You brought your hand to his stubbled cheek, pulling his teary gaze to you, “I’m not going anywhere, Steve. I promise you.”
  Steve didn’t hesitate to pull your lips together, he had never felt safer than he did in your touch. Tears of relief leaving his eyes as he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. 
  “I’m so sorry. I love you, Y/N. I love you. God, I love you so much,” Steve uttered and repeated like a prayer.
  You nodded, laughing with relief as the tears dried, “I love you, Steve.”
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headkiss · 2 years
secret admirer
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: based on a request for secret admirer steve with a shy reader. you’ve had a crush on steve for a while, little did you know he felt the same. he was your secret admirer as well as your science partner, though you only knew one of those things.
word count: 10.5k
warnings: fluff, smut, like a tiny bit of angst if you squint. a world where steve and nancy never dated.
a/n: hi! idk why this ended up being so long but i hope you guys like it!! sorry it took forever to get done but i got like super carried away with this request, but here she is in all her glory!!!
You never expected anyone to notice you. Certainly not at school. You were the kind of person that remained in the background, an extra in a life full of main and supporting characters. You were constantly reading books, getting lost in other worlds and people with lives far more exciting than yours.
You stuck close to your tiny group of friends, but even then, you stayed on the quiet side. Though you loved them, you felt the most at peace when you were in your room. Alone and worry free. When you were alone, you didn’t have to focus on what you were saying or what others thought, it was just you and your thoughts. Just how you liked it.
There was one person, however, who did notice you. The only thing is, you didn’t know who that was. You never expected secret admirers to be a real thing, seeing them in movies and reading about such things. But, you had one of your own. You couldn’t wrap your head around the idea of someone liking you, but staying anonymous about it.
A new school day usually means a new note in your locker. New words to think about the rest of the day. They were always sweet, leaving you standing in the hall with heated cheeks and butterflies in your stomach.
It was almost pathetic, the way you had a crush on whoever this was. Because nobody had ever said things like this to you. Complimenting you on small things like what necklace you were wearing or how you did your hair. Using words like ‘pretty’ and ‘beautiful’ to describe you. How could you not fall for that?
You had only told one of your friends, your best friend, about the notes, not wanting to make a big deal out of it around people. She was walking up to your locker like she always did in the mornings, raising her eyebrows up and down suggestively at you.
“Hey! Any notes yet?”
You laughed at her eagerness, “Robin, you know I always get them after Johnson’s class.”
Robin had been your best friend since you started high school. You met in your first period freshman year and had become inseparable ever since. Her band-geek nature complimented your bookworm self perfectly.
“Ohhh right. I forgot this secret admirer of yours has a schedule.”
“I think they’re in that class.”
“You have theories now? Oh my gosh! We are totally gonna find out who this is soon!”
“Robin, stop it! I'm going to class.”
“You know I'm right!” She called as she walked away from you. You actually didn’t know it then, but she really was right about finding out who exactly was leaving you these notes.
You walked into your class and sat in your spot, in the back row. It’s where you sat in every class. The first half of your day went by as normal, taking notes, keeping your head down, and getting as much work done as possible.
Before you knew it, it was lunchtime and you made your way to the cafeteria, spotting Robin at your usual table. Your other two friends weren’t having lunch with you today as they both had clubs to attend, leaving you and your best friend to yourselves.
“How were your morning classes, Robs?” You spoke as you sat down across from her, placing your tray on the table.
“You know, same old, same old. Harrington came into Click’s class late this morning, like always.”
“Bagel and everything?”
“Yes! God, he’s infuriating.”
“I don’t know, I think he seems nice.”
“Nice? Have you seen who he hangs around?”
“Well yeah but when they try to say stuff to me he always stops them. He’s not the same as Tommy H. or Carol.”
She gasped, “no way! You like him!”
“What are you talking about? I’ve barely ever spoken to him. He’s just in some of my classes, is all.”
“Sure it is…”
“Robs, stop! Can we just talk about something else?”
She changed the subject right away. You loved that about Robin. How she knew when to stop teasing or prodding and to drop something. She was your best friend for a reason, after all.
Time went by quickly as you chatted away, and as you finished up your food, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
“You better tell me what the note says today!” Robin said as you put your trays away.
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, Robin.”
Your next class was with Mrs. Johnson. Science. It wasn’t your favorite class, but it wasn’t your least favorite either. But, you always looked forward to it being over and finding a note in your locker. They always made your day better, no matter what.
You didn’t know what you were doing in class today, but Mrs. Johnson had mentioned something about a project. As you sat down in your usual seat, you glanced at the board. Written in big letters, it said, ‘partner projects’ and you wanted to hide under your desk then and there. You wished Robin was in this class, that way you wouldn’t even have to worry.
Right when the bell rang to announce the beginning of the class, Steve Harrington came in looking a little out of breath, like he was trying to beat the bell. As he took his seat, and you watched, Mrs. Johnson started talking about the project.
“This time you guys will not be choosing your partners, I will be doing that for you. I want to mix things up and force you to interact with each other, and no, I won’t change my mind about it.”
You weren’t opposed to her choosing. If she didn’t find a partner for you, you’d just end up working by yourself like usual. Maybe this way you could get out of your shell, just a little.
Mrs. Johnson was calling out names in pairs, and you watched your classmates looking around at their partners with small smiles, some fake, some shy, some happy with the outcome of their group. Then, she was calling your name.
“Y/n, you’ll be with Steve…”
She kept reading names but you weren’t focusing on that. Partnered with Steve Harrington? You were done for. He was always kind to you, defending you when his friends were being jerks—which they always were. You couldn’t help but feel nervous around him, he was sweet and so pretty. So what if you had a (not so) small crush on him? Nothing would ever happen anyways.
When Steve heard your names called together, he was beaming. He knew you were shy by nature, that you didn’t really talk to people you didn’t know, but he was hoping to become someone you’d talk to. Someone who could get you to open up and be around without worrying. Ever since he noticed you reading by yourself during free period, he knew he wanted to know you. To be known, really known, by you.
He smiled at you and gathered his things, moving over to the now empty desk next to yours and pushing it so the two tables were together. You gave him a shy smile in return, tucking your hair behind your ears just for something to do with your hands.
“Hi Steve.” You spoke quietly, so quiet he almost didn’t hear you, but he was so glad he did. He thought you were so cute, and he could tell you were trying. This was going to be the best project ever.
“Hi back!”
You smiled at him, glad he was talking to you in this soft way that made you feel welcome. Like he really wanted to talk to you.
“So, listen y/n, I’m not the best at science, but I swear I’ll try my best. You might have to help me along the way, though.”
“That’s okay. What are partners for, right?”
“This is gonna be great, I know it! You and me, we’re gonna make a great team. Unstoppable even.”
Before you could reply, Mrs. Johnson was beginning to give instructions for the project, and you started taking notes so you wouldn’t forget anything. Steve was listening, but his eyes were on you and the way you leaned closer to your paper when you wrote. The way your tongue poked out between your lips the tiniest bit in focus.
When the instructions were over with, the class got to work. Mostly, though, people would just talk amongst each other, leaving the work for later.
“I was thinking maybe you could come over today after school? Get a head start on this project?”
You wanted to say yes right away. Of course you wanted to. But you were nervous. Alone with none other than Steve Harrington, what a trip that would be.
“Are you sure? Your parents wouldn’t mind?”
“Don’t really have to worry about them, um, they aren’t around much so. It’s basically my house. But hey, if you’d rather meet up at the library that works too.”
He knew you were a nervous person, shy by nature, and he didn’t want to scare you off. No, that was the last thing he wanted to do. So, he offered a middle ground. One you appreciated so much.
“That’d be great, Steve. I don’t have a car, though.”
“That’s alright! I can drive you. We can meet up in the parking lot. Is that okay?”
More than okay. He was so sweet to you, you didn’t understand why on earth he was friends with people like Tommy and Carol. They didn’t deserve a friend like him.
“That’s really nice of you.”
“It’s no problem at all, I swear.”
“Okay. Yeah, I’ll meet you then.”
“Perfect! It’s gonna be great, I’m telling you.”
Then, the bell was ringing. You always took a bit more time than everyone else to get out of class; you had to put your things away the same way every time. You also liked waiting a bit before walking to your locker and then your next class, waiting until the halls were a bit emptier.
As you made your way to your locker, your stomach was fluttering. Excited to see what your special note would say today. Excited about seeing that special handwriting and that special sign off with a small heart. Every single time.
You unlocked your locker and spotted the paper right away. It was always the same kind of paper, lined and slightly crumpled from being shoved into your locker. You smiled softly at the sight of it, looking around before reaching in and reading it.
‘You look pretty today. You do every day, but I think today is extra special! -S <3’
You always assumed the ‘S’ stood for ‘secret admirer,’ because that just made sense. As you read the note and saw the heart drawn the same way it always was, you felt your cheeks heating up, your head ducking down bashfully. You felt silly for liking these notes so much, for keeping them all in a small pile at the back of your locker. Like they were items that you’d always need.
You didn’t notice Steve looking at you, but he was. He liked to see your reactions to the small notes he left you. He had a crush on you for ages, but could see you were someone who had to warm up to others. In an attempt not to scare you away, he decided that starting with notes was a great way to go. It was convenient that his first initial was also what was at the front of the term ‘secret admirer.’ He really lucked out on that one.
He loved seeing you read his notes, seeing the way you’d blush at his words. Even if you didn’t know they were his, you would at some point. He felt so special every time you tucked away the notes into your locker rather than tossing it in the trash. Now that you were partners and were meeting up after school, he had a real chance to tell you the truth. But he couldn’t lie, he was nervous too.
Would you think he was creepy for writing to you? For being anonymous and acting as if he was innocent in the matter? Well, it was too late now. He was already in too deep. Caught up in you and who you were. A sweet person with a gentle soul who deserved to know how pretty and beautiful she was.
Once the next bell rang, you closed your locker and made your way to your next class. Steve did the same.
Your next class was with Robin, so you had the chance to freak out and force her to listen to you. You sat down in your seat next to hers, and she wasted no time.
“So what did it say today?”
“Shhh! Robin! Um just that I looked pretty, like more than usual.”
“Awww that’s cute! I can see you trying not to smile thinking about it!”
“Anyways. I’m meeting Steve after school because we’re science partners and I’m kinda freaking out and I need you to tell me it’ll be fine.”
“No way! Steve Harrington? Oh this is something straight out of a rom com. Shy girl partnered with super popular guy.”
“Robs! Not helping!”
“Sorry, okay. Listen it’ll be fine, you’re gonna talk to him and like you said, he’s nice to you! Nothing to freak out about.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” You weren’t actually convinced, but class was starting and you were forced to stop chatting and pay attention.
The rest of the day, you and Steve were both looking forward to meeting at the library, even if it was for science class. The nerves and jitters as well as excitement and giddy feelings were all mutual. But, neither of you knew that.
The end of the day came and you quickly made your way to the parking lot, not wanting to make Steve wait for you too long. When you got outside, you saw him leaning against his car door, talking to none other than Tommy and Carol. Great.
You walked up to Steve’s car, keeping your head down and trying your best to avoid the gazes of Steve’s friends. Unfortunately, that didn’t work.
“Look who it is! Are you lost?” Tommy faked concern, making you feel so out of place you wanted to shrink back into the ground.
“She must be, she can’t even speak!” Carol added on.
“Guys, seriously? Why do you always have to be such assholes?” Steve was quick to defend you, like he always did, but his words were harsher this time. More firm in his will to get them to stop.
“Geez, you’ve gotten boring, Harrington.”
With that, they walked away, leaving you and Steve alone standing by his car. He unlocked it and walked over to the passenger side, opening the door for you and ushering you in. A gentleman, really. He jogged around to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car and driving away. It was silent for a bit, but Steve eventually spoke up.
“I’m really sorry about them. I don’t even know why I hang out with them, honestly. But don’t listen to them, okay? I'm glad we’re partners.”
“It’s okay. Um, thanks for defending me.”
“It’s not okay! I guess I only really hang around them ‘cause I don’t have other friends. I don’t even like them, really. They’re so mean.”
“You could hang out with me. I mean, only if you want to.”
You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. Why would he want to hang out with you of all people? You really just embarrassed yourself not even five minutes into the drive.
“I might take you up on that, actually.”
Oh. Wow. Maybe that was a good thing to say after all. You couldn’t really believe that he’d actually want to be around you without being obligated. But he sounded genuine, and glad. Like the offer really meant a lot to him. It did, but you didn’t know that for sure.
“Okay, cool.” You didn’t have a better reply, too shocked and excited by his acceptance of you offer.
“Yeah, cool.”
The rest of the car ride went by quietly, your leg bouncing up and down anxiously, gazing out the window to try and calm your mind. You didn’t know how to talk to him. Scared you’d say something weird or dumb and he’d stop being so nice to you. It was irrational, you knew that, but you couldn’t help your thoughts.
Steve was focusing on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter than usual because of his nerves. He wanted you to like him so badly. He was trying his best to be calm and collected around you, when in reality, he couldn’t think straight. Your perfume was filling his senses, sweet just like you.
Next thing you knew you were at the library, Steve pulling in and parking the car. You were excited to go inside, to start the project. Mostly because it gave you something to talk about, a subject you didn’t have to overthink. You were still nervous though. Because this was Steve Harrington, local heartthrob and the prettiest boy you’d ever seen. No matter how sweet he was to you, you couldn’t help but feel flustered around him.
He shut the car off and got out, jogging around to your side so he could open the door for you once again. You smiled at his action, his eagerness to be a classic gentleman around you. It was really, really cute.
As you got out of the car, he grabbed your bags from the backseat. You tried to grab yours from him but he pulled it away from you, shaking his head with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Nope, I got the bags. Keep walking!”
You giggled at him, and he wanted to make you do it again. To hear the sound over and over because it was so light, so airy. Like the best kind of cotton candy, sweet and pink and amazing every time.
Just like he did with the car, he opened the door to the library for you, even while holding both bags. “After you, m’lady.”
“Why thank you!” You walked into the library with a smile on your face. Why’d he have to be so nice? This crush you had on him was not going to end well and you knew it. But, you couldn’t help it.
“Y/n! Hi sweetie! And who’s this?” The librarian greeted you, excited to see one of her favorite customers.
“Hi. Um, this is Steve.”
“Hi! Nice to meet you. We’re doing a science project.” Steve spoke brightly, like he had known her for longer than thirty seconds. It was impressive, the way he could be so bright around a total stranger. You think maybe he could help you be that way, too.
“I see. You kids have fun with that! Won’t even know I’m here.”
Steve was walking ahead of you, and the librarian gave you a thumbs up when he wasn’t looking, like she knew something you didn’t. You rolled your eyes playfully and caught up to Steve. The two of you sat at a table close to the window, light seeping in and casting shadows across your faces.
“So what do you wanna do first?”
He was letting you take the lead, knowing that you liked to do things a certain way and not wanting to disrupt that for you. The last thing he wanted to do was mess up your routine. He was attentive like that. All of his observing you fondly has taught him plenty.
“Um, we could look at the outline, maybe?”
“Sure thing, boss!”
“Oh yeah. You’re definitely in charge here.”
“Me?” You don’t know why that surprised you so much. You suppose it could be because you’re used to being talked over in group settings. But he somehow knew that you liked to take the lead with schoolwork, even if it was in your own subdued and quiet way.
“C’mon let’s get started! Get our science on!”
“You sound really excited about doing science, Steve.”
“Correction, I’m excited to do science with you. I told you, we’re gonna make a great team.”
He had a way of saying things that made them feel real, genuine. A way of talking that left you with heated cheeks constantly and words imprinted in your head. You thought about your secret admirer and their words. You felt similar about them and Steve. Both of them gave you the same feeling, and you didn’t know what to make of that. There was absolutely no way it was Steve. Right?
Robin was going to have a field day with this.
The project carried on smoothly, conversation flowing along with it. You and Steve ended up getting a lot done, and you were happy that he was able to focus on the work and keep up his playful demeanor at the same time.
Hours sped by as you worked, never even glancing at the clock because you didn’t feel the need to. You didn’t even want to go home, you wanted to stay there in the secluded library with Steve forever. It was peaceful, and it was calm. It was a blooming friendship and an ever-growing crush. Small smiles and shared laughs, a brush of hands and clammy palms.
Before you knew it, it was time for you to get home, finally checking your watch and gasping at the time.
“Shit, I gotta get home.”
“She cusses!” He felt like you were letting go around him, like you were becoming more comfortable in his company. It was all he ever wanted, and he hoped that one day he’d get you to be completely yourself with him. For the first time, he really felt like it was possible.
“My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m late.” You were packing your things as quickly as possible, trying to do the math in your head of how long your walk would take. Figuring out what excuse you’d give your mom.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll drive you home, no problem. Breathe.” He could see the wheels turning in your head, the panic growing in your chest at the thought of being late. He wanted nothing more than to bring you peace.
“You sure?”
“Of course I am. Like I said, my parents aren’t even home so.. I can be as late as I want. C’mon.”
You didn’t have time to reply before he was walking out of the library, waving goodbye at the librarian and holding the door open for you once again. You rushed over to his car and got in, hands shaking slightly in your lap. You hated being late, and you hated it when your mom was mad.
Steve started to drive, following your quiet directions to your house. He noticed your hands shaking in your lap, and reached over with one of his to hold them. He didn’t know what brought him to do that, to hold your hands in his. But he was glad he did it, because you grasped his hand in one of yours tightly.
You were holding Steve’s hand. What the hell was happening? This was something you were going to think about later. But, right now you were too focused on getting home before your curfew to concentrate on how his hand felt in yours. On the way he wordlessly let you grip his hand because he knew it would help. Why was he so kind to you? Of all people, he decided to be at his softest when you were with him, like his ‘King Steve’ persona—that really wasn’t him at all—melted away.
He pulled over on the street next to your house, telling you softly you’d arrived.
“Thank you so much, Steve. Sorry for, um, freaking out.”
“No worries. Happens to us all. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah. Bye, Steve.”
Then, you got out of the car, running up to your door and going inside. Luckily, you had a minute to spare before your curfew was up, and you let out a breath of relief before going up to your room and collapsing on the bed.
Steve waited by the curb to make sure you got in okay, waiting until your bedroom light turned on before pulling away and heading back home to a lonely, empty house. He found himself wishing you were still with him.
When he got home he couldn’t stop his mind from drifting to you. To your eyes and how they crinkled just slightly in the corners when you smiled. To your laugh and how it felt like a reward every time he got one out of you. To all things you.
For once he wasn’t thinking about how empty his house was or the constant lack of his parents being around. He wasn’t concerned about his asshole friends or what people at school thought of him.
He was only thinking about you.
The next day at school, Steve was completely unfocused—more so than usual. He was too busy looking forward to Johnson’s class because he would get to see you. How pathetic is that? He couldn’t even listen in any class because of how he felt about you.
You weren’t much different than him. You still took your notes, but you found yourself zoning out writing mid-sentence, ending up with messy letters and crooked lines. You barely spoke a word during lunch, mind wandering to how your next class was going to go. Robin took notice, but she decided she’d interrogate you during your shared class.
You ate your food slowly, hoping the time would move quicker if you kept yourself occupied. You were waiting impatiently for the bell to ring, to go to your stupid science crush and see the boy you had a stupid crush on.
Your hopes were answered, as if the bell could read your thoughts. The loud ring cut through the cafeteria and you shot out of your seat and headed to class. There was an added pep in your step, your pace faster than usual. It was crazy, how you wanted to get to class for the sole purpose of seeing Steve.
As you walked in, you noticed that he was already sitting at the desk next to yours. Steve perked up when you came in, smiling brightly at you and waving. You have a small wave back, making your way to the back of the class and sitting down.
“Hi! I hope it’s not weird I’m sitting here. Figured it’d be easier since we’re partners and all.” He sounded nervous, which was surprising to you. You never imagined Steve Harrington as one to get nervous. Certainly not around you.
“It’s not weird at all, Steve.”
“Okay, great.”
Then it was quiet between you two. You had felt comfort in silence many times, but this was different. It was full of nerves and overthinking. For once, you wanted to speak up first.
“Thanks again for driving me last night.”
“No sweat. Did I get you home on time?”
“Had a minute to spare.”
“See! Perfect team.”
You gave him one of your small laughs at that, and he couldn’t stop looking at you. Not when the class bell rang and you turned away to get your stuff. Not when your teacher started talking to the class. He never thought he would feel this way about another person; like he couldn’t even take his eyes off of her or else she’d disappear. But he felt that way, in that moment, with you.
He was snapped out of it when you brought up the project now that Mrs. Johnson was done talking.
“So, do you wanna work after school again today?”
“What? Oh! Yeah, sure.”
“Um. I was thinking maybe you could just come to my house, that way we don’t have to worry about me being late again. It’s okay if you don’t want to, though.”
“Sounds great, y/n. I’ll drive us, okay?”
“Okay,” you’d never had anyone over to your house except Robin, and you have no idea why you decided to invite Steve. But, you didn’t regret it. Even though having him in your room would be new, personal even, you felt like it would be okay. He’d never done anything to make you think otherwise.
Steve was excited at the idea of getting to go to your house, to see you in your environment where you’re comfortable. He felt like he’d been invited to tea with the queen or something, with how special it was to him.
Steve moved his desk right next to yours again, and you guys got to work after that, trying to stay focused even when your foot would brush his ankle. Even when he would nudge you playfully like friends do. Even when you both just wanted the school day to be over so you could be in his car together again.
Time slipped away yet again, like when you were with Steve the concept didn’t even exist. No minutes, no seconds, no hours. Just you and him. Class ended, and Steve got up, leaving you with a quick ‘see you later!’ before quickly walking out. You took your time to pack up as usual, then went to your locker.
You had forgotten all about the notes you’d been receiving until you opened your locker and found another one. Your mind had been so full of Steve that you didn’t even think of your secret admirer. You still couldn’t help the smile that overcame your features at the sight of the familiar paper and handwriting, though.
‘I think I’m running out of words to describe you. There aren’t enough in the world for that. -S <3’
You don’t know exactly why, but this one felt more personal than the other notes. It felt like maybe you knew this person more than you thought you did. You quickly put the note in the stack with the others and made your way to your next class. You needed to spill to Robin.
You took your seat next to her and sighed, loud enough that she took notice.
“What’s up with you?”
“I kinda sorta invited Steve to my house and I think I kinda sorta have a really huge crush on him.” You spoke fast, partly so it would be harder for Robin to understand you and partly because you just had to get it out.
“You did what? And, duh. I know that.”
“He’s driving us both to my place after school.”
“Oh you have it so bad! What about your secret admirer?”
“Well today I didn’t even think of them until I saw the note, which was super cute, but still. I don’t know. What if they remain a secret forever?”
“I guess that’s a good point. Moving on is good, but Steve? Seriously?” She started faux gagging, expressing her dislike for the boy.
“Stop it! You don’t know him. He’s not the same as his friends.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Robs, have you ever seen him being the one to be an ass? I know he doesn’t always stop them, but he does now. He’s different.” You meant it. He was different from what everyone made him out to be. He was more than just some womanizer—he wasn’t even going on dates anymore—and he wasn’t a bully. He was a good person, and you wanted people to know that.
“Okay, okay. So your house, huh? That’s a big step for you.”
“I know it is. I trust him.”
“This is crazy.”
You left it at that, not wanting to get your hopes up for anything and certainly not wanting Robin to make you feel some kind of way about the whole situation.
Class started and ended in a blur. Your head kept down, pencil held tightly in your grasp. Leg bouncing and eyes flickering over to the clock every few minutes. The rest of the day went the same way, and you were impatiently waiting for it to be over.
When the end of the day came, however, you started to feel nervous. Steve was going to be in your house, in your room. You never thought a simple science project would bring so much confusion into your life, but it did. You were stuck sorting your feelings for Steve, for your secret admirer. Facing many of your usual fears—though they didn’t feel so scary where Steve was involved.
You made your way to the parking lot like you had the day before. Luckily, this time, there was no Tommy or Carol in sight. Just Steve leaning against the car kicking pebbles with his feet while waiting for you. When he saw you, he quickly walked to the passenger door, opening it for you like he had been doing every time. He then got in his seat, starting the car and driving towards your house.
“I think I remember the way, but you might need to remind me of some things.”
“That’s okay. Thanks for always opening the door for me. A true gentleman.”
“That’s how you treat a sweet lady like you.”
“You have a way with words, Steve.”
“Tell me about it.” He thought of the notes he wrote to you, and if you thought those words were good, too. If you would still act the same around him if you knew he was the one leaving them in your locker every day. He really hoped you would.
“It’s this street here.” You reminded him of where to turn to make it to your house, and he nodded along, turning on his signal and following your directions.
He pulled into your driveway, which happened to be empty, and turned off the car.
“I’ll get your door.” He then got out and walked around to your side of the car, opening the door and letting you out once again. The routine was perfected at this point, and you were happy to let him do it. Happy to oblige. You don’t think you could deny him anyways.
He followed you up the driveway and watched as you got your spare key and unlocked the door, putting the key back before guiding him inside.
“My mom’s working late today, so it’s just us.”
“No problem.” He noticed you fail to mention your dad on many occasions, but he didn’t want to pry, so he left that subject alone.
“We can go up to my room?”
He nodded, “lead the way.”
You did. Walking up the stairs with Steve on your heels. You turned into the hallway, then the doorway of your room. You set your backpack on the ground by the foot of your bed and turned around to face Steve.
“Here it is.”
“It’s really nice.” He was being honest. It felt very you. The cream floral sheets on your bed, the window seat that had a pile of pillows in it, your bookshelf that was full to the brim, even the way your desk was organized.
“Thanks… so, do you wanna do the project?”
“Oh. Yeah, yes. We should do that.”
You sat down on the floor by your bag, and Steve did the same. Backs resting against the end of your bed, legs stretched out and ankles crossed. Bringing up the project was a way to keep things safe, to avoid slipping up and spilling out your feelings. How you had the biggest crush on him, how you could see yourself loving him. Hell, you were almost there already.
Steve hated this damn science project. He just wanted to be around you without homework haunting him. But, he guesses he should also be grateful for it. You wouldn’t have even been in this room together had you not been partners. He just wanted to get it done so he could tell you the truth. That the notes in your locker were all from him, and that he felt more for you than just admiration. So much more.
You were unpacking your things, getting ready to start working. Steve grabbed his stuff too, even though his attention was elsewhere. He really was trying to focus, but you being right next to him didn’t help. Still, he pretended to be unaffected, to just be your partner for science when he wanted to be your partner in life.
“How much do we have left?” He checked in with you, trying to keep his head in the game.
“Not too much. We could probably finish today, actually.” You didn’t sound excited about being done with your project so soon. You just wanted to keep hanging out with Steve, but you were too scared to ask him to. The project was your safety net, and it was disappearing.
“That’s great! I keep on telling you, we’re a great team!”
“Guess you were right about that.”
“Oh, for sure. So, should we get to it?”
“Yeah, we should.”
So you did, reading over what you had done so far and making some notes as you went along. He really was right about the two of you working well together, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that would translate into a romantic relationship, too. It was silly, but that’s where your mind wandered before you snapped out of it and kept working.
Steve found it impressive, the way you were so dedicated to getting your work done. He was thankful for it as well, because there was no way he could be the one to keep the project going. You were silent as you worked, and he supposed that helped him. He couldn’t be distracted by your voice or the way your lips moved when you spoke.
Time swept by yet again, and you and Steve had both finished your parts of the project.
He pushed his papers towards you, “do you wanna read over it? Make sure it’s all there?”
You grabbed his pages and gave him yours in exchange, “sure, you do the same.”
“I’m sure yours is perfect, you genius.”
“I’m no genius, Steve. Just read it.”
“Sure thing.. genius.”
You huffed out a laugh, you didn’t know how he managed to make you laugh, to raise your spirits with just a few words. Something about him just made you smile, his aura was bright that way, and you thought if you could see it, it would be yellow.
Beaming sunshine, vibrant flowers, the taste of lemonade on a hot summer day. Yellow.
You both finished reading, smiling at each other in success and relief because it was done.
“It’s great, Steve. I’m kind of surprised.”
“You underestimate me, babe.”
He didn’t even realize he said it, it sort of just slipped out. He wasn’t even mad about it, though. Because it made you all shy and flustered and it was so fucking cute. It made you react the same way you did to his notes, but this time you knew it was him. He loved it.
“You don’t like it?”
“No, I do, actually. Um, anyways. How was mine?”
“Perfect. You’re really great.”
“Thank you, Steve. I think you’re great too.”
Your faces were inches apart now, and neither of you had any idea how that happened. You had simply gravitated towards each other during your conversation. Eyes flicking down to lips, bodies turning towards each other, legs brushing ever so slightly.
You felt the air around you change, grow thicker, “yeah.”
He reached his hand out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear gently before softly pressing his palm against your cheek. His thumb brushing back and forth on your skin, his head leaning even closer, his eyes moving all over your face.
“Can I kiss you, y/n?” He was looking at your lips as he spoke, but looked back into your eyes to search for a response.
You couldn’t believe this was happening, that he actually wanted to kiss you. That his attention was fully on you and his hand was on your face. Holding you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
“Yes, please.” It came out quietly, but you know he heard it because he was leaning in.
Then, he was kissing you. He was almost shy at first, but when you pushed yourself into him further, when you grabbed his shoulder to keep him close to you, he went in.
