#Tryin to gauge opinions.
aeoki · 1 year
Machina - Deus ex...: Chapter 5
Location: “Test World” Plaza Characters: Mika, Shuu, Sora & Makoto
TL Note:
This is a reference to a quote from Japanese sculptor and artist Tarou Okamoto which he yelled in a 1981 commercial.
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Shuu: Alright, let’s begin the march of the Deus Ex Machina – Our epilogue.
Mika: Ahahahaha! Art is an explosion[*]~☆
*The ground shakes and rumbles*
Makoto & Sora: ……♪
Makoto: Ahaha. They sure went on a full-on rampage that’s enough to blow all of their worries away. What’s gonna happen to the value of the “VL$” now?
Sora: Only God will know~♪
It was already stated in the contract for the “Test World” that there’s a possibility of loss when it came to the value of the “VL$”.
The test players were aware of that when they joined.
It’ll be fine as long as the game company person takes responsibility for it all~♪
Makoto: Wow, that’s pretty irresponsible ♪
Well, everything’s been a “test” from the very beginning, so I don’t think anyone’s converted all of their savings into “VL$”.
On the other hand, it’ll be tough to accept the fact that the assets they gained in-game would lose their value~
All the test players started to gather in the plaza ever since the Deus Ex Machina appeared in the “Test World”.
Uuu~ I can feel my gamer blood boiling!
Harukawa-kun, how about we join in on the raid battle too?
Sora: Okay! Sora was also thinking of that ♪
A thrilling heated battle! This is why Sora can’t stop playing video games~♪
Mika: Hey, Oshi-san, take a look at that. There are heaps of players below us…♪
Shuu: They’re like ants. It looks like this “Test World” is rather active.
Mika: Yeah. I think it’s amazing how every one of these players here have their own unique lives.
It sure would be nice if all these people were my fans. When the “VL$” comes crashing down, I wonder what they’ll think of us?
I won’t be able to say a word ‘bout when you engage in flame wars online anymore in the future, Oshi-san…♪
Shuu: Hmph, you worry too much.
You care too much about what the public thinks and says – your self-expression is gradually withering away.
All humans are different and there will be more people who disagree with you. Even people aspiring for the same art have differing opinions.
And that’s exactly why the moment of mutual understanding brings forth the best kind of joy.
Many of the people here are indifferent to your work. In fact, some of them may even bear animosity towards you in this situation.
But it’s also true that you have fans amongst them.
Rather than just seeing how much your art will be worth on the market, there are people who have discovered how much your art truly means to them. For an artist, that fact alone is what’s truly important.
Don’t make that mistake. Who are you creating your art for?
Mika: …Yeah. I’ll be sure to remember this day.
Ahaha, as I thought, the things you say are full of meanin’. I think the reason for my slump was ‘cause I kept tryin’ to gauge yer facial expressions.
I’ll carve it deeply into my heart and pursue my own art!
Oh, right! There’s apparently a feature in this game that lets you throw money.
If all this money is gonna turn to zero, then let’s scatter it all into the sky ♪
Shuu: Kakakaka! An interesting idea, Kagehira!
A farewell with the virtual currency – Gazing at the philistines crowding down below doesn’t sound half bad ♪
Throw them as hard as you can! Have a taste of the joy you can only gain from virtual currency…♪
Mika: I’ll scatter ‘em all~! We “Valkyrie” are a unit that pursues true art!
Take it if you want! All this money is way too much for me right now!
I can just make money by sellin’ art again, so you guys can use this ♪
Thanks “Test World”! And farewell!
I had a lot of fun! I’ll be headin’ back to reality for the time bein’…☆
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
#14 Kiss Prompt
14 for CatCooper: A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
Soooo somehow the original ask for this got lost but I still had the prompt saved away and there’s nothing wrong with it being posted this way. But here’s the finished piece for the Cat in a Cowboy Hat ship with the lovely @strafethesesinners​ Cooper. Hope you enjoy! Warning there is a little spice near the end there.
The clear night skies of this place always brought Catlina back home. The holiday didn’t help either in keeping her thoughts to a place she hadn’t been back to in almost a year. Back then she’d be up on private property, tent pitched with her friends and husband, fire going as drinks were passed around and the food cooking away, music on the speakers and laughter….oh how she missed their laughter. Even when she spent that first Memorial Day weekend without him, there was still laughter….still fun….and a little bit of light. It didn’t really make sense how later she found herself needing to breathe, to find a way out of that place, only to wound up caged again, and with less possibility of ever finding a way out it seemed. 
