prathimahospitals · 2 months
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲!
Did you know? Less than 1% of the world's Freshwater is readily accessible for human use. let's raise awareness about the importance of conserving this precious resource.
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a00292829 · 2 months
The Hazelton Hotel Toronto
1. Energy-efficient lighting systems: To cut down on energy usage, the hotel uses smart lighting controllers and energy-saving light bulbs.
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2. Water conservation efforts: To reduce water usage, the hotel encourages visitors to reuse towels and linens and installs low-flow faucets.
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3. Recycling initiatives: To effectively manage garbage and encourage recycling among visitors and employees, the hotel has implemented extensive recycling initiatives.
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4. Environmentally friendly cleaning supplies: The hotel makes use of cleaning supplies that are less damaging to the environment and help to maintain a higher standard of indoor air quality.
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5. Support for local and organic suppliers: In order to boost the community's economy and lessen the carbon footprint caused by transportation, the hotel gives priority to using local and organic suppliers.
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askhan23 · 11 months
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joanmolins · 2 years
No puedo dejar de pensar, lo importante que resulta aquel ser que cautiva desde la aparente estática, ocultando su grandiosa acción interna que no solo le permite su propio sustento, sino también el de conciencias fantasiosas de superioridad.
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anbi-group · 6 days
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Upgrade your bathroom while saving water and enjoying hassle-free installation. Get your ANBI Toilet Repair Kit today! 🚽💦
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kalpaka · 1 month
Revolutionize Your Routine: Join the Car Wash Challenge!
Make a positive impact with the Car Wash Challenge! By skipping the daily Car wash, you are conserving 50 liters of precious water
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ritika-verma · 2 months
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Cleaner, Fresher, Happier: Meet the Bidet Sprayer
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sagesacre · 3 months
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Story: A description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events.
Tale: A story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe
Science Fiction: Books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets.
Story. (2023). En traducir al español - Cambridge Dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/story
Tale. (2023). En traducir al español - Cambridge Dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/tale
Science fiction. (2023). En traducir al español - Cambridge Dictionary. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/science-fiction
On October 31st of the present year, my friends and I were having a good time celebrating a Halloween party. Fiorella and I wanted to eat Japanese food, such as sushi or ramen. Luis and Piero wanted to eat Italian food. They did not know whether to buy pizza, lasagna, or spaghetti. Xavier and Iván, on the other hand, wanted to eat Mexican food such as tacos, burritos, or enchiladas. Since we could not get to an agreement, we ended up buying everything. After some hours of eating, we all got thirsty. However, we found out about the terrible situation we were going through in Ecuador: there was no water.
Unfortunately, we are all going to die! – Xavier said.
No! There must be something we can do. – I said.
My friends wanted to give up on the situation, but I did not let that happen. Fortunately, we are all brilliant people with brilliant minds. Together, we created the first time-travel machine in human history, and it just took us two days. We decided it: we were going to travel back in time in order to save water! We set up a plan: First, we traveled back to the year 2000. The new millennium drove people crazy back in the day, which made them waste water unnecessarily. After that, we were going to communicate with the main authorities of Quito and Guayaquil, since those two cities are the most important ones in the country. Then we were going to spread a message through the authorities to let people know about responsible water consumption and warned them to be careful since water will be scarce in a few years. Meanwhile, we were also planning a way to do so without creating any paradoxes or altering our timeline for bad. Subsequently, we traveled and carried on our plan as precisely as possible. Thus, we finished out mission.
We did it! – everybody said.
Yes! We did it! – I said, happier than ever.
Finally, we returned to our timeline, and found out we solved the water scarcity situation. We now had water again, and we lived happily ever after.
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(AI generated image by me) (Me and my friends eating pizza but having no water)
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marigold1234 · 6 months
How To Fix A Leaky Faucet?
Learn how to fix a leaky faucet with our step-by-step guide. Stop wasting water and save money by tackling this common household issue.
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health-is-wealth-le · 6 months
When it comes to the Avesa Water System, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider before making a purchase.
Order here: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/avesa-water-system/
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villagomezfabiana · 7 months
"Preserving the Flow: A Water Conservation Crusade"
Story: A narrative of real or invented events, typically told in chronological order. A story can be written or spoken, and can be presented in a variety of forms, including novels, short stories, poems, plays, and films.
Tale: A short, simple story, especially one that is traditional or imaginary. Tales are often told to children, and often feature magical or supernatural elements.
Science fiction: A genre of fiction that deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Science fiction can explore the potential consequences of scientific and technological advances on society and individuals, and can also be used to address philosophical and ethical questions.
