#Still that lumity kiss tho
the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
(hot take) Lumity is cute and very important for LGBTQ representation but bland. They're adorable but that's all they are - fluff. Nothing wrong with just being unapologetically cute though, esp for an LGBT ship when previous LGBT ships have historically ended in tragedy
(hotter take) Lunter is more interesting, more dynamic, parallels Caleb & Evelyn, AND is still LGBT representation cause they're both bi, although not as explicit LGBT representation (unless BOTH their biness was made important and visible in the show itself)
Like seeing Luz and Amity actually kiss was groundbreaking and they're adorable and pure and I love them but Lunter just works for the overarching story more.
This preference really depends on whether you liked the fluff parts or the story parts of toh more tho
But regardless of your opinion on Lunter, Lunter antis go WAYYYY too far like, no. There are actually problematic ships and Lunter is NOT one of them. Lunter is cute in its own way and I'm tired of seeing Lunter shippers get harassed with claims of incest cause of the harasser's personal headcanon.
I don't want to erase the impact Lumity had but please, don't ruin other people's fun.
Not Lumity hate, just a take
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
Honestly I love that huntlow didn’t kiss
Would I have loved it and screamed if they did?? Yes. I ship them. They’re adorable af. I can go off forever about them
It’s nice to see a “straight” ship IMPLIED while “gay” ships get a kiss cause it’s a reverse than what we always get
*resumes crying about Matt and Gus*
yeah real!! i feel like they'd prefer stuff like hand-holding and hugs either way. if that happened i would have loved it tho!!
and Lumity getting another kiss?? i know this would happen but i was still happy about it <3
and it's okay, come get your hug. in a better timeline we're the gusthowinners
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alice-jem · 6 months
Personally I find the chemistry between Luz and Hunter obvious and if the show was created even 5-10 years ago no one would have much of a problem with Hunter and Luz shippers. It would’ve been what everyone expected to be endgame. Sure, I love lumity, it’s a cute sapphic high school romance. But narratively, there’s a case to be made for lunter while lumity is more just to be cute. Plus Luz is bisexual so any argument about erasing her sexuality doesn’t make sense. Plus it’s not like fandom is on the same level as the actual tv show like if a group of people want to imagine Luz and Hunter dating that does absolutely nothing to take away from the canon sapphic romance! I don’t have anywhere I feel like I can express this without getting literalky DOGPILED by Twitter teenagers who think the end all be all of queer liberation is making cartoon teenagers kiss.
I somewhat heard that type of rant that I've been interested to discuss before.. But I think it's better if Hunter has been introduced first than Amity tho. To make Hunter as a Male Lead. Yet the romance plot of TOH didn't go on that route. Because (ugh, another straight couple in Disney)
Unfortunately, everything has been already set by arranging Willow and Hunter as a pair instead Hunter is compatible to be paired with Luz because, Luz is with Amity now and both had feelings for each other before Hunter came. So I can understand what they're trying to defend the sapphic canon ship because THEY NEED LGBTQA+ REP, so if there is a straight couple in their favorite cartoon/show, the fans will gone RIOT and they will forced to make the straight couple to stay friends or platonic then shove it to everyone's throats. But their annoyance of not wanting Luz (who is a CANON BI) had a chance to NON CANONICALLY be together with a GUY who has 10x potential chemistry than Lumity. (I also love Lumity too from enemies to friends to lovers). The thing is, Willow shows to become the heroine for Hunter yet still GoldenLuz/Lunter scenes has more sparks even tho they're jumping to make a side couple (Huntlow) alongside with Raine and Eda (Raeda).
And the biggest and shittiest agenda they've got in the TOH fandom is to make these two characters (Luz and Hunter) as sibling-coded into their dynamic which is a HEADCANON. But FOR THEM IT'S A FACT because of the quarrel, all that banter and starting to helping and protecting each other away from danger/harm. And yet they theorize that when we look at Lunter, it's like there are both young Philip and Caleb.
So the issue of Lunter is because the TOH fandom can easily took it down or banish the ideas and options about Luz and Hunter to become a non-canon ship especially boy x girl ships in general media where the main protagonist is a BISEXUAL/GAY/LESBIAN or part of the LGBT rep. Some of them are a bit oversensitive by the "non-canon" ships might be ruined their canon gay/sapphic ship. Like only you can ship this MC with their same gender and NOTHING ELSE. I tried to keep away from the shipping discourse because the majority wants Lunter to see as siblings, and then they will despise somebody in every fiber of their being who ships Luz and Hunter where they are both BI for each other. Like who are they to have a right to demand a person who just wanna ship without their validation? Toxic TOH fans ain't had a right to accuse somebody because they LIKE a ship that they DON'T like. Yet also the Lunter shippers didn't wish for Lunter to be canon as well. Because they can ship them without a problem canon or not-canon as long as they don't attack nor cause such any harm to others. Yet these antis has so many claims to prove that their ship Lunter is wrong and there's nothing to support of shipping them romantically. So they will non-stop accusing Lunter shippers based on their ship which i migt turned out to become 'problematic' by many.
Luz and her bisexuality is the purest rep where she likes and attracted to guys and girls. Yet when they keep telling to such people that it will erase her sapphic love between her and Amity if Luz is going to be with Hunter in the long run.. That doesn't mean Luz isn't Bisexual anymore. How can these people pushing the hatred towards Lunter where they haven't heard the word "multishipping?" So every shipper has options which good ships to be shipped with this character. They never acknowledged poly ships too so, it's too late to speak up to toxic anti Lunters out there. Stubborn as hell lol. As a Bisexual, people must understand that they cannot ruined their Bisexuality by liking or dating a guy!
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howhow326 · 10 months
Some of yall bout to be real mad at me...
