#Twst sky high au
adrianasunderworld · 7 months
Gidel being in sidekick course. Can't help but see him running around with the mallet trying to find his victims, which is a good villain trait. He'll be a perfect sidekick/henchman for Honest Fellow.
He may not talk, but if he did, Giddel would regularly be going "You got it boss" Like the good little goon he is.
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galaxyshine24-7 · 2 months
Soooooo there this video from the HSR channel that has Acheron and Black Swan dancing together and for some reason i keep thinking MC dancing like that with someone. And it’s not from the TWST cast, like maybe someone from their childhood that they knew back then. I really dont know why i keep thinking about this scenario but…
So imagine the scene, MC is currently working in some high end job and the event was nearing it’s end so there are very little people around. Someone came up to the bar while MC was cleaning some glasses. It’s their old friend from the orphanage! So some conversations started and then the friend ask them to dance with them, MC agreed.
As they were dancing, unknown to the two of them, a certain hunter from Pomefiore just so happened to be there and also just so happened to be recording their dance as it was quite a dance and shared it to the other gangs. You can imagine the reaction those groups have when they see their bartender dancing such an intimate dance ;)
(Also here’s the link to the video im talking about https://youtu.be/e5xueJq4Lwc?si=GRJ4_OwCBaYaTJAq )
(If that doesnt work, the title is called “Rondo across countless Kalpas”)
A Dance to Remember: Twst Silver Bullet Au
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(I love this video the music and the animation is amazing I can get much inspiration from this so I hope you enjoy the story.)
(F/N = Friend's name)
(Y/N = Your name or Yuu's real name)
(It's long so be warned)
A Dance to Remember A Silver Bullet AU story
It was a quiet night under the fog-covered sky as Yuu stared at the sparkling glass on the counter. They twirl their finger gently along the rim letting out a sigh. Another grand party hosted by Crewel that they were asked to work at. High society and eccentric people gather all from Crewel's circle drinking, dancing, and signing their life away under Crewel's watchful eye.
Same old, same old from Yuu's point of view, it's already late into the night branching into the morning. Most of the quests have gone home save for a few that have a meeting with Crewel. All that is left is the staff and the guards picking up what remains of the party. The only reason Yuu is still here is because Crewel wanted to talk to them about something, but he might as well have forgotten with it being an hour now. Still, Yuu knows better than to leave, especially if it's Crewel who wants something. So they sit behind the bar waiting for their teacher to finally arrive.
"Y/N is that you?" A voice breaks Yuu's train of thought as they turn to see a familiar face.
It was a friend from the orphanage Yuu stayed at. They never thought they would see them again. Especially hearing their real name after all these years.
"F/N it's you?!" Yuu couldn't believe their eyes jumping over the counter to give them a hug. "I can't believe it's you. What are you doing here?"
Yuu's friend picks them up and spins them around embracing Yuu with the same energy.
"Of course it's me, I haven't seen you in years, I can't believe you're here." F/N puts Yuu down. "I should ask what are you doing here Y/N?"
"I work as a bartender," The gesture to the bar behind them. "And I go by Yuu know."
F/N looks at Yuu in confusion but soon puts the pieces together.
"I see the years have changed both of us." F/N gives Yuu a sad smile. "After you disappeared from the orphanage I got adopted, by a pretty wealthy family. They are close to Crewel so I go to these parties often." They rub the back of their neck.
"I'm glade you found a family." Even if they are likely tied to the mafia if they are close to Crewel.
"Yeah, you could say I got lucky." They shrug.
Yuu can guess there is probably more there given Yuu's own past, but it's not their business to pry.
"So I'm guessing they're talking to Crewel right now." Yuu looks over to the grand stairs to the double doors at the top where Crewel holds his special meetings.
"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're waiting for Crewel?" F/N raises a brow.
"Yeah," Yuu chuckles.
"Which means we both have time to kill." F/N smirks.
"Yes, it would seem so." Yuu gives them a sly smile.
Music floats through the hall, has Yuu pictures all the dancing that took place earlier that day. The flowing bodies and the adoring smiles. Those who knew Yuu could tell they loved to sing and dance something their teachers took advantage of very often. It's been so long since Yuu has danced just for themselves. F/N can see them start to sway along with the tune. They outstretch their hand in front of Yuu catching the bartender by surprise.
"Really?" Yuu questions looking around, the staff and guards not really paying them any mind.
"When we dance it will be just us, like old times." F/N gives Yuu a warm smile.
How could they say no to that?
Yuu threw caution to the wind just this once and took their hand their bodies swayed and entwined to the music. They laughed and smiled on the dance floor, for it was true it felt like they were the only ones in the world to witness this moment.
Sadly like most gifts in the NRC, some things are too good to be true. Up in the rafters of the hall sits a hawk smirking with glee at what they happen to witness transpire.
"Magnifique," A camera snaps as the hawk can't help but admire his work. He didn't expect Yuu to be here or to get this thrilling scene in front of him. His queen would be most pleased with his work indeed, and to think he can see the beautiful image of Vil's scowl looking at the pictures and videos he procured. Not just Vil's of course, Yuu's beauty is too grand to share just with him and Vil, no Rook must tell the world about this diamond in the rough. Rook didn't wait to sneak out after the dance was over gleeful as he hums along to the song.
Much to Yuu's dismay it would be a long time before they could feel this relaxed with the flames of jealousy swirling around them from the mafia boys at the discovery of the treasured dance.
Vil was the first to witness the video and pictures, and even he couldn't find a flaw in Yuu's movements. The Pomefiore leader couldn't believe his eyes at the 180 the bartender could undertake, and their smile was so real and so beautiful he had to admit deep down it rivaled his own. Even Epel got to catch a glance has Vil was in a daze and he had to admit Yuu was a fine dancer. The last part he said out loud shocking Vil out of his thoughts has his emotions ran wild ordering Epel to go re do his makeup a ridiculous number of times along with the rest of Pomefiore to try to calm his emotions.
Rook did not keep this a secret he sent copies of the dance to the other leaders sitting back to watch the show. Leona couldn't help but smirk, the herbivore probably had no idea this was captured seeing their surprised face would make this worth while, but the person they where dancing with caused a bit of his blood to boil. The bartender was theirs's who would dare touch them so carelessly, and how dare Yuu laugh and enjoy their company it seems the bartender needed a reminder on their role. He makes Ruggie take the case to find any dirt on the person Yuu was with. As Jack stares at the video in awe trying hard not to show it.