Tonight though….tonight she found herself again with those feelings, even far from the walls of that ranch. No one normally gave her the time of day and she thought it would be easier to blend in with the bigger crowd but was met with more stares, glances, and whispers, their assumptions about her too much and clawing at her rolling stomach finding herself gasping for air gripping onto that piece of wood. This whole night had been a mistake, trying to find something of normal in this place was a mistake as it would never be possible. Most everyone in this town knew of her, knew an idea of her, made opinions on how she was and the danger she posed to them. All but one it seemed, and it was his voice that called back her thoughts, his touch that calmed the storm she felt, his treatment of her that brought about the space to breathe. 
So it made for an easy decision to spend the night with him. Even if she and Cooper decided to have one night together it would be enough to staciate the ever growing loneliness that built in her chest again. Sure she was never alone, her new husband near her and caring for her in some capacity, but it wasn’t the same and most acts of intimacy were for performance only. There was something different about having a night with someone that didn’t have any expectations of you and saw her as just Cat, someone she hadn’t been in a long time. He pulled into a small clearing that ran next to a small brook with a makeshift fire pit in the center of it. The silence surrounding them had Cat pinching her fingertips, what did she need to say?
“This spot okay?” Cooper asked, his drawl making her cheeks start to burn. She nodded, clearing her throat, “Good. Cause I like this spot. Far away from everything, gives you a chance to think.”
“I bet it’s really nice when the sun’s out,” the confidence she held jumping into the truck felt long gone as she smiled, laughing at herself silently, “You have a blanket we can use in here?” He smiled raising a brow at her, “I don’t particularly like the idea of lying on the ground.”
“You can always just use me,” he beamed at her, blue eyes shining in the low light, “But I do. We can lie in the bed of the truck too if you’d like.”
“Star gazing is only really fun when you’re on the ground,” Cat opened the door, jumping down, “just like people used to do when you had to hunt and gather for your food.”
A succession of door slamming and Cooper was next to her again, heat radiating off his body, “Should I get a fire going really make it feel like those times?”
Cat laughed, shaking her head, “No. Doing that defeats the purpose of stargazing,” she nudged his arm as they made their way to the center of the field, “besides I got you for warmth as it is.” Cat helped in laying out the blanket, taking her spot with Cooper next to her growing quiet with only the sound of the running water between them. “So uhm,” she fumbled trying to break the silence, “do you ever make your own constellations? Or do you try and look for the already known ones?”
“Don’t ever take too much time to look up at the stars,” he turned his head looking at her, “Didn’t think you could ever see this many.”
Cat smiled, “Yeah, well when there’s little to no light you can see the Milkyway. That was always my favorite part growing up.”
“Oh?” His voice curious, “Where’d you grow up? Was it here?”
She smiled turning to face him, “What makes you say that?”
“You noticed I wasn’t from here,” he gave a small shrug, “and it seems people know who you are enough to have an opinion.”
Cat laughed biting her lower lip looking back up to the sky, “You’re observant I’ll give you that.” She let out a low breath, “I’m not from here though. Moved up here after college,” Cat lied, voice trailing off. “I did live in the mountains though,” she said quietly, pausing to think for a moment, “Or well close to them. Foothills might be more accurate.” Cat moved closer to Cooper, arms brushing each other, “What about you? Did you come from the south?”
“Somethin’ like that,” Cooper shifted to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, “What do you do for a living up here? Don’t think I’ve seen you working any place I would assume you too.”
“That’s because I work at the lumber mill,” Cooper’s eyes widened a bit before Cat gave him a smirk, “I’m kidding,” she gave a laugh, “That’s complicated, though. But you work for the police department, how do you enjoy that?” 
“Gets me by. Love seeing the people here and there’s a good amount of fun to be had. Especially with weekends like this.”
“Oh,” Cat glanced down to the blanket under them, “and you’re here spending it with me. Probably far from what you thought it would be.”
“Or just what it was supposed to be,” he smiled, blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Cat blushed, avoiding his gaze and the flutter in her chest as his hand ran along her arm, “Aren’t you starting to get cold?”
