#Tom Penny
awkward-pause · 9 months
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Tom Penny, 2004
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forensicated · 16 days
01x02 - A Friend In Need
This episode (and the one after) was shown out of sequence when it first aired (unless you lived in London). This is because of a Technician's strike against Thames TV. It was shown after The Sweet Smell Of Failure (London aired a Minder repeat in the same time slot for those 2 weeks)
(This appears to be before they used the Isle Of Dogs area as Canley when showing maps.)
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Superintendent Brownlow asks Roy for his opinion on 3 recent bomb hoax phone calls. Roy believes they're pranks, however, the Commissioner and Home Office are both applying pressure on Charles to treat them as potential terrorism; especially as two of them were made to Jewish restaurants.
Roy is reluctant to step on Bob's toes as he has been investigating them since they began. Charles assures him it's no reflection on Bob, it just needs to be seen - by the higher-ups - like it's being taken seriously hence a Detective Inspector over a Uniform Sgt. Charles is also aware Bob has had a heavy workload of late and that he has a graduate probationer, PC Higgins, attached to him. 
Roy smirks and is told off by Charles for his refusal to have Higgins in CID for a few weeks, warning him that Higgins could be his governor in 10 years given the accelerated promotion his 'type' are getting. ('Type' being university graduates but the obvious disdain in both men to this thought is wonderful!). "I don't care how you do it but get it done."
Also unimpressed with the graduate is probationer Jim who tells him he just had to watch and listen in his first week. "But with you of course it'll be different. Work experience I suppose." The well-spoken Higgins agrees, telling the gathered officers that he'll be attached to an outer division for the next week and then to Police College for a few years. "And then come back as Sgt I suppose" June drawls. "Destined for high places are we?" Taffy laughs. "That's the theory."
Jim tells Higgins that he's lucky he's been placed with June as she's a good copper and 'one of the best'. June is visibly unsettled by her ex Dave Litten approaching them. She tells him to go and "park his arse" at Ted Roach's table rather than squeeze onto theirs. Taffy and Jim tell Higgins that it's something he's going to have to get used to. "If it's not Ackland Vs Litten it's Galloway Vs The Rest Of The World." 
Unmoved, Dave asks "Henry Higgins." ("It's Derek actually...") what he thinks of Sun Hill. He thinks it's quiet for an East End station and he expected more to be going on 'outside'. The officers explain it's not always like this and to treat it as the lull before the storm. They joke that they wouldn't be surprised if Roy had made the hoax calls himself to keep them on their toes. Dave tells them he's already had a run-in with him that morning, muttering about something. Higgins asks if that's what Roy is usually like and, sensing a wind-up, Taffy tells him: "No, not really. Nice quiet chap when you get to know him. You can always knock on his door and ask for a quiet cosy little chat. Very accessible. Especially towards the uniform branch. Father figure you might say."
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"Father Figure" Roy is tearing into Bob after reading the file on the hoax calls and accuses him of cocking it up. "You don't bloody listen, do you? You're as pigheaded as ever!" Bob shouts back, warning him they need to be tactful and can't just crash bang wallop into it. Ted and Mike are hilariously making no secret that they're enjoying the show when Roy slams the door to his office. Roy snaps that it's just a prank and claims Bob has inflamed the situation by treating it with kid gloves and in doing so Bob has got no MO and no leads. Bob points out that he's been rostered on the early turn when none of the owners are available. He's bound by procedure and he has to treat each call as real and can't take shortcuts. He reminds Roy that Uniform don't have the luxury of getting cases passed up half worked on with evidence and lines of inquiry found like Roy and CID do. "Don't worry Sarge, the CID - as usual - will sort it all out. Know what I mean?" Bob warns him that when he falls from his high horse and needs help, no one will lift a finger, least of all him. "Get the violins, Robert." He snaps before the men place a bet on Roy cracking the case within 2 weeks.
