#WW2 axis ambush
kollectorsrus · 1 year
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manablog2022 · 2 years
What are 5 startup lessons from Japanese in WW2?
Chilling fight show by the Japanese
It’s April .. 1945. It's the fag end of the World War-2 and the Axis powers are neutralized by the Allies. But there’s one country that’s not ready to let go of it…that’s the small island nation
… Japan
The US are entering and capturing the Japanese territories one after the other, and the Japanese are trying every strategy available to restrict the US Marines.
Strategies by the Japanese include:
Ambush and surprise attacks on the islands,
Naval attacks,
Air attacks,
Planting spies in local village folk.
Encouraging local village folk to suicide
KAMIKAZE attacks.
I watched all this on Netflix. Irrespective of who’s right and who’s wrong, I was surprised at the conviction of the warriors and the bad leadership strategies of some military heads. I observed a few things that could be applied to contemporary business or startup scenarios. Let’s look at them:
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iravaid · 3 years
What other clans do you think it would be interesting for Nines to be? (Like seb being a malk or sabbat)
Anon u have no idea how happy this ask made me, time for Thoughts on Nines Clan AUs, more below 
Okay, thought about this for a little bit, digested it, and rn I’ve got three alternate clans that haven’t been done yet for Mr Rodriguez (that i know of):
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Gangrel Nines 
- Probably the obvious choice after the canon Brujah, they’re still very independent and he would still be an Anarch, but also trying to distance himself from the politics of it all to little success. He keeps an eye over the LA Anarchs, tries to keep them safe from would-be ambushes and traps. 
- Officially joined the Anarchs after being invited by MacNeil, following his aid during the Second Anarch Revolt. Becomes a trusted underling/SiC sort of character when the Free States are properly established
- Much less tolerant of Camarilla politics, flakes out on meetings with their representatives etc, is growing very weary of staying in one place for so long, and there are anxious whispers amongst the Anarchs that one day he’ll be gone
- Sire is Lampago from VtMNR, was Embraced in the desert after his car broke down driving from Arizona back to LA. Lampago liked what she saw and decided he’d be a good protégé. They get into a fight, and Nines turns out to be a much better fighter than Lampago had anticipated - Nines gets away and stays out of Arizona till this day, even after news of her ‘destruction’ at the hands of the hunters.
- Shapechanges into a lobo - Mexican wolf. 
- Not sure what his famulus would be, maybe a rescue pit-bull, maybe a crow that decided to stick around. 
- Has a motorcycle but prefers running in wolf form. Is v nomadic, having wandered the states for years after escaping from Lampago 
- Pictured below: his and LaCroix’s first meeting
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Salubri Nines
- In this AU, we fought in WWII, was sent to the European theatre in 1942. Family needed the money and Nines was terrified about what Might happen if the Axis Powers do win, Pearl Harbour burned into his mind as he enlisted. He doesn’t return to the States until 40 years later.
- He sees the horrors of what happens in broad daylight in Europe at this time, experiences the helplessness at not being able to do anything about it.
- He meets an interesting stranger in a rural European town, moments before his entire corps are wiped out in a Nazi ambush, who had planted explosives in nearby civilian houses. Nines is knocked out, rousing in time to watch someone fighting off tens of men with only a wood chopping axe. 
- The sire has a long talk with Nines, after the fight. About who they are, and that they’d been watching him through the war. Nines was more honourable than his fellow soldiers, and they knew he was genuinely hurt every time they came across another atrocity. Despite the constant pain, Nines hadn’t lost that softer, kinder core. They were interested by that, and give Nines an offer. Let them turn him, and he will have the strength to truly protect people, before it’s too late.
- Nines says yes
- As the sire is one of the few surviving members, if not the only, of the Warrior’s Caste, Nines goes through the Blooding and takes the name Raguel, after the angel of justice. But, as he continues his travels after completing his introduction to unlife and diablerising his sire, he finds that going by his Warrior’s Caste name is putting a target on his back. Nines instead goes by Rodriguez, his old surname, only using the Raguel name as an alias.
- He wanders Europe, because there’s no shortage on conflict on the continent, especially as the Cold War picks up before the wounds of WW2 have time to scab over. Keeping people safe, pretending to be a Ventrue in Kindred circles, keeping his head low throughout. 
- Something brings Nines back to the USA, to LA. He isn’t sure what, but he gets on the next boat, whether through Nosferatu contacts, or he stows away. Nines covers his third eye and watches for where justice must be served.
