tiressian · 5 months
Sooooo at this point, is Taichi Melon or is Melon Taichi? XD
I read that in Geto's voice lmao
You know what, yeah, if nothing else he is a great placeholder because i'm struggling to write the next chapter of USPP 😂
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agentgrange · 10 months
I have reason to believe, based on a rabbit hole I went down last night, that there is an ongoing war happening between the National Parks Service and the US Park Police. I take no joy in reporting that the National Parks Service isn't immune from ACAB, with the Park Police being undisciplined dickhead cowboys with unchecked authority in the greater DC Metro area. Even the local county police hate them to the point of leaking evidence the Park Police have withheld from the public and bringing manslaughter charges against Park Police officers following the killing of Binam Ghaisar. Charges that were only stopped by FBI intervention and a proceeding cover up. The legacy of which haunts the organization and colors everything that has happened in the last few months.
There seems to have been what I can only describe as a soft coup by appointing Jessica Taylor as park police chief. The park police union has been eroding the legitimacy of the National Parks Service (otherwise a very progressive liberal institution in comparison to basically every other US government agency) for decades now and I think the wider agency is trying to reign them in even if that means bringing in a rival ex Secret Service hatchet-woman turned EPA auditor. Its worth noting that the Secret Service have a long history of resentment towards the Park Police due to overlapping jurisdictions within Washington DC and their general lack of discipline with their rivalry often breaking out into outright hostility including the assault and detention of a black Secret Service agent. Being a former Secret Service agent, Taylor would be well aware of the Park Police's reputation before her appointment.
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Her appointment was rushed through by Park Service’s associate director of visitor and resource protection Jennifer Flynn, seemingly against the wishes of the police union who expected the Park Service to rubber stamp their candidate like previous appointments.
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To which I say-- Lol. Lmao even. The Park Police are clearly used to appointing their own oversight and have an incredibly disproportionate amount of power within the NPS that is increasingly at odds with the rest of the agency. All this in mind, it really reads like Flynn brought Taylor in as a deliberate outsider in the hopes of bringing more oversight to the organization that won't immediate fold to the union or engage with their over-up plans every time the Park Police murder someone.
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Jennifer Flynn, for her part, doesn't come from the Park Police but instead spent her whole career as a Park Ranger working in various capacities. Maybe its just me but when you see her you think "oh yeah that's definitely what I would expect a park ranger to look like" unlike the hotdog necks at the USPP. While only the associate director, she's been working quietly and smartly to find ways to reign in the park police including amending their jurisdiction over "felony investigations of property crimes, and crimes against society such as serious drug related offenses" under the guise of staffing cuts. To be clear, she unilaterally made the decision that the Park Police may no longer investigate or arrest citizens for non-violent offenses. Again, I can't help but see this as a direct response from sympathetic members of the agency to the Park Police's killing of Bijan Ghaisar to gradually remove the Park Police's authority to carry out law enforcement except when absolutely necessary.
Its an interesting situation to be sure, and while I don't count these two ladies as any sort of socialist heroes on "our side" (they're federal enforcement officers at the end of the day) I'm willing to lend them critical support in their attempts to quietly defang the Park Police. Maybe its wishful thinking but I like to imagine based on everything I've read that there is some sort of concentrated deliberate effort being done here that's successfully circumvented politics by *actually wielding authority to drive positive change* even if they know the limits of their authority necessitates that they do it quietly. USPP clearly thinks of themselves as police officers first and members of the National Parks Service second, and are clearly at odds with the rest of their organization's values. I hope this continues until we see the Park Police be restructured into glorified mall cops with no institutional influence while the bulk of their role is taken over by more responsible organizations within the NPS like the National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers and other special agents that prioritize the safety of the public over brutalizing people over property enforcement & petty crimes.
Why am I posting this here???... Because so much of my writing has to do with the National Parks Service and the Department of the Interior. Here I am with potentially a genuine case of inter-agency intrigue while conducting completely unrelated research. You can't blame me for wanting to dig into this more and see where it goes. Consider this a story, food for thought, when thinking about these organizations.
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Uspp, "Gomorra come Mare Fuori irretiscono chi vive nel disagio"
“Serie come ‘Gomorra’ o ‘Mare Fuori’ irretiscono i giovani e non solo quelli che vivono nel disagio. La tendenza sempre più diffusa tra i giovani è quella di emulare modelli criminali ispirati da serie tv o dai testi dei trapper che esaltano atteggiamenti mafiosi-camorristici e contestano istituzioni e forze di polizia”.     Lo sottolinea in una nota il sindacato di polizia penitenziaria Uspp,…
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echoesofadream · 7 months
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Remember the mostly peaceful protest that happened in DC that resulted in St. John’s church being burned and
Remember the mostly peaceful protest that happened in DC that resulted in St. John’s church being burned and the sitting president being rushed to the bunker? Some might even call that an insurrection. “Misinformation” about why the Square was cleared out was spread for over a year. CNN even admits in this article that the lied to the public for over a year. It’s a shame our media does not truly investigate these incidents but merely jumps to conclusions.
Direct Quotes
The US Park Police did not clear racial injustice protesters from Lafayette Park to allow for then-President Donald Trump's march to St. John's Church last June, but instead did so to allow a contractor to install a fence safely around the White House, according to a new inspector general report.
CNN previously reported that Barr had ordered authorities to clear the crowd of protesters, according to a Justice Department official, minutes ahead of a televised address by Trump from the Rose Garden. Barr later sought to distance himself, saying he had not given the final order to clear the demonstration even as the White House placed the decision on his shoulders amid the fallout.
