#Tournament Report
pinkhatboi · 4 months
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Calling Hartford deck
0 - 1 vs Kayo
1 - 1 vs Kassai
1 - 2 vs Kayo
2 - 2 vs Olympia
2 - 3 vs Kayo, died to double lunging press
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anonthefold · 3 months
I played the first Star Wars unlimited standard event at my LGS and went 2-0-1 (drew last round) and had a lot of fun my first game was against a han solo draw go deck. I won in 2. I just had to many answers to his units. The second game was a Boba Fett mirror. I won 2-1 losing second round due to keeping a bad six with no ramp. Third opponent and I decided to split as we both knew it is a miserable match and were both undefeated. I might make a couple of changes to the deck but otherwise it felt very good.
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connorbarritos · 8 months
Tournament Report, 2 League Cups and 2 League Challenges (It's been a minute)
Hey y'all, it's been a minute so I felt it's time to make another tournament report. I've been in a bit of a depression lately and lost motivation to do pretty much anything, so sorry for the long hiatus. In the month or so I haven't posted, I went to two league cups and two league challenges, and I managed to earn championship points in three out of the four tournaments I went to. Here's how they went.
League Cup #1, September 16th, 2023, 8/24 +25 Champ Points
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For this cup I played Miraidon ex with Path to the Peak, which was a break from the norm of me playing Lost Box in these types of tournaments. Honestly, I wanted to play Lost Box before tournament, but I just decided on a whim to play this instead. There is no other reason why. With that out of the way, lets get into my matchups.
Round 1: Single Strike Lugia w/ Dunsparce. WW, 1-0
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At first glance Single Strike Lugia seems like an auto-win, but good players will always find a way out of that loss. Fortunately for me this round, my opponent just couldn't get set up at all in both of our games, so I took an easy 2-0 victory. Dunsparce was a little scary to see, though.
Round 2: Single Strike Lugia LL 1-1
Round 2, I hit another Single Strike Lugia player, but this time they were able to set up and were also able to minimize the amount of Lugia in play, so I was always taking a bad matchup against either Stonjourner or Tyranitar V. I don't have Zapdos in my list, so my Miraidon could never take a ko onto a Tyranitar, which is a huge boon to my opponent. Game one ended up being really close, but game 2 was a bit of a loss.
Round 3: Miraidon w/ Path mirror, LWL 1-2
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In my opinion, the mirror is very unfun to play sometimes, especially if you lose the coin flip and go second. Whoever goes first has the opportunity to straight up win on turn one if they start Miraidon and get Path down on the first turn. There's not much the player going second can do in that situation other than to hope they have a Research in their hand. Unfortunately for me, I lost the coin flip and went second. Not much I can do. At some point I hit 0 Lightning Energy off of 2 Electric Generator and couldn't attack in game 3. Very unlucky game, but I still had a chance to make it into top 8 if I won out.
Round 4: Gardevoir, WW 2-2
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In this round I ended up playing against the one Senior division player in the room. TPCI tournaments uses age divisions to try to prevent children from playing with adults, with the youngest division being Juniors (think elementary school), then it's Seniors (think middle school), the it's Masters (think high school and beyond). Since there was only one Seniors division player, they had to play against either the best performing Juniors division player, or the worst performing Masters division player (me in this instance). In our game this round, I ended up winning 2-0, not much else to say other than my opponent wasn't the best. We take those though.
Round 5: Chien Pao Baxcallibur, WLW 3-2
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This matchup is heavily favorable for me, so I was very happy that I hit it. My opponent, however, was very disappointed since this was both of our win-and-in round. I did make it a little too close by miss playing quite a bit. During games one and two, I would use Miraidon's Tandem Unit ability to put two Mareep into play, then they would immediately be ko'd by Radiant Greninja. I adjusted in game three by only putting one into play, and I ended up winning pretty convincingly afterword. I was a little nervous of bubbling out at 9th, but I ended up being the 8th seed, guaranteeing my top cup berth and some championship points!
