touchlikethesun · 2 months
if i’m being completely fair, s4’s animation isn’t always bad, like i've read interviews where the director was like yeah it’s a change but we’re trying to reflect changes in the manga’s art style (on top of the yknow… budget cuts), and that’s like fine that’s fair i can understand that. but i’m never going to let go of s1-3’s animation, maybe it’s just nostalgia but everyone looks better smoother more like themselves. sometimes i see a still from s4 and i’m just like, who are you??
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immamapletreekid · 9 days
ok movie thoughts time
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suckishima · 8 months
something something ball boy arc tsukishima and kunimi both enter camp dispassionate, both refuse extra practice something something hinata's buzzing irritates tsukki into joining extra practice something something hunger is contagious tsukishima goes pro and kunimi doesnt
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togeppys · 1 year
jack of all trades ;
tsukishima kei x reader
reader is tsukki’s gf and wants to find something he’s not naturally talented at <3
Your boyfriend was annoying. 
He wasn’t annoying in the way that he spoke, or annoying in the way that he treated those around him— he was annoyingly above average. He was a jack of all trades, and it was infuriating. 
You originally thought that he had a natural gift for volleyball. He never seemed to devote much time to the sport, but he was a natural on the court, only getting better with practice and passion. It was only when you began going on dates that you started to realize that he was able to do anything he tried with ease. 
On your trip to an arcade, he watched you struggle to complete a game, only to land third place on the leaderboard when he attempted it himself. When you dragged him to a pottery class, the bowl that you had fashioned for yourself turned out lopsided with many kinks, while the mug that he made was simple but beautiful and now held a permanent place in your kitchen cabinet. 
When you first caught on, you started to treat it like a game– there had to be something that he couldn’t do. He thought you were making something out of nothing; he had no significant interest in most things that you made him try, so to make you happy he would downplay his abilities. You could tell when he was doing it though, and continued to watch for the moment when you finally found something he really couldn’t do. 
You began to curate the most random itineraries for outings that you possibly could, just for the chance of catching him off guard. Bowling, painting, basketball, beginners guitar– with a little practise he could grasp anything you threw at him. 
When the day finally came where you discovered his weakness, you never expected his kryptonite would be something so… mundane. 
Ice skating. 
You were nearing the point of giving up on the experiment, dragging him to go ice skating on a completely unrelated endeavour. After the holiday season the air was cold, perfect for ice skating, and you just wanted a day to spend with your boyfriend drinking hot drinks and visiting the local rink just like you did as a child. You didn’t expect for Tsukishima Kei, who was above-average at everything he tried, to be the worst ice skater you had witnessed in your life. 
You had grown up skating casually, taking lessons as a child and visiting the outdoor rink with your friends from time to time. Subconsciously, you assumed he had done the same, or at least would figure it out quickly as he did with all other things. When he first stumbled with his transfer onto the ice, gripping your arm for balance, you brushed it off as the initial beginner hurdle he needed to get over, thinking he would be smooth sailing within half an hour. When he fell for the first time, you helped him up with a laugh, helping him brush the snow off of his coat as you gave him pointers on how to focus his centre of gravity. He held your hand as he made small kicks across the ice, and you continued to think nothing of it. 
Only an hour in, did you begin to realize that he was not improving. The second he let go of you for support, he would collapse onto the ice, and while you held onto him, he was easily the slowest one on the rink. 
“Kei, honey.” you paused, trying to stifle the laughs and taunts that were about to escape you. 
He turned his head to look at you, slowing to a stop, seemingly as he couldn’t do both at the same time. 
You continued your thought, a smile creeping onto your face. “You do realize that there are two year olds passing us right now, right?” 
Surely enough, as you said it, a toddler stumbled past the two of you. Not very gracefully and sliding across the ice on his stomach shortly after, but there was no doubt that the child out-paced you both. You could see Tsukki’s cheeks turning slightly red as he let out a small laugh himself. 
“This is harder than I expected,” he commented, arm still linked with yours as he stepped out with his right foot. 
You tried to give him more pointers to seem supportive, but inside you felt smug– there was finally something that he wasn’t good at and this was your moment to gloat. “Rather than just stepping forward, kick your foot back like you’re pushing yourself forward. Like this.” You let go of his arm to try and demonstrate the different approach, kicking off with one foot as you instructed. When you turned back to join the tall boy again, he had somehow already found himself sprawled across the ice, his face void of any visible emotion. 
You skated back towards him, taking a moment to look down at him with a smile very clearly plastered across your face. Holding your hand out to offer him help standing up again, you couldn’t help the string of smug comments that came out as you heaved him up. 
“I could get you one of those skating aids that they give little kids. Although, you might be a bit too tall for one… I can stack two on top of each other, that will be more your speed– your height. Your speed is far less than 1 kilometre per hour.” You giggled, knowing that you were being slightly unfair. He remained composed every time he bested you at some task, but you let the thought go. This was your moment for mockery. 
As he finally held his balance, you skated a circle around him. 
“Oh glorious day– I can say that I’ve lived to see the day where THE jack of all trades, Kei Tsukishima has been bested by an activity. Ice skating of all things too.” 
“Unlike you, I never saw a need to aimlessly glide around in circles on the ice as a child.” 
You looked up at him, his mocking glare leading you to respond with nothing but a “Tsk.” 
“Okay, if I can’t get far skating like this, why don’t you show me how real skaters do it,” he laughed, urging you forward to go off without him. 
You gave him a puzzled look. “Why would I do that? We’re supposed to be skating together.”
He shook his head, gesturing for you to go ahead. 
“At least one of us should make the most of the money we’re spending renting these skates. Maybe I’ll learn better from watching you skate without pretending you’re teaching a small child. I’ll be onto the Olympics after one watch.” 
You gave him a small smile, before shrugging and going ahead at a much faster speed. You glided away with ease, skating two quick laps around the ice. The boy couldn’t help but smile as he watched your hair flow in the air behind you and the peace that seemed to overcome you as you skated. 
When you met back up with him, he requested that you try some tricks you hadn’t attempted since childhood, loud laughs escaping him as it was your turn to go sprawling across the ice after trying to do a full spin. After half an hour of more skating, you decided to call it a day and return your skates. 
As you finally decided to head off the ice and grab some hot chocolate with your boyfriend, you found yourself glowing with the excitement of your self-declared victory. You could finally stop trying to catch Tsukki off guard with a challenging date, and go back to simply enjoying your time together. You had to admit, you were a little sad that your trials had come to an end. 
So preoccupied with the many emotions running through your head, you didn’t seem to notice that while you had your back turned when getting off the ice, the “bad at skating” Kei Tsukishima kicked off easily with his left foot, making his way to the edge of the skating rink right behind you, a loving smile on his face as he looked down at your celebrations. He loved more than anything to see you happy, so despite the aches he would be having the next day from falling repeatedly, he would consider this date a success. 
He grabbed your hand as you walked from the rink towards the café, holding you grounded since you seemed like you were going to bounce away from pure happiness. While you remained overjoyed that skating was now number one on the list of skills that your boyfriend could not excel at in one go, Kei Tsukishima on the other hand, was adding a new skill to the list of trades he could accomplish with ease:
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luvring · 8 months
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timeskip sakusa x gn!reader
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“you know i could have gotten you something for free, right?”
sakusa’s legs are spread, cheek resting against his knuckles as he sits on the couch and watches you.
he wasn’t one to complain about you wearing team merch, especially not when it had his number on it, but he’s still not sure why you didn’t ask him to get you something instead.
“i wanted to surprise you,” you defend yourself. “plus there was a sale.”
“paying nothing is even cheaper.”
“did you hear the first part about it being a surprise?”
kiyoomi replies with a deep breath before standing up. “you could have asked someone else on the team? not hinata or bokuto, but meian could’ve kept a secret.”
as soon as he reaches you, one hand comes up to play with a drawstring while the other finds its way into your front pocket. his fingers quickly intertwine with yours so he can pull you closer, and he smirks at successfully flustering you, even for a second.
“first of all, don’t look at me all smug like that—”
“i don’t know what you're talking about.”
“—second, i know, i thought about it. but official merch of anything is like, always ugly.”
“ours isn’t that bad.”
“yours isn’t that much better than any other team.”
“the colours are good?”
“yeah but the number and logos are always too big. i had this custom-made so it’s cooler.”
and to be fair, kiyoomi couldn’t really disagree. it had the jackal over your heart, claw marks stretching over your side and ‘MSBY’ on your left arm. luckily for him, though it was notably smaller than on the official jerseys, the number 15 and ‘SAKUSA’ were still on the back for everyone to see. even after all of these years, he couldn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat or two at the sight of your support.
“now, instead of a boring, normal jersey, i have a one-of-a-kind msby sakusa hoodie just for me.” you smile.
he hums, smiling softly in return. “alright, just for you.”
a beat passes while his eyes take you in again, before kiyoomi suddenly asks, “can i do something, though?”
the next game you come to watch, you get your regular spot close to the court. the team waves when they see you as usual, kiyoomi lingering for a few seconds so you can jokingly shoot a heart his way and he can shake his head.
the difference this time, though, is that you're wearing your new custom hoodie specially signed by your boyfriend in gold lettering, right under his number and last name.
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Kiyoomi... i sure hope there arent any typos in this guys
🏷️ | @devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @idontlikeyourjob @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia @mitskiologist @libbyistired @milkbreadforlife @itsukkie
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
To feel seen
word count; 680 – f!reader who wears glasses
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Tsukishima was reading a paleontological magazine he got from his brother, headphones on as he occasionally bopped his head the slightest bit as if he wasn’t sitting in his classroom during lunch period. Yamaguchi was sick today and left his best friend in his own company, which he really didn’t have a problem with.
What he did have a problem with was seeing how that guy from the class next door sauntered right through the door and over to you. Your seat was in front of Kei, and to put all formalities aside, he liked you. From afar. He would never admit to it, not to himself and not to anyone else, but the fact is that he did. So as he watched this guy approach you, he discreetly moved one side of his earphones back on his head, looking at the corner of what he was now just pretending to read.
“You look beautiful as ever, y/n,” he said, leaning one hand on your desk, which made you carefully lean back a bit and chuckle awkwardly. You adjusted your glasses and tried to be polite.
“Thank you, that’s very kind, but I am trying to have my lunch.” The corner of Tsukishima’s mouth lifted.
Unfortunately, this guy was persistent. It’s not the first time he was in there for you, but it’s the first time he brought you something. “I know, so I got you a strawberry soda.” he said, putting said beverage down on the desk and doing a little ‘tadaa’-like movement with his hands.
Tsukishima could not believe what he heard. What an idiot! She doesn’t like soda…
Why is it suddenly so silent? He slowly looked up from the magazine, and he could swear his heart did something weird when he saw your face was turned towards him and lips parted in what seemed like surprise. Both you and your admirer were looking at him because he said that aloud, he realised.
“How do you know that, Stinkyshima?” the guy said in an annoyed voice, and Tsukki could just hear from the tone that he must have overheard that nickname from Hinata. Somewhere down the hall, Tsukki hoped the tangerine could feel his curses in the form of a sneeze.
Tsukishima was about to try and excuse himself from the conversation, but then he looked at you again. Your shoulders were more relaxed and there was some kind of sparkle in your eyes he hadn’t seen before. “She says it all the time,” fell from his lips, and it made you feel so seen.
You cleared your throat, gathering some courage as Tsukishima initiated mission ‘avoid eye contact’. Turning back around to the front, you smiled kindly at the boy who had repeatedly tried to win your affection. You picked up the soda and held it up to him so he could take it back. “Thank you, but he’s right.”
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At the end of the next school day, your friends tried to quickly pull you with them so you could all go to a karaoke place like you planned, but you told them you’d catch up and slowly turned to Tsukishima’s desk where he was putting everything away in his bag at his own pace. You bit your lip nervously as you stepped up beside him, and he startled a bit but hoped you didn’t notice.
“I saw this and it made me think of you,” you said and put something on his desk before turning around and promptly escaping to catch up with your friends before you could see his reaction. Tsukishima picked it up, hooking his finger through a keychain and holding it up so he could see it. Dangling from it was a small brachiosaurus balancing a volleyball on its head.
You bet that was hanging from his bag from that day forward, and anyone who dared make fun of it would get his ugliest glare along with whatever insult he could muster up.
Soon, maybe the two of you would do everyone a favour and stop admiring each other from afar.
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kings-highway · 1 month
haikyuu airport headcanons bc im in an airport. no particular order. shipping involved.
- Daichi has never missed a flight and somehow everyone manages to make fun of him for this. never forgets to pack anything. always finds his gate on time. "lmao loser," Suga says, missing 2 bags and lost as fuck across the airport. he will not make his flight.
