missnight0wl · 10 months
Y7Ch57: The Final “Battle”
Ok, let’s talk about this disaster.
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Ah, yes. Because everyone knows that as soon as Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts, the faculty becomes totally incapable of doing anything – including people like Minerva Badass McGonagall or Filius Former-Duelling-Champion Flitwick. Yes, of course.
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Funny that you say that, Jae. I’ll actually come back to it a little later.
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You know what? No. Rowan would cry at least for a week straight if they knew how fucking stupid everyone is at this point.
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All right, that might be my biggest problem with this whole “battle” because… WHY?? Why do we even care whether or not they get to Hogwarts? Minnie alone would kick their asses in under a minute – and quite frankly, I’d love to see it. Just let them through!
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Ok, so it’s never really explained who’s exactly Perry’s target here. Sure, we’re told it’s about an adult Legilimens, and MC deduced that both Dumbledore and Snape are adult Legilmenses. Still, it’s never addressed directly again, and it kinda bothers me. But whatever, I guess. Apparently, we’re supposed to assume that it’s indeed Snape who’s Perry’s target. But like… if there’s anyone at Hogwarts fully capable of defending themselves... IT’S SNAPE. Like… just imagine this encounter.
Perry: Severus Snape? I have a proposition for you that--
Snape: *lazily waves his wand*
Perry: *flies over the Black Lake, slightly smoking because of the impact of Snape’s spell that hit him*
Perry: Severus Snape? I’m Peregrine Lastname, I’m the father of MC and Jacob. I--
Snape: Sectumsempra!
Snape: I suffered years because of your two spawns.
Perry: Help! I’m bleeding out!
Snape: Yes, that’s a very accurate description of my suffering.
Seriously, why do we care?! I swear, this fucking “battle” has no stakes whatsoever, and I just don’t understand why it even exists.
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Another absurd: why the fuck Verucca wants to kill Peregrine?
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Ok, so at least it’s clear that Verucca is indeed a Snyde because apparently, all the Snydes are stupid bitches. If Verucca thought just for a moment, she’d realise that the Ministry focusing on Peregrine meant they’re focusing less on her. And that means she can do whatever she wants more freely. But whatever, I guess.
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And here’s another stupidity. If Verucca wants to lead R, all she has to do is to convince other members that Perry is insane and that she’d be better for the whole organisation. Like, it should be super easy after he fucked up with the recent mind control test. And who fucking cares that he ruined R’s name or whatever? Rebel people against Perry, lay low for some time, change the name of the organisation, and enjoy your fucking profit! What would Perry do when left alone??
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Because I’m gonna do it myself!
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A friendly reminder that Verucca is also Merula’s mother’s sister (according to Y5Ch28) which means it’s quite likely Merula’s parents are cousins – which is not rare among pureblood families, after all :)
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I know, it’s really disappointing.
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Also, the Circle of Khanna behind us, especially Ben and Corey (and especially if you chose to ban Merula from the Circle a couple of chapters ago):
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No, really, it’s just… so pathetic, considering that the vast majority of the Circle never cared about Merula and Merula never cared about them.
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I… I’m…
Also, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS FIRE?!?!?! How anyone at JC looked at this and was like: “Yeah, that’s good enough”?! I swear we had dragon fire animations before better than this abomination…
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Ok, but Ben’s utter disappointment in this scene is the only good thing in this damn chapter. I can even say I actually enjoyed it.
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I mean… Yeah, there were 17 of you and 7 of them, so… By the way, I talked more more about the fighting alone in this post.
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Ok, but does anyone remember that R is supposed to be an international organisation? Was it simply retconned or are we supposed to believe that an international organisation has like… 14 members? Am I counting it correctly? Perry, 7 idiots he brought with him, Verucca, Merula, Shiratori, Burke, Zenith Xeep, and Rakepick. Right?
I don’t know how it’s possible, but this whole situation gets more and more pathetic the more I think about it.