- He reaches LA right as the Sabbat attack the Anarchs, and he immediately helps the latter. They all think their hero wielding a machete is some disillusioned Ventrue, and Nines keeps it at that, because Salubri are hunted and Nines is a just man, but not an honest one. 
- Skelter has his suspicions, but Nines has proven himself to the Gangrel enough times that he won’t voice them. Damsel is completely oblivious, bless.
- Nines is very tired, but very dedicated to keeping the Anarchs safe once the Camarilla appear. He doesn’t take any position of power at all, because he worries what that power would do to him. 
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Tzimisce Nines
- Oh this is so incredibly angsty
- Warform is an armour of bone and cartilage that protects him from fire and most physical damage.
- He never wanted to be Embraced, never wanted to be made into this, but his sire needed a fresh body between them and the Camarilla. He was just the one that survived the onslaught, out of all nine. 
- So, they keep him as a childe, training him in the art of Vicissitude. They’re loosely affiliated with the Sabbat, teaching him the different paths in a haphazard way. Nines is usually just used, as a shield and as the muscle for the sire to get resources and move in on territory. 
- He figured out how to refine his Vicissitude, encouraged by the sire. The sire never realised that he was preparing to kill them until he was shredding them to bits in their own haven. He leaves Chicago and never looks back
- He wanders as an independent Kindred for a while, trying to curb the more possessive compulsions of his clan. Then he gets to LA, because it has a newly blossoming Anarch movement and no Sabbat presence.
- Works in the background for a while, helping the Anarchs in the occasional scuffle, gains enough of a name for himself as a kind of guardian angel that eventually MacNeil manages to set up a meeting with Nines. He rejects the initial offer into the Anarchs, neither side are very trusting and Nines is especially distrustful of MacNeil, following his very bad experiences with someone in power. He doesn’t want to be some lackey to be thrown at problems. 
- But as the fighting escalates, and things get more intense, Nines warms up to the Anarchs, and lingers longer when the fights are done. He’s a scary guy, with an ever changing face, but eventually the Anarchs see he’s just a Guy that got a shit deal
- Makes hellhound-like szlachta
Also, on the Cainites of LA discord server there has been some alternate Nineses made by @ryttu3k (Tremere rebel), @missn11 and @lost-toreador-in-la (Malkavian), and @vampemoqueen (Ventrue Anarch), if they’d like they’re all v free to join in on this and infodump about their respective Nines lmao 
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the-rageaholic · 7 years
You mention in your streams that Fascist Italy was more intelligent than people realize. Does that mean the Empire of Japan was overrated in terms of its power or no?
I didn’t say that, exactly. What I argued was that Italy is often derided as being a third-rate military power based on how poorly they performed in World War 2, when in actuality, it was Hitler’s jump to invade Poland (without informing his ally Mussolini, and despite having given assurances he would delay, to give Italy three years to rebuild and industrialize his armed forces) that left the Axis flat-footed, and led to Germany and Japan doing most of the heavy lifting while Italy relegated itself to a support role. Bear in mind that Mussolini was not only trying to conduct large military campaigns, but simultaneously transform the fractious Italian peninsula from the pastoral, agrarian economy of yore, to a modern industrialized nation. With Stalin funding the Socialists in his own country (not to mention the Communists in Spain during their Civil War), Italy needed three years, if not more, to be ready for the dance. 
Japan’s military prowess in WW2, incidentally, is supremely overestimated through the myopic lens of modern historians. Their preparedness and sheer might was, to be blunt, an utter fiction. In truth, the Japanese troops were ill-equipped, and utterly untrained for combat in the jungle island chains they found themselves invading. Their rifles were prone to rust and refused to operate while wet or caked in mud. The bayonet attachments made loud, clattering noises that made Japanese troops prone to ambush in the lush vegetation of the Pacific Theater. Their sidearms were reviled for their tendency to discharge without even depressing the trigger. And as the war raged on, and the Japanese position weakened further still, these maladies only deepened. 
I recommend the ‘Tales of the Gun’ episode devoted to Japan in WW2 for further elucidation on the topic. 
This, incidentally, is why I argue the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki  saved more lives than they took. When the war began, a prevailing sentiment of ‘We will die if we must in service to Japan…’ gradually transmuted into the outright morbidity of ‘We are destined to die, and we will die fighting’. A mentality that pervaded not only enlisted Japanese soldiers… but the citizenry, who sincerely believed their Emperor to be God incarnate, hence why Japan’s militaristic government was training women and small children to physically repel a mainland invasion with improvised weaponry. There truly was no possibility whatsoever of Japanese surrender without slaying every man, woman and child. 
