#Vera x Reader
orchideon · 2 years
How about a runt werewolf S/O with Vera and Damien, they'd be smaller and weaker than a usual werewolf but that also means they get hurt a lot trying to prove themselves to their strong, badass lover ( Thanks for your ask on my blog btw ;3)
A/n: hi! Thank you so much for requesting! And thank you so much for the imagine on your blog! It was super cute, I loved it qwq! I wasn’t sure if you wanted Vera, Damien, and the reader in a poly relationship, or if you wanted them separate. I did them separate, but let me know if you wanted this to be poly! Thank you so much for the request!
(This is a post where half of it was written a bit ago, and the other half just completed today, so if the writing seems a bit wonky that may be why! Either way, I hope you enjoy!) ❀❀❀❀
Damien and Vera with a runt werewolf S/o:
-Thinks you’re adorable.
-Already thinks you’re pretty badass- but doesn’t try to stop you from showing off.
-Actually, he probably joins in!
-Fistfighting someone to assert dominance? Bam, you don’t have to worry about being outnumbered because your spicy red baby’s got your back!
-if you call him that- your spicy red baby, he kinda just smirks a bit. “Uh-huh, alright. Sure.” 
-May playfully tease you a bit about your height and you being a runt, but the sECOND someone says something remotely bad about it he’s like ‘haha no’
-You know that picture of the large dogs in ikea bags that have holes cut out for their legs so they can be taken on transit? Yeah he tried to do that once.
-Claw and fur care nights? Claw and fur care nights. 
-I can imagine him walking over to your place, stepping through the door, looking at you and just going dead silent. Pulling out the hairbrush slowly.
-…This ends with you sitting in his lap as he tends to your fur and gives you many, *many* tips on how to maintain it. 
-Depending how you two’s dynamic is, I can see these self care nights either being a sort of “secret” between you two (which, it’s spooky high. I figure things ain’t gonna be secret for long.), it being treated like an inside joke (aka you teasing him and Damien vehemently denying it), or no one really believes it outside of Damien’s friend group.
-You do… a lot of things to prove yourself.
-Climbing tall things, fighting, talking back to that one teacher… 
-It’s fun to watch, but Damien gets worried about you.
-100% stays with you on full moons. 
-He *is* going to try to pet you when you’re fully Wolf. Do not try to stop him. It’s pointless. He is determined to pet you at least once.
-Thinks it’s cute how defensive you get over your height when she teases you.
-She May tease you, yes, but it never goes beyond teasing, despite how her word choice and tone may come off. Though, before dating, you figured out that that’s… sort of just how she speaks.
-She’s got the opposite of fur, so she doesn’t know much about fur care, but you know who does? Valerie. So she ends up asking her sister about fur care. If mentioned in public, her cheeks will go slightly pink, and she’ll say something about how being presentable is important. (Don’t be fooled- she actually cares a whole lot about you, and wants to make sure you’re taken care of. …Also, she’s heard Valerie cussing up a storm in the washroom before over her fur, so…)
-probably has gifted you high end fur-care stuff.
-Will scratch behind your ears without fear. To others it may look slightly menacing when you’re in wolf form, but you’re feeling allllllll the affection and love. 
-A little scritch behind the ears when you’re in wolf form is one of the only ways Vera will show affection in public, since I admittedly hc her not to be super into PDA
-The way that you perk up and your tail wags when you see her always makes her smile a little. Honestly, she won’t say it out loud due to her pride, but it makes her happy.
-Carries around something you can chew on in case you need it. She’s a gorgon, and she’s got snakes, she understands the need to bite things, and she won’t judge you in the slightest.
-if you’re shorter than her? Oh she definitely picks you up occasionally.
-pets, head scritches, and belly rubs when you’re in wolf form and you’re both in private? Yes.
-In private together, she finds herself combing her fingers through your hair. She enjoys the feeling. It’s very soft. A feeling that’s different from the scales and snakes.
-If you plan to fight someone and tell her ahead of time? She’ll absolutely gather blackmail and other dirt on them to assist you on the more… psychological side of warfare.
-She’s very cunning and sly, and knows what to do.
-I will not lie, Valerie probably saw you guys getting together coming from miles away lol and did she bet on it? …perhaps. 
-If you’re the type to go a tad… berserk, perhaps even… crazy on full moons, you bet she’ll have a room ready for that.
-Vera’s snakes reaching over to lay on you because you’re warm due to the fur isn’t a odd occurance. At first, Vera was embarrassed, and a tad annoyed at her snakes developing this habit because it made her look soft, then, one time, when you two were alone, she tried it, and… well, now she tends to lean into you for warmth during cuddles too.
-…You’re sworn to absolute secrecy about this, and I mean absolute, but she actually has fallen asleep on you a couple of times while cuddling. Between managing Oberlin enterprises and it’s many venues, school, and… other things, it’s not surprising she’s fallen right asleep on you before.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
oomf and I were throwing around ideas about this and thinking about miss chloe got me ill 🫣 she’s sick she’s sick she’s si
Vera contracting hanahaki disease 💐
⚠️ CW: obsessive love. you don’t reciprocate her love & she can’t cope with that 🤪
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⚜ Vera has always been fond of flower fortune telling, and she often infuses lucky flowers into her perfumes. She finds it bitterly ironic when she begins to cough up marguerite daisy petals. This flower has hardly any use in perfume, as it’s not very fragrant — but plucking its petals in dozens of games of love me, love me not has left her very familiar with them.
⚜ She very rarely makes appearances in public, so she’s not concerned about being discreet. Her maids sweep the trails of petals that litter the halls every day and there’s never a mess to worry about. They only dread the days you visit because the minute you leave, Vera’s frustrations spill out like waterfalls.
⚜ Despite that, her symptoms do ease up when you’re around. You may not “love” her in the same way she does, but your concern for her wellbeing is enough to keep her flowers in check. If you happen to ask about them, she’ll act as if her unrequited love is for someone else.