Also, I mentioned in the post linked above that I felt more threatened by Mrs Norris in Y1. But you know what else had more tension than this damn “battle”? Our very first trip to Knockturn Alley. Remember this?
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Now, let’s compare those situations.
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Honestly, it’s just so upsetting that this game used to be created by people who actually could create tension for one simple event that doesn’t even matter that much in the great picture, and now we’re getting… THIS. The final “battle” with R had literally no stakes. There was no logic and therefore also no threats. I felt absolutely nothing, and I’m truly baffled remembering how many emotions this story could give me back in Y5.
Unfortunately, it all changed with the extremely stupid end of Y5, and it was getting only worse ever since. It’s like JC’s greatest ambition is making things worse than Y5Ch31 was.
But let’s move on because I’m not done.
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MC’s reaction is about as emotional as I felt during this whole chapter. It’s just hilarious, sorry not sorry.
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Ok, so at first, I wanted to leave this part because JC clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing anymore. But you know what? I’m gonna rant. Because no, Rowan’s sacrifice was not honoured. And quite frankly, you keep desecrating it by still using it at this point.
Learning the truth was something very important for Rowan. I mean, this is our conversation from the end of Y1:
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By the end of Y7, I’m pretty sure we didn’t solve a single mystery of the story. And what’s the worst is that we didn’t solve the mystery of Rowan’s death. Sure, Peregrine told us that Rakepick went rogue or whatever. But it still makes no fucking sense.
First of all, only an idiot would believe in anything Peregrine says. But more importantly, we actually know about things suggesting that Peregrine lies. In the insane route, Rakepick in Azkaban is absolutely terrified of R, so how she’d go rogue if that’s the case? On top of that, we saw in Olivia’s memories that Rakepick talked with someone from R about Duncan brewing his potion. Yet, Peregrine claimed that R didn’t get involved with the Cursed Vaults until Jacob went missing. You know what it means? It means that Perry fucking lied. And if he lied about something this important, why should we believe him about anything else?
Moreover, we still don’t know why Rowan died. Rakepick told us in Azkaban that it wasn’t Rowan who was supposed to die that night. Then who? Ben? Why? Sure, Rakepick herself claimed in the Forest that she wanted to kill MC. And sure, you can say it makes sense if she saw MC as her competition – except it makes no sense! Why? Because it only made things harder for her. And the game even addressed that!
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Why would Rakepick make things so much harder for herself just to get rid of her competition? Especially since she should’ve known where the Sunken Vault is because we know that R was there before (thanks to the note from the Weird Sisters TLSQ). But even if she didn’t know… it still would be more reasonable to not draw attention to herself and simply use it to work on getting to the Vault before MC.
You didn’t honour Rowan’s sacrifice. You ignored about 95% of things that ever happened in the game.
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I think with the new year 8 Jam City may go with the alternate reality way and have MC feature heavily in Harry's story or MC meets him briefly on Diagon Alley and that's it (he met many people in leaky cauldron and as we know he tends to forget anyone who is not important to his story) from datamines we know mc works as some sort of investigator (I think but I'm not really sure so correct me if I'm wrong) and chances are that they won't have mamy chances to visit hogwarts (that are not work related). So it's 50/50 how it can go.
But my wishful thinking is that mc and Harry bond over having to constantly save the wizarding world at such young age and harry can have a "competent" (non-lying) mentor even though mc is dumb as shit.
Now having seen the climactic battle of Y7CH57, I have to say I genuinely have no idea what they're planning for Beyond.
Because according to Moody, "R is no more." We've finally beaten R, and they are defeated forever. And here's the thing. That can't be true. But it may wind up being true for the purposes of this game. I don't know, at this point. The writing team has shuffled around a lot and it's been clear for a while that certain unresolved plot threads are never getting revisited.