Azul and the Leech twins had the same reaction in a way. If Azul knew Yuu had this talent he would have exploited them long ago when he had them in a binding contract. He needed to know who Yuu's friend was. It could be his one clue to find out who the bartender really was. The twins wanted Yuu to play with them instead and would deal with this mysterious figure that foolishly danced with their shrimpy.
Kamil stares at the video in a strange quietness a small frown adoring his face. Yuu looked so happy and was a wonderful dancer. Why didn't they ever dance with him? Did Yuu not like him? Who is that beside them? Kamil has so many questions and was in deep thought, so much that it worried Jamil at his state. Even Jamil couldn't help but raise a brow as the video questioning how stupid Yuu's dance partner must be since they now have a target on their back.
Idia made several copies of the video making sure he has it forever. He analyzed every moment of Yuu's dance partner and began to search the web to try and figure out who this person was that was so close to Yuu to dance with them. Ortho loved the video and hoped Yuu would one day ask his brother to dance with them as well. He himself now wanting to study dance styles and techniques to try out himself.
Riddle spits out his tea after viewing the first view seconds of the video. Trey rushes to clean up the mess as everyone wonders what disturbed the treasured tea time. Ace looks over Riddle's shoulder to see whistling at Yuu's dance moves soon telling the group making them gather around. Deuce is awe struck at the dance and how well Yuu knows the moves. Cater wants to post it online and tell everyone how they have a five star dancer in NRC. Trey is the first one to bring up who they are dancing with as the others zero in on the mysterious person. Riddle's face grows a bright red who dares touch their bartender. With Yuu's connection to the mafia they are too important to not know who they interact with. Riddle issues an order right then and there to bring the person to Heartslaybul he needs to interrogate this person himself to see if they are a threat or not. That is the only reason of course, don't question Riddle otherwise, the housewarden orders with a bright blush on his face.
Lilia is the first to see the video and brings it straight to Malleus with a mischievous grin on his face. Malleus sits in the lounge reading a book as Lilia hangs from the ceiling handing him his phone. Malleus is confused at what Lilia wants to show him until he sees Yuu dancing and smiling. His heart stops has he sees how graceful they dance. He never knew they could do that. It was a nice surprise at first until it starts to sink in. Was this a party, and he wasn't invited? Who was that person dancing with Yuu? They seemed very close, closer then he is too Yuu. Rain starts to pour from outside as the royal fae starts to sulk. His two attendants notice the change as they rush to his side seeing the video. Silver tilts his head wondering why Malleus is so upset at Yuu's dancing until he sees the dance partner he then starts to understand a little. Sebek is furious how dare the bartender not invite his Liege to the dance he will make sure they pay. Lilia pats Malleus on the head telling him he will find out more about what happened so Malleus could feel better. Yuu has certainly got a lot of explaining to do.
Has Yuu makes it back home and goes to bed they feel a bit happier and lighter as they fall asleep without a care in the world to the sound of rain outside their window.
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(Thank you for reading💖)
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 months
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The JJK x TWST crossover that started living rent free in my head >:'D
Random Doodle Edition
Ahem, so, uhh, turns out the characters of Jujutsu Kaisen fit pretty well as Night Raven College students, temperament-wise, and that was all the excuse I needed. Yes the ages get funky but whatever. Happy high school AU except they still get cool powers and Trauma(tm). Just less than JJK canon so I count it as a win.
I also may or may not have written an entire oneshot (here on AO3) for some freshmen Satoru & Suguru bonding, featuring me still bullying Satoru over his funky eyes.
Image Text (and me rambling more) underneath the cut
Gojo Satoru (of the Jupiter Clan)
Ignihyde Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Sky Dragon (Fae) Club: Movie Analysis Club Unique Magic: Six Eyes—pretty much just like canon Six Eyes. They can see far and wide and out of normal sight, and they can see magic in a highly detailed manner. They are also powered by magic that just, never stops ever, so he can decrease or increase the power/range at will to a degree, but technically, cutting off magic from them altogether will blind him. Also he has an inherited magic that he by no means asked for, which is, sad drumroll, Gate of the Underworld. (There are no shrouds in this AU, just me finding ways to forever make Satoru instrumental to the well-being of the world to his own detriment. I have waaaaay more thoughts about the "Jupiter Clan of dragons" and what that actually entails, but they are still jumbled and shifting, so. Maybe later.)
Geto Suguru (of the Draconia Clan)
Diasomnia Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Night Dragon (Fae) Club: Equestrian Club Unique Magic: Magic-eater—can consume and nullify any spell and gain its base magic. With minimum side effects. Mostly. :)
Satoru and Suguru are their usual brand of special-grade menaces, being the only two adolescent dragon fae in the world, buttttt they still inevitably become besties. With Shoko too, of course, who has no fear and will mess with them as they see fit.
Suguru is essentially Malleus in this AU, though in Suguru-fashion, he's way more stubborn when it comes to trying to catch up. (Translating him being new to sorcery to being new to technology was surprisingly low-hanging fruit.) Meanwhile I borrowed the Jupiter name/legacy because it was fitting and made the Gojo Clan into a long-lived dynasty of antisocial dragons who fist-fight and deal with Phantoms and recently accidentally became a tech empire, which is pretty close to the Sorcerer Family vibe a la TWST, if I say so myself.
There's definitely a lot of backstory I have in mind for the two of them. Neither of them beat teen parenthood (they are currently Malleus-aged, so 178 years old, but that's still teenagehood for a dragon/fae) and acquired children through various means, much to the consternation of their elders/court. I might develop/write more solid ideas later, but Suguru has a reverse characterization moment when he finds two starved/beaten human children (the twins) and begins his journey of losing all intrinsic racism via love, and Satoru still somehow gets his shit wrecked by Toji (probably a heist gone violent or something) and then finds out he had abandoned children: human Tsumiki and half-fae Megumi.
Nobara Orientation Comic:
Nobara: Obviously, I'm going to get ~Pomefiore~ because I'm elegant and graceful. (And a badass queen, of course)
Mirror: The nature of your soul is... Savanaclaw
(Nobara gets her reverse-Epel moment, but she adapts quickly. Especially because she still comes to have mad respect for Maki.)
