therustblood · 7 months
Just for my own reference, what kind of/how many mutations does Kirlax have?
A small handful of visible ones! Namely her ears, eyes, and gills(typically hidden by her turtlenecks). A troll as funky as her is also bound to have some blood fuckery going on, too:3 That being said I am a fool that forgot just what colour it was and did not write it down anywhere.
Technically I think the colour of her horns could count too, but I think that’s pushing it a bit
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
Hello! I keep reading fiction with kimono hemmed to fit, and I keep thinking that can't be right. I can see it if their genes mean widening shoulders, but aren't kimono folded and tucked under the obi? Thank you for looking over this detail. (I'll stay anonymous because it's an honest mistake, and I don't want specific writers to feel cornered about it)
Hi! Np for this anon ask, I'll just stress here I most often reply via Tumblr messenger so don't hesitate to ask for private answer if you need it :)
On to your question: you are right, hemming (in the Western sense of the word) a kimono is not usually done in traditional Japanese tailoring.
One of the main reasons is that fabric bolts (tanmono) are a somehow standard unit, with patterning done with kimono tailoring in mind (so motifs match between panels etc).
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Hemming a kimono means important parts of your kimono design will disappear! It is especially true for woman's kimono who often often display patterns on their lower skirt + sleeves.
When you wear a kimono with woman styling, the kimono is supposed to be more or less your total height to fit you size. The extra material is then tucked at the waist to form what is called the ohashori fold hold up by ties (himo). That fold gives you leeway as to which kimono you can wear as it is much more forgiving than Western clothes sizing. Being tall simply mean your ohashori will be small or non existent.
Men styling is a bit different as men don't do ohashori, which mean the kimono is tailored to their exact size (= give or take your height minus 30cm).
Kimono were usually passed to new wearers as time went, which means they are supposed to be worn by several body types. So, what about when a kimono is truly too big/small for the wearer?
Fabric was once (and still is) an expensive material so cutting it was a big no! Cutting also meant loosing the original tanmono panneling which was a terrible thing to do for any future alterations.
We so have two scenarios:
1) the wearer is a child: tucks are made at the shoulders (kata age) to reduce width, waist (koshi age) to reduce lenght, and sleeves (sode age). You can see in this past note a great example showing how a kid grew into a kimono:
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2) The wearer is an adult: the kimono would have been totally unsewn, and then sewn back together, hiding the extra material into seams/letting the fabric needed for bigger wearer.
Taking a kimono apart is not especially unheard of, and it is actually the traditional way to clean it (tokiarai = unstitching a kimono and washing​ / araihari = stretching pieces of a kimono on boards to dry after they have been washed and starched​). You can see it done here:
Becky from Silk and bones has many kimono specimen photographed if you want to actually see how they are made - and just how much fabric can be hidden away into seams + how disastrous and infuriating it is to have a kimono with butchered cut fabric :(
TL:DR : People don't "hem" their kimono to wear them, women for ex. tuck the extra fabric away and go in their merry way. If sewing is needed, "hemming" is not exactly what would be done in kimono tailoring. A better way to describe it would probably be "adjusted" or "altered" to size :)
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waxingrunes · 4 months
I’m going to probe into your brain about something because I really enjoy your answers to things and because you seem willing to answer these type of questions I’m taking my shot! Do you think Remus enjoys being a werewolf? Do you think Sirius has ever been scared of him because of it? Do padfoot and moony fight? Slightly more not safe for work but what do you think things are like in bed between then before and after the full moon? You can skip that if you want but I see so many takes I’m curious about yours
I know that it takes a lot of steam to think about these answers so please take your time and feel free to just completely ignore if you don’t have the energy. Thank you for being the way you are and I can’t wait for your next art!!
The way you spelt out the acronym made me laugh. I see you trying to dip under the tumblr patrol. This will end up being a lengthy answer so to avoid taking up an obnoxious space on everyone’s feeds, read on if you’re interested:
To answer your questions in order, I don’t think Remus likes being a werewolf at all. His condition can be an isolating one for many reasons and has very little, if any, benefit. I think Remus has grown up learning to broadly keep himself to himself, keep his head down, and to not cause trouble so as to dissuade any extra attention being drawn to him. Remus is quite a shy, unassuming person by default, and due to the backlash of fear, abuse, and general distaste towards his lycanthropy, he’s built a defence mechanism to mask that shyness which can sometimes come across as standoffish. I think he’s scared of his abilities when the full moon draws in and used to try and compensate for that by making sure he pushed people away, which only leant to further isolation.
I saw this quote somewhere recently which I believe rings true with regard to Remus (and Sirius, but that’s another conversation) ‘to love and to be loved is to rest’. When Remus established himself as a Marauder and grew within the confines of those friendships, it taught him a lot about what it meant to be vulnerable. It taught him trust, and that there are people out there, even in the places he’d least expect it, that will see him for who he is and not what he turns into at the height of every moon.
So no, whilst I don’t think Remus would check the 10 box on a of ‘How Cool Is It To Be A Werewolf’ scale, I think as he made his way through adolescence into a grown man, he’s accepted himself with the aid of human connection; something he denied himself in its authenticity before. He’s learnt that he doesn’t need to do a balancing act of people pleasing and pushing them away in order to protect himself and others.
Is Sirius afraid of Moony? No. I think there’s a natural instinctual element of fear of the unknown in all of us, so when it was confirmed, there was undoubtedly a few ‘what-if’ moments going through his mind. But scared in the sense where he thought Remus would hurt him, no. Whenever Sirius thinks of the full moon, his predominant thoughts are of Remus’ health and the potential fallout after one. He doesn’t picture the creature, he thinks about what that creature is going to do to Remus. His lead emotions are concern and protection, coupled with a wild instinct to make it all go away as quickly as possible and if he can’t do that, then he’s going to make it as easy as possible.
As I say, I don’t think Sirius is scared but I do think he’s logical and he’s not going to show any outward fear when Remus or anyone else is around. Any doubts he’s ever experienced will be privately locked away and mulled over, because he knows how Remus views himself and would rather take the force of the full moon himself than ever add to those insecurities. But he isn’t stupid, and is human at the end of the day. He knows what Remus is capable of when he’s Moony and no matter how gentle a person Remus is, no matter how soft he is at the core, there will always be a very small private part of him that will be on extra alert during each transformation.
Padfoot and Moony always scrap. It’s my impression that Remus would’ve been frenzied at the first couple of meetings and, much like Remus, his wolf’s initial reaction to possible threat would be to either run or challenge. Constantly caught between fight or flight and fight— they did. Those first two or three tussles would’ve been genuine ones whilst the wolf and dog got used to each other. Sirius would be trying to disarm the fight mainly, but give the wolf as good as he got. Despite the size differences, Sirius is scrappy, fast and tactile; his dog is big, but not as big as Moony who is more brute strength over cunning attack. I could actually see Moony being a bit dopey when he’s relaxed.
Going forward from that, any fight between them would be pure puppy play, play fighting that sometimes looked a little too real to an innocent onlooker but was always just stupid scrapping for idle dominance.
I have a hc that Sirius had teased and teased Remus so much one time (because he knew he could, Remus is a soft melt and know it means no harm) about how he won the last ‘three fights Moony, three.’ Pokes him. ‘I know there’s not much muscle to match your size yet but aren’t you supposed to be stronger than me? Am I dealing with a wolf or a cub’. Sirius would make him roll his eyes so hard he nearly lost them, or blush, because he’d grab his thigh under the table and squeeze. Which was meant to be nothing more than a reassuring, I’m just playing Moons, but translated as something much more in Remus’ head.
The teasing continued until Sirius went to try and tackle Remus, not Moony, one night in the common room and because he’d made the mistake of doing it in the couple days before the moon, Remus was less inclined to be so soft and grew bored of the jibe. With a Sirius latched onto his back and a pale, determined forearm around his neck, Remus used his size to his advantage and flung him up and over, flipping him forward with a loud THWOP onto one of the couches. The common room would’ve been half shouts of support for Remus and cheers, etc, whilst Remus leant down close enough only Sirius would hear, and, ‘cub’s getting tired of playtime’. Remus returned the squeeze to his thigh, hard enough to elicit a squeak from an exacerbated Sirius and leave.