She shook her head, “Are you? Cause I could try and warm you up.” Her mind spun as Cat looked for the next right thing to say, “I might not have much warmth but it's better than nothing I’m sure.” He nodded, Cat moving to press against him, Cooper’s arms wrapping around her. 
“You know back at the bar you said something about wanting to get away for a little bit,” Cat looked up, “Said you wanted to have some fun,” she gave a nod, “What kind of fun were you thinking?” 
“Just what it used to be like,” she whispered, before snapping her mouth shut, “I mean I didn’t really have any expectations for what that fun could mean or be. I just uhm,” she felt her cheeks burn cursing herself for the earlier drinking making her too bold in the truck. Not like she didn’t want to be bold right now, how easy it would be with him. She was just over thinking this whole thing. “I miss home sometimes is all,” she lied, the truth she was finding was missing being with someone she wanted to be with. 
It was easy enough now to crave the physical affection of John, to have an empty need for it. She was human, its what humans did. The line repeating itself again and again, an excuse but this time one given from herself rather than those she’d have sex with as a teenager. It was a duty, an obligation. 
“It’s not a bad thing to miss home every now and then,” his voice softer, “There’s a comfort in it and everyone needs some comfort.”
“What’s the comfort you crave,” she asked lowly, her hand resting against his chest. 
His blue eyes glanced down to her hand, smirking, “Tryin’ to see if we want the same thing right now?” Cat stayed silent, heart racing as Cooper’s fingertips brushed along her jawline, “Don’t have to be afraid. We’ll go as far as you want.” She nodded, swallowing, running her hand up his neck, resting it on his cheek. She tilted her face closer to his, eyes closing pulling his lips to hers. Her heart stopped once contact was made, his hand coming to rest behind her neck, lips soft and responsive until they pulled away. Cooper waited, gauging where Cat was and if she wanted to continue. 
The next breath she took opened up the cascade of longing, burning and consuming her. Catlina pulled him to her, smashing their lips together, arms wrapping around Cooper while his hands scorched her skin as he teased with the idea of them under her clothing. His grip tightened on her, her leg hiking up to his hips, hands running under his shirt, nails digging in. He moved to allow enough room for her to straddle his thigh, Cat wasting no time in grinding against him moaning into his mouth, Cooper’s lips moving down her neck. She let her head fall back as he moved across her left collarbone, pulling back the sleeve cutting his kisses short, her hands pulling up on his shirt.
She was intoxicated, her breathing heavier, feeling his bare chest against her, his fingers entangling in her hair. Years….it had been years since she felt anything like this. Not since her husband was last alive, that added element of wanting who you were with and them wanting you also created a different experience with sex. How she longed for something like this again, she let out a sharp moan feeling his teeth against the crook of her neck.
Cooper gave a smirk, slowly pushing up the fabric of her shirt, Cat helping in tossing it to the side, uncaring of the scar it hid. He placed her on her back, kissing down her chest, her hands running through his hair, rolling her body slowly against his relishing in the way his hands ran along her curves and his lips finding just the right places to be. She wanted him, all of him, even just for this one night. Why shouldn’t she? 
Time, she only had so much of it and she knew nothing about Cooper and what he needed from her. Cat wanted to take her time, make this last as long as she could, let them explore the other in full. Time. What time is it? It shouldn’t matter how much time she had, there was plenty of it. She guided Cooper’s hand down to her core, slipping easily into her jeans, Cat unbuttoning them giving him more room. Their lips met and he started to rub slow circles over her underwear, low groans coming from the back of her throat. 
She could feel him hard against her thigh, Time, her hands staying in place along his back, Watch the time. Cooper easily pushed away the fabric, a shockwave through Catlina’s body as he made contact with her clit, her hips bucking up moaning into his kiss. John will find out, John could fuck off, You’re supposed to be back soon. The circles increased in their speed, his fingers sliding into her with ease, “Might not need a lot of prep time with you,” Cooper whispered against her lips as Cat whined with his hand slowing down. 
His belt came loose with just as much ease, her hand wrapping around his shaft, eliciting a sharp inhale from Cooper, smiling against his lips, “Could say the same about you cowboy.” The distant sound of plane engines were masked as the two went back to making out, Cat running her fingers up and down his cock, feeling herself become wetter imagining what it would finally feel like with him inside of her. The overhead sounds of the engines grew closer, as she helped in shimmying her pants down more, Cooper following suit.
