glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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kamwilliamsonn · 1 year
"you kissed me." - Leah Williamson
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Running off on the adrenaline of winning the Euro's, Leah decides that she doesn't want to hold back how she feels for her childhood best friend
The whistle blew, that was it. They'd won.
Everybody jumped into the air, screaming with joy at their win, but all y/n wanted was Leah.
She took off into one last sprint, running straight towards her Captain. Leah's arms were open wide as y/n got there, leaping into the blondes arms, her legs wrapping around the skipper's waist.
Leah's arms circled around her back, holding her tight against her as y/n rested her forehead on the top of Leah's head, the both of them breathing heavily.
"kiss me." Leah stated. Placing y/n on the ground, but her arms never leaving her body, instead wrapping tight around her waist.
"what?" She breathed, her breaths coming out in heaves. "Leah.. what?" She asked again when she had no response.
But she didn't respond, instead her hands moved to hold y/n's face and she smashed their lips together.
It was anything but tidy, but it was them, and that was perfect, Leah's hands moved into y/n's hair and y/n's wrapped around the blonde's waist, pulling her in closer as she kissed back.
They pulled away, ignoring the screams of everybody around them, including their teammates who'd finally witnessed it after years of seeing them pine.
"you kissed me.." y/n breathed out, her voice heavy.
"and you didn't stop me." Leah rebutted. "I love you, y/n, I always have. And we can talk about this more later, we have medals to go claim. And then I'm taking you on a date."
Y/n didn't argue, she only let Leah drag her towards the podium, this turned out to be a really good day.
Tiny ficlet for everyone :)
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usswnt · 2 years
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87,192 people are in attendance for today's Women's Euro 2022 Final. The biggest crowd of any European Championship EVER.
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palaugranetes · 2 years
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Just a side note it's all.. no biggie. ✨
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reasons why women's football is superior to men's football
less acting
better team spirit (i think)
more attractive/nice/likeable fans (in general, except for the usual annoying twitter user)
more gay
pls share more reasons
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wosofanlwob · 2 years
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“we made it” 🥹
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batlleonafc · 2 years
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gottalovewoso11 · 2 years
Leah making fun of Jords height and then blowing her a kiss😂😂
Vid creds: starwarsxawfc on Twitter
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pcrfections · 2 years
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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With their 2-1 Victory against Germany, England win the 2022 European Championship.
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femininefutbol · 2 years
homely comfort
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request from here
prompt: you comfort you ada hegerberg after the defeat of norway by england during the euros
word count: 1k
The final whistle blows, signifying the end of England's tirade against Norway. 
You are extremely happy that you and your teammates were able to come away with a win which you decently contributed to with a hat trick. But the celebrations can wait as you have something well, someone more important on your mind. 
You make your way through the sea of players and staff, many stopping you to congratulate you on the win. You engage minimally with everyone around you, still searching for the one person you can think of right now. 
The blonde ponytail and the red jersey displaying the number 14 come into your view. You cautiously approach the Norwegian, stopping a few feet away not wanting to frighten the woman. 
“Ada” you speak gently, taking a few more steps towards her and Frida who are comforting each other. 
She looks up recognising your voice, at first she doesn’t want to turn around to face you. As she does you see the tears that track down her cheeks, the sight immediately breaking your heart. 
“Congratulations on the hat trick” she states, you can tell she is trying not to dampen your moment with her own sadness but the look in her eyes makes you hate the fact that you had to beat her. 
“Thank you but that doesn’t matter right now” you inform her, holding your arms open to hug her.
She moves timidly into your embrace knowing that many teams have different rules on contact with others due to COVID protocals. Even now when all you want to do is comfort your girlfriend you know you have to keep it brief. 
“You still have a chance to go through, you can do this mon amour” you whisper to Ada, knowing she needs the encouragement after how horribly this game went. 
After your words of encouragement you both part from each other, still standing together not wanting to have to leave just yet, knowing you still won’t be able to see each other properly until you are both finished with the tournament. 
“Are you okay? Like really, tell me if you aren’t please” you plead with your girlfriend, knowing just how much football affects her, especially such a bad loss in an extremely important tournament. 
“It’s tough, there is so much pressure and not just from within the team but everyone expects us to somehow be the darkhorse of the tournament. It is just hard being back in this environment and experiencing such a huge loss. I will be okay though, like you said we still have a chance to come back and I am not one to back away from a challenge” Ada responds, looking into her eyes you can tell she is already overthinking how the media will run with this loss and turn any positives into negatives. 
You pull Ada into another hug not particularly caring about COVID protocols or anyone who is watching, your girlfriend is more important to you and you know that she is needing more comfort than you will even be able to give her right now. 
“Can we swap jerseys?” Ada asks, a small smile crossing her face as yours turns to shock. 
“You know they are both just going to end up back at our place right?” you laugh, “also do you really want to have my jersey to commemorate this match?” 