James, king of cool, ‘I think that was his equivalent to telling you to go fetch mate’.
A cushion would’ve landed on James’ head shortly thereafter.
As for the acronym :) I think Remus’ mood wouldn’t be fixed to one setting either side of the moon. The moon’s influence would have his senses heightened than normal people at all times, but the closer the full drew in, all of those would be amped up to something that was sometimes unbearable. Other times, it was manageable.
Sometimes he might have experienced a wave of depression and not know how to counteract it, sometimes he might have been more tearful, other times he might’ve been angrier. Overall, I think there’s always a general lack of patience with himself and others in the couple of days leading up. This doesn’t mean he turned into a rude arsehole, but someone who was just a little more worn than usual; I imagine a lot of leg jogging and restlessness, an appetite fit for three grown men, grogginess, inability to sleep or a tendency to oversleep.
Getting to the acronym— I got carried away, apologies. I think in general, there would be a period where it’d feel similar to a rush of hormones and Remus would want to annihilate Sirius. This elicits a behaviour that he’s not always been proud of and sometimes punishes himself for if it’s an aggressive moon, but Sirius is no feather, he is no daisy that feels like he’s been ravaged by a Big Bad Wolf and always reassures him that it’s absolutely fine. More than fine. I believe it took Sirius some time to admit that he actually really fucking loves that side of Remus and will allow himself and Remus, to cave to the animalistic vein that rears its head. There’s no chance of Sirius topping in those days and every chance he’s going to be limping.
Following the moon, I don’t think there would be much libido present on Remus’ side on the most part as his body’s energy is honed in on healing itself back to full strength, and those sorts of things are the last thing on his mind for the following 24-72 hours. Especially if the moon was difficult. However, if there is intimacy in this period it’ll be slow and handsy; lots of hand and mouth action, lots of kissing and touching but nothing too intruding. If penetration is wanted and they are particularly in the mood then Sirius is most likely to top here so he can let Remus relax for a bit while quelling the sexual urge. If Remus tops, it’ll be slow and Sirius would take the lead.
Some chocolate for you for making it to the end.
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tamlinweek · 7 months
Tamlin Week 2024: Rules, Prompts, and FAQ
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Click here to download Tamlin coloring pages!
Click here for the AO3 Collection link and instructions!
Thank you all for the support and prompt suggestions! The prompts have been chosen for Tamlin Week 2024, which will run Sunday, April 14 - Saturday, April 20. Every day will have two prompts for you to choose from, and the last day will be a free day.
This post is intended to serve as a masterpost for the entire event. It will include dates, prompts, rules, and a FAQ. Make sure to click the read more to get ALL the information!
Prompt List
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Day 1; Sunday, April 14: Heir of Spring/Human Tamlin
Day 2; Monday, April 15: Poet/Warrior
Day 3; Tuesday, April 16: Mates/Flower Language
Day 4; Wednesday, April 17: Calanmai/Happily Ever After
Day 5; Thursday, April 18: Shapeshifter/Masquerade
Day 6; Friday, April 19: Dreams/Fairy Tale AU
Day 7; Saturday, April 20: Free Day
Ideas for interpreting the prompts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
All works must focus on Tamlin! Any and all ships are allowed, as long as the ship with Tamlin is at the forefront. You are also welcome to create general, non-ship content for him.
Any and all gender/sexuality headcanons are allowed! And no ship-bashing, please.
There are 2 prompts for each day. You can choose one or both of them to inspire your work. The last day is a Free Day, so go crazy! If none of the prompts speak to you, feel free to create your own Tamlin content on any day. The prompts are meant to promote creativity, not restrict it. If you have questions about any of the prompts, you can message us.
NSFW/Mature content is allowed, as long as you tag everything appropriately and follow the rules of each platform. So on tumblr, that means following their guidelines for NSFW images. On AO3, that means giving your fic the appropriate rating and tags.
Any kind of creative content is encouraged! Fanfiction, fanart, edits, playlists, headcanons, moodboards, ANYTHING!
That being said, AI art is not permitted, and will not be reblogged.
(click under the readmore for FAQ, more resources, and last year's masterpost)
How do I participate in Tamlin Week?
Create your content and post it on tumblr. If you post on AO3, make sure to share the link on tumblr. Also make sure to add it to the Tamlin Week AO3 collection, which will be posted about later. Tag this blog in the main body of your post (@tamlinweek). In the tags, tag "tamlinweek2024"
If we don’t reblog your post within 24 hours, feel free to send us a message with the link! I’m sure we all know how unreliable the tumblr tagging system is, we would never intentionally not reblog someone’s post.
If I’m not a creator, how can I support Tamlin Week?
The best way to support content creators leading up to and during Tamlin Week is to let them know you support them! Reblog and comment on their work, send Tamlin content into this blog for us to post, etc. We’ll be reblogging Tamlin content from now up until the week itself. Supporting that work now will encourage creators for the event week itself.
Who is in charge of Tamlin Week?
This blog and the event are being run by @goforth-ladymidnight and @praetorqueenreyna.
I have a question that isn’t here!
Feel free to send us asks, we’d love to hear from you all! They can be questions, headcanons, ideas, or anything else! If you have a question you’d like us to answer privately, be sure to let us know in the ask. Otherwise, all other asks will be published on our blog.
Resources for Tamlin Week 2024
The Language of Flowers: ideas for the Flower Language prompt
How to Participate in the Event (including ideas other than art and writing)
Tamlin vs. Tam Lin: A Brief Retelling
Click here for last year's master post, including all the content submitted, the AO3 collection, and the community playlist!
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anonfromtheflight · 5 months
¡Feliz 2024! 🥳💜
2023 was a really hard year for me personally. I spent most of it wondering if it was all worth it. (It's all under control now, don't worry lol)
But then in November, by chance in a flight I was ready to hate, I found Young Royals and then @young-royals-confessions and everything changed for the better even if I wasn't aware of it.
Finding Young Royals, Omar Rudberg's existence and the wonderful Young Royals tumblr fandom was, honestly, the highlight of the year for me 💜 I know it's been only a couple of months but everyone has been so lovely to me that even in my hardest period of the year (getting punched after being robbed!) the Young Royals tumblr fandom provided a comfort place for me.
I meant to answer you individually but I decided I'm going to save your messages for darker days. BUT thank you @books-books-smolderinglooks, @purplewilmon, @sillylittleflower, @skibasyndrome @bigalockwood, @themarsbar, @darktwistedgenderplural, @gulliblelemon @kruemel8, @purplehoodiesandclementines, @simonsapelsin, @sillyunicorn, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic , @the-princess-fangirl and @impossibleknots for your cute, lovely messages!!!! They mean the world to me. Knowing that you appreciate and even look forward to my overexcited self??? It's LOVELY and make me so fucking happy. And thank you to the Young Royals Tumblr fandom as a whole for giving me such a welcoming and friendly space for me to just share my unhingedness 💜💜💜
I'm sad I only got the season 3 and last period to share with you all, but I'm looking forward to reading and sharing all your reactions.
Thank you for being lovely, sweet and overall ADORABLE as a whole.
I love you all, even if we've only barely talked. And I love you more, and for real, all of you who have talked to me privately. And have tasted my weird personality directly. (A special shout out to @darktwistedgenderplural because they're so lovely they got the most direct and unfiltered taste of my personality and they not only welcomed me, but understood me in a molecular level)
Thank you Lisa Ambjörn for creating Young Royals, thank you Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding for having the most perfect chemistry in history, thank you Omar, overall, for existing and thank you Wilnur Rudberg/González for creating Omar lmao
And thank YOU all for accepting me and welcoming me and my weird energy 💜💜💜
I look forward to sharing 2024 with you all, and what the hell, many years to come too 💜💜💜
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(this is me hugging all of You)
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tuttle-4077 · 4 months
Find the Word!
Find the words from the list in your WIPs and post the paragraph they belong to.