They paused knowing the next step, The plane, she gave a nod biting her lower lip, readying herself. His hands were on her hips, lining himself up, the plane passing over them muffling what Cooper had just said. Cat’s eyes went wide, gasping, “Stop! Wait!” She looked up to the sky watching as the shadow moved in the direction of the Ranch, “I have to go,” she breathed out, pushing Cooper off of her.
He blinked, “What?” Cat pulled her pants up, careful of her knees being under him, “Wait hold on,” his hand grabbed hold of her wrist, eyes searching hers, “Please stay.”
Cat shook her head, “I have to go, I’m sorry,” she moved out from under him, searching for her shirt, “I need to just be going.”
“You sure,” Cooper asked, Cat meeting his eyes, the pain mixing with confusion pulling on her heart, “It’s still pretty early in the night.”
She nodded, holding her shirt over the scar, “Yes. I’m sorry.”
He gave a nod and a sigh, “At least let me give you a ride to where you need to go,” Cooper reached for his shirt.
“No!” Cat exclaimed, clearing her throat, “I mean no. That’s okay. I don’t live very far from here.” She couldn’t stop herself from leaning down to kiss him once more, “I’ll make it up to you the next time we see each other.”
“How can you be so sure there’s gonna be a next time?” He cocked an eyebrow, eyes narrowing, looking her over. 
Cat had slipped her shirt back on, frowning at the question. She wanted to see him again but couldn’t really rely on chance encounters anymore. Her fingers worked quickly in removing her bra through her shirt, “Next Saturday, meet here six in the evening,” she tossed it over to him, “You know I’ll have to come back and see you as that’s one of my favorites.” The sound of another plane approaching had Cat racing towards the Ranch, “I really have to go. I’m sorry,” she called once more glancing at him over her shoulder. Her heart fell as she saw him sit there watching her go, before lying back down looking to the sky. Please let him be here next Saturday. 
She didn’t pause until she was well into the treeline, catching her breath, listening for any indication of him deciding to follow her. He couldn’t know, not now, not ever. Then why see him again?, Cat wiped away at the tears in the corner of her eyes, Because I need him. I’m selfish and I need him. Once clear Cat started the trek back to the Ranch, climbing up the crates in the back of the house quietly. Her shoes removed as she made her way to the otherside of the house, slipping into the master bedroom as the sound of John’s shoes echoed in the house. 
Tossing the shoes in the closet Cat grabbed a towel turning on the shower locking the door behind her. She stared at her reflection in the fogging mirror, the trails of where Cooper’s hands touched her lingering in her mind’s eye. Any other life, any other time, why this one. Why did it have to be the one where she couldn’t have anyone else for fear of them suffering the same fate of being locked in this religious hell. Her fingers traced over the scarred letters, LUST, the sin she was branded with, the only thing she wanted, her only way of feeling alive again.
It wasn’t only that, no, not just that. Connection. Lust and connection, was there really any difference between them? Maybe once but not anymore. The knocking at the door jolted Cat back from her thoughts, “Mary is that you in there,” John’s voice.
She stripped down, making her way to the steaming shower, “Yeah. It’s just me John,” she called out, mumbling once in the water, “Only me and no one else.” Cat sighed letting the water run over her, the few tears she allowed herself mixing in, “Saturday should be the last time I see him,” It really should be.
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
Front Lines.
Summary:  Given the immense violence law enforcement keeps showing towards those protesting the death of George Floyd and the systemic racism infecting the law enforcement system, the X-Men decide to help protect the protesting groups -and you and Piotr are right there with them on the front lines.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader.
Rating: G.
Warnings: Mentions of police brutality, heavily reflects the current political/social situation in the United States, but NO scenes of violence.
Set after “It’s Truly Magical,”  but this one's kinda outside the canon timeline; if the protests hadn't popped up, this fic wouldn't have happened. I doubt it'll be mentioned in other fics or used as a timeline measuring point, but Piotr's mentioned as your husband in this, so it's after the wedding/honeymoon.
Author’s Note: Just to be clear, this isn't me coming back from my hiatus. However, given the protests and the particularly depraved nature of Mr. Floyd's death, I did want to make it clear where I stood --and where the series stands, in particular.
The X-Men, as far as I'm concerned, would never take an idle role in letting the police brutalize protesters. They would stand and protect the crowds and do what they could to ensure that the citizens involved in the (non-violent) protests were as safe as possible. This series doesn't view them or their role as protectors any differently.
