#Yandere Arctic fox hybrid
sweetheartmotives · 8 months
My Yandere oc's Sexualitys!
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Micah, The yan Bartender: I see him as bisexual.
If there's a hole, there's a goal.
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid: gay gay homosexual Man Fucker. He loves men so much (just like me)
Yandere Otter Hybrid: Maybe pansexual? He likes whatever human takes care of him, no matter the gender :)
Yandere Stalker: Homosexual fr He loves men, ladies are too classic for stalking, so he goes for men
Clumsy Yandere: Bisexual or Pansexual. He likes whatever
Yandere vampire: Bisexual leaning heavily towards men. I don't see him liking female gentiles as much as he likes male genitalia :P
Yumako, The yan magical girl: Lesbian! I see her liking girls only, she's spent too long daydreaming about guys. She needs a lady!
Yandere Cafe Host: I actually don't know? Maybe straight??
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: again, pansexual. Whatever he finds pretty and mate worthy, hes taking it! :)
Jaakobah, Evil Yan Cupid: Gay. He's fruity as fuck 💀
Hello everyone! I said I was going to sleep.. but I've decided to use my insane brain energy I'm having right now to write fics! Don't mind me.. just posting without thought!
I hope you all enjoyed reading, as I enjoyed writing! :D
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suiana · 7 days
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(yandere! polar bear hybrid x gn! reader) (CW: slight gore description/murder description)
if it's brown, lay down.
if it's black, fight back.
and if it's white, say goodnight.
especially if it's a male hybrid who developed an infatuation with you.
"shit shit shit! get away!"
you scream at the polar bear hybrid, running away as fast as you can. your lungs burn, chest heaving as you hear the male hybrid chase after you.
you were a researcher sent to antarctica to research about the wild life and how they coped with climate change. you saw arctic foxes, penguins, seals, all of which you were ecstatic to see. they eere just the cutest after all!
unfortunately, you had also garnered the attention of a polar bear hybrid.
you knew that polar bears were carnivores. you knew that it was dangerous. but you were curious about him, especially because he looked friendly. you should've turned your back on him and ran away when you had the chance.
you first met him a few months back when you were observing some seal hybrids that came up to land to bounce about. he was standing a few feet away from you, your eyes wide as you felt your heart freeze up.
you had thought you were going to die that day. after all, meeting a polar bear was not a coincidence. not with their keen sense of smell and their history with hunting humans down.
but you saw him outstretch his hands towards you, holding a fish as his cheeks flush red, trying to communicate with you with random sounds.
"for me?"
he nods his head, trying to nudge the fish towards you. you were hesitant to accept, but you eventually did. which led to you two talking often, growing closer and closer by the day.
you had taught him english, basic english at the very least so you two could communicate. he was eager to learn, listening intently. and in return, he taught you about himself and his way of life. much was gained from your exchanges with one another.
you found him endearing with how he always chirped and repeated your words, english rolling off his tongue with a heavy accent. you thought it was cute for him to call you 'his' and for him to say he loved you.
rightn he was just testing out new words! perhaps he found it interesting to say and repeat like a newborn child! that's normal, isn't it?
"love... love. mine."
"yeah, you love me, don't you?"
you tease, bumping his shoulder as you teach him a few new phrases, not noticing the faint blush he always had on his ethereal features. he probably meant it in a joking or friendly manner after all.
little did you know, he was not joking when he constantly told you he that he loved you.
nor did you remember that he was still a hunter at heart.
screams of pain awoke you from your deep slumber that fateful night. you immediately sit up in your bed, looking around before quickly wearing your thick coat and venturing out of the research base. what was that shouting? did your fellow researchers see something crazy?
well, you definitely did.
and it was a horrific sight. the sight of your polar bear friend ripping one of your researchers to shreds, scarlet blood staining his skin as he rips the poor guy to pieces. that's not even the worst part, for you saw two of your other team members laying not too far from the polar bear hybrid, bodies unoving and mangled beyong recognition.
you instinctively let out a scream at the sight, eyes widening as you bolt out of the base. your heart thumped loudly with each step you took, tears brimming at your eyes as you hear the polar bear hybrid chasing after you.
was he hungry? did he finally decide that he was going to kill you?
no, it was a fate far worse than that. and you finally realized that as the weight of what he called you hits you hard.
"mate! no run!"
he shouts at you, chasing after you on all fours as you run away as fast as your human body would allow you to. adrenaline ran through your body as you did your best to escape nature's natural hunter. but it wasn't enough.
"shit shit shit! get away from me!"
you shout, whimpering as you trip on your laces, falling face forward into the cold snow. you immediately try getting back up to run away. but by the time you pushed yourself up, the hybrid was already standing over you, eyes filled with an expression you wished would not exist.
"mate... mate... scared? no need scared... no hurt mate."
he mumbles gently, face softening as he bends down beside you to rub your cheek reasuringly. but it was hard to be reassured with how his mouth and body was stained with your team members blood.
"n-no don't touch me! you're going to kill me too aren't you?!"
you shout, shivering as you try backing away from him. your words cause the hybrid to pause, his sharp eyes narrowing at you as his grip on your face tightens ever so slightly.
"said... won't hurt mate. no scared."
he mumbles, staring at you before pressing his forehead against yours.
"only get rid of trash."
he sighs happily, looking at you with adoring eyes before rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
your heart stopped at his words, realization settling in. shit, so he wasn't lying when he said he loved you, nor when he was saying he only wanted you to himself.
you could've prevented this.
guilt seeps into your veins, tears finally rolling down your cheeks as you let the polar bear hybrid cradle your body in his arms.
"no... you didn't have to kill them-"
you sob, weakly wiping away your tears as the male tilts his head at you. confused, he doesn't understand why you eere crying or why you wished for him to not killyour teammates. why was his mate so sad? he should probably cheer you up!
"mate no cry... why? was... going to eat them since start. was watching you since the start. hate the way you always go back to... them. mate is mine since then. since mate... take offering."
the male hybrid says in an attempt to reassure you. but obviously, it did the opposite of just that.
oh. so he really was watching you since the beginning. that offering with the fish wasn't just him being curious. did he fall for you at first sight? shit, you knew you should've just ran away at the sight of him!
"the fish was an offering?"
"yes. offering for mate."
he nods his head, smiling slightly as he reminisces his first actual meeting with you. after all, he had been observing you for quite a bit before that. he just finally got the courage to meet you that day! and you accepted! unknowingly of course.
you look away from the hybrid, shaking slightly as some of the guilt leaves your system. ah, so maybe this wasn't fully your failt. you couldn't have predicted that it was actually an offering, could you?
"bring mate home now. mate tired."
the polar bear hybrid hums, goving you a bloody smile as he stands back up, cradling you in his arms. but you start flailing about, squirming as fear enters your mind. wait what? home? were you getting kidnapped by him?
the male says nothing for a bit continuing to walk back in the direction of his home. but as you continue to struggle and shout at him to be let go, his patience grows thin and he looks down at you with a warning look.
"stop moving."
he grumbles, glaring at you as he grips you tightly. blood drips down onto your face as he talks, your eyes widening in fear before you quietly obey not wanting to upset him.
no, you were just reminded of how brutal he could be. and you didn't want to be at the end of his anger. not at all.
the both of you remain quiet for a bit, the only sounds being heard were the sounds of his feet coming into contact with the snow with every step he took. thatw as until he broke the silence.
"love mate. mate so precious."
the hybrid mumbles, looking down at you with a longing expression before he sighs softly.
"mate mine now. all mine."
he giggles, cradling you closer to him before stopping in front of an igloo looking thing. was this his home? you weren't sure, but seeing as he was staring at it, it most likely is.
"temporary home. will build mate nicer house soon."
he mutters, placing you down on a makeshift bed made using... what looked like seal and fox fur.
you sit uncomfortably on the fur, not moving as the hybrid sits down beside you, holding you close to him. silence fills the air as he looks at you fondly, not saying anything at all.
he leans his head against you, rubbing your hand affectionately before sighing again.
"love forever. only us."
he mutters before pressing a blood stained kiss onto the back of your hand. you could only stare quietly, unsure of what to say. on one hand, you didn't love him. i mean he's not even fully human! but on the other hand... you didn't want to trigger his anger by trying to escape or refuse him.
oh well, you guess this is your new life now.
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bangfantanfic · 2 years
Our Own World: 6
Warnings: Swearing, lowkey mating suggestions
Type: Hybrid/Yandere/Fluff/Angst
Authors Note:well, it’s been a hot minute but chapter 6 is here. I do apologise, I’ve been looking for new work and between jobs and housing atm so writing hasn’t rly been much of an option. If I’ve tagged you and you no longer want this pls just let me know!
Tags: @tinykpoponanime @childfmoonn   @tinykpoponanime @midnightsapphiclove 
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There is one thing you hated more than animals and the loose hair that seemed to filter through the house, and that was summer. The heat often left you dizzy and nauseated. You hated sweating, and having to shower what felt like a million times.  