Barr was not interviewed for the report, and the inspector general notes that they found the attorney general's visit to Lafayette Park did not change the Park Police's plans to clear the park.
Further, the report found that Park Police had issued three dispersal warnings prior to clearing the area
According to the report, "the evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow the contractor to safely install the antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers occurring on May 30 and 31.
The head of the Park Police similarly had told Congress last year that Trump's visit to the church was not the motivation for clearing the area of peaceful protesters.
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よろにくです^ ^
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dailynews9 · 2 years
Washington Monument defaced, 1 held
Washington Monument defaced, 1 held
Washington : A man has been taken into custody after the Washington Monument was vandalized on Tuesday, police said, adding that the area around the base of the monument has been temporarily closed. Washington Monument defaced, 1 held ” NPS ( National Park Service) conservators will work on the restoration process, ” the US Park Police ( USPP ) said on Twitter Images posted on Twitter by local…
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xogsidemedia · 2 years
Ururka Shacabka Somaliland oo Muddeeyay Xilliga la Qabanayo Shirweynahooda
Ururka Shacabka Somaliland oo Muddeeyay Xilliga la Qabanayo Shirweynahooda Xogside Ururka Shacabka Somaliland ee USPP ayaa shaaciyay wakhtiga uu qabsoomi doono Shirweynaha Koobaad ee Ururkaas. Gudddoomiye ku Xigeenka koobaad ee Ururka Shacabka Somaliland Maxamed Maxamuud Xaashi Timo ayaa sheegay in 14 Bisha 9 aad ee foodda innagu soo haysa in Shirweynaha Ururku ka qabsoomi doono Huteel Guuleed ee…
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Park Police radio channels haven't been taped in years, watchdog says
Park Police radio channels haven’t been taped in years, watchdog says
“We also found no evidence to suggest that the USPP deliberately used the administrator radio channel to communicate on June 1, because anyone knew the channel was not recording,” the report said. During a July 2020 congressional hearing, former agency chief Gregory Monahan defended the Park Police officers’ tactics, describing the protest as “one of the most violent” he’s seen. have seen. During…
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bikerlovertexas · 4 years
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jose-fangueiro-blog · 6 years
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#coopers #noiretblancphotographie #uspp #galerieimagesdemarque #geneve #exibition #expo #expo18 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn-6ACplBEs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ha4z6pagq811
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Sindacato, rissa in carcere Sanremo per alcol prodotto da frutta
Sospendere la distribuzione di frutta, sostituendola con altri alimenti, come le gelatine confezionate, per arginare l’abuso di alcol. A lanciare il monito è il sindacato ligure della polizia penitenziaria Uspp, che in una nota interviene su una rissa nel carcere di Valle Armea a Sanremo, dove in precedenza era stato anche picchiato in modo selvaggio Alberto Scagni, ancora in coma farmacologico e…
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(via Pamela A. Smith is now the first African-American woman to be US Park Police chief)
Pamela A. Smith, a 23-year veteran of the United States Park Police (USPP), is the first African American woman to lead the 230-year-old agency.
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rjzimmerman · 4 years
Excerpt from this story from Sierra Club:
The horrific scene of police violence that played out two weeks ago in Washington, DC—as President Trump’s security team cleared peaceful protesters for a hackneyed photo op in front of a historic church—will be etched into our national memory for decades to come. On June 1, thousands of demonstrators gathered in Lafayette Square, a public park near the White House, to protest the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman. Without warning, officers—many bearing shields emblazoned with the words “US Park Police”—set upon the crowd. Nonviolent protesters and journalists covering the scene were gassed with chemical irritants, beaten with batons, and shot with “nonlethal” rounds.
Shortly after, Donald Trump emerged from a chain-link-cocooned White House, crossed Pennsylvania Avenue, and lumbered between a column of officers dressed in full body armor toward a boarded-up St. John’s Episcopal Church. Then, with an expression that hovered between a pout and a smirk, Trump grabbed a bible produced from his daughter’s designer handbag and raised it aloft.
While most criticism focused on the viciousness of the police response and the political crassness of the president’s photo op, more fundamental questions were left unanswered: Who exactly were these officers who had acted as Trump’s personal goon squad? Why were they here? Should such a force exist in the first place?
You might be surprised to learn that some of the security forces belong to the federal agency best known for smiling rangers in wool sweaters and wide-brimmed hats: the National Park Service. The US Park Police is a special branch of the National Park Service tasked with protecting federal landmarks in and around the capital. The USPP, which also provides security at federal sites in New York City and San Francisco, traces its roots to the 1820s, when a single officer, known simply as a “watchman,” was assigned to guard the Executive Mansion (an edifice known today as the White House). Over the years, the Park Service’s policing capabilities have grown vastly. Today, the NPS’s law enforcement wing—like municipal police departments across the nation—has come to resemble a quasi-military force more than a traditional police department. Even though congressional budget reductions have forced the NPS to cut 20 percent of its law enforcement staff since 2005, it still has more than 1,750 sworn members in its ranks, according to a USA Today investigation, making it slightly larger than the Denver Police Department.
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eyeless-cunt · 4 years
he calls it his USPP -carrion
im killing you and everyone you love
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nagakotoba · 6 years
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#ルームウェア #パジャマ #フリース#ボア #uspp #猫好き #猫デザイン #もこもこアウター #ふわふわタッチ #着心地良い #あったかい #テレビ通販 #ありがとうございます #modellife #modelling #roomwear #comfortablestyle #pajamas #tvshopping #japanesemodel
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