Granted, I didn't write a quarantine fic --and I'm not going to. It's the result of an entirely different set of problems, has at least impacted certain communities to some extent on a unilateral level, and -frankly--I'm too stressed out over Coronavirus to want to commemorate a fic to it.
This is different. The history of racism and abuse towards African-American communities --towards all communities of color--in America is far too longstanding. There may be good cops, but the law enforcement system and justice system as a whole are corrupted, abusive husks of what they were intended to be.
I don't want the protests --specifically, what the correct side of the protests were--to be forgotten. Hopefully, this fic will help ensure that they aren't.
I also didn't include any scenes of what happens during the protest or on the front lines because, frankly, I don't think it's my place to. I don't want to set any sort of tones predicting how a protest would turn out; I also don't want there to be any sort of debate over whether it "ought" to end peacefully or not. Also, I think that, while unfortunately realistic, including potential scenes of police brutality would be highly traumatic for any readers, so... Yeah. No protest scene. No recap of how it went. Those aren't the important parts, in my opinion. Feel free to disagree, but it won't change the fic or my stance on what ought to be included in it.
If you are participating in any protests, demonstrations, or marches, please use your best judgement and stay safe. Don't do anything that would unnecessarily put yourself or others at risk. (And yes, I know, the protests have inherent risk because of how the police forces are responding to protesters. All I mean is don't go out of your way to do something risky, please.)
Black Lives Matter.
No taglist for this fic. That’s not what this is about.
There’s a lot of fear. A lot of hesitation and questioning and second-guessing.
“Okay, say we go,” Russell pipes up, breaking the silence that had settled after the Professor’s announcement. “What happens when law enforcement kills another mutant? Or when the government tries to put more restrictions on us? Are these people even going to remember us?”
“Besides, what’s even going to happen to us?” Kitty added, forehead creasing. “We’re all going to be in our suits. We’re easy targets –and the cops already totally hate us.”
It’s understandable, the fear. The doubt. The need for assurance.
You’ve all felt society’s anti-mutant sentiments at more than one point in your lives.
“We’re going to take every precaution necessary to safeguard the members of our group,” Charles states, tone reassuring. “We will not be recklessly risking ourselves or partaking in violent movements. But these protests are important. They reflect law enforcement’s and the government’s ongoing deliberate ignorance to society’s discontent with the status quo –a status quo that impacts mutants, too. And it doesn’t matter if any of the protestors or communities of color remember that we were there. We’ll remember we were there –and, more importantly, we’ll remember that we weren’t.” He pauses, smiles despite the melancholy look in his eyes, and adds, “Sometimes, doing the right thing means there’s no guarantee you’ll gain something from it, even if that something you want isn’t inherently selfish.”
You look up at Piotr, trying to gauge his reaction to everything.
Your husband looks pensive –but also resolute. From the straight set of his shoulders to the determined glint in his baby blue eyes, you can tell he agrees with everything Charles is saying.
Piotr notices you watching him. The corner of his mouth twitches up. He puts an arm around you, kisses the top of your head, then goes back to giving his full attention to those around him.
You lean against him and do the same.
In the end, there’s no way either of you are staying out of this.
 The rules are made clear to the nth degree.
First: No member of the X-Men –or those specifically joining the X-Men during the protests—will be armed or interact with law enforcement, members of the National Guard, or other protesters in a violent manner –including partaking in looting and destruction of public and-or private property.
“This protest is about drawing attention to the atrocities suffered by African American communities at the hands of law enforcement, as well as other communities of color,” Charles states, tone brokering no room for retort. “None of us are going to make things more difficult for them or contribute to casting these protests in a negative light. Anyone who refuses to comply will be escorted back to the mansion and held in a safe room until we’re all back before facing further consequences.”
Second: All members of the X-Men participating in the protest will wear last resort masks, both for personal health and the public image of the protests.
“The media’s already trying to treat the protests as a reckless act, given the ones that have devolved into riots and the pertinent Coronavirus threat,” Hank says, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Aside from taking steps to protect the members of our team, we need to make sure we don’t inadvertently expose the protesters to additional criticism.”
Third: Senior members of the X-Men –specifically those with abilities that will let them shield the protesters from potential violence—will stand at the edges of the group. Junior members will stay further in the group with various team leaders for their own safety.