- Hinata and Kageyama navigating an airport is nearly a crisis. They can never agree on the right way to go and especially during layovers will often end up outside of security. The first time they travel with Tsukki + Yama as a group it's like a goddamn miracle because they dont need to rush and everything goes smoothly.
- on that topic, Tsukki and Yamaguchi have travel down to a science. these bitches have checklists and schedules and just get in and out. Tsukki keeps the boarding passes and Yamaguchi counts the bags and they split snacks on the plane and just nail the whole affair
- Noya and Asahi are the most experienced travelers and have been to so many airports and you'd think this makes them good at airports and it does not
- Ushijima has never gotten through security without being searched.
- Oikawa likes airports an unreasonable amount. Bitch thrives in liminal spaces. "Lets go check out which stores are open," he says, as Iwaizumi begs him to let him sit down and nap during their layover
- Kenma has airport anxiety. "We're going to miss our flight. What if our gate changes?" What if there's a delay?" He does not like putting his schedule into the hands of an Airline. Rightfully so, he loses his luggage an obscene amount.
- Kageyama and Hinata fighting and causing a ruckus in the airport and security has to come over to talk to them
- Tendou and Ushijima are generally really prepared and on top of things, but they just seem to have the worst luck. They got stranded at an airport during a layover for like 14 hours and went through every stage of grief. It doesnt help that Ushijima is really practical and good at accepting circumstances ("I'll just sit here and wait") but Tendou is highly emotional ("I'm going to eat the next airline associate that tries to talk to me.")
- Daichi is often seen standing alone in airports. This is because no matter who he's traveling with, he's probably waiting for them to catch up.
- Aran thought he was a good and functional adult until he saw Kita's itinerary for their travel plans and how neurotic he was about making sure everything on time. Kita will pre-measure and weigh all luggage to know exactly whats going on. Looking at airport layouts days before to memorize what needs to be done.
- Atsumu and Osamu have never made a flight on time. The best they can hope for is sprinting across the airport at full-tilt. This is a common occurance.
- Oikawa makes friends wherever he goes so he doesnt mind long layovers, he'll just sit and chat with whoever is around to pass the time, but one time he did leave with a group to check out a store without saying anything and Iwaizumi was lost for 30 minutes
- Asahi has so much anxiety with airports. Too many people. Too many deadlines. Bad vibes. One time a guy in an airport gave him incorrect directions to a gate and he missed his flight and he has never recovered.
- Kuroo "Yeah we have tons of time" Tetsurou is a menace to airport staff and has never budgeted enough time.
- Tsukki is a master at packing efficiently and this is exclusively due to wanting to avoid others complaining. He can pull basically anything out of his carry-on to prevent whining on a 5 hour flight. Yamaguchi uses him like a vending machine.
- Daichi once got mistaken for an airline worker and ended up with a whole group of people he was helping find their gates
- Bokuto loves traveling and flying. He finds it so fun and exciting. This is probably why Akaashi hates traveling and flying.
- Suga secretly likes layovers because he secretly hates planes and cannot stand sitting still for that long. He always pretends it such a hassle to have to wait but its the best part of the travel day when he gets to buy himself a muffin and bother Daichi for entertainment.
- Ushijima, Daichi, Kenma, and Asahi are all team "No PDA in an Airport!!!!!" whereas Tendou, Suga, Kuroo and Noya are all team "We have 2 hours to kill let me make out with you!!!!"
- Yamaguchi has sooooooo many reward points. Tsukishima doesnt even know what he's doing to get them, he's just a master of good deals and specials.
- Mile High Club Members: Iwaoi, Bokuaka, Ushiten, and Asanoya
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members who cannot convince their boyfriends it'll be okay: Suga
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members that will NOT admit they think about it: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Aran
... well im boarding soon so thanks for reading ig
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zorosprincess · 2 months
I Fucking Hate You
PAIRING - Tsukishima Kei x Reader WC - 4.5K GENRE - smut CW - mentions of drinking, short(er) reader, manhandling, some degradation... i mean c'mon... it's tsukki, fingering, mentions of spit, unprotected sex, creampie
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If you would have known that letting your best friend Aiko convince you to come to the university volleyball team's 'end of trimester' party would end with you here, like this... you would not have come. You would have said to hell with her begging and her crocodile tears, the pout on her lips that was replaced with a huge smile the second you gave in and said yes.
"You're worse than that Oikawa boy." You had said the words just to watch her face twist up in disgust as she gagged, "never compare me to him again." "You know he likes you, right?" you'd joked, hoping to get her irritated enough with you that she'd rescind the invite. It hadn't worked, her hand waving in dismissal, "you're not making me uninvite you."
So yeah. If you'd known that this is where it would have gotten you, you would have said no. If you'd have known that your best friend's ex boyfriend would have been at the party (a fact you were sure Aiko purposely forgot to mention it to you for this reason) you would not have come.
And if you would have known that you and the aforementioned male would be forced to actually interact thanks to your bitch of a best friend, you would have pushed her down the stairs the second you got here and ran for the hills. Because here you were. Alone. With one of the people that you hated the most. The one person you argued with the most.
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Honestly, knowing who was throwing the party, you could really only blame yourself. He was on the team. You should've expected him to be here. Really you just didn't think he'd be the type to come to a party. The type to let himself be convinced to come. It was stupid, really. You realized so the second you pulled up to Tadashi's house with Aiko.
The same way you would always show up for Aiko, Tsukishima Kei would always show up for Tadashi.
You had determined that the best way to avoid Tsukishima was to drink with Aiko. To glue yourself to her side because you knew he didn't want to come around both a girl he hated and his ex-girlfriend. As long as you didn't let yourself get pulled away by a teammate then you should have been fine.
Should have been.
What you did not account for, however, was being shoved down the hallway after him by said traitor best friend as he was sent to go find extra towels because a couple of the boys wanted to jump into the pool.
It had taken you all of five minutes to give up on finding the towels and to sit yourself on the bed, eyes trailing after the stupid bean pole as he kept digging through cabinets of the room you'd been pointed to.
"Would you care to repeat that?" he sneered out the words and it occurred to you that maybe you hadn't called him that insult only in your head.
"Nope." you popped the p on the word and rolled your eyes. You were suddenly aware of how stupid the drinks with Aiko had been. It wasn't that you were drunk, but you were compromised enough to have no filter between your mouth and your brain. No impulse control. "No one wants to talk to you anyways," you giggled as you let the name Hinata taught you slip from your lips, "Suckyshima."
You were trying so hard not to laugh at the glare he gave you then. He let out an annoyed huff of air as his tongue poked at his lower lip in irritation. He was towering over you at that point - When did he move in front of you? Why did he have to be so tall that it hurt for your neck to crook back and look at him? - he was looking down at you with his signature condescending smirk.
"Listen, shrimp," his smirk widened as you glared up at him, "I'm sorry the simple task of looking for towels is too hard for that dumb little brain of yours to understand," he emphasized his words with a flick to your forehead and you nearly growled as you swatted his hand away, "but don't take it out on me." He laughed and stepped away from you.
You clenched our teeth as you stood up then, not that it helped much, he still towered over you as you straightened to your full height. You tried your hardest to keep your tone unbothered as you struck out, trying to hit a nerve, "ya know, lamppost-" you couldn't help your smile, almost seeing the tilt of his head and eye roll at the sound of the nickname you'd never once let up on since the first time you'd met- "if you weren't such an ass maybe someone would actually enjoy talking to you."
He scoffed, continuing to look around the room for the third time. "Like you? I'd rather be deaf and mute for the rest of my life."
You made an amused sound in the back of your throat. "At least I'd never have to listen to your stupid voice again." It was a childish jab, you knew it and he knew it, but you couldn't help yourself. The need to piss him off, to annoy him, it was just too overwhelming. You had to do it. "I mean doing the world a favor really. Maybe knock that smug look off your face, sitting there, thinking you're better than everyone."
"Like you're any better?" He turned to look at you, eyebrows raised and lips twitching, mocking as he re-closed the distance he'd just put between the two of you. Why did he have to be so stupidly tall? "Walking around, acting like a bitch, like the world owes you everything." He glared down at you and you looked right back up at him in defiance. "Think you'd know better since you haven't been able to attract a boy since high school - yeah Maki's told me all about it. Walking around like you're the shit just because you're a pent up bitch."
You could feel your face heat up in anger. Embarrassment coursing into your system as you silently cursed Aiko for sharing that information with the enemy. It wasn't like you had actively looked for someone and had been turned down, so it wasn't like it was something to be ashamed of. But knowing that Tsukishima knew about it suddenly made all rational thought leave your brain.
"You don't know shit." You shoved at his chest and he took a half step back at the force. He let out a soft scoff, almost like he was impressed you even had the gall to lay your hands on him. "Like you've landed a girl since you were with Aiko in high school?" You shoved again and watched as his tongue poked at the bottom of his cheek, a telltale sign that he was holding back his words, his insults. "You're nothing but an ignorant," shove, "arrogant," shove, "asshole," one last shove. "I hate you." You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. "Not worth my time."
"I'm real fucking sick of your mouth." Tsukishima's voice cut through the air and you barely registered the feeling of a hand on your arm before your back slammed against the wall. It took you a moment to register his frame caging you in but he was already speaking. "Watch your attitude." The words were formed more into a growl as he pushed them through his teeth, one of his hands keeping you pinned to the wall by your upper arm.
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched squeak at the motion and almost felt the need to submit overcome you before you snapped yourself out of it. Your mind was begging your body to ignore the proximity between the two of you. Begging your body to ignore how hot annoying it was that he was towering over a foot taller than you, caging you against the wall.
You felt the heat travel past your face and start on your neck. Your head spun trying to figure out if it was still just anger or if there was a blush starting on the skin too. You hated the thought. You pushed at his chest again and tried to yank your arm away. "Fuck off!" You seethed at him and a final tug of your arm almost set you free only for him to catch you again and pull you back.
"I wasn't fucking done talking." You struggled against him but he didn't let up, your body twisting in his grip. You groaned as you were once again pinned between him and the wall. But this time, your hands rested against the flat surface, just barely keeping your chest from being fully pressed against it.
"I don't fucking care what you have to say." You struggled to move and only grew more irritated when you couldn't quite get away before you were pinned back to the wall, again. "I'm fucking leaving, you asshole." You took a chance and tried to press your whole body weight back against him to throw him off and create a larger gap between him and the wall but it backfired quickly.
His quick reaction made you realize your mistake. He'd read your movements and his whole body quickly pinned yours to the wall, making it near impossible for more to move. You were reminded again of how bad you had messed up by drinking alcohol. The stupid alcohol that removed the filter between your mouth and your brain, between your body and your brain, as a desperate moan involuntarily clawed its way out of your throat. You froze and your eyes widened as you realized what you had just done, body tensing up immediately.
"Oh?" You could almost see the smirk etching its way onto his lips. A light chuckle vibrated out of his chest against your back as he refused to move. "I get it now." He leaned down, lips leveling with your face, breath tickling the top of your burning ear as he taunted. "You're just a desperate little slut."
"I fucking hate you." You growled at him, jerking your body away from the wall, trying to get away from the embarrassing situation you'd put yourself in. "I'm fucking leaving." You barely got two inches away from him when his muscles tightened and slammed you right back against the wall.
This time, however, he pulled you up on your toes and purposefully ground his hips into your ass. "You're a bitch." You let out a pathetic whimper against your will, the heat crawling its way across your skin as you could feel him harden against you.
The feeling of your core heating up was one you would have welcomed in any situation but this. Any situation where it wasn't Tsukishima Kei pressed against you from behind, you would have already given in. But it was him and you hated him. Your voice was weaker this time, "Get the fuck off me." You pushed again, struggling to escape his grasp.
His weight lifted off your figure and you thought you were home free. You wiggled against him, trying to escape the predicament you had gotten yourself into. Of course if you were thinking a little clearer, if the scent of his cologne wasn't fogging up your senses and the heat of his body wasn't suffocating you, you would have realized that you were only making it worse. He stifled a groan as you brushed against his hips a little too hard and suddenly it felt like you were more trapped.
He slotted his thigh between yours, using it to separate your legs and keep them in place as he leaned down, pressing his cheek to yours. Even the slightest movement from either of you created a delicious friction that had your breath hitching and your panties dampening. "Someone should put you in your fucking place." The way he growled sent shivers down your spine, the heat of his breath bouncing off the wall and fanning both of your faces.
You reached behind you to try and push his thigh down and away, the heat in your body becoming unbearable. "I fucking ha-"
You were cut off by one of his hands snatching both your wrists and pinning them to your lower back. He forced you to arch against the wall, the motion causing your dress to hike up and you to lose your balance on your toes. He pressed his thigh up, angling it just right so that when you slipped off your toes, you unintentionally ground yourself against his thigh. You let out a strangled moan and internally cursed your body for giving in so easily like this. "Don't know where you think you're fucking going now."