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Breakdown under read more.
Percabeth Energy: True love, made for each other, perfection, flawless, wholesome, zero bad vibes (Note: I planned to leave this part empty, but changed my mind when I saw these two ships)
Julerose is like a star in the void. In a show full of weirdness, these two are proof that an unproblematic relationship trumps all! For that, I give them the honor of Percabeth energy.
Tom and Sabine are just straight Julerose with the added bonus that Tom kicked his racist dad to curb and never looked back. Of only Marinette never found that guy again.
Lumity Energy: Full love, realistic problems but like not in an abusive way, the only reason these ships aren't giving Percabeth is because the show ruined them, yes that is what I'm going with, No I don't think Lumity is bad the name is just a joke
Alya x Marinette is a goated ship, fight me! "bUt WhAt AbOuT lIlA", everyone is an idiot in those episodes! Forgot Lila and remember that Marinette and Alya have a very supportive relationship that's mutual. Although, I couldn't completely forget about Lila which is why it's down here.
Lukanette was robbed. Luka x Adrien was also robbed.
So I don't dislike the gay boys but that one time Nathaniel ripped Marc's sketchbook just sticks in my head even tho he said sorry. It's not even in character for Nathaniel to do that! Oof. Still goated in the sauce.
I used to hate Marichat but then it went on to become the best side of the love square because it got so little focus?! More is less, and Elation is better than three thirds of the love square episodes.
Marinette and Kagami used to be such a wholesome relationship but then season 5 kept dragging out Kagami's kiddie pool sized jealousy for bad Lila episodes. At least I can pretend they don't exist.
Nooro and his only friend in the world. And now they've been separated 😭
BMBLB Energy: Not half bad, just not for me, may or may not be canon/developed well, I'm not criticizing BLBMB its just a joke
Adrien x Juleka could be cute, but it's one of those things that you have to accept will never be canon or even get episodes for it.
All of the other Lovesquare ships got dropped down here because of Arc Fatigue. Ladrien didn't even get a kiss!
Marinette and Marc got better development in Reverser than Nathaniel and Marc did.
"Back in my day, we used to ship Marinette with Nathaniel!" "Sure grandpa, let's get you to bed."
Ivan and Mylene wishes they could be the straight version of Julerose. These two are just weirdly codependent to the point that Ivan's last focus episode was like... season 1?
Adrien/Chat Noir and Alya/Rena Rouge had more chemistry with each other in two episodes than Alya had with Nino in the last 5 years (Yall bout to be really mad at me)
Adrien x Nathaniel could be cute, but it's one of those things that you have to accept will never be canon or even get episodes for it. Huh, deja vu.
Adrien and Nino had more chemistry with each other than Alya had with Nino in the last 5 years. Now I'm just doing it on porpoise.
"Oh look, a boy and a girl being friends? Not in my Westboro baptist church cartoon!!! They need to be married and have 8 children now!!!" Is the vibe this ship gives.
Past this point I don't really care about kwami shipping.
The only reason these two are up here is because the darkest skin background character managed to snag some sense of relevance. Good for him.
Klance Energy: waif like and blind, child like and bitter, guant visage, smoking mirrors, you have erased yourself, you learned to hate yourself, burning on the inside, he's tried so many times to take my life away, but he'll be the first to die tonight, I promise my dear
Remember when Chloe actually cared about Adrien before Astruc retconed her to be his spin on Marie Antoinette?
I stopped shipping it after Lies and you should too. Adrien was horrible to her.
Remember when Chloe actually cared about Sabrina before Astruc retconed her to not care about Sabrina at all and then he executive producers had to rerail her character by showing that she did care about Sabrina in her final moments?
Dosen't exist in canon, poor man's Lukanette in fanon.
Reread the last sentence. Also, I dislike the pare the spares thing.
Just wait until I get to Dj wifi.
Plagg/Tiki x Adrien/Marinette would be a good ship if half of the pairing weren't Fire emblem dragon wifu's that are 7,000 years old... but that's not going to stop some of yall, is it 😞
Reylo energy: forbidden, horrifying, abusive, wtf, GIRL WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM, unlike the other names I actually do hate Reylo
I do not ship canon Lila with anyone except the devil because she belongs in Gehenna. Reread this every time she shows up.
I do not ship canon Kim with anyone except his right hand because he deserves a kick in the teeth. All of the fanfictions that made him a mean jock were basically right. Reread this everytime he shows up.
Hi! It's me! I'm the guy who wrote Nino salt, it's me! I made a fic, where Alya punches him in his teeth! He should have never stalked her and assumed she was cheating on him; He should have never revealed her cover without her consent; why dafaq is Alya even still with him?
I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Again, I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Chloe is too toxic to be with prince Ali (Sabrina is also toxic so it balances out).
Kagami is too good for Chloe.
Three times the charm, I refuse to ship Chloe with her victims.
Max is Ace Me being an idiot
Does anyone even care about this AU anymore?
I am a big dumb dumb that confused Asexuality with Aromanticism. Whoops.
Marinette x Max does have some chemistry in the Gamer episodes. Unfortunately, Max stopped having episodes with her for some reason, and I blame the robot.
Do these two ever talk, or...
Well apparently the writers do because we're getting a special about them.
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stanlunter · 1 year
Well my thoughts about "Lunter" types (what variants of liking Luz and Hunter relationship we have and my opinion about them).
1. Siblings.
I personally obviously don't see them so and don't like their relationship at in this point, however I think this type of relationship could work out, but not in canon. Their relationship just never were written this way them to could see each other as siblings and that's why I don't see it and never will. I don't mind it to be someone's fanon, but if Dana wanted to make it canon, it was written realy awful. I could write a whole post about why it can't and shouldn't work out now and how shoulded they do it it to work out. Anyways, in s3 I understand why they being seem so, but to me s3 basicly just wasted Hunter's chatacter fully.
