stborean · 11 months
Ventilazione meccanica controllata e ricambio aria in casa
Ventilazione Meccanica Controllata ricambio aria. Come funziona, a cosa serve e perché installare una VMC. L’aria è uno degli elementi più importanti per tutti gli esseri viventi, siano essi umani, animali o vegetali. Il ricambio dell’aria, ed il metodo per arieggiare le stanze sono determinanti per la salubrità degli ambienti dove viviamo. La Ventilazione Meccanica Controllata, è un impianto…
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mmrmorning · 1 year
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2023.02.02.THU.6PM VMC [9th Wonder] 오늘 오후 6시, VMC [9th Wonder]가 모든 음원사이트에 발매됩니다. 1. Vision @qmquestionmark, @rohannlxiv, @nucksal, @tk_vanruther 2. Movement @slyodee, @wutan_vmc, @hwajilla, @holy4life 3. Culture @losmoonwalker, @deepflow39, @donmills1988, @buggy_vmc 4. 9th Wonder @qmquestionmark, @slyodee, @donmills1988, @losmoonwalker, @nucksal, @hwajilla, @wutan_vmc, @rohannlxiv, @deepflow39, @fredi__casso mix&mastered. @brasco911 artwork. @rowdee38 #VMC #9thWonder https://www.instagram.com/p/CoH8leNLwB4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aryshacore · 2 years
SMTM11 ep 1 thoughts
because why not. i loved watching SMTM10 last year so now that i know my khh better i might as well share about it.
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안녕? QM didnt lie when he said his lyrics were dope lmao. looking forward to see more from him, although the editing in the preview of episode 2 made it look like he messed up while in the fire pit ?
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wtf was this. ableist piece of shit. i thought that digital dav and dbo's music sounded cool but aint no way i go and listen to a guy who cant do better than spit on people with schizophrenia in his rhymes. this justhis face was my reaction when i heard that:
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and last, i personally find it too bad that they didnt show much of Unofficialboyy, though since he got far last season it's understandable that he doesn't really need any more screen time.
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fr-msfrh · 1 year
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Holyday | HOLY Album
01. Spotight (feat. 넉살)
02. Tag (feat.맥대디, oygli, 한국사람)
03. Bluffin (feat. ron, Khundi Panda)
04. Wavin (feat. 팔로알토)
05. ANTI (feat. 염따, QM, 펀치넬로)
06. Guilty Pleasure (feat. ODEE, SINCE)
07. Rum and Drum (feat. J.Yung, YOUNG SKI)
08. HOW U FEEL? (feat. 우원재)
09. Last Call(feat. 잠비노, 딥플로우)
10. Divine Test
mixed. @brasco911 mastered. @nahzamsue
art direct / design. @rowdee3886
3d sculpture / visualizer. @surin.kim
Producer Holyday released his 1st LP HOLY under VMC. Eventho they announced to no longer operate as an official record label, this proves their artist do continue to release music as a crew still.
Holyday has been in VMC since 2019. Just to name a few, he has works like Odee’s Scumbag album, Don Mill’s OKGO2 (i rmb this track as a spinoff to Beenzino’s I’m Back released after completion of National Service) , VMC summer single Trouble Summer & Nucksal’s Brother feat. Don Mills & Los
IG : @/holy4life
Released on 23.01.23
Stream via Spotify | Youtube
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f-ngrl · 1 year
VMC’s last collab album “9th wonder” came out. It has 4 songs, 3 of them featuring 3 members respectively and the 4th song has 9...
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sebastienmourrain · 1 year
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💨🪟 Je viens juste de terminer les illustrations de « So kam das mit dem drachen » ( Comment j’ai découvert un dragon ) Une belle histoire d’échange et de dragon péteur écrite par Daniel Fehr. Cet album sera édité par Thienemann en Allemagne. J’espère qu’un éditeur français sera intéressé…Pour l’instant, je ne connais pas de date de sortie. À bientôt 💨 #danielfehr #thienemannverlag #dragon #prout #illustrations #procreate #vmc #chat https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPkp6KoyF0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samautomation · 6 days
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Fanuc Robodrill Vertical Machine Centre - Versatile Milling, Drilling and Tapping
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yourvhaldemar · 2 months
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noyonmiya2221 · 2 months
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kirill8181 · 2 months
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aerospaceexchange · 3 months
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applesauce365 · 3 months
History of Microbiology - class by Dr. Indranil Samanta
Theurgical Theory : Theurgical theory suggests that life in early times, before scientific advancements, was governed by various superstitions. Disease followed by death was believed to occur due to the curse of a divine spirit, as a punishment for individual sin.