A fourth call has come through, this time to a Greek restaurant. Tom Penny speaks to the owner and asks him if he's positive it's a hoax. The caller says they've cleared the restaurant and searched it. Tom tells him to double-check thoroughly to make sure. (Cor, imagine doing that now! I was even surprised when they had staff involved in searching the cinema with them in episode 143 but I can imagine that was partly due to having the person who was placing bombs involved in the search). He warns them not to touch anything suspicious and that they'll send the bomb car over. He then arranges for CID to be informed.
Mike tries his hardest to speak to men who mostly only understand Greek and want to go home that Roy is on his way and that no one can leave. Ted is... Ted. ❤ He only stops eating when Roy appears.
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Ted tells him it's the same as all the others and that nothing has been found. Roy tells him he can leave and take Mike and uniform with him as he and Dimitri - an old friend - are going to go over everything. "Even if it takes all night."
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"Your public is waiting for you out there, God help them!" Bob dismisses uniform from the briefing, placing Higgins and Jim together. Jim hasn't learnt all the bad habits of the others yet so he is partnering them together despite Jim being a probationer himself.
Mike and Ted are in bright and early to continue working on their cases. They're very amused that, come 9.20am, there's still no sign of Roy, nor did he write anything in the book about the case. He finally makes an appearance a few minutes later - paler than usual which is quite some doing.
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Mike goes to make him a black coffee whilst Ted finishes dressing him, warns him to take water with his Ouzo and the boys try to find their boss some aspirin to dull his whimpers.
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"The things I do for this job." Roy pouts before telling Ted he's found the specific phone box the calls came from as there are roadworks audible in all the phone calls and it's the only one that has had roadworks happening nearby all week. He suspects it's a way for 2 men to avoid paying their bills when eating out by getting a friend to ring and make a bomb threat. Through his investigation, Roy has found 2 men in particular who requested the bill at each restaurant just before the threats came in and they had to evacuate. Being the 80's, there's no one at BT to speak to over the weekend so Roy tells Mike and Ted to visit every local eatery to ask them to keep their eye out for 2 men making large orders and behaving suspiciously. He wants them to call the station so that officers can catch those responsible.
Roy tries to relieve his hangover by dunking his face in cold water much to Bob's amusement. Bob mocks him and his 'for the sake of the job' excuse and says he has no sympathy for him. He does however help him locate the towel dispenser when Roy misses it by a mile and almost faceplants into the wall... even if it is empty!
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Mr Rutherford arrives at the station and insists on speaking to Roy about the bomb hoaxes. He gets riled when Rutherford implies that the police aren't doing much and directs him to "the thirteenth hole at the golf club" to speak to Brownlow.
The two men [one being Perry Fenwick] in question for the bomb hoaxes speak to their 'friend', a gullible magazine seller on the high street. He is oblivious that he's being set up to take the wrap should the police become involved. They slip him a few quid and ask him to make a call to a Chinese restaurant at approximately 2.30pm.
Roy takes his mood out on uniform by reading through the report book, first bollocking Taffy to redo his crime reports, then telling Bob he wants to see Hollis. As he does, a frequent flyer drunk called Lampton tries to make a donation to the police widows and orphans. "Charity, Dear Sgt, begins at home. And I'm beginning to feel like I live here." "I think I'll stick to vimto..." Higgins remarks after seeing Lampton out. "Me too!" Jim adds - if only you did, Jim!
Lampton finishes his bottle and places it in the gutter. Jim asks Taffy if he's nearly finished as there's only 5 minutes left. Taffy says he'll be 15 minutes and to get him a drink and he'll meet him at the pub. (The barmaid, Sadie, guests in several episodes over series 1 to 4. Cheryl Hall who goes on to play Smithy's mum. If only she'd been called Sadie and not Pauline it could have been a nice nod 😉) By the time Sadie serves Jim, they've already been paid for by Lampton. When he arrives, Taffy is horrified that Lampton brought them drinks and tells Jim they're leaving. Sadie asks Jim to remove Lampton, claiming he's his responsibility as he's drinking with him. Taffy explains it's a disciplinary offense to associate with a criminal on bail and they need to leave before the drink is misconstrued as a bribe. Jim feels bad but Taffy says Jim can do what he wants but he's not losing his job for a drunk. Jim wrestles Lampton out and tries to take him home.