He kissed you with emotion, something you’d never felt before. It was like he was trying to say something with this kiss, only, you didn’t know what. He was using the hand on your face to tilt your head the way he wanted, moving his other hand to your waist. Holding you felt unreal, it felt right. He’d never had that with another person before.
His hand on your waist left your head spinning, and you wanted, needed, to get closer to him. You straddled him on the floor of your bedroom, never breaking the kiss. His back was against your bed, and his lips were on yours and it all felt like a dream. You grabbed the back of his head with your other hand, tangling your fingers in his hair.
When you situated yourself on his lap, he was in heaven. Steve was so in awe of you and the way you moved and he was so thankful that he was the one kissing you in this moment. He now had both of his hands on your waist, placing them under your sweater to feel your skin on his. This was insane.
He licked the seam of your lips, getting permission to slip his tongue into your mouth. You opened up for him right away, allowing your tongues to tangle together and it was incredible. You couldn’t help it when you started to move your hips over him. He made you needy in a way you’d never experienced.
His hips bucked up into yours and you gasped into his mouth at the feeling of him. Hard and turned on and it was because of you. You pulled back to breathe and rested your forehead on his. He thought he’d scared you off with his actions, and he squeezed his eyes shut at the thought.
“I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m sorry, babe.”
You grabbed his face in your hands, tilting his head so he was forced to look at you, but he kept his eyes shut, “look at me, Steve.”
He obeyed you. He would do anything you asked him to. His shining brown eyes meeting yours. You got lost in them, swirls of honey and chocolate. Perfect, and sweet, and melting just for you.
“I want this. And I want you. It’s okay.”
“You’re sure?” He was breathing so heavily, he never imagined that this is where a science project would get him, and he decided he’d thank Mrs. Johnson later for putting you together.
You nodded and he could feel the movement as your heads were still together, and then you were kissing again. It was like you hadn’t even stopped, finding the rhythm right away, two magnets with opposite attractions. Stuck together.
Your hips were moving faster over him, chasing the friction leaving your panties a mess. He bucked into you again, using his hands on your waist to keep you sliding over him. Before you could go any further, though, he was pulling away.
“Get on the bed, angel.”
Yet another term of endearment that had slipped past his lips. He didn’t overthink it this time, though. You really were an angel and he wanted you all to himself. He knew it was a bad idea to do this when he hadn’t been fully honest with you yet, but he couldn’t help himself. He really couldn’t.
You listened to him, to his commanding yet soft tone of order. Lifting yourself off of him and climbing onto the bed, leaning back on your elbows to watch him get up. He stood and peeled his shirt off, and your eyes drifted over him. Over the soft ridges and muscles that moved as he did. He crawled onto the bed, hovering over you before placing his lips back on yours.
You moaned into his mouth, needing more from him. He could tell, and he moved his kisses down to your jaw, then your neck. He decided not to leave any marks this time, he wanted you to be fully his when he did that. His hands slid up your thighs, underneath your skirt and he pulled away to look at you writhing underneath him.
“Think we need to make this even. Y’know cause you still have your shirt on and mine’s off.”
“Okay.” You nodded along, fully immersed in what he was saying and his voice and the soft dominance he provided. The comfort you felt with him. You sat up and took off your sweater, revealing the lacy bra you had underneath.
“Fuck. You always hiding stuff like this under your clothes, angel?”
“Only when we hang out.”
“It’s for me?”
“Uh huh.”
That was probably the best thing he’d ever heard. That you thought about him this way, and even wore underwear that was for him. Though, he thinks he’d think you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen no matter what you were in. So there’s that.
He continued to kiss his way down your neck, and even further without your sweater in the way. He placed pecks along your chest, over the swell of your breasts and down your stomach. His hands were running up and down your body, never settling in one place for too long. He looked up at you when his mouth was just above the waistband of your skirt.
“Can I take this off?”
“Please.” Your hips were swaying slightly, searching for any kind of relief.
He undid the zipper of your skirt and pushed himself up, giving himself room to pull it down and throw it to the floor. He spotted the wet spot on your underwear and groaned at the sight.
“You’re really wet. Can see it through your clothes, angel. Who’s that for, huh?” His hand was pressed over you now, fingers pushing against the wetness that had gathered on your underwear.
You whimpered at the slightest touch, “Steve, take them off, please.”
“Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Shit. Want your mouth.”
“I’ll give it to you, babe. Lay back and feel it.”
He slid your parties down slowly, almost painfully. He tossed them on the floor where the rest of your clothes were, then he took his time to admire you. You pushed your thighs together, feeling shy and exposed under his intense gaze. But, he pushed them back apart, tutting softly.
“You’re beautiful, y/n. Let me see you.”
You hid your face behind your hands, not used to getting compliments during moments like this. Once again, he used his hands to stop you from hiding, grabbing your wrists and pressing them into the bed next to your head. He was fully leaned over you, forcing you to look right at him.
“Stop hiding from me. I want you, too.” His voice was firm, convincing, but still kind with his words. He wanted to reassure you, to show you that he wasn’t what everyone thought he was. That he was good and he would be even better for you.
He stood up and took his jeans off, opting to let you see the hard outline of him through his boxers. He got back on the bed, kneeling with his legs on either side of yours. He grabbed one of your hands and pressed it against his underwear.
“You feel how hard I am? That’s because of you.”
You palmed him, moving your hand back and forth over his clothed cock and feeling the size, the hard weight of him.
“You��re so big, Steve.”
“Guess I should get you ready for me, huh?”
He slid down your body, until he was laying between your legs, face level with your cunt. He was so turned on right now, seeing how wet you were, how you were ready for him and how you put your trust in him. He’d never take this for granted.
“You’re soaked, angel.”
Then he dove in, licking you fully before focusing on your clit. You moaned as soon as his mouth made contact, hands flying into his hair and pulling on the strands. The action made him moan into you, and you felt it.
“Steve. Holy shit.”
You were grinding yourself against his face now, and he knew you needed more. So, he slid a finger down to your entrance, sliding it in easily and curling it to find the spot that felt best for you.
He pulled away from you to see your face, scrunched in pleasure, mouth parted to let out the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard.
“Tell me what feels good, angel.”
Then he pushed in a second finger, curling it along with the first and when you gasped, he knew he’d found the spot. He worked hard to continue to hit that spot.
“Right there, Steve. Oh my god.”
“Gonna come for me?”
“Yes, yes. Please don’t stop.”
He didn’t, instead, he moved his face back down to suck at your clit, drawing your orgasm out of you. He knew you were there when you arched your back, body tensing and cunt fluttering around his fingers. He moved his face away again, but kept moving his fingers to help you come down.
“That’s it, angel. Good girl. I got you.”
You were a mess, moaning his name over and over and pulling his hair until you came down. You were breathing heavily, eyes lulling open to look down at Steve.
“Amazing. Come here.”
You pulled him back to your mouth by his hair, kissing him and whimpering when you tasted yourself on his mouth, on his tongue. You moved your hands down to his boxers, pushing at the waistband to get them off, whining when he wouldn’t help you.
“Someone’s needy. Don’t worry, we’ll get there.”
“Steve. Take ‘em off.”
“Only if you take off your bra. It’s only fair.”
Instead of replying, you moved your hands to the clasp of your bra, undoing it and sliding it off all while looking into his eyes. When you threw your bra aside, his eyes wandered down to your tits.
“Absolutely gorgeous. Perfect.”
He started to cup your boobs in his hands, but you pulled them away, motioning towards his boxers.
“No touching until you take those off, Steve.”
“Bossy. You’re hot.”
Then he took off his underwear, cock bouncing out hard and red at the tip. You reached your hand down to jerk him off, swiping your thumb across the tip to gather the pre-cum there and bringing it to your mouth, humming at the taste of him.
“Can I fuck you, angel?”
“Yeah, please. I need it.”
He moved off of you to find his jeans on the floor, grabbing his wallet out of the pocket and finding the condom he kept there. Just in case. He watched you watching him as he slipped it on, eyes hungry and dark.
“Keeping a condom in your wallet, Steve? That’s presumptuous of you.”
“Yeah well, I was right, so you should be thanking me, really.”
“Idiot. Get over here.”
Once again, he was on the bed hovering over you, elbows holding him up on either side of your head, dipping down to kiss you. Languid and slow. You reached down and guided his cock along your folds, coating it in your wetness before pushing his tip into you. He took the hint and did the rest, grabbing your hands and pressing them into the bed with his.
He pushed in slowly, gently, giving you time to adjust and feel him. When he was almost fully in, when your brows pinched together at the burn of the stretch, he kissed you. Distracting you from the slight pain, pushing himself the rest of the way in. He stilled, giving you some time to adjust until you were squirming.
“Move, Steve. Please.”
He did as you asked, starting off slowly, building up his rhythm to let you get used to it. He was so attentive with his actions, so invested in making sure that you were okay and you didn’t know that sex could be like this. Could feel this good and this emotional.
“You feel so good, angel. So so good. Made for me.”
“All for you, baby.”
Then he sped up, moving so one of his arms was cradling your head, the other sliding down to press against your stomach, wanting to feel himself deep in you.
“Oh my fucking god. That’s so good.”
“Yeah? Can you feel me in your tummy, babe?”
“Yes, fuck.”
Your arms were wrapped around his neck now, a hand in his hair again and the other scratching against his back. He moaned at the spike of pain of your nails against his skin, knowing he’d have angry red marks from it but he didn’t care. In fact, he welcomed the reminder.
His head was buried in your neck, breaths and moans melting against your skin. “Fuck. You’re incredible.”
“I’m so close, Steve. Please.”
“Gonna give me another? I’ve got you.”
He moved the hand that was on your stomach down to your clit, rubbing circles to get you there. It worked, because you were squeezing him tight, like a fist. He came at the same time as you, pushing himself as deep as he could and moaning. Hips stilled and pushed tight against your pelvis. You whimpered, mouth agape as you finished.
Steve collapsed on top of you as you both came down. You were petting his hair, running your fingers through it softly, caressing. One of his hands was still holding your head, cradling it close to him, the other running up and down your side soothingly.
He rolled off of you and pulled out after a couple minutes, not wanting to fall asleep on top of you.
“I should go clean up,” your voice was quiet, raw from all the noises you’d made. You were so grateful your mom wasn’t home.
“Let me help you.”
He got up first, then picked you up and carried you into your bathroom which was attached to your room, setting you on the toilet so you could pee. While you did, he grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the sink, disposing of the condom and cleaning himself off. When you were done and were washing your hands, he ran the washcloth between your legs, pressing a kiss on your bare shoulder when you whimpered because of how sensitive you were.
“I know, It’s okay. You did good, babe.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
Once your hands were dry, he picked you up again and placed you on your bed. Under the covers this time, and you cuddled up quickly, eyes falling shut. He Grabbed his boxers off the floor and slid them on. He walked back over to you and kissed your forehead.
“I should go before your mom gets home, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Mhm. Bye, Steve.”
“Bye, angel.”
He put on the rest of his clothes and when he turned to you to say bye again, you were fast asleep in the bed. He smiled softly at the sight and then left a small note on your table. Walking over to the door and closing it softly behind him.
The whole drive home all he thought about was you and what he was going to do. He decided he’d tell you everything tomorrow. He wouldn’t let it go too far. He didn’t let it go too far already, did he?
You woke up in the middle of the night, peeking at your alarm clock and groaning at what time it was. You got up to put your discarded clothes in your hamper, put on pyjamas, and brush your teeth. Once that was done, you peeked out your window to see if your mom was home. She wasn’t. You guessed it really was a late shift.
You saw the small note Steve left you then, sitting pretty on your bedside table.
‘I want to see you again, here’s my number! Call me whenever, and see you tomorrow -Steve <3’
The heart looked familiar, so did the handwriting, and the paper. No way.
No way.
You knew why you felt like you’d seen it all before. It was him, your secret admirer. He never told you and you just had sex with him. Holy shit.
You went back to your bed and stared at the ceiling, deciding that first thing tomorrow you’d confront him about it. You’d learn the truth and you’d see how he felt about you. If this was real or if it was just some stupid fantasy to him.
You fell asleep hours later, after overthinking yourself to exhaustion.
The next morning, once you got to school, you went straight to your locker, grabbing the stack of notes before walking back outside. You sat yourself on the bench by the parking lot, deciding you’d sit there and wait for Steve to arrive, even if it meant missing first period. You needed to talk to him, or you’d lose your mind.
Robin spotted you sitting there on her way in, walking over to you with a confused look on her face.
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for Steve. I need to talk to him.”
She eyed the notes in your hands, connecting the dots, “oh my god. It’s him?”
“I’m pretty sure. We also had sex last night, so.”
“What? You’re joking.”
“Dead serious.”
“Okay. Good luck. I love you, tell me what happens.”
“Love you too, Robs.”
Then, she walked away, leaving you by yourself with your thoughts. You were so confused. Why would Steve decide to leave you anonymous notes? And why wouldn’t he tell you once you were partnered together? Most of all, did he actually like you?
It didn’t feel like long before you saw the BMW pull into its usual spot. Your leg was bouncing up and down, anxious and impatient to learn the full story.
Steve got out of his car and spotted you on the bench, furrowing his brows because he knew first period had already started. Did you skip just for him? He felt like he was missing something, but he was glad to have the opportunity to talk to you, so he walked over. He waved at you with a smile, happy to see you even if it was odd.
“Hi, babe! What are you doing out here?” He took a seat next to you, noticing your avoidance of his gaze and the seriousness of your face.
You held out the notes to him, “did you write these, Steve?”
Shit. He really didn’t want you finding out on your own, he wanted to tell you. “Um, yes. I wanted to tell you today, I swear!”
“Oh my god! Why wouldn’t you tell me before? We had sex, Steve, and you didn’t say anything.”
“I know! I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about the notes then, I was thinking about you. I know this looks really bad but will you please let me explain?”
“I just want to know the truth, Steve. Was this some kind of game to you?” Your voice was small, and shaky, and when you looked up at Steve he watched a tear slip down your cheek. You wiped it away quickly, but he still saw it. It felt like a punch to his gut, he never wanted to make you upset.
“No! I promise. I really really like you, y/n. Like a huge amount. I have for a long time. I could tell you were shy and I thought you’d hate me if I talked to you without knowing you, especially because of how my stupid fucking friends treated you.”
You were really listening to what he was saying, trying your best to give him the benefit of the doubt because you really, really liked him too. You didn’t want it to be a game, but you were so scared that he wasn’t genuine.
“I haven’t hung out with them since we became partners, okay? I don’t want to ever again. I just want to be around you. I wrote those notes because I wanted you to know how I felt about you but I was too fucking scared to tell you it was me. I want to be with you. I want you to be my girlfriend and I don’t want to hide that anymore.”
He was saying all of the right things, everything you wanted to hear. The best part was, you could tell me meant it all, that he really did like you. You thought back to how the notes made you feel, to how much you enjoyed them and the butterflies they gave you.
You realized you weren’t even mad at him. No, you were just insecure and scared. But, you understood. You understood being nervous and scared. How could you fault him for that?
Steve was freaking out, he thought he was about to lose you and he only just got you. He wasn’t going to allow that. Not when you were the best thing that ever walked into his life, when you made him feel safe and secure and wanted.
“Please, please forgive me. Let me make it up to you, I’ll do anything. I really do like you.I’m falling in love with you, okay? I’ve never felt this way before and I don’t want to lose you so please-”
You kissed him, cutting off his nervous rambling so that he would just calm down. So he would know that he wasn’t going to lose you. Not now, not ever.
You pulled away, “Steve. It’s okay. I understand. I just wanted to know. I’m sorry I made you so scared. I’m falling in love with you, too. You know, I’ve had a crush on you for like, ever.”
His whole face lit up at your words, his relief evident in the atmosphere. “Really? So you forgive me?”
You grabbed his hand and held it tightly, giving him some comfort with your touch, “I wasn’t really angry, Steve. I was just scared. I forgive you, I did as soon as you opened your mouth.”
“So you’ll be my girlfriend? You wanna be with me?”
“Yeah, I want to be with you. That okay?”
“Perfect. You’re perfect.”
“We kinda owe Mrs. Johnson for putting us together, don’t we?”
“Like I said, we make a great team.”
You really did, and you felt it now more than ever. Even though people would talk and you’d inevitably fight, you knew you’d get through it with Steve by your side. Everything came together on that bench, like your entire lives lead up to that exact point in time. Because you didn’t know how it could get any better.
3K notes · View notes
1-800-munson · 2 years
The Witch || Eddie Munson
Paring: Eddie Munson X Reader
Request: Eddie x reader, where reader is badass and sarcastic/funny, listens to metal among other stuff, maybe also has powers or is into tarot/magic, college age, super bff with the Hawkins gang (she taught Dustin and Co. some cool D&D strategies), a total hidden nerd but seems more mean or unapproachable. And like one day maybe she goes to the cafeteria because Dustin forgot something and that's how Eddie meets her (he heard a lot about her nevertheless) and she also puts Jason (this f***** idiot) in his place and from then on i guess you can develop, like how they meet again (maybe she watches him when he is on the run and have talks and shit) and he invites her eventually on a date - Anon/ @blue-serendipity
Word Count: 1.8k (I think? all I know I accidentally wrote all of st4)
A/N: Thank you so much @burnthoneydrops, for helping me with the tarot card part!! 
Send in requests!!
“Dusty! Y/n is here, you’re gonna be late!” Claudia said to Dustin through his closed door, Dustin sighed and told suzie to hurry and try to hack the school site. Once she managed to change his grade in Spanish he quickly ripped his door open and said bye to his mom and grabbed his bag from the couch. You honk your horn again, you sighed and threw your head back onto the headrest, you turned up your car’s stereo and hummed along to metallicas, master of puppets. You perked up when Dustin came running out with a poptart and his school bag in hand.
“About time!” you smiled as he hopped in the car. “Sorry! I was talking to suzie!” he explained as you quickly drove to Hawkins high. “How is she doing?” You were very close to Dustin and the party, you were their original babysitter before Steve had come along. And you had been their very first dungeon master. You considered the kids your own siblings. You had been unsure when Dustin one day showed up with Steve Harrington at his side, you and Steve didn’t expect to get along at first, it all had changed the night of the snowball dance when he had helped Dustin try to get the girl he liked, maybe Steve wasn’t that terrible. Steve had also realized that night you weren’t like him and his old friends had assumed, He was surprised to say the least when one night he had walked into the wheeler’s basement and saw you playing dnd with the kids.
“She’s good!” you both kept talking about her and dustin the whole drive to school. You smiled and turned up the car’s stereo louder as your favorite metallica song came on. “What is this y/n?” Dustin asked you, yelling a bit. “Metallica’s for whom the bell tolls, i love this song!” you tapped your fingers on the steering wheel. “Curb y/n!” he yelled, making you laugh. “I can see it dustin.” you smiled and parked the car.
“Talk to you later y/n! Thanks for the ride!” Dustin quickly collected his things and bolted out your car before you could stop him. You chuckled at him while you slung your bag over your shoulder, before you left your car you grabbed the four brown paper bags from your backseat. “Morning y/n!” You turned your head and saw Steve dropping robin off next to your car. “Morning you two!” You greeted. “Oh Steve, good luck on your date with Heidi.” Steve gave Robin a look that said she remembered and you didn’t!
“Don’t you need to go and open the store?” Steve rolled his eyes and drove off. “Nice band hat!” you laughed and smacked the feathers on robin’s band uniform. “Did you do Mr Miller's homework?” Robin asked you as you walked to your lockers. “Yes, let me guess you forgot?” she nodded at you. “Please let me copy your homework! If you let me, if you ever need a kidney I'll give you mine! Just please let me copy it!” she pleaded as you placed the brown bags into the locker.
“Alright, I’ll let you copy it in second period! But if I need those kidney’s you better not wimp out!” you smiled as robin nodded eagerly. “Alright, now let us go sit through Jason's boring speech about high school basketball!” you both groaned and walked towards the gym. You and Robin split ways, her going with the rest of the band and you walked to the bleachers.
You walked over to Mike, Dustin and max. “It’s just that Suzie's a certified genius!” “you do realize el saved the world twice right?” you smiled at the boy’s conversation “And yet, you still have a C in spanish!” you leaned over to the trio.
“Do I get credit or does it all go to my sister who has powers too?” the trio jumped, apparently none of them noticed you standing right next to them. “El and y/n saved the world twice, my bad.” Mike held his hands up.
You groaned as everyone cheered louder as the basketball team walked out. Yourself, Dustin and Mike lazily clapped for the team. You held back a groan as you watched Max dodge lucas’ wave towards her. “You know I think I can speak for all of us when I say, it’s been a tough year for all of hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder, how much loss can one community take?”
The gym went quiet. “In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. so last night. When we were down by ten points at half to christian Academy, I looked at my team.” Jason turned to the players he played with the night before. “And I said, think of Melissa, think of heather, think of Billy,” you had a look of disgust on your face. How could Jason use peoples death’s as a high school pep rally speech.
“Think of our heroic chief of police, Jim hopper!” You felt the trio’s eyes on you as Jason brought up your deceased father. “Think about every one of our friends that perished in that mall fire. What did they die for.” you scoffed, that had caught the attention of the people behind you. You looked forward and ignored them.
“For us to lose to some crap school? NO!” the crowd cheered on Jason, “For us to return with our heads hung low in defeat? No! Let’s win this game. Let’s win this game for them, and that’s exactly what we did.” You rolled your eyes. You knew your dad would have cared less about your school’s basketball team winning.
You sighed, thinking his speech was over but was completely wrong. “And that’s what we did! We embarrassed those candy asses in their own house,” you turned to Dustin with a bored expression. “He’s still talking?” you groaned. “And tonight, tonight we’re gonna bring home the championship trophy!” you lazily clapped, “Tonight?!” Mike asked dustin.
“How is that possible?!” Max leaned over to the pair. “It’s called a tournament. You win one game, you go until there’s one team left.” the pair scoffed. Mike stared at Lucas in disgust as he high fived his teammates. You smiled as the teacher’s let everyone go. You waited and walked with robin to your class together.
“How’s your sister doing in california?” Robin asked as you both sat in your seats. “She’s doing good, she’s a little sad since I can't fly with Mike to see her.” you replied while you handed Robin your homework to copy.
“What are you doing this spring break then?” you sighed at her. “I’m gonna work at the police station this break. Turns out my dad’s death can get me more than insurance money!” you smiled, robin’s eyes widened at your words. “It’s a joke robin, you're allowed to laugh.” you both chuckled.
“What are you ever gonna do there?” she asked as she hurried writing down the answers. “I’m gonna be the receptionist and the occasional assistant!” you stated.
“Are you gonna have lunch with me?” Nancy asked as you unlocked your locker and grabbed the four paper bags. “Yeah, I just have to go give these out!” Nancy giggled at the full bags in your hands. “What’s in those?” she took two from your hand and walked with you to the lunchroom.
“These past weeks i’ve been making max lunches, then Dustin asked for me to make him some and the robin wanted to join in as well.” you explained as you took a bag from her. “Could you take this outside with you, i’ll be out there real quick!” she nodded and walked outside where you and her regularly had lunch.
You walked over to Max, who sat at a table with other loner kids. “Here, Ham sandwich, with no mustard, again my bad, that was Dustin's.” you handed the bag to her, she gave you a nod of appreciation. “Now where’s robin?” you said to yourself as you scammed the room and spotted her eating a school lunch with vickie.
You groaned at her. “Damn it buckley!” you said under your breath. You walked over to Dustin and mike. “Wheeler, Henderson!” you called out for them, you noticed their other friends freeze at your voice.
“Did y/n hopper just yell your names?!” Gareth asked, slightly panicked.
“What did you do to her that she’s calling for you two?” Jeff chimed in. Dustin shrugged and turned to you. “Hey y/n. What’s up?” Eddie watched quietly as you placed down the bags. “Robin isn’t eating the lunch I packed for her, so here’s the turkey sandwich with mustard. For you Dustin and the other is a ham sandwich so you two can fight over it!” you sighed and pointed to each bag.
“Thanks I guess.” you scoffed at mike and smacked the back of his head. “Don’t give me attitude, I'm not steve!” The pair turned to you.
“Now, I'll see you both, I don't know when. Mama bear Steve is picking up your asses after school!” you quickly dropped before walking away from their table. “I don’t want that sandwich anymore.” Mike said to Dustin as the whole table stared at the bag in the center of the table.
“Gareth?” Dustin offered but he shook his head. “I’m good, jeff?” Jeff did the same as gareth.
“I’ll take it henderson!” Dustin smiled and handed Eddie the ham sandwich. “So how exactly do you both know y/n?” he asked as he took a bite. “She was our babysitter and old dungeon master..” the table went quiet before they all laughed at Dustin's words.
“Bullshit, no girl like y/n plays dnd or anything remotely close!” Eddie told the pair as he watched you accidentally bump into jason. “You want something?” The table turned to watch you and jason. “Yeah actually, I want you out my way!” you said with a bored expression. You both glared at each other as you walked past him.
“Yeah, I doubt she plays dnd.” Dustin sighed and unpacked the bag and ate the food. “Speaking of playing, uh, Lucas has to do his thing.” Dustin explained to eddie.
You sighed as you sat down across from Nancy, under a tree. “So is Jonathan coming down here for spring break?” Nancy went quiet at your question. “Uh, no he’s gonna look after el and will for the break since his mom is working.” she explained, you raised an eyebrow at her. “But Jane said-! Never mind, I'm keeping my mouth shut!” you smiled at her and quickly took a bite of your food. “Are you gonna go see el this break?” she asked, you quickly swallowed your food. “Sadly no, i got a part time job at the police station, turns out i can get more than my dad’s insurance money!” you smiled.
“How are you doing since that happened?” You sighed, everyone would avoid talking about your father’s death around you. “I’m ok, It’s a struggle knowing that my other relative is all the way in cali, but i’m ok..” Nancy rubbed your arm in comfort.
“So when do you start at the police station?” She quickly changed the topic. “I start Tomorrow at six.” you grinned.
The day quickly went by, you smiled as you walked towards your car. You had barely got in when there was tapping on your window, you sighed and turned to see Mike, Erica and dustin. You groaned and rolled down your window. “What do you kids need?” all three looked at each other. “We need you to drive us to hellfire tonight! Please y/n.” Dustin pleaded to you. “Just tonight?” they all nodded at your question. “Fine! But I'm not picking any of you up after!” they nodded and let you drive away from them.
It was five, The phone hadn’t stopped ringing. You sighed and ran to pick it up. “Hello?” you held the phone between your shoulder and ear as you tied your shoes. “Where are you?” mike asked, making you groan. “I’m going right now!” you groaned and hung up the phone before running to your car.
You picked up Dustin then Mike, Erica had gotten dropped off by her parents. “And why am i taking you two to the school at night, I know you two aren’t gonna watch lucas play tonight.” You asked the pair. “We’re playing dnd- WE COULD’VE ASKED YOU!” Mike realized as you pulled into the school’s parking lot where the three of you spotted Erica waiting.
“Could’ve asked me what?” you question as the pair collected the snacks they were in charge of bringing from your backseat. “We needed a sub tonight, ugh!” Dustin groaned, you laughed at his realization. “We gotta go, bye y/n!” Mike rushed dustin.”Bye you three, oh have a good trip to California mike!” you waved to the trio before they all rushed inside the building.
You went to back out of the parking space but stopped when you saw the notebooks the boys used during dnd. You groaned and turned off your car. You got out and grabbed their notebooks.
“Always forgetting their shit!” you said to yourself as you entered the school. You walked to the clubrooms and quickly spotted hellfire’s. You chuckled to yourself at the hellfire club logo on the door. You knocked on the door. “Who else is coming? I thought Fred was busy with the school’s paper to play tonight?” you heard through the door.
You opened up the door, Eddie turned to the door and was surprised to see you standing there with two notebooks in your hand. “Y/n?” Erica questioned as she watched you walk over to Dustin and mike. “Just here to give you your shit!” you handed the boys their notebooks.
“Now I'll leave you all be!” you walked to the door but was stopped from leaving by eddie asking “You play hopper?” you stopped in your tracks and turned towards eddie. “Why would you like to know?” you placed your hands on your hips as you waited for eddie to reply.
“Henderson let it slip to us that you play, so do you really?” he asked, leaning back into his throne. “Occasionally I do.” you shrugged. You walked closer towards Eddie, he quickly got up from his throne and walked closer as well. “What’s your class and level then?” you both we’re up close to each other. “Mage and i’m a level 16.” you both stared at each other before eddie cracked smiled. “Never thought girls like you would play this sorta stuff.” you stared at eddie “Well i’m full of surprises!”
“Do you mind if I watch you all play?” you asked eddie as you both stared at each other “You can go with mike to get the other chairs.” you nodded and grabbed mike as you two walked to another clubroom to steal the chairs.
“She really does play, damn it!” Jeff cursed and pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to gareth. “You two were betting?” Dustin asked the pair as he opened up a pack of gummy fruit.
“Yep!” Eddie leaned over to dustin. “Is she dating that harrington guy, you talk about?” he asked, Dustin turned to eddie with wide eyes. “Her and Steve, no way! She said she sees him like an annoying older brother, and she threatened to use her- I mean she was gonna beat him up the other day so no.” Dustin explained.
Eddie nodded and sat down on his throne and waited for everyone to be ready to start.
It had been four-ish hours since you walked into their clubroom and stuck around to watch them all play, everyone in a while you would lean and whisper a tip to Erica as she would play.