You took a deep breath and bit your lip, trying to stop another moan from escaping as he began to move his thigh, the friction sending electricity through your core. There was no way you would let yourself fall apart in front of fucking Tsukishima. No fucking way. You ignored the pleasure flooding your body as you struggled to get your wrists released and get away from him.
"I'm fucking leaving." Why did he have to be so fucking strong. "I swear to god Tsukishima-" a quiet whine interrupted your threat as a particular struggle of yours lined up perfectly with the movement of his thigh and the fabric of your underwear caught against your clit just right. "Let me go." It was supposed to come out as a hard demand but with the way your breathing couldn't steady, it came out more as a pathetic plea.
The cold of his fingers met the heat of your upper thigh and you gasped out as you felt them quickly trail up to pull your underwear aside. "Why don't you tell me to stop then." His condescending tone sent shocks straight through the center of your body in all the ways you hated but his movements slowed as he gathered the slick that had pooled in your underwear, like he was waiting for you to actually say it.
You couldn't. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. Couldn't stop the disgustingly needy whimper that clawed its way out of our throat. "I fucking hate you." You protested but your body worked against you, pushing into his hand a little more.
A breathy chuckle left his lips, "Yeah, and that's why you're so fucking wet, right?" he mocked and sunk two fingers into you without warning. Your mouth dropped open and your body lifted onto your toes as your hands clenched at the sudden feeling. "That's why your stupid little cunt is squeezing my fingers like this?"
"Fu-fuck." Your breath stuttered and you didn't notice when his hand released your wrists, your hands finding purchase on the wall, holding yourself up as he slowly curled his long fingers towards the perfect spot inside of you. A whimper left your lips as he pressed hard into you with his fingers.
"Go on then," he started with an amused huff, "thought you were going to leave." Reality crashed on you again and you snapped your jaw shut. You squeezed your eyes and begged yourself to pull yourself away from him now that you had the chance. But the way that his fingers kept rubbing so perfectly against your g-spot kept your mouth from forming the words, kept your body from leaving the dizzying sensation.
"You're dripping down my hand, you know." He taunted, twisting his wrist slightly and hitting a new angle. He pressed deeper and a cry left your body as you felt his thumb brush your clit. "Here I am, knuckles deep in you," your eyes began to roll back as the pressure in your gut started to build-god why were his fingers so long? why did they move so well? "bet you wanna cum on my fingers now, like a little slut." He laughed again as you let out a broken moan, nails starting to claw at the wall. "Go on and tell me you hate me now."
You bit back another moan and clenched your teeth. You reminded yourself that there was no fucking way you were letting fucking Tsukishima break you like this. "I fucking hate you." You gritted out and pushed off the wall, going to separate yourself from him.
He was quick to catch you by your waist with his free arm, pinning you against himself, this time with no help from the wall. He removed his fingers from your warmth and brought his newly freed hand to your hips. He pushed your dress up further and before you could register what was happening he had turned the both of you and was throwing you down onto the bed.
You were pinned facedown on the bed before you could think. "You need a fucking attitude adjustment." He growled in your ear as he hovered over you, his hands still on your hips, trapping them in place under him.
"Fuck off." Once again, it didn't come out as harsh as you meant it to, your out of breath tone ruining the purpose.
He only laughed at you and both of his hands left your hips, seeking out and finding your wrists quickly. He pinned them against your lower back, once again, holding them in one hand with a bruising grip. He used his other to pull your hips up, listing the rest of your body onto the bed easily and pushing you forward, forcing your knees under your hips and your back into a deep arch. Easily, like you were a fucking ragdoll. The thought pissed you off but sent a new wave of heat rushing for your core.
You hated it. You hated him.
You could barely hear the rustling of fabric, and you definitely didn't recognize its meaning, over the blood rushing in your ears, the position you were in making you feel vulnerable to the one person you would swear up and down the coast that you hated the most.
You realized almost too late that his hand had left your hips and instead it was his knees and thighs holding you in your position. "You don't need these, right?" It was a mocking question that he didn't let you answer, that you didn't even register before the sound of fabric being ripped and your now ruined panties were removed from your frame.
"You ass-" the sound caught in your throat and turned into a squeak as you felt the head of his cock brush against your clit. You couldn't see it, couldn't even shift your hips back to try and gauge how big it was. But the feeling of it spreading your lower lips slightly made you want it inside of you.
"Why don't you keep quiet and let this slutty little pussy have what it wants." It wasn't a question. His fingers dipped back into you barely, just barely past the pads of his fingers and you let a needy whimper slip out at the teasing. He chuckled again, pressing the head of his cock right against your clit, sending a jolt through your body again. You couldn't move and you hated it. Wouldn't even if you could and you hated that too. "C'mon shrimp," he taunted, leaning down and lowering his voice, "tell me how much you want me to stop."
"Shut. Up." You panted it out, your cheek pressed against the mattress. It wasn't a stop. You knew that. He knew that. You could almost picture that stupid smirk on his face as he leaned back up. Picture him shaking his head in amusement, running his hand through that stupidly pretty blonde hair of his.
"Have it your way." The feeling of something cold and wet dripping down onto your hole with perfect accuracy brought a loud gasp out of you. But before you could register how lewd it was that he'd not spit on your pussy but let it drip onto it, he pushed the self-made lube in with the tip of his cock. "Fuck." He breathed out as you let out a pathetic squeak. He was thick. So deliciously thick. "Fuck you're tight."
He released your wrists and your hands instantly flew to fist the comforter by your head as he pushed the full head of his cock in. "Think you can take it?" His voice was breathy but the condescending, challenging tone in his voice was still there. You were nodding before you understood what you were doing. He laughed a you and you heard spit leaving his mouth again before you were distracted by both his hands on your hips. "Good." He bottomed out in a single thrust and your vision went white.
A choked moan escaped from you as you were suddenly engulfed by the feeling of being split open. He was seated deeper than you had ever taken anything and the pain that jolted through your core had never felt so delicious. And nothing had ever sounded as good as the moan that left his lips as his fingers on your hips tightened, no doubt leaving small bruises in their wake. You opened your mouth to say something but all that left was another cry as he moved his hips, starting at a brutally fast and hard pace.
You couldn't call the sounds that left your mouth moans, couldn't even call them whimpers. They were shrill cries of half-formed curses and pleas, desperate whines as he pounded into you. Your hips were bruising as you tried to hold on to the comforter to ground you to reality. The pain and pleasure of the pace and force that he was rutting into you was making your mind go hazy.
He wrapped one of his hands into your hair and yanked, keeping your back arched but pulling your chest off the bed. Your arms scrambled to find their way under you, begging to hold up your body but failing as his hips refused to slow their pace. The new angle that his hips slammed into you at had your mouth left open, eyes finding a home at the back of your skull while pathetic, shrill moans left your body unfiltered. "Please, please, please." You begged without shame, heat burning all of your nerve ends.
"Please what?" he growled out, "what do you want slut?" You whimpered at the derogatory term. "Oh? Feel that?' he taunted, slowing down slightly to let both of you enjoy the way his cock stretched and rubbed against your inner walls, "the way your cunt just tightened when I called you a slut?" You cried out and tried to nod but couldn't due to the hold he had on your hair. "So tell me what you want, slut."
"Ple-" a cry left your mouth, "please wanna-" another broken moan escaped, "wan' cum." You slurred the words out as he tightened his grip on your hip and your hair.
"You wanna cum on my cock?" You tried to nod desperately, a flurry of slurred "yes"s leaving your mouth. He laughed and halted all his movements. A frustrated groan ripped its way out of your throat as the heat dissipated ever-so-lightly. "Look at your cute little cunt drooling all over my cock." He laughed as you whined, trying to push your hips towards him to get him to move again. His grip steeled, making it impossible for you to move. "Ask me then." You widened your eyes at his words. "And don't you dare fucking cum without permission." He growled in finality.
"Wha-what?" He gave a harsh tug on your hair and your eyes fluttered. Fuck it. "Please." You whimpered lightly. He moved his hips lightly, drawing out and pushing back in ever so slightly. Not enough. "Please can I-" he cut you off by resuming his previously brutal pace as the heat returned in full force to your belly, tightening pressure building quickly.
You remembered his threat and struggled to get your tongue to form the question. "Can I-" a scream ripped through your body at a particularly hard thrust, "can I please." The last word was drawn out with a long whine, trying to catch your breath. "Please," you tried to catch your breath as moans fell effortlessly from your mouth, "wan' cum, wan' cum, cum ple-ah!" your mindlessly babbled pleas interrupted by your cry.
"Can I- can I- please." He mocked you, shifting his pitch up before laughing. "God so stupid you can't even ask a question?" His voice was strained but collected as he pounded into you impossibly harder, cries falling from your mouth, eyes rolling back again, tongue flipping past your bottom lip. "Fucking cum then. Cum on my cock like a good little slut." Like a command.
"Fuck!" You cried as you felt every one of your muscles tighten around him, his movements refusing to let up on your body as you started to shake. He released your hair and your upper body crashed down to the sheets as he resumed a two-handed grip on your hips, recklessly starting to lose his rhythm as he pulled your body to meet his every thrust, fucking you through your orgasm. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kei!" His given name fell from your lips in a shriek and almost immediately you received a response.
"Fu-ck." The word left his lips in a broken moan. A higher pitched leaving right after you felt his length twitch inside of you, spilling his load deep into your core. He paused for barely a second before pushing you flat onto the bed, disconnecting your bodies easily.
So that was that. You thought, preparing to catch your breath and lay there in your shame. That plan, however, was interrupted as Tsukishima gripped your legs by your knees, easily flipping you onto your back and drawing you towards the end of the bed. You leaned up on your elbows, looking and watching, speechless as he rid himself of the pants that had been half on this whole time. Your breath hitched as he tore his shirt off next.
As much as you hated to admit it, he was a fucking sight to see.
Sculpted abs flexing with every movement. Sweat dripping down his perfect, lean muscles. Blonde hair damp and mussed without care. And his still hard cock. Fuck. It was fucking gorgeous and glistening with a mix of both his and your cum.
You swallowed hard and met his eyes as he smirked down at you. That stupid fucking condescending smirk that made your skin burn with hatred, and now lust.
"Did you think I was fucking done?" He was inexplicably intimidating from this angle-towering over you. He laughed at your wide-eyed expression and reached to tear off your dress. "What's wrong, slut? No smart remarks this time?"
You groaned and lost your balance on your arms as he quickly pushed two fingers back into you, watching with sick satisfaction as his cum gushed around them.
You moaned despite yourself. "I fucking hate you."
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a/n - i need to be shot down please. tsukishima brain rot is back
TAGLIST - CLOSED @tetsuskei
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4unnyr0se · 7 days
❥ tsukishima plays the waiting game - part two
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warnings: post-timeskip tsukki!, fem! reader, unrequited love(?), rough sex, doggy style, grinding, hickeys, spanking, unprotected sex, degrading, tsukki and his bandaged hands, he's an asshole but we love him in this house
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 970
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Not only were you gorgeous, Tsukishima thought you were good conversation as well. You brought up news articles from several weeks ago and made incredibly compelling points and criticisms. He rarely got to speak intellectually with someone about things he read. Yamaguchi didn’t read what Tsukishima did, and his teammates weren’t really the brightest bulbs (especially Mad Dog.)
The two of you sat at his desk and ate a pizza, and you were eating considerably messier. He smirked and chuckled at your untidiness, often wiping crumbs or sauce from the corner of your lips. Your perfect, plump lips shone with strawberry gloss. 
God, he really fucking liked you. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, you were just too pretty. Pretty, smart, and not afraid to humble him. Tsukishima liked that. He pushed his lips against yours, unsure of what to do. He had never kissed anyone before. Tsukishima never wanted to until you slapped him across the face that May afternoon. You giggled into the kiss, sitting in his lap and cupping his blushing cheeks with your delicate hands. You guided him through the kiss, ensuring the tempo was right. He got the hang of it quickly enough, as he did with most things. 
Tsukishima took control quickly, grasping onto your hips to pull you further into his lap. The pressure from his strong hands caused you to grind down onto his strong and muscular thighs, the sensational friction causing you to moan into his mouth. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue past your teeth, exploring your mouth briefly before pulling away, a thin string of salvia connecting your lips.
The middle blocker had the biggest smirk on his handsome face. His golden eyes were filled with desire and sinister ideas. Tsukishima easily picked you up, tossing you onto his neatly made bed. He didn’t look like it, but Tsukishima was incredibly strong and muscular. Playing D2 volleyball yielded incredible physical results.