⚜ It’s when she’s alone that the tears resurface and she violently coughs up all of her pent-up yearning. Many nights are spent draped over the side of her bed, clutching her mouth in agony. Petals are sprinkled all over her sheets. Her maids bring her hot towels and tea, but there’s little they can do to soothe her.
⚜ She spritzes herself with her working Euphoria formula daily. Anything for a little moment of peace. But this doesn’t work exactly as she wishes, and so she turns to address the root of her problem: your failure to love her back.
⚜ She begins to tinker with a new recipe — a “love potion” perfume, which she mixes her daisies into alongside other aphrodisiac notes. They may not be very fragrant, but there’s no better ingredient for something like this than the physical manifestation of her love 💐 One spritz and you should fall all over her... ideally.
⚜ She leaves some dried petals at the bottom of the bottle, and as she sprinkles them inside, she plays her favorite game again: you love her a little, you love her lots... you love her passionately... madly... not at all... a little... a lot... on repeat. She has a neverending stream of petals to count, but naturally she ends on “madly”. For reassurance, perhaps.
⚜ You think nothing of it when she gives a sample of this love potion to you. Any work of Vera’s is bound to be of enchanting quality, and this is no different. She asks that you try it in front of her, keeping a close eye on your facial expressions while anxiously biting the tip of her finger.
⚜ No immediate success? You’re not collapsing at her feet begging for her? She grows more and more desperate with every passing second. What will it take for you to love her?
⚜ There comes a point when she can’t hide her coughing at all around you; your presence doesn’t give her temporary relief anymore. You pity her, but this illness is tragic that way. There’s nothing a friend can do except hope her love might someday be reciprocated. Vera feels like ripping out her hair.
⚜ Her confession appears only when she’s at her wit’s end. Bitter that everyone she loves keeps “betraying” her in some way, it sounds less like a love confession and more like an accusation for ailing her. This is all your fault, she tells you through tears and matted hair — if you would only hold her the same way she dreams of holding you, then she would be free of her torment.
⚜ Despite this aggression, ultimately she does cherish you. And so she collapses to her knees after her outburst and lets you make your own decision. She even offers Euphoria to you, albeit bitterly, as a means to forget the guilt (…if you have any) — or in case this disease might take her life.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
❄ Teen!Vera x teen male!Reader Oneshot Beautiful swan 🩰
You and Vera have been in a small house where you have lived for several years since you left Russia. You knew perfectly well that Vera earned you a living by killing people, but you got used to it. You loved her the way she was and tonight has once again warmed up your feelings. Vera planned to just remember the time when she danced ballet and you couldn't stay away. You took out your old violin and started playing the music of the ballet "Swan Lake" so familiar to both of you. This ballet meant a lot to Vera, just like your violin meant a lot to you, and she loved it when you played this melody for her. She began to move to the beat of the music, remembering how she performed on stage. When her dance was over, she opened her eyes again and smiled gently at you.
"Thank you"
"You have nothing to thank me for"
You put down the violin and walked up to her, then took her hands in yours.
"You are still the same beautiful swan as before, magnificent Vera"
A delicate blush appeared on her cheeks.
"You're over-praising me"
"I'm just telling you the truth"
Vera looked at you with love, thanking you for the umpteenth time in her mind for going to the USA with her. You have been together all these years, supporting each other and helping each other. In a completely foreign country, only the two of you had each other and only each other you could trust.
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vaamins · 23 days
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LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who just couldn’t stop turning his eyes towards you during class. watching your furrowed bros in thought of something Yaga said. he couldn’t care less though. he thinks you look beautiful deep in thought.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who constantly yaps about you to suguru and shoko who tell him to shut up whenever ( he never listens though ) but he continues to go on a rant about how your the most perfect person he’s ever seen, he’s ever known.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is somehow stuttering mess whenever you speak to him. finding himself tripping over his words like a lovesick Highschool girl. his mind races in thought of trying to impress you with witty jokes.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who later regrets ever saying anything when he revisits your conversations. groaning into his pillow as a light blush dusts his cheeks at the image of you laughing at his joke.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who personally helps you in mastering your CT. who can’t bare to watch suguru try help you. ever since he found you training with suguru, he finds himself annoyed at the very thought of someone else touching you. his fists clenching as he sees suguru swiftly save you from falling, a dashing smile on his face.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who subtly tries to show you his feelings through heartfelt gifts. an expensive bouquet of pink roses ( your favourite, though you never told him, he found out through shoko but insisted he just guessed correctly to further impress you ) or even small treats after a mission.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who loves seeing you happy after beating him in a game at the arcade you and your friends usually go to after school ( even though your horrible bad at the game, he doesn’t ever want to see you sad over losing )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who only ever realises he likes you when Yaga brings it up. his teacher commenting that he bets you’ve taken up satoru’s mind from the amount of times he’s caught him staring at you.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who rushes out the class at his newfound discovery, his heart beating aggressively against the cage of bones in his chest.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who promises to tell you the next day. planning a great confession. he has what he says noted down on pen and paper, perfecting it so he won’t mess up ( but he has a slight inking he will. you’ve only ever been the one person to make satoru stumble over his words and forget them mid sentence )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who stays up that night. unable to find respite in sleep, he stares at the ceiling mulling over thoughts of what may happen tomorrow after he does what he plans.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who prays that you feel the same for him all throughout the night and through the morning classes. so much so that suguru is cackling in laughter after satoru tells him what he’s been doing for the last few hours.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who waits for you after your mission at the steps to the school his feet aimlessly kicking at stray rocks on the ground, his white hair flying in the breeze.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who finally lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in when he sees you emerge from the many steps, your feet light on the ground so much so that if anyone were not blessed with the six eyes like him, they wouldn’t have even heard you.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is silent for s long time, studying the face he’s come to adore and love so much. you stare up at him, confused and waiting, a stray hair lies on your cheek and he thinks he’s never seen you more beautiful looking than now.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who blurts out his feelings in one go, blushing red by the end of it, his eyes burning behind his black sunglasses.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who waits for what you say, only to be taken aback when he finds you laughing at him. endless amount of giggles escaping your pretty lips, hes beyond confused ( he didn’t expect you to start laughing )
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who turns away, slightly saddened that you didn’t return his feelings before you pull him into you, leaning up to kiss him lightly on the lips. your soft lips slightly grazing his cheek as you pulls away, he sees the blush rising from your neck to your face.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who is shocked when you admit to liking him back before you run away, further into the school and to the dorms he presumes.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who’s feet are stuck to ground. he is in shock, he thinks. beyond bewildered and oh so so ecstatic.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who’s fingers lightly graze his keeps, wishing he could stand in this moment forever. to forever ingrain the feeling of the almost bursting of his heart and the rush through his veins.
