machinespirited · 1 month
The current timeline in my head for Sanctum Novis is that it was founded as a penal colony under a different name as a place to put the radical hereteks who were still loyal to the Imperium, but are too extreme even for Xenarites to safely associate with.
Then-Explorator Verthandi-1 was one of the first techpriests interred there, and she was also the one to organize it into a forgeworld proper. Publicly, she did so as a sign of penance and devotion to the Imperium. Privately, it was so she could have a reasonable cover to continue her heretical work into the fields of worker control, production, and how best to utilize the mission given to her by Belisarus Cawl himself. Verthandi-1 turned her search inward, and became the first of the Devisorium of Sanctum Novis. As Forgemaster, she has since become one with her forges - extensive cybernetics and additional cogiators allowing her to process vast quantities of data gathered by the population. It is under her iron rule that Sanctum Novis has become a haven for loyalist Hereteks of all stripes.
Magos Electro-Priest Surtr-1 was killed during the establishment of the Muspelheim power plant, sacrificing himself in order to tame the volcanic forces that now generate energy for the moon. His successor, Surtr-2, was promoted to his rank, and she ran the plant until a massive industrial accident following the experiments of Magos Genator Sigyn-1 that lead to the deaths of herself, Magos Electro-Priest Surtr-2, uncountable numbers of servitors, and the temporary loss of the Biologos labs resulting from an infestation of modified Tyranids brought Sanctum Novis back under scrutiny.
A supervisory cohort was assembled by Martian leaders, headed by Magos Dominus Caprella, and sent to Sanctum Novis to determine what, exactly, the Novites are doing.
Surtr-3 is the youngest Magos on Sanctum Novis, and they are wholly out of their depth.
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thegreatyin · 3 months
terrible arknights enemy proposal; guy that prioritizes attacking operators of the highest rarity
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stupidrant · 2 months
Even more interesting is that the parallels between Atreus and Angrboda and Surtr and Sinmara (fellow last of their kind giant/Jötunn pair) aren't limited to the "budding couple witnessing the love story of an established couple" trope that you mention (though that particular scene certainly does drive the point home that Atreus and Angrboda are written as a potential romantic couple, being paralleled with an actual existing romantic relationship).
Surtr and Sinmara exchanged hearts so they could always "be together" both metaphorically and, in a way, physically. Atreus and Angrboda gave each other their marbles so they would always find their way back to one another.
When Kratos and Atreus talked to Surtr before Ragnarok he asked Atreus - specifically - whether the latter has "ever been in love" (another hint that the next major romantic arc in the game will be Atreus's) and explained that love entails sacrifice. That might be a foreshadowing of Atreus or Angrboda making some kind of sacrifice for one another the next game. Based on how they act in GowR it's most likely to be mutual.
Most probable scenario: Angrboda once again does something to avert Atreus's fate/some dangerous situation for him or his loved ones (foreshadowing for that is also in the game when Angrboda shows Atreus Faye's shrine and tells him how his mother went up against their own people and destiny itself to protect him). That in turn puts her at risk and it would now be up to Atreus to do something equally selfless and heroic for her.
ive noticed this too but you have explained this perfectly! Its obvious all of this builds up to the next game unfolding their love story especially since this is, from my understanding, the first time a budding romance is even being explored in a god of war game 🥺🥺
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ghostofazalea · 3 days
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Surtr <3
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dreadark · 1 year
most operators have at least a normal level of Originium Arts Assimilation, and the ones with it as flawed have some reason behind it like being part-Seaborn or a Feranmut fragment
And then there’s this guy which isn’t explained at all
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so I can only assume Matterhorn is so uniquely terrible with Arts that he gets +15 res from it
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maiden-after-dark · 1 year
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Oh yeah, this is beautiful~.
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cyber-beast · 2 years
Girl, i once saw a guy on twitter saying he was unconfortable knowing there were girls/women who played Housamo :skul emoji:
Wait omggg I think I stumbled upon that tweet at some point too 💀 like in the end they just need to mind their business and remember that LW literally advertises Housamo as an LGBT+ game. There’s gonna be a vast variety of characters that will bring in fans of all identities especially bc of the customization to the MC and they need to deal with that.
