#Total War - Attila
ode-on-a-grecian-butt · 6 months
You guys remember Attila Total War? Honestly my favorite historical TW game
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uboat53 · 2 years
My Dream Total War Game: Part 1
Well, I've had a solid go of Total War: Warhammer III having played several races and I'm just waiting for Immortal Empires to drop. I suppose it's time to do the big project I've been thinking about for a while, what would my dream Total War game look like?
To start with, I've been thinking back to the previous games in the series. I've played every single Total War title except the original Shogun, Napoleon, and Thrones of Britannia, so I think I've got a fairly good background. Each one of them introduced something cool or different to the series, so let's take a look at those things
Here's what I really liked that I associate with each of them:
Medieval: Total War
My goodness, the original for me. I still love this game, though I am glad that we've moved away from that tile campaign map. One thing I remember about this game was being able to assault the gates of a castle even without building siege equipment. Infantry could undermine the foundations, scale walls, and attempt to torch the gates. It was way less efficient than building or bringing along real siege equipment, but there are times when you just need to take the dang thing and this option was great to have in your back pocket.
Princesses were also great. They weren't just pictures on a family tree that meant very little, they were very real agents in the campaign and that really brought the socio-political side of the game to life.
Finally, I loved the religion aspect of this. Fighting a war with troops and diplomacy is one thing, but adding religion to your arsenal really added another dimension to it. Being able to influence the Papacy as a Catholic faction especially was a ton of fun.
Rome: Total War
Oh my (George Takei voice), the realistic campaign map and 3-D units. I never want to play without those again. Definitely have to be a part of any perfect TW game.
Rome was also the first game with real diversity in factions. I mean, in Shogun the factions pretty much all use peasants and samurai and in the time period of Medieval the mounted knight is pretty much the main unit on the battlefield that all factions build their armies around. In Rome, by contrast, each faction has a very unique way of making war that forces different strategy and tactics than any other faction. The Romans have the legion, Greeks have hoplites, Macedonians have pikes, Gauls have warbands. Each one of those brings a totally different flavor to how they play and I love it.
Other than that, I miss the trade system. I liked it when a trade agreement meant that any territories that could trade with each other would do so instead of this new capital to capital link.
Medieval II: Total War
There's nothing quite like the feel and fanfare of medieval warfare and there were three things in particular from this that I'd want in a perfect TW game. The first is the synchronized kills, where the animation of an attacking unit matches the death animation of the unit it's attacking. Sure, I spend a lot of time zoomed out and issuing commands to the army, but there's nothing like zooming in and actually seeing dozens of men directly interacting with each other instead of just using stock animations without regard for one another.
The next one is the individualized units. Making different men in the same unit look unique was amazing and I was surprised at how well they were able to manage it. And, taking off from that…
…is my next point, the visual impact of armor and weapon upgrades. You see, Medieval II didn't just have armor upgrade by colors (upgrade to the bronze, then the silver, then the gold), it had types of armor. Leather, Padded, Lamellar, Light Mail, etc that were made in different kinds of facilities. Different kinds of units started with different types of armor and could only be upgraded to types of armor that made sense for them to wear. More importantly, you could SEE the change when you went into battle. Line infantry with heavy mail or partial plate LOOKED different from the same unit with light mail. This is a feature I'd really love to see again.
Empire: Total War
NAVAL COMBAT! I mean, seriously, the age of sail. No other TW game has done naval combat as well since and it's a feature I really want to see again (particularly in the Warhammer games, how do we have Vampire Coast and Druchii without naval combat?).
This was also the first TW game that featured automatic replenishment of units which is definitely a feature I would have to have in my perfect game.
I'm still not 100% sure I like not being able to just build every building in a single city given enough time, but I really loved the fact that not all buildings in a territory were in the central settlement and that new cities would spring up in a territory over time with enough growth. It made the provinces/territories more of a strategic battleground when you couldn't just retreat to the city and hole up while the enemy ran all over the place without accomplishing anything.
There's also the settlement garrisons. It was so nice having at least a rudimentary defense in place even if I didn't put an army in every. single. city. They've been balanced differently in different games to various results, but I think any TW game from now on needs them.