What I keep going back to is that R is a worldwide organization. They have branches all over the globe. We know this because Moody himself told us at the beginning of Year 6. Now, perhaps when Moody says that R is no more, he's referring exclusively to their activities in the U.K. Maybe, as far as Moody is concerned, we've done our part and others will take it from here. Where R still exists in other countries, the Aurors from said countries' Ministries will be handling it. But if so, why not just say that?
Oh, and Peregrine. I know he fell off the bridge and Moody told us that there was no possibility that he could have survived the fall. But the fact is, that amulet is still in play. It wasn't recovered. What's more, a good rule of fiction is: If you don't see the character in question die, if you don't see the body...then until proven otherwise, they're not dead. I'll believe Peregrine is dead when I see it. Until then, he's potentially still in play as well. (Man, this gets into a bigger issue, but for the first time in a while, my old suspicion of Moody is stirring...)
The other problem is all the unanswered questions. By now, we have a basic understanding of what R is and what they want. But we still don't know how the group came to be. Who the Founder was. How Peregrine got himself set up as Leader. Because unless MC's bloodline has always been in R, I'd like to know what Peregrine did to earn that job in such record time. And if Peregrine is from an ancient R family, MC should be told as much. Actually, who cares about any of that. I just want to know the Cabal's damn name. Seriously, what the heck does it stand for? What is "R" short for? We never found out! What gives?
Sorry to go off topic, but all of this connects to what the plot of what "Beyond" is going to be.
Jacob has been freed. The Cursed Vaults are all open, and MC is graduating Hogwarts. Peregrine is (allegedly) dead. Even Merula's questionable loyalties have seen resolution. So essentially every aspect of this game's original plot has been solved. What more is there to do? I'm not saying I'm not grateful, that I don't want to have Beyond, but I'm not seeing what the plan is. If we're not done with R, then so be it, but if we are...is this just going to be a slice of life game now? An adventure adjacent to Harry's? Kind of surreal to think that there was a time when people were predicting that MC would die, or that everyone would forget them, to explain Harry not knowing them...
It could be interesting to see how MC navigates the Potterverse, during the timeline of the original books, except from the outside. Not within the walls of Hogwarts. This feels like the kind of thing people would turn into fanfiction. Jam City is on a very strict leash when it comes to respecting the canon, so sadly, we're not gonna see MC play a major role in the events we already know of, or have them engage in meaningful interaction with Harry. But there are a few ways in which they could be involved in the story. Let's see, off the top of my head?
MC meets Harry amid the crowd of other people that do in the Leaky Cauldron. That totally flies.
MC potentially meeting up with Remus again, either before or after he takes the D.A.D.A. job, same goes for Lockhart, Moody, and Umbridge.
MC and others are the team who picks up Norbert. I'm gonna guess Liz and Barnaby are involved. This is getting tricky though because if MC meets Harry (even just in passing) too many times, Harry would logically start to remember them.
MC meeting Dobby periodically throughout COS and learning about their plans to try and send Harry home.
MC helping Sprout brew the Mandrake solution to petrification.
MC interacting with Lucius and the School Board during Chamber of Secrets, potentially seeing the vote to suspend Dumbledore and/or him getting kicked off the Board.
They could also encounter Dumbledore while he's on suspension, or visit Hagrid when he's in Azkaban.
MC potentially being there at Azkaban (for whatever reason) when Sirius escapes. Could explain the Padfoot sprite dataminers found that never got used.
More scenes with Dobby, MC could be there when he gets the job with him when he gets his job in the Kitchens. We could see Dumbledore and Pitts.
MC encountering Wormtail while he's on the run. Or perhaps meeting Bertha Jorkins on vacation. Maybe even being there when they meet. (Remember, MC has forgotten Wormtail.)
MC coming to watch the various Tasks at the Triwizard Tournament. (Which raises the question of what there is to see for most of them...)
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missnight0wl · 11 months
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Dai Ryusaki didn’t care about fucking power. He wanted to help people. He dedicated his life to helping people. AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT!!!
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I fucking can’t...
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missnight0wl · 11 months
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