Five of the seven hybrids were playing by the pool, cooling off from the unrelenting heat. Yoongi has slinked back into the house, mumbling something about making a fruit platter, while Namjoon sat beside you with his tail wrapped in a towel. He hadn’t spoken to you, just flopped beside you, grinning before getting to work on drying his sogging tail. You were practically hanging over the outdoor sofas arm rest to avoid the water dripping from him. And you knew he noticed, he seemed to have shoved himself further away and clutched his tail a little closer.
Guilt seems to be a constant feeling for you lately. 
You knew Namjoon thought you were uncomfortable with his.. Extra  attachments? But in this case they were the least of your worries. You hated the smell of chlorine. And would much rather not have the smell lingering on you. Although you couldn’t say you’d be all too thrilled with his tail touching you, a wet tail at that. The thought was enough to make your stomach twist. 
Seokjin’s loud scolding broke your personal nightmare fuelled thoughts, your eyes snapping back to the huge pool to see the polar bear struggling to pull himself back onto the purple floating toy, and Jimin cackling as Taehyung quickly doggy paddled away from the screeching elder.
You couldn’t help the smile that pulled at your lips. 
The last week had been going through a heatwave, and the AC didn't seem to be providing any relief. Namjoon had suggested the pool, and at first he was met with glares and scoffs as if he had just suggested a trip to the desert would provide some cool relief. Eventually he coaxed everyone outside, and for the last hour or so they all seemed to be having the time of their lives. Even the hybrids that are traditionally frigid climate based. 
You had finally read through all the seven files you had ignored on your first day there, it only took you a month.. Or so. You had learnt everyone's hybrid breeds, and while maybe you hadn’t yet to memorize everything, you had made a dent in the never ending pile. 
Seokjin, as you already knew, was a polar bear. His file was also the longest, you dreaded the long read. 
Yoongi was a black panther, his file having leopard in brackets. It was a fairly easy file, but still one of the longer ones. 
Hoseok was a snow leopard, hence you're shock seeing him so happy to be in the awful heat. 
Namjoon was an Interior Alaskin Wolf. You knew he was a wolf, but your incredibly limited animal knowledge had left you clueless that there was actually different types of wolves? You had grouped it all as one thing. Incredibly dumb– you know. 
Jimin was an arctic fox. He was the reason you had read through any of the files, out of panic mostly. His hair was darkening from his normal white to a brown and you thought you had broken him and spent the night sobbing as you searched his file only to find out it was completely normal for his hair to change in the hotter seasons. 
Taehyung was a Black Capuchin monkey. You already knew that.. Sorta. 
And finally, Jeongguk. He was a King cobra and strangely, he was what scared you the most. Not the wild cats. Or the bear. Or even the wolf. Although his file promised he wasn’t aggressive, King cobras rarely were, it still set you on edge. 
Was he poisonous? 
Namjoon followed your line of vision, his eyes settling on the same view as you. Jeongguk sprawled out across the grass in nothing but black shorts letting the sun heat up his multi textured body. His body was patchy, some normal honey toned skin darkening with the more sun it soaked up. But the rest was dark scales. Nearly black, with a few even lines of a yellowish brown. The lower you went down his body the scalier it got. 
The wolf hybrid glanced back at you. You didn’t seem scared, maybe worried? Definitely curious. 
“We’re happy you have you here, even if not everyone shows it.” He finally spoke, your attention dragging away from the scaled boy snoozing on the damp grass. The smile you sent his way made his heart ache. “He’s just overly cautious.” 
You nodded, seeming to understand. Before sighing, making Namjoon worry perhaps he had said something wrong.
“He’s uncomfortable around me,” You said matter-of-factly, eyes back on the snake hybrid. “I understand how he feels. I may not understand his whole situation, but I know we’re both in one we would have avoided if it could be helped.” 
Namjoon nodded, hands fiddling with the fur of his tail. You’re still so uncomfortable. His grip tightened on his tail, no longer a self soothing stroke. He hated it. He wanted it gone. The first time he heard you hysterical on the phone had been a complete accident. 
Covid laws had been put in place and Jay was trapped in another country so, so far away and honestly Namjoon couldn’t say he was all that disappointed. Even if it hadn't been you here to watch over them, anyone could have been better.. You were sobbing, begging him to come back. Your door was creaked open and a towel wrapping around your hair. Your brothers voice floated through the room pleading you to calm down, take deep breaths. Namjoon had wanted to go in there, hold your hands, rub your back, hug you, promise you everything was going to be okay– he just wanted to do something to help you. And then you cut through your brothers soothing voice: 
“I’m so scared.” 
The naïve side of Namjoon’s brain swore she was talking about the virus outbreak. But he knew better. You were scared of them. He saw the way you spoke, the way you flinched and avoided any unnecessary contact with any single one of them. The way you scrubbed and cleaned anything they touched. 
You were scared of them. 
Of him. 
That was the first time Namjoon didn’t feel proud of who he was. The first time he doubted all the words of the people who made him. Was he really so amazing? So desirable? 
He wanted nothing more than to cut off the tail and ears that made him stand out so much. The body parts that so loudly told the world, “IM NOT LIKE YOU” 
He hasn’t felt proud since. 
He had noticed you warming up, and it made his heart think maybe there was a chance. He noticed the awkward head scratches you gave to Hobi and Jimin. The snacks you left out for Jeongguk. The new gardening gloves you got him, and the matching set for yourself. The art supplies you ordered for Taehyung, and the pretty sweater you had bought Jin. Even the new coffee mug you found for Yoongi.
You were warming up. But Namjoon was greedy, he wanted more. 
Your eyes shot to your phone and a tiny smile tugged at your lips. Namjoon couldn’t help but try to catch a glimpse of who was making you smile so often. He had assumed it was the person you smelt like after your grocery trips. 
“Oh,” You sighed, lips pouted. “It’s Jay.” 
You chewed on your cheeks as you read over the message, Jay clearly stating it was summer and stating that the four or the five boys will be entering their seasonal mating cycle any day now which could possibly trigger the boys that aren’t in season. Transport would be arriving in two nights to take everyone to the safe space and he suggests you pack for a while. 
When you read the message back to Namjoon he turned bright red, trying to stutter out a better explanation of what your brother meant, but between the attempt to fan away the redness and the sweat pooling down his forehead, the choking on his own spit and the tight grip an invisible force seemed to have on his throat, Namjoon just could spit out a single word. 
The second your laugh hit Namjoon, it seemed the air had been knocked back into him. 
“Namjoon,” You chuckled, hand gently resting on his bicep. “I already know all about it. I read through everything, and did some research of my own.” 
Namjoon wasn’t sure if he wanted to cry in relief or in horror.
“Taehyung watch it!” Namjoon hissed, the box in his hand slipping from his clumsy fingers and only just missing his bare toes. 
The monkey hybrid cackled as he hopped away from the elder male. He had a giant clear tub in his arms, and three hats on top of his wavy hair. 
“Damn monkey,” he growled, picking the box up from the gravel driveway. 
Your brother had contacted roughly 55 hours ago, a rushed and brief panicked text to you. Explaining the upcoming cycle, and the trip you all would be going on to keep everyone safe from each other during this period. 
The boys all seemed to know what to do, and kicking into gear. The boys all split up, running around chaotically, and yet with a sense of precision. It took little to no time for the boys to pack their necessities. 
Clothes, shoes, personal items and other trinkets were neatly packed into boxes and plastic tubs ready to go. A moving van was dropped off and the boys were instant; loading up all their boxes. 
The house then cleaned almost professionally, every and any trace that the hybrids had ever lived in the house was gone. 
You were impressed. 
Namjoon had finished his packing first, and had happily offered to lend you a hand. You were thankful for his sweet offer. You were well behind everyone somehow, despite how little you had. You weren’t entirely sure how much you needed. You didn’t even know how long you would be gone for! If there was one thing you hated most about your brother it was how vague he was. He was useless when it came to giving any kind of information.  In less than five hours someone was going to arrive and take you all away, and only you didn’t know where to, and you honestly felt like vomiting. You were a bit of a control freak. At least your parents believed you to be. You didn’t think it was so wrong to want to be prepared and know what the fuck was happening? You didn’t think so.  You had asked the boys but each of them were just as helpful as your brother. None of them knew where it was, all they could confidently confirm was the boat that would be taking everyone there.  The car ride was quick, no signs or giveaways or where you were heading, let alone where you were. It felt like a kidnapping. The boat ride wasn’t much better. The pitch black view around you had you in tears, Jimin holding your hand as you tried to convince him the boat was definitely going to hit something you sink, ending all of your lives.  By the time you arrived to land, the sun was already rising. You weren’t sure why you had to leave so early in the morning, the sun wasn’t anywhere near ready to rise. So when you arrived to the rising sun you were shocked, while it had felt like the longest boat ride of your life, you hadn’t thought it was that long.  You were greeted at the docks by staff, collecting baggage and helping everyone climb off. Ahead of you were five large hotels, the smallest being in the centre. 
“Y/N?” Hoseok called, pulling your attention away from the huge white buildings. When you finally settled your sights back on the boys you found them somewhat separated. “We have to go now, you’ll come see us in our buildings later, right?” 
Sunny’s Hybrid Haven. 
That what the pamphlet read as you stood in the foyer. An older man, the manager you learnt, was explaining the hotels function. 