2. Friends / bestie.
I basicly also don't like the idea of them to just be "friends", bc since Hollow mind their bond is TOO strong for it. But if it would be like besties who help each other and love each other without any kind of romantic attraction and without dating, I don't realy mind.
3. Platonic ship.
Even tho in canon their relationship are very like platonic and if they would realy became a couple, they still would be only platonic, I don't like this. The problem is that too many people ignore in the frase "platonic ship" the word "ship". Every time someone say they like platonic ship, people just accept it how "I like their relationship"/"I see them as siblings" and it is a problem to me, bc it basicly exclude platonic Lunter shippers from Lunter fans even if they don't wanna be exclude. Also a lot of people think "platonic" means "without romantic attraction", while in fact it means only "without sexual attraction" so romantic attraction still can be there and at this point I realy like the idea of this as well, but again, not like "blusings, dates, kisses and other stuff".
4. Typical romantic.
What I mean by "typical romantic"? To me it's this annoying stuff like blushings, complements, embarassment, holding hands, a wish to show your partner only the best part of you and basicly just almost everything Lumity and Huntlow have. No, thank you, but I sick of it. Mb it's just bc Im on aromantic spectrum so I don't like and understand these, so if my ship don't have it in canon, it also wont have it in fanon. The only my ships who also have it in canon, so in fanon too are Scorptra and Adrigami. And Lunter is perfect even without it.
5. Frenemies to lovers.
Well.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! This type of relationship is by far the best for them to me, cause basicly it includes everything other types have and do it in moderation. And that's what I like the most. They will flirt each other (in their own way - teasing), they will watch and discuss films together, they with always sapport, help, protect, care about each other, they will act like they can't stand each other, knowing the can't wait to see each other, they will be absolutely comfortable and opened with each other, solve riddles and get in troubles with each other! This is amazing and I love this type of their relationship so much!
6. Queer platonic relationship.
Basicly, that's like the previous one, but without frenemies part. Since QPR is one of my favourite tropes, I realy like this too and even in my au this one is most likely to happen. However, this type of relationship is too ambiguous to say much about it. Anyways, if it excludes Amity and Willow, at least as someones Luz and Hunter love more than each other, Im still for it. Sometimes platonic friends are much more important than romantic lovers. And Lunter is the best example of it.
7. Friends who secretaly love each other. Well, basicly, it is just a romantic ship, but I still love this trope and the idea of it. But I think it doesn't deservses a whole essay, sorry.
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whim-prone-pirate · 1 year
8:23 who up watching the end of phineas and ferb the mvoie rn
8:26 ........archives WOAH SCARY FACE
8:27 oh my god color pallets i'm gonna be sick
8:28 LUMITY ANGST ???? IN HER DREAM ?????? WHAT THE FUCK ?1??1???1?
8:29 oh em gee not lilith's died hair again
8:30 please do not the luz
8:31 luz blames herself for flapjack💔💔💔💔
8:32 hehe face hold
8:34 REUNION !!!!!!!!
8:34 ray ray im going to kill myself
8:39 not precariously stacked jenga!!! no !!!!!
8:44 ok i got distracted with a different fandom thing where are they
8:46 collector playing grudgby is real
8:47 oh no!!!!!!!!!!
8:48 bros participating in eugenics
8:48 "how'd he get here without a body" most normal toh problem
8:49 oh collector my bug😭😭😭
8:50 kmskmskmskmskmskms
8:50 jaw on the floor she's dissipating
8:51 he csnt fix her😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:52 NO SHE ISNT !!!!! SHE IS NOT !!!!!!!!!!
8:52 oh😭😭😭😭😭 my😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 god😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
8:53 TITAN ????? HAII
8:54 watching. and dreaming. watching ..
8:54 where did he get a bad girl coven shirt
8:54 this is what modern leftist political conversations sound like
8:55 it's giving lich
8:56 big fan !!!
8:56 what'd he say what's he SAY WE ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME HERE
8:56 CAMILAAAA !!!!
8:58 "please stop run away" * i am feeling burdened and i taste milk i mumble please please run away but it lives where i live
9:00 did i miss something why are they mossydiseased like luz
9:01 i'm too tired for fight scenes rn
9:03 oh my god the titan's hand looks so cool
9:04 oh my god she put their glasses on for them
9:04 their hair looks so good🤭🤭
9:05 that fight was not as drawn out as it deserved to be but that is not dana + co's fault💔💔💔💔
9:06 collector💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
9:06 here's how gustholomule can still win
9:07 we have thirteen minutes for canon raeda and huntlow and gustholomule AND another lumity kiss. no pressure tho
9:07 oh god her look is so dark she's. wow
9:07 she doesn't have to be naive to the people who want to hurt her anymore. a win.
9:09 I LOAF YOU :)))))))))
9:09 so the next eleven minutes are domestic bliss????? yeah??????
9:10 steve moment!!
9:11 bump cut your hair ..🙁
9:11 cute boscha moment sobs
9:11 darius protects the isles from absolute bitches and whores (real)
9:12 the guards!!
9:13 see you in the stars bug😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:13 sorry i'm ruining my own like
9:13 SHE CANT USE HER GLYPHS ??????????????????????
9:14 oh my god what's happening
9:15 oh my god THEY LIVE IN THE HOUSE
9:15 willow short hair<3
9:16 flapjack.