At the Chinese restaurant, the suspects have arrived and work their way through the menu. At 2.15pm the older one asks for the menu again. The younger one groans and says he only wants a coffee as he's full up. Just after half 2, their friend makes it to the call box but the phone line has been cut. He hurries into a nearby shop to make a call. The shop assistant asks what he's doing, startling him. He runs off before he can end the call, leading to the assistant speaking to the person on the other end. Now sure of what is happening, the owner of the restaurant gestures to a waiter who alerts the other staff. Panicking, the older suspect shouts out that there's a bomb and there's a stampede of people to leave the restaurant, causing people to get hurt. The chefs leave the kitchen, entering the main room with huge machetes, looking for the suspects!
Outside Jim is trying to escort Lampton home as people scream and run from the restaurant. He has to leave Lampton - who drops his wallet in the confusion and runs over to take charge. At the station Tom and Reg are sorting the ambulance and police response to the restaurant. "[The staff] have caught the bomb hoax pair..." Reg smirks when he's asked for another ambulance. Roy hurries to the scene and congratulates Jim, telling him the two suspects will live - just - after their run in with the staff.
The next morning, Bob asks for volunteers to take Higgins out for his final shift...
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No one volunteers so Bob asks Higgins who he wants to go out with and he replies, "With the hero of the moment, Sergeant. Carver." Unfortunately for Jim however, Lampton is in the front office to make a complaint, alleging that Jim has stolen his wallet.
Roy is in a buoyant mood which doesn't dim even when catching up on station gossip. "All that good work gone to waste." he sighs before laughing at Bob calling the Chief Super in on a Sunday. Bob explains he's hoping Lampton will come to his senses when he realises the importance of what he's accusing Jim of before it can go any further. Roy tells Bob that he knows where he is if there's anything he can do. "Esprit de corps." (Team moral) Bob sighs.
Brownlow reminds Lampton he was "under the weather' when he left the station and that he could have misplaced the wallet. Lampton insists he had it when he left and in the pub only for it to be gone when he returned home. "Who else could it have been? He took me home - why should he do that?" No good deed goes unpunished, JimJim. Lampton asks Charles what happens now - will the police sub him as he needs 'groceries' (ha!) Charles tells him he's jumping the gun and that he needs to speak to Jim and uniform. If he's satisfied there's a crime then he'll call in CIB.
No one believes Jim is guilty other than Lampton but it has to be looked into. Bob gives Jim a subtle heads-up whilst Taffy speaks to Brownlow. "It's not what you've done, it's what they think you've done!" Bob is more disappointed than anything, telling Jim he keeps making stupid mistakes and that he's a policeman, not a social worker. Jim is near tears, telling Bob that he's never taken anything from anyone in his life. He admits he felt sorry for Lampton because he has a problem. Bob tells him he's not the only one with a problem and sighs, telling him he's stupid enough to do it again.
Ted and Mike discuss Jim and they watch Taffy enter the canteen. Ted tells Mike that Taffy might be up for disciplinary if the Chief Super sticks to the book. Ted teases Taffy by calling him a 'Scab' (Taffy had swerved the uniform group staring silently at him and moved to sit alone before Ted spoke) and asks what happened. Taffy sighs and admits that each time he opened his mouth he seemed to drop Jim further in it. Charles had asked if Jim had ever mentioned being short of money. "Oh god..." Mike sighs.
Higgins is annoyed at being called in too as he wants nothing to do with it. "It's not going to do my career any good." "Right born leader of men you are." June drawls. Roy asks Bob how things are going and Bob admits the Super thinks Lampton is trying it on. As they chat an elderly lady makes a fuss at the front desk. Bob asks her to wait and then when she continues to complain he asks Higgins to deal with her. Lucky for Jim she's very honest. She's handing in Lampton's wallet! Bob has to pay up on the bet after Roy cracked the case in well under a fortnight. However, instead of keeping the money, Roy hands it to Jim and tells him to create a hamper of food for the lady who handed the wallet in. "She won't get a reward from Lampton will she and she's not got two pennies to rub together." Bob is absolutely gobsmacked at Roy's generosity. "I never thought I'd see the day, Detective Inspector Roy Galloway - Social Worker?" "Oh piss off!" Roy scoffs and hurries to the safety of his office.