Ieri Shoko
Ignihyde Vice-Housewarden Year: Junior Species: Merfolk (Nurse Shark) Club: Science Club Unique Magic: Reverse—rewinds a target to its previous state within twenty four hours. The longer within the range, the harder/more magic it will take, especially for larger targets, so realistically her range is less. (For example, if someone cracked a piece of glass 24 hours ago, Shoko could restore it, but a day-old wound on a living being would be much harder.)
Making Shoko a mermaid was a joke to myself at first but then I liked it and it spiraled and now Nurse Shark Shoko is unironically one of my favorite things that I have drawn. The joke was right there too, but it's mostly fun to me because nurse sharks are docile and apathetic creatures, for the large part (they are still sharks lol), and I think match her temperament well.
Also when Satoru pestered the previous housewarden enough times to accidentally gain the title for himself, he made Shoko his vice (mostly because he trusted her) to make sure he never had to do the paperwork and the boring parts. She makes him do it anyway. To the dorm, she is less of a vice and more of a "dragon wrangler," which is still extremely appreciated.
Zen'in Maki
Savanaclaw Housewarden Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Track & Field Unique Magic: N/A—Maki doesn't actually have magic of her own, but she is unnaturally resistant to most magic. She can, however, use magic/cast spells through a magic-capable familiar.
She befriended a phoenix when she was younger, having survived an encounter with a wild youth. (idk what I want the details to be but I think it would be cool if she had some related burns to it, with the idea that these creatures are rare and volatile and hard for normal humans to handle without high magic resistance.) His name is Torch because I don't think Maki would put that much thought into a name, so long as its not completely stupid sounding. I almost named the phoenix Jogo but I refrained for my own sanity.
Inumaki Toge
Savanaclaw Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Reality Speak—pretty much just how Cursed Speech works but with a world-friendly name. Also it can apply to inanimate objects as well. The power and scope of the command is proportional to the magic required.
Toge gets an overall nicer time in this AU because he doesn't have cursed speech 24/7 and therefore can speak normally. Though the idea of him being able to affect people/bend reality with his words does freak people out. I imagine he had a rough childhood nonetheless, because why not, leading him to be less verbal than he would have been otherwise.
Okkotsu Yuuta
Diasomnia Year: Sophomore Species: Human Club: Board Game Club Unique Magic: Wraith Pact-maker—he can enhance/bolster a ghost's magic/presence through making a link with himself. It has to be mutual, and it can last for any duration of time, although actively using the link does require magic. The ghost in question gains magic and grounding from Yuuta, and Yuuta can use the ghost's magic, including their UM, if applicable. He can have multiple links, but the first and main recipient of this magic is his childhood friend Rika.
Between her longlasting connection with Yuuta and her brutal death, she is a more wraith-like and powerful ghost. Her unique magic was to copy other people's UMs, which Yuuta can use through her in short bursts.
I didn't have space nor solid ideas for unique magics for the Hasaba twins and the Fushiguros, so I didn't do full bios for them. Later, perhaps. All of the girls are sophomores and Megumi is a freshman. Tsumiki and Nanako are sharing their social brain cell and trading stories of stupid things their dragon dads/older brothers/untitled guardians have done, while Megumi is helping budding-gamer Mimiko learn Pokemon strats. I love the idea of them all being friends, maybe after minimal difficulty in the girls' first year, likely on account of the twins being a little Sebek-shaped, in terms of wanting to be The Best Guards for Suguru, etc etc.
I technically have way more ideas for other characters and other dorms, but, I will end this here, for now. I am trying to reign myself in lmao.
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merakiui · 2 years
So, we got genshin manhwa au where darling is used to be a side character from a novel. So how about twst otome game au where darling's role is a Villainess??
Maybe you're just a normal otome game player. But one day you wake up in the last game you played. Not only that, you also become the selfish, most hated Villainess, who died at the end of every route.
One thing for sure is that you need to evade your bad the ending. There's one problem tho, somehow the love interest started to follow you anywhere after you change your attitude.
You just want to survive in this world, and yet the crown prince Malleus, the mysterious merchant Azul and his two henchmen, the prideful Duke vil schoenheit, a high ranking Noble from neighbouring kingdom Kalim and his trusted aide, the mage Lilia refused to leave you alone.
🐏 anon
Aside from the stunning visuals and the interesting cast of characters, another aspect that drove you to download the game was (ironically enough) the Villainess character. The roles she played in each route were always unique according to which character you were pursuing.
If it was Malleus, she was his childhood friend who became his fiancée, a scorned woman who would do anything to cast out potential suitors and anyone else who might threaten her spot at royalty. When Malleus falls in love with you, it’s up to you and him to talk some sense into the Villainess when she attempts to thwart your secret love. Unfortunately, her attempts turn vicious and violent and she finds her end at the hands of Malleus, her body nearly charred to ash as verdant flames rage. Lilia’s route is somewhat strange, as he’s one of the few characters who truly feels pity for the Villainess. Perhaps he’s just upset at the broken bond between her and Malleus. Either way, you join Lilia in saving the kingdom from certain peril when the Villainess preys on Malleus and his power.
If it was Azul, she was a rival merchant whose wares were renowned throughout the land. Her greed and pride were her biggest flaws, and when Azul learns that she’s selling counterfeits with curses in an effort to put him out of business he sends you and one of the twins on an undercover mission to stop her once and for all. Depending on which twin accompanies you, a variety of different things happen, which push you closer to him. In Azul’s route, the Villainess is attending an auction on an elegant cruise, where she intends to steal a very precious, deep-sea artifact. With Azul’s help, the both of you manage to chase her to the edge of the ship and upon demanding she hand over the artifact the Villainess jumps overboard. Unfortunately, she can’t swim and the artifact is buried in the ocean with her.
If it was Kalim, she was an assassin masquerading as a servant in order to get closer to him. You and Jamil soon learn of her plans and save Kalim on the night of the festival, where he tearfully thanks you both and confesses to you under a sky of sparkling fireworks. In Jamil’s route, she’s secured a place at Kalim’s side and is using him and his wealth for her own benefit. Jamil attempts to stop her, but she targets his sister in an effort to distract Jamil and so you aid him in saving Najma while also scheming to get rid of the Villainess. She’s killed in secret at the hands of Jamil, a gruesome death involving hypnosis.
In Vil’s route, she is a noblewoman whose beauty rivals that of Vil’s. Engaged to the sweet and lovable Neige, she seems to have a soft spot for only him. After encountering Vil at a gala, where he happens to offend her, she makes it her mission to get revenge. Vil’s closest ally and local hunter (Rook) is the one who catches wind of her schemes and he comes to you asking for help. Teaming up with a farmer (Epel), the three of you form a trio in order to stop the Villainess and rescue Vil from certain doom. In Vil’s route, he personally confronts the Villainess after she uses her reputation to tarnish the protagonist’s. He places a powerful hex on the Villainess and confesses to you that she’ll never dream of harming you again.
