#Terror targets
eretzyisrael · 7 months
IDF says it has struck some 15,000 targets belonging to terror groups in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war on October 7, and seized and destroyed some 6,000 weapons, including firearms, rockets, anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, explosive devices and ammunition.
It says ground, air, and naval forces continue to strike Hamas targets across the Strip, including command centers, rocket launchers, weapons depots, tunnels, and other infrastructure used by the terror group, as well as dozens of operatives.
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i-am-aprl · 3 months
🚨 Dozens of Palestinians have been killed and wounded by the occupation forces as they stormed the complex at dawn today.
🚨 2 violent explosions happened inside the hospital complex.
🚨 Israeli forces assaulted Al Jazeera journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul and his crew then abducted all of them.
🚨 More than 30 thousand displaced people inside the complex.
🚨 Israeli forces have forcibly entered the hospital and have already abducted more than 150 civilians into custody.
🚨 Israeli forces have also forced many critically ill patients to vacate the hospital and relocate to the south under threat of gunfire and bombings.
🚨 Israeli forces are currently bulldozing the courtyard around the hospital.
🚨 The surrounding land is mostly graves of Palestinians who were killed when the Israeli forces attacked the hospital the first time.
🚨 Homes surrounding Al Shifa medical complex are now being targeted.
“Israeli occupation forces attacked Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Ismail Alghoul in Gaza whilst he was performing his journalistic duties. Following the attack, he was arrested, and the broadcast vehicle along with cameras and equipment was destroyed.
Al Jazeera Media Network demands the immediate release of its correspondent and the other journalists who were detained alongside him, and holds the occupation forces fully responsible for their safety.”
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booasaur · 9 months
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Special Ops: Lioness - 1x08
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secretmellowblog · 10 months
The moments where other criminals try (and fail) to threaten Jean Valjean are fascinating, because we get a glimpse of how deeply Valjean was altered by prison— how much nineteen years of prolonged torture really has made him into a “formidable” “dangerous” criminal.
If he weren’t a shy gentle compassionate person who just wants to be left alone in peace with his daughter, he could easily be the most deadly man in Paris. He’s strong, he’s cunning, he has decades of knowledge about how to evade police and a wealth of hidden tools at his disposal, he’s highly skilled at deception, he can fend off gangs of men at once even while unarmed and has perfect aim with a gun; he could do so much harm if he decided to, but he doesn’t.
I love how Jean Valjean seems to view Patron-minette’s affiliates as… amateurs? They’re bad criminals in that they’re bad at being criminals. When Montparnasse attempts to rob him, and when Patron Minette/Thenardier ambush him, Jean Valjean speaks to them with lofty pity and kinda implies he thinks they do not really understand how to commit crimes. He explains the galleys to Montparnasse like he’s lecturing a silly misbehaving child.
When he burns himself with the hot chisel, the implication is: “I spent nineteen years in a prison where I was beaten and tortured every day, and you’re naive and inexperienced enough to think you can hurt me with a single scrap of metal you’ve heated up in a fireplace. You poor things. Don’t be afraid of me because I’m certainly not afraid of you <3”.
Compared to Jean Valjean, Patron-minette and their affiliates really are kinda just …play-acting. I think that’s part of why they get all those comparisons to theater and Vaudeville. Thenardier is a failed innkeeper puffing himself up as the most dangerous and clever criminal mastermind in Paris. But Jean Valjean actually has decades of experience living in “the criminal underworld” of the galleys, and as a result he has more deeply traumatizing knowledge and experience than Thenardier can even begin to imagine. Thenardier fails at torturing Valjean because Thenardier does not have the experience to even start to imagine the torture Valjean has already survived. As I mentioned before, Valjean has all the skills and knowledge that Thenardier wants to have, but doesn’t. So it’s like….Jean Valjean is in many ways the kind of “successful expert criminal” that Thenardier is only pretending to be.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 3 months
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Doctors taken by IOF from Nasser Hospital via Dr. Mohammed Harara's stories today, 19 Feb 2024.
Dr. Al Serr is one I follow for updates (I know some of you are following him too) and I was hoping it was just lack of connection why he hadn't updated in 3 days. This is the dread involved now with following Palestinian voices in Gaza around the clock almost. When they go silent you fear the worst.
Sometimes it really is a lack of connection (please keep donating esims when you can) but other times it's the worst made reality. KEEP MAKING NOISE ABOUT THIS. STRIKE FOR GAZA, BOYCOTT, CALL & EMAIL YOUR REPS, SHARE THESE PALESTINIAN VOICES AS THEY RISK THEIR LIVES TO SHOW THE WORLD THE TRUTH (even as we feel saddened that they haven't updated).
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madamemiz · 2 years
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moon: 😈
y/n: 😳
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nothingelsetobe · 2 months
Please watch this and do every and anything you can to spread and help. Your voice matters. Your actions matter. Please.
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nando161mando · 9 days
▶️ Hezbollah resistance forces target the Israeli military site on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.
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i-am-aprl · 2 months
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agnesandhilda · 3 months
oklahoma senator tom woods should be shot in the street
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edoro · 4 months
Ngl I'm starting to feel like a nonzero amount of the fandom reaction towards Cazador, the general trend of "oh he actually isn't scary or intimidating at all, he's a whiny sniveling little bitch baby and it's embarrassing Astarion was so scared of him because of how non-threatening and laughable he is" is hmmm
maybe a bit based in the racist de-masculinization of Asian men and the way that they are often seen as impotent, weak, and incapable of being threatening?
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beardeddetectivepaper · 5 months
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livexdeliciously · 6 months
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Don’t let all the horny posts fool you. I’m also a giant horror nerd! 🪚⚙️
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
If someone is trying incredibly hard to please me, I know something is wrong. That kind of desire doesn’t come naturally. I know something bad has happened to this person, and they need attention rather than people indulging in their sacrificing acts of servitude.
Nobody should be desperate and try to please anyone out of fear that they’ll be punished, or that they’ll be hated and despised if not useful and pleasing enough. That is a form of control with the threat of terror and pain hanging over a person’s head, their desire to please and be useful isn’t coming from their own sense of fulfillment, but out of fear that there’s no other alternative, no other way they’re allowed to exist.
I would prefer not to exist than to have someone live in fear of what’s going to happen to them unless they make my existence pleasurable for every second of my life. That is not humane, no person alive needs this kind of servitude. This is what abusive parents do to children to terrorize them into convenience and usefulness and it’s a form of torture. Nobody should be benefiting from that torture. Nobody should want that kind of thing to exist.
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bloodybosom · 8 days
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canofspooks · 1 year
DannyMay Day 31 (Free Day)
not sure how many people overlap between the JRWI and Danny Phantom fandoms, but I’ve had this idea in my head since like day one.
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