mtf-agent-robin · 7 months
Heyyyyyyyy y- *hic* you are soooo coolllll!!
Thank, pretty cool yourself actually.
But you got drunk without me!?
Invite me next time!
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madlad-sadgal · 3 months
omggg!!! You’re so coolllll!!! I ADORE your interests and omg?? Your ocs are so cute and cool!! I love them smmmmm!!! Genuinely one of my fav people I’ve complimented to far! You’re soooo cool<3
wanna be moots?:3
Have an awesome day!!!!<3
I woke up to this, so this was a nice little "good morning"!
I'm glad you think so about my interests and OCs!
And of course, I'd love to be moots! <333
Have an awesome day as well!
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5, 17, and 26 for the ask game!! :DD
Hiiiii wampussss :3333
5. what made you start your blog?
SO back in like 2021ish or smth my friend at the time, sky, was on tumblr and sent me tumblr things a bunch. id seen like those textpost reading videos on youtube b4 and asked her (sky, my friend, from 2021) what tumblr was like. they were like. its cool. u should join. so i was like. ok yea sure. i wanna see memes n such. and then so foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland was born. tho back then my url was like foxtriestostayawake i think. ok yea.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
WOWZERS big question . 3 things is not a lot to choose from. i likeeee my friendssss they are coolllll teeheeez :3c they r like the best ppl to ever existtt ????? crazyy rightt ... nobodys done that b4. been the best person ever. but my friends. they wereeee the first. including u. ur my friend.
JACKKKK ofc hes my darling baby lemme get a jsck photo.
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him. hiiii. jack. <33
Third is . wynnnnncrafttt :333 i love wynncraft. did u know im like. so close to the final quest now. its called a hunters calling. im SCAREDDDsauce. im also BAD at the game idk how i got to lvl 102 without them like killing me for being bad but i did it ^_^
pinkkkk i love pink i love pink SOOOO Much i loveit ebcause it is goodo and fun and yea PINK also when the sky is pink its good I ALSO LIKE ORANGE AND RED AND BROWN but pink #1
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magesup · 3 years
how do you feel about the csm pv? :)
as a person whos only read like 4 chapters i think its pretty good and im excited to see who the voice actors will be (i plan to catch up with the manga when i get the time to)
wahhh i got so many chills watching. i watched it first thing in the morning and was very sleepy but when i finished it i got filled with such an adrenaline rush i couldnt go back to sleep! 
i really liked how the first half of the pv were all happy scenes (HAYAKAWA FAMILY T__T) but then were later revealed to just be scenes shown on a tv. the fourth wall was broken and we see that the happiness in those scenes are not real. and then...it switches to the reality of violence and chaos in chainsaw man. SUCH A COOL TRANSITION!!! 
and the animation was amazing! im looking forward to is how the anime will improve on the battle sequences, because they made the leech devil fight look so cool even though its one of the lamest battles in csm 🙈 the way they played with camera angles!!! but the art style was a little jarring, it looks too much like the style they used for jjk for my taste. but fujimotos style is very hard to translate into anime because of how sketchy it is, so maybe i just have to get used to it
the music and sound design was just *chefs kiss* it sounded mechanical (?) like the static and the buzzing, it reminded me of denjis chainsaw form :,) the music and voice actors are actually the #1 thing im looking forward to in the anime
the last sequence of denji fighting against the zombies was soooo coolllll. it looks like they didnt hold back on the blood, which i am very happy about because i was a little worried about any censorship. the mix of cgi and 2d animation for denjis chainsaw form works so well!!! im very....very excited OTL
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xan-the-13th · 7 years
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical | Highlights from Le Mouvement Finale
Read the reports by A-to-J Connections here: http://a-to-jconnections.com/a-to-j-culture/the-revival-of-pretty-guardian-sailor-moon-the-musical-says-stage-on-to-its-final-stage
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chompkin · 3 years
omg do u do kin matchups for otherkin! that would be soooo coolllll
I have never tried that but I totally could ! Is that where someone describes themselves and I “ assign “ a kintype ?
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framedpixl · 4 years
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Cityscapes and tall buildings are just soooo coolllll!