9:16 lilith looks so good and matt's stache hasn't grown at all
9:16 AMITY ????????????? LOSES MY MIND
9:17 bump gardener era
9:17 coven removal so real
9:17 ok what was THAT little moment with aladarius
9:18 raeda is def married right like for sure i need to make sure i didn't miss a ring or anything
9:19 oh my god does she have a tattoo
9:21 by.3😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
9:21 do you think she's gonna play one more song. she's. she's gonna come back— NO SHES GONNA COME BACK😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 /ref
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An appropriately unhinged review of For the Future.
oh no… I knew it was coming but I didn’t expect it to be this bad… hunt|0w is canon…. The aroace hunter headcanon has finally died. I’m still clinging onto the delusion of platonic intimacy
and so we circle back to the theme of the last review: FUCK BELOS I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO FUCKING STRANGLE YOU YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH-
I should have suspected Kikimora the minute that short bitch appeared onscreen but I was stupid enough to believe they were going to add a whole new character.
Excuse me, I have a dariw0lf fic to write
(☝️censoring that ship because I don’t want it to clog up the ship tag, it’s small enough that it doesn’t need stuff like this)
I wanna scream.
Okay but can we just appreciate how TOH can get its stakes across and be a serious show without killing off characters left and right? Like, I’m so glad they did that, and it really fits the show about finding a group of people who accept you for you. Wouldn’t do to have those people dying constantly.
Tbh, the puppet designs kinda slap-
Steve Tholomule 😔
I just. Raine. My (tied w/ Darius) second favorite blorbo. How did we get here.
oh no.
they are flying so many death flags right now.
no, apparently not.
Local decaying corpse is suprised when possessing fellow decaying corpse only adds to the decay, more at nine.
Camilla trying to not be panicked about the BI the whole time was so funny tho diwnfjendhcjwjsj
Hunter might have drowned? Maybe? Hopefully? What am I saying?
Lumity continues to be best healthy relationship, as expected.
Okay, but the look on Baines face after they were just possessed was so fucking… there was just SOMETHING about it. I don’t know what.
Belos isn’t even taking notes from Malachite anymore, he stole the whole damn notebook and he isn’t planning on giving it back anytime soon-
we got a surprising amount of Boscha this ep. I honestly kinda dig the one-sided crush on Amity thing. Interesting story potential.
I seriously didn’t expect Kiki to show up. Camilla butchering her name was *chefs kiss*, though.
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thisonlyguy-49 · 2 years
The Fandom After ”Clouds On The Horizon”
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Not even that kiss can help us now.
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cpixellated · 3 years
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asteria-edalyn · 2 years
The owl house clouds on the horizon spoilers
Eda: we’ll see each other again after this
Me: I don’t believe a WORD you’re saying :”)
This ep gives very day of black sun vibes, and I think the finale next week is going to throw us into a pit of despair. As in everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. I have soooo many theories but before that-
LUMITY KISS!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! I was not expecting that!!! Disney being Disney I thought it wouldn’t happen until like next season (as with a couple queer kids cartoons) but OMG!!!!! And it was soooo gorgeous as well omg
I love all the action and fighting!!! And hellooo Alador redemption arc!!! Alador resolving to be a better father!!! That being said, I absolutely LOATHE Odalia like holy shit wtf is wrong with her. I love seeing the whole gang together and fighting together tho yesssss
And the reveal at the end!!!! I thought Luz teleporting was like, her developing a new skill or her palismen’s power but no!!! It was a clue!!!!! Aaahhhh!!!!
Also SOMEONE on the ship that Eda is on is not who they say they are 🙃 either an illusion disguise OR a basilisk disguise. Cuz Eda turned back to herself after she put her head on but everyone acted like she was still in disguise? Idk I think it’s Raine, Steve, Lilith. Or idk they’re just a straight up traitor. Pretty sure we’re gonna get a traitor reveal next week. Because I feel like Raine would’ve protested using Eda as part of their plans A LOT more. (But also we were right about this part!!!) The last time she used her magic she was ready to DIE. If she uses it for the DOU is she gonna die????? And I feel like Raine would not let Eda get branded with a sigil, even though Eda agreed to it. Like Raine would never do anything to take away Eda’s freedom. Are they going to kill off Eda???? If Eda dies I’m gonna 🔪🔪🔪 I wanna say it’s not gonna happen cuz this is Disney but… there’s a first for everything :”)
Another thing I think could go wrong is the owl beast inside the curse will recognise the collector or vice versa and will render Eda unable to use her powers or something.
Okay but seriously tho how?? When?? Did that switch happen!!!! Omg I did not see that coming at all!!!!! Everything just happened so fast!!!!
Also lol re: Luz’s palisman y’all WE GOT TROLLED 😂 we really thought we were gonna get a palisman reveal this week, but it’s very in character for Luz tho!!
Other cute moments I loved: Eda, Luz and King fam hug ❤️ Luz getting Raine to promise to protect Eda ❤️ LUZ WILLOW AND GUS REUNION!!!! bruh I feel like we haven’t seen them together in so long. And eeeveryone’s new outfits are so cute!!! I love Hunter’s!!! It suits him really well; and also all the Huntlow moments!!! I’ve been on board this ship since the flying derby episode yalls ❤️
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tea-n-ink · 2 years
So the new owl house episode :D (TOH SPOILERS)
- first off, I have no idea why the collector was locked up? We can assume their idea of “games” aren’t very good for people and they are ridiculously powerful, but what even are they? It’s obvious they have fears of being alone and being betrayed... i wonder if the titan was the one who trapped him originally and that’s why being betrayed is a terrifying concept to him and why he’s so obsessed with Belos as his “new  friend”
- Wonderful that Dana basically said “yeah Odalia and Kikimora are NOT getting redemptions, GO HAM HATING THEM :DDD”, it’s nice that they acknowledge Odalia's and Alador’s different forms and severities of abuse and even Odalia’s abuse towards Alador. 