Top 8, Single Strike Lugia (round 2 opponent) LL
I hit the same opponent as round 2 in top 8, and unfortunately my games went a similar way. Game 1 was super close, but I just couldn't close it out. Then, in game 2, I started a Raichu V and Squawkabilly. I used Squawk and Seize, and drew zero playable cards on my first turn, and then another on my second. Unfortunate way to go, but that's the game sometimes. I was just happy to make it to top eight and earn some championship points.
Overall, I had a blast! It felt great being able to do so well with a deck I hadn't had much practice with, so I'd say this tournament was a huge success. In my next post, I'll write about my second league cup I played in this past month, so stay tuned!
-Connor B.
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lucent-nargacuga · 6 months
finals report thread
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Top 2 qualify, 3rd has a chance.
Music under the cut.
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petit-papillion · 4 months
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Charles at the Bahrain Circuit golf tournament today | 25 February 2024
📷leclerqz, leclercsletters
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web-novel-polls · 8 months
Baihe Character Mini-Tournament
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["Anti-Propaganda" that attacks other characters is NOT allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
Propaganda underneath the cut
Qi Yan from JWQS
Prince of the Chengli tribe AKA Qiyan Agula
she 💗💗 character of all time
Raised as a man due to politics & then pretended to be a frail scholar to get revenge on the Wei Kingdom that destroyed her tribe, which led her to become Princess Nangong Jingnu’s fuma. 
A Horse Girl™ with a rap sheet a mile long 😍 /light-hearted
Bo Qingbo from The General’s Manor Young Concubine Survival Report
She is so special to me. Upon reincarnating as a newly-married concubine staying at a (female) General’s estate, she just. Assumes she was married to the general (who is their husband’s main wife). 
Li Shiyi from Wen Guan/Reading the Remnants  
No propaganda submitted
Li Shiyi is tasked with guiding the dead to reincarnation and letting go of their pasts.
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ferbracket · 5 months
Candace Competition
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Witch Burner. ''Down''
Hindenburg Reporter. ''Down''
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
pretty much all xiyao shippers the second wangx!an and xiyao ended up in the same bracket of the latest poll tournament: well we're definitely gonna lose this one since who can really compete with the main ship in a competition like this, but oh well, let's have fun with it anyway
some rabid wangx!an shippers, who apparently just love hating the things that other people like:
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anyway, reality check that this 👇👇👇 is what we look like when we act 👆👆👆 like that:
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pinkhatboi · 2 months
Tistaminis PQ season 5
Round 1 vs Full Fatigue Levia (L)
Round 2 vs Azalea (W)
Round 3 vs Dromai (W)
Round 4 vs Dromai (L)
R1 Levia was so cringe. Mixup 1 is presenting Levia instead of Rhinar. Then I notice the thicc deck. Then I notice the romping club. Then I cry. A good player would have pitch stacked, but I was blinded by the turn 1, 2, and 4 swing big :/
R2 beat the BEST Azalea in Canada :3 bit of sloppy play on both sides; op missed first tunic counter, I missed my second double strike attack. Had a good turn of Hundred winds x3 into winds of eternity. Took a 12 dmg red in the ledger, responded with Warmongers diplomacy. She picked peace and passed. Double strike 4 wide for lethal.
R3 Dromai I got to dishonor on turn like 3, game was still pretty close somehow. He had 2 Burn them All, and managed to just play a dragon for 2 arcane for 4 turns. Got there with kodachis.
R4 Lost to my teammate, the best kind of loss. Turn 1 Tomeltai blow up my mask gottem ggs. Game sux. Dropped.
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Round Six: Final Revivals (1/6)
The song with the highest total percentage between all of the polls will continue.
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connorbarritos · 11 months
Tournament Report! League Challenge 7-30-2023.
Hello everyone, I'm home from playing in my local's league challenge and got 3rd place with my Palkia VSTAR/Chien Pao ex deck! This was my first league challenge of this season, so I'm happy that I was able to get some Championship Points for it. I'm gonna break down the list and my matchups from today. I've also added a typed out version of my list in the description cause I know the glare is pretty bad lol.