You chuckled as you watched them all huddle into a circle to discuss their next moves. You and Eddie watched them amused.
You both tried to listen in. you had managed to catch gareth saying something about fleeting which made Dustin call the others pussies. You chuckled. “Gareth’s right, I gotta tell them.” Eddie said quietly to himself, you looked at Eddie and shook your head. You noticed the blank paper on the floor, you picked it up and quickly wrote something down with Eddie's pen.
“If I may inject gentlemen, lady applejack.” They all turned to face eddie. “While I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don’t try to be heroes, not today, k?” You walked behind Eddie, acting like you dropped something and held up the paper that had your writing on it.
‘DON’T LISTEN TO HIM! DON’T DO IT!’ You held up, they each read the paper. Dustin held up his finger towards you both. The group quickly reformed their circle. You folded the paper and stuffed it into your back pocket.
“What should we do?” Gareth asked, “Listen to y/n, she’s won almost every campaign she’s been in.” Dustin told everyone.
“Are you alright?” Eddie asked, turning to see you behind him. “I’m fine, I found my missing bobby pin!” you sat back down, as the other finally decided to do. “Let’s kill this son of a bitch!” you smiled as they listened to you.
“The chances of 20-1!” Jeff explained to Dustin, he held up his finger “Never tell me the odds! Give me the D20.” he titled his head to the side. Eddie smirked and picked up the D20 and tossed it to him.
Dustin took a deep breath in before rolling his dice. You held your breath as the black dice rolled onto the table, you groaned as it landed on a 11. “That’s a miss!” everyone groaned. You handed Erica the dice and whispered a quick good luck. Erica shook the dice in her palms. You sat on the edge of the foldable chair with baited breath as she threw the dice on the table.
Eddie and you both stood up as the dice landed, it was a 20. “Crit hit!” she cheered. You smiled at the group. “That’s why we play!” Erica smiled and posed as Eddie bowed to her. “Told you, she always wins!” Dustin cheered as he hugged you. You chuckled as Erica joined the hug.
“You used your powers didn’t you?” she whispered, making Dustin look at you with wide eyes. You laughed at the two of them “Nope, that was just your pure luck!” you smirked as she let go of you. As she walked to get her notebook, she looked up at you and you acted like you were wiping your nose.
You chuckled at her face. “I assume I'm taking you three home huh? Since mama steve is trying to find you guys a stepmom.” you laughed as you followed the hellfire member’s out of the school. “I’m sitting in the front seat!” Erica told Mike and Dustin as they walked towards your car.
“Hey dustin.” he turned to you. “What?” you looked over and watched Eddie wave to the other members as they got into their car and left. “Is Eddie dating anyone?” Dustin looked at Eddie then back to you. “Don’t do it y/n! He’s my friend!” he pleaded as he got into the backseat with mike. You sighed and watched as Chrissy Cunningham skipped over to Eddie's van and quickly got in after greeting him. “Well, that answers that question..” you groaned as you opened your door.
You had completed your first few official work days, you were finally granted four days off. You had just gotten home when you heard urgent knocking on your front door.
You groaned as you walked over and answered the door. “Wanna go grocery shopping?” Dustin smiled at you. You stared at Dustin for a moment. “I’m gonna snap one day henderson.” you told him as you grabbed the jacket you threw onto your couch. “Great, let's hope it’s not today!” he told you as you both walked to Steve's car. “Hey y/n!” you greeted robin back as you hopped in the backseat with max and dustin.
“So why are we all shopping as a group?” you asked as Steve pulled up to the small grocery store. “We need to get stuff for eddie..” Dustin said quietly as you all got out and walked into the store. “And why can’t he get them himself?” you were pulled by dustin, who explained the whole incident in a hushed voice.
“So eddie’s officially on the run because he might’ve been blamed for his girlfriend’s murder? Wow, that relationship turned toxic quick.” you said to yourself as you pushed around the shopping cart. “Ooh, yoohoos!” you placed a case into the cart. “He didn’t ask for them y/n, put ‘em back.” you looked at steve offended. “You can boss the kids around but watch it with me!” you pointed your finger at him. “Plus who doesn’t like yoohoos? If he doesn’t then i’ll know if he killed chrissy or not” you told him as you placed another 4 pack into the cart “Aren’t you lactose intolerant?” “...No, I just get stomach cramps after I have milk, cheese and eggs.” Steve stared at you. “You're lactose intolerant!” you rolled your eyes and quickly pushed the cart away from steve.
You sighed as you carried four bags in each hand to the boat house, where Eddie was. Dustin kicked the door open with his foot. “Jesus christ!” he groaned. “Delivery service!” Dustin told him. Eddie sighs in relief “Oh and y/n’s here too.” You tried to pop out from behind Steve's frame and attempted to wave at Eddie, Steve doing the same.
“What is she doing here?” Eddie asked as he went back to sitting in the boat, you all sat around him on the deck. “She’s on your side eddie.” Dustin calmed him with those words. “Well I'm not sure, do you like yoohoos?” you asked him as you pulled out a case. He nodded at you. “Alright, I'm on your side!” you smiled and pulled out two bottles and hand eddie one.
“So we got uh, good news and bad news, how do you prefer?” Dustin asked Eddie as he ate honeycomb before taking a swig of the yoohoo. “Bad news first, always!” Dustin nodded. “We tapped into the Hawkins pd dispatch with our cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also they’re uh pretty convinced you killed chrissy.” Eddie looked at Dustin with wide eyes.
“Like, 100% convinced.” Max chimed in. “And the good news?” “Your name hasn’t gone public yet, but if we found out about you, it’s only a matter of time before the others do too, and once that gets out everyone and their shallow minded mothers will be gunning for you.” Robin told him.  “Hunt the freak, right?” He looked at everyone. “Exactly.” he sighs “Shit.” Dustin sat up. “So before that happens, all we need to do is find vecna, kill him and prove your innocence.” Eddie stared at dustin. “That’s all Dustin, that’s all really?” Dustin nodded at him. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.” “Listen Eddie, I know everything Dustin's saying sounds totally delusional. But we’ve actually been through this kinda thing before. I mean they had a few times, and I have once.” Eddie turned to you and Steve, which Steve nodded at Robin's words while you drank the milk.
“Mine was more flesh based, and theirs was more smoke related, but bottom line is, collectively, I feel we got this.” Robin smiled at him. “You see, we normally rely on this girl who has super powers. But those went bye-bye so- OW!” Steve held his arm as you punched him. “Screw you.” you told him with a blank face. “I literally get no credit.” You groaned out and threw yourself back onto the deck floor. “We usually rely on y/n and her sister who have powers-” Steve jerked away from you. “But her sister lost hers and y/n has her powers still but uh there not very helpful.” you propped yourself up on your elbows and stared at steve.
“Dustin, you’re safe today, I'm gonna get steve.” you threatened as you got up and chased steve around. “We’re technically in a brainstorming phase.” Max told him. “There’s nothing to worry about.” Steve scoffed and nodded in agreement.
“So Hopper has powers?” Eddie asked with wide eyes. “Yep!” you replied as you tried to get steve. “What are they exactly?” you sighed and stopped following steve. “Well, I can move stuff, I could tell when my sister would try to find someone by using her powers and uh I can make people see shit that’s not really there-!” you smiled at your words. “What?” Steve asked as you smiled at him. “I can make people believe something’s there, we can defeat venca and i can make the police and everyone think someone else did the murder! That’s it!” you explained with a smile on your face. Eddie stared at you with wide eyes.
You all panicked when you heard sirens. “Shit!” Steve said as he looked towards the windows. “Tarp!” Robin told you and Eddie, you both quickly tossed it onto his body. Once he was covered you and the others ran to the windows and watched as the cars drove past the house. “Where do you think they’re going?” Robin asked out loud. “With that many cop cars, I'd assume vecna took another victim.” you told the others quietly as you watched more police cars drive past. “C’mon!” Steve said as he grabbed his car keys. You went to follow but stopped when Steve pointed at you. “Not you! You can stay and keep Eddie company.” You looked at Steve with an upset expression. “I told you earlier you can boss around the kids but not me!” you went to walk past steve but he nudged you back.
“Keep Eddie company and make sure no one comes here.” you groaned as Steve closed the boat house door. “Am I that bad?” Eddie asked as he laid in the boat with the tarp covering his legs. You sighed and walked back over. “No, I'm sorry.” you apologized and sat down on the deck, your feet in the boat. “What have you been doing to keep yourself busy while staying here?” you asked as you looked around the house. “I’ve been throwing paper into those old paint buckets.” he shrugged, now sitting up and looking at you.
It had been about two or three hours since the others left you and Eddie in the boat house. You two had been sitting in silence most of the time.
You sighed and put your hands in your jacket pockets, you smiled as you pulled out your deck of tarot cards you had stuffed into the jacket. “What are those?” he pointed to the deck of tarot cards. “Oh these are tarot cards.” you smiled and placed. You picked up the deck of cards. “Want a love reading?” you asked him. “Um, sure.” you smiled and helped him out of the boat and onto the deck. You both sat across from each other. You started to shuffle the deck. Eddie watched as you let the cards fall out of the deck “Are you gonna get those?” he asked you with a confused face.
“You can leave it!” you told him as the last card finally fell out. You smiled and collected the cards and laid them in between you and eddie. “Alright the first card is..the sun, this a good card, it’s about growth and good change. Like things are about to improve, that sorta thing!” Eddie nodded as you flipped the card rightside up. “Next, you got the two of cups, this one is about harmony and partnership. Balance between two opposing forces that whole deal.” you explained to him. As you flipped the card over.
“And the last one is the lovers card, which is about unity and harmony; follow your heart’s desire.” you smiled at him as he took in the reading. “And you got that all from those cards? That’s cool!” Eddie smiled back. “I know right! Jason and his idiot friends call me a witch for being into this kind of stuff. But Screw them and their shallow minded families.” Eddie smiled wider as he watched you rant about jason. “I’m sorry your girlfriend died.” you told him, which made eddie tilt his head at you.
“You know chrissy?” Eddie's eyes widened and he started to shake his head at you. “Oh no, we weren’t dating! She was dating jason.” he explained, which made your eyes widen. “Oh!” before either of you could say anything else you both turned to the walkie talkie, you had placed into the grocery bags. “Dustin! Do you copy?” Robin asked. “Yeah I copy.” he said out of breath.
“So, Nancy’s a genius! Vecna’s first victims date back all the way to 1959 Her shot in the dark was a bull’s-eye!” you and eddie were confused, since when did nancy join robin? “Ok, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now.” he said, still out of breath. “Wait what are you doing?” you and Eddie scooted closer to the walkie talkie. “Breaking and entering into the school, to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files.” you and Eddie look at each other with wide eyes. “They're doing what?!” “Can you repeat that?” Robin asked in shock.
“Just get your ass over here. Stat.” Dustin ordered. “Wait where’s y/n?” Robin asked. “I don’t know probably making out with eddie, she has a-!” You quickly grabbed the walkie talkie and screeched into it “Shut it henderson! WE have a walkie talkie as well!” you screeched into it. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean too!” He apologized. “You have a what?” Eddie asked with a smirk on his face. “Nothing, he’s just talk shit, like usual.” you flashed him a smile before walking over to the boat.
Somehow Steve and the others had forgotten to pick you up from the boat house. Leaving you no choice but to sleep in the boat house with eddie. You two decided to sleep on opposite ends of the boat but you both somehow ended up spooning.
You and Eddie woke up around the same time. You both had eaten most of the grocery and both woke up hungry, Eddie somehow managed to convince you into going inside reefer rick’s house.
You both searched the cabinets and pantry, trying to find any kind of food. “Nope!” “Nothing!” you groaned from the pantry. You turned as you heard Eddie snort. “Yeah, you’ll do.” you walked out and saw eddie getting a pot for spaghetti-O’s you laughed and walked up to him “What you don’t like these?” you asked as you opened up the can and poured it into the pot. “Not really.” he told you, you scoffed and turned to him. “Maybe you are a psycho. Who doesn’t like spaghetti-O's?!” you asked as you stirred them. “Oh, get me the other can!” he sighed and handed it to you.
After you had placed the food into bowls you quickly rushed to the bathroom due to an unexpected visit. “Hey Dustin, this is Eddie the banished. You there?” he said to the walkie talkie. “Dustin, can you hear me?” “Dustin?” you grabbed it from his hands and spoke into it “Earth to dustin.” Eddie sighed as he waited. “Hey, it’s nancy.” you groaned as you fixed your pants as you walked over to eddie.
“Wheeler, Hey! Me and y/n are gonna me food delivery very soon.” you grabbed the walkie talkie from his hands. “I need an extra special delivery nance! Very soon, unless you want me bleeding all over the deck floor!” you told her, which made eddie look at you with wide eyes. “No, no, no don’t do that we’ll bring you guys stuff. We’ll be there as soon as we can.” eddie quickly leaned over your shoulder to talk “yeah, yeah, yeah, listen could you pick me up a six pack? I know its stupid as shit to be drinking right now but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves.” nancy stayed quiet for a second. “Sure…wait y/n why are you with eddie?” you groaned.
“Oh because my lovely friends left me here overnight!” She stayed quiet for a second. “Uh, I'll call you back in a second.” “wait nance don’t you dare-!” it was too late she had left.
A Couple Of Hours Later
You both knelt down when you heard a car pull up, eddie turned and peaked out the window. “Shit, shit, shit!” he turned to you as he recognized who it was. “What?” you whispered. He said nothing and rushed to the other window. “What?” he turned to you for a second. “Jason and his friends!” your eyes widen. Eddie grabbed the walkie talkie and tried to get a hold of Dustin or the others.
An hour had gone by and Jason and his goons were still there. “Dustin, Please are you there?...Never mind!” you looked at him confused, he held out his hand. “Ladies first!” you looked at him confused as you got into the boat.
“I wish I didn’t skip gym!” you said as you helped eddie row the boat to the middle of the lake. “HEY FREAK!” you and Eddie turned and saw Jason and one of his buddy’s. “He’s talking to you. Not me!” you told him as you continued rowing. “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!” “Shit.” Eddie looked at you for a moment before he started rowing. Eddie tried to start up the motor but it failed on you two.
You started to try and row faster as you saw Jason get into the water. “Forget it edward!” you told him as you paddled. “Shit, shit, shit!” Eddie cussed as they swam right behind the boat. You started swinging the paddle at Jason to keep him and his friend away. “Hey c’mon let's go, we almost have him! Patrick.” Jason told his friend, who looked frightened. Before you knew it his friend went under water for a minute before popping back in the air. You and Eddie fell out of the boat and into the water in shock at his friend’s body.
Jason was to distracted with his friend being dead that he didn’t notice in the moment you swam away with eddie. Andy had called the police and waited in the front of the house while Jason was in the backyard with Patrick's body.
The next morning you and Eddie had found a construction site. Eddie had the idea to wait and steal a walkie talkie from one of them, luckily one of them had to use the restroom so they took off their toolbelt, when one was looking Eddie grabbed it from the belt and made a run for it, you, following shortly behind him.
You two had somehow made it to skull rock. You chuckled as you both sat down on the ground to take a breather. Eddie tried to get ahold of Dustin and the others “Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?” Eddie spoke into the walkie talkie, you crossed your fingers in hopes of them finally answering you two.
“Eddie, holy shit, are you guys ok?” Eddie curled his finger before he rubbed his eyes and sighed. “Nah man. Me and y/n pretty damn far from okay.” you sighed and leaned your head against the rock. “Where are you guys?” Dustin asked. “Uh, skull rock you know it?” he asked Dustin, “Steve does!” you chuckled to yourself. “Uh, yeah that’s near, Cornwallis and uh-!” “yeah, I know where it is.” Steve could be heard in the back.
“Hold tight, we’re coming. We’re coming!” you and Eddie sighed at his words. “I’ve seen some fucked up shit but that! Was a whole new level of fucked up!” you confessed to Eddie as you both leaned against the rocks. You both stayed quiet for a bit before he broke the silence. “You’re not like how everyone claims you to be, you know y/n?” you looked at him confused. “What like a witch?” you smirked.
“No, everyone claimed you were this mean, bitchy and unapproachable girl, but you're just a big secret nerd on the inside!” you both smiled at his words. “Well, you’re also not how i expected you to be either, i thought you were this weird, mean dungeon master, but you’re very fluffy yourself!” Eddie chuckled, “You got the weird part right.” you laughed and got up and walked around the rock.
“If we make it out of this weird situation, do you think we could uh, never mind.” you turned to eddie. “If we could, what?” he shook his head at you. “It’s nothing, it’s stupid.” you walked over and sat next to him. “Tell me please” He opened his mouth to talk but quickly closed it and dragged you behind a rock to hide as you both heard footsteps coming closer to you two. “Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson,” Steve held back a bush and went through, the others following.
“Skull rock, in your face man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” Dustin looked at his compass confused. “Doesn’t make sense.” “Yeah, yeah, even with it staring at you in  the face you can’t admit it. You can’t admit it, you can’t admit that you were wrong, you butthead .” Steve said with his hands on his hips, in full mom mode now. Eddie jumped down from the rock he hid behind, scaring dustin.
“I can concur, you Dustin Henderson are a total butthead.” He sighs as he pulls up his pants a bit. You sighed and went to crawl off the rock, you had no clue how Eddie decided to jump off of it. “Jesus, we thought you guys were goners.” Dustin told you and Eddie as he walked over to hug eddie. “Yeah, me too man.” Eddie confessed as he hugged Dustin back awkwardly. Steve ran over and helped you climb down from the rock and onto the ground. Eddie and Steve had a quiet stare off for a moment before the others came walking up.
You sat next to Eddie who drank out of a flask. “When we swam to shore, I tried to call you guys but uh-!” He took another swig. “Our walkie was busted, drenched so we pulled an eddie and uh ran.” you explained, eddie looked at you slightly offended. “Do you know what time the attack happened?” Nancy asked you both. “Yeah, I know exactly what time it was, our walkie wasn’t the only thing that got soaked.” he tossed Nancy his watch. “9:27!” Robin nodded. “The same time our flashlights went kablooey.” you watched as Dustin kept pacing “Which means, what exactly?” “That the surge of energy was venca attacking patrick.” Nancy tossed Eddie his watch back.
“Now we need to go to the upside down and drive a stake into his heart.” Max sighed “Why a stake? Is he like a vampire? Is he a vamp?” Steve asked, confused. “It’s a metaphor.” you explained. “A bullet should work on him, right?” Eddie asked out loud. “I say we chop his head off!” you looked at lucas with wide eyes. “I would say all of the above but we can’t do any of that til we find a way to the upside down.” “We need El to get her powers back.” Max sighed.
“Everything was way easier when we had this girl, she had super powers.” You looked at Max and Steve offended, You stood up. “Screw you! Damn you want a gate try the murder spots...” you groaned out. “Hey uh, henderson isn’t cursed is he?” Eddie asked as he noticed Dustin pacing around. “Cursed, no he’s fine, mental..absolutely!” “BOOM!” you all looked at dustin, confused. “Bada, bada, boom! I was right! Skull rock is north.” Steve looked at Dustin “Seriously? You’re serious?” “mmhmm!” Steve crossed his arms. “This is skull rock. Okay? You’re totally, absolutely, 100% wrong, right now!” Dustin nodded at him. “Yes and no.” Steve groaned and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Oh my god!” he said quietly. “The compass worked correctly when we left the wheeler’s, it was working on curly but it started to slip the further east we went. Now it’s way off.” Everyone looked at each other confused. “When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was!” “So you’re using faulty equipment! You’re still wrong!” Steve sighed. “Except it isn’t faulty. Lucas, do you remember what can affect a compass?” Lucas itched the back of his head. “An electromagnetic field!” “Yep!”
Dustin smiled at steve. “I’m sorry I must've skipped that class?” Robin told him. “In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will reflect towards that power. So either there’s a giant magnet around here or…” “There’s a gate!” “But we’re nowhere near a lab?” Nancy said out loud. “But what if there’s other gates, smaller, less powerful” “A snack size gate?” “exactly!” “But how, why?” Steve asked dustin. “No idea but all i know is that something is causing this disturbance, and last time we saw something like this it was a gate.”
You looked at everyone with wide eyes before groaning. “Why does no one listen to me! I might join vecna’s team at this point! At least then he might listen to my ideas!” you sighed at them. You stood up and made your way to where they all came through. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going? Eddie’s still a wanted man, we can’t exactly walk through the woods!” you rolled your eyes at steve. “Oh my god steve, there’s a spider on your head!” you squealed, making him and the others panic. “Kill it!” he screamed as nancy ‘’picked it off’’ his head.
You watched them with a smirk as you made the group hallucinate, killing the spider. “Oh god..” Steve sighed and looked up at your smirking face. “What?” “There was nothing there dingus.” Eddie looked at you with wide eyes. “Why does everyone forget I have powers too, good ones at that!” you muttered under your breath as they all looked at you. “C’mon before I actually decide to join team vecna!” You yelled at the group. You stopped and waited for eddie. Who went to grab his flask and walkie talkie.
It had been about 2-ish hours when dutsin finally found the lake. You groaned as he led you all to where Patrick had died. He would’ve walked right into the water if Eddie hadn’t pulled him back a bit. “Oh man, you gotta be shitting me!”
Steve said out of breath. “Call it!” you yelled and smiled as you were right about the murder spots being portals. “I thought these woods were familiar.” Eddie replied. “Lover’s lake..” robin sighed. “My house is over there then what the fuck?! I’ve been near Eddie this whole damn time!” you muttered.
“There’s a gate in lover’s lake?” Max asked, confused as everyone stared at the water before them. “Patrick died here so I assume so” you shrugged. “Only one way to find out.” you and Eddie looked over and saw a boat. You both walked over and yanked the tarp off. You coughed as dusk flew off of the tarp. “It’s in my lungs!” you dry coughed. Eddie smiled and patted your back as you coughed it out.
Steve and Eddie placed the boat into the lake. “Easy, I said, easy man!” Steve bossed Eddie as they held it down. “Sorry dude.” Eddie apologized as robin used his and steve’s head to help stabilize herself into the boat. “That’ll work too I guess.” Steve said quietly. Eddie quickly got in and held his hand out to help Nancy in. Dustin went to walk onto the boat but Eddie pushed him back. “Are you trying to sink us?” You held back a laugh at his words. “This thing holds three people tops, okay?”
Dustin stared at Eddie with an offended expression. “It’s better this way! You look after Max and keep an eye out for trouble.” Dustin scoffed. “You keep an eye out! It’s my theory!” you groaned. “You heard nance!” Robin chimed in “Who put her in charge?” “I did.” you giggled “Compass.” Nancy held her hand out to Dustin, who groaned before reluctantly handing it over.
“Here y/n!” Steve tossed you the backpack. You groaned at the weight. “Where are you going harrington?!” he smirked, he quickly pushed the boat a bit before getting in. “You asshole! You said three!” you groaned at steve. “Sorry,” he whispered. You rolled your eyes before you walked over to the rocks where Max and Lucas sat, waiting.
“Bedtime at nine kiddos!” you and Dustin flipped off the others as they paddled away. “Miss you already!” Robin waved.
“I don’t regret making Steve believe he had a spider in his hair anymore.” you told the other as you all watched them paddle to the middle of the lake. Lucas and Dustin took turns looking through a pair of binoculars. “Wait, wait they’re stopping!” Lucas told dustin. “Why are they stopping?” he questioned, squinting his eyes trying to see what they were doing.
Dustin picked up the walkie talkie. “Guys what’s going on?” Silence is what Dustin was met with. “C’mon talk to me guys, what’s going on?” you and max watched as the pair got robin to answer. “Uh, dustin your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital aah!” you raised an eyebrow at her words.
“Ugh, when did Steve get so hairy!” Lucas shuttered, “Right! I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle but he claims that the ladies dig it.” you quickly got up with max and walked over to the boys. “Let me see.” Max grabbed the binoculars from Lucas and stared right a steve. For about thirty seconds she stared at him uninterrupted, Lucas, Dustin and yourself all looked at each other in shock. “Y/n don’t be shocked! You’d do the same if it was eddie!” Dustin smacked your arm as you watched Max stare at him. You turned your head as you heard a snicker come from the walkie in Dustin's hand.
You smacked his arm and grabbed it from his hands. “Shut up dustin! He heard you!” you fell onto the rocks and held your head as Eddie tried his best to peek at you from the boat. “You guys realize if there’s a gate down there it’s a watergate.” Dustin laughed at his own words. Lucas and Max just stared at him blankly “I’m so hungry, I thought you were talking about watergate salad right now..” you confessed.
A minute had gone by, you snapped your head as you heard footsteps and police walkies. You panicked and shoved Dustin “What y/n! No, Eddie isn’t shirtless!” he groaned. “Police!” you pointed behind you. They noticed the flashlights and quickly ran into the woods.
“Stay with me!” Max told you, Lucas and Dustin before she stood up from behind the log you all were hiding from.
“Hey officers over here! I found the killer!” Max yelled out, making your eyes widen at her. “Shit!” “Go!” Dustin and Lucas ran behind you and max. Dustin tripped and was caught by a police officer. You three stopped and were also caught along with dustin.
They had dragged you all to the wheeler’s house where the kids' parents were. “What exactly were you all doing at the lake?” powell asked your four, the kids all sat on the couch, you stood behind them. “We were umm…” they all looked at each other. “We were going for a walk powell.” you told him with a straight face. “A walk at 9 pm?” Callahan asked you clearly not buying it. “To the lake..we were gonna take a swim..” Dustin squeaked out. “Dusty, Someone was just murdered there!” Ms Henderson told him, close to crying. “Yeah, we didn’t know till we got there..”
“That’s why we didn’t swim!” Lucas chimed in. You scoffed as callahan eyed you suspiciously. “And was Nancy with you at this late night swim?” Mrs Wheeler asked you four, you all stared at each other before answering all at once. “No.” “yes!” “nope!” “yeah she was there!” you all looked at each other with wide eyes, “She was there but she needed to leave mrs wheeler.” you explained politely.
“It’s all a little confusing.” “And that’s when you guys came!” you nodded at lucas. “Yeah, and they dared me to say what I said…about the killer,” Dustin and Lucas chuckled, while you let out a sigh. “Have any of you had contact with eddie?” powell asked looking at you four, “that psycho…killer freak?! God no.” Dustin squeezed the pillow he held.
“Nope, absolutely not.” “No, never heard of him..” you held back a groan at the kid's answers. “That’s a bunch of bull.” Erica said, stepping forward. Her and lucas’ parents scolded her “I mean, you realize they’re lying to you! The whole couch is on fire.” she replied sassily.
“Are you lying to these policemen, dusty?” you felt bad for lying to Ms Henderson. “No, he would never miss henderson!” you replied before Dustin would give himself away. The parents started to argue over Mr Wheeler's comment. “Shut up!” Powell yelled over everyone, causing them to lower their voices. “We’re gonna try a more civilized approach. One at a time.” He announced, everyone nodded at his words.
“You two first!” You pointed at yourself and max as Powell stared at you. “Why me! I’m not even in hellfire!” Max groaned and followed two other officers to a different room. “Why me! I don’t even know Eddie like that!” It was somewhat a lie, you and Eddie had got to know each other very well in the past two days of being on the run with him. “Follow me.” powell walked out of the room, you scoffed at him. “Do I need to cuff you?” you stuck your hands out at callahan. “Could you blindfold me as well?!” you told him snarkily before you walked into a spare room the wheeler’s had, callahan following behind you.
You sighed as you sat down on the bench at the end of the bed. “Ms hopper, jason accused you of being at a murder sight of another student, if tell us now and you won’t be in that much trouble.” Powell calmly explained to you. You sighed and looked at the pair “You’d take Jason's word over mine!” you placed your hand over your heart, acting offended. The pair groaned as they tried to get you to open up.
“You think I'd help that- that satanic son of a bitch?!” you told the pair as you paced around the room. “I told you already I was at my house when the others came and asked if I wanted to go for a swim. If you need certain details of what I was doing then I was putting away my dead father’s clothes!” you had participated in the drama club so you really weren’t a stranger to crying on queue. The pair panicked and ended their investigation with you and went out to tell the adults. You sighed and wiped away your fake tears.
“So anything from either of them?” Mrs Wheeler asked as Max put her headphones back on. You sighed and noticed Dustin waving you and max over, you elbowed her and nodded your head towards Dustin's. You both looked at the adults before walking over to him. “Miss Mayfield and Mrs hopper's stories make sense, they really went for a night swim.” Powell explained as he looked at the notes from Max's investigation.
“Honestly I shouldn't have gone with Hopper first, she’s a cryer and kinda mean.” Callahan added. The parents nodded. “We’ll find your daughter Mrs Wheeler, don’t worry.” “I just know one of these little brats is gonna squeal, I just know it! Where are they?” Callhan asked another officer. “Upstairs, moping.” Callahan nodded and walked upstairs to Nancy's bedroom. He could hear whispering.
“Let officer callahan in..” he waited a minute before opening the door, he looked around and saw the open bedroom window and ran over.
“I’m gonna break my fucking ankles if I fall, henderson!” You whisper yelled to Dustin as you tied up the old skates Nancy had in her closet, “Not my fault you don’t know how to ride a bike y/n!” he sassed at you as he tied a rope for you to his bike.
“Hey! Excuse me, Get back here!” You all jumped, you sighed and picked up the pocket knife from your pockets and looked back up at Callahan, “Sorry phil!” you told the man before slashing the police car tires and skated towards Dustin's bike. “GO!” you told the teen as you held tightly to the rope. The parents had heard the yelling and ran outside but it was too late, you all were riding/skating away from the house.