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diversegaminglists · 7 years
Historical World War 2 Games
Started out as a content warning list but needed to become its own list because of the sheer size of it.
This is still a WIP and all suggestions and corrections are encouraged.
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy
1941: Counter Attack
1941: Frozen Front
1942: Joint Strike
1942: Pacific Airwar Franchise
1943: Kai
1943: The Battle of Midway
1944: The Loop Master
1945: Airwar
1945 I & II: The Arcade Games
‘43 - One Year After
50 Mission Crush
Ace of Aces
Aces of the Deep Franchise
Aces of the Pacific Franchise
Aces of War
Aces over Europe
Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943
Achtung Spitfire
Achtung Panzer: Operation Star
Across the Rhein
Action in The North Atlantic
Action Stations!
Admiral Graf Spee
Advanced Destroyer Simulator
African Desert Campaign
Afrika Korps
Airborne Assault Franchise
Airborne Hero D–Day Frontline 1944
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War
Air Conflicts: Air Battles of World War
Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Air Duel: 80 Years of Dogfighting
Airfix: Dogfighter
Air Legends
Air Raid: This is Not a Drill
Allied General
Anglo-German War 39-45
Ardennes Offensive
Ardeny 1944
Armageddon Squadron
Arnhem: The 'Market Garden’ Operation
Artillery Brigade
Assault Wings 1944
Atlantic Patrol
Attack on Pearl Harbour
At the Gates of Moscow 1941
Avalanche: The Struggle for Italy
Avalon Hill’s Squad Leader
Axis & Allies Franchise
B-17 Franchise
Battle Academy Franchise
Battlefield 1942 Franchise
Battle for Midway
Battle for Normandy
Battleground 1: Bulge - Ardennes
Battleground: Ardennes
Battle Group
Battlehawks 1942
Battle Islands
Battle of Britain (1982)
Battle of Britain (1985)
Battle of Britain (1999)
Battle of Britain: 303 Squadron
Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory
Battle of Britain: Memorial Flight
Battle of Europe
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow
Battleship 88: Iron Hero
Battles in Normandy
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Pacific
Battlestrike: Force of Resistance
Battlestrike: The Road to Berlin
Battlestrike: The Siege
BBC Battlefield Academy
Beyond Normandy: Assignment: Berlin
Beyond Pearl Harbor: Pacific Warriors
The Big Three
Birds of Steel
Bismarck: Death of a Battleship
Blazing Angels
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII
Blitzkrieg Franchise
Bomb Alley
Breakthrough in the Ardennes
Brothers in Arms Franchise
The Bulge: Battle for Antwerp
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Call of Duty: Legacy
Call of Duty: Road to Victory
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Call of Duty: World at War
Call to Arms
Cannon Strike
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44
Carrier Aces
Carrier Force
Carriers at War
Chain of Command
Chain Of Command: Eastern Front
Clash of Steel: World War II, Europe 1939-45
Close Assault
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far
Close Combat: Cross of Iron
Close Combat: Gateway to Caen
Close Combat III: The Russian Front
Close Combat: Invasion: Normandy - Utah Beach to Cherbourg
Close Combat: Last Stand Arnhem
Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog
Close Combat: The Battle of the Bulge
Close Combat: The Longest Day
Close Combat: Wacht am Rhein
Codename: Panzers Franchise
Combat Command
Combat Command 2: Danger Forward
Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord
Combat Mission 3 - Afrika Corps
Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Commandos: Strike Force
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Company of Heroes 2
Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault
Company of Heroes 2: Theater of War - Case Blue
Company of Heroes 2: Theater of War - Southern Fronts
Company of Heroes 2: Theater of War - Victory at Stalingrad
Computer Air Combat
Computer Ambush
Computer Bismarck
Computer EastFront
Counter Action
Crete 1941: Fallschirmjager
Crusade in Europe
Daisenryaku Franchise
Daitōa Mokushiroku: Goh
Damage Inc.: Pacific Squadron WWII
Dam Buster
The Dam Busters
Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation
Day of Defeat
D-Day (2004)
D-Day (1984)
D-Day (1992)
D-Day: America Invades
D-Day: Normandy
D-Day: The Beginning of the End
Deadly Dozen
Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater
Decision in the Desert
Decisive Battles of WWII Franchise
Deep Strike
Desert Commander
Desert Fox
Desert Rats Franchise
Destroyer Command
Dive Bomber
Dnieper River Line