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skully-bones · 2 years
was able to get muspell in one of my free hero fest summons and i was NOT expecting that voice to come out of him.................
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astrxealis · 1 year
gbf theme aaa seox or lu woh. or even vira or beelzebub + belial. or jamil. or arknights tbh. thorns? tequila? surtr? hmm
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sonodaten · 2 years
Fuck IW-9
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foxboybutch · 1 year
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shes coming home..........................
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machinespirited · 1 month
Surtr-3 is so wholly out of their depth and also the previous Surtrs' knowledge is downloaded into their brain
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barknights · 1 year
i have absolutely no idea how youre supposed to control what buffs the boss is absorbing , i struggled with the one which increases the bosses block count..I ended up giving up on trying to figure it out and used nians 3rd skill, finally building her paid off
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nikikyuuun · 1 year
hi its the lmd-less e1 lumen haver 🥲 i just found out surtr is dropping in gold cert shop later. getting her isnt a problem. its e2 s3m3-ing her 🥲🥲🥲
ALSO WELCOME BACK TO AK!!!! n just when we got our first male healer after ansel ❤
AUGH i feel u....... i had to speedrun e2 And s3m3 for cc and i feel like i shaved years off my life........ but best of luck with your farming!!! i hope u get the drops u need quickly oooo super rare mats u want to drop so bad oooo
also aaa thank u its v nice to be back !!!! i came back for spalter but stayed for lumen i think spalter hates me <3 ansel doesnt have to get scoliosis from carrying the men only team anymore BBFJFB
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cerastes · 1 month
can i get other examples of gamepress being wrong about arknights? i've been using them as my main source since i started and now i'm worried i'm missing out on some operators i haven't bothered to upgrade 🙃
We could be here literally all day because it's not like they have one or two outliers, Gamepress is just mainly edited by people that live in an echo chamber and that have authority in their own circle so it's just off-the-hip, all too often wrong biased takes based on their own really reductive metrics. Chiefly, Gamepress ranks characters 1) as if they were the sole unit in the battlefield almost exclusively, and 2) using the single most broken units currently live as the barrier of entry. The unit you are looking up can't clear a chunk of map in one tap? Worthless and sub-optimal, according to Gamepress. Their only metric is Mlynar, Ch'ung the Hung, Surtr, that kind of Press To Win philosophy, and if a unit can't do that, Then It's Bad And Not Worth It.
Now, you may be thinking, "goodness me, Dreamer, you are being awfully harsh to call them complete dogshit at every angle of the game in this manner!", well, see, it's not just their Operator "reviews", they have articles sometimes. And they are god awful dogshit as well, such as "What Happened To Blaze?"
You can't see the comments anymore, but the author was getting reamed. I have one screenie at least:
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Comments were mainly of this nature. Because, well, the article is straight up awful, especially since it reduces Blaze to "laneholder" and compares her to "competition" like Thorns, Mudrock, and Mountain, who, yes, they all can hold a lane, but Blaze has her own space of "infinite duration, high statline, healable 3-block with 2 tile range" that has historically allowed for Funny Tricks like clearing enemies through "walls" on tiles that could shred Thorns even with a healer, or, you know, in conjunction with any of Mudrock or Mountain, given you have 12 whole slots for you team. Again, Gamepress editors rate characters as if they were your main in a fighting game and not one of 12+1 characters you can throw in at any time. They also tend to shit on non-specialist characters (generalists; more versatile units that can do a bunch of things without really breaking the game in any regard), which is very interesting because those usually will make up a strong backbone of any competent Integrated Strategies team, so the specialists in role can do their thing while the other needs of the map are being met.
"Ebenholz is nothing special." "Goldenglow is nothing special." These are takes they genuinely held until, you know, it turned out that Eben and GG are the most relevant Casters, up there with Eyja. To be fair, it wasn't just them being wrong on Eben, but how do you look at the global blasting of GG with her numbers and don't immediately realize that's an ICBM button? All it takes is having the game installed.
The biased nature of Gamepress is also blatant:
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Imagine rating April as "Really Good" while relegating Dorothy as only "Really Fun". Even before her Module3, Dorothy was absolutely devastating, bringing huge damage multipliers, crowd control, one of the single best class autoattacks in the whole game at 6* stat weight, and a Talent that gives her even more Attack for basically using her as intended. I'm not saying April isn't good, mind you, I'm just trying to highlight how biased the hands behind Gamepress are: They can't figure out Trapmasters? Then surely they are merely "really fun". Can't drop and forget them like April or Surtr, after all.