You all had made it to Eddie and Max's trailer park. You all rushed inside. “Ugh, why does it look like that?! It looked like a 13 year old’s acne” You groaned as you looked up and saw the portal. “Get me something sharp!” you looked around and spotted an old broom against the wall. You quickly grabbed it and started stabbing it through the ceiling.
“Eww, it crunched! It’s a crunchy pimple” you squealed and shoved the broom through. Goo fell onto the other side. “Gross it was like a pimple, ugh!” you gagged and tossed the broom through. “No way.” You all could hear steve. Dustin laughed as he looked at the others through the ceiling. “Hi there!” you all waved. Everyone laughed in shock of your theory being right about murder spots being portal’s.
“Holy shit, this is trippy.” you nodded at robin’s words. “Let's get sheets and something soft for their landing!” you order the kids around. Lucas and Dustin tied sheets and blankets together while you, Erica and Max went into Eddie's room and got his mattress.
“IS THAT AN ALF COSTUME!” You laughed hard as you saw Eddie's closet wide open. “More importantly is that what I think it is?” Max pointed to the pack of trojans on his nightstand. Your eyes widen at them. You kept bursting into giggles as you stared at the pack of condoms then towards his bed that had random stains.
“Lucas! You help them, I'll help dustin!” you giggled as you walked out of eddie’s room. You noticed when Max and Lucas pushed Eddie's mattress out, Max was barely touching it.
“Those stains are uhh, i don’t know what those stains are…” you laughed as you finished tying the sheets and blankets together. You handed dustin the pile of tied fabric. “I don’t know how these psychics work but uh, here goes nothing!” he threw the sheets up into the portal, the others let it pile onto the floor. Dustin sighed and let go of the sheets. You all clapped as it stayed still with their weight on it.
“Guess I'm a guinea pig!” Robin told Nancy and the boys as she climbed the makeshift rope. “Oh thank god.” she sighed out as she sat up on the mattress. Nancy, Steve and Eddie stared at each other before Eddie spoke up, “Alright I guess I'll go!” he sighed and hopped onto the rope and climbed through. “That was fun!” He grabbed Dustin's hand and got up from the mattress. “See you on the other side.” Steve told Nancy who chuckled “See you on the other side.” She hopped onto the rope and climbed through. You smiled and went to turn to Eddie but froze as you saw a burnt version of your father and a bruised El, 
Will had written to you and told you she had bullies at their school, you had always stuck on your mind.
“E-el?” You stuttered out, frightened by the sight. “It was your fault I lost my powers y/n!” el said as she held her bloody, broken arm. You took deep breaths and tried to remind yourself it was just vecna trying to get to you. “No it wasn’t jane!” You told the girl and you looked around and tried to leave the cabin that was destroyed. Once you exited you saw what you assumed to be vecna’s lair or his home. You walked down the steps and jumped as you heard a clock chime behind you.
“You and your friends were so close to finding out the truth about me!” you jumped and turned behind you, looking for where the voice had come from. “Tell me how is eleven?” you tried to ignore his voice and kept looking around “I’ve been meaning to check on her but as you can tell i’ve been busy!” You jumped back as you saw the mutilated bodies of chrissy cunningham, fred benson and patrick mckinney. You looked around and noticed a door with a rose on it.
You watched as Vecna showed you his life growing up with his powers. “Me and you are alike y/n, i didn’t fit in with the other children either. Something was wrong with me, all my doctors and teachers told my parents I was broken like yours.” You watched a younger venca sadly at his new house. “My parents decided a fresh start in Hawkins would cure me, you understand that pain don’t you y/n?” you sighed as you remember after your mother had left you and your dad, he had moved on and married another woman named Diane, they had a daughter together, but sadly she soon left him after Sara had passed away due to cancer. Your dad had enough and moved you two back to Hawkins, Indiana for a new sour start.
“As if the world would be different there right?” you nodded your head and listened to venca as he showed you more memories. He explained his home had come with a nest of black widows in the vents and how he loved them, since they were similar to him.
“Deeply misunderstood. Like us y/n.” you watched the surroundings change into the attic of the creel house, where young venca had a small shrine towards the spiders. It all changed quickly, you were now outside where you witnessed him kill poor rabbits just like he had killed the other students.
You couldn’t stand it and ran inside the house where you heard vecna once more. “My parents had done terrible things y/n” you looked around as you heard a baby crying. “I showed them who they really were. I held up a mirror to them. My naive father thought it was a demon, cursing them for their sins.” You watched the memories he showed around you. “Our mother’s were alike, they both despised us for our powers, my mother knew I was holding up that mirror, she called a doctor, an expert. She wanted to have me locked away, to fix me. Just like yours tried y/n.” you were surprised when he showed you your own memory. 
You watched as little you had heard yelling from the living room, so of course hid behind the stair railing and listened to your parents bicker.
“She needs to be sent away jim! She gave two kids broken noses at her school after they stole her toy! That doesn’t sound like a NORMAL six year old to me jim!” you felt tears build up as you watched younger you hold back tears as well as she listened to your mother talk about you as if you weren’t her own daughter.
“You are not sending her away y/m/n! I won’t let you!” your father stood up from his spot on the couch. “Well then I'm leaving you with that vicious demon I called a daughter!” you counted down the second and on queue she slammed the front door and never came back. You blinked and you were back to venca’s memories. “She left me with no choice.” you watched as younger vecna used his powers to kill his own mother. 
“With each life I took, I grew stronger, more powerful.” you watched as his father took him and his sister away from their mother’s corpse. “They were becoming a part of me. But I was just a child, and I did not know my limits yet. And it nearly killed me.” you watched as he tried to kill his father as well but failed due to him passing out.
You watched as the police held his father up against a wall and arrested him. “He was arrested, blamed for the death of my sister and mother, just as I planned.” you sighed as you watched the police take away his father. “But I was far from free, I woke up from a coma only to find myself placed in the care of a doctor, the very doctor I hoped to escape. Dr martin brenner.” you watched as a young brenner walked into the room. 
“But the truth is he did not just want to study me. He wanted more, he wanted more control. When papa realized he couldn’t control me, he tried to recreate me.” you watched as Brenner tattooed 001 onto his wrist. “He began a program. And soon, others were born, you were born. And I'm so glad you were y/n!” you shivered as a younger, human version of himself walked closer to you and cradled you in his arms.
“I was glad your own sister was born until she betrayed me and sent me away!” he seethed and showed you, a very young el sending vecna away to the upside down. You looked around as the surroundings changed back to Brenner giving vecna his tattoo. “See there’s nothing to be afraid of is there..y/n?” you froze as Brenner looked up at you. “Take a seat and I'll fix yours!” you shook your head and ran away from vecna or brenner, whoever it was. You groaned as you kept bumping into the walls of the lab.
“Y/N! STAY WITH ME, ALRIGHT! HURRY UP OVER THERE!” Steve yelled to the back of the trailer.  “HURRY UP!” Erica nodded and ran into Eddie's bedroom where it was torn apart, trying to find any kind of music. “Steve said you need to hurry!” She informed them, going through Eddie's drawers hoping to find a walkman as well. “Yeah, NO SHIT!” Dustin yelled from the closet, Lucas behind him as well. “We’re trying. We can’t find anything.” Max told her while she and Nancy held up cassette tapes of metal bands. “Seriously what is all this shit?!” Robin asked eddie. “What are you even looking for?” Eddie questioned getting a shoebox with tapes in it. “Madonna, blondie, Bowie, beatles! Music we need music!” Eddie looked at Robin with wide eyes “This is music!” he argued back. “What’s her favorite song? Does anyone know?!” Nancy asked out loud which made everyone stop to think for a minute.
“Metallica! Something about balls and trolls!” Eddie stared at Dustin confused before it clicked. “For whom the bell tolls!” Eddie quickly pushed Robin over and grabbed the tape and his tape deck and ran into the living room where Steve was holding you down, hoping you wouldn’t float up.
“I got it harrington!” Steve let go of you and helped Eddie place the tape in while Eddie placed the earphone over your ears.
You groaned as you turned the corner and saw the door barricaded by wood panels. You managed to pry two off the door before you froze as vecna called out for you. You slowly turned and watched as he walked over “What are you doing? It’s not time for you to leave.” you quickly turned back around and tried to pry off the wood panels. “We’re just alike y/n. Join me, why don’t you.” you sighed and grabbed a plank from the floor and swung it at him.
“Or don’t! See what happens to Hawkins then..” you quickly pried off the last plank and ran through the lab door. “Take your seat y/n!” you froze as Brenner stood in front of you. The room had gone pitch black. It was a minute before it came back on and there you were strapped into the chair.
You moved around, trying to worm your way out of the chair as vecna walked closer. “I want you to tell eleven, I want you to tell her, everything you see.” he told you, lifting his hand up towards your head.
Flashes of the creel house falling apart, Eddie's trailer being split into two, A clock chiming, the ground being split like Eddie's trailer. “Tell her...everything” he leaned in closer. “NO!” you thrashed around. He continued to show you flashes of Hawkins being split into two, Eddie with blood on him, your dad alive and fighting something, el with brenner.
“WHY ISN’T WORKING?!” Steve yelled to Nancy and Robin as they watched you, still under vecna’s trance. “I don’t know! It should’ve worked by now!” Robin panicked as everyone watched you, carefully.
You gasped and fell back as you were finally free from vecna’s trance. “Y/N!” Steve hugged you as he held your body from hitting the floor fully.
You panicked and looked around the trailer. “It’s okay, you’re alright y/n!” Eddie helped calm you as you looked at him and still seeing the flash of him with blood all over. “We’re all here y/n!” Steve helped sit you up. Max guided everyone across the street and into her trailer.
“He showed me things that haven’t happened yet. The most awful things, worse than what we’ve dealt with.” you told everyone who raised an eyebrow at your words.
“There was a dark cloud over hawkins. Downtown was on fire, the ground was split into two, so was the old creel house and Eddie's trailer. And don’t get me started about how he showed el or, or my dad!” you stood up from the chair and paced around the small living room, thinking about the visions he had shown you. “There were dead creatures and this giant creature, with a big gaping mouth and that thing wasn’t alone either there was a shit load of monsters.” Erica, Eddie and Steve watched as you paced in front of them.
“An army and they were coming into Hawkins, into our neighborhoods. Our homes and then he showed me my dad alive but he was fighting something and, el she was with Brenner again too! Which isn’t possible cause Joyce has her safe and sound…I hope she does.” You stopped pacing and thought back to the vision of Jane with brenner.
“He was just trying to scare you y/n.” Steve looked up at you as you shook your head at him. “He kept telling me we were alike, our powers are strong, our mothers despise us, our parents moved us to Hawkins for a new start.”
“He kept telling me to join him and he tried to do the same with el when they were both in the lab, but she sent him the upside down I assume.” “Yeah but it’s not real.” you sighed at Steve “Yet steve! It’s not real YET!”
“He showed me gates, there were four gates. Spread out hawkins, the gates looked like the one in eddie’s trailer.” you explained to everyone. “They didn’t stop growing either and this wasn’t upside down hawkins, this was our own hawkins.” Everyone stayed quiet, processing your words.
“Four chimes.” Max was the first to speak, everyone turned to her, confused. “Vecna’s clock, it always chimes four times.” Max looked over at you. “Four exactly.” “I heard ‘em too.” you and max rolled your eyes as you both realized what it meant. “He’s been telling us his plan, this whole damn time.” you scoffed and sat down across steve, eddie and erica.
“Four kills, four gates. End of the world.” Lucas said, looking between you and max.
“If that’s true, he’s only a kill away.” Everyone sighed at Dustin's words. “Jesus christ!” Eddie groaned as he rubbed his face with his hands, “Try ‘em again, Try ‘em again!” Steve told Max who nodded and went to call Joyce's house for the fifth time.
“Anything?” Dustin asked. “No. it rang but it went back to a busy signal.” Steve and you groaned. “Maybe you punched it in wrong, call again!” Steve groaned. “I didn’t punch it in wrong.” Max argued back.
“Well, I don’t know?!” “I think she knows how to use a phone.” “I’m just saying, she could’ve typed it wrong!” Steve told Dustin as he ran his hands through his hair. “Same shit.” you groaned and slouched into your seat. You went to look over to Max but quickly sat back up when you saw El's shadow behind her.
“How is that possible?” “I told you Joyce has this telemarketer job, she’s always on the phone!” Dustin reminds lucas. “Mike won’t stop whining about it.” You didn’t break your stare from your sister’s shadow. “The phone’s been busy for what, three days now? That’s not Joyce, no way somethings wrong.” You made a sound of agreement with Max, a small smile on your face, realizing El needed to have her powers to find someone.
“That fucking shithead!” you muttered as you watched the shadow stand next to max.
“What?” Eddie asked you, you looked away from the shadow at him. “It’s nothing!” you reassured him before going back to watching the shadow. “Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to this! I’m sure of it. But vecna can’t hurt them.” Nancy said as she looked out the window.
“Not if he’s dead! We have to go back to the upside down” you turned to nancy with wide eyes. Eddie and Steve let out a bunch of no’s and nope’s at nance’s idea. “Let’s think this through!” Steve stood up and walked over to her. “What is there to think through?” she asked. “We barely made it out of there!” “Yeah, because we weren’t prepared. But this time we will be, we’ll get weapons and protection. We go through the gate and we'll find his lair and kill him!” you sighed as you got up and sat next to eddie who already looked stressed. You rubbed his back in comfort.
“Or he’ll kill us! Y/n only survived because he wanted her too! He’s not scared of us!” “For good reason, we were wrong about venca. Henry. One, sorry what are we calling him now?” Robin asked, confused. “One” “Vecna” “one “ “henry” “henry” “vecna” you all looked at each other confused. “Right, we’ve learned something new about vecna/henry/one. He’s a number like eleven and y/n, only he’s a sick, evil, male with child murdering version of them with really bad skin! But my point is, he’s super powerful. He could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight!” “Why fight fair?!”
“You’re right but that gives us an upper hand, we know y/n and eleven's strengths and weaknesses.” you smiled as you played with eddie’s somewhat knotted hair. “Weaknesses?” Erica asked, turning to dustin. “When they both remote travel, they both go into a trance state. I bet it’s the same with vecna!” you smirked and looked at the shadow behind max and lucas.
“That would explain what he was doing in the attic!” “Exactly! I bet when he attacks his next victim, he’s back in that attic, physical body defenseless.”
“Defenseless, what about the army of bats?!” Steve asked. “Give ‘em a distraction! If they’re distracted they can’t hurt anyone meaning vecna is severely and royally screwed if he’s alone” you smiled at the pair. “And how do we do that exactly?” Eddie turned to you. “Not sure yet.” you groaned and fell back into the couch “Y/n’s right! He won’t stand a chance, it’ll be like slaying a sleeping dracula in his coffin.”
“That sounds good in theory, but there is no pattern to vecna’s killings. At least not one I can decipher” You sighed. “We don’t know who he’s gonna attack.” “Yeah we do.” Everyone turned to max.
“I can still feel him, and y/n’s now marked two so either of us could be his next kill…one of us could ditch our songs and focus him on us.” She explained to the others, you quietly groaned as you watched the shadow behind Max.
“Now she knows!” Eddie turned to you with a concerned look. “I’ll keep him busy long enough so that you guys can get into the attic. Then you can chop his head off. Stab him in the heart, blow him up with some explosive dustin cooks up. I honestly don’t care how you kill this asshole. Just, try not to miss.”
Everyone stayed silent, trying to figure out an official plan. “Where do we even go for the supplies!” Robin asked, Eddie jumped up and ran to grab the newspaper.
“Check it out. The warzone. I’ve been there once, it’s huge! It has everything you would need for um…killing things!” Eddie explained as he placed a newspaper on the table for everyone to see the ad for the store.
”Is that a grenade! Look how any of this legal?!” Robin asked as she looked down at the flyer. “Well luckily for us it is! This place is just right outside of hawkins! As long as we stay clear of main roads we can avoid cops or uh angry hicks…” he said with an uncomfortable smile on his face.
“If we’re trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn’t go to some place called the warzone!” Dustin pointed at Erica, silently agreeing with her. “Normally I would agree with you but we need the weapons, so i think it’s worth the risk!” Nancy said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Me too!” Erica looked at Lucas surprised. “But It'll take all day to bike from here to there!” Dustin said with a groan.
“Who said anything about biking?” Eddie said as he stood up straight. “What? Do you have a car we don’t know about?” Steve asked, confused. “It’s not exactly a car steve! And it’s not exactly mine, but it’ll do.” Eddie said with a smile. Everyone looked at each other confused.
“Hey, red, you got a ski mask or a bandana, something like that?” Max thought about it for a minute before running to her room. Eddie waited till you all were outside to put on the mask. “I’m gonna pee!” You said as you leaned onto Robin, laughing at Eddie in the mask.
“Y/n, Shush!” Steve shushed you as they all peaked out behind Max's trailer.
“Sorry!” you told Steve, still letting out giggles every now and then. You all followed Eddie as he made his way to his neighbor’s RV. You all ran behind the side of it and waited as Eddie opened the window and crawled into the RV. “Damn..” you whispered to yourself as you watched Eddie hop in “Y/n! Stop looking at his ass!” Steve whispered-yelled at you. “I’m going, I’m going!” you hopped up and had steve help you crawl in fully.
Once in, he ran to the front of the RV, locking the door as he went by. You helped the others get in while Steve walked up to the front with eddie. “Where did you learn how to do all this?” Steve asked Eddie as he hotwired the RV. “Well, while all the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish, or play baseball, my old man was teaching how to hotwire.” you and robin looked at each other shocked at his words.
“Now, I swore to myself I wouldn’t wind up like he did, but now i’m wanted for murder, and so grand theft auto! So I’m really living up to that munson name!” He smiled at steve. “Kinda hot, if you ask me!” you muttered, earning a head shake of disapproval from Dustin and lucas. “He learned how to hot wire as a child and my dad taught me how to shoot a gun! We’re a good pair!” you smirked at the boys, shutting the window you all came through.
“Uh, Eddie, I’m not really sure I love the idea of you driving!” Robin told him, over Steve's shoulder. “Oh I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington’s got her, don’t ya big boy!” Steve looked at Eddie shocked. You all jumped as the RV started up and the owner’s started banging on the door. “EVERYONE HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!” Steve warned, giving everyone a split second to grab something before driving out of the trailer park.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” Lucas and Erica held onto the bar near the door’s entrance. Dustin and Max holding onto the seat cushions they sat on. Nancy, Robin, yourself and Eddie holding onto the car’s dinner table area.
You giggled as you looked up at Eddie on the top of the table booth seat. “Oh they don’t look happy! DRIVE STEVE DRIVE!” Dustin told Steve who pressed the gas pedal and sharply turned the RV, thrashing everyone around in the back.
“I mean it’s not everyday you lose your car and house in one fell swoop!” Robin told Dustin as her and Nancy held onto for dear life.
“Are you head banging?!” you giggled as you watched Eddie, above you. “Maybe, or it’s Steve's driving!” you both smiled at each other. Once Steve had gotten on the road everyone in the back calmed down and got to sit in comfortable positions. You and robin smiled at each other as nancy when to sit by steve mid drive.
You sighed as Dustin sat down in front of you. “What?” you asked him as he gave you a look. “Why don’t you tell Eddie about your feelings for him?” you raised your eyebrows at his words before looking around the RV, robin, eddie and erica were out cold. Lucas and Max were too busy with their own conversation. “I don't know henderson!” you shrugged. “Bullshit!” you turned your head towards steve and nancy up front. “Not bullshit actually.” he rolled his eyes at you.
“Ok, maybe I'm scared that if I have my dad’s curse and one day he’ll disappear or leave me, I guess..I mean look at my dad, mom, el!” you explained. “Eddie’s not like that y/n! He won’t just randomly one day leave you.” Dustin told you.
“You never know! I didn’t think my dad would die and el would leave to go live in cali without me.” Dustin got up from his side of the booth and walked over to hug you. You laughed a bit as he squeezed you.
You dozed off for about 20 minutes before you got shaken awake by robin, telling you all had arrived at the store. Yourself, Max, Robin, Erica, steve and nancy got out of the RV and made your way into the store. ”So much for avoiding angry hicks!” “It looks like hickville in here...jesus christ..” you said as you all walked in and looked around the store. “Let’s be fast!” you all agreed and split up. You walked around the store with a handheld basket and picked up a lighter and lots of lighter fluid, you grabbed three boxes of nails as well.
You walked over to Nancy at the gun case. “Hi, could we see that one please!” you smiled as the attendant got it down and handed it to you. “Try this one nance. That’ll do nothing to vecna.” you told her, handling her the rifle. She cocked it and nodded at you. “How much is this?” The attendants looked over at you both. “120.99 but I'll throw in 20 rounds of buckshot for ya!” you both nodded at him.
“Hey, could I see this pretty .357, please?” your eyes widen at the voice next to you. Nancy and you slowly looked over to jason. “Here you go son.” “Thank you.” Jason stopped as he looked over. You quickly used your powers to hide yourself. You walked away from him but bumped into two other jocks, that broke your focus and showed yourself to them. You recognize one as Andy, he was there the night Patrick died.
“Y/n?” You looked at Andy before quickly running over to nancy. “What are you doing here, hopper?” You shrugged at jason. “I could ask you the same thing!” he walked closer to you. “I know what you did.” you didn’t flinch as he got up close to you. “Good, now leave me be, before I give you the same fate as your girlfriend!” You smirked at him. “Let’s go y/n!” Steve moved you and Nancy away from jason.
You looked back at him and watched as he ran to go get his other friends. You groaned as you walked behind the store and into the RV. “What happened!” Lucas asked you and steve. “Gotta go!” Steve told them, sitting in the front seat. “Your old friends are here!” Erica explained, throwing a bag onto the table. “Y/n threatened Jason too!” Eddie looked at you with wide eyes as you sat down next to robin. Steve quickly started the RV and drove out of the store’s parking lot.
“Oh! Steve, stop here!” you told him as you saw a sign for a small convenience store. “What why?!” you thought for an excuse. “I have to get something here!” “Like what y/n?!” You sighed, did it really come down to this excuse... “I have my period steve!” you yelled, which made Steve quickly turn into the store’s parking lot. You quickly sighed and got out of the RV and ran inside the store and went right to the hair products and grabbed five cans of hairspray. You smiled as the cashier handed you the bags with the hairspray cans.
You quietly got back into the RV, Steve was silent the whole ride. You smiled as he pulled into an empty field near a very empty road. You all unloaded and grabbed the stuff you had bought from the warzone.
You walked with Eddie and Dustin and helped them make their shields. “Ow! My finger!” Dustin groaned as he accidentally smashed his pointer finger with the hammer. “Give it here, tiny child!” you stuck your hand out for the hammer, and got to work. “How’s she feeling?” Dustin asked Eddie, who acted like he was using it. “Light but durable. Deadly. But reliable!” the pair chuckled as you hammered the last nail into Dustin's shield.
“Hear me now! There will be no more retreating from Eddie the banished!” you and Dustin smiled at eddie. “Hey, you’re ready for bat-tle.” Dustin chortles at his own joke. You and Eddie looked at each other with a blank look on your faces, Eddie looked at Dustin, confused. “You get it?” you held back a laugh at his face. “Bat-tle, B-A-T.” Eddie and you stayed silent. “No?” he groans. “I thought I had a good one..” you smiled as you watched Eddie tackle him.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked Eddie, distraught. “Tackle him!” You cheered Eddie on as he pushed Dustin away. Dustin quickly ran back and tried to tackle and give Eddie a wedgie now. “Give him a wedgie eddie!” Dustin looked at you with wide eyes. “No wedgies! No wedgies!”
“Never change, Dustin henderson!” you smiled as you watched the pair. “You either, y/n hopper! Promise me?” Eddie ran over and tried to hold you into a hug. “We weren’t planning on it!” you laughed as eddie tickled your sides. “Say it y/n!” “I promise!” you laughed out. “Good.” Eddie smiled and let you go. “Good?” “Good!” you all laughed.
“Hey sinclairs how are those spears coming along?” Lucas gave you all a thumbs up, Erica quickly gave Lucas a confused look.
All three of you laughed and kept playing around in the field since you were the first ones to finish. You laughed as Dustin almost fell over the small hill you all sat on.
“Are you nervous?” you turned to eddie. “Of?” he sighed and sat down next to you. “Of being vecna’s next victim?” you thought about it for a minute.
“Not really, I know I have a really amazing group who wouldn’t let me get taken by him!” you gave him a small smile.
“I’ll be really upset if I miss out on your awesome metal concert.” you both smiled and turned to watch dustin.
“I won’t let that happen to you.” You chortle at his words. “Good!”
You all rode in the RV in silence as you dropped off Max, Erica and Lucas at the creel house. Steve parked the RV in the woods, near the trailer park.
After you all went over the plan, you all made your way into the trailer park and right towards eddie’s trailer. You all slowly made it into the portal one by one. You were the last to fall through. You giggled as Steve and Eddie lifted you up off the mattress.
You all made your way out of the trailer to set up. “Hey, guys, listen.” you, eddie and dustin turned to steve. “If things here start to go south, I mean at all, you abort! Draw the attention from the bats for a minute or two. We’ll take care of vecna!” you three looked at each other.
“Don’t try to be cute or be a hero, or something. Okay, you guys are just-!” “Decoys!” Dustin and Steve spoke at the same time. “Don’t worry you can be the hero stevie boy!” you smiled.
“Absolutely, I mean look at us. We are not heroes.” you chuckled as Dustin looked between you and eddie. “Speak for yourself! I got cool powers!” You joked. Steve nodded at the trio and went to walk away but was stopped by eddie.
“Hey steve.” he turned around to face him. “Make him pay!” Steve nodded and walked away with Nancy and Robin towards their spot. You held back a groan, knowing Eddie meant it for chrissy. “I’m jealous of a dead chick!” You muttered to yourself as you went over to the deck.
You sighed as you three finished making a border so the bats couldn’t get to you all if you needed to hide. “Not bad.” “not bad at all!” Dustin and Eddie smiled at each other. “Now for the fun part!” you smirked and walked ahead of the two, into the trailer.
“Jesus christ!” You and Dustin looked around Eddie's room in the upside down. “It’s like she was destined for an alternate dimension.” Eddie was in awe of his guitar on the wall. “What do you two say? Are you both ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world!” You both smiled “Is that a rhetorical question?” Eddie smiled and put the guitar onto his back/
“Let’s do it!” You and Dustin chuckled and grabbed the amps Eddie had in his room and followed him to the roof of the trailer to set up.
You all waited to be told to move on to a new phase. “She’s in, move into phase three!” you all jumped up and got ready. “Copy that! Initiating phase three.” you nodded and watched as Dustin pulled in the amp. “Let’s hope they hear this!” you nodded and turned the volume up. “Chrissy, this is for you!” you looked at dustin with an offended look before turning back to eddie.
“What the fuck, I do all this just for him to dedicate this whole thing to a dead chick?!” you quietly ranted to Dustin as you both hid behind the amps.
You watched as eddie played master of puppets by metallica. You and Dustin smiled and head banged as you listened to him play. You looked through the binoculars and saw the bats flying towards you three. “Eddie, Lockdown in T-minus 30 seconds!” he nodded at your words and kept playing.
“T-Minus Twenty!” Dustin yelled, keeping an eye on them. You smiled as you heard Eddie shredding the guitar. “T-Minus ten!” you got up from the roof and stood. “Five. One.” Eddie finished playing and quickly followed you and dustin into the room you all built earlier that night.
“Move!” you rushed Dustin in. Luckily you all got in before they could get to anyone.
“Dude, most metal ever!”
“Oh my god, oh my god!” You laughed as you watched Eddie and Dustin be excited about what had just happened.
You all could hear the bats trying to get through the wire, you Dustin and Eddie stood with your backs together and kept circling around the portal, looking to see if one had popped through. “Hey dipshits! Give up that easy!” “shhh!” Eddie shushed dustin. “Stop egging ‘em on!” you chimed in, you three jumped as you heard one find its way towards the roof.
“Shit!” you cursed and slowly approached the part of the roof they were at. “They can’t go through there, could they?” as Dustin asked, a bat popped through, scaring you three. You all stabbed it and made your way towards the portal. “You go first dustin!” you rushed him in.
Eddie looked at you and knelt down, preparing to help you in the portal. “You go first y/n.” you nodded and hopped onto the rope and climbed through.
You and Dustin waited for Eddie to do the same. “C’mon eddie!” “We’re so close!” you started to panic as he kept looking over towards the door, where the bats were biting through.
“Eddie?!” you yelled as you watched him drop down from the rope, he looked back at you and dustin. You and Dustin started yelling for him as he cut the rope with the spare axe.
You watched as Dustin caught the rope in his hands. You both stared at it, in shock. “Eddie! What are you doing?!” he sighs and looks up at you. “I’m buying more time!” You groaned and moved dustin off the mattress and flipped it on it’s side. You scrambled to find an empty chair.
“Where are you going?!” Dustin asked as you placed down a chair and practiced your jumps.
“I’ve gotta go save the damn hero!” you told him, as you sighed and jumped into the portal using the chair to boost you. “And she sticks the landing!” you muttered to yourself before looking up at dustin.