- Eda having to play during the day of unitity is going to be A SPECTACLE alright (if it does happen at all). and RAINE AND EDA HAVE TO GET MARRIED AT THE END OF THE SHOW SWEAR TO GOD-- if that were to happen they might need to be put in a situation where they have to talk about their breakup and stuff
- i ADORE all the kid’s finale fits SO MUCH!!
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-  I got spoiled that lumity were gonna kiss but NOTHING would have prepared me for how utterly soft and beautiful it was gonna be, GOD I LOVE THEM, it’s SUCH a wonderfully written romance about kids who FEEL like 14 year old kids in love. Also i watched the episode like, 20 minutes before i met up with my art tutor who had to sit through me screaming about lesbians  for 2 hours :D
- The fact that king can hear the collector wherever they are is probably gonna be a major plot point and i imagine it’s because he lit the tablet or something. Small theory that ties into the Collector!Luz theory: what if the collector is trying to posses king and somehow luz intervenes and she gets possessed instead? Just an idea.
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- very off topic but these guy’s appearances  cant have this many piercing and cool haircuts and NOT be members of the team drawing themselves.
- YEEEEESSSSS PROTECTIVE GIRLFRIEND AMITY!!! I FEEL HER RAGE SO MUCH!!!! And i KNEW that sneaking into the day of unity wouldn’t be so easy, how much do they know and how is the real question tho. I dont think they would pull the “one of us is a traitor” plot point just cause they dont have the time 
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- you have NO IDEA how hard i panicked when i thought hunter was taken, i know Luz was instead but at least her fate is less of an immediate execution.
- also YEEEEEEESSSSS ALADOR, CHARACTER DEVELOEPMENT, oh the people who predicted he would turn against Odalia are DANCING right now
- LUZ WAS TAKEN, OH NO. I remember catching luz, teleporting and was a little confused, i love how more eagle eyed viewers would have picked up that it was Hunter was under an illusion and there are more subtle details like “hunter” blowing raspberries at Kikimora seeming very out of character since he would be too scared to goof off.
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warship005 · 2 years
I decided to check out the Romanian dub for The Owl House out of curiosity. I had to see if censorship would occur (and if the voice acting was going to be shitty).
But surprisingly enough, Lumity was not affected. No scenes were cut, and no lines were altered.
Some countries dubbed Luz asking Amity out as "traveling and dressing up together" but at least the Romanian dub kept it as Luz asking her out on a date.
Still, only season 2A is out so there's no way to tell if they're going to keep the kiss, but all the scenes we've got so far with them are still there. Even the kiss on the cheek.
There were some losses tho. While Raine is still nonbinary no matter what, they are being referred to as "he/him" in the dub. Unfortunately they/them pronouns aren't really a thing in Romanian so oof.
But at least Lumity made it out alive...sort of. You see, it's not "Lu-MITY", but "Lu-MINA". The dub chose to change Amity's name to "Amina" for some reason so if you were to talk about the ship in Romanian you'd have to use Lumina.
Odd, but it's not that bad really. I think it's kinda cute. "Lumina" means "Light" so I'm glad we could still see the light in this dub 🥁
Overall, the dub doesn't sound so bad. It's better than I expected. Luz's voice is nice. Eda's voice is a bit different in the dub but it fits her well. Hooty and King sound almost like in the English dub which is great and Belos' voice sucks ass but he doesn't deserve nice things anyway.
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luzswonderland · 3 years
Thoughts on Season 2 Thus Far..
I gonna keep most of my thoughts on all the episodes brief, but also long enough where you guys can get the idea of where these episodes stand in levels of importance to me. I already have a lot personal favorites in this first half of the season and hope that the second half will deliver the same energy.
EPISODE 1:  Separate Tides
Good episode to start off the second season
Episode does a good job of addressing the different circumstances that Eda, Lilith, and Luz have with adjusting to life after the events of “Young Blood, Old Souls.”
We see the Golden Guard for the first time. With a voice too. I have more to say about him later when I get to the future episodes. But he is a treat!
The reintroduction of the portal and Emperor Belos’ plans for the human world in this episode, does a good job of reminding the audience of what is as stake this season.
Adore Luz and Eda’s pirate outfits ❤ 
Overall, a strong start to a very ambitious season.
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Episode 2: Escaping Expulsion (Personal Favorite)
We finally see Amity’s parents!!!
Wasn’t expecting Odalia’s eyes to be blue, but both parents fit the personalities I originally envisioned them to have
Luz teaching Eda and Lilith to use magic through the glyphs was so cute and shows how different both Eda and Lilith are when it comes to approaching magic
Love how Amity’s separation from Luz was the trigger that caused her to stand up to her parents
Even though I kinda knew the expulsion from Hexside wasn’t going to permanent, it still shows how much pull Amity’s parents have at Hexside and the Boiling Isles. 
Looks like the abominations that Alador has made for profit will be used to fulfill whatever plans Emperor Belos has for the human world. 
Loved Amity and Luz’s interactions!!!
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Episode 3: Echoes of the Past (Personal Favorite)
Fantastic King centered episode
I know that invisibility spell will come in handy in one of the later episodes. Good job, Luz
Hooty and Lilith are a riot this episode. Was not expecting them to get along at all this season.
I thought the show was going to make them polar opposites, but good to see that Hooty has a fan in the house.
King trying to remember his past and recounting his childhood memories was so sad because you realize that he has been trying to find out who he really is this entire time😭
The temple where King was born holds so much history and I hope we go back there soon
Will we find out what happened to King’s dad? What potential does King hold? Find out next time on DBZ!!!
