#UK singles
wclassicradio · 2 months
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mickyfinn74 · 2 years
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melit0n · 1 month
Save me...save me Jaws key change save me
Credits: Eric Mulherin -> yt
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michaelgovehateblog · 21 days
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fucking not you that's for sure
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
a girl i went to high school with is on holiday to the US at the moment, and she recently posted a photo of her in front of the White House, smiling. I can't stop thinking about it, because my first thought seeing it was "what is there to smile about?"
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Billy Idol – Eyes Without A Face
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meichenxi · 1 year
Speakers of non-English languages of the UK and Ireland wanted!!
Since it’s World Mother Language Day today (February the 21st), I’m thinking of doing a series of posts on the native non-English languages of the United Kingdom and Ireland, with some information and short interviews. 
For this, I am looking for both native speakers/signers and learners (with or without parentage/heritage of the language in question) of the following languages:
- Scottish Gaelic
- Irish
- Welsh
- Any sign language of the United Kingdom or Ireland (e.g. BSL)
- Any other minority language indigenous to the United Kingdom or Ireland. By this I mean primarily spoken only within the UK or Ireland as a minority, or spoken very little elsewhere. For example: Cornish, Manx, Shelta, or Anglo-Romani, not languages like Polish or Bengali that are minority within the UK but have a significant speaker base elsewhere. (I am aware that I am fishing for some of these *cough* Cornish *cough*...but you never know!)
- Any language or variety that you speak that you feel is linguistically / culturally distinct from Standard English that you would like to inform more people about. For example: Shetlandic, Scots, Ulster Scots. 
I don’t have anything finalised yet, but if you would be wiling to speak to me about some text-based interviews for the sake of qualitative and informative tumblr posts, please send me a message!
(NB: if I have used any names of languages that are not preferred, tell me and I will change them. I don’t know a lot about the non-Celtic and non-Germanic languages here, which is part of my reason for wanting to make this series of posts in the first place.)
Please reblog so more people see this!
- meichenxi
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regal-bones · 1 year
Hey do you like video games? Do you like supporting trans creators? Do you like exclusive content, and plenty of early access?? If so please check out my Patreon!
I just uploaded a whole bunch of artwork for Last Sprout 🌱 that I have been very excited about sharing! If you want to help bring his game to life, please check it out!
Click here to sign up! It’s just £1 and directly helps me out! (also, picture is very much related)
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i hope his neck breaks when the crown is placed on his head
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wclassicradio · 2 years
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A Tory MP who voted against extending Free School Meals in the holidays during the pandemic DARES to tell striking teachers we don’t care about students’ best interests.
Fuck off to the far side of fuck, and then fuck off some more.
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franklyimissparis · 4 months
Sorry to ask, but I saw your tags on the "there's a beatles in my closet" post and was wondering if you could expand? What else was blocked because of gay stuff?
hi! basically there’s this book called “rock bottom” by geoff baker, who was paul’s publicist for many years but was fired in 2003. geoff baker basically got blacklisted in the industry after he cut ties with paul and allegedly further blacklisted after releasing the book. it’s notoriously hard to find a copy of rock bottom because its initial run was quite limited and (for unknown reasons… 👀) it never had a second run and so is basically impossible to buy - it was even taken down from the amazon kindle ebook store at some point. i’ve also heard that it was incredibly hard to get any publisher to look at the book because no one wanted to get involved out of fear of being sued.
the actual book is about a publicist who works for a controlling arsehole closeted bisexual rock star who ends up getting blackmailed with gay photos from the 70s. the rock star’s name is ian taylor (which is significant since one of paul’s pseudonyms is ian iachimoe - which apparently he asked his friends and family to address letters to in order to stand out) and the rock star’s estranged former writing partner is literally named john (but goes by jack) 😭😭 - to my limited knowledge (i.e reading the few excerpts and posts abt it on live journal) there’s nothing that suggests a relationship between those two but still wild.
obviously it’s not 100% confirmed that the book is at all about paul (geoff has said that it’s not, but also advertised that his experience in the industry helped him write it) or that paul had anything to do with killing it but i would say we can make some inferences as to what happened there tbh
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satans-knitwear · 11 months
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Thats enough peopling for the week. And month. Back to my lair.
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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siilvan · 8 months
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i am once again disappointed but not surprised at the COD fandom only caring about “sensitivity” when it’s convenient for them
#telling people it’s morally wrong to simp for makarov#whilst simping for graves or valeria#or ANY character in this damn series#just shows that you only give a shit about ‘sensitivity’ when it doesn’t inconvenience you#‘but he’s bad :(’ my brother in christ. let’s talk about western militaries#price nikolai and gaz literally kidnapped and tortured an innocent woman and child#the UK and US militaries have DEVASTATED vulnerable countries#y’all wanna talk about sensitivity?? then acknowledge how even the ‘good’ characters like the 141 are shitty!#none of these characters are good people!#i cannot stress this enough. eliminating characters because they’re ‘problematic’ eliminates the entire cast. every single one of them.#MAYBE farah would be safe?? i’m not knowledgeable enough to say for certain. but everyone else— 141. los vaqueros. laswell. alex. nikolai. +#valeria. graves. every last warzone operator. EVERY single character is ‘off-limits’ with that logic.#COD fandom is also horribly racist despite pretending it’s not. notice how people only talk about this when it’s white folks being impacted#no one gave a shit when a middle eastern woman and child were kidnapped and tortured. or when fans were romanticizing cartel violence.#or how the SAS CIA and Delta Force have histories of terrorizing vulnerable people; especially in the middle east and asia#i���ve said it before and i’ll say it again before anyone accuses me of smth false:#sensitivity is important. it can co-exist with letting people enjoy problematic things. the source itself is problematic —#ergo. everything that comes from it (even the ‘good’ things) is as well.#you can’t cherry pick which characters people are allowed to be critical of. you can have your faves and have the ones you dislike#but don’t act like you’re doing something noble when your sensitivity is biased.#sylph.talks
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disabled-dragoon · 6 months
I was watching a video by another wheelchair user and they were basically showing how inconvenient the timings of bus passes can be sometimes.
For reference, their bus pass is only for "off-peak" travel and does not work after 11pm or before 930am. Mine is the same, although I think if I show it I'm supposed to be allowed on for 50p (that's rarely adhered to, but still). It's different across the country, and I know at first glance that those times don't seem like they would be an issue in theory. But if you work, or you have an appointment, or you're a student or you just have to be somewhere during those times, then it's basically another redundant piece of plastic in your pocket.
The whole point of their video was basically the same as that "we're disabled, not werewolves, Daniel" post. Why doesn't it work during those times? Did they not consider the fact that people may need to use the bus during those times? They did link to a government petition to get this changed, but they didn't push it in the video itself, it was just in the caption.
Not once did they ever mention during their video an inability or unwillingness to pay for the bus themselves, but, incredibly, that is how some people have taken it.
I've seen takes along the lines of:
"It's the same for elderly people and you don't see them complaining."
"And?? Most people can't even get free bus travel."
"Your wheelchair stops other people getting the bus during peak travel times."
"Buses are cheap? Why can't you just buy a ticket like everyone else?"
"Other people need the bus, not just you."
And it just- pissed me off honestly. It might be because it's an issue I've ranted about before, or it might be the fact that half of their counter "arguments" had absolutely no relevance to what the original poster was saying anyway!
There are a thousand other issues with getting the bus as a disabled person- some of them those people even inadvertently brought up! The bus pass is just the bitter cherry on a rotten cake.
And if this is the way people react to that being brought up by someone who has to live with it, I dread to think what else they'll take issue with next.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
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