You squealed in joy as you landed on his fluffy comforter, quickly being silenced as Tsukishima crushed his lips on yours once more, pulling down the neckline of your tank top so your breasts would spill out. God, they were so fucking pretty to him. His calloused hands massaged the supple mounts whilst he kissed you so passionately, his taped thumb rolling over your nipples. Tsukishima’s chapped lips trailed down your neck, peppering the sensitive skin in kisses before landing on the spot just above the clavicle, his mouth unforgiving as he sucked a violent purple circle onto the flesh. He relished in your soft moans, adoring the feeling of your legs wrapping around his thin waist. Were you really that greedy? That was so fucking hot. So greedy, greedy for him and his touch. 
“Enjoying yourself?” He purred in your ear, his hands slipping past your jeans to massage against your clothed core. You were dripping; he felt it on his bony fingers. “Fuck, you’re so filthy for me.” He groaned, taking off your jeans and panties within seconds. Tsukishima took off his pants and boxers in tow, his girthy length slapping onto his stomach. He grinned smugly as he saw your pupils shrink upon seeing how big he was, were you afraid of him? That was so fucking hot, holy shit. He needed you. Tsukishima needed to bury himself inside your sobbing cunt. 
Tsukishima’s fingers plunged into you, bullying your cunt open. The tape on his fingers created a new sensation that you’ve never felt before. His ministrations in your core were calculated and desperate, finding that perfect spot within seconds. His taped thumb rubbed against your throbbing clit, soaking his digits in your slick. “Fuck!” you cried out, your hair forming a halo around your head. “T-Tsuki!”
“Hm? I can’t hear you, pretty girl. Speak up.” His voice was dripping with mockery. He tore his fingers out of your core, despite the fact you were sucking him inside like a vortex. “You want me to fuck you, is that it?” He grabbed onto your jaw and forced you to meet his gaze, his fingers squeezing your jawbone snugly. “Beg for it.”
“P-please fuck me Tsuki! Wanted you for so long, p-please!”
That was all Tsukishima needed before he flipped you over, ass on the air and on display for him. His hand guided his girthy length in, hissing as you imprisoned his cock so well. God, how were you this tight? He just fucked you with his fingers. “God, you’re tight. Fucking how?”
His hands grasped onto your hips as he fucked you mercilessly, the sound of his balls filling his dorm room accompanied by your wanton moans. Tsukishima’s calloused hands smacked the fat of your ass, squeezing the flesh in his large palm. “All fucking mine,” he grunted out, feeling your walls tightening around his cock. “You’re close, aren’t you? Good fucking slut, cum on this cock. Fucking cum on this cock, shit.” He grunted, feeling his own climax approach.
And you came, you came on his cock so fucking hard you thought you would black out from the sheer amount of euphoria coursing in your veins. You let out the most beautiful and pathetic cry that sent Tsukishima over the edge, spilling himself inside you.
“God,” he grunted, pulling himself out to be greeted with the sight of his seed spilling out of you, beautifully running down your thighs. “I wanted to do that since you smacked me.” 
You flipped yourself over on the bed and smiled at him, rubbing your ass to cushion yourself. “Me too, I know that’s kind of silly.”
“Shut up,” he kissed your cheek, blushing at the affection.
“You seriously just fucked me and you’re blushing over a cheek kiss?” you giggled, rubbing the back of his bandaged hand. “That’s adorable.”
“I’m kicking you out.”
“Wait no-”
part 2!! hope u guys enjoy hehe
313 notes · View notes
takes1 · 26 days
final part. bratty tsukishima x manager!reader enemies to lovers
thank you for all the kind words on this series!! fell in love with writing again and the support really helps me stay motivated! hit up my requests to lmk what else ya'll might wanna read from me!
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warnings. heavy nsfw. minors DNI
details. nsfw / semi-public sex / safe sex! / m. first time / implied exp. reader / f. receiving oral / almost m. oral / mentioned handjobs / time skip / tsukki has horrible stamina / tsukki figuring out condoms / tsukki needing his glasses / needyshima / 3.5k
🤍 kei series. part one -- four here
more links. my ao3, my other stuff. request box
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"What? You don't have to do that!"
Honored that the team as a unanimous entity agreed that you shouldn't clean and lock up the gym yourself, you blinked away the unexpected backlash.
You turned to Daichi, unable to buck up the courage to address everyone, "It's really not a big deal. You guys need to rest before this thing, I want all of you to get home as soon as you can."
He turned it over in his head a few times, looking to Suga for a second opinion, while most others insisted that they didn't want you staying longer.
They all had their personal reasons. Most were only doing it to be polite, but there were also a number of idiots that wanted to train for much longer than they should be allowed to.
Logic won out and soon you were twirling the keys around your finger, waving goodbye to the most disheartened Hinata you'd ever seen.
"You can come out," You called to Tsukishima after securing the closed doors.
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He blended right out of the crowd earlier, sneaking off to the gym closet before anyone noticed his absence. It was pretty impressive how he managed to go so overlooked at his height.
From the clacking and banging that ensued beyond the closet entrance, you could only imagine he must've buried himself under some tricky supplies to remain hidden.
These desperate measures weren't commonplace; your parents were gone often, so most of the risque endeavors were kept to your bed. You made the mistake of going to his house only once, and thankfully were (mostly) clothed when his brother barged in.
When you approached, he was kicking a bucket off of his foot with the grumpiest frown on his face. It only deepened as you laughed at him.
"Ooh, was that tough?" You teased, taking his attitude-stricken face in your hands.
He rolled his eyes and let you pepper him with a few quick kisses.
"It was your idea," You reminded him, trying to make him maintain eye contact.
Neither of your homes had been a good option to see each other in lately. For a week, it was just studying together in public spaces. Though the normalcy was nice, you were both itching after the end of every practice to really 'see' each other.
His eyes flickered to match your gaze, but it was gone in an instant because he stole your lips for a gentle, long-awaited kiss. His body melted into yours, features relaxed when you pulled away.
He let you pull him back deeper into the closet, but not without some payment in return. It wasn't exactly a sexy place to be.
"This is-," You said between rushed, indecent kisses, "Pretty exciting," Your hand caught on a pile of heavy gymnastics mats to catch yourself from his clumsy pushing, "Isn't it?"
The presence of the mat did give him some ideas. Maybe it wasn't so bad.
With a bit of tantalizing force, he picked you up and smushed you against the only bare wall in the closet. Your tummy tightened and you locked around him with an uncontrollable moan.
There were a lot of things he thought to say, but didn't dare ruin how hot that was with his, at the worst of times, mood-ruining comments.
You nonverbally thanked him with a roll of your hips on his strained cock and a bold tongue against his own. He felt heavier on you, clawing at your ass under your shorts, a low groan just barely tangible against your mouth.
His tendency to get lost in these small things held the romantic in you captive- while also tending to your more animalistic impulses.
He just wanted more and more of you, and couldn't ever get enough.
It was because of this that you found it so difficult to wriggle out of his grasp, even though it was clear you were trying to take your shirt off.
You chuckled at his uncoordinated grabbing, nuzzling against your hair, and eventual drop to his knees when you unclipped your bra.
On his way down, he removed his soaked shirt off and cast it aside.
From this height he could offer his hands and mouth much easier. He never envied shorter men until he started getting neck pain from kissing you all the time.
His hands took up so much of your chest it looked a bit funny to you. At least for a moment. He pressed the flat of his tongue to a sensitive bud and sighed some preoccupied satisfaction through his nose when he sucked a kiss to the other.
His eyes were fierce and hard to look at when he was ever beneath you, it always sent a chill down your spine.
You bit back many a-sound to not let it all go to his ego too quickly. Despite this, he felt your excitement through your rapid, uneven breathing and relished in it anyway.
The imaginative idea of being on his knees was new to you-- and it gave you a good opportunity to introduce a growing interest of yours.
He was of course grumpy to be directed back up to stand.
It came out mostly in the form of his arms catching you before you could replace him on the floor.
"What- What are you doing?" His cool demeanor failed horribly.
You craved to see the way he got all huffy and sensitive again at your touch. The furthest you'd gotten so far regarding his pleasure were two brief hand jobs.
A gentle, yet firm rub of your palm on his clothed erection eased his doubt. His hold twitched into something softer and his chest puffed out.
"Relax, Tsukki," You cooed with a small peck to his jaw, "I just wanna try something."
He had horrible stamina, it felt quite complimentary to your abilities. You wanted to see how long he'd last when you were actually trying. He slowly allowed you the freedom to drop down to your knees.
There was just one problem.
He was so far away in this position. Not even just his head, which really did look like it was a mile up- but his hips were not where they needed to be.
His legs took up so much of his height, you were shocked to just now be noticing.
Confused, yet determined to make this work, you tugged on him.
"I'm... not squatting," Tsukishima bit back the humor bubbling beneath the surface just for you.
He watched you glance around the room for anything to put under your knees. A bit disinterested in finishing too quickly, he didn't allow you much time to think beyond a few more unproductive seconds.
"Probably for the best," He muttered, brought you up to stand, and glanced over your impossibly cute disappointment, "'M too sweaty for that."
It was a fair reason to be hesitant, but did nothing to ease your dismay. It was short-lived though, because his fingers flitting over your ribs gave a new intensity to your better-hidden desire.
He stepped between your legs and leaned forward, forcing you to take a stumbly step back. The back of your knees hit the heavy stack of training mats and left you no option but to sit.
For all you knew, his excuse could've been a clever cover-up to get to his preferred method of foreplay.
If there was anything he picked up the best from your weeks of scattered and fervent physical rendezvous, it was eating you out. The pride of making you cum on his tongue completely consumed him for the days following.
It was so strong at practice that Kageyama would often identify his newfound, difficult confidence in a series of angry disputes.
"You should lay down," Heavy-lidded eyes flickered over that validating look on your face that told him you just couldn't wait to be under his skilled tongue.
You fell into a rhythm whenever his courage found him again; once he believed he was good at something, he put 100% of his effort into it. This was, to your delight, one of those lucky instances.
Warm, wet, rushed kisses over your tummy preceded the skilled and subtle slide of your shorts and panties to the floor.
He knew what you liked. A rough grip around your thighs and a gentle, teasing kiss over your sex.
"So wetalready," He mumbled against you, prepping you for that addictive slide of his tongue from your entrance to your clit.
"A-ah," You failed to bite back a broken sound.
A combination of embarrassment to eclipsing pleasure left your thighs flexing against his grasp.
At the foreign feeling of something a bit hard, a bit uncomfortable, you realized--
"You're-- mmn-, glasses," You tried to communicate.
Completely deaf and unconcerned with the process or any words that didn't express how good he felt, he let your shaky, clumsy hand remove them.
He knew how to be just cocky enough to make you squirm. This gentle, endearing action inspired him to start swirling some soft circles around your clit.
"God," You choked, "That's soo fucking good..."
You rested them next to you and opted for your fingers in his fluffy blond hair.
It did help him, though. He felt them getting a bit crooked when he started, but didn't want to let you go and interrupt his flow. Now he could lean more freely.
Another rough kiss and your body curled in response- he kept your thighs, despite their straining, where he wanted them.
"Mm-!" You whined at his strength and tenderness all at once. Your mind couldn't help but wonder how that translated to his cock.
It must've been tough, since most of your bedroom activities centered around making out, eating you out once he fell in love with it, and the couple of times you made him cum with just your hand in record time.
Little to your knowledge, he was committing your visits to memory by getting off before and after. Not to mention nearly every morning now, and after the practices you couldn't be with him after. It was a pretty chronic addiction.
He lapped up the excess wet and used it as extra, completely unnecessary lubrication for his gentle, steady assault on you.
It edged you so close to finishing you had to tug him up by the roots.
"Tsukki- a-ah, I'm-,"
His chin dripped in lewd clear, his eyes bordering on mean how he squinted (blind) up at your interruption.
Ohh, fuck.
Despite hating the premature ending, even his contentious personality couldn't deny that pouty, needy expression on such a pretty face.
He only had a moment to wipe off the drool, amongst other substances, from his chin, as you pulled him in.
"I need you- so bad," You begged between hot kisses and his preferential taste for sucking just under your ear.
You heard him quite clearly stop breathing for a moment.
"Yeah?" He rasped, hardly a trace of brown in his sparkling eyes. The generous bulge prodding against you from his athletic shorts was a welcome challenge.
His body weighed on you as he smashed his lips into yours, clumsy and enthusiastic and wanton. Your legs wrapped around his waist and stirred a shaky groan from his throat.
That vivid print crammed against your pussy gave you a very bleak, disheartening reminder.
Your brow furrowed and you pushed a bit on his chest.
Highly sensitive to this small act of rejection, he took nearly all of his weight off of you at once.
Quick on the uptake though, you explained, "I-, I really do want you, it's just- I'm not comfortable doing this without a condom."
The epic battle playing in his head halted at once.
His eyes lit up wide, but his voice was as flat as usual, "I have one."