Dogfight 1942
Dogfight: Battle for the Pacific aka Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight
Dogs of War (Unlicensed Axis & Allies adaptation)
D: Ōshū Shinkirō
Down in Flames
Dunes of War
Enemy Front
East Front & East Front 2
Eastern Front
Elite Forces: WWII - Iwo Jima
Elite Forces: WWII - Normandy
Eric Young's Squad Assault: West Front
Escape from Colditz & the remake Coldiz Escape! (Not affiliated with the 1970s Coldiz TV show)
Europe Ablaze
European Air War
Europe in Flames
Faces of War
Fall Weiss
Fall Weiß 1939
Fathom's 40
The Few
Field of Fire
Fighter Ace 3.5
Fighter Command: The Battle of Britain
Fighter Duel
Fighter Squadron: The Screamin' Demons over Europe
Fighting Steel
Fire Brigade
Fire Mustang
First Battalion
First Over Germany
Fortress Europe: The Liberation of France
Frontline Franchise
Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (1992)
Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (2000)
Gary Grigsby's War in Russia
Gary Grigsby's War in the East: Don to the Danube
Gary Grigsby's War in the East: Lost Battles
Gary Grigsby's War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945
Gary Grigsby's World At War
Germany At War: Barbarossa 1941
G.I. Combat: Episode 1 - Battle of Normandy
Goh II
Great Battles of WWII: Stalingrad
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-1943
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - America in the Atlantic
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Super Ships of the Atlantic Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal
Great Naval Battles Vol. III: Fury in the Pacific, 1941-44
Great Naval Battles Vol. IV: Burning Steel, 1939-1942
Guadalcanal Campaign
Hearts of Iron Franchise
Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe
Hidden & Dangerous 2
Hellcat Ace
Hellcats Over the Pacific
The Heroes of the 357th
Heroes of the Pacific
Heroes of WWII
Heroes Over Europe
Hidden and Dangerous Franchise
High Command: Europe 1939-'45
The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific
The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific
History Legends of War: Patton
HMS Cobra: Convois pour Mourmansk
Hunter Killer
iBomber Defense
iBomber Defense Pacific Il-2 Sturmovik Franchise
iPanzer '44
Iron Aces
Iron Aces: Heroes of WW2
Iron Cross
Iron Front: Liberation 1944
Iron Storm
Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy
Iwo jima
Jagdverband 44: Screaming Eagles
Jane's Combat Simulations: Attack Squadron
Jane's Combat Simulations: WWII Fighters
Kampania wrześniowa
Kikō Shidan
Kishi Densetsu
Knights of the Desert
Lead Soldier
Legends of War: Patton's Campaign
Liberty Wings
London Blitz
Luftwaffe Commander: WWII Combat Flight Simulator
Making History: The Calm & The Storm
Making History II: The War of the World
Malta Storm
Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Medal Of Honor: Airborne
Medal of Honor: European Assault
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Medal of Honor: Heroes
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Medal of Honor: Underground
Medal of Honor: Vanguard
Men of War
Men of War: Assault Squad
Men of War: Condemned Heroes
Men of War: Red Tide
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WW II Pacific Theater
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series
Midway Campaign
Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan
Military History: Commander - Europe at War
Mortal Skies: Modern War Air Combat Shooter
Moscow to Berlin: Red Siege
Mud and Blood 2
Muzzle Velocity
Naval Assault: The Killing Tide
Night Gunner
Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War Vol 1: 1939-1955
North Atlantic Convoy Raider
No Surrender: Battle of the Bulge
Objective: Kursk
Operation Apocalypse
Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939-45
Operation Crusader
Operation Iceberg: The Battle for Okinawa
Operation Market Garden
Operation Thunderstorm
Operation Whirlwind
Order of Battle: Pacific
Order of Battle: World War II
Order of War
The Outfit
Out of the Sun
Overlord (1994)
Overlord: The Invasion 6th June 1944
Over the Reich
P-38 Lightning
P47 Thunderbolt
Pacific Fighters 
Pacific Gunner
Pacific Storm
Pacific Storm: Allies
Pacific Strike
Pacific War
Panthers in the Shadows
Panzer Attack
Panzer Battles
Panzer Campaigns: Bulge '44
Panzer Campaigns VI: Korsun '44
Panzer Campaign VII: Kursk '43
Panzer Commander
Panzer Command: Ostfront
Panzer Corps Franchise
Panzer Elite
Panzer Front
Panzer Front Ausf. B
Panzerfront: Barbarossa 1941-1945
Panzer General Franchise
Panzer Grenadier
Panzer Killer!