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augustusaugustus · 5 months
5.102 Chinese Whispers
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ACKLAND: Not exactly a shrinking violet, are you?
Dave’s first episode and he’s extremely unlikeable in the beginning. Trying it on with everyone in a skirt and just being plain annoying. I’m glad he matured after a while.
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filthyneverdie · 1 year
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joeygallagher · 5 months
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Tom Penny - 360 Flip
Copenhagen, Denmark
Photo by Jesper Nilsson (1998)
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page-28 · 1 year
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soloskatemag · 2 years
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SKTWK in Frankfurt had Tom Penny as a guest. Here you can find all our photos from the weekend //
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joeohuchi · 6 months
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友達が来たからビール飲んだら 美味しかったです仲間とはお酒を飲むのはいいって決めてるんです 仲間と飲む時以外は飲みません My friend came over, so I had a beer and it was delicious. I have decided that I decided it was OK to drink with friends. I don't drink unless I'm drinking with friends. 
パンダってロックンロールだな 回り続けるっていう Panda is rock'n'roll, it keeps spinning. 
もちろんだけど今癌やその他の病気または戦争などで苦しんでる人とかいるんだろうな 何もしてあげられないんだよ ごめん なんて無力なんだ Of course, there are probably people who are suffering from cancer or other illnesses or wars, and there's nothing I can do to help them. I'm so helpless. I'm sorry 
.私はただの普通の人間です i'm just a normal person 
何を書いているんだろう 私は I wonder what I'm writing 
自分が神様とでも思ってるのかよ って思った君 正解 are you wondering if you think you're a god, you're right.
本当に トムは白いシューズが似合う Tom really looks good in white shoes 
お酒飲んで滑るとめちゃめちゃ酔うんだよね If you drink and skate, you'll get really drunk. 
呪術廻戦 おもろ Jujutsu Kaisen interesting
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robdtsmith · 9 months
Tom Penny - Transworld 'Anthology' (2000)
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thejustynwithay · 10 months
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forensicated · 4 days
03x03 - Brownie Points
TW: Discussion of child abuse and race in the terms of the mid-80s when this was written and filmed.
June and Taffy watch a prostitute, Shirley, attempt to pick up customers on a street corner. So far they've seen two slow down before driving off with her flicking them the V's. June goes to speak to her and warns her she risks arrest. "Home to bed for you." "What do you think I've been trying to do for the last 6 bleedin' hours?!" As June returns to the car, a man in a van slows down. "'Ello darlin' you looking for company?" June turns round and the man drives off at speed when he sees she's a police officer.
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"I've just been accosted by a kerb crawler." she chuckles, getting back in the car. The official name for the operation is "Operation Tom."
Nick stops a posh gentleman in a red light district after spotting his car circling three times. He claims he's lost. "Would you like us to phone your wife and ask her to look up directions for you?" Nick asks with the man blustering and very quickly remembering he knows where he's going. Funny that.
Bob is stuck in CAD still and is not happy, twirling in his chair. "It's like being stuck in a wheelchair." Dinesh tries to send Nick to an all-night party that is still going on. He answers back smartly until Bob cuts in and tell him to just go. "Don't let them mess you about!"
Nick and Viv attend the all-night party and invite themselves in to talk to the residents who night shift already visited earlier. "All people do around here is complain. If we want a party we have a party." The female resident snaps, ordering her daughter back inside her bedroom. "All we're asking for is a bit of consideration for others." Nick says pointedly before they leave. Mrs. Baker, the neighbour who has been ringing the station comes out and explains she hasn't just been complaining about the music. Natalie, the daughter, has been screaming and crying at all hours of the day and night for months. Viv asks if she's heard what has been going on and Mrs Baker says that the mother is beating the girl. She hasn't seen her but hears it and the girl is covered in bruises. She feels guilty for not reporting it sooner. As Viv returns to the car, the music starts up again.