Confusion, relief, and chiefly the excitement between your legs took over all at once.
You laughed, leaning up to give him a smiley, lustful kiss, "Since when are you so optimistic?"
He returned it with an ardent, brief passion and tore himself away to collect his wallet from the floor. There was no extra inflection nor amorous implication to his words as he responded.
"Since you."
In a way, it almost sobered you up. The matter-of-fact statement was somehow new and old news, but hearing him declare it, instead of a mere suggestion, built a bridge you didn't realize you were still missing.
You got up to a kneel on the mats and pulled him in for a softer and appreciative kiss. He wore a little confused smile when you pulled away, but didn't question you.
Between you was the condom pinched between his index and middle finger. The thumb on his other hand was hooked under his waistband.
"Can you-," He looked away from you, bashful with a cute frown.
"Show you?"
A tiny nod.
There was no doubt in your mind for how you wanted to take him.
"Get on your back for me, baby," You mumbled against his lips with a fleeting kiss.
Stiff with nerves from your self-assuredness, he swiped off the rest of his clothes and put his back to the sticky vinyl-covered mat. You weren't aware of the curious tilt your head gave as you settled above him, but it spurred a whole-body shiver in him.
"You see the little rim? And how, if I turn it upside down, it's not the same?"
He squinted only for a millisecond before grabbing around for his glasses -adorable- and gave a nod when he saw what you meant.
"It's like a contact," He muttered.
You nodded, carefully picking up his hard-on enough to slide the thing on. He watched, learned, intently how you managed to do this.
"If you put it on the wrong way, it's more likely to slip off."
Your hips slid up over his now-safe dick. He was silently relieved he could feel just a fraction less with it on, because you looked too damn good perched up on him like that. No way he'd be lasting very long.
Dropping to your elbows, you gave him another soft kiss and took his glasses off again with a chuckle.
"I can't watch you?" He muttered, finding your eyes now that he couldn't see as well. That was your goal; he always gave you better eye contact when he couldn't tell his left from right.
"Mm-mm," You hummed against his cheek, positioning him against your aching pussy.
It was all on your accord to take him as you liked. He was too smart to move before he knew you wanted him to.
That didn't stop the grip on you from getting twitchy and hard, nor his unrestrained sounds.
"Augh-aha, jesus--, fuck..." Awe flashed across his face for a moment, quickly overshadowed by a deeply furrowed brow and an unwavering, adoring stare.
You seethed, eyes rolling back at his size filled you up. There was heavenly electricity he somehow pushed through your entire body. Even your fingers were buzzing.
His hip-work was a bit confused, but it was charming, slow, and good for a start when you suggested that he move.
"That feel good?" You breathed, shaky, but wanting to know all of his thoughts. As if he wasn't wearing it all over his face.
He was coated in sweat- you were, too, because there was no cooling in here, but he was distractingly so. The side of his face glistened in the orange-hued room.
"Fuc-k, ye-ah..." He wore an open-mouthed half-smirk as he admired your slick body sit up on his cock and ride him.
You kept your palms on his chest to support yourself, head leaning to the side as you focused on taking him. He kept his touch on your thighs light now, since he didn't want to risk fucking anything about this perfect performance up.
A hand slipped from his chest and to your own needy clit- you gasped and let out a quiet moan, bucking a little at the feeling.
You had no idea how much you needed it. After his tongue, the grinding, and how he started matching your own preferred pace, that thrilling, pleasant strain deep inside of you grew at an irresponsible rate.
"That's--s' hot," He choked, eyes narrowed and glued to the sight of your swirling fingers.
"Hm?" You smiled and moved both hands to the sides of his head, mistaking his admission to mean a more general vibe.
His breath stalled with effort as he bottomed out and stayed there.
He guided your hand back and pressed it between your legs again.
You sat a bit up again so you could better chase that high, tingly with an acceptable amount of embarrassment of being watched like that. You were practically edging yourself at this point and his gaze was threatening to throw you off the edge.
Those massive, sweat-slicked hands filled once more with the plush of your hips. He was struggling to keep his eyes open to watch, but managed alright.
"You-gotta teach me,h-ah- sometime," His bottom lip caught between his teeth as his focus tunnelled on the filthy sight of his own rough hold and his cock sliding in and out of your cunt.
He was a fast learner. His strokes were less shaky now, and grew more confident by the second. It may have been partially due to the fact that he knew you could take him, which just drew him closer to orgasm.
You could ride and listen to him all day, if it wasn't for your own body's limited capacity for the way he was taking you.
"Why don't I--mmn! Teach- you- ah, now?" You made him look at you again, a favorite maneuver of yours now, only just barely clawing to a paper-thin veil of poise to torture him with, over a quickly approaching climax.
"'Cause, I'm gonna cum before I figure it o-ut," Tsukishima sigh-laughed and moved one hand to your lower back.
It brought you down to your elbows. From here, he could kiss you hard and hit at a deeper angle- it was messy and rough and uncalculated; astoundingly hot coming from him.
Tsukishima never let himself act that way. It was a telltale sign that he was coming completely undone.
That hold on your hips hardened, his nails digging into you as his groans gradually started turning into whines and curses.
"F-uck--! Mmn- ha-h-ah," He cried softly on your lips as he came, panting like a dog.
Those unabashed, vulnerable sounds seized your heart and your pussy, and soon you found yourself not close behind, thanks to the fact that he didn't stop fucking you even after he came.
Shaky fingers scratched at his neck and shoulders, clinging like a lifeline. White-hot waves crashed over you as he drowned the rest of your sounds in another sloppy, worshiping kiss.
The gym was so quiet when neither of you were making any noise.
There was the hum of cicadas outside, but not even the fans were turning. It was just your laden breathing in here.
Slowly, you were able to see more of him on the backend of that shared high. Your head buzzed with the comfort and warmth his body provided you. His heavy arms squeezed around your middle.
It looked like he was swimming in satisfaction with a familiar, smug smile on his lips and closed eyes.
"Mm, you gonna look at me, pretty boy?" You rubbed the laughable amount of sweat around on his tummy and chest.
A deep shade of red returned to his cheeks. You grinned.
"Pretty?" He repeated in a scoff.
He'd come to appreciate it more, because, "It's true. You are pretty."
Sure, he sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes, but he wouldn't be so embarrassed if he didn't see a little truth in it.
It was getting a bit cold, now that you weren't so worked up anymore.
"Shit...we've gotta clean this place up."
There was a quiet beat between you.
For a very slow and hesitant 30 seconds, you gripped the rim of the condom on his still rock-hard cock and slid off of him with a shudder. He remembered that maneuver for next time.
You climbed off of the mat and began putting on your clothes. The gym around you felt 300 times bigger than it actually was.
After figuring out how to take it off without getting drenched in his own cum, he tied it and observed the thing for a second. Then, he slid -yeah, slid- to the corner of the mat and stayed seated while he watched you get dressed.
Now you had even more to put away and wipe down, because Tsukishima left a 6 foot long pool of sweat on the mat. He wore a devious smirk.
"Since I'm the one competing in Nationals tomorrow, I think I'll just leave you to it--"
"You better get your lanky ass up right now," You swatted him with your shirt and he broke out into a playful grin as he heaved himself up and snatched it from you.
Now when he stood over you, it felt thrilling instead of threatening. He fixed the twist in your bra strap without looking away from your eyes.
He kept the shirt far out of your reach while he stole a kiss, "I'll help as long as you clean like this."
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TYSM FOR THE SUPPORT AND REPLIES!! the energy here was so great! requests are open!
@v15aexe @hotvinimon @cyzvx @aloveablechaos @kozumesphone
@beaniedoodz @idiotboys @djmoyolehuani @ilovemymomscooking
@imiqz @vierciale @sukunassaltysack @garlicbread9104 @awkwardaardvarkforever
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uravitypng · 3 months
I loved it!!
But what would Bully!Tsukishima would do if his beloved starts dating someone that isn’t him.
I feel like he’d destroy the guy and then go claim her saying shit like “you’re fucking mine understand?”
I love Tsuki and I love Bully!Tsuki
~ Anon ❄️
-( i'm glad you loved it!! <33 i love him so much too! i had a dream about him last night asdfghjk ) (i had to put this under a cut because it is slightly longer than all my other parts)
i think tsukishima would say he had nothing to do with it, even though you both know the truth. i think he'd be like, "i don't know what happened but whatever did happen to him was his own fault"
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it would be very rare for you to actively pursue someone or date someone not knowing the kind of wrath tsukishima would have towards you but recently you've just started a new relationship and it's going so well, you've never had one since starting uni and they're so nice to you. they help you study, insist on paying whenever you both visit the cafe just outside of campus before classes and wait for you outside of your classes to walk you home. they're amazing and whenever you think about them your heart flutters but it was only a matter of time until tsukishima found out.
when class ends he leaves just behind you ready to pull you somewhere quiet but instead he finds you and your partner, he sees them kiss your cheek and take your bag from you to start slinging it over his shoulder, "hey! stop doing that. i can carry it."
"i could never allow that babe. you're far to pretty to carry it," he grins and holds your hand before you both walk off.
tsukishima's jaw clenches. who the hell is holding your hand? who is kisses your cheek? complimenting you? how dare they, how dare you for thinking you could do that.
he's never even seen the guy around before, boring and dull looking, someone punching above their weight and it pisses him off however he doesn't do anything, he just watches you leave, seething. if you looked around for just a second you would realise how angry he is by his expressions that you've gotten so good at identifying since he first started terrorising you.
he doesn't do anything, at least for a few days. whenever you pass each other in corridors he'll still make sneering comments and sit behind you in classes. it still makes you tear up and cry but you hide it all from your partner.
when tsukishima realises they're still there walking you home and making you smile after a few days he knows he has to do something. he's gotten good at cornering people by now with how much he does it to you. tsukishima is tall and can be very intimidating when he wants to and right now he does want to.
he throws them against the wall and grabs hold of their collar, glaring at them. your partner is in complete shock. he knows of tsukishima, everyone does, he's popular and his friends are even more popular, all the girls like his cool demeanour and he's been playing volleyball for years even before he joined uni back when he was still just a teenager but he's never interacted with your partner before and they have no idea why he's so furious at them.
the shocked expression just pisses tsukishima off even more and he holds them tighter, not in any fear that they'll try and leave but because he can and he wants to scare them. he wants to hurt them. it's only fair for laying their hands on you.
your partner tries to sort through their thoughts to say something but tsukki won't allow for that. "you've got some nerve."
"what?" they're completely confused, having not one clue about what he's talking about.
"did you really think you could get away with touching my girl?" he spits.
"what?" they repeat themselves. "your girl? i promise you i haven't been talking to anyone. i have a girlfriend."
"your girlfriend?" he glares. "she was mine before she was yours and she'll always be mine." your partner still looks confused but then whispers your name. tsukki smirks and leans closer, "that's her. touch her again and you'll see what'll happen." he pushes them harder against the wall and then lets go, causing them to fall. he thinks about the consequences but does it anyway as he punches the side of their face, definitely leaving a heavy bruise by tomorrow morning.
that night you get a phone call after not hearing from your partner all day, you didn't have any classes so you've been studying at home, you grin as you pick up.
your partner cares about you a lot, they really do but they had no idea you knew tsukishima and you had told them you never dated in university before. your partner believes you, you'd never lie to them but obviously there is something you haven't told them about tsukishima. they want to stay with you. they want to ask you about it. they really do like you and they don't want to break up with you but then they feel the bruise on their cheek and remember the threat.
your partner stays silent and you wonder if they accidentally called you. you ask if they're okay. they start talking so quietly you have to turn the television off so you can hear them. "hi, babe. i don't really know how to say this but i think we should break up." as soon as the words left their mouth they felt immediate regret.
all the warmth left your body, "what?" you say just as quietly.
he gets a flashback of tsukishima cornering them as they kept repeating 'what'. "...yeah. let's break up." he hangs up the phone and you sit in silence crying all night.
the next day you go to and seek them out in campus, wanting to talk to them face to face. you can't just end a relationship like that, you don't even know why he broke up with you. if you've done something wrong you want to try and apologise, you want to work it out, even if them breaking up with you hurt and over the phone hurt even more, you want to try and make it work.
you see a huge bruise on his face. you gasp loudly. "are you okay? what happened?" you ask worried. all thoughts about your relationship leaving your brain just concerned about them.
"nothing happened i'm fine."
"you're not fine. it looks like you were punched."
they get frustrated, they like you a lot but you're the reason that they're ended up like this. "it's because of you that this happened."
"what?" they turn around, leaving you confused and mostly upset blaming you for something you had no control of and no knowledge of.
you walk aimlessly away, not wanting to be left next to them. you find yourself on a bench and you can't stop the tears from streaming down your face.
tsukishima fortuitously finds you while he was walking back from practise. he sees you looking down at the floor and he can tell why, your partner is now your ex. he smirks and walks up to you, before he announces himself he hides the smirk and crosses his arms. "what's wrong with you princess?"
still looking down you reply, "go away tsukishima."