Finally, dismountable cavalry. There are so many situations where it would be more useful to take my guys off of horseback, so why can't I do it anymore?
Shogun 2: Total War
Shogun 2 for me is all about the multiplayer. I loved the clans system, I loved the progression system, and my favorite part was how you could save a veteran unit from your battles and customize it. No more nameless, faceless armies, I want my personal troops again!
Rome II: Total War
Let's face it, the combined land and sea battles really gave the navy its punch in this game. The ramming of sea battles was fine, but being able to use your ships and their full crews on land made them ten times as valuable. That would absolutely be a part of my perfect TW game.
Total War: Attila
Attila, more than any other TW game really had a strong feel. The world was getting colder and civilization was falling apart and it FELT like that was happening all around you. I'm not 100% sure how you would get that level of theming in another game, but I want it!
Total War: Warhammer, Warhammer II
So for me these are in the same boat, Warhammer II was a great improvement over Warhammer, but for me it didn't do anything new that Warhammer hadn't already done, it just did the things better. That said, I liked the single entity units and I liked the monstrous units, they really added some difference in gameplay. I also liked the magic which really opened up a ton of tactical and strategic options.
These games also brought in unique faction mechanics, different kinds of machinations and strategies that each faction could employ, further differentiating them beyond even their unique unit rosters and building trees.
Total War: Arenas
This one never officially launched and it wasn't even an official Total War thing by the end of it, but I love it so much I'm going to talk about it anyways.
Arenas was the greatest multiplayer experience I've ever played in any game ever. The gameplay was set up so that you controlled three units in an army with nine other players against an enemy army of ten. You had to cooperate over a divided battlefield in order to secure victory either by destroying all enemy units or by capturing their flag.
I'm sure there'd be a ton more work you'd have to do in order to get this to work and you'd probably want different modes because how often do you have 20 players at a time, but it was the coolest TW experience I've ever had and I really want to see it again!
Total War: Three Kingdoms
My goodness, the diplomacy. Give me the diplomacy system. This was the single most refreshing TW title I have played in a long time and it still holds a special place in my heart because of this. Yes, other titles since have used the diplomacy system to some degree, but in Troy and Warhammer a lot of the faction relations are hard-coded in. In Three Kingdoms the alliances and confederations can shift in a heartbeat, completely changing the shape of the campaign.
The way the diplomacy system interacted with the character relationships was also brilliant in that it allowed a real connection to your generals and officers. They were no longer just cogs in a machine, they had likes and dislikes and developed friendships and rivalries over the course of the campaign. It was great!
The personalities were also fantastic because they hooked them up to the play style. A brash and aggressive character would genuinely play in a brash and aggressive way which led to whole new level of strategic planning.
I also really like the idea of an army being composed of multiple generals and their retinues. This worked really well with the relationship and personality system, adding new depth to the campaign where you had to work to ensure that you composed armies not just with generals who complemented each other well, but also who got along well enough to work together.
Total War: Troy
I liked the mythological elements of this a lot. They weren't overwhelming, but it was just really cool to see a huge man dressed as a cyclops on the battlefield. It was impressive enough to be cool but still within the bounds of reason so it didn't break historical verisimilitude.
The other thing I really liked about this one was the currency system. It was really fun putting together the different pieces in order to buy what you needed. Three Kingdoms started this a bit with their food mechanic, but Troy took it to the next level and it was a great feature.
Total War: Warhammer III
Warhammer III separates itself from I and II based on one thing only, the Warriors of Chaos rework that's being prepared for the launch of Immortal Empires. You see, this rework has something I've been wanting from a TW game since I first started playing them back in 2001, the ability to upgrade a unit to a better type instead of having to disband it and recruit a new one. It's great, it's fantastic, and I'm super looking forward to getting to use this feature.
So yeah, that's what I love about each of the games and what I'd put in my perfect Total War game. The thing is, though, there's still some stuff that I've seen in other games that hasn't made it into a TW game yet. I'll do another rant in a bit with some of those things.