“Throw that bag in here dustin!” He quickly does so. You jumped as the bag smacked you in the face. “Oww!” You groaned but quickly brushed off the pain. You grabbed the cans of hairspray.
“What are you doing with those! Styling your hair?!” you groaned at dustin. “Leave it all to me, k?” You gave him a smile before running out of the trailer, you looked around trying to find a trial Eddie might’ve left behind.
Your heart dropped as you saw a swarm of bats, you quickly shook up the can of hairspray and pulled out a lighter from your back pocket.
You ran over to the swarm. You felt your heart break as you heard Eddie's screams from the bats biting his flesh. “Son of a bitch!” you cursed as some of the bats started to bite you as well.
“Y/N! EDDIE!” you tried to turn your head to see Dustin, getting a mini swarm of bats. Your mom instinct kicked in, you struggled to push off some of the bats. You sprayed the fire at bats in Dustin's direction. Dustin panted on the grass.
Thankfully he wasn't hurt at all. You quickly turned to face in Eddie's direction and sprayed every bat that you could see.
“Eddie!” You ran over to Eddie's severely bitten body. You kept spraying the fire as you circled around. You had burned most of the bats, the ones that managed to avoid being burnt got killed by Dustin stabbing them. “Y/n..” You were too busy smashing a bat that was being stubborn on your own leg to notice Eddie calling for you.
“Stupid motherfucker!” you yelled as you kept hitting it with the empty can. “Y/n..” you turned towards Eddie, who had a small smile on his face. “Don’t you ever try being a hero!” you warned him as you hugged him tightly.
“You looked pretty badass, hopper!” He chortles. “Thanks!” you smiled as Dustin approached you both. “If we um made it out of here, do you think we could um, go out together?” You smiled at Eddie and nodded at his words. “You got a date munson! Now let’s get you back!” You whispered to Eddie, “Dustin, grab his legs and I'll carry his arms!” you commanded which the teen listened to.
“Wait, wait it hurts!” Eddie groaned as you and Dustin picked him up from the ground.
Dustin panicked and placed his legs back down. “No! Pick ‘em back up, if we let him rest he might bleed out!” you groaned. Dustin, who picked up Eddie's legs and helped you drag Eddie back through the portal.
You went to run towards the trailer’s small bathroom but quickly stopped in your tracks as you noticed the room around you had changed. You looked around, you noticed the slimy vines that slithered up your legs, you looked up and spotted your sister and Max, who were also trapped in the vines.
You searched around the room, trying to find vecna but quickly jumped as you watched him leave el’s side and walked over to where you were being held. “You and the others have already lost. Just give up y/n.” Your eyes flickered all over the place, you could see el had tears streaming down her face, max was struggling in the vines as she watched you and vecna.
“You won’t be second place in my eyes.” You held your breath as you watched him raise his palm towards your face, all the memories flooded your mind.
“We’re playing dnd- WE COULD’VE ASKED YOU!” Mike realized as you pulled into the school’s parking lot where the three of you spotted Erica waiting. “Could’ve asked me what?” you question as the pair collected the snacks they were in charge of bringing from your backseat. “We needed a sub tonight, ugh!” Dustin groaned.
“You see, we normally rely on this girl who has super powers. But those went bye-bye so- OW!” Steve held his arm as you punched him. “Screw you.” you told him with a blank face. “I literally get no credit.” You groaned out and threw yourself back onto the deck floor. “We usually rely on y/n and her sister who have powers-” Steve jerked away from you. “But her sister lost hers and y/n has her powers still but uh there not very helpful.”
“I would say all of the above but we can’t do any of that til we find a way to the upside down.” “We need El to get her powers back.” Max sighed.
“Chrissy, this is for you!” you looked at dustin with an offended look before turning back to eddie. “What the fuck! I do all this just for him to dedicate this whole thing to a dead chick?!” you quietly ranted to Dustin as you both hid behind the amps
You were brought back to his lair where he stood in front of you, waiting for you to go with him. You looked over and saw El watching you, tears running down her face. You looked right at vecna. “I’d rather chew off my foot.” You were sure if your mouth wasn’t dry you would’ve spat on him.
He let out a grumble and had released the vines around your legs for a second before throwing you up against the door, next to el.
You both watched as he walked over to max and lifted his hand to her face. You noticed how el started to slip for the slimy vines. You gave her a small smile before getting the hint that she needed you to give Henry a hallucination. You nodded and conjured up an hallucination of el and you falling, out of the vines, the images showed you both acting like you were dying. You hid eleven and yourself from his actual site and let him focus on the image of you both on the slimy flesh like floor.
You hid a smirk as you watched the plan work, Henry had been too focused on your and el’s bodies he hadn’t noticed he had dropped max and you outside of the hallucination. Eleven walked up behind him and nodded towards you to let him go from your powers. You smiled and did so, he quickly turned as he was slammed into one of the poles, el had pinned him like he had done to his previous victims.
You rushed over to max and helped her up from the floor. “Where’s Lucas and erica?!” You said slightly panicking, Max shrugged at you and held onto you as you both watched el drain Henry of his powers.
You noticed the bottom of his legs started to smoke, you and Max squeezed each other as he screamed in pain. You and Max walked behind eleven and watched as she made sure to kill him.
You three noticed once he was burnt to ashes how the room around you three started to disappear, “Y/n, your leg!” El pointed out as she gave you and max hugs. “I’ll be fine! You need to come back to Hawkins, I don't care what Joyce has to say. I need to see you after all of this mess.” She nods at you, you both watched as Max disappeared into the air, you assumed Lucas had finally used the music.
“I’m glad you're safe.” You smiled at el as you hugged her one last time before you were pulled back to hawkins. You were greeted by Dustin standing in front of you, with a panicked expression. “Y/n?” You blinked and looked around the bathroom before nodding at dustin.
He let out a sigh of relief before turning behind him and yelling “SHE’S ALIVE, EDDIE!” You followed Dustin out of the bathroom and into the living room where Eddie was laid on the couch. “And the V man is dead.” You smiled as the pair looked at you with wide eyes before staring at each other.
“No more fighting anything then?” You smiled and nodded at Eddie's reaction, Dustin just let out a breath of relief as he plopped down onto the chair beside eddie.
You noticed Dustin had ripped some of the rope and tied it around one of Eddie's bigger wounds. “We need to take him to the hospital!” you told Dustin as you both carried eddie outside, and spotted an empty truck, the owner must’ve stepped inside for a split second. “There!” You and Dustin quickly carried Eddie into the truck. Once everyone was emi buckled up you quickly drove away from the trailer park.
“We just stole another car!” Dustin laughed in shock as you quickly drove you three to the closest hospital. “Hey y/n?” You hummed in response.
“Did either you or el happen to use your, uh powers by chance?” Dustin asked you quietly as you drove.
“Me and Max watched el drain his powers if it counts, and I may have used my hallucinations, why?”You asked Dustin, turning your head towards the pair. Dustin was about the talk but the walkie interrupted.
“We did it!” Robin laughed into the walkie, excited about defeating vecna. “Great, y/n and eleven also caused an earthquake, So if you need us, meet us at the hospital!” Dustin told her as you drove into the parking lot.
You all hopped out of the truck and ran into the ER with Eddie being carried in by you and dustin. “Oh, did you kids experience the earthquake too?!” the nurse asked you three. “Sadly yes.” the nurses quickly got eddie onto a gurney
You were about to sit when the nurse noticed how bitten and bloody your legs were. She had you also taken back to get looked at.  
Two Days Later
“Y/n, slow down or you’re gonna rip out your IV!” Steve scolded you as you walked ahead of him and dustin. “You two hurry up! Making the sick one go slow.” You muttered to yourself as you walked towards Eddie's room.
“Jesus.” Steve groaned and pushed the medicine pump behind you.
You smiled as you approached the open door. “Sorry, I'm late.” You told Eddie, who was sitting propped up in the hospital bed with the bed tray over his lap. “Thought you stood me up.” You both smile at his joking tone.
“And miss our hospital date? Never.” You faked a gasp and sat down on the bed near his feet.
“So what are we eating exactly?” You asked, tilting your head as he smirks. “Had henderson buy food from the new diner.” You nodded as dustin and steve walked in panting.
“Here!” Dustin exclaimed, putting the bag on the tray before walking back over to Steve who had stayed in the doorway. “We’ll leave you kids alone, Be good you two!” He jokingly pointed between you and eddie.
“Ok mom!” You smiled as Steve and Dustin left the hospital room. You quickly turned around to see Eddie, who was unpacking the food.
“Have the police tried talking to you yet?” You asked. “They try but I act asleep, so the nurses will kick them out.” He smiles a bit. “Have you gotten ahold of your sister?” You shake your head. “No, Nancy said she’ll try to get ahold of Joyce for me.” You told him as you picked at a soggy fry.
“Eww.” You placed the fry to the side, Eddie looked at you with wide eyes. “You don’t like the soggy ones?” You shook your head. “I’m gonna be honest with you hopper, I don’t know how this is gonna work out if the girl of my dreams doesn’t like the soggy fries.” He jokingly placed his hand over his heart. “Oh yes.” You smiled as you playfully rolled your eyes.
It had been a couple hours since your “hospital date” with eddie. You and Eddie had made your way towards your hospital room, where Robin and Dustin tried to entertain you, Steve and Eddie by dancing to whatever station the nurses had the radio on.
You sat on your hospital bed with a pained expression. “I should’ve let vecna take my sight if I knew I would be seeing these two dancing.” You whispered to Steve who let out a snort, Eddie joining in as well as he watched the pair. “We heard that!” You smiled and gave a thumbs up at the pair.
You sat up straight as you heard knocking on your room door. You watched as robin opened the door for nancy, who carried in two bouquets of flowers. “One of them is from me and the other is from my mom.” She told you as she placed them down on the tray.
“These are from us too!” You turned and smiled as Lucas, Max and Erica walked into the room with balloons. “Aww, thank you guys.” You gave them hugs as they greeted you and eddie. “I love the flowers and balloons so much.” You smiled at the others, who’s sight wasn’t on you but the people in the doorway.
“You haven't seen what we got you yet!” Your eyes widened at the voice, your head slowly turned to look at the door where you saw your dad, Joyce, Mike, Will, El and jonathan. You looked up at the medicine pump and saw your pain med bag was halfway empty, you turned to the others. “Someone tell Annette my pain meds are kicking in now, my powers are trying to use themselves on me.” Steve shook his head at you, “Oh so you guys see my dead dad too?”
The group smiles at your reaction of seeing your dad alive, in your hospital room. “No, he’s really there y/n.” You nodded at Eddie's words and turned back to face him. “Oh...So where were you? You know how much you owe me for your funeral service?” Hopper let out a laugh at your words and walked over and hugged you.
“Sure missed you kiddo.” You smiled and hugged him back. “2,737 dollars plus tax mister.” You joked as he pulled away from the hug, he smiled and ruffled your hair. “Hey Mike, will!” You waved at the pair who smiled and waved back before greeted the others.
“Y/n!” El rushed over and hugged you tightly, she had been given a talk by Jonathan on how she should be gentle hugging you on the way over to the hospital.
“I missed having you here in hawkins.” You whispered in her ear as she held onto you, the others slowly greeted each other while you and el hugged. “Is that the boy?” She asked you quietly as she motioned towards Eddie, you looked and nodded at her. “Oh yeah.” She smiled and greeted Eddie and the others with mike and will.
“Oh how are you doing honey?” You smiled as Joyce's mom's voice came out as she looked at your bandaged legs. “Sore, It’s gotten better, the bleeding has gone down a bit.” She nodded at the news, “Hey y/n.” You smiled as you smelt Jonathan's shirt from the bed, he smelt like a mix of weed and air freshener. “Hi Jonathan, how’s california?” He nodded. “Cali’s ok, definitely not like hawkins.” You gave him a knowing look and smiled “Oh i’m sure their similar somehow.” You smiled at his wide eye look
After everyone had greeted each other, you all sat and talked about what was going to happen after you and Eddie got out of the hospital. “You guys have government connections?!” Eddie asked the party in shock as he listened to your dad and Joyce's plan.
“Yeah.” You nodded at him before turning back to your dad. “So me and eddie are in the clear, like this never happened?” You dad nods at your question. “Yep, then I get back my job and everything goes back to normal.” He explained, You nod at him, before putting your hand up in Eddie's direction. “No, we still have to graduate ourselves.” You heard Eddie sigh behind you, making a grin appear on your face.
“Wait, does this mean we have to fix the cabin?” You groaned and threw your head back at the thought of cleaning up the destroyed cabin in the woods. Jim let out a chuckle and shook his head “No, we’re buying a proper house.” Yours and el’s heads popped up at his news. “Dips on the bigger room!” You told el who just smiled and nodded.
A Couple Months Later
“Shush, my dad might hear you.” You warned Eddie as he crawled through the window in your new bedroom.
“Doll, I got the greatest news ever!” You smiled at his excited expression. “Well, what is it?” You asked as you watched him crawl and plop himself on top of your body on your bed. “Well you remember that weird guy at the hideout a couple weeks ago?” You had to think about it for a minute before nodding at the memory.
“What about him?” Eddie sighed and smiled wider at you. “Well he liked corroded coffins songs and turns out he was a scout for a record company and we got offered a record deal-!” Eddie was cut off by you squealing and tackling him into a tight hug. “Ooh, congratulations eds! That’s my boyfriend.” You cupped his cheeks and kissed him.
You both kept making out, eddie’s hands going underneath your sleeping shirt, you had stolen from him, You smiled as he pushed himself down a bit more and kissed your jaw before moving to your neck, you let out a moan as he left a mark, You both quickly took off your shirt and threw somewhere in your room, eddie smiled as he went back to kissing your neck. After a bit he looked back up at you “You sure you wanna do this? I’m not pressuring you, am I?” You smiled and shook your head at him.
“I wanna do this eds.” His grin got brighter as he went back to leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and towards the valley of your breasts. A knock on your door startled you both.
“One minute I’m changing!” You yelled out before looking all over your room for your shirt you both had tossed across the room.
“Hide under my bed.” You whispered towards Eddie who nodded and quickly slid under your bed and was thankfully hidden by the bed skirt you, Joyce and eleven had bought when you were shopping for the new house. You quickly put on the shirt and made sure your hair didn’t look all nuts before running to open your door.
“Oh i just wanted to let you know that me and your dad are going out for dinner and probably won’t be back til ten.” You nod at Joyce's words, praying she won’t notice the hickey on your neck. “Kay, you two have a fun night!” You smiled as you leaned against your doorframe as your dad came up from behind joyce.
“We will.” You dad smiled down at Joyce, you held yourself back from gagging.
“Oh hop can you give us a minute, I just need to tell y/n something.” Your dad nodded and walked to the living room. “What did you need to tell me?” You asked Joyce, who had a small smile on her face.
“Did you get burned by the curling iron?” You nodded, not noticing how the shirt had moved a bit too much and Joyce had got a glance at the hickey. “Yeah, I thought it was turned off and I was wrapping up the cord and burnt myself.” Praying Joyce had bought the story.
“Oh ok, I just wanted to say that Max is spending the night here so no fiddling around with the curling iron.” You looked at her confused. She gives you a knowing look. “It’s alright I was a teenager once y/n.” Your eyes widen at her words, she must’ve heard you and Eddie scrambling around your room.
“Alright we’ll be PG tonight.” You told her, she smiled at you before turning to walk out the door. “Oh, goodnight eddie.” You groaned and banged your head against the doorframe.
“Night ms byers.” Eddie told her as he lifted the bed skirt so she could see him. “Smart, I used to hide mine in my closet.” Joyce smiled at both of you before walking towards the living room where our dad was waiting.
You shut your door before turning around to face eddie. “You should go too, before one of the kids bursts in here too.” He nodded and went to climb out your window. You walked over to your window where you leaned out slightly and kissed Eddie once more.
“Sorry, our celebration got cut short.” Eddie smiled at you “Seeing you is the best celebration for me.” You giggled at him, he went to walk away but you quickly called him back.
“Yeah?” He asked, confused, did he leave something in your room?
“Would you settle for a PG-13 celebration?” Eddie looked at you confused. “What is it?” You stared at him for a second before lifting up your shirt and bra.
Eddie’s eyes widened at your boldness, a smile broke out on both your faces. You laugh and put your shirt and bra back down. “That’s one celebration I won’t forget.” He smiled at you.
“Alright, loverboy, goodnight.” You leaned out the window a bit and managed to kiss Eddie's cheek. “Night.” He smiled the whole walk towards his van.
Life was looking up for him, his name was cleared, now his career was just starting and he has a beautiful girlfriend? Yep life was being good to him.
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pawnshopbleus · 2 years
Best Friend
Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
summary - You introduce Robin as your best friend but secretly you two are more than that. 
warnings -  Innuendos because I think they're funny, fluff, smut, boobs because i’m a boob kind of gal, your parents are nice but they’re really religious, Robin is your gf obviously, you baked snickerdoodle cookies (which are my fave).  
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“So Robin, tell us more about yourself,” your mother urged as Robin took a bite of the snickerdoodle cookie you made. You knew that Robin loved your baking, especially your cookies.
“Oh um, I'm in marching band and I work at Family Video. Other than that i’m just like every other teenage girl,” except I also like girls. Robin had to leave that part out of the conversation. 
Your parents were really nice and understanding but unfortunately, also very traditional and religious. You were expected to be the picture perfect image of a good christian girl 24/7. You really wanted to introduce Robin to your parents so with a little convincing and a lot of kissing, you convinced her to pose as your best friend just for a day. Robin thought it was going to be easy but it proved to be a little harder than expected.
You referring to her as your “best friend” took her back to when she was scared shitless when she realized she had a crush on you. She’s had crushes on girls before but those came and went. You were different, you were always on her mind. It was as if you were permanently tattooed into her brain. Your laugh played in her mind late at night when she couldn't sleep, your eyes would always find hers when someone said something stupid in history class, or when your hands would brush against hers whenever you invited her over to watch a movie when your parents weren’t home drove her crazy. No matter what you did you would always fascinate her. 
“You know i’m not really one for gossip but I heard some of the other moms talk about you and that Harrington boy. He’s kind of cute isn’t he,” your mom smiled whiled your dad rolled his eyes. Robin forced a smile and shook her head.
“Steve and I are together, yes. We’ve been together for a year now.” You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cringe. You would definitely tease Robin about this later.
“So, how did you two meet?” your father directed the conversation away from boys and dating which you were grateful for.
“Our history teacher assigned us to do a project together. Robin and I had similar interest and we kind of just hit off and we’ve been best friends since,” you decided to give Robin a little break for answering questions. “Ya, we’re inseparable,” Robin finished as she smiled at you.
“Well thats good to hear,” your mom clapped her hands together, “Well, looks like dinners done. Why don’t you two girls go up into your room and do whatever girls your age do on a Saturday night.”
“Do you need any help? I can help if you’d like,” Robin offered as she got up from her chair.
Your mother laughed, “You’re too sweet. I got it all under control. I’ve been doing this for years now. Now you two girls go have fun just don’t stay up too late, we’ve got church tomorrow.”
You told your parents to have a good night, grabbed robin by the hand, and rushed to your room. Once in your room, she laid on your bed and the familiar scent of vanilla filled her nose.
“Your room smells nice,” she complimented.
“You say that every time you come over,” you made sure your door was locked and straddled her hips. She rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the side.
“So you and Harrington, huh?” Robin whipped her head to look back at you and stuck her tongue out.
“Shut up,” she said as she kissed the tip of your nose. You laughed and leaned down to kiss her. Her hands snaked around your waist as she kissed back. The kiss became hot and sloppy. Robins hands traveled up until she was cupping your boobs. She laced her hands around you back and unclipped your bra. You broke the kiss to take your top and bra off in one swift movement.  
Robin followed the movements of your breast as they jiggled from your sudden movements. How could someone be so perfect? she though as she looked at you.
You resumed the kiss, this time they were light and sweet. Your hands found their way towards the hem of Robin's shirt. You lifted her shirt above her head to see that she was wearing a smile black bra. Robin was a simple girl; her underwear was so simple in contrast to the matching lace sets you always wore. You kissed your way to her neck, down her sternum, then down her stomach. You parted her thighs and made yourself comfortable between them.
“These jeans are nice. Too bad they’re going to have to go,” you unbuttoned her jeans and took them off. Just like her bra, her underwear was black. You slid a finger down her clothed pussy. You took the waist band of her underwear and slid them off. You placed a soft kiss on her folds then took her thighs and spread them wide. You buried your face in her cunt. Your mouth attached to her clit and your fingers found their way inside of her. Robin moaned the covered her mouth.
You put a finger to your mouth and giggled, “you have to be quiet,” you said. Robin nodded her head and then plopped her head back onto your pillow.  
You kissed her left thigh and then her right and buried your head back into her pussy. Robin was biting her lip hard enough that it could bleed. Your tongue swirled around her clit then made your way down. Your tongue poked and prodded at her entrance. Your tongue fucked Robin’s hole and your hands made their way to her hips.  
Suddenly there was a knock at your door, “Girls! There’s ice cream in the freezer if you want some. I know you ate cookies earlier but its okay to have two desserts in a day!” your mother shouted through the door.
Your eyes met Robins wide ones, “We’re coming out in just a minute,” you answered. You heard your mothers retreating footsteps and then rolled off of you bed. Both of you scrambled to get your clothes back on. 
Your bra was scattered on the floor next to something that got knocked off of your dresser. It was a picture of God that your mother got you when she visited Italy last summer. The picture was in a gold frame. It was adorned with white letters that spelled out “God is always watching.” You showed it to Robin who now had all of her clothes back on.
She looked up at the ceiling and said, “I hope he liked the show.”      
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
can we please do black!reader feeling insecure and robin by fingering her in front of a mirror👀
thank you🤍
*aggrivating middle school teacher who everyone hates voice* i dunno, CAN we???
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(Robin Buckley x Black!Reader)
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warnings: insecurity, fluff, smut (fingering) and lesbian stuff. very gay.
a/n: this reader is black as stated above, while there aren't a ton of descriptors (read it over and was surprised at that considering i was imagining me while writing it lol) but the implications are very much so there and i just have to make it known. this was very therapeutic for me, Robin deserves a canon black gf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tagging also as robin x reader for my black babes who don't bother even using the black!reader tag since there aint much out there for us ♡
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It had been a very trying season for you.VERY. 
Band season, anyways.
See, nothing sucked more than seeing your girlfriend with her ex-fling and unfortunately, you had to deal with it a lot, making sure to always show up to Robin’s competitions and events (though those were kind of mandatory since you were also a high school student). And because life hates you, Robin was always placed like right fucking next to Vickie.
You knew about their past, had been forced to witness their—albeit brief—relationship until they both got tired of dating their personality clone and determined they’d be better off as friends. A couple weeks later, a lonely Robin finally opened her eyes and realized you were right there the whole time and it didn’t take long until you began seeing each other.
That short period of time was kind of the problem. Halfway through your friendship with Robin, you’d realized you were in love with her. You hadn’t known how to feel since you were coming to the realization you were gay, then she came out to you and you suddenly felt ecstatic about your secret. Mostly. 
It was annoying when she began to pay attention to Tammy Thompson but you didn’t get a vibe from her so it didn’t kill you. 
When Steve Harrington started sniffing around her, you weren’t all that bothered, knowing she’d never return his feelings. Then you came out to her. 
You were kind of hoping you’d go right to the confessions of love, kisses and happily ever after but that hadn’t happened. It had been disappointingly realistic; she’d told you she was glad you trusted her and that was that.
Then V ickie was suddenly in Robin’s gravitational pull. She had a boyfriend her entire high school career then of course the moment Robin started liking her, suddenly he wasn’t in the picture anymore. It hurt to see her slowly take your spot in her life. Suddenly, sleepovers with Robin weren’t as frequent and then stopped altogether as she did them with Vickie instead—and it killed you to imagine what they were doing at those sleepovers. She stopped spending time with you, too. It was so noticeable, people would stop and ask you about why you weren’t with her or why she wasn’t around and you just had to awkwardly shrug it off.
When they broke up, she of course came back to you and like some stupid pathetic teenager, you acted like you had no dignity and welcomed her back with open arms, as if she hadn’t abandoned you for some pretty Molly Ringwald lookalike. Two weeks later, she invited you to the fair and kissed you at the top of the Ferris  Wheel. And despite feeling very much so like the second choice, you had kissed her back.
Flash forward to the school pep rally and you were constantly looking over your shoulder, at the area of the stands the band was occupying, where your girlfriend was being chatted up by the pretty redhead. You knew they were still on friendly terms and you wouldn’t tell Robin but it bothered you.
It bothered you so bad, your eyes would always get a little shiny due to how stupidly butt hurt seeing them together made you, all because they looked good.
They looked like they went with each other. Sure, people wouldn’t look at the two girls and think they were a couple since that would go against, like, the homo sapiens agenda or something, but to those who were like you, it would be immediately apparent they made a pretty couple. 
No one would think that about the two of you. Because you didn’t look like Vickie. Or like Robin.
You got so in your head about it, you started to feel sick. You’d informed the teacher whose class you’d come to the pep rally with you weren’t feeling well and quickly slipped off to the nurse’s office.
 You hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Since she was just a high school nurse, she’d told you to lay down on one of the uncomfortable gurney-thingies until you felt better. You’d closed the curtain to your area and cried there for a good hour before she eventually called your parents to pick you up, only disturbing you to gently inform you on when they had arrived and were waiting for you at the front office. You huffed out a sigh and got up, grabbing your backpack, you yanked the curtain open.
You inhaled sharply when you immediately locked eyes with your girlfriend sitting on one of the chairs lining the wall. Suddenly, you were very conscious of the black mascara trails under your eyes and cheeks.
You made sure the nurse was in her personal office and out of hearing range before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sick,” she grinned sheepishly, obviously not sick as she waved a note she’d received from her teacher. “I saw you leave the gym earlier and I got worried. As soon as we got back to class and I got out of that stank band uniform, I decided I was sick, which I mean isn’t totally untrue since I’m worried sick about you and I needed to make sure you were okay.” 
You felt your face get hot, “Well, I’m okay.” Liar.
Robin pursed her lips, not believing you for one second. 
“Are you sure?” Because it didn’t look like it, it was obvious to her you’d been crying and the fact you were attempting to play it off made her more concerned. You always told her when there was something wrong, always talked to her. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Was just . . . It’s nothing.” You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You’d done this to yourself, anyways.
She glanced around to make sure you two were still alone before she got up from the chair, leaning in to whisper, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
Robin even had the metaphorical balls to reach out and cup your cheek, thumb swiping along your cheek and smearing the mascara trail. Daring, considering neither of you were publicly out since the Midwest wasn’t so kind about it. Showing affection in public places was a dangerous move but Robin needed to touch you, comfort you.
You sniffled and caved, “I just—I saw you and Vickie together and you just looked. . .” 
You trailed off as the stupid tears began to form on your waterline again, “You looked like you go together, like you belong together.”
Robin frowned, displeased with what you were subjecting yourself to. She had no more romantic interest in Vickie, it was purely platonic. Truth be told, she didn’t really like interacting with her all that much, it was kind of awkward since Vickie would just start word-vomiting. Before, it was endearing to her but after their relationship had ended, the word-vomiting wasn’t out of nerves, it was due to awkwardness. Neither one of them was sure how to continue on being friends since they hadn’t been friends in the first place so it was just terribly awkward and usually one-sided conversation.
“Well we don’t. I belong with you.” It was surprisingly firm, something you were unused to hearing come from Robin unless she was annoyed.
It looked like she was going to say more but the nurse popped her head out of her office and you both sprang apart.
“Dear, you’re still here? I thought you’d left to go home already.”
“I’m on my way out,” You promised, heart beating wildly at having almost been caught. It seemed to satisfy her, she disappeared again, leaving you and Robin to trade that was close looks.
“Can I come over tonight?” Robin blurted out, hands twitching at her side, wanting nothing more than to hold your face again.
You nodded, pulling the straps of your backpack on.
She looked relieved and almost leaned in, no doubt to give you a kiss, before she caught herself. “Okay, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah,” you whispered out before scurrying out of the room.
You’d told your parents your illness was just some bad cramps, so they had no problem letting Robin come over. It meant they didn’t have to deal with your mood swings since you weren’t notoriously friendly during that time of the month.
Later that night, when Robin walked into your room, the first thing she did was lock your bedroom door.
“Alright, you beautiful human being.” She awkwardly tried kicking her converse off and cursed under her breath when she couldn’t because of how tightly they were laced. After she aggressively pulled at the laces, she yanked them off her feet and fell back on your bed, leaning back on her arm. She parted her legs and tapped the space on your blankets between them. “C’mere.”
You immediately crawled over, ready to straddle her but she tutted, manhandling you until your back was to her chest and you were staring at your reflections in the mirror attached to your dresser. 
“There we go,” She chirped, arms wrapping under your bust as her chin settled over your shoulder. “See, I don’t ever want to invalidate your feelings because I love you, but it’s mind boggling to me that you would think Vickie and I look good together when we so obviously look like soulmates.”
You frowned at her reflection, “We do?”
“Oh, we do. You and I look so good together. Of course, mostly because you’re so freaking pretty,” She didn’t break eye contact as she pressed a kiss to your neck. Her lips didn’t leave the area, “And it kills me that you can’t seem to see that.”
That does it.
You burst out laughing, nose scrunching and body shaking as you let your weight collapse back into her. Robin rolled her eyes, unwinding her arms from around you so she could lean back on her hands to wait for you to calm down.