“Hybrids aren’t all that common, but there's enough of them to keep this place running,”  He chuckled. “We opened sixty years ago, when the first wave of hybrids were released. At first we were just a regular hotel, a place for owners to come and bond over their new found interest.” He said wistfully, finally finding the key to your room.  “Of course, nothing is that simple. It all went out of control, and all those activists!” He huffed, shaking his head as he lead you toward the elevator. “They were made illegal to own, hence the late night transportation.” The soft music filled the silence for a moment before he continued. “Owners quickly realised their hybrid getting overly aggressive, and affectionate, very territorial too. It was put out it was the things going through heat, like their animal counter part would, and so, we changed things up. We couldn’t remain a hotel, but we could become a holding station-- as some have put, to leave acting out hybrids until the months pass and they're back to normal. Although, many owners take advantage and use it as a breeding facility, and who are we to say no? It increases business!”  He seemed so proud of the business, and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with the whole situation. While it made sense, to a degree, to have somewhere safe for hybrids to left their cycle pass, the whole breeding situation didn’t sit well.  “You’re boys will enjoy their stay, they have every other year.” He grinned, a suggestive tone hanging over his words. 
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Kemonomimi/Hybrid Darling - Genshin
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Another January req ahhh, sorry this took me so long. This was the earliest but I got a ton of animal-girl asks after that one catgirl post, so, this was what I came up with.
I had too much fun with this. I wanted to go for a couple types of kemonomimi and the kind I think they'd like/work well with. And I tried to include some lesser-appreciated kemonomimi as well, and not just the standard cat, bunny and dog, although they're there. And some I had more than one I couldn't decide on so I did both.
This isn't exactly all yandere, it's more like mild-to-moderate dark content. Some of these are pretty wholesome and some get darker/have problematic content. The darker ones and hornier ones are beneath the cut. And some are a longer than others, I just had more thoughts on some.
TWs: fem reader, contains light-to-moderate ns//fw content, forced domestication of feral hybrids, hybrids are property, discussion of heats, mentions of somnophilia, mentions of non/dubcon, impregnation mentions, discrimination? Idk basically hybrids are looked down on/considered property, sexualization of animal traits, kidnapping/trapping, you get the idea, also kinda emotional abuse bc Scaramouche
So worldbuilding, I'm thinking like... a universe of like, you know, kinda the same road we were going down with the catgirl thing, where hybrids are kinda seen as "lessers" and are essentially property. They're less intelligent than humans, some are domesticated, some are feral.
They're more or less treated exactly like actual dogs and cats and the like - they can be bred and sold as property, some are feral and live on the streets/in the wild, and generally if found, they're free real estate as long as you can care for them. I imagine anti-abuse laws exist, though.
Venti - cat
It's unfortunate, really, for him to fall in love with the one animal he can't be around. He likely takes in a stray, a little lost catgirl rummaging through trash outside the tavern or something like that, he takes pity on such a sweet creature and decides to hand you some food day after day. Living in the city, this catgirl is perfectly adjusted to human speech, so he just kind of offers to let you come with him. He doesn't really have any place to stay long term, but he lets you come with him throughout the day, and it's really a lot better than staying outside all by yourself.
But there's the obvious issue... that he's allergic to you. He invests in some really strong allergy medicine, likely commissions the alchemists to make some for him, just so he can be around you. Being the lenient owner he is, he still lets you roam around during the day, gets you a pretty little collar so that way you don't get lost and can't be returned. He likes showing you off to people, his pretty little kitty, and besides, people are weak to animals in general, so you end up earning him a bit of extra mora because you soften people's hearts and make them a bit more generous when giving him donations.
As a catgirl, you have a natural desire to be taken care of and owned, and given the immense amounts of freedoms you have, you don't ever really have a lot of conflict with him. It's a good life, honestly, one of the best that you could have gotten.  ...There's still the slightest hints of yandere tendencies, though. You can't help but notice that the collar isn't a normal one that just clips, but has a lock and key so that you can't take it off. Just a subtle, little reminder that even if you wanted to leave... well, you know.
Chongyun - fox
Specially the arctic variety. It's hard to obtain, and he most likely has to pay a good deal for one, but he figures an arctic fox hybrid, which are very rare, is best suited for his lifestyle, so you won't be bothered by the cold. He's a little embarrassed of buying a hybrid, but to be honest he does intentionally seek one out, being the sexually repressed horny teenage boy he is, he's had more than one fantasy about them.
He's the sweetest. He takes good care of you, really, he's super into trying to be the best owner ever, you get the idea. He borrows books from Xingqiu on how to properly care for foxes, what food you like, etc. Since they're so rare, you're likely captured right out of the wild, and can't speak very well, so you work together on that. He spends a lot of time on care and grooming and the like, giving you baths and brushing your tail and hair. He likes the fluffy tail to be honest. It's... a thing for him.
He's slightly shy in terms of others seeing you, he tends to be a bit defensive and overprotective, especially because, he figures, you're so rare and expensive that someone might try to steal you away. This results in very limited contact with others, and limited freedoms. You can't roam around or anything, he keeps you by his side. He's ok with you staying with Xingqiu if necessary, but that's about it. He has a leash and will keep you on it anytime you're not securely inside.
Xingqiu - fox
Yeah, they match, he honestly decides to get one right around the same time as Chongyun because hey, if he's getting one, he might as well too. He goes for a more normal kind, but still somewhat an exotic pet as foxes are to begin with. Likely a red fox or a black fox hybrid. They're highly coveted and turn heads wherever you go, and let's be real, spoiled rich kid that he is, he loves his status symbols every now and then.
And speaking of status symbols, he invests a startling amount of money in a collar -- it's got jewels and gold and all that, has your name and his engraved into it, along with the commerce guild's emblem to make sure people know where to return you should anything happen. He likes to take you for walks in public, he's not too afraid of theft, since his house is well-secured, but he does keep you on a leash when you're outside.
It's a normal thing in the family, it's likely his brother also has a hybrid, so whenever one is gone, the other supervises, and lets the two hybrids play together or something. He won't take kindly to the idea of you potentially developing a fondness for his brother, though. If you do, or even if you're misbehaved in general, you lose estate-wandering privileges and end up in a cage until you can promise to be better.
Bennett - bear
Bear hybrids are, you see, notorious for being hard to domesticate. They can be pretty stubborn, clumsy, need to eat a lot, and, the primary factor that deters people from having them as pets, they hibernate. Most people can't afford to feed them as much as they need before hibernation, and don't want to keep a pet that sleeps several weeks at a time.
But as such, bear hybrids, unlike many catgirls and doggirls and the like, don't worry much about being taken or claimed as property, so they are more careless. They're... less fetishized than other hybrids. You don't have the long fluffy tail or big moving ears that humans tend to sexualize, you have a short stumpy tail and little round ears. Feral cat/dog/fox girls would never be so careless as to sleep out in the open, but you naively think you have nothing to worry about. But to him, it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. He's seen plenty of catgirls and doggirls, but you're special.
Luckily for him, you're not moving a muscle, because he manages to catch you in said hibernation. He slips and falls directly into some cave, and you're just laying there. What incredible luck, he can't really believe something so fortunate would happen to him. And hibernation is so deep, you don't even wake up when you're being transported. He can't afford to bring you back home, since he doesn't have a place of his own, and his dads would never let him keep you, but he can't risk this little beargirl that he's fallen in love with at first sight getting away and never being seen again. So he drags you away to a little place where he once found himself trapped... The temple. He now knows how to operate the mechanisms keeping you trapped, so he can always get out and keep you in.
It's rather disorienting and frightening when you wake up in a completely different place than you fell asleep, but he's so sweet about it, you know? Insists that there's nothing to worry about, because sure, most people can't take care of a bear hybrid, but he will dedicate all his time and energy (and there's a lot of energy!) to keeping you happy and healthy.
After all, he's always finding food in chests rather than mora, and he frequently has beehives fall out of trees right on his head, which he'll bring back for you to eat, covered in stings. He assures you that if you were outside, you'd surely be mistaken for an animal and get hurt by hunters, this keeps you safe. He even brings back logs for you to scratch your claws on so they don't get too long. And he's not too restrictive, he'll take you for long walks in the woods. Unfortunately, your human side renders you still weaker than him, unlike an actual bear that could kill him in one blow, so you can't really get away. He'll do anything you want as long as you accept your life, and he visits you so often that it's somewhat easy to adjust to, he even sleeps there often at night. It's an easy life, and you no longer have to worry about finding food yourself or getting hurt, so, like a lot of feral hybrids, you can adjust to this life pretty easily, if you try. He doesn't mind the hibernating, it's not quite like actual bears, it's only every few months for a week or so, and it's not as if he can't play with you in your sleep anyway.