Miasmatic Theory : proposed by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, was outlined in his book "On Airs, Waters, and Places." According to this theory, the four elements—fire, air, water, and earth—and their corresponding qualities—heat, cold, moisture, and dryness—influence the different human body fluids, namely blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm.
• Blood (sanguine): Associated with air and the qualities of hot and wet.
• Phlegm (phlegmatic): Associated with water and the qualities of cold and wet.
• Yellow bile (choleric): Associated with fire and the qualities of hot and dry.
• Black bile (melancholic): Associated with earth and the qualities of cold and dry.
Changes in the elements or qualities can lead to diseases, including epidemics. The term "miasma" refers to bad air, which is believed to be a source of disease transmission, hence the name "miasmatic."
Pore Theory : Pore theory was proposed by Asclepiades. He believed that the body was composed of atoms and pores. He theorized that health depended on the harmonious movement of atoms and the unobstructed flow of pneuma (vital energy) through the body's pores. The symmetry of the pores present in the body generate a healthy individual, while asymmetry or blockage of pores lead to disease and infection.
Paracelsus Theory : proposed by Paracelsus, a Renaissance physician. He proposed that natural forces, particularly imbalances in the fundamental principles of sulfur, mercury, and salt, were responsible for causing diseases. He believed in the influence of planets and stars on human body.
Spontaneous Generation : also known as abiogenesis.
Aristotle first proposed this theory. According to this theory, animals originate from soil, water, plants, decaying organic matter or other unlike animals if the specific heat or pneuma is present. He believed that inanimate matter possessed a "life force" or "vital heat" (pneuma) that could give rise to living organisms when activated under suitable conditions.
–Fransisco Redi, (1626-97), Italy conducted experiments to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation. He observed that maggots are not produced in meat, if it's covered with a cloth.
Redi aimed to demonstrate that maggots did not arise spontaneously from decaying meat but instead originated from eggs laid by flies. In one set of experiments, he covered some jars with gauze to prevent flies from accessing the meat, while leaving others uncovered. Over time, Redi observed that maggots only appeared in the uncovered jars where flies could access the meat. In the jars covered with gauze, where flies were unable to lay their eggs on the meat, no maggots appeared.
–John Needham, (1713–1781), England supported theory of spontaneous generation.
He boiled nutrient broths such as chicken meat extract gravy and plant infusions (herbs) in tests tubes and then sealed the test tubes in an attempt to sterilize the broths. But he observed turbidity in the test tubes due to microbial growth. These observations led Needham to conclude that his experiments supported the theory of spontaneous generation, as he believed that the microorganisms had arisen spontaneously from the nutrient broth. But in reality, it had occurred due to improper boiling/sterilization of the broth.
–Lazzaro Spallanzani, an Italian biologist challanged John Needham's findings. Spallanzani conducted similar experiments but took extra precautions to ensure the complete sterilization of the nutrient broth and the exclusion of airborne contaminants. After extensive heating upto boiling point and sealing off the broth can prevent turbidity even after several days.
–Schroder and von Dusch : Heinrich Georg Friedrich Schröder and Theodor von Dusch's method of air sterilization by filtration through cotton. They conducted experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of air sterilization by heating nutrient broth in a test tube and sealing it with cotton wool. No turbidity/microbial activity was observed even after 7 days.
Their experiments provided evidence that filtering air through cotton wool could effectively remove airborne microorganisms and prevent contamination of nutrient broth.
This method of plugging with cotton wool is still practiced in laboratory.
–The debate about spontaneous generation was a significant scientific controversy that spanned several centuries, from ancient times to the 19th century. In the mid-19th century, the Paris Academy of Sciences recognized the need to resolve the controversy surrounding spontaneous generation versus biogenesis. To encourage scientific inquiry and experimentation on the topic, the Academy offered a prize to whoever could definitively demonstrate whether spontaneous generation truly occurred or whether all living organisms arose from pre-existing life (biogenesis).
–The experiments of Louis Pasteur, particularly his swan-neck flask experiments in the 1860s, provided compelling evidence against spontaneous generation. In this experiment, Pasteur took broth in a flask with a tortuous neck and heated it thoroughly. This killed all microbes present in the broth. He then cooled the flask and kept the flask unplugged. No microbial turbidity was observed even after several days. Although air entered from the atmosphere into the flask, all the germs were settled in the swan neck; hence, no microbial growth occurred.
Germ Theory : Kircher first used a low power microscope to observe the microbes present in the blood smear of plague patient in 1590-1610.
First compound microscope was developed in Netherlands by optician Hans Jansen and his son Zacharias. It was improved by Cornelis Drebbel.