There’s also a tyrannical king who lives in solitude in a maze of roses, sending unfortunate souls to the guillotine if they so much as breathe incorrectly. His most trusted advisors (Trey & Cater) are difficult to surpass, as they see through any lies the Villainess attempts to spout. Despite this, she’s close friends with Ace and Deuce, a pair of village boys with a track record for causing mischief. Riddle’s route contains a secret suitor who actually helps the Villainess avoid certain death while actively opposing the protagonist. If you wish to survive in a kingdom of roses and beheadings, you may want to seek out this mysterious person.
And that’s not even all of the characters! Some of them you haven’t even met, as you haven’t quite made it to their routes yet. When you find yourself in their world, wearing the face of the Villainess, you realize the threat of death is much more dangerous and real than it is in the safety of your room, contentedly separated by your mobile phone screen. One thing is clear: You must get them to see the Villainess in a new light, otherwise you’ll be dead before sunset.
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driedupeyeballs · 3 months
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Hello swag bitches, I’m Ash
This is my main blog, and I have the same username on Ao3! I mostly write florid atm but I also have a jamiazu thing
My Yuu!
Art blog: @moonlightblackberry
Speaking of fandoms: I’m in a lot! Maybe too many- so here’s a list! Ones in blue are the ones I’m the most active in, green I’m semi-active in, and orange I’ve never rlly interacted with the fandom but I know the source well :3
Twisted wonderland, Pretty cure (mostly post-2010 seasons, but I love them all! Atm I have not watched past Star Twinkle.), Sonic the hedgehog, MLP (FIM/EG), MHA, Monster high, Pokémon (gen 7-9), Genshin, Zelda (BotW,TotK), Splatoon, Magical Princess Sky (I say as if it even has a fandom😔 I’m friends w the author), Marvel (Mostly phase2-3 MCU), Jujustu Kaisen, Demon slayer, Tokyo Mew Mew, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
I am cringe but I am free
Also my Twst friend code is LeFnY6er :3
More info on me under the cut :3
Hi hi! I’m Ash
I use he/it pronouns :D
I am a minor!!! Idm if adults follow me but pls don’t if you post 18+ stuff!
This blog is mostly Twst but I do magical girl post on main a lot
Tone indicators are helpful but not necessary, I also try to use them myself but often forget lmao
Feel free to (please) tag me in shit! Anything relating to any of the aforementioned fandoms, Kalim, bugs, reptiles, sea creatures, honestly any animals I love animals, Kalim, magical girls, pirates, any of my ships, or whatever! Yeah!
Speaking of ships, here are my main ones!!! Tho I am a multishipper lmao
Jamiazu, Florid, Leovil, Kaliruggie, Treyjade, Adeuce! As for my other fandoms well ur gonna have to find out ur self 🫶
Also I’ve had this blog for a minute and I never made personal tags so imma try to implement them from here on out just to make it even a smidge more organized in this hellhole- srry if I forget to tag anything! Also I may add more-
#ash-rambles self explanatory
#ash-writes for wips or fic updates/sneak peeks
#ash-draws I draw :3
#ash-ocs I have them! This only applies to fandom OCs as my 2nd blog is where all the original story bs will go once I get it all sorted
#ash-aus I have a lot of them…
#ash-jamil he needs his own tag
#ash-mg magical girl posting 😔
Yay thanks for coming (🤨)! I feel so awkward posting this for some reason 😔
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fallenangelofsalt · 1 year
New art blog @fallenangelofsaltart and current story/worldbuilding project @magicpiratesinspace
The AUs currently spinning in my head like a microwave
No idea if I'll ever write them.
Every one of them has a happy ending, but the road to it will be hell on earth because i like angst :D
Inkloop: Horror/mystery focused. 10 NRC students are stuck in a time loop, unable to stop the others from overblotting, and questioning whenever remembering is a blessing or a curse. But they will not stop trying. They will have their happy ending. They don't care how many more times they have to die for it. (TWs: gore, temporary character death, gaslighting, betrayal, body horror, possession, it is overall my angstiest AU because it lets me go ham without fear of permanently killing off a character so be warned)(there is also a lot of crack because the game itself has a lot of crack-ish moments and all the events happen at some point during the loops, so one moment it's pure angst and then sentient plush toy doppelgangers start falling from the sky) (Rollo becomes important at some point)
TITWT(This Is The Worst Timeline): Yuu does not get Isekai'd. This has a lot worse consequences than you would expect. Luckily, every student that would have overblotted in another reality gets the chance to see for themselves what will happen if they continue down their current paths via good old time travel shanneningans. Spoiler alert, they will need So Much Therapy. (Psychological horror, probably)
PokeIsekai: Yuu comes from the Pokemon world. Yeah. Not new. But this time the NRC students get air dropped through an ultra-wormhole in their world instead. In different regions. And I mean air dropped. From pretty high up. Someone got a concussion. And- WHAT DO YOU MEAN KALIM LANDED ON HISUI!? (overall pretty fluffy. Kinda. The pokeworld doesn't eat meat/fish so Savannaclaw+Octavinelle aren't doing so well, but Scarabia is currently separated by a couple hundred years and Kalim is deep in a survival horror setting because I could not resist abusing the hell out of the Zoroarks' angst potential and also gave him amnesia)
TwistedKingdoms: Kingdom Hearts crossover but without KH characters. Mostly just the setup. Each dorm is a different world with a "princess" of the heart, the teachers are the overworked remaining Keyblade wielders, and it's a mad dash to keep the worlds from falling into darkness one after the other. Heartslabyul has already been lost. (No one dies! ...Permanently.)
BlotPoisoned: A new magic-based poison has been created, known for having no known antidote and its slow but lethal effects. Unfortunately, Kalim and Jamil get firsthand experience with it, and now Kalim must find a cure before its too late. (has themes of suicide, murder, mild consensual human experimentation and Jamil is in a coma for half the story) Has a bunch of OCs.