“I’m sorry!” You croaked out, still laughing like a hyena. In your fit, you ended up falling of the bed, back to your carpet as joy filled every cavern of your chest. 
Her lips pursed comically, obviously trying to hold back her own smile. She knew what had been the cause of your case of the cackles, Robin could be bossy and she was hot, you thought she was so hot, but.
But. But. But.
She could not be intentionally sexy. On accident? Sure. On purpose??? Not so much. And you didn’t mean the way she dressed, which was hot too. She just couldn’t be very dominating. It was cute when she tried, because you knew she was trying so very hard to not be awkward. 
“I’ll wait,” The way she said it, like a substitute teacher who couldn’t wrangle their class was intentional, she even sat up and clasped her hands in her lap.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized once more, sitting up as your laughter turned to giggles. Once those were under control and you were smiling like an idiot, you knee-waddled back over to her. Robin made sure to keep you at bay with her hands outstretched to block access to her lap. “C’mon, tell me all about it!” 
“No, you lost that privilege.” There was no sincerity to it, her pretty mauve lips were curled into a teasing smile. “Go laugh some more.”
“Please?” You asked, eyelashes batting up at her. She was a sucker for your eyes—and really looking forward to sex—so she caved immediately, though you didn’t climb back onto your spot, choosing to tackle her to the bed and pin her hands to the bed instead as the both of you laughed.
You were about to trail your hands lower, towards her armpits where you knew she was the most ticklish when your brain registered she wasn’t not laughing anymore. You blinked down at her, taking in the shift of the atmosphere.
Robin was staring up at you, blue eyes full of adoration, reverence, her lips parted a little almost like they were frozen around a soft gasp. She was looking at you like she couldn’t believe you existed, let alone existed as her girlfriend. 
She’d had her fair share of crushes, dream girls, likes-at-first-sights. Had one prior relationship, one that made her long for the formers just because of how much work she hadn’t known went into relationships. 
Vickie was nice, sweet and a little too much like her. It was annoying, she’d begun to think Vickie was annoying and that was when she realized how unfair she was being. Ever see those tv shows where the best friends are so in sync, they’re talking in unison? Constantly saying the same thing at the same time? Yeah, there was a reason why they were just friends. It’s cute the first couple of times, creepy and agitating the rest.
She’d felt like such a failure when they called it quits, though. Robin finally had one of the dream girls interested and it didn’t work out. It felt real shitty. She vowed to go easier on Steve, if he felt like that all the time, he deserved a break from her antagonizing.
Then you happened. Well, you were always there, swooping in when Barb had abandoned her in favor of being friends with Nancy—okay, that was a little mean, Robin could have easily interacted with both, she was just in her ‘I’m not like those girls’ phase, which you put up with—didn’t even seem to mind when she started hanging out a little more with Steve than she did with you (you did, just hurt in silence), always answered your phone when she needed you, like you had some sort of Robin Senses. 
Yeah, you were always there. Hadn’t even been doing anything when she came to the realization. You’d been laughing at some memory Jonathan and Will had been telling, your hyena cackle echoing in Nancy’s basement and Robin had the most tit-clutching thought about how much she loved your laugh, how much she loved you.
And she knew she had a chance with you—or at least fit the demographic you wanted to appeal to—so she hadn’t hesitated, not willing to waste a single second. She’d been stupid in love and somehow gayer ever since.
“I do, though.” She rasped out into the tension filled air between the two of you.
“Huh?” Came your very in-sexy reply.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” your hold on her loosened as she rose from the bed and you found yourself once more perched in her lap as she whispered your name, “You’re . . . Everything.”
The emotion she conveyed behind it had slick pooling in the heat between your thighs.
You didn’t protest when she maneuvered you back into position, staring at her reflection in the mirror. 
“Eyes on you,” She commanded and your gaze darted to the side, to stare into your own eyes. Your breath hitched as she undid the buckles to your overalls and you lifted your hips to help her push them down your thighs, body temperature rising the moment they hit the floor. 
“Pretty,” She commented as she hooked a finger into the side of your yellow panties and you winced, wishing you’d gone with one of the few sexy pairs you had instead of just a cotton pair. They weren’t as easy to get off, you’d thoroughly soaked the center so they stuck to your labia. When she’d managed to pull them away, down the meat of your thighs, a thick, clear string of your slick refused to part with them, Robin had to run her fingers through it to sever the connection and her whimper did nothing to help with your waterpark down there.
“Okay—Jesus—I know I’m not really great at sounding super sexy with my words, but babe, thatwassofuckinghotohmygod.” She hadn’t even pulled your panties completely off yet, they remained just above your knees since she couldn’t be bothered to do anything but rub your excitement between her fingers. 
Oh. Your mouth dropped open, as you watched her suck her digits into her mouth, eyes fluttering closed as she hummed around them before pulling them back out, tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth to savor the taste of you.
“And you taste so fucking good, too. It’s not fair.” She whined before she went straight to business, ring and middle finger reaching down to nudge at your clit and when you inhaled sharply, she began teasing it, rubbing little circles into the sensitive patch of nerves.
Your head dropped back onto her shoulder as you whimpered.
“Uh-uh, eyes on the mirror, babe.” Her ministrations slowed, forcing you to raise your head and stare at your disheveled reflection. Your forehead was beginning to shine, sweat already beginning to break through your skin. 
The moan that came out of you when her fingers dipped low, past your clit to rub at your hole was near pornographic and Robin had to quickly slap her free hand over your mouth, refusing to stop the descent of her fingers but unwilling to have your parents ruin it.
“Shh, baby, you have to be quiet,” She whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss to the skin behind it.
“I can’t,” you whined against her palm, smothering another one of those moans against her palm when her middle finger slipped easily inside of you followed shortly by her ring finger. She was ruthless, plunging, curling and dragging them against your walls, “‘s so good!”
It wasn’t long before the sound was apparent, a delicious squelch every time her nimble fingers plunged in and out, never fully leaving the warmth of your cunt. 
“Almost there,” she sighed out, breath hot against your neck. Robin licked her lips, brows furrowed as she reached a little deeper, fighting off a proud smirk when she heard you keen, chest heaving—and yeah, she kind of regretted not taking your shirt off so she could stare at your tits but another time—as she finally found that spongy spot inside of you, finger pads pressing insistently at it.
Just like magic, you melted; body going lax as you relaxed completely into her embrace. Robin loved to get you like this, you always became so pliant when she found your g-spot, like a ragdoll Robin could have her way with. It also meant she was finger fucking you so good you legitimately couldn’t form words, could barely make a sound, forced to pant out huh-huh-huhs as she bullied your pussy, thumb coming in to the mix to play with your clit and resume those tight circles from earlier.
“There we go,” she let out a breathless laugh and your head lulled to the side, body puddy in her hands and thighs quaking over hers. “You gonna come for me? Squeezing my fingers awful tight.”
You were about to try to tell her to shut up, or maybe beg for her not to stop when your eyes locked on the mirror again, gaze taking in your sweaty face once more before glancing at Robin’s reflection. She wasn’t staring back at you, no, her gaze was locked on the reflection of what her hands were doing between your thighs. That area of the mirror ended up attracting your attention, too.
It was completely obscene, you could see your slick coating your inner thighs, your mound and her fingers every time she pulled them out, pale skin and pink knuckles glittering with your wetness, a contrast to the dark shade of your legs surrounding them. Even her thumb was coated, pressing it into your clit as she massaged it. A beautiful mess, while it was clearly your body and you could simply look down to see her taking you so thoroughly apart, it was somehow more vulnerable to see it happening to your reflection, to the pretty, sweaty girl sat on your girlfriend’s lap.
You really were beautiful. 
You choked on a moan, eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm hit you hard and Robin cursed under her breath as you pulsed around her fingers, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing.
She didn’t relent even as she felt you get wetter, rubbing furiously at your clit to prolong it for you, didn’t stop until you whined and reached a hand down to yank hers out of you when it became too much. 
Robin pressed a smattering of kisses to your hairline as you heaved, then turned her head to the side as she sucked your spend off your fingers like honey, making sure they were coated in her spit and she hadn’t let any of it go to waste. 
You watched her reflection, took in how pleased she looked with herself before those pretty blue eyes were on you again, winking at you through the mirror.
“Told you we look good together.”
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call-me-eds · 2 years
Steve x Reader Fluff
Almost everyone can tell that Max has a crush on Steve. When he cancels a driving lesson to take you on a date, you think that you can take out 2 birds with one stone.
It was adorable for everyone that wasn’t you and Max. You felt guilt over the whole situation and like most things: it infuriated her. How did she let her guard down and let this happen? It was against everything she had ever known, and probably the laws of nature.
Her stupid crush on Steve Harrington.
It was scientific knowledge that boys mentally developed later than girls, so it was like he was becoming a man right as she was entering womanhood. With those transitions came the growth of the brain and the body, making emotions rage.
“I don’t understand why you can’t teach me, it’s not like I haven’t driven your car,” she said upon finding out Eddie would be taking her driving over the weekend, changing the original plan. Going in circles around the abandoned mall parking lot with Steve had been the thing she was looking forward to most all week.
“I told you, Max, I have a date with Y/N that isn’t going to get pushed just because you want to give me whiplash,” he scoffed. “Eddie’s probably a better teacher than me, anyway.” It was true, Eddie knew the ins and outs of every car Max had ever heard of and more, but he was like a lame older brother to Max. What fifteen year old girl wanted to hang out with their older brother when they could be with the boy next door?
Okay, geographically Eddie was also the boy next store, but whatever, semantics.
“I don’t want to drive that big van around, everyone will think I’m even more of a loser than they already do,” she frowned, the trademark scowl appearing on her face.
“Hate to break it to you, Kid, but it’s your only option.” Kid. It stung worse than when her and El practiced using eyelash curlers earlier in the week.
There was nothing harmful about the crush, per say, it was just that no one could believe that Max of all people had succumbed to the Harrington charm. Her friends were oblivious, Lucas most of all, but the older teens in her life couldn’t keep the stupid smiles off of their faces anytime she inquired about Steve or they saw a blush appear on her face when he was near. Nancy learned not to ask about it when she nearly got her head taken off a few weeks ago after she pointed out the fit of Steve’s jeans, hoping to get the younger girl to talk to her.
You were laying on Steve’s bed while he folded laundry and relayed the conversation to you, laughing a little.
“Munson is in for it big time when she gets her little hands on the wheel,” he was thrilled that this responsibility was going to somewhere else, even if it was just one lesson.
“You called her ‘Kid’?” you asked. He shrugged and turned to start hanging up his jeans.
“I guess so, yeah,” he nodded, not thinking that it was that big of a deal. She had called him much worse.
“Steve, that probably killed her,” you groaned.
You weren’t encouraging Steve to entertain her crush, and you didn’t love feeling like you were doing something wrong just by being with your boyfriend, but you knew how she felt. Nancy knew how she felt. Robin knew how she felt. No one could so easily forget the perils of being a young girl.
The wistful stares you saw from Max were so familiar, you felt like you were just trying to hide them yourself yesterday. They were honestly kind of hard to miss, her googly eyes. It was the same way she looked at Lucas when she thought no one was looking.
You couldn’t even blame her, because you looked at Steve the exact same way. That sly grin appeared on his face and your stomach fluttered. A corny joke left his lips and your eyes lit up. His hands brushed your own, and your heart rate doubled. He was infectious. If you didn’t stand a chance, how did she? 
“I think she’ll be okay,” he said, closing his closet door and flopping beside you on the bed. He picked up your hand and began playing with your fingers. The way he was gently touching you was making you forget all about what he said to Max. “Should I be worried that you’re not even a little jealous?”
“Jealous?” you asked.
“Mhmm,” he nodded, tugging you over so you were against his side. “I mean, I’m such a dreamboat I’ve got to fight the girls off.” He dropped your hand to toss his up in the air, as if to ask if there was anything he could do. You let your palm slide against his chest and resisted the urge to press your nose into him to smell his freshly cleaned shirt.
“Well, do you really think there’s anything for me to worry about?” you asked, settling for rubbing your cheek against his. He hummed when you dug your nails into his pecs, scratching lightly. Before he could answer, you started to press your lips up and down his neck, making him unable to speak for a moment. 
“No,” he laughed. “Nothing at all.” Steve brought his warm hand to your cheek so he could kiss you properly. The thump thump thump of his heartbeat increased as you let your touches roam across each other’s bodies. Just as suddenly as you started to rile him up, you snatched yourself away from him, pulling away with a pop and leaning up.
“I have the best idea,” you gasped. He nodded and chased after you, not at all processing your words, just focused on getting his lips back on yours. “We should make our date a double.”
“With who, Eddie and his right hand?” he sighed, flopping back down on the bed.
“No, Lucas and Max!” Steve swore he heard you wrong. Shouldn’t you be discouraging any romantic situations between Steve and her? “We can tag along for the driving lesson and then go to the drive-in.”
“I don’t know,” he frowned, thinking of all the ways this could go sour. He didn’t want to crush the poor girl's heart, he knew about her little infatuation. 
“Please?” you asked, leaning into his neck again and starting to make a mark on his ivory skin. “Just think about it.”
And that’s how Steve ended up with concealer on his neck in the passenger’s seat of his own car on Saturday night.
“Okay, you don’t have to slam on the brakes, just ease your foot down,” Steve instructed Max while you and Lucas were playing with a deck of cards in the backseat.
“Good thing we didn’t eat before the lesson,” Lucas mumbled, but Max whipped around and glared at him, letting him know that she heard him. 
“Sweetheart, do you have a scrunchie on you?” Steve asked you. You slipped the fabric off of your wrist and handed it to him, tuning out when he started to use it to explain the mechanics of brakes to Max. “Thank you,” he put it back in your hand, but kissed your knuckles before turning his attention back to his student.
You didn’t tell your boyfriend to lay off the affection tonight, but you assumed he would. Truthfully, this wasn’t even his usual date-night level of touchiness, he was toning it down. But the way Max’s eyes lingered on your fingers hinted that it wasn’t enough. You squeezed Steve’s shoulder, hoping to convey that to him, but he just turned around to face you again and give you a wink. Max rolled her eyes and with the way she was noticing everything, you weren’t going to try and give him a more obvious signal. 
After the driving lesson was done, you and Max both tried to convince Steve to let her stay behind the wheel to the drive-in but he shut that down. You took your spot in the front with Steve, reuniting Max with Lucas in the back. Only a moment of driving went by before Steve was moving his hand to your knee like there was a string connecting you two that had suddenly gotten a lot shorter. It was hard to remember the guests in the backseat. Just being with Steve, and especially when he was touching you, flooded your brainwaves.
Once you got to the movie, all priorities shifted to creating the coziest setup possible. Steve managed to fit four lawn chairs into his trunk so the younger couple didn’t have to fight to look between your heads. You also shuddered at the thought of them being back there, knowing the kinds of things you and Steve had gotten up to in those very seats while a movie played on the screen above. 
He took out all of the chairs and set up yours further away from the speaker, knowing you had sensitive ears. Max’s eyes were on him again, but she didn’t see your congnizance. When she turned her sights on Lucas to see his progress, you both saw him plop down in his chair while the last one was still leaning against the car. She rolled her eyes and went to grab it, but before she could Steve was opening it up and putting it next to yours.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, barely meeting his eyes.
“Of course,” he nodded, giving her that crooked smile that made the butterflies in your stomach do a dance. She wasn’t looking flushed or giddy like you were, though; she was angry, looking at Lucas and the way he was tapping his foot along to the preview music, completely carefree.
“Want to go get some popcorn?” you asked Steve. He nodded and caught the orders the teens threw at him. You grabbed his hand and rushed him away, trying to get out of earshot as soon as possible.
“We’re so stupid,” you huffed.
“Why, what happened?” he asked, leading you to the concession stand. 
“No,” you groaned. “It’s so obvious, I don’t know how we didn’t see it before.” 
“Baby, what the hell are you talking about?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder while you waited in line.
“This!” He jumped a bit at your exclamation, peeling himself off of you. “It’s not about you, Harrington, it’s about how you treat me.”
“I’m totally lost,” he shook his pretty little head.
“Anytime you touch me or say something sweet she looks right at Lucas, but he’s so caught up in himself because he’s 15. You’re the boyfriend blueprint and he’s not fitting the bill,” you explained.
“Okay, that is much less flattering, then. I’ll knock some sense into him as soon as we get back,” he assured you.
“No! That would be so embarrassing for them both. Just act normal, leave it to me,” you said. It was your turn to order and Steve got the food while you grabbed cups to fill with soda, you were a well-oiled machine. When you had everything and started strolling back to the car, Steve cleared his throat before speaking.
“The boyfriend blueprint, huh?” he smiled.
“That is seriously all you got from my brilliant discovery?” you asked, knocking his hip with your own. 
“Of course it is,” he laughed. “Do you really think that’s it, though? There’s not even a tiny bit that’s about me?” he pouted.
“Well, I am not a fair judge for that question, I’m biased,” you grinned. 
You often wondered how you got so lucky with Steve. He was incredibly kind, attentive, and selfless. Blueprint didn’t even do him justice, he was the inspiration and the muse.
“Remember, act normal,” you warned quietly as Max and Lucas took their treats from your hands. Steve’s level of instinct for being an amazing boyfriend sometimes took a backseat to his parental impulses. 
“Yes, Darling,” he said, making a show of kissing your cheek and pretending to pull out your chair as if you were sitting at a table. 
“Stop,” you laughed, making Max roll her eyes. Lucas was elbow deep in his popcorn, completely oblivious to the hole he was digging himself deeper and deeper in.
“Sinclair, help me with the speaker,” Steve said through gritted teeth. You should have known that telling him not to butt in wouldn’t do any good. The two boys began to fiddle with the dials on the rusted equipment, and you hoped Steve would keep his voice low.
“So, how do you think the lesson went?” you asked Max. “I just barely passed my driving test, I was horrible.”
“Am I doing something wrong?” she asked, completely ignoring your question. You knew she wasn’t talking about driving. “I mean, Steve is obsessed with you, and it’s disgusting, but is there something wrong with me?” her eyes fell from yours, suddenly very interested in her hands wringing themselves out.
“Of course not,” you shook your head, leaning closer towards her. “Boys just show emotion in different ways, sometimes,” you tried explaining without sounding patronizing.
“Lucas pointed out a hunk of food stuck in my teeth in front of the entire lunch table the other day,” she rolled her eyes, the anger returning and replacing her shyness.
“Oh, I wish Steve would do that. One time he let me walk around with my sweater on inside out for an entire day, even took pictures with me, all because he didn’t want to say something and make me feel bad,” you said.
“Really?” a small grin made its way to her face.
“Oh yeah, it was mortifying,” you laughed. “People just show love in their own way.”
There was no blame for Max wanting a bit more showmanship, grand gestures were on every screen you turned to: Rob Lowe breaking into Demi Moore’s apartment, Kevin Bacon throwing the big dance for Lori Singer, and now you were about to watch Patrick Swayze give up his job for Jennifer Grey. Max couldn’t even get a hand outstretched to hold her own.
“What should I do differently?” she sighed.
“Absolutely nothing,” you said sternly. “Do not change a thing.” She nodded and sat back in her chair, a different look on her young face when the boys finished the fake-task at hand  
“God, it’s cold,” Max shivered, rubbing the arms of the thin jacket she had on. You and Steve waited a beat, giving Lucas one more chance. 
“I told you to bring a jacket, you never listen,” he huffed, sitting back down. Steve opened his mouth to reprimand him, not caring who it embarrassed, but stopped out of curiosity to find out what Lucas was digging through his pockets for.
“These take like 10 minutes to warm up, I think, I just bought them,” he was reading the instructions of the handwarmers he had come up with. 
“You just bought them?” Max repeated.
“Yeah, like I said, you never listen,” he smiled.
“Where are my handwarmers?” you teased, turning to Steve. He immediately grabbed your hands and breathed some hot air onto them, rubbing them between his own. 
“Oh, they’re built right in to the superior boyfriend model,” he shrugged. “No accessories needed.”
“Wow, lucky me,” you smiled. No matter how much of an effect he had on you, when Steve saw your smile he felt like he could fly.
“No, I’m the lucky one,” he scooted his chair impossibly closer and lowered your entangled hands to his lap. “Look at how cute,” he whispered. You turned your head and saw Max and Lucas in a similar position, Lucas rearranging the blanket over their laps and Max snuggling into his side.
“Think we look like that?” you asked.
“God, no, we’re smoking hot,” he scoffed before leaning over and kissing you firmly on the mouth. Only a second went by before you felt popcorn landing in your hair from your co-dates.
“Gross,” Max sniffed, but you couldn’t miss the sparkle in her eyes.
“Okay, we thought you were cool now, so we invited you out with us, but if you’d rather hang in Wheeler’s basement-”
“No,” Max cut him off. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. And hands where I can see them,” Steve said, nodding to the blanket. Max blushed deeply and Lucas just laughed, pulling his arms out from under the blanket and tossing one around her shoulder.
Throughout the movie, they laughed and toyed with each other; it was almost more entertaining than the movie on the big screen in front of you.
“What did you say to him?” you asked Steve. 
“I told him that doing nice things turns girls on,” he whispered.
“No you didn’t,” you pinched his leg harshly from where your hand rested on his thigh, making him squeal. “Tell me.”
“Fine. I told him that he had to pay attention, and that you need to put in effort every day, or he might make her feel like she’s not important to him. And she’s the most important thing in his life,” he leaned in at the last few words, speaking so tenderly that it brought tears to your eyes.
“I have such a crush on you,” you sighed, kissing him with no regard for the public setting. 
“Good, because I am crazy in love with you.”
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Okay this is gonna sound wild but hear me out 😂 what if the reader is pregnant and she’s dating Steddie? And they just pick not to know who the father is because it doesn’t matter and they are like one big happy family?😩🫠
Hiii babes!! So…idk why this is sending me on a spiral and now all I’m imagining is you sending Steve and Eddie on craving runs making them split up and go to two different places because of course you want hot Cheetos and a milkshake 😂🙈 so to make you happy while I think of scenarios to write about for this, please enjoy some conversations between the 3 of them😂💖
-In my mind Steve and Eddie love each other but like they do work each others nerves and the bickering is on another level also idk why but the baby is a boy lol✨
- find all things Dad Steddie here
*Dad Steddie wasn’t on my 2022 bingo card but here we are so let’s gooooo*
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“I got this thing that you strap to your chest and just carry them around.” “And who the fuck is going to be the one carrying our son around hmmm? Certainly not you Harrington.” “Why not? I have the shoulders for it.” “You have the shoulders for it? What do shoulders have to do with carrying a baby on your chest?” “The straps go over the shoulders Munson and you’re about as bulky as a string bean so yeah I’m gonna be the one carrying him around.” “I could carry him around too?” “Of course baby…you’re the only other qualified one in this house to carry our son around.” “Fuck off Harrington…but yeah princess you can carry him around all you want…you’ve got the shoulders for it.” “You’re so fucking annoying Munson.”
“Jesus fucking Christ! Baby! What are you doing up there?” “Up here? It’s a step stool Eddie…I was looking for more animal crackers I can’t find them.” “What the hell is going on? Munson I leave you alone for five minutes and I come back and she’s on the ladder? Baby…please get down.” “Don’t look at me Harrington I walked in and she was up there.” “It’s a step stool it has one step on it and you two weren’t here and I need my animal crackers or…I really think I might start crying.” “Sweetheart there’s some in the living room in the cookie jar on the coffee table.” “Steve…don’t you think I’ve looked there? It’s empty.” “Empty? How?….Eddie did you not refill it last night like I asked?” “You didn’t ask me to do shit Harrington besides lock the front door and to grab you a bottle of water.” “Oh god…I think…I think we are out.” “What? No damn way she went through both family sized bags in a week Steve…there’s no way.” “We don’t have any?…” “Don’t cry baby I’ll go get some okay? Eddie will stay here and rub your feet or cuddle while I run to the store.”
“No way is our son wearing that Eddie.” “You just wouldn’t know cool if it came up and bit you on the ass Steve…he’s totally wearing this one day.” “Is that a little leather jacket?” “Cute isn’t it baby? Steve here said he didn’t want our son wearing it.” “It’s so tiny…” “great now she’s crying…way to go Munson.” “You know how she gets with baby clothes…remember when Robin gave us those little overalls and she cried for an hour with them in her hand?” “I don’t know Eddie I have a feeling this is going to be longer than an hour…” “he’s going to look so cute in his tiny little leather jacket…he’s gonna match his dad...” “Oh yeah..way longer than an hour…I might’ve fucked up…” “stop laughing at me Steve I can’t help it…” “sorry baby you’re just so damn cute.”
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Request idea: Robin comes out to her parents and it doesn’t go well (referenced abuse) so she goes and stays with Steve. Nancy sees her living with him and wearing his clothes and assumes the worst, they’re dating, but she can’t understand why it bothers her so much if she’s so over Steve. How does she react to the truth after seeing robins bruises one night and how does she realize her feelings weren’t for Steve after all?
i loved this prompt :) i hope you enjoy!!
the gaping mouth (2,973 words)
That definitely wasn’t Robin’s shirt she was wearing, and it definitely shouldn’t be bothering Nancy as much as it was to see her wearing it. 
It was hot and it was Hawkins and maybe that was why. Maybe Robin didn’t own any proper t-shirts. 
Maybe Nancy was just an idiot - but she was a sucker for detective work and she couldn’t stop the jealous bile rising up in her throat every time Robin caught her eye that day, draped in an old basketball tee that practically swallowed her whole. The faded green made her sharp blue eyes stand out even more, glinting in the hot sun. 
They’d all accompanied Max to the Hawkins skate park (less of a skate park and more of an old, rusted parking lot) that day. And while watching Mike bumble around and attempt to not open his forehead on the sidewalk was very fun, Nancy was regretting her involvement more with each passing second.
“Did somebody set your dog on fire?” Eddie asked from where he’d sprawled himself on a bench by the rim of the skate park, clunky sunglasses covering up a good half of his face. She held a hand to her face and dimly recongized she’d been scrunching her whole expression up in anger, practically burning a hole through Robin and Steve - who were stood way too close together on the opposite end of the park. 
“Is it that bad?” Nancy asked miserably. She used the hand on her face to wipe at her forehead. Maybe it was the heatstroke. She wasn’t sure what else it could be.
“It appears, Wheeler, that you’ve got a jealousy issue,” Eddie hummed through clenched teeth, grinning wickedly up at her. She shook her head vehemently and leaned against the chainlink fence, arms crossed. Pay attention to Mike, Nancy. He was on the verge of collapsing. Pay attention to Mike, Mike with his flailing arms - and Robin was laughing at him, leaning back with the tiger emblem on full display. Nancy groaned dramatically.
“I do not have a jealousy issue,” Nancy replied, short and clipped. Because she really didn’t. “You know I don’t like Steve like that. Not anymore.” Eddie poked her side with an intrusive finger, dragging her eyes back to his impish face. 
“Who said anything about Steve?” He said, laughter chasing his words. Nancy shook her head down at him in confusion, refusing to give him anymore bait. Whatever he’d meant by that, she had no idea.
Because she wasn’t into Steve. Seriously. And people needed to stop trying to force them back together.
There’d been a moment, maybe, in the franticness of the Upside-Down where she’d considered it. Where she’d saw how much he had grown and changed and came to appreciate it. But it wasn’t a like-appreciate. It was a love-appreciate, like the love you share for a close friend. Somebody bonded to you by trauma. They’d never work, just like they didn’t work in the first place. They clashed heads too much.
Besides, couldn’t a boy and girl be friends? Nancy wasn’t one of those people who disagreed…which is why she’d tried for so long to wholeheartedly believe Steve and Robin when they promised they were platonic-with-a-capital-P. 
But they couldn’t be. Nancy didn’t believe it. Steve didn’t share shirts with her. They shared drinks, sure, and food, and babysitting duty. But never clothes. And yet Robin showed up to practically every friend gathering adorned with some article that screamed Steve - basketball shorts, baggy t-shirts, sometimes even his well-loved sweaters.
So they were dating. That much was clear. Why that fact upset Nancy as much as it did was the real confuser.
This bubbling, upset volcanic feeling came to a head when Steve hosted The Party (trademark) at his new apartment downtown. It was far too small for them, so small Nancy spent half the night pushed up against the wall, but that was the best part about it. The scuffing sound of sneakers on his kitchen tiles, the kids piled on the couch together to watch a VHS of The Dark Crystal, the ‘adults’ (and jesus, they were adults now, weren’t they?) taking shots on the countertops and stealing popcorn from his cabinets.
Well. It’d been a great night, up until the point Nancy found herself wandering down the singular hallway. So what - she was a snoop. And the party in the joint kitchen-living room had gotten a little too loud for her liking. She’d never been a crowd person. So she stepped out to take a breath. 
There were two doors, one presumably the bath and one presumably the bedroom. Nancy pushed on the one she guessed was the bathroom only to find Steve’s room. 
At least, she’d assumed it was Steve’s room. But the door opened enough to give her a glimpse of a folded bra on a pile of clothes. Her stomach dropped to the soles of her shoes. Nancy edged the door open just a little more, glancing behind her to check nobody was about to catch her completely invading her friend’s privacy.