"don't be like that. i just want to know what happened."
"i got dumped."
without misses a beat tsukishima responds, "it's for the best. you two don't work together. it's wrong that you were with them."
when hearing this you look up with watery eyes, still sniffling, "did you have something to do with this kei?"
you've gotten use to what his slight change of expressions and body language really mean but there wasn't any indication this time even though this might be the biggest reaction he's ever had to you before. you called him kei. he always hated when people called him nicknames growing up, only really letting yamaguchi get away with it but you, you calling him by his given name? he wants to hear you say it everyday, it sounds so beautiful coming out your mouth. what would it sound like if you were moaning his name?
he has no physical reaction at you saying his given name, staying collected, as he lies to you, "i don't know what you mean princess."
"it looked like he was punched. he has a huge bruise on his face."
"nothing to do with me. i'm sure whatever it was he deserved it though."
"i don't believe you." and you don't, the way he knew you were even dating someone in the first place is suspicious and it does seem to you that it is something tsukishima would do, punching someone, breaking up your relationship, and then not admitting to it.
tsukishima tilts up your chin making you keep eye contact with him and then squeezes your chubby cheeks, not hard enough to hurt you though. "that's fine by me princess. just know you're fucking mine."
you start crying again and you're not even sure why, maybe it's because tsukki tilted your head up so carefully or maybe it's because he called you princess. maybe it's because he said you're his. maybe it's because of him that you got dumped. maybe it's because he looks really attractive in that purple shirt he's wearing. you don't know. tsukki kisses your forehead. "i've got to go and meet kuroo but i'll see you soon alright. make sure you go inside soon, it's going to get cold and it might rain," he murmurs gently. he squeezes your chubby cheeks one more time and wipes your eyes before getting up and leaving to go meet kuroo.
you hold your hand on your cheek to where tsukki's hand was and take a deep breath to calm down. you hurry to take cover inside before it rains.
bully tsukishima masterlist
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box-of-roses · 6 days
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Characters: Tsukki, Kageyama, Hinata, Makki, Mattsun, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Atsumu
Warnings: None that I can think of <3
Synopsis: What chapstick I think the different Haikyuu characters would use
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Probably not one to just have chapstick on him at all times so he steals yours
When you first notice he’s been stealing your chapstick you can’t help but smile
Everytime you kiss it tastes like strawberries now because he’s started carrying his own supply of chapstick so you kiss him more often (not that he would admit that)
“Kei, have you seen my chapstick?” You ask as you start looking around the room. You were sure you left it in here. Not on the table, not on the couch…where could it have gone?
“Yeah, I have it right here. You really need to be more careful where you leave your things dummy.” He rolls his eyes and holds out the chapstick to you. You notice a sheen across his lips though and smile a little. 
“Did you use my chapstick?” 
“And if I did? What are you gonna do about it?” You laugh a little and lean into his face. 
“My lips are a little chapped if you don’t mind.” With that you kiss him and while he’s still in shock take your chapstick back. “You know if you wanted to use it you could’ve just asked.”
Milk Tea
He unlike some others on this list would keep chapstick on him
You’re the one who steals his chapstick
He gets the same flavor every time and goes to one specific store because it’s the only one that carries that flavor
“Tobi, take me with you!” You cling to him. He rolls his eyes and shrugs a bit to get you up and walking by yourself. 
“Sure, you can come with me. Maybe you can get some of your own chapstick while you’re at it.” He teases and gives you a smile. You shove him playfully.
“Then where would be my reason to kiss you?”
“Maybe you can just kiss your boyfriend?” He raises an eyebrow at you and opens the door to the store for you. 
“Nah! It’s more fun this way.” 
He gets jealous when you do in fact find a chapstick and stop kissing him when your lips get chapped
He 100% hides the chapstick so you have to come to him again
Another one to steal your chapstick
It was a random one you had in your bag so you just gave it to him from your stash
Definitely only uses cake flavors now because it reminds him of you
Hinata looked around everywhere for the small tube of vanilla cake chapstick you had given him. He was upset that he couldn’t find it. Where was it? He looked everywhere before he gave up. He was sulking on the couch when you returned home. “Y/N, I’m sorry.” He sniffles.
You rush over to him and sit down in front of him. “Oh, Sho, what’s wrong?” You cup his face.
“I lost the chapstick you gave me.” You start laughing. 
“Is that it?” You smile and rummage through your bag before pulling out another chapstick. “I have more, you know.” You hand the chapstick to him. Birthday Cake. 
You noticed he liked the cake flavors so you kept a stash with you at all times incase he happened to lose another one
He found the chapstick he lost the next week, turns out he left it at practice
When you lose your chapstick though he’s there proudly offering the one you gave to him
Hot Coco
Got it on a whim
Now during Christmas time he stocks up because you told him you liked how his lips tasted once
This doesn’t mean he doesn’t like playing tricks on you though
Remember that trend where people were kissing their partners with lip plumper? Yeah he 100% did that to you
Makki smiled as his plan was coming together. You were going to come home any minute and he was the picture of a doting boyfriend. Sitting on the couch waiting patiently for you to return so you could give him a kiss. 
When you do finally walk through the door you smile and rush to your boyfriend. He’ll never get over how your face lights up when you see him. It’s probably one of his favorite things, that he can make you happy just by being there. You immediately go down to kiss him. After a few minutes though your lips start tingling. Your eyes narrow at him. “Makki. Did you put lip plumper on?”
“Are my kisses that electric to you honey?” He says with a shit eating grin on his face. Well, that answers that question. 
It’s okay though, you get back at him 
You two keep each other on your toes but there’s no denying that when you kiss him and taste hot coco you fall in love all over again
A traditional man
Not against changing flavors if you give it to him though
He always has one on him, a habit he picked up from Oikawa
Definitely teases you though when you first kissed him and recoiled because you weren’t expecting mint
You had finally worked up enough nerve to kiss Iwaizumi. You lean in slowly but once your lips touch you jump back. Your lips tingle and you’re not sure why. Iwaizumi starts laughing though. “My lips are so tingly!” You whisper-yell and put your hand over your mouth. It’s then that you notice the smell of mint. “Hajime! How could you,” you push him back a little. 
“Sorry my love! I didn’t know you would react like that!” This time though you’re prepared when he kisses you again. The tingling of the mint fades away quickly and it’s replaced by the warmth of his lips
As a result his kisses are cold and then warm
You learn to love the cold and find it refreshing, especially if he’s coming back from his morning run and you need a kiss to wake you up
Pair that with his mint toothpaste and you’ve got a recipe to wake you up and get ready for the day
Blueberry Poptart
He tries to find the weirdest flavors he can
He just also really likes the Blueberry Poptart flavor though so it’s the one he always comes back to
It’s a hard flavor to find but he thinks it’s worth it for the smile you make when you notice the flavor
Chapstick game with his collection
Mattsun thought with his collection of wacky flavors it would be fun to play the chapstick game. A good excuse to kiss you as much as he wanted to without any other reason. Of course you agreed so here the two of you were, sitting on your bed with chapstick splayed out on the blanket. 
“So, do you want to go first?” You ask as you look at all the options. Mattsun smiles and nods. 
“Yeah, sure. Close your eyes though. No cheating.” He could care less about if you cheated or not. He just wanted to kiss you for hours. Hence why he brought out his full collection of 60 different flavors. You were going to be here for a while.
It was the chapstick you were wearing on your first date when he kissed you (That’s why he comes back to it) 
You two also definitely play the chapstick game again whenever either of you want to kiss each other without a good reason
Another simple man
He just wants his lips to be hydrated
Enjoys your smile when you kiss him and realize it’s cherry though
There’s nothing sentimental about it you just like the taste of cherry chapstick
Your first kiss wasn’t anything spectacular. The both of you were nervous but weren’t sure why. The two of you had kissed other people before so why was it so nerve wracking this time? Sakusa is the one who gets his head together first and cups your face. He pulls down his mask and smiles softly at you. “Are you ready?”
You nod your head with a shaky smile. Both of you lean in and it’s a very nice kiss. It’s gentle and you’re not sure why you were so worried before. The both of you pull away with a smile. “That wasn’t so scary. We were just being silly. Also, the cherry is nice. I like it.” You say and lean back in for another. He lets out a small chuckle and leans back in too. 
Will only try a new chapstick if you’re the one wearing it
If he really wants to try it he’ll give you a quick kiss before standing back up and acting like nothing happened
Another weird chapstick connoisseur 
He just really likes Fanta so he keeps some on him wherever he goes
He has at least 6 of them at a time; One in his gym bag, school bag, pants pocket, jacket pocket, one at home on the counter, and one on the bedside table
Also on that enjoys the shocked look on your face
He had only just started carrying around chapstick after he learned your lips could get sunburnt. Needless to say when you kissed him goodbye that morning Fanta was certainly not what you were expecting to taste. He just stands there smirking as you lick your lips confused. “Is that…Fanta? Do you have Fanta chapstick?” 
“Guilty as charged.” He says and leans against the door frame. “Want another one?” You roll your eyes but pull him into another kiss. 
“Not what I was expecting but it’s not bad.” 
Switches it up with other soda flavors
Loves surprising you but that doesn’t mean you can’t surprise him too
You find a Pepper chapstick and rewrap it so it looks like the Fanta one
Payback for all the times he’s pranked you
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I hope you guys enjoyed! Once again an impulse post 💀 let me know if you want a part two with different characters!!! <3
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moonswolfie · 8 months
The evening light
Tsukishima x gn!reader
I thought of this just now while listening to music and had to write it down ASAP!!!!!!
(seriously what is up with me and spontaneous tsukki fics)
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"I like you, Kei..." you said as you walked behind your crush, Tsukishima Kei on your way home.
You know he doesn't like you back, but being a little sneaky can't hurt, right? Quietly admitting your feelings behind him as he listens to music in his headphones will help you get over him.
You technically confessed to him, right? So you can move on and forget all these stupid feelings now. Nothing good would come of confessing to him directly, anyways.
Still, you can't help but feel like a coward. Is this really right?
You shake off the thought, running next to his side to happily wave at him in lieu of a verbal hello. When he immediately turned his head away from you, you tilted your head in confusion. What's he looking at?
You poked his shoulder slightly to catch his attention, and all he did was blurt out a quiet "What?", still refusing to look at you.
"What are you looking at?" you asked. What's so interesting the houses you're currently walking by, anyways? "Nothing."
"Then why don't you look at me? It's rude to not ackgnowledge your friend." you asked, your heart clenching internally at the word "friend". You heard him groan in annoyance, and then slowly turn his head to face you.
"Tsukishima, your cheeks look a little red. Are you okay?"
"They're not, it's just the evening light." He furrowed his brows slightly in annoyance, and you shrugged. Must've been your mind playing tricks on you or something. You continued walking in somewhat awkward silence.
"I stop here. Bye." he stopped in front of his house, you waving bye to him and moving on.
On the way home, you couldn't stop thinking about the whole interaction. God, you felt so horrible yet so relieved at the same time. You have a feeling you won't be able to sleep well tonight.
He was talking to you the entire time without ever taking off his headphones.
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animehideout · 6 months
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Haikyuu Boys X Fem! Volleyball Player Reader.
a/n : I've always imagined y/n joining Karasuno's team as a female player.. and the general dynamics between her and teammates <3
Pure fluff 🍰
Characters: Kageyama - Nishinoya - Oikawa - Kuroo.
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PLOT: Y/n transferred to karasuno High school as a second year student. She couldn't find a girls volleyball team in Karasuno, so she did everything she could to join the boys volleyball team. Proving her skills and abilities, she's now the only female Wing Spiker in Karasuno's boys volleyball team.
Kageyama Tobio:
Basically you're like fire and ice, constantly bickering.
Would find a difficulty to adjust to you at first concerning his tosses.
Both of you would fight a lot.
You always end up getting scolded by Daichi.
When the two of you are angry with each other he refuses to toss the ball to you and toss it to the others instead.
Tsukki always calls Kageyma king of the court and he calls you queen of the court, in am offensive way of course.
“It's not that high y/n, you're just short”
“Ugh boke y/n boke”
It makes you fuel with anger, you would hit him with a ball.
When you finally perfected your harmony on the court, you became a powerful duo, unbeatable literally beating the shit out of your opponents.
Enjoying the art of playing together. Spending a lot of time practicing together he developed a subtle crush on you.
But hell no he won't admit it.
The tsundere in him fiercely guarded his actions towards you.
He couldn't help the small cute gestures towards you, leaking his feelings out.
He enjoys drinking milk so so he would buy you some before or after practice.