Zhongli - cat
The standard, of course, but it's fitting. Literally one of the best owners you could ask for. Definitely one of those people that pours unreasonable amounts of money into a pet, making sure they have the nicest of things, and gets new things all the time. He could acquire one in a variety of ways, really, but also most likely ends up taking in a stray. Ironically, likely not just a homeless one like Venti, but an actual feral one, one from the actual wild that doesn't speak well, doesn't wear clothes, is a little bit aggressive and very scared. He likely rescues one from an unfortunate situation, being cornered by some predator or stuck in a hunting trap. He's just weak to pity, really, and your soft little crying and struggling tugs at his heart, he can't just let you die, so, he takes you in. Even though you're hissing and thrashing and clawing at his clothes the entire time he's dragging you along, until dumping you right into the little abode you'll be spending your life in.
It's kind of funny because you're not exactly suited for the soft, gentle housecat lifestyle. You're used to struggling and running around, not spending your days lazing and being taken care of, and certainly aren't used to obedience. It's... frustrating how you struggle, but don't worry. He's patient like that.
Declaws you early. Assures you it won't hurt a lot, and it's better for you this way! ...After all, now you stand no chance of ever surviving on your own. You need him. Not that you didn't already need him, but it helps you recognize that. Besides, you're so soft and sweet , at least he knows you are deep down, so having those sharp little things just isn't befitting, you have no use for them in your world of softness and gentleness. And besides, thanks to you he had to buy new clothes.
Despite being rowdy and moody and initially not fond of taking commands, you have to admit that having reliable food sources is pretty nice. You settle into the soft lifestyle, and eventually find yourself liking it, apologizing for being so disagreeable when you were first rescued, the word you now use rather than taken.
But he accepts that and assures you it's fine, you were just scared and lashing out as animals do. He takes a lot of pride in the taming process, honestly. There's something really fulfilling and satisfying about seeing you go from feral and aggressive and defiant to soft and obedient. The heats make you crave touch and help, and they're an important part of said taming process, using your desperation as leverage to remind you how nice he is and how grateful you should be.
Kaeya - dog
He actually doesn't go get some doggirl from an actual market or source of any kind, no, that doesn't quite fulfill the savior complex style narcissism he has, and he considers himself too busy to own a hybrid anyway. Until one day he's forced to deal with one, some little mutt hybrid that was caught stealing food out of homes or something of that nature, and he's told to go handle the situation, since they can't put the little thing in normal jail with a bunch of human men for, well, her own safety, so they just have her locked up at the headquarters.
All locked up, stuffed in a crate, and sniffly, tears in your eyes and ears pressed flat against your head, it's pitiful really, and so unfair, he thinks, you're too dumb to be held responsible the same way a person is, and you had no choice, you were starving after all. Much like actual dogs, people tend to neglect mutt dog hybrids, view them as having less value, so your life is probably one of neglect and being tossed around from one apathetic, cruel owner to the next. It's just so, so heartbreaking.
You'd be so much better off in an actual home than prison, and something like you deserves another chance. So he pulls some strings and gets you out, on the condition that you have to come live with him. Signs a few papers and it's a done deal. And you'll be grateful.
You're so, so grateful to not be locked away, and for the first time in your life you have an owner that loves you and is nice to you, so of course you'll be obedient and adoring. Unlike the doggirls you can buy and obtain in high end places, that are stuck up and ungrateful, that haven't known hardship.
In a way, you're kind of alike. He understands the feeling of being thrust into a new scary environment, of feeling discarded and abandoned, so it's partially that, too, as well as the security of knowing you'll be thankful, that makes him decide it's a good idea. There's a feeling of understanding there, as well as pity and the more manipulative aspect of your thankfulness, and, deep down, the fear of abandonment he knows you have, and will be good to make sure you don't end up thrown out again. Dogs are loving, loyal creatures after all, and they have a desire to be loved in return, that is, they crave affection, which he can give you if you're good, and deprive you of if you're not. It's even easier to control you than a human darling. And the heats help, making you needy and begging and the process is good for bonding, becoming so used to and attached to him you can't imagine a life without him.
Oh, and if said past cruel, abusive owners live in Mondstadt or anywhere nearby, they'll be getting an unpleasant visit.
Childe -  cat, bunny
Ah yes, the standard kemonomimis of horny™.  And they're supposedly insatiably horny themselves. He has no shame, so he'd just buy one. He's a lot more restrictive with a hybrid than a normal human darling, likely putting you in a large cage a lot of the time. In this world, people are more envious of hybrid-havers and are more prone to trying to steal them, and being creatures who become senseless when it comes to food, you don't know any better when it's being waved in front of your face and you'll just walk right into the hands of anyone holding out food, so he can't just let you roam.
Cats are notoriously temperamental. Hence, they tend to be sold to people who enjoy... taming rowdy things. They have a bit of fight in them. And he likes that well enough. It would be no fun if you just did everything you were supposed to by default.  He gets one that still has claws, but it's a control factor, constantly threatening you with declawing if you don't behave. You know they put you to sleep for it, but he still exaggerates and makes it sound so awful it scares you anyway, so you'd best not scratch if you value them. And he will, actually, follow through on it if you are bad enough, but you'd have to really scratch him up to reach that point. He exploits cat weaknesses, honestly, like laser pointers and dangling things and kinda makes fun of you for being so easily entertained and simple minded. Given the tsundere nature of cats, it makes you mad, but your angry pouting is easily turned once again to mesmerized entrancement, cutting you off mid sentence the moment something is once again dangled in front of you.
Bunnies are less temperamental, but have a lot of energy that can be hard to keep up with. But, they're highly sexualized in this culture, often marketed as submissive little bunny sex dolls, complete with fluffy puffball tails and the consumer's choice of pointy or floppy ears. Still, a lot of that energy translates to just needing to get bred and stuffed with baby bunnies, so, it works out, he can exert all the daily frustrations of work and you can get out the energy you need to with bouncing. And you sleep in spontaneous sessions, which can get annoying if you're wide awake at like 3 am, so he tends to force you to lay down anyway, even leashing you to the bed if necessary. 
He also likes to just, tug the tail, no matter which creature you are. Whether it's fluffy bunny tail that you can wrap the fuzz around a finger and tug on or a waving winding cat tail that can be grabbed. He just likes the mewling/squeaking reaction it gets and the way you jolt.
Diluc - dog, bird
He probably owns actual dogs, really, for security purposes or whatever, so he kinda lets you play with them whenever he's busy. He's... slightly shameful, likely has someone else go buy one, or rather, adopt one. That way he can insist he just wants to be a good person and adopt a hybrid to a nice home, you know? Not for... other purposes. He's generally a sweet but strict owner. His actual dogs can go where they want, but you're an inside doggirl only. Even though you don't leave the house, though, it still feels somewhat appropriate to get a collar, it's just kind of the thing you do.
You're limited to indoors, but can still walk around. He gets maids to take care of you if he's too busy, but doesn't mind if you come in and lay on the floor while he works either, provided you're not too whiny. Not that it's annoying, but because he's weak to said whining and whimpering and will end up dropping whatever he's doing to give you attention and ends up getting nothing done.
Still, doggirls do have heats, and so that is something that needs taking care of. He's awkward about it, but still sweet, even if a bit rough. He's not actually all that familiar with the process and has to ask you how long it lasts, what you need, etc. It becomes something to look forward to.
It's not exactly a kemonomimi, as they have no tail and have human ears, but I could also see him having a bird hybrid. They're rare, and highly elusive, but they exist, and they're very, very afraid of people, so contact is limited and you can't really find them for sale anywhere. And notably... they love fruit. It's likely by a stroke of luck that a bird hybrid is hungry enough to start sneaking into the vineyards and taking off with what's more or less his profits, so that's a bit irritating, so he'll just kill whatever pest is stealing, he thinks. It starts at night (maybe out of smarts to avoid being seen, maybe an owl hybrid, your choice), but he knows something is stealing from him, so he decides to stake out one night and wait for whatever thief animal is running around and is rather surprised to see something so rare. Obviously killing you now is out of the question.
It's a really strikingly beautiful creature, too, really, and it's more or less just an instant fascination/obsession. But if he lets you get away and scares you, you won't come back, so he knows he only has one chance, so he lets it slide that night and plans ahead, gets a net trap of sorts, or has workers help him capture the thing the next night. You fight and struggle and all, but in the end you can't get away, so you get dragged inside.
The first order of business is, obviously, clip those annoying wings of yours. It's honestly an instant game over situation, and traumatizing for poor bird darling. Not only is it painful, but it seals your fate -- it's a permanent procedure, and without them, you'll never be able to survive on your own, so you are more or less forced to accept whatever this man has in store for you. Poor thing. But at the very least, you're loved and taken care of, given a pretty cage to stay in, and now you can have all the grapes you want, so... that's a plus, one little highlight amid your misery. It's what you get for stealing.
Xiao - raccoon/tanuki
Honestly it's hilarious. Raccoons are cryptid forces of chaos. Replace with tanuki if you want to go for something more setting-appropriate. They're fast speedy lil things, they're nocturnal, but they sleep all the time, they eat anything, they're lazy, they climb trees, they hide. They are generally thought of as being very unintelligent and, most of all, are relentlessly stubborn, both in real life and in North American/Japanese folktales respectively. They fear neither God nor death and they will look you in the eye as they defy you.