About the only thing Gamepress is good for is objective, in-game info: Dates, mat requirements, what skills do, that kind of stuff. It's got a good interface and is a good place to just quickly look up what you need to know that can otherwise be found in the game. The moment their personal opinions come into play, though? The most absolute dogshit takes. Unless you are a "unga bunga drop Surtr and Mlynar and win instan-- WAIT WHY IS INTEGRATED STRATEGIES AND RISK 23+ KICKING MY DAY 1 PLAYER ASS...!?" kinda player, then you don't really want to follow Gamepress advice.
Because they simply do not give good advice as a whole.
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shuttershocky · 14 days
Hey shutters, just wondering if you think any of the upcoming operators in AK are worth leveling or getting to m3
Your favorites :)
If you're asking for "meta" picks, then the strongest are going to be Ray, Arturia, Ela, Shu, and especially Degenbrecher who is so ungodly strong I believe she will eventually challenge the dominance of the Mlynar-Surtr-Chen Alter trio. She's that good.
Arturia is pretty straightforward: if you thought Valarqvin's 12,000 pseudo-True Damage and -50% ATK debuff is good (and it is, you could defang Clip Cliff without using Heat Vents just by constantly alternating Tank skills and Necrosis on him) then get Arturia (I'm forgetting her actual operator codename). Along with Ebenholz's new delta module, you can wreak a lot of havoc on virtually every enemy in the game, as no enemy has Elemental Resistance yet.
Ray is a little difficult as you need to deploy her sandbeast pet as well as her, but if you've played with Coldshot you would know that Hunters basically act like physical Mystic Casters. Ray's DPH is very high, enough that some would argue that Schwarz's fiercest competition isn't actually Pozy, but Ray, who preys on the same enemy types that she does. Just like Schwarz, she's not someone you really /need/, but if you insist on punching through armor via high DPH rather than through Arts damage, Ray's your girl.
Ela is a trapmaster like Dorothy. Unlike Dorothy, Ela's module foregoes the crit traps in favor of letting Ela deploy on melee tiles and place her mines on ranged tiles. This is significant because Ela's mines are the only Trapmaster mines that trigger when someone steps near, rather than on the mine itself. This increased versatility in unit placement serves Ela well, as she's the only Trapmaster who is designed around her autoattacks instead of her traps. Ela does a lot of attack damage on enemies debuffed by her traps, making her own positioning just as important as her traps are.
Does Shu powercreep Saria? Well not really. Is she still ridiculously busted and both the most interesting and unique operator to come in the next 6 months? Absolutely. Though lacking Saria's bulk and simplicity, Shu's ricefields act as both HP regen (heals unhealable units lul) and Shelter source, making her decently tanky in her own right while also protecting allies from damage. Her 2nd talent also showers the entire fucking team in free buffs (if team has 3 operators of different classes, +12%HP, if 3 of the same class, +12 ASPD, if 4 Sui are in the team, +12% ATK and +1 SP every 4 seconds) which honestly feels a lot to me like a "Shit she has to compete with Saria" panic button. Her most interesting feature however, is her S3 turning her rice fields into portals for enemies, forcibly teleporting them back to the first rice field they touch after moving 2 tiles. The possibilities of this skill are sky-high (example: the rice portals preserve momentum, meaning you can constantly push an enemy through a ricefield tile to build a ridiculous speed) and make Shu my pick for the most valuable and interesting operator to look forward to.
Degenbrecher is like what if we had a new Mlynar but a Swordmaster instead of a Liberator, so unlike Mlynar she actually blocks and fights while her skill is still charging. Press S3 to destroy everything in sight and remind Chen why she became a support and make Irene question why she's even here. Unlike the other Swordmasters, her S3 charges based on time rather than by attacks, so even if there are no enemies onscreen, Degenbrecher's S3 will still get ready. I truly wonder what HG was thinking completely removing Irene from the game like that, but our poor seagull at least has a second module to look forward to (unlike Carnelian after Lin).
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