Thanks for the tag @benevolenterrancy. I've been working hard to clean out my WIPs, but I still have a few kicking around. I don't know how many words I'm going to find, but I'll see what's up.
“Now, you might remember that, after we rescued Miss Newkirk, we unsealed a new set of codes and couriered them to Papa Bear for immediate use,” Campbell continued. The other men nodded. “Gentlemen, those codes were found in the possession of the men we just arrested.”
There was a stunned silence. “But how?” O’Malley demanded. “It’s only been four days!” His face hardened. “Who had access to those codes?”
“The men in this room,” Sinclair answered. “And, of course, the couriers, I suppose.”
“And where are they?”
“We have them in interrogation now,” Campbell informed him. “But, so far, they seem legitimate.”
“Anyone else?” O’Malley asked.
Sinclair shook his head. “Not to my knowledge, sir. The codes were sealed and under lock and key. And Major Campbell and I drafted them in private.” It had been a brilliant code if he did say so himself. It was a shame that it was now compromised.
“Well Jerry didn’t get them by accident,” O’Malley said.
“We’re questioning the German agents,” Campbell reported. “But they, ah, will require more persuasive techniques.”
--From the as of yet untitled sequel to Papa Bear's List
Okay, that's more than a paragraph, but dialogue is funny that way.
“Perfectly,” he said stiffly while mentally cursing. He hoped she didn’t notice the tremble in his hand even while he ordered it to stop. “I really ought to be asking you that,” he continued. “How are you holding up, Miss Newkirk?”
--Another snippet from the PBL sequel
Carter gingerly touched his knee and gagged from the pain. He sucked in several quick breaths and looked down. He couldn’t see much in the darkness, but he could feel blood covering his hand and soaking his pant leg. The fact that he wasn’t dead yet and that the blood wasn’t squirting out of him meant the bullet hadn’t hit an artery, but Carter had to stem the flow of blood anyway. Awkwardly, he shucked off his shirt, wincing a little as he pulled his hand through the sleeve. He had had to break his thumb to free himself from the cuffs. All for nothing, he reminded himself sourly. And now his chances of escape were altogether abysmal even with the fact that Hochstetter hadn't bothered to cuff his hands again. 
--From Hochstetter's Revenge. This bit is technically not a WIP since it's posted, but the story itself is a WIP
"How sweet,” Hochstetter said. “You must be a proud father. I’d hate for anything to happen to your children. So young.” He turned a dangerous eye to Carter. “On the couch, Sergeant," he ordered. Carter slowly backed up until he was seated. Hochstetter stayed near the entrance and surveyed the room.
--Another (posted) snippet from Hochstetter's Revenge
Yell Anger (no yell in my WIPs, so I used a word from a previous post)
Once he got over being mad at himself, he turned his anger towards London. They must have known the old mines were there—someone had told Hogan before he arrived—and they didn’t do anything about it. They could have started up the operation long before. Surely there was a British officer who was just as capable as Hogan. Why did they have to wait for him, of all people? There were times that Newkirk fancied that he could have been the leader. He was undoubtedly cunning enough to pull it off. One didn’t grow up on the streets of London without learning a trick or two. 
--From As the Romans Do, a sequel to Distant Sun
Ummmm. Okay. I don't know who's who on tumblr but let's see. @belphegor1982 and @yeaaaaaa-faebee and @frau-wilhelm-klink do you want to play? Do have WIPs?
Okay, here are some words: sigh, hint, heart, toast, operation
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kyra45 · 1 year
Guide to spotting donation scam accounts
I am aware there is multiple guides posted by other accounts but this one is my own based around my posts I’ve made over the months of running this blog. If you already know how to spot scams, then good! Someone else might not.
If you appreciate all the work I did to make this post accurate and easy to understand, feel free to share it and link it to anyone who might need info. If you want to show thanks in another way, I take pocket change by tips. My pinned post also has links to quick access posts that are about scams.
Not all blogs who ask for aid are scammers! Legitimate people do exist it’s just that scammers will take their information and use it as their own in order to get the money for themself. This post is most meant to be a through guide into finding these scam posts more easily at a glance.
So here is a guide to spotting donation scam accounts under a readmore as it is a long post.
Check how old the blog is by seeing if their archive is enabled. You can also guess this by scrolling the blog and seeing if the posts made are entirely random or seem to come from a certain trending tag. Also check the date of the reblogged post by turning on timestamps. Backdated posts are when a user reblogs a post then goes into post editor and tries to make their reblog look older then it actually is. A common mistake is the new date is even older then the post itself was made meaning the user has went and backdated the post to make their account look older than it is. If the archive is disabled, you may only find ~20 posts shared within seconds of the others.
If they sent you an ask to share their post, did it request you to answer privately? People who are requesting aid are generally wanting a public audience to share their post and would not generally tell someone to answer their ask privately unless their up to something suspicious. If your ask says to answer privately, try using tumblr search to see if it was sent to multiple users. An example of an ask is below.
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(Image has alt text! But I will still copy/paste the ask below as well.)
“hi!! I hope you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it :( Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cats? It’s on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it. Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please 😭 🙏 🙏 🐈 “
These asks are known as scam asks, though most commonly sent by blogs that are using content stolen from a legitimate fundraiser for a pet that is needing veterinary care. They are sent to multiple users who have shared a popular or trending post and is sent regardless of it the user would share the post or not. As it stands so far, most accounts who send these asks are scams.
Another type of donation scam is when a user will save the medical photographs of someone’s fundraiser and repost them to say it’s theirs. These can be graphic hospital images stolen off Instagram/Facebook and used in a fabricated story claiming it’s the users grandparent or child of who needs help. Most often, though, there is multiple images used that may not match up with the story itself. Scammers may even fake a funeral fundraiser using a similar method of stolen content.
Above all, donation accounts also will steal Instagram photographs to impersonate people and give them made up names. There are cases where scammers have made fraudulent GoFundMe’s with stolen images and made up stories about sensitive topics in order to get money. It’s important to pay attention and see if the suspected scam account is answering questions about their situation or if their asks and messages are turned off. This is usually a sign they may not be legitimate and are avoiding any questions about their legitimacy.
You may also want to pay attention to the support links given that lead to methods of sending cast. If the local currency isn’t matching up with the given information, it may be sign of a scammer. The most common example is someone asking for $USD but the local currency would be something else and they don’t supply a currency conversion anywhere in their post or explain why it doesn’t match. However, this is just a common scam tactic.
In closing, there are other minor ways to spot donation scam accounts. Such as searching their username up in tumblr search or just asking them to send you more information that relates to their situation. Above all, one of the best things you can do is examine the askers blog closely and see if there’s anything suspicious and do your own research before asking around.
And remember, always report confirmed scam accounts for phishing like so:
Report -> Something else -> Illegal uses or Content -> Phishing
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maiweek · 2 years
Mai Week 2022: Rules, Prompts, and FAQ
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[Image ID: A banner with an olive green background and a screenshot of Mai in her Kyoshi Warrior disguise. The text reads “Mai Week 2022. October 3 -7″ /End ID]
Thank you everyone for your prompt suggestions! The prompts have been chosen for Mai Week 2022, which will run Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 7. Every day will have two prompts for you to choose from, and there are two additional bonus prompts to swap in on any day.
This post is intended to serve as a masterpost for the entire event. It will include the dates, prompts, rules, and a FAQ! Make sure to click the read more to get ALL the information!
Prompt List
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Day 1; Monday, October 3: Expression or Arranged Marriage
Day 2; Tuesday, October 4: Jealousy or Canon Divergence
Day 3; Wednesday, October 5: Knives or Vampire AU
Day 4; Thursday, October 6: Forbidden or Boiling Rock
Day 5; Friday, October 7: Training or Hurt/Comfort
Bonus prompts: Tattoos or Ember Island
All works must focus on Mai! Any and all ships are allowed, as long as the ship with Mai is at the forefront. You are also welcome to create general, non-ship content for her.
Any and all gender/sexuality headcanons are allowed! And no ship-bashing, please. 