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Episode 4: Keeping Up A-fear-ances
Finally get to see Eda and Lilith’s mom and her palisman’s a hawk.
Love the pattern of all members of the Clawthorne family having bird themed palismen. I wonder what palisman Eda’s dad has.
Love how the episode addresses the blatant issue that Gwendolyn has with trying to find a cure for Eda. She cares for her daughter, but she is being blinded by ambition
The scams in the book she was reading were kinda funny tho
Lilith being upset that her mom favors Edal more than her is relatable, but also makes sense considering how the curse impacted Eda’s childhood
Lilith wanting to travel with her mom makes sense and I’m happy she made the decision to do that
Lilith’s beast from is cool
We finally get more information about there being another human that came to the Boiling Isles long ago!!!
We finally catch up with what’s going on at home and see that Luz’s imposter is blending in just fine and Camila is none the wiser. At least that buys Luz some time in the Boiling Isles
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Episode 5: Through the Looking Glass Ruins
We get a Gus-centered episode and I’m here for it. I love it when the show deviates from the main narrative and focuses on the supporting cast
Even though I’m not the biggest fans of their personalities, the introduction of the students from Glandus High was great
I really love the character designs of these students, especially Bria, she looks so cute
Gus getting more character development and bonding with Mattholomule was good to see, I hope we see more of their interactions in future episodes
Luz getting more attracted to Amity
Amity putting her job on the line, so they could find Philip’s diary
Luz saying that she hopes to show Amity the human world one day
Luz successfully getting Amity’s job back
The kiss on cheek at the end of the episode by Amity
The blushing!!!💜💚-I can go on and on
Amity’s new look fits her well and shows that she is starting to live for herself and not her parents-Good!
Through the help of the Echo Mouse, we also get more information about why Philip came to the Boiling Isle in the first place.
But the Echo Mouse is being picky and stops before it gets good😫
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Episode 6: Hunting Palisman (Personal Favorite)
This is my favorite episode of the season so far and probably my top ten favorite episodes of the series.
We are finally introduced to Hunter as the Golden Guard and he is a treat
Everything from his character design, to his goals, to his interactions with Luz make him very intriguing.
The kids begin to pick out their palisman and a lot of them fit their personalities, especially Willow’s.
I’m glad the show is addressing the fact that Luz doesn’t know what she wants to do when she becomes a witch because tbh I’m not sure either. I know she wants to help and protect the people of the Boiling Isles but she can’t really do that if she wants to go back home.
What a good time to bring up this internal conflict
Kikimora wanting to get rid of Hunter makes sense seeing as how the Emperor’s Coven is based of performance
Hunter and Luz’s interaction on Hunter’s ship
Luz slapping Hunter to wake him up😂
Luz stealing Hunter’s staff
Hunter revealing his family history and why he defers to Emperor Belos
These two give off a good sibling vibe and I want to see more of this later
I originally thought the red cardinal was going to be for Luz, but it ends up being Hunter’s palisman at the end of the episode-Interesting
Whatever Luz’s palisman is going to be, I hope it’s an animal that fits her personality because I thought the red cardinal would have been perfect
Maybe she will get a violet-backed starling as a palisman🤔
Hunter comes off as very complex immediately and I love that the show let’s us know that he trying to figure out his place in the Boiling Isles as a powerless being.
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Episode 7: Eda’s Requiem
An Eda centered episode is such a plus for this season
So far I feel like the show has had Eda be a main plot point, but she hasn’t really been given her own episode-This episode takes a good step in the right direction
Eda feeling like she’s losing both Luz and King because they have both trying to find out more about their personal journeys is equivalent to a mother accepting that fact that her kids are moving across the country 😥
Eda reuniting with Raine is nice to see. You can automatically tell right off the bat that they have history
Raine being a rebel against Emperor Belos while working under Emperor Belos as a coven leader is BOLD AF
I see why Eda fell for them
We are introduced to the Abomination and Beast Keeping Coven leaders and I love their character designs, especially for Darius
The scene where Raine and Eda play together was so beautiful and does a fantastic job of representing how pure their relationship was and currently is 
I love how Raine realizing that Eda has more to live for than she thinks and puts a stop to the song they play in order to sacrifice himself
I know we are going to see Raine again, but I really hope Belos doesn’t do anything bad to them. Raine is a sweetheart
Even though Luz and King lose the Gland Plix race, it was still nice to see that Eda came towards the end of the face.
The reveal of King wanting to take Eda’s last name at the end of the episode is one of the main reasons why I love King and Eda’s relationship. They really do come off as mother and son❤
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Episode 8: Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door (Personal Favorite)
This is a Hooty’s centered episode which is a first for this show, but this ended up being one of my favorite episodes of the show because of what it addresses
Hooty helping King accidently discover his powers was a shock to me because I just through their interaction was going to end up being pointless
King can now be more useful in battle 😁
We finally see Eda’s dad and see why Eda has a hard time accepting her cursed side.
We also learn how the curse has negatively impacted her relationship with so many people, such as Raine 😥
Eda accepting her cursed side is the first step to begin this traumatic healing process. At this point, I don’t think the show will cure Eda of her curse and I don’t think they should honestly. It teaches the audience that you sometimes have to live with what you have whether it be a disease, a physical disability or mental illness.
Eda’s harpy form looks amazing. I can’t wait to see what the show will do with this form in the future.
Hooty helping Luz with her crush on Amity was one of the best parts of the episode.
The Tunnel of Love scene and the mixed signals from Luz and Amity had be dying🤣
Luz building up the courage to ask Amity out was so sweet and so real at the same time.
It came off as real conversation between awkward teens trying to figure a romantic relationship out🥰
This happened sooner than I thought, but I’m glad it did. This is huge, especially for a Disney show.