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pinkbirdtragedy · 5 months
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1212 ad mod dwarves vs dismounted french chivalric
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vansunsky · 2 years
Install medieval kingdoms total war attila
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How to install medieval ii: After mounting the image, install the game. How To Install Medieval Kingdoms Total War 1212ad Total War Attila Youtube from i. Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: It's a big place, after all, and there's no shortage of foes, as you might have learned in sega and creative assembly's epic strategy game. How to install medieval ii: Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: Medieval 2 total war kingdoms release date: After mounting the image, install the game. It's a big place, after all, and there's no shortage of foes, as you might have learned in sega and creative assembly's epic strategy game. How to install medieval ii: Medieval 2 total war kingdoms release date: Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: How to install medieval ii:Īfter mounting the image, install the game. How to install medieval ii: Medieval 2 total war kingdoms release date: After mounting the image, install the game. How To Install Medieval Kingdoms Total War 1212 A D 2015 Youtube from i. It's a big place, after all, and there's no shortage of foes, as you might have learned in sega and creative assembly's epic strategy game. Medieval 2 total war kingdoms release date:
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Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: How to install medieval ii: It's a big place, after all, and there's no shortage of foes, as you might have learned in sega and creative assembly's epic strategy game.
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Medieval 2 total war kingdoms release date:Īfter mounting the image, install the game. How to install medieval ii: Conquering europe is never an easy task, in real life and in medieval ii: After mounting the image, install the game. Medieval Ii Total War Kingdoms Torrent : Total War Medieval Ii Definitive Edition On Steam : After mounting the image, install the game.
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pinervino · 2 years
Magna graecia total war attila
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#Magna graecia total war attila mod
#Magna graecia total war attila free
Most cruelly of all, Rome, mother of the Empire, has been neglected in favor of a more practical capital at Mediolanum. Its Emperor dances to the tune of a half-Vandal general, its powerless Senators idle on vast, poorly-managed estates. The Western Roman Empire is on the very edge of catastrophe. National Statistical Office: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT), 16 Via Cesare Balbo, 00184 Rome. The Western Roman Empire is a playable faction in Total War: Attila. National library: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Vittorio Emanuele II, Viale Castro Pretorio, Rome. Volcanasek, Mary L., Constitutional Politics in Italy. And even more so in the Second Punic War (218-201 BC), when the. Putnam, R., et al., Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. The term Magna Graecia (Greater Greece) is still used to refer to this part of Italy. Plant, Margaret, Venice: Fragile City 1797–1997. (eds.) The New Italian Republic: from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Berlusconi. 2002.- A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988. Ginsborg, Paul, Italy and its Discontents, 1980–2001. Gilmour, David, The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, its Regions and their Peoples. Gilbert, M., Italian Revolution: the Ignominious End of Politics, Italian Style. 1996įurlong, P., Modern Italy: Representation and Reform. 2012įrei, M., Italy: the Unfinished Revolution. 2007Įmmott, Bill, Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future. 1994.- The Force of Destiny: A History of Italy Since 1796. 2001ĭuggan, Christopher, A Concise History of Italy. Italia, Latin Magna Graecia, or Corsica et Sardinia Building requirement Auxiliary Camp Recruitment cost 330 Upkeep cost 90 Unit size 120 Weapon (s) Hoplite Sword, Javelin Melee Weapon damage 30 AP damage 12 Bonus VS. 1995ĭoumanis, Nicholas, Italy: Inventing the Nation. You get a +20 from rebels, and then a +8 or so for the crackdown. I just let provinces spawn rebels instead of trying to keep public order perfect. M., Italy from Revolution to Republic: 1700 to the Present. Attila doesn't seem to be like other TW where you build a province up to the green face and then it stays there for the rest of the campaign. 1999Ĭotta, Maurizio and Verzichelli, Luca, Political Institutions of Italy.
#Magna graecia total war attila free
and Mantovani, Luca, The Italian Guillotine: Operation ‘Clean Hands’ and the Overthrow of Italy’s First Republic. Unlike Venetia, Magna Graecia is not a border province, which allows you to develop the area relatively free from external.
#Magna graecia total war attila mod
Total War: Attila - Viking Forefathers Culture Pack. Total War: Attila New Factions Units Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit. 2009īufacchi, Vittorio and Burgess, Simon, Italy since 1989. Game summary: The Magna Graecia content pack includes:New Greek Missions.New Deities.Apotheosis. Annuario Statistico Italiano.- Compendio Statistico Italiano (Annual).- Italian Statistical Abstract (Annual).- Bollettino Mensile di Statistica (Monthly).īaldoli, Claudia, A History of Italy.