LOVESICK SATORU GOJO! who finally realises how lovesick he is for you.
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© VAAMINS 24  .ᐟ  do not copy, repost or plagiarise my works.
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timeslugarts · 2 months
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I am so enamored by the TV man, it might actually be a problem. Some day it will pass, but for now… have some Vox and Vera
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vera-deville · 1 month
I Will Say (I'm in Love)
08/04/2023 - 04/30/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,787 Warnings: A fair amount of cursing; Reader's outfit is a dress and is decidedly purple; Reader does go through a little bit of a mental breakdown (I personally blame all the stress of NRC), but I promise it's gonna be alright- Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the second part to this fic, so please check that out before reading this! Rook is basically a fairy godmother (even tho he's a stalker, but we don't talk about that). Oh, and I made a reference to Savanaclaw Rook, because he's been living in my head rent-free and thERE ARE NO FICS ABOUT IT DARN IT-
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Y/N eventually does say that she's in love.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the wardrobe door, only to reveal that there were no decent dresses.
"For fuck's sake!" The girl screeched, running her hands through her hair and yanking at it. Only the Great Seven could help her at this point. Did any of them specialize in luck with money? Or even better yet, did any of them specialize in stopping a person from splurging all their hard earnt bribed thaumarks on art supplies?
Grim wasn't even there to help with this whole fiasco!
Who else could she ask for money? Azul? No, that one's too slippery. Kalim? No, that one's guarded by a snake and talks too much. Vil? But that one's...
That one's perfect! He wouldn't be able to resist helping out someone to look fabulous! Besides, Y/N could handle potato insults for a bit if it meant getting a fabulous dress picked out by Vil Schoenheit himself.
And so the Prefect of Ramshackle ran as fast as her legs would carry her, all the way to the house of Pomefiore. It's a pretty name, filled with pretty people, but at this moment, only one pretty person mattered.
That should grab his attention.
And grab his attention it did, because mere seconds later, a tall blonde stormed into the common room, vial of poison ready in his hand for the heathen that dared summon him in such a manner.
But before he could get a word in, Y/N asked, no begged him for help with a dress. And of course, him being the gracious queen he is, he couldn't leave the potato in such a state.
"Coral, though a nice color, would be far too bright for you for this event." Holding up a card of azure up to Y/N's shoulder, Vil decided that also would not do the trick. "Perhaps a glowy yellow brown?" Y/N perked at the fabric Vil held in his hands. It was just a small square piece of fabric, but it looked oh so pretty. Like sand glimmering in the sunlight.
And then suddenly the sun lit sand turned into purple.
A very familiar purple, though Y/N couldn't quite put her finger on it. Scrunching his face in contemplation, Vil nodded to himself before letting Y/N know that she should opt for a dress in that shade of lavender.
Which is how Y/N found herself in a shopping mall, looking high and low for a vaguely familiar shade of purple in a dress that she should have gotten ready long ago. Earlier, Y/N had pondered about who to bring with her (if she chose to bring anyone at all) to the mall to help her find just the right dress. Vil was the obvious choice, but Y/N wasn't sure she wanted to indulge in his kindness more than she already had. Rook was also a good choice, but Y/N didn't feel like admitting anything to him at the current moment (though knowing his nature, he probably already knew everything).
In the end, Y/N went by herself, not confident enough to bring anyone with her. In the hours she had to get ready for her event, Y/N had something of an epiphany. Anxiety was a bitch. No shade of purple seemed to match the shade card Vil had given her. And if she did find a dress in the color, the dress was not one she'd think herself beautiful in. In the off chance that she'd find a dress that was the right shade and style, Y/N would immediately go an try it on - only to despise the way it fit around her body.
This was now the 7th store that Y/N had walked into in hopes of finding the perfect lavender dress that eluded her grasps so.
And right off the bat, there was a beautiful dress. In the same shade Vil had instructed her to buy. In a style that made her heart pick up the pace because it was simply and utterly beautiful. Making a beeline towards the dress, Y/N gently ran her hands through the fabric. Good, it wasn't itchy. She pulled the dress to the side in such a way that she could see the back, but the dress still hung on the rack, and she could feel a heave of relief making its way through her lips. It was just right.
Her heart was racing now, and Y/N couldn't shake the grin off her face, and for once, she didn't even care. Speed-walking towards the dressing rooms, Y/N nearly threw open one of the stall's doors, and locked herself inside immediately. Hanging her purse on a hook, she stripped out her clothes and slipped the dress over her head and down her body.
Except it wasn't going down her body.
It was stuck at her hips.
With a gentle fury, Y/N pulled at the dress, trying to force the thing down her thighs.
It wasn't going down.
Looking back up at the mirror, as though it would be some sort of saving grace, she continued to try to pull the dress down, but no avail.
Eventually, she zeroed in on her eyes in the mirror, and that's when Y/N stopped for a brief moment. She took in her appearance. Dress half worn, frown embedded, sweat glistening, hair frenzied, shoes thrown in some corner, and worst of all: tears beginning to form.
In a moment of rash wrath, Y/N pulled the dress off her, and threw it against the mirror, letting the tears pour out her eyes as she hugged herself and turned away from the mirror.