Just when I started to like Hooty a lot more, he had to mess it up when he ate a letter from someone who could be King’s dad (?)
Hooty freaking out when he thinks he messed with helping King, Eda and Luz never got old 😂
The comedy was on point with this episode and I love how everything just falls in to place.
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Episode 9: Eclipse Lake(Personal Favorite)
This episode had so much going on and I have a lot to say.
We get back to the Emperor Belos plotline of him trying to get to the human world and find out the Belos has actually been to the human world previously🤔
I wonder what Belos wants to do with Hunter and how he relates to these “plans”
Hunter is totally going to get betrayed by his uncle 😥
Amity’s palisman is adorable, I guess she got it off-screen
“DragonClaw Z”😂😂😂
Love how everyone is coming together to protect the house, it shows they really know what’s at stake
Amity using every opportunity she gets to call Luz her girlfriend is so cute❤
Hard to believe she hated his girl’s guts at the beginning of last season lol
Sick Luz is funny Luz
More lore about the secrets of the Boiling Isles and Titan’s Blood
I really wish Luz could have came to Eclipse Lake with the rest of the cast, but I guess the rest of the cast needed to experience Hunter for themselves lol
Hunter being roasted by Eda, King and Amity was hilarious 😂
“A bad, but sad boy.”-Yep that’s our Hunter 🤣
Hunter trying to get into Amity’s head concerning her relationship with Luz and her role in the Boiling Isles was surprising
I’m going to assume that Amity hasn’t been in a romantic relationship before so everything with Luz is new to her. Amity is usually very level-headed.
Even though Harpy-Eda is cool, I like that Eda doesn’t know how to control his form yet, it shows that she has a lot to learn before this form this 100% mastered
Hunter’s desperation to get his uncle’s approval is just sad; I really want to know his backstory because this isn’t it at all
Praise King for helping Amity figure out the text messages🙌
I love how Amity tries to relate to Hunter, it sweet and shows how much she has grown. If only see did a better job of hiding the key 😣
The fight between Amity and Hunter is amazing. I love when the show just flexes its animation like this. 
It may not be better than Eda and Lilith’s fight, but I still felt the tension between these two characters. When these two grow up, they are going to be some of the most powerful witches in the Boiling Isles for sure.
Hunter getting to Amity’s head about harming Luz is a low blow imo, but I’m glad Amity knew what was at stake in the situation
Crushing the key was smart tho. Even in stressful situations like these, Amity still keeps her cool. We love to see it😉
Luz can now use some of the Titan’s Blood from Amity’s glove to try to return back home!!!
This episode had no business being this good. When the plot kicks in the show, it never fails to deliver.
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Episode 10: Yesterday’s Lie (Personal Favorite)
We finally catch up with what’s going on back on Earth and find out more about Luz’s impersonator. 
The gang making a makeshift portal out all of Eda’s junk is very creative. I wondered what they were going to do with that stuff now that Eda can’t sell human collectables anymore.
The dimension that Luz enters through the portal is very trippy and creative. It makes sense since the portal they made is not authentic. 
Luz mirror hoping and seeing someone impersonate her had to be scary. I couldn’t imagine.
We find out that Luz’s impersonator is actually a creature from the Boiling Isles known as a “Basilisk”
Vee’s backstrory is awful, I completely understand why she came to Earth and got comfortable after what she went through
We find out that Eda interacted with humans with an alias known as “Marylin”😂
Even though Luz doesn’t find a way home, this is the next best thing to let her mom know that she is okay.
Jacob gave off weird vibes immediately, so when he captures Vee to use her for fame, I wasn’t surprised.
What did surprise me was the fact that Jacob has been watching Vee for a while and he had the house where she transformed in monitored
I wonder if he’s seen anything else🤔
Camila is the GOAT. She came through and helped Vee out. A lot of people would have just ignored the situation, but she knew that Vee was important to Luz and I respect that👏👏
I’m glad she also agrees to keep Vee despite the situation
The scene between Luz and Camila was very heart-wrenching. Luz came clean about everything and Camila’s reaction to that was expected but it was still sad to see
The music and Camila trying to reach out to Luz was just 😭
This episode is a great mid-season finale. This episode addressed so much and foreshadows a lot of plot points to come in the later episodes.
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The first half of season 2 had some bangers. More than half of these episodes are already in my top favorites of the series and we still have 11 episodes left. Good Job Owl House. I can’t wait see what the other half has left in store 🙌🙌
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Im still crying over the lumity kiss,,, gay people really get to be in full view now😭. Each and every time it happens, every blush between two girls or boy characters, every cliche romance trope, feels like the first time I hoped for queer rep. So everytime its actually real, feels just like the first time to me. It aint just some fandom hope or simple wish, its a honest to goodness chance! Its an actual chance! The things I love can be like that💓💓💗!!! It happened so quickly that I just accepted before it hit! Sorry for how long this is, its just so nice to be seen tho.
this is so weird because i was LITERALLY JUST saying like,, this exact thing to my friends ?? but anyway yes i 100% agree im constantly emotional over how far lgbt rep has come like when i was a lil gnc queer kid the MOST we would get was subtext and 99% of the time not even that so the fact that its become SO COMMON is so astounding to me.... im STILL reeling over things like the rupphire wedding in su, let alone things like Everything in craig of the creek (which i'll admit i don't actually watch so everything ive seen is second hand but still?!!?!), the blues clues pride video, benson in kipo, this, and SO much more like... idk things like this used to seem so impossible to me when i was a kid and now its just ,, happening?? right in front of my eyes?? so much??? characters will just flat out say "i'm gay" or "i'm trans" etc and it feels so good to see and im so glad that lgbt kids have things to look at to feel seen and understood because compared to how things were when i was little this has been like. overwhelming LOL
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catonafence · 4 years
Ok so what about
The Maze Runner and The Owl House crossover?