Being known to live around the bases of mountains, especially where there are bodies of water, it makes sense a little feral raccoon would find Jueyun Karst a good place to make a little den. Lots of amber deposits/tree resin to lick at, nice protective trees, a rocky environment to nestle in. And you happen to choose a spot right smack in the middle of the territorial local adepti. This is, of course, an issue, so he goes on their behalf to tell you to, well, get out, that as a half human, you're not welcome to stay.
Now, most people are generally terrified of the adepti and would run away at the first sign that they are unwelcome, so it's quite the surprise when this creature, angry at being awoken and bothered just says... "no." Refuses to budge. Tells him to get his own tree. He's... taken aback? Again, it's actually rather funny, he doesn't know what to... do, he's never really dealt with someone simultaneously so weak and small but so blatantly defiant before.
The natural reaction is to just throw you out himself. Snatches you right out of the tree by the ringtail and drags you squealing and whimpering. Now, these creatures have quite the claws on them, so it's only natural to lash out and scratch him, but that... makes him mad. You get a slash in on the arm and he gets so mad that he drops you and gives you one good thwack to the head and puts you out cold. He didn't really mean to, the anger just got the better of him. But now, he can't just dump you outside Jueyun Karst, because you could easily get eaten by monsters, and well, as a half-human, he's technically obligated to protect you. So dragging you to the abode was supposed to be temporary, he might even let you out once and put you back in the wilderness, telling you to go find somewhere else to live... only to find you back in the same spot. So he throws you out again. And you come back. Out of stupidity or defiance, he's not sure.
Eventually he realizes that you're just going to keep coming back no matter what, so, to permanently deal with the issue, he decides to be nice and, rather than just killing you or whatever, keeps you. You are one of those hybrids, after all, and he doesn't know a lot about the culture surrounding humans and hybrids, but he knows that they essentially keep them as pets, the same way you would any other pet, except they're fuckable. This way you stay out of the way.
Unlike a lot of owners, he doesn't focus on trying to domesticate you in a human sort of way. Most hybrid owners try to get their little hybrids to be more human-like, with a few exceptions like obedience and sometimes leashes, but they encourage them to have human behaviors in terms of eating at a table, dressing themselves etc. He takes the pet idea a bit too seriously so he just... goes off of what he knows you're supposed to do for an actual animal. He's seen humans take care of dogs before. You get them a bowl for food and water, you put collars on them, bathe them every now and then, buy them things to chew on. He also clips your claws down to nubs so you can't scratch him anymore.
Unlike with normal yan!Xiao, this time around it starts off as keeping you just so that you're not a problem, until he can figure out what to do with you. Problem is he never really does figure out what to do with you, so your captivity becomes permanent. After a while, not that he'd say so, but he realizes he's become emotionally attached, and actually enjoys your presence, and kinda likes watching you walk around all naked and shameless, so he just decides to keep you. He never really announces that he's made that decision, but if you ask when you get to leave, he'll just bluntly tell you you're not. Too bad for you. Should've listened the first time.
Razor - wolf, deer
People probably mistakenly think he's a hybrid a lot before realizing he has no ears/tail. He knows hybrids exist but has never seen one, probably thinks they're limited to cats and dogs, but at some point whilst making the ventures he likes to avoid into human society for this or that reason, sees you! And gets confirmation that you're not a doggirl, but an actual wolfgirl!
The thing about our wolfgirl is that she's... completely domesticated. Born and raised in captivity, never set foot in the wild. The situation is the complete ironic opposite of all our boys here ripping animalgirls out of the wild. But that doesn't really deter him, he's convinced that once you get outside, where your real home is, you'll fit in, and everything will come naturally. You weren't meant to be in the city, you were meant to be out in the woods. It's where you belong.
It's like... reverse domestication? Sure, you don't know how to hunt, but you can be taught. You must have been so sad and alone in human society. You're pack animals, meant to be with others of your own kind, it's basically cruelty for them to deprive you of that and force you to live with humans. Honestly, you probably belonged to someone else already, being domesticated and all, he just... straight up steals you. He doesn't have much concept of theft -- you were there walking around, only chained up to a wall in a yard, practically asking to be taken, the chain is so easy to break.
Also, the jealousy. He wishes he was a hybrid sometimes. Like, how come YOU get to have ears and a tail and sharp teeth like lupical while he's stuck with dumb human ears and teeth? The world is unfair.
Now, what's honestly funnier is a prey animal darling. A sweet little deer (maybe a cat or bunny, too, it all works really). It's on sight. Growling and eyeing you. He knows something about you is... exciting in a weird way. Same as the thrill of the hunt. Wants to chase you down and watch you run as you squeak and squeal out of terror, the little white fluffy tail bouncing around. Watch your little ears tilt and flatten, watch you cower and tremble, but at the same time, oddly enough, he doesn't actually want to kill and eat you. You're... exciting in some way he doesn't quite understand yet. He'll figure it out.
The thing is, you're in constant terror because the wolves, unlike him, are ready to absolutely rip you apart, so he has to tell them that you're friend not food and that you might be the odd one of the family, but you're still part of it. That doesn't stop you from noticing that sometimes they... look at you with a hunger in their eyes... drool a bit when they watch you... Fortunately for him, this results in you quickly running to him for protection and comfort, crying because you're scared and would greatly prefer to not be eaten.
Scaramouche - lamb
Ah, lambgirls. Soft, fluffy, and by far the least intelligent, but most soft and timid of all hybrids. Wooly curly ears and a puff tail. They're actually not too popular, as they require a lot of constant vigilance so they don't get themselves killed in some dumb way, and their wool is more easily matted and requires more cleaning than a furry animal, and they're not culturally hypersexualized in the way other hybrids are. They're incredibly spacey and airheaded, often drifting off into space and very unaware of their surroundings. And they're all domestic, can't survive in the wild, but this actually makes them somewhat rare, as there are no feral lambgirls, yet people don't often create or breed domestic ones as they're unpopular.
He probably acquires you by accident, some stray thing that ended up lost and just wandering out on the road, no real destination or even knowing where you are, so on encounter with this odd-looking guy you say exactly that, not even really capable of pretending otherwise. That you don't know where you're going or what you're really doing.
He'll never say he took pity on you, but that you seemed at the very least competent enough to follow basic instructions, and if nothing else can be useful as a dumb slave animal. Better put to some use than just existing, so returning you is out of the question. You don't really have any better ideas, and the guy says he'll feed you, and you are hungry, so... you just follow him. It's that simple. You don't complain over being collared and you don't argue over the choice of name when he gives you one, since you tell him you don't have one, and you'd know if you did, since, despite being cognitively... challenged, sheep do have excellent memory. He remarks that you were probably just thrown out for being too stupid, but before you can confirm or deny, tells you that that's ok. It's better if you're stupid, since stupid, dumb animals follow orders better. They know their place and accept it, and that's good.
You get accustomed to life as a pet pretty easily. And he throws a fit every time you do something dumb, since you do fuck up a lot of instructions, but (not that you have deep enough thoughts to notice), he never actually threatens to get rid of you. And whenever you fuck up something you were doing for others, on the occasions that someone else needs this or that fetched out of drawer or cabinet and he allows them to delegate that task to you, he shoots death glares at them when you hand them the wrong thing, a silent message to not dare criticize it, so they just thank you and pretend it's fine.
He complains about how difficult it is to untangle and brush your wool, why can't you just have fur like the better kinds of hybrids,  it's a waste of his time, but... he always insists on doing it himself, won't let anyone else do it, not even you. Always grumbles that the collar is useless and a waste of money, but... also insists on getting the best kind, an expensive leather one that won't easily come off, and a little bell so he can find you more easily. Talks about how other hybrids like bunnies and cats are hotter and more fuckable, but doesn't seem to have a problem with fucking you on a daily basis and cumming to the little noises you make. He bullies you, pulls your ears or tail at random to make you bleat, chokes you on your own collar, tells you how dumb and simple you are, but once beat a subordinate for mocking you. Every now and then will occasionally absent-mindedly stroke your head in a way that's oddly gentle.
If you were smarter, you might be able to draw conclusions about what he says versus how he truly feels, but you aren't. Just a dumb little lamb happy to have someone that likes you enough to make you theirs.
Albedo - ???
Yeah see the thing is. What the hell are you? He doesn't know, and neither do you, actually.
He finds some little hybrid out in the mountains or something that's... vaguely mammalian. It has limited human contact and not the best speech, but it's manageable. The thing is, whatever you are, it's a solitary creature that doesn't exist in groups, so you don't actually know what your kind is, and have little to no memories of a parent. Or so he finds out by trying to make conversation. Probably originally finds you caught in some animal trap or digging through his things, or, in your human side's curiosity, watching this new intruder to your habitat from a distance, and he likewise takes notice. So it actually becomes a sort of obsessive fascination with him. He's constantly trying to figure you out, he knows a lot of things you aren't, but not what you are.
Uses process of elimination to filter out possibilities -- the tail is too fluffy for a dog or wolf, too short for a cat, too long for a bear or rodent. Ears are somewhat pointed, somewhat round, not quite big and not quite small. He decides he can't go on physical evidence alone and needs to observe your behavioral patterns as well. The only way to do that is to eventually transition you to captivity.