It's like not a single thing would go her way and it was stupid, worrying this much over a dress, but that wasn't all there was to it. It wasn't just the dress. It was the event, the school, the people, it was the whole world she'd been dropped into.
Aware that she was still technically in a public setting and should maintain at least some semblance of decorum, Y/N kept her sobs and sniffles to herself.
Knock knock.
Whipping her head up, Y/N realized that an employee was knocking on the door, and sniffed once more. Wiping her eyes and her face and wearing the clothes and shoes she originally walked in with, she grabbed her purse and the damned lavender dress, plastered a smile on her face, and opened the door.
No need to burden others with her own burdens.
Except standing outside the door was no employee, but rather Rook Hunt.
Bewildered, Y/N rubbed her eyes again in hopes that she was hallucinating and wasn't actually seeing Rook Hunt right after she had an emotional breakdown.
Sadly, she was in fact seeing Rook Hunt after said emotional breakdown.
"What a magnificent coincidence my dear Trickster!" Rook said as he walked with Y/N out of the dressing rooms of the store.
"Uh, yeah, pretty cool coincidence Rook. What're you doing here?" Y/N asked, trying to move the focus away from her and on to Rook. If he noticed, he didn't make it known. He simply continued to prattle on about a new fashion line from a brand he liked.
The thing about Rook that Y/N enjoyed at this particular moment was how despite the fact that he was here to buy something for himself, he simply followed Y/N wherever she went while occasionally interrupting to ask if a particular garment would look good on him or not. (Y/N was sure he knew that it would look good on him, and that he simply wished to hear someone else say it).
It hadn't been too long since Y/N had returned the lavender dress she'd tried to wear to an employee at the store and had instead opted to accompany Rook to the store that had the new line he was looking for (as a change of pace of some sort). The store itself was very high-end, that much she could tell, and while she'd always had a rough suspicion that Rook was in fact secretly rich, him perusing through everything that caught his eye in the store (which was a lot) without bothering about the prices certainly cemented the suspicion in Y/N.
Mindlessly scanning her eyes through the aisles visible to her as she waited for Rook to emerge from his dressing room, Y/N scrunched her face as she remembered her dressing room incident from earlier. Even though she was feeling a lot better now, it didn't change the fact that she still had no dress, and was running out of time to get ready.
The door smack open dramatically with an even more dramatic figure emerging from the depths within.
Rook actually looked really nice. He clearly had a good eye for these things, even if most of those things were taught to him by Vil. Apparently there was a time where Rook was in Savanaclaw, and was something of a diamond in the rough (Vil's words, not hers). Before Vil got used to Rook being...well, Rook, he had given him an atrocious bob cut in hopes of Rook finally leaving him alone.
Spoiler alert, it did not work. In fact, Rook embraced the haircut so much that he hasn't changed it since he first got it, and he certainly hasn't stopped his usual Rook self.
Personally, Y/N couldn't imagine Rook looking any different. But no matter how much she pestered either Rook or Vil for old photos of him from back in Savanaclaw, neither would budge (one because it was too hideous and the other because he simply found it fun to tease her).
"Trickster? Are you alright?" Rook asked Y/N who was lost in thought.
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Doing a once-over of Rook, she said, "You look great."
Before she could get another word in, Rook slyly side-stepped her and made his way to some corner of the store not fully visible from where she was standing. Confused, Y/N tried leaning over to see where he'd gone, but when she couldn't see anything, she simply turned back and waited for him to come back.
He'd most probably seen something else he wanted to buy and was getting it.
Pulling out her phone, Y/N realized that she had less than an hour to get ready, and sighed. Still no dress. No completed hair or makeup. No nothing.
It was at this moment that Rook popped up in front of her face.
"There you are! Did you find something you wanted to try on-" Y/N asked when she looked at what Rook was holding in his hands.
It was a dress.
It was lavender in color.
It looked beautiful.
"I saw this dress, and I immediately thought that it would suit you so well! Hurry, go try it on~" Rook explained as he shoved Y/N towards the dressing room.
Sputtering, Y/N could only hold onto the dress thrust onto her arms as she was pushed by Rook. Once inside the room, she looked at the mirror.
Here we go again.
Tugging off her clothes, she pulled the dress over her figure with all the time she had.
Not looking at the mirror, she pulled the dress down her thighs. It went down just fine.
Running her hands down the fabric and smoothening out any of the wrinkles in place, Y/N finally looked at her reflection. The dress was slightly loose, but not in a bad way. It gave her room to breathe. Besides, it'd probably shrink after she threw it in the wash. Y/N twirled around, watching the movement of the dress closely. It actually looked nice.
Hesitantly, Y/N brought her hand to the lock on the door and after taking in a deep breath, she opened it.
Rook was waiting patiently, and the look on his face when he saw her in the dress gave her some amount of confidence as she walked out.
"You look beautiful."
Y/N knew he wasn't lying. He'd never lie when it came to matters of beauty. But she also knew that he wasn't exaggerating. Rook, as dramatic and odd as he was, wasn't someone to exaggerate beauty. He simply spoke his mind, and that was something she respected about him.
"It certainly is a nice dress, but I can't pay for it Rook. I didn't bring enough." Y/N told him with a sad smile.
"Who said anything about you paying? I have already paid for the dress. All that you need to do is wear it!" Rook stated happily.
Despite being short of money most if not all the time, and bribing NRC's headmaster for payments (which in all honesty were well-deserved, taking into account all the work she did for him) amongst other things, Y/N had a certain respect for money. And a certain pride regarding money too. Especially when her friends were involved.
"Rook, I can't do that. This is way too expensive, and I'm not going to make you pay for it. I can't repay you, so I'm just not going to get this dress."
"Once again, Trickster, the dress has already been paid for. I didn't do this expecting you to pay me back, so don't worry about it, and just look like your prepossessing self."
Y/N could feel her eyes tear up again for the second time that day.