Stepping fully into the room, Nancy was overwhelmed by the amount of evidence that Steve did not live here alone. For a start - both sides of the bed were destroyed in two different ways with both pillows equally slept on. There was a pair of fuzzy pink socks, certainly not Steve’s, slung over a chair in the corner of the room. On one bedside table there was a photograph of Steve, Dustin, and Eddie at the recent Hawkins ‘graduation’ (if you could call it that) and a comb. On the other sat a loosely capped bottle of antidepressants and a small polaroid. Nancy drifted over almost on autopilot and picked it up.
It was her and Robin. She remembered this getting taken - El had gotten a polaroid as a late birthday gift from her father. At a party a few weeks back she’d been obsessively taking pictures. Nancy and Robin had posed accordingly. Robin had stuck two fingers behind Nancy’s head. They were grinning equal smiles. Nancy traced Robin’s face in the photograph absently. They’d spent practically the whole night together.
Her smile soured considerably remembering where exactly she and this photo were located. Clearly the owner of this half of the bed was Robin. Who else could it be? As if the universe wanted to confirm this as soon as possible, a tube of familiar mascara rolled out from where it’d been tucked underneath the pillow when Nancy accidentally bumped the bed. She recongized it because Robin had done her makeup a few days ago in Nancy’s bathroom - Nancy on the counter, Robin on the floor (she was considerably taller). Their faces had nearly been pressed together from the small space. And Robin had used that exact mascara.
“Nance?” Speak of the devil. Nancy whirled around to see Robin in the doorway, face scrunched up in confusion and hand on the doorknob. “You okay?”
“Uh, yeah,” Nancy managed out, although the flaring emotions in her stomach were nearly untamable. Jealousy, anger, frustration. Frustration from feeling like this in the first place. She hated when there wasn’t an answer for something.
“I just noticed you’d left the party, so,” Robin explained. She took a cautious step into the room, hand out in offering. “Are you sure you’re good?”
“Yeah, sorry,” Nancy gestured to the bedroom, “sorry for snooping. I just needed a minute.” Robin gave her a reassuring smile, one all teeth and pink cheeks, and somehow it made Nancy even more upset. 
“It’s okay,” Robin promised. After a beat: “It’s a great picture, right?”
“Hm?” Nancy wrung out her hands anxiously and put a good amount of distance between herself and the bed, except she was partly trapped from Robin blocking the doorway. 
“The polaroid,” Robin elaborated. She pointed over to the bedside table and Nancy’s suspicion were seemingly confirmed. “I love it.”
“So you’re living with Steve?” Nancy asked, wincing at the lack of grace with which she asked it. Robin didn’t look bothered by it. In fact, her smile grew. It was confusing because - if they were seriously secretly dating, wouldn’t they want to hide that? 
“Yeah,” Robin said, rubbing the back of her neck with a little laugh. “Sorry. The bedroom’s a shitshow.”
“It’s fine,” Nancy said, absent now from the conversation. Suddenly her head was flooded with drowsy concepts of what exactly Steve and Robin were doing in this bed. She took another step away from it, face contorted in a pained expression. It hurt and it hurt even more to see how concerned Robin was, taking another step into the bedroom. She couldn’t take it. She couldn’t take this explosion in her stomach, this overwhelming jealous feeling that had her on edge at a near constant rate. 
“Nance.” Robin was inches away now, both hands outstretched. Nancy resisted the urge to glare at her, but it seemed she hadn’t fought it back quite well enough because Robin’s fingers curled into her palms. She was so close - too close, Nancy couldn’t breathe. She pushed past Robin breathlessly, sprinting from the bedroom and down the hallway.
She knew the whole group was watching her as she rushed from the hallway out the front door, no doubt visibly distressed. The apartment door slammed shut behind her but she didn’t even wait for it to close before she was bolting down the creaky steps to the first floor.
Outside Nancy took in a breath of the cool night air and felt her eyes, embarrassingly, well up with tears. It was so unbelievably absurd. She pressed a clenched fist to her mouth and heaved.
So what if Steve and Robin were dating? Clearly they made each other happy, happier than she and Steve had ever been. She attempted to separate out feelings to identify the source of the issue, because - she was happy Steve had somebody. That wasn’t the problem. 
Nancy sat down on the curb and pulled her shirt into her chest with a little whimper. Nancy Wheeler did not struggle to find the answer. She should’ve figured it out by now. She shouldn’t be feeling like this, so unbelievably helpless and - and crushed.
She was happy Robin had somebody. She was happy Robin had Steve. In a romantic with a capital R sense. But when those words came out of her mouth silently, Nancy testing how they felt around her lips, the taste was all wrong. It hurt to even say it to herself - the implication of what that meant for her, for Robin. It was a gunshot to the chest. Nancy found herself gripping her shirt physically, as if the pain in her heart manifested into a genuine wound.
The door to the apartment complex swung open and closed. Somebody’s booted shoes walked up to her hesitantly on the sidewalk and Nancy didn’t have to look up to know it was Robin. 
“Yes?” Nancy allowed after a moment of tense silence. Robin all but collapsed onto the curb beside her, launching into her typical motormouth spiel.
“I’m so, so sorry Nance. I didn’t realize -” Robin choked on her whole breath “-I didn’t realize you didn’t feel like I felt and I didn’t mean to imply anything and I hope you don’t think differently about me now and I hope you don’t think I’m, like, a creep or something because I swear I’m not I just really care about you and you’re, like, my closest friend and I’ve never actually had a close girl friend like this before and I don’t know what I’m doing-”
“Rob,” Nancy said, and Robin promptly snapped her mouth shut. She looked up at Robin’s big blue eyes, shaking with unshed tears, and tried to avoid looking at the too-familiar letterman Robin had adorned on her trip to chase Nancy outside. 
“I’m sorry,” Robin whispered. From what little of it that hadn’t been broken before, Nancy’s heart ached with how quiet her voice had gotten.
“I’m not upset,” Nancy said and then sighed, because who was she kidding? “No, I guess I am. I’m sorry. I really tried to be happy for you. I’ve got no right, feeling like this.” Robin opened her mouth and then closed it, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
“What?” Nancy rolled her eyes, gesturing to nothing in frustration.
“You and Steve!” 
“I don’t follow,” Robin said, shaking her head. “What about me and Steve?”
“That you guys are together,” Nancy all but hissed between clenched teeth. So there. The words were out and they hurt just as much, if not more, as they had thinking them. She had to look away from Robin as she spoke. Silence rang across the street and then Robin started laughing. “What? What’s so funny?”
“Nancy,” Robin got out between giggles, “Nance. Oh my god.”
“What?” Nancy repeated. “Stop laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing-” Robin cut herself off with a hand wipe down her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I’m just laughing at how crazy this is.”
“How crazy what is?”
“Nancy, Steve and I are so not together,” Robin said. Nancy was about to protest when Robin reached up and grabbed her arm just soft enough to catch her eyes. They looked at each other and Nancy realized Robin, for perhaps the first time in her life, was being completely serious. “Really. We aren’t.”
“Then what? You’re just sleeping together?” Nancy retorted, face flushing.
“I mean, in the most literal sense, yes,” Robin allowed. “He’s letting me live with him. But we just share a bed because we can’t afford a two-bedroom place right now, cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Really?” Nancy asked. She was a little embarrassed by how breathy and excited her voice had gotten. Robin nodded, relieved smile on her face. But there was something else in her expression - disappointment, maybe.
“Yeah, so don’t worry,” Robin said. “If you’re, you know. Into Steve again. Or something.”
“I’m not into Steve again!” Nancy protested. She raised an eyebrow at Robin’s disbelieving stare. “Seriously. Cross my heart and hope to die.” She mimicked Robin’s earlier gesture by slashing an ‘x’ across her heart.
“Okay,” Robin finally agreed. She dropped Nancy’s arm, leaving the skin burning from the lack of her warm touch. Nancy folded her arms across her lap and they sat together for a bit on the curb. She tried to press her chest closer to her knees - jesus, it was cold outside.
Suddenly there was a rustle of fabric and then Robin was placing Steve’s letterman on Nancy’s shoulders. Nancy looked up to see Robin in a tank top, clearly her own, watching her with this odd smile on her face. Before she could say anything, Nancy’s eyes caught on a set of molting black-and-blue marks on Robin’s shoulder.
“What happened?” Nancy asked. She reached out a hand to touch the bruises, hesitating before Robin nodded and let her make skin-to-skin contact. 
“My parents weren’t too happy with me,” Robin laughed drily, humorlessly. Nancy pushed back the tank top strap to see a multitude of matching bruises lying the rest of her shoulder and traveling down her back. Nancy swallowed back bile that had risen up in her throat at the sight and instead let the anger take over her. Who could ever touch Robin like that? What monsters would do that to her? Nancy cupped her hand on Robin’s shoulder and rubbed the bruise absently with her thumb. Robin’s eyes closed at the soft touch.
“Why?” Nancy asked. “Or was it just-”
“I came out to them,” Robin said in one quick breath. She cracked an eye open to see Nancy’s reaction. “As a lesbian. So, uh. That’s why.” 
Nancy nodded. Suddenly some new feeling in her chest bloomed at that. Something warmer and distinctly delicious. Her hand on Robin’s shoulder slid down but Robin was quick to reach up and take it with her own. Their fingers brushed together as they pressed palms, folding in on each other slowly. Robin’s hand was warm and soft, softer than expected. Nancy took a sharp breath in watching the way the dim streetlight a few feet away reflected off Robin’s sharp nose, her cheekbones. The way her shaggy hair was tucked behind her ears. The freckles that splattered her skin even the places where the bruises had all but covered them. And something connected in her brain that had never connected before.
Oh. That’s why she was so jealous.
“Is that why you’re living with Steve?” Nancy whispered despite it just being the two of them. Robin nodded. “I’m sorry for being so stupid about it. And storming out.”
“It’s fine, Nance,” Robin laughed quietly. Nancy watched her sharp eyes drift down to Nancy’s lips and she licked them on instinct. Robin took in a shaky breath reactively but didn’t move her gaze. Knowing Robin was watching her like that made Nancy’s heart twist happily.
“I wasn’t upset because I’m into Steve,” Nancy added. She leaned forward almost on instinct, letting her head tilt slightly. Robin did the same, her clipped hair brushing against her neck as she did. Nancy reached out her other hand to push it back a little, shocked at how shaky her hand was. Robin looked up to make eye contact with her as Nancy cupped her hand around the back of her neck.
“Then why - why were you upset?” Robin stuttered out, eyes closing as she leaned into Nancy’s soft hand. Their noses bumped into each other. They’d slumped forward to meet each other halfway without even really realizing it. 
“Because I’m into you,” Nancy admitted, nearly inaudible. Robin surged up to kiss her and when she did, Nancy was ready. All she could think was: I’m a dumbass. A very, very lucky dumbass. 
(btw feel free to leave a request in my inbox!) <3
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Playing The Game Part 3 (Steve X Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Dom/Daddy Steve ( And all that that implies; I regret nothing) Cameos from slightly jealous AND protective Steve. Reader mentions her ex and her getting into a fight. This one is rough y'all. In almost every form of the word but it ends happily I swear!
Word Count: 4161
After you and Steve had your moment in the comic book storeroom, Steve did take you dinner. You told him you wanted Chinese food so he took you to this tiny place downtown. He was a complete gentleman. He pulled out your chair, opened the door for you, and as promised paid for your meal. He seemed very curious about you and your life up until that moment, asking you question after question. His eyes would light up watching you get animated about things you enjoyed. You inquired about his own life and he mentioned his most recent break up. He told you about his family and how they were basically the same as they were when he was in school. 
You noticed how his tone and body changed talking about things like that. Every time you saw his eyes shift away, you would place your hand in his and flash him a comforting smile. You two went on a few more dates after that. 
Dates? Could you call them that? The truth is you still weren’t sure what you and Steve were doing or how to identify your relationship. When people asked, you BOTH said you were friends except when you said it Steve would quickly glance in your direction with some slight hurt in his eyes. Ironically, given the nature of what you did with your private time, Steve didn’t want to push you or make you feel uncomfortable and with everything he told you that night at dinner you felt the same with him. The rules when it came to this part of the game seemed ill defined and you both were too nervous to really look for clarification. 
“Ok, one day you guys are going to have to explain why you insist on drawing on my jeans.” You smile down at Robin from your place on the countertop as you watch her draw a little Marvin the Martian along your thigh. You had the day off so you were visiting Steve at the video store. Currently, he was leaning against the wall near the tv displays, smiling as he watched you interact with his best friend. He enjoyed watching you talk to people. You always seemed to genuinely care about whoever was in front of you and the smile you displayed radiated through entire room. 
“Well first off, your thighs are a big, beautiful canvas. Second, you are an extremely comfortable pillow to lean against whilst we draw.” 
“So I’ve heard.” You glance over at Steve who responds with a charming wink.
“AND,” Robin caps the marker, looking over her work. “Who isn’t looking at these gorgeous legs 24/7? People will already be looking like ‘Damn, look at those luscious stems. Wait a minute! Who’s Corroded Coffin?’”
“Soooo I’m a billboard?”
“Yes, but a sexy billboard.” Robin pokes your nose with her index finger making you both laugh. 
The bell chimes over the door indicating a customer walking in. “Welcome to Family Video. Let us know if you need anything. I’m Steve and Robin is at the counter.” The sound VHS’s crashing on to the floor echoes through the store. Steve quickly moves around the shelf to see you and Robin staring at the man who just came in. 
“I’m gonna just…look over here.” Says the guy as his eyes scan over you. Steve thought he saw a flint of recognition. He watched as you slowly slid off the counter and mumble something to Robin before disappearing. She bends down to pick up the videos and Steve quickly came around to help.
“No, you idiot. Go! Go find her.” Robin whispers at Steve as she shoves at his arm. With a now determined stride he searches for you through the tiny building. He finds you in a corner near the back office talking to the man. Your arms are folded and your body language is extremely stiff. The man is whispering something to you but Steve can’t make it out. 
“Hey there.” Steve’s voice startles you but not the man you’re speaking to. He looks almost annoyed Steve interrupted the conversation.
“Hi, um, Steve.” He squints at the name tag. 
“Can I help you find anything or recommend a good movie for you?”
“No, I think we have it under control here. Thank you.” Steve doesn’t move. “Ok, look, Steven--” Your eyes immediately look at Steve and watch as the dominant version of him slowly oozes forward. 
“My name is Steve.”
“Ok Steve, if you don’t mind, I’d just like to finish my conversation with Y/N.”
“See, the thing is, I do mind. She doesn’t seem to want to talk to you.”
The man turned to fully face him. “That’s funny because she came over to talk to me.”
You place your arm between them. “Ok, Benjamin. That’s enough. You can go now.” Both men stare at each other, neither wanting to back down. Robin’s small but firm voice came around the corner. 
“Hey! You heard the lady. Ben leave. Steve, calm down, buddy.” She rubs her hand on his back. 
Ben finally yields and turns to look at you. “Remember what I said.” He tosses one more glare in Steve’s direction before turning to leave.
“Prick.” Robin lets out a relieved sigh and looks between the two of you. “Everyone ok?” Without saying a word, you walk past her and head out the front door with Steve close behind. “I’ll take that as a no. Okay then.”
If Steve’s shoes weren’t crunching the gravel underneath them you would still feel him behind you. The irritability was radiating off of him in waves. As you opened your car door, his hand cut you off slamming it shut. He leaned his back against it, blocking you from trying again. Steve adjusted himself, folding his arms as he looked off into the distance. You kept your own eyes facing down to the ground.
“So,” his voice came out light but you didn’t miss the sarcasm behind it. “Who was that charming guy?” When you didn’t answer he leaned over to his side, craning his neck to get his face in your line of sight. “I’m asking you something.”
You turn your head in the opposite direction. “Someone… I thought was out of my life.”
“An important someone?” Steve exhales as his jaw tightens. “An ex?” You don’t respond but he gets his answer when your eyes finally meet his. “What did he want?”
“He’s having a party at his house and he invited me to come by.”
“You know why.” You snap at him.
“Are you going?” When you don’t answer again his eyes and tone turn dark. “Well then let’s go.” Your head jerks in his direction. “Yeah, come on. It will be fun. As your friend I can be supportive!” 
Watching him like this makes your heart break slightly but you feel the brat start to pull forward and he sees it. What he doesn’t see is why. This wasn’t for fun. This was for protection. Steve was the first person in a long while that you even considered having feelings for after your breakup with Benjamin. He tore out our heart but, unbeknownst to Steve, he still had a couple of the pieces. 
“Please. Please don’t do this.” You whisper but it was too late. Steve was angry and he felt he had a point to prove. To whom, he wasn’t sure. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It will be fun.”
With that the brat fully came forward as you felt your body stand up tall and fully face Steve. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
“Of course, he lives on the rich preppy side of town.” Steve says with malice as he parks on the curb outside of Ben’s house.
“Don’t your parents live around here somewhere?” You reply from the passenger seat with your arms crossed. You hadn’t said a word since he picked you up from your apartment. 
He shot you glare as you flashed him a fake smile and exited his car. Steve wasn’t sure what kind of party this was going to be so he just wore his normal jeans and a button up shirt. When you saw him, your heart skipped a beat but you couldn’t let him know. You on the other hand knew what you were getting into. You were wearing a long purple sleeveless dress with your hair down around your shoulders. Steve’s jaw practically dropped when you walked to his car but he pushed down the urge to tell you how beautiful you looked. Tonight, he had to pretend like he didn’t care. 
You knock on the door and it flies open with an excited screech. 
“Fuck…” you catch Steve whisper under his breath. 
“Y/N! Sweetheart! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! Oh my god! Is that Steven Harrington I see in front of me?!” She leans forward wrapping him up in a big hug. 
“Hello Rachel.” He awkwardly pats her back. From the side he can hear you trying to stifle a laugh. 
“Well come in! Come in!”
“I had no idea you knew my friend Steve here.” You said as she shut the door behind her. 
“Oh honey, I’ve known Steven since he was a baby. It’s been a while though. The events that his parents and I go to aren’t exactly ‘Kid friendly’.” She cackles as she takes a sip of her drink. “Well please. Make yourself at home. Ben is around here somewhere.”
You turn to look at Steve to find he’s already staring at you. His shoulders have completely deflated. “Ok, seriously, I had no idea you knew his family. I would have warned you if I did.”
His lips press together as he nods to himself. “Let’s not forget, you insisted on coming here.”
“Y/N.” Ben rounded the corner with 2 drinks in his hand. “My mom said you were here.” He glanced at Steve. “She said you were here to.” He hands you a glass of wine. “I brought this for you. I know it’s your favorite.” Both men watch with wide eyes as you empty the glass down your throat. 
“I’m going to need more of that.” 
“It’s over here in the—”
“I know where it is.” You cut him off as you make your way towards the kitchen. 
“Steven, everyone is in the living area.” He pointed in that direction and started following you. 
Steve wondered into a room and found a bottle of whiskey. He made himself at home on a couch where he could still see you in the kitchen talking with your ex. He watched him make you smile. He saw the way you looked at him when he spoke. When Ben touched your arm, you didn’t pull away. 
An hour and half of the bottle he was drinking went by pretty quickly. He looked over at you again only this time something was wrong. You had this panicked look on your face. Steve got up to head where you were but you were suddenly in front of him. 
“Steve, I think we need to leave. Now.”
“What’s going on? Are you ok?” He couldn’t act like he didn’t care when you looked so worried.
“Steven!” A firm voice came from behind him. “Rachel said you were here.”
Steve’s eyes squeezed shut as he exhaled through his nose. When he opened them again, he was met with your worried expression searching his face. There it was again. That fire in his eyes. He yanked his arms out of your reach and turned around. 
“Hey dad.”
“Hey. How are you doing?”’ Mr. Harrington leaned in for a hug that his son didn’t reciprocate. Steve kept his hands firmly planted at his sides. 
“I’m doing good, Dad. Thanks for asking. Haven’t seen you guys in a few months. How are things?”
“Excuse me, Mr. Harrington. I’m going to borrow your son.” You try to grab Steve’s arm but he pulls it away from you again. 
“Who is this?” Steve’s dad turns to you and gives you a once over. You know that look as well. You’ve seen it many times from these rich snobs. Disgust. 
“She’s no one.” Steve’s words cut through you like a knife. His dad grabs his sons shoulder turning to leave so they can talk somewhere else. You need to get his attention and there’s only one way you know how. 
“Ok, Steven. I guess we can talk later.”
He stops firm in tracks. “You know what. Let me just see what she wants. I’ll meet you in a bit.”
You head down a hall, into one of the bathrooms. He walks past you as you shut and lock the door. As soon as you turn around his hand is around your throat, pushing you up against it. 
“Steve, please.”
“I told you never to call me that.” He squeezes his hand a bit tighter. “I have to hear fucking everyone in this house including the guy you used to fuck and MY FUCKING FATHER call me that. I will not tolerate it from you. Do you understand me?”
You nod and he abruptly lets you go. You fall to knees trying to catch your breath. 
“I just—I needed to—”
He drops down on the heels of his feet, twisting his head as he watches you try and form words.
“Yeah? You just what?”
“I needed to get your attention. Please, believe me. I had no idea you knew Ben’s family or that your dad would be here.”
“You got my attention, babe. You know, I should have know better. No wonder you’re a brat. Probably spoiled by that prick your entire relationship. Well, you’re not going to get that with me, little girl.” 
The way you looked at him at that moment could make the devil himself turn and run in the opposite direction. You slowly rose to your feet, squaring your shoulders in his direction. 
“Don’t. Call. Me. Little. Girl.”
“Oh?” Steve couldn’t contain his amusement. He had never seen you like this. He stood back up to his full height and waited, wanting to see what happens next. 
“All you preppy assholes are exactly the same. Scared little boys always trying to impress daddy. Do you know what the difference between Ben and you are? He actually knows what he wants out of life. What do you want, Steve? Huh? Because I imagine it wasn’t being a single twenty something burn out who’s biggest accomplishments are being employee of the month at Scoops Ahoy and Family Video.”
He had been leaning against the counter listening to you speak. Occasionally he would nod his head at what you were saying but that last sentence made him let out a controlled tiny laugh. Steve looked at you then with a slanted grin. “Come here.”
“Fuck you.”, you spat at him. 
The smile on his face slowly disappeared as his eyes bore into you. “I said come here.” 
You knew the consequences and were prepared for them as you said your next words. He may be angry but you were angry to. You hadn’t done anything wrong. He insisted on coming here. You didn’t know he knew these people or that his dad would be here. He had no right to be mad. 
“And I said fuck you.”
Steve stood up and practically flew in your direction. He grabbed your arm and flung you towards the counter facing the mirror. He was on you then, his body sandwiching you between himself and the sink. He gripped your hair, roughly pulling it back. 
“I can handle the brat. What I cannot tolerate is the disrespect.” Behind you, you could feel him grinding his groin against your ass. His arm came to wrap around stomach. His eyes watch your face in the mirror as he whispers in your ear. “Tell Daddy if you’re ok.” As you nod your head, he pulls your hair harder making you cry out. “I said tell.”
“I’m ok, Daddy.”
Steve aggressively pushes up the lower half of your dress and kicks your legs apart with his shoe. You listen as he unbuckles his belt and his pants fall to the floor. He releases your hair, moving your underwear to the side, and places both hands on your hips as he slides himself into your entrance. Steve is anything but gentle. He thrusts into you roughly, biting into your shoulder to silence the moans. He places his huge palm over your mouth as your whimpers become a little too loud. You lean your head back against his shoulder as his hand drifts down to your neck holding you in place. When he glances in the mirror, he sees that look in your eyes. 
“Don’t you dare cum without asking me first.” His other hand moves down to your clit quickly making circle motions with his fingers. 
“Oh my god, sir, please. Please Daddy.”
“Go ahead, baby.” With his permission, you cum hard against his cock clenching tightly around him. He roughly pushes your upper half down on the counter holding you down as he pounds his hips harder into you chasing his own high. You feel him fall against your back, moaning into your flesh as he cums inside of you. 
You don’t move after you feel him pull out of you. Steve grabs a washcloth, wetting it in the sink, before reaching between your legs to clean you. You hiss at the contact but Steve doesn’t say a word. He throws the rag in a nearby hamper and delicately lifts you up, turning you around to face him. He reaches to adjust your dress and then pulls up his pants buckling them in place. 
“I’m not no one.” You whisper as you look up and meet his eyes. “I don’t want to be no one with you.” Steve doesn’t say anything as he leans down and wraps his arms around you, resting his head in the nook of your neck. He feels you run your tiny hand through his hair. 
“Steve, he cheated on me. I found out at a party just like this one. His mom had mentioned it which I thought was weird because Ben didn’t. When I showed up, he was kissing on another girl. When the people he was in a group with asked who I was he said he didn’t know.”
Steve pulled away from you and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“When I left, he followed me trying to explain. I smacked him and told him to stay away from me. He, uh, smacked me back and told me it was my fault this happened. That I’d never measure up to her or some bullshit like that.” When your eyes met Steve’s, they were clouded over with outrage. 
“He hit you?”
“Steve, come on. Let’s just leave, ok?”
He nodded his head but his lips puffed out as he bit the inside of cheek. You watched him cautiously as he opened the bathroom door and was met face to face with Ben leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed.
“Well shit, Steven. I have to give you some props because she never made sounds like that with me.” Steve pushes him in the chest to move him out of the way so you could both pass. “So, I guess that’s no on the taking me back, huh Y/N?” Ben continues to follow you two as you head for the front door.
“It’s probably just as well. I could always do better than her but I thought ‘hey why not charity is charity, right?’ Thankfully the trash let it’s self out, huh, baby?”
It happened almost in the blink of an eye. Steve dropped your hand, turning around suddenly, and punched Ben directly in the face. He got back up on his feet quickly tackling him around the waist, pushing Steve into the living room where the guest gasped. You watched as both got in good hits but it wasn’t long before Steve was holding Ben by the collar punching him repeatedly in the mouth. 
“Steven!” Mr. Harrington pulled his son off the boy with one arm and you quickly come beside him making sure he’s ok. He had a bloody nose and cut near his eye but other than that no major damage. Steve spits blood in Ben’s direction on the floor. Rachel flies around the corner, getting on the floor with her son. 
“Oh my god! Steven, what the fuck is wrong with you!?”
He raises his index finger and points directly into the boy’s face. “If you ever come near Y/N again, you’ll regret it. After putting your hands on her you’re lucky I don’t fucking kill you.”
Steve grabs your hand and pulls you as you exit out the front door heading for his car. 
“Steven Harrington! You stop right there!” His dad’s voice bellowed from behind us. Steve didn’t stop till we reached his car. His dad grabbed his shoulder roughly and turned him around. 
“Steven, what has gotten into you!?”
“IT’S STEVE, DAD! Not Steven or Stevie. Only my closest friends call me that. It’s Steve.”
“Fine.”, his dad huffs. “Steve. I didn’t raise you to be disrespectful like that.” He gestures towards the house. 
“See, the thing is you didn’t raise me at all. You guys were barely home and when you were home, I was never good enough.” 
As you listened to him speak, your heart broke for him. “Come on, Steve. Let’s go home.” You murmur from behind him as you take your hand in his. 
“Young lady, if you don’t mind, I’d like to have a private conversation with my son.”
“Even if she doesn’t mind, I do.” Steve glared at his dad as gently pulled you forward, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
Mr. Harrington’s eyes become dark with revelation. “Was all that for her? Jesus Christ, Steven.”
“He deserved what he got—”
“It doesn’t matter! And even if it did, we both know you. You’ll be on to a new girl by the end of the week.”
Steve turn to look at you as he felt you pull your hand from his grasp. You knew his dad was being a jerk but you couldn’t help but know that that part of Steve’s life had been true at least at one point. The longest relationship you had ever heard of him having was with Nancy Wheeler. At some point, maybe your relationship was nothing more than a fling. Maybe—
“You’re wrong. I care about her.” He reaches up and gently caresses your cheek. “A lot.” He turns back to face his father, pointing back towards the house. “And I am not going to let some asshole mama’s boy talk to my girlfriend like she’s garbage.” He opens the passenger side door and you slide in. Steve’s dad keeps trying to talk to him but Steve has had enough for one night. He gets in the car and speeds off down the driveway. 
“Ow, woman!” Steve flinches as you place the frozen bag of peas against his head. 
“Oh, calm down. You’re fine.” You giggle at him as you place some tissues in his hands that he immediately shoves up his noise. You had changed out of your dress and were now wearing flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. Your hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail that swayed from side to side when you walked. 
“So, girlfriend huh?” 
Steve winces as he takes the bag off of his face and throws it on your coffee table. “Yeah. I mean, if that’s what you want. We haven’t talked about it but—”
You interrupt him, curling your finger under his chin, pulling his lips to yours. “I want that.” He pulls you down for another kiss as you slide into his arms on to his lap. As he pulls away, you gently trace the marks on his face with your fingers. “I’m sorry about tonight. I had no idea—”
“I know.”, Steve cuts you off, his tone soft but confident as he continues. “I want you to know something, ok? I know we have this thing but if you ever asked me to stop or something I would. I would never hurt you like that.”
You resituate yourself on his lap and place your head on his shoulder. “I know, Daddy.” 
He grins and lets out a breathy laugh. “I like you just the way you are by the way. I don’t care where you work or whatever. Now I am upset I never got to see you in those sexy blue little shorts with that cute sailor hat on.”
“Okay, okay.” Steve pokes your side, tickling you. “Now you’re just being mean.” 
“You’re right. Let me make it up to you, boyfriend, by ordering us some dinner.”