“We have the ability to make sure no one else gets hurt,” Jean says, impassioned. “We need to ensure these people can be heard without risking their safety.
Fourth: Should things devolve into violence, junior members of the team will be promptly taken back to the mansion for their safety. Senior X-Men will stay only as long as necessary to promote the safety of the public, then leave as well.
“We’re not tryin’ to win any fights here,” Logan speaks up when Ellie raises the question of possible rioting. “The only goal is to get people in immediate danger to safety, and then to make sure we all stay safe.”
“But everyone’s going to be in immediate danger,” Ellie argues. “These cops –these soldiers—have guns. And rubber bullets. And –and mace and riot shields and tear gas and—”
“Which is why only senior members would stay, NTW,” Piotr interjects, voice soft and soothing. “And only for short time. We have training to handle dangerous situations and to weigh out who needs immediate help. Everything will be fine.”
“What if we get arrested?” Russell asks, frowning. “Or picked up by the Icebox guys?”
You exchange glances with the other adults in the room. “Pretty sure that’s when Nathan and Wade would break us out of prison.”
“That would be illegal,” Scott says, crossing his arms over his chest. He frowns at you. “The X-Men don’t interact with criminals.”
“Pretty sure the pole up your ass is in violation of the Geneva conventions,” you snap, “but you don’t see any of us whining about it.”
“Measures will be taken to ensure the safety of our fellow mutants –which, for the sake of plausible deniability, will not be discussed at this time,” Charles states, fixing both you and Scott with a stern look. “Are there any other questions?” When there are none, he nods. “Alright. We’ll leave at one in the afternoon tomorrow. Don’t hesitate to come to me with any other queries or concerns before then.”
 The crowd is massive. Borderline gargantuan.
“Can we even cover everyone?” you murmur, regarding the throng of demonstrators and signs with concern.
“That’s why we’re here.” Erik lands next to you, along with a few less recognizable –read: “smaller rap sheets”—of his brethren. “To add to the numbers.”
Nathan, Neena, and Wade stroll up to where you’d all parked, along with Piotr’s family members and your uncle.
“We’ve got this covered,” Neena says, squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. “We’re gonna handle it just fine.”
“Is that your way of saying you’ve got a good feeling about this?” you mutter as you eye the litany of cops and National Guard soldiers. “Because I’m not sure even you can swing things in our favor.”
“Doesn’t matter how I feel,” Neena says firmly. “We’ve got it handled because we have to. Plain and simple.”
You hang back as everyone else heads to talk with the protest organizers. You’re not regretting showing up –far from it—but all your scuffles have been with other mutants or the rare team of traffickers, not the people sworn to protect you and this country.
Daunting doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.
“Myshka.” Piotr puts his hand on your back. He’s not armored up yet; he’ll do that at the front of the crowd, when there’s no risk of crushing any feet. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just… a lot.”
“I know.” He draws you into a hug and kisses your temple. “But you can do this. We all can.”
“I don’t think we can protect everyone if this goes apeshit, honey. There’s a lot of people –on both sides.”
“We’ll do our best,” Piotr says. “That is all we can do.”
You take a deep breath, then nod. You interlock your fingers with his. “Let’s go do our best.”
The two of you walk into the crowd.
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yuzuruspoohsan · 7 years
what kind of music do you listen to when you need something inspiring?
Me when I saw this ask:
Basically, I’m really happy to receive this ask because….music is love.
Problem is I’m a little confused as to what you mean by “inspirational” because that means music that encourages you to do something specific, but it doesn’t necessarily mean motivate in the general sense (sorry, it’s my English major side kicking in.) I’m just trying to gauge what you are asking for.
For now I’m going to assume that you meant motivational music.
Here are my picks: In no specific order.
1. BTS - NOT TODAY Snippet of the lyrics:“Right, we are extra.But still part of this world.EXTRA + ORDINARY it ain’t anything big.….Run if you can’t fly. Today we will survive…”
This song gets me mad hyped, and the lyrics just makes me want to fight as the underdog of the world. Highly suggest turning CC for the mv (it’s so cool.)
2. ONE OK ROCK - 完全感覚DREAMERNeed I say more?This is the same song that Yuzu listens to pump up and it’s a damn good choice for that.
3. Lauren Aquilina - KingI came across this song when I saw a fan video for Yuzu.And I still love this song, it helps me relax and refresh my resolve to move forward.