As I stepped into the sleek time machine, I could feel the rush of anticipation and uncertainty. My mission was clear: to travel to a future where humanity had exhausted its water resources and return with the information that would have prevented such a catastrophic event. With a deep breath, I started the process, and the machine whirred to life, rushing me forward through time.
Meanwhile, the year was 2150, a desolate future where the consequences of water scarcity were painfully evident. I found myself among a world struggling with parched lands, dry crops, and desperate communities. It was a harsh reminder of the urgent need to act. Subsequently, I met Xiomara, a brilliant scientist who was committed to solving the problem. She explained the devastation caused by excessive and pollution of water, leading to a severe imbalance in the ecosystem.
Simultaneously, Xiomara and I explored her innovative research, revealing advanced technologies that could rejuvenate and sustain water sources. With meticulous attention, I absorbed the intricate details of their futuristic water purification and conservation methods. She introduced me to Steve, the engineer behind the invention, and we worked together to update the designs for the current era.
When I returned to my present, I was filled with fierce determination and equipped with the knowledge that could save humanity from impending catastrophe. I got together with my best friends, Ben, Terry, Kai, and Daniel, a group of marvelous intelligent people, to start sharing futuristic water solutions. The transition was not easy; skepticism and doubt echoed through the room.
However, as we combined our resources and knowledge, the vision became a reality. Through collaboration, we adapted the advanced technology to our present infrastructure and put thorough water saving plans into place As a result of our actions, the planet began to heal by replacing the parched aquifers and nourishing arid lands.
With patience and persistence, we spread awareness, inspiring a global movement towards responsible water use. Bit by bit, we saw the transformation as the water crisis was prevented. Once again, our world prospered demonstrating a testament to humanity's resilience and innovation.
As the years passed, our actions became an action of hope for future generations. In the end, the experience of time travel and the collaboration that followed taught us that even in the face of an obscure future, unity and determination can turn the tide and ensure a brighter tomorrow.
Story definition and meaning | Collins english dictionary. (n.d.). https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/story
Tale definition and meaning - Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). https://dictionary.cambridge.orgdictionary/english/tale
Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, October 15). Science fiction. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fiction
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I generated this image with Canva IA
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ladines-romina · 7 months
Saving Water
This poem takes a rather different and unique approach to saving water, the author contemplates the downpour of rain.  They say how the same  water that cleansed the garden plants all conjoined from all places into little streams and vanish down the garden path. They author questions god about his choices of why it works like that, but then he accepts that god has his own reasons for it to function the way it does and leaves it all in his hands.
The author puts many metaphors in this poem, showing from different sides how it is represented in this life and how the world depends on it and we see it so often that we don't know the value it has in some countries that need this water to live.
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alvaradojulian · 7 months
ESSAY: Water: The Elixir of Life
Water, the wellspring of life, stands as a fundamental and irreplaceable cornerstone of our planet. Its preservation extends beyond the realms of practicality and duty, reaching into the very core of our being. Water conservation is depicted as a sacred duty. The essay underscores the finite nature of freshwater resources and the ever-growing global demand for clean water. It emphasizes that wasting water is not only ecologically irresponsible but morally unjust when billions of people lack access to safe drinking water. Water is symbolized as the "elixir of life." It represents purity, renewal, and interrelations. The author paints a vivid picture of the life-giving properties of water, from sustaining ecosystems to nurturing human existence. The author's message is clear and urgent: water conservation is not merely an environmental issue but a moral and social one. In conclusion, the exploration of water conservation in this essay underscores the undeniable importance of safeguarding this precious resource. Water, often referred to as the "elixir of life," stands as a fundamental and irreplaceable element in our world.
A piece of advice from my essay is reduce waste with conscious practices because this tells us the significance of reducing wastage, and one of the most straightforward ways to achieve this is through mindful practices.
Install Water-Saving Fixtures because these simple changes can significantly reduce water consumption without sacrificing comfort.
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terandanna · 7 months
Literary Analysis.
Hereinafter these literary works provide insight into the importance of water and the consequences of its mismanagement.
"The Water Knife" by Paolo Bacigalupi: The narrative highlights the consequences of unchecked water consumption and the potential for conflict over this precious resource.
This treats themes like water shortage and drought, climate change, corporate greed, social hierarchy, refugee crises and fabricated arcologies.
This novel also explores a future where water is scarce, and powerful entities control its distribution.
The moral of the story is the story is steeped in ethical debates about humankind and its obligation to the planet that nurtures it.
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lazoluis · 7 months
Historical events, characters or movements related to the conservation and creation of water.
The beginnings of water in history The Sumerians settled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The way water is used played a determining role in its socio-economic evolution.
Romans, essential in the history of hydrology Roman culture is essential to understand the history of hydrology, since it developed man's relationship with water to extremes almost unsurpassed today, creating a technique that we currently use in our cities.
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