Makes sure you're eating well when the coach treats you to lunch/ dinner.
“Eat more rice y/n”.
Everyone else in your team noticed his shift in action towards you, and how he softens when he talks to you.
When one of your opponents hits on you he'd give them his famous death glare.
Scares them away with his strong, terrifying aura.
Watches you with a smirk and heart eyes when you jump in the air and forcefully hit the ball over the net.
Would look at you proudly, whenever you score, he's always secretly admired your volleyball skills.
Would attempt to compliment you “nn-nff-nice”.
Starts a fight with Oikawa if he flirts with you, getting a lot of teasing in return.
Nishinoya Yū:
Aside from being teammates, both of you are classmates as well.
You have the best dynamics in the whole team.
Always sitting next to each other in class.
You end up in detention because you can't shut up in class and always has something to laugh or talk about.
Treats you to ice cream every single day after practice turning you into a sweet tooth.
Bestfriends for life, literally inseparable.
Teaches you the Rolling Thunder move.
Helps you master your receives, if you help him with school work.
Your number one supporter, literally in everything.
Comes over to your house a lot, mainly because he's struggling with homework or exam revision.
You joke around a lot, and laugh really loudly, Daichi gets mad at you all the time.
Hypes you up the most on court when you score.
Offers a lot of high fives and big hugs to celebrate your victory.
Very protective over you, especially during tournaments.
Along side with Ryu, they would literally jump on anyone who tries to get your number or flirts with you.
Him and Ryu are your protectors, personal bodyguards.
Has all of your secrets ( knows about the crush you have on Kags).
He's the type to be very obvious when your crush is around.
He's the type to look at person in the eyes right after you said “don't look”.
Oikawa Tooru:
The moment he saw you walking his direction he thought you were one of his obsessed fangirls.
Puts on a flirty expression
“Wanna take a picture with me cutie? wanna take my sign- huh?”.
But you'd walk past him, totally ignoring him.
“come on don't be shy.. are you a fan of the best setter in the world?”
“Yeah right, I'm a fan of Sugawara- senpai and Kageyama”.
Boy's face would drop, you did not just casually mention that Kageyama is the best setter in front of Oikawa Tooru.
In court, he would be left dumbfounded when he saw you in Karasuno's uniform.
Couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you're the only girl in Karasuno's boys team.
His eyes would be glued on you the whole game and even between sets.
Shows off his strong serves
“This is for you y/n!”
You'd totally crush his ego when you perfectly received his powerful serve.
Would praise you shamelessly “Sugoi”.
Astonished when the ball passed inches away from his head but he couldn't stop it, too stunned by your spike.
“I won't lose next time y/n, put that in mind” .
A tension grows between him and Kageyama over you.
Seeing you a power duo with Kageyama stirred jealousy inside him.
Very flirty at any given opportunity resulting in him getting smacked by Iwaizumi.
“I'll teach you how to serve, even though you're already serving- Ack! what the hell Iwa-chan?!”.
Tries to analyze all the techniques and moves you use while playing.
You impress him every time.
Kuroo Tetsuroo:
He saw you for the first time when Karasuno went to Tokyo for the practice match against Nekoma.
He thought you were a manager so he didn't give it any importance.
He's not the type to go crazy over a girl.
Would say hi to your team, including you.
He would be extremely polite and welcoming.
Chuckles to himself when you and Noya screamed “IS THAT SKYTREE?!” to a normal power transmitter.
He thought it was funny, cute and adorable how you're all excited and happy to be in Tokyo.
The moment he saw you in the court in Karasuno's shirt and shorts, stretching before the match his jaw would drop.
His coach told him that you're a wing spiker and it hooked him up.
“A w-wing spiker?”
His surprise would quickly shift into respect, on how being the only girl in a boys' team didn't stop you or bother you as long as you're achieving your dream.
He became very curious as he watched your tricks and the quicks you did with Kageyama.
Your agility, accuracy and strategic plays made him take an interest in you.
During breaks, between sets he acknowledges your skills in front of his team.
Warning his teammates and pointing out that you're a formidable opponent and they should watch your moves.
Loves challenges, he would ask you for another practice match just to get to play against you again.
When you have time, he would practice spikes and blocks with you and Bokuto.
“Damn, you're really good at spiking”.
You would become good friends quickly and even exchange phone numbers so you can text each other when you go back to Miyagi.
Would introduce you to Kenma, his bestfriend.
Would surprise you and take you to Skytree and spoils you for the rest of the day.
Since he's the captain he would give you a lot of advice.
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hyeque · 2 years
messenger [tsukishima kei]
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synopsis: you and yamaguchi are best friends with tsukishima. nearly everyday girls come up to the two of you to ask about the blonde and you both have had just enough. little do you know that yamaguchi has a plan of his own to get the chatting to stop...
notes: based off the sole fact that it's canon that girls only go up to yamaguchi to ask him about tsukki, which obviously means he's popular with girls. this was originally written as a stand-alone but i decided to submit it for lexi's @suckerforsugawara first time for everything collab! i apologize for how late this is, writer’s block got the best of me.
warnings: reader is very much in their head, angst at first but eventual fluff with good ending
word count: 4kei
for as smart as tsukishima kei is, he sure is oblivious to how girls flirt with him.
everyday a good number of girls around campus whisper and talk about how they find the blonde middle blocker attractive. about how much a good boyfriend he would make. it amazes you to no end how much the tall and silent type attract people. you could probably end up rich with how much you hear about him, because there's seriously not one day where you don't hear his name.
at first, most of the comments make you laugh. over time though, you begin to roll your eyes and scoff. you don't understand why so many people like him. half the time you see how tsukishima interacts with hinata and kageyama and it isn't in the nicest or most pleasant way. it just looks like a complete circus act. you truly feel sorry for daichi and suga.
tsukishima is just...mean. if you had a boyfriend who treated you like that, you'd dump him on the spot.
but maybe you are a hypocrite because while you think of all these things, you're still friends with him.
...if you can even call it that—you're sure tsukishima just 'tolerates' you. but the fact that you and yamaguchi are the two he spends the most time with obviously means something. he also begrudgingly helps you with your homework and walks you home from class all the time.
it means something...right?
today is no different from many other days as you watch hinata and kageyama get into a heated screaming match about god knows what. tsukishima is on the side snickering to yamaguchi. everyone else is helplessly by standing.
but you, on the other hand, are in your own little world. you're one of the managers for karasuno university's volleyball team. currently, you're filling up water bottles for the team. being in the role as manager, you've become a master at zoning out hinata and kageyama's bickering.
but you did not expect that this skill would one day work against you.
"hinata, kageyama! watch out!" ennoshita shouts, but it's already too late. you feel the unruly force of a volleyball hit you, making you drop the bottles you're filling up and spill water on the ground.
"are you okay?" yamaguchi rushes to help you to your feet, shooting the offending people a small glare. kageyama and hinata shiver at tadashi's gaze and begin to profusely apologize.
"i'm okay, yams. thank you." you dust off your clothes and laugh, "it's nothing i can't help when those two get carried away."
"we are so sorry!" hinata cries, nearly tripping over himself to get to you. kageyama sheepishly let's out a 'sorry' before his face flushes a bright red.
you open your mouth to assure them you're fine, but a certain voice beats you to it.
"are you two that incompetent that you'll take out our manager in the middle of one of your childish games?" the voice hisses. "i knew the two of you were stupid, but you both surprise me every day. i have to start lowering my bar more."
you don't have to turn to know who it is.
tsukishima turns to you, a displeased look on his face. if you squint, you can see his concern. "and you really need to work on watching your surroundings. i'd rather not have to take you to the hospital." he scolds, picking up the bottles from the ground. he swats your hand away when you reach out for them and you puff out your cheeks, frustrated.
he always does this, where you can't tell if he cares for you, or if he's just being mean. maybe you’re reading into things too closely.
you watch his eyes scan your figure intently and you flinch when you feel him touch you. your breath hitches at how close he is, close enough to see the specks of gold in his eyes from behind the lenses of his sports googles.
his hand gently turns your face to either side, "are you hurt anywhere?"
at the feeling of his hand on your arm, you feel it burn at the source of his touch.  you quickly recover and answer that you're fine. he studies your face for a moment longer to detect if you're lying but doesn't prod for any more answers.
not too far away does yamaguchi note the gesture between you two, but doesn't say anything.
the rest of practice runs by smoothly and you have practically forgotten that you were hit with a volleyball. before you know it, it's over and everyone calls it a day before filing out to the lock room.
tsukishima announces that he has to go somewhere after practice and for you and yamaguchi to not wait up for him. neither of you question him on his whereabouts because chances are he won't even tell you anyways.
as punishment for hitting you with the volleyball, kageyama and hinata are responsible for cleaning up the gym and locking up, which gives you the advantage of getting home early. down to two, you and yamaguchi start your trek home, the convo floating between school, volleyball, and other interests.
the two of you turn at the sound of a girl. she looks anxious and nervous and holds a pink envelope in her hands.
"hi! what can i do for you?" he smiles, green eyes bright and inviting.
the girl seems to gain confidence at yamaguchi's smile. "i have this confession for tsukishima-kun...but i don't know how to give it to him, so i was wondering if you would give it to him for me?" the girl explains shyly. her eyes shift to you and widen. "you're not dating tsukishima-san are you?"
your eyes widen at the accusation and you bust out a laugh, hard. maybe too hard.
"me? date him? i could never!"
after your embarrassing and short-lived laughing party, yamaguchi reluctantly agrees to take the letter to give to tsukishima. a strange feeling wells up in your chest at the sight, and you don't know why you felt disappointed in him doing so.
as soon as the girl leaves, you see yamaguchi's shoulders sag and his smile fades. 
"what's wrong, yams?" you nudge your best friend in the side, noting the way he picks at the skin on his hand anxiously.
"nothing," he answers, "we need to get going now."
you pull him back. "it's not 'nothing'. come on, what is it?"
you watch as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he replies, "i appreciate and care about tsukki and all, but it really sucks that girls only talk to me about him." he pouts, puffing out his cheeks.
"it's probably because you're much more approachable than mr. blonde beanpole." you suggest, shrugging your shoulders. "frankly, I don't know why or what people see in him. he's not very people-friendly. plus he always walks around with a scowl on his face. but i too wish they would stop asking us about him. what did suckyshima do to get so many confessions all the time..."
your freckled faced friend raises his brows, amused by your passionate rambling. "are you jealous?" he asks, head tilting in inquiry.
"w-what? no! why would i be?" you scoff, feeling your heart race in your chest. "the only thing i'm jealous of is that beanpole blonde's attention." you say. "i would very much like to be confessed to as often as he gets!"
"you would hate it," yamaguchi chuckles, "you don't even like getting attention. especially from guys."
you click your tongue, not knowing how to disagree with him. "maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it happen once in a while, you know?" you sigh, "i can't go my entire life without experiencing a confession!"
you must've had a terrible past life to have such an unlucky dating experience. you've never had a guy ask you out. and while you don't like to be arrogant you consider yourself cute and a decent person—more so decent than glasses-kun.
"well, more guys would approach you if it wasn't for tsukki." yamaguchi says, and immediately upon speaking covers his mouth.
you raise a brow at your friend, "eh? what do you mean by that?"
before he can answer, you huff, "you're telling me blondie is messing up my love life? what does he gain from doing that?" you huff, feeling irritated that the number of cute boys you could've encountered is very little due to the fact that they were being cockblocked by the most annoying person on the planet.
yamaguchi would never tell you, and god bless your soul, but he's forever thankful for how oblivious you are at times. his skin is saved from having to explain to tsukishima why his crush on you has been outed.
but on the other hand, he desperately wants these confession shenanigans to be over with and for the two of you to confess to each other. to him, it's painfully obvious that there are shared feelings but neither one of you want to acknowledge the fact that there's something going on. he'd rather take the risk of tsukishima biting his head off if it means you two will end up together.
"let's just say that the two of you complain about each other too much for there not to be something going on between you two." yamaguchi says. "i just wish you'd both make out with each other or something."
panic swarms you, at the meer thought of locking lips with blondie. "tadashi, i would never be caught kissing him. i'd rather be dead." you say sternly, although an itch in your throat tells you otherwise.
"yeah, i totally got the vibe of that earlier when he came over to see if you were okay." he laughs, rolling his eyes.
"it didn't mean anything, he was just oddly nice..." you argue, the rapid beating of your heart mocking you.
the sudden silence could be cut through with a knife as you two walk. your knuckles grip your bag tightly as you focus on your feet in front of you.
"your crush never went away, right?" yamaguchi stops walking and looks at you intently.
when you don't respond, he knows his answer.
"that's another reason why i don't like getting these confessions. i don't want to see you get hurt by all of this." he reveals, his hand gripping the pink envelope he was given earlier.