There are 2 prompts for each day. You can choose one or both of them to inspire your work. There are also 2 bonus prompts for you to use on any of the days. If none of the prompts speak to you, feel free to create your own Mai content. The prompts are meant to promote creativity, not restrict it!
NSFW/Mature content is allowed, as long as you tag everything appropriately. So on tumblr, that means following their guidelines for NSFW images. On AO3, that means giving your fic the appropriate rating and tags.
Any kind of creative content is allowed! Fanfiction, fanart, edits, playlists, headcanons, moodboards, ANYTHING!
If you create a visual piece, such as fanart or an edit, please add an image ID, either in the alt text or under the picture itself.
(click under the readmore for FAQ)
How do I participate in Mai Week?
Create your content and post it on tumblr. If you post on AO3, make sure to share the link on tumblr. Also make sure to add it to the Mai Week AO3 collection, which will be posted about later. Tag this blog in the main body of your post (@maiweek). In the tags, tag “mai week."
If we don’t reblog your post within 24 hours, feel free to send us a message with the link! I’m sure we all know how unreliable the tumblr tagging system is, we would never intentionally not reblog someone’s post!
If I’m not a creator, how can I support Mai Week?
The best way to support content creators leading up to and during Mai Week is to let them know you support them! Reblog and comment on their work, send Mai content into this blog for us to post, etc. We’ll be reblogging Mai content from now up until the week itself. Supporting that work now will encourage creators for the event week itself.
Also, you don’t have to be an artist or an author to create content! Click here for other ways to participate in Mai Week besides fanart and fanfic!
Who is in charge of Mai Week?
This blog and the event are being run by @praetorqueenreyna​ and @lady-tortilla-chip​
I have a question that isn’t here!
Feel free to send us asks, we’d love to hear from you all! They can be questions, headcanons, ideas, or anything else! If you have a question you’d like us to answer privately, be sure to let us know in the ask. Otherwise, all other asks will be published on our blog.
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basilone · 7 months
hey i hope you’re well! i was interested in hearing your thoughts about this, people new to the fandom have been posting gifs for bob but you can tell the gifs are not theirs. they don’t credit the gif makers or tell people they have permission to repost gifs, or any of that and those who credit, only credit pinterest. you can tell it’s not their gifs by the coloring and how each gif is extremely different from the other, like the gifs are from different sources/gif makers. how do you feel about that?
Hi anon! I'm doing well, thank you, and I hope you are too. 😊
I gotta level with you first and say that I hope your ask isn't meant to shit-stir or cause any trouble in the fandom for the person(s) who're doing this sort of thing. If you truly want them to realize the errors of their ways, please consider sending them a private message to explain why this isn't a nice thing to do in fandom. (And, of course, do not reblog a post that is full of reposted gifs. It hurts my heart every time those posts get any type of engagement!)
That said, I have thoughts on this. I have a lot of thoughts on this, because the reality is that I'm tired.
I always operate on the basis of good faith in fandom. People who are new to fandom might not be aware of some things that are common sense to us who've been in fandom longer. People might not be aware that what they're doing isn't good. People might have seen other people do these things before, and they might not know that they're not supposed to do them.
For those people, let me say this: Pinterest, Twitter, WeHeartIt, Google, etc. are not sources for gifs. If you do not know a gif's origin, do not use it in your posts. If you don't know who made it, do not use it. I don't care if it's the best gif you've ever seen, I don't care if it fits whatever fanfic you're publishing, I don't care if it's perfect for your roleplaying. That gif isn't yours. That gif belongs to a gifmaker like myself, who has often spent hours creating that gif and has published that gif in a set on their own blog.
If you want to use that gif in any way in your own post, the bare minimum you should do is credit its original creator. They've worked hard on it and they deserve to be credited for that! Simply @-ing our username or using Tumblr's gif search will suffice, as we always get a notification of that. Also consider asking the gifmaker directly if you can use their gif in a particular post/fic: they will often say yes, but please also respect a 'no'.
And the reality here for me as a gifmaker is also this: I'm tired of asking people to credit me. I'm tired of having to message people and request that they credit my work in their posts. The HBO War fandom is pretty mild in how often this sort of thing occurs, but I have been part of another fandom where my work gets reposted on a regular basis. So regular, in fact, that I have utterly soured on the roleplaying community (the worst offenders when it comes to gif reposts!) and have taken to blocking people instead of asking them time and again to credit me. I'm so tired of it that I actually do not message anyone about it anymore, because my temper in regards to this has frayed over the years and I don't want to be a massive bitch to someone who might not even know that what they're doing is wrong.
I hope that this answer will create more awareness in our fandom and will make people credit the lovely gifmakers in our community for their work. Please don't use my words as an excuse to dogpile the user(s) who repost gifs, as they might not have realized they're committing a fandom faux-pas. Consider letting them know in private! (And if they refuse/ignore it or don't think it's that big a deal, you'll know they don't see gifmakers and other creative contributors to the fandom as people. We're just content machines to them, and in that case you can feel absolutely free to block and ignore that user from there on out.)
14 notes · View notes
Not Broken At All Chapter 14/?
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A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sorry for how long this chapter took - It was literally just writer’s block this time. Strap in friends we’re getting into the dark(er) parts of Neverland. 
Thank you thank you thank you thank you always @the-darkdragonfly and @elizabeethan for your help with this feral fic 😘
Part 14
It’s silent as they make their way back through the jungle, none of them finding words to fill the quiet, not in the wake of devastation of the day’s events. She’d forgotten her son. Killian had forgotten… something. Something he’d never even know to miss now - because of her. He’d done it for her. And for Henry. 
Emma looks back at where he trails behind them, the flowing robes of the fairy court replaced with his usual leather, his hook silver once more, a faint glimmer in the darkness. He’s lost to his thoughts, not looking ahead as he follows the unmarked path back to the Jolly by memory. 
Hardly any light makes it through the canopy of trees, the darkness playing tricks on her mind, time losing meaning. How long had they been in the fairy court? How many hours - days even? With the way time works here, Emma thinks she might never truly know the answer.  
She watches as he casts a glance over his shoulder, staring at where they came from, the faint glow of the Solstice lights long faded now, then turns back, brow pinched tight in confusion, frustration tugging at his jaw - like he’s forgotten something, left something behind in that forest and aches to go back for it. Her eyes burn. Wendy sees it too, watching Killian with a sorrowful expression, grieving in his place - because he can’t and someone should mourn what he’s lost. 
Tinkerbell stumbles, sweat beading her brow, pale with exhaustion and Emma winces, nodding when Wendy insists they need to stop - just for a minute - she promises when the fairy tries to protest. But the sigh of relief she lets out when the young woman - now once again in her disguise of matted hair and shadowed features - helps lower her down into the grass and leaves. 
It takes Wendy a moment to coax Hook into sitting on a fallen log, flinching when she first touches a gentle hand to his arm, resisting a light tug as she guides him away from the path - still looking back. “It’s okay,” she promises. “I kept them safe for you- every single one.” 
He looks at her then and something passes between them, something private and intimate that Emma doesn’t think she’ll ever understand, born of centuries of friendship and trust. Wendy’s voice is low when it weaves through the grove to her ears, so soft she wouldn’t have heard it were it not for the deafening silence still wrapped around them.  
“They can’t be forgotten so long as someone remembers, right?”
“I don’t know which parts of her are missing,” he confesses. He sounds scared, like she’d been when she’d felt Henry fading away and she wants to help him, even if she doesn’t know how. But he has Wendy. It’s not Emma’s place to comfort him. 
“It was a year after you met her in the tavern - almost exactly.” Emma looks away, feeling she’s intruding, hovering awkwardly in the middle of the field.  “You promised yourself you wouldn’t ask her again, that you’d stop after the last time she said no - not when she’d be leaving Bae behind. You wanted to be selfless for her.”
She shouldn’t hear this, it’s not meant for her. But the words find their way to her regardless and she’s lost for a moment to the faint memory of a heart inked onto skin, a dagger run through it, a portrait of dark hair and laughing eyes. The name he’d given up in that cave. Milah.