Panzerkrieg: Burning Horizon 2
Panzers East!
Panzer Strike
Panzer Tactics DS
Panzer Tactics HD
Pathway to Glory
Pathway to Glory: Ikusa Islands
Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the Bulge
Patton vs. Rommel
Pearl Harbour
Pearl Harbor: Defend the Fleet
Pearl Harbor Encounter
Pearl Harbor: Strike at Dawn
Pearl Harbor Trilogy: 1941: Red Sun Rising
Pearl Harbor: Zero Hour
Pegasus Bridge
The Perfect General Scenario Disk: World War II Battle Set
Piotrków 1939
Plane Arcade
Power at Sea
Protivostoyanie: Opaleonniy sneg
P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations
P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations II
P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations IV
The Pure Wargame
Pursuit of the Graf Spee
Red Orchestra Franchise
Reach for the Skies
Red Skies
Red Skies: Von Stalingrad nach Berlin
Red Thunder
Rising Storm
Rising Sun
Rising Sun: Imperial Strike
Road to Moscow
Rommel: Battles for North Africa
Rommel: Battles for Tobruk
Rowan's Battle of Britain
RUSE: The Art of Deception
Rush for Berlin
Rush for the Bomb
Russian Front II: The Kursk Campaign
Russia: The Great War in the East 1941-1945
S2: Silent Storm
S3: Silent Storm - Sentinels
Sands of Fire
Search and Destroy
SeaWolves: Submarines on Hunt
SeaWolves II
Second Front: Germany Turns East
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Sega Ages 2500: Vol.22 - Advanced Daisenryaku: Doitsu Dengeki Sakusen
Sherman M4
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Silent Heroes: Elite Troops of WWII
Silent Hunter Franchise
Silent Service
Silent Service II
Sniper Art of Victory
Sniper Elite Franchise
Soldiers at War
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
Special Operations
Spitfire '40
Spitfire Ace
Spitfire Attack
Spitfire: The Battle of Britain
Spring 1944
Squad Assault: Second Wave
Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942
Steel Panthers Franchise
Storm Across Europe
Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg
Strategic Command 2: Patton Drives
Strategic Command 2: Weapons and Warfare Expansion
Strategic Command: European Theater
Strategic Command: WW II Global Conflict
Strategic Command: WWII Pacific Theater
Strategic Simulations: Commander's Collection
Strategic War in Europe
Strikers 1945
Sub Battle Simulator
Sudden Strike Franchise
TAC: Tactical Armor Command
Talonsoft's 12 O'Clock High: Bombing the Reich
Talonsoft's West Front
Tanke Da Juezhan
Tank Operations: European Campaign
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943
Task Force 1942
Team Assault: Baptism of Fire
Theatre of War
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Theatre of War 2: Centauro Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943
Theatre of War Collection
Their Finest Hour: Battle of Britain
Time of Fury
Third Reich (1992)
Third Reich (1996)
Tiger Hunt
Tigers on the Prowl
Time of Fury
Tobruk: The Clash of Armour
Torpedo Fire
Total Victory: Victory or Defeat
Trench Warfare - Mod for Wolfenstein 3D
Typhoon of Steel
Unity of Command
UMS II: Nations at War
Uncommon Valor: Campaign for the South Pacific
Under Fire
Under Southern Skies
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Up Periscope (1983)
Up Periscope! (1986)
U.S.A.A.F. - United States Army Air Force
V for Victory: Utah Beach
V for Victory: Gold-Juno-Sword
V for Victory: Market Garden
V for Victory: Velikiye Luki
Vulcan: The Tunisian Campaign
War Birds Franchise
War Diary: Burma
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks!
War in Russia
War in the Pacific: The Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945
War in the South Pacific
War Times
War Thunder
WarZone 3: WWII Edition
Western Front: The Liberation of Europe 1944-1945
White Death
Winds of Steel
Wings of Destiny
Wings of Fury
Wings of Prey
World at War: Volume II - Stalingrad
World War II Combat: Iwo Jima
World War II Combat: Road to Berlin
World War II: Frontline Command
World War II General Commander: Operation: Watch on the Rhine
World War II: Pacific Heroes
World War II: Panzer Claws
World War II: Panzer Claws 2
World War II: Sniper - Call to Victory
World War II Trivia
World Wars: European Conflicts
World Wars II: Pacific Conflicts
WW2 Air Force Commander
WW2: Time of Wrath
WWII: Battle Over the Pacific
WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger
WWII: Desert Rats
WWII Online: Blitzkrieg
WWII Tank Commander
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