4. Dustin O'Halloran - Opus 23I feel like I’m floating in the clouds when I listen to this…..
5. Smetana - Die MoldauHonestly, if I could fucking skate, I would create a program for this song.It is one of my all-time favorite classical piece. I will never be bore of it. I will never fail to appreciate the flow and grandness of the sound and the notes in this one piece.
6. Yo-yo Ma - Bach Cello Suite No.1 PreludeBest 2:45 minutes you’ll ever spend, at least, in my opinion.
7. Star Wars - The Imperial March, composed by John Williams.No, I am not kidding.You can always use a good conquering song.But, come on, who can deny this iconic masterpiece?
8. The Beatles, this band can have it’s own section.Look….I’m at a good age to enjoy their songs. I just feel like their songs are timeless.In my Life - just the passing of people in life but this song gives off such a loving optimism. [I will mention Ed Sheeran because he also fits into this section.]
9. Kagamine Rin - The Lost One’s Weeping(ロストワンの号哭)This song is pretty famous among Vocaloid fans, but it’s a criticism on Japan’s (and most of East Asia’s) school system, but if you think of the lyrics thematically, you can apply it to a lot of places. The feeling of wanting to break out of standardization and the norm of standardizing one’s talent and intelligence…etc.
10. Eminem - Run Rabbit RunSnippet of the lyrics:“Some days I just want to up and call it quits,I feel like I’m surrounded by a wall of bricks,Every time I go to get up I just fall in pits,My life’s like one great big ball of shit,If I could just put it all into all I spit,Stead of always tryin to swallow it, instead of starin at this wall and shit….”
These are a very small selection of my picks, but you get the general idea.
Honestly, there’s a whole bunch of motivational/inspirational on Youtube. You can get a crap ton of music nowadays if you look for it.
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reznoc · 5 years
MIS-FITS LETS GET IT!!! Motivational Monday VLOG number 134 "Dont Let Nobody's Opinion Rob U of Ur Confidence" theres always gona be somebody, somewhere, who has somethin negative to say about u.. no way around it.. some ppl are so miserable wit there own lives that the only thing that makes them feel less disappointed wit themselves, is tryin to tear u down.. misery does not like to be alone.. BUT... u gotta starve that energy.. u can't feed into any part of that enery.. this way when they leave, they take every piece of their negativity wit them... can I get an amen.. #MondayMotivation #Real #vibe #Currentmood #Dreams #Blessed #NoDaysOff #Driven #Focus #starterlocs #FitGuy #Blessed #menwithlocs #inkedmen #GuysWithInk #GuysWithTattoos #whatsyourexcuse #inspiration #guyswithplugs #Dreads #gauges #locstyles #Tattoos #BodyModification #Pierced #BlackPanther https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dfBSqHDqO/?igshid=16ka6qdo5ir4h
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So, Marcelle Meraux here, I was at the barber shop the other day, you know trying to bring my SEXY back, ooze a little sex appeal or whatnot~ I had the caveman going on ~ & my barber told looked over as I was doing the most compelling reading that I can possibly do in the pen. (Us Weekly) He was like, "Man, this is a freaking nut house! Like for realz, A real life nut ward. It's like they are tryin' to drive a nucca crazy."
It got me to thinking outside the box, what if that was true? What if prisons where designed for that sole purpose? What if it is more than what it seems? I mean I already feel like it's modernized slavery bordering indentured servitude remixed. But that's just my opinion. i see that they have all the undesirables packed up in one place away from the world. We are like a bunch of pigs in a pen. Maybe that's why they call it the "pen" cause we're corralled up in here. You have people that have been scarred & taken advantage of don't have the resources or monetary solutions to seize these opportunities as others thus for falling into the system.
But what if they took this place & all that it encompasses & made it into some kind of experiment? What is this some kind of government testing site, LOL, to implement a series of test to measure a person neurological response & gauge the output to stressors, extreme amounts of degradation, loss of control, physical & psychological abuse? What if they are trying to see the limitations of a human beings mind?
I thought about this a lot because being here you are constantly heckled, provoked, bullied, tried, tormented, subjected to prejudice, racism, sexism, talked at or down to. Now wouldn't it be a trip if these mutha~ was doing this all purposely & have been monitoring us via video feed the whole time. They are stretching the boundaries of a persons mind trying to see if their mental integrity falters, fractures, or...... I can see that. Can you?
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