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 month
Another spin on Dietrich and Kriemhild, but the Victorian English novelist GPR James once wrote a novel called Attila: A Romance, but because "All that we know of [Honoria's] history is uninteresting, except to those who love to dwell upon the pruriencies of a degraded state of society: all that we know of her character is disgusting to such as love purity and dignity of mind", he instead focuses on the more family friendly leads of...
Dietrich, reinvented as Theodore, a young half-German Roman patrician taken hostage by the Huns, and Ildico, the historical basis for Kriemhild.
I haven't finished reading the (pretty long and wordy) book yet, but sneaking a peek at the end, it ends on a bleak and unsatisfying note. Theodore/Theodoric escapes the Huns in the wake of Attila's death, promising to return for Ildico and marry her. Ildico, however, has no such idealistic delusions and just tells him to go and be safe. Both the Hun and Western Roman empires are destroyed by war, and it takes thirty years for Theodore to make it back to Italy from Byzantium, where he cries on Ildico's grave.
Overall, the novel is unintentionally funny because I keep thinking of Dietrich and Kriemhild, and how this random English novelist totally ships them, even in a roundabout way.
I'd vaguely heard about this book, but never really in any detail. Now I feel kinda bad for Honoria. XD
That does sounds like a very bleak ending, and the relationship between Theodore and Ildico really tragic. But I must say that Dietrich/Kriemhild is not a ship I've seen before, and it IS funny to see it pop up in such an unexpected and weirdly indirect way. XD
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catgirlforeskin · 1 month
Funny how my ask was inspired by trying to play Rome: Total War and being icked by campaign briefing saying "the Romans need living space". It was in character so maybe that's just their assumption about what Romans were like.
Though it came out 20 or so years ago, they might have changed for the better
Yeah I know everything’s unreliable narrator from perspective of your own faction in em. Personally love Three Kingdoms and think Attila is pretty good, though neither is exactly ancient. I think Rome II had Gamers bitching about it being woke, same with the new Pharaoh one
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regina-bithyniae · 2 years
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got this quote in the loading screen of Total War: Attila and boy Justinian you are the last person to be saying this
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foxter1337 · 2 days
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Plans for the evening: eat cherries and play Rome Total War Attila
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alysiagander · 1 month
Hi, This is going to be random considering how old the post I am messaging you about is, but I am wondering if you ever made any other armour concepts for Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon? in a similar fashion so your Aemond Targaryen armour. The reason I am asking is that I am a modder for a game called Total War: Attila. I am working on a Game of Thrones themed overhaul mod, and I have been looking for random armour designs over the last few days that I can one day use as references for some 3D models and come across yours today. It looks fantastic and just inspired me to ask if you have any more for either different characters or Houses in general. I am assuming that you don't but I guess there is no harm in asking. Either way, great work on your art and I wish you all the best with it.
Hi !
Thank you for showing interest in my work, unfortunately, I don’t have any other armor concepts for GoT/HotD. However, you’re free to use Aemond’s, if you want.
In any case, I wish you good luck with your project !
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ancienthistoryart · 2 years
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Forum of Constantine of Constantinople. Illustration: Attila Total War.
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thephantomcasebook · 11 months
Have you seen the leaks about Aemond and Helaena? what have you heard about it?
No, I haven't ...
Is there new Helaemond leaks?
To be fair, I haven't been paying much attention. I've been working on some stuff lately.
I've also been consumed by Indiana Jones, Total War: Attila, and Monkey Island games on my off time. So I haven't had my ear to the ground nor cared too much to ask around for new stuff.
Also, because of the money spent on it, they're closing ranks at the production to stop leaks. They're looking for moles and purposefully putting out misinformation to see if it gets out so they know who it is.
So, I'm not entirely trustworthy of anything coming out at the moment.
But still, that doesn't mean I don't want to hear it.
What's the news?