Devil's Gaze: OC reincarnated as a newborn Aizawa Shouta. They are not Eraserhead. She is someone else. But he can't afford not to play his role. That doesn't mean they have to do things his way. (angst and fluff focused. OC is going through the wringer before they graduate while still making the best of their new life, then things mellow out once they reach 20 and then canon starts and shit hits the fan)
QuirkSoup: (Nearly)Everyone has a different quirk. This changes a LOT of things.
MagiMadness: Madoka Magica inspired Magical Girls(and boys) AU. With a few changes because I'm weak for angst and gore but also can't handle killing anyone(permanently). (extremely gory, the main characters keep losing limbs on the regular)
Mobapocalypse: The command block is damaged, and the Witherstorm is not the only disaster to happen that day. In fact, it is the lesser evil. Now everyone has been turned into a mob hybrid, and Jesse is the only one who has kept their sanity. But with every monster, wolf, fox and cat out for their blood, destroying the command block and ending this madness will be one hell of a challenge. (Survival horror, Jesse is being literally hunted for sport)
No.285: Jesse doesn't want to be a hero. Aiden is a mother hen. Lukas is a delinquent. Petra is a scaredy cat. They are not supposed to be this way, but the story will play out still. He will make sure of it. (mystery, kinda. Might count as psychological horror) (TW: has themes of suicide)
MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction): Aiden and Jesse(pre-Endercon) Time Travel to the (canon divergent) future, where Aiden is the tyrant of the Blaze Empire and Jesse is the leader of the resistance against him. Eventually becomes canon divergence. (does it count as major character death if its a future version of your very much alive friend?)
Inky Secret: This body is not his(why does it feel like it is), he does not know how the story ends(oh god stars why did he have to be a dish of all the magic races), and the existence of the Labyrinth keeps his mouth shut(he does not remember his own name, his old face, his life), but cuss it if he's not gonna try his best to help. (Classic transmigration story) (I gave the OC such an overpowered talent and then gave them self worth issues to balance it out)
BTDO(Below The Darkest Ocean): The realm of darkness has actual worlds instead of just being a Danger Beach. They're just under the ocean(and based in games instead of disney movies with 1 exeption Aka TOH) (actually, animes get included as long as they're game-based. Ex, YuGiOh). Sora learns this the hard way after waking up in TWST with amnesia post-KH3.
PrincessRiku: Sorikai RoleSwap AU where Riku is the Princess, Kairi is the Hero and Sora is the Villain. I don't think I've ever seen someone switch their roles like this, and I find the concept interesting.
MagiCards: Magical Girl/Boy/Kid AU, crossover with a side of reincarnation, VRAINS is a thing, magic is real, of course, and one of my favorite tropes: your power doesn't define you. Even if said power was given to you by an eldritch evil card god.
DnS(P5, Demons+Swap): Mix of a Swap AU and Demon AU. Demons take the place of personas and Akechi is the Detective Prince, recently placed in Shibuya to work on the Calling Card Killer case, where evidence heavily suggests Demonic influence at play. P5-typical warnings cranked up to 11. Seriously, everything is worse.
Doorsverse: Mementos is now dead in a ditch, the thieves got more members, and the entire story has been scrambled to hell and back. Has both elements and characters from P3, P4 and P5S(apparently P1&2 too?). Velvet Room? Gone. Yaldabaoth? Never heard of him. Maruki? Got a reality check. Morgana? Has no idea what he's doing but he's sure doing it. (it eventually turned into a whole series rewrite)
ReincarnationProject: A collection of AUs centered around someone with Persona knowledge getting Isekai'd as one of the Persona characters and how that affects the story. Rules: Character must have died before the start of their main story, AKA Chie dies before P4 or Junpei dies before P3, and since their death was too early to count as part of the story itself, the universe makes up for lost potential by reviving the body and then placing another soul inside. Their knowledge affects their abilities, Arcana, Persona and how the Metaverse works around them. Slow, gradual but sure deaths have a chance of merging their souls and memories. Otherwise, the New Soul will not have the Old Soul's Arcana, memories or Persona without external cognitive influences.
Dollhouse: P5 Angstfest, NG+, Joker has a palace and things keep getting worse. Heavy gore, horror, repeated temporary character death and permanent Major Character Death. A bunch of horror tropes smashed together into a story and before I knew it someone died for real. Basically Inkloop but P5.
SilentWish: P5, TimeLoop, Joker has a Palace. (TWs: Gore, Horror, Existential Horror, Gaslighting, repeated temporary character death, his palace is so many levels of messed up)
TADP(The Amazing Digital Palace): The Amazing Digital Circus AU.
Persomon: Pokemon AU where Pokemon are a product of the Metaverse and exist in place of Personas.
HomeStranded: Dave accidentaly Fucks Up So Severely it crashed the game and the timeline and now its lagging and bugged like someone downloaded 200 mods and half contradict each other. Impossible things have become possible, timelines are merging, there's a second Alternia, and everyone's sessions have become borderline unwinable because everyone has the wrong classpect. ...Why is Lil Cal still here?
HomeStolen: 3 years after the disappearance of his and his friends' younger siblings, Kankri is starting to lose hope of ever seeing Karkat again, when a self-proclaimed AI chooses to request his help searching for a different group of missing children that might just be connected. AKA, roadtrip from hell to save the beta kids and trolls from a doomsday cult that drabbles on human experimentation, starring Kankri, Hal, and Damara.
Unheroic: Classic Hero/Vigilante/Villain AU, with Dave as the hero working to keep his siblings safe, Sollux as the vigilante who is tired of sitting still while people die, and Karkat as the villain with the highest hero kill count.
Ink and Bone: MK villain/feral/possessed arc with a side of psychological torture courtesy of LBD, AKA LBD and Azure team up and ruin everything.
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countessofwisdom · 1 year
A drabble for @tsukikoayanosuke based on her MDZS x Twst AU. The Silver-Jonah duo really got to me XD
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Taking advantage of Deuce's distraction, Jonah Argentum unsheathed the unattended blade from his disposal. Heartslabyul's swords were perfectly sharp; he would know, having avoided its deadly glint by a hair many times in the past back in Cloud Recesses.
Without missing a beat, Jonah carved a flute out of nearby bamboo and placed it below his lips.
A high-pitched, fast-tempo melody resounded throughout the forest. Its notes were sharp, piercing through the night sky as though it was a lone blade cutting through the array of clouds.
"The hell?" Ace exclaimed. "This lunatic, playing the flute at a time like this?!"
Deuce remained silent, bewildered, but shared the same sentiment as his companion.
Jonah, the ever-declared madman after his resurrection, however, made no move to cease his inexplicable actions.