So he's nice. Builds trust with the weird little feral hybrid creature. Leaves food laying out, gradually moves the bowl closer and closer to the little camp he has. He knows you won't come willingly, but it's for the sake of science, so he feels less bad about eventually setting a trap, or drugging the food. And you get more aggressive in captivity, but hey, all hybrids are domesticatable with time, you're half human after all. Even though hybrids are a bit on the unintelligent side, you're even more so with the extreme naivete. So he can pretty easily convince you that it's for a good reason, that he's protecting you from predators or something. And he begins to perform experiments and observations on you. What time of day you sleep, are you nocturnal or not, what foods do you like the most or dislike, a carnivore or a herbivore or omnivore, that kind of thing, narrowing down possibilities, the irritating thing is eventually it reaches a point where there's something wrong because just when he thinks he's got it figured out, you do something or have some feature that rules out that possibility. So he moves onto reproductive abilities. Do you have heats or not? It turns out you do, he finds out unintentionally while just checking up on you in your little cage. And it would be animal cruelty to just let you suffer like that, you know. And gives you medicine that induces lactation, just to make sure you're a mammal. Not that it's a fetish or anything, no.
Eventually you become domesticated and easier to deal with. This person feeds you and gives you a warm environment, and you're safe from the cold and predators here, so once you're past the initial phase where you freak out and struggle because you're just scared of an unfamiliar environment, you become adjusted and realize this life is better for you, easier, without worry. All you really have to do is exist and follow instructions and not cause problems, it's easy enough. The collar he eventually gets you is uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. And he never does figure out exactly what you are, but decides it ultimately doesn't matter that much. He didn't come to a conclusion, but he still got something good out of the whole venture.
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top 10 (ish) ridiculous or annoying FAQs:
(click at your own discretion)
1) "kids today rely on others to do everything"
ah yes, damn those participation trophies! if it wasn't for them my hands wouldn't be fucked, and I wouldn't need people to write for me. but seriously, stop reading boomer comics, and go outside to meet some actual young people.
2) "sus that a non-american says mom"
yeah, because it's clearly the superior version, and I'm not too patriotic to concede a defeat.
3) "sweaty, the victims of abuse by catholics are real people, stop appropriating their pain just because you want to hate catholics; plus teachers abuse people just as often anyway"
so firstly, I don't hate anybody. and secondly, regarding the fact that victims really do exist, [insert "of course I know him, he's me" meme here]; although I don't often talk much about the abuse I went through or what my religious beliefs are. but, more importantly, statements like "survivors are people" can be phrased like "some people are survivors", and when you're unable to act according to the latter (like when you don't even consider that somebody might be one) then you display a failure to recognise the former - you're projecting; a survivor can't be appropriating their own pain, but you can be appropriating it to silence one. and thirdly, teachers do abuse - the problem isn't and has never been purely religion, rather that abuse is often done by somebody in a position of trust, power, and familiarity; and that the lack of a global minimum enables totally legal abuse on top of the illegal stuff. people with access and respect have more opportunity to abuse than those without, and that goes for teachers too. but, once again, you can be appropriating the pain of survivors to deflect and silence people. please remember this before you say that shit.
4) "get help/therapy"
way ahead of you - years ahead of you. but it's not magic - people who say this often act as if you'll start behaving differently overnight. not only are some things simply beyond the ability of talking therapy to completely rectify, it also takes time and has to be selective. you've got to pick your priorities, and that's definitely not whatever ship or joke you're mad at me about today. therapy is a slow, arduous process that can't guarantee results - it isn't "anti-recovery" to recognise that, it's honesty. while I've been in therapy for a long time, it is not necessarily going to change whatever you don't like about me - whether that's because it can't, because my focus now is on more important or urgent things, or because I don't want to change that.
5a) "tell your family you ship incest, see how that goes; normal people find it disgusting"
actually, some know, and they're fine with it. in fact, one prefers sibling pairings in fiction to all other dynamics because, to paraphrase, "it's a deeper level of messed up co-dependence". so unfortunately for you, my remaining family (by which I mean those not dead or cut out of my life after abuse and so forth) actually are able to distinguish between fiction and reality. plus, my reasoning for caring if they find it gross or not pertains only to recommending books and such - their opinions do not dictate my tastes.
5b) "don't sexualise/appropriate incestuous abuse" and "I bet you enjoyed being raped" and other attempts to upset me over 5a
firstly, as I've already said here, survivors can't be appropriating ourselves. in addition, you're not owed people's history or trauma - it's not okay to require people's personal information, or else you'll send anon hate and accusations of appropriation. secondly, I'm not sexualising our abuse (not just because I write horror, and so a lot of my writing is intended to be creepy, not sexy); these stories aren't about us, they're not us at all. entire dynamics/people (fictional or otherwise) aren't all going to be applicable to us or identical to us, just because they have something in common with us; they're not us and they're not accountable to us. thirdly, the fact that people send this stuff (attempting to trigger people's trauma over ships) is so much more worrying to me than somebody making our communal imaginary friends kiss. you're trying to hurt people. and finally, to the "I bet you enjoyed it" crowd (if you're at all serious): do you think you'd enjoy being in a real zombie apocalypse, alone, afraid, and really at risk of being eaten alive? a fictional scenario does not feel remotely the same as a real one. this isn't rocket science - things that look like you aren't you; fiction isn't reality; don't send anon hate. (edit: comparable "just leave me alone, I'm not hurting anyone" sentiments for yandere stuff, and anything else you decide I'm naughty for.)
6) "you'll be sent off to do manual labour once your communist revolution happens"
while I don't know why people think that I'm a communist, a dictatorial regime probably isn't going to want me to do manual labour. they're more likely to just shoot me; I'm useless and a liability. call me crazy, but something tells me that "ah yes, we shall give ze deranged cripple ze power tools" isn't the communist position.
7a) "they/them can't be singular pronouns"
yes they can, and they're used as such in both shakespeare and the bible. but you don't have to say this - I'm also okay with he/him, so you could've just used those and chilled out. also, do I look like somebody who views the rules of grammar as fully immutable and imperative?
7b) "enbies/aros/pan/etc aren't valid"
do you really think that you're going to change any hearts or minds by putting that in my ask box or under my funny maymays? chill out, it's not worth the effort - you could be planning a party (in minecraft) and having fun instead. it isn't worth my time to rant at everybody who's saying something isn't valid, updating how I'm explaining it as my opinions grow and general discourse around it evolves; I'm just who I am, somebody else is who they are - why bicker in presumptuous ways about if that's enough? it ultimately is valid, in my opinion, but that isn't an invitation to keep demanding that I debate. (edit: old posts of mine probably don't phrase things incredibly, on this or anything... I tried.)
8) "what are your politics?"
my politics are informed first and foremost by the knowledge that I'm not cut out to be some kind of leader - I don't want to be the guy who tells everyone else what to do, I just offer what seem to me like valid criticisms of how we are doing things now, and general pointers on the values and ethics that I would prefer to move towards. things like individual freedom, taking the most pacifist route where possible, trying not to give excessive power to small groups of people (governments or corporations), helping those in need even when they're not palatable, and letting me suck loads of dicks. but please refrain from decreeing me something - there's not enough information in what I said, so you'll just be filling in the blanks with assumptions. (edit: workplace democracy seems cool to me; benefits are good; fair fines and taxes; and the "sperm makes you loopy" saga: 1, 2, 3, and 4.)
9) "you're a narcissist"
no, I don't meet the diagnostic criteria. joking on the internet that you're hot doesn't make a person a narcissist. the fact that I've chosen to keep my actual self-esteem issues to myself is not proof that they don't exist - you're just not entitled to that information about me. but it's also not narcissism to really like how you look. (edit: don't throw labels around carelessly too.)
10a) "kin list?"
the fabric of the universe, a zombie, dionysus, maned wolf/arctic fox hybrid, a comedian, big gay, big rock, ambiguously partial insincerity. (edit: kin list may or may not be incomplete.)
10b) "kin isn't valid/that's just being insane"
haven't we established that I'm deranged, and that sending stuff like this on anon is simply a waste of your precious time? besides, I do not care if it's invalid or insane - it's fun, I'm happy. (edit: see 7b for my opinion on sending me yet another ask with "that's invalid" in it; I'm not in the mood to discuss the nature of validity.)
bonus: "it gets better" and "trigger list?"
as I've said before, things just don't always get better for everyone - sometimes things can't be cured or even treated, sometimes they kill you; in some cases it could get better if not for a blockade or lack of time. the world is messy. it needs to be more normalised to reassure or comfort people without relying on saying that their issue will get better or be cured. it does suck to be this ill, but it also sucks to be made out to be a lazy pessimist, just because I have the audacity to not play along. and as for the trigger list, I don't like providing people with an easily accessed list of ways to hurt my feelings or harm me - upsetting me is supposed to be challenging, and thus rewarding. if you want a cheat sheet then you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
bonus #2: "FAQ stands for frequently asked questions, it doesn't need that s at the end!"
yeah, I know, I just enjoy chaos and disarray.
bonus #3 (edit): "what are your disabilities and how exactly are they incurable and/or deadly?"
again, I don't tell the internet everything about me, especially when it poses a risk, especially not as an easily accessible list for you to refer back to whenever you feel inclined to hurt my feelings. that is understandably a sore subject. (edit: that includes physical health issues btw.)
bonus #4 (edit): "so we shouldn't be critical?"
if it wasn't clear from my answer about politics or my post in general, you can have opinions about things, and you can voice that. it's just not realistic to exist at extremes: to think that you alone should dictate what exists in fiction, or to think that people shouldn't be expressing disdain or criticism of any calibur. say how you feel about things, that's fine, but it's also fine if people find that they don't value your input. plus we're all flawed, we can all be hypocritical from time to time, we all get bitchy, and we all make mistakes, or even knowingly fuck things up. that's important to keep in mind, whether we're talking about the one being criticised or the one doing the criticising - poor choices of words, imperfect tone, or contradictory ideas are inevitably going to happen occasionally.
congrats on reaching the end! if you have, at any point, said one of these to me, you owe a hug to your nearest loved one (once it's safe).
edit: might add more links/bonus points in the future when I think of things, but it's late now. (sorry for links where prior notes in the thread have my old url, that may get a tad confusing; also, not all links are my blog or my op, since it is to illustrate points/vibes, not to self-promo.)