Killian gives a single huff of self-deprecating laughter. “I suppose I failed.” 
She considers sitting with Tink, but the glare the fairy gives her when she takes a hesitant step towards her, makes her think better of it. 
“No. You were going to let her go and make the decision for her - like an idiot. You didn’t even go to the tavern.”
“But she did come. We had ten years, didn't we?” The fear creeps into his voice again.
She finds Will, sitting a few dozen feet away, watching the two of them, longing in every line of his face, and plops down beside him, wrapping her arms around her leather-clad knees, missing the flowy skirts more than she expected. 
“Oh yeah. She found you. Barged onto your ship and cussed you out for being a coward.” 
“That sounds about right.” The gentle grief and the longing in such a simple sentence aches deep in her heart. Whoever she was to him, he loved her completely. 
“You’re pining again,” Emma teases, trying to block out their voices.
His eyes are fixed on the captains whispering softly across from them, heads bent low and close, voices still finding them in the quiet. 
“You fought. Or at least she yelled at you until you finally told her why you didn’t come, why you were leaving. Then she yelled at you more.” Emma chances a glance at them, catches the small smile tugging at his mouth. 
She nudges Will’s shoulder with her own when he doesn’t answer.
“He abandoned her.” William’s hissed words catch her off guard, his eyes still glazed, but they’re clearer than they’d been in the Fae realm, and she thinks that maybe his high has taken a downward turn. “He just left her here. Alone.”
“... She asked you to take her with you.” 
Emma glances at Wendy and Killian again. She doesn’t think they can hear, or at least they aren’t listening, too wrapped up in their own conversation. “I know.”
“She hears the Lost Boys now.” 
“I know.” 
“...She asked me?”
“Do you remember why?” 
“She hears them because of him. And still he gets to be… I’ve never abandoned her. I’ve been here. I’ve -” he doesn’t finish, but it’s not hard to guess. “She’s never let me in. I’ll never know her like he does. No matter how long I’m by her side, how many times I try to prove it to her…”
“... Because he’d never have let her go. But you would.”
“I’ll never be him.” He looks down at his hands, pulling apart a stray leaf with intense concentration. “So it’ll never be enough.” It takes her a moment to realize what exactly she’s seeing in his expression.
“If it made her happy, if it was what she wanted.”
“You’re jealous?”
“You’re not?” 
She’s about to argue - that it’s absolutely ridiculous that she could be jealous of Killian’s relationship with anyone. She’s only known him a matter of days, and he and Wendy’s relationship is completely platonic anyway. But Will knows that. It’s the depth of their relationship he longs for, the complete trust and openness they share. 
“You’d choose her. Even if it meant losing her.”
She’s never trusted someone so completely, never let someone know her so intimately. She nearly did, once. But Neal’s betrayal had only reminded her how dangerous trust could be, shown her how vulnerable being vulnerable could make her. 
“You loved her. More than he’d ever even tried to.” 
“I…” Emma doesn’t even know what she’s feeling.
Will freezes, alert for the first time since this morning. “Where’s Tink?” 
Emma turns to look at where the fairy had just been, the patch of grass empty, Wendy and Killian suddenly on their feet, hands at their swords, tension rolling through the jungle. A hand comes over her mouth, an arm wrapped around her waist as she’s dragged back into the trees, fighting only for a moment before she hears Will’s voice low in her ear. “Quiet.”
Kneeling in the dirt, he keeps his hold on her, doesn’t move his hand from her mouth, hiding them behind dense trees and tall grass, his body stiff against her back, his heart pounding so hard she can feel it. It’s not until she hears the rustle of leaves, of twigs snapping under footsteps that she realizes what’s made him so terrified. 
“Pan. To what do we owe the displeasure?”
Pan. She can’t fully see him - straining against Will’s death-grip to try to get a better view - but there’s a laugh, young and cruel, that floats through the darkness. 
“I heard you were back and I had to see it for myself.”
“Aye, well, now you have, so you can take your leave.” 
“Is that all the time you have for your old friend?” 
“We were never friends,” Killian reminds him grimly. 
Pan tuts, like they are old friends, like it’s an old, inside joke. “Captain Darling,” he greets Wendy. “Or is it lieutenant now? I must say I’m almost disappointed by your demotion. I’d grown quite fond of having you as an adversary.”
“That makes one of us.”
Another laugh. Emma twists against Will’s arm, tugging at the hand over her mouth, but he’s unyielding, and she glares into the darkness because she can’t glare at him, debating licking his palm like a five year old.
“What do you want, boy? I’m in no mood for games.” 
“So defensive. And after I helped you find your revenge you’d been after for so long.”
Killian scoffs, biting out his answer. “You didn’t do anything but send me to a swift death.”
“I sent you with everything you needed.”
“You lied.” 
Emma does lick Will’s hand this time. It only tightens against her. 
Pan sounds almost offended, but his amusement is thinly veiled. “I didn’t lie. I told you your villain was in a realm without magic and gave you the poison you wanted.” 
“He was supposed to be powerless.” 
“I never actually said he’d be powerless. You assumed he would be. And I take it you assumed wrong.”
 Killian doesn’t answer for a long moment.  “You cheated.” 
“You didn’t pay attention to the rules. I’d think you’d be better at making deals, what with all that time spent in the Fae lands.” 
“Have you just come to brag? Because I believe that could have waited until morning.” 
“I merely came to thank you for delivering the boy to me. You fulfilled your duty admirably - Though I’d have preferred not to wait a decade.” 
Henry. He has Henry. Emma squirms, trying to break free, to stand and demand Pan bring her to her son - or just wring his stupid, sadistic neck. She jabs an elbow into Will’s ribs and he lets out a shallow grunt before pulling her against him, squishing her arm between them. 
“The time passed was Neverland’s doing, not mine. Though I must say I’ve found it much changed. The jungle seems to have taken on a life of its own.” 
Shut up, Killian, she wants to warn him. But she can’t. She can barely even move. How the hell is Will this strong? He’s like a hundred pounds soaking wet. Is there some Neverland gym she isn’t aware of? She’d be impressed if she wasn’t so pissed off. Pan hears the mocking in Killian’s words too, his answer less friendly than before. 
“Things in Neverland don’t change - but the minds of grownups easily are. You must be misremembering after so much time away.” He’s lying. If they didn’t know it for certain before, they do now - he’s losing control. 
“Aye, that must be it.” There’s pause, the three of them staring each other down, Wendy’s hand still braced on the hilt of her sword. “Was there another reason for your visit? Or were you just here to corroborate my return and deliver your thanks?”
Pan lets out a tisk. “I came to let you know that you should expect some new additions to your crew soon.” She feels Will’s harsh breath against her ear, his hand slackening over her mouth and despite her earlier struggles, the absolute terror she can feel in the stillness of his body makes her keep her mouth shut, keeps her rooted to the spot. “There’ll be a hunt tomorrow. I trust you’ll make the necessary preparations to receive the survivors.” 
Killian doesn’t speak, and for a moment silence hangs between them. Emma doesn’t dare to even breathe. Wendy finally answers, the word heavy. “Aye.”
“Excellent,” Pan says, all that false friendliness back. “I’ll leave you to it then. I’ve preparations to make myself with it being the new boy’s first hunt and all. Always so much more exciting to see how they do the first time, isn’t it?” Will’s hand is immediately firm on her mouth again. What hunt? What survivors? What the hell is he having Henry do tomorrow? 
“I wouldn't know,” Killian answers darkly. 
“Ah, but lieutenant Darling does - And so does young Scarlet,” he adds, casting a glance in their direction and Emma tenses, finally able to see him properly. 
He’s so much younger than she expected, small and thin with wide eyes and a tanned, rosy-cheeked face. He looks like a child, soft blonde curls falling over his eyes, just a little boy, not much older than Henry, incapable of the cruelty she’s been told about.  
“... Wherever he is,” Pan finishes with a wry, boyish smirk. “Not like him to miss a Solstice.” He turns back to Killian and Wendy. “Until tomorrow then,” he promises, before disappearing into the trees. 