Chaos was in order. Flames conquered the forest. The soul-eating Heavenly Maiden thrashed about, devouring the souls of every cultivator in its sight. Its hand outstretched, merely a few meters away from clutching the tiny Grim when it halted, tilting its head towards the one-eyed man.
However, Jonah's real goal was not to seize the maiden's attention for diversion.
But to call forth the resentful aura laying beneath the earth.
It was truly a gamble but he saw no other choice. Beggars couldn't be choosers. Jonah Argentum was rather relieved that there was at least one spirit willing to heed his call.
The gritting of metal—perhaps chains—clicked and clanked. The sound grew closer to the surface. An impressive amount of ominous energy seethed from below.
For a second, the clinking stopped. Then without warning, the silhouette of a corpse emerged from the soil.
Once the dust has settled and dispersed, Jonah nearly dropped his flute.
The figure stood with his back on him, but it didn't matter, he'd recognize that white hair, bloodless skin, and lightless eyes even from afar.
Turning to descry what was happening, the faces of other cultivators contorted into fear, bewilderment, and incredulity. Gasps and screams alike echoed.
Jonah's heartbeat wasn't any calmer than the shrills. His grip on the flute tightened.
It was...
"The Ghost General! It's the Ghost General! He has emerged once again!"
"Silver..." he muttered, a crack in his voice was evident.
Memories surged through him like knives aiming for the kill. And finally, after hours of resurrection, only now had a wave of consciousness hit Jonah.
He was alive.
Jonah Argentum, the Captain of Demonic Cultivation, had truly returned.
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twstedstoryshop · 2 years
Hello, congratulations for receiving 700+ followers! :D
I kind of wonder if that request is ok, since it isn't twst chara x reader whatsoever, but I'd like to ask for general headcanons(who they are and how they met each other) with Savanaclaw put into gaslamp fantasy AU(I imagine it as more of steampunk + high fantasy settings, because of my preference to Victorian aesthetic, but if you have more ideas with Edwardians, then go for it :) ).
This was a lot of fun to think about and imagine in my brain theater, hehe. -Shopkeep
Gaslamp Fantasy AU With The Savanaclaw Dorm
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Of course still a prince in this universe, but continues down the path of a 2nd son that knows he won’t be in line for the throne anytime soon. But unlike our Leona who kind of just lazes about in NRC days, Leona in a gaslamp fantasy is busy scouring the skies in his airship.
While he may not be the next king, his family and brother expect him to still play a role in the royal family. While his brother takes care of official matters, Leona was given responsibilities as a protector of his kingdom’s people.
While Leona does indeed do his job, does he exactly do it right…? Not really. Think of it along the lines of, “Hey I’m a sky pirate to take down other sky pirates” “Leona, you can’t do that.” “Watch me.”
Also this just gives him an excuse to stay out of royal affairs and happily sail among the clouds. You can think of the Savanaclaw dorm being his rag-tag sky pirate crew.
I imagine unique magic is still a thing within this world. The properties of King’s Roar are still the same albeit rather than turning things into sand, he instantly causes his surroundings to turn to rust. This can be devastating especially within a world that relies heavily on metals for technology.
Though he puts up the front that he’s an uncaring, greedy pirate captain, we all know he cares. He could have easily gone down a path of abandoning his legacy and being a full fledged pirate but every treasure he eyed or adventure he craved, it always benefits his kingdom in some way. Whether people realize it or not.
Cheka is COMPLETELY enamored over the idea that his uncle is a cool sky pirate. He’s so intent on being a pirate too when he grows up and the family is trying desperately to not let him get too influenced by Leona.
Definitely has a get-up very similar to his Halloween outfit. Though he would have more of a ruffled shirt that’s still showing off a lot of his chest because… Yeah… Anyway, he may have to lose the eyepatch and nautical details, but I do like the hat. Just give him a bandana underneath it and bam, there’s our captain.
He may not be the proper definition of a king, but he’s a king among clouds and thieves and you know what? He likes that image a lot better than a prim and proper prince on a throne.
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Oh you know Ruggie is gonna be our cute wise-cracking thief from the bustling city streets. He’s busy hustling through the crowds, pickpocketing snobby nobles and pulling fast ones on poor naive newcomers.
Knows a busy city like the back of his hand. Incredibly acrobatic and can shake any guard off his tail by doing some dynamic tricks. A slippery little guy!
I cannot get the image out of my head that his outfit would be so dang adorable. Like everything he wears looks too big for him. He wears overalls with so many patchwork pockets, chunky boots, his shirt has rolled up sleeves, fingerless gloves, and typical funky goggles around his neck. Also often dirtied with soot or oil.
I had this thought that besides finding coin or his next meal, Ruggie also often looked for scrap machinery and automatons that may have been thrown out. A part of Ruggie feels sympathy for the automatons that were thrown out entirely just because they happen to have one mistake in them or something.
He often fixes them up by himself and does some pretty amazing work, able to bring a machine back to full function. He often has these automatons work around in his makeshift workshop or he gifts them to any kids or families within the slums to make their lives easier.
Ruggie would never say this aloud but a part of him believes that the automatons he takes care of do indeed have consciousness and actually understand him. But he knows that’s a silly idea. What he doesn’t realize is that with this belief, he is tapping into his unique magic.
Laugh With Me manifests differently in that what should be an unfeeling and mundane automaton will listen to him and act on his command like a living being for a short amount of time before going back to their original state. He has yet to tap into this magic fully yet and will discover it over time.
Ruggie was picked up by Leona one day as Ruggie was bold enough to dare and pickpocket him. Though Leona was quicker, able to swiftly take back what was his. But he saw potential in Ruggie, seeing how quick witted he was and his talent in handling machinery. He always did need a shipwright…
With a promise for wealth and greatness, Leona offered an opportunity to Ruggie to come join him on his airship. It took a little convincing as Ruggie was reluctant to leave his family behind, but with enough convincing from his grandmother and the local kids, he boarded Leona’s ship and somehow naturally became the right-hand man of Leona.
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The latest addition to Leona’s crew and a bit of an oddball compared to the grizzled and salty sky dogs. He definitely looks the part with his tall and strong stature, but his sense of duty and honor is quite a rarity among pirates of all people.
To some, this may be seen as a weakness, but to Leona, he values these kinds of qualities and why he wanted Jack on his crew.