Tags: @eddiethesexy @sammy-is-not-smiley @spungen-tirxie
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laheymaze · 1 year
meet me under the mistletoe
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✨steve harrington✨ x fem!reader
summary: you and steve have been hooking up for months, and you're getting tired of being what feels like an embarrassing secret. when steve finds out you feel this way, he makes sure you never feel that way again 🎄
warnings: language, some spice, a bunch of suggestive material, a bunch of sexual christmas puns hahah
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! as i said on my last eddie imagine, there are still a few more holiday imagines so look out for those! thank you all so much for your constant and love and support and all of your kind words about my writing! it all means more than you even know! writing fanfic is such a stress reliever for me because i can get out of my head and dive into my favorite fictional worlds. i hope you all have an amazing holiday!!! 
*i really love how this turned out, and sorry guys, i used the word babygirl even though everyone made fun of it the last time i used it hahaha*
ultimate masterlist!
holiday masterlist!🎄
“Steve, we’re going to be late.” You told Steve as he hovered over you on your bed, lips attached to your neck. 
“Five more minutes.” He told you, kissing your lips hungrily. Your lips moved in sync, and you gave in once more, letting your hands get lost in his gorgeous hair.
Nancy was throwing a Christmas party, and Robin wanted you there early to help her with her appearance in case Vickie showed. No one knew that you and Steve were together, well, hooking up, since Steve hasn’t asked you out on an official date and still likes to flirt with girls when he thinks you aren’t paying attention, which makes you insanely jealous. 
You kept telling yourself to stop this thing with Steve. It could ruin your friendship and your friend group, which you couldn’t have. Yet, every time you see that charming smile and taste those insanely delicious lips, you were pulled back in and made to forget about all of your reasons for ending things; like right now. 
“We really need to go. Robin is going to kill me.” You said, finally breaking away from Steve’s lips and escaping from under him.
“Fine,” He whined, getting up and putting his Christmas sweater back on. 
The drive to Nancy’s was filled with singing Christmas songs and Steve’s hand rubbing the inside of your thigh, driving you crazy. ‘Silent Night’ came on, you singing as loud as you could to annoy Steve. He eventually turned down the radio, looking over at you. 
“You know I hate this song.” He stated.
“I know.” You replied, smiling. 
“But I’m okay with making it a not-so-silent night when we get back to my house tonight,” Steve said, winking. 
“Wow, so smooth Harrington.” You said, laughing. 
“There’s more where that came from.” Steve bragged. 
“Oh, really? Hit me with another, then.”
“Okay, challenge accepted Y/L/N.” Steve started saying while moving his hand higher up your thigh. “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine.” This one made you laugh, yet also extremely turned on by his hand placement. 
“That was a good one.” You told him as you pulled into Nancy’s driveway, Steve winking at you once more. 
After you were somehow able to convince Robin she looked amazing and Vickie would love her sweater and jeans, you escaped into the kitchen to grab some wine. The house was already filling up, tons of people you had never seen before surrounding you. Luckily, you and Steve weren’t on babysitting duty tonight since you made sure the kids stayed at the Byer’s house for the night. 
Steve made his way into the kitchen, smiling when he saw you standing by the counter, sipping on wine and having a cookie. He loved the loose red silk tank top you had on, paired with torn jeans and heeled white boots. You wore the necklace and earrings he had gotten you for your birthday, too. 
“What has you all smiley?” You questioned. 
“You,” Steve responded, pulling you in by the waist and kissing you deeply. 
“How sweet of you.” You said, smiling. “Is Vickie here?”
“She just got here, that’s why I shoved Robin into her so she’d be forced to actually talk to her and came in here for a beer,” Steve said, laughing evilly. 
“You are horrible! But that’s also a genius plan.” You credited. 
“Are you fine in here while I go find Eddie?” Steve questioned.
“Are you actually going to find Eddie for guy time? That’s a new one.”
“Well I only spend time with you, and I think it’s getting suspicious so I might as well hang out with him,” Steve said, taking a sip of his Coors Light. 
“Oh.” Was all you said. All you got from Steve’s statement was that you and him would never be something serious, or something even worth telling your friends about. 
“Not that I don’t love spending time with you!” Steve exclaimed, grabbing your hand. 
“I get it, Steve. Go have fun.” You told him, reaching away from him and heading into the dining room where you spotted Nancy, deciding to talk with her instead, trying not to be mad about something that clearly didn’t matter to Steve.
After Jonathan stole Nancy away from you to dance, you made your way to the living room to see how Robin’s progress with Vickie was going. Instead of spotting Robin right away, you found Steve leaning against the wall next to the Christmas tree, a blonde girl under his arm. One small push and their bodies would be completely pressed together. Steve had his famous smile on his face and brushing his hair back with his hand like he always did so well. 
The anger and jealousy ate you alive in that moment, wanting to slap Steve across the face for hurting you and also scream at him that you were falling in love with him. You ran upstairs, straight to the guest bathroom, locking the door behind you. Little did you know, Steve saw you out of the corner of his eye. He immediately removed his arm from the girl, sending her backward a step, and him running up the stairs after you. 
“Y/N?” Steve questioned, knocking on the bathroom door. You froze, looking at yourself in the mirror and quickly wiping away the tears on your face. 
“What?” You shouted from inside the bathroom, not wanting to open the door. 
“Are you okay? I saw you run up the stairs and just wanted to check on you. There will be no sad faces on Christmas! I can tell through the door that you’re wearing a sad face.” So he didn’t see you when you realized he didn’t give a shit about you? Cool.
“I’m fine. Go back to the blonde whore.” You immediately regretted your words, Steve now knowing why you were in the bathroom crying.
“Y/N, open the door.”
“Babygirl, open the door.” Steve pressed again. 
Finally, you opened the door, Steve quickly stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He noticed your tear-stained cheeks and red eyes, his heart dropping at the sight. He got closer to you, but you backed away, not wanting him to touch you because you knew you would just melt into his touch and forget why you were mad. A sting went across Steve as you backed away from him; you never did that. 
“Y/N—” You cut Steve off, not wanting to hear anything from him.
“I don’t want to hear it, Steve. Am I just some joke to you? Some embarrassing secret that you don’t even want our friends to know about? Because that’s what it feels like. Like I’m just a fucking embarrassment to you.” You said, tears forming in your eyes once more. 
“You are not an embarrassment, Y/N.”
“Then how come our friends can’t know about us? How come you won’t ask me on a date? Why do you constantly flirt with everyone on the planet but still have the nerve to sneak into my window almost every night? And why do I keep letting you?!” You ranted, shouting the last part. Steve didn’t know what to say to make you feel better or make you understand how he actually felt, but he knew how to show you.
“Meet me under the mistletoe,” Steve told you, rushing out of the bathroom, leaving you extremely confused. 
You attempted to clean up your face and headed downstairs. Once you reached the bottom, you noticed Steve standing on the coffee table in the living room; mistletoe above him. Everyone was gathered around him, the blonde girl from earlier trying to get on the table with him. Steve told her to get lost, looking up when he saw you at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Y/N!” He called, making everyone look at you now. You slowly walked forward, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with all of the eyes on you. He hesitated before he spoke, then realizing it was time he stopped being an asshole and admitted the truth. “Fuck it. A new year is about to start and I cannot go another year hiding this from you.” 
You walked closer to the table, Steve reaching out his hand to help you get on top of it. You climbed up, now facing Steve. 
“I’m in love with Y/N Y/L/N!” He announced, looking at the crowd, making everyone start whispering. “I have been for years. We’ve been in a… relationship… for months and I told myself it would just be a fling, but who was I kidding? I fell hard and fast.” 
Steve turned back to you, putting one hand on your cheek, then the other rested on your jawline and neck. “I am so sorry for not having the balls to say that before. It was easier to act like this meant nothing than to admit that I’m in love with you. I am so sorry for that and for making you cry. I will never do that again. I understand if you hate me, and want nothing to do with me, but I wasn't going another second without showing everyone how much you mean to me.” 
You had tears in your eyes again, but not from sadness. You couldn’t believe Steve was doing this; that he actually did feel the same way about you. There was nothing you could say to top that, so you looked up at the mistletoe, then at Steve. He read your mind, pulling your body to his, pressing your lips together. They moved in sync, then breaking away after a few seconds. 
“You are so cheesy.” You told him, lips still dangerously close to his. 
“Well, the only thing I want for Christmas is you,” Steve said, making you smile even more. As you were going in for another kiss, Robin’s voice filled the room.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT! Didn’t I tell you Nance? I told you they were hooking up!” Robin started shouting and jumping up and down, pointing at you and Steve. You looked at Steve, you both rolling your eyes and getting down from the table. The party went back in full swing, the short-attention-span teenagers going back to their own lives and drinks. 
“And how exactly did you know?” Steve questioned, putting air quotes around ‘know.’
“Y/N had a hickey at work one day, and she didn’t come in with it, so that meant you gave it to her while I was on break.” You looked at her, making a face that said: that doesn’t mean anything. “Oh, and her underwear was in your room one day,” Robin added, making you cough. 
“How do you know it was mine?” You asked. 
“It was that red pair you bought when we were at the mall. I remember because I thought they were nice and I wondered what Vickie would look like in them, and—”
“Okay!” Steve shouted, cutting off before she embarrassed herself even more in front of Vickie, who was giggling. “Now I know way too much about your fantasies and now know I need to start locking my bedroom door,” Steve added. 
“Agreed.” You said.
“Well this has been fun, but if you excuse us, we’re going to go make out in my car,” Steve said, grabbing your hand. You raised your brows at him, laughing. “What? I don’t have to keep this a secret anymore! Freedom!” Steve shouted, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. 
Steve carried you like that all the way to his car, in which he placed you in the backseat and squeezed in next to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, placing you onto his lap, smiling, thinking about his joke earlier in the day. 
“Did you really mean all of that? You’re in love with me?” You questioned, your hands running through the hair on the back of his head. 
“Every single word,” Steve confirmed, running his hands up and down on your sides on your bare skin. 
“I think I’ve been in love with you since you complimented my blue bow in sixth grade,” You admitted, laughing. 
“You’re forgetting the part about you sitting in front of me all year and I would purposely pull your hair so you would turn around and I could look at you. I even wrote you a letter for Christmas that year.” 
“No you did not! Steve Harrington wrote me a letter? What did it say?” You questioned, extremely giddy, pulling yourself closer to Steve. 
“Just that I thought you were super sweet and cute and I wanted to take you to that arcade we both liked and go for ice cream. Then I ripped it up and threw it away because I thought there was no way Y/N Y/L/N liked me back.” Steve explained, shaking his head.
“Well, she did. A lot.” You told him, kissing him. “And I would’ve loved to go to that arcade and get ice cream.”
“Tomorrow then? You, me, arcade, and ice cream?” Steve asked, smiling.
“I’ll have to check my schedule, I think I’m busy.” You teased, giggling.
“Oh, really?” Steve held onto you, quickly laying you down on the backseat, him hovering over you. His lips found yours right away, moving perfectly together. 
“Actually, I think I’m free.” You said, breaking away and smiling. 
“Mhm, that’s what I thought. Now, can we please go home? You’re the reason I’m on the naughty list this year and I’d like to capitalize on that.” Steve said, making you smile and roll your eyes.
“Yes, because I’ll be content if you’re the one stuffing my stocking.” You said, making Steve laugh deeply. 
“That’s my girl.” 
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
You Want Her And I’ll Never Be Her II: Eddie Munson
Stranger Things Masterlist
word count: 720
description: Eddie tries to fix his mistake of cheating on you with Chrissy only it’s a little too late as you’ve moved on to someone else
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It had been a few weeks since you and Eddie's break up and those were the hardest weeks of your life because you missed Eddie no matter how much he hurt you. Steve and Robin were great at keeping you distracted and your mind off of Eddie and went as far as hiding you when he came by the store in hopes of talking to you. What you didn't expect when hanging out with Steve was that you would end up falling for him, and you weren't even sure if it was because he was being so nice to you or if you actually fell for him.
"Hey is everything alright? Steve says you've been acting weird with him." Robin asked as you two walked to class.
"Yeah, it's just...I'm sort of going through something in addition to the Eddie situation." You said nervously.
"What's going on?" She asked you concerned.
"I've fallen for Steve and I can't tell if it's because he's been so nice to me or if I actually like him so I've kinda been distant while I work through those feelings." You said waiting for her reaction.
"Aww you and him would be so cute. But honestly just be honest with him and see where it goes, I mean worse that happens is that you don't like him like that or you could have found someone better than Eddie." She said shrugging her shoulders as you thought about what she said.
"Hey Steve, do you think we can talk?" You asked him as he nodded.
"Sure. I was gonna come find you anyways so we can talk about what's been going on." He said.
"Look Steve it's not you, it's me. I have developed feelings for you and I can't tell if they are real or not so I kinda pushed you away in hopes that I could figure them out before I said anything. So I'm sorry." You said.
"That's alright I understand. Do you think I could take you on a date so we can maybe figure these feelings out? And I promise if by the end of the night you tell me that you don't feel the same then nothing changes between us." He says making you smile.
"I would love that Steve." You said with a smile on your face.
Eddie felt guilty about what had happened between you two and wanted to make things right between the two of you but you wouldn't give him the time of day. He decided to once again stop by the store in hopes that you or his friends would let him explain but he stopped when he saw you and Steve holding hands and you giving him the same look that you used to give Eddie when you were together. You couldn't be moving on that fast he thought as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
You were at your house getting ready for your date with Steve, today was the first night you didn't cry or think about Eddie when someone knocked on your door making you confused because Robin was supposed to be working. While putting your earrings in, you walked over and answered the door and nearly dropped your earring when you saw Eddie on the other side.
"Wow you look beautiful." He said as his eyes racked over your body.
"Why are you here Eddie?" You asked annoyed.
"I was hoping we could talk." He said as you rolled your eyes because he clearly didn't get the hint.
"Eddie there's nothing to talk about you choose Chrissy and now I'm choosing myself, so if you'll excuse I have a date with Steve to get ready for." You said.
"Steve? Really?" He asked with a laugh.
"Yeah, Steve. Why is it hard to believe that there might be someone out there who actually cares for me just because you didn't?" You asked him.
"It's not...." He started to say but you cut him off.
"Eddie go home please....there's no reason for you to be anymore. You moved on with Chrissy and now I'm doing the same." You said closing the door on him.
Eddie stood there for a few minutes feeling stupid that he let someone like you slip through his fingers because he really did love you and hates himself everyday for hurting you.
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Vacation time
Request: Steve takes you to Florida keys. It’s a road trip and he saved money for months to surprise you with the trip. He found out you’ve never been outside of Hawkins and he is determined to give you a good trip. Requested by @munsonology
During one of your weekly dates months ago you mentioned to Steve that you’ve never been outside of Hawkins. He was shocked, even though his parents weren’t there much they still went on vacations together when he was younger.
When you were at Family Video waiting for him to clock out he overheard you talking to Robin about how the beach and the ocean seems so pretty. And that’s when it hits him to plan a trip for the two of you to go to the beach.  
It took him months of extra shifts and some more conscious spending but he finally saved enough money for the trip! He rented this beautiful house on that is right on the beach, he made a few reservations for the week at restaurants he searched that he thought you would enjoy. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you and he wanted it to be a complete surprise. He called your work and made sure you had a week off before he even thought of telling you about the vacation.
It was a week before you two had to leave and he decided to tell you about the surprise over a nice dinner date. He told you to dress up and he was going to take you out. You were so excited for whatever he had planned that you didn’t even ask questions. He came home when you were just finishing up getting your jewelry on. He walks up to you and moves your hair to the side before kissing your neck and putting your necklace on. “You look beautiful darling” He mutters into your neck and he smiles hearing the giggle it makes you release. 
You two finish getting ready and he drives you to the restaurant. It’s about half way through your meal when he decides it’s a good time to tell you about the vacation he has planned. “So, I overheard you talking to Robin a little while back and it really stuck with me” you look at him confused “What do you mean?” He clears his throat before continuing “I know it was a few months ago but it took a while to save up for it. During one of my shifts you were talking to her about how you’ve never left Hawkins.” You nod remembering that conversation but still confused at where he’s going with this. “Well I decided that’s not cool. So...I planned a vacation for just the two of us.” He pulled the tickets out from his jacket pocket and laid them in front of you. You gasp seeing that they were tickets to Florida. “Steve...” You mumble still in shock that he spent this type of money just on you. He starts to explain all the plans he has already made and you can tell how excited he is for this which makes you smile. 
You grab his hand and smile at him, “You are the sweetest man I have ever met, thank you for all of this.” He blushes before nodding and trying to brush it off, “It’s really no big deal” but you scoff and look at him like he’s crazy. “Not a big deal? Steve you planned a vacation for me just because I never had one before. I don’t know anyone else who would do this for me!” you exclaim as you grab his hand and start to kiss his knuckles, making him blush. “I love you and I just want you to have a great, relaxing time.” He mutters making you smile against his hand. “I’ll have a great time wherever I am just as long as I’m with you.” You telling him making him break out into a huge smile “I love you” he mutters just as you say those three words as well. 
This was shorter then I planned, if you want me to write about the vacation just let me know! If you enjoyed please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging it all means the world<3 
Request are open! 
Taglist: @ceriseheaven @manyfandomsfanvergent
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talesof-old · 2 years
alternate dimension date nights | s.h.
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pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader
warning(s): mentions of Vecna, blood, trauma, death, dead bodies, mentions of murder, reader takes Nancy's place of getting Vecna'd but like Vecna is actually trying to kill them, unedited lmao
also i just reread the request and realized you asked to see them fight together 💀 well that didn’t necessarily happen? rip if i get an idea on how i want that to go i’ll definitely write them fighting for each other, i’m sorry :(
request? yes or no
word count: 1.6k
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Fighting otherworldly demons was not what you had in mind for a romantic day. Or week. Or however much time had passed, because quite honestly, you weren’t sure at this point. 
You knew it was Saturday when you’d been working with Robin and Steve when two of the kids came by claiming you needed to find Eddie because he wasn’t a murderer. They’d said something about the Upside Down and suddenly you were forgetting all about your date night plans with Steve. 
It had to at least be Monday by now. Not that it mattered, given you were in a literal alternate dimension. 
You gripped the sheets, attempting to pull yourself up and land in the Munson’s trailer. You felt your body dangling, mentally preparing yourself for the fall when all of a sudden you lost your grip, yelping. It was free fall, complete blackness around you until you landed in an all too familiar setting. 
Steve’s pool. 
Memories flashed through your mind of that party all those years ago, when you told Barb you’d be right out, you just needed to use the restroom before the two of you left. When you’d come back outside, she was gone and you’d decided to walk home, thinking she just got fed up with waiting. 
You glanced around, slick vines covering the floor of the pool and nearly disguising the body of your dead friend. Your breath seemed to get caught in your throat as you stumbled backwards, tripping over one of the vines. It slithered away, unnervingly sentient as your name echoed through the air. Red liquid began filling up the pool and you panicked, searching for a way out. 
Steve watched as you seemed to lower yourself back into the Upside Down version of Eddie’s trailer, heart skipping when he noticed your fluttery eyes and rigid form. 
“Baby? Baby, wake up,” He was shaking your shoulders, voice quivering as he realized that you were in Vecna’s grasp. His mind was racing; what was your favorite song? What music could possibly bring you out of the curse? Your favorite things changed like clockwork, never set in stone. It felt like his chest was ripping in two as he desperately tried to wake you. 
“We need music! Something’s wrong!” Chaos followed the frantic statement. If Steve could trade places with you he would. He’d always hated feeling helpless, and seeing you in this state only worsened the feeling. He couldn’t help you without music, couldn’t pull you from the trance you were in. He kept his hands on you, attempting to ground himself enough to focus on helping you. 
You pulled yourself out of the pool, palms slick with what looked suspiciously like blood. You nearly fell when the scenery around you changed to what Max had described. Hands shaking, you stared at the grandfather clock floating by you before forcing yourself to find a way out. The scene around you changed again as soon as you hit the foot of the stairs, your eyes hit with sterile walls and flashing lights. You blinked, heart racing and throat closing as you started to think there might not be a way out. Bodies lined the hallway, blood smeared across the walls as you took in their mangled limbs and missing eyes. The next moment you were running, throwing open a door only to find an old man tattooing a child. Vecna’s voice echoed in your head, explaining far too much of his plan. You wanted to scream, cry, fall apart, anything but see what you were seeing. The information was too much for you to handle, but then you were in the tattooing chair, vines wrapped around your limbs to keep you in place. Your stomach dropped, acid swirling in your gut as Vecna stalked towards you. You struggled, unable to do anything but watch as he lifted his hand above your head. 
Steve was losing his mind as the others searched for music. Lately, you’d been listening to Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out for a Hero though he doubted Eddie had that available. He was so focused on your eyes, now a pale color, that he almost didn’t notice the way your feet had begun to rise off the ground. Dread gripped him and he felt like sobbing, pushing down on your shoulders as he begged you to hold on. 
“No, no, no, no, no, baby, you can’t. You can’t, I’m right here, I can’t lose you!” 
Above him, Max had run out to Steve’s car, remembering the way you’d shoved a few cassette tapes into the glove box. She sifted through the documents and napkins you stashed there, fingers curling around the first tape she came in contact with. 
She ran inside, all but tossing your Walkman through the gate with a, “Will this work?” 
Steve could barely catch the damn thing in time before he was practically breaking it to make it play whatever song came up first. He shoved the headphones over your ears, clicking on the Walkman and tensing when the first sounds of the song began to play. 
Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
You gasped at the pain in your head, barely able to register the song filtering through the room. Vecna laughed, voice clear as he spoke. “I wanted you to see what I’m going to do to them all, see how they will fail. You came so close to understanding the full picture. Pity you won’t be able to help them.” 
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
You struggled against the vines, digging your nails into the slimy surface, thrashing against his grip. Something squelched and then one of your hands was free. You lashed out, digging your finger into Vecna’s left eye, gouging out the flesh as he stumbled backwards. The vines around your limbs slithered back and you launched yourself forward, pushing past him and throwing open the door to race down the hallway. Despite the way it seemed to lengthen, at the end of the hallway was an opening back to your body, away from the massacre Henry Creel was responsible for. Steve was pleading for you, urging you to fight against the demented mind that threatened to take you away. Vines snaked after you, attempting to grab onto your ankles as you bolted, just barely missing the ankles of the dead bodies on the floor. Something grabbed a hold of your foot and you screamed, barely processing the fact that Vecna was just feet from you as you ripped off your shoe and continued to race towards the portal. 
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
Larger than life
There was a yell of anger behind you as you threw your entire body through the opening, already sobbing as you came to in Steve’s arms. You couldn’t tell if you were the one shaking or if it was him, but that didn’t matter as you held tight into his arms, mind reeling from all that you had seen. The four gates swallowing Hawkins, the monsters prowling through the streets you’d grown up in, a giant monster’s gaping mouth threatening to destroy everything you knew. Steve was stroking your back, intent on assuring you that he was there, that he wasn’t letting you go. You stayed like that, curled up in his arms until you’d both stopped shaking. 
“Are you ready to try again? I’ll be right here.” His voice was low and reassuring as you stood on unsteady legs. You hiccuped. The prospect of trying to return to your Hawkins was daunting, but you knew you had to eventually. The thought made you nod, silent as you gripped the sheets once more. Bonnie Tyler’s voice echoed in your ears as you climbed. 
As soon as the two of you were in your dimension, Steve was pulling you into a hug, face buried in your neck. You let him pull you away to the bathroom, barely processing his excuse as he shut the door and leaned against the counter. Every breath you took was uneven as you tried to settle your mind. You glanced behind him, taking a peak of yourself in the mirror before focusing on him. You looked frightened, skin sweaty and grimy from everything that had happened. Steve grasped your hands. They were still shaky, your pulse thundering in your ears as he spoke. 
“I’m so sorry for dragging you into this again. I promised to keep you safe.”
You shook your head, shuffling closer to him and slipping your headphones off of your ears. Sure, this wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for date night, but things rarely went to plan. You leaned against him, kissing his shoulder before resting your forehead on the denim vest Eddie lent him. 
“I’d rather be here with you than worrying about you at home.” He sighed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against him. Tears sprung to your eyes again as you quietly cried in his arms, finding comfort in the way he rubbed circles into the fabric of your shirt. 
“I love you,” he kissed your temple. You nodded, slipping your arms around him and just listening to him breathe. This wasn’t the first time you’d feared for either of your lives, and you had a sinking feeling it wouldn’t be that last. All you wanted was to not regret the time you had together, and so far, you were doing pretty good. You inhaled slow and deep. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be changing in the near future. 
a/n: i know you asked for this to be a fem!reader, but since there wasn't any moment i felt it was important to mention the gender of the reader i decided to leave it gn
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happyimagines · 2 years
Stranger Things: Steve/Reader
My bike hit the ground of the parking lot with a clatter as I quickly stopped and ran to the entrance of Family Video. The bell swung above the door as I pushed the door open. Behind the counter was Robin who had stopped fixing the display she was working on when she saw me pull up.
“Where’s Steve? It’s an emergency.” I told her.
“Steve! (Y/N) has an emergency!” She yelled.
From behind a shelf, Steve’s head popped up. There was a pen in his mouth and he looked confused.
“You have an emergency, and you need Steve?” Robin asked turning back to me.
“Thanks Rob,” Steve rolled his eyes as he joined us at the counter. “What’s the emergency?”
I opened my mouth to explain but then closed it quickly as I considered my choice of words.
After the Starcourt fire, Steve and Robin landed jobs at Family Video. While I had worked at the mall’s bookstore, I went in the direction of the library. In the bookstore, there were rooms where I could hide from customers or other members of staff I could direct customers to. Specifically Todd. He had graduated the same year as Steve, and he also thought that showing off his flashy car in the parking lot would be enough to make me swoon over him. Now that I’m at the library, there are less places to hide and less staff.
“I need you to pretend to date me. Just for a few nights.” I told Steve finally.
“What? No!” He told me quickly crossing his arms.
“Steve! You owe me!”
“How? I helped you study when you in high school, and on top of that, I covered a shift for you.”
“(Y/N) didn’t even work at Scoops.” Robin added.
“Thank you!”
Steve looked between the two of us as if trying to decide what he should do. Finally, he turned to face me.
“First off, why do you need a fake boyfriend? And why me?” Steve asked leaning against the counter. My face began growing warm as I thought about the answer.
“Well, I might have told someone that you were my boyfriend in a state of panic. But only because the other guy won’t leave me alone.” I admitted.
“To who?” Steve’s eyes had grown wide and he had stiffened. It was his stance that he took whenever he was thinking defensively. It was something I had seen more of, especially whenever I mentioned the problem I faced with other people.
“Remember Todd Bryant?”
Steve groaned and put his head in his hands. Robin raised her eyebrows in question to me. Todd and Steve were both competing for the captain position for the swim team while they were in high school. Because of their skill, the two of them ended up becoming co-captains which is what neither wanted.
“You should not go out with him.” Steve told me.
“Yeah, that’s why I kept hiding at Scoops Ahoy.” I retorted. It dawned on Steve that perhaps the reason I joined him and Robin at their store was not because I would convince them to give me free ice cream. While those were reasons, there was the additional reason that I found comfort in spending time with Steve.
“Okay, fine.” Steve said. I realised I had been staring at Steve and snapped out of my daze. “I’ll do it, but no more favours.”
~The Next Day~
I picked up my bag and made my way to the exit of the library. It had been a surprisingly quiet day and there weren’t too many patrons that needed assistance. It was also peaceful with the lack of Todd’s presence. I also couldn’t help but feeling giddy. After Steve had agreed that he would be my fake-boyfriend, he and I decided that we would meet up after we were finished working for the day.
My giddiness came to an end as I stepped outside the library and saw Todd and his car. I stopped at the top of the library steps and felt my heart plummet. Unfortunately, he was also right by my bike.
“Excuse me Bryant,” I said as I made my way past the steps he was trying to block me on.
“Hey (Y/N), I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a movie with me this weekend.” He reached for my arm and I pulled it away before he could.
The two of us turned to see Steve who had pulled up to the library. The tightness I was feeling in my chest loosened at the sight of him standing at the bottom of the steps with his hand outstretched.
“Hey!” I took his hand I got closer to him. “I didn’t realise you were picking me up,” I said quietly to avoid Todd hearing.
“Figured I’d surprise you,” Steve smiled as he said it loudly enough for Todd to hear. I could feel Todd’s eyes staring straight at us. “You trust me, right?”
“Yeah, why?” I asked.
Steve looked over at Todd before cupping my face and bringing his lips to mine. I hid my surprise as I held onto Steve’s jacket. Pulling away, I bit my lip as Steve’s face grew a tint pink.
“Hey Bryant, stop looking at my girlfriend, we’ve got a date tonight.” He yelled before putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me to his side.
“Damn Harrington, I didn’t think you had it in you to ask (Y/N) out. You definitely didn’t have the balls to do it back in high school.” Todd called as Steve led me to his car. He opened the passenger door and I slid in. I watched as Steve grabbed my bike and put it into the back of his car.
“Steve,” I got Steve’s attention as he got into his car. “What did Todd mean, about back in school?” I smiled.
“Uh,” Steve swallowed as he looked at me, his face growing pinker. With a smile, I leaned forwards and kissed him once more.
“I have been wanting to do that for so long.” I told him. “We should’ve been fake dating ages ago.”
“Then how about I take you on an actual date?” Steve asked trying to regain his cool.
“You got a deal,” I kissed him once more before he began leaving the library.
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