Before Rook could tell her to not ruin her face with tears, Y/N jumped him in a suffocating hug (one not unlike Floyd's infamous hugs) and thanked him profusely. Smiling, he looked down at her and wrapped her in an embrace of his own. She deserved much for everything she did around the school and more, and if this could be even a little helpful, he'd do it again.
"Now, now, don't cry Y/N." At the use of her name, she looked up at Rook's face. "You have something to attend, don't you? You can't do that if you're busy crying in a mall with me, now can you?"
Sniffing, Y/N nodded, and pulled back from Rook, wiping her tears away (luckily there weren't as much as before). "Did Vil tell you I was going on a date with Leona?" She asked.
"A date? With Leona!?" Rook exclaimed, much to Y/N's surprise. "I never thought I would see the day come!"
"Wait, so you didn't know?"
"My dear trickster, how could I have possibly known?"
With one more suspicious glance, Y/N dropped the subject.
"When is your date Trickster?"
"It's in less than an hour from now. Why?"
"And hour!? We have no time left." Rook cried out. Without missing a beat, he dragged Y/N with him out the store and to a salon that was just a few stores down. Sitting her down, he instructed an employee as to what to do with her (he was very particular when he told the employee to have the dress in perfect shape). For a second, he vaguely resembled Vil. This time, Y/N paid for the services herself, not taking no from Rook as an answer.
When all was said and done, Rook stood in front of Y/N, absorbing all the details, trying to figure out of it was all enough. A tiny bit of fuzz was on her shoulder, so he plucked it off smoothly before she could question anything.
"I-Thank you Rook. You have no idea how much this all means to me." Y/N told Rook.
"I would do anything for love to prevail *mon filou. And I would do even more for you." Rook told Y/N.
Smiling at Rook, she said, "You were right. I do like Leona. No, I love him. A lot. And by the looks of it, he likes me too!" Giving him one more hug, Y/N walked away, purse in hand, excited for her date with Leona.
"Ah, young love~ Whatever could be more beautiful?" Rook asked himself in a cheerful voice as he watched Ramshackle's Prefect walk off into the distance, one step at a time to her fairytale ending. Rook felt himself proud of reaching the mall just in time to help Y/N (her purse certainly helped in tracking her down).
That's two lovebirds he's helped today!
Turning back around and wandering through the mall, Rook wondered who he'd be helping next.
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Author's Note: As you can see from the dates, I really took my time with this one. When I first started writing this last year, I was planning to write about Leona and Reader's date, or more specifically, how the date was arranged and all that fun stuff, but when I sat down to write today, it just went in a completely different direction. I've never really incorporated Rook into my writings (and if I did, he's there for like three sentences), but unpredictably, he ended up playing a larger role in this fanfic. If you'd like a third part to this where we find out about how Leona and Y/N even ended up agreeing to go on a date with each other, or perhaps we find out who Rook helped or is going to help, feel free to let me know!
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milfloveer · 4 months
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Reader, seeing Lorraine successfully banishing an entity: Yeah, you better watch out! That's my girlfriend you fucker! *screams at the entity*
Lorraine, chuckling: I'm your wife.
Reader, smiles wildly: That's my wife! Even better!
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social-mockingbird · 1 year
dangerous habits (pt. 2)
(eleventh doctor x reader)
it’s me again, your favorite procrastinating fanfiction author, (finally) doing a follow-up to dangerous habits! i am a sucker for pet names as stated previously, but i am also a sucker for using them on other people. if you are my friend and okay with it you’re getting sweet-talked out the wazoo. this is dangerous if you have male friends. we don’t talk about the times i called my crush ‘honey’.
you can read the first part here! it’s not required, but it does provide a little more context?  
author’s rec while you read: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
He likes to catch you off guard with them. 
Thanks to your habit of losing yourself in thought (you were in space all the time! There wasn’t a weekend you weren’t visiting a new planet! You had a lot to think about!), it was pretty easy for him to appear behind you, warm hands sliding a familiar path around your waist, chest pressing into your back. 
“Hello, dear.” 
“Darling, you’ve disappeared again.” 
“Love, what are you thinking about this time?” 
You were starting to get used to being startled, and that was a strange paradox all its own. It was the worst on his happy days, because the gentle hugs were usually accompanied by the softest kiss to the back of your neck, or your jaw, or, if he felt especially cheeky, your mouth, after he’d spun you around and made you gasp. And, as he liked to say into your skin, he’d never been happier.
So now it was time to turn the tables on him. 
The benefit to having an especially flirty sort of lover is that you were picking up quite a lot of ideas for romantic teasing. Despite the fact that he knew exactly how to push your buttons, you were learning what exactly made him click–and you were waiting for the perfect moment to use your new knowledge. (You’d tried flirting to yourself in the mirror, once, to make sure you knew what you were doing, and made yourself laugh so hard that the Doctor had come running to make sure you weren’t choking.) 
“You sure Hayao Miyazaki isn’t from here?” you ask, knee deep in endless flowers. This planet was nothing but fields and always a gentle springtime. There was a pocket storm rumbling gently in the distance. The sun was a little cooler than Earth’s, so you had the Doctor’s coat draped around your shoulders like a cape, despite the bright weather. 
“Took him here once,” the Doctor says carelessly, a flower stuck behind his ear. “I think he made a film about it later.” 
“Remind me: we’re having a movie night later,” you say, knowing he’d forget. You wade to him, stepping delicately around a rock buried in the flowers to move into his space. You grasp one of his suspenders, pulling him down a bit to your level, trying not to smile at the way his eyes widen, at the way he sputters a bit when you touch him. You smooth his hair down and slide the goggles he’d forgotten to take off out of his hair. Then, you place the flower crown you’d twisted on top of his head, giving it a pat so it would stay. He’d been so wrapped up in watching the oncoming storm that you’d had plenty of time to weave the crown behind his back. It hangs a little down over one of his ears, and he twitches his nose at the smell of the flowers, blinking, adjusting to its weight. The bright yellow of the blossoms brings out the green in his eyes. 