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northirish · 1 year
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dykesbites · 11 months
ok im gonna focus my anger on to something else. anyways i rewatched night at the museum with my mom and it reminded me of how great the original one was and how god awful the sequel was. like yeah there were some iffy things in the first movie (larry going "civil war guys stop fighting slavery is bad" and they immediately stop fighting and agree with him + the romans and the cowboy miniatures allowed to roam free while the maya are locked up + avid bison hunter teddy roosevelt dating sacagawea + despite their incredibly rich history there's zero black people present etc) but overall the film itself was fun and had a plotline that made sense. it was cheesy and kind of obvious but its a kids movie. then the sequel happened.
ohh my god this movie was so so so bad. like racist/misogynistic bad but also narratively unsatisfying. the worst crime to me was that they literally removed almost all of the old iconic characters from the first film? teddy only shows up in the beginning and the end, ahkmenrah is completely irrelevant, scagawea and attila are locked up most of the time, jed is stuck in the hourglass...none of them have any importance to the actual action despite being THE reason that larry returns to the museum!!
oh and larry totally ditches his son like nick gives him a bunch of information then he loses service on his phone and then...never attempts to contact him again. this poor kid is probably worried sick that his father is being killed by lions or sabretooth tigers.
second worst thing to do with characters: literally all of the new characters were so so incredibly boring, and also didn't have like. a theme around them? it just felt so messy and thrown together, lacking the cohesion that everyone at the natural history museum had. none of the villains have much in common with each other either... and like im not a history expert but i find it very hard to imagine that al capone would work with royalty like come on. oh and kahmunrah was so boring, no real motivations at all. also whyyy is there an octopus.
actually i lied this is probably a worse crime. the mischaracterization of historical figures. i feel like im watching fucking hamilton here! im sorry but napoleon would not give a shit about larry and amelia's potential relationship and that joke wasn't even that funny anyway. WHY DID ABRAHAM LINCOLN ACT LIKE THAT (he was much more tolerable when he came back to the rescue but he was so awful when we met him). the einsteins were annoying. i could go on and on brother
ok moving away from bad writing to address the stuff that's just morally messed up. um. everything about general custer oh my fucking god. i will never forgive them for making sacagawea put up with his stupid ass. he is quite literally most famous for the fact that he tried to kill indigenous people. yeah it wasn't in sacagawea's lifetime but i find it hard to believe that things would just be totally chill between them. not to mention the fact that custer literally contributed nothing, he has an entire moment where larry coddles him for being a failure, then goes into the fight, immediately gets knocked out, and then tries to act like he led the battle. classic white man behavior.
and again, massive lack of black history. there's a moment of solidarity with amelia and the tuskeegee which was nice! genuinely sweet moment. but despite yknow being the race that has existed longer than any other. the tuskeegee are the only black people we see.
and of course the elephant in the room, the obnoxious focus on romance throughout the entirety of the film. the cherubs were super annoying. the thinker showing off his muscles to some random nymph statue or whatever. very weird. and the constant never ending awkward flirting between amelia and larry. like amelia is supposed to be a trailblazer for being a woman doing something impressive that was considered a man's job! so why are you reducing her to a pretty girl who punches people sometimes but mostly just kisses the protagonist even when he says he's not interested!! part of what made the og movie so good was that there were women in the story but none of them were romantically involved with him at all. even rebecca, who seemed like she was set up to be a love interest, was just a good friend of larry's. they were independent women with agency (aside from sacagawea but she shares that lack of agency with the other museum displays) and their own wants needs etc. and of course they had to add in the weirdness of having larry repeatedly say he's not interested in amelia (which makes sense, it would feel out of character for him to immediately be into it) and then have amelia kiss him anyways. really gross. oh and they cast amy adams to play amelia which. nothing against amy adams she's a brilliant actress but not the one for this role. google amelia earhart she's a pretty masculine/rougher woman. not the femme fatale in the movie.
ok i don't have a real conclusion here just my thoughts all dumped. if you read all of this o7 i salute you. feel free to comment/rb with your thoughts btw!
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kholexcx · 1 year
my beautiful, nerdy boyfriend has open on one monitor total war: attila and on the other the wikipedia article for phrygian caps
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themole · 2 years
was just on moddb and searching something up and i misread a mod called "Total War: Attila" as Total War: Antifa
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