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sweetheartmotives · 5 months
Spending Christmas with the yans!
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Desc and possible Cw: Clumsy yan. None, wholesome wholesome wholesome! :3
Let me know if I missed any!
Micah, The yan Bartender: Micah was absolutely ecstatic about Christmas! They always over decorate (clutter their entire house with Christmas-related items) and it's a hassle to clean and put away when the holiday is over.
Beside that, Micah decided you two should make gingerbread men to go along with the little gingerbread house you made. It was messy yet fun, Micah made a little Kirby gingerbread man. Other than that, they bought you a bunch of expensive presents!
Jaakobah, Evil Yan Cupid: Jaakobah didn't know or really care for holidays besides Valentine's Day, but when you started decorating for Christmas, they got intrigued. You decided to have hot cocoa and watch a Christmas movie, not really expecting Jaakobah to care. But they did and they sat on the couch with you! It was a normal night, besides the annoying talking in your ear (Jaakobah).
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: Another yan that didn't know what Christmas was! When they came up to their nest (the cave that's high in the sky), you were sad! After some pestering, you finally told them what was wrong. It was something along the lines of missing your family and wanting to be with them for Christmas. Harper was heartbroken but at the same time pitiful. Their mate is lonely and in need of comfort!
Harper decided to snuggle with you for the holiday. They can't do much else beside decorate the cave with leafs and red berries since you explained Christmas and what it's supposed to look like.
Damian, The yan deep diver: Damian was the one who came up with the idea of celebrating Christmas together. He bought and brought you new toys and treats as presents, he also tried to kiss you but obviously, you didn't let that happen. The bite mark on his cheek still hurts..
Taiyō, the Yandere Cafe Host: Taiyō bought you lots of expensive gifts as well! They decided to go look at Christmas lights on houses as a fun activity between you two.
Yumako, The yan magical girl: She was so excited for Christmas!! The Both of you went to multiple Christmas events on the 24th and after that, she brought you to her house to sleep over. When the both of you woke up Christmas morning, she made hot cocoa as you got comfortable. She handed you presents and watched you open them with a sweet and kind smile on her face. She also took lots of pictures! It's totally going in her album of you <3
Isla, the Platonic!Yandere witch: Isla doesn't celebrate Christmas but she'll drink hot chocolate with you and watch the Polar Express.
Kaan, the yan vampire: OH. MY. GOODNESS!! You jackpotted with them! They got you so many presents.. it took you 2 hours to open them all! Whatever you like and ever wanted, they got for you. They made a special dinner for you as well! It was so good... at the end of the night, they brought you (forced you) on their lap and cuddled you the rest of the day while listening to a creepy vintage song.
Tomen, the Clumsy Yandere: His stupid ass messed everything up. Burned the cookies, crushed the presents, etc.
Lelantos, the yan Stalker: They edged to your excited squeals of receiving presents. (presents from family, friends, etc!)
Apollo, the Yandere Otter Hybrid: They screamed with excited and pure glee at the mear sight of presents. Gifts?! From you?! What a wonderful day! They will remember and cherish this moment forever.
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid: Didn't do anything special for Christmas. But they bred you the entire day as a gift. 💀
Pheeewwww! It's done! Yay! :D I hope everyone has a good rest of their day!
I hope you enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing! (^.^)
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sweetheartmotives · 8 months
❆⊹ ₊Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid₊ ⊹❆
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Desc and possible Cw: Yandere themes, sexual themes, staring, awkwardness, and mentions of dying.
Let me know if I missed any!
(Blizzard noises)
The Blizzard gets worse by the second. It scratches your skin and rings your ears. All you hear is the harsh winds scratching and scraping your skin.
Every step you take burns and aches. But, You push forward. Walking- no, Crawling through the thick blanket of snow. It comes up to your knees and if you stay out here any longer, up to your Thigh.
How did you even end up in this situation..? What caused you to get stranded? What happened before this?.. You can't think properly. The cold scratching your face and numbing your body as you move drains whatever energy you have left to think. After another cruel, long 30 minutes of walking, you finally give up. You fall face first and just lay there, awaiting your frosty, snow-filled death.
(Crunch.. crunch..)
You feel something sniffing your head, after a minute of sniffing, it grabs the hood of your jacket and drags you away.
You've passed out.
Your eyes gradually open, and you feel your entire body as warm as a cozy Christmas, all wrapped up in blankets while drinking hot cocoa. The fluffy fur-like material covers under and over your body. Your body is warm and at ease, which means, you're not thinking about where you are or what you're doing. You lay in the big pile of comfy fur material and relax your aching muscles.
(Snow noises)
The noise of snow falling is faint, but apparent.
It's comforting. You can't even understand or comprehend what's going on; all you can think and feel right now is warmth. That is, until you hear a noise. You sit up and look towards the noise.
It's a man wearing only pants and a hooded cape with fur all along it. He makes eye contact with you, giving a blank but threatening stare. He appears to be trying to gauge your reaction to him, but after a few seconds, he backs off. When you finally look around, everything is dirt. The walls, floor, etc. Where are you? You finally look down at yourself; you're naked. You cover yourself with the material that you're lying on, you obviously don't want to flash the guy who most likely saved you from dying in the snow.
When he comes back into the room you're in, you decide to ask the question. You ask where your clothes are. "Drying." He says simply. His voice is smooth and deep. The atmosphere is awkward, well, for you at least. He's doing his whole thing, which is staring at you. You lean back a little and continue to glance around the "room" you are in, again, everything is dirt. You awkwardly look at the man and ask another question, "where are we?".
He sits down, next to the pile of fur that was constructed into a makeshift bed of sorts. You feel even more awkward since he's looking at you like he's expecting something from you. You ask again, "Uh.. where are we?" You notice him shifting a little, maybe into a more comfortable sitting position. And his hood is still on? Maybe it's cold outside of the fur pile? Probably is. The man's lips part, like he's ready to speak.
"My den." His voice seems to have a little bit of excitement, but it's quickly masked by his intense stare. Is he expecting you to say something? "Do you like the bed? Is it comfortable?" He stares at you with big intense eyes, is he waiting for a compliment? Or reassurance? You play along. You don't know this guy, sure he saved you and stuff, but you still don't know him. "Uh- yeah. Yeah, it's comfortable, thank you." You respond, in a polite yet kind of awkward tone. Wait. Did he say you were in his "den"?
You look up at the man with a confused look, "Your den? What do you mean your den?" You asked, super confused. "My den, or what you humans call it, a fox den." He says in his smooth, deep voice. He still looks at you with those big eyes. ".. wait what?" You question. Your trying to process what the hell he just said until he speaks. "Do you like it?" He asks, a little excited for your response. "Wait.. but you aren't a fox? right?" Right? He obviously isn't a fox.. why would he live in a fox's den?
"I am" he lowers his head, still looking at you with big eyes. ".. but foxes are animals?" Is this guy a furry?? "I'm aware of that." He responds. "Then what do you mean you're a fox?" You question, conflicted. Is he a furry or one of those human-animal hybrids you see in shows and other genres of streaming services?
He pulls off his hood.. he has ears. Fox's ears. He looks at you with big eyes once more, like he's expecting a positive response. "Oh." You respond, unsure of their real or not. ".. are those real?" The man nods at your question and leans towards you. Is he trying to get you to pet him? "Feel them.. They're real." It's a weird request that you wanna refuse but then again, he did save you from dying. You sigh and reluctantly touch them, he rubs his head in your hand. You cringe internally.
They're as real as they get. You're obviously surprised, you thought he was just some crazy dude who lived alone in the Arctic or a furry. He continues to rub his head in your hand, making noises of pleasure and joy. You sit there, still naked, and let him pet himself with your hand. He begins to lean towards you, still petting himself with your hand. He's enjoying this a lot, how long has he been alone?? He purrs and begins to come very close to you. You freeze. You don't know what to do but stay still.