“You’re really handsome, sweetheart,” you say, dropping your voice an octave, and lean up to kiss his temple, right underneath the crown. “Thanks for taking me here today. I love getting to spend time with you.”  
You can see his hands fluttering at his sides out of the corner of your eye. For someone so attractively smooth, he was remarkably awkward. 
“Close your eyes, love,” you say, and when he does, you grab his face and tilt it down, pressing your lips to his forehead, the bridge of his nose, his eyelids. The storm behind you makes the breeze kick up. The Doctor shivers a little and leans into your warmth. His hands come to rest on your hips. You can feel the tremble in his fingers. 
Oh, now you knew why he did it to you. This was fun. 
His eyes flutter open, a kaleidoscope of greens and blues and grays, a little unfocused as you adjust his bow tie and straighten the collar of his shirt. 
“What are you doing?” he says, almost to himself. 
“Flustering you,” you tell him, barely speaking above a whisper, and it makes his fingers tighten on your hips. “Come here, love.”  
You can smell the rain in the air when you grab his lapels and kiss him. It mingles with the scent of the flowers. 
“This is unfair,” the Doctor groans, chasing your mouth when you pull away. You run your fingers up into his hair and the words die in his throat. 
“I’m just returning a favor, Sexy,” you say, pulling him close as the rain comes down. You hold him like you’re leading a dance, wrapping him up in your arms as thunder rolls above your heads. The flower crown drips petals onto your shoulders. Both of you look like wet cats when you finally stumble back into the TARDIS, shivering, giggling, hands full of drooping flowers and each other. 
When the Doctor sneaks up behind you and grabs your waist while you’re toweling off your hair, making you scream and laugh, the TARDIS lights glitter with amusement. 
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look at this small precious bean man like what I wouldn’t give to fluster this fool--
(also, tagging @greycircles1​ because you asked me months ago if I would do a follow-up and I wanted to but couldn’t think of anything so I didn’t answer your DM and sorry about that! I hope you enjoy this :))
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rosemaze-reveries · 3 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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estsolumme · 8 months
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Where can I find some smut stories with a Frenchie? 😭
I need him so bad 🙈
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vaamins · 13 days
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i like to think that after gojo’s fight with toji back in his high school days, when he first encountered the sorcerer killer and almost succumbed to his wounds and died that he still has a little scar on his forehead from toji’s first attack.
it’s not large, no. it’s barely visible, having blended into his skin over the years but sometimes, at night, when he’s asleep and still and the moonlight shines on his face you could see the faint outline of it.
it’s so small but it holds the memory of so much and you can’t help but brush your fingers over it. satoru stirs, his eyes moving beneath the lids, his brows furrow in his dream.
sometimes, when satoru stands in the mirror fixing his hair he can see it and he is drowned in memories of everything he lost after that horrible day. the day his youth forever ended. like a fairytale come to s close he was left with the bittersweet ending.
and when you notice he’s staring at himself, his blue eyes lost in thought you would hold his face in your hands and kiss the scar softly hoping all your love would be passed through just that one touch and that despite his loss, you would always stay there, by his side.
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© VAAMINS 24  .ᐟ  do not copy, repost or plagiarise my works.
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timeslugarts · 4 months
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Hey fellas, when you’re choking out a lady (consensually) when is it appropriate to tell her you might’ve fallen in love with her?
Asking for a friend…
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
kinda bored too
I'm napping on the train to the airport rn...
here's a lil thought...
daddy Andy travels with you, he drives up front while you sleep on the back seat😋
(Some somno) and you wake up, rubbing your eyes: "are we there yet?" "No, not yet sweets. Daddy just needs a taste😋"
sskksjsjdksksks oh yep I love you
That’s way better that a boring lecture (even though a nap also sounds nice 👀🤣
To the thought:
This could maybe be a part from the little one shot I send you yesterday about Boyfriends Dad Andy😫 (btw I’ll post the one shot later 👀🤭) and they have a trip (after finally admitting the forbidden feelings etc👀)
Maybe Jacob was already in the cabin they were supposed to stay in (he probably drove with a friend there, while reader couldn’t go sooner because of an exam and Andy because of work-so they decided to drive together ^^ )
So, let’s get to it
Road trip
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Warnings; age gap (Andy in his 40s, reader in her 20s), cheating, fingering, somno (and it happens while driving so…don’t do that. Stay safe.)
Pairing: Boyfriends!Dad!Andy x Reader
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Andy looked at you biting down on his bottom lip when his gaze fell onto your sleeping face. So relaxed. Soft. Sweet.
He had it bad for you.
So, so bad.
Andy reached to your leg and stroked over your bare leg.
Normally he hates the summer heat but with you around..in these short skirts or shorts…always revealing so much of your beautiful legs that he loves spending his time in between. Or the cropped shorts showing your stomach he had marked with his cum so many times- even better when you wore something with a deep cleavage so he would peek into to see your breasts when you leaned or bent down.
His hand slowly crept underneath your skirt, flipping it up, stroking along your naked and already wet pussy. He had made you take off your panties as soon as you sat down in the car after he noticed how short the skirt was.
A soft sigh left his mouth when he slowly pushed his fingers into your tight cunt, rubbing his thumb over your bundle of nerves. “Such a good girl”, he mumbled to himself, feeling you clench around his fingers. “Even while asleep, so hungry for me, huh? Always need something to have your hole filled”, he grinned, especially after hearing your quiet moan.
His fingers pushing into your cunt with a squelch, your walls gripping him and sucking into your sex. He could already imagine how I’d feel to push his cock in you, but this would probably take a while till you two find enough time and privacy for that.
“So fucking wet-probably having a wet dream about Daddy, huh? My little sweet whore”, he grunted feeling his own cock twitch, hard in his pants and probably leaking. His thumb rubbed a bit quicker over your clit, your cunt gripping him even tighter.
He noticed how you moved your head, already slowly waking up, while he was driving into a mostly empty parking lot.