Brian Kite speaks to Brownlow, telling him he didn't have to come in early as he had everything in hand. Brownlow spots three issues and urges him to hurry up the operation to discourage the red light district near the market as the DAC is due to visit that afternoon. He literally tells him to shift them onto another Super's patch. 🤣 He doesn't want someone important nicked for kerb crawling as it would be very embarrassing. Kite reminds him they have a Brownie troop visiting at the same time. He didn't move or cancel them because the DAC is very keen on community involvement and Kite thought it would be a good idea for him to see them. He then tells Charles he's replaced his coffee cups as he leaves because the old ones were grubby. Proper little 'apple for school teacher!' suck up.
Taffy is studying for promotion and keeps asking other officers to test him. At the same time he moans about the new staff in the canteen as one keeps showing attitude and turning her back on officers. "Thanks love, sorry for the inconvenience." he drawls with the woman rolling her eyes at him. Tom tells Jim he's not in CID yet so can still sit with his mates. "No thanks, Sarge. My social worker always told me to keep away from policemen!"
Viv tells Yorkie that Natalie's face was bruised when she saw her and her eye was puffed up. Yorkie tells her it's not the first time and the school has also reported her bruises. Natalie is already known to the relevant agencies and Yorkie will follow it up again with the new information as the estate is on his ground.
Reg reports to Tom that he's been nominated as Federation Rep by a couple of officers on the night shift. He wanted Tom to be the first to know because he thinks he and Tom have a lot in common. "I wouldn't have said that, Hollis." " Course you wouldn't, Sarge. You're too modest." "...Bloody hell."
Charles keeps fussing around the station and checking noticeboards. He tells Tom that he's seen far too many police officers and wants them 'sending out' before the DAC arrives. "Especially the troublemakers!" Charles tells him that Reg was the only nomination for Fed Rep and if the rest of them are "too apathetic to apply for the job they must accept the consequences. That's democracy."
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Nick can't believe that no one else has applied. Alec tells him nominations don't close till midday so he can still stand himself. "Me, Federation Rep? No thanks!" Taffy claims it'd interfere with his studies. Alec claims that they need someone who can stand up to the bosses and who has a bit of nouse so they can get what they need across. He adds that women always do well as Fed Rep and that June is the ideal person. Nick claims there's no such thing as female PC's, they're just men in drag.
Yorkie finds Youth And Community are aware there is a multi-agency conference about Natalie Winston happening that day but they're not attending as her Y&C caseworker is on holiday. Yorkie asks for permission to attend. Tom says no as it's Y&C's fault if they don't attend on behalf of the police and he's already light on officers due to Operation Tom. Brian gives permission as community liaison is part of their job and Yorkie has knowledge of the case. He tells Tom to make sure that Y&C know it's just a one off.
Reg tells Nick and Taffy, who are cleaning the yard before the DAC arrives that the request is a misuse of manpower and they shouldn't have been asked to do it. Reg is smug and is adamant he's already got the position as Fed Rep, purely because there's no competition. "I seem to have emerged." Nick tells him that June has also been nominated. "She's only a woman." Reg scoffs. In the ladies toilets, Viv tells June she would make a good Fed Rep because she has the right experience and it'd do her good and she's a shoo-in against Reg. "Besides, it'd give you an interest." "Just because I'm not husband hunting or shag happy does not mean I need an interest!" June snaps. "I'm a perfectly normal woman! I enjoy my job and then I go home and mind my bloody business!"
Alec is at his top wind-up best when Kite seems to ask if he's ready for the DAC to arrive. He suggests Alec brush up on how PACE is affecting his job as Custody Officer. Alec smiles that the DAC can have his opinion on PACE if he wants it. "PACE is a pain in the neck and the only thing I don't have to write down now is how often a prisoner farts." Kite is not amused claiming that Sun Hill must be seen as a "efficient, flexible and forward-looking. No room for Ned Ludd [who Luddites named their movement after] here."
Yorkie asks Robin to do a couple of checks for him on the background of Natalie's mum and her boyfriend who live on Lexford Square. He tells Bob that the CAD room looks great. "Yeah, till someone pulls the plug."