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staysuki · 3 years
bibi s such a badass and i love her for that. "you take after jae, ew" LOL PLS it s nice that parts of hyunjin s past have finally come to shore. i love felix s principles, cunning but never lies. ugh naur. jisung was no mafia boss but a son of one lol (or con man, same difference) AND SEEEE THE MAFIA BOSS STATEMENT YOU GAVE WAS A CLUE AND THE DOTS. they. all. meant. something.
i still feel like my 2 besties are genuinely nice, they did mention that they re doing all these crimes for a reason. not the best solution, or even a good one, to whatever problem they have but okay. i expected jisung and felix to have a deeper relationship rather than a business one but ig the world doesn t always work in our favour 💀 i m really excited to learn more about those two. on the outside, it doesn t look like felix cares for his 'friends' but you never know 🤥
i feel like jisung has a similar father-son situation as hyunjin, thus the need for more money or smth like that idk. maybe that s why he let it slip that he knows hyunjin s mother was a famous painter. he felt empathetic in some way. OH YEAH IT WAS SAID THAT JISUNG S FATHER IS IN JAILLLL so ye need more money ig
dude is jake s confirmation about wonpil having jisung vibes in a way that they hide their true intention behind an innocent mask, a foreshadowing that wonpil my man will have a scandal soon 👀🤔 chapter 33 is my favourite yet LMAO seungmin straight up did comedy JJDFSJDJKJKJJGSFJSGFJGFKJFJKDFGDSKFJG I DIDN T EXPECT SLC SEUNGMIN WOULD BOTHER JOKING YA KNOW. i m falling in love with his character deeper every update :">> felix is now at 2nd place. seungmin king. LASTLY FELIX S AND Y/N S CONVO AT THE RECENT CHAPTER!!!! "can i trust kim seungmin?" "you can. but it's up to you if you will" YOOOO THIS SOUNDS SOOOO COOLLLLL AAAAAA :">
i sus everyone bc you always make surprising revelations Y^Y initially, i assumed that jisung gave hyunjin the tickets to do some behind the scenes stealing but he revealed that he did it because he felt bad. he might be lying though. BUT I FEEL LIKE HE S NOT. i m willing to bet my life that FELIX AND JISUNG ARE NICE AND SOME KIND OF ANTI-HEROES LOL look where my loyalty and trust in seungmin went 😌
i will wait for that FLUFFY jisung fic. pls no more intense detective stories for now :">> MY BRAIN CANOT HANDLE BALANCING THE THEORIES OF EHALOJ AND SLC ALL AT THE SAME TIME 😤
- ␈
bibi is a scorpio (like me??) confirmed, jkjk. she's a libra but she seems like a scorpio in this fic
THE MAFIA BOSS THING WAS A JOKE PLS 😭💀 i told y'all, i don't like the mafia plots. this is just mafia-coded but not fully 💀💀 WELL, IT'S A CONGLOMERATE CON ARTIST it's an entirely different thing. this is a fic with capitalism commentary idk. crazy rich asians probs.
true. felix is such an enigma. like, he's so scummy??? but he has a weird moral compass??? like, he doesn't smoke nor drink but he will sTEAL. he doesn't lie but he is aNNoyiNg and sKeTCHY. like, i wouldn't say he's morally ambiguous since he's pretty much the worst person to associate yourself with but y'know, he's weird.
felix is a pretty much "here for business (and maybe entertainment) only" if jisung wasn't paying him, he probably won't be here at all. and since jisung can spend tens of thousands of dollars just to go to an exhibit, we can only imagine how much felix is getting paid—it's a fulltime job 🤩👩‍🦯
true. hyunjin and jisung seems like they're parallels except hyunjin didn't turn out to be a criminal. he's just outwardly shitty but in a childish immature way. isn't it kinda twisted how jisung made hyunjin feel like he's the tOpdoG of the group only to have the tables turned on him. hyunjin is so small now compared to the others. man's got some problems.
hEY, do you guys really think i'm gonna keep putting out shittee people here 😭 have some trust my besties~ the wonpil revelation IS juicy tho mhmm mhmm. but dw, i'm letting everyone rest. no more conspiracies and whatnot, ACT II is just full of answers. plus idk, perhaps the end?
seungmin best boy. see what i told you. every seungmin side character is TOP NOTCH. idk what to do with myself atp. also i wonder if y/n (or the readers) will trust felix's words 😮‍💨🤔 what does it mean~
y'all really can't help but look for smth deeper with these VILLAINS huh. anti-heroes 😭 you think they're deadpool or smth. i don't think any of these guys are stealing art for "the greater good" or smth.
p.s. the next smau MIGHT BE fluffy, who knows. but dw, it won't be anything too heavy. i'll stop with the conspiracies for now 💀 definitely just a fun little fic
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