Jack originally was a simple working man, hired as extra muscle for various heavy duty jobs like working around construction areas or factories. He worked these odd jobs to help bring food to the table for his family.
Sadly his family has fallen on some hard times as his parents are getting too old for work and his younger siblings are a bit too young to be working. Jack would rather see them get a proper education unlike him who got straight to work after basic schooling.
There was also… Another issue he was dealing with that made his life harder. A curse of lycanthropy, unfortunately given to him by a rogue werewolf that stumbled into the city and attacked him while he was making his way home from a late shift.
Jack hides this secret desperately and cages himself far away from his family every time the full moon rears its face.
It was during one of those nights that Leona and his crew found him. Leona had heard reports of some beast prowling in a city and a large reward was going to be given to anyone who could bring its head in to the city guards.
During that night, Leona witnessed that despite being such a feral beast that was half-man, half-wolf, Jack’s absolute instinct rather to protect than kill astounded the prince. He needed that kind of loyalty on his ship. The fact that he could turn into a powerful werewolf was a bonus.
At first Jack absolutely refused Leona, not wanting to take part in any piracy plus he had his ailment as a lycanthrope. However, Leona didn’t back down, showing that he didn’t care about Jack being a werewolf. He respected the man in the monster and promised that through their journeys, they may find a cure for him. Plus, sending his family money via the treasures didn’t sound like a bad offer either…
Jack gave in eventually, boarding the ship and making a place for himself as their newest member. He definitely has a lot of learning to do, but Jack would find in due time, he’ll fit right in.
Also, appearance wise, Jack would keep it rather simple but god, does he make it work. A loose shirt, tight fitting pants, a wrap and belts around his waist, and some solid boots. Please consider him also having facial and body hair…
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rosuuu · 2 years
Beyond the Music Room - Prologue: When I Awoke
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
Special Thanks to @/ never simped in my life (real) on discord
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Epel Felmier. It was a name you heard everywhere you went.
utterly disgusting, this town I mean, not him, never him.
Here in this small isolated town I called home the only reliable source of entertainment was that in which you found through the the pain of others.
Most of the people were intolerable but not him, never him. Epel felmier, he knew his role and how to play it, let he still resisted, I would give anything to be like that. Epel was a controversial topic, ask anyone in town about him and they'd answer with a slur of curses and misdemeanours he's committed.
Epel didn’t play by anyones rules than his own, I did. Being born into a pretty well-known family means 2 things: firstly , First impressions are everything, and secondly, acting is the only way to survive.
From a young age all I did was act. In order to keep the facade of a happy typical family who was involved with the community and with more hospitality than a saint.
I filled that role up until who even knows when.
I’ll lay out the facts, I knew of Epel, I didn’t know him. Key word, didn’t.
It was a sunny day, as stereotypical as summer can get. There I sat in the middle of the woods with my feet in the lake behind my family home reading a book. I wasn’t allowed there, I knew I wasn’t- but with mother breathing down my neck all they time the universe couldn’t make it more clear that these rules were made to be broken.
It all happened so fast, I was on high alert, i always was so when something sprinted fast through the shrubbery around me a fliched, hard and my book, my precious escape sliped our of my hands and into the deep water below me, I don’t know what I was thinking or perhaps I wasn’t at all but I jumped in after it.
Panic was second to instinct and it only rendered that I couldn’t swim after I was to far into the water, I was going to die, I tried to scream but water quickly filled the gap between my lips. And I started to cry, I was gonna die here, I still had so much to do, I wanted to grow up and leave this ugly town, I wanted to fall in love
As my tears mixed with the salty fluid around me my body stilled , I stopped struggling, I was going to die, but regardless an escape is an escape and death is the greatest escape of all. My body just sank lower and lower, I pulled my hand down to my sides from where they were just touching the surface and finally I closed my eyes, I wonder was the embrace of death always so… warm?
Then I woke up.
That was over 10 years ago, the day that I met him, my saviour from that day we were practically glued to each other. He got a trusty side kick and I got a friend I could be free around. We grew up together, when even when He became the most popular guy in class he was always there by my side
Over the years the loved letters accumulated grew and just like the apples bloomed each spring, we bloomed out and into our freshman year, they year that everything changed
Here’s a little fact, Twisted Wonderland Entertainment was the stable of the music community everyone had listened to at least one of their songs and with the range their groups had they were a global sensation
TWSTEN was all about scouting out the new talent, one of the ways this happend was through the three schools they Sponsored, Night Raven College, The Royal Sword Academy, and the newly completed Sphere Glow Insitute being admityed into one of these schools officially marked your journey as a TWSTEN Idol or Trainee
It was a chance encounter one day on our way to school, we decided to take a detour that day for whatever reason, caught the wrong bus and ended up lost in the inner city, however that was possible. Going back the way we presumably came got us more lost, and as the sun rose to the submit of the sky we realized it was time to give it up
-3 months ago, (Y/N) POV-
We were lost….Actually lost is an understatement, me and Epel somehow ended up in the very heart of the Wonderland somewhere us country bumpkin would never dream of going
Approaching a well dressed man, roughly 2 year older than me handing out flyers I swallowed my nerves and approached him.
“U-Um hello? I- well Me and my friend are a bit lost and we’re wonderin-“
I looked behind me and gestured to my friend but he wasn’t there as my sentence trailed off the man spoke up
“Ah you must be one of the new Trainees! I’m Alchemi! Welcome to The Royal Sword!”
Grabbing my hand he started to lead me inside when…
“Hey! (Y/N) Let’s Go! I found a map!”
-3 months ago, Epel POV-
“Ugh I’m such an Idiot..”
It had felt like hours since we had been walking in cirlcles the capital was no joke, at this point it was well past lunch and I had just about given up on going back to class after this, while my grandma wouldn’t care about me skipping a class (Y/N)’s parents woukd throw a fit
My eyes lazily drifted from place to place the capital was a place I always wanted to explore just not at this exact moment and I continue my daydreaming a particular store catches my eye, a music store, I remember (Y/N) talking about that new [Heartslabyul] song…..