When Andy pulled his fingers out of your went cunt to lick your juices from them, you opened your eyes tiredly. A whine escaped your lips when you felt an ruined orgasm. Your gaze immediately falls to your flipped up skirt and Andy’s slurping mouth. “Why’d you stop”, you whispered, your cunt squeezing around nothing. “Daddy…”, you mumbled rubbing your legs together, before looking around.
Maybe you were already there so that why Andy had stopped…? Even though he had done some way more risky stuff than that.
Some stuff in the kitchen…
Or in the bathroom…
Or even on the same couch Jacob was sitting. Right next to you. His arm around you.
Andy’s fingers filling your cunt making you cum at least four times during one movie.
When Andy pulled his fingers out of your went cunt to lick your juices from them, you opened your eyes tiredly. Your gaze immediately falls to your flipped up skirt and Andy’s slurping mouth. “Are we there yet?” You mumbled while Andy reached your leg one more time. “No, not yet Sweets, Daddy just needs a taste”, he grinned, his hand finding your thighs again.
“Now legs up, Daddy wants a snack”
Many kithes for your beautiful amazing brain for coming up with this idea🤭💋
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vera-deville · 1 month
I Will Say (I'm Fucked)
05/06/2024 - 05/10/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,027 Warnings: The usual cursing; Y/N does the infamous Wattpad stuttering (it's only one line, I promise-) Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the third and final installment to this fic, so please read the previous two parts for more context!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Leona finally asks out his favorite herbivore.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the door to her dorm, only to reveal a certain blonde stalker outside.
"You're late Trickster~" Rook sang.
"I know, I know, don't tell Vil though-" You replied, eyes practically begging for him to give you a free pass.
"Seeing as you're not in Pomefiore..." He began, "I suppose I could let it slide this once."
You heaved a sigh of relief, until you felt that heave get locked in your throat at the sight of another person behind Rook.
Vil Schoenheit.
Vil Schoenheit was the house warden of Pomefiore, a house belonging to the esteemed Night Raven College (or NRC for short). He was a well-renowned actor, a celebrity in his own right, and possessed beauty that rivaled no other (except for maybe Neige in the eyes of some Rook). He was known for his strictness, but no one could deny the results that emerged from them (except for maybe Epel).
Vil Schoenheit was also a good friend of Y/N. One of her closest friends, in fact. And as such, his generosity knew no limits with her.
Hence why she was getting torn into pieces as the trio walked to their respective classrooms.
"Vil, as much as I love you, I will not hesitate to throw your new eyeshadow palette into the garbage if you don't stop harassing me in the hallways this morning." You told the beauty queen.
Seething, he replied, "You will do no such thing." Eyes steel cold, he walked a little faster ahead as he continued, "As a Prefect, I expect you to uphold certain virtues even if you do not have many people in your dorm.
You sneered at this.
"Don't tell me how to do my job Schoenheit."
"Then do it properly Prefect."
Rook watched as the two of you glowered over one another, simply happy to be basking in the presence of his friends (plus it was always amusing when you and Vil would argue). He knew that despite your differences, the two of you were as close as friends could be. Even your bickering was in loving nature.
Soon enough, you reached your class and the Pomefiore duo bade goodbye to you before making their way to their class. Smiling to yourself, you played the last five minutes in your head over and over, highlighting your favorite bits as you sat in your seat.
Mozus Trein was a very particular individual. The subject he taught wasn't necessarily popular amongst the students of NRC, but amongst the fair few who did enjoy the class was the Prefect of Ramshackle.
History did by no means come easy to you, but seeing as you were in a completely different world and said world had magic in it, reading history books was more or less akin to reading fairytales. And there were so many of them-
In short, you were something of a fan of Twisted Wonderland's history.
And it showed great results.
"Well done again Y/N." Professor Trein smiled at you as he placed the test paper on your desk. "You seem to have done exceptionally well on the essay portion of your test."
You thank him and say, "Well, the history of Briar Valley is particularly fascinating."
"Every bit the teacher's pet, I see." The professor jested.
You gawked in response.
Class ended sooner than you wished (in your defense, it really was an interesting class), but the rumbling of your stomach opened avenue to better things in life.
In other words - lunch.
Walking alongside Grim, you meet the rest of your first year friends in the cafeteria. With your utensils in hand, you were oh so ready to dig in when a certain red-head interrupted you.
"Yo Y/N."
"What is it Ace?" You asked, annoyed at the timing he had.
"Leona's been watching you really intensely." He noted. But then his smile turned mischievous. "When'd you piss him off?"
Having had enough of him already, you smacked the back of his head, nearly breaking out a grin after hearing Deuce choke on his sandwich when he laughed at the action. "I didn't do shit Trappola. Don't jinx it-"
Rubbing the back of his head, he said, "You're fucking crazy, you know that, right?"
"Damn straight."
Jack, though not fond of the use of vulgar language, did also find the situation funny, and barely managed to conceal a snort as he ate his own food. Epel on the other hand felt no need to conceal his as he guffawed his enthusiasm all whilst bits and pieces of food fell out.
Unfortunately for Epel, he did not notice the looming figure of his house's warden steadily approaching him.
"It seems our lessons still haven't gotten through to you Baby Potato." Vil sneered as Epel whipped around to see him, clearly not expecting to see him. "No matter. I'll be sure to whip you into shape soon enough."
The rest of the first years watched as Epel visibly shivered at Vil's words and as he was dragged away by the said man.
"It's not fair! Y/N and Ace cursed too!"
Whipping his head around to glare at the other two perpetrators, Vil only shook his head before continuing to drag Epel to his immediate lessons.
Epel felt betrayed, and Ace's stink eye wasn't really making matters better.
Rook slunk around to you before anyone else could notice, and managed to say one thing before Vil called for him.
"Roi des Lions seems to be very interested in something in your direction my dear Trickster."
You looked around your friends, trying to determine if they'd heard what Rook had said, but Lady Luck seemed to be on your side because they were still busy watching Epel get dragged away.