So if you don't know what The Maze Runner is then let me inform you with the basics. If you do then you can skip through. (Psst. Spoiler Warning):
1. The Maze Runner is a movie about a zombie apocalypse.
2. Well, it's not just one movie. It has 3 parts (and there's probably gonna be a part 4 but surely not this year):
1. The Maze Runner: The Escape
2. The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
3. The Maze Runner: The Death Cure
3. The story is about a young man, called Thomas, around the age of 20 (maybe) that got sent in a maze that has a circular shape. In the middle there is a green land called "The Glade" where Thomas was sent somewhere from below the maze, with an elevator.
4. There, he get's thrown out by a guy named Gally and soon befriends Alby, Newt, Minho, Frypan and Chuck.
5. I suggest you watch all the three parts to understand what i'm about to ramble about. Trust me. You won't regret it. It has everything in it. Horror, action, romance, angst, e v e r y t h i n g .
This random idea came to me once i decided to watch the movie once again.
So, i suppose that if you know the movie(s) you won't have trouble with knowing the characters and the plot.
Speaking of characters:
Thomas = Luz
Newt = Willow
Minho = Gus
Gally = Boscha
Brenda = Amity
Chuck = King (lol sorry not sorry)
Ava = Belos
Vince = Hooty (everyone just makes fun of him so i felt bad and gave him a cool role and a not-so-annoying personality)
Mary = Camila
Winston = Skara
Janson = Lilith
Ben = Matt
The rest stay the same 'cause i'm out of ideas and it's 1AM.
Their personalities change like in the movie, but not fully.
Their genders stay the same like in the show because... gay.
Luz, Boscha, Willow, Amity and the others are around 20-23. Only Gus and Matt are 19.
Belos, Eda and Lilith stay the same. Only Camila get's older. Pretty close to her 50-60's.
King = 12
Hooty = I don't know how old Vince is but i guess he's around 40?
In the first movie we see Luz getting dragged out of the elevator.. Cage.. Whatever you like to call it, by Boscha. Now, Boscha is really strong and tall in this AU, just like Gally.
Luz is immune to The Flare disease, like Thomas, and dosen't really get affected when she gets attacked by Matt.
King isn't actually his name. It's a nickname that he gave himself. He never really remembered his name so everyone went along with it. At the part where King showed Luz the toy he explained that it was given by his adoptive mother, which is Eda. She and Lilith are still, well, were still sisters in this AU. King is still very demanding and instead of calling himself the "King Of Demons" he say's that he's the "King Of Grievers".
Luz and Teresa don't actually share any romantic feelings towards each other in this AU but they do get along pretty well at first.
Lol image how Boscha would look like when she got stung by that Griever.
R.I.P. King
Skara is more friendlier and naive.
Luz is just like Thomas.
Willow and Gus switch their accents 'cause it fits them better. They and Luz are still good friends.
Luz cried even in the helicopter which made the situation more awkward but Willow and Gus were there to calm her down.
Boscha isn't that much of a bitch tho. (Even if she made Luz eat the dirt when they fought)
Imagining Camila sending Luz away when she was a kid was heartbreaking even for me :'(
Not even I like Lilith in this AU. She does have that Janson fake smile trick that she always does and seems calm but actually she get's pissed off easily, unlike Janson.
Could you belive it? Luz having more conversations with Lilith than Eda? Well, i mean, Eda is dead but whatever.
Belos and Ava are the same irjdnf
They're both WCKD. Get it? 'cause they're both evil?
Ha ha
Yeah, i ruined the whole mood
Luz is not that serious like Thomas tho.
Frypan didn't really have any connections with Skara so he wasn't at the verge of crying when he had to say goodbye to her. Tho it was still kinda sad, man. :/
Amity is just like Brenda, but she dosen't swear. That's all. She's still very bitchy about everything lol
Jorge and Amity still have that father-daughter dynamic.
Luz and Amity develop a pretty strong bond, down there, in the sewers.
They actually start panicking when Amity get's infected.
When Amity and Luz kiss at the party ('cause that's some strong booze) Luz dosen't see Teresa instead of Amity, but she does see the other hallucinations.
After Jorge comes to rescue them Teresa is still the one who wakes Luz up.
None of them know that Luz and Ams kissed. Not even those two. They were too drunk to remember lol
When The Right Arm finds them and Amity passes out Luz is actually glad to donate blood to her.
Camila actually hugs Luz. Camila may be like Mary but she still loves her daughter.
When Amity tells Luz about her past she dosen't talk about George, of course, because George dosen't exist in this AU. Instead, she talks about her siblings.
Sounds cringe but Willow calls Luz "Luzzy" before Luz goes to talk to Teresa at the rocks.
Luz still punches Boscha in the face.
Luz get's very concerned about Willow once she finds out that her friend is infected.
Amity really dosen't trust Teresa.
She still likes kids alot.
Willow goes nuts tho.
She f e r a l
Rebellion. Ayayay...
Watching Willow turn wasn't easy for neither of them.
Killing her was even worse.
It was funny when Lilith just killed Belos so easily.
The part where Lilith shot Luz reminds me of one specific Lumity fic. It's just that instead of Amity, it was Teresa that was beside her.
Again, Luz and Teresa didn't kiss.
Amity freaked out so bad she nearly had a heart attack when she saw Luz in that state xd
When Luz wakes up she puts on the necklace from Willow.
And because i can't just leave it like that, Amity kissed Luz at the campfire.
That's it, folks. I hope you enjoyed this crazy AU of mine. I spent an hour writting this xd
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