“I need to make sure it ends up there, knowing you it would just be given to a fan. Also I know you are doing press after this, seeing you in my jersey at the press conference would make up for you being a show off on the field tonight” she jokes, you can’t help but smile dopily at your girlfriend. You appreciate her attitude and how she is still able to have a sense of humour with you even though majorly you aided in the loss her team experienced. 
“I was just playing the way you taught me, maybe we shouldn’t have spent all the extra time together training” respond, reminiscing on the many hours yourself and Ada have spent together training just so you could both make it to this tournament. 
“Remind me not to practice shooting with you for hours on end before the World Cup” 
“You still would, you couldn’t resist me” you wink, pulling off your jersey finally.
Ada’s vision focuses on your abs, she has seen them basically everyday for the past five years but she still is awestruck everytime you lift up your shirt in front of her. “Point proven” you laugh, hitting her lightly with your shirt. 
She grabs it from you pulling you into her, lightly kissing your lips something that she has missed doing, not being able to see you in well over a month. 
“Are you trying to give me COVID? Is this medical warfare?” you question her, not waiting for an answer before you connect your lips again, not caring how much trouble you may get into for the action. 
“If I wanted you out of the competition I would have found a way to do it before tonight” Ada comments, she grabs your shirt from your hand smelling it, you look at her oddly, wondering what the hell she is doing smelling your sweaty shirt. 
“What are you doing?” you hold in your pure laughter at the situation, just small giggles escaping. 
“I was trying to see if it smells like your perfume, I need some homely comfort tonight” she pouts at you. “It doesn’t by the way, it smells like sweat and ego” she jokes. 
“I can get you a clean one and put my perfume on it if that would be better?” you ask, finding the sentiment extremely sweet of your usually rather stoic girlfriend. 
You hold out your hand to get your other jersey back since she clearly won’t be needing it. 
“Oh no I am keeping this one too, I do still need to make sure it ends up coming home” Ada hugs the piece of material close to her body, not letting you get the chance to take it back.
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Over 11 million watched ENGSWE across the BBC! That's doesn't even take into account all the people at screenings and fan parties! 🥳
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palaugranetes · 2 years
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Just gonna leave this here
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zingaplanet · 2 years
This Euro has reminded us how amazing women's football can be but also how decades of prejudice and misogyny held back the development of one of the most exciting, high-level sports of our generation.
People in the past have made arguments on why the women's game shouldn't be as high profile as the men's game. Here're 2 of the most popular ones and why they're wrong:
Argument 1: The Women's game didn't attract as much spectatorship as the men's game, thus they shouldn't get equal spotlight nor equal pay.
Not only has this been proven wrong this week (with the Women's Euro final breaking attendance records of any Euro finals COMBINED for both men and women), this was also not true in the past. For instance, women's football's popularity has soared in England after WW1. On December 26th, 1920, there were more than 50.000 people coming to watch the women's game in Goodison Park, with a further 12.000 lining up outside.
The FA viewed this as a threat. In just under a year, women's football was banned and will continue to be so for the next 50 years. No FA officials were ALLOWED TO OFFICIATE the game. This means no women can play at the professional level and make a living out of it. The professional game itself died out, stagnating growth in the playing often referred to as a game "50 years behind".
The women's game didn't attract less fewership, it was the men's side of the sports that made them so and they continued to utilise this very narrative to keep the argument going.
Argument 2: The women's game lacked quality compared to the men's, resulting in less interests and investments
This argument is based on the common headline of men's physicality being superior to the women's. This is undeniable. But what is deniable is whether this means their football game is undoubtedly much 'better'. How do we define 'better'? In a game famous for its variety and innovation, there are 1 billion different approaches to "beautiful football".
Yes, the men are undoubtedly faster and stronger. But research has shown that because women are less so, they resort to the tactical side more, keeping the ball in play for much longer, committing less physical fouls, and creating time for more elaborate attacks. The style of hard-paced, physical football has always been held superior in the English league but remember that the game has always been much slower in other footballing nations such as Spain, without whom we would never have witnessed the beauty of tiki takas.
Above all, the reason women's football has constantly been held as 'under the weather', 'inferior' or 'underdeveloped' was precisely because IT HAS BEEN MADE TO BE SO BY THE SYSTEM for the past 100 years.
Each of the women's athlete has been put down, doubted, ridiculed, and robbed off opportunities 10 times more than their male counterparts.
To move forward, it is first crucial to recognise that what keeps this sport from breaking through new boundaries is oftentimes nothing but the CONSTRUCTED glass wall of dated, discriminatory perceptions.
For the girls of our future, we owe it to them to give the best of our supports, to cheer them on along the way when everyone doubted them. We owe it to our women for the 100 years we've robbed them from their dreams.
We owe it to them to be better.
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wosofanlwob · 2 years
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i’m soft, don’t touch me 😭
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All time ratings record for women's football on german tv
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17,90 million people on german tv watched the final of the euro 2022 yesterday. that's 64,8% of the overall tv watchers.
with the 14-49 year olds (the most important demographic) it was even 71%.
it's the overall second highest viewership for ARD in almost a year, beaten only by the euro2021 final
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