Tom tells Viv DAC Wainwright is worse than an auditor, he pounces on anything and everything to pull up as problems so wants her to go through the lost/found books and make sure everything is entered correctly. Ken, Taffy and Nick are directed to check the property store to ensure everything is in order and correctly labeled. Viv is told to make sure the commissioner's face isn't on the dartboard.
Roy returns after his 'bloody awful' leave.
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Tom and Bob warn Roy of the DAC's impending visit and that a particular street has been under 'Operation Tom' all week so not to seek an escape there. Brian asks Roy how his leave has been and Roy poshes-up his accent a little. "Superb, thanks Brian." He tells Brian that he doesn't want a particular 'tom' arrested because she's a CID informant. "I didn't ask for a lecture, just a favour." When Brian launches into a long-winded explanation of why he can't help.
Ted is irritated they didn't get advance notice of Natalie's case and claims Youth and Community do not keep their end of the 'bargain'. Roy asks what the issue is as it's him who'll have to attend, not Ted. Ted claims it's the principle, and without notice they can't get cover. "Life was a damn sight easier when Social Services weren't able to bury their dead!" he snaps, every word overheard by Brownlow on a call to Roy to ask him to look after the DAC. "Acting DI Roach" is going to attend the conference with Yorkie. Ted has three cases that all want his undivided attention. "And now you've got a couple of hours listening to so-called experts talking a load of cobblers!" Roy warns him to keep his ears open and mouth schtum. Mike had sent Jim to get him a coffee and Ted steals it from Jim just as he's about to enter CID and takes it with him.😂
Jim is sent to the Red Light district where Operation Tom is happening to warn one of Roy's best snouts, Janice, to make herself scarse so she doesn't get arrested. Roy warns him to be careful near her! She's a handful!
Reg does his best to speak to all uniform, telling them he and Brownlow are on the same level and he has a special way with him. June on the other hand is depressed about how she comes across and why people make assumptions about her having the time to take on Fed Rep responsibilities. "June Ackland, aged 30. Married to the job, good old sexless dependable June." She sighs to Alec who wraps his arm around her. "Let Hollis do it, let us all have a laugh."
Ted moans about Social Services not doing their job and that they shouldn't be let loose as Social Workers unless they've got kids of their own as 'wet nose kids fresh from uni know nothing!' Yorkie claims the case workers have a load of about 80-90 kids each that they're concerned about. "Concern is no good unless they let us do something about it!" Ted growls.
The Brownie Pack arrives and Tom tries to offload them onto Inspector Kite who informs him that he is tasked to show the Brownies around. Brian is literally running his hand over everything including door frames to make sure they're spick and span. He tells Ken to keep a watch for the DAC on the back door, radio in when he spots him, and then not allow anyone into the station for an hour. Ken does exactly that, saluting the DAC's car as he drives into the yard.
Unfortunately, Natalie's mum and stepfather have no previous for which they've been caught so the police are on a backstep. The social worker doesn't think CID involvement is necessary. Ted disagrees 'in light of the injuries'. "Let's keep an open mind about that, shall we?" Natalie and her mum were moved onto the estate 12m previously as part of the council's attempt to create a better 'ethnic mix'. The council worker claims that the prejudice and hostility that Tara Wilson was subjected to created a lot of stress. Tara attended 1 psychiatric consultation 6 months ago and the psychiatrist claims she is a classic example of repeating what she learnt from her own childhood - no love of warmth shown to her so she is the same for Natalie.
In Brownlow's office, Brian and Charles try to charm the DAC, showing him the official figures - which impresses him.
Jim drives around and spots Roy's snout. He shouts she has a message from DI Galloway whilst showing her his warrant card. 🤦‍♀️ She gets into his car to discuss it and he tells her to keep out of sight - as Nick and Taffy stop them. "I'll have the kerbcrawler, Taff. You can have the Tom." Jim asks them not to spread it around because she is a snout. They promise they won't but continue to tease him. "You dirty little bleeder."
Yorkie notices Ted scribbling away so looks at his notepad...