Taking a glance back at them i slowly back away before making a mad dash to the music shop, I’ll have to be quick to make sure not to lose sight of them
◁ ♫ ▷
Stepping out of the music shop I close my eyes and take a deep breath turning towards where I last saw (Y/N) I take a step when…
A tall blond bumps into me causing my balance to falter which makes me fall to the ground. Getting MU barings on reality I start to get up, expecting an apology at least before ripping this guy a new one. However when I turned to where he once stood he was gone a black and gold card standing where he should be
Snatching up the card a shove it in my pocket before catching up with (Y/- oh their gone…
◁ ♫ ▷
Thank the seven for my experience with lugging around apples all day or I’d be in serious troubles, after what seemed like a solid half hour of searching I recognized that familiar head of (h/l), (h/c) hair, I start to make my way over when I notice an ugly head of Purple and pale pink holding their wrist is if they were trying to drag them somewhere
Accelerating my pace I called out to them
“(Y/N), Let’s Go! I found a map!”
That was a lie but on the bright side, (Y/N) seemed to say something to the strange man before turning around and jogging up to me
“Who was that guy?”
“I’m not sure something about trainees-“ They trailed off
“No matter,” their smile lit up the world around us and the rest of the world seemed to disappear “Where’s this map you were talking about!”
◁ ♫ ▷
I lay in bed left arm tucked comfortably under my head and right hand stretched holding the card between my two fingers
“An idol agency, huh?”
—(Y/N) POV—
How naive I was, if I knew how much that fateful detour I suggested would change our lives I would of kept my mouth shut no matter,
Epel’s life was finally looking up after all these years I didn’t like it but it made him happy and if I could just see him smile like how he would when we were kids it would all be worth it,
His journey was beginning
And I’d be there, for him, every step of the way.
Beyond the Music Room - Prologue: When I Awoke
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Author’s Note~
I’m aware this isn’t the best it could be but school is currently swarming me with work so you’ll have to make due until my next break </3
Taglist! (Ask or Dm to be added or Removed)
@sunnyshineblaze @lionar0und @cupids-chamber
@hearts-like-iron @raix-lv
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
How would you think Rollo be in Sky High AU? I like to think he thinks isn't meant to be place in that school and doesn't consider himself a villain...eventhough majority of the people thinks he is.
Considering Rollos whole scheme and motivation in game is to wipe magic away because of the death of his brother, and that he believes this is what is best for the world, I think in this au Rollo is a bit more of an anti hero. His brother dies in a Super hero related accident. Idk maybe he gets caught in the crosshairs of a hero and villain fight and dies. Rollo thinks the world would be better off without superpowers. In his own mind, he is not the villain, and he does not like being in a villain school. But he think the curriculum there is much better for his ultimate goal as opposed to the hero schools. Plus I think Rollo would think of Super heroes as hypocrites. Like he views them as false heroes who talk about civilian lives and yet they allowed his brother to die. At least at Villain school they don't put on airs.
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
I like the idea of them having villain families. So I wonder save the citizen like? I know the scene where two suppose heroes volunteer as villains while Will and the fireman (forgot the name) are called as heroes. I feel like majority of them volunteer to be villains even Kalim, Silver, and Rook but most likely those three end up being heroes (Kalim probably be happy to be in the villain side to help his friends, Rook for his queen, and Silver for Mallleus)
I wonder how Deuce would be like? I mean he is a sweet boy trying to do good for his mother and attending a villain school doesn't seem to help.
Would Jamil be served like a servant to Kalim? I imagine his family are henchmen to Kalim's family but seeing Kalim being a good boy and forced to be his henchman (I imagine he was in the henchman course but transferred to villain course the moment he revealed his powers to everyone)
I'd imagine the game works much the same as it does in the movie, only its more a defense game rather than the focus being on the Hero saving the citizen, its the Villains having to protect their side and keep the victim. Or they could have their own rules to the game. Like instead of "Save the Citizen" Its "Steal the citizen." Where essentially its essentially the same game but framed differently. where the heroes are protecting the citizen and the villains have to kidnap them. Maybe for an extra fun challenge where instead of teams of two its more like four vs 2 or 2 vs 1. Because Heroes often work in teams and villains not so much. And yeah, usually if Silver and Kalim volunteer for heroes.
I think for Deuce to be there, maybe his dad was a villain, he hasn't really been in deuces life, but the League of Villains had the Spades on their radar and knew Deuce had powers from his dad. So they sent a letter to attend NRC. Deuce knowing his dad was a villain, had his delinquent phase and all the other guys he ran with respected that. But when Deuce heard his mom was afraid for his well being, Deuce figured it would be best to go to school for supers. Before he could think of how to apply, the letter for NRC came, along with waiving his tuition since his father was a celebrated alumni. and these, Deuce went, because he couldn't turn down that deal. He isn't sure he wants to be evil, but he wants to learn to control his powers so his mom wont worry.
And yeah pretty much. Jamil comes from a long line of henchemen and second in commands to villains. Maybe the Asims run an evil organization and help run the League of Villains and Mr.Viper is Mr.Asims assistant or something. Like Mr.Asim doesn't do the fighting with heroes, he sends Jamils dad to do the actual dirty work. And Jamil is set up to be much the same for Kalim and feels the need to downplay his powers and take the henchmen courses until the extent of his abilities are revealed.
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
Oh like the sky high au. Now time for some questions.
What about Rook, Kalim, and Silver? They are light magic users and have some heroic traits (I have some questions about Rook being one if you know what I mean). Would they attend the same school or different school?
It would be hilarious that all the first years transferred to hero course once they receive their UM with only Ace, Grimm, and Yuu being left behind. Ace being more pissed off that Deuce got out first. Also I wonder how the idiot squad being friends?
I think in the case of those three, while they have typically "good" Powers, they come from Villain families and thus by default their parents enrolled them into NRC. Rook is more Ethan happy to be an underlying to Vil, Kalim doesn't think much of it either, but everyone thinks he's too chipper and good natured to be a villain. Lilia still adopted Silver and Lilia I think teaches the school as well instead of being a student. And this because Lilia worked as a villain and works there, Silver for enrolled. And Silver loves his dad and his adopted family. But like Kalim, everyone thinks Silver is good. Would be voted "most likely to become a hero after graduation."
And yeah, like Will who got transferred once he got his powers, as everyone gets their powers they get put into the villain courses until eventually it's just Ace,Yuu, and Grim. Ace is waiting for the day his powers finally manifest. His brother developed his late too and so did their dad, so he knows it will come eventually, but he's still impatient. However, once Yuu mentions they'll miss him in homeroom when that day comes, Ace figures he can afford to wait.
Also unrelated, but since I'm this au Nrc and RSA are villains schools, I had thought that in this au they would be co-ed like most highschools so other characters can be there. Like Najma can be a freshman with all the other first years,for example. Just because.
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