"it doesn't matter, though. what i feel is irrelevant.” you shrug.
yamaguchi perks up, a light bulb going off. he presses the envelope to your hands. "you give this to him. you can find out what he says about the letter and how it makes him feel. he might act differently. that way, you can also decide if those feelings for him are still there, or if you've moved on. if you haven’t, then confess."
you turn away, not taking the envelope. your feet then move briskly. "what makes you think that he would accept my confession? there's no way he would."
"what's stopping you?" he presses, following you. "you don't know that unless you try."
a sharp exhale of air escapes you, your nerves taking your own words out of your mouth. "because i don't want to make a relationship awkward possibly. besides, he'll just make fun of me for having a crush on him and then reject me. so no way is tsukki going to accept it."
"he wouldn't do that. and you know he wouldn't. look, we both know tsukki better than anyone else does. i'm surprised at how blind you are to how he feels about you. or maybe you're denying it?"
before you can reply, you realize you've reached your apartment.
"just think about telling him? it'll ease your mind somehow, won't it? at least you'll have your answer and you can stop letting this eat at you the way it has for years." yamaguchi says, concern written on his face.
you sigh. "sure, tadashi. i'll think about it."
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you don't get a wink of sleep that night. and despite you wanting more time to think, you are meeting up with tsukishima and yamaguchi to hangout the next day. so even if you want to put off your thoughts about the situation, you can't.
"you look like shit," tsukishima says once you sit down at the cafe the three of you always meet up at. "like a zombie with the life is sucked out of them.”
“wow, how did you guess?” you say, response dripping with sarcasm.
a guilty look appears on his face before he changes it to a softer expression. "here, i already ordered for you." he says, pushing your favorite order across the counter.
"oh, thank you. you didn't have to." you reach into your bag to pay him back, but he pushes your hand away, a grimace on his face.
"yeah, well i did anyways." he says, turning away. a faint hue of pink can be seen across his cheeks. “you should really try not to over exert yourself. we can’t afford to have our manager collapsing.”
you stare at the drink, mind rambling. “right…”
tsukishima distracts himself with the time, noticing how late yamaguchi is. it isn’t like him to be late. once the male checks his phone, everything clicks into place.
"tadashi says he won't be able to make it to the movies." tsukishima tells you, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
"really?" you go to pull your own phone out of your bag to check, but something else catches your eyes first.
the pink envelope.
you gasp, gritting your teeth. "tadashi, you bastard..." you hiss, wondering when he slipped it into your bag.
"yeah, something about feeling sick..." the tall man's eyes slide down to look at you, and as attentive as he is he asks, "what are you grumbling about?"
you eyes glance between him and the letter, panic washes over you as you try to improvise a lie.
tsukishima leans over, peering into your bag. “what is that?” he asks.
solemnly, you hand him the pink envelope. cotton has lodged itself in your throat but you manage. "this...this is for you."
“from?” he questions, but he already knows it’s not you. you don’t dot your i’s like that.
“the usual. some girl with a crush on you.” you answer, “she didn’t know how to give it you directly.”
opening the letter, his brown eyes scan the contents carefully, silence overcoming him as he drinks in each word.
meanwhile, your heart races rapidly. you can feel yourself beginning to spiral in your mind, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen next after he finishes reading the letter. instead of hearing anything, the blonde simply puts the letter back in the envelope.
“let’s go.” he says, standing up to leave.
wait...that's it? you watch him leave the cafe and scramble after him, confusion trailing you.
when you catch up to tsukishima, your eyes glance at him, trying to gauge anything. something.
"well?" you ask, brow arching up.
"'well' what?" he replies, staring at you expressionless.
"are you...going to accept?" you prod, leg bouncing.
the man seems to contemplate your question, not answering for a moment. the anticipation is killing you. swallowing you whole. you have to say something before you’re buried alive.
"don't accept that confession." you blurt.
"huh?" the blonde slips the envelope in his pocket. "and why not?"
you shift uncomfortably in your spot. "b-because."
"'b-because', isn't an answer. i hope you're aware." he mocks before stepping closing to you, a sly smirk on his face. "why do you look like you're about to throw up? is the thought of me getting a confession that repulsive to you?"
"shut up!" you hiss, the burning in your cheeks spreading like wildfire now. "i never said that."
"you didn't have to. your face said everything that i needed to know." he replies, "why are you so eager to know anyways?"
you shrug, "i mean, we're friends right? why wouldn't i be curious?"
a soft chuckle leaves him. it's pretty, and pretty looks very good on him. how annoying for your nerves. "right, and let's say i do accept the confession. what would you do then?"
you blink, your hands clammy, body scorching at this point. "dunno, maybe throw a party with a sign that says 'congrats kei, you're lovable after all'."
"you're a horrible liar, you know. it's very annoying." tsukishima scowls, grabbing your wrist and turning you to look at him.
"who said i was going to accept the confession?" he tilts his head to the side, leaning in slightly. "hmm? i think you put that idea in that pretty head of yours all by yourself."
you huff, irritated by his teasing manner."it's not funny to joke like that."
he blinks. "when did i make a joke?"
"you always do...i don't understand you, tsukishima." at this point you can feel your face burning up. you look away from the blonde, frustrated and also internally panicking. when you go to walk away, his large hand catches your wrist, pulling you back.
"so now we're back to tsukishima?" he asks, distaste in his tone.
you bite your lip, too scared to say anything.
he clicks his tongue. "listen, i didn't have to read the letter to know my answer. i didn't even need to receive one. i've already had my mind made up."
a soft 'oh' leaves your mouth. "is that right?"
"yes, because i already have feelings for someone." he confesses, and your heart nearly stops.
you weren't expecting this at all. you bargained for more than you wanted, but it’s your fault and your fault alone. you start to yell in your head about how wrong yamaguchi is, about how you're too late to confess now, because someone else has already stolen—
"this is for you." tsukishima hands a eerily similar pink envelope to you with a small plushie. your eyes widen as you look at the plush, recognizing that it's your favorite animal. you remember talking about how you still sleep with stuffed animals and made the mistake of having tsukishima overhear you. the teasing that day never ended.
when squeezing the plush to you, you're surprised to hear it play your favorite song. reading the letter, you recognize the handwriting as his immediately. you're familiar with how he loops his y's and g's. you recognize the eloquence in his words. but you feel alien reading how he pours his emotions—about you—into words. words that are a lot kinder and sweeter than his usual moments.
"why would i joke about my feelings?" he answers, pulling at his hands, fingers fidgeting. "if you don't reciprocate them—"
"no! i-i mean, yes! yes, i do!" your face is on fire at this point. "i'm just shocked, i-i wasn't expecting—"
"for someone to be into someone like you?" he finishes.
you blink, stunned by his response. "well, yeah."
and tsukishima kei does what tsukishima kei does best.
he flicks your forehead.
he rubs the spot where he flicked your forehead and his gaze becomes soft as he stares at you, his large hands not pulling back from how it gently cradles your face.
"i've been into your annoying ass since you yelled at those bullies for picking on tadashi." he mumbles, a fond look in his eyes.
your eyes look over him rapidly. "i don't get it. how? why?"
he pinches your cheek, rolling his eyes. "you keep saying that and it's really annoying." he continues, "it's simple. you're...you're a much better person than i am. you're smart...and funny. and you understand me even when my words don't always say what i mean. you've pushed me to be a better person." he tries to make himself smaller, wanting to escape his vulnerability, but it's hard when you're a walking lamppost.
"i can't stand the sight of other guys looking at you. at thinking they have a chance with you. call me a hypocrite because i know i'm the last person who deserves a chance with you, but—" he cuts himself off, fiddling his his hands.
"but what, kei?" you push, heart pounding.
"but i want one anyways. i've never felt like this with anyone before and i don't want to stop now. i...i'm willing to take the chance to ask to go out with you...even if i know you deserve better than me." he explains, head bowing low.
this time, you reach up and flick his forehead.
"ow? what the hell, dumbass?" he scowls.
"it's annoying when you do that, too," you say, teasing, "you always undermine how brilliant you are and it has to stop. you may be an asshole, but you're also perceptive, and caring, even if you don't really know how to show it in conventional ways."
he doesn't say anything because he knows you're right.
you speak again. "for the record, i think that you're pretty amazing. and a lot of other people think so too. learn to give yourself more credit, kei."
"i can say the same about you." he says, brushing hair back from your face. his eyes shift down to your lips before looking away just as quickly. his single strand of vulnerability left snaps.
"c-can i kiss you?" he stutters, and you're shocked to see the snarky blonde asshole you know in such a shy state.
"yes," you breathe, "please."
he can’t resist when you ask so nicely and look so pretty right in front of him.
and what you learn is that kei's kisses are sweeter than any words that can come out of his smart mouth. how that is possible, you don't know. but you surely don't mind at all.
he tugs you close to his body, his scent overtaking your senses. he smells like mint and whatever cologne he put on today and it's easily your new favorite aroma.
you pull away and can't help but note how pretty kei looks after kissing. hair disheveled, swollen lips, glossy eyes, and glasses nearly falling off his face. you quietly laugh and push the frames back up his face.
"i love you, you know." you say, holding his face.
he leans into you, kissing your palm as he reciprocates the words in a quiet voice. a quirk in his lips and he adds, "i would hope you do. i don't want to be seen having to return to build-a-bear for a second time to return a bear."
you grin, holding up the bear teasingly. "this plush?"
"oni-chan said i should give you something...that you'd appreciate. it's yours as long as you don't replace me with it." he answers, red creeping up his neck. "if you do, i'll return it."
"don't worry, kei. i promise not to replace you with a stuffed animal when i need cuddles." you latch onto his arm, clinging to him easily. he tugs you impossibly closer.
sending yamaguchi a text thank you and a picture of you with your new bear—now named tadashi—with an annoyed tsukishima holding you tight in the photo. 'new family photo! you were right!'.
yamaguchi only grins at the message, laying back on his bed as he smiles. his work as cupid is over. he'd figure out the third wheeling issue later.
for now, mission accomplished.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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luvring · 1 year
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gn!reader | bokuto, akaashi, atsumu, osamu, iwaizumi, matsukawa, kageyama, yamaguchi, sakusa
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BOKUTO can't stop grinning and kissing you. his hands are stuck either cupping your face or holding your hips. he plants quick pecks to your lips and feels his heart rate pick up at your laugh. "i'm really your boyfriend," he repeats, convincing himself he isn't dreaming.
AKAASHI's entire body relaxes as he says "thank god." he leans forward to rest his head against your shoulder and huffs a laugh at himself. you bring your hand up to run your fingers through his hair. “did you think i’d say no?” “i was scared you would,” he murmurs. “and i don’t think i could bring myself to try returning the gifts.”
ATSUMU excitedly changes your contact where he already put a heart next to your name to be your new title: "MY PARNTNR/BOYFIRND/GIRLFJEND" (awful spelling included and vital). he adds emojis like 😁🫂💯🔥 before taking a screenshot to send to his group chat. he won't talk about how he almost sent it to you and nearly had a heart attack.
OSAMU texts to ask “when did you know you liked me?” later that night. he bites his lip and his eyes shoot lasers into the dots that show you’re typing. an embarrassed smile appears on his face when you say “when u apologized over and over after almost hitting me with a ball the first time we met :) u were cute” because it really was a cringe-worthy introduction, but at least you both liked each other since the beginning.
IWAIZUMI can’t stop thinking of getting you a gift. thinking of giving you a gift every once in a while wasn’t unusual, but he tries really hard to get a hold of himself when he realizes he's scanning every store he walks past for something you might like. he fails, obviously, when you end up getting a gift every time you meet up for the next few weeks.
MATSUKAWA blurts out "seriously?" after you say yes. he tries to ignore how his face heats up when you tilt your head and laugh. you’re still laughing when he pulls you into him as if to hug you, only to start tickling you. he jokingly threatens, “don’t laugh at me, i’m your boyfriend,” when you yelp and hit his side.
KAGEYAMA can’t stop replaying the moment you guys officially start dating in his head, even and especially while practicing. he’s setting the ball when he thinks about how you smiled and suddenly forgets what he's doing. his face is red from being flustered and the volleyball smacking him on the forehead.
YAMAGUCHI, when he has the time, marks down the date in his calendar. butterflies flutter in his stomach as he types out "WE’RE DATING !!!!!! :)) " in the notes. it's been less than a day and he's already (over)thinking of what to do to celebrate the closest, reasonable anniversary, whenever that is. in a month, probably, he thinks.
SAKUSA’s glad he has a privacy screen protector because if anyone noticed how often he opened your chat to reread your texts he’d never live it down. there’s a small smile under his mask at your silly flirting memes, and just the thought of how your “take care of yourself!” messages are with him as your boyfriend in mind.
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @spooky1magazine1bread @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @tooruchiiscribs @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia
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