Shooting Rook a glare as he went on his merry way to wreak havoc elsewhere, you decided to chance a peek at the lion who now two very annoying (but for some reason highly observant) people had mentioned was staring at you.
Sure enough, he was indeed staring at you.
Not in a smoldering way (which is what you assumed), but rather a lazy manner which befit his personality wholly.
And upon noticing you looking at him in return, Leona's lazy stare mutated into a sly grin (also befitting his personality wholly) before he finally turned his gaze to his food.
The interaction left you feeling a tad giddy, but mainly because he was such an intimidating figure. Not because you had a large sweltering crush on him or anything.
Oh wait.
We're done being in denial now, aren't we?
So maybe, just maybe, the giddiness could be attributed to the chemical infatuation you had with the man.
It was later on in the day, around the time that classes were ending for the day that you found Ruggie.
Or rather, Ruggie found you.
And boy was he weird as hell (weirder than usual, that is).
You noticed that the lavender-colored flower petal tangled in his scarf as he simply watched you for a full 5 seconds (yes, you counted), and then proceeded to do his little hyena laugh before saying "Have fun Y/N~"
However, Twisted Wonderland was full of weirdos, and if you gave every single one of them the time of your day, you'd be stuck the resident therapist. Not that you don't already do that.
Besides, you had to get to Professor Crewel's class, and no one wanted to be late for that-
This time, Lady Luck was not on your side because you had in fact been late (albeit by a few mere seconds), but it was enough to be called out in front of the whole class by Crewel and put a damper on your already dampered mood.
You couldn't wait for classes to be done with already-
Sucking it up, you propelled through the class, only to lose all motivation by the end of it, because Crewel had assigned homework. And a lot of it.
The homework in itself wasn't anything too difficult. If there was something you didn't know, all you had to do was reference a textbook, and that'd be it. The problem lied in the fact that Crewel had assigned a 1,500 word essay regarding any potion of the students' choice and they had to finish it over the weekend.
This was too much. Even for Crewel.
Grim wanted to go watch Ace's basketball practice with Deuce, and you figured that you could use the time alone and maybe even get a head start on your essay, so you walked with vigor back to Ramshackle.
When you got there, a tall figure rests against your door, and you nearly jump back in fright from the sight.
"Leona!? What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you."
Oooooh, that was smooth (although anything that came out of his mouth seemed smooth at this point).
Deciding to be a little braver than usual, you pranced right up to him, faking a confident smile and asked, "what for?"
And that's when a flurry of lavender was gently jolted into your line of sight.
It took a few seconds, but you were eventually able to will yourself to look at Leona instead of the flowers.
"I'm here to ask you out."
Now your heart had gone quiet too.
"Uh-" You started, "I-me?"
Real smooth.
"Who else for, Herbivore?" Leona asked, eyebrow raising questioningly.
"Just wondering," you make out meekly. So much for the brave confident girl act.
Trying to regain mobility in your arms, you tried to gracefully accept the flowers.
"You look like a mechanical doll." Leona commented on the strange way your limbs seemed to move.
That seemed to snap you out of your lovestruck daze as you grabbed the flower bouquet with one hand and hit Leona's arm with the other.
Not it felt awkward.
You still hadn't responded to the whole 'I came here to ask you out' thing and you'd also just slapped the guy (although it wouldn't have done any damage whatsoever on him) right after you grabbed the flowers he got for you.
You kinda wanted to disappear at the moment.
"So?" Leona prodded. Looking up at him again, trying to find the words, he continued "do you want to go out with me?"
You like to think it was his eyes. His eyes though intimidating, also bring some strange sense of calmness over you. And it was those eyes that made you answer him clear-headed.
"Yes. Yes, I do."
And now that you were a little more clear in the mind, you noticed how Leona's facial expression showed the tiniest bit of expression - relief. And that's when you realized that you weren't the only nervous person in this situation. Leona (although to what extent, you were unsure) was also anxious, clearly about what your answer, your decision would be.
"Great. I'll see you at The Winstonian next Friday at 7:00 P.M."
The Winstonian? That sounded fancy.
"I'll see you then Leona."
Nodding, Leona started walking away when you interrupted him with a question.
"Hey Leona? What's the dress code?"
"Just wear something formal."
That was a problem. You didn't have anything formal in your closet (aside from your NRC uniforms, but you really didn't think anyone would wear that to a first date-
Leona waited a moment to see if you had any more questions before sauntering off back to his dorm.
He turned around.
Pushing your rapidly beating heart down your chest, you asked, "Can you help me with this essay I have to write for Crewel?"
It wasn't much, and sure, the date was in a week, but letting him go now seemed like such a waste. Maybe you could spend just a teensy bit of time with him before the big night.
Leona's eyes glowed a green ember.
"Sure Herbivore."
You couldn't help the grin from spreading on your face as you invited the lion into your dorm and at the idea of a totally not study date with him before the actual first date.
God you were so fucked for this man.
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Author's Note: Alright, so this (not originally planned to be) series is officially over! I hope I did the last part justice and that you enjoyed reading it (not gonna lie, it feels like it's missing something), but I have decided that if I ever find out something that I want to add to this, I can always do so in the form of drabbles. Also, it's worth mentioning that the original idea I had for this story was that Leona would keep trying to ask out the reader, but fail a whole bunch of times before succeeding. I obviously went down a different route, but I might write that story idea separately (not affiliated with this series). Thank you for reading!
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dystopia-incognito · 2 months
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"So.. Is he watching?"
"He most certainly is."
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Valentino had gotten his hands on another couple of Velvette's models again, and since it was the evening of her fashion show and the debut of her new line "Under Satin", she got Vera and Lila to model it for her. Mainly as revenge for Vox not keeping his Boy Toy in check. But the girls were happy to help and make the Flat-Faced Prince sweat a little more...
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I finally coloured it, @timeslugarts ! <3
Lineart here.
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