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He's drawing Ms Blake, a council official he has had previous with. The psychiatrist claims that the best way for Natalie's mother to learn to become a mother is through "a therapeutic relationship with her Social Worker within the family structure." Ted claims that Natalie's mother has the morals of a pole cat, the boyfriend won't stick around, and that Natalie was seen bruised and swollen just that morning by a police officer, "Here we go, typical intelligent response, nick 'em and bin 'em!" Ms Blake glares across at Ted. "Well, it's better than pontificating over a corpse." Ted responds.
The Brownies are excited after being in a cell and are shouting. Tom and Alec watch as the leader simply lifts her arm and the Brownies shut up immediately and do the same. "... I must try that at Parade!"
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Alec riles them again by taking them off to get fingerprints done.
Ted asks if the meeting is about Natalie's best interests or not. The social worker agrees that it is, but they have to work out if the evidence is strong enough to warrant her removal from her mother's care. Ted points out they have the police evidence in their files and that the neighbour, who is the same race as Natalie and her mother - will testify. Ms Blake snaps sarcastically that the neighbour is 'what's known as a coconut, love. She's black on the outside and white in the middle.' The health visitor claims she is only there to see the baby who is healthy and well cared for and frankly she'd be unhappy if the case was allowed to undermine the work that the health service has done on the estate. Ted remarks that they'll likely have to carry Natalie out in a coffin to keep tarts and drug pushers happy. One of the women shouts at Ted for being ignorant and tells him that her case workers are assaulted, threatened and spat at every day as they work to keep families together and all 'these bastards [the police] want to do is take the easy way out.' She physically strikes Ted's shoulder in her frustration and throws his notepad at him as she tells him she's sick of him.
The DAC, Brownlow and Inspector Kite walk into custody as Alec and Tom are taking the girl's handprints. Tom sees his chance and holds his hand in the air which makes the girls shut up and do the same. Without realising they're there because Tom hasn't verbally warned or alerted him, Alec coats his hand in fingerprint ink too. The DAC shakes Alec's hand once he's been introduced, transferring the ink to his hand. The DAC is thankfully amused and speaks to the girls.
The education welfare officer claims that his department is receiving reports that teachers wouldn't even look twice at 15 years ago. He claims he can't be sure Natalie's injuries are not non-accidental. The headteacher snarkily claims 'he is the expert and she is just a humble headteacher', but she says the injuries are too frequent and too bad to be accidental. She can't understand why it's being allowed to continue. Ms Blake claims progress has been made and that the headteacher clearly doesn't understand the pressure of poverty on Natalie's mother. "She's inadequate. She's at risk and should be removed." "Here here!" adds Yorkie.
Shirley tells June she's a cow after she arrests her after she has ignored two warnings. "Only a cow, Shirley? You usually manage better than that." "If I had AIDS I'd spit in your face." Shirley adds.
The social worker claims that there has been some overreacting recently by Social Services where they have removed children into care that was found not to be strictly necessary and that in removing the child they destroyed families. He insists they need to establish that Natalie's injuries are serious enough to obtain a full care order which, in his opinion, they are not. He suggests Natalie be placed on the at-risk register. The other option is a place of safety order that would temporarily remove her whilst the case is looked into. Police and Education vote for a place of safety order. Everyone else votes for Natalie to be added to the at-risk register. The Social Worker ends the conference, saying Natalie is to be added to the at risk register. The headteacher tells Ted that Natalie is being systematically beaten and begs him to do something. Ted repeats that they can 'nick 'em and bin 'em' like Ms Blake said and he's on his way to do exactly that.
Two prostitutes (One played by Lorraine Ashbourne) are arrested after the police spot them speaking to lone men in cars. They claim they're not regulars and are on an away day from Doncaster to try and raise some money and won't be able to use their tickets the next day. They ask if they can at least contact their mum as she'll be worried when they don't return home. As they're loaded into the van they recognise Nick Shaw. "See you later maybe." One winks before Nick quickly explains they went to the same school.