No one moves for several minutes after he leaves, watching the forest and the sky, waiting. It’s not until Tink returns that Will lets out a breath, finally dropping his hand, looking at it and then her in disgust before wiping his palm over his shirt, muttering something about ‘disgusting’.
“What’s the hunt?” she asks him. “Will,” she presses when he doesn’t answer. “What was he talking about?”
“Nothing you need to worry about,” he says, standing and making his way over to the others. She follows - not letting him ignore her. 
“He mentioned Henry.”
“Are you alright?” Killian asks her, looking panicked and relieved at the same time. 
“No. What’s happening tomorrow?” she demands. “What’s it got to do with Henry?”
“Your boy’s not in danger, Swan,” he promises. “Pan won’t harm him.”
She knows he’s not lying. But he’s hiding something. “Killian…” He scratches his nails through the scruff at his jaw, avoiding her gaze. “What’s the hunt?”
Tinkerbell answers her at last, blunt and to the point as she’s come to expect. “Every few months, whenever some of the Lost Boys have gotten too old, or there are too many of them, Pan thins them out.”
“Thins them out?”
 “It’s vile and barbaric,” Killian hisses. 
“Tell me.”
“The older boys are forced to find their way from the camp to the beach while the younger ones try to prevent them from reaching it. Those that make it, become members of the crew, like the men you saw yesterday.”
“And the others…” 
“Are killed,” Tink says flatly. “It’s called a hunt for a reason.” 
She’s not sure she’s breathing - images of a cruel massacre painted as a game flashing in her mind, growing worse with every one. 
“Swan,” Killian tries carefully, standing and shortening the distance between them. “Henry is only ten - and Pan chose him for a reason. He won’t be hunted.” 
“No - but Pan said - he’ll want him to… he’ll be expected to hunt won’t he?” Panic sets in, unable to steady her shaking hands and racing heart, unable to fill her lungs, constricting in her chest. Pan’s going to make Henry hunt other children - he’s going to make him kill other children. She thinks of her son, so young and kind and happy, imagining all the ways Pan could twist that thirst for life and adventure into something dark and sinister. She turns towards the jungle. “We can’t let - we have to stop him - I -” 
Will grabs her again, stopping her from running she doesn’t even know where - wherever Pan’s camp is, if she could even find it. “Let me go,” she orders. But Will’s hold on her tightens. 
“I swear to god, if you lick me again…” 
“Let me go.” 
“You can’t go after him, Emma,” Wendy says, having the decency to make it sound like an apology. “Not yet. If you try to stop Pan now it’ll be the last thing you do - and everything we’ve done will be for nothing.” Wendy levels her with a look. “Henry needs you alive.” 
“I can’t just let him kill someone!” she shouts, refusing to accept his reasoning, fighting Will with everything she’s got, but he’s a goddamn marble statue, her nails digging into his arms not seeming to bother him at all. She can’t stop seeing it: Henry with a blade in his hand, blood - his or someone else's - staining his clothes, his skin, children being chased and cut down, her son being the one to do it. If Henry does this, if Pan makes him do this - even if he thinks it’s a game… it’ll destroy him. “I have to stop him,” she sobs. “I can’t let him -”
It’s only when Will finally lessens his hold enough to let her sink to her knees, her legs no longer able to support her, that she realizes she’s crying. She can’t stop, her emotions not her own anymore, body shaking and stomach burning. Killian kneels down with her in the grass and the mud and the dirt, arms coming around her, pulling her heaving and shaking against his chest. 
She pushes against him, words barely coherent. “Please. You said you would get him back.” His hold on her tightens, both a comfort and a restraint, holding her together as best as he can and she finds herself leaning into it even as she wants to run. Henry’s in danger. Henry needs her. And she’s helpless. “You said you’d protect him.”
“I am,” he says softly. “Henry has a good heart, love, and a strong will. He knows right from wrong.” 
She wishes she could believe them, knows that her son is a good kid, hopes that what they’re saying is true, that he won’t participate, that he’ll stay out of it. But Will hasn’t said a word, his silence unsettling as he stands stoically looking at the ground, jaw tensed and knuckles white against the handle of his cutlass. 
“Will?” she asks, pulling herself from Killian’s embrace, the cold on her skin matching that in her veins. 
He looks at her out of the corner of his eye but doesn’t answer. How long did he say he was on the ship? Seven years? Eight? And Pan had nearly killed him when he decided to leave. The hunt can’t even be a distant memory for him yet, and his refusal to comment makes her think it might trouble him even now. Wendy puts a hand on his arm, comforting and instinctual and he drags his gaze up to look at Emma properly. 
He sighs. “Pan won’t force him. He’s got this thing about free will - or the illusion of it.” She can tell this is the good before the bad and she braces herself, waiting. “He likes the boys to follow him because they want to. But he can be convincing. And Henry might not know what he’s doing until it’s too late. He might not know that it’s real.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a game. Some of the boys don’t understand that their arrows are real, that their spears are sharp until they’ve killed one of the other kids. And even then…” He hesitates, a pained frown pulling at his brow and Emma reaches for something to hold on to, finding the brace of Killian’s hook that stays steadfast in her grip. “We didn’t know. Or maybe we did but we chose not to believe it, to believe that it was just a game, that they weren’t really hurt, that they weren’t really dead - that it was all pretend.” He winces and her heart breaks for the memories he must be reliving. “Neverland is a place of belief, and Pan can make someone believe nearly anything if they trust him enough.” 
He grows more loyal to the boy with each passing day. I fear soon he will give Pan what he wants if he is not stopped. Tiger Lily’s words echo in the silence as a fear she wasn’t prepared for creeps in. What if Henry becomes a Lost Boy not because he thinks she’s abandoned him, but because he chooses Pan? She looks at Wendy and at Will, both kind and brave like her son, both of whom had been under Pan’s spell at some point in their childhoods. 
“We have to stop it.” 
“We can’t,” Killian shakes his head hopelessly. “We’ve tried before and all he did was decide not to give any of them the chance to run for the ship.” 
“Then we have to stop Henry - make sure he doesn’t play this fucked up game.” 
“How?” Wendy asks, but it’s not really a question, she knows there isn’t an answer.
“I’m going out there. I’ll stop him myself.” 
“That’s suicide, Swan,” Killian tells her harshly. “If he saw you, if he found out what you are - who you are - he wouldn’t risk you coming between him and whatever he has planned for Henry.” 
“Well we have to do something!” she snaps. “If Henry does this then we’ll have lost him already.” 
“I’ll go.” 
The three of them turn, staring at Will in shock. 
“No you won’t,” Wendy argues. 
“Did you not hear the part about it being a suicide mission?” Killian snaps, annoyed.
“For her it is. I know the jungle. I lived there for decades. You forget I was Pan’s right hand for a long time before joining your crew,” he reminds Wendy. “I know how Pan thinks, how he plays his games.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Killian glares.
Will returns it. “Look, I’ve got the best chance out of all of us of getting to the camp. I can warn Henry not to listen to Pan, no matter what he tries to make him believe. I’ll make sure he doesn’t take part in the hunt tomorrow.” 
“You’re not going,” Wendy insists again. 
“Wen,” he starts, and Emma sees Killian notice the ease with which the nickname falls from his lips, the familiarity in it.
“It’s too dangerous. If there’s anyone on this island Pan wants dead, it’s you. The fact that you’ve survived this long -”
“Probably means he’s got a plan for the day I won’t. And this isn’t it." 
“You’re not doing it,” she snaps, the authority in her voice slipping. There’s fear in her eyes now, a desperation turning her order to a plea. “If he finds you - if he kills you I -”
“Wait until morning,” Killian says and Wendy turns to him, betrayal plain on her face. “He’ll be on his guard tonight, perhaps expecting a retaliation for his visit. Go tomorrow when they’ll be busy preparing for the hunt. He’ll be distracted.” 
Will gives a solemn nod tinged with surprise. “Aye.” 
Wendy’s eyes dart between the two of them - hurt, fear, anger - before she storms off, disappearing into the woods towards the shoreline. 