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I decided to run this list because it's what I've been playing the most lately. It also helps that it's really fun to play! Being able to just swing for 300 on turn 2 with Chien Pao's Hail Blade attack makes a ton of matchups easier, like Arceus/Duraludon and Urshifu/Inteleon. For the most part though, I want to attack with Palkia VSTAR. It just pumps out a lot of consistent damage, especially in a format were decks rely on filling up their bench. You'll see that I've included Canceling Cologne. This is mostly for matchups that don't like it when Radiant Greninja can knock out multiple Pokémon, such as various Lost Box decks, Gardevoir, and United Wings. These decks tend to play Manaphy for it's ability to protect their bench from damage done by attacks with Wave Veil, but with Canceling Cologne we can get around it. Here's the sequence: use either Boss's Orders or Cross Switcher to promote Manaphy, then play Canceling Cologne, then use Palkia VSTAR's Star Portal VSTAR Power to accelerate 3 energy to Radiant Greninja, then use Radiant Greninja's Moonlight Shuriken attack to knock out 2 Pokémon with 90 HP or less, profit. It's a lot easier said than done, but it's insanely good if we can pull it off.
So why no Baxcalibur? Chien Pao is usually played with Baxcalibur with the ability Super Cold, which allows you to attach as many water energies from your hand to your Pokémon in any way you like (during your turn of course). It basically allows you to do as much damage for as many water energy you play, so why not play it. In my opinion, it's a little too bulky for the deck. You're playing a stage 2 while having to constantly dump your hand, whether it be from Ultra Ball for Pokemon search, Superior Energy Retrieval to refill your board with energy, or with random cards you really don't wanna play right now, but need to so you can draw more with Bibarel's Industrious Incisors ability. So, even though we lose the explosiveness of Baxcalibur, we gain more consistency with just running Palkia VSTAR. In the end, it has work out fine.
Now, let's get into my matchups:
R1: Arceus/Duraludon/Umbreon, WW.
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I was a little nervous going into this matchup since I haven't played it as much, but once we started playing it out, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Starmie V was the MVP of the set, being able to swing for 300 damage with Energy Spiral every time they use Arceus VSAR's Trinity Nova or Arceus V's Trinity Charge to accelerate energy onto the field. During game 1, they mistakenly chose to Boss up my Lumineon V instead of Starmie V to ko it early in the game. I guess they just didn't know that Starmie V's attack count Double Turbo energy as 2 energy instead as 1 energy card. Chien Pao and Palkia were able to take kos throughout the rest of the game for an easy 2-0 victory.
R2: Lost Box Giratina, LL.
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During game one, I mistakenly put Palkia V as my starting Pokemon instead of Starmie V, making Palkia stuck in the active for a few turns and making me fall way behind in the matchup, so I quickly scooped it up and went to game 2 after a couple of turns. Game 2 was A LOT better for me, as I ended up having 2 prizes left to their 5. However, once they were able to power up Giratina VSTAR, I just couldn't find the energy to attack into it to keep up with the quickening tempo, so I lost.
Final Round: Urshifu/Inteleon, WW
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Game one was a little scary, because after I had a tremendous start they had a 4 prize turn and evened up the prize race. I was able to pull it out the win with double switch into Boss to get the energy I needed with Chien Pao, and then to ko Lumineon V for my last prize. Game 2 was a bit of a wash. My opponent couldn't get anything going, so it was only a matter of time before I would win.
Final score: 2-1, 3rd/8
Final thoughts
I'm really happy with my list. The only thing I'd really change is cutting Skwovet and Roxanne for 2 Iono, and maybe cut Pal Pad for either a second Boss's Orders or a Lost Vacuum. I had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to play in more Challenges and Cups this season!
-Connor B. 10/??? Championship Points
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onepiece-polls · 8 months
Sorry, probably no fan cast polls today. I'm not feeling like it. Will get back to it tomorrow.
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Remember: This is a pure fistfight (kicking allowed lol). No superpowers, weapons, sci-fi bullshit, or magic.
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Top 2 qualify, 3rd has a chance.
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Music under the cut.
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Check out what I got signed today at the WCQ by Ted Lewis and Billy Bob Thompson!
I guess this is the first bit of my collection I'm showing off, lol.
The GR Synchro signed by Ted Lewis is Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend.
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