He begins to.. lay next to you? He tries to cuddle you while rubbing his head against your hand. You don't know what to do. He continues to pet himself with your head and purrs more.. until..
He snaps out of his trance. He quickly grabs your wrists harshly and stares deep into your eyes. "Now that you're in my den.. my home... you're now my mate, my lover, my soulmate." He stares at you with intense eyes, it's creepy. You can't even respond, you're just shocked and creeped out.
"I'll claim you. I'll mark my territory."
"Wait what?-" You try to speak, but you get cut off by the sound of the fur getting thrown away from you. You are now completely naked.. and cold. Very cold. Before you can do anything.. he harshly grabs you, turns you around, and forces you face down into the makeshift bed of fur. You groan and grunt at the harshness and rough treatment.
You lay flat for at least a second until he grabs your hips and brings them towards him. You go wide-eyed.. oh god.. is he about to?-
your thoughts get cut off as he harshly slams into you. He pounds into you, raw. You cry and scream, it burns and aches. Slowly, the pain mixes with pleasure. Your cries and screams mix with moans. He goes impossibly fast and rough, not giving a fuck about you. It's almost like he's teasing you with the fact you can't do anything about this situation.. he's wrapping his arm around your neck and biting you harshly.
Until he finally stops.
You take a big breath and take a moment to process what just happened.. but then he roughly slams back into you. You gasp and scream, obviously startled by the sudden movement. His cock is warm and thick, you can't help but moan as he pounds into you. It hurts so bad.. but so so good..
He slams his hips very hard into you, rocking you forward. You wanna cum.. you wanna cum so bad but his harsh pounding is making you dizzy. You sputter and mutter words of "I'm gonna cum" in a messy and incomplete manner. He only smirks at your mutters and goes harder. You scream and squeal those messy and incomplete words of "I'm gonna cum". Your voice is breathy and whiny, you can't breathe properly. His cock reaches the deepest parts of you.. It's a warm yet full feeling.
With a final scream-moan, you came so hard it shook your entire body. And not even seconds later.. he cums into the deepest parts of you~ ♡
And it's finally finished! I spent about a week or two on this fic. It doesn't seem like much, but I put my entire creative mind and soul into this fic! Hope it tingles your senses and gives you a mental picture of what I'm givin ya!
I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
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sweetheartmotives · 11 months
ᯓ★𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓰 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷ᯓ★
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⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚More about the author⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is SweetheartMotives but you can call me sweetheart for short. Some information about me is that I'm 13, I go by he/him, and I enjoy characters like Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ^_^
≻─────────────‎ ⋆₊ ⊹★🚀★⊹ ₊⋆ ─────────────≺
✶⋆.˚More about my blog˚.⋆✶
I mainly write yandere oc content, whether it be fluffy, smutty, angst, etc. If you're uncomfortable with this type of content feel free to step away from my blog ^_^ But if you enjoy this type of content, woohoo! Me too! Drop by and say Hello, my inbox is always open! :D
Oh, and speaking of my inbox, my inbox is almost always open! Sometimes it's closed for long periods but that's because I get burned out super quickly 😭 But whenever my requests are open, feel free to drop an idea or request for a new or current yan! :3
[Pssst! Side note: I do not condone irl Yandere behavior, this is all silly writing I do for funsies and your guys' enjoyment!]
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˗ˏˋ ★ <My and this blog's opps> ★ ˎˊ˗
@yxamilover420 [Patrik], Gege Akutami, adult writers who write smut abt minors and say MDNI,
This is a special section dedicated to Patrik so if you're on here then you are a massive issue and should jump off a speeding rocket going 28000mph per minute!! (〃´▽`)
≻───────────── ⋆⭒「★」⭒⋆ ──────────────≺
★⭑My Rules!⭑★
I know I know, blehhhh, rules!! But they're important so please read them!
Firstly, if you support or participate in, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, pedophilia, zoophilia, proshipping, incest, stepcest, and age-play, please DNI! I am uncomfortable with those things and they are not welcome here. Secondly, Before you request, check my wills and wonts for writing! I may not write for what you are looking for and I do apologize for that. Lastly, please be patient with me.
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⟡˙⋆ What I will and won't write ⋆˙⟡
What I will write: Yanderes of any gender and sexuality, reader of any gender and sexuality, angst fics, smut fics, Platonic fics, and fluffy fics. I'll write most things so get creative! :]
What I won't write: Incest/stepcest, smut that has anything included with body fluids like pee or period blood, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, torture, non-con, urine or feces in general, pedophilia, age play, cuckolding, public sex, stuff to do with feet, and PREGNANCY FETISHES!! I WILL NOT WRITE SEXUAL STUFF THAT HAS TO DO WITH PREGNANT PEOPLE !!
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖Masterlist .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Micah, The yan Bartender:
First Appearance Pt.1
Jaakobah, Evil Yan Cupid!:
First Appearance
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid:
First Appearance
Damian, The yan deep diver:
First Appearance pt.1
Taiyō, the Yandere Cafe Host:
First Appearance Pt.1
Yumako, The yan magical girl:
First Appearance improved fic
Isla, the Platonic!Yandere witch:
First Appearance
Kaan, the yan vampire:
First Appearance Pt.1 Pt.2
Tomen, the Clumsy Yandere:
First Appearance pt 1
Kaden, the yan Stalker:
First Appearance pt.1
Apollo, the Yandere Otter Hybrid:
First Appearance
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid:
First Appearance
Yandere prince:
First Appearance
Holiday specials:
Christmas, Valentine's Day,
Enjoy my yan oc dumps!
≻────────────‎ .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓☽.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ────────────≺
🍮 anon, 🍀 anon, 🍯 anon, 🍓 anon, 🪷 anon, 💥🌈anon, 🌟 anon, Kraken anon,
≻───────────── ✮⋆˙𝑺𝒕✩𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒚˙⋆✮ ────────────≺
Side notes:
My requests are open after two months!! :3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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sweetheartmotives · 7 months
What my yan ocs are scared of! =D
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Desc and possible Cw: None except maybe death?
Let me know if I missed any!
Kaan, the yan vampire: onions and garlic. Why onions? They look similar to garlic and he can't tell the difference!
Isla, the Platonic!Yandere witch: Accidentally killing her student (reader) while training or making dangerous potions. Also snakes.
Yumako, The yan magical girl: Not being able to wear pretty clothes while fighting. She can't wear a cutesy dress while kicking ass?! This planet is a prison!
Micah, The yan Bartender: Getting dirty or having germs on him! It's called Mysophobia :3
Damian, The yan deep diver: Suprisingly, he has thalassophobia. He's scared of finding something he shouldn't in the deepest of waters.. like how he found you!
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: Dying. If he died, who would get you down from his cave high in the sky? Poor mate.. you would be so scared!
Taiyō, The Yandere Cafe Host: Being Ugly.
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid: not finding a meal. And peanut butter =3
Apollo, the Yandere Otter Hybrid: being away from (reader)! He can't stand it!
Tomen, the Clumsy Yandere: Getting caught by (reader) when he's stalking them, or tripping while stalking (reader). He also has Scopophobia and Autophobia.
Lelantos, the yan Stalker: Not being able to hide in ur closet and jerk off into ur underwear 😞
Welcome to the end credits! These are so much fun to make! I looked up phobias for this fic and I'm surprised to see some things people are actually fearful of! And I learned some new things about myself!
I hope you enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing! :3
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sweetheartmotives · 7 months
Yan ocs favorite soup?
Good question! Let's see...
Let's talk soup favorites!
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Micah, The yan Bartender: He doesn't like soup. It's basically liquid to him, and it makes his throat feel weird.
Jaakobah, Evil Yan Cupid: I don't think he'd like soup, he's more of a solid food kind of guy!
Harper, The yan Eagle Hybrid: If he somehow got his grubby Claws on soup, he'd like it! He'll pretty much eat whatever. If he got to try other flavors, I think it'd be Kimchi jjigae!
Yumako, The yan magical girl: Hmm.. maybe Sour cherry soup? It's a pinkish color and it has cherries in it, so I think she'd like it!
Taiyō, the Yandere Cafe Host: Phò/Pho! It's something he treats you and himself to occasionally! Yum yum yum :3
Damian, The yan deep diver: Probably tomato. He's basic, just how I like 'em!
Tomen, the Clumsy Yandere: Wonton. He enjoys not-so-liquity foods, because y'know... he's clumsy and spills everything. Like the stupid idiot he is.
Kaan, the yan vampire: Blood soup! What's blood soup? Just blood made to look like soup.
Isla, the Platonic!Yandere witch: Maybe she's vegan? I don't know but she enjoys Borscht! It's yummy and healthy!
Yandere Arctic Fox Hybrid: If he ever could have soup, his favorite would probably be Sinigang. It has meat in it so he likes it!
Apollo, the Yandere Otter Hybrid: Sancocho! When he first got his hands on it, he immediately became obsessed. It's one of the foods you first gave him! Probably why he likes it so much :]
Lelantos, the yan Stalker: He prefers smelling ur dirty clothing instead of eating <3
I think some or one of these is a stew? Haha, I think it's okay though. Stew and soup seem similar to me!
I hope you enjoyed reading, as I enjoyed writing! =D
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