“Great job,” Tink sneers, glaring at Hook before following after her. “I’m going back to my treehouse. Send a message when it’s time.” Emma feels guilt twist her gut. It should be her. Henry’s her responsibility. But she knows Killian would never let her go. He’d probably lock her in the damn brig if she tried. And she doesn’t think she’d survive crossing the island on her own - no matter how much she insists she could. But it can’t be no one. Someone needs to warn Henry, to protect him. 
The two men stare off after Wendy, wearing matching expressions of shame and determination. Will, while still resolute, hangs his head before turning to head back to the beach, but Killian calls his name and he pauses, looking back at the captain. 
“Are you sure about this, Scarlet?”
Will glances at the path Wendy disappeared down before meeting Killian’s gaze. “I know what you think of me, Hook. And you’re right,” he tells him. Fifty years, wasn’t it, that they’d said he’d been with Pan? “I can’t change the past or what I did, but I can bloody well try stop it from repeating itself.” He looks at Emma then, a promise unspoken between them and she mouths a silent ‘thank you,’ a small, self-deprecating smile offered in return. 
“You’re right,” Killian tells him. “You do know what I think of you.” Emma’s about to turn on him, to tell him off, when he adds. “But the boy I knew wouldn’t have risked his life for anyone, let alone a stranger.”
The look that passes between them, the small nod exchanged before Will follows Wendy to the ship is almost one of understanding. She wouldn’t go so far as to suggest they like each other, but the animosity that they’d both stubbornly clung to until now gives a little, teeters carefully towards a begrudging respect. 
And then there’s only her and Killian left, the forest quiet once more.
“I need you to promise that you won’t try and find Henry on your own, that you’ll stay away from Pan’s camp.” Emma doesn’t have a chance to voice her protest before Killian continues. “They’re risking their lives for you, Swan, all of us are - for you and for your son. Don’t let it be for nothing by getting yourself killed and taking away their chance at restitution.” 
Her frustration at being told what to do leaves her in a breath, deciding not to argue with him. But she doesn’t promise anything - she can’t, no matter how much she might want to. Henry is a blind spot for her, she can’t always explain her actions or the decisions she makes when it comes to him, the instinct to keep him safe, to put him first and protect him at all costs overwhelming. 
Killian only nods at her silence, jaw tensing like he knows the lack of a ‘no’ is the best he’ll get from her, the most she can offer. “Alright,” he sighs, accepting, heavy. “The beach is about a half-mile that way,” he tells her, gesturing towards the direction the others disappeared into. “Don’t stray from east and you should reach the ship shortly. You can probably catch up to Will if you hurry.” 
“Where are you going?” Emma frowns, he’s barely let her out of his sight since they arrived. 
“To keep your boy from the hunt. I know where to find Pan’s camp.” 
“But, I thought Will -”
“Will is… noble, more noble than I thought. But he’s wrong to think Pan won’t kill him if he’s angry enough, regardless of his plans for him.” 
“What about you?” 
Killian gives a small, confident smirk, one that doesn’t fully reach his eyes. “I’ve had more practice evading death than young Scarlet.” Not quite a lie, but not the truth either. He sighs again, like he knows she sees through him. “Wendy cares for him. I won’t let her lose another person she loves - not if I can prevent it.” 
Emma doesn’t answer, a knot tightening in her throat, making it impossible. His display of devotion to the girl he took in when he didn’t have to, risking himself not to protect her, but to protect someone she couldn’t bear to lose - someone he doesn’t even like… Will’s jealousy rings even truer now that it had before. No one’s ever put her first. What must it be like to be loved by Killian Jones? She banishes the thought, Killian nodding at her once, smile weaker now, before turning back to the woods.
“Wait!” I can come with you. The words don’t make it out, stuck in her chest while he watches her in question, halfway between staying and going. She knows he won’t let her, that she’d just slow him down, put him in danger just by being there - someone who doesn’t know the jungle, someone he feels the need to protect. She can’t do that to him, not when he’s going out there for her, for Henry.
She crosses the space between them, the few steps he’d made towards the darker part of the island. Fingers sliding over his cheek, turning his face to hers before either of them can think too long about it, she presses her lips to his, catching the bottom one between her own, sighing softly when he returns her kiss. Mouth warm against hers, his tongue teases gently at the seam of her lips, but he doesn’t reach for her, doesn’t press himself against her like he had in that fairy glen - letting her set the pace. 
His eyes are still closed when she pulls back, fingers sliding to his neck, his breath warm on her cheek, “What was…”
“Just don’t die, okay?”
A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth - a real one this time. “You don’t have to worry about me, Swan. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s surviving.” Emma rolls her eyes and his grin widens in amusement. He better be. 
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theartingace · 1 year
26/26 rating for bones 👌
tho i must ask… did they fuse your subtalar joint??? Bc those screws are very much going through both?? How long were you non weight bearing with those honking screws??!
Secondarily, you have very nice bones and a very nice Achilles tendon, very smooth, fibers so organized, making that calcaneal tuberosity nice and dense 🤌🏻 I spent a solid 10 minutes describing all the fun stuff i saw to my sister who just nodded along pretending she could see what I was talking about
Hope your recovery is going smoothly!
Sincerely, someone in a physical therapy doctoral program who has taken a single course on reading radiographs 😅
Ok, sorry I meant to answer this privately but apparently tumblr has removed that feature?? I can only post privately and I don't know how that works and if you could see it?? 😥😭 But FIRST of all, this made my day as a distraction from work 10/10 analysis of my good bones 🤣
And yes! I had a subtalar arthrodesis! They fused the mid bone and heel as I had some sort of tarsal coalition (unsure if it was just congenital or stress-injury related from a terrible walking job when i was young) that had basically half-fused it anyway lol
And I was completely non weightbearing for a long 8 weeks over the winter and I've been slowly hobbling around for the last 8 weeks or so going from crutches to cane to just a brace building the muscles back haha My mom is actually a physical therapist!(retired) so I was letting her 'manage' my recovery, though as she spent most of her career working with geriatric patients I'm going into get some additional PT to make sure I've been retraining the muscles properly- I had quite the ballet foot and I think it still wants to stick out 😂
But that's so cool! I love this kind of stuff! Its so wild to me all the stuff you are able to see in there, i think its neat and all i can see in there is vaguely identifying all the major bones! and I overexplain dinosaurs to my siblings all the time, sometimes you just gotta let the knowledge out! Glad it all looks shiny and strong, I've put a lot of miles on them and hope to get back to wearing them out hiking again soon!
10/10 love a good bones analysis thank you for your kind words and well wishes 😁💜💜
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subpixie420 · 10 months
Hey I know you’re going to be done with SW but are you gonna stick around blogging on tumblr? If you won’t be using this blog would you mind answering this privately so I can follow you on your main/other blog? You’re just a really cool person in general and I’ll miss you on my dash!! No worries either way, wishing nothing but the best for you 💞💞
Hey love! So since I'm staying on this blog I will answer publicly on here but let me eleborate
Yes of course I'm gonna be on Tumblr infact I might randomly post sexy stuff, post smoking content, or my poetry and I'll always be happy to reblog any and all the lovelies I see on my dash 💘
My old gabbigabriella blog is more of a relic in time for me. I thought maybe I'd use it. But losing it made me realize how much that blog meant to me and that I wasn't taking the best precautions with it and I should have never used it for sex work. So now it's mostly a trinket of mine to go back to.
I plan to use the subpixie420 account for the remainder of my Tumblr time 😊
And thank you love! I appreciate the compliment 🥰😘 rest assured I still plan be to around.
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alexanderlightweight · 9 months
Hey can I ask something?
If you prefer to answer this in private message that's really fine, but it seemed somehow rude to send it to you in PM 🤔.