DAC Wainwright is impressed that the station has had a new lick of paint and Kite claims it's to keep things fresh and boost officers' morale. He asks to meet the Fed Rep and Kite tries to tell him the truth but Charles speaks over him and tells him that it's PC Reg Hollis, newly elected that morning and unopposed. Reg tells the DAC that he's worried about stress and that the year before 200 officers left the MET because of the stress of the job and they're still in the dark ages because M&S staff get better care than they do - without having petrol bombs thrown at them.
Ken stops the van from Operation Tom from entering the station and recommends going for a drive around until the DAC leaves because 'he's had his orders'. They park up down a side street. "What are we supposed to do?" Nick asks. "Open a mobile brothel?" Taffy suggests.
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Roy comes downstairs to see where the DAC is because he's been waiting upstairs for an hour. Brian tells him he's still in talking with Reg and they've had to cut 1-2 items because his time is limited. "You could have come up and told me that!" Ted interrupts and tells Roy he wants a Place Of Safety order for Natalie as Social Services are doing sod all and Natalie is being beaten to a pulp. Roy agrees to have a look at the case with him.
The DAC goes into CAD and asks Bob if he's had any problems. Bob claims it's been nothing they can't handle. The DAC says he admires men like Bob who have been in the service a long time but are still soaking up the new tech and objectives. They run into the Brownie Pack again. Charles leads towards the rec room at the suggestion of the DAC who goes off with Brian to continue the tour.
One of the girls from Doncaster who is stuck in the back of the van with June, Nick and the others, says she needs a wee. Shirley tells her to just pee on the seats - she's going to do it too in a minute. She then suggests a singsong and says Taffy should be good at singing because he's Welsh. Taffy says he only sings in the bath. "Well you better get your rubber duck out then!"
Roy and Ted approach the Winston's flat with a uniformed officer. Roy tries to speak to Natalie's mum and explain that they're there to talk about Natalie. Mrs Winston shouts that they're not and throws something through the glass of the door that makes it shatter over Roy (genuinely think some of the glass hits John tbf). Ted jumps at the chance and breaks the rest of the glass in the door, forcing it open. He charges inside to arrest Mrs Winston whilst she shouts and swears at them. Roy goes to comfort Natalie before lifting her up and carrying her out with the uniformed officer bringing the baby and Ted escorting a protesting Mrs Winston out.
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The DAC finally leaves, telling Brian he runs a tight ship and that his efforts are fully noted. Brian looks smug. The DAC drives straight past the van full of officers and prostitutes singing 10 green bottles 🤣 Finally the van pulls into the yard with its occupants still singing, just as Natalie and her little brother are taken into the police station.
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Reg tells June that someone told him she was standing for Fed Rep and asks if she changed her mind. Tired, she tells him she did. Reg shrugs smugly. "Oh well, woman's prerogative" Roy asks June to sit with Natalie until Social Services arrives.
Finally, with the DAC gone and the higher-up ranks back upstairs, the station can breathe again. Uniform mocks Jim about being 'caught with a prostitute'. Tom laughs and tries the trick he learned from the Brownie leader and sticks his hand in the air to stop them. It doesn't work!🤣 As the officers continue down a corridor still singing in the background, a bruised Natalie can be seen and heard asking June where her mummy is.
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augustusaugustus · 7 months
2.12 The Chief Super’s Party
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I think this is the first episode I’d count as a classic. Ted’s drink driving cock-up, Roy coming to his rescue (and getting one over Charles in the process), all the men trying it on with June and Viv (and Frank succeeding with Viv wtf—they really should’ve brought that up when she joined CID), some nice Jim & Taffy moments, Mike wandering around looking particularly pretty, and a good helping of Bob/Roy just to round it all off.
Final episode for Litten & Muswell (good riddance) and Lyttleton (yawn).
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filthyneverdie · 2 years
NAMO - Vibrations
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callsignchicha · 14 days
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Sorry that its kind of a long post, too tired to figure out why the ‘read more’ thingie isn’t working :’3
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peachesandcreames · 22 days
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It's Not the Plane, It's the Pilots 💞💕
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zoe-oneesama · 9 months
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I wish I remembered what these flowers were and what they meant, I remember I spent a lot of time picking VERY specific flowers for each character.
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