–In the late 17th century, the Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek developed a series of microscopes with higher magnification and and observed microbes of different shapes and sizes in pond water. He described them as "animalcules" (animal+molecules).
–Jacob Henle, a German physician, proposed germ theory and important ideas related to disease transmission and contagia in his book on miasmata and contagia in the 1840s. [He is credited as a founder of germ theory] - prof said but, The germ theory of disease, which states that microorganisms can cause infectious diseases, is often attributed to Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in the 19th century.
Louis Pasteur modified the theory and stated that all contagious and infectious diseases are caused by living organisms or germs.
–Joseph Lister supported germ theory and first used the antiseptic phenol (carbolic acid) to treat the wounds in 1867.
–Davaine observed the contagious nature of germs and demonstrated the relationship between bacteria and disease (that bacteria were responsible for causing the disease), particularly anthrax.
–The term bacteria was coined by German scientist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg in 1829.
–The germ theory was finally established with the classical work of Robert Koch, a physician, microbiologist and student of Jacob Henle. He identified the causative agents of anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera, this provided strong evidence that specific microorganisms could cause specific diseases, confirming the germ theory. Koch's discovery of these disease-causing agents, along with his formulation of Koch's postulates revolutionized the understanding of infectious diseases.
Individual scientific contributions :
Edward Jenner : Edward Jenner was a country surgeon in Bristol, UK. He first observed that dairymaids who suffered from cowpox never got infected with smallpox. On May 14, 1796, he collected fresh cowpox lesion extract from Sarah Nelmes, his dairymaid, and inoculated the same into an 8-year-old boy. In June, Edward Jenner inoculated the same boy with smallpox lesion obtained from a patient with smallpox, and his body remained healthy. From there, vaccination emerged.
The word "vaccine" comes from the Latin word "vacca," which means "cow."
Louis Pasteur : Father of Microbiology
1. He established the germ theory of fermentation, which is still used for milk disinfection.
2. Pasteur is credited with formulating the germ theory of disease.
3. He was the first to vaccinate chickens with Pasteurella multocida culture
4. In honor of Edward Jenner's work, he coined the term "vaccination."
5. In 1884, Pasteur began his groundbreaking work on the attenuation of the rabies virus. He collected virus-infected rabbit spinal cord and inoculated it into a boy named Joseph. This experiment marked a significant milestone in the development of rabies vaccines.
6th July is celebrated as World Zoonosis Day. It commemorates the day in 1885 when Louis Pasteur successfully administered the first rabies vaccine to a human, Joseph Meister.
Robert Koch : Father of Bacteriology
He was the first to depict bacterial reproduction and isolation of bacteria using solid plating techniques. He also performed fixation of bacteria which allowed researchers to visualize bacteria and study their morphology, structure, and characteristics in detail. Koch's pioneering work on the causative agents of infectious diseases was groundbreaking. He identified the bacterium Bacillus anthracis as the causative agent of anthrax, Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the causative agent of tuberculosis, and Vibrio cholerae as the causative agent of cholera and Staphylococcus for pus formation.
Koch's Postulates are the following:
1) A specific organism can always be found in association with a given disease.
2) The organism can be isolated and grown in pure culture in the laboratory.
3) The pure culture will produce the disease when inoculated into a healthy experimental animal.
4) It is possible to recover the organism in pure culture from the (experimentally) infected animal.
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parulinduscorp · 4 months
Discover the versatility and precision of VMC 4-Axis Machined Components, offering enhanced efficiency and superior quality for various industries. Explore their applications today to streamline your manufacturing process!
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f-ngrl · 2 years
apparently nucksal is celebrity enough that him dating is newsworthy 😆 some site reported it “exclusively” and then vmc confirmed “his girlfriend is 6 years younger and a non-celebrity and they are dating beautifully” :D good for him :D
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moskvacaffe · 6 months
Vmccam – its reliability, founder, background and more
Therefore, Vmccam is a perfect option for you. Vmccam is an ideal place to find evidence of accurate information about exams. Here, you check all the important details about exams and others. In this article, you will get all the information regarding this app.
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smdgearbox24 · 7 months
SMD Planetary Gearbox IN VMC
A Vertical Machining Center (VMC) is a type of milling machine used in manufacturing and metalworking processes. It is a machine tool designed for precision machining of parts, primarily through the removal of material using cutting tools like end mills. Their vertical orientation and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications.
Combination of servo motors and gearboxes in a VMC is essential for achieving the precise and controlled movements required for machining operations. SMD Gearbox provides you appropriate gearbox types, sizes, and reduction ratios which can significantly impact the VMC's performance and its ability to meet specific machining requirements.
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