Quite a while ago (could be months really, live has been quite hectic for me lately) I sent you an ask about 2 songs I felt suited Magnus' and Alec's POV respectively for quite a few of your 'verses. It wasn't necessarily meant as a prompt but I had been curious about your opinion on them.
you never seemed to have posted about it and now I was wondering if tumblr ate my ask or if something in the ask itself brought up something bad for you (just so I can avoid that in the future) or if perhaps it's a third option I hadn't even thought of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
either way, thanks for all your glorious writing work! it's a thing of beauty (aka to me it's a joy forever!)
so you're absolutely okay asking and i'll answer publically because i have like a dozen song prompts in my inbox and drafts and I'm sure there are others curious but jsyk, it's okay to send a pm asking stuff. i don't find it rude cause i know from experience that sometimes its less nerve racking than sending an ask
i know its different for everyone but just putting it out there ^_^
so music is really hit or miss for me. i'll listen to the same playlists and artists for a couple years without expanding because the sensory input of new songs can be a little much. i don't really have a way to vet whether or not the music will be too much for me and things have been so busy and (noisy and loud and overwhelming) that i haven't really tried to listen to new music in a couple of months.
@saryn-prime has to listen to a lot of their music on headphones instead of n speakers and oftentimes i'll listen to the same song on repeat for hours. if i'm overstimulated even a song i love can set off a migraine and certain tunes or tempos can send my mood spiraling, rising or plummeting without my say so
so (especially when i want to actually kind of really explore a song and give it a chance and also enjoy it in regards to malec or writing) i'm saving like the dozen songs for when i have the spoons to process and possibly enjoy the songs.
Saeth turned on music earlier and i lasted two songs before i was asking them to turn it to safe playlist (which they immiedately did).
btw i love getting music and song reccomendations in regards to malec and shadowhunters or in general. i've been inspired for some really fun fics and ideas, but atm my brain isn't up to that kind of processing :/
pray to the hunters i like to write with the song playing in the background but i cant currently handle the tempo/voices/percussion mix so i haven't been writing or playing it
so i have them and probably in a few weeks or a month my brain will be back to processing music appropriately and i can enjoy the songs shared with me
i hope this makes sense
<3 lumine
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tamlinweek · 1 year
Tamlin Week 2023: Rules, Prompts, and FAQ
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Thank you everyone for your prompt suggestions! The prompts have been chosen for Tamlin Week 2023, which will run Sunday, June 18 - Saturday, June 24. Every day will have two prompts for you to choose from, and the last day will be a free day.
This post is intended to serve as a masterpost for the entire event. It will include the dates, prompts, rules, and a FAQ! Make sure to click the read more to get ALL the information!
Prompt List
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Day 1; Sunday, June 18: Beast and/or Forbidden
Day 2; Monday June 19: Masks and/or Arranged Marriage AU
Day 3; Tuesday, June 20: Found Family and/or Possessive
Day 4; Wednesday, June 21: Music and/or Ghosts
Day 5; Thursday, June 22: History and/or Isolation
Day 6; Friday, June 23: Second Chance and/or Modern AU
Day 7; Saturday, June 24: Free Day
All works must focus on Tamlin! Any and all ships are allowed, as long as the ship with Tamlin is at the forefront. You are also welcome to create general, non-ship content for him.
Any and all gender/sexuality headcanons are allowed! And no ship-bashing, please.
There are 2 prompts for each day. You can choose one or both of them to inspire your work. The last day is a Free Day, so go crazy! If none of the prompts speak to you, feel free to create your own Tamlin content on any day. The prompts are meant to promote creativity, not restrict it.
NSFW/Mature content is allowed, as long as you tag everything appropriately and follow the rules of each platform. So on tumblr, that means following their guidelines for NSFW images. On AO3, that means giving your fic the appropriate rating and tags.
Any kind of creative content is allowed! Fanfiction, fanart, edits, playlists, headcanons, moodboards, ANYTHING!
(click under the readmore for FAQ)
How do I participate in Tamlin Week?
Create your content and post it on tumblr. If you post on AO3, make sure to share the link on tumblr. Also make sure to add it to the Tamlin Week AO3 collection, which will be posted about later. Tag this blog in the main body of your post (@tamlinweek2023). In the tags, tag "tamlinweek2023"
If we don’t reblog your post within 24 hours, feel free to send us a message with the link! I’m sure we all know how unreliable the tumblr tagging system is, we would never intentionally not reblog someone’s post.
If I’m not a creator, how can I support Tamlin Week?
The best way to support content creators leading up to and during Tamlin Week is to let them know you support them! Reblog and comment on their work, send Tamlin content into this blog for us to post, etc. We’ll be reblogging Tamlin content from now up until the week itself. Supporting that work now will encourage creators for the event week itself.
Who is in charge of Tamlin Week?
This blog and the event are being run by @goforth-ladymidnight and @praetorqueenreyna.
I have a question that isn’t here!
Feel free to send us asks, we’d love to hear from you all! They can be questions, headcanons, ideas, or anything else! If you have a question you’d like us to answer privately, be sure to let us know in the ask. Otherwise, all other asks will be published on our blog.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
Hello there, I'm just here to say that, although I understand you needed a break from tumblr and I think everyone should take as much time as they need, me, personally, waited for your comeback, because you're one of my favourite creators here! Happy you're back! 💚
For me you're like a cool aunt of this fandom and I'll just clarify that it's a compliment, cool aunts/uncles are one of my favourite type of people 🌷
I think you're an amazing writer and supercool person in general, even though I don't always agree with you/have different opinions. But you're that person who says it's ok to have different opinions and it shouldn't be connected with hate and I consider it very helpful for people pleasers and not very assertive people (I'm one of them and yes we usually know that people probably won't hate us for different opinion and try to learn to express it, but the positive reinforcements are much needed so thank you). I know that sharing private information virally through the internet is hard and can quickly make situation bad for the answering person , but I have to also say that I remember when you were answering asks about how your relationship with an asexual partner looks like and as ace myself in relationship with someone who isn't ace it gave me hope that there are people who can make it work, so thank you yet again!
In general this ask is meant to express my gratitude that you're here and you're not only writing so well and let us read it for free, but you're also strong, honest and kind woman in my eyes, so you would be missed and it would be a loss if you ever decided that you don't want to be here anymore.
Have a nice day! 💚
Thank you so much for your kind words <3 They really mean a lot!
I am happy to be back, and sending lots of love to you!
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lepidopteragirl · 1 year
hi there, sorry to bother but I had a genuine question, how do you make such close online friends? it never seems to work for me and you and your friends look like you're always having a blast so I was wondering if you had any advice? thanks, sorry to bug
hi anon!! im so sorry this is so late, i was planning to answer it right when i got it but i wanted to make sure i got u a good answer and had time to think about it and then it was the holidays and then. well i forgot im so sorry please please please forgive me
mandatory disclaimer that i dont know if im the best sort of person to talk to about this because most of my online friendships have grown rly naturally, and ive gotten lucky to find a rly cool group of mutuals by almost by chance lol <3
i think whats helped me get so close to my mutuals is partly that we've been mutuals for a while now, relatively, and group discord servers :]. obviously, pls be safe talking to ppl on discord etc etc, but i think putting together a private discord server for a circle of mutuals you'd like to talk to more is a rly cool way to get to know ppl better. i personally am not at all good to talking to people in dms (mutuals if you have every tried to talk to me i am so sorry), and if u are also bad at that ! it can help :] also its fun. squad.
also! talk to your mutuals! send them asks to say hello, send stuff for ask games off anon! say smth funny under their posts if you've got smth funny to say. and if someone thinks you're weird, who cares, its tumblr dot com! it truely does not matter!
smth i stole point blank from a tommyinnit stream which is so embarrassing to admit, but its always worked for me lol... if u want to start a conversation w someone, talk to them about music they like! usually they'll be at least a little common ground and there u go now u have a common interest already. obvsly if you're tumblr mtuals u already probably have some interests in common already too so i suppose this might be a little less helpful but im leaving it bc i think its good advice for anything jlskfdsfd
also as a last thing! know that you're not going to click w everyone and thats okay! <- advice my mom gave me in elementary school that unfortunately is so very correct. it happens, things happen like they're supposed to. if someones meant to be in your life, they will be
ty so much for asking me, and i rly hope this helps!!! sorry this is so long!
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